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Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program i


The manual of Research Track Doctoral Education Program (Doctoral by Research) of School Postgraduate Studies – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2020 is a technical description of the implementation of doctoral by research academic program, which referred to the Guideline for Educational Implementation of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This manual is designed to support all academician of SPs-UPI to understand and to apply programs and practices of Doctoral by Research academic program properly following applicable regulations The information contained in this manual represents academic cultures which will be different compared with students in the regular program / by coursework. The student of doctoral by research requires to understand deeply what to do in their study period. On the other hand, faculties and educational personnel are expected to contribute to the success of their studies in our school so postgraduate studies, especially doctoral by research program

Bandung, 21st September 2020 Director ,

Prof. Dr. Syihabuddin, M.Pd.

NIP 196001201987031001

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program ii


Page(s) PREFACE i TABLE of CONTENT ii Decree of SPs Director Concerning the Settlement of Manual Instruction of Research Track Education (Doctoral by Research) iv A. INTRODUCTION 1

1. Research Track Doctoral Education Program (Doctoral by Research) 1 2. Graduate Profiles of Research Track Doctoral 1

B. ROLES and RESPONSIBILITY of UNIVERSITY, School of Postgraduate Studies / FACULTY, STUDY PROGRAMS and STUDENT 2 1. Roles and Responsibility of University 2 2. Roles and Responsibility of SPs / Faculty 2 3. Roles and Responsibility of Study Programs 2 4. Roles and Responsibility of Student 3

C. REQUIREMENT 3 1. Academic Requirement 3 2. Administrative Requirement 3

D. STUDY PERIOD, REGISTRATION, and STUDENTSHIP STATUS 4 1. Study Period and Timeline 4 2. Registration 4 3. Re-Registration 4 4. Probationary Status 5 5. Candidacy 5

E. DOCTORAL PROMOTER(S) and GUIDANCE PROCESS 5 1. Promoter(s) 5 2. Co-Promotor(s) and the Member 5 3. Guidance Process 5

F. PROPOSAL EXAMINATION 5 1. Objectives 5 2. Format and Content of Proposal 5 3. Proposal Examination Preparation 6 4. Proposal Examination 6 5. Proposal Examination Result 6

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program iii


G. DISSERTATION RESEARCH IMPLEMENTATION 6 1. Research Implementation 6 2. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism 6 3. Data and Research Notes 7 4. Occupational Health and Safety 7 5. Scholarship 7 6. Learning Resources for Research Purposes 7 7. Research Permission 7 8. Co-Promotor and External Promotor Members 7

H. REVIEW of STUDY PROGRESS 7 1. Unsatisfactory Case 7 2. Changes in Research Track of Doctoral Education 8 3. Resignation from Research Track of Doctoral Education 8

I. DISSERTATION WRITING 8 1. Rules of Dissertation Writing 8 2. Language Dissertation Writing other than Bahasa Indonesia 8

J. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION and COPYRIGHT 9 1. Obligation of Scientific Publication 9 2. Copyright 9

K. DISSERATION EXAMINATION 9 1. Similarity Checking 9 2. Dissertation Assessment by SPs/Faculty Commission 9 3. Stage 1 Dissertation Examination 9 4. Stage 2 Dissertation Examination 2 (Promotion) 10 5. Assignment of the Examiner(s) 10


Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program iv



Nomor : 2860/UN40.B/HK/2020



TAHUN 2020


Menimbang : a. bahwa untuk memberikan penjelasan yang lebih rinci dan penjabaran dari

Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020, perlu dibuat Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Doktor Jalur Riset (Doctor by Research) Sekolah Pascasarjana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020; b. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a,

perlu menetapkan Keputusan Direktur tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Doktor Jalur Riset (Doctor by Research) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020;

Mengingat : 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 78, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4301);

2. Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2012 Nomor 158, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5336);

3. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2005 Nomor 41, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4496) sebagaimana telah diubah Kedua Kalinya dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 13 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 45, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5670);

4. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 4 Tahun 2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014 Nomor 16, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5500);

5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 tentang Statuta Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014 Nomor 41, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 5509);

6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 Tahun 2015 tentang Bentuk dan Mekanisme Pendanaan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 110, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5699);

7. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Standar Nasional Pedidikan Tinggi;

8. Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 62 Tahun 2016 tentang Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi.;



