March devotional 2015

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A monthly devotional with daily inspirational reading designed providing uplifting insights resulting in a closer faith walk with the Lord.

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God's Protection

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Heavenly Bread's mission is to provide inspirational devotional reading for all believers in our efforts to uplift the name of Jesus while spreading the gospel message of Christ throughout the world. Our meditation scriptures are designed to encourage more Bible reading, study and meditation as it is our sword used in our spiritual warfare with Satan.

It is our goal to obey Christ's command as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 by going into the entire world beginning in our Jerusalem, proceeding onto Judea, Samaria, and continuing until every man, woman and child have been taught Christ.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 1

Body Armour Ephesians 6:11-17

Wherefore take unto the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having all to stand.

Paul outlines God's protective body armour for all believers because we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness which are Satan's army. God dressed His people with the protective gear He knew His army of dedicated soldiers would need because of Satan's mission is to destroy God's kingdom. God being all knowing knew just the body armour to dress His soldiers. He provided only one offensive weapon His Word-the Bible which is the sword of the Spirit to take the fight to Satan.

Taking the fight to Satan believers can and will beat Satan at his own game. Even though Satan is a masterful strategist he is a defeated foe, because God our creator is greater than Satan. Satan's dwelling place is hell that was created by God for him and his followers.

Believers, God dressed us in His truth, His breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation (vv14-16). Therefore, proudly wear your body armour in your stand against all evilness and wrong doing. With our sword in our hands (v.17) tell Satan I am coming to tear your kingdom down. Believers, lets remain in communion with God through constant prayer because prayer is part of the conflict and when Satan sees believers praying he trembles.

Believers we are protected through God's body armour.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 2

Sword Of The Spirit Ephesians 6:17

...The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Yesterday's focus was God's body armour, but today's focus is

God's offensive weapon in our fight against the evilness in this world. The offensive weapon is God's Word-the Bible.

If the question was raised what's in the Bible? The Bible is God's written Word written by holy inspired men who wrote as directed by God the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains instructions for holy living as it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway (Psalm 119:105). The Bible's purpose is for reproof, correction, and doctrinal instructions (II Timothy 3:16), all of which leads to living by God's standards. This is how all humanity will be judged. God's Word also contains the Ten Commandments which establishes guiding principals between God and man and with one another.

Believers, we are armed with the sword of the Spirit and are equipped to be aggressive in our fight against sin and all manner of evilness. We are victorious because Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross; therefore, be bold and powerful in our witnessing Christ to the world. We are never alone because the Holy Spirit resides within us.

The sword of the Spirit is a two edged instrument that is designed to cut coming and going. It cut away the covering of sin and reveals God's truth as it lay bold the need for a Savior.

Believers, with God's Word we are armed and dangerous.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 3

The Good Shepherd John 10:11

I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.

In today's topical discussion, Jesus is telling His audience that yes He is the good shepherd who gave His life for the sheep which is all humanity. To accept Christ's saving grace one must accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Jesus being the good shepherd, He provides all the sheep's needs both spiritual and physical. Jesus is our good shepherd because He willingly gave His life to atone the sins of the world. This shows the depth of God's love, grace and mercy. His agape love would not allow Him to forsake His prize creation-man so He gave His best-His only begotten Son. Christ being the good shepherd left His Spirit the Holy Spirit who resides in every believer as our heavenly compass as we make the journey to heaven.

Being that Christ's Spirit lives in us and all humanity was created in the image and likeness of God is only fitting that Christ our propitiator is our shepherd. It is noteworthy to say, Christ is our good shepherd being that He died for us providing eternal life to all who believe in Him and His atoning work on Calvary's cross.

Jesus Christ our good shepherd who provides all, knows all and can do all. Accept the good shepherd's provision and live for ever.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 4

The Lord My Shepherd Psalm 23:1-6

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in the green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for His name sake.

In yesterday's discussion our focus was the good shepherd; today's focus is more personal by focusing on the Lord as each person's personal shepherd as He cares and provides for each person's needs regardless of the need. Each verse in this psalm makes the point of the Lord being every person's shepherd. All humanity can call God at the same time and never get a busy signal. What a mighty God!

If comfort is needed, the Lord provides, if shelter is needed, the Lord provides if food is needed, the Lord provides even if we are traveling through what the psalmist call dark valley days, the Lord is there with His Spirit carrying us out of the valley where joy, peace and love abounds.

