MAPPING OF PEACE INITIATIVES IN PAKISTAN · Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have

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Page 1: MAPPING OF PEACE INITIATIVES IN PAKISTAN · Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have




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Page 3: MAPPING OF PEACE INITIATIVES IN PAKISTAN · Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have

Our Visionis a world in which every child attains the right to survival,

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Our Missionis to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children,

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Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan



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2010 Save the Children Sweden

Samina Imtiaz

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Page 4: MAPPING OF PEACE INITIATIVES IN PAKISTAN · Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have

Message from Country DirectorSave the Children Sweden

Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan

The recent political instability and security unrest has affected every sphere of the society in South Asian region in general and Pakistan in particular. The subsequent loss of precious lives, resources and infrastructure has caused huge challenges for the country and the whole nation.

This situation demands initiatives that bring unity and harmony among people, particularly promotion of tolerant behaviours and skills for conflict resolution. A sincere effort to promote peace is prerequisite in order to tone down the current volatile atmosphere and create an enabling environment for the generations to come.

Save the Children is committed to work with children, their families and communities to provide them an environment where boys and girls are protected from violence and where they get opportunities to enhance their potential as per their development needs. In this regard, Save the Children has commissioned this study to map ongoing initiatives of the government and civil society to promote peace education in South Asia Region.

On initial level, the studies have been conducted in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the countries most affected by the terrorism and violence. This report documents findings of the study in Pakistan.

Here I take a moment to acknowledge the efforts of the colleagues who worked collectively for such a challenging task. Special thanks to Ms. Bhuvana Mahalingam, Regional Education Manager Save the Children Sweden for the conceptualization of this initiative.

The efforts of Mr. Ghulam Qadri, Director Programmes, Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, the former Education Manager and Ms. Deeba Shabnam, Senior Education Officer from Save the Children Sweden are deeply appreciated in providing technical input to research.

I hope the document in hand will serve the purpose and facilitate the endeavours of many who are devoting their efforts for the development of the society.

Wishing you all the best!

Warm regards,Mehmood AsgharCountry Director Save the Children Sweden

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Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan

Table of Contents














Sr. Page

Executive Summary




Definition of Peace Education & Objectives of the Study


Findings of the Study

Institutional Analysis of Peace Education in Pakistan

Identified Gaps in Area of Peace Education

Identified Dimensions of Peace Educations in Pakistan

Proposed Strategies for Peace Education

















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Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan


Pakistan is currently going through one of the most traumatic times of the history. It is the direct consequence of the radical Islamist insurgency that is primarily rooted in the Anti-Soviet Jihad in Afghanistan and now linked to the Taliban resistance of the US-led forces in the country. And since early March 2004, when Pakistani military began the crackdown against Islamists nestled in the Pak-Afghan tribal regions, the conflict between the state and Islamist non-state actors has sharpened, and resulted in several thousand deaths.

Besides, these violent developments have precipitated an already volatile situation in the country. While the society, traditionally dominated by a conservative and feudal mindset, reels under the consequences of poor governance and socio-economic injustices, forces of religious extremism have thrown up new challenges for the state and people of Pakistan, thereby highlighting the urgency for sustained and comprehensive peace promotion tools.

The purpose of this study therefore is to :

a) Explore whether such tools exist at all in Pakistan,

b) Evaluate their relevance to the current situation, and

c) Determine the nature and methodologies of these tools.

For this purpose, a country-wise all inclusive mapping exercise was undertaken, involving direct interviews, use of directories, telephone calls, emails, web search etc. Directories and database available with the social welfare departments were also consulted.

The analysis of the data revealed that several gaps exist with respect to peace education programmes in Pakistan. Some of the gaps identified are intellectually poor curricula, deficient implementation of education policies, insufficient teachers' training facilities, lack of monitoring mechanisms etc.

Based on these findings, the study recommends steps such as changes in the curricula, capacity building of the teachers, better coordination amongst all stakeholders, improved monitoring and follow-up mechanisms etc.

1. Executive Summary

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Mapping of Peace Initiatives in Pakistan

A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and respect the Earth and each other. Such learning can only be achieved with systematic education for peace." (The Hague Appeal for Peace )

The post 9/11 Pakistan has witnessed alarming levels of violence. The conflict between the state and the non-state actors, largely emanating from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) with linkages to Taliban and al-Qaeda militants in Afghanistan, has resulted in over 25,000 deaths. A dramatic surge in suicide attacks, 87 of them in 2009 alone, left some 3,025 people in various parts of Pakistan dead. Terrorist attacks and suicide bombings have also left emotional scars on large sections of the population, particularly children and has severely impacted the socio-economic activity in the country.

Mass displacements from the conflict zones and thousands of innocent civilian deaths in the wake of war on terror, brutal executions of innocent citizens by terrorists, unemployment, and poverty are some of the challenges that have precipitated an already volatile socio-economic situation.

While the society, traditionally dominated by a conservative and feudal mindset, reels under the consequences of poor governance and socio-economic injustices, forces of terrorism and extremism have thrown up new challenges for the state and people of Pakistan, thereby highlighting the urgency for initiating programmes promoting peace and tolerance and skills to deal with conflicts non-violently.

The purpose of this study therefore is to a) explore if explicit or implicit peace education programmes exist within the country and b) whether there are any formal or informal tools of peace education available.


2. Introduction

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3. Background

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 sowed the seeds of religious extremism and violence in the Pakistani society. As a whole, the Anti-Soviet Jihad, the American and Pakistani official sanction for it, and the presence of close to four million Afghan refugees served as the real triggers for the spread of religious extremism and violence in the society because of the systematic inculcation of religious jihadist ideology.

The jihadi mindset and institutional support for it (Kashmir and Taliban) in fact impacted the society adversely, and also provided religious groups to promote obscurantist views and enlist recruits for their ranks, thus giving way to a “silent but gradual Talibanisation of the Pakistani society.”

Despite this, people at large, and some of the state institutions remained in a state of denial until April 2009, when militants challenged the state and began occupying government properties in Swat, and forcibly ousted government officials out of the South Waziristan Agency.

