Five Day Return Family Presentation McGinn PTA Meeting March 3, 2021

March 3, 2021 McGinn PTA Meeting

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Page 1: March 3, 2021 McGinn PTA Meeting

Five Day Return Family

PresentationMcGinn PTA Meeting

March 3, 2021

Page 2: March 3, 2021 McGinn PTA Meeting

What We will Cover?

● Why are we returning five days?

● Important Dates

● What will classrooms look like?

● Protocol for Positive Cases

● Arrival and Dismissal

● Specials and Snacks

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From Dr. Mast:

● Current Union County data shows only 38 cases per 100,000 and a 7% positivity rate; therefore, our schools meet the guidelines for full in person learning according to the C.D.C.

● Full in-person learning is recommended in areas where the C.D.C. reports fewer than 50 new cases per 100,000 people in a week and a seven-day positivity rate of less than 8 percent. Our district physician and both of our departments of health are in agreement with bringing our students in now five days a week.

Positive News!

We meet the CDC recommend-ations!

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We miss kids!● Mechanical function of Ventilation is

in place● Other districts have been successful

at the elementary level - Chatham, Summit, Berkeley Heights

● Data from other districts indicates it can be done, school transmission is very low

Why are We Returning Five Days?

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Important Dates

March 8th

Let McGinn’s main office or me know you would like to switch your choice.

April 19thThe date to let McGinn know your child will return to school in person

five days

March 15th

The first day of students attending school in person for five days

begins. End of Cohorts

April 26thThe next date of students

attending in person five days per week.

If your child is

hybrid and will

attend five days, or

your child is virtual

and will stay virtual,

you do not need to

contact the main


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What Will Classrooms Look Like?

Now● Students are 6 ft. or more


● Students kept separate in hallways

● Class cohorts are 2 - 13 students

● At least half the class is virtual.

March 15th● Students will be 6 ft apart

when possible

● Students in most classes will be less than 6ft. apart

● Desk shields will be on all desks where students are closer than 6 Ft.

● Class sizes will be 7 - 20

● Less than half of most classes will be virtual.

Masks are key!

Please make sure:

They fit properly.

Please pack:

At least one extra mask.

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Similarities Across Classrooms

● Some teachers will teach from the front of the room and others will be able to walk around the room - depends on the class size.

● Classrooms are equipped with FM systems to amplify the teacher’s voice

● Each classroom has a webcam to connect virtual learners and in school learners

● Mask wearing, hand sanitizing, and short snack breaks will remain in effect

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When There is a Positive Case

Contact Tracing

Mrs. Ward and I contact the adults present to get a list of names of possible contacts. We also check sign in sheets and sub lists.

Close Contacts

As per the CDC and our local Board of Health, we contact

individuals who were within 6 ft. of the sick person for over 15

minutes within a 24 hour period.

Seating Charts

We will continue to use seating charts to help identify close contacts and retain pictures of

the classrooms.

Please carefully

complete your

screening. If

your child has

any symptoms,

please keep

them home.

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Notifications● If there are positive cases, all

students within six feet of the individual will need to quarantine.

● Families will continue to receive letters if the positive individual is in their child’s class.

● All families will receive a district letter that McGinn had a positive case.

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Procedures: Arrival & Dismissal

● Same entrances as hybrid

● Drop-Off line available for 4th grade only

● Students must be able to exit vehicle and walk to door independently

● Families wait with students

● Health screenings checked at doors

● Same exits as hybrid

● Staff will bring students out on paths

● Families wait on grass or blacktop - not on paths

● Please do not congregate.


More info to come….

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All students will travel to specials

Wearing Masks

Desk Shields

Maximum distance

Hand sanitizing in and out of rooms

Specials Protocols

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Snack Times

Snack can be rotated in classrooms to limit number of masks off at one time

Short mask


Please send an easy to open/eat snack.Make sure it is nut-free

Snack times will be brief!

Snack will be outdoors whenever possible

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● All in-person students are expected to attend school in person everyday.

● If your child will be absent, please contact the attendance line (in-person and virtual students)

In Person Students Only

● If your child is exhibiting symptoms but feels all right to attend school, please contact the main office to discuss having your child attend virtually.

● Students quarantining may attend virtually.

● Virtual instruction is not an option for students without approval.

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Moving Forward● We continue to bring students back to see how

this works. We will adjust accordingly.

● We are maintaining the cohort list, in case we need to go back to a hybrid model.

● We continue to plan for what we would need if we could come back fully, such as lunch considerations and staffing.

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Welcome Back!

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Section 1

Table of Contents

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4
