PIRATE PRESS PattonvilleTODAY.com @phsTODAY Baseball, pg. 6 Pattonville High School 2497 Creve Coeur Mill Road Maryland Heights MO 63043 l Vol. 77 Issue: 5 March 2013 By Allison Leventhal W ith the departure of Officer Chris Silliman, a school resource officer who had been with Pattonville High School for three years, a new SRO will be seen around school. Officer Jim Vinyard, who has been working with the Maryland Heights Police Department for 16 years, will be taking over Silliman’s position. Officer Mike Mooney, a current student resource officer at Patton- ville, said Vinyard is “a good guy. He’s worked security at school for a number of years. He understands what we need and what we ex- pect here.” Vinyard’s first day as an SRO was March 1, and already he is feeling confident in his new position. Vinyard said getting used to this job isn’t that difficult because he’s been doing police work for 29 years. He admits the most difficult part is remember- ing the students’ names. Before becoming an SRO, Vinyard spent time working as a motorcycle officer in traffic safety. He said working as an SRO is differ- ent than any police job he has had in the past because “it’s a whole dif- ferent world. It’s dealing more with juvenile law and crimes.” Working with students and younger people, though, is what Vinyard is enjoying most about being an SRO. By taking on this new position, Vinyard hopes “to establish a lot of communication between myself and the students at Pattonville.” v A s an attempt to invest in future education in the workforce, the school district has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educa- tion. Given to Pattonville on Feb. 7, the program titled “Pattonville’s Pathway to Success” program, will begin next year. “[e grant] increases opportunity for students that we are all excited about,” said head principal Dr. Joe Dobrinic. “We think it will give them direction after high school they might not have regularly otherwise.” Pattonville was one of only three school districts in St. Louis County to receive the grant from the Mis- souri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. is is one of several grants the school has been awarded since Dobrinic took over as principal in 2011, but he believes none have ever been this big or have provided as large of an amount of opportu- nity as this grant. “ere will be a lot of accountabil- ity with the grant,” Dobrinic said. “We’ll have to use our money with a purpose because there is a much higher accountability with the state to meet our goals.” rough the conditions of the grant, the school is allowed to work with St. Louis Community College and other local businesses to help students develop skills within three different career paths. Students that are selected next year to participate in this program will build up educational plans for a developed career path of manufacturing, health/medical pro- fessions and information technology. “e whole purpose of the grant is to give students work study and internship opportunities [in these areas] while they are still in high school,” Dobrinic stated. e grant was funded by the Community Development Block Grants organization, which is Students, businesses to work together with $500,000 grant By Joey Schneider Vinyard brings experience to SRO position Mr. PHS, pg. 8 Child Development, pg. 2 Grant allows students to get involved in the work force with internships and work study opportunities Pirate Connections extends to three times a month for freshmen By Taylor Holmstrom B eginning next school year, Pattonville High School will implement three Pirate Connections lessons a month on ursdays for the freshman class, while keeping lessons at twice a month for the sophomore, junior and senior classes. Pirate Connections, which began at the start of the 2011-2012 school year, was designed for the purpose of helping Pattonville students with college and career planning, while also giving students a chance to consult teachers about grades. e decision to extend Pirate Connec- tions was made following a School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting that included feedback from stu- dents and parents. According to administrator Tiffany Besse, the main purpose of extending Pirate Connections classes for freshmen is “to help 8th graders transition better, giving them additional time with teachers for more academic and career plan- ning.” Besse also said the common consensus from students at the SIT meeting was that many students wish they had Pirate Connections as a freshman, and also wish they had it more. e plan, according to Besse, is to implement extra Pirate Connections classes for the next 3 to 5 years, while making any needed adjustments each semester. “Based on feedback, the students feel it has been a meaningful experi- ence, and the parents have felt that way over the past two years,” Besse said. However, Besse and Stacey Leonard, Pattonville counselor and part of the planning committee for Pirate Connections, admit the plan is not foolproof; according to Leonard, when the freshman class has their own Pirate Connections lesson, the sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Contact Time will not be able to speak with or seek academic assistance from a teacher with a freshman Pirate Connections class. In addition, extra Pirate Connec- tions classes will result in freshmen only being able to attend club meet- ings (which are typically held during Contact Time) once a month. Opposed to Pirate Connections, Pattonville senior Laura Cleaver- Horn, while admitting Pirate Con- nections could be helpful to incom- ing freshmen, prefers the additional free period offered to students in Contact Time, which alternates ursdays with Pirate Connections after 2nd hour. “It hasn’t really helped much,” Cleaver-Horn said, “I think it could be really helpful to incoming fresh- men, but it doesn’t do much for you if you start it as a junior. It could help freshmen adjust to high school, and get to know one teacher really well who’ll stay with them for their entire high school career. [But] I don’t wish I had Pirate Connections as a freshman, I really liked Contact Time.” In the first two years of Pirate Connections, Pirate TV, which airs its student-made show “Pirate Aye” during Contact Time, has had to make adjustments to production of episodes with Pirate Connections now taking place every other week. “e major change was that [Pirate Connections] limited the number of episodes we could pro- duce for broadcast,” said Karolyn Florence, TV and video production teacher and adviser for Pirate TV. “But what it allowed us to do was produce brand-new commercial material and limit the amount of reruns in our commercials. With the extra class time, we’ve been able Students elect new Student Council leaders Class of 2013 scheduled to re-take senior photo By Jessica Vargas T he class of 2013 is getting together one more time to capture every Pattonville se- nior planning to graduate this year. “e reason why the senior pic- ture is going to be re-taken again is because a kid from DeSmet thought it would be cute to jump in the picture when obviously he does not go here,” said building principal Dr. Joe Dobrinic. On Oct. 2, Pattonville seniors took their class photo in the main gym. As all of the seniors were walking into the gym, the student from DeSmet, who has to remain anonymous, chose to put a Patton- ville senior hoodie on and join the picture. “As Class President, I think that it wasn’t very smart or respectful for the student who doesn’t even go here to jump in our senior picture when he had no reason being there. I understand that it was funny and all, but it was still not OK for someone to do that,” said senior president Isaac Caverly. According to Dobrinic, there had been phone calls to Pattonville from parents that did not like the fact that someone who did not belong there jumped in the picture. Parents requested the picture should be taken again because of this incident. “I think the student lives in the district and is well-known, but that still does not make it OK for him to do that,” said Dobrinic. Whether the student was re- ported to the police for trespassing remains unknown. “e day of the picture I never realized or noticed someone that did not go to our school was there. ere are so many students in the Class of 2013 that either way, there were a few people who I don’t think I have ever seen,” said senior Abigail Van- Noy. “When I got the picture, how- ever, and heard that there was a guy who did not belong there, I laughed. I thought it was pretty funny, but in a serious matter, it wasn’t really OK.” e policy for any visitor who doesn’t go to Pattonville is to go to the front desk and sign in for the safety of the students and staff. “If somebody from Pattonville would have gone and snuck in to another school you would expect there to be consequences,” said Dobrinic. “at’s our answer to what happened. To just do it again. Let’s take another picture and hope nobody from another school makes the same mistake again.” Students who did not get a chance to order the first time will get a chance to this second time around and for those who did order the picture will have the chance to trade the old one in for the new one if they would like. e picture will be re-taken on April 25 and Dobrinic hopes for the picture to be taken on the football field this time. v With addtional meeting time, transition to high school should be easier; other grades remain split with Contact Time E very March, Student Council members are allowed to run for five different executive board positions. On March 14, students were able to vote for these new leaders during all lunch sessions. “It’s hard to put words to [the excitement],” said newly-elected STUCO president Nathan Samples. “I’m happy to be the one to take over.” Including Samples, the rest of the executive board will consist of Vice President Kirby McClain, Secretary Hareen Patel, Treasurer Canaan Kerr, and Historian Hannah Saputo. e winners of this election will take over their new positions in the upcoming school year. Additionally, these five will gain more input into making decisions for the good of the student body at Pattonville. v By Joey Schneider >>See GRANT, pg. 2 >>See CONNECTIONS, pg. 2 Kirby McClain Vice President Hareen Patel Secretary Canaan Kerr Treasurer Nathan Samples President Hannah Saputo Historian The senior class gathers in the gym for the origi- nal class photo on Oct. 2. Photo by Tim Vleisides Officer Jim Vinyard

