Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014 “For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9 Costea Raul- pastor at Hope Church Draganesti-Olt, Romania / RESO Ministry Coordinator “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” In the context of the reorganization RESO mission, several questions came into to my mind. How will hundreds of thousands of people from Oltenia hear the Gospel? How they will be discipled? How will we plant other churches? These challenges led to a greater dependence on God, and gave me the desire to pray more that the Father would send out workers to his harvest field. Every morning from 8-9, we prayed for this with the 9,000 souls project workers. From 10 to 12 I interceded again with other groups helping our missionary work. This overwhelming sense of urgency and need for workers led me to look for other sources, for the recruitment of workers both short and long term. This search was answered in March, when sister Rachel Martin confirmed her arrival as a long term missionary in our area. We need prayers for the ability to recruit other workers and to make new, local, or regional partnerships. I get great satisfaction every Tuesday evening when I see the men that I train for preaching. Their Hermeneutics and homiletics skills are growing more and more. We feel great joy when we plant a new church, preach the Word, or even recruit new missionaries. I think nothing compares with the joy of seeing people converted. In March I had the opportunity to baptize a sister from America who decided to obey God, confessing Him in baptism. During this special event, God wrapped us with His Holy Spirit and other people began expressing their desire to obey God and to be baptized.


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Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Costea Raul- pastor at Hope Church Draganesti-Olt, Romania / RESO Ministry Coordinator


harvest is


but the


are few.

Ask the

Lord of the



to send



into his



In the context of the reorganization

RESO mission, several questions came

into to my mind. How will hundreds of

thousands of people from Oltenia hear

the Gospel? How they will be discipled?

How will we plant other churches?

These challenges led to a greater

dependence on God, and gave me the

desire to pray more that the Father

would send out workers to his harvest

field. Every morning from 8-9, we prayed

for this with the 9,000 souls project

workers. From 10 to 12 I interceded

again with other groups helping our

missionary work.

This overwhelming sense of urgency and

need for workers led me to look for

other sources, for the recruitment of

workers both short and long term. This

search was answered in March, when

sister Rachel Martin confirmed her arrival

as a long term missionary in our area.

We need prayers for the ability to

recruit other workers and to make

new, local, or regional


I get great satisfaction every Tuesday

evening when I see the men that I train

for preaching. Their Hermeneutics and

homiletics skills are growing more and


We feel great joy when we plant a new

church, preach the Word, or even recruit

new missionaries. I think nothing compares

with the joy of seeing people converted.

In March I had the opportunity to baptize a

sister from America who decided to obey

God, confessing Him in baptism.

During this special event, God wrapped us

with His Holy Spirit and other people

began expressing their desire to obey God

and to be baptized.

Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Comani- Costea Alexe

As we all know, March is a special month for

women and mothers. And so we began the

month organizing a special event for them on

March 8th. Florina Darvell and Veronica, my

wife, organized this event; they expected

around 50 women to come. They asked me to

buy juice and cookies. I believe it was the

Spirit of God that inspired me to buy food for

100 women. We had 95 chairs and two

benches all filled and even women standing!

A woman involved in witchcraft even came to

the event, but God made everything turn out

alright, just as we expected.

Together with the parents of the Word Race

missionaries (Parents Vision Trip) we visited

our friends who regularly attend our church

programs. We have prayed regularly for three

years for one family, Jeni and Cornel, to get

married. During our visit with them, we

received the news that after 22 years of living

together they have decided to get married. I

was very happy with this big decision in their

life, because Jeni said this was one obstacle

between them and God. We continued our

ministry with the help of WR missionaries

through prayer, English courses, visits,

construction, and street evangelism. Veronica

went out with the WR missionaries to do

some street evangelism and was surprised to

find people that do not know Jesus; she

expected they would at least have heard His

name before, but they had not.

Brother Michael Dailey ministered to us

through preaching and visits to our friends.

Veronica began taking lessons at the driving

school and needs prayer so she can learn

well. She will take the theoretical examination


Prayer Requests

-wisdom in ministry

-protection of our family

-Corina, Leana, Nicusica, Jeni, Cornelia,

Catalina, Gabi, Ionut

-a van for ministry

-funds for finishing the construction

-Easter event

Stoica Marian-Daneasa, Maruntei This month we went to

Germany with the whole family. We used this opportunity to visit

new churches, as well as churches that partner with RESO ministry.

We were glad to find brothers and sisters willing to support us

either in prayer or missionary visits.

Philippians 2:13 “for it is God who works in you to will and to act

in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Opris Daniel- Draganesti-Olt, Coteana

God is working in the lives of the people who

attend our Bible study meetings and come to

Hope Church in Draganesti. Our brothers in

Coteana are doing evangelism and visiting the


Changes are being seen in some people. One

woman broke up with a man because she

realized she was living in sin, and she stopped

bringing alcohol into her house. She now invites

her neighbors and relatives to come to her home

where she shows Christian movies and testifies

about the Lord. She has asked to be baptized.

Lidia and I are investing in the lives of three

teenagers from the time they came to our kids

groups in Coteana. One of the girls was asked by

a teacher if she is attending our meetings. The

girl said yes and the teacher was curious as to

why she attends the meetings if she is an

orthodox believer. The girl replied that she likes

going and feels good there.

