C H R I S T L U T H E R A N C H U R C H March, 2019 3612 Old Oakwood Road, Oakwood, GA 30566 Phone: 770-535-9938 Office E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.clcga.org Office Hours : 9 am—1PM Monday thru Thursday CLC STAFF Pastor: Rev. Andrew Seibert 770-403-1194 [email protected] Office Administrator: Dawn Johnson 770-535-9938 [email protected] Director of Music: Diane Mulkey 770-718-1582 [email protected] Youth Director: Sarah Caruso 678-865-7911 [email protected] Custodian: Scottye Sisk 770-617-2276 2019 Church Council Alan Clark (President)…….…770-778-6423 [email protected] Jan Clark (Administration)….. 770-965-1573 [email protected] Cheryl Neller (Scribe)……..678-517-4750 [email protected] Ken Hayden (V.P./Finance) 770-503-0673 [email protected] John Travis (Treasurer)…..….770-967-4178 [email protected] Karin Bowman(Nurture)....…..770-614-0967 [email protected] Bob Falcey (Property)…….....770-967-1231 [email protected] Toni Zavadil (Outreach)….....770-287-7383 [email protected] Take my life that I may be, consecrated Lord for thee. Take my moments and my days…” In her new book “True Identy”, Imani Olear starts off by reflecng on the challenge of forgiveness…for self and others. As she re- flects on her own journey and path and for- giveness praxis, she concludes that both the ability to dwell in forgiveness and the understanding of our true identy as a child of God created to love are wrapped and wound togeth- er. Tightly. Or at least should be. Or could be. She reminded me of that great classic church song, “Take my life,” where when we sing it, we are invoking our God and our self and our ac- ons of life to wind together unmistakably connected and in conjuncon so that we beat as one heart. So how could we not be forgiveness and love all the me? Because we aren’t perfect. Insert the opportunity of Lent. As Jesus is showing and teaching and doing and being and living and breathing out all that is good and loving and forgiving and advocang, he finally tells the boys that he’s on his way to give the ulmate from the ul- mate…his life. And Pete jumps in and says, “Say it ain’t so!!” Then Lent happens. Jesus responds to his follower: “But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are seng your mind not on divine things but on human things.” He’s not yelling at him. He’s inving him. Jesus knows Peter’s not perfect but wants him to find his true identy. Get behind me. Get in line with holy, not worldly. Get back here outside of your world-self and watch for ways to live into your sacred- self. Your True Identy. It’s an amazing transformaonal opportunity to re-turn. Consecrated by Lord. So as we move through the season of Lent (it begins with ashes this Wednesday, March 6 and ends Easter Sunday) ,we’re invited to get be- hind. To watch. To re-world. And through that, take on an every mo- ment, forgiveness finding, love becoming new life that has been there, right in you, since your beginning. May the blessing of the Lenten journey be for you a me like no oth- er to find that one that you already are through the Lord who made you that Way. Lord, please help us get behind so that all our moments and days are yours. Pastor Andy

March, 2019

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Page 1: March, 2019


March, 2019

3612 Old Oakwood Road, Oakwood, GA 30566 Phone: 770-535-9938 Office E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.clcga.org Office Hours : 9 am—1PM Monday thru Thursday


Pastor: Rev. Andrew Seibert


[email protected]

Office Administrator: Dawn Johnson


[email protected]

Director of Music: Diane Mulkey


[email protected]

Youth Director: Sarah Caruso


[email protected]

Custodian: Scottye Sisk


2019 Church Council

Alan Clark (President)…….…770-778-6423

[email protected]

Jan Clark (Administration)….. 770-965-1573

[email protected]

Cheryl Neller (Scribe)……..678-517-4750

[email protected]

Ken Hayden (V.P./Finance) 770-503-0673

[email protected]

John Travis (Treasurer)…..….770-967-4178

[email protected]

Karin Bowman(Nurture)....…..770-614-0967

[email protected]

Bob Falcey (Property)…….....770-967-1231

[email protected]

Toni Zavadil (Outreach)….....770-287-7383

[email protected]

