March 19, 2017 Third Sunday of Lent St. Joseph Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois 60501-1324 Jesus and the Woman of Samaria “The Jewish People were waiting for a new marriage covenant with God.”

March 19, 2017 512045...Rebeca se convertirá en la esposa del hijo de Abraham ,Isaac. En segundo lugar, en Génesis 29, Jacob conoce a Raquel en un pozo. Más tarde, Raquel se convirtió

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  • March 19, 2017

    Third Sunday of Lent

    St. Joseph Church,

    7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois 60501-1324

    Jesus and the Woman of Samaria “The Jewish People were waiting for a new

    marriage covenant with God.”

  • On this Third Sunday of Lent, in Year A, we read the Gospel story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. If we are not familiar with the Old Testament, we miss the significance and meaning of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Dr. Brant Pitre is an excellent good Catholic Biblical scholar and author. Recently, I read some of Dr. Pitre’s work, particularly as it relates to this week’s Gospel. The fact that Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at a well is very important. For those who are not too familiar with Old Testament stories, the special significance of women and wells eludes us. First, in Genesis 24, Abraham’s servant meets Rebekah at a well. Rebekah will become the wife of Abraham’s son Isaac. Second, in Genesis 29, Jacob meets Rachel at a well. Rachel later became Jacob’s wife. Third, in Exodus 2, Moses meets Zipporoah at a well. Zipporoah became Moses’ wife. Do you see a pattern and theme here? Ancient Jewish people knew these stories very well. Wells and women were associated with

    marriage in the Old Testament. Now enter Jesus in this week’s Gospel. We read in the Gospel of John, “Jesus came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of land that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there. Jesus, tired from his journey, sat down there at the well.” Then, someone comes to the well. Surprise, surprise! “A woman of Samaria came to draw water.” Pierre Mignard beautifully illustrates today’s Gospel story in his painting, Christ and the Woman of Samaria (1681), which is in the North Carolina Museum of Art. Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well continues the pattern of wells, women, and matrimony begun in the Old Testament, and completes it. In His conversation with this Samaritan woman, “the woman said to him, ‘I know that the Messiah is coming, the one called the Christ; when he comes, he will tell us everything.’ Jesus said to her, "I am he, the one speaking with you." The key here in this conversation revolves around the title Messiah, or the Christ in Greek. The Samaritan woman makes reference to the coming of the Messiah, and Jesus clearly indicates that He is the Christ. Why is this important? Dr. Pitre explains why Jesus’ claim to be the Christ, or Messiah, to the Samaritan woman at the well is so important. For the ancient Jewish people, one of the expectations of the Messiah was to renew God’s marriage relationship with His people. Throughout the Old Testament, God is referred to as the Bridegroom and Israel the Bride. The Jewish people were waiting for a new marriage covenant with God. When the Messiah would come, he would establish this new marriage covenant between God and His people. The woman in today’s Gospel was a Samaritan. Samaritans were a people of mixed ancestry; part Israelite descent and part Gentile (pagan) descent. Their religion was also a mixture; part worship of God of Israel and part pagan gods. So, when Jesus the Christ (Messiah) meets the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus fulfills this Messianic expectation as He (God) betroths God’s people (now the Church). St. Augustine wonderfully teaches, “a woman came. She is a symbol of the Church not yet made righteous. Righteousness follows from the conversation. The Samaritans did not form part of the Jewish people: they were foreigners. The fact that she came from a foreign people is part of the symbolic meaning, for she is a symbol of the Church. The Church was to come from the Gentiles, of a different race from the Jews.” Since March 19 falls on a Sunday this year, the Church celebrates his feast on Monday, March 20. St. Joseph is the patron saint of fathers, families, children, workers, the Church, and happy death. May the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph her chaste Spouse pray for us!! Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

