March 2010 | Tid Bits of Wisdom from the Wonderful Word

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  • 8/9/2019 March 2010 | Tid Bits of Wisdom from the Wonderful Word


    March, 2010 VOL 4 NO. 4






    LUKE 10:27

    The Lord Jesus Christ made it very clear that all the law hangs on the rst

    and second commandments, which are:

    And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neigh-

    bour as thyself. Luke 10:27

    Until we have given ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength to the con-

    trol of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will never be able to have an effective love for

    our neighbor. Until we have loved God with these areas, we do not love ourselves

    as we should, therefore we will not love our neighbor as we should.The Scripture tells us we are to choose life or death! To have a heart

    turned completely over to God is to have perfection (everlasting life). To have

    your soul turned completely over to God is to have a converted life and a self

    controlled life. To have your mind turned completely over to God is to have

    a peaceful and balanced life. To have your strength turned completely over to

    God is to have a powerful life. If these areas of our lives are turned over to God,

    and God has complete control, then we have abundant life as the Scriptures have

    promised. The person who has kept the rst commandment is a submitted child

    of God.

    The abundant life is drained, as we hold back these areas of our lives.

    HEART!That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe

    in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth

    confession is made unto salvation.

    For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

    For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same

    Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    Rom 10:9-13

    The heart is where we believe. We confess what we believe with our

    (Continued on page 2)

    I wish I were honest enough

    to admit all my shortcom-

    ings:Brilliant enough to accep

    attery without it making me arro


    Tall enough to tower above


    Strong enough to treasurelove;

    Brave enough to welcome


    Compassionate enough to

    understand human frailties;

    Wise enough to recognize my


    Humble enough to appreci

    ate greatness;

    Staunch enough to stand by

    my friends;

    Human enough to be thoughtful of my neighbor;

    Righteous enough to be de

    voted to the love of God.

    ----Gordon H. Taggart



    Billie Russell - 1924 to 2010

    Given by Juanice DavisIf you would like to give a gift in honor

    of one of your loved ones, please send it


    1801 Old Hickory Trail

    DeSoto, Texas 75115




    Billie Russell

    Linda Sue Kissel

    Steve Brewster

    Stephanie Brewster

    TOTAL: 33

  • 8/9/2019 March 2010 | Tid Bits of Wisdom from the Wonderful Word


    (Continued from page 1)





    mouths. Until we believe with the heart, what we say we believe will not

    affect us. We live what we believe! If you are claiming to believe and yet

    you are not preforming that belief, I would suggest you check to see if your

    belief has ever made it to your heart. With the HEART man believeth untorighteousness!

    Our heart is also where our affections are rooted. Has anyone

    ever told you they loved you, but they showed no affection toward you?

    The Lord demands our whole heart be turned toward Him. He wants our

    affections. Our relationship to the Lord should be very intimate. He should

    be the closest person to us. If you give the Lord your affections, you will

    never be alone. Though everyone else may leave you, you will never feel

    alone. Our God does not want to be like the idol on the shelf. He wants to

    walk and talk and fellowship with His children.

    Many households live at a distance from one another, day by day.You cannot affect those in your household unless your affections are turned

    toward them, and you cannot have a closeness with God unless your affec-

    tions are turned to Him.But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, good-

    ness, faith,

    Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

    And they that are Christs have crucied the esh with the affections and

    lusts. Gal 5:22-24

    Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love

    the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

    For all that is in the world, the lust of the esh , and the lust of the eyes, and

    the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

    And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will

    of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:15-17

    The affections and the lust for things in this life will pass away. There

    will come a time when we will not hunger for the things of this world. God wants

    us to turn our affections toward those heavenly things before we get to heaven.

    He wants us to enjoy the eternal affections, which will last forever. Sin looks

    good and tastes good, but ends in death. God does not want us to make our deci-

    sions based on how it feels or looks. He wants us to walk by faith and do it His

    way at all times, regardless of how it feels!

