Radiance March/April 2013 1 TRUTH CONSCIOUSNESS BLISS PROSPERITY VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2 MARCH / APRIL 2013 A Kirtan Experience by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Learning the Spiritual Aspects of Yoga by Dina Kleiman Seeing the Light by Jan Phillips Getting Back to God by Arthur Faram Spirit and Spring by Louise Hauck Preparing for a New Season of (Personal) Growth by Lynn Woodland Spring Equinox: Many Holidays, Many Names by Rev. Basia Christ, M.Div. It’s All in Your Head, Stomach, and ... by Dr. Jacqueline Sidman adiance R A Publication of the Temple of Light

March/April 2013 Issue of Radiance Magazine

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Published by the Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

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A Kirtan Experienceby Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Learning the Spiritual Aspects of Yogaby Dina Kleiman

Seeing the Lightby Jan Phillips

Getting Back to Godby Arthur Faram

Spirit and Springby Louise Hauck

Preparing for a New Seasonof (Personal) Growth

by Lynn Woodland

Spring Equinox:Many Holidays,

Many Namesby Rev. Basia Christ, M.Div.

It’s All in Your Head,Stomach, and ...

by Dr. Jacqueline Sidman

adianceR A Publication of the Temple of Light

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Please join us for our United Conscious Community

Interfaith Spiritual Sunday Gatherings

What type of person practices Spirituality?Someone who wants to reach a Spiritual Ascent without dogma and who listens to their own inner voice...

Someone who invites himself/herself to reason it all, to question it all and to decide for themselves...Someone who invites meditation, contemplation and inner peace into their lives...

Someone who practices “living in the present”, asks questions and keeps and open mind to all possibilities...Someone who develops tools to find God or Spirit in their own way and time, in this life, here and now...

United Conscious Community is sponsoredby the Temple of Light Spiritual Community

11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 949 333-1641 www.liveyourradiance.org

Beyond the concepts of all beliefs there exists one universal truth that guides every living being. It is not a personality or single being, but rather a life force with unlimited love and intelligence that lives within each of us.

We are co-creating a healed world where our human family knows that the truth about who we really are: we are beings of light with the ability to love unconditionally, to live without fear and in the “Now.”

Effective April 7, a Kirtan Circle will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday Gatherings will be from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with tea and food to follow. Rev. Danielle Marie leads us in an opening mediation with sound and music accompaniment from Seth Pincus. Each week, we will explore a different world religion, event, celebration, or philosopher with a loving and moving message to take with you into the week.

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CONTENTS5 A Kirtan Experience

A message from Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt, Publisher and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Wellness Center

Learning the Spiritual Aspects of Yogaby Dina Kleiman

Life Flows - You Need Not Push Itby Dennis Merritt Jones

Academy of Light

Getting Back to Godby Arthur Faram

On-site Practitioners

Spirit and Springby Louise Hauck

Preparing for a New Seasonof (Personal)Growthby Lynn Woodland






Seeing the Light by Jan Phillips

Radiance is published by Temple of Light Spiritual Community located at 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618.Publishers Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers or editors.Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers,coffee stands and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies or recommend a site, email [email protected] or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Go to www.radiancemagazine.org to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are $25. To submit an article for review, please e-mail Basia Christ, Editor-in-Chief at [email protected].

ON THE COVER From an ancient Indian text:

The white lotus, born in the water and grown in the water, rises beyond the water and remains unsoiled by the water. Thus, monks, the [Buddha], born in the world, grown up in the world, after having conquered the world, remains unsoiled by the world.

MAGAZINE STAFFPublished by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of

Temple of Light Spiritual Community

Editor-in-Chief/Creative Director Rev. Basia Christ. MDiv.

Sales & Marketing Director Tony Giuffreda

Editorial Staff Tonya Fitzpatrick & Alyssa Fitzpatrick

March/April 2013R

Spring Equinox: Many Holidays, Many Namesby Rev. Basia Christ, M.Div.


It’s All in Your Head, Stomach, and ...by Dr. Jacqueline Sidman27

Workshops and Classes37

A Publication of the Temple of Light

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A Kirtan Experience

A few years ago when the Temple of Light started doing our Sunday gatherings, I was excited to begin bringing messages of light, hope, and transformation to anyone who

wanted to change their lives. I lined up guest speakers to add to the experience, but soon discovered that although we had great topics and messages, the gatherings were a little flat. Music was the answer that came to me to liven things up. We had been working with Peter DeWitt and Seth Pincus of Pranam World Music to do a concert at the Temple, and I approached them to help us out. We met, gathered some other musicians and formed a monthly rotating schedule. As I began to become better acquainted with Peter and Seth and their style of music, my attraction and curiosity grew. They played classic mantras in Sanskrit, English, and many other languages. One of my favorites was the Sanskrit mantra of “Lokah Samaste Sukino Bhavantu” which translates to “May all beings of creation be filled with peace, love, and joy.” I always enjoyed it when they played and sang along with them in our gatherings, although admittedly a little shyly as I was unable to carry a tune or produce any range with my untrained voice.

One day I was at home on a day off and feeling tense from too much head chatter. I had a thought to begin repeating my favorite mantra. I don’t know why or how but my repetition continued for 45 minutes. When I stopped I couldn’t believe my state of mind. I had never experienced such quietness, such stillness, and such expansiveness. It lasted for days. What had I done?

This thing is called “Kirtan,” a call and response form of devotional chanting with roots going back to India more than 5,000 years ago. It is a form of Bhakti Yoga (yoga of devotion) and has the power to open the heart. It can be done by speaking as a mantra (which means “Open the mind”) or with music, singing, instruments, rhythmic drumming , and an audience who would be encouraged to participate with responding, clapping, and dancing.

Since that initial experience, I incorporated kirtan into our Sunday Gatherings and began attending a kirtan group that meets in Laguna Beach. I had the most fun to date at a recent event at the Temple called “Love Takes Flight” where David Newman (AKA: Durgas Das) conducted kirtan with his musicians and sang songs from his CDs. When singing kirtan in a large group, there is a sweet sound vibration that permeates through all layers of coverings and connects us to a part of ourselves. This is pure bliss.

A woman named Ragani resides in Milwaukee and has studied kirtan with several master yogis. She has been leading kirtan groups for more than thirty years. She says, “In a simple word, Kirtan is relief. It has been described as the beating of the heart of the soul. For the twenty-first century person living in the West, life is all about the pursuit

by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt,Founder & Spiritual Director

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Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master ThetaHealer® who practices a healing art based primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Rev. Danielle Marie’s sessions are life changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle Marie has been a student of metaphysics since 2000 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, Rev. Danielle Marie believes in

the innate intuitive ability that is gifted to each and every one of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has now become her life’s work and passion. Rev. Danielle Marie believes we can all live a life free of pain and suffering and be in a constant state of peace and joy. Visit www.LiveYourRadiance.org for more information.

of happiness. We are guaranteed life and liberty, but kirtan is the means to the end of achieving the happiness for which people are searching. Through the chanting of the various names of God ( Spirit, the Divine or the Universe), kirtan awakens the soul to its natural position, connects us with this energy, clears the heart of all the distractions that can stress one living in this high-tech age, and at the very least, make a person feel better about their day through the wonderful music.”

In my article last issue, “Religion vs. Spirituality,” I encouraged you to make spirituality a priority in your life. Not only because it makes us happier, more peaceful and even full of bliss, but also because there are physical health benefits in being happy. Rev. Manjula Spears, RYT of New Mexico, states, “The repetitive nature of chanting causes us to breathe more deeply, more slowly, and more rhythmically. Chant is the breath made audible through sound. It is a vocal meditation. Sound is energy. Vibrations of vocal sounds resonate throughout the body. A clinical psychologist and music therapist, Mark Rider, has recent data showing that chanting reduces stress hormones and increases immune function. It releases muscle tension, reduces heart rate and blood pressure and increases mental clarity; brain waves are altered, evoking states of relaxation.”

What I love about kirtan is all the senses are involved. The sound engulfs your ears and tongue. You see other chanters and look at pictures of deities or divine personalities. The smell of incense or fresh flowers permeate a kirtan environment. You can play cymbals or a small drum or even clap your hands, so the tactile sense is engaged as well. If you choose, you can sit meditatively or get up and dance. Kirtan is a full experience. While singing along at a kirtan concert, you experience your voice becoming as beautiful as those performing because all voices merge together to become One Voice. I have never thought I had a voice to brag about, but when I am singing kirtan, my shyness disappears. I hear my voice as part of the group in a manner that continues to surprise me.

Although traditional kirtan is done in Sanskrit, it is essentially a non-denominational practice and can be done in any language and with any mantra. There are no set rules for chanting. You can chant anywhere — in the shower, at work, in the car, or while you’re walking outdoors. Use

some of the examples of how to make up your own kirtan practice.

Conduct an internet search for a kirtan group in your area and check it out to see if it resonates with you. If you have time constraints, do your own very quickly by chanting “OM.” The OM chant is a universally recognized chant. Take in a breath and on the out breath, draw out the sound of OM like this: “oooooommm-mmmmmmmm,” putting the emphasis on the last part.

Gregorian chanting is a beautiful form of music and chanting. You can buy Gregorian chanting CDs online. Play them during meditation or listen to them in the car. You can also seek out a local church that sings this medieval form of music. Learn the lyrics and then sing along.

Use a mala, a string of beads used to count mantras or Sanskrit prayers. A mantra can be a word or series of words chanted out loud. As you touch each bead, repeat your mantra. You can use a Sanskrit mantra meaning peace — “Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,” or repeat English words like “I am” or “love.” Use rosary beads and say one of the following prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, or Glory Be. Use prayers and familiar positive affirmations in Hebrew, Latin, or your own language.

The most important thing about chanting is finding the method that feels right for you. Experiment and see what form of chanting creates a connection between you and the Divine. When you make that connection, you will feel it in every cell of your being. In kirtan, something happens – the energy begins to activate the spirit that exists within us all.

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“Now the practice of yoga begins. Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.” Such wrote a yogi named Patanjali in the second-century BCE.