March 2013 Pirate Press

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March 2013 Pirate Press

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Page 1: March 2013 Pirate Press


PattonvilleTODAY.com @phsTODAY

Baseball, pg. 6

Pattonville High School 2497 Creve Coeur Mill Road Maryland Heights MO 63043 l Vol. 77 Issue: 5 March 2013

By Allison Leventhal

W ith the departure of Officer Chris Silliman, a school resource officer

who had been with Pattonville High School for three years, a new SRO will be seen around school. Officer Jim Vinyard, who has been working with the Maryland Heights Police Department for 16 years, will be taking over Silliman’s position.

Officer Mike Mooney, a current student resource officer at Patton-ville, said Vinyard is “a good guy. He’s worked security at school for a number of years. He understands what we need and what we ex-pect here.”

Vinyard’s first day as an SRO was March 1, and already he is feeling confident in his new position. Vinyard said getting used to this job isn’t that difficult because he’s been doing police work for 29 years. He admits the most difficult part is remember-ing the students’ names.

Before becoming an SRO, Vinyard spent time working as a motorcycle officer in traffic safety. He said working as an SRO is differ-ent than any police job he has had in the past because “it’s a whole dif-ferent world. It’s dealing more with juvenile law and crimes.”

Working with students and younger people, though, is what Vinyard is enjoying most about being an SRO. By taking on this new position, Vinyard hopes “to establish a lot of communication between myself and the students at Pattonville.” v

As an attempt to invest in future education in the workforce, the school district

has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educa-tion. Given to Pattonville on Feb. 7, the program titled “Pattonville’s Pathway to Success” program, will begin next year.

“[The grant] increases opportunity for students that we are all excited about,” said head principal Dr. Joe Dobrinic. “We think it will give them direction after high school they might not have regularly otherwise.”

Pattonville was one of only three school districts in St. Louis County to receive the grant from the Mis-souri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

This is one of several grants the school has been awarded since Dobrinic took over as principal in 2011, but he believes none have ever been this big or have provided

as large of an amount of opportu-nity as this grant.

“There will be a lot of accountabil-ity with the grant,” Dobrinic said. “We’ll have to use our money with a purpose because there is a much higher accountability with the state to meet our goals.”

Through the conditions of the grant, the school is allowed to work with St. Louis Community College and other local businesses to help students develop skills within three different career paths. Students that are selected next year to participate in this program will build up educational plans for a developed career path of manufacturing, health/medical pro-fessions and information technology.

“The whole purpose of the grant is to give students work study and internship opportunities [in these areas] while they are still in high school,” Dobrinic stated.

The grant was funded by the Community Development Block Grants organization, which is

Students, businesses to work together with $500,000 grant

By Joey Schneider

Vinyard brings experience to SRO position

Mr. PHS, pg. 8Child Development, pg. 2

Grant allows students to get involved in the work force with internships and work study opportunities

Pirate Connections extends to three times a month for freshmenBy Taylor Holmstrom

Beginning next school year, Pattonville High School will implement three Pirate

Connections lessons a month on Thursdays for the freshman class, while keeping lessons at twice a month for the sophomore, junior and senior classes.

Pirate Connections, which began at the start of the 2011-2012 school year, was designed for the purpose of helping Pattonville students with college and career planning, while also giving students a chance to consult teachers about grades. The decision to extend Pirate Connec-tions was made following a School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting that included feedback from stu-dents and parents.

According to administrator Tiffany Besse, the main purpose of extending Pirate Connections classes for freshmen is “to help 8th

graders transition better, giving them additional time with teachers for more academic and career plan-ning.” Besse also said the common consensus from students at the SIT meeting was that many students wish they had Pirate Connections as a freshman, and also wish they had it more. The plan, according to Besse, is to implement extra Pirate Connections classes for the next 3 to 5 years, while making any needed adjustments each semester.

“Based on feedback, the students feel it has been a meaningful experi-ence, and the parents have felt that way over the past two years,” Besse said.

However, Besse and Stacey Leonard, Pattonville counselor and part of the planning committee for Pirate Connections, admit the plan is not foolproof; according to Leonard, when the freshman class has their own Pirate Connections

lesson, the sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Contact Time will not be able to speak with or seek academic assistance from a teacher with a freshman Pirate Connections class. In addition, extra Pirate Connec-tions classes will result in freshmen only being able to attend club meet-ings (which are typically held during Contact Time) once a month.

Opposed to Pirate Connections, Pattonville senior Laura Cleaver-Horn, while admitting Pirate Con-nections could be helpful to incom-ing freshmen, prefers the additional free period offered to students in Contact Time, which alternates Thursdays with Pirate Connections after 2nd hour.

“It hasn’t really helped much,” Cleaver-Horn said, “I think it could be really helpful to incoming fresh-men, but it doesn’t do much for you if you start it as a junior. It could help freshmen adjust to high school,

and get to know one teacher really well who’ll stay with them for their entire high school career. [But] I don’t wish I had Pirate Connections as a freshman, I really liked Contact Time.”

In the first two years of Pirate Connections, Pirate TV, which airs its student-made show “Pirate Aye” during Contact Time, has had to make adjustments to production of episodes with Pirate Connections now taking place every other week.

“The major change was that [Pirate Connections] limited the number of episodes we could pro-duce for broadcast,” said Karolyn Florence, TV and video production teacher and adviser for Pirate TV. “But what it allowed us to do was produce brand-new commercial material and limit the amount of reruns in our commercials. With the extra class time, we’ve been able

Students elect new Student Council leaders

Class of 2013 scheduled to re-take senior photoBy Jessica Vargas

The class of 2013 is getting together one more time to capture every Pattonville se-

nior planning to graduate this year.“The reason why the senior pic-

ture is going to be re-taken again is because a kid from DeSmet thought it would be cute to jump in the picture when obviously he does not go here,” said building principal Dr. Joe Dobrinic.

On Oct. 2, Pattonville seniors took their class photo in the main gym. As all of the seniors were walking into the gym, the student from DeSmet, who has to remain anonymous, chose to put a Patton-ville senior hoodie on and join the picture.

“As Class President, I think that it wasn’t very smart or respectful for the student who doesn’t even go here to jump in our senior picture when he had no reason being there. I understand that it was funny and all, but it was still not OK for someone to do that,” said senior president Isaac Caverly.

According to Dobrinic, there had been phone calls to Pattonville from parents that did not like the fact

that someone who did not belong there jumped in the picture. Parents requested the picture should be taken again because of this incident.

“I think the student lives in the district and is well-known, but that still does not make it OK for him to do that,” said Dobrinic.

Whether the student was re-ported to the police for trespassing remains unknown.

“The day of the picture I never realized or noticed someone that did not go to our school was there. There are so many students in the Class of 2013 that either way, there were a few people who I don’t think I have ever seen,” said senior Abigail Van-Noy. “When I got the picture, how-ever, and heard that there was a guy who did not belong there, I laughed. I thought it was pretty funny, but in a serious matter, it wasn’t really OK.”

