NORTHERN EDITION (800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com [email protected] P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 March 23, 2012 © 2012 Stop horsing around with equine health A veterinarian says: Whether at shows or on the trail, help make sure it’s a healthy year for your horse Story on Page 12

March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

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NORTHERN EDITION :: Equine issue

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Page 1: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land


(800) [email protected]. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

March 23, 2012© 2012

Stop horsing aroundwith equine health

A veterinarian says: Whether at shows oron the trail, help makesure it’s a healthy year

for your horseStory on Page 12

Page 2: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

P.O. Box 3169418 South Second St.Mankato, MN 56002

(800) 657-4665Vol. XXXI ❖ No. VI

48 pagesplus supplement

COLUMNSOpinion 2-8Farm and Food File 4Milker’s Message 14-18Mielke Market Weekly 14Calendar 17Table Talk 23Marketing 26-27Auctions/Classifieds 29-46Advertiser Listing 29The Land Funpage 47Back Roads 48

STAFFPublisher: Jim Santori: [email protected] Manager: Kathleen Connelly: [email protected]: Kevin Schulz: [email protected] Editor: Tom Royer: [email protected] Writer: Dick Hagen: [email protected] Representatives:

Kim Henrickson: [email protected] Schafer: [email protected] Storlie: [email protected]

Office/Advertising Assistants: Vail Belgard: [email protected] Compart: [email protected]

Ad Production: Brad Hardt: [email protected]

For Customer Service Concerns:(507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, [email protected]: (507) 345-1027

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National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Execu-tive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product orbusiness names may be included to provide clarity. This does not con-stitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and view-points expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarilythose of the management.The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographicalerrors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’sliability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertise-ment is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subse-quent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement.Classified Advertising: $17 for seven (7) lines for a private classified,each additional line is $1.25; $22 for business classifieds, each addi-tional line is $1.25. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone withVISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads canalso be sent by e-mail to [email protected]. Mail classifiedads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please includecredit card number, expiration date and your postal address with adssent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800)657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is noon on the Monday prior topublication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in allMinnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s web-site. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Repro-duction without permission is strictly prohibited.Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses inMinnesota and northern Iowa. $24 per year for non-farmers and peopleoutside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fri-days and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of CommunityNewspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Peri-odicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn.Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change ofaddress notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call(507) 345-4523 or e-mail to [email protected].





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9-11 — The Land’s Minnesota HorseExpo preview

19 — $15 trillion debt casts huge

shadows on financials

20 — Jax Café follows steak legacy tobeef council honor

22 — Reports: Farmland prices riding awild flourish


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Whenever it’s my turn for “Land Minds”,several thoughts zip through. Most getzapped before I frame a few words aroundthem. But this time presidential politicsquickly got on the front burner, stayedthere and only got hotter.

The continual bashing of this presiden-tial campaign is unprecedented, and attimes embarrassing. However very rapidlywe’re dashing into an “Entitlement Soci-ety” and that’s a major reason why Amer-ica is bankrupt. So when the following“divorce letter” showed up in my e-mail itprecisely echoed my gut feelings.

Dear American liberals, leftists, socialprogressive, socialists, Marxists, etc.

We have stuck together since the late-1950s for thesake of the kids, but the current political environmenthas made me realize that I want a divorce. I know wetolerated each other for many years for the sake offuture generations, but sadly, this relationship hasclearly run its course.

Our two ideological sides ofAmerica cannot and will not everagree on what is right for us all, solet’s just end it on friendly terms.We can smile and chalk it up toirreconcilable differences and goour own way. So please considerthis separation agreement.

• Our two groups can equi-tably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion.That will prove nothing other than a sense of fairness.

• We don’t like redistributive taxes so you can keepthem.

• You are welcome to the liberal judges and theACLU.

• Since you hate guns and war, we’ll take ourfirearms, the cops, the NRA and the military.

• We’ll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and youcan go with wind and solar.

• You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and RosieO’Donnell. You however, are responsible for finding abiodiesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.

• We’ll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, Wal-mart and Wall Street.

• You can have your lifelong welfare dwellers,homeless, druggies and illegal aliens.

• We’ll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hol-lywood.

• You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and

we’ll retain the right to invade and ham-mer places that threaten us.

• When our way of life is under assault,we’ll provide security for your war protesters.

• We’ll keep our Judeo-Christian values.• You are welcome to Islam, Scientology,

Humanism, political correctness andShirley McClaine. You can also have theUN, but we will no longer be paying the bill.

• We’ll keep the SUVs, pickup trucksand big cars. You can take every Volt and

Leaf you can find.• You can give everyone healthcare if

you can find any practicing doctors.• We’ll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury

and not a right.• We’ll keep “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and

“The National Anthem.”• I’m sure you’ll be happy to substitute “Imagine,”

“I’d Like to Teach the World toSing,” “Kum Ba Ya” or “We Are the

World.”• We’ll practice trickle-down

economics and you can continueto give trickle up poverty yourbest shot.

• Since it often so offends you,we’ll keep our history, our nameand our flag.

And so it goes. Our Novemberelection will clearly indicate the

winner in the divorce agreement listed above. Unfor-tunately our “entitlement society” continues to suckup like a magnet gone berserk. And within this soci-ety the voting process becomes very predictable.

In 1916, the Rev. William John Henry Boetckerwrote: “You cannot help the poor by destroying therich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakeningthe strong. You cannot build character and courageby taking away people’s initiative and independence.You cannot help people permanently by doing forthem, what they could and should do for them-selves.” (Editor’s note: This quote is often incorrectlyattributed to Abraham Lincoln, most notably in aspeech by Ronald Reagan in 1992.)

Meanwhile let’s pray for a recharge of subsoil mois-ture to positively reignite the rumble in agriculture.Thousands of horsepower are about to ignite. Farm-ers, once again it’s soon your ballgame. A few home-runs in April would be a great start.

Dick Hagen is staff writer of The Land. He may bereached at [email protected]. ❖

I want a divorce


By Dick Hagen


We’ll keep capitalism,greedy corporations,Walmart and Wall Street.You can have your life-long welfare dwellers,homeless, druggies andillegal aliens.

Page 3: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land


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Page 4: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Ranchers have a well-earned reputa-tion for speaking plain English plainly.

As such, cowboys instantly translatephrases like “government revenueenhancements” and “now pursuing othercareer opportunities” into “tax increases”and “got fired” without one twitch of theirupper lip or one hitch in their giddyup.

So what do these straight talkers call“lean finely-textured beef,” the pieces ofbeef that, according to meatpackermouthpiece J. Patrick Boyle, are so tinythey “are nearly impossible to separateusing a knife” and must be heatedslowly to separate the “fat from tissue,”then spun in a centrifuge before beingsprayed with ammonia gas to kill any pathogensand flash frozen into, well…

Well, cowboys and their customers would-n’t call it what two former U.S. Departmentof Agriculture scientists, Gerald Zirnsteinand Carl Custer, called it on ABC NewsMarch 7. They called it “pink slime.”

Nor would cowboys call it somethingthat “kind of looks like play dough,” a sug-gestion from Kit Foshee, who ABC Newsidentifies as “a corporate quality assur-ance manager at Beef Products Inc., thecompany that makes pink slime.”

Foshee, who knows both English and hiscompany’s product well, adds that the “play

dough” is “pink and frozen; it’s not whatthe typical person would consider meat.”That’s if the “typical person” knew that

pink slime — or lean finely-textured beef — evenexisted or that an estimated 70 percent of the

ground beef sold in supermarkets today contains it.In fact, it’s a fair bet that few cowboys know what

it is or that it’s been around for 20 years.The irony to this slimy mess is that a cowboy — or at

least one of Big Beef’s Big Bosses — Jo Ann Smith, apast president of the National Cattlemen’s Association,the forerunner of today’s National Cattlemen’s BeefAssociation, and a former USDA food safety czar underthe first President Bush, gave the process the govern-ment go-ahead to become what it is today: another rea-son for consumers to walk past the meat counter.

According to a Dec. 10, 1991, Kansas City Starstory, Smith, while head of USDA meat inspection,had to choose between labeling this new technology“something like ‘beef trimmings’” — the meatpack-ers’ preferred phrase — or “what the underlings at

One man’s lean finely-textured beef is another man’s pink slime

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By Alan Guebert

See GUEBERT, pg. 5


Sound off!The Land wants to hear from you.

Send letters to the editor to: Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN

56002 or [email protected]

Keep letters to 250 words or less. Letters must be signedoriginals. Letters must have the writer’s name, address and

telephone number. Letters sent anonymously will be discarded.

Page 5: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

13144 Cty. Rd. #25, New Ulm, MN 56073




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ARCH 23, 2012“W


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GUEBERT, from pg. 4USDA wanted it (called) …‘partiallydefatted beef.’”

Smith’s NCA pals liked “beef trim-mings” becausethe more appeal-ing phrase could“enhance thevalue of the beefcarcass as muchas $7 a head.”

Smith followedthe money; sheapproved the “trim-ming” option and the trimming of dol-lars from unsuspecting consumersbegan shortly thereafter.

Kansan rancher and meat sellerMike Callicrate remembers the shift.In the mid-1990s he attended a confer-ence where the-then boss of IBP, one ofthe nation’s largest beef packers (nowpart of Tyson Foods) “proudly pro-claimed that this ‘wonderful newprocess’ could find 11 percent lean inpure white fat.”

It turned out to be nearly as prof-itable for Smith after she left USDA in1993. According to ABC, Smith servedas a director of a BPI supplier, thebiggest processor of partially defatted

beef, where “she made at least $1.2 mil-lion over 17 years.”

What’s yet to be determined is howmuch market damage has been done to

cattlemen by thecontroversialprocess that bene-fits packers farmore than cowboysand consumers.

Maybe this iswhy Big Ag is soanxious for you tospend your check-

off and organizations’ dollars to makeU.S. Farmers and Ranchers Allianceag’s central spokesman: they want youto foot the bill to clean up the messesthey make.

Oh, what do cowboys call, as the edi-tor of Drover’s Journal described itMarch 9, “(H)amburger and other foodproducts treated with ammoniumhydroxide to kill pathogens like salmo-nella and E. coli”?

“We used to call it dog food,” saysrancher Callicrate.

Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” ispublished weekly in more than 70 news-papers in North America. Contact him [email protected]. ❖

‘We used to call it dog food’

What’s yet to be deter-mined is how much mar-ket damage has beendone to cattlemen by thecontroversial process ...

Page 6: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

The state and federal partnershipgearing up to develop the new Min-nesota Agriculture Water Quality Certi-fication Program is generating a lot of buzz. I amexcited about the program’s potential to improvewater quality by accelerating voluntary adoption ofon-farm water-quality practices. Equally important,the program will help participating farmers by giv-ing them greater certainty about future conserva-tion requirements.

One of the biggest questions people have asked is

what kind of process would be set up bythe agencies working on the project to

ensure adequate input from the manyinterested stakeholder groups — particularly thefarmers on whom the program will ultimately depend.

This input is crucial to the success of the program.We want to talk with the people who will use the pro-gram and make sure it works for them before any-thing is finalized.

We also need to include technical experts whounderstand the science behind water and agricultural

systems to help us develop a program that has realvalue. If farmers are going to make the effort to par-ticipate in a new program, we need to make sure thatwhat they are volunteering to do will actually make adifference in the quality of our water resources.

To bring in that outside expertise, we will be estab-lishing an advisory committee made up of farmers,scientists and other experts who will meet over thecoming months to discuss program options andmake recommendations to me. The MDA staff and Iwill use the committee’s input as we develop the pro-gram and its features.

The committee will have members drawn fromagriculture, conservation, research and other groups.Candidates will be nominated by the public throughan established process with the Secretary of State’soffice. I will select committee members from amongthose nominated. For more information about thenominations process and the program in general, logon to our website at www.mda.state.mn.us.

The Jan. 17 signing ceremony with Gov. Daytonand federal officials was just the first step — anagreement to develop a program. Establishing thisadvisory committee is the next crucial step towardrefining the program details. As more informationbecomes available, we will be sure to share it.

We are committed to making this a good programnot only for farmers but for the entire state. It’s goingto take a lot of hard work, but in the end the Min-nesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program willbe a major advance for water quality and agriculture.

This commentary was submitted by MinnesotaDepartment of Agriculture Commissioner Dave Fred-erickson. ❖

Commentary: Input crucial to water quality program


Willmar Precast Co.West Hwy. 40, Willmar, MN




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Page 7: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Valentine’s Day has come andgone, and I feel like a school kidagain.

Remember those days in gradeschool when someone special wouldslip a miniature card under yourdesk, possibly attached to a smallbag of those red-hot heart candies?It was a mixture of excitement andembarrassment, but it certainlymade my day, week, even school year.

I’ve been a corn and soybean farmer near Bel-grade, Minn., for nearly three decades. I love what Ido, and I’m proud to carry on a family tradition thatspans several generations. I didn’t get into farmingfor the bright lights, glory or a coveted speaking spotat Take Your Father to School Day.

But I have to admit that after reading the resultsof a statewide survey that found more than 80 per-cent of respondents have a positive view of agricul-ture, there’s an added spring in my step.

In the interest of full disclosure, the MinnesotaCorn Growers Association, of which I serve as presi-dent, commissioned the survey. A respected research

firm, the Tarrance Group ofAlexandria, Va., conducted

a survey of 500 adult resi-dents in November on their attitudes toward agricul-ture and farming in Minnesota.

While the public is inundated with daily trackingpolls in a presidential election year, it’s rare thatindividuals are surveyed on their opinions of agri-

Commentary: The results are in — people like agriculture

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John Mages


See MAGES, pg. 8


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Page 8: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

MAGES, from pg. 7culture in their state.

Now, obviously, if the survey found that ourapproval ratings were as low as those of Congress,I’d be in a world of hurt right now, and my wordswould not be appearing in this fine publication.

It’s time to enjoy my 15 minutes of fame.The statewide survey found that an overwhelm-

ing majority viewed Minnesota farmers positivelyon the issues of the economy and conservation.Almost nine in 10 respondents agreed that farmingwas very important to Minnesota’s economy. A simi-lar ratio agreed with the statement that Minnesotafarmers have a positive impact on the state and pro-

vide residents with many benefits.On the issue of conservation, 73 percent of the

respondents agreed that farmers are the best stew-ards of the land, and that new technologies and inno-vations have allowed them to grow more and moreon less land.

Farmers have benefited from innovative technol-ogy that has revolutionized the production of one ofthe basic necessities of life. While some may have aromanticized view of the small farm in a rural areawhere the family grows just enough to feed them-selves, or sells some sweet corn at the local farmers’market, the reality is that farming innovations areborn of necessity.

Nearly a century ago, more than 50 percent of theU.S. population lived in rural areas, and 30 percentof the workforce was engaged in farming. But today,fewer than 2 percent of Americans farm for a living,and only 17 percent of Americans now live in ruralareas. In 1940, the number of people fed annually byone U.S. farmer was 19.

Today, that number is 155. Corn farmers, like me,are part of this trend. American corn farmers nowgrow five times as much corn as they did in the1930s — on 20 percent less land.

So it’s nice that Minnesotans recognize and appre-ciate what we do. OK, I think my 15 minutes is up.Back to work.

This commentary was submitted by John Mages, afarmer from Belgrade, Minn., and president of theMinnesota Corn Growers Association. ❖

‘Nice that Minnesotans appreciate what we do’

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Page 9: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

The Minnesota Horse Expo board ofdirectors, staff and the MinnesotaHorse Council board wish to salute thehorse people, vendors and Expo-goerswho have made the first 30 years of theMinnesota Horse Expo so successful.

The Horse Expo has grown from itsbeginning in 1982 at the old downtownMinneapolis Convention Center. In1987, it moved to the State FairgroundsColiseum and subsequently expanded toits current size, filling six State Fairbuildings and the outside streets withbooths and four additional buildingsused for lectures and equine demonstra-tions. This makes the Minnesota HorseExpo the second-largest off-season eventheld at the Minnesota State Fairgroundsin terms of space used and attendance.

Since the 1991 Horse Expo, the Min-nesota Horse Exposition has presentedthe Minnesota Horse Council withover $3.4 million. These funds havegone back into the equine industry invarious ways. This year, for instance, acontribution of $100,000 has beenmade by the Minnesota Horse Councilto the State Fairgrounds with fundsgenerated from the Minnesota HorseExpo to replace the old judging arenaand help build the new AgStar Arena.The new arena will be ready by expo

time and be a much improved venuefor speakers and spectators.

The 2012 Minnesota Horse Expo, April27-29, features hundreds of horses of dif-ferent breeds from across Minnesota andnearby states, PRCA rodeo perform-ances, speakers and clinicians address-ing a variety of horse care and trainingtopics and disciplines, an Expo Tack andClothing sale that is run by the 4-HHorse Association, and stallion presenta-tions in addition to the great shopping atmore than 800 vendor booths.

Featured at Minnesota Horse Expo2012 will be Julie Goodnight, the HorseMaster on her award-winning RFD-TVtelevision show; Jane Savoie, interna-tionally known dressage competitor,coach, instructor, clinician, speaker andauthor; Larry Whitesell and JenniferBauer, presenting gaited horse clinicsusing classical training; and JerryWayne Olson, a Professional Rodeo Cow-boys Association specialty act of the yearand feature act at the Expo’s rodeos.

Minnesota Horse Expo returns to State Fairgrounds

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The Kettle Morraine Rough Riders Equestrian Drill Team is new to the MinnesotaHorse Expo this year.

See EXPO, pg. 10


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 10: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Hotel: Bigwood Event Centerand Best Western Hotel

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March 29, 30, and 31

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Organized by...MN Angus Association

MN Gelbvieh Association • MN Maine Anjou AssociationMN Limousin Association

SCHEDULETHURSDAY: Vendors and sale cattle arriveFRIDAY: Breakfast available • Trade show opens at 9:00• Cattle ready for viewing• MN Angus Assoc. Annual Meeting: 10:00• Noon Lunch • Educational Seminar: 1:00• Zach Hall, Ingentity, U of M Beef Team• DNA Enhanced EPDs: What they mean to the breeder’s bottom linewhen purchasing breeding stock.• Angus Assocation Annual BanquetSATURDAY: Breakfast • Junior Assoc. Meeting: 9:00• Cattle available for viewing• Trade show ends • Sale starts at 1:00

Select Embryo PackagesDam: Elba 2048 of FAF AAA# 15141627 • Sire: BC 7022 Raven 7965 AAA #15034593Dam: EXAR Polk R317 AAA# 15142600 • Sire: SAV Pioneer 7301 AAA# 15688392Dam: GAR New Design 3029 AAA# 13397432 • Sire: Mr NLC Upgrad U8676 ASA# 2474388Dam: Hutchings Ms K Emulation 9606 AAA# 13410532 • Sire: BC Lookout 7024 AAA#14791623Dam: GRDDS Ms Dice 541 M ASA# 2185861 • Sire: Who Made WhoDam: HSF Baby Doll W959 ASA# 249685 • Sire SVF Steel Force S701 ASA# 2340262

Scharpe Yosemite 432AAA# 16975923

ND Edella 03N1AAA# 14662608

Black Magic ForeverLady 401

AAA# 17049732

Black Majic StyleAAA# 16959372


Ivers Danozo 610YAMGV1178718

Red Horse Ranch Arena • Fergus Falls, MNDirections to Red Horse: Take I-94 to exit 50 (I-94 West from Minneapolis

OR I-94 East from Fargo, ND). Then take Hwy. #59 North to Elizabeth,go 2.6 mi., turn right on Cty. Hwy. #10 East, go 5 mi. to RHRA on the left





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April 278:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.(Cattle Barn, Poultry Barn, Dairy Bldg.and CHS Building close at 7 p.m.)

April 288:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.(Cattle Barn, Poultry Barn, Dairy Bldg.and CHS Building close at 7 p.m.)

April 298:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Wheelchair rentals will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Wheelchair rental costs will be$20 (cash only) plus a deposit. A current valid drivers license with photo will be required to rent awheelchair for the day. Wheelchair rentals will be available in the Expo office.

PRCA RODEOApril 27, 7 p.m.April 28, 7 p.m.April 29, 3 p.m.

Note: Rodeo entry fee is in addition to daily Expo admission price

Box Seat: $10Reserved A: $8(Sections 1,2,3,13,14,15)

Reserved B: $6(Sections 16-28)

Reserved C: $4(Sections 4-12)

DAILY ADMISSIONAdults (13-61): $9Seniors (62+): $6Youth (6-12): $6

Child (5 and under): Free

Free Horse Expo parkingin State Fair parking lots

Page 11: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

EXPO, from pg. 9Tammy Whyte, the Great Lakes Cir-

cuit WPRA/PRCA Barrel Racing Cham-pion for the last six years, and BobJanssen, who specializes in cutting andcow horse disciplines, will offer coachingand advice at Expo. Cavallo EquestrianArts, directed by Olissio Zamperla Zoppeand his brothers, Gino and Ermes, willreturn to the Expo in 2012. This group isamong the last artists still performing inall equestrian specialty disciplines suchas bareback riding, Cossack riding, andliberty and will be performing all threedays of the Horse Expo.

The Kettle Morraine Rough RidersEquestrian Drill Team, whose membersrange from teenagers to grandparentsand have entertained at rodeos, exposand parades, and performed at competi-tions since 1995, will be a new additionto this year’s Minnesota Horse Expo.

Horse organizations and breedgroups offer information about activi-ties and membership from both tradeshow booths and Horse Barn stalls.Horse owners, trainers and breedersare eager to share their expertise withinterested Expo-goers and showcasetheir horses during the daily Parade ofBreeds at noon, the Breed Demonstra-tions and Stallion Presentations.

If you are interested in having yourbreed represented at the MinnesotaHorse Expo, contact Darrel Mead at(952) 356-2078 for details.

The Minnesota Horse Expo Tack andClothing Sale in the Dairy Building isopen to the public to consign any and allthings horse related prior to and duringthe Expo. The sale is managed by theMinnesota 4-H Horse Association andis this group’s major fund-raising eventwith proceeds going to help pay for thestate 4-H Horse Show, Winter Roundupand all the other 4-H Horse Projectevents. A 20 percent commission fee ischarged on all items sold at the TackSale. All items are tagged using specialtags provided to the consignors. Con-signors may get tags from Curt Baum-gart prior to the sale by calling (320)355-2142. In 2011 more than 1,200items were consigned by more than 300individuals. Look over your tack athome and bring it to the sale or visit thesale and find the tack you need.

PRCA Rodeos fill the Coliseum onApril 27 and April 28 evenings at 7p.m. with the April 29 matinee at 3p.m. Rodeo admission ranges from $4to $10 and is in addition to Expoadmission. Daily Expo admission is $9for ages 13-61; $6 for ages 6-12 and 62

and over. Expo gates open at 8:30 a.m.with ticket booths opening at 8 a.m.

The Minnesota Horse Expo is spon-sored by the Minnesota Horse Council.Please contact Glen Eaton, Minnesota

Horse Expo president, at (952) 356-2090 or log on to www.mnhorseexpo.orgfor more information. For MinnesotaHorse Council activities and news, logon to www.mnhorsecouncil.org. ❖

Horses showcased during daily noon Parade of Breeds

ANDERSON SEEDSof St. Peter, MN37825 Cty. Rd. 63 • (507) 246-5032

LanoEquipmentNorwood -

Young America, MN

Modern FarmEquipment

Sauk Centre, MN


Spring Valley, MN


Albert Lea, MN

A&CFarm ServicePaynesville, MN

MelroseImplementMelrose, MN


Vermillion, MN


Litchfield, MN


St. Cloud, MN

Smiths MillImplement

Janesville, MN


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 12: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

By KEVIN SCHULZThe Land Editor

As spring nears, that means theseason is nearing for horse shows,trail riding and heading to the racetrack.

With that in mind, there is one mainmessage to make sure it’s a healthyyear for your horse — if you think yourhorse may be ill, leave it at home.

“This is a big time of the year for

shows, where you’ll have a lot ofhorses congregating in one loca-tion,” said Julie Wilson, veteri-narian with Turner WilsonEquine Consulting LLC inStillwater, Minn. “Wheneveryou have that, there’s a goodchance for spread of dis-eases from horse tohorse.”

Travel to shows canbe stressful forhumans, but it canbe even morestressful forhorses. “It’s simi-lar to people get-ting ready for aflight on a jet,” Wil-son said.

That added stress,and the sometimes close contact withother horses and different horse han-dlers, can make for a prime breedingground for respiratory viruses andbacterial diseases.

One of the “best” ways to transfer arespiratory virus is through a horse’snose, either from horse nose to horsenose, or even as innocent as showattendees petting one horse’s nose andthen petting the nose of many others.

“Cold weather helps, but we thinkthe virus can live for a few days,” Wil-son said. “The strangles virus can live

for weeks.” Strangles is a virussimilar to strep throat in humans.There are vaccines for the viruses, but“they don’t always work, and the vac-cine for strangles does have sideaffects.”

Some viruses can also live on theequipment and corral panels andgates.

When taking your horse to a show,make sure that your horse’s vaccina-tions are up to date, and also be aware

Cover story:Don’t horse around with equine health

See HEALTH, pg. 13





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Page 13: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Following are biosecurity measuresto implement when horses are congre-gated at events.

• Minimize nose-to-nose contactbetween horses. Do not allow anotherhorse to sniff your horse’s nose “to getacquainted.”

• Do not share equipment for usewith other people’s horses. Alterna-tively, if any equipment is loaned, keepit away from your horses until it iscleaned with a detergent, rinsed andproperly disinfected.

• Do not use common water troughs.Bring your own water and feed buckets.

• Avoid common-use areas such astack stalls used to groom and tack mul-tiple horses. If these common areasmust be used, use cross ties instead oftying horses to a post, wall, or othernose-to-nose contact area.

• Halters, lead shanks and face-grooming towels should be used on oneanimal only and not shared betweenanimals.

• Wash your hands or use a 62 percentethyl alcohol hand gel before and afterhandling or riding other people’s horses.

• Early detection of disease is para-mount, especially contagious infec-tious diseases. Take horses’ tempera-tures twice daily (morning and night)during the event and for two weeksafter return to the stable.

• Quarantine horses when theyreturn to the barn or training facilityafter an event.

• Clean and disinfect horse trailersbefore they’re used by other horses.

These precautions do involve morework, more time and more awareness.However, it will help reduce the risk ofhorses being exposed to multiple viraland bacterial diseases while on the road.

This list was compiled by RobertaDwyer, University of Kentucky for theEquine Disease Quarterly Newsletter,and then reprinted in the March Uni-versity of Minnesota Horse ExtensionTeam Newsletter. ❖

Biosecurity during horse events

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ATVs and ROVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety always wear an approved helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing. Never engage in stunt driving; riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mixand could cause serious injury or even death. Avoid excessive speeds and be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Arctic Cat recommends that all riders read and understand their operator’s manualbefore operation. Along with concerned conservationists everywhere, Arctic Cat urges you to “Tread Lightly” on public and private lands. Ride only on designated areas or trails. Preserve your futureriding opportunities by showing respect for the environment, local laws, and the rights of others when riding. Do not shoot from or lean firearms or bows against the ATV or ROV. Never carry a passengeron a single-rider ATV. Only ride an ATV that is right for your age. Supervise riders younger than 16. ATVs are only recommended for users over 12 years old. Arctic Cat recommends that all riderstake a training course. For safety or training information in the U.S., call the ATV Safety Institute at (800) 887-2827. In Canada, call the Canada Safety Council at (613) 739-1535 or see your dealer.



124 East CommercialLitchfield, MN

Litchfield Building Center can assist you with all your farm building needs.Contact us for early spring or summer scheduling.

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•• ••

HEALTH, from pg. 12of the biosecurity measures in place foreach particular show.

Darrell Mead, first vice president ofthe Minnesota Horse Council and barnmanager and secu-rity manager withthe MinnesotaHorse Expo, saidthe MinnesotaHorse Expo islicensed by theMinnesota Boardof Animal Health,and thus is held tostrict guidelines.

“We have a Minnesota State Fairauthorized veterinarian on hand at alltimes,” Mead said. Each horse thatcomes in to the Expo has to have a Cog-gins test certificate, and horses comingfrom outside of Minnesota need to havefull health certificates. The Cogginstest checks for equine infectious ane-mia, a viral disease.

In addition to checking healthpapers, the veterinarian checks eachhorse upon check-in for visible health,

and “we do have a quarantine area incase we need. ... we’ve never had anoutbreak at Minnesota Horse Expo,”said Mead who has been with Exposince 1992.

“One advantageis that we’re thefirst horse show ofthe spring here,” hesaid. “So every-thing has beenfroze out, and thebarns and every-thing have beenthoroughly cleanedand sterilized.”

Wilson recommends that new horseowners truly learn their horse insideand out, so they know what to look forto determine their horse’s health.

Resources“What to Expect When Owning a

Horse” brochure from the AmericanAssociation of Equine Practitioners,www.aaep.org

UnWanted Horse Coalition: “OwnResponsibly” tab on www.unwanted-horsecoalition.org ❖

Every horse must haveCoggins test certificate

We have a MinnesotaState Fair authorizedveterinarian on hand atall times.

— Darrell Mead


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Page 14: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

This column was writtenfor the marketing week end-ing March 9.

Cash block cheese closedmid March at $1.5825 perpound, up 9 cents on theweek, the third week in a rowfor a gain, but still 10.25cents below a year ago whenthey plummeted 33 cents, to$1.6850, and barrels plunged26.50, to $1.70. The barrelsalso closed Friday at $1.5825,up 8 cents on the week, and11.75 cents below a year ago.

The gains came on bids; no cheese wassold in the cash market this week.Theblocks have been trading below the bar-rels from time to time the past few weeks.Why is that noteworthy? The March 15Daily Dairy Report reminds us that “Mar-gins for block manufacturers are squeezedwhen the barrel price exceeds the blockprice.”The National Agricultural Statis-tics Service-surveyed block price inchedup a half-cent, to $1.4926.The barrelsaveraged $1.5146, up 0.8 cent.

FC Stone dairy economist Bill Brookswrote in the March 16 e-Dairy MorningExecutive Edition: “There is concernabout where milk and dairy productsupplies will be later this year andsome buying is likely occurring for thesummer grilling season.”

In some heavy trading, cash butterclosed Friday at $1.5150, up 6.5 cents onthe week, but 55.5 cents below a yearago. Twenty-six cars were sold. NASSbutter averaged $1.4150, down 0.8 cent.NASS nonfat dry milk averaged $1.3410,down 2.3 cents, but whey reversed sixweeks of decline and regained 1.3 cents,climbing back to 61.93 cents per pound.

“Unlike the cheese market, buyers ofbutter have found the price level at whichsellers are willing to let go of product,” saidBrooks. “There are concerns about futuremilk supplies and warm weather could bepulling milkfat into ice cream and otherClass II products.” Brooks added the warn-ing: “There is no shortage of milkfat.”

Looking “back to thefutures;” the average ClassIII milk price for the firstsix months of 2012 stood at$16.35 per hundredweighton Feb. 3, (after factoring inthe announced January andFebruary Class III milkprices) $16.19 on Feb. 10,$16.08 on Feb. 17, $15.69 onFeb. 24, $15.65 on March 2,$15.77 on March 9, and washovering around $16.04 latemorning March 16.

California’s April Class I milk price wasannounced by the California Departmentof Food and Agriculture at $17.21/cwt. forthe north and $17.48 for the south. Bothare down 39 cents from March and $4.45below April 2011. The northern price2012 average now stands at $18.30, downfrom $18.56 a year ago at this time and$16.37 in 2010. The southern price aver-age is $18.57, down from $18.83 a yearago and $16.65 in 2010. The Federalorder Class I base price is announced byUSDA on March 23.

Milk cow estimates were raised againin the Ag Department’s latest Live-stock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook,although herd size contraction is stillexpected later in 2012. Milk per cowwas also raised above earlier forecasts.

Feed prices are expected to be higherduring 2012 than last year. The cornprice is expected to average $5.90-$6.50per bushel for the 2011-12 crop year, anincrease from the $5.18 average in 2010-11. Soybean meal is forecast higher thanin February at $310-$340 per ton, butlower than the $346 in 2010-11.

The increase in the soybean meal priceforecast this month is due to reduced sup-plies from South America. The higherfeed prices expected this year will con-tinue to pressure the milk-feed priceratio. The preliminary February milk-feedprice ratio was 1.58, well below 2.01posted in February 2011. This producerprofitability indicator is unlikely toimprove as the effect of higher feed priceswill be exacerbated by forecast lower milk

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Milker's MessageTHE LANDTHE LANDfrom

MARCH 23, 2012TH




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Concern over where milk, dairy product supplies will be


By Lee Mielke

See MIELKE, pg. 15

Page 15: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

MIELKE, from pg. 14and dairy product prices this year.

Prices for replacement heifers whichwill enter the herd during 2012 and intomid-2013 were also above expectations,suggesting that there is demand for dairyreplacements and further expansion.

February’s forecast cow numberswere increased to 9.2 million head forthe year and production per cow wasraised to 21.7 million pounds. Most ofthe gain in cow numbers is expected tocome in the first half of 2012. The rela-tively mild winter in most of theUnited States is ideal for production,boosting yield per cow in the first halfof 2012. However, weaker producerreturns are expected to lead to herdcontraction and lower milk per cow inthe second half of the year, said USDA.

Milk production remains heavy in theSouthwest, according to USDA’s weeklyupdate. California and New Mexico pro-cessing plants are working on extendedschedules to handle the milk as condi-tions are favorable for milk cows.

Pacific Northwest milk output is wellabove a year ago. Milk and condensedproduct is being moved around theregion to accommodate ongoing repairsat a drying facility in Lynden, Wash.There are more concerns about highfeed prices and future milk price pro-jections, according to USDA.

Milk production is increasing in Cen-tral region. Surplus milk supplies arebeing discounted at up to $4/cwt. underClass prices. Bottled milk needs arevariable with some snow-relatedstorms closing schools. Northeast milkoutput is increasing. Florida and otherSoutheastern states are also seeingmilk output rise. Auxiliary plant capac-ity continues to be utilized to balancethe milk supplies. Pastures are benefit-ing from rains, according to USDA.

USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Servicereports that January exports of cheeseand dry whey were up from a year ago.

Exports of nonfat dry milk and skimmilk powder fell just behind prior yearlevels, while exports of butter/milkfatand whey protein concentrate werenotably lower than a year ago, accord-ing to the Chicago MercantileExchange’s Daily Dairy Report.

Cheddar cheese exports increased 27percent, or 2.4 million pounds, to 10.8million in January versus a year ago.The DDR said “This stellar gain is due,in part, to the continual growth in Ched-

dar cheese exports to our neighbor, Mex-ico.” Cheddar exports to Mexico totaled2.3 million pounds, up over 560 percentfrom a year ago. Mexico accounted forover 21 percent of U.S. Cheddar exportsduring January, according to the DDR.

Speaking of exports; CooperativesWorking Together accepted 15 requestsfor export assistance from Dairy Farm-ers of America, Darigold, Maryland &Virginia Milk Producers Cooperativeand United Dairymen of Arizona to sella total of 1.7 million pounds of Cheddarand Monterey Jack cheese and 827,000pounds of butter to customers in Asia,the Middle East and Africa.

The product will be delivered throughAugust 2012 and pushed CWT’s 2012cheese exports to 30.4 million poundsand butter to 28.8 million to 18 countries.On a butterfat basis, the milk equivalentof these exports is 876 million pounds orthe annual production of approximately42,570 cows, according to CWT analysis.

In dairy politics; a group of SouthDakota dairy manufacturers are oppos-ing the supply management provisionincluded in legislation expected to beincluded in the draft farm bill, accord-ing to a press release from the Interna-tional Dairy Foods Association.