A different teen was told by her school teacher

that she will commit the biggest sin if she turns

away from the Orthodox faith. Lidia told her that

it is not a shame if someone wants to follow

Jesus, and urged her to obey God rather than

men (Acts 4:19).

Please pray for them to be strengthened in their


Dorothy Reid –Draganesti-Olt, Calinesti March was the month of conferences! We were

blessed as children's workers to have two men

formerly from Nigeria, brother Moses and

brother Tayo, come and share from God's Word

and encourage us in the ministry of reaching

children with the Good News and discipling


Another blessing was having the parents of the

World Race youth team with us for a week in our

homes and on mission. My group visited widows

and delivered bags of groceries.

In spite of the week-long rain God worked in

wonderful ways: one of the mothers who stayed

at my place with her daughter, Katie, chose to

follow the Lord in the waters of baptism while


Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

God also used our team of W.R. to bless the

children at clubs on Thursdays and Saturdays, as

well as at Sunday evening Sunday School.

Dorothy Reid

Children's ministry coordinator

Dumitru Mircea- Corabia

During this

month, with

God's help, we



two projects.

Together with

our brothers

Daniel Dumitru

and Doug

Droll, from

Craiova, we started teaching basic literacy lessons

to seven people.

These people desire to read the Bible but they do

not know how to. This action is a part of a larger

project, which is called Prepared for life. Together

with the same brothers and youth from World Race

we started to preach the Gospel in order to find six

people willing to study the Bible with us. We

started by talking to people near the area we rent

for our Sunday morning meetings.

For our prayer requests I that want to introduce two

people in this update. Doina, the woman we rent

the space from for our church meetings, has begun

to ask several questions about religion. In one of

our discussion I shared was able to share the

Gospel with her. Although she was very polite I

noticed she rejected the message. Pray that her

heart would be opened to the Lord.

The second person is Florin, my disciple with whom

I meet each week to study and teach how to

become a man of peace. He was the one who

wanted to change his life in this aspect. Pray that he

may became a person who would resolve conflicts

in a godly way.

Serban George- Stoenesti, Farcasele

Thank God for His grace poured out upon us this

month. We recognize the need for His grace upon

us and the mission here.

This year we plan to visit each house in order to

evangelize to every person. Satan does not like that

and he wants to stop us through his interventions.

We want to thank everyone who prayed for our


In two of the villages were we are involved in, two

families disappeared with all their children. Seeing

us in the villages, people spread rumors that we

took these families. Some of them stopped me on

the street asking if what they had heard was true.

We realized it was an attack from the Evil one. He

wants to demoralize us, and in some ways he

succeeded. But we want to again thank everyone

who prayed for us!

On another occasion, I was stopped by the police

and asked who we are and what we were doing.

After a long discussion, our purpose was clear to

these people. We want to continue to tell people

about Jesus and the Good News.

For a week, a family of missionaries from Alba Iulia,

helped us in ministry by equipping, preaching in

church, and encouraging our family.

Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

We ministered in the following villages: Farcaseele,

Gostavatu and Stoenesti. We prayed going through

them, and then we distributed Christian literature. I

saw the power of prayer when people who received

literature expressed a desire to join a Bible study.

Others were happy to have literature, saying that

they want to come to our Church program.

We thank God for our daughter Sara. She came to

me one day and told me she wants her school to

become a Christian school.

I encouraged her to pray for her peers. She did

more than that, she asked for New Testaments to

give to her peers; the next day she was so glad she

did this! She gave New Testaments to all the

children in her class, to the teacher, and even to

children from other classes who asked for New

Testaments. Praised be God!

Thank you for joining us in this ministry, may

God bless and reward you for all you do.

Berechet Octavian- Maruntei

Thank you so much for your continued support.

March was a great month full of many blessings. I

am excited to share with you the things that God

has been doing in our community.

We were visited by

teams from the

World Race, and

they were able to

help Veronica and

me with kids club,

as well as sharing

the gospel with

youth in the community. We also had the

opportunity to work with a Parent Vision Trip (PVT),

a week where parents of world racers come and

work alongside us in the field. It was great to see

the families listening to God and remaining open to

how the Spirit was moving. They really enjoyed

sharing the gospel and praying for the people. We

did prayer walks where we prayed over each home

individually, asking God to stir in their hearts and

praying against any evil spirits. We also had a

special meeting with a young man named Ioni from

Maruntei, and I was able to talk with him about

Jesus. He was open and after the meeting he left

with a genuine interest for God. Please pray that

the Lord continues to work in his heart and that he

would remain open to the Spirit.

My family was very blessed to be visited by brother

Moses and brother Tayo from Grace Evangelistic

Ministries. They were able to build me up and give

me confidence in regards to spiritual warfare. They

filled my family with encouragement and Godly


Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Prayer Requests:

· Ioni – Pray that he would remain open, and

that God would give him an intense desire to

learn more about Him.

· Please pray for God’s provision for the

ministry’s needs.

· Pray for God to give us wisdom about how

to share the gospel with the people in our


Spreading the Gospel in Southern Oltenia RESO NEWSLETTER March 2014

“For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9

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