The policy for any visitor who doesn’t go to Pattonville is to go to the front desk and sign in for the

safety of the students and staff.“If somebody from Pattonville

would have gone and snuck in to another school you would expect there to be consequences,” said Dobrinic. “That’s our answer to what happened. To just do it again. Let’s take another picture and hope nobody from another school makes the same mistake again.”

Students who did not get a chance to order the first time will get a chance to this second time around and for those who did order the picture will have the chance to trade the old one in for the new one if they would like.

The picture will be re-taken on April 25 and Dobrinic hopes for the picture to be taken on the football field this time. v

With addtional meeting time, transition to high school should be easier; other grades remain split with Contact Time

Every March, Student Council members are allowed to run for five different executive

board positions.On March 14, students were able

to vote for these new leaders during all lunch sessions.

“It’s hard to put words to [the excitement],” said newly-elected STUCO president Nathan Samples. “I’m happy to be the one to take over.”

Including Samples, the rest of the executive board will consist of Vice President Kirby McClain, Secretary Hareen Patel, Treasurer Canaan Kerr, and Historian Hannah Saputo.

The winners of this election will take over their new positions in the upcoming school year.

Additionally, these five will gain more input into making decisions for the good of the student body at Pattonville. v

By Joey Schneider

>>See GRANT, pg. 2

>>See CONNECTIONS, pg. 2

Kirby McClain





Hareen Patel




Canaan Kerr




Nathan Samples



Hannah Saputo




The senior class gathers in the gym for the origi-nal class photo on Oct. 2. Photo by Tim Vleisides

Officer Jim Vinyard

Page 2: March 2013 Pirate Press


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Child Development and Parent-ing classes have been offered as credit for practical arts

as well as an elective. Thus, many students’ initial reasons for taking the classes would be to receive said credit or for an “easy-A”. Upon first thought, however, those students may not see the overall importance of taking either or both classes.

Ms. Twila Harris, who has been at the high school for 12 years, teaches both Child Development 1 and Par-enting. She said the classes provide instruction on how to keep a child safe, costs of raising a child, family concerns, effective parenting strate-gies, childcare options, and helping children develop self-character and control.

“One of the biggest differences to me is that the Parenting students work with their child in playschool as if they were their own. They also take home a real “baby”, or write

a paper as an alternative.” Har-ris added these are classes that everyone should take because “all of us will be involved in the life of a child, as parents, step-parents, etc. It is important for everyone to take either class.”

Besides the basic curriculum both Child Development and Parent-ing offer, high school students are required to engage in playschool ses-sions with preschoolers in order to receive full credit to pass the class.

“We’re licensed for 15 preschool-ers, and they are here from 8:20 a.m. to 1:05 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays. If we have a cancellation on either day, we make it up on Friday,” Harris said.

The duration of the playschool sessions per semester are for 24 days, and preschoolers have been coming to playschool for over 20 years. According to Harris, the sessions started because officials realized how important it is for this

generation to do better as parents and people who care for children than the last, because they felt like they are making a difference in the kids’ education.

The two classes that are involved in this are also expected to help those who plan to take Child Devel-opment 2 which is taught by Ms. Ju-lia Weingart and is for students who plan to go into teaching or other careers that involve children. With the previous knowledge of what is learned in Child Development 1, students learn about the areas of development of a child and what to expect, as well as disciplining and putting their learning to practice through hands-on activities.

“I have seen many people who’ve discovered that they are really good with children, even after originally not knowing what they wanted to do in life,” Harris said, after stating that many go on to Child Develop-ment 2 after realizing this.

Parents of preschoolers have seen the benefits of the playschool sessions as well. Melissa Skillen is the mother of Mackenzie Skillen, age 4. Mackenzie is currently in her third semester of playschool, and along with feeling secure while her daughter is in playschool, her mother notes its impact on her development.

“It’s definitely had a large impact on her development, and I think socially more than anything, dealing with things that we can’t really teach her at home. This has been a great opportunity for her,” said Skillen. “I think it’s a great thing for high school students to take when you’re getting that kind of exposure. It also makes you think twice about having a child early.”

Students have noticed the ben-efits from taking these classes.

“The classes have helped me to be patient with kids and their differ-ent personalities, and it gave me a

different view on how I look at kids,” said sophomore Clandria White. “It was fun, sometimes, although a few of the preschoolers were a little uncooperative.”

Others have learned how to take care of kids responsibly and work with them in a positive matter.

“I found that if you treat the preschoolers as equals, they listen to you and respect you more, rather than you treating them as just little kids. I think I’ll be more responsible when watching little kids when I’m done with the class,” said sopho-more Trish Parsons.

With classes like Child Develop-ment and Parenting, students have very valuable resources that can be used later in life.

“I really love using my experi-ence as a preschool director, and I think it’s going to make a difference in how the high school students, both male and female, parent their children,” Harris said. v

to produce new material and other kinds of projects.”

Besse added that the school ad-ministrators plan to schedule Pirate Connections around Pirate TV, in hopes of allowing the freshmen to see as many episodes as possible.

“There will still be one Contact Time a month, and we’ll try not to step on any toes and be intentional when lessons are scheduled. We’ll try our best to expose our freshman to as many episodes as possible, since Pirate Aye typically airs once a month, sometimes more.”

Florence also said Pirate TV plans to continue airing as many episodes as possible, even with Pirate Con-nections being extended for fresh-men in the coming years.

“We still intend to produce as much great Pirate TV as possible, and if we happen to reach fewer freshmen as a result of them being involved in more Pirate Connec-tions, we’ll still be able to reach viewers of the sophomore through senior class, which the freshmen will be a part of the following year.”

Cleaver-Horn agrees that Pirate TV should continue, believing it to be a tradition for all Pattonville students.

“A lot of people would be upset if it didn’t continue. Especially the TV classes.” Cleaver-Horn said." v

Child Development and Parenting classes work with preschoolers for class credit

The Solo/Small Ensemble Fes-tival for orchestra, choir, and band was on March 1. Those

who went played or sang music for a judge who gave them a rating of 1-5, with 1 being the highest. Those who got a 1 will go to the MSHSAA State Solo/Small Ensemble Festival on April 27 at the University of Missouri.

“I’ve been doing Solo/Ensemble since my freshman year. This year I got three ones for state and considering you can only do three events, it was pretty cool,” said Adam Kaminsky, a senior in band.

Judges may have their own plan for

what they are looking for in a perfor-mance, which can make it difficult for a student to prepare.

“Some judges may give you visual encouragement and you feel good but they may end up scoring you really dif-ficult, and you may have another judge that may just look down and scowl the whole time and you think they don’t like you but they may actually give you a high score, it’s just really difficult and you never really know what to expect,” said choir director Ms. Melynda Lamb.

For these groups, there is also solo/small ensemble for the middle schools, albeit much smaller than the high school festival and acts more as an in-

troduction to the experience than the real event. Many students agree that going to festival in high school isn’t the same as what they first encoun-tered in middle school.

“In my experience, the judging at the high school level has been tougher and it’s harder to get a 1. Also, there is no state competition at the middle school level,” said senior Eric Bateman.

But for the students that received a 1, the state competition is something they will continue to practice for.

“Some of our students that are going to state will be working hard in their private lessons with their accompanist and the others will work

with me to prepare and we will look at the sheets from District and look specifically at all the areas that we still need to make better to be as prepared as possible,” Lamb said. v

Pirates well-represented at music competitions>>CONNECTIONS, from pg. 1

By Eleanor Gershman

administered by the Department of Economic Development.