At the same time terrorists executed opponents and publicly hanged their beheaded bodies to terrorize people. Over 300 girl's schools were torched or bombed, and women barred from work in Swat, for instance.

As a whole, the year 2009 turned out to be the bloodiest year in the history of Pakistan, with suicide strikes and some 500 bomb explosions resulting in about 11,585 fatalities.

Annual Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan, 2003- 2009

Source: South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP)

The rising death tolls on year-on-year basis are indicative of the increasing impact of extremism and radicalization in Pakistan.


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Security Forces (SFs)


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4. Context

Violent Social Attitudes

Generally, people in Pakistan tend to be emotional and highly reactive in case of an unusual situation. Social proclivities are most of the times inclined towards violence instead of dialogue for conflict resolution. Even a cursory look reveals that a host of factors have contributed to this violent mob-psyche. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto on 27 Dec 2007, for instance triggered a series of bloody and violent protests resulting in loss of precious lives and property. The terrorist attack on Ashoora procession by Shia mourners in Karachi on 29 Dec 2009, and firing incidents on Eid Miladun-Nabi in late February in Faisalabad clearly speak of ever proliferating extremist and intolerant activities in Pakistan.

While the questionable war against terrorism that began in Afghanistan in October 2001 generated a lot of reaction to the US-led military campaign, it also exposed already volatile socio-political conditions arising out of poor governance and political instability inside Pakistan. Also, the rise in religious fanaticism and social violence stems from a largely patriarchal/tribal/feudal culture wherein the use of force for conflict / dispute resolution is an acceptable practice at various levels of the society e.g.

a) Corporal punishment in schools & Madrassas (despite an official ban)b) Bullying of the weakerc) Expectation of unquestioned obedience from students and children in Madrassas and public schools d) Violence against female members of the family etc.

In this context, there seems to be a greater realization today that peace education and conflict resolution education has to form an integral part of the formal and non-formal education curricula.

The Religious Context:

In the present educational system almost 17,000 Madrassas are playing an important role in filling up the educational void left by the state. Parents who cannot afford their children's educational expenses happily send them to such institutions where, in addition to religious education, they get free food and lodging as well.

Curricula of these institutions are not in synch with the requirements of the changing environs. Subjects such as English, Science, and Mathematics are either totally excluded from the curricula, or accorded extremely secondary importance.

The crux of the entire process of education and personality building is based on the philosophy that followers of that particular school of thought are on the right path whereas followers of other sects/schools of thought are on the wrong path and efforts should be made to “rectify their belief”. This certainly sows the seeds of intolerance for other sects and religions, which is potentially a very complicated and problematic situation.

Adding to the stifling situation in these institutions is the application of orthodox and archaic methods of “Character Building”. These include strict disciplinary codes ensured through punishments of various natures, which in turn adds to the brutalization of personality.

Students are not allowed to ask questions, and difference of opinion is regarded as a sign of disobedience, a crime that mostly results in corporal punishments. This, too, has a direct bearing on the students of these institutions and moulds them into a mindset that is hardly conducive for dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution.


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The Political Context:

The pre-dominance of landed aristocracy in politics, and repeated military interventions has given way to a political culture that often condones violence in favour of loyalty. Political victimization, intolerance towards political opponents, lack of democratic values within the political parties has all combined to promote a politically violent culture.

The manhandling of a restaurant waiter and the physical blows to an airport official by a former law minister, or the thrashing that the registrar of a National University in Islamabad gave to one of his colleagues on a political issue also underline the fact that those in power or positions do not hesitate to apply force when confronted with critical questions.

The Social and Cultural Context:

Pakistan's social system is based on the patriarchal values that obstruct freedom of expression, suppress dissent and promote obedience. Repressive tendencies coupled with poor parenting leave huge gaps in the personalities of children. As they grow up they hardly learn Conflict Resolution skills, something they should be learning right from the beginning. Growing up amid such a social milieu encourages use of violence and brutal behaviour to curb any disagreement or difference of opinion.

The Educational Context:

School enrollment and drop out rates in Pakistan's rural areas are alarmingly disparate. The educational environment in most of the state-run schools is not conducive for children. There is no motivation for them to willingly pursue their education. Students in the schools are subjected to corporal punishments, making them believe that physical harm is the only way to teach and educate. Pakistan's educational system does not compel the students to think. Asking questions is seen as a sign of insolence. Values of peace do not occupy the center stage in the textbooks and children do not get a chance to have an exposure towards Peace Education. For many school administrators this is a fancy term, which they believe has been coined by some alien elements to infiltrate the young minds.

The Economic Context:

The economic context of Pakistan comprises of extreme socio-economic disparities. Access to employment opportunities is limited. Per capita income of Pakistan is still way below the desired standards resulting in deprivation, which in turn gives rise to conflicts, crimes and lawlessness. Lack of opportunities has facilitated the extremist elements immensely. These elements have been successfully luring the youth to join their ranks and become a part of what we call the “radical” elements of our society.

On top of that, issues such as; unemployment, social injustices, growing sense of deprivation, absence of truly democratic institutions etc, have turned the entire nation into a group of impatient and angry individuals, always ready to resort to violence.


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5. Definition of Peace Education & Objectives of the Study

Peace education may be defined as the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge and developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviours to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. (Wikipedia)

UNICEF refers to Peace Education as a process of promoting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to bring about behavioural changes that will enable children, youth and adults to prevent conflict and violence.

Peace Education therefore can become a means to unlearn violence and extremism. This mode of education enables one to be cognizant of one's own life and offers opportunities to deal with it. Out-of-the-box thinking imparted through Peace Education enables one to look beyond the lens of orthodoxy and stereotypes. It emphasizes inculcation of peace values and conflict resolution skills.

Peace Education means to learn about and to learn for peace.

Learning about peace means obtaining knowledge and understanding of what contributes to peace, what damages it, what leads to war/conflict, and what is an individual's role in it.

Learning for peace means learning the skills, attitudes and values that one needs in order to contribute to peace and help maintain it. For example, learning; to deal with conflicts without recourse to violence, to think creatively, to apply the methods of active non-violence or to deal with cultural differences in a constructive way.