The group included the presidents andCEOs of four large dairy companies;Saputo Cheese USA, Inc., Lake NordenFood Ingredient Company (DaviscoFoods International, Inc.), Valley QueenCheese Factory, Inc., and Bel BrandsUSA, and expressed concern to SenatorJohn Thune, R-S.D., pointing to the grow-ing dairy industry in South Dakota, andcalled it “alarming that Congress wouldconsider legislation that would limit milkproduction, increase regulation and allowgovernment interference in free mar-kets,” according to the release.

Thune sits on the Senate Committee onAgriculture, Nutrition and Forestry,which will consider the legislation aspart of the proposed “Dairy Security Act,”expected to be included in the farm bill.

“The dairy industry in South Dakotahas been growing tremendously inrecent years,” the dairy leaders wrote.“Our investments in dairy manufactur-ing plants in the state bring new jobsas well as increased demand for milkfrom dairy farmers. In fact, we havebeen working with Governor Daugaardin his efforts to bring new milk produc-tion to our state in order to keep upwith the growth in our operations.”

“It’s also important to note that theopportunity for dairy expansion into

global markets is terrific for our industry,”the dairy leaders added. “Just a decadeago, our nation was a net importer ofdairy products. Now, we export the equiv-alent of 15 percent of the milk producedby our nation’s dairy farmers.” Theycalled on Thune to oppose “this approachfor the dairy industry and our nation.”

Meanwhile; The National Milk Pro-ducers Federation’s Board of Directorssupported a resolution urging Congress

to pass a farm bill in 2012 that con-tains “an improved safety net for farm-ers in the form of the Dairy SecurityAct.” A press release said the Boarddoes not support any extension of cur-rent farm programs and “delay the cre-ation of a better dairy program.”

Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnistwho resides in Everson, Wash. Hisweekly column is featured in newspa-pers across the country and he may bereached at [email protected]. ❖

South Dakota groups oppose dairy provision

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Page 16: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

BouMatic, global dairy equipment and chemicalmanufacturer, recently introduced its HiFlo Evolu-tion pulsator, making it the newest addition to a longline of legendary pulsators developed by the company.

“Pulsators are the beating heart of any dairy opera-tion and BouMatic’s legendary HiFlo pulsator hasfilled that very special place on thousands of dairyoperations across the world for many years,” saidDennie Plomedahl, BouMatic brand manager. “TheHiFlo could only be replaced by BouMatic’s newHiFlo Evolution.”

“Recently we retrofit a 2-by-16 parlor with the newHiFlo Evolution pulsator and it took only two hoursfor two men to complete the job, while milking wasunder way,” said Matt Leonard, BouMatic dealer ofArgall Dairy Systems at Belleville, Wis. “With no stallcock and an excellent wiring harness, installationtime was cut in half, maybe more. The dairy operatorloves the ease of maintenance and added safety of hisnew pulsators.”

BouMatic dealer, Kevin Bartsh of Dairyland Equip-ment, Bloomer, Wis. said, “we installed the HiFlo Evo-lution in 2-by-20 and 2-by-30 parlors with amazingease. The 2-by-20 took us just three hours includingwiring and graphing. The 2-by-30 parlor took only twohours.

“It’s my opinion the wiring harness is the best thingBouMatic ever did for pulsation. It makes the instal-lation quick, easy and most important, correct everytime. Our customers are very pleased they made themove to the HiFlo Evolution.”

Another BouMatic dealer, John Seehafer of SeehaferRefrigeration at Marshfield, Wis., said, “we installed 16HiFlo Evolution pulsators recently and it took just 45minutes from start to finish on a new parlor.”

The dairy industry’s first viable commercial pul-sator was developed by BouMatic in 1939 andchanged the business of dairying forever,” Plomedahlsaid. “Lawrence Bouma was the genius behind ourfirst pulsator and it immediately developed into abusiness he called BouMatic. The rest is history.”

The performance advantage of the HiFlo Evolutionis found in its low-cost service requirement, easyinstallation and rugged durability. Periodic servicecan be performed in about one minute compared tomore complex pulsators on the market today and theHiFlo Evolution can quickly and seamlessly retrofitinto virtually any brand of existing milking parlor.The HiFlo Evolution pulsator boasts a simple, robustdesign requiring only eight different parts. It is man-ufactured in the United States. with the highest qual-ity materials and components and requires no tools orspecial handling for its service and maintenance.

BouMatic is a leader in the development of innova-tive products for dairy operators throughout the worldranging from cow traffic systems, milk harvest equip-ment, automation and management systems, milkcooling systems, dairy hygiene and sanitation tech-nologies. For more information, log on towww.boumatic.com. ❖

BouMatic unveilsnew pulsator

MarzolfImplementSpring Valley, MN

A&CFarm Service

Paynesville, MN

JudsonImplementLake Crystal, MN

NorthlandFarm Systems

Owatonna, MN

United Farmers CoopLafayette, MN

ArnoldsKimball, St. Martin, Willmar





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Page 17: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Polka Town Market HogShowMarch 24Brown County FairgroundsYouth Coliseum, New Ulm,Minn.Info: Market hog weigh-in,8:30-10:30 a.m., judging con-test for 4-H, FFA and thegeneral public, 11 a.m.-12:30p.m., show begins at 1 p.m.;contact Dan Hacker, (507)227-1077 or [email protected]

Horticulture Education DayMarch 24, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.St. John’s University PeterEngel Science Building, Col-legeville, Minn.Info: $30/person; register byMarch 16 by calling (320)255-6169 or (800) 450-6171 orlog on to www.extension.umn.edu/county/stearns under“Hot Topics” or www1.extension.umn.edu/master-gardener/classes-and-eventsand click on “HorticultureDays”

Fundamentals of CompostingMarch 26, 7 p.m.Benton County CourthouseCommissioners Board Room,Foley, Minn.Info: Contact Stearns CountyExtension Office, (320) 255-6169

Southern MinnesotaOrganic Crops DayMarch 27, 3 p.m.Steele County CommunityCenter, Owatonna, Minn.Info: $15/person; registrationstarts at 2:30 p.m.; organicsupper will be served; call(507) 444-7685 for moreinformation

What’s Under the Hide?Educational SeminarMarch 29Wulf Limousin, Morris, Minn.Info: Wulf Limousin presentsthis seminar as part of theirannual sale weekend; willfocus on carcass specifica-tions and pre-harvest man-agement; contact RhondaWulf, (320) 491-1746

Minnesota Beef ShowcaseSale and AgribitionMarch 29-31Red Horse Ranch Arena, Fer-gus Falls, Minn.Info: Contact James Scharpe,[email protected] or(507) 380-3431

Farm Transition & EstatePlanning: Create YourFarm LegacyMarch 30

Initiative Foundation, LittleFalls, Minn.Info: Sponsored by Woltjer &Associates in cooperationwith University of MinnesotaExtension; $25/person, spaceis limited; contact CraigRoerick, (320) 255-6169 orthe Little Falls Extensionoffice, (320) 632-0161, byMarch 27

Classes Without QuizzesMarch 31, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.University of MinnesotaMcNeal Hall, St. PaulInfo: $30/person, with dis-counts for U of M AlumniAssociation members andstudents; a $10 optionallunch follows; log on tohttp://z.umn.edu/cwq

McLeod County MasterGardener HorticulturalDayMarch 31, 8:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.Best Western Victorian Inn &Conference Center, Hutchin-son, Minn.Info: On-site registration 8-8:45 a.m.; $20/person byMarch 16, $25 after that;advanced registration dueMarch 23; log on tohttp://z.umn.edu/6eq or con-tact the McLeod CountyExtension Office, (320) 484-4334, [email protected] or [email protected]

Bioenergy from PerennialsApril 2, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.Knights of Columbus, Fair-mont, Minn.Info: Fourth in a series ofThird Crop Producer meet-ings; no cost, lunch on yourown; contact Jill Sackett,(507) 238-5449 [email protected]; log on towww.ruraladvantage.org

14th Annual Women’sAgricultural LeadershipConference — Agriculture2012: Changing the Faceof AgricultureApril 11, 8:45 a.m.-3:50 p.m.Minnesota LandscapeArboretum, Chaska, Minn.Info: Log on to www.womensagleadership.org or call DorisMold, (612) 414-7574

Minnesota Farmers UnionSpring MeetingApril 11, 9 a.m.Lazy Bear Grill & Pizza, Bar-num, Minn.Info: Call (651) 639-1223 or(800) 969-3380

Quality Assurance TrainingApril 11

Southern Research and Out-reach Center, Waseca, Minn.Info: Pork Quality Assurance,10 a.m.-Noon; TransportQuality Assurance, 1-3:30p.m.; registration requestedto [email protected] or(800) 537-7675 or log on towww.mnpork.com

Minnesota Farmers UnionSpring MeetingApril 11, 1:30 p.m.Royal Cafe, Little Falls, Minn.Info: Call (651) 639-1223 or(800) 969-3380

Gardening Knowledge forFreeApril 11, 7 p.m.McLeod County FairgroundsMeeting Room, Hutchinson,Minn.Info: Contact McLeod CountyExtension Office, (320) 484-4334 or [email protected] a flyer or more informa-tion

Minnesota Farmers UnionSpring MeetingApril 12, 9 a.m.Irishman’s Shanty, Crook-ston, Minn.Info: Call (651) 639-1223 or(800) 969-3380

Minnesota Farmers UnionSpring MeetingApril 12, 1:30 p.m.Kountry Kitchen, DetroitLakes, Minn.Info: Call (651) 639-1223 or(800) 969-3380

Minnesota Alpaca ExpoApril 14-15Four Seasons Centre, Owa-tonna, Minn.Info: Log on to www.minnesotaalpaca.com or call(651) 583-2915 or [email protected]

Women Connected ConferenceApril 14-16Stoney Creek Lodge, St.Joseph, Mo.Info: Limited to 20 women,apply online atwww.angusauxiliary.com byMarch 1

32nd Annual Heritage HillSpring Swap MeetApril 20-21Montevideo, Minn.Info: Presented by the Min-nesota Valley Antique FarmPower & Machinery Associa-tion; log on to www.heritagehill.us

Quality Assurance TrainingApril 25

Wells Fargo Bank Building,Fergus Falls, Minn.Info: Pork Quality Assurance,10 a.m.-Noon; TransportQuality Assurance, 1-3:30p.m.; registration requested

to [email protected] or(800) 537-7675 or log on towww.mnpork.com

Heating the Midwest 2012Conference & Expo

April 25-27Ramada Convention Center,Eau Claire, Wis.Info: Log on to www.heatingthemidwest.org/conference-info

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Page 18: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

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Page 19: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

By DICK HAGENThe Land Staff Writer

According to Mark Schultz of NorthStar Commodity, the European debtcrisis lessens financial confidencearound the world, and he predicts itwill be around for “a long time.”

The $15 trillion U.S. debt only addsto the financial gloom. By 2020 U.S.debt could be roughly $23 trillion. Buthe said that according to White House“insiders” if we do 5 percent annualgrowth of GDP we will have moregrowth than we will have debt.

“That’s all great in theory,” Schultzsaid, but the reality more likely is the3 percent growth which has beenAmerica’s pace the past three years.

His charts projected additional newdebt each year of about $1.65 trillion.“Even if budget cuts are doubled, weface an incredible obstacle that likelywill take years to resolve. Instead weapparently are attempting to spend ourway out of debt, and history tells us thatis very difficult to achieve,” Schultz said.

Nonetheless, he’s fairly bullish oninvestments in the U.S. stock market.His next target on the Dow Jones is14,500. In fact, he mentioned an out-side possibility of the Dow reaching17,000 within the next year. If it dropsbelow 10,500 then significant prob-lems are inevitable.

“However if the U.S. and world econ-omy continues to march even a littlebit stronger, the demand for your farmproducts gets stronger. A growingeconomy is the catalyst that buildsthis demand-driven market that feedsthe world,” Schultz said.

On crop outlook, he mentioned theSouth American corn crop got into aDecember and January dry pattern

which he thinks hurt their cropenough to take 400 million bushels offthe total South American crop. That’s apositive for U.S. corn producers.

He thinks even minor weatherscares could take the corn market upsharply higher, like $7 or more. Henoted that Chinese farmers haveincreased their corn production threeconsecutive years and, if weather coop-erates, China could see a 300-million-bushel increase for 2012.

“The other obstacle for grain produc-ers is that everyone who uses yourproduct has flattened out theirdemand. There’s no expansion in live-stock, no new ethanol plants beingbuilt, so the only real bright spot iscontinuing growth in corn exports. Butthat, too, depends heavily on the econ-omy of China and a few other Asiancountries,” Schultz said.

Reflecting on the four “golden years”of ag prosperity, he said it could con-tinue but at a slower pace. Depletedsoil moisture in much of the UpperMidwest is the risk factor for the 2012crop year. He’s hoping that the worst ofweather challenges are behind us. “Ifweather stabilizes, then I think mar-kets stabilize, maybe even turn upsome. The opportunity is still there for

another good year,” he said.He cautions about pricing the 2012

crop, like no more than 40 percent onthe corn, 30 percent on the beans.Schultz said the fundamentals lookweak currently but not so when youlook at the charts. The world’s growingpopulation keeps agriculture in thedriver’s seat regardless.

He doubts the dry trend will moveacres out of corn and into soybeans. Hislogic being that if farmers are plantingearly this year which likely will happenbased on weather patterns, then cornacres will stay corn acres simplybecause early planting should mean thecorn crop is that much farther advancedwhen the late-July and August hotter,drier weather will likely happen.

In fact under this scenario he sug-gested there could be even more cornacres at the expense of soybeans.

Ethanol margins are getting dicey,Schultz said, and could get tougher

since gas consumption is down inAmerica and current ethanol-gasolineblending is only to meet the mandated10 percent level in most markets.Approval of E85 could be a significantboost for ethanol usage however theissue now seems to be hung up in fur-ther Environmental Protection Agencyregulations. The ongoing increase ingas prices perhaps is mostly becausefour major Gulf Coast refineries areslowed due to construction upgrades.

“Perhaps this reversal of fortunes isgreat for a few folks. With 3 1/2 per-cent to 4 percent interest on 30-yearloans, it’s now often cheaper to buyhousing than rent,” Schultz said.

He said that the popularity of theU.S. Congress is now at only 9 per-cent. “That’s barely above the rankingof Fidel Castro,” Schultz quipped.

Schultz was one of the speakers atthe recent ag outlook meetings hostedaround Minnesota by the Linder FarmNetwork. ❖

Schultz: America’s $15 trillion debt casts huge shadows

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... the only real brightspot is continuinggrowth in corn exports.But that, too, dependsheavily on the economyof China and a fewother Asian countries.

— Mark Schultz

Page 20: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

By DICK HAGENThe Land Staff Writer

There’s little doubt steak is the ongoing legacy atJax Café on University Avenue in Minneapolis.

“Serving steaks, not trends” is the slogan of theirmarketing marquee. Now into its 78th year, BillKozlak Jr. follows in his father and grandfather’s

footsteps by preserving the rich traditions of JaxCafé. A copy of the 1933 menu had steaks priced at50 cents. Executive Chef Bob Foster, now into hisseventh year at Jax Café, has more than 30 years ofcooking experience.

How does a veteran like Foster judge meat quality?“Ultimately it’s the color, the marbling, even the

firmness of the meat. Certified Black Angus beef isvirtually the only beef served here. Occasionally weuse some select and choice grades depending uponspecials being offered.”

Occasionally a customer asks for grass-fed beef butFoster said that’s seldom. He believes in naturalfeedstuffs but he credits the success of beef in theAmerican diet to the quality genetics and nutritionprograms of American cattle producers.

It is that appreciation and dedication to cattle pro-ducers that earned Jax Café the Minnesota BeefBacker Award from the Minnesota Beef Council.

“We really appreciate what our cattlemen havedone to keep the quality of American beef at such ahigh standard,” Foster said. “We’re continuallyreceiving compliments from our customers on thetenderness, the taste and the overall flavor and qual-ity of our steaks. That praise should go directly toour ranchers and cattle feeders because that’s whereit all really originates from.”

Deserving some credit for that delicious flavor of aJax steak is a special seasoning made exclusively forthis restaurant. Two of his tips for tasty steaks includeseasoning well and letting meat come up to tempera-ture before putting in a 600-degree-Fahrenheit oven orover a hot grill. “Taking it directly from the freezer justsimply slows the entire cooking process, plus you losemuch of the moisture, some of the mineral content,there’s even some loss of vitamins.”

Foster works with both “aged” beef and fresh cutsbut indicated there’s a tint of “gaminess” in aged beef.“Aging beef in itself is a real art,” he said, “and unlessyou’re committed to doing that on all your beef, it’s notan endeavor I’m willing to get into. I love going out toplaces that have aged beef. I’ve done that in Chicago,New York, New Orleans. But for me in this industryit’s better to stay with cryovac processed beef.”

Interestingly this award-winning chef said peopleare becoming less afraid of fat. He chuckled, “We as aspecies didn’t start evolving until we started eatingmeat. You simply need some fat in your diet to keep

Beef Backer Award

Jax Café follows steak legacy to beef council honor

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See JAX, pg. 21

Page 21: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land


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ARCH23, 2012




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JAX, from pg. 20you healthy, happy and whole. Fat isflavor. We in food preparation knowthat. Don’t be afraid of fat but likemost things, moderation is best.”

He says 1 1/2-inchcuts are best for rib eyesteaks. With an 8-ouncefilet mignon he goeswith a slightly thinnercut. The most popularsteak at Jax Café is“filet mignon by a hugemargin,” Foster said.

“We’re honored topresent this award to a restaurantwith such a rich history as Jax Café.We know diners at this place leavewith a good feeling about the quality ofMinnesota beef,” said John Moon, Min-nesota Beef Council chairman.

Two additional winners in the 2012Beef Backer Awards are McDonald’sMeats in the Independent RetailerCategory, and Nash Finch, in the Mid-Size Retailer Category.

McDonald’s Meats is a family-ownedretail meat and butcher shop with a97-year history in Clear Lake, Minn.They provide local farmers a way toprivate label their beef and bring themto a wide audience through reselling atco-ops and farmers markets.

Nash Finch, based in Edina, Minn.,

has been a leader in promoting beef attheir corporate stores as well as inde-pendent stores they service. They havelaunched several new beef productsincluding Angus Pride, the Quick-fire

Ribeye Sandwich, sea-soned ground beefslider patties and anew Heartland Steak.

Today an 8-ounceCertified Black Angusfilet mignon at JaxCafé is priced at$21.95 with includes achoice of three differ-ent kinds of potatoes,

salad bowl, toast and beverage. A1970’s menu had “steak dinners” pricedas follows: Club Steak, $1.65; SirloinSteak, $1.75; “T” Bone Steak, $2;Porterhouse Steak, $2.50; and Ham-burger Steak, 90 cents. Beverages werea bit cheaper, too: 30 cents for a glass ofwine, 20 cents for a beer and JohnnyWalker Black Label at 60 cents.

Jax was presented their award in aJan. 12 presentation emceed by TomRothman, Minnesota Farm Networkfarm director.

Beef Backer award restaurants show-case their outstanding creativity andleadership in several areas includinginnovative beef menu applications, uti-lization of new beef cuts, wait staff beeftraining and effective beef promotion. ❖

McDonald’s Meats, NashFinch also recognized

Bill Kozlak Jr. Bob Foster

By DICK HAGENThe Land Staff Writer

Mark Malacek, a Redwood Falls,Minn.,-area cattleman and board mem-ber of the Minnesota Beef Council, isappreciative of the special efforts ofJax Café to be continually sourcing thehighest-quality beef.

Malacek is doing something specialto make his beef even more appealing.He’s adding Vitamin E into his finish-ing ration 50 days prior to slaughter aspart of a special program by PM Beefat Windom, Minn., to build more “eyeappeal” of select beef in retail counters.

“The beef retains more of the rednesscolor in the meat. And this adds to con-sumer eye appeal,” Malacek said. Hesources vitamin E through the Wor-thington (Minn.) Vet Clinic. PM Beefoffers a premium price to cattle pro-ducers getting into this program.

For Malacek, this program also pro-vides a comfort level that he enjoyswith his PM Beef buyer. Malacek feeds

only black Angus feeders purchasedthrough the Lamberton stockyardsfrom the same Montana source for thepast seven to eight years.

Reflecting back 20 years when hefirst started in the business, he saidfeeder calves were mostly in that 500-to 600-pound bracket.

“Last year I had four groups of calvestrucked in and they were all over 700pounds. Calves are getting biggerframed; the genetics have improvedsubstantially. We start feeding usuallyin late October. My goal is a 1,325-pound pay weight delivered to PM Beefin April-May and it’s achievable.”

He credits wet mash (about 50 per-cent moisture) from the ethanol plantat Atwater, Minn., as a major improve-ment in this feeding program. “Lastsummer during that hot July stretch,this wet DDG feed kept the palatabil-ity of our ration so that cattle came tothe feed bunk every day even duringthat stretch of 100-degree temps.”

Cattleman credits Vitamin E, DDGs

Page 22: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

By KEVIN SCHULZThe Land Editor

Farmland, both sales and cash rent,has been on a wild ride, and FarrylKluis sees “no real reason for it.”

Kluis is with Hoysler Real EstateService at Faribault, Minn., and is amember of the Minnesota chapter ofthe American Societyof Farm Managersand Rural Appraisers.

Every year theorganization issuestwo reports on thefarmland sales andcash rent environ-ment in Minnesota.Both reports provedwhat everyone hasbeen seeing across theMidwest — high landvalues and high cashrents.

Leon Carlson, withUpper Midwest Management Corp. atOlivia, Minn., said the findings of thereports weren’t surprising to himselfor his fellow ASFMRA members.

“We work with this every day, so weexpected to see these results,” he said,“but if you’re not dealing with this ona daily basis you may be surprised bywhat values are doing.”

About 90 ASFMRA members partic-ipated in one of the surveys, and 33percent of the respondents said that

low-quality farmland sold in the$3,000 to $3,499 per acre range. Anequal number (33 percent) said thatmedium-quality farmland sold forbetween $3,000 to $3,499 and $4,500-$5,999 per acre.

The same report showed 56 percentof respondents saying high-quality

land sold for $6,000 to$7,999.

Carlson and Kluishave been preparingtheir reports for thelast 10 to 15 years, andthough they weren’tsurprised by this year’sfindings, they bothadmit to being inuncharted territory thisyear.

“The last couple ofyears have been moreerratic than in thepast,” Carlson said,

“and it has really been that way in thelast six months.

“We see land that shouldn’t sell for$4,000, then at a sale the next day itsells for $6,000. Then a couple ofweeks later a similar piece of groundwill sell for $3,200.”

Kluis rationalized that the reasonyou see such scenarios play out is that“the people who had the money, ranout of money.”

Kluis said land appraisal is not a

science, but rather an art. “In theaccounting world if you have two plustwo, you get four. But in the appraisalworld, if you have two and two, youget somewhere between three andfive.”

Both Kluis and Carlson agreed thatfarmers are willing to pay more forgood quality land, rather than payingfor lower quality land. “You’re alsoseeing people willing to travel a littlefurther for that better quality land,rather than buying some lesser landonly because it’s close to land youalready run,” Kluis said.

In addition to giving appraisers,farm managers and consultants asnapshot of the land value environ-ment, these studies also help them infielding calls from absentee landlords.

“We’ll get a call from someone inCalifornia wondering what the cashrent in a certain county is going for,because they are getting paid thisamount. … We can then ask themmore specifics about their land andhelp them get to a fairer askingprice,” Kluis said. “Of course, everylandlord has the best land out there.”

Carlson’s report compiled resultsfrom a select 10 ASFMRA membersfor activity in their specific area ofMinnesota. Each of the 10 respon-dents offered the low, medium andhigh for their region in each of these

categories: corn yield, cash rent, ratiodollars per bushel and estimatedvalue.

That report gives a geographic sliceof the land environment across thestate. High-quality farmland in thenorthwestern part of Minnesotabrought $180 cash rent an acre andvalue of $3,600 per acre, while a num-ber of regions across the state showedcash rents at $350 or more per acre.The southwest region had two landsales last fall that broke the $12,000per acre barrier.

Ward Nefstead, University of Min-nesota professor of applied economics,issued a press release with the reports’findings. In that he stated that 67 per-cent of respondents indicated thelength of cash rental contracts werepredominately one-year, and less than5 percent of the land rental contractswere of the flex-rent variety.

Kluis’ survey covered a lot morethan just the values of land sales andcash rents. It also covered croppingplans, average size tract of farmlandsold, reason for sellers selling land,among other factors.

Those wishing to get a copy of thereports should contact Kluis [email protected] or Carlson [email protected]. ❖

The last coupleof years havebeen moreerratic than inthe past, and ithas really beenthat way in thelast six months.

— Leon Carlson





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Reports: Farmland prices riding a wild flourish

Page 23: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

The books are now closedon the 2011-12 chapter ofIowa high school wrestling.

For wrestlers and theirfamilies, the season ends alltoo quickly — having experi-enced some high highs, andsome low lows in those time-consuming, day-long tourna-ments every Saturday. Andin the same token, thoseinvolved in the Iowa statewrestling tournament enterWells Fargo Arena in DesMoines with their singlet and gear, andthe dream of standing on the podium— hoping they’ve worked hard enoughto be a champion.

For all wrestlers, each season holdsthe hope of improvement. Somewrestlers’ seasons will end after thesectional meet, and for seniors who did-n’t make the cut, their career will endthat day. The same is true for the dis-trict meet, from which the top two win-ners advance to the state tournament.

Emotions run high at that meet — somuch is riding on what happens there.Some realize the coveted dream ofstate competition, for which they havepaid dearly in sweat equity alone; andseniors who come up short walk off ofthe mat realizing that their wrestlingcareer is over, and wondering whatcould have been. That final match isbittersweet, no matter where it takesplace.

Wrestling, to many, is just anothersport — unless you are a wrestler, orhave given birth to one. For the teamsport that it is, it’s so uniquely individ-ual as well; when you win, you take thecredit — not someone else on the team.And in the same sense, when you lose,it’s all about you and figuring out whatyou did wrong, and working to improveyourself as part of the team. No oneelse gets the blame. The lessons in per-sonal accountability alone are invalu-able.

For farm kids, wrestling is a naturalsport. They train all year long withouteven entering the weight room. Duringthe summer there is hay to bale. In thefall, there is the crop to get out —they’re climbing up and down off oftractors, semi trucks and combines forsix weeks or more, working long hours,and in all kinds of weather.

During the winter, there are animalswho depend on them to be fed andcared for — thus, you’ll see farm kidscarrying four hay bales or four full feedpails at a time across the yard to wherethe animals are, lifting them over

fences to get them fed. Thereis manure to be pitched,

lambs and calves to be pulled, hogs toload, dual tractor tires to wrestle withand mount, and more. Training onmany different levels takes place allyear long for Iowa farm kids who dareto wrestle.

There are so many great stories thatcome out of high school wrestling. Oneof my favorite transformations is theone that takes places as wrestlers fromaround our county gather in DesMoines for “the big one.” At that time,wrestlers who were opponents duringthe regular season now cheer eachother on.

But not everyone wins. And thoselosses are tough to take — becausethose losses are theirs alone. This yearas one of our local wrestlers lost out onhis dream at the district meet, heended up later in the arms of his olderbrother — who had also experiencedthat same reality during his senioryear — and cried bittersweet tears ofdisappointment, leaning on someonewho understood how painful that kindof loss felt. For him, there will be nextyear. But for another wrestler on ourteam, the story was much different.

A senior, and one who had been atthe state tournament twice before, helost out on his dream by one heart-breaking point, and understood thathis wrestling career was over that day.He placed third; but only the top twotake their gear to Des Moines. He sawhis long-time friend and classmate takethe title in another weight bracket thatsame day, and advance.

As he worked though those next fewemotional days, the unexpected hap-pened. The day before the state tourna-ment, a call came from the coach whosewrestler had beaten him out. Hiswrestler had a skin condition that ren-dered him ineligible to wrestle, and soour guy — who was 11 pounds over-weight by then — got a second chanceat his dream. And he took it and ranwith it — literally — running andsweating those pounds off, and taking

his dream for the final time to WellsFargo.

Topping off the dream, this youngman ended up on the medals podiumfor the first time in his career. To thinkhe came as close to missing out on thisexperience by one point. The wrestlerwith the skin condition will never for-get the sorrow of missing out on thestate tournament, and our guy willnever forget getting this second chanceat a dream he had since the first grade.

For him, a chance atwrestling in the state tour-nament his senior yearchanged from somethingthat quietly slipped awayfrom him, to somethingthat will be forever etchedin his memory.

Wrestlers, their coaches,their families and their fansare amazing people. And I’mso grateful that God wantedme to give birth to two

wrestlers, giving us the wonderfulopportunity to learn about and under-stand the great sport of wrestling.

It’s way cheaper than rodeo lessons,though I’ve found that it still claimsas much blood time. Wait ... why do welike this sport, again?

Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk”to The Land from her home near Mil-ford, Iowa. She can be reached [email protected]. ❖

Wrestling season brings grueling challenge for greatness 23THE LAND, M

ARCH23, 2012




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By Karen Schwaller

For farm kids, wrestling is a natural sport. They trainall year long without even entering the weight room.During the summer there is hay to bale. In the fall ...they’re climbing up and down off of tractors, semitrucks and combines for six weeks or more, workinglong hours, and in all kinds of weather.

Page 24: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

CIH 535 Quad, '10, 800 hrs ..........................................$299,000 CIH 535 Quad, '09 ........................................................$287,500 CIH 500 Steiger, '11, 405 hrs ........................................$265,500 CIH 430 Steiger, '07, 8100 hrs ......................................$125,000 CIH STX375, '02, 1805 hrs............................................$169,000 CIH STX375, '01, 4230 hrs............................................$126,000 CIH 330 Steiger, '07, 1840 hrs ......................................$150,000 CIH STX275, '02, 2875 hrs............................................$125,000 CIH 9390, '97 ..................................................................$88,500 CIH 9380, '97 ..................................................................$79,000 CIH 9380, '97, 4600 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 9380, '96, 8075 hrs ..................................................$65,000 CIH 9370, '97, 4325 hrs ..................................................$84,500 CIH 9270, '91, 4815 hrs ..................................................$72,900 CIH 9180, '89, 7600 hrs ..................................................$39,900 CIH 9170, '89, 7825 hrs ..................................................$56,500 Case 550H, '00, 1675 hrs ................................................$35,500 Challenger MT865B, '06, 3745 hrs ................................$199,500 Ford 846, '93, 5785 hrs ..................................................$39,900 JD 8960, '91, 6540 hrs....................................................$64,500 JD 8960, '91, 6640 hrs....................................................$69,750 JD 8630, '77, 6710 hrs....................................................$13,500 NH T9060, '08, 1440 hrs ..............................................$212,000 NH TJ330, '07................................................................$139,500 Versatile 835, '78, 11,000 hrs..........................................$15,500

CIH 7120, '90, 7590 hrs ..................................................$36,000CIH 2404, '68, 5805 hrs ....................................................$4,950 Case 2290, 4900 hrs..........................................................$9,750 CIH 2096, '86, 4160 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Farmall H, '41 ....................................................................$1,500 Farmall H ..........................................................................$1,350 IH M, '49............................................................................$2,500 IH 1086, '77 ....................................................................$13,900 IH 986, '77, 8735 hrs ........................................................$9,950 IH 706, '66, 3700 hrs ........................................................$7,500 IH 656, '72, 2090 hrs ......................................................$10,500 Allis 7060, '76, 3140 hrs ..................................................$9,900 McCormick MTX120, '04, 6770 hrs ................................$29,500

CIH 335 Mag, '11, 50 hrs ..............................................$219,000 (2) CIH 335 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '11, 1300 hrs ..........................................$167,500 (2) CIH 305 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $182,500 (2) CIH 305 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '09, 1595 hrs ..........................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag, '09, 2505 hrs ..........................................$162,500 CIH 290 Mag, '11, 180 hrs ............................................$192,500 CIH 275 Mag, '11, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 800 hrs ............................................$175,000 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 950 hrs ............................................$155,500 CIH 275 Mag, '09....................................................................Call CIH 275 Mag, '09, 765 hrs ............................................$169,900 CIH 275 Mag, '07, 2220 hrs ..........................................$146,900 CIH MX275, '06, 2020 hrs ............................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '11, 300 hrs ............................................$153,500 CIH 245 Mag, '10, 945 hrs ............................................$138,900 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2160 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2250 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2460 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH MX230, '04, 4400 hrs ..............................................$89,500 CIH 215 Mag, '11, 555 hrs ............................................$135,000 CIH 215 Mag, '11, 695 hrs ............................................$130,000 CIH 215 Mag, '10, 3100 hrs ..........................................$105,000 CIH 215 Mag, '09, 770 hrs ............................................$129,000 CIH 215 Mag, '09, 880 hrs ............................................$129,500 CIH 215 Mag, '07, 775 hrs ............................................$119,500 CIH 230 Puma, '11, 130 hrs ..........................................$135,000 CIH 8950, 8725 hrs ........................................................$62,500 CIH 7140, '91 ..................................................................$45,900 CIH 55A, '11, 4 hrs ..........................................................$28,000 Fendt 818, 4220 hrs ........................................................$79,500 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$57,500 Ford 8630, '91, 4385 hrs ................................................$26,500 JD 8640, '79, 9315 hrs....................................................$16,900 JD 7800, '93, 6375 hrs....................................................$55,000

McCormick TTX230, '09, 615 hrs....................................$90,000 McCormick XTX215, '06, 870 hrs....................................$85,000 McCormick XTX165, '09, 260 hrs....................................$84,900

CIH 40 Farmall CVT ........................................................$36,250 CIH DX25E, '04, 175 hrs..................................................$13,900 Agco ST 40, '02, 435 hrs ................................................$15,500 JD 4310, '02, 1090 hrs....................................................$21,000 Kubota B2410HSD, '04, 215 hrs......................................$10,500 Kubota BX2360T, '09 ........................................................$8,950 Kubota BX2350TV, '08, 655 hrs ........................................$7,950 Kubota BX2230, '04, 1965 hrs ..........................................$7,750 Kubota BX2200, '01 ..........................................................$8,750 Kubota BX1830, '04 ..........................................................$6,950 Kubota BX1500, '04, 1235 hrs ..........................................$6,100 Kubota L5740HSTC, '10 ..................................................$36,800 Cub Cadet 6X4 HD, 285 hrs ....................................................Call Cub Cadet 4x4D Trail, '06, 670 hrs....................................$7,975 Kawasaki Mule, '04, 1810 hrs............................................$3,950 Kawasaki Mule, '02, 2670 hrs............................................$5,500 Kubota RTV900W, '06, 800 hrs ........................................$7,900 Kubota RTV900, '06, 935 hrs ............................................$7,950 Kubota RTV900W, '04, 830 hrs ........................................$8,200 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250

CIH 1260, 36R22 ..........................................................$185,000 (2) CIH 1250, 24R30 ................................$113,900 & $121,000 CIH 1250, 16R30 ............................................................$89,500 CIH 1200, 24R22 ............................................................$66,900 (3) CIH 1200, 12R30 ......................................$48,500 - $55,000 CIH 955, 16R30 ..............................................................$21,900 CIH 955, 12R30 ..............................................................$15,000 CIH 950, 16R22 ..............................................................$15,900 CIH 950, 12R30 ..............................................................$13,500 (2) CIH 900, 12R30 ........................................$6,900 & $10,500 IH 800, 6R30 ....................................................................$3,500 JD 7300, 18R22 ..............................................................$17,500 JD 7300, 12R30 ..............................................................$12,500 JD 7300, 12R22 ................................................................$9,900 JD 7210, 16R30 ..............................................................$29,500 JD 7100, 12R30 ................................................................$6,500

JD 1770, 16R30 ..............................................................$65,500 JD 1770, 16R30 ..............................................................$46,300 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$109,900 White 8222, 12R30..........................................................$45,750 White 6100, 8R30............................................................$10,500 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ........................................................$6,950 IH 510 Drill ........................................................................$1,500 (4) Great Plains 20' Drill ....................................$4,500 - $5,800 JD 520, 20' Drill ................................................................$4,500 Hiniker 5800, 30' Seeder ..................................................$9,900

