1 Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org M S S March 1 Genesis 3:1-21 Romans 5:12-19 Mahew 4:1-11 March 8 Genesis 12:1-9 Romans 4:1-8, 13-17 John 3:1-17 March 15 Exodus 17:1-7 Romans 5:1-8 John 4:5-26 March 22 Isaiah 42:14-21 Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41 March 29 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Romans 8:1-11 John 11:1-45 T D L 21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 24 Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrecon on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the . Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me shall . Do you believe this?” 27 She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I be- lieve that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” J R L 38 Then Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. 39 Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him, “Lord, by this me there will be an odor, for he has been dead four days.” 40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” 41 So they took away the stone. And Jesus lied up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may be- lieve that you sent me.” 43 When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” 44 The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” John 11: 21-27, 38-44 I T I M N 2 U E 3 LWML N 5 S O 8 O L S 9 I O P 10 B A 12 M C 13 Living Savior Lutheran Church MARCH, 2020 MARCH, 2020

MARCH, 2020 Living Savior Lutheran Church · Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org Page 4 NEWSLETTER : MARCH, 2020 A reminder that the week of July 12—17

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Page 1: MARCH, 2020 Living Savior Lutheran Church · Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org Page 4 NEWSLETTER : MARCH, 2020 A reminder that the week of July 12—17


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

M���� S����� S���������

March 1 Genesis 3:1-21

Romans 5:12-19

Ma�hew 4:1-11

March 8 Genesis 12:1-9

Romans 4:1-8, 13-17

John 3:1-17

March 15 Exodus 17:1-7

Romans 5:1-8

John 4:5-26

March 22 Isaiah 42:14-21

Ephesians 5:8-14

John 9:1-41

March 29 Ezekiel 37:1-14

Romans 8:1-11

John 11:1-45

T�� D���� �� L������ 21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my

brother would not have died. 22 But even now I know that

whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” 23 Jesus

said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 24 Martha said to

him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrec�on on

the last day.”

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the ������������

��� ��� ����. Whoever believes in me, though he

die, yet shall he live, 26 and everyone who lives

and believes in me shall ����� ���. Do you believe this?” 27 She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I be-

lieve that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming

into the world.”

J���� R����� L������ 38 Then Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. 39 Jesus said, “Take

away the stone.” Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him, “Lord, by this �me there will be an odor, for he has been dead four days.” 40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell

you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” 41 So they took away the stone. And Jesus li�ed up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may be-lieve that you sent me.” 43 When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” 44 The

man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to

them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

John 11: 21-27, 38-44

I����� T��� I����

M������ N���� 2

U������� E����� 3

LWML N���� 5

S������ O������������ 8

O����� ���� L����� S����� 9

I� O�� P������ 10

B�������� ��� A������������ 12

M���� C������� 13

L i v i n g S a v i o r L u t h e ra n C h u r c h

MARCH, 2020

MARCH, 2020

Page 2: MARCH, 2020 Living Savior Lutheran Church · Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org Page 4 NEWSLETTER : MARCH, 2020 A reminder that the week of July 12—17


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

So what happened to the extra day we just had

during this leap year?? Time is like a vapor- poof

it’s gone and on to the next series of events…

For the next 40 (minus a few) days our worship

takes on a quieter, more pensive flavor as we

savor this �me of Lent. We will have no more

Alleluias un�l Easter Sunday and the Hymns of

Praise in our liturgy are omi�ed as well.

Perhaps we slow down a bit in our everyday

lives, we are cognizant of the new growth on the

trees and for sure we hopefully think more and

more about what our Savior went through as He

suffered in our stead for our salva�on. Just

thinking about how vast His amazing love is can

boggle one’s mind. Why for me?

Our Lenten theme this year of BY HIS WOUNDS

WE ARE HEALED points not only to our “missing

the mark” and “messing up”, but it is also sur-

rounded by the hope of eternal life in heaven

with our Lord. Every Wednesday night in March

we have the opportunity to put on the brakes

and come together for a special meal-fellowship

(5:00), pre-service singing at 6:10, and worship

�me at 6:30. The topics are: The Wounds of

Viola�ng the Sabbath, the wounds of Dishonor-

ing Authority, wounds of Murder, of Adultery,

and Stealing. Sounds rather ominous, doesn’t

it? Come as the Holy Spirit through our Pastor

helps us unwrap these messages for our good

and reminds us of our HEALING and HOPE

through God’s Word and His ac�ons in our be-

half through Jesus! Makes things much less omi-

nous, doesn’t it? Hooray!