“Take my life that I may be, consecrated Lord

for thee. Take my moments and my days…” In her new book “True Identity”, Imani Olear starts off by reflecting on the challenge of forgiveness…for self and others. As she re-flects on her own journey and path and for-giveness praxis, she concludes that both the

ability to dwell in forgiveness and the understanding of our true identity as a child of God created to love are wrapped and wound togeth-er. Tightly. Or at least should be. Or could be. She reminded me of that great classic church song, “Take my life,” where when we sing it, we are invoking our God and our self and our ac-tions of life to wind together unmistakably connected and in conjunction so that we beat as one heart. So how could we not be forgiveness and love all the time? Because we aren’t perfect. Insert the opportunity of Lent. As Jesus is showing and teaching and doing and being and living and breathing out all that is good and loving and forgiving and advocating, he finally tells the boys that he’s on his way to give the ultimate from the ulti-mate…his life. And Pete jumps in and says, “Say it ain’t so!!” Then Lent happens. Jesus responds to his follower: “But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” He’s not yelling at him. He’s inviting him. Jesus knows Peter’s not perfect but wants him to find his true identity. Get behind me. Get in line with holy, not worldly. Get back here outside of your world-self and watch for ways to live into your sacred-self. Your True Identity. It’s an amazing transformational opportunity to re-turn. Consecrated by Lord. So as we move through the season of Lent (it begins with ashes this Wednesday, March 6 and ends Easter Sunday) ,we’re invited to get be-hind. To watch. To re-world. And through that, take on an every mo-ment, forgiveness finding, love becoming new life that has been there, right in you, since your beginning. May the blessing of the Lenten journey be for you a time like no oth-er to find that one that you already are through the Lord who made you that Way. Lord, please help us get behind so that all our moments and days are yours. Pastor Andy

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Page #2 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

With the recent passing of the Expansion Project, we can now

begin the construction phase. Along with that approval is our

obligation to pay for it. Most of us will simply increase the

amount we put in our envelope each Sunday. How we label our

donation determines where it gets applied, so here are the

funds which could apply:

General Fund: Also known as General Ministries – this is where you add the extra for the mortgage payment.

This fund pays for our mortgage and all other expenses in our Ministry Plan. Based upon our current infor-

mation, we need an extra $200 per month to fund the expansion.

Mortgage Reduction Fund: Monies in this fund are used to reduce our mortgage balance in addition to our nor-

mal mortgage payment. This is great way to more quickly pay down our mortgage balance which reduces our


Building Fund: This is where we stored the money for the expansion. We made contributions to this fund for

many years and finally have enough to move forward. Money in this fund is NOT used to pay our monthly mort-

gage payment, but is saved for our next project.

While we have not signed a contract at this time, we assume our new mortgage will be with Thrivent.

For those of us 70 ½ or over

You can make a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” to help the church and save money on your taxes.

A qualified charitable distribution is normally a taxable distribution from an IRA owned by an individual who is age 70½ or over that is paid directly from your IRA to a qualified charity, like our church. Sometimes this is done to satisfy all or part of a required minimum distribution (RMD). Please note, to qualify, the contribution must be paid directly to the church.

An easy way to make this tax-saving gift to our church is to contact the financial institution that maintains your IRA. When you make this contact, they will need this information when they do the transfer. Stock transfers go to our Schwab account. Checks go to: Christ Lutheran Church PO Box 1298 Oakwood, GA 30566

Notify Dawn if you want your donation going to something other than the General Fund.

Faithfully yours, John Travis, Treasurer


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Page #3 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association All ladies are invited to the monthly WELCA meeting on Monday, March 11th at 9:45 in the fellowship hall. Our new format worked great last month! Come check it out for yourself. Come hungry, because we start with a delicious brunch that will be hosted this month by Diane Mulkey and Carol Farrell.

Edna Jackson will lead the Bible study, which is based on the study included in the Gather magazine entitled, "Friends for Life in Christ." In this study from John's Gos-pel we will explore several stories in which biblical characters' lives are transformed through their interac-tions with Jesus. No worries if you don't have a copy of the Gather magazine. There will be copies of the study available.

The gathering will close with a short business meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thank You Letters To Pastor Andy and all my CLC family, Jan. 3, 2019

Thank you for all the prayers and shows of love and concern through-

out my time of grief at losing Gina. Your love and kindness continue

to buoy me in a sea of uncertainty of life without my big sister in it.

Thank you. Peace.

Love in Christ,


To HANDS, 2/20/2019

Thank you for your wonderful ministry. The prayer shawl I received via my dear, friend Freda Bair, is

beautiful and so welcome.

It is comforting to know someone is praying for you when you really need it.

You, too, are in my prayers.

Agnes Hamilton

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Page #4 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

Mid-Week Lent Suppers &Services: Join us on Wednesday evenings in the sea-

son of Lent for Suppers and Services beginning March 13th.