SEKOLAH PASCASARJANA Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi Nomor 229 Bandung 40154

Telepon (022) 2001197, 2002320, 2013163 Faksimile: 022-2005090

Laman: http://sps.upi.edu - E-mail: [email protected]

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program v

9. Peraturan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 03/PER/MWA UPI/2015 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 tentang Statuta Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 06/PER/MWA UPI/2015 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 tentang Statuta Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

10. Peraturan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 03/PER/MWA UPI/2017 tentang Revisi Rencana Strategis (RENSTRA) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2016-2020;

10. Keputusan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 13/KEP/MWA UPI/2020 tentang Pemberhentian Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Pengganti Antarwaktu Masa Bakti 2015-2020 dan Pengangkatan Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Masa Bakti 2020-2025;

11. Peraturan Rektor Nomor 045 Tahun 2020 tentang Struktur Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

12. Keputusan Rektor Nomor 9757/UN40/KP/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.



PERTAMA : Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Doktor Jalur Riset (Doctor by Research) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020 berfungsi memberikan penjelasan lebih rinci serta memberikan arahan teknis mengenai berbagai aspek bagi sivitas akademika dan tenaga kependidikan berkenaan dengan kegiatan akademik Program Pendidikan Doktor Jalur Riset (Doctor by Research) di Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

KEDUA : Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Doktor Jalur Riset (Doctor by Research) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020 sebagaimana dimaksud dalam diktum pertama berbentuk buku sebagai lampiran yang merupakan bagian dan satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Direktur ini;

KETIGA : Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Doktor Jalur Riset (Doctor by Research) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020 berlaku untuk 1 (satu) tahun dan jika dipandang perlu dapat direvisi sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dan budaya serta peraturan perundang-undangan;

KEEMPAT : Keputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan, dengan ketentuan apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam Keputusan ini akan dilakukan perbaikan dan penyesuaian sebagaimana mestinya.

Ditetapkan di Bandung pada tanggal 21 September 2020


Prof. Dr. Syihabuddin, MPd. NIP 196001201987031001

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 1




1. Research Track Doctoral Education Program (Doctoral by Research)

The Research Track Doctoral Education Program (Doctoral by Research) is a doctoral education program in which students graduate fully based on dissertation research and writing. However, a student shall take and pass from certain courses i.e.:

a. Study of Pedagogy (only for a student who has not taken in their master’s degree) b. Advanced Research Methods, and c. Other 2 courses related to research study topics (literature study and field study).

The credits of those courses are calculated as the acquisition of learning outcomes. Moreover, scientific publications are counted as earning credits equivalent to courses. Other courses are eligible for student as needed with permission from the Promotor, with a sit-in mechanism. In addition to scientific publications, all of these courses shall be completed by students in the probationary period in the first semester or at most in the second semester and continued with the dissertation completion period (candidacy stage for 5 to 13 semester). Considering the characteristics of the program, the Research Track Doctoral Education Program only accepts students with an in-line educational background with their doctoral level. Degree awarded of Doctoral by Research indicates that the recipient of the degree has carried out original and substantial research under intensive and comprehensive academic supervision in a conducive research environment for a period of 3 – 7 years. If a student can complete the entire credits load and other required obligations faster, it is possible the student might complete his/her degree at least about 2,5 years or 5 semesters.

2. Graduate Profiles of Research Track Doctoral

The Graduate Profiles of Research Track Doctoral of UPI is expected to have the following characteristics:

a. Excellent academically. b. Mastering scientific philosophy of his/her field of sciences and particular skills c. Have in-depth knowledge and their field d. Have a reliable research skill e. Able to adapt to cultural diversity f. Become an active and productive world community

In addition, graduates of the Research Track Doctoral Education Program are also expected to have the following profiles:

a. Have the ability to an inquiry or develop new scientific theories/conceptions/ideas that contribute to

science/art/technology development b. Have a high capacity in initiating research/creation in the field of arts/technology science c. Have the skills to solve problems carefully and be flexible in terms of approaches to a theory d. Have strong ability in designing, conducting, and reporting original and up to date research or works of

arts/technology e. Have the qualification to analyse critically is constantly changing and developing scientific discipline

environment f. Have the capability to disseminate research/creation results both orally and writing in reputable

journals and scientific forums

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 2

g. Have capacity and integrity in collaborating and appreciate any contributions of fellow researchers and expert in his/her relevant fields

h. Able to show academic leadership in the management, development, and coaching of resources and organization in accordance with its responsibility

i. Able to perform an attitude and respect to truthfulness and intellectual integrity, as well as to research expertise and ethics


and STUDENT 1. Roles and Responsibility of University

The university has roles and responsibilities to perform as follow: a. Establish regulations that underlie the implementation of the Research Track Doctoral Education


b. Provide proof of graduation (diploma) for students who have the Research Track Doctoral Education