Objectives of the Mapping:

The objectives of the research were:

to recognize and identify the Peace-based educational programmes and activities of NGOs, INGO's, United Nations, government departments and other organizationsto identify the scope of activities undertaken by them

Purpose of the Research:

In Pakistan, there are a number of NGOs, INGOs, Donor Agencies, private educational institutions and some public universities that are operating in the field of Peace Education and Conflict Resolution. It is therefore important to assess the output of all such organizations in order to evaluate the present situation as well as identifying the future challenges and needs as well.


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6. Methodology

Identification of Organizations:

Identification of organizations throughout the country was by no means an easy task. In order to make the study exhaustive every possible effort was made to ensure inclusion of relevant people in the country. Information and data is collected using following sources:

DirectoriesRelevant government officesChild rights networks Human rights organizationsFaith based organizations/networks etc.

Geographical Coverage:

A country wide mapping exercise was carried out for the purpose. Using the available information, organizations/institutions based in the following cities were approached:

Federal Area and Punjab

Islamabad KhanewalSialkotFaisalabadMultanSargodhaRahimyarkhanQasurLahoreGujranwalaGujratRajan Pur


PeshawarMardanMalakandNowsheraCharsaddaSwabiMansehraAbbotabadKhyber AgencyMohmand AgencyBannuKohatSwat


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KarachiHyderabadSukkurNawab ShahLarkanaKhair Pur



Data Collection:

For the purpose of this research, information was collected from the concerned departments of education at the federal and provincial levels, from local, national and international organizations and donor agencies working in the area of peace building, human rights, child rights, civic education and conflict resolution education (Annex VI). A pre-designed data form (Annex I) and questionnaire (Annex 2) were used for information collection. An attempt was made to make the list exhaustive.

The data collection comprised the following methods:

Direct Interviews: In this method, respondents were asked questions regarding their initiatives for Peace Education and the responses were directly recorded at the spot.

This included both individual as well as group interviews.

Telephonic Interviews: Due to the time constraint frequent travel was a major challenge therefore this method was employed to gather responses from various institutions/organizations based in far-flung areas.

Use of e-mails: in order to facilitate the process, use of e-mail facility was also put to use to gather data from respondents.

Post: In case of non-availability of a concerned officer in the institution, the format was posted for the feedback with reply back envelopes.


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Major Constraints:

Major constraints faced in conducting the study were of varied nature. Paramount to all challenges were: The degree of indifference or apathy of the respondents towards the questions asked. No response, late response or the quality of response left a lot to be desired.Some donor agencies were reluctant to share information due to security reasons.

Since the responses were much delayed, the respondents had to be motivated/pursued to provide information on the subject. The quality of responses in a number of cases was not up to the desired standards.

Total No. of Respondents:

Over 640 organizations were contacted for the purpose, however, despite repeated and regular follow-ups and reminders, only 131 organizations provided information. 509 organizations did not respond. (Diagram 1)

Data Categorization:

The data collected from 131 respondents is categorized according to the;a) Geographical location (diagram 2) and b) Programme areas (diagram 3)

Diagram : 1

Total No. of Organisations approched : 640 Responded: 131Not Respond: 509



Not Respond:


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7. Findings of the Study

Responses According to the Geographical Location:

Of all data collected, the highest number of respondents was from Punjab (30 %), followed by 25% from the Federal Capital, Islamabad. Responses from Sindh and North West Frontier Province (NWFP) were 20% and 17% respectively. 8 % organizations responded from Balochistan. Only one organization responded from Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK).

Diagram 2

Federal: 25%Punjab: 30%NWFP: 17%Sindh: 20%Balochistan: 8%

Responses According to the Programme Areas:

The data analyzed according to the programme areas (diagram 3) of the organizations/institutions revealed that nearly 40 % of the respondents have peace/conflict resolution as a thematic focus area, the type of intervention, however varied. Some of the organizations are providing knowledge and skills on peace/conflict resolution in public/private educational institutions and/or Madrassas whereas others are conducting capacity building trainings for teachers. Some NGO's are working with youth groups, community workers and journalists, etc on the subject. A few organizations are also involved in research on peace and security issues whereas some are closely monitoring and lobbying for policy changes.


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36 % of the organizations are implicitly doing peace education through awareness raising and trainings on human rights, child rights, civic education and interfaith peace building etc.

9 % of the government institutions are either working at the policy level to include peace education/human rights education in the curriculum and/or teachers' training programmes, whereas some government colleges and universities are offering courses on peace and security issues.

15 % of NGO's do not have a focused peace education programme. However, from time to time they do participate in walks, rallies, signature campaigns etc on peace issues.

Diagram 3

Explicit Peace Education Programme: 40%Peace Education through Child Rights, 36%Human Rights, Civic Education etc: Govt. Sector (colleges, universities) 09%Others:

Peace Education Programme (Province Wise):

The data collected from organizations/institutions having an explicit peace education programme is presented below (diagram 4). For the sake of convenience of readers it is presented province wise i.e. organizations from one province are grouped together (Annex III).

Of the collected data, 43% of the organizations responded from Punjab, followed by 32 % from the Federal Capital, Islamabad. Number of respondents from NWFP & Sind is 11 % and 10 % respectively. 2% (each) responses were received from Balochistan and AJK.

Peace Child Rights Govt. Others






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Diagram 4

Federal: 32%Punjab 43%Sindh 10%NWFP 11%Balochistan 02%AJK 02%


Federal Punjab Sindh NWFP Blochistan AJK

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8. Institutional Analysis of Peace Education in Pakistan

The “As is” scenario of Peace Education in Pakistan

Government Level:

Information collected from the Federal Ministry of Education, Federal and Provincial Education Departments, Bureau's of Curriculum and Teachers' Training Institutes (Annex IV) reveals that human rights education programme in the country was initiated at the official level in 2002, following which, Law, Justice and Human Rights Division, Curriculum Wing of Ministry of Education in collaboration with UNESCO, NORAD, Swiss Development Corporation, and other donors came up with several initiatives. Some of the significant initiatives are listed below:

1-The National Plan of Action for Human Rights Education

Ministry of Education (Curriculum Wing) in collaboration with UNESCO, Islamabad developed an action plan for human rights education. The objectives of the plan were to:

raise awareness about Human Rights Education (HRE), its need and importance for policy makers, educational administrators, curriculum developers, textual material writers, teacher educators etc. facilitate the incorporation of HRE concepts in the existing schools curriculum and text books;assist in providing orientation and training to teachers in HRE at school level;develop a network of human rights resource persons for facilitation, participation and promotion of HRE throughout Pakistan.