Suppers will begin at 6:00 PM. Please sign up to help with suppers on the clip-

board on the back wall of the narthex.

A half-hour Service will be held at 7:00 PM using the Holden Service of Evening Pray-

er. This year’s chancel dramas will feature imagined conversations between historic

figures from the Reformation and will highlight different parts of Luther’s Small Catechism:

March 13 – The Ten Commandments (Martin Luther & Johann Tetzel)

March 20 – The Apostle’s Creed (Johann Tetzel & Pope Leo)

March 27 – The Lord’s Prayer (Katie & Martin Luther)

April 3 – Holy Baptism (Martin Luther & God)

April 10 – Holy Communion (Hans Luther & God)

The final drama will be Maundy Thursday Service (April 18) with all the Voices of the Reformation

Lent is a season lasting forty-six days which begins on Ash Wednesday (February 14th of this year) and ends

on the eve of Easter. (The name "Ash Wednesday" comes from the practice, continued in some churches to-

day, of sprinkling ashes on the heads of the penitent.) Lent includes Holy Week, the last week of the season.

The six Sundays during Lent are exempted, which means that Lent is observed for a total of forty days. This

number reminds Christians of the forty days during which Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness fol-

lowing His baptism.

Lent derives from two sources: the fast preceding the Pascha (an early commemoration of both the Passion

and the Resurrection), and a period of preparation for candidates for baptism. The fast originally lasted one

day but was eventually extended to six. It became the model for Holy Week observances which were sepa-

rated according to the events of Jesus' last week. The preparation period became the rest of the Lenten sea-


Some churches continue the tradition of Lenten fasting today. Others encourage believers to make a sacri-

fice of self-denial in preparation for Easter observances. Lent is characterized as a time of personal reflection

and repentance.

The last Sunday of Lent is Palm Sunday, when Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem is commemorated.

Churches may be decorated with palm leaves, or worshipers may carry them in to the service as a reminder

of the palm branches that were strewn before Jesus as he rode into the city. Palm Sunday is the beginning of

Holy Week, which is given to meditation on the events of Jesus' last week before His crucifixion. Thursday of

Holy Week is called Maundy Thursday. "Maundy" probably comes from the Latin word "mandatum," which

means "commandment." The reference is to Jesus' command that his disciples wash one another's feet.

Maundy Thursday is a commemoration of the Last Supper, the Passover meal Jesus celebrated with His disci-

ples the night he was betrayed. It is usually celebrated with Holy Communion. Friday of Holy Week is called

Good Friday ("Good Friday" is probably a variant of "God's Friday," the same way we say "good-bye" today

instead of "God be with ye"). Good Friday is an observance of Jesus' crucifixion. It is a somber day of reflec-

tion and repentance, and some churches remove flowers and all decorative elements from the sanctuary to

reflect the mood. Saturday of Holy Week is sometimes called Holy Saturday, and is characterized by watch-

fulness and preparation.

Everything you always wanted to know about the church season of

Lent…including Holy Week

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Page #5 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

Building Expansion Design Committee Update

By a vote of 68-3, our congregation voted to proceed with the building expansion, including the restrooms and storage area option by a vote of 62-7, at the February 17, 2019 congregation meeting. The project is authorized at a cost of $1,003,000. The funds for the project will come from the following sources: $260,000 from the building fund;

$63,000 from funds available in the church’s accounts. This money is made available by the finance com-mittee after evaluating our existing financial state. From their evaluation, they moved $54,000 into savings, set aside additional money for other future, near-term projects and are placing the remaining $63,000 into the building fund; and $680,000 loan. The project schedule, will be as follows (unusual weather delays make impact the schedule):

Sign contract with Lusk & Company to build the expansion by March 1.

Order parts and secure construction permits beginning March 11

Break ground (and perhaps have a ground breaking ceremony) around April 1

Complete construction around September 1. The renovation to convert our kitchen, fellowship hall, and two existing offices into the new Youth and Gather-ing areas will be done later in the project to enable us to keep the existing kitchen and fellowship hall available as long as possible.

Part of the negotiations with the contractor included changing the color of the outside brick and changing the type of floor covering in both the new and renovated areas. The new brick chosen is very close to the existing brick. Samples of it will be placed in the narthex for your inspection during the next few weeks. Two new op-tions for flooring in the new fellowship hall and offices, along with the original selection will also be on display. You are invited to inspect and vote on which you prefer. Flooring in the renovated areas, the old adult forum (which will be the new nursery), and the old youth gathering area (which will be the new choir area) will be re-surfaced with a Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT). A sample suggested by the Church Council will also be available for your inspection. If you believe another color would be preferable, please supply a sample.