The Lord's goodness and mercy is with every believer forever. His goodness and mercy is shown to non-believers as He wakes each person each day of their lives. The sun shines on non-believers and believers alike so does the air all humanity breathe.

When we say the Lord is means ever present in every situation. It also says the Lord is with us every minute of the day for all the days of our lives.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 5

God's Mighty Arms Psalm 91:1

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Our lesson text gives all believers and any who doubt the protective ability of God Almighty to protect His own. What this psalm provides to all believers is that by committing one self to the Lord is having the assurances of abiding under His mighty arms of protection. This means believers are never out of reach of God's protection as His arms is wide enough to hold us all at once, long enough to reach the depths of hells if need be.

Consider the eagle and her mighty wings and how they cover her young and when flying she can sore to heights unknown. God is everywhere even heights unknown. Be like King David in knowing there is no escaping the presence of God; therefore, David wanted to remain the apple of God's eye and so should every believer knowing the protection God provides.

That said, abiding under the mighty arms of God Almighty there is peace, love, joy, shelter in the time of a storm. He can and will command peace to be still and calm the trouble waters of our lives. He is a presence help in the time of need. There is no protection like God's protection.

He has His angels watching over you and me; Abide in Him.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 6

Under The Watchful Eye Of God's Angel Psalm 91:10-11

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.

Continuing our discussion on God's protective care; today's focus is believers being under the watchful eye of God's angels whom He has give the authority to protect His people. Our scripture texts are also saying that nothing happens to God's people without His permission; even though believers do experience difficulties God's hand of mercy is there and He works it out for our good (Romans 8:28).

The difficulties believers' sometime experience is designed to increase our faith in the Lord as we have to trust Him for deliverance. In doing so a close relationship develops between God and the believer. This is because God is our refuge and our high tower just as He is the rock of our salvation (Psalm 18:2).

Verse 11 explains God's protective care as He has commissioned His angels to keep a watchful eye on His faithful believers. They guard the body, soul and spirit of all believers who have committed themselves to the Lord. A steadfast love and dedication to the Lord is expressing gratitude of thanks for God's love, grace and mercy. As believers love the Lord He will protect them and love them unconditionally.

Believers, we have angels watching over us day and night.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 7

A Refuge Shelter Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Today's lesson discussion is anther look at God and His

protective care by being our refuge and strength as well as our present help in trouble. There is no greater joy and assurance than knowing that God's presence through His Spirit the Holy Spirit. There may be instances when our fellow man may have the desire to help and or can relate to our trials and tribulations, but may lack the resources to help and or the comfort that will see us through. God is always near with His protective arms providing a shelter when we as believers need a place of refuge.

God's presence gives believers the strength to continue in our weakest moments. Be like Paul when he says God's grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9); for I know His mercy suits every case simply because God's mercy took the place of justice when it was demanded. That said, what we as believers must do is be still and let God fight your battles and He will exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10) and seek Him; He is our refuge.

God being our refuge speaks to Him stating that He will never leave nor forsake His own. God is true to His word. Simply trust Him.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 8

God My Rock Psalm 31:3

For thy art my rock and my fortress; therefore, for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.

Thus far in this month's topical discussion we have reflected on God's protective care by looking at being protected under His mighty arms, Him being our refuge, being watched over by His angels and etc; today's focus is God being our rock. A rock is something that is solid and unmoveable as well as unshakeable. These attributes we find in God who changes not as He is the same today, yesterday and forever more.

God being immutable gives Him the rock solid attribute of trustworthiness and faithful to His people as there is no failure in Him. This gives all believers the assurances that God hears our prayers and will answer (v.1). He is the house of defense that saves His people (v.2). Man needed a Savior, God provided His Son Jesus Christ who took on the sins of the world providing salvation to all who believe in Him.

When man troubles bind him so tight until there is no way out who does he turn to? He turns to the rock; Jesus the rock of our salvation who can and will deliver us safely from harm and out of sticky situations.

In the words of the song, I go to the rock, Whitney Houston and others; when I need a shelter, I go to the rock; when I need a friend I go to the rock, which is true because whatever the need Jesus is the one we turn to.

Jesus is the rock.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 9

My Rod and My Staff Psalm 23:4

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they are comforted me.