2- Curriculum on Human Rights Education:

Building upon the National Plan of Action for Human Rights Education, the curriculum review was suggested with the core objective of providing information about Human Rights and create awareness among the students of elementary and secondary classes enabling them to:

Understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the society.Develop positive attitudes through character building.Understand their individual, social, political, religious, legal and universal rights and their application in daily life.Develop values of tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of differences in opinion.Develop problem solving and conflict resolution skills Adopt values like peace, fraternity, unity, brotherhood in their practical life.

The curriculum review was completed in 2006. According to the government officials interviewed, the reviewed curriculum contains all important elements of Peace Education and therefore there is no need to include it as a separate theme in the curriculum. They pointed out that the following elements were incorporated in the curriculum:

The Rights of Allah (Haqooq Allah)Individual's Natural Rights and ResponsibilitiesRights of the society (Haqooq-ul-Ibad) & Protection of Social values


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However, on condition of anonymity they also shared that even though the curriculum review was completed in 2006, yet the textbooks with the new curriculum are still not available. According to them only 2% books prepared on the revised curriculum are available in Punjab, whereas the other three provinces are still waiting for the new textbooks.

Some of them also shared that they have reservations on the “quality” of the textbook writers. According to them, many textbook writers are either not sensitive to the changing needs of the new global realities or do not have the capacity to prepare contents on the given curriculum.

3- A Teachers' Guide for Peace Education and Human Rights:

Officials at the Ministry of Education & representatives at the UNESCO Office, Islamabad also shared that in order to sensitize and prepare the teachers for imparting Human Rights Education, UNESCO provided assistance in preparing a Teacher's Guide for Lower Secondary and Secondary Schools on Peace Education & Human Rights.

Once the document was prepared, a series of “Train the Trainers” was conducted on a massive scale and nearly ten thousand teachers were trained in the process. Since the programme was being run with financial support from UNESCO and other donor agencies, once the funding stopped, the programme came to a halt.

Information collected from provincial departments of education and Teacher's Training Centers in Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan also revealed that the follow-up and monitoring mechanism for this specific programme was not properly devised; therefore its effectiveness remained a question mark. The National Education Policy (NEP) approved by the Cabinet on 9 September 2009, contains the term “Peace Education”. On the face of it, this also underlines the governmental commitment to the inclusion of peace education in the curricula.

NGOs, INGOs & Donor Agencies:

National non-governmental organizations and international NGOs such as Asia Foundation, CIDA, UNICEF, UNESCO, Save the Children (US, UK & Sweden), Action Aid, European Union, British High Commission, Canadian High Commission, German Embassy, etc have carried out significant amount of work in promoting peace and non-violence initiatives in Pakistan in partnership with national NGO's. However, some of the donor agencies were reluctant to share information due to security reasons.

The information collected on the programmes of various INGO's and UN Agencies showed that UNICEF and UNESCO are particularly active advocates of education for peace.

According to UNICEF representatives in Islamabad as well as information collected from policy documents & working papers, the meaning of Peace Education according to UNICEF is described as schooling and other educational initiatives that:

Function as 'zones of peace', where children are safe from violent conflictUphold childrens' basic rights as outlined in the CRCDevelop a climate that models peaceful and respectful behaviour among all members of the learning communityDemonstrate the principles of equality and non-discrimination in administrative policies and practices


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Draw on the knowledge of peace-building that exists in the community, including means of dealing with conflict that are effective, non-violent, and rooted in the local cultureHandle conflicts in ways that respect the rights and dignity of all involvedIntegrate an understanding of peace, human rights, social justice and global issues throughout the curriculum whenever possibleProvide a forum for the explicit discussion of values of peace and social justiceUse teaching and learning methods that stress participation, problem-solving and respect for differencesEnable children to put peace-making into practice in the educational setting as well as in the wider communityGenerate opportunities for continuous reflection and professional development of all educators in relation to issues of peace, justice and rights. (Peace Education in UNICEF Working Paper Series, July 1999)

The UNESCO representatives shared that much of the work of UNESCO is centered on the universal values of respect for life, liberty, justice, solidarity, tolerance, human rights and equality between women and men.

UNESCO has also established the Associated Schools Project (AsPnet) Network (1953) to encourage schools worldwide to educate students on issues related to UNESCO's "overarching goal of promoting peace and international understanding." The programme includes nearly eight thousand educational institutions in over 170 countries, including several hundred schools in Pakistan, as shared by the director of a private school who has been actively engaged with UNESCO for the past several years.

Representatives at the UNESCO office also shared that their publication “Heritage in Young Hands” is also aimed at providing knowledge & creating critical thinking in young people so that they understand cultural diversity and learn co-existence.

The Asia Foundation, Action Aid Pakistan, Plan Pakistan and some other international organizations are also working on the thematic focus area “Peace and Security”. They, in partnership with local implementing partners, are carrying out various programmes across Pakistan.

Local NGO's:

The data analysis shows that a number of NGO's are explicitly working on promoting peace, non-violence & conflict resolution inititaives throughout Pakistan. The nature and scope of their work however varies. Some NGO's are conducting trainings for capacity building of school (public & private) & madrassa students; whereas others are trying to build the capacity of the teachers to teach the “implicit or hidden” curricula. Some of the NGO's are working on capacity building programmes for local communities, youth groups and media groups etc.

A fair number of these organizations have also prepared their own training manuals, guides, reference books etc. Also, some donor agencies have supported preparation and publication of training manuals. (Details available in Annex III)

Some NGO's are holding regular awareness raising campaigns, seminars, workshops, walks, signature campaigns, etc. Some NGO's have also come up with ideas other than the ones mentioned above e.g. a couple of them are promoting peace through theater, sports, songs and museum for peace etc.