    Fr. Bob’s Briefs

  • En este tercer domingo de Cuaresma, leemos el Evangelio de Jesús y la samaritana en el pozo. Si no estamos familiarizados con el Antiguo Testamento, se nos pierde la importancia y el significado del encuentro de Jesús con la samaritana en el pozo de Jacob. Dr. Brant Pitre es un muy excelente biblico católico y autor. Recientemente, he leído algunos de los trabajos del Dr. Pitre, particularmente lo que se refiere al Evangelio de esta semana. El hecho de que Jesús se encuentre con la mujer samaritana en el pozo es muy importante. Para aquellos que no están muy familiarizados con las historias del Antiguo Testamento, el significado especial de las mujeres y los pozos se nos escapa. En primer lugar, en Génesis 24, el siervo de Abraham conoce a Rebeca en un pozo. Rebeca se convertirá en la esposa del hijo de Abraham ,Isaac. En segundo lugar, en Génesis 29, Jacob conoce a Raquel en un pozo. Más tarde, Raquel se convirtió en esposa de Jacob. En tercer lugar, en Éxodo 2, Moisés conoce a Zephora en un pozo. Zephora se convirtió en esposa de Moisés. ¿Ves un patrón y un tema aquí?

    El antiguo pueblo judío conocía muy bien estas historias. Los pozos y las mujeres se asociaron con el matrimonio en el Antiguo Testamento. Ahora entra Jesús en el Evangelio de esta semana. Leemos en el Evangelio de Juan, "Jesús vino a una ciudad de Samaria llamada Sicar, cerca de la parcela de tierra que Jacob dió a su hijo José. El pozo de Jacob estaba allí y estando cansado de su viaje, se sentó allí en el pozo." Entonces, alguien viene al pozo. ¡Sorpresa, sorpresa! "Una mujer de Samaria vino a sacar agua". Pierre Mignard bellamente ilustra la historia de Evangelio de hoy en su pintura, Cristo y la mujer de Samaria (1681), que se encuentra en el Museo de arte de Carolina del norte.

    El encuentro de Jesús con la samaritana en el pozo continua el patrón de pozos, mujer y matrimonios que comenzó en el Antiguo Testamento y lo completa. En su conversación con esta mujer samaritana, "la mujer le dijo: “sé que viene el Mesías, el llamado el Cristo; cuando El venga, El nos dirá todo.” Jesús le dijo, "Yo soy El, el que habla contigo" la clave de esta conversación gira en torno al título de Mesías o Cristo en griego. La mujer samaritana hace referencia a la venida del Mesías y Jesús claramente indica que El es el Cristo. ¿Por qué es esto importante?

    Dr. Pitre explica por qué es tan importante la afirmación de Jesús de ser el Cristo o Mesías, a la mujer samaritana en el pozo. Para el antiguo pueblo judío, una de las expectativas del Mesías era renovar la relación de Dios con su pueblo. A lo largo del Antiguo Testamento, se refieren a Dios como el novio y a Israel como la novia. El pueblo judío estaban esperando un nuevo pacto de unión con Dios. Cuando el Mesías viniera, El establecería este nuevo pacto de unión entre Dios y su pueblo. La mujer en el Evangelio de hoy era samaritana. Los samaritanos eran un pueblo de origen mixto; parte de descendencia israelita y parte gentil (pagana). Su religión era también una mezcla; parte de adoración al Dios de Israel y parte a los dioses paganos. Por lo tanto, cuando Jesús el Cristo (Mesías) se encuentra con la mujer samaritana en el pozo, Jesús cumple esta expectativa mesiánica cuando El (Dios), desposa al pueblo de Dios (ahora la iglesia). San Agustín enseña maravillosamente, "vino una mujer. Ella es un símbolo de la iglesia aún no ha sido hecha justa. Justicia se deduce de la conversación. Los Samaritanos no formaban parte de los judíos: eran los extranjeros. El hecho de que ella provenía de un pueblo extranjero es parte del significado simbólico, que es un símbolo de la iglesia. La iglesia era de los Gentiles, de una raza diferente de los judíos.

