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ingles empresarial básico

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Sandra Nunes



4At the office - vocabulary

11Computers - vocabulary

12Letters - how to write letters

Letters examples1628Usual and idiomatic expressions

32Commercial abbreviations

36Letters exercises

Effective telephoning40Telephoning - exercises4648Anexos



Este manual visa ilustrar e fundamentar a aquisio ou aperfeioamento de competncias tcnicas da lngua inglesa na rea comercial e de outras competncias de escrita por parte dos formandos cujo intuito aprofundar a sua aprendizagem na lngua estrangeira. Desta forma, encontraro respostas para as suas necessidades profissionais e, em simultneo, aprendero a comunicar em lngua estrangeira de maneira adequada e o mais fluentemente possvel.

At the office - vocabularyDont forget:


Clip Paper-clip

Tubo de cola (batom)Glue stick

Tubo de cola (lquida)Liquid glue

Micas / sacas catlogo A4 transparentesPunched pockets A4 size, transparent polypropylene

Marcador para quadro brancoWhiteboard marker

Marcador para papelPen highlighter

Marcador fluorescente para papelFluorescent pen highlighter

Saca-agrafos / tira-agrafosStaple remover

Separadores (para dossiers)Insertable dividers

Dossier de argolasRing binder

Capas para arquivar documentos /dossiers sem argolasPolyclip binder

Prateleiras A4 de arquivo (para encaixar)Letter trays

Capas para arquivar folhas furadasPlastic slide rails folders

Caixas de arquivo (de carto)Card file boxes

Organizadores de gavetaDesk drawer organisers

Suporte de fita-cola Adhesive tape dispenser

Cestos de papis para escritrio (plstico)Waste paper bins- plastic

Lapiseira Propelling pencil (BrE) or mechanical pencil (AmE)

Candeeiro flexvel de escritrioAnglepoise lamp


Calculadora Calculator

EsquadroSetsquare (BrE) or Triangle (AmE)

Transferidor Protractor


Computers vocabulary

Read and practise the pronunciation of the following vocabulary.

Computers - exercises of vocabulary

1. Basics

Use these words in the text below:

People sometimes ask if you have got a PC or a Mac. Both systems have their strong points. Each system is a platform on which you run (1) __________ programs. Software usually comes (2) ___________ or on (3) __________, which you then have to install yourself in your computers (4) ___________. If you have any (5) ___________ problems, you can always ring the (6) ___________.

2. Computing verbs

Match the verbs on the left with the phrases on the right.

1. insert a. a back-up copy

2. make b. an e-mail

3. run c. an icon

4. surf d. a floppy disk

5. send e. the internet

6. click on f. part of the text

7. highlight g. a program

Letters - how to write lettersNo caso dos pases de expresso inglesa, geralmente pouco recetivos s tentativas de regulamentao da correspondncia comercial, a procura de um modelo uniforme agrava-se porque, ao contrrio do que acontece na maior parte dos restantes pases, no existem quaisquer normas oficiais que possam servir de modelo para a redao das cartas, baseando-se esta em usos e costumes que variam, frequentemente, de empresa para empresa. Posto isto, resta afirmar que os modelos que se seguem so apenas propostas e no modelos que obrigatoriamente tenham que ser seguidos.

Modelo de uma carta com origem em particulares (letters from private individuals)

Data / Date

Normalmente no abreviada.

Ex: 13th November 1998; Thursday, 13 November 1998.

Ttulos de cortesia

Os mais habituais so os seguintes:

Mr ou Mr. Senhor (Sr.)

Mrs ou Mrs. (Senhora (Sr.)

Miss Menina, senhora solteira

Ms usado para se dirigir a uma senhora quando se desconhece o seu estado civil.

Messrs. abreviatura de Messieurs, usado para se dirigir a uma pessoa coletiva (p. ex., uma firma comercial)

Saudao inicial / Salutation

Dear + surname se o nome do destinatrio conhecido.