    The reins of the heart are where God tries us! Obedience is revealed

    through Gods pulling on the reins of our hearts. We had a horse that had a mind

    of his own. You could never trust him to obey. The horse we have now, has a verygentle spirit and a willingness to obey. What a difference it is to work with an

    obedient horse. God is Lord of our lives and has the right to tell us when and how

    to turn left or right, forward or backward, start or stop. What do you do when He

    pulls on your reins? The condition of the heart reveals obedience or rebellion.Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.

    Ps 26:2


    What advantage do we receive from turning our minds over to the Lord?

    The mind is a very private possession and many times we try to hold onto it so we

    can think what we want to and say what we are supposed to say. It doesnt work

    that way. You do become what you

    think.For as he thinketh in his heart

    so is he: Prov 23:7

    Many of the Scriptures put the

    heart and the mind together. What you

    think goes to your heart!And that ye study to be quiet,

    and to do your own business, and to work

    with your own hands, as we commandedyou;

    That ye may walk honestly to-

    ward them that are without, and that ye

    may have lack of nothing.

    1 Thess 4:11-12

    Study is an important work

    of the mind. With a good, sound mind

    we have an opportunity to grow rapidly

    as a Christian. I have never understood

    how anyone could be introduced to the

    Lord, believe on the gospel, and not de-

    sire to know all they can about God.If I knew that I was sitting on a

    mountain full of gold, I would be dig-

    ging as fast and as hard as I could to get

    to it. When we come to Christ, we are

    sitting on a gold mine. While we have

    the ability to learn, we should be dig-

    ging with all our might!

    Proverbs tells us to SEEK wis-

    dom. The Bible says to keep our hearts

    with all diligence. The way to keep our

    hearts is by being careful of the things

    that enter our minds. We serve the Lord

    with our mind.So then with the mind I myself

    serve the law of God; but with the esh

    the law of sin. Rom 7:25

    One of the benets of lov-

    ing the Lord with our mind, is perfect

    peace.Thou wilt keep him in perfec

    peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: be-

    cause he trusteth in thee. Isa 26:3

    Another advantage of loving

    the Lord with our mind is the trans-forming power it brings to our life.

    And be not conformed to this

    world: but be ye transformed by the re-

    newing of your mind, that ye may prove

    what is that good, and acceptable, and

    perfect, will of God.

    Rom 12:2

    Paul tells us, if we have been

    beneted by Christ, we should be like

    minded with Christ.

  • 8/9/2019 March 2010 | Tid Bits of Wisdom from the Wonderful Word


    Full ye my joy, that ye be like

    minded, having the same love, being of

    one accord, of one mind.

    Let nothing be done through

    strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of

    mind let each esteem other better than


    Look not every man on his own

    things, but every man also on the things

    of others.

    Let this mind be in you, which

    was also in Christ Jesus:

    Who, being in the form of God,

    thought it not robbery to be equal with


    But made himself of no reputa-

    tion, and took upon him the form of a

    servant, and was made in the likeness of


    And being found in fashion as a

    man, he humbled himself, and became

    obedient unto death, even the death of

    the cross.Phil 2:2-8

    To have the mind of Christ, we

    must be lowly in heart, seeing others as

    better (higher) than ourselves, not only

    taking care of our needs, but the needs

    of others also. Our attitude must be that

    we understand we are equal to those we

    serve, but we are not there to build a

    reputation. We are there to serve and do

    the will of God. We will take upon us

    whatever form of a servant God asks us

    to be, and being found in that position,we will serve unto death, if that is what

    God requires.


    What is this soul that we have

    been given? It is the appetite and the

    desires of life. God breathed into Adam

    and he became a living soul. He was

    born with appetite and desires (hun-

    gers). God wants us to give Him our

    appetites and desires.Delight thyself also in the LORD;

    and he shall give thee the desires of thine

    heart. Ps 37:4

    God doesnt ask us to give up

    our appetites or our desires. He asks us

    to give them to Him and let Him ful-

    ll them. Why do we so often disobey

    God? We want it our way, in our time.