(2) CIH TM 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ............................choice $67,500 CIH TM 200, 50.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$57,900 (2) CIH TM 200, 48.5' Fld Cult ........................................$55,000 CIH TMII, 60.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$57,500 CIH TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$35,500 CIH TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$38,500 CIH TMII, 40.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$34,500 CIH TMII, 36' Fld Cult ......................................................$34,500 CIH TMII, 30.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$26,500 CIH 4900, 46.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$8,900 CIH 4900, 40' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,000 CIH 4800, 32.9' Fld Cult ....................................................$6,500 CIH 4800, 30' Fld Cult ......................................................$5,900 CIH 4800, 26.2' Fld Cult ....................................................$8,500 CIH 4300, 30.7' Fld Cult ..................................................$12,500 IH 4600, 31' Fld Cult..........................................................$4,500 (2) DMI TM, 44.5' Fld Cult ..............................$9,500 & $12,500 Brillion HFCT, 36.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$9,750 Flexcoil 820, 40' Fld Cult ................................................$11,500 JD 2210, 64.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$61,500 JD 2210, 54.5; Fld Cult ....................................................$43,500 JD 985, 54.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,950 JD 985, 50.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$27,900 JD 980, 44.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,500 JD 960, 32.5' Fld Cult ........................................................$5,995 JD 726, 38' Fld Cult ........................................................$27,500 Landoll 3000, 33' Fld Cult..................................................$6,950 Sunflower 5053, 39' Fld Cult ..........................................$19,900 White 375 Fld Cult ............................................................$3,500 Wilrich Quad5, 42' Fld Cult ..............................................$17,900 Wilrich 3400, 56.5' Fld Cult ............................................$10,500 Wilrich 2500, 27.4' Fld Cult ..............................................$1,950 CIH 3900, 33' Disk ..........................................................$14,900 CIH 370, 31' Disk ............................................................$52,500 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$54,500 White 271, 22' Disk ..........................................................$5,995 Wishek 862NT, 20' Disk ..................................................$29,900

CIH 9120, '11, 290 hrs ..................................................$320,000 CIH 9120T, '10, 655 hrs ................................................$329,000 CIH 9120, '09, 725 hrs ..................................................$289,000 CIH 8120, '11, 260 hrs ..................................................$319,000 CIH 8120, '11, 210 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120, '11, 250 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120T, '10, 970 hrs ................................................$319,000 CIH 8120, '10, 190 hrs ..................................................$315,000 CIH 8120, '09, 930 hrs ..................................................$253,400 CIH 8120, '09, 1120 hrs ................................................$265,000 CIH 8120, '09, 1265 hrs ................................................$249,500 CIH 8120, '09, 1060 hrs ................................................$260,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ................................................$215,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1740 hrs ................................................$195,000 CIH 8010, '06, 865 hrs ..................................................$175,000 CIH 8010, '06, 1410 hrs ................................................$191,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1900 hrs ................................................$164,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1900 hrs ................................................$166,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2115 hrs ................................................$139,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ................................................$159,000 CIH 7120, '10, 465 hrs ..................................................$245,000 CIH 7120, '09, 915 hrs ..................................................$252,500 CIH 7088, '11, 585 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '11, 640 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '10, 470 hrs ..................................................$245,000 CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs ..................................................$225,000 CIH 7088, '09, 845 hrs ..................................................$215,000 CIH 7010, '07, 2875 hrs ................................................$155,000 CIH 6088, '11, 470 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '11, 545 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '11, 500 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '10, 450 hrs ..................................................$228,500 CIH 6088, '10, 525 hrs ..................................................$235,000 CIH 6088, '10, 500 hrs ..................................................$225,000 CIH 2588, '07, 1910 hrs ................................................$178,900 CIH 2388, '06, 1440 hrs ................................................$159,500 CIH 2388, '06, 1735 hrs ................................................$157,500 CIH 2388, '05, 2320 hrs ................................................$126,900 CIH 2388, '04, 1270 hrs ................................................$125,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ................................................$135,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2415 hrs ................................................$140,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2540 hrs ................................................$117,900 CIH 2388, '03, 2550 hrs ................................................$125,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2760 hrs ................................................$119,900 CIH 2388, '02, 2975 hrs ..................................................$99,000 CIH 2388, '01, 2400 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2388, '01, 2580 hrs ................................................$106,500 CIH 2388, '01, 2840 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2388, '01, 3250 hrs ..................................................$99,900

CIH 2388, '00, 2000 hrs ................................................$115,000 CIH 2388, '00, 3295 hrs ..................................................$86,500 CIH 2388, '98, 3210 hrs ..................................................$77,500 CIH 2388, '98, 3250 hrs ..................................................$85,700 CIH 2388, '98, 3780 hrs ..................................................$82,500 CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '00, 3135 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '97, 3800 hrs ..................................................$69,500 CIH 2188, '97, 2365 hrs ..................................................$79,000 CIH 2188, '96, 2950 hrs ..................................................$72,500 CIH 2188, '96, 3045 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2166, '97, 4150 hrs ..................................................$62,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3250 hrs ..................................................$59,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3430 hrs ..................................................$63,500 CIH 1688, '94, 3305 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ..................................................$39,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4325 hrs ..................................................$39,500 CIH 1688, '93, 4560 hrs ..................................................$47,500 CIH 1666, '93, 3180 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1660, '91, 3650 hrs ..................................................$27,000 CIH 1660, '90, 4360 hrs ..................................................$29,500 CIH 1660, '87, 4605 hrs ..................................................$27,500 CIH 1640, 86, 3845 hrs ..................................................$14,500 CIH 1460, '80, 3500 hrs ....................................................$7,500 CIH 1440............................................................................$5,900 Gleaner R62, '98, 3265 hrs..............................................$57,900 JD 9870STS, '09, 830 hrs ............................................$275,000 JD 9870, '09, 1100 hrs..................................................$256,000 JD 9770S, '08, 890 hrs..................................................$217,000 JD 9660, '07, 1805 hrs..................................................$169,500 JD 9660STS, '04, 2115 hrs ..........................................$149,000 JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs....................................................$62,500 JD 9500, '89, 4520 hrs....................................................$37,950 JD 9400, '97, 3250 hrs....................................................$44,500 JD 9400, '91, 4720 hrs....................................................$35,950 MF 8570, '95 ..................................................................$41,900 MF 750, '77 ......................................................................$3,500 NH TR97, '95, 3955 hrs ..................................................$29,500 NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ..................................................$18,500 NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ....................................................$9,900 NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs ..................................................$139,000

(2) CIH 2162, 35' Beanhead ..........................$47,000 & $59,900 (2) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead ..........................$45,000 & $48,000 CIH 2062, 30' Beanhead ..................................................$39,500 (4) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead............................$27,900 - $32,500 (6) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead............................$19,500 - $33,500 (3) CIH 2020, 25' Beanhead............................$18,900 - $23,000 CIH 2020, 20' Beanhead ..................................................$24,000 (30) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Starting at $2,000 (22) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Starting at $5,500 (3) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$4,950 - $9,700 (3) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead............................$10,500 - $15,500 CIH 1020, 15' Cornhead ....................................................$8,500 CIH 920 Beanhead ............................................................$3,500 Gleaner 800, 25' Beanhead..............................................$16,000 (4) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ................................$9,550 - $11,900 (2) JD 920, 20' Beanhead ..................................$5,500 & $5,900 (3) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ..............................$32,000 - $34,500 JD 630F Beanhead ..........................................................$36,900 MacDon 2162, 40' Beanhead ..........................................$55,000 MacDon 2162, 35' Beanhead ..........................................$47,000 Macdon 974, 35' Beanhead ............................................$45,000 Macdon 30' Beanhead ....................................................$41,500 MF 9750, 25' Beanhead ....................................................$7,000 NH 960 Beanhead ..............................................................$1,400 CIH 3408, 8R30 Cornhead ..............................................$44,000 (3) CIH 2612 Cornhead..................................$77,000 & $82,300 (3) CIH 2608 Cornhead ..................................$52,900 - $65,000 (9) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................$26,500 - $35,500 (2) CIH 2206 Cornhead..................................$24,500 & $30,000 CIH 1222 Cornhead ........................................................$16,900 (12) CIH 1083 Cornhead ..................................starting at $9,500 (3) CIH 1063 Cornhead ....................................starting at $9,500 CIH 1000, 1R222 Cornhead ............................................$15,750 IH 12R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$10,500 (2) IH 963, 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$4,500 & $7,950 (2) IH 883 Cornhead ..........................................$3,500 & $4,000 (4) IH 863 Cornhead ..........................................$2,500 - $4,500 Cat 1622 Cornhead ..........................................................$29,500 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 Drago 18R22 Cornhead ................................................$135,000 (7) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$49,500 - $85,000 (2) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................................$84,500 Drago 10R30 Cornhead ..................................................$65,500 (3) Drago 10R22 Cornhead ............................$39,500 - $65,500 (15) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$29,500 - $57,500 (2) Drago 8R22 Cornhead..............................$33,000 & $44,900 (3) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$41,500 - $50,000 Geringhoff 1222 Cornhead ..............................................$69,500 Geringhoff 8R30 Cornhead ..............................................$29,900 (4) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................$29,900 - $46,000 Gleaner 3000, 6R30 Cornhead ........................................$16,000 Harvestec 4306C Cornhead ............................................$34,000 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$25,000 - $39,500 Harvestec 6R30 Cornhead ..............................................$15,900 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$45,500

JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ...................................JD 10R22 Cornhead .............................................(4) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$14JD 843 10R22 Cornhead .....................................JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead .......................................JD 843, 8R22 Cornhead .......................................(2) JD 643, 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$5JD 608C, 8R30 Cornhead .....................................Lexion C512R30 Cornhead ...................................NH 962 Cornhead .................................................(2) IH 810 Platform............................................$1JD Platform...........................................................Homemade 4 Wheel Head Transport ...................

(7) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$59(5) CIH 870, 18' Subsoiler ..............................$43CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler .........................................(4) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$20(5) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$24(2) CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..................$36,(6) CIH 730B Subsoiler ..................................$17(4) CIH 730C, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$32(3) CIH 730C, 7 Shank Subsoiler ....................$34(2) CIH 730B, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..................$22,CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ...................................CIH 530B, 5 Shank Suboiler .................................DMI 9300, 22' Subsoiler.......................................DMI 2500, 4 Shank Subsoiler...............................DMI 1300, 17.5' Subsoiler ...................................DMI 730B Subsoiler .............................................(5) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$15(3) DMI 730B, 7 Shank Suboiler ....................$17(4) DMI 730, 7 Shank Subsoiler .................... $12DMI 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ...................................DMI 530, 12.5' Subsoiler .....................................(3) DMI 530, 5 Shank Subsoiler ....................$11DMI 527, 5 Shank Subsoiler.................................DMI CCII, 9 Shank Subsoiler ...............................(2) DMI CCII, 11.5' Subsoiler ............................$5DMI Tiger II Subsoiler...........................................Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler .............................(14) JD 2700 Subsoiler ..................................$21JD 960 Subsoiler .................................................(2) JD 512, 22.5' Subsoiler ..................................c(3) JD 512, 22' Subsoiler................................$40(2) JD 512, 17.5' Subsoiler ..........................$17,(3) JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ........................$23JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ...................................Krause 4850, 18' Subsoiler .................................Landoll 2320, 5 Shank Subsoiler .........................M & W 2900 Subsoiler .........................................M & W 2200 Subsoiler .........................................M & W 1875, 17.5' Subsoiler ...............................M & W 1860, 9 Shank Subsoiler .........................M & W 1465, 7 Shank Subsoiler .........................NH ST770, 17.5' Subsoiler ...................................Sunflower 4412, 7 Shank Subsoiler .....................Sunflower 4411, 9 Shank Subsoiler .....................(6) Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ......................$23Wilrich 6600 Subsoiler .........................................IH 4700, 30' Chisel Plow .....................................Hiniker 816M Chisel Plow.....................................White 423 Chisel Plow .........................................CIH 800, 9x18 MB Plow .......................................IH 710 MB Plow ...................................................IH 700, 7x18 MB Plow .........................................JD 3710, 9 Bottom MB Plow ...............................JD 3600, 6x18 MB Plow .......................................Sunflower 6432, 30' Combo Mulch .....................DMI 45' Crumbler .................................................NH SG110, 45' Crumbler .....................................Unverferth 1225, 33' Crumbler.............................

Claas 980, '10, 645 hrs.........................................Claas 980, '10, 655 hrs.........................................Claas 980, '10, 915 hrs.........................................Claas 980, '09, 1135 hrs.......................................Claas 980, '08.......................................................Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs.......................................Claas 970, '08, 1040 hrs.......................................Claas 900, '09, 1625 hrs.......................................Claas 900, '07, 1935 hrs.......................................Claas 900, '07, 2430 hrs.......................................Claas 900, '06, 2645 hrs.......................................Claas 900, '03, 2275 hrs.......................................Claas 890, '04, 2865 hrs.......................................Claas 890, '02, 2100 hrs.......................................Claas 890, '02, 2555 hrs.......................................Claas 870 GE, '06, 1585 hrs .................................Claas 870 GE, '06, 2590 hrs .................................Claas 870, '05, 1995 hrs.......................................Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs.......................................Claas 860, '99, 4445 hrs.......................................JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs.........................................

NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen

• Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles • Rick Miller

GLENCOE, MN • 320-864-5531Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike W

KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Mike Schneider

• Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens • Chase Groskreutz

Financing provided byCNH Capital® 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark ofCNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com













Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 2Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 5





, 201





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.............$8,500 4,500 - $33,000 ...........$12,500 .............$7,500 ...........$10,000 5,500 & $6,500 ...........$53,500 ...........$38,000 .............$1,400 1,500 & $2,250 .............$1,500 .............$1,000

9,000 - $75,000 3,500 - $57,900 ...........$42,500

0,900 - $28,500 4,500 - $45,000 000 & $36,500

7,500 - $26,000 2,500 - $41,500 4,900 - $39,900 500 & $24,000 ...........$18,500 ...........$25,950 ...........$29,500 .............$6,950 .............$9,500 ...........$17,500

5,000 - $19,500 7,000 - $19,500 2,500 - $13,900 ...........$16,900 ...........$15,500 ,900 - $13,500 ...........$12,500 .............$5,000 5,250 & $7,750 .............$7,950 ...........$92,400 ,500 - $38,000 .............$6,500 choice $49,500

0,000 - $46,500 000 & $25,500

3,900 - $27,750 ...........$10,500 ...........$43,500 ...........$15,950 ...........$14,900 ...........$14,900 ...........$12,900 .............$9,300 .............$6,500 ...........$22,500 ...........$29,500 ...........$21,500

3,500 - $33,900 .............$8,500 .............$3,950 .............$2,200 .............$1,500 ...........$10,500 .............$1,300 .............$7,000 ...........$22,000 .............$5,000 ...........$18,800 ...........$11,500 ...........$16,900 ...........$15,900






















JD 5400, 2660 hrs ..........................................................$24,000 NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ................................................$115,000 NH FX58, '02, 1410 hrs ................................................$108,000

Gehl CB1275 PT Forg Harv..............................................$16,500 Gehl CB1265 PT Forg Harv................................................$7,500 Gehl CB1065 PT Forg Harv................................................$5,500 Gehl 1075 PT Forg Harv ....................................................$9,500 NH FP240 Forg Harv........................................................$23,000 (8) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................ $13,500 - $15,000 (3) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ........................$23,000 - $24,500 (9) Claas PU380 Hayhead .............................. $11,500 - $14,500 Claas PU300 Hayhead........................................................$9,500 (5) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead ................................ $500 - $1,850 Gehl HA1110, '95 Hayhead ..................................................$500 Gehl 7' Hayhead....................................................................$500 JD 630A Hayhead ..............................................................$8,500 JD 630 Hayhead ................................................................$8,500 JD 7' Hayhead ......................................................................$800 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$400 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 (4) Claas Orbis 900 Cornhead ....................$110,000 - $111,000 (3) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead ........................$76,000 - $79,000 Claas Orbis 600 Cornhead ..............................................$68,000 (13) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ................$24,500 - $59,000 (3) Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ....................$42,000 - $46,000 (13) Claas RU450 Cornhead............................$28,000 - $48,000 (4) Gehl TR330 Cornhead ..................................$2,600 - $5,500 (2) JD 688 Cornhead ....................................$28,000 & $51,500 JD 666, 6R30 Cornhead ..................................................$12,500 JD 3R30 Cornhead ............................................................$2,600 Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..................................................$29,500 Kemper 3000 Cornhead ..................................................$22,000 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500

CIH 8830, '96, 1430 hrs ..................................................$15,900 Versatile 400, '76 ..............................................................$2,800 CIH DHX181 Windrower Head ........................................$20,000 (2) CIH 8360, 12' MowCond..............................$4,900 & $6,900 CIH 8340, 9' MowCond ....................................................$7,950 (3) CIH 8312, 12' MowCond ..........................$8,500 & $ 11,500 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$20,500 CIH DCX131, 13' MowCond ............................................$19,500 CIH SC412 MowCond ........................................................$7,900 (2) Claas 8550C MowCond ............................$36,500 & $42,500 Hesston 1160, 14' MowCond ............................................$5,350 JD Moco946 MowCond ..................................................$29,500 JD 1600, 14' MowCond ....................................................$6,995 JD 945, 13' MowCond ....................................................$15,000 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$7,500 NH 1441, 16' PT Windrower............................................$21,500 (2) NH 116, 14' MowCond ................................$5,900 & $6,500 Vermeer 1030, 13.5' MowCond ......................................$18,500 Kuhn GMD55 Disc Mower ................................................$3,900 IH 120, 7' Sickle Mower ......................................................$795 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Landpride FDR2584 Rotary Mower ..................................$2,750 Woods RD7200D Rotary Mower ......................................$1,895 H & S TWM9 Wind Merg ................................................$26,500 H & S TWN2-P Wind Merg..............................................$22,500 Millerpro 310 Plus Wind Merg ........................................$67,000 (4) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg...................... $28,500 - $41,000 NH H5410, 9' Wind Merg ................................................$17,900 NH 166 Wind Merg............................................................$3,750 Kuhn GA8521 Rake..........................................................$23,500 Kuhn GA7301 Rake..........................................................$14,500

Millerpro N2, '05, 1410 hrs ..........................................$116,000 Rogator 854, '01..............................................................$83,500 Tyler Patriot XL, '94, 4360 hrs ........................................$37,900

Ag Chem 1000 ................................................................$13,500 Ag Chem 750 ....................................................................$8,900 (2) Demco Conquest......................................$18,900 & $19,500 Hardi NP550, 60' ..............................................................$8,500 Hardi 500, 60' ....................................................................$7,900 Hardi TR500, 60' ..............................................................$4,000 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$29,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$21,500 Redball 670, 90' ............................................................$20,000 Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 Top Air 1600, 120' ..........................................................$52,000 Top Air 500, 45' ................................................................$3,800

Case SR250, '12, 2 hrs....................................................$42,500 Case 1845B, '92, 5550 hrs ................................................$7,400 Case 1845C, '96, 7080 hrs ..............................................$10,000 Case 1845C, '90, 2240 hrs ..............................................$12,500 Case 1840, '99, 5960 hrs ..................................................$9,975 Case 1840, '95, 4395 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91, 1850 hrs ..................................................$9,995 Case 1840, '91, 6355 hrs ..................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '89, 3350 hrs ..................................................$9,900 Case 1840, 4400 hrs..........................................................$9,750 Case 1840, 4855 hrs..........................................................$9,500 Case 1835B, '86, 3050 hrs ................................................$6,500 Case 1825, '89, 4000 hrs ..................................................$5,500 Case 450CT, '08, 1570 hrs ..............................................$41,500 Case 445CT, '06, 455 hrs ................................................$37,500 Case 445, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$30,500 Case 440CT, '10, 1435 hrs ..............................................$39,900 Case 440CT, '10, 1690 hrs ..............................................$38,900 Case 440, '10, 1945 hrs ..................................................$27,500 Case 440, '07, 1250 hrs ..................................................$24,900 Case 440, '07, 2330 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 435, '07, 1050 hrs ..................................................$20,900 Case 430, '06, 2105 hrs ..................................................$17,900 Case 430, '06, 3905 hrs ..................................................$22,000 Case 420, '06, 600 hrs ....................................................$21,000 Case 40XT, '02, 1735 hrs ................................................$15,900 Bobcat 863C, '97, 2140 hrs ............................................$13,900 Cat 257B, 2705 hrs..........................................................$22,500 Cat 236B, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$23,500 Gehl 7800, '01, 6395 hrs ................................................$18,500 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3350 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 5640E, '07, 1915 hrs ..............................................$19,900 Gehl 5240E, '10, 380 hrs ................................................$27,500 Gehl 5420E, '08, 400 hrs ................................................$27,500 Gehl 4840E, '07 ..............................................................$20,500 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 4640, '05, 3295 hrs ................................................$18,000 Gehl 4640E, '06, 2705 hrs ..............................................$15,000 Gehl 3825 ..........................................................................$9,500 JD 328, '05, 5180 hrs......................................................$19,500 JD 320, 2210 hrs ............................................................$19,900 NH LS170, '02, 2765 hrs ................................................$16,900 Kubota U35SS, '05, 140 hrs ............................................$28,000

Alloway 22CD, 22' Shredder............................................$12,500 (2) Alloway 20' Shredder ..................................$4,500 & $5,500 Alloway 15' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$7,400 Hiniker 5600, 15' Shredder..............................................$12,500 Hiniker 1700, 20' Shredder..............................................$11,500 JD 520, 20' Shredder ......................................................$17,500 JD 220, 20' Shredder ......................................................$12,500 JD 120, 20' Shredder ........................................................$3,950 Loftness 360BS Shredder................................................$10,000 Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ............................................$15,900 (2) Loftness 240, 20' Shredder......................$13,500 & $19,500 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder..................................$3,500 & $8,500 Rhino RC15, 15' Shredder ..............................................$12,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 (2) Woods S20CD Shredder ..........................$15,900 & $16,750 (2) Woods 22' Shredder ..................................$5,500 & $10,500 (2) Woods 20' Shredder ..................................$7,900 & $10,900 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$10,500 Alcart 1520 Forage Box ..................................................$44,000 Millerpro 9015 Forage Box ..............................................$42,000 (5) CIH 600 Forage Blower..................................$1,500 - $4,500 Gehl 1580 Forage Blower......................................................$500 Meyer 5570, 570bu Manure Spreader ............................$10,500 CIH 1360 Grinder Mixer ..................................................$11,900 Lorenz 100 Grinder Mixer ..................................................$3,500 Feterl 8x60 Auger ..............................................................$2,500 Feterl 8x55 Auger..................................................................$750 GSI 10x31E Auger ............................................................$3,300 Hutch 8x72 Auger..............................................................$1,850 Hutch 8x71 Auger..............................................................$2,500 Degelman 7200, 14' Blade ..............................................$25,000Kubota V4208A Blade ........................................................$2,100 Farmhand F235 Loader......................................................$3,500 Lindsay Bale Transport ......................................................$1,000 (2) Brent 544, 550 bu Grav Box ..........................choice $14,950 Dakon 350, 350 bu Grav Box ............................................$1,750 Demco 365 Grav Box ........................................................$4,150 (2) DMI 400, 400 bu Grav Box ..............................choice $3,500

ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Joe Mehr

• Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer515Wettengel

ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson

WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer • Brian Lingle

• Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen • Jeff Ruprecht Visit Our Website:www.arnoldsinc.comfor more used equipment listings









SPRAYERS - SELF-PROPELLEDRudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 26: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Local Corn and Soybean Price IndexCash Grain Markets

Sauk RapidsMadisonRedwood FallsFergus FallsMorrisTracy


Year AgoAverage:

corn/change* $5.97 -.22$6.22 -.04$6.27 -.07$6.18 -.09$6.19 -.07$6.31 -.03



soybeans/change*$12.40 +.22$12.88 +.16$12.95 +.15$12.86 +.13$12.87 +.10$12.95 +.15


$12.80 0





15 current average soybeans

year ago average soybeans

current average corn

year ago average corn








Dec Jan'12 Feb Mar

Grain prices are effective cash close on March 20. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago.*Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Grain AnglesIs buying land the answer?

Several weeks ago a grain producer asked me whatI thought about buying farmland at this time. He toldme that an 80-acre tract that he had been renting wasfor sale and that he was interested in buying theproperty. He told me how much he thought he wouldhave to pay for it. He also told me that times had beengood and that he had enough cashto pay for the land outright.

I asked him how old he was andif he had any children who werewanting to farm. He told me hisage and mentioned that his daugh-ter and son-in-law were joining theoperation, as he was planning onretiring in a few years. Then hetold me that if he bought the 80acres, he would have an option torent an additional 320 acres thatwas adjacent to the property. Heasked me again, “what do youthink that I should do?”

I told him that I knew times had been good for thegrain producers and that land was currently a hotcommodity. I shared my concern that the profit mar-gins he had grown accustomed to, may soon be chal-lenged. I suggested that he look at several otherinvestments before he locked his capital into land.That if times change and profits were challenged, hewould want to make sure that he had invested inassets that would give him an edge on profitability.

First of all, build a “war chest” of working capital.This would mean paying some taxes, yet this moneywould act as “shock absorbers” for the business dur-ing harder times. In other words, save some today toplay tomorrow. Secondly, invest in drainage tile tohelp make his current land more productive. Whenhe is challenged with smaller profit margins, he willneed all of the production power that he can find.

Grain OutlookEthanol production

drops sharplyEditor’s Note: Tim Emslie, Country Hedging mar-

ket analyst, is sitting in this week for Phyllis Nys-trom, the regular “Grain Outlook” columnist.

The following market analysis is for the week end-ing March 2.

CORN — Corn futures tradingin China eclipsed the equivalent of$10 bushel this week.The managerof state reserves in China said pur-chases so far were only 1.2 mmtcompared to 11.0 mmt at the samepoint last year.These indications ofa strong demand base in Chinahave fueled the recent rally in old-crop corn, and March 13 broughtthe confirmation of a sale of 9.5 mil-lion bushels of old-crop corn to anunknown destination, which iswidely assumed to be China.

Cash markets and spreads have been firm, leadingthe nearby futures to the highest level since Sep-tember this week. Weekly export sales were 32.9million bushels, up from 17.5 the previous week.

Weekly ethanol production declined sharply to 892thousand barrels/day, the lowest since last October.Weekly production is still running ahead of the levelimplied by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’sMarch estimate of corn use for ethanol. Ethanol losta bit of its discount to Reformulated Blendstock forOxygenate Blending gasoline this week, butremains over $1.00/gallon cheaper.

The March contract expired at an inverse to theMay contract, an indicator of the cash marketstrength over during 2012. The March/May inverseduring March reached a level not seen since 1996.That said, cash corn at the Gulf did show some weak-

Livestock AnglesMarkets showing

different personalitySo far March has seen the livestock markets have a

different personality than in the previous months.Instead of driving higher under the influx of moneyinto the futures, the fundamentals are finallyappearing to command more market attention.

Once again the cattle market has put in some sort oftop. Whether this is a long-termtop or just another short-termcorrection is yet to be determined.However, because there appearsto be a change taking place in theunderlying psychology in the cat-tle market, chances are becominggreater that some sort of mean-ingful high in prices may be inthe process of being established.

Beef cutouts have been on therise as packers have pushed toincrease these prices to cover theircosts of live inventories. Because ofthe higher cutout prices demandfor beef has slipped and inventories of beef product isbeginning to build.With carcass weights above year-agolevels, total beef production has expanded despite thefewer numbers of marketable cattle.

These bearish fundamentals are now trumping thespeculative money that has poured into the futures,and it now seems as if the cash market is becoming theleader once again in price discovery, not the futures.This does not preclude the fact that the futures maymake another attempt to rally under more speculativebuying, but the fundamentals are definitely gainingoverall command of the marketplace.

Unless we see a drastic change in the world eco-nomic situation, producers should consider takingprotection of live inventories on any strength.

Hog prices have been struggling since their highs


Great Plains CommodityAfton, Minn.

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

TIM EMSLIECountry Hedging

St. Paul

See NYSTROM, pg. 27 See TEALE, pg. 27 See NEHER, pg. 27

TOM NEHERAgStar VP & Team Leader

— Grain IndustryRochester, Minn.





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Page 27: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

EMSLIE, from pg. 26ness as the week went on. The futures rally was ableto generate some farmer selling. Higher bargefreight values were also an indicator of better farmerselling. The May/July spread closed the week 1.75cents firmer, building on last week’s move from acarry to an inverted market.

A private analyst released a producer survey thisweek predicting 95 million acres of corn plantingsthis spring. This would be a little higher than theFebruary USDA Outlook Conference estimate of 94million acres. We have heard of some corn planting inIllinois, and the record warmth in much of the west-ern Corn Belt has most anticipating an early start.

OUTLOOK: The corn market is essentially sepa-rating itself into two different commodities. Old-cropcorn appears to be extremely tight as indicated bynearly unprecedented strength in the spreads forthis time of year. Export and ethanol usage remainon paces above what the USDA is currently project-ing for the full market year.

On the other hand, prospects for new-crop suppliesappear bright. Every indication from the farmer isthat corn is the preferred crop to plant this spring. Awarm spring is needed for both time to get a recordnumber of acres planted, and the early start to thegrowing season associated with high yields.

As of now, it looks like we’ll get that favorablespring weather. On this outlook, spreads can con-tinue to widen their inverses. The big unknown isthe level of feed use, which we’ll get a look at on

March 30 from the USDA Grain Stocks report.As mentioned above, the nearby contract moved to

levels not seen since last September this week. Thenext major resistance is seen near the $7 mark. TheDecember contract remained more range bound thisweek. Resistance remains at $5.82 and then the2012 high of $5.97, with support at the $5.50 mark. Iwould expect to see this range hold until the March30 Prospective Plantings report.

SOYBEANS — Nearby soybeans continued toclimb higher, rising 42.25 cents for the week. The Maycontract rose 36.25 cents, and the November contractrose 23 cents. The nearby chart reflects the expirationof the March contract this week, which went off theboard with a small carry to the May contract.

The bean spreads have been firm, but not invertedlike the corn spreads have been. The long futures rallyin soybeans — the nearby contract rose for the fifthstraight week this week — has kept cash bean mar-kets relatively better supplied than the corn markets.

The South American production losses remainbehind the rally. Oil World lowered its estimate forBrazilian production to 66.5 mmt, 2 mmt lower thanthe March USDA estimate of 68.5 mmt. Some ana-lysts have even been raising the possibility of aBrazilian crop of just 65 mmt.

The effect of production losses in South Americawas highlighted by the sizable new-crop sales on theweekly export sales report. Old-crop sales were solidat 22.4 million bushels, but the new-crop sales of28.8 million bushels were more impressive. The new-

crop soy/corn ratio was little changed on the weekat 2.31. Bean prices have strengthened the bid foracreage this spring, but indications are that cornwill show much bigger planting gains.

A private analyst’s farmer survey was released onFriday showing soybean acreage at 74.5 millionacres. The February USDA estimate was 75 millionacres. Balance sheets for next year show stocks drop-ping to intolerably tight levels at that acreage level.

The National Oilseed Processors Associationcrush was reported this week for the month of Feb-ruary at 136.4 million bushels, about 3-4 millionbushels above expectations. We estimate annualcrush at 1,630 mb, compared to the March USDAestimate of 1,615 mb.

OUTLOOK: Net fund length in soybeans is nowthe highest since February 2011. The rally thatbegan last December continues to look strong on thechart with another higher high and higher low thisweek. $14 is the next objective, with last August’shigh of $14.56 the next major top on the chart.

The March 30 Grain Stocks report tends to be lesseventful for soybeans because the main usage cate-gories are more easily tracked than the feed usagecategory in wheat and corn. The November contractis also strong on the chart. The chart shows a seriesof eight straight weeks with both higher highs andhigher lows. The next objectives are $13.42, and theSeptember high of $14.00. Critical support in thecurrent chart set-up is the previous week’s low,which is currently $12.97. ❖

Soybean spread firm, but not inverted like corn

TEALE, from pg. 26last August.

Even though we have seen prices recover somewhatsince their lows in December, the rallies have beenminor and short in duration. Hog numbers seem to beadequate to meet current demand both domesticallyand internationally, even with the increased exportdemand. Pork cutouts have waffled back and forth inthe lower $80 per hundredweight for quite some timeand at this point seems as if they are bound to stay in

this trading range for the near future.With seasonal tendencies leaning toward improving

prices into the latter spring months and the value ofpork in comparison to other meats, it is quite possiblethat hog prices may improve slightly in the monthsahead. But since the economic picture has changed lit-tle, these rallies will likely be limited to some degree.

Producers should continue to use the premiumsoffered and the possibility of forthcoming rallies to pro-tect their inventories though the summer months. ❖

‘Quite possible’ that hog prices will improve

NEHER, from pg. 26 Thirdly, invest in grain bins and dryers. Understand-

ing that handling grain is another enterprise, he needsto capture every edge in the marketplace during volatiletimes. A 10-cent difference in a basis bid may be the dif-ference in profitability, in a tight margin environment.

Then look at updating any machinery that needs tobe replaced. During tight margin conditions, it maybe difficult to afford replacements.

Finally, I brought up the subject that I knew wouldraise his eyebrows. Invest his extra capital into a non-farm-related, individual retirement account or 401(k).He could invest a significant portion of his taxableincome “pre-tax,” lowering the amount of taxes to bepaid today (consult a professional tax adviser fordetails). He told me that the farm was his retirement

account and that this would not be needed.I told him that if his daughter and son-in-law were

coming into the operation, this would add a secondfamily that the current farm would need to support.That if he was going to retire, he would need to starttaking money out of the farm to support this lifechange. If the farm economy were to change, thefarm could be weakened financially to the point oflosing a competitive edge. Funds set aside in an IRAor 401(k) plan could help to fund his retirement,without cannibalizing the farm in the process.

Then I told him that after making these otherinvestments, he would be in a position of strength topurchase more farmland. I also admitted that I did-n’t have all of the answers to his questions. I con-fessed that these were just a few of the things thatkeep me awake at night. ❖

Off-farm investments recommended


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 28: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land


INFORMATIONMiller Sellner Slayton

Slayton, MNMiller Sellner Equip.

Bingham Lake, MNMiller Sellner Impl.Sleepy Eye, MN

Bancroft ImplementBancroft, IA

Rabe InternationalFairmont, MN

Hammell EquipmentChatfield, MN

Caledonia ImplementCaledonia, MN

Jaycox Impl.Worthington, MN

Jaycox Impl.Luverne, MN

Arnold’s of AldenAlden, MN

Arnold’s of MankatoNorth Mankato, MNArnold’s of St. Martin

St. Martin, MNArnold’s of Willmar

Willmar, MNArnold’s of Glencoe

Glencoe, MNArnold’s of Kimball

Kimball, MNArnold Equipment

Sauk Rapids, MNPederson’s Agri Service

Herman, MNTrueman-Welters Inc.