Ex: Dear Mr. Brown.Corpo da carta / Body of the letter

Neste caso, os critrios no so substancialmente diferentes dos usados no nosso pas.

Saudao final / Complimentary close

Se na saudao inicial o correspondente foi referido pelo apelido Dear Mr Brown, a saudao final costuma ser Yours sincerely ou Yours truly, nos EUA.

Caso o correspondente no tenha sido referido pelo nome, usa-se Yours faithfully.

Assinatura / Signature

Para evitar quaisquer problemas de identificao, habitual incluir o nome do remetente aps a assinatura (abreviando ou no os nomes prprios, mas nunca o apelido), indicando-se tambm o respetivo ttulo, eventualmente entre parntesis.

Modelo de uma carta comercial comum (The normal business letter)

Como se comeam as cartas comerciais / How to begin commercial or business letters

Frases para abertura / Opening phrases

We have (I have) the pleasure to inform you that

We have (I have) pleasure in informing you that

We have (I have) the honour of advising you of the arrival of

We have (I have) the honour to send you

We are (I am) in receipt of your letter of the 22nd and

We are (I am) in possession of your order of the 23rd last.

We beg (I beg) to give notice that

We would be (I would be) much obliged if you

We very much regret (I very much regret) that you are not able (you are unable) to send me

We are (I am) very pleased to inform you that

In reply to your letter of the 12th, we (I) may say that

We are (I am) writing to ask if you will be able

Please accept our (my) apology for not answering sooner to your letter of 9th, but

In compliance with the request contained in your telegram of the 5th, we have (I have) pleasure in sending you


Como se encerram as cartas comerciais / How to end commercial or business letters

Fechos de cartas comerciais / Endings of commercial or business letters

We rely (I rely) on receiving your urgent reply, Yours

Awaiting your reply by return of post (by fax), Yours

Always at your disposal, Yours

Awaiting your instructions, Yours

Awaiting an early reply, Yours

Meanwhile please accept our (my) best thanks in advance and believe me, Yours

We (I) shall have the greatest pleasure in being of service to you, Yours

With our best thanks, Yours

We hope to hear from you and are Yours

With kind regards, Yours

In any case, please let me hear from you, Yours

Hoping to hear from you in the near future, Yours

With thanks, Yours

With compliments and regards, Yours

Exemplos de cartas / Examples of Letters


Provision Dealer

20 Ludgate Hill



Your Ref.

Our Ref.

London, 23rd October

A . Neves Costa



Dear Mr. Costa,

I have just received your circular of the 15th October and in reply I would be very much obliged if you could send me a quotation for the undermentioned goods, as a trial order:

1000 tins Tuna fish

1000 tins Mackerel in olive oil

2000 tins Club sardines in olive oil

1200 tins Rolled filets of anchovies

100 kg Dried peaches

100 kg Dried apricots

If your prices are advantageous, this order may be followed by larger ones.

Yours sincerely,

James Crosse

PEDIDO DE ORAMENTOLondres, 23 de Outubro de

Exmo. Senhor Costa,

Acabo de receber a circular de V. Exa. De 15 de Outubro e muito grato lhe ficarei se me remeter preos para as mercadorias abaixo mencionadas para uma encomenda a ttulo de experincia:

1000 latas de atum

1000 latas de cavalas em azeite

2000 latas de sardinhas em azeite Club

1200 latas de filetes de anchovas enroladas

100 kg de pssegos secos

100 kg de damascos secos

Se os preos forem vantajosos, a esta encomenda podem seguir-se outras mais importantes.




Machine Exporter

24 High Street CARDIFF IJW

Your Ref.:

Our Ref.:

Date: 30 January

J. Mendes, Lda

Rua S da Bandeira, 1356

4000 PORTO


Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much for your circular of 20 January which we received today.

In reply we have to inform you that the products you want to import are told to undergo a rise in the next few days. So we cannot send you our price-list before having it revised.

Regarding our trade terms, we are forwarding them under separate cover.

Yours faithfully,

James Cook



Cardiff, 30 de Janeiro de

Exmos. Senhores,

Agradeo o envio da circular de 20 de Janeiro, que hoje recebi.

