Mar del Plata - PUNTA MOGOTES BOSQUE DE PERALTA ...Jacinto, Playa Serena, Playa San Patricio, Playa San Carlos, Playa Los Acantilados and Playa Mar y Sol. At the intersection of kilometre

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Page 1: Mar del Plata - PUNTA MOGOTES BOSQUE DE PERALTA ...Jacinto, Playa Serena, Playa San Patricio, Playa San Carlos, Playa Los Acantilados and Playa Mar y Sol. At the intersection of kilometre




Page 2: Mar del Plata - PUNTA MOGOTES BOSQUE DE PERALTA ...Jacinto, Playa Serena, Playa San Patricio, Playa San Carlos, Playa Los Acantilados and Playa Mar y Sol. At the intersection of kilometre

The marked contrasts of the coastal, urban and rural areas make this tour unique. In the coastal southbound tour, gently sloped beaches alternate with others surrounded by lush vegetation (after the lighthouse) which turn into small beaches at the foot of the cliffs.Neighbourhoods are named after the beaches facing them. With their pecularities, they represent a different way to enjoy Mar del Plata.

Mar del Plata is undoubtedly a centre for economic development in the region. Intense truck farming activity is carried out in the nearby farms. Due to the quality of the surrounding lands, the area is also an ideal location for crop growing and cattle raising activities.The Ruta 11 (route) winds along the coast surrounded by wooded areas and panoramic viewpoints.


By car: 2 hour 30 minute tour (Departure: Port). Half-day or Full-day tour when other activities are included. By bus: For further information about transport and schedules visitors should get the monthly edition of the activity guide in one of the tourist information offices of the Tourism Board.

A large bay wi th gent ly s loped beaches f rames th is resort complex , where in gast ronomic serv ices and le i sure act iv i t ies are ava i lab le . Twenty four beach resorts connected to the Reserva Natura l de l Puerto ( reserve) by an area of lagoons a l ign a long a bay af ter the port w i th f ine sand beaches fac ing the open sea .A long De los Traba jadores Ave (ex Mart ínez de Hoz Ave) , south of the Reserva Natura l de l Puerto (natura l reserve) the playas de Punta Mogotes (beaches) compr ise the Comple jo de Punta Mogotes (complex) and of fer beach tents , sunshades , park ing lots , restaurants , bars , sports and recreat iona l fac i l i t ies for a l l ages . Punta Mogotes ne ighbourhood of fers accomodat ion , gast ronomy and shopping opt ions The 3-k i lometre bay ends in Punta Cantera (a l so known as Waik ik i ) where sur f ing and kayak ing are pract i sed . Ruta Prov inc ia l 1 1 ( route) star ts in 4600 De los Traba jadores Ave at the intersect ion of Mar io Bravo Ave. I t i s a l so known as Paseo Costanero Sur Pres idente Arturo I l l ía unt i l the l imi t o f the Part ido de Genera l Pueyrredon in Las Brusqu i tas (st ream) , (29 k i lometres f rom the l ighthouse roundabout) . The Reserva Tur íst ica y Foresta l Paseo Costanero Sur ( reserve) st retches f rom Punta Cantera

to Las Brusqu i tas (st ream) . The a f forestat ion of the area took p lace in the 1940’s to f ix sand dunes and to generate recreat iona l a reas . Severa l st reams f low through the reserve into the sea . The area boasts accommodat ion opt ions , restaurants , cafés and recreat iona l fac i l i t ies .

Before head ing south , the intersect ion of Mar io Bravo Ave and Vergara St . leads v is i tors to the Barr io y Reserva Foresta l Bosque de Pera l ta Ramos (ne ighbourhood and protected forest) w i th magni f icent cha lets sur rounded by wooded areas ,

accommodat ion opt ions , restaurants and tea houses .

On the way back to the coast , the Ig les ia San P ío de P ietra lc ina (3850 Sánchez de Bustamante St . ) i s a worth v is i t ing church . I t i s a temple of p icturesque arqu i tecture bu i l t w i th the typ ica l Mar de l P lata stone.

The Mar de l P lata Aquar ium i s located in 5600 Paseo Costanero Sur St . The theme park of fers shows featur ing do lph ins and sea l ions , shark d iv ing , water sk i shows and a food court , among other at t ract ions .