Buffalo, MNDomeyer Implement

Ellsworth, MNKalmes Implement

Altura, MN





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Page 29: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land


Ag Power Enterprises Inc ................................................................................................40Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers ......................................................................................10Albert Lea Seed House ........................................................................................................6Anderson Seeds ..............................................................................................................5, 11Arnold Co. ....................................................................................................................24, 25Avoca Spray Service ..........................................................................................................35Bayer Truck & Equipment Inc ..........................................................................................19Brown & Baker Auction Co ..............................................................................................31Case IH ................................................................................................................................28Conover Auction Service ..................................................................................................31Country Cat ........................................................................................................................13Courtland Waste Handling ..............................................................................................15Dahl Farm Supply ................................................................................................................6Dakota Auctioneers............................................................................................................33Darrell Regnier Clerking ..................................................................................................32Diers Ag Supply ..................................................................................................................8Duncan Trailers LLC..........................................................................................................43Emerson Kalis ....................................................................................................................37Fahey Inc........................................................................................................................30, 31Fairmont Auctioneer Alley & Clerking ..........................................................................30Farm Drainage Plows ........................................................................................................36Fast Distributing ................................................................................................................12Freudenthal Dairy & Mfg. Co. ........................................................................................18Gehl Co. ..............................................................................................................................16Greenwald Farm Center....................................................................................................43Grizzly Buildings Inc ........................................................................................................23Haas Equipment ................................................................................................................39Hamilton Auction Service ................................................................................................30Hanson Auctioneers ..........................................................................................................32Harpels ................................................................................................................................21Haug Implement ................................................................................................................37Hewitt Drainage Equipment ..............................................................................................4Hotovec Auction Center Inc ............................................................................................29Judson Implement ..............................................................................................................41K & S Millwrights Inc ..........................................................................................................9Kannegiesser Truck Sales ....................................................................................................9Keith Bode ..........................................................................................................................38Keltgens Inc ........................................................................................................................27Kiester Implement..............................................................................................................37Kohls Weelborg Ford ..........................................................................................................4Larson Brothers implement ........................................................................................35, 38Letchers Farm Supply..........................................................................................................8Litchfield Building Center ................................................................................................13Mages Auction Service ..........................................................................................29, 30, 31Massey Ferguson ..................................................................................................................7Massop Electric ..................................................................................................................35Matejcek Implement ..........................................................................................................45Meagher Auctioneers ........................................................................................................32Midway Farm Equipment Inc ..........................................................................................42Miller Sellner ......................................................................................................................46Minnesota Angus Assoc. ..................................................................................................10MN Dept of Agriculture......................................................................................................8Mustang Mfg.......................................................................................................................14New Holland ......................................................................................................................11New Ulm Tractor & Equipment ........................................................................................5New Vision Feed, LLC ........................................................................................................7NK Clerking ........................................................................................................................29Northern Ag Service ..........................................................................................................37Northern Insulation Products ............................................................................................7Nutra Flo Company ..........................................................................................................38Pruess Elevator Inc ............................................................................................................35R & E Enterprises of Mankato Inc ..................................................................................36Rabe International Inc........................................................................................................36Schweiss Inc ........................................................................................................................38SI Feeder/Schoessow Inc ..................................................................................................17Smiths Mill Implement Inc ..............................................................................................42Sorensen Sales & Rentals ..................................................................................................34Spanier Welding ..................................................................................................................8State Bank of Gibbon ........................................................................................................20Steffes Auctioneers ............................................................................................................31Sunco Marketing ................................................................................................................12Swedes Service Center ........................................................................................................8The American Community ..............................................................................................37United Farmers Cooperative ............................................................................................41Waseca Motor & Bearings ................................................................................................19White Planters ....................................................................................................................20Willmar Farm Center ........................................................................................................39Willmar Precast ....................................................................................................................6Woodford Ag LLC....................................................................................................6, 34, 39Ziegler ....................................................................................................................................3

P.O. Box 3169 - 418 S 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56002

[email protected]


Kahlers, Pike, Wedel, Hall & Hartung AuctioneersAuctioneer Alley – Auction America

Land Services Unlimited & Dan Pike Auction Co.

Evening Farm Land Auction296 Acres Top Bare Farmland

Sale to be held at American Legion Clubroomsat Lamberton, MN

Thursday Eve., April 12th @ 6:30 p.m.

Parcel 1 NE 1⁄4 Sec. 4 & Parcel 2 NW 1⁄4 Sec. 3,Adjoining Parcels, Lamberton Twp., RedwoodCounty, MN T19N R37W, located 2 mi. North ofLamberton on Cty. 6, 1 mi. West on 26 & 1⁄2 mi.North, immediate possession.Top soil types, good drainage, has been in familyfor 60 years, top production.

For info call 507-238-4318 or internetwww.auctioneeralley.com

Open House:Saturday, April 7th - 9 a.m to 3 p.m.Robinson Family Owners

Owner: United Farmers CoopUFC Representative: Darrell (507-647-6601)

Auctioneer: Joe Maidl 507-276-7749Auctioneers: Matt Mages - New Ulm • Larry Mages - Lafayette • John Goelz - Franklin • Joe Wersal - Winthrop

Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service LLC • All Items Sold “As Is”- Not Responsible for Accidents.Preview 2 Hours Before Sale – Restroom & Lunch Available on site



Blizzard Date: March 28th, 2012, 1:00 pmUFC - Elevator at 102 West Main - Arlington, MN

Note: UFC is discontinuing this location and offering it’s personal property for sale. All items need to beremoved by August 1st, 2012. Wall to Wall - Everything but the Real Estate Sells. Bring Tools/Equip. toRemove Purchased Items. Viewing will be 2 hours prior to sale, don’t be late this will be a short sale!

Forklift Available for Loading Day of Sale Only.

Buyer to Provide their own Proof of Insurance and Release/Waiver before Removing EquipmentIn Case of Severe Weather Listen to 860 AM KNUJ at 8:30 the Morning of the Auction for Postponement Information

Note: Sellers and Seller’s agents have represented property to the best of their knowledge & are not responsible for errors in info.This is a guide. Buyers are responsible & encouraged to gather their own information. Auctioneers have the right to run the sale

however they feel best serves the seller.

Bins: (all bins have cement floors) Titan 120K bu bin w/air fans; Butler 8K bu bin; (2) Butler 4500bu bins; Misc aeration fans; (8) “A” frame cable bin jacks; Misc bin sheets;Items being sold during auction in Arlington but located off site for inspection Include: (2) Butler9K bu hop bins (disassembled behind bunker @ Klossner elev): (1) Butler 9k bu hop bin (hole 3 ringsup on side at Lafayette elev); 12x120 Feterl PTO auger w/swing hop (at Winthrop elev);Dryers, Legs, U-Troughs & Conveyors: Chicago cont flow dryer; Dryer leg 2500 bu/hr; Wood &metal legs (inside) w/belts & cups: 60’ Sudenga grain leg; (2) #7 43’ clay legs; Grain leg; U-troughs;Catwalks; 3- & 2-way down spout; 70’ rnd bottom conveyor; Schlagel 50’ conveyor; 33’6” Feterlauger; 8” roof aug fits 36’ bin;Scales, Fans & Heaters: 10’x70’ cement platform scale w/500 bu grav dump pit; 8’x20’ cementplatform scale; Many farm fans & heaters; 12” aeration fan; Fan transmission;Doors, Office Items, Iron & Misc: Overhead doors include: 14’x14’ roll-up; 14’x14’ steel; 11’x12’alum; Misc wood & metal office doors; V-type counter/desk; Desk chairs; Bench w/4 chairs; GE refrig;Vending candy mach; File cab; Library oak table; Light fixtures; Freight elev w/phone; Hardwood floor;Portable platform scale; Brass hydrant port; ‘55 Diebold bank vault door; Hose & reel; Exterior tin &roof steel; Water heater & softener; Grain screener; Many more interior fixtures and items; Great dealof feed room, etc. non-working machinery - a iron man’s delight!











AUCTIONEvery Wednesday


N Hwy 15Hutchinson, MN320-587-3347


5:00 PM - Farm Misc.6:00 PM - Hay & Straw7:00 PM - LivestockSheep & Goats 2nd Wed.

at 8:00 PM









Real Estate 020

FOR SALE: Cattle feedingset-up w/ prime land. SCMN. Call Bob/Continental


FOR SALE: Winter Getawayat Mena, Arkansas, 42½acres, 2 bedrm home, dblcarport, shop, 2 stockedfish ponds, full hookups for2 RV's, ½ mile from ATVtrails. 612-708-7121

Recreational / FarmsteadFor Sale 85.7 acres. Locat-ed 4 mi. from Black RiverFalls, WI on dead-end townrd. Private, secludedw/great hunting. Home &farm bldgs incl 72' x 60'.12'. Hi-end multi purpose"commercial quality" bldgbuilt in 2000. $459.000.

715-284-2070 (home) 715-896-1663 (cell)

Announcements 010

ADVERTISING NOTICE:Please check your ad the

first week it runs. We makeevery effort to avoid errorsby checking all copy, butsometimes errors aremissed. Therefore, we askthat you review your ad forcorrectness. If you find amistake, please call (507)345-4523 immediately sothat the error can be cor-rected. We regret that wecannot be responsible formore than one week's in-sertion if the error is notcalled to our attention. Wecannot be liable for anamount greater than thecost of the ad. THE LANDhas the right to edit, rejector properly classify any ad.Each classified line ad isseparately copyrighted toTHE LAND. Reporductionwithout permission isstrictly prohibited.

Employment 015

Ag employment positions inAlbert Lea, MN: Seed Coat-ing Manager/AgronomicSales/Livestock ProductSales/Ag Sales Mgmt.

Call Joe 507-373-2550

Be An Auctioneer & Personal Property

Appraiser Continental Auction Schools

Mankato, MN & Ames, IA507-625-5595


HELP WANTED: Full-timeemployment on grain & hogfinishing farm in St.James, MN area. Depend-able person w/CDL driverslicense w/references re-quired. Housing available.


MILKER WANTED on mod-ern 450 cow dairy. 50-60hrs/wk. 1 day off. Refer-ences required. Eau Gallearea. 715-495-1984

Real Estate 020

143 acres Farm Land 123 till-able all one piece, 20woods. $3,500/acre. 5 milesnortheast of Rice Lake, WI.(715) 296-2162

209 acres McLeod CountyMN, exc soils, level, tiled,sale/lease back at$8,500/acre. Also, 99 acresMeeker County, $6,500/acre.Call Terry Dean/AgentUMMC Olivia, 320-582-0563

Cropland For Sale by owner.Chippewa County, WI. 120acres, mostly tillable. Formore details, please call,

(715) 827-0468

FOR SALE- Beautiful '9772x14 trailer completelyfurnished, 3 BR, 2 bath,vinyl siding w/ 8x10 storageshed and dock. Is locatedon beautiful Lake Hol-combe just 35 minutes fromCountry Fest. Asking$29,900. Call (715) 286-2733


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 30: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Owner - ANDREW & ALICE SCHMITZ - 952-492-6144

West of Jordan, MN - 21055 Aberdeen AvenueCLEAN LINE OF JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT


JD 7210 Tractor, 619 One Owner Hrs; JD 4455 Tractor,2,567 One Owner Hrs; JD B; Farmall H; JD 6600 Side

Hill Diesel Combine, 4,023 Hrs; JD 6 Row 30” CornHead; JD 915 Bean Head; JD Dummy Head; JD TIllage &

Planting Equipment, Grain Equipment, Farm Misc;Guns & Antiques

SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2012 - 10 amPlease check our website for a complete list and description:

www.faheyraa.com or proxibid.com/faheyraa,or call 952-467-3598


OR MIKE BERG 952-237-1792


Annual Area ConsignmentAUCTION

Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 9:30 AM(Storm Date Tuesday April 3, 2012)

@ Martin Co. Fairgrounds 1 mi S I-90 ex 99 Fairmont, MN.online proxibid Items sub. to change w/o notice.

www.auctioneeralley.com orwww.danpikeauction.com

Wedel 507.236.4255Kahlers 507.920.8060 - 507.227.8528

Pike 507.847.3468 - 507.841.0965Hartung 507.236.7629

Hall 507.327.0535

TRACTORS-FORKLIFT-SKIDLOADER + ATTACHMENTS:JD 8450; IH 1586; JD 4230w/5,130 act hrs; JD 4320; IH966; Ford 4500; Farm/IH 460; Case 1840; Lowe hyd auger;Stout brush 66” grapple+72” grapple bkt +72” rock bkt;PLANTERS & DRILLS: 2006 Case/IH 1200 AFS 16R 30” +JD 1760 12R 30”+ JD 7200 12R 30”+ Case/IH 955 8R 30”mtd, planters; JD 750 20’ pull type w/ SI meters + Case/IH5400 20’ drills. TRUCKS-PICKUPS-CARS: 2004 IH 8600w/420K mi + ‘98 Freightliner + ‘93 Peterbilt 377 SemiTractors; ‘ 87 IH S2500 twin screw tk w/20’ steel box; ‘85Ford 8000 dump tk; ‘79 Ford LN800 twin screw tk w/20’Crysteel bx, HD hoist; Ford F-600 sgl axle tk w/15’ Crysteelbx, hoist; COMBINES - FORAGE EQUIP & HEADS: JD 7720Titan II; IH 1460; JD 893 CH; Geringhoff 8R 30” CH; JDmod 3960 forage chopper w/3R 30” heads. FERTILIZEREQUIP: DMI 5300 52.5’ NH3 tool bar; (3) 1000 galanhydrous tanks. TRAILERS: ‘99 Wilson 43’ + ‘98 Wilson42’ + 2003 Jet 34’ steel grain hopper trlrs; ‘98 Transcraft45’x96’ + Tri axle 8’x16’ • Flatbed trlrs; H&H 16’ tdm axlecar trlr. DRYERS - GRAIN CARTS - WAGONS - GRAINEQUIP: Sukup stack grain dryer w/top dryer #T27031Sw/40 hp, very nice-call 507.920.8060; 2007 Unverferth8250 + Parker 675 grain carts; 2 forage wagons; numerousaugers. TILLAGE & FIELD EQUIP: JD 980 44.5’+JD 98040’+JD 980 36.5’ + Case/IH 4600 46.5 field cultivators;Case/IH 9300 9 shank + Case/IH 730B disk rippers; 2003Alloway 20’ pull type + Artsway 240B 20’ stalk choppers.OTHER FIELD EQUIP + OTHER EQUIP & MISC


Auctioneers: Larry Mages - Lafayette • Matt Mages - New UlmJohn Goelz - Franklin • Joe Wersal - Winthrop • Joe Maidl - Lafayette

Broker: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service LLCNot Responsible for Accidents

Owners: Steve & Carol Molnau


LAND AUCTIONTuesday - April 3rd, 2012 - 10:00 a.m.

Sale Held At: Squirrel’s Bar & Grill105 1st Ave. NW - Fairfax, MN

For Complete Information Packet including maps,soil types, tile, fertilizer, disclosures, etc., contact

Auctioneer - Larry Mages, #72-004 Lafayette, MN507-240-0030

NW Fractional 1⁄4 of Section 6, Cairo Twp. 112N,R 32W of the 5th PM, Renville County, MN

Directions to Land: From the East Edge of Fairfax,take St. Hwy. 4 N 1 mi., then to W 11⁄2 mi. on

660th Ave. Property on S side of road.

Acres: 129.76 deeded acres • Acres Tillable: 118.6Buyer will have possession for 2012 planting.

SPRING AUCTIONSaturday, March 31, 2012 • 9:30 a.m.Located: Earl Hamilton Auction Co. off Interstate 90at Dexter, MN exit #193, then 1⁄4 mile east on Hwy. 16

For complete listing check:www.hamiltonauctioncompany.com

For information call: 507-584-0133 (office)EARL HAMILTON AUCTION CO.

130 State Hwy. 16 • Dexter, MN 55926

Farm equipment items from Dayton Kehret,Meek Excavating & Equipment Boe Bros.,Tiling, Larry Kirkland. Lots of other farmequipment items, tractors, wagons, skid

loaders, telehandler, construction, portablebuildings, motors, hay equipment, tillage,

trucks, trailer, semi tractors, pickups & cars,building materials, planters & drills, livestockequipment, shop & misc. items, antique gas

engines, camper, ATV’s. Consigned itemsfrom Mower County inc. 5 vehicles, office

equipment, washers & dryers,items from forfeited houses.

We will be selling with 2 ringsONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE

Items taken in thru Wed., March 28No consignments taken in Thursday, March 29th or

Friday, March 30th or the day of the sale.

Check website for pictures and complete listingwww.hamiltonauctioncompany.com

Hay & Forage Equip 031

FOR SALE: Owatonna 260swather w/ crimper &Hume reel, exc cond.


Bins & Buildings 033

Barn roofing Hip or roundroof barns and other build-ings. Also barn and quansetstraightening.Kelling Silo 1-800-355-2598

FOR SALE: 4000 bu bin,floor, roof vents, unloadingauger, fan, 5 yrs old, CondaAmerica. Call 320-286-9998

FOR SALE: Assortment of I-Beams, 5”x12”x24'.


FOR SALE: USED GRAINBINS. 23,000 bu. w/new fullfloor, $13,000. 14,000 buw/new floor, $10,100; 10,000bu. w/new floor, $7,400;7,500 bu w/floor, $4,700;5,700 bu w/floor, $4,000;3,500 bu w/floor, $2,400.Bins are down. 715-308-9649

Hercules Silo unloader, verygood cond. 20x33 HarvesterSilo. 6x10" auger. Rowermill, 400 bu. (715)790-0362

Paying top dollar for good,used grain bins. 8,000 bu. -30,000 bu. We will get themout of there for you! 320-360-7851

Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys.100% financing w/no liensor red tape, call Steve atFairfax Ag for an appoint-ment. 888-830-7757

Grain Handling Equip 034

2-60,000 bu. bins; 2-40,000 bu.bins; 1-35,000 bu. bin; 2-30,000 bu. bins; 1-20,000 bu.bin, and many smallerbins. 507-697-6133


Hay & Forage Equip 031

FOR SALE: 10 bale handler,small square bales, fits 3ptor tractor loader, $1,500.


FOR SALE: JD 535 roundbaler w/ mesh wrap & 540PTO. (2) Int'l 720 choppers,(1) 2RW cornhead, 2 5' hayheads one for parts. '01 JDGator 6x4 hyd pump floormats & windshield. 507-951-6297 or 507-272-4197

FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830and 6000 series forage har-vesters. Used kernel pro-cessors, also, used JD 40knife Dura-Drums, anddrum conversions for 5400and 5460. Call (507)427-3520www.ok-enterprise.com

FOR SALE: Krone triplemower, 9140, 32 CV frontmower, tine conditioner,$29,500. '09 NH 1441mower/conditioner, rubberrolls, like new, $23,500.


FOR SALE: New hay rack &running gear from anhy-drous app, 8'x16' treatedlumber, 6”x6” stringers,2x10” floor, 5' back, all bolt-ed together. $1,095.

St. Peter 507-934-2723

FOR SALE: NH Hayliner 68,small square baler, $1,500.Ray Moeller 712-297-7951

FOR SALE: NH Stackliner1000 automatic bale wagon,$1,500. Ray Moeller


JD 336 baler w/ejector; H&S& Meyer 16' throw wagons,like new; SnoCo 60' baleconveyor w/transport, exc.cond., everything alwaysshedded. 507-227-7837

Antiques & Collectibles 026

Manure carrier w/track &hangers, $350; horse drawnside rake, needs tongue.$350. (715)532-0312

Pull type Road Grader(Road Patrol), $400. 712-297-7951

Hay & Forage Equip 031

'08 NH BR7070 silage specialround baler, endless belts,also '09 H7450 disc bine, 2ptswivel hitch. Both like new,always shedded & fieldready. Financing avail,$22,000/ea/OBO. 612-756-0712

FOR SALE: '92 Volvo tan-dem truck w/ lockers. Gehlchopper heads: hay head,2R36” cornhead, & 3R20-22”cornhead. 507-530-1894 or507-823-4753

FOR SALE: (4) 16' chopperboxes, all 12T tandem run-ning gears, (2) H&S 7+4HD (1) H&S 501, (1) Gehl970, all in good shape.


Real Estate Wanted 021

WANTED: Brown, Renville,Sibley or Nicollet Countiesland wanted for this fallownership. Will pay top dol-lar due to government floodland buyout. 507-794-4100

Antiques & Collectibles 026

ANTIQUES FOR SALE: OldIH one row corn binder,works great, always shed-ded. Price $675. Call Johnat 507-383-7470

FOR SALE: JD #45 loader,exc cond, stored inside, nocracks or welds. Originalfenders for JD A or B or Gtractor. 507-943-3809

FOR SALE: NH Super 77square baler w/ engine; 10'New Ulm windrower; JDmodel 44 214 hyd lift plowon rubber tires, recond,very nice; JD model 4D,214 plow on steel, very goodcond. 320-732-3370

Real Estate 020

We have extensive lists ofLand Investors & farm buy-ers throughout MN. We al-ways have interested buy-ers. For top prices, go withour proven methods over

thousands of acres. Serving Minnesota

Mages Land Co & Auc Servwww.magesland.com


Real Estate Wanted 021

WANTED: Land & farms. Ihave clients looking fordairy, & cash grain opera-tions, as well as bare landparcels from 40-1000 acres.Both for relocation & in-vestments. If you haveeven thought about sellingcontact: Paul Krueger,Farm & Land Specialist,Edina Realty, SW SuburbanOffice, 14198 CommerceAve NE, Prior Lake, MN55372. [email protected]


Real Estate 020

Todd County MN, 233 acres,178 tillable, 55 pasture &building site. 320-630-0583

Real Estate 020

Sell your land or real estatein 30 days for 0% commis-sion. Call Ray 507-339-1272





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Page 31: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Opening March 8 & Closing March 22: IQBID Park River Implement.Equipment located at multiple locations. See complete details online atwww.IQBID.comOpening March 9 & Closing March 20: IQBID Tjosvold Equipment Inc.,Granite Falls, MN. See complete details online at www.IQBID.comOpening March 19 & Closing March 27: IQBID Bob KadelbackCollectible Auction, LItchfield, MN. Large Assortment Of Horse & WagonToys, Toy Tractors & More!Opening March 19 & Closing March 28: IQBID New IH Toy TractorCollection, Litchfield, MN. Large Assortment of Toy Tractors, many still inboxes. See complete listings online at www.IQBID.comOpening March 19 & Closing March 29: IQBID Southern MI DairiesInventory Reduction Sale, Hudson, MI. See complete details online atwww.IQBID.comTuesday, March 21 @ 7 AM-10 AM: IQBID Absolute Granite QuarryAuction, Hillman, MN, 19.8+/- acres of salt & pepper granite in MorrisonCounty, MN. See complete details online at www.IQBID.comThursday, March 22 @ 10 AM: AgIron 28 Consignment Event,Litchfield, MN. This is a large event with many items already consigned.Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, ConstructionEquipment, Hay & Livestock Equipment & much more! AdvertisingDeadline: February 24Friday, March 23 @ 11 AM: DelRoy Ledeboer Estate, Prinsburg, MN,Farm AuctionWednesday, March 28 @ 10 AM: Don Seltvedt, Harvey, ND, FarmRetirement Auction. Most Equipment Has Been Stored Inside WithExcellent MaintenanceThursday, March 29 @ 10 AM: Don’s Electric Inc., Bismarck, ND,Business Retirement Sale of Large Electrical ContractorMonday, April 2 @ 11 AM: Bill Haberman Estate, Barney, ND, FarmAuctionWednesday, April 4 @ 10 AM: CS Dubois Construction Inc., West Fargo,ND, Business RealignmentTuesday, April 10 @ 10 AM: Ken & Ted Weshnevski, Tower City, ND,Farm AuctionThursday, April 12 @ 11 AM: Cedar Bend Farms, Warroad, MN, FarmAuctionFriday, May 11 @ 10 AM: Allan & Phyllis Forness, Colfax, ND, FarmAuction

Steffes Auction Calendar 2012For More info Call 1-800-726-8609

or visit our website:www.steffesauctioneers.com

Mages Land Co. & Auction Service507-276-7002


They want how much to sell your Farm??We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout

MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies

130 Acre Prime Renville Cty. Farm Land, 119tillable in Sec. 6, Twp. 112N, Rng. 32W. Sells AtAuction April 3rd, 10 a.m., Squirrel’s in Fairfax, MNRural Residence: 3 acre lot w/2 bedroom 11⁄2 storyhome. Nice yard w/plenty of space. Sells At AuctionApril 12th, 6 p.m., 14948 120th Ave., Hanska, MNWonderful 10 Acre Rural Residence, Perfect forhorses or livestock w/3 bedroom home, pole shed, niceyard and 5 acre alfalfa, $149,900 • 57821 300th St.,Winthrop, MNBeautiful Wooded Country Lot, $24,900 • Section34, Courtland E. Twp., Nicollet CountyExcellent Hunting Land, 80 acres in Renville County,$890/Acre, near County Roads 11 & 54

NOTICE: Buyers are responsible for their own items after purchasing. As between auctioneers, clerks and buyers all items are sold “AS IS” and theentire risk as to the quality and performance of the product is with the “BUYER.” The auctioneers and clerks expressly disclaim all warranties eitherexpressed or implied. The buyer acknowledges being so informed prior to sale. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

See website for more photos • Bidding Only By Number

Auctioneers & Clerks:Brown & Baker Auction Co. & Real Estate • Appleton, MN & Buffalo Gap, SD

John Baker - 76-11 - (320) 760-0478 • Dru Tosel - 76-23 - (612) 860-7143Merlyn Siegfried - Watertown, SD

website: www.brownandbaker.com • email: [email protected]


AUCTIONSaturday, March 31 • 9:00 AM

Location: Appleton Sports Center, N. Hwy. 59, Appleton, MN. Watch For Signs!

Tractors • Loaders • Mowers• ‘02 JD 8520D, MFWD w/ILS front axle,16-spd., PS, 3 pt., 22 front suitcasewgts., 520/85R46 tires w/duals, 4.20-34front tires, duals, 5400 hrs., SN-005828• ‘94 JD 7400D, MFWD w/open station,pwr. Quad, 3 pt., & JD 740 loaderw/bucket. 18.4-38 rubber. (SellsSeparate) • ‘94 JD 6400D, MFWD w/640loader & grapple, pwr. Quad Rangew/shuttle, 3 pt., 18.4R-38 & 13.6R28tires, 4300 hrs., SN-12604 • JD 4640,MFWD w/Quad Range, 3 remotes,480/80R42, 14.9-24 tires & 12 suitcasewgts., SN-015295R • JD 4240 (no cab),3 remotes, PTO, 18.4-38 tires,SN-001906R • Ford 9600D w/3 pt., dualhyd., 18.4-38, recent OH, 5525 hrs.,(Excellent) • Case 2470 4 wheel tractorw/OH (Good Runner) • ‘81 IHC 1086tractor (Good Rubber) • ‘57 MM 445Model w/3 pt., new tires, good paint,SN-1010821 • A. Chalmers D-17 dsl.w/WF • Ford 9N tractor • ‘07 JD 2320DUtility Hst w/MFWD, 60” deck, 3 pt.,Only 127 hrs., (Like New), SN-H202086• Farmall A tractor (Restored) • ‘34 JD“A” Unstyled (Not Running), SN-412243• ‘37 JD F-20 (Not Running), SN-89644• JD 216 mower w/47” deck & bagger• JD LX188 lawnmower, 48” deck• 4/14.9-34 Firestone tractor tires (40%)• Other Misc. Tractor Tires - 13-28 Tires& Centers for A.C. • 3 Car Tiresw/Chrome Wheels

Skid Loaders• JD 260D skid loader w/83” materialbucket, 2700 hrs., 14.17.5 tires,SN-A160347 • Bobcat 843B dsl. skidloader w/71” bucket (3000 hrs.),SN-503760451 • Bobcat 742 gas w/61”bucket, SN-21720

Vehicles • Trucks• ‘97 Ford 2WD pickup w/V-6, Reg. Cab& box, 128,000 mi. • ‘95 Ford F-150 4x4w/300 6 cyl., 5-spd., cattle guard (Clean)

• ‘93 Ford F-150 w/302, 8 cyl., 5-spd.,Ext. Cab, 4x4 • ‘87 Chevy Silverado 301-ton Dually w/10’ steel flat box & 454gas • ‘91 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab w/5.7350 eng. • ‘77 Ford pickup w/80,000actual mi. (Good Condition) • ‘77 FordF-600 single axle truck w/steel box,hoist, roll tarp • ‘99 Dodge Van GrandCaravan (Clean) • ‘77 Ford F-250w/2WD, Super Cab • ‘55 Dodge graintruck, 14’ box, 4&2 trans., tarp, & 350Chevy motor • ‘74 Chevy C-60 graintruck w/350 bu. box, hoist & Westfieldseed auger

Miscellaneous Equipment• 2/8’ Loftness snowblowers (1 heavyduty, 1 standard) • Rhino 3 pt. postauger w/9” auger (New) • 2 Pt. dirtscraper • 3 Pt loader bucket w/hyd. tilt• 7’ Land Pride 3 pt. blade • 7’ Kingkutter3 pt. blade • 1500 gal. water tank • 100gal. pickup fuel tank • Yardman 10 hp.30” snowblower • 6.5 hp. Honda transfermotor w/elec. start • Consignment ofshop tools & hardware from TelfordImplement of Appleton • Woods 3 pt.RM59 mower • Selection of hand &power tools • Steel fence posts •Livestock gates (Various Sizes) • 18/10’sections steel rain gutter (New) • WardWestern Field 22 bolt rifle • Savage 12ga. 23⁄4” shotgun, Model 30E • JD radarmonitor • Bin angle drives & binspreader • 2-Bottom Ford plow

Machinery & Equipment• ‘98 Timpte 42’ alum. hopper trailer• ‘12 Elite 32’ dually tandem implementtrailer • IHC 710 Model 6/18’ on-landplow • IHC 490 Model 27’ tandem disk• Felling 16’ car trailer, (Heavy Duty)• Handy Model 1000 field sprayer w/66’boom for 30” & 22” rows • Blumhardt500 gal. sprayer, 60’ boom, tandem• Melroe multiweeder, 36’ • 2/12’ Melroepress drills w/transport (6” or 12”spacing) • Tye 20’ grain drill • JD 12’

3-pt. chisel plow • 3-Pt. blade forks• Westfield 8”x31’ auger w/8 hp. gasmotor • Case 20’ field cult. • Rock Nabor• Parker 2500 gravity box w/Kewaneegear • E-Z Flow 300 bu. gravity box &gear • Dakon 250 bu. gravity box & 10-ton gear • Several hyd. drill fill augers• Parker 250 bu. gravity box w/gears &grain fill auger • Hyd. rock picker • 12-Row fert. bander w/squeeze pump &markers • IHC 2010, 25’ flexhead • 6Kinze Units to fit JD 7000 planter • Feterlgrain screener • Saddle tanks for JD4640 • NH 519 Model manure spreader• Westfield 7”x41’ auger w/screener• Westfield 13”x111 auger w/hyd. drivehopper • WIC square baler shredderw/Honda motor • JD 1240 4R planter(Plateless) • Frontier grain vacuvator• Wilrich Trailmaster sprayer w/pump,90’ boom, 46” rubber • 750-Gal. spraytank for digger mt.

ATV’s • Boats• ’07 Arctic Cat 650 w/receiver hitch,4x4, 1000 mi., (Camouflaged) • ‘04Honda Rancher 400cc 4x4 w/1500 mi.• JD AMT 626 5-wheel ATV • ‘87Alumacraft 16’ boat & trailer w/40 hp.Johnson, power trim, depth finder, 4seats • ‘86 Sylvan 16’ w/65 hp. Mercury,E-Z Load trailer & depth finder • ‘82Crestliner 16’ boat w/15 hp. Johnson,Easy Roll trailer, depth & fish finder• Aluminum 48’ Hewitt Roll-a-Dock• Schwinn S-500 elec. scooter • Schwinn10 spd. bicycle

LpPV School Property• ‘80 IHC gravel truck w/plow, single axle(Poor Brakes) • ‘93 Dodge van, 185,000mi. • ‘89 Chevy Astro van (Not Running)• ‘78 Chevy pickup

City of Appleton Property• ‘07 Ford Crown Victoria, needs enginework • ‘00 Model Ford Explorer, needslinkage adjustment

No items removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents sale day. Lunch Available.

Farm Implements 035

Allis 2000 4-18 bottom plow,trip beam, exc cond; Bad-ger 12500L liquid manuretank; 12' Badger pit pump;Ashland dirt mover.


Farm Hand F233 QT loader,w/ QT bale spear & bucket,universal mounts, $2,450.(715)495-0873

FOR SALE – (1) pr 18.4x38duals + axle hubs, Fire-stone Radio all traction 23degree, 8 ply + tubes, newcond. Came off 1896 CaseIH tractor, $4,200/OBO. (1)pr 18.4x42 duals + axlehubs, Firestone radio alltraction 23 degree, 10 ply70% off 23 Case IH,$3500/OBO. (1) pr 30.5x32Firestone super all traction23 degree tires, cond 70%.


Farm Implements 035

30' (12 row) Loftness stalkchopper, good, $3,900/trade.

319-296-2236Ag Wrap 6x6 bale wrapper,

3pt or loader mt, w/plasticrolls, $9,950. 641-425-5478

CIH 900, 12x30 planter,$4,900; 18.4x42 ,10 bolt du-als, $2,200; 5”, 10 bolt ex-tensions, $275/set; Killbros15 ton running gearw/brakes, $2,450; Brent 250bu. weigh wagon w/motor &scale, $2,750; 1000 gal. tankw/running gear & fert.pump, $1,250. 320-769-2756

CIH MX270, duals, fullyequipped; CIH 2166, YM,tracker, 25' head, 7R20”cornhead; Kansun 1025, 215corn dryer; FM 2-way mo-bile system, base, repeater& mobile. 507-695-2373

Farm Implements 035

10 JD suitcase wgts w/bracket, $900; 12 IH 70 lbsuitcase wgts, $80/ea; JDradar gun, $275; JD HD 10bolt 14” extensions, $350/pr;(2) JD 512 ripper units,complete, $750/ea.


1000 gal. portable fuel tankon 4 whl. wagon, goodcond., $1,100. 952-240-2193

2 or 3 pt blades 6', 7', 8' & 9',$100 to $1250. Tractors &other equip. avail. 712-299-6608

3 pt Snowblowers, 7', 8', $850to $2850. Tractor weights &chains. 712-299-6608

9250 CIH 4WD, PS, 20.8x42tires; 4555 JD FWA, PS,18.4x42 tires; 4430 JD, PS,18.4x38 tires, pwr beyondhyd, 3pt lift assist; DemcoConquest 1100 gal sprayer,x boom, foam markers &monitor; 955 CIH 12R VFplanter, trash whippers &monitor; CIH Tigermate IIred field cult, 40.5', 4 bardrag. 507-276-4627

Case IH 900 4R planter, dryfert & insect. 1000 RPMpump & monitor. Miller 4RCult; JD #43 Corn Sheller;NH 2RW cornhead w/ FPmountings. Exc cond, al-ways shedded. Call for pric-ing. (715) 985-3187.

Grain Handling Equip 034

FOR SALE:Used grain bins,floors unload systems, sti-rators, fans & heaters, aer-ation fans, buying or sell-ing, try me first and alsocall for very competitivecontract rates! Officehours 8am-5pm Monday –Friday Saturday 9am - 12noon or call 507-697-6133

Ask for Gary

REM Grain Vac 2700, new....................$19,450

Mike 507-848-6268

Walinga grain vacs: 2 used7614, 1 new 7614. Call fordetails. Olivia, MN 320-523-1099Westfield Augers, New:

10-61...... $8,19910-71...... $8,799

All sizes available.Call Mike 507-848-6268

Farm Implements 035

'08 3739 Allis Agco-New IdeaManure Spreader. Tandemaxle, 1100-225 tires, hydendgate, 2spd apron, like-new shedded cond.$9,900/OBO. UniversalMount 66" rubber tirescraper, exc. cond, no rust,$625/OBO. (651)345-3164

'95 Case IH 7230, MFW trac-tor, 3pt, 3 hyd, 14.9x46 tires& duals, $42,500; NH DR780 round baler, nice,$8,900; Brittonya 80' midmount boom, pu sprayer,500 gal, w/ Raven 440 con-troller, $1,800. 320-361-0065


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 32: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Darrell Regnier Auction Company507-828-7383




View complete listingof auction at

www.darrellregnierauction.comSale starts at 9:30 AM Sharp!

Consign your items now!