If believers need further assurances of the Lord's protective care this scripture and the entire 23rd psalm provides all the assurances needed. What this verse is saying is that in the times of difficulties and even death there is nothing to fear because the Lord is present through His Spirit the Holy Spirit.

Let's look at the protective devices outlined in this verse; the rod is symbolized as a short defensive weapon used to ward off enemies or it can be used to discipline or to reprimand when needed. It also symbolizes God's strength as His strength supersedes that of man as well as the evil one in the earth.

The staff annotated here is a club with a hook on the end used to draw wayward sheep back to the shepherd. Each of these protective weapons illustrates God's love and care for His people as He leads and guides us into holy living.

Believers are blessed beyond measure because the Lord is our shepherd guiding our way, protecting us each day of our lives. He left the Holy Scriptures as our instruction manual and the indwelling Spirit as our heavenly compass. He provides comfort when needed regardless of the cause. He fills our cup daily with His love.

God is my all in all.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 10

A Cloud Covering Exodus 13:21-22

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way, and by night in a pillar of fire; to give them light; to go by day and night. He took not away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

The setting for today's topical discussion is the young nation of Israel's wilderness journey where the pillar of cloud and fire were God's protective covering, which is a testimony of His love, care and protection as well as His mercy. God's provisional care is evidence through His acts of kindness shown to Israel during their journey as well as His sustaining power long after. He fed them manna from heaven and water from a rock, neither of which they had to work for; only gather. Their shoes lasted the entire journey; nobody but God. God was present throughout Israel's journey as He is with all believers today and for generations to come.

God's provisional care is evidenced today in Him providing for all our needs, both spiritual and physical. God is true to His Word because all we need and or accomplish comes from God. He is the true source as He works through people and things.

God used Israel to demonstrate His goodness so that other nations will see, believe and become members of His royal family.

God's covering of pillars of cloud and fire are symbols of His Spirit watching over His people.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 11

Heavenly Manna Exodus 16:4-32

....Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no. And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.

The setting for today's message is the children of Israel wondering in the desert with no food; they cried out to the Lord. God spoke to Moses telling him what He would do for the children of Israel. God rained bread from heaven; the people were go out and gather enough for each day's meal; then on the sixth day would be more to gather to accommodate the weekend as the Sabbath was and is set aside for rest and worshiping God.

God was testing the nation of Israel's loyalty to Him and His laws. If they failed to obey His instructions, then their actions would tell God where their hearts, loyalty and obedience to Him were. Obedience is trusting God to keep His word, which He has done. Disobedience caused sin to enter the world and man has been in a fallen state ever since.

Just as God rained down manna from heaven to feed the nation of Israel He rains His spiritual manna on all believers then, now and for generations to come, which is provided fresh daily.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 12

Carried On The Wings Of His Love Exodus 19:4

Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians; and I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto Myself.

The setting for today's topical discussion is the Lord God speaking to the nation of Israel reminding them of His love and how He protected them by destroying the Egyptians as He brought them safely through the Red Sea. Only God could make a highway in the middle of the Red Sea which resulted in Israel crossing on dry land. Only God could rain down manna from heaven daily and provide water from a rock; the wings of His love.

God uses the analogy of eagle wings to illustrate His love and strength to bring the nation of Israel and all believers to safely unto Himself. This establishes a covenant relationship between the Israelites, believers and God where the basis for God's actions is love and obedience unto Him. This principal applies today and generations to come.

In verse 5, God encourages all to hear His and obey His voice. Obedience is conditional to remaining in covenant relationship with the Lord. The nation of Israel was redeemed from Egypt so is all believers redeemed from sin and into a life of righteousness. This speaks to God's saving and sustaining powers as He provides for all creation, which includes mankind.

God's love is seen throughout scripture; therefore, sow on His wings.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 13

God's Peculiar Treasure Exodus 19:5; 1 Peter 2:9

Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me above all people; for all the earth is mine. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Yesterday's discussion focus was being carried in the wings of God's love; today's focus is the believers being God's peculiar treasure. Love and believers' obedience is at the core of being God's peculiar treasure. Even though God was speaking to the nation of Israel His command for obedience remains in effect and is applicable to all humanity. All nations are accountable to God because He is the creator and sustainer of all, but believers have a unique relationship with God because of their faith in Him and Christ being our redeemer.