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A considerable number of NGO's are also working on inter-faith & intra-faith peace building. They have formed networks across Pakistan and are working in their respective areas for promotion of peace and harmony in the society.

Organisations Working Implicitly on Peace Education:

Data analysis also showed that a fairly high number of organizations (NGO's, INGO's, UN Agencies and donors) are working on promoting democracy, active citizenry and good governance, the ultimate objective of which is to promote a culture of peace based on the universal values of justice & equality. (Annex V)

Private Schools:

The data analysis showed that many schools are running programmes containing important elements of Peace Education as part of co-curricular activities. During interviews with the heads/owners of these schools they shared that they are doing Human Rights education programme whereas some are imparting Values Education, Civic Education, and Ethics Education etc.

Some schools have prepared their own training manuals, modules, training booklets etc. whereas some of them are using manuals prepared by NGO's, UN Agencies e.g. UNICEF's Life Skills Education programme etc.

The respondents also shared that there is a growing realization by the school administration that children must be provided knowledge and skills to deal with their daily life issues peacefully. Therefore the schools are educating young students about their roles and responsibilities as “better” human beings and active and responsible citizens.

The study also showed that many schools run by missionary organizations have regular values' or ethics education programmes.


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9. Identified Gaps in Area of Peace Education

Following gaps have been identified by a majority of the respondents (diagram 5):

Lack of implementation of Education Policies:

Information collected from various NGO's, INGO's, government departments and other stakeholders points out that although the education policies in past were quite comprehensive yet policy implementation remained a challenge for successive governments e.g. the curriculum review was successfully completed in 2006 but the text books are not yet available.

In an attempt to improve the quality of textbooks, the previous government (after curriculum review) had invited private publishing houses to prepare textbooks. However, this gave rise to a huge controversy between the textbook boards and the private publishing houses. This was perhaps one of the reasons for a delayed/ non-publishing of textbooks on the revised curriculum.

Lack of follow up on Initiatives

The data analysis showed that though several significant initiatives were taken by the government as well as donor community to bring about a change in the curriculum and build the capacities of teachers, however, the follow up and monitoring mechanisms were either missing or not properly designed to ensure implementation, e.g, UNESCO had helped conduct 'Training of Trainers” for nearly 10,000 teachers as Master Trainers from all four provinces, however, no follow up was conducted and therefore no information could be collected from any provincial education department on this programme.

Similar trainings were organized by Ad-Links, PITE, CIDA etc but no information was available on the follow up of the trainings.

Lack of Support for Teachers' Training Programmes.

Information collected from the Federal and Provincial Education Departments showed that till very recent past, there was practically no funding available for teachers' training. However, some nominal resources are currently available but are not sufficient to meet the growing demand of teachers' training.

The officials at the Federal Teachers' Training Institute shared that many donors are interested in supporting and conducting capacity building trainings for in-service and pre-service teachers. However, their priorities change with changes taking place in their thematic programmes.

Lack of Monitoring Mechanisms:

It was also found that many programmes lack a follow up mechanism therefore it is very difficult to gauge whether the objectives of the training have been met. For example, very little attention is given to the monitoring mechanism aimed at gauging the desired behavioral and attitudinal change as a consequence of training.

Insufficient Qualification and Training of Teachers:

Information collected with respect to teacher's qualifications and trainings was quite shocking. Majority of the teachers (nearly 60 %) at schools level either holds a high school certificate or a Higher Secondary School


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Certificate). Also, due to insufficient training in pedagogy/teaching methodologies, they are not able to teach the implicit/hidden curriculum and therefore are unable to teach the “values,” if not mentioned explicitly in the textbook.

There is a serious lack of coordination amongst various departments of the Ministry of Education such as Federal Directorate of Education, Provincial Directorates of Education, Curriculum Wings, Training Wings, Project Wings, and National Review Board etc. As a result, even the best policy fails. The recent example of this lack of coordination has already been mentioned whereby, the “review of curriculum' was completed four years back but textbooks are still not available on the revised curriculum.

Lack of Quality Education:

Lack of quality education is one of the major gaps since the literacy rates in areas of concern are either abysmally low or people are not educated enough thereby hampering their comprehension of Peace Education Concepts.

Lack of Tolerance:

People find it very hard to accept new ideas and if subjects, such as, inter-faith harmony are discussed they tend to reject them at the outset.

Lack of Communication:

In a closed society where dissent and disagreement in a family are equated with disobedience, people find it difficult to communicate freely.

Gender Inequality:

Gender inequality is a major gap, which leads to poor self –image in females and hinders their progress in society as players of equal status.

Major Gaps Identified by the Respondents

Diagram 5



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According to the officials in the Ministry of Education (MoE) some of the gaps that exist in human rights education/ Peace Education Programmes are:

Absence of sector wide approach Inconsistent policiesFragmented governance Parallel systems of educationWidening class system Weak planning and management capacityLack of stakeholders' participationPoor policy implementation

10. Identified Dimensions of Peace Educations in Pakistan

Based on the responses of the questionnaire following are the dimensions of Peace Education across various areas of Pakistan:

Understanding of “Peace Education”:

The questionnaire distributed amongst various respondents on the understanding about “Peace Education” has yielded a number of definitions according to the area/locality specific perspectives.

Organizations based in NWFP & Balochistan view Peace Education as a means to stop extremism and inculcate such values which ensure peace on a sustainable basis.

Organizations based in the Punjab on the other hand have a sharp focus to achieving inter-faith and intra-faith harmony between Muslim and Christian communities as well as between the different sects of the same faith amid other objectives i.e. child rights, women's rights.

One agreed upon definition of Peace Education according to the responses gathered can be described as follows:

“Peace Education is the process of acquiring the values and knowledge through the development of attitude and skills for living in a harmonious and peaceful environment not only with individuals but also with the community at large. The essence of Peace education is non-violence and eradication of extremist tendencies”.

