Manual Intercambiador Calor

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  • 7/27/2019 Manual Intercambiador Calor


    Installation And

    Oeration Manal



    Technical LiteratreMAXCHANGER

  • 7/27/2019 Manual Intercambiador Calor



    EquIpMENT LOG SHEETUpon delivery o your MAXCHANGER unit(s), be sure to record the ollowing inormation rom the nameplate (see Figure 5.2.,Page 14) on each unit. You will need this inormation whenever you contact the actory.

    Equipment Tag # Serial #* Drawing #* Model*

    * Tranter mst have serial or drawing nmer to roerly identiy yor eiment.

    ATTENTION: When ordering additional or replacement units, always provide the manuacturers serial number o the exchanger.

    This inormation appears in the General Assembly Drawing and on the exchangers nameplate.

    For parts, service or perormance ratings, contact one o Tranters authorized Service Centers (see contact inormation in Section 6.4.).

    TAbLE O CONTENTS1. INTRODuCTION 31.1. prodct Descrition And Tyes 3

    1.1.1. MAXCHANGER Design 3

    1.1.2. MAXCHANGER Congurations 3

    1.2. Service Limits 41.2.1. Design Conditions 4

    1.2.2. Maximum Dierential Temperatures 4

    1.2.3. Flow Rate Considerations 4

    2. INSTALLATION 52.1. Monting And low Control 5

    2.1.1. General Recommendations 5

    2.1.2. Location And Mounting 5

    2.1.3. Piping 5

    2.1.4. Valving And Pumps 5

    2.1.5. Filters 6

    2.1.6. Special Recommendations For 6

    Steam Service 6

    2.1.7. Vacuum Operation 7

    2.2. Common System Hooks 7

    2.2.1. Liquid/Liquid 7

    2.2.2. Process Fluid HeatingConstant Flow Rate 7

    2.2.3. Steam Or Vapor Condensing/Liquid 8

    2.2.4. Process Fluid HeatingVariable Flow Rate 8

    2.2.5. Rerigeration 8

    2.2.6. Multiple Units 9

    3. OpERATION 103.1. Critical Oerating princiles 10

    3.2. Starting u 10

    3.3. Shtting Down 11

    3.4. periodic low Rate Increases 11

    4. MAINTENANCE 124.1. Cleaning The MAXCHANGER 12

    4.2. Clean-in-lace (CIp) Gidelines And procedres 12

    4.3. prearation or Storage 13

    5. NOMENCLATuRE 14

    6. ADDITIONAL INORMATION 156.1. Damaged Shiments 15

    6.2. Retrns 15

    6.3. Inormation And Sort 15

    6.4. Athorized Service Centers 15

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    1.1. prodct DescritionAnd Tyes

    MAXCHANGER Welded Plate Heat Exchangers provide a highheat transer rate in a very compact space. They are designed orchallenging applications involving liquids, gases, steam and two-phase mixtures, at temperatures and pressures that are beyond thecapability o gasketed plate & rame units. For every individual

    MAXCHANGER unit, be sure to compare the operationalratings stamped on the nameplate (Figure 5.2., Page 14) withthe process design specications beore installation to avoid thepossibility o damage.

    1.1.1. MAXCHANGER DesignThe MAXCHANGER dimpled plates are arranged alternately andwelded together at the sides to orm channels or hot and coldmedia. Spacers isolate the channels and induce countercurrentfow. The numerous dimples provide maximum pressure resistanceand heat transer. Corner angles or hal-pipes are welded to theplate pack points and to the top and bottom plates, orming inlet

    and outlet headers.

    igre 1.1.MAXCHANGER dimpled plate.

    1. INTRODuCTIONThis manual is intended as your general guide or the proper installation, operation and maintenance o your MAXCHANGERWelded Heat Exchanger. You should study this manual thoroughly beore operating the unit and ollow the instructions with care.

    WARNING: Tranter accepts no responsibility or liability or damage caused by incorrect

    installation, operation or maintenance attributed to ailure to observe these instructions.

    igre 1.2.Exploded view o welded MAXCHANGER.