    We are unwilling to wait. God says, If

    you love me, you will keep my com-


    Loving Gods law will bring a

    converting of the soul.The law of the LORD is perfect,

    converting the soul: Ps 19:7

    Peter denied Christ. He never

    thought he would do such a thing, even

    though the Lord told him he would do

    this. This is what Jesus said to Peter.And the Lord said, Simon, Si-

    mon, behold, Satan hath desired to have

    you, that he may sift you as wheat:But I have prayed for thee, that

    thy faith fail not: and when thou art con-

    verted, strengthen thy brethren.

    Luke 22:31-32

    We must change our appetites

    and desires in order to do the will of

    God. Peter quit responding in the esh

    and started responding in the Spirit.

    Do you nd yourself out of control?

    Maybe there has not been a converting

    of your appetites and desires!

    STRENGTH!I was surprised when I studied

    this part through the Scriptures. The

    Lord speaks more about His strength

    than He does about ours. What kind

    of strength do we have; great strength,

    weak strength, small strength, little

    strength? It doesnt matter what our

    strength is, because as a Christian it is

    Christ working His strength through

    our lives, and we all have His complete

    power! What did Paul say about this?And he said unto me, My grace

    is sufcient for thee: for my strength is

    made perfect in weakness. Most gladly

    therefore will I rather glory in my inr-

    mities, that the power of Christ may rest

    upon me. 2 Cor 12:9

    People know our weakness-

    es and when they see God do mighty

    works through our lives they KNOW it

    is God and not us. But while we begin

    our service in weakness, we can be-

    come strong through the things we are

    willing to let God do through us.I can do all things through

    Christ which strengtheneth me.

    Phil 4:13

    A submitted HEART brings

    perfection to life. A submitted MIND

    brings balance to life. A submitted

    SOUL brings self controlto life. A

    submitted STRENGTH brings the

    power of Godto life. How much have

    we submitted? ----EDITOR

    A construction crew was build-

    ing a new road through a rural area,

    knocking down trees as it progressed.

    A superintendent noticed

    that one tree had a nest of birds who

    couldnt yet y and he marked the tree

    so that it would not be cut down.

    Several weeks later the super-

    intendent came back to the tree. He

    got into a bucket truck and was liftedup so that he could peer into the nest.

    The edglings were gone. They had

    obviously learned to y. The superin-

    tendent ordered the tree cut down.

    As the tree crashed to the

    ground, the nest fell clear and some of

    the material that the birds had gathered

    to make the nest was scattered about.

    Part of it was a scrap torn from a Sun-

    day school pamphlet. On the scrap of

    paper were these words: He careth for

    you.Are not two sparrows sold for a

    farthing? and one of them shall not fall

    on the ground without your Father.

    But the very hairs of your head

    are all numbered.

    Fear ye not therefore, ye are of

    more value than many sparrows.

    Matt 10:29-31

    Im a Baptist Preacher.

    Someone asked me if I was one of

    those narrow Baptists who think onlyBaptist are going to heaven. Said I -

    Im narrower than that, I dont be-

    lieve half of them are going.

    A preacher would like to get inhigh cotton, or get in a weaving way, walk

    about Zion, wade in clover, eat high off

    the hog, but hes got deacons that wont

    deak, trustees that cant be trusted, ush-

    ers that wont ush, and stewards that are

    always in astew.

  • 8/9/2019 March 2010 | Tid Bits of Wisdom from the Wonderful Word



    byGloria Brewster







    I N S P I R A T I O N S

    ADOPTION! I would like to talk to you about adoption! I had a wonderful family, but

    secretly I thought for many years that I was adopted. It had nothing to do with the

    love I received from my parents. Daddy wanted a little boy to carry on his name

    and mother and daddy talked often about adopting a little boy. Knowing their

    willingness to take a child into their love, I thought that they probably adopted

    me. Why? Because I felt the ugliness of the hidden sins of my heart and because

    my family lived a clean life, I thought they were not sinners. Therefore, me being

    the sinner I knew I was, I felt different than them. In my early teens I looked in a

    mirror one day and realized I looked just like my mother and sister!!! After I wassaved, I understood that they were sinners also and I rested the subject.