The choir is preparing and as

we prac�ce the pieces, we

grow closer to the awesome

messages of the season that

will be part of our Sunday and

Holy week worship �mes.

Prior to the start of our worship services, please be

aware and considerate of others regarding noise


Special thanks to the folks who are doing a won-

derful job with our screen system! They would be

happy to train others for this important task, so see

the Dinnings or the Lees!

Introduce yourself to someone new this week!

May this wonderful season bring special blessings to

you as we contemplate God’s goodness, as we

share the Good News with others!

For your future reference, Palm Sunday is April 5th

regular service �mes. Maundy Thursday and Good

Friday Services will be at 4:00 and 6:30 (no meals).

Easter Sunday Sunrise service will be at 6:45, Break-

fast at 8, Egg Hunt at 8:30, and celebra�on services

at 9:15 and 10:45.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gi� of

God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:23

M � � � � � � N � � � � F � � � J � ��

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

T������� M������ L�����’ B���� S���� The first Thursday of the month is the LWML mee�ng and Lunch Bunch. On Thursday, March 12, we will do the second part of the Lord's Prayer. This is a six week study using devo-�onal material from the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. Prayerfully consider joining us. For more informa�on con-tact Annet Riley at [email protected] or (713) 598-2556.

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Y�� ��� C�������� ������� ...to a�end the Celebrate Concordia evening

on March 7 at Concordia University Texas. Dur-ing that event our own Pete and Su Hames will

receive the Christo Ecclesia Award for Service to Christ and Church. Congratula�ons

to them! If you would like to a�end this meal and

presenta�on, please RSVP at www.concordia.edu/crossing.

S����� S������ Thank you to all the ladies that are par�cipa�ng, we are very grateful for such a great

response. Sisters be sure and check the PICKUP BOX in the Fellowship Hall (on the west wall next to the bulle�n board) for your goodies!

To send your Sister something special use the DROP OFF BOX (next to the bulle�n board on the east wall).

Everyone watch your email and the bulle�n for our next get together. Looking forward to a prayer filled inspira�onal year!

Any ques�ons contact. Susie Yeager (714)542-2264 or email [email protected], or Donna Bond (936)443-3334 or email [email protected]

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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A reminder that the week of July 12—17 our children and Youth will be going to Camp Lone Star as a group. Ages are 8 to 18 years old and the cost is $450.

Please submit a deposit of $100 to Cheryl Bailes

(memo line “Summer Camp”) by Jan.5 and let her know if your child or grandchild is a�ending.

A����� I����� R���������� M������ T��� Once again Gary Ma�eld (713-805-2581) is planning to travel to Whiteriver, AZ the week of March 9 to bring supplies to The Apache Youth Ministry, Our Children Shelter, Hope Center Resale Shop and Trade School, Custodial Care Elder Home and The Whit-eriver Community Church. If you would like to help fill his trailer, here are some of the needs. Adult sized sleeping bags (new or used-freshly washed) Camping equipment Basketballs and volleyballs Popping corn (bags or jars) Powdered lemonade (cans) Peanut bu�er and jelly Paper goods - cups, plates, bowls, napkins, towels, toilet paper and all purpose cleaners Diapers - all sizes (newborn to adult-full or par�al packages) Wipes Lavender scent baby bath and lo�on Children's clothes (new or clean gently used-especially infant and toddler) Adult clothes (new or clean gently used) Tools - electrical, plumbing, carpentry and car mechanic Place your dona�ons in the AYM box in fellowship hall. Thank you.

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N E W S L E T T E R : M A R C H , 2 0 2 0

LWML Mite Mission Grant Restoring Hope for Detroit Children and Families -

Camp Restore Detroit ($100,000)

Detroit has experienced economic disaster and leads the na�on with 57.3% of their chil-dren living in poverty without food or opportunity. Camp Restore Detroit provides a safe nurturing Christ-centered place for these children, their families, and other adults. This camp provides a place for the children to come and learn about God’s love as they par�ci-pate in art, theatre, and music classes and receive homework help while receiving assis-tance with basic educa�onal and developmental skills. Addi�onally, adults are offered par-en�ng, finance, and resume building classes. This grant will fund the renova�on of two pre-viously abandoned houses into community outreach centers, along with the house furnish-ings and outreach materials. WHEREAS, Christ has charged us in His Holy Word to share the Gospel and minister to the poor; and WHEREAS, Detroit has experienced economic disaster, leading the na�on with 57.3% of the children living in poverty without food or opportunity; and WHEREAS, Camp Restore Detroit has found a need within the community to provide a safe, nurturing Christ Centered place for these children, their families, and other adults to come where children can learn about God's love as they par�cipate in art, theater, and music classes, and receive homework help while receiving assistance with basic educa�onal de-velopment, while parents and other adults will have addi�onal opportuni�es to par�cipate in classes on subjects such as paren�ng, finances, resume building as well as joining small groups; and WHEREAS, with much renova�on, there is an opportunity to use previously abandoned houses to fulfill this need; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women's Missionary League Conven�on in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $100,000 to help fund Restoring Hope for Detroit Children and Families.