    End Plate

    The MAXCHANGER is available in twoplate lengths, the model MX-12 at 305mm (12 in.) and the model MX-24 at610 mm (24 in.).

    End Plate

    Heat TranserPlates

    Shell Cover Plate

    Corner Angles

    1.1.2. MAXCHANGER ConfgrationsTwo plate lengths are available, 305 mm (12 in.) and 610 mm(24 in.) with NPT-M or RF connections. Mounting bracketsmay be provided.

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    1.2. Service Limits

    1.2.1. Design Conditions

    Design operating conditions or each MAXCHANGER heatexchanger appear stamped on the exchangers nameplate (seeFigure 5.2., Page 14) and are shown on the general arrangementdrawing urnished with the unit. The MAXCHANGERexchanger should never be operated under conditions that exceedthose stamped on the nameplate.

    The MAXCHANGER is a welded design. Intermixing is possiblein the event o a plate or weld ailure. For critical applications whereany possibility o fuid intermixing must be avoided, a secondaryheat exchanger with an intermediate loop should be used.

    1.2.2. Maximm Dierential TemeratresThe MAXCHANGER Welded Heat Exchanger is limited to amaximum dierential temperature (hot fuid inlet temperatureminus cold luid inlet temperature) o 538C (1,000F).Exceeding this limitation may result in mechanical damage tothe equipment.





    igre 1.3.In steam heating applications, ensure that cold circuit ow rate alarms are set to

    prevent a drop below the 20% threshold to avoid ashing in the MAXCHANGERand subsequent condensation in the piping.

    1. INTRODuCTION (contined)

    1.2.3. low Rate Considerations

    The minimum fow rate is 10% o the rated fow rate as shownon the specications sheet shipped with each unit. With unitsusing steam, superheated water or thermal fuid in the hot circuit,it is necessary to maintain a minimum o 20% o the rated fowrate in the cold circuit. In applications where the temperature othe hot circuit fuid is higher than the saturation temperature othe cold circuit fuid, low fow rate alarms should be built intothe control circuit, since a drop below the 20% threshold couldcause fashing in the MAXCHANGER and condensation inthe piping. This could result in destructive water hammer thatcould damage the MAXCHANGER, other system componentsor nearby personnel.

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    2.1. Monting And low Control

    2.1.1. General Recommendations

    Always ollow generally accepted piping and equipment controlpractices. Observing the ollowing recommendations will helpensure long operating lie and trouble-ree maintenance.

    2.1.2. Location And Monting1. The unit should be mounted so that it ully drains and can

    be vented.

    2. Locate the exchanger in an area ree o intererence rompiping or other equipment.

    3. Mount the unit securely to a support structure.

    2.1.3. piing1. Employ elbows and expansion couplings to accommodate

    thermal expansion, pulsation and hydrodynamic shock thatcould damage the exchanger or its nozzles.

    2. Flush all approach piping thoroughly beore connecting the unit.

    3. Make provisions or thermal expansion and/or vibration, inecessary. Never expose the unit to pulsations or excessivecyclic pressure or temperature changes. It is also importantthat no vibrations are transerred to the heat exchanger. Ithere is a risk o this, install vibration absorbers. For large

    connection diameters, it is advised that an expansion jointbe used in the pipeline.

    4. Pipe in accordance with the labels xed to the unit (hot in,cold out, etc.).

    5. Provisions or monitoring pressure drop and temperaturesare recommended. Install so unit will operate ull o liquid.Trapped air will diminish the heat transer coecient.


    2.1.4. Valving And pms

    1. In high-pressure class application, operating pressuresmust be as stable as possible. One circuits pressure shouldbe higher than the other circuit by at least 1 bar (14.5psig). Pressure fuctuations resulting in pressure inversionsbetween the channels may damage the plate pack and leadto intermixing.

    2. In process applications, position shut-o valves such that theexchanger can be unbolted and removed without having toremove the valves.