Aproveito para informar que os produtos que pretendem importar iro sofrer um agravamento dos preos dentro dos prximo dias, razo pela qual s poderei enviar a minha tabela de preos depois de uma actualizao.

Em correio separado envio as nossas condies de venda.


James Cook


Letters - apologise examplesRead the following information carefully.

Letters - apologise - translation

Caro (nome):

Obrigado por nos comunicar (identificao do problema). A nossa firma orgulha-se habitualmente de conseguir evitar essas situaes. No costuma ser norma e pedimos as mais sinceras desculpas pelo incmoda que lhe possamos ter causado devido a (pequena referncia ao problema).

(Pargrafo opcional 1: breve explicao com as razes para o sucedido. Incluso de nomes, datas, e motivos adequados).

(Pargrafo opcional 2: explicao das normas de restituio e das atitudes a tomar, desde que adequadas).

Uma vez mais, pedimos desculpa por (breve referncia ao problema). Se tal suceder uma vez mais ou se tiver outra experincia incmoda que envolva a nossa companhia, queira fazer o favor de me ligar para (indicao do nmero de telefone). A situao ser corrigida de imediato.





Caro (nome):

Ningum gosta de admitir que errou, mas aparentemente apanhou-nos desprevenidos. com grande embarao que admitimos que tem toda a razo. Os ovos das omeletas Denver eram sarapintados. A empregada de mesa que lhe respondeu de outro modo estava ou mal informada ou enganada.

Falei com o cozinheiro-chefe, que admitiu que em testes de olhos vendados feitos numa recente feira de comida, ele prprio no conseguiu descobrir quaisquer diferenas entre os ovos em p e os normais. Mais ainda, acrescentou que h vantagens dietticas nos primeiros visto que estes no so to ricos em colesterol nem noutro tipo de gorduras. Acima de tudo, ele julgou que os ovos sarapintados seriam uma escolha mais adequada. Aparentemente, no foram.

O paladar uma questo pessoal, mas a ementa realmente apresentava as omeletas tendo como ingredientes os ovos normais. Pedimos desculpa pelo lapso. O erro na publicidade, se no no julgamento culinrio, foi nosso. Gostaramos de compens-lo. Juntamente com esta carta encontrar um cupo para uma refeio complementar para duas pessoas, vlido para qualquer seleo de pratos a qualquer hora do dia.

E, desta vez, garantimos que o cozinheiro ir usar ovos normais. Tem a minha garantia. Obrigado por nos ajudar a desempenhar um bom papel no atendimento dos nossos clientes.

Com os mais sinceros agradecimentos,




Resposta a nota de encomenda / Reply to order

Receo da mercadoria / Acknowledging of goods

Reclamao de mercadoria em falta / Complain about missing goods

Receo de mercadoria danificada / Goods arriving in a damage state

Pedido de emprego / Application for a position

ROSSI, L.; HIRST, G. Hodson. English Commercial Letters / Cartas comerciais em Ingls, 1 ed., Replicao, Lisboa, Setembro de 2000

Usual and idiomatic expressions

Read and study the following information.

ROSSI, L.; HIRST, G. Hodson. English Commercial Letters / Cartas comerciais em Ingls, 1 ed., Replicao, Lisboa, Setembro de 2000

Commercial abbreviations

Read and study the following information.

ROSSI, L.; HIRST, G. Hodson. English Commercial Letters / Cartas comerciais em Ingls, 1 ed., Replicao, Lisboa, Setembro de 2000

Letters exercisesReplies to orders

Data: 31 de Julho

Envie uma carta para a seguinte morada respondendo a uma nota de encomenda:

Maria Jos Oliveira Johnson

Tissue Merchant

Cambridge, U.K.Deve ter ateno a:

A carta da senhora est datada de 23 de Julho. A senhora pede 300 metros de tecido liso (plain tissue), ao preo de 1,25 o metro. No entanto e apesar de a encomenda poder ser satisfeita, houve uma descida nos preos sendo que cada metro de tecido agora de 1,20 .