Page 3: Mar del Plata - PUNTA MOGOTES BOSQUE DE PERALTA ...Jacinto, Playa Serena, Playa San Patricio, Playa San Carlos, Playa Los Acantilados and Playa Mar y Sol. At the intersection of kilometre

The Playa Al far i s located 1 k i lometre f rom the l ighthouse roundabout . I t features exc lus ive resorts wi th exce l lent fac i l i t ies and wooded areas that reach the sea . They are a venue for concerts and beach part ies .

Severa l beaches which are sur rounded by c l i f f s a l ternate a f ter the P laya A l far : Playa San Jac into, P laya Serena , P laya San Patr ic io, P laya San Car los , P laya Los Acant i lados and Playa Mar y Sol .At the intersect ion of k i lometre 15 of the Route 1 1and 749 St . the Camino de las Estanc ias Or ig inar ias (or ig ina l ranches t ra i l ) jo ins Route 1 1 w i th Route 88 , where the f i r st ranches of the south east of the prov ince of Buenos A i res and the Genera l Pueyrredon d ist r ic t were founded . The o ld t ra in stat ion named Chapadmala l i s a l so located in the area . The Camino de las Canteras (quarr ies t ra i l ) i s where Mar de l

P lata stone and c lay (used to make br icks and roof t i les) are ext racted . These are typ ica l mater ia l s o f the Marp latense arch i tecture .

Marayuí Country C lub i s accessed by 749 St . I t boasts a go l f course wi th a magni f icent Norman sty le c lub house . On ly members can use the c lub fac i l i t ies .

Estanc ia Santa Isabel i s located 1 k i lometre to the r ight of km 16 Antárt ida Argent ina Ave. Th is i s the f i r st w inery wi th ocean ic in f luence in Argent ina . A gu ided tour (book ing requ i red) inc ludes a descr ipt ion of the wine mak ing process , a v i s i t to the v ineyard and tast ing the d i f ferent Trap iche Costa & Pampa wines .

The Comple jo Tur íst ico de Chapadmala l ( tour i st complex) i s located 20 k i lometres f rom the l ighthouse roundabout . I t i s managed by the Secretar ia de Tur i smo de la Nac ion (Nat iona l Tour ism Board) and i t boasts 9 hote ls , restaurants , bars , recreat iona l fac i l i t ies , p laygrounds

for ch i ldren , a p icturesque chape l and a lake . The hote ls are set amid extens ive park land . The Museo Eva Perón (museum) i s located in the No. 5 Hote l and recreates the h istory of the soc ia l tour i sm in Argent ina .

P laya Escondida , the on ly natur i st beach in Mar de l P lata , i s located 25 k i lometres f rom the l ighthouse roundabout . Dogs , beach peddlers and the use of cameras and h i - f i systems are not a l lowed.

After Playa Escondida v i s i tors wi l l f ind Barr io El Marquesado, Barr io San Eduardo del Mar (ne ighbourhoods) and Las Brusqui tas (st ream) , wh ich marks the l imi t between Genera l Pueyrredon Dist r ic t w i th Genera l A lvarado Dist r ic t . M i ramar c i ty, seat of the Genera l A lvarado Dist r ic t munic ipa l government i s located 35 k i lometres f rom the l ighthouse roundabout .

The Faro de Punta Mogotes ( l ighthouse) was inaugurated in 1891 . The p lace , known as La Casa de l Faro (The House of the L ighthouse) be longed to the Escue la de Subof ic ia les de In fanter ía de Mar ina (Mar ine Corps School o f In fantry) and was a c landest ine detent ion centre dur ing the last mi l i ta ry-c iv i l i an d ictatorsh ip ( 1976-1983) . Nowadays , i t i s a p lace that contr ibutes to the promot ion of human r ights . The L ighthouse i s c losed to the publ ic .The Museo Arqueológico Gui l lermo Magrass i (archaeo log ica l museum) i s located in G . Magrass i St . Between Lombard ia St . and Arroyo Corr ientes St . I t keeps e lements and utens i l s o f the f i r st abor ig ina l set t lements in the area . Most of them are un ique s ince they were made of quartz i te stone. The museum is re lated to the h istory of the southern area of the c i ty.

Page 4: Mar del Plata - PUNTA MOGOTES BOSQUE DE PERALTA ...Jacinto, Playa Serena, Playa San Patricio, Playa San Carlos, Playa Los Acantilados and Playa Mar y Sol. At the intersection of kilometre