    3. Globe or butterfy valves are recommended; these should bemaintained in good working order.

    4. To prevent water hammer, two-stage valves or slow-acting,throttling-capable valves should be used.

    5. Do not oversize control valves; this can create on/obehavior, which may damage the heat exchanger.

    6. Control sequences should be planned to prevent thermalor mechanical stresses rom occurring during start-up, loadswings and shut-down. See Section 3.1 or guidelines.

    7. Pumps serving the heat exchanger should be equipped withthrottling valves.

    8. Positive displacement pumps (especially reciprocating pumps)should be equipped with vibration dampers to minimizeharmonics and pulsation.

    9. Positive displacement pumps must also be equipped with apressure relie valve between the pump discharge and the heatexchanger inlet.

    10. Provisions or back-fushing and/or chemical in-place cleaningare recommended.

    WARNING: When the maximum pump discharge pressure exceeds the maximum design pressure o the exchanger,a pressure-reducing valve should be installed at the exchanger inlets.

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    2. INSTALLATION (contined)

    2.1.5. iltersThe MAXCHANGER is designed or use with clean fuids; thus,bers or particulate matter can plug the unit. External ltersshould be used when solids are present.

    Contact your actory representative to determine proper ltrationprocedures/devices.

    2.1.6. Secial Recommendations or

    Steam Service1. For use in condensing applications, such as steam, be sure

    the unit is oriented or gravity drainage o condensate. Goodsteam practices (e.g., steam trap below the unit, vacuumbreakers, etc.) should be ollowed. A sample steam schematicis shown (Figure 2.2.). Welded PHEs will not be warrantedi the schematic is not ollowed.

    2. Install pressure relie valves and foat & thermostatic (F&T)steam traps to prevent condensate accumulation in the platepack channels. This will protect the exchanger rom possiblewater hammer damage.

    3. When the unit is operating with partial vacuum or whenback pressure may exceed steam pressure, condensate pumpsshould be used to prevent backfow o condensate into theexchanger and system-induced stall conditions.

    4. Vacuum breakers and air vents should be installed at the inletto prevent condensate backfow due to the vacuum producedby condensation o steam during shut-down.







    Elevated Or

    Pressurized Return



    Motive Steam


    Air Vent







    Condensate Pump







    I the MAXCHANGER is used as a steam condenser, controlthe process on the steam side. I it must be controlled onthe condensate side and the system has back pressure on thecondensate line, install a condensate return pump. I the

    MAXCHANGER is drained to a condensate system open tothe atmosphere with no back pressure and a alling gradientall the way to the condensate tank or drain, eective drainagecan be achieved by installing an air vent, a drain and an F&Tsteam trap.

    Install F&TSteam Trap





    igre 2.2.

    Correctly engineered condensate handling will prevent system-induced stall conditions, protectequipment rom damage, improve thermal control and save energy.

    igre 2.1.MAXCHANGER units can sustain water hammer damage in low-pressure steam

    applications and non-continuous process systems i there is not adequate steamtrapping at critical points in the steam distribution system.

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    2.2.3. Steam Or Vaor Condensing/LiidIn a continuous process, steam condenses within the exchangerwhile heating a fuid. As a process condenser, the exchangeruses chilled water to condense vapor. Generally no control is

    installed, since systems usually operate with a constant coolingmedium fow rate. The return temperature is dependent on theheat load.

    Be sure to install traps upstream o the MAXCHANGERto prevent damage rom water hammer. This is particularlyimportant in low-pressure steam applications and on non-continuous process systems.

    2. INSTALLATION (contined)






    Recovery System

    F&T Steam



    igre 2.5.A basic heating (steam condensing) control scheme.




    F&T Steam

    Trap Process


    igre 2.6.A basic uid heating control scheme using bypass loop control.

    2.2.4. process lid HeatingVariale low RateI the process low rate varies, a bypass system should becongured or more accurate process control. In this strategy, thehot channel fow is set but not controlled. The loop controllerregulates the recirculation fow rate to attain the target outlettemperature, irrespective o the steam fow rate.

    In heating applications, always maintain a minimum o 20%maximum fow rate in the cold channel to prevent the possibilityo fashing, recondensing and water hammer in the piping.