With our vote to approve this project, we move from the design phase to the construction phase and the work of the Building Expansion Design Committee is complete. As we move into the construction phase, we will need a few volunteers to help get our part of the work completed. More information will be available soon.

We will remove the playground within the next few weeks. If it is to be relocated near the new addition, we will keep it stored until the construction is complete. If it is to be relocated on the other side of the parking area, we will reassemble it there and add the needed fencing.

Thank you,

Alan Overcash

Ash Wednesday Worship

March 6:

Spoken Service @ 12 noon

Traditional Worship @ 7 PM

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Page #6 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

Quilts for the World Nearly a dozen busy snippers, sewers, pressers, designers,

quilters, learners worked together on February 4th to make quilts for

Lutheran World Relief. We have two completed warm, beautiful

quilts and many more pieces in progress that will be sent around the

world to comfort people in need.

The next group sewing day is Monday, March 2 at 2:00 in the

fellowship hall. We welcome all apprentice quilters to join us. If you

have fabric to donate, contact Marilyn Johnson. [email protected]

As we begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday on March 6,

our music will help us remember and reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross.

Many hymns and liturgical pieces will be in a minor mode, a somber tone.

The choir will begin Lent by singing “The Old Rugged Cross Made the Differ-

ence.” In our liturgy we will use #151 Kyrie Eleison (Lord, have mercy), a

haunting new melody. Our Psalm chant will change. Each piece will be se-

lected to help us observe “The Glory of These Forty Days.” (stanza 4) “Then

grant, O God, that we may, too, return in fast and prayer to you. Our spir-

its strengthen with your grace, and give us joy to see your face.”

Music for Lent

Now that the Building Expansion is approved, the Finance Committee is setting up methods to monitor spending on the project. We are working with Alan Overcash and John Travis to develop a method to track spending to assure the project stays within the total the Congregation approved on February 17.

Also, when the new mortgage is finalized, we will be developing scenarios to show the effect of paying extra principle each month. We did this successfully on the previous mortgage but started late when most of the payment was going to principle already.

We want to show everyone just how much effect paying extra each month to principle has on both cost and time. We can save large amounts of interest dollars along with getting out of debt years earlier than planned. Look for some examples coming as soon as the new mortgage is finalized.

Ken Hayden

For the Finance Committee

Finance Committee

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Page #7 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

3/7 Kelly & Diana Stroup

3/1 Herb Grastat

3/1 Austin Seibert

3/1 Skylar Truelove

3/4 Tyler Seibert

3/5 Ann McDivitt

3/7 Ginny Huseby

3/8 Sharon Stevens

3/10 Cindy Grastat

3/11 Melinda Parmer

3/12 Janet Seibert

3/13 Toni Zavadil

3/15 Pastor Andy

3/16 Kyle Lewis

3/21 Ginger Huddleston

3/21 Kelly Stroup

3/22 William Stroup

3/24 Janet Falcey

3/24 Jim Meyers

3/27 Sarah Caruso

3/31 Jill Young

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Dinner & Movie

WHEN: Saturday March 23rd, 2019

WHERE: Christ Lutheran Church

TIME: 5-6:30 PM Dinner

6:30 PM Movie

COST: $7 Adults ***Please purchase tickets in advance***

$5 Kids

Movie: “I Can Only Imagine”

Dinner: BBQ Pork Plate

BBQ Pork Sandwich


Baked Beans



Please join us for a delicious dinner and inspirational movie. A night full of fellowship, fun and fundraising. We have several teens wanting to attend AFFIRM camp again this year!

Youth News March 2019

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Page #9 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine March, 2019

Youth News March 2019

Important Youth Groups News:

The Relentless Teen youth group will attend Mid-week Lenten

services 3/13-4/18. CLC Kids youth groups have the choice to

go to the nursery or attend service. Lent dinners begin 3/13

hosted by different groups/members of the congregation. Please bring

your families and fellowship before service at 7pm.

The Youth will still meet on Ash Wednesday 3/6 and dinner will be provided.