    Little did I know that the Lord would use me in the life of three little

    children, and that I would be given the responsibility of placing two of them into


    I never was the kind of mother that just had to have a little baby around

    to feel motherly. The baby stage was not my favorite stage. I liked it when they

    get old enough to converse with me. But I did love children, especially mine! I

    didnt like to babysit. I didnt mind having children over to love and play with,

    but I didnt want to be used as a babysitter. Now for my grandchildren, thats

    different. When Jerry and I were rst married I wanted four children, two years

    apart. Because of bone issues, it was very difcult to give birth and the doctors

    recommended that I not have more than one child. Well, I couldnt do that. Isettled for two little boys and God gave me the ability to deliver both. I thought

    that was it!

    When my boys, Tom and Steve were 9 and 7 years of age, God called us

    to take a foster daughter. By the time it was over we had four foster daughters,

    Rosa, Toni, Gwen and Kim. They were all teenagers. Everyone said, They are

    too old to change. That was not true. Our foster daughters have pleased us

    greatly and have good relationships with God.

    By the time our foster girls had left the house and our boys were gradu-

    ating from high school, the Lord dealt with Jerry and me about having another

    child. We were in shock! I do thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity of

    making the decision instead of me just waking up one day and nding out I wasgoing to be a mother at 37 years of age. Jerry and I felt this was a step of faith

    that the Lord would have us take. Our third son Joseph was born one year later.

    About four months before Joseph was to be born, Bro. Roloff called me

    and asked if I could take a young expectant girl into our home. We had one son

    in college and another who was graduating that year. By this time we also had

    grandchildren. But, as usual, I told Bro. Roloff I would take her. You just didnt

    turn Bro. Roloff down.

    The baby was to be born in the state it was to be adopted in and it looked

    like she would be having the baby anytime. Well, she didnt have him right away

    and we had time to get to know each other and deal with things in her life. I fell in

    love with her and she and the baby became part of my life. The baby was born

    in a small hospital and I was able to help

    deliver him. He was a mixed baby and

    he was beautiful. The adopting family

    could not take him for two weeks (law)

    so I got my friend Shirley Dodson to

    keep him. When the adopting fam-

    ily came to get him, Shirley cried and

    cried. She didnt want to give him up

    I did not know the adopting family and

    thought I would never see him again.

    Three months later, I gave

    birth to our third son, Joseph. When hewas four years old, a young mother to

    called me at midnight and asked me to

    come take her three month old daugh-

    ter. I could either adopt her myself or

    nd a Christian family to adopt her

    I questioned the mother greatly to be

    sure this was what she wanted to do

    I always attempted to talk the mother

    into keeping the baby. The Scripture

    says the woman shall be saved in child-

    bearing if she continue in faith, charity

    and holiness with sobriety. I tell them

    that if they will commit themselves to

    live holy, God will use that child to

    save them from the things that got them

    into trouble. Nobody is made better by

    giving away what they are responsible

    for. She was into drugs and knew that

    her life was not good for the child and

    knew she was not ready to leave that


    I picked up the baby a little

    after midnight with just a blanket anda diaper. Jerry was leaving town the

    next morning. We decided we would

    keep her that week and pray about what

    God would have us do. I had always

    wanted a little girl. As we prayed, the

    Lord brought a couple to our minds

    that had tried unsuccessfully for ve

    years to adopt a child. On Friday night

    of that week we decided we would call

    and ask them if they wanted the child.