    ATTENTION: Tranter assumes no liability or or relating to the

    delay, ailure, interruption or corruption o any MAXCHANGER

    unit in connection with use o this IOM. Beore relying on the

    inormation contained in this IOM, buyers should independently

    veriy its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance or individual

    applications. Buyers should obtain appropriate proessional advice

    rom a proessional process design company.

    2.2.5. RerigerationThe MAXCHANGER can be used in chiller or rerigeration

    systems as both condensers and evaporators.
























    igre 2.7.Rerigeration schematic or typical DX system.

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    3. OpERATION

    3.1. Critical Oerating princiles

    All operators should amiliarize themselves with the ollowing

    operating principles, which are critical in preventing damage tothe unit.

    1. Water hammer, i suspected, must be diagnosed andeliminated, or damage may result to the MAXCHANGER.

    2. Pumps should always be started against closed valves.

    3. Valves must be set to open and close gradually. Suddenopening and closing o the valves will subject the exchangerto mechanical and thermal shock and may cause materialatigue.

    4. Starting up and shutting down should be managed to

    minimize dierential expansion between the channels. Followthe stated start-up and shut-down steps in order.

    5. The maximum temperature rise measured at the hot channeloutlet should be no more than approximately 30C (55F)per min. I easible, the temperature rise should be as slow aspossible.

    CAUTION: In steam applications, never leave the steam on with the

    liquid side turned o. Turn the steam o frst and on last.

    igre 3.1.Always start the cold side frst, then the hot side.

    3.2. Starting u

    1. Inspect the unit careully or integrity.

    2. Ater extended storage or time o-line, ensure that theapproach piping is ree o scale or contamination that mayclog the fuid passages.

    3. Make sure that all inlet and outlet connections are tight.

    4. Always establish the cold side fow rst, then the hot sidefow.

    5. Make sure the cold side inlet valve between the pump andMAXCHANGER unit is closed.

    6. Fully open the shut-o valve at the outlet (i one was

    installed).7. Open the vent valve to evacuate air.

    8. Start the pump.

    9. Slowly open the eed valve. Close the vent valve when all airhas been removed.

    10.Wait several minutes, then repeat Steps 59 or the hot side,taking approximately 5 min. to ully open the inlet valve. Themaximum temperature rise measured at the hot channel outletshould be no more than approximately 10C (18F) per min.I easible, the temperature rise should be as slow as possible.

    2. EstablishSteam Flow

    1. Establish ColdChannel Flow

    Cold In

    Hot Out

    Hot In

    Cold Out

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    igre 3.2.Always shut down the hot side frst, then the cold side.

    3.3. Shtting Down

    Follow Steps 14 or the hot side rst, then repeat the procedureor the cold side. Always decrease the fow to the hot side until

    closed. Then shut down the cold side fow.

    1. Slowly close the hot side inlet valves.

    2. Switch o the pump.

    3. Close the outlet valves.

    4. Drain and vent the unit.

    Repeat Steps 14 or the cold side.

    3.4. periodic low Rate Increases

    The rate o heat transer surace ouling is aected by fuidvelocity. Tranter recommends that the fow rate be increased i

    possible at regular intervals. The increased turbulence within thechannel retards the rate o ouling. The requency and duration othis preventive cleaning practice will vary depending on operatingfuid velocities and ouling tendencies o the medium.

    1. Shut OSteam Flow

    2. Shut O ColdChannel Flow

    Cold In

    Cold Out

    Hot In

    Hot Out

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    The MAXCHANGER is a very simplied plate heat exchangerthat, by its nature, requires little or no maintenance. It can,however, as with any heat exchanger, plug or have scale orm onthe heat transer suraces. Provisions or eliminating or correcting

    these problems are best provided or during installation (seePage 6).

    I there are any questions about installation, chemical cleaning orrecommended strainer or screen sizes or lters, be sure to consultthe representative or manuacturer.