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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LWML Mite Mission Grant (con�nued) Restoring Hope for Detroit Children and Families -

Camp Restore Detroit ($100,000)

Lovingly called 'The White House' by our volunteers, this is one of the houses

that we will be developing into a Com-munity Outreach Center. We are so ex-cited to welcome children, their fami-lies, and other adults into our Christ

Centered houses where we will reserve walls for their handprints, so they feel like they belong. Much work has gone

into the pictured property already in the 2018 season, as the lot had to be

cleared, trash had to be taken out of the house, and the inside gu�ed. It is now

boarded up and wai�ng for the next step.

This is the cleanup of an alley that was previously unusable, except to provide cover

for illicit behavior. When we first arrived onsite, this seemed a formidable task. Was there really a path all the way through? Were there really houses

on either side of this? You can see the amazing difference - a usable ally that is both safe and much more pleasant

to have behind your house.

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LWML Mite Mission Grant (con�nued) Restoring Hope for Detroit Children and Families -

Camp Restore Detroit ($100,000)

Our playground, which was built on lots where three abandoned houses as few years before, has

been a great place to gather. The joy on this girl's face shows that. With our houses, we will be able to create programs for

girls like this one.

Our church members are always willing to volunteer when it comes to ministry. Here a member is reading Bible stories to children in our community that par�cipated in our

Vaca�on Bible School outreach event.

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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W�� N�� V�������� �� �� � G������? Greeters are very, very important to help meet the varied needs of visitors. People come to a church looking for a friendly face and appreciate it when someone takes the �me to help them find their way and/or pass them on to someone who can best answer their ques�ons.

Unfortunately, we o�en learn too late, that they will con-�nue church shopping because up un�l self-introduc�on, no one else has spoken a word to them.

Let’s not ever let that be said of us as a congrega�on.

Volunteer to be a greeter - a sign-up sheet is on the bulle�n board in the fellowship hall.

S������ O������������

A����/V����� H��� N����� �� S����� M�������

Mark Dinning and the church staff are all working very hard at building and

refining the on-screen bulle�ns to accompany our services on

Sunday mornings.

If you, or somebody you know, is interested in assis�ng with this ministry or in running the

projec�on system on Sunday mornings, please contact Mark Dinning or Eric Yeager.

Contact Mark at [email protected] or Eric at [email protected]

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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His Love Our O����� Response Have you no�ced that the Online offerings have been steadily increasing since this web-based op�on was rolled out in early 2020 ? Check out the weekly “Notes for Today” insert in any Sunday bulle�n and you will see that we are averaging about $1000.00 per week with this giving op�on. Many thanks to the folks who have signed up to use this convenient op�on to make their charitable dona�ons to Living Savior. Dona�ng online is easy : Open our website at livingsaviortexas.org Select Offerings, then press the Give Now bu�on Select Sign In / Sign Up to create your account Select a Fund, dona�on frequency and amount Did you know that you can save money for yourself and the church, if you donate using the eCheck op�on ? Credit or Debit cards incur about twice the pro-cessing costs of eChecks. If you have ques�ons or need help, click on the Click here for help... text or contact Eric Yeager : (936-448-2343) or [email protected]

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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H������/S������/H�������������� Sue Angerhofer (Brian’s Mom)

Good news that biopsy found no cancer

Steve Brown (Darlene’s son)

Being treated for a serious infec�on and injuries a�er an accident

Paul Downing Recovering a�er shoulder surgery

Lorna Lipsey At home following a mild stroke

Janet McKenzie (Sandy Smith’s friend)

Complica�ons from Crohn’s Disease

Gladys Oneto (Lindsay’s Mother-in-law)