    (Continued on page 6)

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    I remember when I rst found out I was adopted. I think I was four or ve

    years of age, when one of the kids from Sunday school asked me why I was black

    and the rest of my family white. I remember thinking, This kid doesnt know

    what hes talking about, because I am clearly white. It made sense to me that

    since my mom and dad were white and my brother and two sisters were all white,

    therefore, I had to be white. However, after this I started to notice that I looked

    different from the rest of my family. One day I asked my dad why I was brown

    and he was white. He said it was because that I was adopted. I thought, Ofcourse, thats it. Im adopted. I had no clue what that meant. Sometime later, I

    dont remember how much later, someone told me what it meant to be adopted.

    To be honest, Im not really sure how I felt about adoption at rst. I mean,

    I wasnt necessarily ecstatic about it, but I wasnt in despair either. Now that I

    look back, I think it was one of those things that bothered me more than I let on

    about. For instance, I didnt bring it up, but if someone else did (and trust me, it

    was brought up a lot), I would try and change the subject as fast as possible, or

    I would make a joke about it. One of the things that people always said that an-

    noyed me, was that I should feel special because my adopted parents picked me

    out. This usually made me want to punch them in the head. I never did!

    This is not to say that I was just ne with me being adopted. It bothered

    me more than I let on. I remember wondering what my birth parents were like. Iwondered if I looked like either of them. I would always hear someone say to my

    adopted brother and sisters that they looked just like my mom or dad. I wondered

    if I had any of my parents personality traits. For instance, Im a little bit on the

    sarcastic side (I say a little sarcastic. Others might say very sarcastic.). I would

    wonder if my parents were the same way. Lets just say I have always had a hard

    time when it comes to forgiving other people. My motto has always been, Fool

    me once, shame on you, Fool me twice and Ill stinkin kill you. Thats harsh I

    know, and Im working on it. The biggest problem I have faced is feeling aban-

    doned. I felt that I was left to deal with life on my own. Because of that, it felt

    like everything was out of my control. I felt that no matter what I did, my destiny

    was predetermined.

    The best way that I can think of to illustrate the way I felt, is to relate it to

    a story in the Bible, that we all know. Remember the story of Hagar and Ishmael?

    After Sarah used Hagar to give Abraham a son, Hagar started to feel bitter toward

    Sarah. The Bible says, Her mistress was despised in her eyes. (Gen.16:4) She

    did not like the situation she was in, and she did not mind letting people know

    about it. The Bible says that Sarah dealt hardly with Hagar, which in turn drove

    Hagar away. Now think about Hagars situation. She didnt choose this path. She

    was forced down this path. How did she react? Well, it was similar to the way

    most of us would have reacted. She ran away. While she was running, she met

    the Angel of the Lord. The Angel told her not to worry and to go back and submit

    herself to Sarah.

    Hagar ed because she felt ou

    of control. She felt that if she did no

    take care of herself, no one else would

    If we are honest, most of us think the

    same way. Now I hope youll allow

    me a little leeway here. This next bit i

    speculation on my part. Let me explain

    Hagar was forced into this relationship

    with Abraham, and became expectant

    Remember Sarahs plan? She wanted

    Hagar to have a baby and then give tha

    baby to her with no questions asked

    She must have felt like no one was on

    her side and like she had no control ove

    what happened to her and her baby. Sh

    may have felt that there was nothing sh

    could do about the situation she was in

    It was like the end of her story had al

    ready been written, which in turn prob

    ably led to her feeling abandoned.

    However, if there is one thingIve learned in the Christian life, it i

    that just because you are out of con

    trol, does not mean that you have been

    abandoned. Hagar thought that no on

    else cared about her, but she was wrong

    God came to her and made her a promis

    that He would make Ishmael a mighty

    nation. Hagar trusted God and wen

    back to Sarah. However, a few chap

    ters later Isaac was born and Sarah saw

    Ishmael making fun of Isaac. Sarah go

    angry and told Abraham to kick Hagaand Ishmael out. Again, we nd Haga

    abandoned. All she had to her nam

    was a bottle of water and bread. Th

    Bible says, And the water was spent in

    the bottle, and she cast the child unde

    one of the shrubs and she went, and sa

    her down over against him a good way

    off, as it were a bowshot: for she said

    Let me not see the death of the child

    And she sat over against him and lift up

    her voice, and wept. (Gen 21:15-16)This was where she felt the

    most abandoned, and in a sense she wa

    right. Abraham did abandon her, but

    God did not. She went from trusting

    Abraham, to taking care of herself, to

    trusting God to take care of her. In my

    humble opinion, she was trading up!