Escreva a carta senhora explicando que o pedido ser satisfeito, mas com um preo mais baixo do que o inicialmente previsto.

Remetente: Jos Braz de Almeida, A Loja dos Tecidos, 7510 111 Amadora

Requests for payment


Francisco Leito

Rua da Morada Velha



Pea ao mesmo Senhor Fields que envie o pagamento da fatura 6789 que deveria ter sido paga at dia 3 de Maro de 2007. Assine com a data de 15 de Maro do mesmo ano.

Work in pairs and see if you can complete the conversation using these words:

speakingAfter Salesdetailshaveproblems

inconvenientapologieshelppackaging errorseems




ReceptionistProsveta Editions. Can I 1).. you?

John BrownGood morning. The After Sales service please.

ReceptionistOne 2).. please.

Valrie FrancillonValrie Francillon 3), .

John BrownGood morning. This is Mr Brown of Smiths 4).. I have a 5) to make about the 6) I received this morning.

Valrie FrancillonWhat 7) to be the problem?

John BrownWell 8). of 100 Daily Meditations; you send me 50 The Living Book of Nature and the 9) is in French and not English!

Valrie FrancillonCould I have the order 10).., please?

John BrownYes, Its DL 256998 of 4th January,2002

Valrie FrancillonOK. I have the 11).. here. It must be a 12) ...................in despatching. Please accept our 13).. Well send you the right ones immediately.

John BrownOK. Its very 14).. but I suppose well 15).. to manage. And what are you 16).. to do about the expense of returning the books?

Valrie FrancillonWell 17). you a credit 18). by return.

Im very sorry for the 19). caused. I assure you it wont happen again.

John BrownWell, Ive never had 20). with Prosveta before.

Valrie FrancillonAnd you 21).. again! Goodbye Mr Brown.

John BrownGoodbye!


attachmentsdownloadse-mail program

Internet Service Providermodeme-mail messages

image fileaccess (the Internet)e-mail address

text filecomputerInternet

opensound fileimage file

Now read the text below. Use the words from the box to fill in the gaps.

Invoice / Fatura


Effective Telephoning 1. Preparing to make a telephone call (1)

Background preparation (Reading)

Desk preparation

Relevant documentation


Correspondence received

Computer files on screen

Pen and paper


2. Preparing to make a telephone call (2)

How much time do you need?

How much time do you have?

What are your objectives?

Find out information?

Give information?

Who do you want to speak to?

Do you have an alternative strategy if the person is not available?

Call back, be called back, when?

Leave a message?

Speak to someone else?

Write or fax or email information?

3. Preparing to make a telephone call (3)


Do you need to refer to:

A previous call?

A letter, order, invoice, fax, email?

Someone else? (Who?)

An event? (What? When?)

4. Checklist opening a call

Introduce self

Ask for connection

Check name of person you are calling

(Small talk)

Introduce subject of call

Listen actively to responses

5. Language Focus: Identifying yourself

Good morning, Yasmine speaking (person receiving call)

Hello, this is Yasmine Alcide from Spike British School. (caller)

Hello, my name is Yasmine Alcide. Im calling from Spike British School. (caller)

Hi, its Yasmine from Melbourne. (caller, informal)

Hi, Yasmine here. (caller, informal)

6. Language Focus: Saying who you want to speak to

Id like to speak to Mr. Jones, please.

Could I have the Accounting Department, please?

Could you put me through to Mrs. Weaver, please?

Could I have extension 234, please?

Could I speak to someone in the Accounting Department?

Is Mr. Robinson there, please?

7. Language Focus: Leaving a message

Could you give him/her a message?

Can I leave him/her a message?

Please ask him/her to call me back. My number is

Please ask him/her to ring me back.

Please ask him/her to get back to me.8. Language Focus: Explaining the purpose of your call

Im phoning about

The reason Im calling is

I need some information about

Its in connection with

Id like to

Im ringing to.