    Como el 19 de marzo, día de San José, cae en domingo este año, la Iglesia celebra su fiesta el lunes 20 de marzo. San José es patrono de las familias, niños, padres, trabajadores, la iglesia y la muerte feliz. Que nuestra madre Santísima y San José su casto esposo rueguen por nosotros! Vivat Jesus! ¡Viva Jesús!

    Informes del Padre Bob

  • Nasze rozważania na dzisiejszą III Niedzielę Wielkiego Postu dotyczą fragmentu Ewangelii według św. Jana, w którym Jezus spotyka Samarytankę przy studni Jakuba. Doktor Brant Pitre to znakomity badacz Biblii oraz autor. Ostatnio przeczytałem kilka jego prac, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do dzisiejszej Ewangelii. Fakt, iż Pan spotkał się z Samarytanką przy studni jest niezwykle istotny. Jednakże osoby nie znające dobrze Starego Testamentu mogą nie dostrzec związku między kobietą a studnią. Zacznijmy od tego, że w 24 rozdziale Księgi Rodzaju, służący Abrahama spotyka Rebekę przy studni. Rebeka zostanie później żoną Izaaka, syna Abrahama. Po drugie: w 29 rozdziale Księgi Rodzaju, Jakub spotyka swoją przyszłą żonę Rachelę przy studni. Po trzecie: w drugim rozdziale Księgi Wyjścia, Mojżesz spotyka przy studni swoją późniejszą żonę, Seforę. Zauważyliście już

    pewną prawidłowość? Dawni Izraelici dobrze znali takie opowieści. W Starym Testamencie, kobiety i studnie związane były z małżeństwem. Przejdźmy teraz do Jezusa z dzisiejszego czytania. „Przybył więc do miasteczka samarytańskiego, zwanego Sychar, w pobliżu pola, które [niegdyś] dał Jakub synowi swemu, Józefowi. Było tam źródło Jakuba. Jezus zmęczony drogą siedział sobie przy studni” (J 4:5-6). A po chwili… „Nadeszła [tam] kobieta z Samarii, aby zaczerpnąć wody” (J 4:7). Pierre Mignard pięknie przedstawił tę scenę na swoim obrazie: „Jezus i Samarytanka” (1681 rok). Obraz można obecnie podziwiać w Muzeum Sztuki w Karolinie Północnej. Spotkanie Jezusa i Samarytanki przy studni dopełnia związek kobiet, studni i małżeństwa, ukazany w Starym Testamencie. „Rzekła do Niego kobieta: Wiem, że przyjdzie Mesjasz, zwany Chrystusem. A kiedy On przyjdzie, objawi nam wszystko. Powiedział do niej Jezus: Jestem nim Ja, który z tobą mówię” (J 4:25-26). Owa rozmowa dotyczy tytułu „Mesjasza” (lub Chrystusa, po grecku). Samarytanka wspomina o nadejściu Mesjasza, na co Jezus jasno stwierdza, że to On jest Chrystusem. Czemu ten dialog jest tak ważny? Na to pytanie odpowiedzi udziela doktor Pitre. Izraelici oczekiwali, że Mesjasz odnowi przymierze Boga z Jego Ludem. W Starym Testamencie, Bóg nazywany jest Oblubieńcem, zaś Izrael – Oblubienicą. Znakiem odnowionego przymierza miało być nadejście Mesjasza. Kobieta z dzisiejszego czytania była Samarytanką – w jej żyłach płynęła krew zarówno Żydów, jak i nie-Żydów (pogan). Religia Samarytan odzwierciedlała ich pochodzenie: była to mieszanka tradycji żydowskich i pogańskich. Spotkanie Mesjasza, Jezusa Chrystusa ze Samarytanką przy studni jest dopełnieniem mesjanistycznego proroctwa o Bogu zaślubiającym Swój Lud (którym obecnie jest Kościół). Święty Augustyn pisze o tym następująco: „Do studni przyszła kobieta – symbol Kościoła wciąż jeszcze nieprawego. Prawość jest owocem nawrócenia. Samarytanie nie byli Żydami; to obcy lud. Fakt, iż kobieta pochodziła z obcego ludu, ma głębokie znaczenie symboliczne. Jest ona bowiem symbolem Kościoła. Kościół miał się narodzić pośród obcych, ludzi innych niż Żydzi”. Jako że 18 marca wypada w tym roku w niedzielę, Dzień świętego Józefa przeniesiono tym razem na poniedziałek, 20 marca. Święty Józef jest patronem ojców, rodzin, dzieci, robotników, Kościoła powszechnego, oraz szczęśliwej śmierci. Święta Maryjo, Święty Józefie Oblubieńcu – módlcie się za nami.