Program and meet the set requirement

2. Roles and Responsibility of School of Postgraduate Studies (SPs)/Faculty The SPs / Faculty has roles and responsibilities to do the following things:

a. Ensuring that accepted students into the program are active and meet the specified academic requirements.

b. Maintain the quality of the Research Track Doctoral by monitoring the progress of students’ learning c. Facilitating students’ learning progress, including preparing adequate workspaces and literature

sources d. Inform students of opportunities and requirements for obtaining a scholarship e. Maintaining Dissertation quality through SPs Commission/Faculty. This commission/faculty has a

role to guarantee the quality of the submitted dissertation draft and determine its feasibility for the examination. The dissertation is eligible for the examination having declared “appropriate” by the SPs Commission/Faculty.

f. Determine considerably a promoter’s team and its examiners proposed by the head of a study program

g. Ensuring the feasibility of produced scientific publication by a doctoral student through Center of Development and Scientific Works Publication (P3KI) of SPs

h. Conducting monitoring and evaluation in every single semester along with the head of study program/head of department and Quality Control Unit (SKM)/ Quality Control Unit

i. Organizing and submitting results and announcing be granted of dissertation exam. 3. Roles and Responsibility of Study Programs

The study program is responsible for matters relating to students’ affairs of the Research Track Doctoral Program and matters relating to communication with SPs/Faculty. The duties and responsibility of the study program as follow:

a. Together with SPs/Faculties, the Head of Study Program ensures that accepted students into this program meet the specified academic requirement

b. Ensuring that the prospective promoter has an interest and expertise in research methods and scientific field relevant to the particular topic researched by the student

c. Informing students about expectations of a study program and SPs / Faculties and the University related to quality standard and practices of research

d. Emphasize the commitment of working on time and avoid delay in both the research process and dissertation writing

e. Informing each stage shall be passed, time frame, guidance process, and facilities can be utilized by students while they are following the Research Track Doctoral Education Program.

f. Along with SKM/GKM to perform monitoring and reporting the study progress regularly during the student's study period to the SPs / Faculty at the end of each semester, where monitoring is carried out in coordination with the supervisors

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 3

g. Providing a conducive physical and academic environment for students to participate in various academic activities such as seminars, workshops, and scientific discussions

h. Responsible for solving problems once disharmony occurs between the promoter/promoter team and the student. The Head of the Study Program seeks to solve existing problems based on consultation with SPs / Faculties

i. Ensuring that every student performs academic obligations in accordance with the established regulations

j. Encourage students to carry out scientific publications (journals and seminars) both nationally and internationally.

4. Roles and Responsibility of Student

The study program and the promoter team provide guidance and support, while Doctoral Student in this program has roles and responsibilities as follow:

a. Understanding the regulations of the University, SPs / Faculties, and Study Programs / Departments as well as the various requirements that shall be met during the study period.

b. Understanding the following points: 1) Vision and mission of the Study Program 2) The nature and scope of research in the chosen particular field 3) Available facilities, including libraries and reading/reference rooms at the University, SPs / Faculties, and Study Programs 4) Dimensions of carried out the research, time frame and dissertation timeline, and its lucid steps during the study period 5) The qualities and abilities expected by Research Track Doctoral Education Program

c. Committed to schedule, conducting, and recording regular meetings with supervisors (at least once every two weeks)

d. Continuously inform the promoter team of academic activities, progress, and even study challenges/problems

e. Have a strong commitment, hard work, and attentively to deal with everything related to the Research Track Doctoral Education Program

f. Mandatory to take the following courses: Study of Pedagogy (for those who have not taken them in master’s degree), Advanced Research Methods, and two other courses related to Literature Review and Field Studies related to research topics.