9. Sample Phone Dialogue 1: Formal

Receptionist: Howard Engineering. How can I help you?Caller: This is James Harvey. Could I speak to Joshua Reynolds?Receptionist: Im sorry, I didnt catch your name.Caller: James Harvey.Receptionist: Could you tell me what its about?Caller: Its in connection with a new order.Receptionist: Just a moment, Ill put you through.10. Sample Phone Dialogue 2: Informal

Max: Max speaking.

Leslie: Leslie Taylor here. How are you?Max: Fine, and you?Leslie: Not too bad. Pretty busy actually.Max: I know what you mean. So, what can I do for you?Leslie: The reason Im calling is to try and fix a meeting early next month.Telephone terminology People:


Switchboard operator



Local, national, international code


Direct line

Home number, office/work number


Long distance



Collect (USA) / Reverse charge (UK)


Bad line

Engaged (busy)

Cut off

Off the hook


Pick up

Put down

Hold on

Hang up

Dial / redial

Language Focus: Asking for repetition

Sorry, I didnt catch your name / your number

Sorry, could you repeat your name / number / etc.

Sorry, I didnt hear that.

Sorry, I didnt understand/get that.

Could you spell that?

Language Focus: Acknowledging repetition

Ok, Ive got that.

(Ms. Ventura.) I understand.

I see, thank you.

Language Focus: Saying someone is not available

Im sorry, he/she is not available (right now).

Sorry, he/shes away for the week.

Sorry, he/shes not in.

Im afraid he/shes in a meeting (at the moment).

He/shes in Paris. He/she wont be back until Monday.

Language Focus: Taking messages

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

If you give me your number Ill ask him/her to call you later.

Shall I ask him/her to call you back? Language Focus: Offering to help in other ways

Can anyone else help you?

Can I help you perhaps?

Would you like to speak to his/her assistant?


Be careful of the pronunciation of the letters A, E and I

How do you spell your name and address?

How do you give your phone number?

Grammar Focus: Modals Verbs (1)

We can use shall + infinitive to offer help and to make suggestions

Offering help:

Shall I take a message?

Shall I ask him to call you back?

Making suggestions:

Shall we meet next week, then?

Shall we set up another appointment?

Note that we can only use Shall I ? and Shall we ? in this way. (*Shall he, *shall you, *shall they would not be possible.)

Grammar Focus: Other ways of offering help or making suggestions

There are other phrases we can use in English to make suggestions:

Would you like me to ask him/her to call you back?

Why dont I ask him/her to call you back?

What if I ask him/her to call you back?

Can I get him/her to call you back?

What can I do for you?

Can I put you through to his/her assistant?

Grammar Focus: Modals Verbs (2)

We use can, could, will, and would to ask people to do things:

Can you give him a message for me?

Could you give him a message for me?

Will you give him a message for me?

Would you give him a message for me?

Note that can and will are more direct than could and would.

22. Grammar Focus: Modals Verbs (3)

We use can, could and may to ask for permission:

Can I leave a message? (= is it possible)

Could I leave a message? (= would it be possible)

May I leave a message? (= do you give me permission)


STUDENT A (CALLER)You are about to call the Sales Department of a company called FIRTEK.INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELFCHOOSE A FIRST NAME

John David Michael Philip William Derek Frank Edward Chris Mark

Jane Julie Sarah Anne Mary Judith Jennifer Carol Agnes JoanCHOOSE A SURNAMEWilliams Smith Hardy Brown Black Jordan Price Trent Lyndon Rogers

Judge Westminster Bristol Witherington More Hinton Pallister

CHOOSE A PHONE NUMBER256 5689 25365 458 2563 256 565 565 02 2156 458 4587568 956 542 5487 548 3265 6515487 25688 54 8754INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CALL

WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPEAK TO?John SmithMike FirthSteven Derrick

Sarah HoldingHelen KentMichael Kipling

WHAT IS THE REASON FOR YOUR CALL?PersonalBusiness:1) You would like information about a product.2) You would like a quotation.3) You would like to make an URGENT order.4) You 've got a cashflow problem and won't be able to meet a payment.5) Other?


