Mardi le 22 avril MSM

Mardi le 22 avril

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Mardi le 22 avril. MSM. Le 21-25 avril 2014. F 3. 1. Dû : LES NOTES 190, 191, 192 - 100! 2. Dû : Les marionettes 100! 3. NOUVEAU Warmup 154 ex. 2 & 5 4. Corrigez votre “ warmup ” pratique d’hier * 5. PRATIQUEZ LES SKETCHES! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mardi le 22 avril


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F 1 Letters 105NOTES: 196/197Unit 4 reviewSONG pracJMP-present

F 1 Letter-100NOTES: 199, 200Oral & Song prac. JMP-Do

F 1 Letter-50Notes 206, 208,Specs out 5 FFOral/song prac.JMP-DO

F 1Notes: ER, IR, RE-slidesOral/song prac.Bor. Words F –outH/W: Worksheet

F 1Notes: 210, 211, 212 and turn in N/BFinish worksheet-due by end of class.

F 2Holidays for 100Song /skitprac. H/W: Notes: 208, 210Rehearse skit7th-see La Vie en Rose-first 26 min.

F 2Due; NOTES 208, 210Holidays for 50, Song prac. Present 5 FF this week?FOOD SKIT WED/THURS.Go over game specsH/W: Notes 212, 213, 219

F 2NOTES due: 212, 213, 219Song practiceSONG ORAL GRADE!



F 2 PReAPHolidays for 100Song prac. Notes: 208, 210Rehearse skit

F 2 PREAPSAME, but add borrowed words. Go over game specs

F 2PREAPSame but borrowed words are due next Wed. SONG ORAL GRADE!

F 2 PREAPSame(SONG Oral grade)

F 2 PREAPSAME-finish Film Or do SUB WORK!

F 3Puppets 105**W/up: 157 ex.1Prac poems & skits. New 5 phrases-writeH/W Notes-190, 91,92 ALL

F 3 Due:puppet/notes-100Project specs out & GG test/See new ARTISTW/up 154 ex. 2 & 5. Prac. 5 phrases A/skit/Poem! H/W: Notes 196, 97, 98

F 3 Due: puppet 50, Mon notes for 50, Tues. for 100Over 5 phrases A & poemStart Puppet SKITS**H/W: Notes-pg. 201 & pg. 158 ex. 4 & 5

F 3Due; Tues. notes for 50, Wed. for 100,Over 5 phr, poemFinish puppet skits**H/W: notes pg. 204, 207 and pg. 165 ex. 7 & 8, pg. 169 ex. 1

F 3Due; Wed. notes for 50, Thurs. notes for 100. TURN in notebook at top of class! Paris & Future/condit. Worksheets due Monday!

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F 3• 1. Dû: LES NOTES 190, 191, 192 - 100!• 2. Dû: Les marionettes 100!• 3. NOUVEAU Warmup 154 ex. 2 & 5• 4. Corrigez votre “warmup” pratique d’hier*• 5. PRATIQUEZ LES SKETCHES! SKITS ARE TOMORROW! FIRST 10 minutes—rehearsal

then pairs go on Wed. and Thurs. Thurs: Finish CdeB if time.

Fri: SUB—working on future/conditional tense etc. • Les devoirs-pratiquez le sketch (votre poeme/5

phrases aussi) & Faites les Notes 196, 97, 98-ALL WORDS IN FRENCH & IN ENGLISH!

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F 3-6th 6 weeks-les phrases 1. J’ai besoin de…I need…2. Où se trouve….where is…3. J’ai une problème-I have a problem4. C’est (Ce n’est) pas grave! It’s not serious!

Pas de problème-no problem! N’importe quoi-whatever!

5. Quel sale temps! Vilain temps! What bad/horrible/ugly weather!

Bonne journée, (n’est-ce pas?) (Vous ne trouvez pas?) Nice day, isn’t it? Don’t you think?