    4.1. Cleaning The MAXCHANGER

    The MAXCHANGER heat exchanger is engineered andconstructed or many years o reliable perormance. Somefuids under certain temperature and pressure conditions, while

    compatible with MAXCHANGER technology, can tend to scaleor oul the plates over time.

    The MAXCHANGER, as a welded unit, is essentially a weldedpressure vessel that cannot be disassembled in its standardconguration. The same design that gives the MAXCHANGERits perormance also makes in-line maintenance the only practicalcleaning strategy.

    Accumulation o deposits inside the process circuit reduces theheat transer rate and causes excessive pressure drops through thesystem. The operator must establish optimal methods, requencyand cleaning solutions to remove deposits without damaging

    the plates.

    Following are some general guidelines or cleaning:

    1. Do not use hydrochloric acids, or water containing in excesso 300 ppm chlorides, with stainless steel.

    2. Do not use phosphoric or sulamic acid or cleaningtitanium plates.

    Limit the cleaning solution concentration to 4% by volume instrength, with temperatures not exceeding 60C (140F) unlessotherwise specied.

    4.2. Clean-in-lace (CIp)Gidelines And procedres

    1. Drain both channels and fush the process circuit with cold,resh water. I the cooling circuit uses seawater, fush thischannel also.

    2. Flush both channels with warm water, 4050C (100120F),until the efuent water is clear.

    3. When mixing the cleaning solution, use chloride-ree or lowchloride water with a low hardness value.

    4. I possible, pump the cleaning solution opposite the normalfow direction or back-fushing action.

    5. Pump the cleaning solution at fow rates up to 1.5 times thenormal working fow rate, where possible, without exceedingthe maximum nozzle velocity o 8.5 m/sec (28 t/sec).

    I high CIP fow rates cannot be attained, use a solutioncapable o dissolving deposits at lower fow rates and/orlengthen the CIP cleaning cycle.

    6. Hydraulic shock must be avoided; use centriugal CIPpumps that can attain the CIP fow rate and operatingpressure gradually.

    Ater completing the cleaning cycle, fush the exchanger andapproach piping with clean water.


    1. When handling any cleaning solutions, closely ollow the

    saety recommendations provided by the cleaning solution


    2. Always wear protective goggles and rubber gloves.

    3. When diluting acid, always add acid to water.

    4. Do not use hydrochloric acid (HCl or muriatic acid) or

    cleaning stainless steel plates.

    5. Caustic soda and concentrated nitric acid can cause serious

    injuries to skin and mucous membrane.

    CAUTION: Always add cleaning solution concentrates to the dilution

    water and mix well beore circulation begins.

    Table 4.1. CIP Cleaning Solutions


    Calcium sulphate, silicates Citric, nitric, hoshoric or slamic acid

    Calcium carbonate 10% nitric acid (1 volme concentrated nitricacid with secifc gravity 1.41 to 9 volmeso water), Oakite 131

    Alumina, metal oxides, silt Citric, nitric, hoshoric or slamic acid (Toimrove cleaning add detergent to acid.)

    Biological growth Sodim caronate or sodim hydroxide

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    igre 4.1.Basic CIP confguration or one MAXCHANGER channel, showing isolationvalves and countercurrent cleaning.

    igre 4.2.The elements o a CIP system under pH control.

    4.3. prearation or Storage

    I the MAXCHANGER is shut down during winter or placedinto storage, be certain the unit is completely drained to avoidreezing-induced racture.

    For extended shut-downs, thoroughly fush both channels using

    resh water with low chloride content to prevent pitting corrosiono the stainless steel plates.

    Process Out

    Cleaning SolutionIn

    Cleaning SolutionOut

    Process In

    Process Out

    Process In

    CIP CleaningSolution Tank

    Monitoring Probe

    Sel-Priming Pump

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    igre 5.1.MAXCHANGER model code sequence.

    igre 5.2.

    MAXCHANGER identity plate and nameplate.










    US PAT 5469914US PAT 5487424

    US PAT 5469914

    TRANTER, Inc. P.O. Box 2289 Wichita Falls, Texas 76307

    Telephone: (940) 723-7125 Fax: (940) 723-5131

    US PAT 5487424


    Nom. Heat TranserSurace AreaPer Plate (t2)

    Length12 in.24 in.