St. Martin MN Retirement Farm Auction


Joe & Mary Jo SchlickOwners 320-548-3367

Cols. Dennis, Mike & John MeagherAuctioneers

Celebrating 100 Years In The Auction Business1912-2012

Lic. 73-8 (Mike) 320-250-5391

Saturday March 31st • 10:30 A.M.Located At 25575 Co Rd 12 Paynesville MN.

Being 1 Mile West Of St. Martin MN On Co Rd 12

Tractors/Skidloader: Case IH 2294 CAH Axle Duals &Weights, IH 1066 Cab & Axle Duals, Case IH 685 DieselROPS, Case 830 w/Loader & Cab, Melroe 751 G SeriesSkidloader w/Bucket. Tillage/Planting: Brillion 7 ShankDisc Chisel w/Light Kit, IH 480 22‚ Disk, Oliver 385 18’ 3Pt FC, Melroe 902 4-18 Reset Plow, John Deere 70004RW Planter w-Monitor, 8’ Brillion Seeder On Rubber,Harrows & More. Hay & Forage: Hesston 1120 9’Haybine, Hesston 420 14’ Windrower w/Auger Head,Case IH 8530 Baler w/Thrower, John Deere 851 Siderake, 4 Bale Thrower Racks & Wagons, IH 781 ForageHarvester W/Heads, 3 Forage Boxes & Wagons, Case IH600 Forage Blower. Manure & Other Equip: Better Built3150 Tandem Liquid Manure Tank, IH 575 Tandem AxleManure Spreader, Brillion FS1446 6RN Stalk Shredder,Artsway Grinder Mixer, 250 Gal Crop Sprayer, 165Gravity Box & Wagon, 3 Sets Of Wagon Quick Hitches,Clipper Fanning Mill. Antiques: McCormick DeeringCorn Binder (Original Manual Always Shedded)McCormick Deering Gas Engine (Original Manual),DeLaval Cream Separator, Wooden Wheel Wagon, OtherMisc Antiques. Rupp 34 Sprint Snowmobile, OtherEquipment & Antiques.

See website for complete auction bill.

Farm Implements 035

FEEDER WAGON: 20' H&Sexc cond.,$2,850.


FOR SALE: (2) Sukup cen-trifugal 10hp 230 volt, 3phdryer fans, no heaters,$1,750/ea; (2) 5hp Sukupfans w/heaters, also 3phexc cond, $600/ea; JD 8Rfolding cult w/ rolling shlds,$2,600; Wetherall 8R foldingcult w/ rolling shields,$1,100; 12' grain bins & sti-rators. 507-947-3485

Farm Implements 035



FOR SALE: (1) set of800/70/38 tractor tires,DT880 Goodyears, 75%tread, $1,790/set. 507-964-5548 or 507-327-1903





, 201





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Page 33: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

LARGE MULTI PARTY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTIONWednesday, April 11, 2012 — 9:30 a.m.

Location: Approximately 1 mile west of Leeds, ND on the south side of Hwy. 2CONSISTENTLY NORTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA’S LARGEST FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Each year, this has been a huge auction that always features an outstanding line of well kept equipment. If you are looking for a specific piece, be sure to look this entire list over carefullyas equipment is categorized by owner rather than by type of equipment.Additional Note: This is a partial list, new consignments are arriving daily. As other years, remember this auction always features unlisted and unadvertised items which results in a huge and interesting auction.

GLENN EWERT & CARMEN EWERT, Langdon ND - 701-370-2213 or 701-370 2209 - 1981 JD 8820 combine, extensive maint., approx 4000 sep. hrs., clean, has pickup heads and straight heads • STEVE NEAMEYER, Mylo ND - 701-656-3637 or 701-739-7557 - 1982 GMC twin screw tandem truck, 3208 Cat - (2) 450 bushel PTO grain dryers - 1994 Case IH 1688 combine, approx. 3000 sep hrs - 25’ Model 1020 flex head w/finger reel - Case IH 1015 pickup head- 30’ Case IH 1010 rigid head w/bat reel - 20’ IHC 810 sunflower head - 25’ JD 590 swather, 1000 PTO • LAWRENCE MATTERN, Rugby ND - 701-771-2035 - 80’ Summers trailer type sprayer - Great Plains 33’ air seeder hoe drill - 21’offset Hutchmaster disk - (8) 24.5 truck tires on rims • JOSEPH GOESER, Munich ND - 701-370-1750 - 32’ JD field cultivator, 2 bar - 22’ JD 222 straight head - 25’ JD Model 590 swather • SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT, Rugby, ND- 612-328-5946 - 2007 20’ Woods batwing mower, nicely equipped - 8’ flatbed headache rack • RODGER SKIFTON, Harvey ND - 701-324-2995 - 25’ JD 590 pull type swather - 10x18’s WilRich plow - 8 row cult. • CARL & BETTY HARTL,Cando ND - 701-968-3698 - (2) Heavy duty bale trailers - Hyd. log splitter • RICK THOMAS, Egeland ND - 701-230-5802 - 1977 8430 JD 4WD, 50 engine, PTO - 30’ WilRich field cult - 28’ IHC Model 150 hoe drills - 20’ JD Model 220header w/ pans • MIKE GEISEN, Bisbee ND - 701-656-3695 or 701-739-9495 - 1998 JD 9610 combine, recently gone through by JD dealer, 2862 separator hrs., clean, shedded - 30’ JD 930R head, shedded, trailer - 30’ JD 630 HydraFlex head w/finger reel, trailer • KENT HEJLIK, Lakota ND - 701-247-2279 or 701-739-7972 - 96’ Hardi HC950 sprayer - 21’ JD 590 swather w/finger reel - 1680 Case IH combine, long sieve, new engine at 2800, shows 4550 hrs. - 30’1020 flex head, finger and bat - 24’ 810 rigid - 30’ header trailer • GERALD STENSON, Rock Lake ND - 701-266-5159 or 701-266-5399 - Real Industries tub and alley, near new - Real Industries, like new - (2) JD 535 round balers, good- 48’ Fruehauf flatbed semi trailer - 25’ JD Model 590 swather - Wilmar 500 twin fertilizer spreader • GLEN SLAUBAUGH, Rugby ND - 701-771-0079 - 25’ Case IH swather - 43’ WilRich field cult - JD 3960 chopper w/heads - New Hollandsquare baler - 24’ Alloway 3 pt PTO stalk chopper - Richardton dump wagon - JD 212 head, shedded - 150 bu. Verns creep feeder - (2) 1600 gal. poly tanks - Several cattle gates • BRIAN AANSTAD, Hampden ND - 701-868-3631 - 40’Case IH Model 4900 Vibratiller, Summers harrows, NH3 hitch • GORDON NELSON, Sheyenne ND - 701-996-2345 or 701-351-3128 - 1989 Freightliner semi tractor - Gehl MS142 manure spreader • GARY BACHER, Wolford ND - 701-583-2236 - 28’ Case IH Model 7200 hoe drills, always shedded • JASON SORLIEN, Lakota ND - 701-740-7046 - 90’ Horvick sprayer, Hardi booms, nicely equipped • GREG GRABER, Wolford ND - 701-583-2271 - 96’ Flexicoil sprayer,nice condition - JD 4 wheel wagon running gear - JD 212 head • JOE SCHMALTZ. Rugby ND - 701-208-0873 or 701-776-2249 - 900 Versatile Series I, dependable tractor - 60’ Summers harrow • BRUCE SIMON, Starkweather ND -701-868-3705 - 48’ WilRich 3400 cultivator, Summers harrows - 39’ Flexicoil 5000 air drill w/2320 tow between tank • FARMERS UNION RUGBY, Rugby ND - 701-776-5221 - (2) 7”x31’ Westfield grain augers, elec. • DAVID AHLBERG,Leeds ND - 701-739-9448 - JD 4650 2WD tractor, 3 pt., P.S., PTO, good • KEVIN ANDERSON, Leeds ND - 701-351-0955 - 1974 Chevrolet tag tandem grain truck • ROGER RANCE, Cando ND - 701-968-3911 or 701-739-7447 - 19’White Model 253 tandem disk - 70’ Flexicoil 5 bar harrow - 45’ -Tormaster heavy packer • DAN & GREG PLEMEL, Starkweather ND - 701-230-1554 or 701-740-7082 - IH 856 diesel tractor w/IH loader & grapple - JD 7000 8 row Max-emerge 3 pt. planter - 7’ JD #37 trailing mower - 1995 JD 9600 combine, loaded, nice - JD 930 straight head - JD 930 flex head, poly snouts, good - JD 843A all crop head - 30’ header trailer • DARRELL ODEGAARD, Egeland ND -701-230-1613 - 30’ JD 930 rigid head w/finger reel - (2) 30’ header trailers - 5’ JD 506 brush mower - (4) 16’ Verns steel feed bunks - 1000 gal round poly tank - 1500 round poly tank, water only - Truck box 16’ trailer, steel box •JASON LEER, Wolford ND - 701-771-2593 - 1991 Case IH 1680 combine, approx. 3500 sep hrs., super clean & shedded - JD 36’ 787 air seeder, 730 tool, tank shedded - Kingsman bale mover, 7 bale, nice - (8) 5’x9’ cattle panels - 32pieces of 13’ guard rail - 2000 Arctic Cat 500 4WD 4 wheeler, shedded • ARDEN LOKEN, Minnewaukan ND - 701-473-5506 - 1971 Chevy C-60 tandem grain truck, 366, 5+2 - REM 1026B grain vac, nice - 45’ Riteway land roller, nice •STEVE GILJE, Rolette ND - 701-246-3427 - JD 4250 MFD tractor, factory 3 pt., 540-1000 PTO, w/JD 260 self leveling loader • DAVE AMBERS, Minnewaukan ND - 701-740-7461 - 40’ semi van trailer fully equipped for spraying - 13x35Batco conveyor, 220 - 8’ poly canola roller - Degelman reel type rock picker • JOHN HAGEN, Fordville ND - 701-331-1091 - 8 row x 30” IHC Model 800 cyclo planter, monitor equipped, sunflower & corn drums, excellent condition •JEFF SLAUBAUGH, Wolford ND - 701-771-2326 - 930 JD flex head w/air finger reel - 30’ header trailer, like new • CLAYTON DAMMEN, Starkweather ND - 701-230-2421 - 53’ De-Tach lowboy heavy equipment tri-axle semi trailer w/selfcontained hydraulics • DOUG SCHMID, Oberon, ND - 701-739-9181 - Wilmar 8 ton spreader • DENNIS GLEASON, Devils Lake ND - 701-739-8836 - 410 JD MFD Extendahoe backhoe w/loader • GAYLON SIELER, Cando ND - 701-230-1985 - 21’ IHC pt swather • MIKE O‚BRIEN, Leeds ND - 701-721-9715 - 1965 Ford 1 ton dually • GILMAN GUNDERSON, York ND - 701-583-2518 - 29’ Morris chisel, good - 8”x50’ Cenex PTO auger • DAVE KENNER, Maddock ND -701-341-1741 - 1986 Freightliner semi, 3406 Cat - 40’ JD 780 air seeder converted to 30” row crop planter • KENT PRANKE, Maddock ND - 701-739-2970 - JD 24’ 777 air seeder, low acres, exc. cond. - 56’ Model 210 Melroe spraycoupe, Ford Industrial 995 engine, factory cab, 130 gal. poly tank, low hours • RANDY SIMON, Oberon ND - 701-351-4196 - Buehler pallet forks - 3 pt. quick hitch for Cat 3 - Filson squeeze chute w/auto head gate • RICK SCHANZ,Langdon ND - 701-370-1958 - 30’ 730 Case IH pt swather • BRADY PETERSON, Rock Lake ND - 701-230-2586 - 65’ Flexicoil sprayer - 25’ 8220 pt swather, finger reel • LESTER ROBERTS, Oberon ND - 701-798-2666 - 800 VersatileSeries II 4WD, tires good, highly maintained - 552 REM grain vac • EDWIN BENSON, Bisbee ND - JD Model 96 pull type bean combine • RICHARD BERGETH, Devils Lake, ND - 701-662-5803 - 1600 Oliver tractor, row crop, 3 pt., PTODAN OLSON, Cando ND - 701-303-0150 - JD 924 flex head - JD 730 rigid head - 8”x60’ swing away auger - 77 Kutter King rotary mower, nice • KEVIN FUGERE, Bottineau ND - 701-871-1868 - 100’ Summers Super Sprayer, 1000 gal.• SPENCER BINA, Park River ND - 701-284-6282 - 1973 Chevy C-65 truck parts only • LARRY VETSCH, Rugby ND - 701-208-0248 - 25-30 aeration tubes w/fittings • ERIC JACOBSON, Rugby ND - 701-208-0547 - 1975 Chevy C-65tandem grain truck - (2) 300 bu. hopper bins - 41’ DMI NH3 applicator, new Summers harrows • LARRY LINDBERG, Perth ND - 701-656-3481 - IHC M tractor - Minneapolis Moline U tractor - Allis Chalmers B wf tractor - Tandem cartrailer • LOREN KNUTSON , Leeds ND - 701-466-2041 - 42’ DMI NH3 applicator • OSCAR & LENORA DAMMEN, Starkweather ND - 701-230-1898 - 2001 JD 9650 combine, straddle duals, 2053 sep hrs, loaded, shedded - 2000 JD214 pickup head - 930 Flex head - 30’ header trailer • ANTHONY THOMPSON, Leeds ND - 701-466-2473 - 851 Farm King PTO auger - 860 Cenex PTO auger • DEAN BORSTAD, Cando ND - 701-740-7774 - 1974 IHC single axle truck,15’ Frontier box, roll tarp, 32,500 actual miles - 45’ Saturn chisel w/harrows - 30’ SSR Quick-Tach sunflower pans w/trailer - 30’ JD 930 head - Demco tractor mount fertilizer tank, complete - 10’ Canola roller - 8x30 Pickett One Stepw/dividers, all updates - 48’ Dorsey reefer trailer w/tanks, mixing cones, complete • ARDEN HELGESETH, Leeds ND - 701-466-2713 - JD 4450 2WD tractor, factory 3 pt., lightly used, low hrs • TODD STATES, Bisbee ND - 701-351-5975 - 1968 GMC tandem truck - 510 JD round baler • KENT VESTERSO, Munich ND - 701-370-2211 - 1977 GMC C-65 lift tag grain truck, nice • STEVE SIMON, Hampden ND - 701-740-7532 - 1998 Chevy 1⁄2-ton 4WD service pickup,fully equipped including boss plow • DICK MILLION, Starkweather ND - 701-292-4181 - 1972 IHC 1800 tandem twin screw grain truck • JEFF HALVERSON, Rugby, ND - 701-208-0296 - 2004 JD 567 round baler, nice - NH 1475 hayconditioner - 510 JD baler - Gehl feeder wagon - (2) JD 3800 choppers, one corn head, one hay head - hyd. dump wagon - 9 wheel hay rake - Semi 24 bale hay trailer - 10’ crowding tub, like new • CHRIS PANKRATZ, Munich ND - 701-370-0461 - 100’ Summers sprayer w/auto rate - 25’ MacDon swather w/finger reel - 605 G Vermeer baler - Gehl Model 1500 baler • STEVE FRITEL, Willow City ND - 701-208-1006 - 30’ EZ-ON 1590 double off set disc - (2) IHC Btractors w/Woods mowers - Hopper bottom pup trailer, long pole - (2) 25’ MacDon pull type swathers, finger reel - 6’ Canola roller • JARVIS HEGLAND, Oberon ND - 701-798-2685 - 700 Versatile Series II tractor, 8350 hrs., decenttractor - 888 Wetmore grinder mixer • ROGER BENSON, Sheyenne ND - 701-351-0252 - 42’ JD field cult w/3 bar Summers - Du-al hyd. dump wagon • RON WOLFORD, Devils Lake ND - 701-739-9936 - 20’ Prowler camper, older,decent - Large snow push bucker for skid steer • SCOTT FOSS, Maddock ND - 701-240-5010 or 701-438-2441 - 2003 Kenworth semi, 435 Cummins - 42

1⁄2’ 2007 Timpte alum. hopper trailer - JD 4010 diesel tractor w/148 loader -

7020 Allis tractor, 3 pt., ps, showing 4000 hrs - 2390 Case tractor, 3 pt., ps, 8200 hrs - Drymor Bluebird continuous flow grain dryer, auto batch, 650 bph @ 20 moist., nice dryer - 225 bu. Parker gravity box, nice - Many large goodgrain augers • STAN MCLAUGHLIN, Crary ND - 701-351-1597 - 220 gal. factory used oil tank • FRED RANCE, Webster ND - 701-230-3205 - 1972 Chevy C-60 tandem lift tag cab and chassis, nice - Kirchmer V ditcher - 8”x41’ Mayrathw/220 • DAN WEBSTER, Penn ND - 701-739-6122 - 6 bottom Melroe plow, newer - 54’ Herman harrow - 40’ WilRich chisel, new NH3 knives - 6’ JD PTO rotary mower - 9’ IHC sickle mower - 20‚ factory hyd. drill transport - (2) new18.4-38’s, 1370 Case rims - Buzz saw • HARRIS & TODD LYSNE, Rugby ND - 701-208-1417 - 1974 Case 1370 tractor, well maintained - 21’ Case IH swather w/finger • JEFF TEUBNER, Cando ND - 701-303-0104 - 30’ SSR Quick Tach9” sunflower pans, reel • ROGER KENNER, Leeds ND - 701-351-3818 - 8 yd. Ashland scraper - (2) IHC plows, 11 bottom & 12 bottom • TONY NIEMAN, Calvin ND - 701-697-5280 or 701-697-5188 - IHC 806 diesel tractor w/loader •NORTHERN EQUIPMENT, Rugby ND - 701-776-5274 - 1966 JD 4020 tractor w/loader, good, 7200 hrs - (2) 20’ IHC 810 head w/pans, reel, trailer - 30’ JD 590 swather w/finger reel - New Idea 4865 round baler - 2003 Case IH RBX562round baler • KEITH AXTMAN, Rugby ND - 701-208-1656 - 42’ WilRich field cultivator w/harrows • MERLE BEACHY, Mylo ND - 701-370-1705 - 1996 IHC 9200 semi, M-11 Cummins • CHAD DUCHSCHER, Rugby ND - 701-776-6826- 1984 IHC truck w/flatbed, tank, 12V pump, pintle & goose, 466 diesel - Rem 1026 grain vac - 20’ IHC 810 head w/pans, reel, trailer - (3) pt finishing mowers w/Briggs - 560 gal skid tank, pump • OWEN GOESER, Munich ND - 701-682-5457 - 4 yd Ashland push off scraper -Several smaller augers, 220 elec - 8” Jump auger w/220 elec. - Antique gas pump - 10” & 12” aeration tubes, fans • BRIAN LAWLER, Hansboro ND - 701-266-5391 - 20’ IHC #55 chisel - 5bottom IHC plow • ENGSTROM BEAN & SEED, Leeds ND - 701-466-2398 – Auction Note: All of the following Engstrom Bean And Seed equipment has been shedded and well kept. - 2000 Kenworth W900L semi, 535 hp Cummins,fresh engine, sunroof, sleeper, 1,075,600 miles, grill guard, outstanding - 1998 Kenworth T2000 semi, C-12 Cat, 435 hp, 3909 engine hrs, 888,000 miles, very good truck - 1994 Peterbuilt day cab, Allison auto, 60 Series Detroit, 470hp, highly maintained truck, 496,889 miles - 1998 Volvo semi, 470 hp, 60 Series Detroit, nice shape, 688,900 miles - 1998 Volvo semi tractor, 470 hp, 60 Series Detroit, new tires, good cond. 640,160 miles - 1986 IHC 2375 semi tractor,day cab, L10 Cummins -1991 IHC 9300 semi tractor, day cab, 855 Cummins - 2006 40’ Mauer hopper trailer, low miles, excellent - 1991 34’ Midland hopper trailer, low miles, ag hoppers - 1996 JD 9600 combine, 3300 sep., soy andedible beans or grain, highly maintained - 2003 Premier MacDon 30’ self-propelled swather, Cummins diesel, with MacDon 972 header with finger reel, auto header tilt, fore & aft, double knife drive, 516 cutting hrs, 800 engine hrs,Serial #153264, outstanding cond., wired for JD universal auto steer - 1981 Versatile 895 Series II 4WD tractor, 2000 hrs on engine - 1992 Case IH 9270 4WD tractor, 855 Cummins, new rods & mains at 5000 hrs, 8100 hrs, set up foruniversal auto steer, outstanding maintenance program, bought brand new, 4 hyd. plus return - 2010 pull type Eagle Ditcher, Model 4A, hyd. left & right discharge, like new cond. - 1992 800 bu. United Farm Tools conveyor cart, hyd.drive, double conveyors, roll tarp -1998 JD Model 930 flex head with Crary air reel, shedded - 80’ 1994 AgChem Model 1803 Terragator, 1800 gal. stainless liquid tank, flood nozzles, foam markers, radar, wired for JD universal autosteer - Dawn 8 row x 30” strip tiller, all coulters, no shanks, fully equipped with liquid fert. including 1100 gal. pull behind liquid tank, raven controls, excellent unit, super clean, low acres - Very heavy duty 10 yd hyd. scraper - Ashland4.5 yd hyd. scraper • PAUL JOHNSON, Bisbee ND - 701-656-3359 - 1979 International 1480 combine, 6300 hrs., shedded, good, no beans - 20’ IH 55 chisel w/harrows - 22’ Melroe 502 chisel w/NH3, harrows - 6x 6’s White plow -5x16’s JD plow • TIM TUCHSCHERER, York ND - 701-583-2537 or 701-739-2537 - 25’ MacDon swather w/finger reel, nice - (3) 1500 gal. poly water tanks • TERRY & TODD JOHNSON, Cando ND - 701-370-2026 - (2) large swing awayaugers • KEVIN KAKELA, ROLLA ND - 701-550-9156 - 25‚’1900 Premier swather w/ finger reel - Crown fork type rock picker • CRAIG DISHER, Rolla ND - 701-550-9252 - 1975 Chevy tag tandem grain truck, good box & hoist, swingout gate, 355, 5+2, roll tarp - 50’ Hardi slide in pickup sprayer, complete - 42’ DMI NH3 applicator, complete • MEL GETTE, Devils Lake ND - 701-292-4891 - 10”x71’ PTO Westfield grain auger w/mechanical drive hopper • CURTISWIESZ, Bowden ND - 701-547-3848 or 701-341-1189 - (2) Wilrich Model 2500 field cultivators, complete walking tandems, 3 bar WilRich harrows • ARNE BERG, Starkweather ND - 701-351-3305 - 5 tube Kwik Kleen 220 elec. - (2)Hyd. drill fills • REG HERMAN, Brinsmade ND - 701-466-2396 - 4 wheel Parker header trailer, 30’ capacity - Brute cushion bumper hitch - Norco 2650 gal. poly water tank - John Blue nitrolator complete w/manifolds

Visit our websites at www.midwestauctions.com/dakota or www.globalauctionguide.com or call Auction Company for a sale bill. • Your North Central North Dakota Auction LeaderDakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson, Ag Land and Farm Equipment Auctions, Lic. #508, 525 Main St., Cando ND 58324, (701)-968-4224

FINANCING: We offer on the spot financing the day of the auction. • INTERNET BIDDING: This auction will feature live internet bidding. Go to www.proxibid.com. NOTE: Partial list, new consignment arriving daily • Lunch will be served!


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Page 34: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Woodford Ag507-430-5144

37666 300th St. • Redwood Falls, MNWWW.WOODFORDAG.COM



E-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS710 Bu. - On Hand......................$18,795510 Bu. - On Hand ..Starting at $10,995

GRAVITY WAGONS500 E-Z Trail - On Hand ..$7,995-$9,020400 E-Z Trail......................$6,895-$7,250HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERST10-32 PTO Truck Auger ..............$3,500T10-42 Truck Auger ......................$4,250T10-52 Truck Auger ......................$4,950H10-62 Swing Hopper ..................$8,500H10-72 Swing Hopper ..................$9,300H10-82 Swing Hopper ..................$9,750H13-62 Swing Hopper ................$13,500H13-72 Swing Hopper ................$14,500H13-82 Swing Hopper ................$15,500H13-92 Swing Hopper ................$18,50018-44 Belt Conveyor, 7.5 hp ........$9,95012 Volt Auger Mover ....................$1,995Hyd. Auger Mover ........................$1,350

HITCH DOC SEED TENDERS2 Box Tandem - On Hand ............$9,850

4 Box Tandem - On Hand ..........$15,9506 Box Gooseneck ......................$25,000


510 Loader - On Hand..................$5,750COMBINE HEAD MOVERS

E-Z Trail 4-wheel21’......................................$2,550-$2,75026’......................................$2,890-$3,90930’......................................$3,120-$3,320Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Baggers &

Bag Unloaders ........................In StockNEW ROUND BALE RACKS

10’x23’ - On Hand ........................$1,995NEW WHEEL RAKES

14 Wheel, high capacity ..............$8,99512 Wheel, high capacity ..............$8,49510 Wheel, V Rake - On Hand ......$3,7505 Wheel, 3 pt. Rake - On Hand ....$1,325Land Levelers, 10’ & 12’ ........On HandWalco Ground Pounder

45’ Land Roller........................$31,500

TRACTORS‘05 JD 9320, 3 pt., 3200 hrs. ....$133,000‘01 JD 9400T, 3 pt., 5400 hrs.,

30” tracks ................................$88,000‘01 JD 9200, 3 pt., 8500 hrs. ......$69,500‘90 Ford 946, 6100 hrs. ..............$39,000‘90 Ford 876, 6200 hrs. ..............$42,500

GRAIN CARTS‘10 E-Z Trail 510 ..........................$10,500Unverferth 4500, Nice! ..................$8,000Parker 450 ....................................$5,250

WAGONS‘10 E-Z Trail 3400 w/brakes..........$6,900(2) Parker 4000, 450 bu.................$3,750

MISCELLANEOUS‘97 JD mower conditioner, 16’......$5,750‘07 Mandako 50’ Land Roller ....$27,500‘96 Chevy 1500 XT, 4x4 ................$3,995‘96 Towmaster 18’ trailer ..............$1,500JD 1000, 34’ field cultivator..........$1,250





Farm Implements 035

Soil finisher-JD 722 21', fieldready. $5,900. 608-685-4050

Soil Saver Brillion 9 shank$1,250. (608)685-4050

We buy Salvage Equipment

Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc.


Tractors 036

'03 JD 640 self-leveling load-er w/joystick valves, exccond, $5,800. (715)667-5353

'06 JD 7820 MFWD 20spd.power quad, 18.4 x 42 duals,794 hrs, $118,000. NHHW365 self-propelled dis-cbine, 18' head, 199 eng hrs.Cut only 585 acres. $82,000.(715) 296-2162

'08 White 8516 corn planter,16R30", HD down pressure,central fill, row cleaners,very nice planter. $79,500.


'67 4020, cab, pwr shift, dualhyd, 16.9x38 w/ matchingduals, new rubber, clean &straight, $12,900; '71 4020,cab, dual hyd, needs engwork, $6,500. Call

612-282-1184 after 5 pm.

'76 JD 4430 Quad Range w/F258 ldr, nice clean unit,good rubber w/ axle mountduals. Will separate.$15,000/OBO. 507-383-0235

'77 Allis Chalmers 7060, pwrshift, air, rock box, duals,4646 hrs., overhauled, nice,$10,000. 507-847-4693 Jack-son, MN

'79 4440 Quad, dual hyd, lowhrs on OH, new clutch,20.8x38 drivers 95%, duals15%, very nice paint & inte-rior, $21,000; '78 404 engine,4900 hrs, $2,900. Call 612-282-1184 after 5 pm.

'92 Case IH 9280, 4800 hrs,24.5x32 tires 70%, 12spd,$67,500; IH 5600 25' chiselplow, flat fold wings w/mulcher, very good, $9,500.


'93 4755 JD, MFWD, sharptractor. 507-330-3674

'97 JD 6400, CAH, MFWDfront PTO & 3pt 24spd pow-er quad. 9300 hrs, 100HP+.$28,200. 320-543-3523

'98 JD 8300 MFWD, axle du-als. 4995 hrs. One owner!Very nice. 715-273-4510

1070 Case, 5400 hrs, duals, 2nd

owner, very good,$9,000/OBO; JD 2030 D utili-ty, 5335 hrs, w/ 245 ldr, joy-stick, 7' bucket, very good,$13,500/OBO. 320-287-1095

4255 JD cab, MFD, powershift, new front tires,$29,995. 4560 JD cab, powershift, $27,850.

Call (715)772-4255

CAT 85D, runs good, exc.cond., good under-carriage,weights. 608-548-2040

Cockshutt 570 dsl w/all hydldr, $4,500. 715-239-3951

FOR SALE: '00 JD 8310,MFWD, 18.4R46 tires & du-als, 14.9R34 fronts, 6800 hrs,complete engine rebuild,rear wgts, quick hitch,mirrors, fenders, fieldready. 507-789-6049

Farm Implements 035

MANDAKO NEW & USEDLand Rollers-11 Sizes From12 to 75 Ft. (Several OnHand) Heaviest Roller onThe Market (5/8” Wall x42” Dia.) Larger 3” Shafts& Bearings Not 2 7/16”. Or-der Yours Today. WeTrade/Deliver AnywhereDealer 319-347-6282

NH #315 w/Super Sweep pick-up. Exc. cond.; wagongear, 10 ton, Nu Built, exc.cond., good tires. Retiring.


NH BR7090 Baler, applica-tor, bale command net &twine, 1200 bales, $31,000.


NH HW345 windrower, 437hrs, 15.6' discbine head,cab/AC, $71,000. 641-425-5478

ORGANIC FARMERS1815 M & W rotary hoe, al-

ways shedded. Like new.$1,150. 608-685-4050

Poly cup auger for gravitybox, hydraulic motor w/12V on & off, $1,200; 825 JD8R cult w/ rolling shields,$1,500. 612-282-1184

Rite Way 250RR reel rockpicker, solid hitch, goodcond; Bazooka 8”x26'auger, 5hp motor; Feterl10”x 66' PTO auger.


Rite Way Land Rollers, New46'.........$35,97262'.........$51,537

Mike 507-848-6268

Sudenga 14' brush auger w/ext spout, $675; Case IH5200 3pt 20' drill, 7 1/2”spacing w/ markers, $1,750;(8) JD 3 bu boxes for 7000planter, like new, $150/ea;Polaris 500 6+6 w/ dumpbox, $1,850. 320-361-0065

Farm Implements 035

JD 24 Ft #726 Late ModelFinisher w/ 5 Bar Harrow,Shedded Real Nice.Agco/White 12-30 #6182 No-Til Planter Forward FoldMartin Row Cleaners, MonDry Fert, Real Good. 319-347-6138 Can Deliver

JD 4960 MFW tractor, PS, 3hyd, 3pt, 18.4x42 w/ duals,90%, 20 frt wgts, recentOH, $42,500; JD 2510 gastractor, 3pt, new 15.5x38tires, 3700 hrs, $5,900; NHBR780A baler, wide pu &net wrap, $12,750;


JD 546 disc bine, exc condJD 27 stalk chopper, verygood. 12 J&D headlocks. 5heavy steel gates, 9'-14'. 4'fan. 715-790-0362

JD 6000 hi-cycle sprayer, 60'hyd. booms w/tow hitch,$8,000; Dakon 300 bu. grav.box w/14” metal expan-sions, 12T running gear,truck tires & lts, $1,900;Year-a-round 325 bu. grav.box w/12T running gear &lts, $1,900. 507-877-2036

Loaders for 1940 thru 1970tractors $250 to $3650. 712-299-6608 Pomeroy

New Idea 50' elevator PTOdownspout. JD 2700 6 btmvari width plow, spring re-set, coulters on land hitch.NH 256 5 bar side rake frtdolly wheels; Gehl 72C flailchopper Westendorf WL44all hyd ldr, 7' materialbucket, bale spear. JD 348baler #40 ejector, elect.&hyd controls; IH 5100 soy-bean spec. drill 24x6 doubledisk, press wheels, grassseed, marker wheels. IHCyclo 900 6R planter, 30”cross auger, dry fert, ins.boxes. All Items Shedded.(715) 579-0048

Farm Implements 035

FOR SALE: New Tebben 3pt. mnt. forklift, ½ price;new skidloader bucket, 80”,½ price; '95 Jeep Wran-gler, new tires, 6 cyl., nice,$3,275. 320-589-4477 or 320-815-8448

Grapple fork for JD loader,w/ cyl, $250/OBO. Smedleysteer stopper, 150 bu, doesnot leak water, $400. 7T NHrunning gear, 9.5L15 tires,like new, telescope pole,$625/OBO. Dynatorque ra-dio, 20.8-38 for dual, 45%rubber, $75. (651)345-3164

H&S 24' feed wagon. $3,250;(2) Gruetts 24' feed wag-ons, $2,850/ea; Kinze 6RNdry fertilizer, $13,500.


Hardi 1100 Navigatorsprayer, 60' boom, OH 1000PTO pump, $21,000.


Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Re-pair Repair-Troubleshoot-ing Sales-Design Customhydraulic hose-making upto 2” Service calls made.STOEN'S Hydrostatic Ser-vice 16084 State Hwy 29 NGlenwood, MN 56334 320-634-4360

IH 2250 tractor loader.Mount-O-Matic. Snow buck-et & tine bucket (tine buck-et new, never used). $2,500.


JD 425, 60” all steer lawn-mower; '65 JD 4020 dsl.,pwr shift; JD 530 tractor, 3pt., fenders, restored; '39Allis WC; '41 Allis WC; JD158 ldr.; JD 46A ldr.; CIH2255 ldr.; JD 350, 7' mwr.;NH 455 pull-type 7' mwr.;JD 851 hay rake.

Koestler Equipment507-399-3006

Farm Implements 035

FOR SALE: IH 490 disc, 22',exc. blades, new bearings &tires, $5,500. 641-495-6170

FOR SALE: JD 212 grainpickup 4 belt very nice,$2,100; JD 640 3 wheel siderake, $1,050; JD 1450, 6 btm16” plow, $650; JD 4 btm16” plow, $350. 507-220-1419

FOR SALE: JD 230 wing folddisk, 21' 4”, good blades, noweld, $3,750; JD 220 centerfold, 18' 6”, cone blades,good cond, $2,750; JD 146ldr was on a 2640, no welds,no leaks, very nice, $3,250.


FOR SALE: JD Model 170Skidsteer. 5' bucket, cage,Ford engine. Good workingcond. $2,950. (715)442-6020.

FOR SALE: Phase O Maticrotary phase converter,30hp, $3,000; (3) CIH20.5x42 inner rims 10 boltoff 9180; Alladin powerwasher, model 1470, LP,$1,200; IH cab doors, backwindow off 1466, white;Onan 4.5 generator elecstart. 507-630-7007

Farm Implements 035

FOR SALE: Demo Kwic Pikrock picker for TV140 orany bi directional tractor.Only used 3 hours.


FOR SALE: Haybuster baleshredders. Help improveforage & bedding supply.Used machines starting at$4,995. Self loading & readyto work. 320-543-3523

FOR SALE: Hyd flat foldmarkers for planter or tool-bars etc. $2,500/set.


FOR SALE: JD 1065, 7 ton,running gear w/hoist, goodshape, steering tight, $650;AG 1000 liq. nurse tankw/1000 gal. poly tank, 14,000lb. tandem axle trlrw/11L15” tires, lights &jack, Briggs 5.5 hp motor &200 GPM pump, onlypumped water, $3,500. 507-380-3271

FOR SALE: JD 13', 8300grain drill, Brillion mount-ed, 6R zone commander,deep tillage; 1200 gal watertank; 400 gal pickup tank.


Farm Implements 035

FOR SALE: (3) JD woodenchuck wagons, (2) #216 &(1) #214. Good cond. Also,Gehl Hi Throw silage blow-er. (712)465-6451.

FOR SALE: 3pt graderblade, 7' wide, pull-type,$350. Ray Moeller


FOR SALE: 3pt hitch tractorforklift, lifts 4000 lbs, $750.