Although we have come to know yoga for its physical poses, the original intention of a yoga practice was to quiet the mind and find bliss through stillness. To the ancients, yoga was a

complete system, with asanas or postures playing a small but useful part. It was spiritual in nature and only recently have the postures been elevated resulting in people viewing yoga as a physical exercise with perhaps some mind calming work “thrown in.”

What we currently refer to as “yoga” is mainly Hatha Yoga - the asana (posture) and pranayama (breath) based branch. It does not matter what the actual class name is: Ayengar, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga, Flow, Bikram, Hot Yoga, or just plain old Yoga - all are a part of the Hatha Yoga tradition. This is not to say we have totally veered from the true purpose of Yoga. Hatha Yoga is an integral part of the yoga system. It is through postures and breath that we open our energetic channels, allow the energy to flow freely and prepare the body for stillness in meditation. And it is fun, relaxing, and inspiring to move our bodies in a way we never thought we could.

The type of Hatha Yoga taught varies greatly from class to class, which allows you to choose the style that is appropriate to you. For example, a yoga class in the gym is completely posture-based, there is very little breath work if any, and the emphasis is strictly on the physical part. The names of the poses are in English, there is no chanting and there is definitely no mentioning of anything spiritual. This type of practice is appropriate for those looking for strictly a physical form of exercise. Some yoga studios

Learning the Spiritual Aspects of Yogaby Dina Kleiman

are also solely workout-based. Other yoga studios include more pranayama (breathing) classes and do mention the chakras and energy flow to some degree. Spiritual Centers, such as Temple of Light, offer a spiritual-based rather than exercise-based type of practice, while Kriya yoga as taught by the Self-Realization Fellowship is breath-based with no postures.

The beauty of yoga is that regardless of what kind of yoga class we take, there is still “yoga magic” that happens, even if we are not aware of it. Yoga provides a means to become a self-healer, both physically and mentally, to rediscover health, freedom, power, and happiness. It is nice to get a massage or go to a doctor for treatment, but it is even better to recognize when the body or mind is beginning to be disrupted and consciously make changes. The more aware we are of our breath, the more focused we become during our yoga practice, and the more we are able to bring awareness and healing to all aspects of our lives: physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Adding healing modalities of visualization, meditation, crystal, and sound therapies to a yoga practice allows us to expand its benefits even more and deepen the spiritual aspects of yoga that Patanjali so articulately stated in his famous work that we now know as “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.”

Dina teaches a unique yoga class that incorporates movement, visualization, meditation, breathing, sound, aroma, crystal, and energy therapies to create a practice that is healing, empowering and fun. She is a certified Yoga Instructor, Clairvoyant Intuitive, Spiritual Healer, ThetaHealing Practitioner and a Reiki Master Teacher. Contact Dina at [email protected]. Join Dina for “Spiritual Yoga for

Healing” every Tuesday 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the Temple of Light.

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by Jan Phillips

Seeing the Light

When you highlight something as you read, or underline a passage, you’re

giving a little standing ovation to the author. You’re applauding how nicely they described something you already knew. You’re registering your resonance with their elegance of expression. Every atom in your body has been around for 14 billion years. Left alone, your body-mind is brilliant. There’s nothing you don’t already know.

What keeps us from acting that way, or thinking that way, are all the filters we have in place—religious filters, cultural filters, race filters, gender filters. We’re exposed to hundreds of ads a day designed to make us feel insecure, anxious,

inadequate so we’ll buy the products they’re selling to cure us. Ten years ago, The Dallas Morning News reported that we each see more ads in one year than people 50 years ago saw in their entire lifetime. Imagine how that’s increased in a decade.

So how do we immunize ourselves against the toxins that come at us every waking hour? How do we remove the filters from our lens and see the unadulterated light? If it’s true, we’re hard wired for bliss, how do we fix our corrupt software?

We’ve been programmed for consumption, but as educator Paulo Freire reminds us, “We may be conditioned, but we’re not determined.” Any one of us can override the prejudices, opinions and programming that we’ve been

subjected to all our lives. And the good news is: the process of enlightenment is a process of subtraction, not addition, according to mystic Meister Eckhart. All the intelligence of the cosmos is in our cellular makeup. The question is not what more do we have to learn, but what illusions do we have to let go of?

When Einstein talked about the optical delusion of consciousness, he was referring to our tendency to think of our selves, our feelings and thoughts as separate from the rest of humanity. He likened this limited thinking to a prison and suggested our only way out was to expand our circle of compassion to the earth itself and all its creatures. And what are the odds of anyone succeeding in this who is barraged all day with news that capitalizes on our differences?

It takes a commitment and a high level of spiritual intelligence to maintain a consciousness of global communion. It is counter-cultural, but not counter-intuitive. We have evolved from bacteria that survived because it adapted to changing environments, collaborated with neighboring strains, contributed what DNA they didn’t need to a common

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gene library and evolved themselves into collectives of nucleated cells of which we are composed. Evolution biologist Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, in her book Manifesto for Change: Crisis as Opportunity writes: “Eventually, in their encounters with each other, archaebacteria somehow discovered the advantages of cooperation over competition: that feeding our enemy is more energy efficient (read: less costly) than killing them off.” She concludes that the sustainability of any entity depends on its coming into harmony with whatever surrounds it in a mutual give and take that makes it more or less indispensable to the whole in which it is embedded.

This is the economic system the earth has arrived at after four billion years of experience. And that’s why it would be smart to stop asking What Would Jesus Do? and start asking What Would Nature Do? We are nature. We are earth evolving itself through us. It is all one Intelligence, coursing through the rivers, coursing through the redwoods, coursing through our bloodstreams and brain cells. The very same Intelligence that triggers the first heartbeat in a human embryo has kept this planet rotating and revolving and evolving for billions of years. Our solutions are already embedded in the atoms within and around us. We are not lacking in answers. We are lacking in kindness, in imagination, in soul force.

When I underlined these words of Dr. Sahtouris, I did it because they made my cells shiver with delight, my

heart leap a little. They filled me with awe and joy, as if all the cells inside me were saying, “Yes! Yes! Pass this on! Spread some GOOD news around for a change!” So here’s her image to delight in:

“Consider that the DNA that codes for the proteins of which you are largely made is stuffed into the nucleus of each of your invisibly small cells in a two-meter length, along with some protein and water. As you contain some fifty trillion or more cells, putting these two-meter lengths end to end, your DNA would reach so far into space that a jet pilot flying day and night would be flying well over ten thousand years to reach the end of your personal DNA string.” That’s looking at things sub-atomically.

Looking at things biologically gives us another awe-inspiring view. Except for hydrogen, which is 1/10th our weight, our body is pure stardust. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom, hydrogen has much less mass. So we can estimate that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust. Whomever you are right now, what comprises your body was once a burning star in outer space.

The iron atoms in your blood that are delivering oxygen to your cells came from exploding white dwarf

stars, according to Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams, who co-authored The View from the Center of the Universe. The oxygen you breathe comes from exploding supernovas that ended the lives of massive stars, and the carbon you exhale is from planetary nebulas, death clouds of middle size stars slightly larger than our sun.

Ten years ago, what we knew from space led us to calculate that there was one galaxy per person in the universe. Currently, thanks to the Hubble telescope, calculations have been adjusted, and it seems there are 125 billion galaxies throughout the universe. We’re now up to 18 galaxies per person. And recently a German supercomputer simulation put that number even higher, at 500 billion.

In other words, there could be a galaxy out there for every star in the Milky Way. According to one science buff’s calculations, at one galaxy per second, it could take just short of four thousand years to count all the galaxies in

the universe.

The cosmology I grew up with never sparked the awe that these ideas spark. There are hundreds of creation stories from hundreds of different cultures, and each one provides a framework for the collective consciousness of that culture. When science and religion were torn asunder in the Middle Ages, the Christian cosmology we inherited gave us an image of an All-Powerful Father God who pulled strings, and made things happen from his throne in heaven. An appreciation for the

“The iron atoms in your blood that are delivering oxygen to your cells came from white dwarf stars...”

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sacredness of our own beings was not passed down. An appreciation for our role as co-creators was not passed down, nor was an appreciation for the sacredness of the Feminine, the sacredness of the Earth, and the mysterious, sacred splendor of the cosmos.

A cosmological filter was put in place and put a limit on our imagination. Galileo was imprisoned as a heretic in 1633 for saying that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe, and the Church has continued to this day to silence thought leaders and activists who rally to the beat of another drum, doing the very things Jesus did in his day—speak truth to power and truth from power. This is, indeed, no ordinary time, as spiritual evolutionaries and cultural creatives begin to merge in body, mind, and spirit.

Consciousness is rising like cream as people evolve themselves forward as planetary co-creators, modern-day mystics and contemporary prophets.

We are falling in love with our earth again, communing with the Divine that lives within, opening our imaginations to the possibility of ending hunger, ending war, dissolving imaginary and real borders, and extending education to every child. Paul Hawken, in his inspiring book Blessed Unrest, refers to the millions of individuals and organizations reaching out across the planet to work toward common goals in the most uncommon and imaginative ways. He calls it the largest social movement in history without a name and his message is one of pure hope and joy.

We are doing it. We are committed. We are speaking out. We are leaving our churches if we have to, advocating for justice, for equanimity, for kindness. Evolutionary creators are not waiting for governments, not waiting for business, not waiting for religions to catch up and get it right. We are doing our work every minute of the day—maintaining our spiritual practice, honoring our bodies, creating

Jan Phillips is an artist, author, and workshop director. She is co-founder and Executive Director of the Livingkindness Foundation, a global network

of grassroots philanthropists turning creativity into compassionate action. She has taught in 23 countries, made a peace pilgrimage around the world, produced 3 CDs of original music, and created several videos on the power of creativity to transform consciousness. Her books include “No Ordinary Time,” “The Art of Original Thinking-The Making of a Thought Leader,” “Divining the Body,” “Marry Your Muse,” “God is at Eye Level—Photography as a Healing Art,” “Making Peace, Born Gay,” and “A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind.” Visit www.janphillips.com for her books, CDs, videos and calendar of workshops.