    Cover Plate ThicknessH = 1/4 in.U = 3/8 in.S = 1/2 in.

    M = 5/8 in.F = 3/4 in.T = 1 in.

    Corner Angle ThicknessP = 10 ga.Q = 3/8 in.

    R = 1/4 in.S = 2 in. Sch.40 Hal Pipe

    No. O Plates


    Width (in.)

    Dimple Height0.048 in.0.060 in.

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    6.1. Damaged Shiments

    Our equipment is careully packaged and shipped in goodcondition. Shipments are made at the consignees risk. Uponreceipt o shipments, careully inspect the packaging andequipment or damage. In the event o loss or damage all claimsshould be made to the carrier.

    6.2. Retrns

    Units are not to be returned without rst obtaining permission romyour nearest Tranter plant. Units authorized or return must beproperly packaged and labeled and in good condition upon arrivalat the Tranter plant. All credits or returned units will be subject torestocking and transportation charges.

    6.3. Inormation And Sort

    This manual is also available on-line at Visitour website at or support options, or e-mailus directly at [email protected].

    6.4. Athorized Service Centers

    To obtain additional inormation on operation and maintenance,contact your local Tranter representative or the nearest Tranteractory-authorized Service Center.

    Tranter Service Center (USA)Factory/Sales/Engineering Oce1900 Old Burk Highway

    Wichita Falls, TX 76306Tel: 1-800-414-6908 Fax: 940-723-5131

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter Midwest Service Center (USA)30241 Frontage RoadFarmersville, IL 62533Tel: 217-227-3470E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter Service Center (USA)1213 Conrad SauerHouston, TX 77043Tel: 1-800-414-6908 Fax: 713-467-1502

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter International AB (United Kingdom)Wakeeld FactoryTranter Ltd, Unit 50Monckton Road Industrial Estate

    Wakeeld WF2 7AL EnglandTel: +44-1924 298 393 Fax: +44-1924 219 596

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter International AB (Sweden)Regementsgatan 32PO Box 1325SE-462 28 Vnersborg SwedenTel: +46 521 799 800 Fax: +46 521 799 822

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter International AB (Germany)Kthe-Paulus-Strasse 9Postach 10 12 14DE-31137 Hildesheim GermanyTel: +49-512 175 2077 Fax: +49-512 188 8561

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter International AB (Italy)Via Ercolano, 24IT-20052 Monza MI ItalyTel: +39-039 28 282 210 Fax: +39-039 834 315

    E-mail: [email protected] Ind e Com de Equip Ltda (Brazil)

    Av. Leonil Cre Bortolosso, 88 Galpo 106194-971 Osasco, SP BrazilTel/Fax: +55 11 3608-4154E-mail: [email protected]

    Tranter India Pvt. Ltd. (India)Gat. No. 985, Sanaswadi Tal. ShirurDist.Pune -421 208 (India)Tel: +91-2137-392300 Fax: +91-2137-392354

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Manual Intercambiador Calor


    At the oreront o heat exchanger

    technology or more than 70 years

    Tranter top quality, high-perormance, proprietary

    products are on the job in demanding industrial and

    commercial installations around the world. Backed by

    our comprehensive experience and worldwide presence,

    Tranter oers you exceptional system perormance, ap-

    plications assistance and local service. Tranter is closeto its customers, with subsidiary companies, agents,

    distributors and representatives located worldwide.

    Contact us or a qualied discussion o your needs.

    North/Soth America

    Tranter, Inc.Wichita Falls, TX USATel: (940) 723-7125Fax: (940) 723-5131E-mail: [email protected]


    Tranter International AbStockholm, SwedenTel: +46 (0)8 442 49 70Fax: +46 (0)8 442 49 80E-mail: [email protected]

    Middle East/Asia/Arica

    Tranter India pvt. LtdPune, IndiaTel: +91 20-30519300Fax: +91 20-30519350E-mail: [email protected]