It is noteworthy to say that Israel's relationship with God was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ who would die for the sins of the world and become the head of the church.

God's chosen generation of royal priests are made up of all believers from every generation. They are peculiar because they see things from God's vantage point and are committed to obeying His holy laws and commandments.

Believers are God's peculiar treasure as we are the apple of His eye that have been set apart from this world while we remain in this world manifesting His righteousness through our lifestyle.


The Ten Commandment A Guide To Holy Living

Mar 14

Exodus 20:2-17

Thou shall have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing this is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.

If the question was raised, what was and is the purpose of the Ten Commandments? The Ten Commandments were given as a guide for holy living for the young nation of Israel and mankind overall; however, many would hear, believe and obey God's commandments so they would live as directed by God and would remain in covenant relationship with Him.

The Ten Commandments summarizes God's desire for man and his love relationship with God and his fellowman. This is evidenced by God saying that we are to have no other gods before Him, neither are we to make any graven images of Him, because any graven image of Him dishonored the Lord. He is the only One true God who is worthy of all worship, praises, glory and honor.

The Ten Commandments also summarizes how the nation of Israel were to worship as He is a Spirit and He must be worshiped in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). The Ten Commandments also outlines how we are to treat one another. This brings into focus the golden rule of treating others as you would want to be treated.

That said, live by God's holy laws and be blessed.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 15

A Redeemed People Exodus 6:6-7

....Say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments. And will I take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

Our scripture texts contains several promises made by God and they are (a) to bring the children of Israel out of their bondage in Egypt, (b) He would redeem them with His mighty arm, (c) there would be great judgment and it was with the many plagues brought on Pharaoh and his people, and the last act of judgment was Pharaoh's army was drown in the Red Sea. (d) God promised to be their God, and the people would know that He was God by the mighty acts performed by Him through Moses.

The Israelites' condition was hopeless as they were helpless to deliver themselves from bondage. In God's deliverance He would be their God and they would be His people who is set aside as His special people. In God's appointed time He delivered the Israelites as this was a prelude the coming Savior Jesus Christ. The Israelites serves as an example of humanity's hopeless and helpless condition due to sin. Humanity lacks the ability to deliver himself from the bondage of sin, but thank God for Jesus our Savior and redeemer.

Believers, we are the redeemed.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 16

God's Goodness And Mercy Psalm 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

The Psalmist is reflecting with assurance of the Lord's goodness and mercy that lasts forever. This positive reflection by the Psalmist is the result of him recognizing who the Lord is and His awesome powers, which incorporate God's faithful love, care and protection. The Psalmist also recognized he like you and me have the ever presence of the Lord accompanying us through life's journey. It matters not if life is a smooth bed of roses or experiencing some of life's fiery trials; the Lord is there. What a blessing it is to have God's goodness and mercy surrounding us as we travel life's earthly journey?

There is no goodness and mercy like that of God's as His mercy took the place of justice when justice was demanded. His goodness is on display in the form of His love and in His all encompassing care. All our needs are provided for; what a wonderful God?

Being accompanied by the Lord's goodness and mercy angels one day believers will see our Lord and Savior face-to-face and will spend eternity with Him.

Let me encourage all if you haven't accepted the Lord as Savior, please do so and enjoy the blessings of His goodness and mercy.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He restores my soul (vv1-3), because He was with me in love when I didn't love Him.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 17

God's Word Our Guiding Light Psalm 119:105

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Let's pretend for a moment we are walking in the dense forest

in the dead of night with no light; then consider how difficult it would be to find our way out of the woods. The wilderness in this scenario is the world infected with sin with no light to guide our way out of the woods. God's Word is the lamp that provides the light that we need to light our way out of the wilderness of sin as it light our path to holy living and guide our footsteps as ordered by the Lord.

God left His Word as our instruction manual on how He wants us to live; when we live according to God's Word this leads to holiness emulating God the Father our creator and sustainer who is holy and righteous. Living according to God's Word, believers manifest the holiness of our Savior Jesus Christ. God the Holy Spirit is our teacher and our inner compass as we navigate the sinful wilderness in which we live.

God's Word was written by Him through holy inspired men who were directed by the Holy Spirit so there would be no error or misinterpretation of God's intentions. God's Word is for our benefit and a measuring device of where we may be falling short of God's purpose for our lives.