Kids Worship Volunteer Schedule

March April

3/3 Emma Seibert 4/7 Janel Brooks

3/10 Dixie Bryson 4/14 Ethan King

3/17 Janet Cboski 4/21 Karen Legg

3/24 Denise Simpson 4/28 Madalyn Caruso

3/31 Alan Clark



Page 10: March, 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

8 pm AA


10 am-12 noon



8:30am Worship service

9:45 am Adult Forum

Confirmation class w/ Pastor Andy

11am Worship service w/ Kid’s worship

1PM Spanish speaking Worship


2 pm Quilt Project

8 pm AA



6:45 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

10 am Bible Study

12 noon Imposition of Ashes

6 pm Youth Group

7 pm Imposition of Ashes


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology


8pm AA



8:30am Worship

9:45 am Adult Forum

Confirmation class

11am Worship w/ kid’s


1PM Spanish speaking Worship


9:45 am WELCA

6:30 pm Church Council

8pm AA



6:45 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

10 am Bible Study

12 noon Good News

6 pm Lenten supper

7 pm Lenten service


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology


8pm AA



Hunger Relief Sunday 8:30am Worship

9:45 am Adult Forum

Confirmation class w/ Pastor Andy

11am Worship w/ kid’s worship

1PM Spanish speaking Worship


8pm AA



6:45 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

10 am Bible Study

6 pm Lenten supper

7 pm Lenten service


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology


8pm AA


5 pm Dinner & Movie

Affirm Fundraiser


8:30am Worship

9:45 am Adult Forum

Confirmation class w/ Pastor Andy

11am Worship w/ kid’s worship

1PM Spanish speaking Worship


4-6 pm SHCFP

8pm AA



6:45 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

10 am Bible Study

6 pm Lenten supper

7 pm Lenten service


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology

29 30

Christ Lutheran Church 2019

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March, 2019 Page #10 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine

READERS 3/3 - Judy Kaczorowski

3/10 - Mindy Ellis

3/17 - Jim Trimboli

3/24 - Edna Jackson

3/31 - Kay Knight


3/3 Lisa Sage 3/6 Kay Knight & Edna Jackson 3/10 Mindy & Jim Ellis 3/17 Beth Marien

3/24 Sue & Jim Joninas 3/31 Gerry & John Travis


3/3 Melinda Parmer 3/6 Kay Knight 3/10 Ginger Huddleston 3/17 Diane Bohn 3/24 Freda Bair 3/31 Gerry Travis COFFEE FELLOWSHIP


3/3 Ann McDivitt

3/10 Jim Trimboli

3/17 Alan Clark

3/24 Kay Knight

3/31 Ann McDivitt


3/3 3/3 Dale Osterloh & Jim Joninas

3/10 Ann McDivitt & Kay Knight

3/17 Gerry Travis & Ginny Huseby

3/24 Jim Ellis & Don Finfrock

3/31 Alan & Jan Clark

Go in Peace, Serve the Lord Serving at Worship for March

8:30 am Worship Service


3/3 - Pastor Freeman

3/10 - Phyllis Solgere

3/17 - Karen Legg

3/24 - Bill Wonnacott

3/31 - Derek Johnson

Kid’s Worship 3/3 Emma Seibert 3/10 Dixie Bryson 3/24 Denise Simpson 3/31 Maddie Caruso


3/3 Don Woosley 3/10 Karin Bowman

3/17 Cindy Grastat

3/24 Emma Seibert 3/31 Derek Johnson USHERS

3/3 Ted Best & Dr. Hank Lewis

3/10 Bill Kangas & David Tate

3/17 Susan Cordial & Phyllis Solgere

3/24 Richard Morhard & Ken Uyl 3/31 Eric Bowman & Alan Overcash


3/3 Betty & Scott McKevitt

3/10 Jeff Winiesdorffer & Jeanne Lewis

3/17 Melinda Parmer & Marilyn Johnson

3/24 Paul Egan, Denise Simpson (Jan Clark)

3/31 Don Finfrock & Eric Bowman


3/3 Diane Morhard 3/10 Denise Simpson 3/17 Karen Legg 3/24 Marilyn Johnson 3/31 Marie Umberger COFFEE FELLOWSHIP

3/3 3/10 Karin Bowman & Nancy Garland 3/17 Karen & Joe Vinson 3/24 Jeanne Lewis, Penney Stettler 3/31 Cheryl Fuller & Peggy Goodwin 4/7 Denise Simpson & Paul Egan 4/14 Melinda Parmer & Lynn Whitener 4/21 Youth Easter Breakfast 4/28 Dawn Johnson & Freda Bair

11:00 am Worship Service