g. Taking sit-in on the particular course(s) according to the result of consultation with the Promoter h. Noticing to fulfill standards of dissertation writing. i. Be aware of various things that can hinder the completion of the study

C. REQUIREMENT All prospective students shall be able to demonstrate the capacity to conduct independent research and the ability to study in the Research Track Doctoral Education Program. All prospective student of this Program must meet the following requirements: 1. Academic Requirement

a. Graduate of an accredited master program (Accreditation Rank of A) through Thesis from a reputable University in Indonesia or abroad

b. Awarded master’s degree in the same or relevant field with the chosen field in Research Track Doctoral Education Program

c. Providing a research proposal that has been consulted with supervisor candidate of the SPs/Faculty by the registration period

d. The candidate shall have a recommendation letter from the supervisor candidate to become his/her promoter. This letter shall be submitted along with the registration form before entrance selection

e. Have a minimum TOEFL or TOEFL-Like score of 550 or a minimum IELTS of 5.5 for those who chose English Education/Linguistics Program, and a minimum TOEFL or TOEFL-Like score of 525 or a minimum IELTS of 5.0 for those who chose others

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 4

2. Administrative Requirement

a. Applying as a prospective student of the Research Track Doctoral Education Program with rules and schedule determined by SPs/Faculty

b. Enrolling and are declared to have passes the SPs/Faculty entrance selection which consists of English Language, and Academic Potential Tests

c. Student who already working shall obtain permission from their working place and being not assigned job(s) during the program


The Research Track Doctoral Education Program is pursued full time for 3-5 years. If students can complete the entire credits load and other academic requirements more quickly, it is possible to complete a minimum of 2.5 years or 5 semesters. Students in this program shall focus on taking their study by spending their research activities 5 days a week and working a minimum of 8 hours every day. Activities undertaken during the study period can be seen in Figure 1

Figure 1. Timeline of Research Track Doctoral Education Program

2. Registration

Students of the Research Track Doctoral Education Program must be registered in their respective Study Programs. Registration is applied once students receive official notification that they have passed the selection in the UPI SPs / Faculty entrance examination. The registration process is conducted according to the procedure as stipulated in the applicable UPI Education Guidelines, and it will become a reference for submitting a Decree of the Promoter Team. During their studies at the SPs / Faculty, students must provide reachable and contactable telephone/cell phone number(s), email, and home address (temporary and or permanent). Changing of those detailed contacts shall be notified to the SPs / Faculty academic staff

3. Re-registration Students shall re-register (online) every semester and submit a progress report signed by him/her and the supervisor to the Subdivision Head of the Academic and Student Affairs of SPs / Faculties and the Head of the Study Program. The Study Progress report shall follow the form in the Appendix

-Enrolling 4 courses: Pedagogics, Advanced

Research Methods, Literature Study, and

Field Study-Preparing Proposal-Porposal Seminar

-Porposal Seminar-Instrumen Preparation

and Validation-Scientific Publication #1

-Limited Trial of Research-Data Taking of Resarch-Scientific Publication #2

-Data Processing, Findings and and Analyses

-Dissertation Writing-Scientific Publication #3 and 4

-Submit Dissertation Draft to SPs Commission/Faculty

-Exam #1-Public Hearing / Promotion

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3

Semester 6 Semester 4-5

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 5

4. Probationary status Probationary status is awarded as long as the student has not taken the research proposal exam. This status lasts from one to two semesters. The research proposal exam is eligible to apply once students pass the probationary status (at least one semester and a maximum of two semesters)

5. Candidacy The status of "Doctoral Candidate" is obtained by students after passing the proposal exam. He/she will be called "Doctoral Candidate" only if they have passed this exam, which indicates that the proposed research is permitted to continue.