Who was St. Patrick?The person who became St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was born in Wales about AD 385. His given name was Maewyn. He

almost didn’t get the job of bishop of Ireland because he lacked the required scholarship. Until he was 16, he considered himself a pagan. At that age, he was sold into slavery by Irish marauders who raided his village. During his captivity, he became closer to God.

He escaped from slavery after six years and went to Gaul where he studied in the monastery under St. Germain, bishop of Auxerre for 12 years. During his training, he was “called” to convert the pagans to Christianity. He asked his superiors to transfer him to Ireland to fulfill his calling; however, his superiors appointed St. Palladius. Patrick, having adopted that Christian name earlier, was then appointed as second bishop to Ireland.

Patrick was successful at winning converts. This fact upset the Celtic Druids. He was arrested several times, but escaped each time. He traveled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries across the country. He also set up schools and churches which would aid him in his conversion of the Irish country to Christianity. His mission in Ireland lasted for thirty years. After that time, Patrick retired to County Down. He died on March 17 in AD 461. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick’s Day ever since.

Much Irish folklore surrounds St. Patrick’s Day; however, not much is actually substantiated. Some of this lore includes the belief that Patrick raised people from the dead. He also is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. Of course, no snakes were ever native to Ireland, and some people think this is a metaphor for the conversion of the pagans. Though originally a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick’s Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday.

The shamrock stems from a bona fide Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the 4-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.

The St. Patrick’s Day custom came to America in 1737 when it was publicly celebrated in Boston. Today, people celebrate the day with parades, wearing of the green, and drinking beer. One reason St. Patrick’s Day might have become so popular is that it takes place a few days before the first day of spring. One might say it has become the first green of spring.

the world we want to be in with our thoughts, our words, our actions. Life is happening through us, not to us. And though there are unpredictable, chaotic, meteoric events we are called upon to respond to, it is more a cosmic dance than anything — a chance to practice oneness, stay mindful and rooted in joy.

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Temple of LightWeekly Meditations

Every Thursday 7:30 p.m.


Learn to feel the source of movement and grace ~

where dancing becomes more than simply ‘executing steps to music.’

We all retain walls (blocks created by past emotional or physical trauma). By inducing an altered state via hypnotherapy, I will help you break through those walls and connect to your inner self where only beauty, grace and joy exist bringing you to a complete sense of freedom.

Presents ~Dance Artistry & Self-expression

held at the Temple of Light 3rd Sundays, 1 – 2:30 pm - $10 per class

REVEAL THE REAL YOU!moving beautifully, with elegance confident and free !

Renee DevereauxM.S., Certified Hypnotherapist

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12 Radiance March/April 2013


Spiritual Counselor, Master ThetaHealer®, Angel Therapy

Practitioner, Akadua & Ancient Egyptian Alchemy Healing

(949) 333 1641revdanielle@


Choose from our team of Master Practitioners available to support you in enhancing your spiritual wellness. If you would like guidance on which one to select, we are available to provide assistance to ensure you get the most out of your experience. To learn more about our practitioners, please visit our website at www.LiveYourRadiance.org or call us at (949) 333-1641.

On-site Practitioners

JESSIE CHIANGMedium, Spiritual Counselor,

Medical Intuitive, Crystal Healer

(949) [email protected]

ABBAS “ABBY” NAMAZIHealing by Touch, Gifted

Energy Healer(949) 212-7786

[email protected]

ELAINE STAHLHOFEN, MSAngel Healings, Channeled

Healings, Readings, Present & Past Life Therapy

(949) 351-4091www.angelhealings.net

[email protected]

REV. MOTHER KATHY“Next Generation Christ

Energy, readings and healing energy work utilizing the

Divine Feminine.” (949) 707-0121

[email protected]

REV. KRISTIN BRADFIELDTarot expert and teacher, Reiki

master teacher, Medium, Full service ordinated interfaith

minister, Certified Hypnotist(949) 938-5515

[email protected]

NANCY MASUDAdermaCPR, Holistic Skin

Specialist(949) 307-7916

[email protected]

DEBORAH SHEASpiritual Touch, Crystal

Therapy, Sound Therapy & Emotional Release

(949) 241-5790


BRIENNE PRYSEAccupressure, Hypnosis,

Pranic Healing, & ThetaHealing(562) 659-1772

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On Call Practitioners

DEBBIE DEL RIOIntuitive Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist,

Healer, 6th Degree Black Belt in Ninjutsu

(949) 293-9158

PATTI GUNNELLReconnective Healing,

The Reconnection(323) 422-1893

TONY GIUFFREDAKaruna Reiki Master, Reiki Drumming

Master, Rainbow Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist

(714) 721-2736

SETH PINCUSSound Healing through Harmonic

Toning using the Didgeridoo, Energy Healer

(732) 609-4639

SHAWN BOSIntuitive Energy Healing,

Drum Therapy, Polarity Clearing

& Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki(714) 348-6899

PAM PESSOLANOCertified Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Animal & Cert. Massage Therapist, Cert. Medical

Intuitive, Animal Communicator & Behaviorist(714) 308-1267


ALYSSA FITZPATRICKEssential Oil Consultant

(949) [email protected]


DANIEL GILBERTRolf Method of Structural

Integration, Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

(949) 302-0745

Commission a painting for someone you love ... or for yourself.

[email protected]

See samples atwww.basiachrist.com/passionate_artist

Basia’s Art from the Heart

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Healing That Transcends The Ordinary! ©



Healing That Transcends The Ordinary! ©



Healing That Transcends The Ordinary! ©

Come to feel the beat, express yourself, and harmonize with others! A variety of rhythms are played, from West Africa to the Middle East and beyond. We listen to each other, welcome the healing energy of sound, and harmonize our energies through the joy and power of drumming.No experience is necessary. Some drums and hand percussion items will be available to use, or you may bring your own. Come raise your vibration through musical expression! Dancers welcome.Pam Nishikawa has been drumming for over 15 years, is a Reiki master, and has taught djembe drumming and led drum circles in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Whittier.

Drum for Joy Drum CircleooooyyyyyJJJJ CCCC leeeerrrccccoooffoooo ruuuuruuuu ccccllllrrrrCCCiiiimmmmDDrrrrDDDDooorrrrffffmmmmDDrrrrDDDD CCii

Every third Saturday, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.$10 per sessionThe Temple of Light11 Goddard, Irvine


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According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of religion is: “a relation of human beings to God, or the gods, or to whatever they consider sacred or, in some cases,

merely supernatural. Archaeological evidence suggests that religious beliefs have existed since the first human communities. They are generally shared by a community, and express the communal culture and values through myth, doctrine, and ritual. Worship is probably the most basic element of religion, but moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions also constitute elements of the religious life. Religions attempt to answer basic questions intrinsic to the human condition (Why do we suffer? Why is there evil in the world? What happens to us when we die?) through the relationship to the sacred or supernatural or (e.g., in the case of Buddhism) through perception of the true nature of reality. Broadly speaking, some religions (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are outwardly focused, and others (e.g., Jainism, Buddhism)

are inwardly focused.

“Relationship of human beings to God...” I consider this portion of the definition of religion the most important part of the preceding paragraph. This abstract will be the main focus of this article. Most of us, in the formative years of our religious experience, have felt the need to join a religious community in order to take the first steps toward understanding who we are, and why we are on this earth. Being the earthly creatures that we are, there are few other ways to begin this journey of enlightenment. For some reason we have had the memory of our origins erased from our physical memory.

Our religious experience should be a wonder-filled journey, at our own pace, seeking to understand who we are, why we are here, and from where we originated. Sadly, for most people of the world, this religious journey is hampered by politics, peer pressure, threats of physical persecution from within the religion, or dogma which teaches persecution after death. Unfortunately, the most innocuous reason our religious journey is halted is because of our own belief that, through our current religion, we have reached the pinnacle of our religious development. Only God knows how many religions there are in the world. Can they all, or any one of them, be the true religion? History has shown that more people have died, and more suffering has been created in the name of religion than from any other single reason on earth. Thankfully, there are earthly religions, which practice spiritually-based attributes. Religions instituted by man do have a place in our world, for without them, we would have no starting

Getting Back to God

by Arthur Faram

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place to begin our journey.

When I was a boy, I was raised in a major religion which, at the time, I fervently believed would be a part of my life forever. Being the curious person that I am, I begin historical research on this religion in order to deepen my understanding of its concepts. What I found was a religion that was founded for political reasons, had murdered people for not believing in its concepts and, which was laced with corruption and heresy throughout its history. Needless to say this set me on a path to find the true origins of religion and prompted the study of the history of any religion in which I intended to participate. This investigation was an effort to learn if the religion, which I was contemplating, fit with my beliefs in my journey toward enlightenment.

That is when I learned that, although all the righteous religions have a place in starting us on our path to understanding, they all have one flaw; they were all bound by their own politics and the need to feed their hierarchy with contributions and growth. Once they converted a member, they professed that their doctrine was all that was needed as a link to the Almighty. How could this be? These religions were all creations of man. Even so, somehow their own doctrine became the center point of their members’ beliefs.

Scientists have uncovered physical evidence civilized man has existed for at least 200,000 years. No matter what your beliefs on the length of time man has been on the earth, or his origins, if you are the member of an organized religion can you believe, as many religions teach, you are damned if you do not participate in their rituals. Does this mean all the people that came before that religion never had the chance to be saved? One organized religion answers this question by practicing the ancient ritual of Baptism for the Dead.

I discovered religion is like a progression through school. We should not decide we like a particular grade and decide to stay there because it’s easier and more comfortable each year. We should, instead, progress through the grades by investigating and advancing, possibly within the established religions, until we have a connection with God. Some churches teach that they and prayer, are the only connections through which you can communicate with your creator. Don’t get me wrong, prayer is a powerful tool. Nevertheless, as a spiritual teacher once told me, prayer is asking of God; meditation is communicating with God. It is this direct communication that brings the Soul and Mind together.