FOR SALE: 4555 2WD JD,3800 hrs; 1520 JD 20' drillon Yetter coulter cart &one brush auger. Retiring.507-629-3318 or 507-626-0344

FOR SALE: 6 Tower WelteRanger water drive centerpivot irrigator, 849' long,good condition. 320-398-7112

FOR SALE: Allied all hydldr from 285 or 105 White,like new, material & snowbucket; Allied 8' snowblow-er, has less than 10 hrs use;18.4x34 band duals com-plete, good tires; NH 269baler. 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583





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Page 35: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

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Upcoming Issues of THE LAND

Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier

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We pay top dollar for yourdamaged grain.

We are experienced handlersof your wet, dry, burnt

and mixed grains.Trucks and Vacs available.

Immediate response anywhere.


PRUESS ELEV., INC.1-800-828-6642


Office Location - 305 Bluff StreetHutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry


• Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks• Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks• Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’• Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders• Land Levelers

Smidley Equipment:• Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts• Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders• Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler

Sioux Equipment:• Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders• Cattle Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates• Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs• Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes)• Bergman Cattle Feeders• Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers• Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’• GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu.• Sheep & Calf Feeders• Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg.• Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley• Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates• Garfield Earth Scrapers• Peck Grain Augers, 8” - 10” - 12” • Special Price

• MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders• Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment• Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’• Jari Sickle Mowers• Grasshopper Lawn Mowers - Special Price Now!• “Tire” feeders & waterers• MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for

skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers• Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain

Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts• Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock• Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders• Bale Baskets• SI Feeders & Bunks• (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders• Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks• E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts• Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns• R&C Poly Bale Feeders• Farm King Augers and Mowers• Corral Panels & Horse Stalls• EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks• Roda Mini-Spreaders• Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks• Walco log splitter• Goat & Sheep feeders

• We Also Buy & Sell Used GT Tox-O-Wic Dryers OrWe Can Rebuild Your Dryer For You

• We Buy & Sell Used Smidley Steer Stuffers OrWe Can Rebuild Your Steer Stuffer For You

• IHC 250 2-row corn planter w/fert., disk openers,markers & rubber press whl. (good for feed plots)

• #206 Vermeer stump chipper, 16 hp. rebuilt engine• Aitchinson 7’ 3-pt. (grass farmer) inter-seeder• Kewanee rock flex disk, 141⁄2’• 9’ 3 pt. Ford disk• 6’ Green chopper• IHC 500 plow disk, 12’ w/new front notch blades• H&S 9x16 bale rack w/JD wagon

• Early Order Discounts Now In Effecton New GT Dryers, Grasshoppers &

Zero Turn Mowers• Bale basket• Gehl #312 Scavenger II spreader, 260 bu., VG• Steer Stuffer & Hog Feeders• 20’ JD BWF disk w/duals, Very Good• Special Prices on new Augers & Gravity Boxes

In Stock


1409 Silver Street E.Mapleton, MN 56065


We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts;Mayrath and Hutch augers parts.

Large inventory of Welda sprockets, hubs,bearings, chain & pulleys.

See us for your Fall Farm needs

USED DRYERSDELUX 13575, 1350 BPHDELUX 3015, 300 BPHDELUX 6030, 600 BPH(2) 380 BEHLEN, 1 Ph.,

LP700 BEHLEN, 3 Ph.,










6 miles East of

CAMBRIDGE, MN763-689-1179

We Ship DailyVisa and MasterCard Accepted

Good selection oftractor parts

- New & Used -All kinds of

hay equipment, haybines, balers,

choppersparted out.

New combine beltsfor all makes.

Swather canvases,round baler belting,used & new tires.

AVOCA SPRAY SERVICE888 210 Ave. • Avoca, MN 56114 • Ph. 800-653-2676 or 507-335-7830

• Fax: 507-335-7808 • Mobile: 507-227-6728We are dealers for Top Air, Sprayer Specialties, Gregson Sprayers, new & used on handWheathart, Westfield, FarmKing, Brandt Vacs & Balzer Equipment • We have NEW Balzer stalkchoppers on hand • Truckload prices on NEW Westfield augers, Brandt grain vacs, Batco belts

40+ Used SprayersOn Hand

Financing Available


New & Used Tanks of All Sizes

Used Seed TendersUnverferth 2750 seed runner w/scale ............$21,000Travis pro box....................................................$16,400

Used Gravity Wagons w/Drill FillsParker 360 gravity wagon w/drill fill ..................$2,500Harvest 250 gravity wagon w/drill fill ................$2,000

Used Belt ConveyorsBatco 1545FL w/gas motor ............................$12,000Batco 1535FL w/motor ......................................$8,000Batco 1335TD w/motor ......................................$6,500Batco 1535TD w/motor ......................................$6,500Mayrath 13x30 ....................................................$5,100

New Brandt 15x35 belt conveyors w/motor....$13,250

New Westfield bristle flight drill fills ..................$2,375

Used drill fills........................................................$1,000

Tractors 036

FOR SALE: Ford 5600 dslw/ Ford quicktach ldr,$9,800. 756 gas straightdraw bar, $5,500. 715-821-1642 or 715-273-3667

FOR SALE: IH 560, G, FH,NF, OH, 16.9-38 tires,Schwartz hyd ldr, $5200.


FOR SALE: JD 4430, 8900hrs., 3 remotes, 18.4x38's &duals, good cond., $15,500.320-522-0589

FOR SALE: JD 8650, newOH, clutch, fuel pump &paint, $31,500; JD 12' blade,fits 8430 - 8650, $3,500.


Tractors 036

FOR SALE: Deere guidancesystem, SF2 ITC receiver &auto trac key card, originalGreenStar display,$8,000/OBO. Phone 507-557-2157 or 507-430-2946

FOR SALE: Hydro Max skidsteer 25hp, hydrostatic, ex-tra attachments included.$3,200; reverse AC ldr trac-tor, $2,700; Gehl 360 skid-steer, 18hp, hydrostatic, ex-tra attachments included.$3,400. '58 Massey Harris444, last yr made, new rub-ber, 3pt, ldr, $2,500. All ma-chines listed run exception-ally nice. 320-766-3758

Tractors 036

FOR SALE: CIH 7210, 18.4-42tires, MFD, 1 owner, goodhours, 3 pt., dual PTO, 3hyd., clean, $42,500. 218-445-5268

FOR SALE: Complete PTOset up off a Case IH 9380,$9,000; Farmall H goodtires & paint, OH'd, $1,750.507-877-2633 or 507-317-5576

FOR SALE: Farmall SuperC tractor, all new tires,new paint job, runs great,$3,875; Farmall B “cult'n”,good tires, new paint, runssuper, Price $3,125; '52Ford 8-N, like new tires,new paint job, runs great,Price $3,350. All tractorshave 12V conversions & areparade ready. Call John at


Tractors 036

David Brown 1200 65hp, 6spd,2252 hrs, dual remotes.Like new rubber.$4,250/OBO. (715)829-2224

FOR SALE: '00 JD 9200,4WD, 24spd, diff lock, 8 new20.8x42R tires, fresh engOH, 9000 hrs, (10 hrs onOH) have papers, (newhinge pins). $69,000.

507-381-1723FOR SALE: '08 JD 4720 trac-

tor, E hydro, 225 hrs, cab,air, heat, radio, 3pt, rearhyd, frt & rear wipers, 400ldr, turf tires, exc cond.$33,500/OBO. 320-760-6029

FOR SALE: '48 JD G OH'd& painted 10 yrs ago, a fewextras, $5,500. 507-227-6849

FOR SALE: '90 JD 4555, im-maculate condition, tran &motor rebuilt, 13300 hrs.

320-352-3629FOR SALE: '95 Case IH

9270, 3040 act hrs, 90% Fire-stone radials 24.5x32 tires,one owner, exc cond.$72,500. 507-425-3120

FOR SALE: 170 gas AC, lowhrs on rebuilt eng & clutch,ldr goes w/ tractor. Call af-ter 7pm. 320-234-6871

FOR SALE: 1950 JD G, newrear tires, runs and looksgood, $5,200. 651-463-3248

FOR SALE: 65C Cat Chal-lenger, new tracks &rollers, 3pt, 7000 hrs,$42,500; '85 Case 2294MFWD, many new parts,duals, CAH, 7132 hrs,$23,500; both tractors verysharp & clean. 612-790-4191

FOR SALE: Case 1030D trac-tor w/cab, 3 pt.; Int'l 560gas tractor w/ldr. Can De-liver. 320-760-5622

FOR SALE: Case IH 7140,MFWD, 20.8x38 rears,18.4x26 new fronts, newpaint, 7500 hrs, new interi-or, front wgts, 3 remotes,540/1000 PTO, Nice condi-tion, $41,000. 507-317-4772


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 36: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

The Affordable Way To Tile Your FieldsBuilding Quality Tile Plows Since 1983

Available in 3 Point HitchAnd Pull Type Models

O’Connell Farm Drainage Plows, Inc.Earlville, IA • Potosi, WI 53820

(563) 920-6304www.farmdrainageplows.com

• Our Design Pulls Straight Through the Soil forBetter Grade Control and Easier Pulling

• Laser or GPS Receiver Mounts Standard on all Units• Installs Up To 8” Tile Up To 5 1/2 Ft. Deep

for questions or prices please call

R & E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc.1-800-388-3320

Lime Spreading“Have you checked your soil PH lately”

Advantages we offer:• We unload directly from the trucks to a floater

(Terra Gator) without stockpiling material.This gives us a more uniform spread with nofoliage to plug up the spreader.

• With direct loading there is no stockpile, nowasted lime or mess in your field.

• We use a floater (Terra Gator) to spread sowe have less compaction.

• We are equipped to spread variable rate usingGPS mapping.

• We service Minnesota and northern Iowa.Why apply Aglime:• A soil ph level of 5.5 nitrogen efficiency is only

77 percent.• A soil ph level of 6.0 nitrogen efficiency still is

only 89 percent.• At a soil ph level of 7.0 fertilizer efficiency is

100 percent.

TRACTORSIH 1586, NiceJD 8450, 3 pt, PTO-$25,000‘98 CIH 9370 Quad, 2500 hrs‘89 CIH 9170

TILLAGEDMI Tigermate II, 44’, 4-barCIH 4300, 46’, low transportJD 980, 441⁄2’-$14,500JD 980, 361⁄2’-$4,995CIH 5400, 20’ drill-$3,850CIH 1830, 12R V.S. cult-$3,850

CIH 5700, 27’ chisel plowDMI 730B (Blue)-$16,500DMI 730B (Red)-$19,500CIH 9300, 9-shank-$22,500Artsway 240, 8-30 shredderArtsway 180, 6-30 shredder

PLANTERS‘08 1200, 16-30 Pivot, bulkfill, 2500 acres-$83,500

‘07 1200, 16-30 Pivot, bulkfill-$76,500

‘08 1250, 24-30, bulk fill,3500 acres-$123,500

JD 1760, 12-30-$34,500JD 7200, 12-30, liquid fert-$14,500

Kinze 3200, 12-30, liquid fert-$38,500

COMBINES‘90 1660, 4258 hrs‘98 2388, 3400 hrs‘09 6088, 553 hrs‘10 7088, 265 hrs‘08 7010, 428 hrs‘97-’05 1020, 25’ platformsIH 983, 8-30-$5,950CIH 1083, 8-30-$8,950CIH 2206, 6-30CIH 2208, 8-30-$28,500‘08-’10 CIH 2608, 8-30chopping head

‘98 Geringhoff 8-30-$24,500‘97 JD 893, 8-30-$18,500


RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC.1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage

Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com

Planting Equip 038

FOR SALE: IH 620 pressdrill w/ grass seeder, exc,$2,950. 612-790-4191

JD 7300, 12R30”, MaxiMergeII, vac., 250 mon., lift as-sist, 1.6 boxes, insect. box-es, $9,500 OBO; CIH 5400grain drill, 20', mnt., hyd.markers, Mint!, $6,200; 3pt. Yetter impl. carrier.320-238-2407 or 612-269-8224

K&M end transport for K&Mfolding planter bar. 320-522-2368

Tillage Equip 039

'10 Wilrich QX2 field cult.,48', nice;JD 4240 PS, JD4440, JD 3020 gas, JD 2510gas; JD 148 ldr., JD 146ldr., Bobcat T200 skidsteer;'08 NH C175 track skid-steer; '84 IH truck 466D,new tires; BR 780 net wrapbaler; NH 499 haybine, 12',nice. At auction on March31st, Canby, MN


'97 JD 980, 27½' field cult.,walking tandems, perma-lock sweeps, $14,900. 507-380-7863

3400 Wilrich field cult., 33', 3bar drag, walking tandems,shedded, $7,000; IH 700plow, 18” bottoms, pull-type, $7,000. 507-227-4977

48 Ft Great Plains Late Mod-el Finisher (Hyd On Disk)w/ Heavy Harrow, 2000Acres Per Year A OneCond. Trade for SmallerUnit 24-33 Ft. 319-347-6677Can Deliver

FOR SALE: '04 JD 980 cult.,38 ½' long, hvy springs, 1owner, always shedded,$22,000; JD 9750STS, 3300eng/1981 sep hrs, 20.8x38 du-als, RWD, hopper topper,yld mon., long auger, sgl pthookup, $120,000 OBO; JD630F bean head, full fingerauger, sgl pt hookup,$20,000. 320-510-0468

Planting Equip 038

FOR SALE: Good usedplanter parts for JD MaxEmerge plus 1700 seriesplanter. 24 seed tubesA56784, seed sensors, 40 cellseed discs. One 250 moni-tor computer trak consolew/harness. Call 320-269-8717or 320-444-8259

FOR SALE: JD 7000 8R30”planter, JD 200 monitor, liqfert, herbicide & insecticideboxes, row cleaners, JDbean monitors, alwaysshedded & in good cond,$9,000. 507-877-2036

FOR SALE: JD 7300 16R22”air planter, 2 vac unit,PTO, hyd pump, Yetterrow cleaners, shedded, exccond. $13,000. 507-236-0408

FOR SALE: JD 8300 13' dou-ble run grain drill, doubledisk, 6” spacing, grassseeder & press whls, al-ways shedded, nice cond.320-583-7175 Leave message

IH 800 planter, 8R30", liq.fert., trash whippers, &monitor, $2,150/OBO.


IHC 800 pull-type planterw/900 updates, 8R36”, 1000RPM pump, high perfor-mance mon., liq. fert., in-sect. & herb. boxes, trashwhippers, exc. cond. 507-764-3943

JD 1750 Conservation Vacu-um Planter 6R30, Pro maxmeter, shaft drive, rowcleaners, dry fert., hopperext., always shedded. 320-815-0125

JD 1850 No Till, 30' 7.5" spac-ing. Population monitor,markers, Hiniker 120 bucart. Field ready.


JD 7000 4R Corn Planter adjto 30" rows. Dry fert, mon-itor, cyl, booklet, insectboxes. $2,500. Evenings.

(608) 634-4333

Planting Equip 038

220 Friesen seed tender, notrailer, good condition,$5500. 515-545-4246

Christiansen Seed Vac w/2sect. gravity box, $4,500; 3pt. tractor forklift, 3 stage,18' hgt., $2,500. 507-240-0294

CIH 900 planter, 8R30”, pull-type, liq. fert., insect., 1000RPM pump, Early Risermon., exc. cond., $6,000.507-276-8345 or 507-834-6409

CIH 900 planter, 8R36", pulltype, insect, 1000 rpmpump, Yetter trash whip-pers, Early Riser monitor,rebuilt '11, always shedded,exc cond, $4,000.

712-358-3324For JD Planter: 16 dawn no-

till coulters & brackets,$1,500; 750x20 Firestone 6ply tire on 6 hole rim, $100;16 seed disk, $100. 651-248-9366

FOR SALE: (2) 7000 8RN JDplanters, (1) liq fert & (1)dry fert; 265 JD disk mow-er; JD 216 & 220 flex beanhead. JD 27 stalk chopper;in line 9 wheel rake; 18.4x38tires. 320-351-8990

FOR SALE: 20' Great Plainsno-til bean drill, 10” rowspacings, center pivot, coul-ter cart, $5,000. WANTED:Tandem axle truck w/ a 20'grain box w/ dsl & airbrakes. 612-741-7949

FOR SALE: CIH 900 12R30”,corn & soybean drums,trash whippers, Early Ris-er monitor, nice cond,$4,750/OBO. 507-425-3120

FOR SALE: CIH 955 planter,8-30-DF & IN. 507-595-2545

Harvesting Equip 037

'81 JD 8820 combine w/ strad-dle duals, real nice shape;'83 JD 8820 w/around$12,000 spent on repairs,real nice shape. 507-391-5127

FOR SALE: '06 JD 635 beanhead, new sickle, new drivebelt & chain, can deliver.Exc cond. $16,900. 507-327-1903 or 507-964-5548

JD 693 cornhead w/ hyd deckplates & knife rolls.


JD 843 12-22” cornhead, GVLpoly std rolls, one season onchains, 60 Series hook ups.


JD 9650STS combine, DirectDr HD Rev w/ cooler, SglPT HK up, yield mon,480/80R42 duals 22's, In-spected 1/1/12, 1900 sep hrs,very clean. 320-847-3546

Planting Equip 038

'02 Kinze 3600, 16R w/inter-plants, liq. fert., row clean-ers, mon., $55,000. 612-756-2148

12 Large feed boxes to fit JDvacuum planters.


16 Floating V Planter RowCleaners $1200; 500 Gal.Pull Between Spray Cart$950. Call 507-430-8966

2007 Great Plains 6-30 #1525PTwin Row No-Til Planterfor Corn & Beans, Loaded(Plant in Standing Stalks)Shedded, Like New, Only900A, New List $52,500 Spe-cial Price Less Than HalfPrice. 319-347-2349 Can Del

Tractors 036

IH 966, $7,800. 715-239-3951

JD 3010, dsl, WF, Hinikercab, good clean tractor,4000 hrs, $8,900/OBO.


NH 8970 MFD super steer,9000 hrs, $38,500. NH 8870MFD super steer, 6000 hrs,$44,500. NH 8670 MFD highhrs, $29,000. Ford 86702WD, 6000 hrs, $29,000. JD4640, Cab heat/air, powershift, $15,900. (608)987-2373

NH TV145, bi directional,1980 hrs, frt & rear PTO, 3pt & differential locks, exc.shape, $73,500. (515)538-0325

SMTA, good tin, paint,clutch, torque, 12 volt,needs overhaul, $2,500;sweep for 24' bin, $150. 507-276-7785

WANTED: JD 4030, 4230,2940, 4040, or a 4240 w/ orw/out loader, must be ingood shape w/ cab. 507-451-9614 or 507-213-0600

Tractors 036

JD 4240D, SGC, 12,500 hrs.,used on light work, $13,900;JD 8450D, SGC, PTO, 8,000hrs., 70% tires, very clean,$21,500; IHC 656 gas, utili-ty, w/good loader, $7,400;CIH 4800 field cult., 31½',adj. harrow, new tires,$7,900. 507-760-8132

MM's for sale, G1000 VistaLP, M670 super gas, M670gas w/loader, U302 supergas, U302 lp, Jet Star 3 su-per gas w/loader, Jet Star 3

super gas, 5 Star lp, 445 gasw.loader, U w/ WF & powersteering. All have beenthrough the shop. 335 re-stored. River Dale [email protected]

NEW AND USED TRACTORPARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,55, 50 Series & newer trac-tors, AC-all models, LargeInventory, We ship! MarkHeitman Tractor Salvage715-673-4829

Tractors 036

FOR SALE: MF 5455, 20 hrs,cab, 4WD, rock box, 2valves, radial tires, airseat, power shuttle, 16 spd.List $86,733. Cash $49,500.952-466-5538

IH 3388, 2+2, w/11000 hrs,mint; IH 1086 w/4300 hr.,nice; CIH 8010 combine,loaded, duals, tracker, CIHinspected; CIH 2020 flex-head, 30' & 35'; CIH 2208CH 8R30 w/HDP. At auctionon March 31st, Canby, MN.


IH 766 G, good cond, goodTA, w/GB hyd loader goodcond, $7,600/OBO.


IH B275 dsl tractor, 3 pt, livehyd, live PTO, w/new paint& loader. $3,950.


JD 2640 w/146 loader. $9,500;IH 884 w/2250 loader,$8,800; JD 8630 w/new tires,$16,500. (608)489-4180





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Page 37: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Midwest Ag Equip

Emerson KalisEaston, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675

Farm Equipment For Sale‘08 Cat 965B, 800 hrs ....................$196,500‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ....................$185,000‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded

w/all options....................................$175,000‘07 Cat MT755B, 2100 hrs. ............$150,000‘89 Versatile 846, 4000 hrs.,

(So. MN tractor) ................................$40,000‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs. ..............$245,000‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..............$38,000‘04 DMI Tiger Mate II, (50.5’) ..........$37,500‘96 Terragator 1844, 1800 gal.,

3900 hrs. ............................................$45,000‘09 Hagie STS14, 120’ boom, loaded

........................................................$195,000‘03 Wilrich 957 VDR, nice shape ....$12,000

Financing Available


We buy damaged corn andgrain any condition

- wet or dry -TOP DOLLAR

We have vacs and trucks




KIESTER IMPLEMENT, INC.110 S. Main, P.O. Box 249 • Kiester, MN


CIH 1140, compact w/60” deck ............$7,995NH TC29, MFD ......................................$7,995JD 5403, MFD, 600 hrs. ......................$19,900‘79 JD 8440, Loaded, 50 Series Eng...$17,900JD 4650, PS..........................................$29,900‘77 JD 4630, PS....................................$15,900JD 4620, w/cab, air ..............................$11,900JD 4440, PS..........................................$18,900JD 4430, Quad, open station ..............$14,900(2) JD 4240, PS ........................Choice $18,900JD 4230, Quad......................................$14,900(2) JD 4020, dls., PS ............................$12,900‘67 JD 4020 D, Syncro ........................$12,900IH 856, Custom ......................................$8,900IH 1086 w/46” rubber ..........................$10,900IH 1026, Hydro ..........................................$AVEIH 460 & 560, gas ..........................from $3,000JD Sound Guard Cabs................................CallGehl 4635 Skid Steer, 6’ bucket ............$7,995


‘88 Ford TW35, MFWD, 170hp., 18.4x42, duals, 4 hyds4993 hrs. ......................$29,900

‘91 JD 8760, 4WD, 300 hp.,20.8x42, duals, 3 hyds., 5484hrs. ................................$55,000

‘08 CS/IH MX275, MFWD, 225hp., 380-90R50, duals, 4 hyds.,817 hrs. ......................$152,500

‘09 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp.,800-70R38, duals, 4 hyds.,616 hrs. ......................$266,900

‘95 Cat Challenger, 285 hp.,25” tracks, drawbar, 6200 hrs.......................................$54,500

‘11 JD 8260R, MFWD, 260 hp.,380-90R50 duals, 1 hr. ......CALL

‘06 JD 9620, 3100 hrs.....................................$189,500

‘06 JD 2210 field cult., 58’, 7”sweeps, harrow ............$59,500

‘10 Thundercreek fuel trailer,750 gal., toolbox ............$9,800

Fast 8020T sprayer tanks, 950gal. ................................$11,000

‘11 JD 956 MoCo, center-pivotrotary..................................CALL

‘00 JD 945 MoCo, impeller, 2 pt.pull ................................$13,900

‘98 JD 566 round baler, 540PTO, 61” width pickup ..$14,950

Visit Us Online At: www.haugimp.comPaal Neil G Hiko Felix DaveJason Neil C Matt Tyler

PLANTERS‘10 JD 1770NT, 24R30, CCS, liq. fert. ........$152,000White 6700, 18R22, 1.8 bu., monitor ............$18,000JD 7100, 16R22, 1.6 bu., monitor ....................$6,995‘79 JD 7100, 12R30, mounted..........................$7,900‘08 JD DB44, 24R22, CCS, monitor, 3000 hrs.

......................................................................$129,950‘11 JD DB66, 36R22, CCS............................$195,000‘10 JD DB88, 48R22, CCS, fert. ..................$249,000

SPRING TILLAGE‘06 JD 2210 field cult., 41’6” ..........................$39,900‘06 JD 2210 field cult., 55’, harrow ................$46,900JD 4300 field cult., 7” shovels ........................$14,500JD 960 field cult., 44’6”, 7” shovels ..................$6,250‘95 JD 985 field cult., 50’, harrow ..................$19,500Wilrich Quad 5 field cult., 37’6”, 9” sweeps..$19,750Salford RTS41 residue tillage tool, 41’ ..........$64,900

SPRAYERSDemco saddle tanks, 500 gal. ..........................$2,500‘05 Demco Conquest sprayer, 66’ boom,1100 gal. tank..................................................$18,500

Farm Rite sprayer, 500 gal., 3 section ..............$1,650Fast spray boom, 88’, Z-fold, 3 pt. mounted....$3,000Fast 8020T sprayer tanks, 950 gal. ................$11,000‘10 Fast 9518E sprayer, 120’ boom, 1800 gal.

........................................................................$52,000Fast 300 tank, front mounted, 300 gal. ............$1,500Hardi sprayer, 90’ boom, 1200 gal. tank ........$22,900

Tillage Equip 039

FOR SALE: JD 38 ½' 960field cult, $5,000/OBO. 507-259-2677

FOR SALE: JD 6-18 AR pull-type plow; JD 6-16 AR pull-type plow. 320-219-1367

FOR SALE: JD field cultiva-tor, 24' w/ leveler, pull type,$600. 515-827-5162

Glencoe Chisel Plow. 9 tooth,$2,000; Int'l Model 710 518plow, $2,000; Hi Line XL6084 rock picker, $8,000.


IHC #45, 20' vibrashank fieldcult., 2½' wings, hyd. cylin-der, new shovels. 507-764-3943

JD 1010, 30' field cultivator,good cond. $2,450 OBO.(715)495-0873

JD 220, 20' disk, field ready;JD RWA 14' disk, nice; JD145, 3-16's SR plow; Oliver508, 3-16's SR plow; IHCmodel 45, 20' field cult.;small 200 gal. fieldsprayers w/pumps; 200 bu.gravity boxes. 320-864-4583or 320-779-4583

Tillage Equip 039

FOR SALE: '99 JD 980 25 ½'field cult, 3 bar coil tineharrow, walking tandemson main & wings, very goodcond, always shedded.$16,000. 507-380-7863

FOR SALE: 16R B&H 9100cult, all new bearings, coul-ters & barring off disk,same as new, includes navi-gator guidance & lift assistwheels. All in exc cond &stored inside. Sunflower1434 36' disk, little use. 908507-993-1803

FOR SALE: Bush Hog 12'chisel plow; also, 18.4x34duals w/6 bolt rims. 507-728-8393

FOR SALE: Int'l 5-16, 6-16AR, pull-type plows; Int'l 6-18's pull-type plow. Can De-liver. 320-760-5622

FOR SALE: JD 2200 fieldcult, 34 ½' , accu-depth con-trols, knock-off sweeps, JD845 12R cult; Century 750gal., sprayer, 60' boom, Mi-cro Trak controls, tandemwheels. 507-327-3148


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 38: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land


Keith BodeFairfax, MN 55332


‘07 CIH Magnum 245, MFWD tractor,380/90R50 duals, 3400 hrs. ................$97,500

‘11 JD Gator 625I, bed lift, 50 hrs.........$8,950‘10 JD 9770STS combine, CM, chopper,800/70R38 single tires, 673 sep. hrs...........................................................$179,500

‘06 JD 9760STS combine, CM, 20.8R42duals, bullet rotor, 1472 sep. hrs.......$119,500

‘01 CIH MX240, MFWD, 18.4R46 duals,new front & rear inside tires, new injectionpump, front wgts., 5050 hrs. ..............$61,500

‘09 NH BB9060, big square baler, tandemaxle, Phiber 3 bale accumulator, no cutter,includes roller chute, 11,300 bales ....$61,500

‘08 JCB 940, rough terrain forklift, 4WD,8000 lb. lift, 2750 hrs. ........................$31,500

‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ flexible platform......$19,500LARSON IMPLEMENTS5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95

Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD763-689-1179Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings -


Check Out Our Website For Pictures & More Listings @www.larsonimplements.com

4WD & TRACK TRACTORS‘11 JD 8360RT, 502 hrs., 30” tracks,

wgts., 3 pt., 1000 PTO ............$247,500‘97 JD 9300, 5568 hrs., 24-spd., 20.8x42

duals ..........................................$78,000‘95 JD 8970, 6443 hrs., 12-spd., 20.8x42

tires & duals, 4 hyds., EZee Steer autosteer ..........................................$65,000

ROW CROP TRACTORS‘11 CIH Magnum 275, MFWD, 518 hrs.,

3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd., HDdrawbar, 420x46 tires & duals, frontduals, 18 wgts., Warranty ......$151,000

‘11 CIH Magnum 275, MFWD, 850 hrs.,3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd., HDdrawbar, 18 front wgts., 380x54 duals,380x38 front duals ..................$152,000

‘03 JD 8420, 4486 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO,P.S. trans., 380x50 tires & duals, frontwgts. ........................................$108,000

‘95 JD 8100, 2WD, cab, 540/1000 PTO,3 pt., 3 hyd., 9426 hrs., 18.4x46 tires& duals ......................................$42,500

‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, cab, air, 3 pt.,540/1000 PTO, 9760 hrs., 14.9x46duals, front wgts. ......................$42,500

JD 4755, MFWD, cab, air, 9813 hrs.,3 pt., 4 hyd., 1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires& duals ......................................$43,000

‘88 JD 4650, 2WD, 7450 hrs., PS, 3 pt.,1000 PTO, 28.8x38 tires & duals..................................................$29,500

Case 2096, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO,18.4x38 singles, 6300 hrs. ........$16,500

COMBINES‘05 JD 9660, 1633 eng./1147 sep. hrs.,

hi-cap unload, Contour Master, 20.8x38duals, touchset, chopper ........$125,000

‘06 JD 8010, 1325 eng./1050 sep. hrs.,20.8x42 duals, tracker, chopper, rocktrap, auto header, Sharp! ........$138,000

‘08 JD 9670, 919 eng./1389 sep. hrs.,Contour Master, chopper, Premium cab................................................$162,000

‘06 JD 9760, 1445 eng./1037 sep. hrs.,bullet rotor, Contour Master, 20.8x42duals, chopper, touch set, Y/M monitor................................................$135,000

‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38duals, chopper, header controls 128,000

‘06 JD 9660STS, 1777 eng./1282 sep.hrs, Contour Master, bullet rotor,chopper, 20.8x38 duals ..........$129,000

‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, ContourMaster, chopper, Greenstar yield &moisture monitor, 800x32 tires 119,000

‘09 CIH 7088, 1235 eng./910 sep.hrs.,20.8x42 duals, tracker, rock trap, Pro600 monitor w/yield moisture..$167,000

‘03 CIH 2388, 3300 eng./2195 sep. hrs.,tracker, chopper, 18Hx42 duals, AFS,yield & moisture monitor, Maurer binext. ............................................$82,500

‘06 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., rock trap,chopper, auto header, thru shop$34,500

‘88 CIH 1680, 3426 hrs., rock trap,chopper, 30.5x32 tires, Bison rotor..................................................$24,000

COMBINE HEADS‘06 JD 635 flex head, nice ..........$24,000JD 693, 6R30” cornhead ............$12,500

LOADER TRACTORS‘10 JD 6330 Premium, MFWD, 2000

hrs., ..cab, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, JD 673self-leveling loader w/joystick....$65,000

‘89 JD 4755, 2WD, cab, 3 pt., PS, 3 hyd.,1000 PTO w/Westendorf TA46 loaderw/8’ quick tach bucket & joystick, loaderLike New ......................................$39,000

Case 685, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTOw/CIH 2255 loader ......................$12,500

Spraying Equip 041

FOR SALE: Farm sprayer,400 gal., 40' spring mountedboom. 507-835-4724

Top Air 60' x-fold, 5th whlpull-type, 550 gal. tank, 50gal. rinse tank, 13.6x28tires, $3,500. 507-822-2203

Wanted 042

FOR SALE: JD 8R foldingdry fert finger pickup cornplanter, may consider12R30”. Call evenings


WANTED: 4440 or 4630 or4640 JD or 5288 IH tractorin good condition, lowhours, 320-562-2424

Farm Services 045

Need Your Sheep Shorn?Contact Dylan Weaver

Professional Sheep Shearer(608)582-1144 or (608)386-4408

Feed Seed Hay 050

1st & 2nd crop, big squarebales hay. No rain. Elmwood, WI. 715-307-4736

250 big square bales, 1st & 2nd

cutting, pure alfalfa hay,RFV 135, 146, 155. $160 perton. Sleepy Eye, MN. 507-227-3992

4x5 Trefoil/Grass Hay.$15/bale. Call 715-774-3989

5x5 Round Bales 1st CropHay. Call 715-926-5428

90 Certified organic second-crop, 4x5 bales. Dairyquality. Viroqua, WI area.Call Dave, (608) 632-1226

Dairy Quality AlfalfaTested big squares & roundbales, delivered from SouthDakota John Haensel (605)351-5760

Dairy quality western alfal-fa, big squares or smallsquares, delivered in semiloads. Clint Haensel(605) 310-6653

Machinery Wanted 040

WANTED TO BUY: IH 1086 320-352-3878

WANTED: 3pt crop sprayer.320-250-5391

WANTED: Grain fill equip-ment. Call Steve at

320-766-0720WANTED: IH 535-3 3 bottom

trip beam plow. 507-595-2545

WANTED: Set of dual hubsfor 4440 tractor, 3 3/8”axles. 952-955-1181

WANTED: Tox-o-Wic 570corn dryer; GT 350PT corndryer; 6R30” planter. 507-697-6133


Spraying Equip 041

'06 Redball 570 pull-typesprayer, 80' booms, 1200gal, triple nozzles, 450Raven controller, 46” tires,hyd drive pump, $18,500.507-276-8661

Demco Slimline saddletanks, 500 gal. total, mountfor 8000 Series JD FWA.320-522-2368

FOR SALE: '97 Rogator 854,SS tank, 60-90 booms,foamer, 460 Raven, newpump, new boom controls,$47,500 OBO. 507-383-8030

FOR SALE: 1000 gal. fert.tank & trailer, trailer fits30” rows, $2,100. 218-445-5268

FOR SALE: Hardi Naviga-tor 1100, 90' booms, 5 sec-tion, diaphragm pump, 2500controller, foam, Chem-Fill, flush & rinse, triplenozzles, 46” tires, axle sus-pension, DH box, premiumlow acres, $26,000/OBO.


Modern Flow self propelledsprayer, 3600 hrs, Cumminsdsl, hydrostatic, 850 galtank, 60' boom, air ride,Raven controller, hyd adjwheel spacing, very de-pendable. Can deliver.$20,000. 507-381-1509

Machinery Wanted 040

Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712,Glencoe 7400; Field Cultsunder 30': JD 980, smallgrain carts & gravity boxes300-400 bu. Finishers under20', clean 4 & 6R stalk chop-pers; Nice JD 215 & 216flex heads; JD 643 corn-heads Must be clean; JDcorn planters, 4-6-8 row.715-299-4338

New Idea 324 or 325 pull typepicker w/ 314 or 329 sheller,any condition. Call after5pm. 507-332-2808

WANTED TO BUY: Gravitybox fertilizer auger. 507-339-3745

WANTED: 25'-35' disk, also,8-10 btm. plow or 24'-28'chisel plow. Leave mes-sage, model & price. 218-943-4814

WANTED: 35' – 50' DMIfield cultivator w/ 4 bardrag & multi weeder. CallSteve at 218-738-3188

WANTED: 7000 Series JDplanter, 6R30”, can havedry or liq fert, in good con-dition. Call Steve at


Tillage Equip 039

JD 2600 5 Bottom Auto ResetPlow. Always shedded.