    Abandonment is a universa

    feeling. We all feel like we are left her

    to deal with things on our own, and

    (Continued on page 7)







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    (Continued from page 4)

    ADOPTIONThey were already in bed when we called. They where both listening on the

    phone. We did not know that, just that morning, the woman had cried all the way

    to work, telling the Lord, that if he didnt want her to be a mother she would ac-

    cept that and love Him anyway. She died that morning to having a child. I told

    her, had she done that at the rst of the week, she would already have had the

    baby. They wanted to come over right away, but we told them to wait until morn-

    ing, because the baby was asleep. They were there at 6:00 am.When Joe was still 4 years old, God called Jerry to Mineral Heights Bap-

    tist Church as Music Director and later as Associate Pastor. The rst Sunday we

    were there, the pastor introduced some visitors with the same name as the adopt-

    ing family of the mixed baby. I thought, I wonder if that could be Levis fam-

    ily? I turned and looked and there he sat. Our son Joe and Levi grew up together

    in that church. Levi was like a son to us. His adopting family allowed us to love

    Levi anytime we wanted to. Levi went on all our vacations with us and spent

    much time at our home. Without trying to rob his adopted family, we claim him

    as our son also. I thank them for allowing us to love him like that. The article on

    page 5 is Levis story.

    One Sunday morning at church, Levis adopted mother came up to me

    and said that a young woman was going to be calling me. She was due within

    weeks and she wanted to adopt her baby. I didnt expect her to call a stranger, but

    the next day she called, and I began dealing with her and making sure she wanted

    to give her baby away. There were ve ladies, who had overheard us talking that

    Sunday morning, that begged me to give them the baby. How do you pick and

    choose where a child should go? I decided I could not do the choosing. I wrote

    out all I knew about the ve families and gave it to the mother. I told her to pray

    about it and choose a family. I went home and as I thought about it, I picked out

    the family I thought God wanted. It was the same family the mother chose.

    It is now 28 years since we took Levis mother into our home. All three of

    these children are grown. Sometimes I wondered if I did the right thing for them.

    No life is perfect. Wherever a child is reared there are trials. How do you decidedthe life of another? I rest with the fact that the Lord led me all the way. God was

    everything these parents and children needed.

    The Bible speaks often about adoption, but it is a different adoption.

    These children had no say so about who their parents would be. They did not

    choose their lives, but neither did we! Whether we are with our birth family or our

    adopted family, we are where God puts us and we are to accept our lives as from

    the hand of God.

    The difference with the Bible adoption is that we choose to leave the rst

    Adam and become sons of the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ. None of us

    have perfect parents in the esh and we all have different battlegrounds within our

    families, but we ALL can be birthed into the family of God and be called SONS

    of GOD. Our rst family is where we are raised and tried. Our second family isour reward and inheritance, and thats free to all of us.

    For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have

    received the Spirit of adoption , whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Rom 8:15

    Many people in the Bible who were raised away from their parents, were

    mightily used of God. We see Joseph, who was sold by his brothers and sent to

    Egypt and was used of God to feed his family in time of famine. We see Moses,

    who was removed from his home and used of God to deliver his people from

    Egypt. We see Obed, who was raised by his grandmother and his son Jesse begot

    David, who was king and a man after Gods own heart. We see Samuel, who was

    raised by the priest and was used of God to judge the people and set up

    the rst kin in Israel. We see Daniel

    who was taken captive and served ve

    kings and inuenced them to believe

    in God. We see Esther, whose parent

    died and she was raised by an uncle

    and ended up the queen in the land

    she was taken captive. God used he

    mightily to deliver the Jews. Then in

    the New Testament we have Jesus, whowas raised by a stepfather and yet neve

    sinned and became our savior. Im sure

    I have missed some, but you see tha

    when God asked us to walk an unusua

    walk, many times He uses us in unusua


    THE HOLY SPIRIT!The Holy Ghost is so called

    not because He is holier than the other

    persons of the Godhead, but becaus

    one of his special functions is to sancti-fy, that is, to cultivate holiness in man.