    Vivat Iesus! Chwała Jezusowi!

    Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza


    458-2927, OR VISIT stjosephsummit.com FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ST. JOSEPH


    LARRY MANETTI, PRINCIPAL. We have a number of assistance programs for families, to make

    tuition more affordable. ~~~~~~~~~~


    St. Joseph School Knights Ball,

    Royalty West, 8675 Archer Ave, Willow Springs

    Tickets are $45 each or $400 for a table of 10. Call St. Joseph School for more information:

    (708) 458-2927.

    As I mentioned last week we had a very busy weekend with our Mother-Son Dance, Family Mass and our sports teams. To update you: Soccer - Our Pre-School/Kindergarten played hard but came us just short losing the Championship Game to Our Lady of Snows, and finishing in second place. Our 1st & 2nd Grade team played extremely well and defeated St. Mary Star of the Sea 2 -0 to win the championship. Following the game they traveled south to St. Gerald’s and played for the Championship against St. Gerald. Our young Knights won their second Championship of the day defeating St. Gerald 8 – 4. Way to go Knights! A special thank you to Coach Garcia who coaches both the Kindergarten and 1st & 2nd Grade teams on the fine job he does working with our children. Basketball - Our Junior Varsity team played very well Friday evening against a strong St. Jane Team, defeating them in double over-time. As I mentioned last week, our Varsity basketball team played in the YMCA St. Patrick’s Day Tournament. Playing extremely well they managed to finish in third place in the field of 20 schools. Congratulations! Finally, our registration continues. I invite families who wish to be part of the excitement of St. Joseph to come and visit. I will gladly you take you on a tour and speak to you about our program. If interested, you can schedule a Shadow Day for your child. Remember tuition assistance is available. Have a great week. God Bless. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

    St. Joseph School: A Community of

    Faith, Knowledge and

    Service. 708-458-2927

    You’re A Winner! 52 Pick-Up News

    Alma Huerta



  • Weekly Collection Report The Weekly Parish Budget $ 9,500.00 Sunday Collection March 12, 2017 $ 6,311.88 Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por tu generosidad! Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace!

    COMMUNION MINISTERS Saturday, March 25 2017 5:00 PM. Deacon Ben, A. Flores, G. Kujawa, L. Leen Sunday, March 26, 2017 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, B. Koran, R. Kosowski 9:30 AM S. Elizalde, J. Sheehan, G. Zaja, P. Zaja 11:00 AM Silvia Alvarez, Angelica Jimenez, Ann Krinski, Josefina Mejia ********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, March 25, 2017 5:00 p.m. Amalia Garcia, Giovanni Garcia, Saul Garcia Sunday, March 26, 2017 7:30 a.m. Sofia Flores, Arianna Mendoza, Gabby Schaffer 9:30 a.m. Sayuri Cruz, Carla Fornino, Daniel Lopez 11:00 AM Alexandra, Ardelle and Lupita Garcia ********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, March 25 , 2017 5:00 PM T. Norris Sunday, March 26, 2017 7:30 AM E. Dominguez 9:30 AM S. or J. Davis 11:00 AM Angelica Romero - First Reading Lulu Hermosillo - Second Reading