(608) 823-7580

JD 960, 25' field cultivator,w/3 bar coil tine harrow.Good cond. Reduced from$5,950 to $5,700.


JD 960, 44' field cult., w/Sum-mers 4-bar harrow, newknock-ons, $6,900 OBO. 952-240-2193

JD 985 49.5' cultivator, 7”sweeps, 5 folds, ex cond.$14,900. 507-327-1903 or 507-964-5548

Kent/Great Plains 28 Ft Se-ries 7 Discovator/Finisherw/ 5 Bar Harrow Real Nice.Heavy Duty Rock Picker w/Reel (5 Ft Wide) 3 Way Hy-draulic (Built Heavier ThanMost) Like New. 319-347-6138 Can Deliver

Summers 50', 4 rank superweeder, very nice, $11,300OBO. 952-240-2193

Machinery Wanted 040

All kinds of New & Usedfarm equipment – disc chis-els, field cults, planters,soil finishers, cornheads,feed mills, discs, balers,haybines, etc. 507-438-9782





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Page 39: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Woodford Ag507-430-5144

37666 300th St. • Redwood Falls, MNWWW.WOODFORDAG.COM

‘01 JD 9400T, 24 spd., 3 pt., 5410 hrs...................................................$88,000

‘90 Ford 946, 12 spd., 6200 hrs...................................................$39,000

‘89 CIH 7140, 6300 hrs. ........$43,000Not available until June 1st

‘05 JD 9320, powershift, 3 pt.,3961 hrs. ................................$133,000

‘01 JD 9200, 24 spd., 3 pt.,8400 hrs. ..................................$69,500

‘90 Ford 876, 6300 hrs. ..........$42,500

WILLMAR FARM CENTERa division of aemsco

3867 East Highway 12, Willmar, MN • Phone 320-235-8123

TRACTORS• ‘11 MF 8690, MFD, cab, 280 PTO hp.• MF 5460, MFD, cab, 95 PTO hp.• MF 1529, MFD, hydro, loader• ‘11 MF 2680, MFD, 83 PTO hp.• IH 70 Hydro w/F11 Farmhand loader• ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs.• ‘07 MF 3645, MFD, 75 PTO hp., cab, loader• ‘93 Agco 5680, MFD, 73 PTO hp., loader

CORNHEADS• ‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD• ‘03 Geringhoff 1222, RD• ‘08 Geringhoff 1222, RD• ‘07 Geringhoff 1220, RD• ‘05 Geringhoff 1220, RD• ‘04 Geringhoff 1220, RD• ‘08 Geringhoff 836, RD• ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD• ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD• ‘04 Geringhoff 830, RD• ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD• ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD• ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD• ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD• ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD• ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD• ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD• ‘01 Geringhoff 630, RD• ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20”• ‘99 NH 996, 12R20”• ‘04 JD 1290, reg. rolls• JD 822• JD 1022• ‘98 JD 893• CIH 1083• CIH 822, GVL, Poly• CIH 822• White 708N• ‘03 MF 3000, 8R30”• MF 1163, fits MF 8575 combine

COMBINES• ‘06 MF 9690, duals, 429 hrs.• ‘07 MF 9790, duals, 1034 hrs.• ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs.• ‘98 Gleaner 800, 25’ flexhead• ‘90 MF 8570, duals• ‘85 MF 9720, 3292 hrs.

• MF 9750 PU table• MF 9120 bean table• MF 1858 bean table, 15’, 18’, 20’• MF 8000, 30’ bean table

GRAIN HANDLING• Brandt 1070XL, swing hopper auger• Brandt 1080XL, swing hopper auger• Brandt 1390XL, swing hopper auger• Brandt 7500 hp. grain vac.• Brandt 5200 EX grain vac.• ‘05 Brandt 1070 auger w/swing hopper• Brandt GBU-10, bagger• Brandt GBL-10, unloader• Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt

conveyors• Brandt 10x35 auger• Parker 605 gravity box, 625 bu.• Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes• Hutchinson 10x61 auger• Wheatheart transfer auger, 8”

HAY & LIVESTOCK• Gehl WR520, 12 wheel rake• MF 1328 & 1329 3 pt. disc mowers• MF 828 round baler, auto tie• MF 200 SP windrower, cab• ‘11 MF 1372 disc mower conditioner• Sitrex DM7 disc mower• Sitrex RP2 or RP5 3 pt. wheel rake• Sitrex MK 12 wheel rake• Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart• Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear• H&S 16’ bale wagon• Chandler 22’, litter spreader

MISCELLANEOUS• Sunflower 5055-62 field cult., 5-section, 62’• ‘08 JD 520 stalk chopper• ‘07 Balzer 20’ stalk chopper• Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM• Maurer 28’-42’ header trailers• ‘11 Degelman LR7645 land roller• ‘11 Degelman 7200 rock picker• ‘11 Degelman 6000 HD rock picker• ‘11 Degelman RR1500 rock rake• ‘11 SB Select snowblowers, 97” & 108”, 3 pt.• Lucke 8’ snowblower, 3 pt.

Call for availability ofSunflower Field Cultivators

#1 GERINGHOFF Dealer in the USA

Airseeder, 40’ Horsch 1502 ............$25,000Airseeder, CIH SDX40 w/cart, low use

......................................................$69,000JD 7100, 20R18 planter......................$4,500JD 7000, 12R30 planter, liq. fert.........$4,500JD 7000, 8R30 planter........................$4,000Jd 7000, 6RN, 3 pt. ............................$3,900JD 9600 combine, new duals............$25,000IH 460, 560, gas, WF ........................$2,000IH M loader, new tires, nice ................$2,750JD 3010, gas, WF, 3 pt. ......................$4,500JD 2510, gas ......................................$6,250JD 3020, gas, PS ..............................Coming‘70 JD 3020, gas, late ........................$6,500(2) ‘72 JD 3020, syncro,

diesel ..............................$10,500/$12,500JD 2355, Utility, diesel, 2200 hrs. ....$11,500(2) JD 3020, PS ..................$8,500/$17,500JD 4010 D..........................................$5,500JD 4020 D, new clutch, synchro ......$6,750JD 4020, PS........................................$8,900(4) JD 4020, PS, SC ..........$11,500-$15,500(2) JD 4440, PS ................$18,500/$19,500JD 4250, Quad, JD 4450, PS ..........$24,500JD 4250, PS, FWA ............................$28,500JD 4450, PS, FWA ............................$32,500JD 4650, PS, duals ..........................$24,500JD 4450, PW, FWA/ JD 740 ldr.........$41,000JD 4255, Quad, new engine..............$37,500JD 4960, MFD, duals ........................$40,000

NH BR 780A baler, net wrap ............$17,500NH BR 780 baler, net wrap ..............$11,500NH BR 780 baler ................................$9,500JD 843 loader, Like New ..................$12,500JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts. ..............$9,500JD 720 loader......................................$5,500(2) JD 725 loaders..................$6,500/$7,500JD 740 loader, self leveling, Nice ........$8,500JD 260 loader, grapple ........................$4,000(2) JD 158, (3) JD 148 loader$2,500/$4,500JD 146 loader, Clean ..........................$2,750IH 2350 loader ....................................$3,250Leon 1000 grapple, (off JD 8100) ......$5,500(2) Dual 3100 loader, blue cyl$1,250/$2,500Farmhand F358 loader, IH mts. ..........$3,250Miller PL-4 loader ..............................$3,500Miller M12..........................................$1,500New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ....$1,650/$1,750New & Used Skidsteer Attachments ......CallPallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets....CallNew & Used Batco & Conveyall belt

conveyors..............................................Call8”, 10”, 13” Augers, various sizes ........Call‘75 IH 1600, new clutch, 15’ steel b ..$2,500(4) Gravity Boxes ......................$750/$4,000Davis Backhoe, (off Case)..................$2,500(5) Snowblowers ......................$500/$5,500Bobcat T200 skidsteer ......................$13,500Bobcat T300 skidsteer ......................$27,500‘08 NH C175 track skidsteer ............$22,500

HAASHAAS EQUIP., LLC • 320-598-7604 •Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.

Feed Seed Hay 050

FOR SALE: Net wrappedcorn stalk bales, 70” diame-ter, 1100-1200 lbs.


Grass mixed Hay 4x5 roundbales, 3x3x8 sq bails. $30per bale. Stored inside.


Hay for Sale. LeRoy Ose,Thief River Falls, MN cell


Mixed Hay for Sale. 50lb.small squares. Stored in-side. Easy loading.


WANTED AND FOR SALEALL TYPES of hay &straw. Also buying corn,wheat & oats. Western Hayavailable.Fox Valley Alfal-fa Mill. 920-853-3554

WANTED AND FOR SALEALL TYPES of hay &straw. Also buying corn,wheat & oats. Western Hayavailable Fox Valley Alfal-fa Mill. 920-853-3554

Livestock 054

Black Angus Yearling bulls:Hamp, Duroc & Yorkshire

Boars & Gilts Alfred Kemen 320-598-3790

Dairy 055

(20) springing, certified or-ganic, pure-bred Jerseyheifers, very good cond,nice udders. Due starting4-5-12, asking $1600/OBO.Call Dave (608) 632-1226

FOR SALE: Pick 8 to 15Holstein dairy cows fromour herd. All stages of lac-tation. DHIA profit test.


Ready to Go! 3 JerseyBreeding Bulls, Exc 95point dam. Barron, WI.


Registered Holstein bull.Good maternal lines, goodsires. Some are red fac-tored. Delivery available.Merritt's Elm-Chris Farm


Top Quality 300-600 lb. Hol-stein heifers & steers.Program raised from ba-bies directly from dairies.Several thousand availablefor immediate or contractdelivery in semi-load lots.



WANTED TO BUY: Dairyheifers and cows. 320-235-2664

Cattle 056

14 Registered Yearling An-gus Heifers. 30 yrs of AI &complete AHIR records.Avg wgt on 2/27/12 was 747#.Your choice of ten at$1,500/ea. May 1st delivery.Possibly could keep & AIbreed w/ July 15th delivery.Onion Hollow Angus, 608-583-3177 or 608-739-2855

2 Black Angus Pharo CattleCompany Bulls. 3 & 5 yrs.old, grass genetics.


25 Limousin bulls, 2 yr. olds& yearlings, low birthwgts., super growth.

John Goelz 507-557-8394Larry Goelz 507-825-5509


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 40: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

Case/Bauer Bar, 36R20”,liquid fert.........................$79,900

‘97 JD 1780, 24R20” rowcleaners ..........................$48,500

‘04 Wilmar 8650, 3326 hrs.,90’ boom ........................$74,900

JD 2630, 148 loader, new rubber........................................$16,500

Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

4WD TRACTORS(W)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ..............................................$279,000(O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ..............................................$279,900(O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ..............................................$279,900(B)’11 JD 9630, 285 hrs., Lease Return ................................$279,900(O)’11 JD 9530, 207 hrs., Lease Return ................................$264,900(O)’10 JD 9630, 810 hrs., Extended Warranty ......................$255,900(H)’09 JD 9630, 1060 hrs., Extended Warranty ....................$244,900(H)’07 JD 9530, 2000 hrs., auto track ready ........................$199,500(O)’07 JD 9420, 1280 hrs. ....................................................$187,900(B)’77 JD 8630, 8500 hrs., 3 pt., PTO ....................................$11,900

TRACK TRACTORS(H)’08 JD 9630T, 2245 hrs., auto trac ready ........................$238,500(O)’11 JD 8310T, 300 hrs., 25” tracks ..................................$233,900(O)’11 JD 8310T, 400 hrs., 18” tracks ..................................$226,900(B)’07 JD 9620T, 2283 hrs. ..................................................$209,900(O)’02 JD 9520T, 6649 hrs, 3 pt ............................................$114,900(O)’00 JD 9400T, 6150 hrs., 36” tracks ................................$109,000

ROW CROP TRACTORS(B)’89 JD 4755, 9781 hrs. ......................................................$49,900(B)’89 JD 4955, 8657 hrs. ......................................................$46,900(H)’83 JD 4050, MFWD, PS ....................................................$19,900(H)JD 2630, 148 loader ..........................................................$16,500(O)’68 JD 3020, gas, Syncro ....................................................$6,295

COMBINES(O)’11 JD 9870, 1467 sep. hrs. ............................................$314,900(O)’11 JD 9870, 261 sep. hrs. ..............................................$297,500(O)’11 JD 9770, 256 sep. hrs. ..............................................$268,900(H)’11 JD 9770, 300 sep. hrs. ..............................................$265,000(H)’10 JD 9870, 559 sep. hrs. ..............................................$259,900(H)’09 JD 9870, 490 sep. hrs. ..............................................$257,900(O)’10 JD 9530, 577 hrs........................................................$254,900(H)’10 JD 9770, 405 sep. hrs. ..............................................$239,900(H)’10 JD 9770, 552 sep. hrs. ..............................................$233,500(O)’10 JD 9570, 419 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$206,000(O)’09 JD 9670, 990 sep. hrs., auto trac ready ....................$199,000(H)’08 JD 9570, 475 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$198,900(O)’08 JD 9570, 418 sep. hrs. ..............................................$196,000(B)’08 JD 9770, 1011 sep. hrs. ............................................$188,000(O)’07 JD 9660, 1032 sep. hrs. ............................................$179,900(B)’05 JD 9860, 1235 sep. hrs...............................................$169,900(O)’07 JD 9660, 1185 sep. hrs., duals ..................................$164,900(H)’04 JD 9560, 1200 sep. hrs., duals ..................................$153,900(B)’04 JD 9560SH, walker, 1525 sep. hrs. ............................$139,900(H)’04 JD 9860, 2121 sep. hrs. ............................................$136,900(B)’99 JD 9510, 1625 hrs ........................................................$82,900(O)’01 JD 9550, 3433 hrs, walker............................................$86,900(H)’98 JD 9510, 2284 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................$79,900(H)’95 JD 9500, 1851 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$53,900(H)’96 JD 9500, 2100 sep. hrs. ..............................................$45,000(O)CIH 1660, 3800 hrs ............................................................$36,500

(B)’83 JD 6620SH, sidehill, 3700 hrs. ....................................$15,900(H)’80 JD 7220, 4365 hrs. ......................................................$11,900(H)’79 JD 7720 ........................................................................$11,900(B)’81 JD 7720, 4590 hrs. ........................................................$9,900(B)MF 550, 2 heads, diesel ........................................................$6,995

SPRING TILLAGE(B)’05 JD 2210, 36.5’ ..............................................................$37,900(W)’03 JD 2200, 34.5’ ............................................................$32,900(H)’90 JD 630, 30’ disk............................................................$27,500(B)Summer Super harrow, 48’ ................................................$19,900(B)’00 JD 980, 44.5’ ................................................................$19,000(O)’94 JD 980, 44.5’ ................................................................$18,500(B)’07 Nitro, 62.5’ tool bar ......................................................$17,875(B)’94 JD 980, 39.5’ ................................................................$16,900(H)JD 960, 36.5’ ........................................................................$4,950(B)Glencoe 2R30” ......................................................................$2,900(B)Hiniker 35’ cultivator ............................................................$2,900(B)JD 1000, 32.5’ ......................................................................$2,795(H)JD 1000, 32.5’ ........................................................................$950

UTILITY VEHICLES/ATV(B)’11 JD 885 XUV diesel, Lease Return ................................$11,900(B)’10 JD 850 XUV diesel, loaded, camo ................................$10,900(O)’10 JD 620I XUV, 83 hrs., loaded........................................$10,700(B)’10 JD 620I XUV, 117 hrs., loaded......................................$10,500(O)’09 JD 620I XUV, 60 hrs., loaded........................................$10,200(B)’11 JD 625I, 219 hrs., loaded ............................................$10,200(W)’09 JD 620I XUV, 270 hrs., loaded ......................................$9,750(H)’10 JD 620I XUV, 1500 hrs., cab ..........................................$9,500(B)’08 JD 620I XUV, 226 hrs., loaded........................................$9,500(O)’08 JD 620I XUV, 257 hrs., loaded........................................$9,500(O)’10 JD 620I XUV, 454 hrs., loaded........................................$9,350(W)’05 JD 6x4, 392 hrs., loaded................................................$6,950(B)’06 JD HPX 4x4, 682 hrs. ....................................................$6,500(O)’08 Kawasaki Brute 750 ATV, 47 hrs. ....................................$6,250(O)’04 JD HPX 4x4, 800 hrs. ....................................................$5,850(B)’04 Bobcat 2200 4x4, 438 hrs...............................................$5,200(B)Cub Cadet Big Country 4x2, 439 hrs. ..................................$4,500(B)’07 Yamaha 660 ATV, 2694 mi. ............................................$4,250(B)’06 JD Buck 500 auto............................................................$3,500(H)’05 Polaris sportsman 700....................................................$3,200

SPRAYERS(O)’10 JD 4930, 1010 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$235,900(O)’10 JD 4930, 1330 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$228,500(O)’08 JD 4930, 1563 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$205,000(O)’11 JD 4730, 155 hrs., 100’ boom....................................$203,500(O)’09 JD 4930, 2213 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$199,750(O)’09 JD 4930, 1619 hrs., 90’ boom....................................$189,500(O)’10 JD 4730, 916 hrs., 90’ boom......................................$187,750(O)’10 JD 4730, 610 hrs, 90’ boom ......................................$186,700(O)’10 JD 4730, 1032 hrs., 90’ boom....................................$181,500(O)’10 JD 4730, 894 hrs., 90’ boom......................................$179,850(O)’09 JD 4730, 1222 hrs., 90’ boom....................................$178,900

(O)’07 AgChem 1074, 1700 hrs., 100’ boom ........................$154,900(O)’06 JD 4720, 2227 hrs. ....................................................$137,250(O)’03 JD 4710, 1500 hrs., 90’ boom....................................$122,500(O)’02 Ag Chem 854, 3734 hrs., 90’ boom ............................$77,500(O)’04 Willmar 8650, 1200 gal., 90’ boom ..............................$74,900(O)’99 JD 4700, 3525 hrs., 90’ boom......................................$74,900(O)’05 Hardi CM1500, 90’ boom ............................................$23,900(O)Sprayer Specialties, 110 gal., 80’ boom ............................$21,500(W)Hardi NP1100, 90’ boom ..................................................$20,900(O)Spraymaster, 1100 gal., 80’ boom......................................$18,500(H)Top Air 1000, 60’ boom........................................................$6,500

PLANTERS & DRILLS(H)’10 JD 1990, 40’, 15” spacing, CCS ..................................$84,500(B)CIH 1200, Bauer Built bar, 36R20” ....................................$79,900(H)’03 JD 1790, 16/31 row` ....................................................$79,500(B)’05 JD 1770NT, 16R30” ......................................................$71,900(O)’97 JD 1780, 24R20” ..........................................................$48,500(H)’04 JD 1710, 12R30” ..........................................................$26,900(H)’00 JD 750, 20’ no till drill ..................................................$26,900(B)’02 JD 1560, 15’ no till ......................................................$24,900

HAY & FORAGE(B)’07 JD 568, surface wrap....................................................$29,900(H)’08 JD 468, silage special, 6800 bales................................$25,900(B)’05 JD 956, 14’6” center pivot ............................................$19,900(W)’02 JD 567, surface wrap ..................................................$19,900(B)’08 NH BR7090, twine only ................................................$19,900(B)’05 NH 1431, 13’ ................................................................$19,900(B)’03 JD 467, cover edge ......................................................$16,500(B)NH 499, 12’ center pivot ....................................................$11,900(H)’04 JD 275, 9’ disc mower....................................................$7,295(B)’98 NH 664, 2200 lb. bale ....................................................$6,995(B)’92 JD 1600, center pivot, MoCo ..........................................$5,900(B)JD 1219 MoCo......................................................................$4,995(B)NI 5408 disc mower..............................................................$3,995(B)NH 278 square baler ............................................................$3,500(B)Meyer throw wagon........................................................2@ $1,995(B)JD 100 forage blower............................................................$1,595(B)NH 40 forage blower ............................................................$1,595

SKIDSTEERS(B)’06 JD CT332, 943 hrs., tracks ..........................................$39,900(B)’08 JD CT332, 1496 hrs., tracks ........................................$37,900(W)’08 JD 332, 1200 hrs., cab/heat/AC ..................................$34,900(O)’10 JD 326D, 625 hrs., EH joystick ....................................$29,900(B)’97 AVS, MD70, 1728 hrs., tracks ......................................$23,900(W)’05 JD 328, 3200 hrs., cab/heat/AC ..................................$21,900(B)’06 JD 328, 4100 hrs., 2-spd., cab ....................................$19,900(O)’04 JD 260, 4600 hrs., cab/heat/AC....................................$16,900(B)’96 Gehl 6625SX, 72” bucket..............................................$12,500(W)’01 JD 240, 3900 hrs. ........................................................$11,900(B)’75 Hydra Mac, 3100 hrs., gas..............................................$6,500


Cattle 056

2K Angus Bull & FemaleSale, Sunday April 1st 1pm,Bloomington, WI 43 StoutAngus Bulls low birth, highgrowth. For a catalog, con-tact 2K Cattle, Kevin Retallick 608-794-2256

or visit 2KAngus.com

3 yr. old Polled HerefordBull. $1,100. (715)879-5766

30 POLLED HEREFORDSSELL NOON APRIL 14,2012, UWRF MANN VAL-LEY FARM, Registeredbred and open heifers &bulls. Catalogs

715-425-8141 or visit indianheadherefords.com

Black Angus cows bred toPharo Cattle CompanyBull. Call 715-829-8965

Charolais heifers, qualityopen yearling for replace-ment, $1,200. (715)235-0676.

FOR SALE OR LEASEREGISTERED BLACKANGUS Bulls, 2 year old &yearlings; bred heifers,calving ease, club calves &balance performance. Alsired. In herd improvementprogram. J.W. RiverviewAngus Farm Glencoe, MN55336 Conklin Dealer 320-864-4625

FOR SALE OR LEASE:Purebred RegisteredCharolais bulls, Heifers &Cows. Great bloodlines, excperformance, balancedEPD's, low birth weights.Delivery available.

Laumann Charolais. Mayer MN 612-490-2254

FOR SALE: 50 years in theCharolais seed stock busi-ness, performance testedCharolais bulls for sale,polled, easy calving w/ excdispositions. Put more prof-it in your pocket w/ aCharolais bull. WakefieldFarms 507-402-4640

FOR SALE: Bred PolledHereford cows & heifersdue to calve in Aprilthrough June. Some bred toAngus & some to Hereford.Also 600# steers & heifers.


FOR SALE: February 2011yearling Polled HerefordBull 6 & ½ month weaningweight 786 lbs. By CanadianSire Quantum $2,500.

Gottschalk Polled Herefords Byron MN 507-775-2794

FOR SALE: P.B. PolledBlack Salers bulls, greatE.P.D.s, most rank in thetop 10 of the breed, topbloodlines, easy calving,some 2 yr olds.

Oak Hills Farms 507-642-8028

FOR SALE: Pure bredBlack Angus bulls, LongYearlings & 2 yr olds, greatEPD's. John 507-327-0932 or

Brian 507-340-9255 JRC Angus – LeCenter, MN

LIMOUSIN BULLS for sale.Reds, Blacks, yearling &two year olds. Performancetested. Mill Road Limousin

715-665-2605Red & Black Angus Bulls,

most AI sired. weaningwgts 700-850 lbs., Care is in-cluding through May 15th inprice, 1/3 down, balancewhen picked up. Meado-West Farms (715)664-8854.





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Page 41: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

USED DRYERS & AUGERSGood Selection of Used Dryers - Call!

GSI 1226, FF 190, GSI 260, GSI 1218........CALLFeterl 10”x66’, swing ................................$2,995Feterl 10”x60’, PTO ..................................$2,995Hutchinson 10”x51’, PTO ........................$2,200Hutchinson 10”x62’, swing drive ............$6,585Sudenga 10”x61’, swing drive ................$7,200Feterl 12”x72’, swing drive ......................$7,495Feterl 8”x60’ w/motor ..............................$3,985

SKIDLOADERS‘10 Bobcat T190, heat, AC ....................$36,900Bobcat T190, heat ..................................$20,600‘09 Bobcat S205, 2-spd. ........................$29,900‘11 Bobcat S205, heat/AC, 2-spd. ........$29,450Bobcat S160, heat, 2-spd. ....................$27,600Gehl 4640 ................................................$13,900Gehl 4240E..............................................$15,600Bobcat 743 w/bucket ..............................$8,950Bobcat 742................................................$7,550(2) Bobcat 642B ........................................$6,950‘09 Gehl 5640E, joystick ........................$25,600Gehl 5640E, heat, 2-spd.........................$27,600Gehl 5240E, heat/AC, 2-spd., 325 hrs. ..$26,900(2) Gehl 3510, bucket................................$6,950Gehl 4240E, heat, 2007 ..........................$17,400NH 175, 2-spd., hi flow ..........................$31,500NH 170, w/heat ......................................$25,600Case 1825B w/bucket ............................$10,650

TILLAGEKrause Dominator, 21’ ............................$61,900Wishek 862NT, 26’, 3 bar........................$45,900Wishek 826NT, 22’ ..................................$44,900(3) Wilrich 957, 7 shank ................From $22,600Wilrich 357, 5 shank, 3 pt ........................$6,250JD 980, 36.5’ ..........................................$16,800

JD 980, 39.5’ ..........................................$17,500JD 960, 31.5’ ............................................$7,450JD 3 pt. plow, 5 btm ................................$2,850Flexi Coil 31’, 4 bar ................................$11,700Brillion 40’, 4 bar ....................................$12,900Sunflower 32’ disc ..................................$12,500

SPRAYERSFast 1000 gal., 90’ boom..........................$9,900Fast 1000 gal., 60’ boom..........................$7,850Redball 680, 110’, 1300 gal. ..................$17,650L&D 1000 gal., 60’ boom........................$11,900Century 1300 gal., 90’ boom,

Big Wheel ............................................$17,500Hardi 6600 Commander, 132’ boom......$65,900Century 750 gal., 60’ boom......................$6,650Century 500 gal., 60’ boom......................$6,250Demco 500 gal., 60’ boom ......................$4,350Koyker 500 gal., 45’ ..................................$3,275

MISCELLANEOUSDMI 530, 5-shank....................................$14,800Krause Dominator, 18’ ............................$44,800(2) JD 960, 31.5’ ........................................$7,450JD 2700, 7-shank....................................$27,900J&M 875 grain cart ................................$25,900Demco grain cart, 750 bu.......................$17,500Parker box, 350 bu. ..................................$4,850CIH 5400 min-till drill, 20’, 3 pt. ..............$8,950Used grain legs..............................................CallKnight 8024 side slinger ..........................$8,950NI 3739 spreader ......................................$7,950Gehl 1410 spreader ..................................$8,250NI 3632 spreader ......................................$5,850NI 514 spreader ........................................$4,250NH 514 spreader, end gate ......................$4,250Woods Batwing mower, 15’ ....................$8,475JD 800 swather, 12’ head ........................$1,775Used Snowblowers ......................................Call























507-228-8224 or 800-642-4104www.ufcmn.com

LeSueur • 800-252-5993United Farmers Cooperative

United Farmers CooperativeMain Office: Ag Service Center

840 Pioneer AvenueP.O. Box 4

Lafayette, MN 56054-0004

TRACTORSVersatile 535, New ........................................CallVersatile 305, New ........................................CallVersatile 280, New ........................................CallAgco RT155A, New ......................................CallAgco DT240A................................................CallMF 8450 ........................................................CallMF 2745 ........................................................CallJD 8760 ..................................................$59,000JD 60, loader ............................................$3,500Ford 901 ..................................................$4,950Oliver 1800, gas ......................................$5,500


- NOW AVAILABLENew White Planters ......................................CallWhite 6100, 12R, VF..............................$13,000White 6100, 12R, LF ....................................CallJD 7200, 12R, LF..........................................Call

HARVESTINGSpecial 24 Month Waiver On Used Combines

Standard Rate ThereafterMF 9795 ........................................................CallMF 9250, flx, drp ..........................................CallMF 9790 ........................................................CallCIH 1680, 1083, 8R30 plastic, Consigned....CallNew Fantini Cornheads ................................Call

AUGERSNew:Farmking Y1060, swg. hpr. ......................$9,800Farmking Y1060, swg. hpr./hpr. mvr. ......$11,250Farmking Y1070, swg. hpr. ....................$10,800Farmking Y1080, swg. hpr./hpr. mvr.......$13,250Farmking Y1385, swg. hpr./hpr. mvr.......$20,500Convel-All CH 1035TED conveyor ..........$8,500Used:Koyker 8x56, bottom drive ..........................$850Sudenga 8x55, brush auger ....................$2,500Farmking 10x61........................................$4,800

GRASSHOPPERS1212, 48" deck, s/n 275700......................$1,000718K, 52" deck, s/n 292384 ....................$1,800720K, 61", Vac, hopper, s/n 473803 ........$5,950

LAWN MOWERSJD 318, 46" deck, pwr steer ....................$2,500Agco Allis 1718 ........................................$2,500

TILLAGEJD 512, 9 shank ............................................CallHiniker 1000, 12R30 ....................................Call(2) Wil-Rich 957, 7 sh ..................................CallWil-Rich Quad X, 42’7” ..........................$35,000Wil-Rich F.C. ............................................$3,500(3) CIH #14 rippers ......................................CallIH Disc 21 ft..............................................$2,000M&W 1165 E.M. ............................................CallSunflower 4412, '05 ....................................CallSunflower 4311, '07 ......................................Call

MISCELLANEOUSUnverferth 630, New ..............................$15,900Unverferth 9250, grain cart ..........................CallNH 455, skidloader ..................................$5,500MF DL280, loader ..............................Coming InGehl 4240E, 350 hrs ..............................$22,500New Disc Mowers ........................................CallNew Hiniker Shredders ................................Call(2) Hiniker 1700, 20' shredders$10,000-$13,000Hiniker 4000, 20' shredder ......................$ 8,000Alloway, 20' ..............................................$6,500Tebben Land Roller, 45' ........................$35,000REM 2700, grain vacs ..................................CallREM 2100 ................................................$9,500








Swine 065

FOR SALE: Purebred De-cember Duroc Gilts &Boars. Roger Guse, Whitehall, WI. (715)983-5763

Show Pigs $100www.krebsfarms.com

608-576-6593Show Pigs Duroc-Hamps-

Yorks Crosses. Sires fromtop cut. Cains & NIBS.

Owen Genetics. Durand, WI715-672-5717

Pets & Supplies 070

English Shepherd Pups, born1-28-12, 3 male, 3 female.Parents registered. ContactVal, 715-263-4443

Tri-Colored Male Border Col-lie Pups. Parents aresmooth coated, workingstock dogs. ABCA regis-tered. Wormed, vetchecked, vaccinated. $500.


Livestock Equip 075

D/S livestock loading chutefor sheep, goats or calves.Brand new, $500 OBO. 952-240-2192

FOR SALE: (22) Thorp SSfarrowing crates, fingerstyle w/ wet feeders, verygood cond, $125/ea or $115ea if you take all.

507-947-3569 evenings

Swine 065

2nd Annual GNG Show PigSale. Selling ChesterWhites, Duroc, Yorkshire &Crossbred Show Pigs,N35953 Co Rd S Whitehall,WI, Sale is April 1st View-ing at 11am Sale at 1pmDerek Waldera, Auctioneer

Jamie Goplin Family715-530-0875

Jim Nelson Family608-582-2243Roger Guse715-983-5763

Lunch Available

Compart's total programfeatures superior boars &open gilts documented byBLUP technology. Duroc,York, Landrace & F1 lines.Terminal boars offer lean-ness, muscle, growth. Ma-ternal gilts & boars areproductive, lean, durable.All are stress free & PRRSfree. Semen also availablethrough Elite Genes A.I.Make 'em Grow! CompartsBoar Store, INC. Toll Free:877-441-2627

FOR SALE: Cross bredboars, 6 mos. old. RogerGuse, Whitehall, WI.


Sheep 060

FOR SALE: 600 Bred Ewes.Lambing now. Will keep un-til Feb. 25-Mar- 25.


FOR SALE: Show Lambs &Southdowns SmerchekFarms, Sale March 31st onFarm. Call 715-342-0306www.smerchekshowlambs.com

New Strauch 8" drum carder$1,200 + shipping.


Replacement Ewe Sale Sat.Mar. 24 at Noon Horst Sta-bles Thorp, WI 3 mi. S onHwy M 125 white facedewes due in April. 50 Rom-ney Cross Ewe Lambs fromclosed flock. Over 500 Ewesexpected! Suffolks,Dorsets, Katadhin, Dorper,etc. Many out of state buy-ers. Call & consign yours.417-741-2734 or 715-559-8232

WANTED: Large framedrams 3 yrs or younger.


Goats 062

(35) 1-4 wk. old buck kids forsale. Some great for breed-ing. $10/ea. Call for moreinfo (715)271-1165

Cattle 056

FOR SALE: Angus crossBeef cows. (715)322-5788

Red Angus & SimmentalBulls for sale. AI sired.Also semen & embryos. Can Deliver. 715-784-0222

Reg Black Angus cowsw/calves at side. Also, year-ling bulls. (715)483-3866

Reg. Charolais Bulls, someAI sired, fertility tested,excellent EPDs and quali-ty. $2,500. (715)235-0676

Registered Texas Longhornbreeding stock, cows,heifers or roping stock, topblood lines. 507-235-3467

WANT TO BUY: Butchercows, bulls, fats & walkablecripples; also horses,sheep & goats. 320-235-2664

Horse 057

'06 Chaparral 28' alum. horsetrailer w/ living qtrs.$21,500. (608)854-2989

FOR SALE: Coming 5 yr.old Belgian mare. Pullingpedigree. 920-606-5748

Exotic Animals 058

Llamas - pet, guard, 4H,show, breeding. Bred Fe-male due in May.