Let God's Word light your way. It will never go out or be dimmed.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 18

The Holy Spirit Our Internal Compass 1 Thessalonians 4:8

He therefore, that despieth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto His Holy Spirit.

Let me explain who the Holy Spirit is; He is the third person in the Godhead who was active in creation. In the Godhead, the Holy Spirit operates coequally, coeternally and coextistently as one unit. He was active in the entire process as "He is pictured as the "moving" (Genesis 1:2) over creation, preparing and preserving it for God the Father future activity" (KJV Commentary).

The Holy Spirit has the divine attributes of the Godhead: He is eternal (Hebrews 9:14), omnipresent (Psalms 139:4), omnipotent (Luke 1:35) and omniscient (1Corinthains 2:10-11) (Spirit Filled Life Bible KJV). Being that the Holy Spirit is God He knows all, sees all and can do all.

The Holy Spirit has several symbols; some are wind, breath, and fire. God the Father breathed His breath into man and he became a living soul; therefore, God the Holy Spirit lives in each of us. He is active in revealing, teaching, witnessing and interceding for us. He possesses a personal relationship with humanity as He lives in each believer.

He gives every believer the power to boldly witness Christ the world over (Acts1:8). He is our internal compass bringing all truths to our remembrances as well as interpreting the truth of God's Word.

Believers, our bodies are temples of God the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthian 3:16) who cannot and will not live an unholy place; therefore, be ye holy.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 19

Sealed By The Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.

What is the purpose of sealing? Sealing shows ownership; this is God's purpose for sealing His people by bestowing His Spirit the Holy Spirit upon all believers (2 Corinthians 1:22). This serves as evidence to believers that we are adopted sons and daughters of God through the atoning work of Jesus Christ our Savior. Believers know for certain that our redemption is real when the Holy Spirit control our lives (v. 5) as we are temples of God (1 Corinthians 3:16). Believers also, know for certain that we belong to God when the Holy Spirit regenerates us, renews us daily with God's love (John 1:12-13; 3:3-6) and He then delivers us form the clutches of sin and keeps us from its temptation as Satan is busy trying to destroy God's kingdom (Romans 8:1-17; Galatians 5:16-25). The Holy Spirit gives all believers a consciousness of God's presence and that He is our heavenly Father (v. 5) and He gives every believer the power to boldly witness Christ (Acts 1:8) thereby bringing others to Christ to be sealed by God the Holy Spirit.

Who sees believers' seal? Our seal is seen by the Godhead and Satan. Believers we are sealed by God, loved by God, and kept by God the Holy Spirit.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 20

"Kept By The Power Of God" 1 Peter 1:5

Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation to be revealed in the last time.

Yesterday's focus discussion was believers being sealed by God the Holy Spirit; today's focus is believers being kept by the power of God through the Holy Spirit who is God. That said, our scripture text make three important point and they are: (a) being that believers are kept by the power of God, we are also protected by Him as this protection included all Satan's attacks that is designed to destroy God's kingdom as well as derail our Christian walk with God.

(b) The importance of faith in believers being kept by God's power just as faith is essential in becoming a believer. It is through faith that all believers are saved (Ephesians 2:8); therefore, to maintain our faith walk with Christ believers must remain committed to holy living and in union with Christ our Savior.

(c) Salvation is the third point in our lesson text, which point to salvation as God's ultimate goal of keeping and protecting His people. According to Roman 1:16 this refers to believers' future dimension of salvation where believers will obtain their heavenly inheritance (v.4).

There is no greater keeper and protector than God our heavenly Father. His Spirit lives in every believer. He provides for our every need. He keeps all His promises. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 21

Godly Wisdom Proverbs 4:5, 7

Get wisdom, get understanding; forget it not, neither decline from the word of my mouth. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all this getting get understanding.

What advice is our scripture text giving to all mankind? Wisdom is the wise use of knowledge or exercising good judgment when making decisions. This comes from seeking God in all that we do and or say. Godly wisdom supersedes all of man's knowledge and understanding; therefore, our text is encouraging all to get wisdom and understanding as this is the principal of all knowledge. This is because God's wisdom and understanding is the beginning and ending of all things as He is the creator of all.