    Monday, March 20 8:30 a.m. †James R. Heelan/1st Anniversary/Family Tuesday, March 21 8:30 a.m. †Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, March 22 8:30 a.m. †Brittany and Baby Logan/Anniversary/Mom and Grandma †Antanina Sukackas/Sue Thursday, March 23 8:30 a.m. No Mass Friday, March 24 8:30 a.m. †Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish 5:30 p.m. English Stations 6:30 p.m. Spanish Stations 7:30 p.m. Polish Stations Saturday, March 25 8:30 a.m. St. Joseph Parish Benefactors 5:00 p.m. †Peggy Neligan †Michael Bialobak/Darlene Ramos †Frank Kuncic/Wife Sunday, March 26 7:30 a.m. †Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz †Joseph P. Kurcz †Angeline & Peter Sabatini/Sabatini Family 9:30 a.m †Rosemary Damico/Nancy & Miles Wesolowski 11:00 a.m. †Armando Gutierrez/Birthday/Family 12:30 p.m. St. Joseph Parishioners

    The Rosary is recited every Saturday after 8:30 a.m. Mass.

    All are invited to participate.


    Cuándo? El próximo día 25 de Marzo, de 9:00 a 12:00 de la mañana a la cual todos están cordialmente invitados. Dónde? Se llevará a cabo en la Iglesia de San Joséy presidirá el Padre Hugo Londoño. Por favor reserven esta fecha y aprovechemos la oportunidad que se nos da tenerla en este tiempo de cuaresma.

    Stations of the Cross Every Friday from March 3

    through March 31 5:30 p.m. English 6:30 p.m. Spanish 7:30 p.m. Polish

    No Stations on Friday, April 7 Confirmation

    No Stations on Friday, April 14 Good Friday



    TUESDAY, MARCH 28 7 P.M.






    TUESDAY, APRIL 11 1 P.M. AND 7 P.M.













    12:30 A.M. - POLISH May the Blessed Mother And St. Joseph

    Pray for Us

  • News for Our Parishioners. . .

    Our Lady of the Snows is hosting a live play, “Passion of Christ, at 6 p.m. in Polish and 7:15 in English Friday, March 24 at 4810 S. Leamington Ave., Chicago.

    ~~~~~~~~~~ The Aquinas Literacy Center, sponsored the Adrian Dominican Sisters, is looking for tutors and hosting several tutor training workshops. The upcoming tutor training workshops will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, March 24 and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 25, or from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 28 and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 29. Tutors will help adults learn English at the center, 3540 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Tutors, who volunteer for 90 minutes a week one-on-one, do not have to know another language. All tutoring is done in English. For more information, or to register, call Sabrina Poulin at (773) 927-0512, or email her at [email protected].

    ~~~~~~~~~~ St. Laurence High School will host it’s 17th annual Final Four Extravaganza, from 4 p.m. until midnight, Saturday, April 1 at the high school, 5556 W. 77th St. (77th Street and Central Avenue), Burbank. Tickets are $60 in advance, or $70 at the door. This year’s event features a super raffle with cash prizes, casino gaming,

    an expanded craft beer tasting area, food and a big-screen viewing of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. For more information, call (708) 458-6900, Ext. 237.

    ~~~~~~~~~~ De La Salle Institute is hosing their 26th annual D-Final Event from Saturday, April 1 in the Parmer Activity Cener on campus, 3434 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. There are opportunities to purchase sponsorships and super raffle tickets. For more information, tickets and/or a sponsorship form, call La Toya Keys at (312) 842-7355, Ext. 146, or email her at [email protected].

    ~~~~~~~~~~ St. Xavier University and Vicariate V will present screenings of “Full of Grace,” which is the story of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday, April 27 in the St. Xavier University McDonough Chapel, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago. “Full of Grace” begins 10 years after Christ’s resurrection. The film sheds light on a critical moment in the history of Christianity. Mary, the mother of Jesus, quietly awaits the return of Peter, whom Jesus asked to lead the Christian people. It tells of Peter’s travels and trials during those 10 years and Mary recalls the incredible mystery of her life with Jesus. “Full of Grace” Executive Producer Eric Groth will lead prayer and reflection. He will also share stories from his experience producing the film. Groth also is president and executive producer of Outside da Box, which produced “Full of Grace.”