My research and spiritual development, has led me to a method of direct communication with a universal spirituality which brings peace and tranquility no matter what the outside distractions may be.

Is it not self-serving for a religion to teach that you cannot communicate with God without the church community? If they taught that man could communicate directly with God, there would be no more need for

religion. If there were no more religion and we all communicated directly with God, there would be world peace and no war, for God is Love and Peace. Religious doctrine is a shackle to bind us to the religious community and stop our spiritual progression.

Most religions teach that we as humans are made up of the body and the soul. Many religions have adopted parts of

the ancient religions which divulge much of our relationship with God. They do not, however, teach enough to set us free to communicate on our own. Most religions teach that prayer is sufficient to communicate with God. Some go so far as to teach you must speak to God through one of their representatives. Is this what our creator intended?

I learned it is possible to connect with our soul, a part

“I have learned our soul, being part of the universal spirituality, retains all of the attributes of God and the son of God.”

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of the universal spirituality, and speak directly to God. After studying time worn religions, I discovered this was, and still is, the common method of communication. It wasn’t until religion became commercialized that these ancient truths were hidden by the Church to keep their flocks from becoming independent.

I have learned our soul, being part of the universal spirituality, retains all of the attributes of God and the son of God. Unfortunately, man in his lack of wisdom, has perverted God’s true message into a means of corporate income. To learn what God’s message was before modern religion, read the “Kolbrin Bible.” (The word “bible” is a modern appendage to this document.) This ancient set of rules were set down to encourage people to live spiritually rather than threatening them with dire destruction. These documents are presented in such a spiritual way they envelope you.

Some people now are attempting to discredit these documents by tying them to the supernatural not unlike the attempt to destroy the documents in medieval times by the Church. If a religion is secure in their teachings, they should not be afraid for their members to be exposed to other religious concepts.

Only one Christian religion encourages members to explore other religious doctrines. The most ancient religious order of the Tibetan Monks who teach that the soul has all of God’s attributes and through meditation,

we will connect the currently disconnected soul, our subconscious, to our physical, or conscious, body.

This belief is manifested today by us at times, for example, when someone lifts a car off of another in an emergency or by the psychic ability that has broken through some people’s consciousness to ward off and suppress evil.

However, we cannot become God

while on earth. Success in developing these God-like traits is in direct proportion to the amount of mediation done and the quality of life of the individual. That is one reason why Tibetan monks live solitary, meditative lives. Another is to preserve the ancient truths.

Our modern culture would consider this type of existence boring and meaningless. The Tibetan monks have found great satisfaction and tranquility in their solitary existence. We, in our busy modern world, would say we do not have time for a life of constant meditation.

“Only one Christian religion encourages members to explore other religious doctrines.”

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Arthur Faram is the founder of The Faram Foundation, Arlington, TX, and President of Infotel Corporation. The Foundation began with a genealogical search of the Faram family. What followed was an adventure of history changing proportions. It was learned that the Farams, once named Farum, had a long, distinctive history traced back to 45 B.C. when Caesar invaded

England. Research eventually led to the solving of the centuries old Newport Tower mystery in Newport, RI. After several years of exploration, a pattern developed revealing the ancients used a geoglyphic code to mark their territorial boundaries, explorations, and homelands. Upon this revelation, the foundation was started and members applied these principles to ancient structures, monoliths and geoglyphs globally. They learned the majority of ancient structures and geoglyphs were arranged to tell a story which serve as historical sign posts documenting the history of ancient peoples, their descendents and movements as far back as 10,000 years ago. Contact him at [email protected].

I would agree. However, our blessings and abilities are in direct proportion to the amount of meditation that we do. Teachers suggest only 20 minutes twice a day is required. Without meditation no blessings above those provided by the limitations of prayer will be available to an individual. Meditating on your own requires no outside organization.

Only you, communicating with God.

Modern Transcendental Meditation (TM), in places where religious freedom is allowed, is now moving throughout world. TM benefits and results seem to accrue to an individual as time goes by. I have found after beginning TM, I no longer worry about bills, breakdowns of appliances, or the car.

I know somehow a solution to the problem will appear. Things to which I aspire have begun to come to me, rather than my chasing them. My relationships are more comfortable due to my lack of anxiety and controversy.

I am an open-minded person so it was easier to accept this new concept than it was for my wife. She, being a Christian, was tied to the Bible and reluctant to accept anything not contained therein. However, she saw such a positive transformation in my demeanor, she decided to try it.

Her past experiences caused her great sadness and anxiety. After she began meditating, her anxiety disappeared. Our relationship grew stronger. We no longer worried about our worldly problems and only concentrated on solving them with the help from a greater power.

It has been said many times that, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” That is what happened to me. At the perfect time, I met Ted Wentworth, a teacher and Master of the ancient religions and author of The Enlightenment Code.

This article is not intended to stop anyone from worshiping their God or to convince them to leave a spiritually based church. It is intended to reveal another way to get closer to God.

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“There seems to be a kind of order in the universe, in the movement of the stars and the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons, and even in the cycle of human life.” ~ Katherine Anne Porter

No doubt spring has sprung and the lessons it brings are prolific if we are open to seeing

how they may apply in our lives. Just as there are seasons of the year, we too are subject to our own personal seasons. There is little doubt that the seasons of the year can have a deep seated effect on our personal seasons. Might you be willing to see how the pending season of spring can serve you as a master teacher? Perhaps it’s a lesson regarding your physical health, a relationship, or even your career. If you are open to experiencing a sense of self renewal anywhere in your life in the months to come, read on.

In the northern hemisphere, March

20 brings the equinox which marks the start of spring; for thousands of years it has been celebrated as a time of rebirth and renewal. With a bit of mindfulness, aligning with the energy of the spring equinox offers you an opportunity to consciously enter the flow of life with grace and ease, trusting and knowing you don’t have to force new life-affirming growth to happen--you simply need to be open and available--to be the place where it happens.

I just returned from an early morning walk in my meditation garden and made some observations I want to share. Everything is beginning to bloom. Each tree is showing signs the fruit it was uniquely created to manifest is on the way. Likewise, each rosebush severely pruned back just months ago is now thriving, revealing the unique beauty of the flowers it was meant to share with the world—it’s a profound and mystical

Life Flows - We Need Not Push Itby Dennis Merritt Jones

thing to witness. The amazing thing was, as I sat in the quiet among the fruit trees, palm trees, and various kinds of flowers, I listened…and watched closely—not once did I hear or see even one of these beautiful expressions of life, grunt, push, strain, manipulate, or otherwise try to force its fruit or flowers to grow.

By simple observation, it is clear to see everything in Nature has its rhythm—its way of trusting the vital Life Force that sustains it. The energy of life moves like a river going wherever gravity beckons its flow. We can no sooner push the flow of life than we can push the river. It appears that every living thing grows in its own time without effort by just opening to the flow and being what it was created to be. The lesson here is that when we are established in an awareness of our oneness with Life, we enter a sacred vortex of “spiritual gravity” that draws to us that which is required to

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serve our wholeness--it flows freely to us and through us in purposeful ways, accompanied by a deep knowing we are sustained with effortless grace and ease. The universe conspires for the good of all living things when they are open to its innate wisdom and natural pulsations of its gentle, expansive, and eternal gift of life. Why? Because all living things matter; the practice is to remember is this also includes us.

When I compare how Nature “does life” with such effortless grace and ease, with how we, on the other hand, so often struggle, thinking we have to force or push things in a specific direction to create a fruitful and rewarding life worth living, I have to chuckle. Life flows, we need not try to push it. When you stop to think about it, that is often what we do, isn’t it? Out of our own need to control we attempt to defy “gravity”--we resist the manner, pace, and direction in which life naturally wants to progress. We do it with our relationships. We do it with our finances. We even do it with our bodies. Sometimes we try so hard to make (manipulate) things go (grow) in the direction we want them to before they are naturally ready to move, we end up short-circuiting our own good by not honoring the same Infinite Intelligence within us that does such a great job in the garden. Often we tend to think of “resistance” as pushing against “what is” in the moment, but resistance can also be found in the act of pushing “what is” aside or forward in a manner that indicates we want something to change, grow, or manifest before its time has come. If we pay attention, one of the greatest lessons the four seasons of the year offer us is the wisdom of patience--the subtle energy of life that knows only perfect timing; patience is the invisible link between each season that effortlessly unifies them, seamlessly, one to the other.

“Epictetus wrote, ‘No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.’ The point

is with patience we, too, can ripen naturally. We can learn to pace ourselves, understanding that growth of any kind requires a cycle of the seasons, each with its own rhythm and purpose; some are seasons of light, others darkness. Some of the seasons we must go through are, no doubt, darker than others.”

~ Excerpt from, The Art of Uncertainty -

How to Live in the Mystery of Life and Love It.

The blessing of this season is that it announces the coming of light; as we emerge from the darkness of winter, we naturally enter the light of spring--and with light comes the ability to see what lies before us differently, through new eyes. That is what the season of renewal does; it casts new light on what was, what is, and more important, what

can be. Patience, laced with faith, seems to be the practice when it comes to growing anything worthwhile, including a renewed version of ourselves. There is indeed a kind of order in the universe, in the movement of the stars and the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons...and even in the cycle of human life--and that is a reassuring thing to mindfully embrace: As you enter the season of spring may you make a point of remembering that you are one with something infinitely greater than yourself and It knows what It is doing. Certainly if It knows how and when to unfold the beauty and grace that It is through a rose, It knows how and when to unfold the beauty of a life worth living through and by means of you. Yours is to faithfully align with It and step into the new light It brings, trusting and knowing that YOU are the place where transformation is happening. Now take a deep breath and smile--here comes a new day--and it’s got your name all over it.Copyright 2013 - New Reality Press

Thought leader Dennis Merritt Jones is a Keynote Speaker, Spiritual Mentor and the award winning author of “The Art of Uncertainty: How to Live In the Mystery of Life and Love It,” “The Art of Being: 101 Ways to Practice Purpose In Your Life,” and “How to Speak Science of Mind.” Dennis is a columnist for the Huffington Post

and a regular contributor to Science of Mind Magazine. To book him to speak or for mentoring, please contact: [email protected]. Please visit his Website at www.DennisMerrittJones.com.