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1. Due- NOTES 208, 2102. Due-Holidays for 50%3. Song practice4. Skit practice 5. FOOD SKIT OR SONG???WED/THURS.F 2 R: Present 5 FF when we can! H/W: PRACTICE YOUR SONG! TAKE NOTES 212,


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F 2-”Je ne regrette rien” • Avec mes souvenirsJ’ai allumé le feuMes chagrins, mes plaisirsJe n’ai plus besoin d’eux!

• Balayées les amoursAvec leurs trémolosBalayés pour toujoursJe repars à zéro!

*Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rien Ni le bien qu’on m’a fait Ni le mal; tout ça m’est bien égal!.*Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rien*** C’est payé, balayé, oublié Je me fous du passé!

Car ma vie, car mes joies,Aujourd’hui ça commence avec toi!

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F 1

1. DUE: NOTES 196, 1972. DUE: Letter-1003. Pick people, see & samples4. Song practice. 5. JMP-presentations

• H/W--New NOTES TONIGHT: 199, 200 • 2X French & 1 X English---ALL EXAMPLES


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F 1 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry June 29,1900-July 31,1944

1. He was a French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator.

2. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and also won the U.S. National book award.

3. He is best remembered for his novella THE LITTLE PRINCE (Le Petit Prince) and for his lyrical aviation writings, including WIND, SAND & STARS & NIGHT FLIGHT.

4. Saint-Exupéry was a successful commercial pilot before World War II, working airmail routes in Europe & Africa & doing reconnaissance before his plane was lost.

5. His literary works boosted his stature to national hero status in France. Saint-Exupéry by his plane

in Toulouse, France, 1933

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The Little Prince, translated into 250 languages, his most famous book. http://www.lepetitprince.com/2012/10/

Here he is as a mail pilot for Aéropostale between Toulouse and Dakar and in the zone of South Morocco, in the Sahara desert. His duties included negotiating the safe release of downed fliers taken hostage by hostile Moors, which earned him his first Légion d'honneur. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of3-y4f5ts4

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THE LITTLE PRINCE-COMING SOON!http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1754656/

• Plot Summary: Based on the classic children's novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince" tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara desert (as de Saint-Exupéry was and did in real life) and who meets a young Prince, who lives on an asteroid called B-612. The Prince is currently on Earth as part of a journey to travel the universe, meeting adults on different planets and hearing their stories.

Featuring drawings by Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince" is famous for its deeply philosophical narrative and, since 1943, has become one of the best-selling books of all time.

Planned for adaptation as a 3D animated film, "The Little Prince" is targeting a 2014 release.

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He flew for France in WWII, doing reconnaissance flying, but disappeared near Marseille. His body was never found. Among other honors from France, he was named a Chevalier de la légion d’honneur in April 1931, promoted to an Officier de la Légion d'honneur in January

1939 and also posthumously awarded the Croix de guerre avec Palme in 1944.

50 Franc note 1993-commemorating St. Ex.

Saint-Exupéry is commemorated with an inscription in the PANTHÉON in Paris, France's repository of historical greats. Although his body was never identified, his name was added to the Panthéon in Nov. of 1967 by a French legislative act.

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Jean Anouilh • Jean was born Nov. 23, 1910.• He was born in Cerisole.• He died the 3rd of Octobre, 1987. He died at

77.• He was a screenwriter.• He also wrote for the theater.• He served in the army.

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“Les yeux qui font baiser les miens, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche. Voilà le portrait sans retouche, de l’homme (de la femme) auquel j’appartiens” Quand il (elle) me prends dans ses bras, il (elle) me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose! ***Il (elle) me dit des mots d'amour, Des mots de tous les jours, Et ça me fait quelque chose. Il (elle) est entré(e) dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur, Dont je connais la cause. C'est lui (elle) pour moi. Moi pour lui (elle) dans la vie,Il (elle) me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie. Et des que je l'aperçois, Alors je sens en moi…Mon coeur qui bat!

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