To seek godly wisdom is saying the person desires to walk in the wisdom of God in a more Christ-like manner as He is the manifestation of God's wisdom. He is God and would have first hand knowledge of the Father. The person must diligently seek God's wisdom and then be submissive to God's reveled knowledge as it is given for man's benefit and when followed righteous living is the result.

Therefore, to obtain godly wisdom one must listen to wise counsel from godly parents, others Christians, and His Word-the Bible and be willing to live accordingly.

Godly wisdom is a precious treasure; therefore, get wisdom, get understanding.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 22

Man's Wisdom Verses God's Wisdom 1 Corinthians 3:19

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their won craftiness.

Yesterday's focus discussion was godly wisdom, but today's focus is man's wisdom verses God's wisdom and from our scripture text we see what man calls wisdom God calls it foolish. This is because God's thoughts and knowledge is far superior to those of man. Man thinks he knows whereas God knows He knows as He is the creator of all knowledge and things. God is all wise and there is no error in Him.

As noted in verse 20 that God knows the thoughts of the wise and they are still vain when compared to the thoughts of God. What does this say for man in his supposedly wise thinking? Unless our wise thoughts aligns with those of God is vain and foolish. This reflects to an earlier message on godly wisdom and without it man's wisdom is vain.

It is noteworthy to say that if man seeks to continue in his own understanding and knowledge, then God will leave him to his own faulty wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 3:5-7 speaks to the danger of leaning unto our own understanding as this shows man being wise in his own understanding as well as a lack of trusting the Lord and man's refusal to acknowledge God for who He is and His sovereign powers.

Man's wisdom is pale in comparison to God's wisdom. God's wisdom is best.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 23

God's Provisional Care Genesis 45: 5

Now therefore be not grieved, not angry with yourselves that ye sold me hither; for God did send me before you to preserve life.

The setting for today's message is Joseph speaking to his brothers who had sold him with thoughts of never seeing their brother again; God being all knowing and in His provisional care this was part of His plan to save a nation of people. God knows the ending from the beginning and sending Joseph ahead was no different from any other situation.

During creation and being the all wise He made provision for all man's needs because He is not some masterful watch maker who winds up the watch and allows the watch to run until it runs down. God is involved in every aspect of man's life from the beginning to the end. He provides for the physical and spiritual needs of man as well as all creation; look at the plant and animal kingdoms and how they thrive. God created the four seasons (1:14) all to benefit all creation.

God's provisional care is on both the righteous and unrighteous and each will be judged according to his/her response to God's love, grace and mercy. Continuous rejection of God He will turn you over to a reprobate mind, but for those who love God will benefit from His love and care.

Living in the God's grace, love and mercy is accepting His perfect will for your life, whereas living in God's permissive will is living according to your will. Which will are you in?

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 24

The Love Of God John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Today's lesson text depicts the heart of God and the magnitude of His love for His prize creation to the point that He gave the very best that He had; His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to atone the sins of the world.

God breathed the breath of live into man and he became a living soul. This breath is God's Spirit; therefore, God would go to great lengths to have a harmonious relationship with man. Jesus Christ God's Son gave His life to restore a broken fellowship between God and man. Justice was demanded, but mercy took the place of justice. There is no greater love than a man who would lay down his life for his friends.

Whosoever includes all mankind; those who believe in Jesus Christ are accepted into God's family of holy and peculiar people where they will enjoy the blessings God have which includes everlasting life.

While here on earth God's love is on display daily in His provisional care for man as well as all creation. He provides the essentials of life for unbelievers and believers alike. All creation have air to breath, sunshine to warm the earth to its appropriate temperature and the seasons of the year as this serves as a balance in nature.

There is no love like the love of God.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 25

God's Plan Of Redemption Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 9:12

In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

God being all knowing knew that man would sin and be subjected to its dominion and would require man's souls to be redeemed. Redemption is buying back of something or someone. In regards to man his soul had to be purchased from Satan and sin. All who believe in Jesus have been brought out of darkness into the light of righteousness and now have a restored fellowship with God the Father.

That said, our lesson texts look at God's redemptive plan through the shed blood of His Son Jesus Christ. It make the point that Jesus' blood did what the blood of goats and calves could not do, which was to forgive sin thereby paving the way for eternal redemption. Christ's blood atonement was a one-time event which superseded that of animal sacrifices that was performed yearly by the priest. Jesus' blood open the door for all believes to come boldly to the throne of God where there is help, mercy and salvation (7:25). Jesus' blood also assures all the promises of the new covenant (10:29) and His shed blood is continually given to believers as they commune with God the Father through Jesus Christ.