“Out of our own need to control we attempt to defy “gravity” ...”

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The Conscious Practitioner Business SkillsReiki Level OneReiki Level TwoReiki MasterChanneling Guides & Angels CertificationMediumship Certified CounselorCrystals Certified ConsultantEssential Oils Certified Consultant

Spiritual Healing Work, An OverviewUniversal Healing Touch Level 1Universal Healing Touch Level 2Universal Healing Touch Level 3ThetaHealing BeginningThetaHealing AdvancedThetaHealing Manifesting & AbundanceConscious Anatomy, Medical IntuitiveAkashic Records Beginning Level One

Course Work Offered

Have you heard the calling?

Have you felt the stirring in your soul?

A School for Holistic Healing Practitioners

On the following pages, you will find a complete description, days and times the classes are offered, and the investment in your career as a spiritual counselor. To register, please contact Alyssa Fitzpatrick at (949) 333-1641 or email [email protected].

We now offer 16 courses that support the skills and knowledge of a well-rounded Spiritual Healer. The instructors chosen are experienced, professional, devoted and committed to help you along your journey.Choose a course that inspires you, completes you and adds to your repertoire of skills or take them all and earn a “Spiritual Holistic Healing Practitioner” certification. (If you have taken these or similar courses, apply for a transfer of credit).

In this time of New Beginnings, New Age, New Energy, it is time to learn, remember, and refine tools to assist us to move forward with our lives and helping others with theirs. The Calling for professionally trained, Spiritually-based Holistic Healing Practitioners is stronger than ever!

Have you heard the calling?

Have you felt the stirring in your soul?

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22 Radiance March/April 2013

Intuitive Development: The Fast Track to Discovering Your Skills with Rev. Danielle MarieJuly 12 & 13 from 9 am to 6 pm This course a broad base of all healing modalities designed to give an in-depth overview of over 15 modalities with 4 separate attunements. A must take course for the new awakened healer and also a foundation building review for

the experienced healer.

Donation of $300 for class and certification

Universal Healing Touch Level One with Deborah Shea3-day Course. Meets March 16, April 20 & May 18 from 10 am to 5 pm Learn to clear, balance and stabilize the chakra and aura

system creating greater health and well-being and more...

Donation of $333 for the class and certification

Universal Healing Touch Level Two with Deborah Shea3-day Course. Meets June 22, July 20 & August 17 from 10 am to 5 pm Learn in this level two class the channels of energy and light, energy bodies & "light switches" and energy practices with hands-on work in class.

Donation of $333 for the class and certification

Universal Healing Touch Level Three with Deborah Shea3-day Course. Meets September 28, October 26 & November 23 from 10 am to 5 pmThis course dives even deeper into transformational and personal work where you will learn about Celestial and Ketheric layer diseases, imbalances and more...

Donation of $333 for the class and certification

Channeling Guides and Angels with Elaine Stahlhofen Meets Tuesdays beginning March 26. Meets 7 pm to 9 pm Each week students will develop a connection and intimacy with their Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters - through meditations, channeling exercises, automatic writing and more... Certification is granted upon completion of 40 sessions and a demonstration of ability.

Donation of $25 per class and $100 for certification

ThetaHealing Beginning with Rev. Danielle MarieMar. 23, 24 & 25, June 21, 22 & 23, Aug. 23, 24 & 25 (Fri. & Sat. from 9 am to 6 pm, Sun. 12 pm to 6 pm)

Introduces the basics of ThetaHealing and activates the 12 stands of DNA, learn & practice techniques that change beliefs on core, genetic, history & soul level that will change your life forever and many, many other topics.

Donation of $450 for class & certification

ThetaHealing Advanced with Rev. Danielle MarieMay 24, 25 & 26 or Sept. 27, 28 & 29 (Fri. & Sat. from 9 am to 6 pm, Sun. 12 pm to 6 pm)

Expands and deepens all techniques learned in the basic class, Seven planes of existence, concepts of duality, 100's of activations & "Feeling" work. Clear resentments, rejections & regrets at womb and soul level.

Donation of $450 for class & certification

ThetaHealing Manifesting & Abundance with Rev. Danielle MarieOct. 25 & 26 9 am to 6 pm

Explore the concept that manifesting with the Energy of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. What we think and say. Learn how to change your inner dialog to create what you want and not subconsciously what you do not want.

Donation of $300 for class and certification

Conscious Anatomy with Rev. Danielle Marie Meets every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 9:30 pm

Each week learn the connection between a certain body system and emotions and how to reverse it. Certification is granted upon completion of 16 sessions and a demonstration of ability.

Donation of $35 per class and $100 materials fee and certification

Temple of Light Spiritual Community Presents …

All classes are conducted at the Temple of Light Spiritual Community

11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 949 333-1641 www.radiancemagazine.org

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A School for Holistic Healing Practitioners

Reiki Level One with Kim Flood, Reiki Master Meets every third Sunday (Mar. 17, Apr. 21, etc.) from 12:00 to 6:00 pm You will learn to channel the higher vibration of Reiki energy into your body, so it can be used to heal yourself and others. You will also learn how to clear and balance chakras as well as well as how to conduct a professional Reiki session.Donation of $150 for class & certification

The Conscious Practitioner with Rev. Danielle MarieApr. 13 or Nov. 9 from 9 am to 6 pmThis is must-take course for any healing professional. Three topic areas supporting stepping into your power and knowing your spiritual path, Spiritually based marketing techniques and business building basics (accounting, tax, merchant services, etc.) bring it all home! Donation for class $150

Reiki Level Two with Kim Flood, Reiki Master Meets Mar. 10 from 12:00 to 6:00 pm-Learn 4 new symbols and how to use them-How to conduct a Reiki session long distance-How to program a healing session-How to use crystals to grid and amplify the energy of your Reiki session-How to use a pendulum to check for energy blocks in the bodyDonation of $250 for class & certification

Akashic Records Beginning Level with Barbara Schiffman (Linda Howe's Center for Akashic Studies) May 17, 18 & 19 or Oct. 18, 19 & 20 (Fri. 7-10 pm, Sat. 9-6 pm, Sun. 9-6 pm) Gain intensive practice in reading the Records for yourself and also for others and learn how the Records can be used for past life healing tools, reading non-humans; animals, plants, crystals, homes or buildings. Donation of $325 for class & certification

Reiki Master Training with Kim Flood, Reiki Master Meets Apr. 14 from 12:00 to 6:00 pmReceive the final attunement and experience a cleansing of the Soul. Learn the Master symbol and be taught how to conduct an attunement and open the Reiki channels for others. Receive your own sacred symbol, to which you will learn to attune yourself. Learn to cleanse your energy and protect your space. Donation of $550 for class and certification

Essential Oils with Debbie Del Rio Mondays from 7 to 9 pmThis class can be a drop in class or you can become Certified in the Therapeutic Use and Application of Essential Oils. Each week learn to use a different essential oil and how to blend and apply them. Certification upon completion of 36 classes, three 12 week sessions. Boost your immune system and create health & vitality in your life. Donation of $25 per class and first class includes $100 materials & certification

Mediumship with Debra HookeyMeets every Wednesday from 7 pm to 9 pmEach week learn how to strengthen your ability to connect with Spirit and communicate with Deceased Love Ones. Certification is granted upon completion of 40 sessions and several demonstrations of abilities in a Spirit Circle and Messages from Beyond gathering. Donation of $25 per class and $100 for materials and certification

Crystals with Deborah SheaMeets every Thursday from 7 to 9:30 pm Each week learn how to use and tune into a different crystals & the methods of application. Certification requires 40 sessionsDonation of $25 per class and $100 for certificationWorkshop: Creating Gem ElixirsExperience the Power and Magic of Gem Elixirs! March 3, 12 to 5 pm$49 pre-registration - $65 at the door.

For more information, please visit www.liveyourradiance.org.

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24 Radiance March/April 2013

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          e are living in very interesting times, change often requires           adjustments and support.  It is a synchronistic opportunity to connect with you, NOW, in this chapter of your personal legend.  

We each have our own exclusive answers and unique source of help to achieve what we desire, finding it is our lifework.  It is our personal quest to discover our uncommon gift and find a way to manifest it in this short cycle we have on this planet.  

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Radiance March/April 2013 25




The other day I woke up to a beautiful clear day. The sun was shining bright and the sky was blue, dotted with a few wispy clouds. I felt energized, as though I could have managed a

quick spring-cleaning before breakfast. It was the dead of winter and 30 degrees outside. This came after a few days of being in the throes of winter’s gloom, a post-holiday funk. What gives?

In the course of my life’s work I’ve been intrigued by the study of Spirit. The more I observe it — its essential quality, how it operates, and how it serves the greater experiment of which I am a part — the more I can count on it to pull me out of a dark, wintry mood. I’ve come to know Spirit as the powerful animating force behind my physical experience. It can move me into Spring-like feelings of hope and optimism, regardless of the time of year. It’s the spark that enlivens me. It’s my energetic link to a higher power — to the Source.

We’re here as physical beings, to feel everything fully — the good and the bad, the highs and the lows. It’s one reason we come to experience this dimension of duality in the first place, so we might find greater illumination

against the backdrop of darkness. But what if we become so fully immersed in this third-dimensional, time-oriented, physical reality that we forget the truth: that we’re simply IN it — not OF it? What if we become so engaged with it and defined by it that we can’t seem to pull out of the darkness? Then what?

I find I lose the spark of Spirit that inspires me when I’m wrestling with issues that seem unsolvable. I feel overwhelmed — like I’m in over my head, or I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. This insecurity about my abilities makes me feel unworthy of the mission. I get frustrated, trying too hard to figure things out, forcing things, spinning my wheels. I become too intensely focused on the seeming impossible task before me, unable to see the forest for the trees.