Nature of Peace Education Initiatives:

The nature and extent of Peace Education initiatives as reflected in the process of data collection is quite diverse, as discussed earlier. Following types of programmes are being pursued under the ambit of Peace Education:

Peace Education & Conflict Resolution Education Social Harmony and Peace BuildingInter-faith peace buildingTraining/Capacity Building


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Seminars and workshops Meetings and dialogue with stakeholders of the societyStreet Theatres emphasizing human rightsPeace ralliesPeace songsSports for peacePeace museum etc

Varying Nature of Initiatives

Information gathered through these questionnaires clearly indicates that there is a lack of structured and programmatic execution of Peace Education initiatives.

First of all the conceptual aspect of the subject needs to be understood in its full context. May be due to lack of formal knowledge of Peace and conflict resolution can be attributed to the piece meal approach towards peace making. There are organizations, which are solely emphasizing inter- faith harmony but have not been able to address the issue at the grass root level. Or perhaps lack of resources and minimal state patronage has hampered them to take a holistic view of the situation.

Then there are organizations, which boast of holding a number of meetings with different strata of the society but have failed to provide the conceptual background of such events. There seems to be no follow-up strategy to build up on the initiative.

Various links have been found which need to attain synergies by adopting a holistic view of the situation.

Proposed Strategies for Peace Education

Steps Required for Promoting Peace Education

According to the respondents following points have been highlighted in order to promote peace education:

Teachers' role should be clearly definedThere is need to encourage interfaith dialoguePeace education and conflict resolution should be a part of curriculumReview of textbooks and removal of all the prejudices and biases on account of religion, sect and genderRepeal of all discriminatory laws based on religion, caste or jurisdictionMedia should play its role in promoting peace and harmonyQuality parenting practices should be introduced as a strategic initiative both at private as well as state levelMadrassas should follow the state policy

Although a number of CBOs are actively promoting Peace Education and Conflict Resolution skills, yet the extent of support for these organizations is inadequate leaving them with limited resources.


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Way Forward for Peace Education

Most of the respondents have emphasized changes in the curriculum and subsequent state support in order to make Peace Education a permanent feature in the educational environment.

Strong commitment is warranted on part of stakeholders including civil society to address this issue at individual as well as community and state level.

Interfaith and cultural dialogue amongst people from all walks of life is yet another option which needs to be institutionalized and pursued vigorously.


Based on the responses of the respondents, following are the recommendations:

As stated in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2009, Life Skills Based Education, Human Rights Education including gender equality, School Safety and Disaster and Risk Management, Peace Education and inter-faith harmony, detection and prevention of child abuse, etc shall be infused in the curricula and awareness and training materials shall be developed for students and teachers in this context, keeping in view cultural values and sensitivities.

As stated in NEP, 2009, Madrassah education to be brought at par with formal education by introducing formal subjects

The respondents also suggest improved donor harmonization for better coordination between development partners and government institutions.

Teachers' professional development needs to be focused.

Schools should provide child friendly environment to attract and retain students.

The concept of service to society should be introduced in schools.

A well regulated system of competitive publishing of textbooks and learning materials should be introduced.

Curriculum development and review process should be standardized and institutionalized.

Special incentives for teachers should be introduced in rural and hard areas.

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) should be encouraged for teachers training programmes

Government should try to integrate the themes of the reviewed curriculum and immediately take steps to implement the 2009 Education Policy to achieve the envisaged goals.

Peace Education and Conflict Resolution should be an integral part of curriculum.

In order to attain synergies of efforts, all such organizations that are operating within the ambit of Peace education should be brought together on a forum whereby the talents and resources could be pooled


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to make concerted and coordinated efforts for maximizing the results.

Strategic Partnerships should be built between NGOs and educational institutions including schools, colleges, and universities and of course Madrassas.

Support from international agencies is of utmost importance since with the present budgetary constraints the Government is not in a position to allocate substantial funds for such programmes.

National Peace Education Initiatives Workshop

Given the nature and scope of Peace Education and Conflict Resolution skills it is of utmost importance to bring together all the players on a platform whereby a network could be established. This network will pave the way for achieving synergies of efforts and a joint document will be prepared to be named as National Peace Education Plan.

The National Peace Education Plan will help ensure standardization of Peace education programmes across the country and it will be easy to carry out “Impact Analysis” for any programme in the future.


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Annex I:

Format for data Collection

No. Name Of the Organization AddressContact Person Designation Telephone


Project /

Program Title

District Working

inWebsite (If any)

Annex II: Guiding Questionnaire

1. What is 'Peace Education' as per your understanding?2. Is there any implicit or explicit peace education program conducted/conducting by your

organization? (If yes go to second question)3. Can you please briefly explain about the peace education program carried out by your

organization? 4. What are the major contents of peace and child right education in your program? 5. What is the significance/importance of peace education and child right education in our country?6. What are the major gaps in the area of peace education? 7. What should be done to promote peace education and child right education in our country? 8. Have you seen any funding/resource available to fulfill this gaps and issues related to peace

education? 9. If you got resource for peace education what will be the first step that you will prefer to take?10. Good practices / tools / documents you wish to share/highlight.11. What is the way forward for 'Peace Education' in our country?12. Who are your key partners / networks whom you would recommend as the Peace Education

partners?13. Who are your current donors and whom you think are the potential donors who may be interested

in funding partners?14. Do you have case stories of children who have benefited from Peace Education programme or any

case study of Peace Education projects / Peace Education initiatives?