1. Call back later/ at a later date.2. Ask for mobile phone number.3. Ask to speak to someone else if possible.4. Ask if the person can call you back.

TELEPHONE ROLE PLAY : GETTING THROUGHSTUDENT B (RECEIVER)You work for a company called FIRTEK.You are the secretary for the SALES DEPARTMENT.There are six sales assistants who work in the sales department. Study theinformation for each one.1) JOHN SMITH. He's at a conference at the moment. He won't be back foranother week. You have his mobile phone number but only foremergencies. It's 06 56 96 58 96.2) MIKE FIRTH. He's in a meeting. He should be free in 30 minutes.3) STEVEN DERRICK. He left the company last week.4) SARAH HOLDING. Sarah is working at home today. You can give herhome phone number to colleagues and friends only. It's 01 23 56 98 65.5) HELEN KENT. She's in the building today. You saw her ten minutes ago.However, you can see that she's not at her desk. You don't know whereshe's gone.6) MICHAEL KIPLING. He's on holiday today. He'll be back tomorrow.If you take a message, write down the details below.NAMEPHONE NUMBERREASON FOR CALLAnexos

How to read numbers in English

Numbers over 20

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two

32 thirty-two

99 ninety-nine

Numbers over 100

101 a/one hundred (and) one

121 a/one hundred (and) twenty-one

200 two hundred

232 two hundred (and) thirty-two

999 nine hundred (and) ninety-nine

Numbers over 1000

1001 a/one thousand (and) one

1121 one thousand one hundred (and) twenty-one

2000 two thousand

2232 two thousand two hundred (and) thirty-two

9999 nine thousand nine hundred (and) ninety-nine

Ordinal numbers

20th twentieth

21st twenty-first

25th twenty-fifth

90th ninetieth

99th ninety-ninth

100th hundredth

101st hundred and first

225th two hundred (and) twenty-fifth


1624 sixteen twenty-four

1903 nineteen-oh-three

1987 nineteen eighty-seven

2007 two thousand and sevenWhat numbers represent

Numbers are often used on their own to show:

Price - It cost eight seventy-five (=eight pounds 75 pence or 8 dollars 75 cents: 8.75 or $8.75).

Time - We left at two twenty-five (=25 minutes after 2 oclock).

Age - Shes forty-six (=46 years old). | Hes in his sixties (=between 60 and 69 years old).

Size - This shirt is a thirty-eight (=size 38).

Temperature -The temperature fell to minus fourteen (=14).|The temperature was in the mid-thirties (=about 3436).

The score in a game -Becker won the first set six-three (=by six games to three: 6-3).

Something marked with the stated number - She played two nines and an eight (=playing cards marked with these numbers).

A set or group of the stated number - The teacher divided us into fours (=groups of 4). | You can buy cigarettes in tens or twenties (=in packets containing 10 or 20)

Pearson Education Limited 2000 Longman Dictionary

When expressing large numbers (more than one hundred) read in groups of hundreds. The order is as follows: billion, million, thousand, hundred. Notice that hundred, thousand, etc. is NOT followed by an s.

(Quando falamos de nmeros grandes mais do que um cento lemos em grupos de centenas. A ordem a que se segue: bilio, milho, milhar, centena. Repare que cem, mil, etc, nunca so seguidos de S.)