In those dark moments, breaking away and going for a walk helps me disengage me from self-defeating thoughts that lead to nowhere. Even if it’s freezing outside, I bundle up warm and just get my body moving into nature to get out of my head. Actually seeing the trees and communing with them works wonders! I can see the continuing cycle of renewal all around me — birth, age, death, rebirth, and

Spirit and Springby Louise Hauck

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I’m reminded that all of my experiences follow this same pattern. This breaking away fills my senses, and opens me to something greater than my momentary concerns. I return renewed with fresh ideas.

Spirit becomes dampened or dimmed when fear is present. When I allow fear and doubt to contract me, I lose track of what’s real, authentic, and timeless — and buy into all that’s illusory, false, and temporal. I might make less-wise choices, act in haste, or say things that simply aren’t true. What follows then is self-scrutiny, self-doubt, and then a downward spiral into self-scorn. I forget to pause and be thankful for being human. Fear makes me forget that I have tools I can use to pull out of fear and get back to what is real.

Even in the darkest times, if I can suspend for a few moments the thought-loop I’m in and count one simple blessing, the fog of fear begins to break up. I move into the flow of Streaming Consciousness, the invisible flow of energy that connect us all, and I’m back into alignment where Source can reach me with loving guidance. I begin to feel physically lighter. Spirit is ignited. It infuses me with its effervescence. I shift out of thinking and into feeling. I can feel Spirit bubbling upward, originating from my heart. I feel like I’m in back in control — or, even more than that — divinely inspired and guided. Hopeful. I’m motivated to move forward.

The fires of Spirit are stoked when I’m passionately engaged, heart, and soul invested. I struggle, like anyone, to stay patient and present and to resist distractions that include seductive electronic devices and the lure of infinite information that beckons. So I’ve asked Spirit to step in and alert me when it’s time for me to step away from watching, streaming, or surfing. I now receive a clear signal, a sort of itchy feeling that propels me to shift my energy. I unplug, feel myself in my body, and become aware of my surroundings. My momentary experience becomes infinite — beyond all boundaries.

It’s a vibrant Spirit that keeps me on the march, pulling me forward into situations in my life, even in moments when

I’d rather sit curb side and watch the parade go by. When I release my resistance, Spirit pulls me into life, through time, and into unexpected challenges to grow me into who I’m here to be. It nudges me through synchronicities that

I could neither devise nor orchestrate. Spirit works in tandem with Source, conspiring to pull things together in the most perfect order, choreographed events unfolding in the most perfect way.

When I embrace my challenges, my choices, and my mistakes, ask forgiveness, and then let

in the love, Spirit flows in to reshuffle my life in one quick instant. It can all turn on a dime. It does. It will. A new and brighter future is blossoming — just around the corner!

Nurture Spirit by being present and observant in more moments of each day. Replace fearful thoughts with gratitude for your blessings, and take more time to break away and commune with nature. Join me in allowing Spirit to escort us into this time of hope and renewal.

Never yet was a springtime, when the buds forgot to bloom.— Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

“The fires of Spirit are stoked when I’m passionately engaged, heart, and soul invested.”

Louise Hauck is a “time traveling” clairvoyant, intuitive spiritual counselor. She has had the gift of “sight” from early childhood, with an ability to merge with another’s consciousness and move scenes forwards and backwards through time.

She has written “Beyond Boundaries,” “Heart-Links,” “Fearless Future,” and (upcoming) “Streaming Consciousness.” Her work has been endorsed by and dovetails with that of Gary Zukav, Peter Russell, Willis Harman, and Dr. Larry Dossey.Louise demonstrates in consultations, presentations and workshops how we all have access to multi-sensory gifts and can learn to ‘decode’ multidimensional information. She offers the Illuminations Apprenticeship Program (IAP), the Intuitive Life Coaching program (ILC) and the online Intuition Advancement Series (IAS).Website: www.louisehauck.com; Facebook: www.facebook.com/louisehauck-illuminations; YouTube: www.youtube.com/louisehauckchannel

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Are you ready to go on another diet and believe this one will work? Are you tired of feeling worthless,

depressed, and anxious? Do you feel that no matter what you do, nothing seems to change?

When you eliminate the fear, you have the power to lose weight, overcome your addictions, compulsions, phobias, and more. Your self-esteem is raised as well. While in a relaxed state of mind, you can access the subconscious mind and eliminate early misperceptions that cause unwanted defense mechanisms. We have defense mechanisms that manifest as all kinds of behavior patterns we can’t seem to shake, so even when we take classes, read motivational books, and know what to do and how to do it, if we don’t feel it, we won’t change. By changing early misperceptions, we are free to change.

Usually there is some kind of anxiety or depression that blocks say,

losing weight, but it could be having more success, overcoming a fear or phobia, or any other area where someone feels “stuck.” Perceptions usually are from childhood. If you saw the movie “The DaVinci Code,” Tom Hanks walks into an elevator and has an anxiety attack. He’s afraid to be in a closed-in-space because he’s claustrophobic. They later reveal that, as a child he fell into a well. Even though he’s not in a well any longer, his subconscious mind is not aware of that.

When you explain to your subconscious mind it is not necessary to hold onto old, outdated information, it will let go and you find peace. This technique works with many health problems as well, and has been published in the premier OB/GYN scientific journal, The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, for healing an incurable disease called Interstitial Cystitis. Medicine simply treats the symptoms, but the doctor may not know why the patient has the

problem. By getting to the root of the problem, some illnesses go away.

You can reduce depression and anxiety without medication or long-term therapy. If these feelings persist, they can become physiological. You can get rid of “stuff,” baggage hanging around from your youth. Much of psychology works to get to the root cause, but psychology doesn’t try to restructure the subconscious mind. Once you have released the thing pressing on you, the world looks better. There are techniques available to help you find fast relief that are effective and long-lasting.

It’s All in Your Head, Stomach and…by Dr. Jacqueline Sidman

Dr. Sidman earned her PhD from American Pacific University (Kona University) in Hawaii and has a practice in Irvine, CA. She developed a system to help you effect change and offers free consultations.

She created the 501c3 Non-Profit Foundation, the Jacqueline Sidman Health Foundation, to study the psychophysiology of emotional memory to prove how this works. She is a life coach and pioneer in the field of the subconscious mind. Dr. Sidman can be reached at 949-251-9550. www.SidmanSolution.com www.JacquelineSidmanHealthFoundation.com and www.JacquelineSidmanBlog.com.

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Welcome to spring! The Spring Equinox, which happens around the third

week in March, marks the point at which the darkness of winter finally gives way to the light of the warmer months. Then, every day for the next six months there is more light than darkness.

As the world around us goes through this dramatic shift of focus from dark to light, it makes sense that we would feel it in some deep, primal way, even if we don’t consider

ourselves to be terribly attuned to nature. There’s a quickening

taking place that we just feel in our bones and, in the same way the darker months tend to draw our attention inward, as the light increases we start to “wake up,” come out of ourselves, and think about planting new seeds (literally and metaphorically).

In Minnesota, where I live, March is a bit of a tease. The light brings dreams of warmth and growth while the weather is just as likely to bury us in the biggest snow drifts of the year. This transitional month of March, where neither light nor darkness

prevails, beautifully lends itself to the personal work of preparing for growth.

The darker months of winter offer a break from the growing cycle; a time to dream the dreams of future manifestation. In Minnesota terms, it’s when we quietly pour through the seed catalogues, planning the gardens we’ll plant in spring.

This pause in the creative process isn’t a dormant phase; it’s when we recharge and allow inspiration. It’s what prevents us from creating the same product, the same experience, the same life, or the same garden of weeds repeatedly. When we forget or resist this chrysalis stage, we get stuck in a rut.

Preparing for a New Season of (Personal) GrowthBy Lynn Woodland

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Consequently, this not-quite-dark, not-quite-light season, right between dreaming and planting, is a good time to do careful preparation to ensure the next phase of growth will produce the garden we desire and not a mass of weeds.

As a metaphor for life, the seeds we plant and the garden, they become, for better or worse, start with thoughts. As Erwin Schrodinger, one of the pioneers of modern physics, put it, “Consciousness is that by which this world first becomes manifest, by which indeed, we can quite calmly say, it first becomes present; that the world consists of the elements of consciousness...”

It’s easy to deny this connection between consciousness and the material world. We often entertain thoughts mindlessly or toss them about recklessly through our words because, just like a handful of seeds sitting on the palm or sprinkled over the earth; they seem so inconsequential. Even so, a gardener knows the potential for the little piece of nearly nothing to grow into the mighty zucchinis of late summer--or for the tender greenery of early spring to become an unmanageable garden of weeds if left unchecked. What if we had the wisdom to see our own thoughts this way?

What Are You Creating with Your Thoughts?

Where does your attention go when you’re not actively engaged in some specific focus? When you’re

alone, taking a break from work, or cooking dinner, do you dwell more on what’s wrong: the resentments, past hurts, and future worries? Conversely, do you fill your thoughts with what you love: successes, love you’ve shared, and gratitude? If you looked at each thought as a seed destined to grow your future, how do you feel about the quality of the seeds you’re planting? Are they growing success, joy, and love or bitterness, pain, and disappointment?

We have certain patterns of thought that are so habitual we’re not fully aware of them. Thoughts that come when we’re not thinking about anything reflect learned habits, probably acquired when we were young. We may have habits of worry or of optimism, faith or bitterness. Areas

of our lives that flow easily reflect our positive automatic thoughts. On the other hand, we may tell ourselves many times a day life is unfair, we’re unsafe, or we don’t deserve happiness. We may be so unaware of this inner conversation we don’t even call these messages thoughts; we call them reality, and what we believe to be true becomes our reality.

Monitoring every random thought can be daunting. A more doable exercise is to monitor what

we speak. I call the following exercise “No Whining,” and suggest practicing it for at least a month.

The first time I did this, I made a three-month commitment to giving up whining and only lasted fifteen minutes before I almost “whined” which made me instantly aware of how automatic complaining can be.

Once I got the hang of not whining, I found my inner dialogue changing along with my spoken words. It just wasn’t as satisfying to whine to myself anymore. After practicing for several weeks, I noticed things I usually struggled with falling into place with ease.