“Since most of the grant money will go for tuition of associate’s de-grees at a community college, there’s hope that local businesses and companies will give the students chances to work while [students are] enrolled,” Dobrinic added.

A press release sent by the school the day after Pattonville got the grant states the grant program “is focused on helping schools create pathways that combine rigorous academics with strong technical education and lead to

success after high school.” “It is important to shift our

thinking to see what [students] are doing long-term since almost every-one will end up being employed at somepoint,” said assistant principal Cara Hiripitiyage.

Several local business plan to help out Pattonville with funding and opportunities in order to collaborate work-study and internships for high school students. Partners for this project include DePaul Health Cen-ter, Fred Weber Inc., and Ameren UE.

“There are so many businesses in St. Louis and Maryland Heights that give the students options to work,” Hiripitiyage said. “This should help build strong partnerships that will

give them an edge in the future.”The grant has more significance

than just helping students earn work experience. The same press release explained Pattonville has set standard goals in order to “increase the graduation rate and success of students…enable students/trainees to earn certificates…and improve the preparation of students/trainees for employment in high-growth business and industries.” Students seem to realize the impor-tance of this grant. Senior Class Presi-dent Isaac Caverly recognizes how students are able to embrace unique opportunities under this grant. “I know the grant is designed to create new career readiness and get

students on their feet with a job in the work force,” Caverly said. “It is absolutely important for students who typically have not had a lot of opportunity [in the past] to look into what exactly the grant offers.”

While students and staff are optimistic about the grant for the future, students will not be identi-fied to participate in the grant’s work force opportunity until the 2013-14 school year based on their needs of work experience. “What’s exciting is the possibil-ity,” Hiripitiyage said. “There are a lot of directions to move in, and having this money available will give students more opportunities in the near future.” v

Orchestra, band and choir students all earn high rankings in Solo/Small Ensemble Festivals held on March 1

>>GRANT, from pg. 1

By Mariah Lindsey

Pat Renshaw

George and Anne SourisVirginia and Franklin D. Roberts

Paul and Linda Souris

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Page 3: March 2013 Pirate Press

On Feb. 21 and 22, Patton-ville made the announce-ment that school would be

canceled because of bad weather conditions. School districts make these cancellations because they want to ensure the safety of all staff and students to and from class by car or bus.

Winter can be a tough time to drive because of the dangers of snow and ice.

Mr. Mark Hahn, driver’s educa-tion teacher at Pattonville High School, said, “We teach students what to do and how to drive in these kind of conditions. I would suggest to slow down, have distance between cars, maintain your speed, don’t break hard, and keep a snow shovel, sand or cat litter in your trunk in case you get stuck in the snow. Just be prepared.”

A few students experienced first-hand the dangers of driving in winter conditions.

“I was scared the first time I started driving in snow. I felt like I didn’t have control because I slid a couple times,” said Raj Patel. “Drive slowly, and don’t ever slam on the breaks because you’ll slide.”

Chase Davis, on the other hand, said his first experience with driving in winter weather was pretty easy.

“Drive slow, and if your car slides, don’t freak out and don’t try to over correct it because you could just cause more problems,” Davis said.

When school is canceled, it is important to understand that there is a reason.

“If you have a choice, don’t drive at all,” Paula Lucido said. “Or at least drive slow and watch out for other cars.” v

Features03 l PIRATE PRESS l MARCH 2013

By Deanna Moyer

“They come to me”

“I would say, ‘I think you’re cute and I want to get to know you. Would you like to go out to eat with me?’”

“Would you like to rule the world with me?”

“I would send her roses and a card with a poem asking her.”

“Would you like to go on a date?”

“Jeans and a hoodie.”

“Dress shirt and nice pants.”

“Jeans and a nice shirt.”

“Nice jeans, sweater, matching shoes.”

“Something presentable.”

“A jacket, Polo shirt and jeans.”

“A Polo shirt, a Polo vest, and some Levi’s.”

“Movies then FroYo... ladies love FroYo.”


“Biking, or some sort of physical activity.”

“Home-cooked dinner.”

“Mall and movie.”

“City Museum.”

“Downtown while it’s lightly snow-ing in the park.”

“Chuck E. Cheese.”


Asking her out ...

Pinterested in Dating?

What to wear?...

Where to?...

How would you feel?...

“I would be curious to find out things about her, and if she would hold up in a zombie apocalypse.”

“Great of course.”

“Nervous, but not show it.”


“Nervous, but happy.”

Who’s payin’?..“Not me.”

“At first I believe both should pay.”

“I would pay if I had the money.”

I’m helping one of my friends with a service

project for confirmation -Tom Haake 10

I’m just hanging out with my friends and my family,

nothing exciting. -Carrie Mills, 9

I’m going on a bunch of college tours in Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky.

-Lauren McAdon, 11

I’m going to Branson with my family and a friend.

-Jordan Milligan, 10

Where are you going for spring break?

I’m going to Florida to see the Cardinals play in

their final week of Spring Training.

-Joey Schneider, 11

Fifty males at Pattonville High School were given surveys with the following five topics about first dates. The follow-ing answers were some of the best given.

College is a big decision in a student’s life. Money is a main factor in where someone will

choose to go. Scholarships are an important part of getting prepared for college. They help students save money and lower the amount of stu-dent loans they have to take out.

The process can begin as early as junior year by simply starting to look for scholarships and organizing them.

College counselor Ms. Julie Kamp-schroeder suggests using a calendar to map out when scholarships are due and when you will work on them.

Some of Kampschroeder’s favor-ite search engines are “stlouisgradu-ates.org where there is 208 scholar-ships on there and they are for St. Louis people and the other one I like is scholarships4school.com.”

Another step juniors need to take is start writing their college resumes so that it is ready to use.

This includes a list of the student’s work experience, school activities, community service and basic information.

Students also need to look at their schools and see what merit schol-arships they have available. Merit

scholarships are based on GPA and ACT scores and are offered directly from the school.These scholarships can sometimes be as much as full tuition, especially at private schools.

But Kampschroeder suggests to those students who don’t necessar-ily have a high GPA to still look at private schools.

“Private schools like William Woods, Rockhurst, Columbia Col-lege, and Quincy University have some pretty decent scholarships for a ‘B’ student so you have to do your research on it,” Kampschroeder said.

A great source for scholarships is the file cabinet in the College Center, which Kampschroeder updates often. Students should check this weekly for new scholarships that they might

not have found on their own.When senior year comes and

students need to start filling out applications, they need to be sure not to wait until the last minute.

Kampschroeder describes the three major mistakes students make when it comes to scholarships as: 1. Not filling out the application com-pletely, 2. Not answering the essay question correctly, and 3. Not even looking for scholarships or filling them out at all.

For those who think that scholar-ships of little value are not worth it, Kampschroeder points out that a “$500 scholarships are 64 hours of work at minimum wage so if you look at it that way, why would you not apply?” v

By Maggie Vitale

College Talk: Kampschroeder discusses process of how to reduce costs, apply for scholarships By Sierra Peerman

Drivers adjust to icy roads

By Abby Kieffer and Kyleigh Ambrosecchia

College counselor Julie Kampschroeder helps a student in the College Center look for ways to help her reduce the costs of a post-secondary educa-tion. Photo by Sierra Peerman.

Page 4: March 2013 Pirate Press

Pirate MadnessWith the arrival of March, college basketball fans around the nation are rav-ing over the ensuing weeks of drama that accompanies the annual tourna-ment. A lot is at stake during the March Madness every year; once a team loses, its season officially ends. However this only makes victory that much sweeter for the last team standing. The concept of Pirate Madness is no different--all of the best aspects of Pattonville High School are pitted against each other until one final club, sport or item remains.The Rules: Students and teachers were asked to determine a winner for each match-up based on their knowledge of both subjects. The winner advanced until there was only one champion.