E.g. Two hundred NOT two hundreds

NOTE: British English takes 'and' between 'hundred and ...' American English omits 'and'. In the examples below, this is represented: (AND)

(Nota: O Ingls Britnico leva e entre cem e enquanto o Ingls Americano omite o e. Nos exemplos abaixo, isto representado: (E) )


350 > three hundred (AND) fifty

425 > four hundred (AND) twenty five


15,560 > fifteen thousand five hundred (AND) sixty

786,450 > seven hundred (AND) six thousand four hundred (AND) fifty


2,450,000 > two million four hundred (AND) fifty thousands

234,700,000 > two hundred (AND) thirty-four million seven hundred thousand

Speaking About Numbers

Numbers are read in the following manner in English:

(os nmeros so lidos da seguinte forma em ingls)

Billion, million, thousand, hundred


2,350,400 => two million three hundred (AND) fifty thousand four hundred


2.36 =>two point three six

1.54 => one point five four


Read percentages as the number followed by percent

(Leia as percentagens com o nmero seguido de percent- por cento)

37% =>thirty seven percent


Read the top number as a cardinal number, followed by the ordinal number + s

(Leia o nmero do topo ou da esquerda como um cardinal (one, two, three) e o da direita como um ordinal (first, second, third) seguido de S, como nos exemplos.)

3/8 =>three eighths

2 => two fourths 4 => three quarters

1/10 => one tenths

NOTE: =>one quarter, 2/3 => two thirds, one half


Here are the descriptive names of a number of important numerical expressions:

(Eis aqui os nomes descritivos de algumas expresses numricas importantes):

Speed 100 mph (miles per hour)

Weight 80 kg (kilograms) OR 42 lbs (pounds) telephone number 0171 895 7056

decimal .087

date 12/04/65

percentage 75%

temperature 28 C (celsius) OR 72 F (fahrenheit)

height 1 m 89 cm

price $60; 60 , 60, 60

fraction 8/13

score 2-1


Weights and measures

Units of length

1 millimetre = 0.03937 inch

10 mm = 1 centimetre = 0.3937 inch

10 cm = 1 decimetre = 3.937 inches

10 dm = 1 metre = 39.37 inches

10 m = 1 decametre = 10.94 yards

10 dam = 1 hectometre = 109.4 yards

10 hm = 1 kilometre = 0.6214 mile

Units of weight

1 milligram = 0.015 grain

10 mg = 1 centigram = 0.154 grain

10 cg = 1 decigram = 1.543 grains

10 dg = 1 gram = 15.43 grains = 0.035 ounces

10 g = 1 decagram = 0.353 ounce

10 dag = 1 hectogram = 3.527 ounces

10 hg = 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds

100 kg = 1 tonne (metric ton) = 0.984 (long) ton

= 2204.62 pounds

Units of capacity

1 millilitre = 0.00176 pint

10 ml = 1 centilitre = 0.0176 pint

10 cl = 1 decilitre = 0.176 pint

10 dl = 1 litre = 1.76 pints = 0.22 gallon

10 l = 1 dekalitre = 2.20 gallons

10 dal = 1 hectolitre = 22.0 gallons

10 hl = 1 kilolitre = 220.0 gallons

British and American

1 inch= 2.54 cm

12 inches= 1 foot= 0.3048

3 feet= 1 yard= 0.9144 m

8 furlongs= 1 mile= 1.609 km

Other notes:

100 pounds = 45,36 kBibliografia

ROSSI, L.; HIRST, G. Hodson. English Commercial Letters / Cartas comerciais em Ingls, 1 ed., Replicao, Lisboa, Setembro de 2000www.google.com



helpline pre-installed software

hard disk installation CD-ROMs

Cindy Lewis is a journalist. She works for Gender, a weekly magazine on the (a)

Cindy writes the problem page for the magazine. She has two young children so she doesnt work in the magazine office every day, she works at home using her (b)

Every morning she checks her (c) She switches on her computer and her (d) She starts Outlook Express. This is the

(e) which Cindy uses.

She (f) her e-mail messages. She usually receives about 35 messages every day. Most of the messages come from the Gender office, but she also gets messages from friends and colleagues around the world. They send messages to her

(g) .. Sometimes they just send messages with (h)

Some friends send longer pieces of writing in a (i) .., or photographs in an (j), or even music in a (k)

Cindy can (l) these .and see the texts, pictures or listen to the recordings. Cindys e-mail address is HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected]. Demon is a company which Cindy uses to (m)..her e-mail and the Internet. Demon is an ISP, an (n) .