It also forced me to find a better way of sharing with my friends. I didn’t suddenly become an always-smiling Pollyanna but when I did share what

was painful, I did it in a way that left me feeling powerful afterward. I asked for help, not sympathy.

Some of my friends later reported their words and thoughts underwent a change, too. They stopped whining to me. This enhanced the quality of our relationships they took

with them beyond our interaction.

Take the “No Whining” Challenge

In preparation for spring and the “growing season” of the lighter months, consider practicing “No Whining” for a month. A month is long enough to break old habits and set new ones in place, so use the exercise to start a new habit of thinking and speaking.

Having a clear-cut start and finish date strengthens the power of your

“How do you feel about the quality of the seeds you’re planting?”

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word, your intention, and your will in a way that “trying” to do the exercise as well as you can for as long as you can until you forget about it, doesn’t. Every time you make a clear commitment to something and keep it, you strengthen your ability to make things happen according to your intention so that you feel less at the mercy of random circumstances beyond your control. Consequently, this exercise is as much about strengthening your will and the power of your intention as it is about changing your thinking.

The Exercise

Starting now and continuing for one month, let go of all talk and conversations in which you present yourself as an unfortunate victim of circumstances beyond your control. If you slip and catch yourself in a whine, redirect it by acknowledging your participation in bringing this situation about. Share what you’re willing to do to change your experience or what hidden lessons or blessings you’re receiving from this experience. Ask the person you’re speaking to for help. Help might be for changing your situation or your state of mind. It’s OK

to feel bad and talk about it. When you do, however, speak as though it’s an experience you had something to do with bringing about, have the power to change, and are learning something from. Even if you don’t fully believe this, speaking as though you have power in your situation will help it to be so. The less you think and speak as a victim, the less you will be one.

To up the effectiveness of this assignment, do it for one month in an absolute way as a symbolic act, meaning you will give it added power by giving it a bigger significance. Tell yourself that if you are willing to eliminate victim speech in this way, you can manifest your highest heart’s desires. Assume this is the truth so that when you’re tempted to cheat, your question to yourself becomes, “If my most heart-felt dreams coming to fruition depend upon me choosing not to complain about my life right now, what do I choose? What do I love more, complaining or having my heart’s desires?” If you have a lapse but still want to complete the challenge, begin again, recommitting for a new one-month period.

Write to Lynn at [email protected] and she

will send you a free download of her class on “New Prosperity.” She is the author of “Making Miracles—Create New Realities for Your Life and Our World,” from Namaste Publishing. She is also the creator of the Miracles Course, a comprehensive, year-long coaching program, including online materials, live webinars, one-to-one guidance and more. Visit www.lynnwoodland.com & www.QuantumSpiritUnlimited.com for more information.


Effective April 7, a Kirtan Circle will be held on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and the Sunday

gatherings will be held from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. with tea and food served afterward.

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www.LiveYourRadiance.org(949) 333-1641

12 p.m. to 5 p.m.March 2 • April 6 • May 5

June 1 (Joint Event with New Earth Expo)

11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618

HOLISTIC HEALING fairVendor booths and

healers with

crystals, jewelry,

clothing, teas, soaps,

organic products,

essential oils,

candles, art

and MORE!

Live music.

Healthy Food Truck.

Free workshops.

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32 Radiance March/April 2013

$10 Admission*includes

Speakers, Programs & 50+ Exhibits

Exhibits include Healers, Psychics, crystal, jewelry, home products,decorative items, aura photography, art, health food, and more!

Sat., February 2 11 a.m. to 6:00 p.m Sat., June 1 11 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sat., November 2 11 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Want to be an exhibitor?Contact Dean Price, Producer/Booth Sales, Sacred Productions,

831-239-6835 or email [email protected] N. San Mateo Dr., San Mateo, CA 94401Office Hours: Tues -Fri, 10 am-6pm.

* General Admission is $10;however, register for our mailing list

at www.newearthexpo.net, and we’ll e-mail you FREE Passes for

shows in your area.

The Temple of Lightis proud to host the 2013

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In a cooperative effort with the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Lake Forest

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month

10AM - 2PM

Location:CLUB HOUSE 724111 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Woods, CA 92637[Gate 12]

Dates:March 10April 14May 12June 9

FOR MORE INFORMATIONCall the Healthy Living Club at (949) 630 2028 or email: [email protected] Or the Temple of Light at (949) 340 7408 or visit www.liveyourradiance.org

Vendor Tables will be present offering holistic and alternative healing products. Food and drink vendors will be present offering refreshment and snacks.

The Healthy Living Club of Laguna Woods presents

We offer some of the finest and most dedicated holistic healing practitioners who lovingly donate their time and skills.

There is NO CHARGE for these services. Alternative healing is powerfuland effective.

Come and receive free holistic sessions of your choice with a practitioner dedicated to you and your well being.

Choose from Reiki, Access Consciousness, BodyTalk, ThetaHealing, Foot Reflexology, Touch for Health, Angel Therapy and many more!

formerly known as Honoring Our Elders Day

Celebrate your Radiance DayA FREE Holistic Healing Day for Senior Citizens

March 9 • April 13

May 12 • June 9

FOR MORE INFORMATION:Call the Healthy Living Club at (949) 630-2028 or email: [email protected] or call the

Temple of Light at (949) 333-1641 or visit www.liveyourradiance.org.

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34 Radiance March/April 2013

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Spring Equinox: Many Holidays, Many Namesby Rev. Basia Christ, M.Div.

Many names have been used to describe the Spring Equinox. The word Ostara is one of the names applied to the celebration on March 21. The Venerable Bede (a monk,

scholar, teacher, and Doctor of the Church was the first English historian) said the origin of the word is from Eostre, a Germanic goddess of spring.

Of course, it also happens to be during the same time as the Christian Easter celebration and Passover in the Jewish faith. Early pagans living in the Germanic countries also celebrated as it was a time to celebrate planting and the new crop season. Although the Celtic peoples did not celebrate this holiday, they did recognize the changing from winter to spring.

The feast day of Eostre was held on the full moon following the vernal equinox almost the identical calculation for the Christian Easter in the West. One popular legend is that Eostre found a wounded bird on the ground late in winter. To save its life, she transformed it into a hare. However, the transformation was not complete. The bird took the appearance of a hare, but was still able to lay eggs which it would decorate and leave as gifts to Eostre.

A New Day Begins

A dynasty of Persian kings known as the Achaemenians celebrated the spring equinox with the festival of No Ruz -- which means “new day” that takes place over a 13 day period. This celebration of hope and renewal is still observed today in many Persian countries with its roots in Zoroastrianism (arguably the world’s oldest monotheistic religion). In Iran, during a festival called Chahar-Shanbeh Suri, people still purify their homes and leap over fire. This takes place right before No Ruz.

Mad as a March Hare

Spring equinox is a time for fertility and sowing seeds so nature’s fertility goes wild. In European medieval societies, the March hare was considered a major fertility symbol. This rabbit species is nocturnal most of the year, but during the month of March, when mating season begins, bunnies are everywhere during daylight hours. The female is superfecund and can conceive a second litter while still pregnant with a first. To add to this, males get frustrated when rebuffed by their mates, and bounce

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Rev. Basia Christ, M.Div. will graduate with a Ph.D. in Spiritual Counseling from University of Metaphysical Sciences in December 2012. She has written “From Ash to Flame: 28 Women Who Saved My Life (available soon on Amazon). Christ is working on “Breaking Adam’s Rib: The Rise of the Divine Feminine.” She has written for “Today’s

Woman,” “Beach Cities Style” and “Empowering Women” magazines and the “OC Register.” She believes we are all connected and donated her kidney anonymously two years ago. Christ advocates for human trafficking victims. She is available for presentations on gender equality and living kidney donations. www.basiachrist.com

around erratically when discouraged, thus came about the expression of Mad as a March hare!

Legends of the Roman god Mithras

The story of Mithras is similar to the life of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. Born at the winter solstice and resurrected in the spring, Mithras helped his followers ascend to the realm of light after death.

In one legend, Mithras, who the Roman military worshipped, was ordered by the Sun to sacrifice a white bull. He reluctantly obeyed, but at the moment when his knife entered the creature’s body, a miracle took place. The bull turned into the moon, and Mithras’ cloak became the night sky. Wherever the bull’s blood fell to the ground, flowers grew and stalks of grain sprouted from its tail.

Global Celebrations

In ancient Rome, the followers of Cybele believed their goddess had a consort , Attis, who was born from a virgin birth. He died and was resurrected each year during the time of the vernal equinox on the Julian Calendar (between March 22 and March 25). Around the same time, Germanic tribes honored a lunar goddess known as Ostara, who mated with a fertility god around this time of year, and gave birth nine months later at Yule.

The indigenous Mayan people have celebrated a spring equinox festival for ten centuries. As the sun sets on the day of the equinox on the great ceremonial pyramid, in El Castillo, Mexico, its “western face is bathed in the late afternoon sunlight. The lengthening shadows appear

to run from the top of the pyramid’s northern staircase to the bottom, giving the illusion of a diamond-backed snake in descent.” This has been called The Return of the Sun Serpent since ancient times.

Modern Celebrations

This is the time of year when people begin preparing their gardens and planting seedlings. If you grow an herb We celebrate the balance of light and dark as the sun begins to tip the scales. We rejoice for the return of new growth.

Take the time to relish the new life that surrounds you in nature, take a walk in the park, lie in the grass, or hike through a forest. Observe all the new things beginning life around you, buds appear on trees long dormant over the winter, plants show the first green where there was only mud before, flowers appear in an abundant array of color, insects begin to buzz, birds start making their nests, and animals welcome new offspring. Meditate upon the ever-moving Wheel of the Year as you reflect on this joyous time of year.