Tony’s Donuts

National Honors Society (NHS)

Spanish National Honors Society (SNHS)




Cross Country





You Can’t Take It With You

Guys and Dolls



Varsity Drill Team (VDT)

Yoga Pants

Sweat Pants

New Pool

New Stadium









Soda (Robert Zimmerman)

Tony’s Donuts (Luke Moriarty)

NHS (Alex Rauscher)

Basketball (Lindsey Purviance)

Track (Kirby McClain)

Science (Darlene Baquette)

Uggs (Kayla Strasser Champ)

Guys and Dolls (Hannah Molloy)

Band (Matthew Mellring)

VDT (Nathan Samples)


Sweat Pants (Nicole Hildebrand)

New Pool (Madison Yancey)

Hockey (Zach Hayes)

Soccer(Brandon Van Buren)

Volleyball (Danielle Siegel)

Robotics (Rebecca Patterson)




Guys & Dolls


New Pool




Guys & Dolls

Guys & Dolls


Guys & Dolls

“Soda’s cheaper and easier to get.” -Hareen Patel

“Without NHS we wouldn’t have Mr. PHS

or the blood drive.” -Selam Mulugeta

“Track has a finish line. With science you keep

finding stuff out.”-Will Chaney

“Guys & Dolls because Tom Brady wears Uggs.”

-Zack Balzer

“[Band] deserves more love; I feel like they’re

underappreciated!” -Kyle Masek

“I wouldn’t wear sweat pants again if it meant still having the pool.”

-Rachel Murphy

“Hockey’s more exciting.” -Abby Kushina

“I prefer being active over sitting down and working.”

-Shane Harris

“Opening a soda is like opening happiness!”

-Austin Ratanasitee

“Aaron Landgraf doesn’t shake his butt in track.”

-Adam Kaminsky

“It’s a great place for a team that works hard and

dedicates themselves.” -Michaela Whaley

“[Hockey] is more intense. I like watching it more.”

-Jordan Edmonds

“[The cast] was all one big happy family!”

-Olivia Barrett

“The crowd is a lot more involved [in hockey games],

it’s a lot more fun.” -Olivea Randall

“The live entertainment and music is a lot better.”

-Candice Kopecky

Guys & Dolls


New Pool

“A name brand can’t compare to a fantastic show.”

-Ms. Cara Hiripitiyage

By Tim Vleisides and Brady Bell

Page 5: March 2013 Pirate Press

Pirate MadnessWith the arrival of March, college basketball fans around the nation are rav-ing over the ensuing weeks of drama that accompanies the annual tourna-ment. A lot is at stake during the March Madness every year; once a team loses, its season officially ends. However this only makes victory that much sweeter for the last team standing. The concept of Pirate Madness is no different--all of the best aspects of Pattonville High School are pitted against each other until one final club, sport or item remains.The Rules: Students and teachers were asked to determine a winner for each match-up based on their knowledge of both subjects. The winner advanced until there was only one champion.


AP Tests

Cash Line

Normal Line

Spring Break

Winter Break



Student Council (STUCO)


Peer Assistance Leadership (PALs)

Students as Mentors

Dodgeball Tournament

Wheelchair Basketball Tournament





French Club

German Club


Foez (4)


St. Louis Bread Co.

Crazy Bread

Bosco Sticks







ACT (Erin Leventhal)

Cash Line (Matthew Ridings)

Spring Break (Katie Brownlow)

Cars (Mr. Ken Smith)

Renaissance (Mariah Lindsey)

PALS (Camille Hernandez)

Dodgeball (Marcus Thorton)

Nike (Adam Frank)

Choir (Sarah Vik)

German Club (C.J. Brown)

Foez (Kyle Baldwin)

Subway (Connor Klenke)

Crazy Bread (Norby Stausebach)

Notebook (Max Bodde)

English (Jasmine Webber)

Prom (Brianna Mooney)

Cash Line




German Club


Crazy Bread









“Cars [are better] because I can drive and get food.”

-Micah Evans

“I would rather eat than take the ACT.”

-Marcus Triplett

“Because I don’t have a car.”

-Destiny McKinney

“PALS because they were very welcoming.” -Arionna Lunceford

“Nike because I have a lot of Nike products.”

-Brendan Schaefer

“The German language interests me.”

-Noah Cwiklowski

“[Subway] is good and healthy.”

-Lennis Wilson

“What kind of question is that?”

-Kalen Riley

“I don’t like English.”-Edwin Dizon

“I like Nike.” -Justin McGee

“I want to eat healthy.”

-BriElle Ragland

“I can get better food at Prom.”-Shane McAtee

“Clothes are a higher priority than cars.”

-Blake Stricker

“You can wear dresses and dance with friends.”

-Lauren Frazier

“Nike because I’m not old enough to go to Prom.”

-Michael Jacobson

Guys & Dolls “A name brand can’t

compare to a fantastic show.”-Ms. Cara Hiripitiyage

Page 6: March 2013 Pirate Press

MARCH 2013 l PIRATE PRESS l 06SportsSpring sports forced to alter tryoutsBaseball team forced to adjust practice due to late winter weatherBy Phillip Scherer

Much like every other spring sport this year, baseball is being affected greatly by the abnormally late win-

ter weather that has been relentless through-out the beginning stages of the season. Although this did not take any practice time away from the teams, it did change the way that practices are being run.

“Instead of working on grounders and hit-ting in the cage, we are doing more running and conditioning, which is definitely kind of disappointing,” senior Steven Barry said.

All levels of baseball have been forced to do more running inside the school, a space they are being forced to temporarily share with ev-ery other sport that is normally played outside.

This set of circumstances affects not only their physical skills, but it is also having other effects, mainly on the way the players are ap-proaching their practices.

“Being inside is definitely harder on the guys because it forces them to prepare dif-ferent mentally,” varsity coach Mark Hahn said. “It’s harder to keep [players] engaged throughout practice because we aren’t doing what we normally do during the season.”

Coaches believe these practices have been especially difficult on them as well, especially as they attempt to form their younger teams, seeing as they are not able to fully notice the skills of the freshmen and sophomores as they usually do with outdoor practices.

“We are having to evaluate the players based on what we have seen, and making cuts accord-ingly. We always have more freshmen try out than older grade levels, so having limited time to see their true abilities makes this a little bit different than in years past,” Hahn said.

Hahn is also worried that this lack of out-side exposure will lead to the team not being as game-ready as in years past, especially in the cases of the freshmen and JV teams.

“By this time last year, we had already had several inter-squad games that helped us to prepare for our early games,” Hahn said. “We may not be as prepared as we start the season, but it’s something we’ll have to adjust to as we go along.”

However, the players believe their prior

baseball experiences will aid them in this upcoming season.

“We definitely believe we’ll be well prepared when the season really gets going,” Barry said. “A lot of us play together year-round, whether it be legion teams, select teams, or various lev-els here at Pattonville. Knowing [teammates] so well will definitely be to our advantage.”

The team’s ability to adapt to the adverse practice conditions will be put to the test as the Varsity team begins their regular season against Ritenour High School on March 20.

Another factor to consider is that every other team is the Suburban North Conference is under the same set of circumstances as the Pirates. “It’s not like Ritenour or Hazelwood West are playing outside right now. We are all under the same restrictions, so we hope it won’t have that big of an affect,” Hahn said.

With every team battling on even ground, one thing to consider is the raw talent level that will be taking the field.

“There is a lot of great players on both the Varsity and JV teams,” junior Connor Klenke said. “We have good pitching depth on varsity and a lot of juniors on JV that will be available when they are needed. I believe we’re getting ready for a great season.”