E. PROMOTOR AND GUIDANCE PROCESS The student will be guided at least by two supervisors who have relevant expertise in his/her field study. These advisors consist of promoters, co-promoters, and member(s). If necessary, students can be mentored by an external promoter/co-promotor(s)

1. Promotor(s)

The main supervisor (Promoter) is a full professor in the Study Program/Department who has a relevant research track record to the student's dissertation. This first supervisor is the most responsible person for the research and dissertation writing mentoring process (see the requirements for the promoter in the applicable UPI Education Implementation Guidelines)

2. Co-Promotor and Member(s) Co-promoter and member(s) are the supervisor(s) who work with the promoter and acted as a second and third promoter. Co-Promoters and Members are lecturers from inside or outside UPI. This co-promoter and member(s) have a relevant research track record previous experience to guide the dissertation (see the requirements of the promoter in the applicable UPI Education Implementation Guidelines)

3. Guidance Process a. Guidance Period

1) The informal guidance process can be applied by prospective students by contacting prospective promoter team(s) and shall be done before the registration period

2) The formal guidance process starts in semester one (1) once the prospective student is accepted and have received a Letter of Statement (LoS) as a Research Track Doctoral Education Program student

3) The guidance process during the preparation of proposals and research instruments are implemented at least every two weeks on a scheduled basis

4) Once a student is in the research data taking (field research) stage, the guidance activities might be delivered in direct meeting and or indirect through email or any possible communication technologies

5) Every mentoring activity shall be well administered in the guidance logbook 6) Monitoring and evaluation of this guidance shall be implemented through the designated

information system. 7) Once the field research is completely done, the guidance activities shall be applied in campus

meeting under the schedule, and at least one in two weeks.

b. Complaint on Guidance Period Student complaints (including causal factors and their explanations) can be submitted in writing to the

Promoter or Head of the Study Program, to then be forwarded to the Director of SPs / Dean of the Faculty

c. Leave Permission Student leave permits for the Research Track Doctoral Education Program are generally the same with

other doctoral students which are regulated in the applicable UPI Education Implementation Guidelines. The leave period is counted as the study period

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 6


The Proposal exam has the following objectives: a) Assessing the progress (up to the time of the proposal exam) and the readiness of prospective doctoral

candidates to complete their studies b) Ensuring that student has elaborated a proper research design and show that research feasible to carry

out completely c) Ensuring that the doctoral candidate has been met with administrative requirement

2. Format and Content of Proposal

The research proposal consists of 7,000-10,000 words and contains the following items: a) Introduction, which contains the background, objectives, research questions, and the significance of the

research b) Critical synthesis of relevant literature review c) Framework of the designated research. d) Research methods and required possible equipment that might be used e) Schedule and activities (timeline) proposed during the study period. The timeline is compiled based on

promoter team and student discussion until submit a ready-to-test dissertation stage f) Bibliography referred to in proposal writing. It has to contain at least 150 relevant references to the

research topic. References can come from articles in journals, newspapers, proceedings, book chapters, or books. This Bibliographies shall referring at least 60% from journal articles of the total cited references

g) List of seminars or publications that have been conducted during the probationary period, if any. 3. Proposal Examination Preparation

Proposal exams can only be applied once student has passed the courses and other requirements during the probationary period. To prepare for the proposal exam, students shall carry out the following activities: a) Checking proposal exam manual instruction b) Ensuring that all exams proposal submission requirements have been fulfilled c) Completing registration form through online or offline. For the SPs student, the registration shall be

administered online through http://sps.upi.edu/siptama/. d) Prepare presentation materials and ensure readiness for the proposal examination presentation.

4. Proposal Examination

During the proposal examination, the student shall perform following activities: a) Making a 30-minute presentation followed by questions from the examiners in a seminar organized by

the Study Program or Department for 90 minutes. The examiners consist of 2 promoter teams and 1 examiner lecturer who can be assigned to be part of the promoter team. Examining lecturers must meet the requirements in the applicable UPI education guidelines

b) Defended his research proposal before the examiners c) Demonstrate a strong understanding related with research method, concepts and topics of his/her


5. Proposal Examination Result Having completed the proposal examination, the examiner team will provide recommendations with the following alternatives: a) Student can immediately continue their research after or without revisions. Research Track Doctoral

Candidate status can be granted since the proposal is declared worthy of scrutiny. This status is determined by the SPs / Faculty through a decree from the Director of the SPs / Dean of the Faculty

b) c) Students shall repeat the proposal exam and be allowed to retake the proposal examination within 3

months. If a student does not pass the second exam, he / she would be declared a drop out (DO) from the Research Track Doctoral Education program. Those who drop out of this program might choose to resign or change to the regular Doctoral Program (by course work and dissertation)

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 7


The implemented research shall demonstrate integrity, professionalism and originality; committed to academic honesty; ensure the safety and welfare of all people related to research; as well as using methods and producing research that is open to input, criticism, and further research.

2. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Students shall demonstrate academic honesty and avoid plagiarism. Those who are proven to have violated plagiarism will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable rules at the University. Research ethics developed by the UPI SPs Commission/Faculty team can be downloaded on the sps.upi.edu web site

3. Data and Research Notes Students have to administer data and research records properly, including confidential shall be stored in a safe place. These must be kept as long as the data is valued for the researcher in accordance with the applicable requirements of the university or funding institution, legal entity, legal authority or patent granting body. Data have to be retained for a minimum of 5 years from the time the dissertation is submitted for exam or after the research results are published

4. Occupational Health and Safety Students shall work in a healthy, safe environment, and follow the rules/work procedures that apply in Study Programs, SPs / Faculties, and Universities. Students who doing research in the laboratory shall omit to all laboratory safety instruction to prevent or reduce the risk of harm from fire, explosion, radiation, or the effects of chemicals that endanger their own health and that of others. If any, students must report all harm or damage experienced to the supervisor(s). Traveling for research purposes need to be discussed with the supervisor(s) and keep consider with the risks of the trip

5. Scholarship Students of the Research Track Doctoral Education Program have the same rights as the regular Doctoral Program to apply and awarded same educational scholarships from various institutions by meeting the requirements set by the scholarship awarding institution

6. Learning Resources for Research Purposes Learning resources in the form of textbooks for research purposes might be accessed through student facilities in the Study Program workspace in the SPs / Faculty building or at the central library. Learning resources through internet facilities can be accessed in all areas of UPI. Instructions for accessing learning resources can be obtained at the SPs/Faculty/UPI library

7. Research Permission Students who will conduct research shall apply for a research permit through SPs/Faculty. The application letter is signed by the Promoter and Director of the SPs/Dean of the Faculty. For SPs students, applying for research permits can be done online via the http://sps.upi.edu/siptama/page

8. External Co-Promotor Member(s) External Co-promoters and member(s) are mentors from outside UPI whose expertise is relevant and needed in guiding student's dissertation. The promoter team can propose supervisor(s) from outside the UPI to the Director of the SPs/Dean of the Faculty through the Head of Study Program


Study progress reviews would be held in every semester, where students shall fill in a study progress form to be able to re-register in each semester or continue the scholarship received. Study progress forms which can be obtained at SPs / Faculties shall filled in completely, signed by the Promoter and Head of the Study Program, and submit to to the SPs / Faculty before the end of each semester. Students who receive scholarships from a certain institutions also need to submit a progress report to the scholarship awarding institution. The study progress would be also reviewed in a Postgraduate Discussion Forum organized by the

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 8

research group of the promoter team. Each student makes a presentation and would receive feedback from lecturers and research team students. Students must also report the progress of scientific publications via the http://sps.upi.edu/siptama/page

1. Unsatisfactory Case

Doctoral Candidate status can be terminated by SPs/Faculties at any time if students do not show their progress based on recommendations from the Promoter and Study Program as well as monitoring and evaluation analysis from SPs/Faculties/Study Program, both during the probationary and Doctoral Candidate period. Students might receive warnings once less show a proper attention progress in some stages of the study period as follow: a) Before proposal examination. b) After enrolling proposal examination; or c) During dissertation writing. Whether the results of monitoring and evaluation do not match expectations, the SPs/Faculty would send a warning letter for improvement or requirements which shall be met within three months after the warning letter is issued. Once the improvement have not done after three months, the SPs/Faculty would terminate the Research Track Doctoral Education Program from the student. He/she might lose their student status if their study period ends, do not following academic registration at the stipulated time, commit criminal acts, or other violations as regulated in the Regulation of UPI Rector Number 052/2020 concerning with Implementation Guidelines UP Education

2. Changes in Research Track Doctoral Education Program During this program, student is allowed to make possible changes in the following matters a. Change in the Research Direction

Changes in the direction of research including research topics shall notify to the Head of the Study Program and the Director of SPs/Dean of the Faculty. This notification is made by mail separately or combined with student progress reports. In the notification letter, it is necessary to state whether a change in direction and research topic will affect to the study period.