    At the Funeral Home 6620 W. ARCHER AVE.


    For More information, call: (773) 586-7900

    The Staff at Ridge Funeral Home invites children of all ages and their families to

    attend their annual Easter egg hunt. There will prizes and refreshments. All

    participants are asked to bring their empty Easter baskets.




    The St. Joseph School Chess Club Par-ents Association is hosting a Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament from 6:30 p.m. until Midnight, Saturday, April 29 in St. Joseph School Centennial Hall, 5641 S. 73rd Ave. Doors open at 6 p.m. The cost is $100 before Saturday, April 1 and $120 at the door. There will be unlimited rebuys for $20 for the first hour. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. There will also be a 50/50 raffle. Seating is limited. For more information, call or text Jes-sica Venegas at (773) 936-6665.

    WILL YOU HOLD ‘EM OR FOLD ‘EM? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    San José, ruega por nosotros! SW. Jozefie, modl sie za nami!

    St. Joseph, Pray for Us!


    7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501

    (708) 458-0501 [email protected]

    stjosephparishsummit.org www.facebook.com/stjosephsummit


    9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

    BULLETIN DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday


    Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA

    Deacon Benedict Michalowski Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac

    Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Pianist/Children’s Choir: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski

    Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz


    Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH 11:00AM SPANISH 12:30 PM POLISH


    Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM

    WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

    (8:30 AM Wednesday - School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated

    8:30 AM Saturday

    ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927 stjosephschoolonline.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/groups/stjosephschoolonline www.stjosephsummit.com ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Moderator: Mr. Jason Porod Assistant: Mrs. Penny Davis (708) 458-2927 HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458 MINISTERS OF CARE: If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy Commun-ion, please call the parish office to make arrangements.

    Beatrice Aguirre Alicia Anderson Donna R. Azzaline *Joseph Bartosz *Stan Bartosz Laura & Phil Behm Ann Bolek Kimberly Boll Brittaney Boubin Stanislaw Brzostowski Estella Mazzula Cronk Patricia Diaz Mary DiGangi Wladyslawa Dobros Susan Dotson Eleanor Dzielak Don Erich Robert Erklin Rexnalda Fonseca Esperaza Franco Helen Frank Miguel & Julia Gutierrez Tim Hadac Silvia C. Herrera Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura Chester and Virginia Janeczko Millie Jercha Ted Kuldanek Hank Lampke Geri Lauer Deacon Ben and Sylvia

    Michalowski Dolores Michaels Colleen Mocnik Karen Mocnik Anthony Montaneo Joyce Netecke Ed and Alice Nowak Mary D. Owens Iris Eliza Peterson Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Meg A. Radcliff Juanita Ramos Fr. Stanley Rataj Robert Regep Carmen Rodriguez Bridget Rollins Jennifer Sampres Eileen Sheedy Lorraine Simich Ed Skowronski Kurt Stein Theresa Stypula Aurora Rose Swaekauski Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Irene Szarley Josephine Tipner Ricardo Varajas Ellie Wesolowski Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Joanna Zieba Emily Zwijak *Most recently added

    LADIES OF THE ROSARY NEWS BEADS ... Monthly Mass The Ladies of the Rosary gather on the first Sunday of the month at the 7:30 a.m. Mass to attend Mass as a group. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend and celebrate with the group. April Meeting The Ladies of the Rosary will host their April meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 4 in Centennial (School) Hall, 5641 S. 73rd Ave. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. Upcoming Events The annual Salad Luncheon will be held on April 23rd in the school hall. Tickets will be on sale after all masses in the narthex of the church. The price of the ticket is $15.00.