Hahn shares this belief and knows that this team will need to realize its’ potential if they hope to live up to expectations.

“We are the two-time defending conference champions, so we go into the year with a huge target on our chests,” Hahn said. “Everyone’s going to be trying to knock us down knowing that we are a great squad, which can only help us as we aim to become great and continue our recent history.” v

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Gender equality not a major issue with Pattonville sports

By Joey Schneider

With three sports seasons and over 20 athletic clubs around the high school, athletic administrators and

coaches at Pattonville strive to create equal opportunities in the field of athletics for boys and girls. However, the concept of high school sports and gender is an undermining study that has been kept in tact with the efforts of the high school.

Athletics director Bob Hebrank claims he has “never really looked at girls and guys sports as different since both provide the same amount of preparation, skill, learning and improvement.”

Hebrank suggested that athletes of both genders at Missouri high schools are required to have identical chances to be involved in athletics as a result of the Title IX standards for high school sports.

“I feel that [Title IX] is necessary to keep the range of opportunity even for girls and boys, and our school does a great job of providing all students of their athletic needs,” Hebrank admitted.

Originally, Title IX took effect in sports and academics when the Educational Amendment of 1972 was passed. The main principle behind it is “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

“I firmly believe in giving every athlete the same amount of opportunity,” Hebrank stated. “I want to do anything in my power to do what’s best for all of our teams to compete.”

One of the ways that Pattonville creates equal opportunity is by providing co-ed and dual- and single-gender sporting opportuni-ties for both males and females.

Water Polo is the only co-ed sport at the school, but one of six dual-gender sports students can participate in throughout the

school year. According to Hebrank, rules and records

suggest that girls are allowed to try out for football and wrestling, and boys can try out for cheerleading. The two other primary dual-gender sports are cross-country and track.

“I think it depends on the sport,” said senior Brandon Van Buren toward separate season rulings. “Certain contact sports should be separated because the levels of competition usually differ between genders.”

Van Buren currently participates on the water polo team, and feels it is necessary for the sport to be co-ed in order for the team to be successful.

“It is ideal for water polo to be co-ed because of the availability of the pool and it helps promote interest in a growing sport,” Van Buren claimed.

Dual-gender sports are those considered having both boys and girls participate during the same season but in different competitions.

“It’s easier for [guys and girls] to be togeth-er for both sports since we are all training for events that are at the same place,” said cross-country and track coach Jeremiah Simmons.

While cross-country and track thrive under the arrangements of being dual-gender, sev-eral other teams around the school would not be able to manage this, mainly because of the availability of the school’s facilities.

“Personally, I don’t think we would have enough court space to accommodate 60 kids if tennis was a co-ed sport,” said head boys’ and girls’ tennis coach Jeff Grass.

While sports such as tennis are separated for room and scheduling, other sports hold more reason as to why they are separated by gender.

“I like [gender] separated sports better because it can be annoying taking turns with the guys,” said junior Rachel McAllister, who participates in softball and soccer. “I think it helps to play with girls that you share similar interests and can bond with.” v

History teacher Justin Smiley has come up with a way to challenge students at Pattonville High School to their high-

est, athletic ability.“Students all over the school regardless of

sport claim to be stronger, faster, and in bet-ter shape than others. This event will be the ultimate throw down. If you think you are the fittest Pattonville athlete, then quit running your mouth and let the numbers do the talk-ing,” Smiley said.

The inaugural Pattonville X-fit Games is a competition designed to test students strength, speed, flexibility, and endurance.

This event is for both male and female students. It will determine the “fittest” Pat-tonville athletes by combining many exercises into an all-out raid on body and mind.

“I’m so excited, and want to show that I’m at least one of the fittest girls here at Patton-ville,” said junior Lindsay Purviance.

Along with Smiley, Steven Shaw and other teacher volunteers will be running the com-petition.

“I recently started training for CrossFit and found that the combination of strength, speed, endurance, and agility movements we do in our workouts would be a huge benefit for Pattonville athletes and for students who may simply want to lose weight, increase strength, or be more active,” Smiley said. “Our workouts are short and sweet, but highly ef-fective. Our workouts will target every muscle in the body, and athletes will receive far greater cardiovascular training than running laps on a track or treadmill.”

This event will take place in the spring of 2013, sometime in May with the date not yet determined.

Smiley invites any student to see how they compare with the rest of the Pattonville student community. Pattonville X-fit Games is open to anyone who qualifies.

“I’m in Coach Smiley’s Ac Lab and after cross country, I was looking for off-season training. Smiley recommended his workouts and I fell in love with them. I think girls should go to Mr. Smiley and try to complete the qualifications,” said junior Kirby McClain.

Students who are participating must reg-ister with Coach Smiley and submit their $10 shirt fee before April 12 upon completing all of the qualifications.

Smiley will release the list of competition events at noon on the Monday before the event, which will take place on a Friday.

Each registered athlete will have to com-plete the published events that Friday by 5 p.m. There will be first through third place medalists in both the men and women divi-sions, and the first place male and female will receive a plaque identifying their accomplish-ments that will be hung in the weight room for all to see.

Judges will check for the correct comple-tion of each movement with proper form and range of motion. The judges will track times, weights and distances.

“The judges are going to need to be on their “A” game to insure the competition is fair and void of human error,” said Smiley.

Smiley hopes that even students who don’t attend daily workouts Monday through Friday at 2:30 to 4 p.m. in the weight room sign up for the competition.

However, the students who do attend daily workouts will have an advantage over those that do not because of their familiarity with the exercises.

“The training is intense, and sucks while you’re doing the exercises, but it feels good to know you can do them, and push yourself that hard,” said senior Danny Carter. “I am so pumped up for the competition and am going to try my best to win this competition.” v

The qualifications include: Men:

• < 8 minute - 1 mile• < 1 minute - 30 hand release pushups• < 1 minute - 10 pull ups• < 1 minute - 10 bodyweight squats• < 1 minute - 20 burpees

Women:• < 9 minute - 1 mile• < 1 minute - 15 hand release pushups• < 1 minute - 20 modified pull ups• < 1 minute - 15 50% bodyweight squats• < 1 minute - 15 burpees

History teacher challenges students’ athletic skillsBy Jessica Vargas

Athletes of both genders presented with balanced opportunities

Batting practice took place indoors during the first week of baseball try-outs. Photo by Phillip Scherer

Page 7: March 2013 Pirate Press



Co-Editors-in-Chief Joey SchneiderJessica Vargas

Managing EditorSierra PeermanCopy Editor

Allison LeventhalMultimedia EditorBionca Maldonado

Staff WritersKyleigh Ambrosecchia

Katherine BahrBrady Bell

Elizabeth FergusonEleanor GershmanTaylor Holmstrom

Abby KiefferErin Leventhal

Mariah LindseySamantha Madden

Deanna MoyerPhillip SchererMaggie Vitale

Timothy Vleisides

AdviserBrian Heyman


The Pirate Press is the public forum newspaper of Pattonville High School. The newspaper, while serving as a training ground for future journalists, is part of the school curriculum and recognizes all rights and responsibilities under the First Amendment. Student editors make all decisions regarding content. As the members of the 2012-2013 staff, we dedicate ourselves to the accurate and objective dissemination of information to all readers. The viewpoints of all staff members are to be regarded as being separate from those of our administration, faculty, peers and adviser.

By Sam Madden

Sam’s SideOpinion

PDA needs to go away

Staff EditorialIt is the opinion of the Pirate Press that Pirate Connections has good intentions, but the benefits are not clearly seen.