b. Change of Supervisor(s) Supervisor(s) changes might occur as a result of unforeseen circumstances, which shall be discussed with the Study Program. Based on students feedback and discussion, the Study Program might select and propose a replacement supervisor(s). Temporary supervisor(s) changes might be applied if the supervisor(s) is absent for more than two months. This change is also possible whether there is an unharmoniously relationship between student and supervisor(s) so that interfere with the successful of dissertation research

c. Change of Study Program / Education Track Students might apply for transfer to the Regular Track Doctoral Education in the same study program or move to another study program if the remaining study time is still sufficient to complete the study and has the approval from Head of Study Program. For those who will move to another study program, approval shall be obtained from new Head of Study Program. Furthermore, the transfer process is carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations at UPI

3. Resignation from Research Track Doctoral Education Program

Students of the Research Track Doctoral Education Program might withdraw from the SPs/Faculty by submitting an application for postponement to the SPs/Faculty. Resignation can have implications for the relevant leaving the SPs/Faculty of UPI

I DISSERTATION WRITING 1. Rules of Dissertation Writing

The writing style and dissertation format can be seen in the Guidelines for Writing Scientific Papers applicable at the University and the Technical Guidelines for Dissertation Writing that are applicable at SPs/Faculties. The dissertation is written in the range of 80,000-100,000 words. For certain disciplines, such as Mathematics and Science, it can be less than 80,000 words, but no less than 60,000 words

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 9

2. Language of Dissertation Writing other than Bahasa Indonesia The dissertation might be written into Bahasa Indonesia (Bahasa) or a foreign language (English), except for the foreign language education study program which requires the dissertation to be written in its foreign language. Students writing a dissertation other than in English must submit a summary of 5,000-6,000 words in English to the SPs/Faculty

J. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION and COPYRIGHT 1. Obligation of Scientific Publication

Students of the Research Track Doctoral Education Program are required to perform scientific publications in both national and international academic forums. During their studies, students shall to produce at least 4 scientific publications, in the following forms: a. One article received/published in a reputable international journal (indexed by Scopus or its equivalent) b. One article received / published in a national journal accredited by at least SINTA 3 or published in

international seminar proceedings indexed by Scopus or equivalent c. One article published in indexed international seminar proceedings d. One article published in the proceedings of a national seminar with ISBN (International Standard Book.

Number) All articles in this publication are required to enrol stage one of examination

2. Copyright Students shall publish his/her research results (both online and or in print) as first writer and his/her supervisor(s) as the second writer and so on. Student shall declare academic affiliation of UPI's SPs/Faculty affiliation. The publishing copyright and intellectual property rights are held by UPI for at least 5 years. Students and the team of promoters can apply for funds/incentives for publication fees in accordance with the applicable provisions in the SPs / Faculty

K. DISSERTATION WRITING 1. Similarity Checking

The dissertation draft that has been approved by the supervisor(s) is submitted to Centre for the Development of Scientific Paper Publication (P3KI) unit for a similarity check using TURNITIN software. The dissertation similarity level assessment is divided into three categories as follows:

a) A dissertation with a similarity index below or equal to 25%, will obtain Letter of Statement (LoS)

as necessary requirements for taking the 1st stage of the exam

b) A Dissertation with a similarity level above 25% and a maximum of 40%, will obtain Letter of

Statement (LoS) to be used to submit the dissertation to the SPs Commission. To be able to take

the 1st stage examination, students must make improvements to the dissertation to a maximum

similarity level of 25%. Checking using TURNITIN can be done repeatedly by P3KI until point a


c) A Dissertation with a similarity level more than 40% shall make improvements before submitting

to the Commission / Examination Phase 1. Checking using TURNITIN can be repeated by P3KI

until point a obtained

2. Dissertation Assessment by SPs Commission / Faculty

Prior to the 1st stage of the examination, the dissertation that has been approved by the supervisor, the 3 copies of dissertation shall be submitted to the SPs Commission/Faculty for eligibility assessment. Whether some improvement recommended, student have to revised it first before the exam is carried out. The improved version would be reviewed by the supervisor(s) and approved by the Head of the Study Program. Students shall submit a dissertation to the SPs Commission/Faculty no later than 6 months before his/her study period ends