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Intuition, Healing & Consciousness Skill Building ClassesEVENT DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTOR DAYS TIME DONATIONS

The Great Awakening

Learn How to or Just Observe Channeling in a Semi-Trance State

Steve Lesko, PhD

Tuesdays (1st & 3rd)

7 pm - 8:30pm


Reiki Share/Healing Journey

Reiki Attunements, Drumming, Meditation, Chanting,

Singing Bowls

Tony Giuffreda Wednesdays (All) No class

March 6th

7 pm - 9 pm FREE

7 Week Meditation Series

Powerful meditations and group discussions designed to help you “drop density”

and interact with the other dimensions and realms

Kim Flood Wednesdays (All)

7 pm - 8:30 pm


Awakening Into Abundance

Come experience healing through movement, light activations, and crystal sound baths.

Isabella Stoloff and Deborah


Saturday, March 9th

10 am - 2 pm $77

Music, Sound, Dance & Movement for Your Emotional & Physical HealthEVENT DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTOR DAYS TIME DONATIONS

Divine Openings

Opening your seven major energy centers increasing the flow of Divine energy

through all the chakras.

Ngoc Luzardo Thursdays (3rd) March 21 &

April 18

7 pm - 9:30 pm

$30 per session

QiGong Healing and Meditation

Releases Body—Mind—Spiritual tensions and helps to relieve many unresolved physical,

emotional,and spiritual issues and illnesses.

Sun Yoo Saturdays, (2nd) March 9 &

April 13

2:30 pm -4 pm


Sound Healing Journey

Using the ancient sacred didgeridoo to create sound healing vibrations and transcendence.

Seth Pincus Friday, April 19 7 pm - 9 pm $15 prepaid $20 @ door

Drum for Joy Circle

Groove & Harmonize with rhythms from West Africa & the Middle East.

Pam Nishikawa &

Winnie Rafael

Fridays (2nd) March 8 & April


7 pm - 9 pm $10

Integrative Dance

A unique and revered way to call us closer to the soul.

John Salat Sundays (1st) March 3 &

April 7

1 pm - 3 pm $5

Movement Meditation

A movement class to care take the body, mind, and soul. A space to be authentic and let go into a state of presence where movement

is organic and free. You simply get to relax into your body and let

your spirit move you. Dancers of all physical abilities are welcome.

Jennifer Lothrigel

Sundays (2nd) March 10 &

April 14

5 pm - 6:30 pm


Dance Artistry & Self-Expression

Remove emotional blocks through graceful dance movements.

Renee Devereaux,


Sundays (3rd) March 17 &

April 21

1 pm - 2 pm $10

For more information, visit us atwww.LiveYourRadiance.org or call (949) 340-7408

Check out all the links in this magazine atwww.RadianceMagazine.org

Workshops & Classes

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Ananda Meditation

“The purpose of this group is help you experience the joy of meditation in a relaxed

and supportive setting with sincere like-minded souls interested in meditating, learning, sharing,

and connecting. Newcomers may come at 7 pm for meditation overview.“

Laura Cohen Thursdays 7:30 pm - 9 pm

Suggested love

donation $5

Meditation Energetics

Guided meditation that will teach you how to utilize your own inner guidance systems and

connect with your guides and help balance any area that is not in balance.

Rev. Mother Kathy

Saturdays 3 pm - 4:30 pm

Love donation $5

Kirtan Experience

Singing, Chanting, Music and Mantras to connect to the spirit inside you! Bring you pillows,

instruments and voice.

Rev. Danielle Marie

Sundays (Beginning April 7th)

9:30 am - 10:30 am

Suggested love

donation $5Sunday Gathering

Sound Healing, Guided Meditation, Inspirational Message, Channeled Healing Meditation and

Closing Kirtan Song.

Rev. Danielle Marie & Seth


Sundays 10 am through

March, 11 am starting

in April

Suggested love

donation $5-$10

Essential Buddhist Practices Seminar

Seminar Extraordinary teachings, experiences and experiments covering many aspects of

Buddhism and Buddhist practices for purification, spiritual development, improving health, wealth,

removing obstacles, protection and helping others. This presentation is completely unique and

was also assisted by 2 of the Foremost Experts in Buddhism on the Planet.

Daniel O'Hara

Wednesday,April 24

7 pm - 10 pm

$30 pre-registered or $40 @


Wesak Full Moon Meditation

Millions around the world will be participating in this event and spiritual blessings are unlike anytime throughout the year. It said that no price is considered too great to attend the Wesak. Daniel O’Hara, who has attended

Wesak Meditations with Master Choa Kok Sui in Germany, Brazil, New York and Canada will guide the group in 3 hrs of intense meditations

and maximize this Holy time. Please wear white clothing (khaki pants ok) to this sacred event.

Daniel O'Hara

Thursday, April 25

11 am - 2 pm $30 pre-registered or $40 @


Workshops & Classes

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For more information, visit us atwww.LiveYourRadiance.org or call (949) 340-7408

Check out all the links in this magazine atwww.RadianceMagazine.org


Naam Yoga Evenings

Naam Yoga combines the ancient and powerful sciences of yoga with

Universal Kabbalah.

Lemia Astarabadi & Joshua Bowser

Mondays and Wednesdays

Mon 6:30 pm-8 pm

Weds 6 pm-7:30 pm

$12 per session or $100 for 10

Naam Yoga Mornings

Naam Yoga combines the ancient and powerful sciences of yoga with

Universal Kabbalah.

Lemia Astarabadi & Joshua Bowser

Tuesdays and Thursdays

9:30 am - 11 am

$12 per session or $100 for 10

Spiritual Yoga for Healing

This restorative yoga incorporates movement, sound, essential oils

and crystals.

Dina Kleiman Tuesdays 12 pm - 1 pm $12

Beyond the Lotus Yoga

A unique, holistically optimally balanced fusion of Ashtanga, Iyengar

& Hatha flow Yoga

Karen Youssefzadeh

Tuesdays and Thursdays

6:30 pm - 7:45 pm


Personal Development, Networking & EducationHolistic Healing Fair

Healers/Vendors, a food truck, DJ mu-sic & live Emcee. Come stay all day!

Temple of Light Spiritual Com-


Saturdays (1st) March 2 & April 6

12 - 5 pm FREE

Celebrate Your Radiance

An event dedicated to the +55 citizens in our community. Holistic healers

donate their time and provide FREE healings all day.

Healthy Living Club at Laguna


Saturdays (2nd) March 9 & April 13

10 am - 2 pm FREE

Spring Equinox Sound Healing & Light Activation Celebration

Receive powerful Light activations from the Lemurian Guides, The Archangels

and Ascended Masters. Participate in a Global Light Activation for the Earth!

Deborah Shea & Seth Pincus

Wednesday, March 20

7 pm - 9 pm $21 prepaid

or $29 @ door

Love Takes Flight: Spring Equinox Celebration

Devotional chanting and kirtan, fun, dancing, food, and essential oils!

Intention to send healing to the planet and celebrate life and love! Planting

seeds of LOVE!

Lemia Astarabadi & Joshua Bowswer

Friday, March 22 7 pm - 10 pm $15

“Attention Divine Masculine: The Role of the Goddess & Sacred Sexual Alchemy”

Tuition includes handouts and ½ hour mentoring session

Rev. Ayanna Mojica

Saturday, March 23 10 am - 12:30pm

$44 by 3/15 - $48 as of 3/16

Workshops & Classes

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40 Radiance March/April 2013

Workshops & ClassesPersonal Development, Networking & Education (cont’d)


Path of the Magdalen Priestess Training: Introduction Part I

Tuition includes materials and ½ hour personal mentoring session

Rev. Ayanna Mojica

Saturday, March 23 1 pm - 5 pm $111 by 3/15 - $125 as of 3/16

The "Essential" Kitchen - DIY Crafts with Essential Oils

Learn how to save money and have fun by making your own crafts for the home and body. A hands on class where you

take what you make - take home a sample and recipe each class.

Alyssa Fitzpatrick

Last Fridays March 29 and April 26

7 pm - 8:30pm

$20 prepaid or $25 at the door

Cosmic Reunion: 4th Density

The Cosmic Reunion: 4th Density Conference Raise the individual

and collective vibration of our planet through the unification of some of

the most inspiring figures in the fields of Extraterrestrial Awareness, Unity Consciousness, and Unconditional


Portal to Ascension

Sat and Sun March 30 & 31

10 am - 7:30pm

$99/both days or

$66/1 day

Spirit Gatherings with the Psychic Sisters

Mediums Linda West & Jolene Paterson combine their ability to provide you with an opportunity to connect with

loved ones at this unique 2 hr group event. Their mission is to bring forth

meaningful messages from loved ones in spirit, because “LOVE NEVER DIES”

Linda West and Jolene Paterson

Saturday, April 27 1 pm - 3 pm $150


Effective April 7, a Kirtan Circle will be held on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and the Sunday

gatherings will be held from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. with tea and food served afterward.

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Radiance March/April 2013 41




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42 Radiance March/April 2013


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Page 43: March/April 2013 Issue of Radiance Magazine

Although some companies still rely on internal bookkeepers to keep their books and records, many businesses have turned to a more cost effective solution to manage their bookkeeping through outsourcing.

Substantial savings is not the only by-product of outsourcing which will provide your company the best talent available while eliminating exorbitant employee costs such as health benefits, payroll taxes, recruiting fees and high salaries.

Our tax experts can help you with IRS representation, IRS liens and levies, Intent to levy notices, penalty abatements, release of bank levies, wage garnishments, innocent spouse relief, installment agreements, and offer in compromise arrangements.


Whether you're a small to mid-size company, a start-up business or an individual taxpayer, Invisible Accountant is here for you.

Our knowledgeable tax experts will help you implement an effective tax planning strategy that will keep more of your hard earned money in your possession.

An Outsourced Chief Financial Officer (CFO) can be the solution your organization needs to help manage its financial operations.

Outsourcing your bookkeeping can eliminate problems created by resignations, retirement, and illness which are inevitable with in-house employees. From accounts payable to general ledger management, outsource it all or in-part at a fraction of the cost of hiring an internal bookkeeper.Tax liens and levies can derail your business and wreak havoc on your personal life. We are committed to helping you resolve your tax problems.

VISIBLE RESULTS“The right accountant for you.”

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