Every student at Pattonville is familiar with the 36-minute time slot on C-Days, filled

either with Pirate Connections or Contact Time. Since the addition of Pirate Connections a year ago, Contact Time has become more sporadic.

Scheduling tries to make it possible that each week rotates between Pirate Connections and Contact Time, with a Pirate Code lesson thrown in here and there.

While each student has his or her reasons for liking one class over the other, the consensus is clear: The majority of PHS students prefer Contact Time over Pirate Connections.

Contact Time is a 36-minute period that can be used in vari-ous ways such as meeting with a teacher to catch up on missed as-signments, holding club meetings, and holding class meetings.

Pirate Connections was devel-oped a year ago to help prepare students for their future. Many different lessons and activities are planned to encourage students to think about what they want to do after graduating high school.

Students most likely prefer Con-tact Time over Pirate Connections because it is a much more laid-back period of time.

Contact Time gives students a break from the repetition of a regu-lar school day. Contact Time offers so many opportunities for students to branch out and get involved in clubs, which is great because the Pirate Code constantly encourages us to do so.

So if the Pirate Code encourages students over and over to “Be in-volved!”, why is valuable time that is normally used to get involved being taken away from us?

Having Pirate Connections takes away from free time that would normally be used to join a new club and meet new people with the same interests. Countless clubs depend on Contact Time to be able to hold a meeting. Contact Time is really the only time during the week that

all students are available to attend a meeting at the same time. Because of Pirate Connections, clubs can-not meet as often and less people are able to join them.

Of course the inten-tion of Pirate Connections is great. It is extremely important for students to have a plan for their years after high school.

However, most students, and even teachers, do not use this section of time as intended. When the time is supposed to be devoted to searching for colleges, students are playing games on their laptops.

This could be because they do not plan on going to college and the activity would not benefit them.

For those students who do wish to plan their future and explore college options, they can meet with the college counselor or take higher-level classes that will pre-

pare them for college.In any case, the time spent

in Pirate Connections is not as beneficial as it was intended to be. The fact is, students enjoy Contact Time more than Pirate Connec-tions, which motivates them to be more productive. v

In his first season with the previously abysmal St. Louis Rams, Coach Jeff Fisher

accomplished many feats that brought hope back to the city’s des-perate football fans. Fisher restored confidence in QB Sam Bradford after his horrible 2011 season, built up a strong defense around linebacker James Laurinaitis, and finished with a 7-8-1 record that included only one loss to an NFC West opponent.

What impressed me the most, however, was Fisher’s first draft with the team last April. As a coach with only 18 years of experience could pull off, Fisher managed to do everything a GM or an avid fan could ask of him.

He filled holes in the Rams’ roster (i.e. defensive tackle Michael Brockers), took risks where they needed to be taken (i.e. cornerback Janoris Jenkins), acquired good players with late round picks (i.e. kicker Greg Zuerlein), and drafted solid players for the future (i.e. running backs Isaiah Pead and Daryl Richardson).

It should also be noted that he accomplished all of this and still received two first-round picks from the Washington Redskins over the next two years in return for a pick ultimately used on QB Robert Griffin III.

So with this plethora of young talent in the Rams’ organization, Fisher may have just set the table for success in the near future.

But before his team can become a Super Bowl contender, he must make this offseason as bountiful as his previous one; this includes tap-ping into last year’s draft success come April 25.

In the first round of this year’s draft, the Rams possess the 17th and 22nd overall picks (the 22nd courtesy of the Redskins), which they could use in a variety of ways. In a draft overflowing with offensive and defensive linemen,

the Rams could take advantage of a good talent trick-ling down to them at either of their first round picks. And though it would be nice having another big body help the Rams’ up-and-coming defense, Coach Fisher has been vocal about making it a top priority to protect Bradford, hence the reason I believe Fisher will go toward the offensive line with the first of his two picks.

If the Rams are lucky on draft day, they’ll find an offensive line-man for the future in someone like D.J. Fluker (tackle, Alabama) or Jonathan Cooper (guard, North Carolina) with the 17th selection.

As for the 22nd overall pick, I think Fisher shouldn’t set his heart on one specific player here.

It’s a somewhat rare occurrence that a team should possess two first-round picks, so I believe it’d be in the organization’s best interest to keep an open mind and draft the best player available.

With the offensive line already addressed, the Rams could enter-tain the options of incorporating a deep-threat receiver like Cordar-relle Patterson (Tennessee) into their offense or adding the dynamic Kenny Vaccarro (safety, Texas) to their defensive backfield.

The options seem endless for the St. Louis Rams right now, but not even Mel Kiper Jr. or Todd McShay can predict how the first-round of next month’s NFL draft will turn out.

Whoever Coach Fisher inevitably decides to bring into the Rams’ organization next season may be a mystery now, but I’m confident that no one will question his judg-ment when it’s all said and done. v

By Tim Vleisides

NFL Draft Spotlight: St. Louis RamsTim’s Talk

When you’re young and in a relationship, you want everyone to know about

it, so you walk with your significant other around the halls to every class.

But one thing that I notice is all of the public displays of affection that goes on in the hallways at Pat-tonville High School.

We can all understand that you’re a couple if you’re holding hands; that should be enough. Even giving your boyfriend or girlfriend a hug isn’t a big deal.

We all go to school for one reason, and that is to learn. It’s all that should be on our mind, but we

all know that some people are more focused on interactions with their friends or significant other.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to think about seeing your friends, but the main thing you should be focused on is your education.

While walking through the halls, I see so many couples holding hands, which doesn’t bother me. The only thing that bothers me is when they stand together, blocking an entrance to a hallway or just stand in the stairwell and make-out.

That shouldn’t happen at school. We already know that you’re in

a relationship because of how you hold hands in the hallway. Save the making-out for your alone time.

Just think of it this way, there

are several teachers at our school that are in a relation-ship, or that are married, but you don’t see them wait-ing in the doorway or in the stairwell for each other, meeting up and making-out.

That is probably the last thing most students want to see.

So, in the classroom, you should take advice from teachers when you need help, but right now you should take advice from me: Don’t make-out in the hallway! v

Gender equality not a major issue with Pattonville sports



Eleanor’s EdgeRaising a debate to switch the high school starting timeBy Eleanor Gershman

So many students walk into the halls of PHS and complain about how tired and run down

they are. Griping about having to get up early in the morning to go to school, while younger kids who have less going on in their day get to sleep in.

Many have debated whether or not to change the school times to where we would go to school later and the younger students would go earlier. This would mean that we would have more time to sleep or get ready in the morning, but it would also mean that it would be later in the day when after-school activities start. Despite that, school

hours shouldn’t be changed. There would be too many complications with the scheduling of our after-school activities and other school-related events.

Many of us here at PHS do after-school activities, which usually start right after school. Those activities also usually go pretty late, of course, depending on what they are, so having them start later would mean that we would have less time at home to do homework and other things we may need to do.

Despite the fact that getting up really early in the morning is absolutely awful, school hours need to remain the same. Little kids don’t do as much as high school students

when it comes to involvement in school, so they don’t need as much time in the afternoon for activities as we do. Waking up early in the morning may suck, but the people who complain about having to get up early in the morning should just go to sleep earlier the night before.

Anyone can wake up feeling good at anytime just as long as they’ve gotten enough sleep. v

Page 8: March 2013 Pirate Press


MARCH 2013 l PIRATE PRESS l 08EntertainmentSolorio wins Mr. PHS title in annual event hosted by NHS

Steps to finding the perfect prom dress

Think before you ink

Each year at Pattonville, a new group of seniors expe-rience the same symptoms:

coming to school at the last min-ute, turning in assignments late, sleeping in class and failing tests.