The shed blood of Jesus cleansed my soul from sin and shame and now I am the righteous of Christ.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 26

Sanctified Through Christ's Blood 1 Corinthians 1:30

But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.

Believers' righteousness is made possible through the shed blood of Christ Jesus, which includes godly wisdom, sanctification, redemption and the righteousness of Christ. For this we as believers owe a debt of gratitude to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for taking our sin stained souls and washing them whiter than snow. In doing so believers become a set aside people for God the Father's purpose which is to serve Him through holy living. Being a set aside people believers become members of God holy nation of royal priests (1 Peter 2:9). God's sanctified people see things from God's point of view as well as living holy lives before Him.

Therefore, when God the Father looks at man He sees the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ as Christ took on our sins at the cross of Calvary. Being a sanctified people, we can now boldly witness Christ the world over as all believers have been empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

Being sanctified by Christ our Lord and Savior, believers will spend eternity with God and will reign with Him in the New Jerusalem. Being sanctified by Christ we as believers will have Christ-like bodies that have been washed in His blood. Being sanctified through Christ's blood all believers wear the righteous garment of God's salvation.

Believers, we are a sanctified people through the shed blood of Christ Jesus.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 27

"The Everlasting Covenant" Hebrews 13:20

Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.

If the question was raised, why is the blood covenant the everlasting covenant? It is because it was made as a one-time atonement by the shed blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. More importantly, Christ's blood did what animal sacrifices could not do; His blood forgave sin instead of covering over sin. Also, Christ's blood sacrifice was done to last for all generations whereas animal sacrifices required yearly atonements.

It is noteworthy to say that Jesus being the Son of God met all of the Father's requirements to make the one-time sin atonement, which He was sinless, and deity as well as human. This is where humanity and deity met. Unlike human priests who required atonement themselves before atoning the people's sins.

It is too noteworthy to say that Christ's blood covenant is everlasting because His blood covered sin for all generations, before and after the cross.

Through the blood covenant of Jesus Christ, we as believers are made perfect in Christ to do the will of the Father and live to please Him through our works and faith (v.21). Also, through the blood covenant of Christ all believers died to sin with Him and rose with Him to a life of righteousness being justified by Christ.

Under the blood covenant, believers are sanctified, justified, regenerated and glorified and are new creatures in Christ.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 28

Love Covered Sin Proverbs 10:12

Hatred stirreth up strifes, but love covereth all sins.

In Proverbs 10:1-32, Solomon provides comparative looks at

wise verses foolish or the righteous compared to the unrighteous, which gives readers then, now and for all generations the outcome of each. The righteous will flourish whereas the unrighteous will perish as noted in verse 8 which states the wise in heart will receive commandments, but the parting fool shall fall. This is true because the unwise will say in his heart I don't need God or will say there is no God, which leads the foolish person the feel that he is his own highest authority and that he is self-existence; wrong! Wrong!

It is noteworthy to say the foolish is lost and fail to realize his lostness, but thank God for His unconditional love and unending care that His love would not allow Him to leave man in his fallen state of despair.

Given the magnitude of His agape love God the Father gave His only Son to forgive the sins of the world; forgave He did as the world's sins was nailed to the cross with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Love of the righteous forgives others as it is a commandment given by Christ Himself. Loving one another as Christ loved us, then the world will know that we are of God.

Love conqueror and covers all; it covered you and me.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 29

Soaring On The Wings Of God's Love Psalm 17:8; 18:2

Keep me as the apple of the eye; hide me under the shadow of thy wings. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Recognizing just who God is, His awesome powers and the magnitude of His love, then we can say like David by asking God to keep him as the apple of His eye and continue providing protection under His mighty wings. Reflecting on the trust worthiness of God and His power then yes we can understand and relate to David's plea to remain the apple of God's eye.

To be the apple of one's eye is someone or something that is of great value and humanity fits this model of being the apple of God's eye as He breathed the breath of life into man. That said, believers are very special to God in that all believers have accepted Christ's atoning death reconciling man back to God. So special that God has made believers co-heirs with Christ as well as adopting believers as His sons and daughter. Believers are so special to God until He has prepared a special place not made with hands just for you and me; this is love.