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Annex III:

Organisations Working on Peace Initiatives


1 Plan International

Empowering Youth for Peace &Development’

Chakwal, Vehari, Manshera


1-Research & Advocacy on Peace & Security Issues2-Radio Programmeson Promoting Peace

1-The Sub-“Peace in Peril”2-Review of curriculum (hate material)3-FATA –Socio-Economic Survey-2008


IslamabadSawat, Peshawar



Peace Education in NWFP


Open Minds,Pakistan


Life Skills Based Education

4- Creating Awareness of Rights & Responsibilitiesin Youth (CARRY)


First Step Towards Peace (Teacher’s Guide)


Peace & Conflict Resolution (3 part manual; a conceptual guide, a teachers activity guide and a student’s manual)


Modules on civic education and social responsibility

4Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies


Conflict Studies




Human Rights


Democracy & Governance


Dynamics of Taliban Insurgency in FATA


South Asia Conflict Reports


Pakistan security Reports


Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Nowshera, Mardan, Charsadda



Amn Ki Rahain


Teachers’ Guide on “Peace

Education & Human Rights”


Culture for Peace

Nation wide


Culture of Peace

Center for Research &Security Studies(CRSS)

Peace Education And Development (PEAD) Foundation


Geographical coverage


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Open Minds Pakistan


Intra and Interfaith



Social Justice, Peace &


Peace Education,


Capacity Building

Programmes for youth

Life Skills Based


Peace Security and


Alternative dispute


thematic interventions

focus on Promoting

peace and human


Project: Citizen, Aaj

Youth for Peace

Institute of War

and Peace

Reporting IWPR


Church Aid





United Religious

Initiative Pakistan

Center for Peace

and Human


World Population

Fund WPF

Asia Foundation

Action Aid

Center for Civic


Fazaldad Human

Right Institute

Training manual for


Training manual for


Case Studies, Annual

Reports, News Letters

News Letters

1- Peace Building

in Asia




for women and





health &


1-Youth’s Review of

Counter Extremism

Policy in Pakistan

Huqooq Parchar-Voice

for Rights




Network of




Nation wide

Nation wide


AJK, Punjab,




Azam International Peace and Conflict Resolution(credit courses) Islamabad

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Bargad Society

of Human


Peace and Youth



Empowering Girls,Transforming CommunitiesReport-Youth & ExtremismProvincial Autonomy & the Sources of Internal Conflict in Pakistan



Lahore, Gujranwala, Islamabad



Promoting Youth

Groups Multan, Khanewal

Education For


Foundation Peace Education

Lahore, Kasuar,

Rawalpindi, Muree,


2.Peace and

Human Rights





Interfaith Peace

Building at the


!-Posters on - Human Rights

Andheray main Ujala, 2-

Sargodha, khushab

Fatima Jinnah



International Peace

and Conflict

Resolution Rawalpindi

Grammar School

Peace Education,

Human Rights


Human Rights/peace

training modules Rawalpindi



Trainings, walks etc.


among Minorities,

Interfaith RYK, Multan










Resource Centre

Peace Building


Documentaries and

theatre splays

Lahore, Multan,





Foundation Kasur Inter -Faith Harmony Kasuar


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Inter Faith League

for Alleviation of

Poverty (I-Lap)

Interfaith Peace




23Christian Study Center (CSC)

1. Youth and Culture of Peace

1-Weaving Communities of hope at grass roots level


Inter -faith peace building & Conflict Resolution

Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sargodha, Khushab, Peshawar, Quetta, Hayderabad, Khanewal

at grass roots

3. Culture of Peace

2. In terfaith initiative



Commission for


Dialogue and



Campaign for Peace


“Living Together”

Values Education


Lahore, Rahimyar

Khan, Bahwalnagar,

Bahawalpur, Multan,





Commission for

Justice and Peace

Trainings and

seminars on Peace &

inter-faith harmony Lahore


Organization for

Peace and


Peace Research &

Peace Building

through awareness

programmes Lahore


Taangh Wasaib


Interfaith Harmony

and peace Building

Peace Training

Manuals Sargodha, khushab

14 St. Mary's SchoolValues Education Program Rawalpindi

15 Gayan

Peace Building,

Interfaith Harmony Lahore


National Muslim-

Christian Dialogue

Peace Educational at

Grass root level, And

interfaith Harmo Gujrat, Lahore

17 Peace Foundation

Aman Kafila, Peace

and Interfaith



Bahwalpur, Rajan Pur,



SLS School &


Human Rights

Education, Civic

Education Rawalpindi


Silver Oaks


Human Rights, Civic

Education Rawalpindi


Church World


Trainings on peace &


Teachers’ Training


Lahore, Islamabad,


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1 Baanhn Beli

Tharparkar, Umerkot, Mirpurkhas, Karachi

2Human Rights Education Program

1-With my friends 2-A Tale of Two Kittens (intolerance) 3-Where will it end (conflict resolution) 3-Many faces of tolerance


3 University of Karachi Karachi

4 Bright Education Society Karachi

5Center for Peace & Civil Society

Civic Education, Human Rights Monitoring, Monitoring Electoral & political violence

Children's Museum on Peace, Peace Education,

Program on Peace Studies

and Conflict Resolution

Open Minds Pakistan

Youth trainings & capacity building

Freedom, Jamoriat Sehafat aur Media Hyderabad



Trainings on Human Behavior, Conflict Resolution & Restorative Justice System

Peshawar, Mardan, Malakand, Noshera, Manshera, Quetta, Loralie, Pachin

2Values Education Programme Peshawar

3Conflict Resolution Education Peshawar


1-Project Open Minds

Swat2-Sports for Peace


Just Peace International

Sent Mary's School

Sustainable Peace and Development Organization (SPADO)

Swat Youth Front

Khwendo Kor Open Minds Pakistan News Letter Peshawar

1- Restoring Peace in War Torn Country

2- Pukhtoon Jirga3- Towards

Ending Cycles4- Restorative


5- Traditional and Modern Approaches to Peace Building

6- Cultural Harmony


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Annex IV: Government Institutions/Departments contacted

1Institute of Development Studies and Practices

Academic Development Program, Flowers for Peace Love and Growth Quetta


1 Muzafrabad, BaghPeace Group of Journalists Aman Ka Farog, Media Education


1Federal Directorate Education , Policy Wing

ofAurangzeb Rehman

Joint Education Advisor Policy Making,

2Federal Directorate of Education Ms Tanveer Kiani

Director Training

Teacher Training, Curriculum Development for teachers training


Bureau of Curriculum and Extension wing Sindh Idrees Jatoi

Additional Director

Teacher Training, Curriculum review,


Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Wing Quetta Abdul Majeed Shah