    We cannot have the Father and

    the Son without the Spirit. Neither can

    we have the grace of Christ and the

    love of God without the communion of

    the Spirit. The Spirit is the abiding rep

    resentative of the Godhead in the heart

    of the believer. He is the omnipresen

    teacher, comforter and sanctier. Hence

    this is the dispensation of the Spirit;

    and all the life and power of the gospelare from Him. When He reveals Him-

    self the truth is all aglow, the hearts of

    Christians are warmed and consciences

    of sinners are awakened. When He is

    grieved, or His light is quenched, for-

    malism and fear, unbelief and world-

    liness prevail. If we would have the

    grace that is in Christ and the love of

    God shed abroad in our hearts, we must

    secure the communion or fellowship of

    the Holy Spirit. ---Selected

    A Baptist preacher was called

    in to see a Methodist man who was

    deathly sick.

    He asked the lady, - Why

    did you call me while you are al


    Said she, - My husband has

    a deadly disease and we love our Pas-


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    (Continued from page 5)

    ADOPTIONlike everything and everyone is out to

    get us. That is because ever since the

    fall of man, the world and everything in

    it is hostile to our existence. One writer

    calls the human race cosmic orphans

    because of our sense of abandonment

    This world is a scary place and manytimes we feel like we are alone. That

    is why Im so glad that as a follower of

    Jesus, Gods presence isnt a feeling, it

    is a fact. The question we all must ask

    ourselves is, What am I going to place

    my trust in? Where am I going to nd

    security? That is the question I had to

    ask myself, and the answer was God!

    My adopted parents could not give me

    peace and security, but if I had grown

    up with my birth parents, they wouldnt

    have be able to give me peace and se-

    curity either. Even though it seemed

    harsh for Abraham to send Hagar out

    into the wilderness, it was really for her

    good, because it gave her a chance to

    fully rely on God.

    To sum things up, was it Gods

    will for Hagar to have Abrahams son?

    No. The Bible says that All thing

    work together for good to those who

    love God. Not all things are good

    Not everything that goes on in our livesis good, but God has the ability to take

    all the bad things, and turn them into

    good things, if we trust Him. A man by

    the name of Merold Westphal said this

    about faith, Faith isnt us holding on

    to God, its allowing God to hold on to


    With that being said, was it

    Gods will for my parents to give me

    up for adoption? I dont know. It is not

    my place to judge. It is my job to trust

    ----Levi Wolf

    TID BITS MONTHLY REPORT Spring is on the way! There is a feeling of life in the air. Winter was

    heavy this year with more deaths, but the celebration of resurrection is just around

    the corner, and again we are reminded that there is a time to die and a time to be

    born. Life is an exciting journey.

    We are receiving more and more input about the paper and we rejoice

    every time we hear that it has blessed someones life. We do not plan the paper

    a long way ahead. The Lord brings things in as we need them. We try to mail

    our paper by the 1st of the month, but we do not always make that timing. Manytimes, someone has said that the day they received the paper was the very moment

    they needed the article. We believe the Lord directs the day we mail the paper as

    well as the content of the paper.