Recovering from hip surgery, a broken shoulder and wrist

Pr. Don Peymann In hospice care

Warren Richards

In-pa�ent rehab a�er hospital stay

Debra Schoppe Recovering a�er shoulder surgery

Gary (Sandy Smith’s son-in-law)

Dealing with IBS and ulcera�ve coli�s

Kenneth Stephenson (Sylvia Bailes’ brother)

Recovery from oral cancer surgery

Lucus Wilson (Heintschell’s grandson)

Being Treated for nepro�c syndrome

C�����/L���-T��� I������ John Baer (Shirley Wiese’s brother)

Parkinson’s disease

Ted Baer (Shirley Wiese’s brother)

Stage 4 neck cancer

Jan Baker (Joice Fangmann’s sister)

Stomach cancer

Gloria Boddeker (Anita Lee’s mom)

Long-term health care

Aloha Engholm (Anita Lee’s Aunt)

Oral Canceer

Barbara Hammond (Vahrenkamps’ Aunt)

Bone cancer & chemo treatments

Stephanie Henry (Henschels daughter)

Difficul�es with Lupus

Evere� Itschner (Shoppes’ great-nephew)

Dealing with RSV and heart irregularity

Joanne Musule (Stefflers’ extended family) Breast cancer

Donald Oakley (Bruce Shu�’s brother-in-law)

Mul�ple myeloma

Bart Powell Treatments for cancer & pain management

Butch Robertson (Steffler’s friend)

Treatments for cancer

Clara Rosales (Ivonne Gourlay’s sister)

Stage-4 brain cancer

Rick Schoppe

Healing of cancer

Al Schuller Skin cancer and breathing difficul�es

P��������/B���� Alex Yeager (Eric and Susie Yeager’s daughter-in-law)

Pastor Chris and Alex are expec�ng

M������� Andrew Knauf (Nye’s grandson)

Prayers of protec�on

D���� (C������ ��� ������/F������) Family and friends of Margaret Marshall (Lorie

Angerhofer’s aunt)

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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C�����/L���-T��� I������

Weldon Shu� Long-term care facility due to declining health

Kenneth Stephenson (Sylvia Bailes’ brother) Oral cancel

Elaine Walquist (Pr. Walquist’s wife)

Intes�nal cancer

Cindy Pra�s (Debra Demery sister)

Lung Cancer

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Linda Kurtas 3/1

Peggy Heintschel 3/1

Charles Steffler 3/5

Lorie Angerhofer 3/7

Preston Wiese 3/7

Prissy McEachern 3/8

Helga Hellriegel-Schuller 3/9

Julie Bohman 3/10

Joyce Knighten 3/12

Jennifer ZuLeger 3/12

Gregory Cirtaus 3/15

Julia Richards 3/17

Barbara Handley 3/18

Lee Wernli 3/20

Tom Schmidt 3/23

Brian Angerhofer 3/24

Donna Bond 3/25

Kevin Wieghat 3/28

Leslie Bautz 3/28

Chris�na Mascardo 3/30

Bryce Vahrenkamp 3/30

Majorie Hudson 3/31

Mark Daub 3/31

Chris and Mary Cheatham 3/19

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8:00 Early Service 9:15 Fellowship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Late Service 1:00 Confrm Class 3:00 Game Day


Girl Scout Troop 10822 Mee�ng

5:00 Mid Week Dinner 6:30 Lent Service

10:00 LWML - Pastor’s Day Off -

10:00 Music/Choir Prac�ce

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

8:00 Early Service 9:15 Fellowship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Late Service

6:00 Women’s Bible Study at El Bosque

5:00 Mid Week Dinner 6:30 Lent Service

10:00 Ladies Bible Study

- Pastor’s Day Off -

10:00 Music/Choir Prac�ce

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

8:00 Early Service 9:15 Fellowship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Late Service

5:00 Girl Scout Troop 10822 Mee�ng

5:00 Mid Week Dinner 6:30 Lent Service

10:00 Ladies Bible Study

- Pastor’s Day Off -

8:00 Men’s Bkfst & Bible Study 10:00 Music/Choir Prac�ce

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

8:00 Early Service 9:15 Fellowship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Late Service

5:00 Mid Week Dinner 6:30 Lent Service

10:00 Ladies Bible Study

- Pastor’s Day Off -

10:00 Music/Choir Prac�ce

29 30 31

8:00 Early Service 9:15 Fellowship 9:30 SS & Bible class 10:45 Late Service 1:00 Confrm Class

1:00 Worship Commi�ee Mee�ng

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

Living Savior Lutheran Church March, 2020