Assessment Analyst

Teacher Training, Curriculum review,


Regional Institute for Teacher Training,NWFP Mr. Atta Ullah Teacher Training

6Directorate Of Education Peshawar Syeda Sarwat Jehan

Director Education

Teacher Training, Curriculum Development for teachers training

7 University of Karachi Dr. Moonis Ahman

Course Incharge

Program on PeaceStudies and Conflict Resolution


Quid-e-Azam University Islamabad Arshi Saleem Hashmi

Course Incharge

International Peace and Conflict Resolution

9Fatima Jinnah Women University Dr. Rabia Akhtar

Department Head

International Peace and Conflict Resolution

10Govt. Elementary College of Education Ubedullah Mangrio Principal Teacher Training,

11 Naeem Mughal Principal Teacher Training,

12 Anyat Ullah Sheikh Principal Teacher Training,

Govt. Elementary College of Education Govt. Elementary College of Education

Nature of WorkDesignationContact Person


Sr. No

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Annex V:

NGO's working on Child Rights, Civic Education, Gender Issues


NGO Working on Child Rights and Human Rights


Aasthan Latif Welfare Society Advocacy & Service Delivery Sindh Province


Al-Welfare Society

Asar Service Delivery Kohat


All Nationwide Women's Association (APWA)

Advocacy and service delivery on Women,Youth issues Nationwide


Anjuman Nawjawanan Charsadda

Disabled and Special PeopleMardan

5Ansar Burney Trust

Advocacy, Service Delivery Children's Rights Protection- Nationwide


Bright Educational Society Teachers Training Karachi


Bright Star Development Society Balochistan (BSDSB)

Sibi, Kachhi (Bolan), Jhal Magsi, Naseerabad Jaffarabad and Quetta Districts of Balochistan Province


Center for Peace and Civil Society Democracy Fellowship Program-2010

1-School Health and Nutrition project, 2 -Nationwide Initiative for Mothers and newborn (PAIMAN),3-

Violence against women campaign,


9 CIDAChild Rights/ Child Labour/ Education/ Health/ Research/ Networking. Nationwide

10Home Schools, Mobile Bus, Student Scholarship Programme Sindh

11 School education, sports activities Punjab


Citizen Education Development FoundationCommunity Development Organization

Concern for Children Trust Community Driven Development projects Sindh, AJK

Geographical CoverageNature of WorkOrganistaion


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Development, Education, Environment, Poverty Alleviation and Population Welfare Organization (DEEPP)

Advocacy on Women Issues, Human/ Civil Rights, Children Punjab


Dir Area Development Organzaition

Violence Against Women,Child Rights NWFP


Ezaz-e-Niswan Development Organization. (EDO)

Social Awareness Among , Women and Children Punjab


Idara-E-Taleem-O-Aagahi (ITA)

Citizenship Education, Democracy, Human Rights and Governanc Youth, Community, School Councils & Teachers). Nationwide

17Insan Foundation

Child Development and Youth Leadership Program, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Program Nationwide

18 Islamic Relief

One-to-One Sponsorship Programme for Orphans, KERR Education School Construction & Development (KERR ESCD), Balochistan Education Support Programme

Azad Jammu Kashmir, Balochistan, NWFP

19Isra Islamic Foundation

Education, Trainings, Social Development Program, Capacity Building Program, Punjab


Lahore Association of Non-Government Organizations (LANGOS

Economic/ Social Development, Literacy/ Education, Disabled Rehabilitation, Welfare of Disadvantage women, NGO's Coalition for networking and NGO's representation Lahore


National Education Foundation

Establishment and Operation of 20,000 Basic Education Community (BEC) Schools in the country Nationwide

22 NCHD Universal Primary Education, Literacy Nationwide

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NGO Resource Center Karachi


Pakistan Crescent Youth Organisation (PCYO)

Sustainable Development/ Environment, Narcotics/ Drug abuse, Human/Civil Rights Sindh


Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization (PRWSWO)

Human /Civil Rights, Women Development, Working against torture through multi disciplinary approach, Child welfare, Drugs demand reduction, Education, HIV/AIDS, Environment, Community Mobilization, Primary Health Care etc. Punjab

26 PIEDARCenter for Environmental Education Through Participatory Learning (CEEPAL)

Schools in the low-incomeareas of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Kabirwala, Quetta, and Peshawar

27Plan International

Plan’s work in Pakistan covers 5 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child: health, education, livelihoods, child and gender rights, disaster risk reduction and response Punjab

28READ Foundation Formal Education AJK


Human/ Civil Rights, Women, Working against torture through multi disciplinary approach.

Punjab, AJK, NWFP

30Save the Children, USA

Education, Health, Economic Opportunities, Helping Children Survive and Thrive After a Disaster, Balochistan Floods, Serving Afghan refugees Nationwide

Development Management Education, Institutional Management and Certification Programme , Young Deve lopment Professionals' Fellowship Programme, Communications and Publications, Development Forums

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32 UNICEF Life Skills Education Nationwide


Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child

Child rights/ Child Labour/ Juvenile Justice/ Education/ Health/ Research/ Advocacy/ Networking. Nationwide


The Citizens Foudnation (TCF) Literacy/Education, Children/Youth Karachi

37 OXFAM Human Security Nationwide

39Save the Children UK Improving health, education and livelihoods Punjab

41 UNIFEM Nationwide

43 JICA Nationwide

45 Sudhar

Violence Against Women

Service delivery/ capacity building

Madrasa Education Program Punjab


Save the Children Sweden

Peace Promotion through engagements with Madrasa Students & Community

Punjab -Balochistan


Sindh Development Society

Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW), NGO Net for Women Rights & Children Rights Nationwide

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Azad Jammu & Kashmir AJKCommunity Based organizations CBO'sFederally Administered Tribal Areas FATANorth West Frontier Province NWFPNon- Governmental Organization NGOInternational Non-Governmental Organisation INGO United Nations UNUnited States USUnited Kingdom UKUnited Nations International Children's Emergency Fund UNICEFUnited Nations Educational, Cultural & Scientific Organisation UNESCO

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P.O.Box 307, F-8 Markaz,Islamabad-Pakistanwww.rb.se