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 10

3. Stage One Dissertation Exam The dissertation that has been approved by the Promoter Team, declared feasible by the SPs Commission, revised in accordance with the advice of the SPs Commission/Faculty would be proceeded by the Head of Study Program and SPs/Faculty for submission of stage 1 and stage 2 examinations (Promotion). The examination mechanism will be delivered same as in the regular doctoral education program

4. Stage Two Dissertation Exam (Promotion) Stage Two of Dissertation Examination (Promotion) is held after students take the following stages: a. The dissertation has been revised and the results of the revision have been approved by the examiner

team and the promoter (make sure the dissertation is final, there will be no more improvements after the Stage Two of Dissertation Exam)

b. The Doctoral candidates register for Stage Two Dissertation Examination (Promotion), accompanied by completeness of the stipulated publication requirements and a summary booklet of the dissertation

c. The SPs/Faculty determine the exam schedule according to the agreement of all parties involved (SPs/Faculty, examiner, and promoter teams).

d. The examination is held based on designated schedule, which is led by leaders of UPI SPs/Faculty. The procedure for the Stage two dissertation examination are same both for Research Track Pathway and Regular Doctoral Education Program

5. Assignment of Examiner(s)

a. Examiners must be "impartial" (not taking sides and unbiased, either against the student) b. The examining team consists of at least 3 and a maximum of 5 persons, which one of them shall comes

from outside UPI (not teaching at UPI) with a relevant scientific background and has a good reputation c. The Head of Study Program proposes the examiners who have been assigned to the SPs / Faculty to

be later appointed by the Director of SPs/Dean of the Faculty d. All appointed examiners might be from inside and / or outside UPI. Examiners shall have not conflicts

of interest with students, supervisors, and / or institutions; both of personal, professional/ commercial

e. The appointed examiners are those who are actively conducting research for at least last five years in relevant to the dissertation research topic.

f. For a dissertation written in English or a foreign language, one of the examiners can come from an English-speaking country or a foreign language, and for a dissertation written into Bahasa, one of the examiners might come from a neighbourhood country (a country that speaks Bahasa or Malay)


Students who have passed the dissertation examination, shall to submit a dissertation in a soft copy to be uploaded to the UPI repository. Once the dissertation is submitted to the University library, it will become one of the references that can be used by anyone for research or study purposes. Students are entitled to obtain copyright in accordance with copyright regulations in Indonesia

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 11



No. Description Nilai

1 Published Status at the ongoing semester. A 2 Submitted status and there is communication with the Publisher for review process at the

ongoing semester, and being published in the next semester A-

3 Submitted status with no communication yet with publisher for review process at the ongoing semester, and being published in the next semester


4 Paper Draft B+

Cum Laude Requirements In addition to the requirements such as in the regular doctoral program, the special requirements for research track doctoral students for Cum Laude category are Publications as follows: Two accepted/published articles in reputation journal equivalent to Q3 (Scopus); and two other accepted/published publications (reputable proceedings; proceedings with ISBN, or one article in Q2 equivalent reputable journals (Scopus); articles in SINTA-3; proceedings with reputation; proceedings with ISBN .





Course Code and Semester(s) would adjust with the system



Based on proposes courses





4 V








4 V


Course code will be adjusted with each study program codes already in the system

Total 43

Manual Instruction of Doctoral by Research Education Program 12



STUDENT NAME : ……………………………………………………………….. Promoter(s) Name : 1. ………………………………………………………….. 2. ……………………………………………………………

Dissertation Title : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


1 TAKEN COURSE(S) 1……………….. (Passes/Not Passed) 2. ……………….. (Passes/Not Passed) 3. ……………….. (Passes/Not Passed) 4. ……………….. (Passes/Not Passed) Other Course(s) (Seat-in):

2 Dissertation Proposal Guidance Activities (Scheduled periodically in particular designated day by the supervisor(s), including mutual consultation)


3 Proposal Dissertation Examination (Does it delivered? If yes, when, how is the result, who are the examiners?)

4 Current Progress (dissertation research progress, what are ongoing academic activities?)

5 Scientific Publication: (types of Publication, journal(s) or Proceeding(s), detail designated journal(s)/proceeding(s))

Articles / Paper Titles: 1. 2. 3.

6 Estimated completion of Dissertation


Student/Candidate, Promotor,

(……………………………) (………………………………)

Ascertain, Head of Study Program,

(…………………………) ===================================end of the manual========================================