ARCH23, 2012




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Page 42: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENTHwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon

USED TRACTORSNEW Versatile 435, 4WD ......................................CALLNEW Versatile 250, FWA ......................................CALLNEW Versatile 305, FWA ......................................CALLNEW NH TD5050, FWA, w/cab ............................CALLNEW Massey HD2680, FWA, w/cab ....................CALLNEW Massey 8670, FWA......................................CALL‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, SS, FWA ..........................$75,000‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ................................$69,000‘60 IH 560, WF ....................................................$5,200IH 806, gas, w/Allied loader ..............................$7,850JD 4010 gas, w/cab............................................$7,500‘66 Allis 190 gas..................................................$6,500

PLANTERSNEW White planters ............................................CALL

TILLAGEM&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ............................$14,500Salford 24’ RTS ....................................................CALL‘07 JD 3710, 10-bottom........................................CALLWilrich 10-bottom plow........................................CALLWhite 588, 7-bottom on-land ............................$5,900White 499, 7-bottom on-land ............................$6,900Wilrich 3400, 50.5’ w/4 bar ............................COMING

SKIDSTEERSNEW NH skidsteers on hand ..............................CALL‘05 NH LS185B, cab/heat ................................$21,500Westendorf WL40 w/IH mts ..............................$2,600

COMBINES‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ........................$58,000‘00 Gleaner R72 w/CDF....................................$82,500‘02 Gleaner R62 w/’04 8-30 CH, ‘03 825 flex

w/Crary..............................................................CALL‘03 Gleaner R65 ..............................................$125,000Gleaner R60 ......................................................$25,000‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead..............$68,000NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................CALL

HAY TOOLSNew Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand

Hesston 1150, 12’ ..............................................$1,800

MISCELLANEOUSNEW Salford RT units ..........................................CALLNEW Unverferth seed tenders......................ON HANDNEW Salford RT units ..........................................CALLNEW Westfield augers................................AVAILABLENEW Rem 2700 vac..............................................CALLNEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers....................CALLNEW Riteway rollers ............................................CALLNEW Lorenz snowblowers ..................................CALLNEW Batco conveyors ........................................CALLNEW Brent wagons & grain carts ........................CALLNEW E-Z Trail seed wagons ................................CALLNEW rock buckets & pallet forks........................ CALLNEW Hardi sprayers ............................................CALLREM 2700, Rental ................................................CALLUnverferth 8000 grain cart ..............................$19,000Kinze 1050 w/duals ..........................................$48,500

(DMI Parts Available)

NOW HIRING SERVICE TECHSPlease send resume to: 63065 206th St., Attn: Mike

Janesville, MN 56024

Midway FarmEquipment




‘03 White 8186, 16R30, 3 bu. ..............$52,500‘02 White 8500, 12R30, 2 bu. ..............$34,500JD 1770, 16R30 ....................................$26,500JD 7200, 16R30 vac, 250, LF................$21,500JD 980, 38’ w/3 bar ..............................$16,500CIH 4300, 28’ ........................................$11,900CIH 4800, 32’ ..........................................$9,950Rawson dual hyd drive, 2 yrs old............$2,950M&W 1875, 7x3 disc ripper ....................$9,950Bush Hog 12R30 cult. ................................$795Wishek 962NT, 22’ disc ........................$47,500JD 230, 20’ disc ......................................$2,950Tebben 7x30 deep-til disc leveler ............$6,950‘06 New Idea 5512 disc mower cond. ..$18,900‘06 NH 616 disc mower ..........................$5,950‘08 Hesston 3008 disc mower ................$6,950‘11 Wishek 862 NT, 26’ ........................$62,500Wishek 862NT, 26’ disc ........................$44,500‘06 WilRich V957, 5x30 ........................$24,900WilRich V957, 7x30 ..............................$24,900Artsway G72, 6’ finishing mower ..............$795Wilrich V957, 7x30................................$34,900‘05 Wilrich V957, 7x30..........................$17,900

Wilrich Excel, 32’ ..................................$21,500‘03 CIH LBX331, 3x3, big square ..........$39,500Hesston 550, 4x6 baler ..........................$4,950‘05 Balzer 2000 shredder, new knives ....$8,950‘06 Balzer 2000 shredder ......................$16,900Balzer 2000 shredder, semi-mounted......$5,950‘02 Parker 737 grain cart, duals ............$18,900NEW 16’ harrow for Wishek disc ............$3,500Killbros 490 grain cart ............................$8,950Parker 510 grain cart ..............................$9,950Hiniker 1325, 15’ chisel plow ..................$3,950Feterl 10x60 w/GH hopper ......................$1,995Feterl 10x60 HF w/hopper ......................$2,950Westgo 10x71 w/hopper ........................$1,950Feterl 8x46 PTO auger ............................$2,950Fterl 8x60 PTO auger ..............................$1,995Feterl 10x76 HF auger w/hopper ............$1,975Schweiss 6’ snowblower, 2 auger ..........$1,995Loftness 8’ snowblower, single auger ....$2,995‘10 Farm King Y840, 84” snowblower ....$2,950(12) Yetter residue managers ..............Ea. $200(15) Used Flexheads ....................................Call

Brandt 5200 EX grain vac......................$17,900MF 7495, FWD ....................................$134,500MF 7490, FWD ....................................$129,500

Sunflower 4511-11................................$37,900Krause 4850-18 Dominator ..................$54,900Wilrich 657-13 ......................................$29,900

JUST IN ‘02 Agco DT200, 3000 hrs. ..................$82,500‘97 NH 8770, 3800 hrs. ........................$69,500Agco-Allis 9690, duals ........................$39,500AC 606D, 2WD, w/loader, 3500 hrs.......$12,900AC WD45 w/Woods mower....................Coming‘05 White 8722, 16R22 ........................$39,500(2) JD 7100, 12R30, VF ..............$4,450-$4,950‘09 Wishek 862NT, 16”..........................$28,900JD 1000, 28’ FC ......................................$1,495DA 1400, 39’ FC ......................................$3,950DA 1400, 24’ FC ......................................$2,950CIH 20’ coil tine harrow, off 3950 disc....$1,250

Bush Hog HM2009 disc mower ..............$4,450(16) Used Yetter residue managers ......Ea. $200(16) Precision finger pickps for JD ......Ea. $100White 6900, 11R30 splitter ....................$8,950‘81 JD 4640 Quad, duals, 6200 hrs.......$23,500‘08 Challenger 665B, 2400 hrs. ..........$129,500White 6122, 12R30, VF, w/dry fert., ins.$17,900Agco RT120, CVT w/Miller loader,

2900 hrs. ............................................$69,500JD 8630, 4WD, duals, 3 pt. ..................$12,950Woods L306 for AC WD, WD45 ................$795

USED COMBINES & HEADS‘07 Gleaner A65, 300 hrs. ..................$189,500‘03 Gleaner R-75’s, 1100 hrs. ............$139,500‘02 Gleaner R-72, duals, 1100 hrs. ....$129,500‘93 Gleaner R72, 2800 hrs ....................$59,500‘89 Gleaner R70 duals, 2700 hrs ..........$24,900‘08 Gleaner R65, 600 hrs ....................$189,500‘09 Gleaner R66, 397 hrs ....................$219,500‘05 Gleaner R65, duals, 460 hrs..........$159,500‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 1300 hrs........$109,500‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 900 hrs..........$109,500‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 1500 hrs..........$99,500‘95 Gleaner R-62, 2000 hrs., RWA........$59,500‘92 Gleaner R-62, 2300 hrs. ..................$39,500‘98 Gleaner R52, duals, 1700 hrs..........$69,500‘08 Gleaner 8200, 25’ R series ..............$24,900‘05 Gleaner 8000, 30’ flex w/air reel......$27,900‘04 NH CR970, 1000 hrs. ....................$149,500‘02 Gleaner R62, 1500 hrs ....................$89,500‘05 Gleaner R75, 1000 hrs ..................$159,500‘81 Gleaner N5 ........................................$5,950

‘99 MF 8780, Smart track, 1800 hrs. ....$79,500‘97 MF 8780, 25’ , 863, 2400 hrs..........$79,500‘03 MF 8000, 25’ w/Crary air reel..........$24,900‘10 Gleaner 8200, 25’ flex w/air reel......$32,500‘95 Gleaner 530 flex ................................$8,900‘96 Gleaner 525 flex w/Crary air reel ....$13,900‘97 Gleaner 515 flex ................................$8,950(5) Gleaner 8R30 huggers ......$11,900-$39,900(6) Gleaner 6R30 huggers ........$9,950-$15,900‘93 Gleaner 8R36 hugger ......................$11,900‘90 Gleaner, 4R36 hugger........................$4,950‘80 Gleaner N803A cornhead ..................$2,950Harvest Tech cornhead, 8R30 ..............$22,900JD 843 cornhead, 10R22, Gleaner or JD $7,950JD 843 cornhead, 8R30, Gleaner or MF ..$9,950‘99 Gleaner 830C, SCH..........................$15,900‘78 Gleaner L2 hydro ..............................$4,950Gleaner N630A, ‘82 & up ........................$1,500Fieldstar II yield monitor for GL, MF, CH $3,950




We Rent Brandt Grain Vacs

We Rent and Sell Wishek Discs

Challenger MT525B, ‘04, 800 hrs. ........$54,500Challenger MT645 w/ldr, 1900 hrs ........$79,500Challenger MT 465B w/loader ..............$54,900‘White 6175, 2WD, 5100 hrs ................$39,500AGCO Allis 9650, 2 WD, 5000 hrs ........$32,500MF 1533 w/loader, hydro, 450 hrs ........$15,900‘79 AC 7020, PD......................................$8,950

AC 8050, PW, FWD, duals ....................$27,500AC 7045, PS ............................................$9,950AC 7000 w/duals ....................................$8,950AC WD, WF, repainted ............................$2,795JD 2030 w/JD 48 ldr. ..............................$8,950IH 300 utility w/loader ............................$3,950

Trucks & Trailers 084

'07 PJ 32' gooseneck dually,GVWR 25,000 lbs, tiresST235-80, spare tire, toolbox, pop up dove, electrichyd disc brakes, 2 jacks,power coat paint, less than400 mi. $8,500. 715-382-4427

(2) 28' flatbed semi trailers,single axle. $3,000/ea.


30' May Wes Header Trailer$2,000 - Real Nice.

Call 507-430-8966

FOR SALE: '90 FreightlinerFLD 120, 3604 Cat, 425HP,13spd, DOT'd, $8,000/OBO.


FOR SALE: '91 Drop deckTrailight 48' spread axle,tool box on one side.


FOR SALE: '95 Int'l 9400, triaxle, 60 Series Detroit,10spd, jake brake, 21' Can-cade box & hoist, 75Kmiles, new tires, greatcond. 715-495-2696

FOR SALE: Timpte hopperbottom trailer, 42' long, 66”tall, DOT'd, 1980 Model,$8,500. 507-259-6952

Livestock Equip 075

FOR SALE: Artsway 450grinder/mixer, 2 turns lefton hammers, always shed-ded, nice mixer, $4,250.507-525-2806

For Sale: New steer feed-ers, calf & finisher sizes 3/4to 8 ton cap. 920-948-3516



Cars & Pickups 080

FOR SALE: '04 Ford F150XLT, 4x4, super cab, shortbox, 5.4 w/108,000 miles.507-340-6934

FOR SALE: '75 F250 RangerXLT 4x4 pickup, auto trans,340 gas motor, everythingworks good, exc for a col-lector or restoration. $2,900


FOR SALE: '99 Ford F-150XLT, 4.2L, 172,000 miles, norust, cruise, runs good, 8'longbox, reg. cab, 5 spd.Manual, $4,500 OBO. 507-931-1202

Industrial & Const. 083

Vermeer V8550 backhoe &plow w/blade.

Koestler Equipment507-399-3006





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Page 43: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

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HOPPERS‘87 Cornhusker, 42’, 20”

hopper height, newbrakes/tarp, 80% tires..................................$12,900

‘90 Timpte, Elec. Tarp, 80%tires/brakes, Al wheels,Clean..........................$14,900

(2) ‘92 Wilson, 41’ AL Hopper,Roll Tarp, 80% tires/brakes20” Hopper Height ....$15,900Hopper short term rentals

also now availableDAY CAB TRUCKS

‘90 Int’l 9400, 196” WB, AR..................................$11,500

FLATBEDS‘00 MANAC 45/96 Spread Axle,

AR, Pintle Hitch, Sandblasted,New Paint ....................$8,500

Fruehauf 45/96, ClosedTandem ...................... $5,000

‘95 Stoughton, 48’ Winch Railw/Winch, Sliding Tandem,Good Paint ..................$7,000

‘02 Transcraft 48/96, ALCombo, Rail w/Winch,Tie Downs....................$9,000

‘97 Wilson 48/102, AllAluminum, Spread Axle, AR..................................$10,900

‘74 Fontaine, 40’ ............$4,750‘77 Wilcox, 42’ ..............$5,500

Custom Haysides2’-6’ Custom Extensions to fit

any trailer back ..............$350Standard ......................$1,250NEW Tip-In Tip-Out ......$1,750

DROP-DECKS‘98 Reitnouer drop deck,

48/102, new tires, 80%brakes, All Aluminum,2 toolboxes, LED lights,SP/AX, AR, Super Clean..................................$20,900

Engineered Beavertail forDrop Deck ....Installed $5,500..............Unassembled $3,500

VAN TRAILERSGood Selection (over 30) of

Van Trailers ‘95-’01, 48/102-53/102, great for waterstorage or over the roadhauling ............$4,000-$8,250

48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent.$135.00 per month plus tax.$1.50/mile for pickup &delivery

MISCELLANEOUSAxles & SuspensionsFor Trailers ..$1,000 AR/Axle,..........................$500 SR/Axle

1/4” Plastic Liner,10’ Wide ................$27.50/Ft.

Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 ............$60Single Wheel Dolly ........$1,350

Will Consider Trades!Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! www.DuncanTrailersInc.com

Delivery Available!


• All Trailers DOTable •

GREENWALD FARM CENTERGreenwald, MN • 320-987-3177

14 miles So. of Sauk Centre


• 5/8” drum roller wallthickness

• 42” drum diameter• 4”x8” frame

tubing 1/4” thick• Auto fold


-USED TRACTORS-CIH 7120, 2WD, 18.4-42 tires,, 5500 hrs. ........$46,500CIH MX110, 2WD, 1100 hrs...........................Coming InJD 4250, 2WD, new motor, PQ, no duals, 7700 hrs.,Very Nice ........................................................$30,000

CIH 7250, 3600 hrs., FWA ................................$76,000CIH 140 Pro, FWA, 1100 hrs. ............................$72,000CIH 7140 Magnum, FWA, new motor, new tires,new paint ........................................................$65,000

CIH 7230 Magnum, FWA, 3700 hrs ..................$59,000CIH 7140, 2WD, 3800 hrs. ................................$39,000CIH JX1090U, FWA, 1900 hrs ............................$38,000CIH 3294, Case 7700H, FWA ............................$25,000Ford TW5, FWA tractor ......................................$23,000MX120, MFD, 4200 hrs., 18.4x42......................$54,000MX120, MFD, 1900 hrs., no cab ........................$46,000IH 856 ..............................................................$10,500IH 806, new paint, 56 shifting............................$11,500IH 684 w/loader ................................................$14,500

-MISCELLANEOUS-S-JD 635, 18’ disc w/mulcher ................................$8,500CIH 527B ..........................................................$16,500CIH 4800, 28’ & 26’ field cultivators....................$9,500

CIH 4800 field cult. w/mulch, 24’ & 22’ ..............$8,500CIH 4300, 32’ ....................................................$13,500CIH 4300 w/mulcher, 24’ ..................................$11,500Mandako Roller, 30’, 42” drum w/steerable wheel,2011 w/200 acres ..........................................$26,500

CIH 3950 disc w/mulcher, cushion gang, 24’ ....$26,000CIH 496 w/mulcher, 24’, cushion gang ..............$14,500CIH 496 w/mulcher, cushion ............................$14,500DMI 500, 5-shank, 3 pt. mount ripper w/discleveler................................................................$7,500

Kent 12’ Discovator ............................................$6,500Demco 550 grain cart, 3 yrs. old, Like New ......$14,900Demco 650 gravity box ....................................$12,900(6) Demco 365 boxes ..................From $5,500-$6,500Demco used gravity boxes, all sizes available ..........CallGehl 125 mixers....................................Choice $12,500Gehl 125 ..........................................................$18,500Gehl 170 mixer..................................................$18,500NH 355 ..............................................................$12,500New Mandako Land Rollers in stock ......................CallH&S 12-wheel rake, 1 yr. old ..............................$4,800CIH 5100 grain drill ............................................$4,800

New Sitrex Rakes Available

Many New & Used Rakes Available


Net Wrap &Bale Tubes

SKIDLOADER TIRES -HD 10-16.5 & HD 12-16.5

Trucks & Trailers 084

FOR SALE: Tandem trailer,3 auger TMR w/J-Starscale. $3,950. 715-684-9549

Fully enclosed 12' trailer,drop down ramp door, nearnew tires, $2,500.


Recreational Vehicles 085

'09 Harley Davidson FatBoy, pearl blue & silver, se-curity, chrome wheels, de-tached windshield, 200miles, exc cond.$13,750/OBO. '08 HarleyDavidson 105th anniversaryStreet Glide, copper &black, 7200 miles, paintedinner fairing, many otherextras, exc cond.$14,500/OBO. (715)613-0353

Miscellaneous 090

'05 Hydrus Micro Pivot Irri-gation System by Reinke.Approx 850' long, 26x12tires, 253:1 center drive, 6'ground clearance, disas-sembled. $22,500.

715-239-66018x10 heavy duty flat bed,

lumber yard style, rollerson rear end, metal fronts,new wood floor. 507-493-5564Mabel MN

GENERATORS: 15kW-500kW PTO & automaticgen sets, new & used. Lowtime hospital take-outs.Standby Power-WindomServing farmers since 1975800-419-9806 9-5 Mon-Sat

ONAN ENGINES 25 hp re-built engine for skid loader;rebuilt Onan engines 16 to20 hp for JD garden trac-tors and others. Pricesstart at $1095.00 exchange.BCM, Inc 763-755-0034

One call does it all!With one phone call, you can

place your classified ad inThe Land, Farm News,AND The Country Today.Call The Land for moreinfo @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 or place your ad online@ www.thelandonoline.com

PARMA DRAINAGEPUMPS New pumps &parts on hand. Call Min-nesota's largest distributorHJ Olson & Company 320-974-3202 Cell – 320-894-6276

RANGER PUMP CO. is a Custom Manufacturer of

Water Lift Pumps for fielddrainage & lagoon agitation

pumps. Sales & Service

507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334www.rangerpumpco.com


Expand your coverage area!The Land has teamed upwith Farm News, and TheCountry Today so you cando just that! Place a classi-fied ad in The Land andhave the option of placing itin these papers as well.More readers = better re-sults! Call The Land formore information. 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665

Winpower Sales & ServiceReliable Power SolutionsSince 1925 PTO & automat-ic Emergency ElectricGenerators. New & UsedRich Opsata-Distributor800-343-9376


ARCH23, 2012




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Page 45: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

‘11 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 290 eng./248 sep. hrs.,leather, loaded ........................................................................$359,000

‘11 CIH 7120, 205 eng./170 sep. hrs. ....................................$257,000‘09 CIH 5088, 290 eng./230 sep. hrs., 30.5x32 tires, hyd.folding covers ........................................................................$189,900

‘01 CIH 2388, 3907 eng./2800 sep. hrs., duals, chopper,topper ........................................................................................$74,800

‘11 CIH 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..............................$59,800‘95 CIH 1083, 8R30” cornhead ................................................$13,900‘11 CIH 2162, 40’ draper head ......................................................CALL‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, Crary air reel................................$39,900‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 11⁄2”, rock guard ..........................$32,900‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, Crary air reel, 3” knife ................$39,900‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 3” knife, rock guard ....................$39,900‘03 CIH 1020, 30’ platform, 11⁄2” knife, tracker ........................$14,900‘92 CIH 1020, 20’ platform, 3” knife ..........................................$6,500


‘01 CIH MX240, 3672 hrs. ........$79,800 ‘08 Magnum 215, 835 hrs., 360 HIDlgts., 320R54 tires & duals ....$122,900

‘98 CIH 9370, PS, 4440 hrs. ....$74,800 ‘11 CIH Steiger 435, 420 hrs.$228,900 ‘10 Magnum 335, 1465 hrs. $189,000

‘11 CIH Magnum 275, 570 hrs.,susp. axle, Lux. cab ................$177,800

‘06 CIH MX215, 4015 hrs. ......$94,800 ‘11 CIH 9120, 290 eng./248 sep. hrs.................................................$359,000

Bobcat 5600 Toolcat ..............$26,90060” SB200 snowblower ..............$4,500

‘11 870, 18’ Ecolo-Tiger, Demo ....CALL‘11 CIH 7120, 205 eng./170 sep. hrs.................................................$257,000

‘04 Bobcat S250 2-spd., Hi-Flow..................................................$23,900

‘06 Bobcat S250 ....................$29,800 ‘98 Bobcat 753, 1800 hrs. ......$10,900

I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233

Paul Herb

Call For Details


©2011 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.

CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping yourequipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealeror visit www.cnhcapital.com today for details.

USED COMBINESInterest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details

‘11 CIH Steiger 600Q, 36” tracks, Full Pro 700 Auto Guide,390 hrs.....................................................................................$376,800

‘11 CIH Steiger 550Q, scraper tractor, Lux. cab, big pump,HID lights, 638 hrs. ................................................................$311,000

‘11 CIH Steiger 550Q, scraper tractor, Lux. cab, big pump,HID lights, 732 hrs. ................................................................$306,000

‘11 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. cab, HID lights, 1000 PTO, 710/70R42tires, 450 hrs. ..........................................................................$228,900

‘98 CIH 9370, 20.8x42 tires w/duals, power shift, 4440 hrs...$74,800‘90 CIH 9150, 3246 hrs. ............................................................$49,900


USED 4WD TRACTORSUp To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••

USED 2WD TRACTORSUp To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••

‘10 CIH Magnum 335, Lux. cab, 360 HID lights, dual PTO,1419 hrs...................................................................................$189,000

‘11 CIH Magnum 275, Lux. cab, 360 HID lights, susp. axle,480/85R64 tires, full auto guide, 567 hrs...............................$177,800

‘08 CIH Magnum 215, Lux. cab, 360 HID lights, 320R54 tires& duals, 835 hrs. ....................................................................$122,900

‘06 CIH Magnum 215, 3962 hrs. ............................................$94,800‘01 CIH MX240, 14.9x46 rear tires w/duals, 3672 hrs. ..........$79,800‘88 CIH 7140, 3 hyd. remotes, 4747 hrs. ................................$49,800‘89 CIH 7120, MFD, 18.4x42 tires & duals, 8016 hrs. ............$42,500


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Page 46: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

TRACTORS-4WDSE ‘12 CIH 550Q, 358 HRS., 36” TRACKS, PTO ..............CALLSE ‘09 JD 9630T, 1303 HRS., 36” TRACKS, HID LIGHTS

..........................................................................$278,500SE ‘97 CIH 9390, 4394 HRS., REMAN, 24-SPD. ........$95,000BL ‘91 CIH 9230, 6928 HRS., 3 PT., PTO, PS..............$55,950SE ‘81 IH 6588, 5295 HRS., 18.4X38 DUALS ............$16,900SL ‘78 VERSATILE 836, 5750 HRS., PTO, 18.4-38......$32,000

TRACTORS-MFDBL ‘96 CIH 7240, 7300 HRS., 18.4X42 70% ..............$56,500BL ‘96 AG 6175, 4601 HRS., PS ................................$53,900SL ‘08 CIH MXM125, 1779 HRS., ROPS, MILLER LOADER

............................................................................$52,500BL ‘98 CIH MX135, 4601 HRS., 520/85R38 SINGLES

90%......................................................................$47,850BL ‘01 CIH C-70, 1487 HRS., LOADER, VERY NICE ....$27,900

TRACTORS-2WDBL ‘04 JX85, 400 HRS., LOADER W/JOYSTICK ..........$26,500BL ‘78 JD 4440, 6069 HRS., 18.4X38........................$23,900SL ‘78 JD 4640, 8397 HRS. ......................................$22,000BL ‘79 JD 4440, 7268 HRS., 18.4X38, DUAL PTO......$21,900SL ‘86 CIH 2294, 6350 HRS. ....................................$18,500SL ‘82 IH 5488, 6900 HRS. ..................................COMING INSE ‘79 IH 1086, 7889 HRS., 18.4X38 ........................$11,850BL ‘69 IH 856, 4800 HRS., MILLER LOADER..............$11,500SE ‘74 IH 966, FRESH ENG. OH, DUALS ......................$9,750BL ‘66 IH 806, DUAL PTO, 18.4X34..............................$6,350BL ‘83 JD 1050, 1676 HRS., 3 PT., PTO ......................$5,950SE ‘66 IH 706, GAS, LOADER ......................................$4,500SE ‘53 OLIVER 77, BELLY MOWER ..............................$2,500

FIELD CULTIVATORSSE ‘07 JD 2210, 47.5’, 4-BAR, 7” SWEEPS ..............$53,500SE ‘08 JD 2210, 45.5’, 4-BAR, 7” SWEEPS ..............$47,200BL ‘02 JD 2200, 56.5’, 200 LB. SHANK, 3-BAR ........$38,900SE ‘01, DMI, 44.5’, TIGERMATE II, PIVOT GAUGE WHEELS,

4-BI ......................................................................$36,500SE WILRICH QUAD X, 45’, 4-BAR HARROW ..............$34,500BL ‘98 DMI, 50.5’, TIGERMATE II, 7” SWEEPS, 3-BAR$29,000BL ‘96 WILRICH, QUAD 5, 52', 4-BAR HARROW ........$19,975BL ‘98 JD, 38’, SINGLE POINT DEPTH CONTROL ......$14,250SE ‘95 DMI TIGERMATE, 47.5’, 3-BAR HARROW........$12,750SE ‘98 CIH 4300, 31.5’, 4-BAR HARROW ..................$12,750BL CIH 4300, 28.5’, 3-BAR HARROW ........................$11,900SE ‘90 CIH 4900, 47.5', 7" SWEEPS, 3-BAR..............$10,500BL CIH 4300, 46’, 3-BAR ADJ. HARROW....................$10,750SE CIH 4900, 52.5’ ......................................................$8,500SE CIH 4900, 52.5’ ......................................................$8,450SE CIH 4900, 52.5’ ......................................................$8,500SE ‘94 CIH 4900, 41', 3-BAR HARROW........................$7,900SE JD 960, 37’, 3-BAR HARROW ................................$4,950

SPRAYERSSE BLUMHARDT, 1000 GAL., 88’-90’ BOOM, RAVEN $8,500SE ‘95 FLEX-COIL 650, 3-SECTION BOOM ..................$5,850

SKID-LOADERSBL ‘10 CASE 450, S3, 1062 HRS., LOADED, HEAT/AIR$35,000SE ‘10 CASE 420, S3, 750 HRS., 2-SPD. ..................$27,900SE ‘07 CASE 420CT, 907 HRS. ..................................$26,500SE ‘10 CASE 430, S 3, 2469 HRS., CAB, H & AC,

2 SPD. ..................................................................$26,500SE ‘06 CASE 410, 2345 HRS., NEW REMAN ENGINE $22,500SE ‘07 CASE 430, 2005 HRS. ....................................$21,750SE ‘07 CASE 420, 1825 HRS. ....................................$18,850SE ‘05 CASE 420, 3846 HRS., CAB & HEAT ..............$17,650SL ‘91 BOBCAT 642B, 3400 HRS. ................................$6,500SL ‘09 BOBCVAT S205, 1700 HRS., CAB, HT ........COMING INSL ‘08 BOBCAT S205, 2800 HRS., CAB, HT, AC, 2 SPD.

........................................................................COMING INSL BOBCAT S150, 3800 HRS., CAB, HT, 2 SPD. ........$18,150SL ‘94 BOBCAT 753L ..................................................$8,500SL ‘83 BOBCAT 642 ....................................................$7,500SL ‘90 BOBCAT 542B, 1684 HRS. ................................$6,000SL ‘78 BOBCAT 632 ....................................................$5,500SL ‘09 BOBCAT SB200, 72” SNOWBLOWER................$4,750SL BOBCAT SB200, 72” HIGH FLOW SNOWBLOWER ..$4,750


LOADED..............................................................$319,900SE ‘09 CIH 9120, 1100 ENG. HRS., TRACKS, RWA,

LOADED..............................................................$289,500BL ‘10 CIH 7088, 455 ENG. HRS., RWA, LOADED ....$269,900SE ‘08 CIH 7010, 808 ENG HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS ..$217,500BL ‘08 CIH 8010, 1200 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS$212,900SE ‘07 CIH 8010, 1668 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS,

RWA ..................................................................$206,500BL ‘07 CIH 7010, 1593 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS,

AFX ROTOR ........................................................$199,850SL ‘08 CIH 2588, 850RR HRS., DUALS, AFS ............$188,900SL ‘03 CIH 2388, 1861R HRS., DUALS, AFX, ROTOR

........................................................................COMING INSL ‘02 CIH 2388, 1536R HRS., DUALS, FT ............COMING INBL ‘04 CIH 8010, 2451 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS, HID

LIGHTS ..............................................................$179,950SL ‘98 CIH 2366, 2200 HRS., SINGLES, FT, YM..........$86,500BL ‘81 IH 1440, 3881 ENG. HRS., CHOPPER................$9,950



BL ‘07 CIH 1250, 24X30, ON ROW HOPPERS, PRO 600............................................................................$81,995

SE ‘02 KINZE, 16X31, INTERPLANT ..........................$64,850SL ‘05 JD 1790, 16/32 ROW, SMART BOXES, ROW

CLUTCHES............................................................$85,000BL ‘96 CIH 950, 12X30”, LIQUID FERT., EARLY RISER

MONITOR..............................................................$18,500BL ‘92 CIH 900, 12X30, PULL TYPE ..........................$13,900SE ‘91 CIH 900, 12X30, TRASH W, EARLY RISER MONITOR

............................................................................$12,000BL ‘90 CIH 900, 12X30 ................................................$8,989SL ‘01 JD 1760, 12RN, RES. MGRS., ESET METERS $36,500SL CIH 900, 12RN SM, VF............................................$6,500


SE ‘09 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, 24” SPACING ..................$38,850BL ‘07 JD 2700, 5-SHANK ........................................$27,500BL ‘03 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, CUSHION BLADES, COVING

BOARDS ..............................................................$27,900SE ‘04 JD 2700, 7-SHANK, 30” SPACING ..................$24,500SL ‘04 CIH 530B, LEAD SHANKS ..........................COMING INSL ‘04 JD 2700, 7-SHANK ........................................$18,500BL ‘99 CIH 730B, INDIVIDUAL CUSHION GANG, (NO LEADS)

............................................................................$23,795BL ‘01 WILRICH 957, 7-SHANK, BIG COIL TINE LEVER

............................................................................$22,950SE ‘00 DMI 730B, BLUE, LEADS AND MAINS ............$21,500BL ‘97 DMI 730B, BLUE, 10” MAINS, 2” LEADS ........$18,750SL ‘01 DMI 730B, 7 SHANK LEVELERS, LEAD SHANKS

........................................................................COMING INSL ‘96 DMI 730, LEAD SHANKS, NICE ......................$17,500SL ‘95 DMI 730 ........................................................$15,500BL JD 510, 7-SHANK, DISC RIPPER ..........................$13,900BL ‘05 WILRICH 357, 7-SHANK 3-PT MOUNTED RIPPER

..............................................................................$7,900BL DMI COULTER CHAMP, 11-SHANK, 4” TWISTED

SHOVELS................................................................$4,950BL TEBBEN 7-SHANK MOUNT RIPPER ........................$3,500SL IH 710 AR, 5-18 W/COULTERS................................$1,200

CORN HEADS & BEAN HEADSSL ‘10 CIH 2608, CHOPPING CORNHEAD ..............COMING INBL ‘09 CIH 2608, 8R30”, FT & AHHC, HYD. DECK......$66,550SL ‘08 CIH 1020, 30’, 3” CUT................................COMING INSL ‘09 GERINGHOFF RD830 ......................................$63,600SL ‘08 GERINGHOFF RD630 ......................................$46,500SL ‘06 GERINGHOFF RD830 ......................................$52,500SL ‘04 GERINGHOFF RD830..................................COMING INSL ‘01 GERINGHOFF RD830, CIH MOUNTS................$39,500BL ‘07 CIH 2412, 12R30”, FT, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES

............................................................................$58,500BL ‘07 CIH 2208, 8R30” ............................................$38,000BL ‘05 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$35,500BL ‘05 CIH 2208, 8R30", HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$32,900SE ‘05 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$32,850SE ‘04 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$33,900SE ‘04 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$33,900BL ‘03 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES,

AHHC....................................................................$29,975SE ‘06 CIH 2206, 6R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$28,500SE ‘04 CIH 2206, 6R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ....$25,500SE ‘98 CIH 1083, 8R30”, POLY, TALL CORN SHIELD ..$14,900SE ‘99 CIH 1083, 8R30”, POLY, TALL CORN SHIELD

........................................................................COMING INBL ‘91 CIH 1083 ........................................................$11,500BL ‘91 CIH 1083 ..........................................................$9,950BL CIH 1083 ..........................................................$8,950SE ‘89 CIH 1063, STRAIGHT TIN, TALL CORN SHIELDS,

PAINTED ................................................................$8,250BL ‘02 CIH 1020, 30', 1.5" SICKLE, FT ......................$14,900BL ‘90 CIH 1020, 25’, 3” SICKLE, ROCK GUARD ........$11,950BL ‘97 CIH 1020, 30', FIELD TRACKER ........................$9,950BL ‘97 CIH 1020, 30’, 3” SICKLE, ROCK GUARD ..........$9,000SL ‘07 CIH 2062, 35’ DRAPER ..................................$45,000SL ‘07 CIH 2608, 8RN, CHOPPING ........................COMING INSL ‘09 CIH 2020, 30’, 1

1⁄2” CUT ................................$27,000

SL ‘04 CIH 2020, 30’ ................................................$19,900SL ‘01 CIH 2212, 22’ ................................................$32,000SL ‘94 CIH 1983 ........................................................$14,000SL (2) ‘91 CIH 1083 ....................................................$9,500

OTHER EQUIPMENTSL JD 400 GRAIN CART ..............................................$5,500SL ‘11 CIH 1250, 24RN, FRONT FOLD, BULKFILL,

CLUTCHES..........................................................$142,600SL ‘93 CIH 8750, 3RN HEAD, HAY HEAD......................$6,500SL ‘08 LOFTNESS, 20’ PT SHREDDER, NEW KNIVES $16,950SL ‘99 LOFTNESS 240, 20’ PULL TYPE SHREDDER ..$10,000SL LUNDELL 8’ SNOWBLOWER ..................................$1,500SL TONUTTI V14, HIGH CAPACITY RAKE ......................$4,500

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Page 48: March 23, 2012 :: Northern :: The Land

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Renae Vander Schaaf

A work of faith

Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail [email protected] or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.

In a spot more noted for its corn andsoybean fields is a treasure of

another type, The Grotto of theRedemption. On a surprisingly warmJanuary day, I stopped to visit thisgrotto which tells the story of man’sfall from grace and his redemption.

A grotto means a large cave or den;obviously there are none in north cen-tral Iowa. So Father Paul Dobbersteinspent 10 years gathering rocks, pre-cious stones and gems, fossils, petri-fied wood, stalactite and stalagmiteand much more to make several cav-erns. In 1912 he began constructionthat he would continue for the next42 years. He died in 1954. A parish-ioner, Matt Szerensce, and FatherLouis Greving worked with FatherDobberstein, and continued after hisdeath to complete the grotto.

The geological wonder is amazing,

built on land where rocks are hard tocome by. Yet, these men have created amasterpiece, the largest grotto in theworld. It practically spans a whole cityblock. Its highest spot reaches 40 feet.Rock hounds find this place fascinating.

For good reason. While the grottoshows what an artist can do with rawmaterials, the museum is filled withrocks and gems. The collection was ini-tially from Father Dobberstein. It hasbeen added to by visitors over the years.Father Verne Stapenhorst who gavetours at the Grotto for a number of yearsdonated a large portion of the collection.

Each rock is displayed with thename and place where the rock wasfound. Also there are the simple toolsthat Father Dobberstein used tocement all this treasure into thegrotto. Just a simple bowl and trowel.

“The rocks come from all over the

world,” according to Darcie Kramer,the executive director at the Grotto ofthe Redemption. “In the ChristmasChapel in the church, there are rocksand minerals from every state in theunion, every country of the world, andevery major river in the world.”

The Miracle in Stone features nine sep-arate grottos that depict a story in the lifeof Jesus Christ, including his birth in amanger, his death on the cross and resur-rection.The scenes are simply displayedsurrounded by an exquisite, picturesquemasterpiece of rocks, stones, petrifiedwood and other natural raw materialsthat will leave you shaking your head indisbelief at the beauty of it all.

Towers, pathways, mosaic, arches,tunnels, cave-like dens — all fashionedfrom man’s hands, covered with pre-cious jewels, rose-like stones, seashells, quartz, stones in the brightest

purple, a teal blue, pink and green.They took time to make designs, tohave patterns through out the grotto.

The Grotto of Redemption is listedon the National Register of HistoricPlaces. This year it will celebrate its100th anniversary. Special events areplanned for June 22-24, Kramer said.Each year approximately 25,000 to30,000 people visit the site.

“I am amazed every day to look outmy window at the beauty of the Grottoand walk through it each summerday,” Kramer said. “People ask me ifseeing it each day makes it ‘old hat,’and for me, it does not. I never ceasebeing totally in awe of the work ofFather Dobberstein.”

On a beautiful warm, January day, thevisitors were few. I could roam at myown pace and ponder things anew. ❖





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The Grotto of theRedemption,

West Bend, Iowa

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(800) [email protected]. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

March 23, 2012© 2012


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