On the wings of God's love we can sail high above the evilness of this world while on our heavenly journey.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 30

Wearing The Righteousness Of Christ Job 29:14

I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my judgment was as a robe and a diadem.

We all know the story of Job whom God allowed the Devil to afflict from head to toe, but through it all Job never waivered in his faith in God. Because Job know if it was the will of God he would be restored, but in the meantime he was going to trust God and continue wearing the righteousness of Christ.

Like Job you and I are encouraged to trust God in every situation because Christ our Savior paid the price for our right standing with God the Father. Christ's Spirit the Holy Sprit resides in every believer to aid in our efforts of holy living. Christ took our unrighteousness and made us righteous in Him through His death burial and resurrection.

In doing so, believers are new creatures in Christ as we have discarded the old nature of man which contained sin and all ungodliness; we now wear the righteous garment of God's salvation. Therefore, when God the Father looks at us He sees the righteousness of His Son Jesus.

There are many blessings from wearing the righteousness of Christ our Lord and Savior, such as eternal life, a crown of righteousness, signing praises unto His holy name and dwelling with Christ in the New Jerusalem.

Wearing the righteousness of Christ we are the apple of God the Father's eye.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 7 Issue 3 2015 Mar 31

Believers The Righteousness of God 2 Corinthians 5:21

For He made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

If the question was raised, How are believers made the righteousness of God? Believers are made the righteousness of God through the atoning work of Christ our Lord and Savior on the cross at Calvary. Even though Christ never became a sinner, He was made sin by God the Father for the sake of reconciling man back to Himself. This was done out of love for humanity. Throughout Christ's earthly stay He remained the spotless Lamb of God as He knew His mission was to pay man's sin-debt. In doing so Christ became the object of God the Father's judgment. Christ taking on God's sin judgment was justification for God forgiving sin and for this all believers are eternally grateful.

This question comes to mind, How do believers manifest the righteousness of God for the world to see? This is achieved by believers faith walk and remaining in union and fellowship with Christ (1 John 1:9, John 15:4-5, Galatians 2:20).

What motivated God the Father to sacrifice His Son for humanity? God was motivated by His love for humanity and to reconcile man back to Himself that would reestablish the broken fellowship that existed as the resulted of sin. Believers become new creatures in Christ who can and will witness to other lost souls bringing then into the family of God.

We are the righteousness of God through Christ's sin atonement.




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The True Meaning Of Christmas

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An Expose' Of The Holy Spirit

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The Lord Is My Shepherd

This book takes a panoramic view of Psalm 23, which is one of trust. $22.00 www.amazon.com, www.createspaces.com


A Prayer Study Guide

This booklet looks at prayer from its history, its practice, its phenomenon, its philosophy, the frequency of prayer some prayers make to God. This booklet also discusses the ACTS of prayers as well as specialty prayers that are made for certain occasions. Price is $16.00. www.amazon.com, www.createspaces.com, and www.kindle.com.


Gems From Heaven

A Yearly devotional for daily inspirational reading This devotional is designed to inspire Christians the world over and point the way to Christ for non-believers. This is accomplished by the reader being uplifted, enlighten and a desire to know God better. Price $35.00. Available through www.amazon.com, www.creatspace.com, and www.kindle.com


Bio Dr. WILLIE B. WHITE holds two Masters of Arts degree in Adult education (MA Ed, MA SED and an Honorary Doctorate). Ms. White is a certified Dean and instructor in Christian Education, a college professor and special education teacher K-12. Ms. White frequently publishes articles in The Informer magazine of the SSPB. First book, “The Lord is My Shepherd”, (2007) PublishAmerica. “An Expose Of The Holy Spirit”, released June 2009, “Heavenly Bread”, released July 2009, a monthly devotional. Ms. White publish Bi-weekly Blog discussions Uplifting Insight- http://willie-writing.blogspot.com. www.goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com Works in progress, DVD Who is God? An inspirational video, next books, God’s Moral laws: The Ten Commandments, and My Faith Journey with Jesus. Yearly devotionals, Seasons Of Inspirational For Spiritual Growth and Gems From Heaven release dates 2015. All material is available through www.amazon.com, www.createspace.com and www.kindle.com and wherever books are sold.