These symptoms make up a very severe illness called seniori-tis. Senioritis is not a rare disease for seniors, and the effects can be serious.

John Collins is suffering from senioritis, which is causing him many problems.

“Senioritis is definitely affect-ing me,” Collins said. “My grades are the worst they have ever been. And I’m not talking just B’s. I’m working on getting my grades back up now.”

Like many other seniors, Collins has been accepted to the university he plans to attend in the fall.

For most seniors, this means less stress but also less motivation to finish second semester strong.

Senioritis comes in many forms, and for some it just makes coming to school harder.

Dustin Davis said due to se-nioritis, it’s much harder to wake up in the morning. He also says while he doesn’t have much home-work this semester, the homework he is assigned is put off until the last minute.

English teacher Ms. Leslie An-derson, who teaches College Prep English, said, “My seniors have very little motivation and some

of them are not concerned about their grade anymore because they have already gotten into college. They are completely over school rules and policies.”

Once senioritis starts to infect the mind of students, it can easily take over.

Nicky Spencer has been experi-encing how dangerous this disease is.

“I don’t want to wake up and come to school ever,” Spencer said. “Once I have been in class for 15 minutes, I start thinking of excuses to leave school.”

Like many seniors, Spencer said, “Basically I’m physically here, but my mind could not be farther away.”

Some teachers change the cur-riculum of their classes in order to accommodate seniors who have checked out and are ready to leave high school.

Ms. Gay Lacy, English teacher, is one of the teachers who ac-commodates for senioritis while these students are studying for AP exams.

Lacy teaches College Credit English to seniors and begins second semester with the hardest projects. As the semester contin-ues, the work lightens.

Lacy makes sure that after Spring Break there is less home-work assigned because the moti-vation of her seniors is so low.

“[Senioritis] is just the nature of the beast,” Lacy said.

The only motivation that Davis, and many other seniors, can hold on to is the fact that senior year is almost over.

As Davis said, “We’ve come this far, we might as well finish.” v

By Bionca Maldonado Outbreak Alert: Failing grades, loss of motivation likely to occur “Personally, I think visible

tattoos set off a bad first impression. In the work

field you want to look as professional as possible,” says Barry Nelson, As-sistant Superintendent for Human Resources.

Nelson is responsible for hir-ing staff in the Pattonville School District.

“But if I have to choose a new em-ployee I don’t go based off of looks, I go with who has the best credentials and the most qualified for the job though it’s never really come up.”

According to the Smithsonian History Magazine, tattoos have been dated back to mummies in 2000 B.C. Although back then they were a status symbol for wealth, today they are typically frowned upon in the workplace.

Before students go to get their ink, there are some things they have to take into account like safety and laws.

“We have eight tattoo artists at our shop and only two will work on minors, for personal reasons,” said Jen March, from Allstar Tattoos located at 8601 Olive Blvd. “The cri-teria for a minor to get a tattoo vary from county to county, but here we require a waiver consent form, photo IDs from both the parent and child, copy of birth certificate, and a com-pleted form that has to be notarized.”

Health is often a concern when considering a tattoo.

“We use an Autoclave sterilizer, the same used in hospitals and we only use needles once, and they’re opened in front of our customers,” March said.

Science teacher Ms. Erin Mulanax got tattoos because she considered it cool and when she was younger,

it was rebellious for girls to have tattooos.

“It’s not that way so much today,” Mulanax said. “If I had to give any ad-vice I’d say make sure you know what you want and don’t go get tattoos on a whim, because getting them removed hurts like a mother bear.”

Senior Jessica Boxx got tattoos, like Mulanax, to be rebellious.

“I have a bat on my leg and two big roses on my chest. I just got them to make my mom mad.”

But it’s important to get tattoos that are not just spontaneous.

“All seven of my tattoos have a lot of meaning behind them and I’ve only gotten one removed, it was a bunch of skulls on my leg,” Mulanax said.

Putting a lot of thought into a tattoo is what Wes Lore did before getting his ink done.

“I have the nails from Jesus’ hands in a cross with a breast cancer ribbon over them,” Lore said. “I got it because my mom has breast cancer.”

And for some students, it’s never too early to start thinking about what they want to get.

“I don’t have any tattoos but I want a Cerebral Palsy ribbon on my rib cage because I have it,” Mackenzie Rogers said. “Tattoos are cool looking and an outlet of telling who someone is.”

When one is looking to get a tattoo, they must consider a lot of options and think about the future. They must also make sure that the chosen tattoo parlor is credible and clean before it costs the customer the arm they are getting tattooed. v

The infectious disease spreads to countless seniors at Pattonville

Shopping for a prom dress can be stressful, but many tips can be taken into consideration to make the experience more enjoyableBy Sam Madden

F or seniors, this year is filled with “lasts.” Last year of school, last season for sports, last dances and last time to

really be a part of high school activities. Each year, Pattonville High School

holds a male pageant called Mr. PHS. Held Feb. 28 because it was postponed due to a snow day on Feb. 22, 17 junior and senior guys came to the stage to show off their looks, talents and intelligence.

Each contestant performed a talent put together by themselves. Seniors Erik Solo-rio, Brandon Van Buren and John Collins joined together for one of the memorable moments of the night.

“The best part about doing the skit was doing it with my friends,” Solorio said.

The boys’ skit consisted of “little people dancing” which started out with laughs, but then ended on a serious note as they really brought out the realization of senior year to many of the students in the audi-ence. With “Time of Your Life” by Green

Day playing in the background and a pre-recorded message, they reminded seniors about how they are limited on their time as classmates and friends before going off in the real world and starting new.

Emphasizing their friendship and hav-ing to leave Pattonville soon is what these three boys wanted to bring out in their performance.

“We chose to do this skit as sort of a special way of us three guys saying good-bye and good luck in life,” Van Buren said.

At the end of the event, Solorio was selected by a panel of judges as the winner.

“Winning was great and I can’t say I didn’t like the free prom tickets, but the best part was creating memories of a life-time,” Solorio said.

Although the seniors are facing many “lasts,” underclassmen are taking note to enjoy the years they have left in high school.

“It made me realize I need to cherish all the good times I’m having before I’m a senior,” sophomore Jacob Knox said. v

By Elizabeth Ferguson

By Erin Leventhal

2 3 4 5 6“Start shopping early. Start look-ing for dresses in January and Feb-ruary so you can get a head start and find a good dress,” said senior Emily Bartram.

“Do some re-search online. Ask your friends for help or look up some websites for dresses and ideas,” said senior Mallory Bruno.

“Determine your budget before shopping. Also, look for coupons in the newspa-per, magazines and online,” said senior Hayley Wojciechowski.

“Bring people with you. Go shopping with your mom or a group of friends to get someone else’s opinion,” senior Rachel Croney said.

“Buy the dress first, then focus on accessories such as shoes, brace-lets, a necklace, and earrings,” se-nior Andrea Gunn said.

“Contact friends that already had prom and don’t want their dress. It will most likely be cheaper, and look just as good,” ju-nior Lizzie Fincher said.

Above: From left to right, Isaac Caverly, Erik Solorio, Brandon Van Buren, John Collins, Evan Collins and Bobby Breneman spell out that they have had “The Time of Our Lives” during the talent portion of Mr. PHS. Right: Solorio is crowned Pattonville’s 2013 Mr. PHS at the end of the event on Feb. 28. Photos by Erica Riggs

Clubs nominate participants, trio of seniors perform a tribute to the Class of 2013 during talent portion of the male fashion show

Seniors all over Pattonville are losing motivation to finish second semester strong after already being accepted to their college of choice. Photo illustration by Erin Leventhal