    This paper is a FREE paper. Many of you had no idea we were going to

    send you this paper and it is not something you asked for. You are not in anyway

    responsible to support this paper with your money. We would love to send it

    anywhere that people might read it. We believe that God will and has touched the

    hearts of those who He wants to be a part of this work, and we believe that what

    God does, will be sufcient for our needs. If God puts it in your heart to support

    this work you will become a part of the family of Tid Bits of Wisdom. While

    each supporter does not know the other supporters, we know you as a family of


    We have had articles about the Guay family in the past and we are glad to

    report that the Lord has done wonders in Bro. Richards health, but now Mrs. Kristi

    is having severe problems with the nerves in her body and it is very difcult for her

    to walk or use her hands for any length of time. She does sign language and they

    have many deaf people. Unless the Lord intervenes, she will not be able to do the

    sign language. Please pray for her. The Guays have a web site where you can see

    pictures of their work. It is Bro. Bob Hawk, who we also

    did an article about, has struggled with cancer for sometime now. We have just

    received a message that he had a heart attack yesterday. Would you please pray for

    him and his work?

    We are working now from our new ofce. We are still in the process ofseeing where everything goes, but we are working around it and we thank the Lord

    for this ofce. Soon we will be able to get to the books and share more with you

    about those of the past. If you have books of the past that you would like to share

    with the library, you can send then to 1801 Old Hickory Trail, DeSoto, Texas,


    Thank you again for your support and love for this work.

    Why does a slight tax increase cost

    you two hundred dollars

    and a substantial tax cut save you

    thirty cents?

    Of all the things you wear,

    your expression is the most


    On one occasion the minister delivered a sermon of ten minutes du-


    He explained, I regret to inform you that my dog, who is very fond

    of paper, this morning ate that portion of my sermon that I have not deliv-

    ered. After the service, a man from another church, shook hands with the

    preacher and said, Pastor, I should like to know if that dog has any pups. If

    so, I want to get one to give to my minister.

  • 8/9/2019 March 2010 | Tid Bits of Wisdom from the Wonderful Word


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    TID BITS of WISDOM from the


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    1801 Old Hickory Trail



    Tid Bits of Wisdom--Psalms 68:11--

    Founded December, 1966

    WONDERFUL WORD Magazine the official voice of WONDERFU

    WORD PUBLISHERS, a non-pro

    religious organization, endeavorin

    to publish Gospel Literature in th

    Spanish Language for world-wid

    distribution, through Bible believin

    Missionaries at no cost to them. It

    published as the Lord enables. It

    dedicated to Missionary activity on th

    elds already white unto harvest, an

    contending for the verbally inspire

    Word, exalting the LIVING WORD.

    SPANISH TRACTSMrs. Rose & Connie Cimino

    110 West LincolnP.O. Box 2583

    Harlingen, Texas 78551-2583

    [email protected]

    TID BITS OF WISDOMBro. Jerry & Gloria Brewster

    1801 Old Hickory Trail

    DeSoto, Texas 75115

    E-mail [email protected]



    My Father is rich in houses and lands,

    He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hand!Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold,

    His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

    My Fathers own Son, the Savior of men,

    Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them.

    But now He is pleading our pardon on high,

    That we may be His when He comes by and by.

    I once was an outcast stranger on earth,

    A sinner by choice, and an alien by birth;

    But Ive been adopted, my names written down,

    An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown.

    A tent or a cottage why should I care?

    Theyre building a palace for me over there;

    Tho exiled from home, yet, still I may sing:

    All glory to God, Im a child of the King.

    Im a child of the King, A child of the King:

    With Jesus my Savior Im a child of the King.

    1 Peter 5:6-11

    6 Humble yourselves therefore

    under the mighty hand of God,

    that he may exalt you in due


    7 Casting all your care upon him;

    for he careth for you.

    8 Be sober, be vigilant; because

    your adversary the devil, as a

    roaring lion, walketh about, seek-

    ing whom he may devour:

    9 Whom resist stedfast in the

    faith, knowing that the same af-

    ictions are accomplished in your

    brethren that are in the world.

    10 But the God of all grace, who

    hath called us unto his eternal

    glory by Christ Jesus, after that

    ye have suffered a while, make

    you perfect, stablish, strengthen,

    settle you.

    11 To him be glory and dominion

    for ever and ever. Amen.