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  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    geoR : Package for Geostatistical Data Analysis

    An illustrative session

    Paulo J. Ribeiro Jr. & Peter J. Diggle

    Last update: November 21, 2006

    1 Itrodu!tio

    2 "tartig a "essio ad Loadig Data

    2.1 Loadig t#e pa!$age

    2.2 %sig data

    '(plorator) *ools

    .1 Plottig data lo!atios ad values

    .2 'mpiri!al variograms

    + Parameter 'stimatio -ross/alidatio

    6 "patial Iterpolatio

    a)esia al)sis

    3 "imulatio o4 5aussia Radom ields

    7 -itig geoR

    1 Introduction

    *#e pa!$age geoR provides 4u!tios 4or geostatisti!al data aal)sis usig t#e

    so4t8are R. *#is do!umet illustrates some 9but ot all; o4 t#e !apabilities o4 t#epa!$age.

    *#e ob

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    *)pi!all), de4ault argumets are used 4or t#e 4u!tio !alls ad t#e user is

    e!ouraged to ispe!t ot#er argumets o4 t#e 4u!tios usig

    t#e args ad help 4u!tios. or ista!e, to see all t#e argumets 4or t#e

    4u!tiovariog t)pe args(variog) ad@or help(variog).

    *#e !ommads s#o8 i t#is page are also available i t#e?le

    >e re4er to t#e geoR do!umetatio

    9; 4or more details

    o t#e 4u!tios i!luded i t#e pa!$age geoR.

    Ae(tB A4rotB AupB

    2 Starting a Session and Loading Data

    2.1 Loading the package

    4ter startig a R sessio, load geoR 8it# t#e

    !ommad library 9or require;. I4 t#e pa!$age is loaded !orre!tl) a

    message 8ill be displa)ed.

    > library(geoR)

    I4 t#e istallatio dire!tor) 4or t#e pa!$age is t#e de4ault lo!atio

    4or Rpa!$ages, t)pe:

    > library(geoR, lib.loc="PA!#geoR")

    8#ere C!"$%&%geoR= is t#e pat# to t#e dire!tor) 8#ere geoR 8as


    2.2 Using data

    *)pi!all), data are stored as a ob

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    >e re4er to t#e do!umetatio 4or t#e

    4u!tios as.geodata ad read.geodata 4or more i4ormatio o #o8

    to import@!overt data ad o t#e de?itios 4or t#e !lass geodata.


    i4ormatio o #o8 to read data 4rom a "-II 9te(t; ?le.

    *#ere a a 4e8 datasets i!luded i t#e pa!$age distributio. or t#e e(amples

    i!luded i t#is do!umet 8e use t#e data set s+,, i!luded i

    t#e geoR distributio. *o load t#is data t)pe:

    > data(s$%%)

    *#e list o4 all datasets i!luded i t#e pa!$age is give

    b) data(package-geoR).

    Ae(tB AprevB AprevtailB A4rotB AupB

    ommands in the geoRintro webpage## #### his is a script file illustrating some features of geoR## *t may be used as an introduction to usage of geoR#### &nly a few key commands and options are illustrated here.## his is 0& an e1austive demonstration of the package resources.##

    ## he commands are for illustrative purposes only.## 2e do not attempt to perform a definitive analysis of the data.###### +. ourcing the package#### uncomment one of the following inf necessaryrequire(geoR)##library(geoR3 lib.loc-!"$%&%geoR)

    data(s+,,)par.ori 4 par(no.readonly-R56)

    #### 7. 8escriptive plots####9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p,+.9peg3 wid-;,3 hei-;,)plot(s+,,),,plot/s+,,p,7.9peg3 wid-;,3 hei-;,)par(mfrow - c(737)3 mar-c(

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    points(s+,,3 1lab - oord >3 ylab - oord ?3 pt.divide - rank.prop)points(s+,,3 1lab - oord >3 ylab - oord ?3 ce1.ma1 - +.@3 col -gray(seq(+3 ,.+3 l-+,,))3 pt.divide - equal)points(s+,,3 pt.divide - quintile3 1lab - oord >3 ylab - oord ?)


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    ##9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p,;a.9peg3 wid-;,,3 hei-7@;)par(mfrow-c(+37)3mar-c(

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    legend(,.;;3 ,.

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    ##9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p,=a.9peg3 wid-;,,3 hei-=,,)par(mfcol - c(;37)3 mar-c(7.;37.;3.;3.;)3 mgp-c(+.=3,.=3,))plot(1v.wls)

    par(par.ori)#### =. Jriging####9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p,K.9peg3 wid-

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    ##9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p+7.9peg3 wid-

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    ## +,. imulation##sim+ 4 grf(+,,3 .7;))

    ##9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p+;.9peg3 wid-;,,3 hei-7;,)par(mfrow-c(+37)3mar-c(7.;37.;3+3,.7)3mgp-c(+.;3.=3,))points.geodata(sim+3 main-simulated data)

    plot(sim+3 ma1.dist-+3 main-true and empirical variograms)

    sim7 4 grf(+3 grid-reg3 .7;))

    ##9peg(s+,,plot/s+,,p+B.9peg3 wid-

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    8ata summary

    Fin. +st Su. Fedian Fean

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web




    Plot produced

    by plot.geodata.

    *#e 4u!tio points.geodata produ!es a plot s#o8ig t#e data

    lo!atios. lterativel), poits idi!atig t#e data lo!atios !a be added to a

    !urret plot. *#ere are optios to spe!i4) poit siFes, patters ad !olors, 8#i!#

    !a be set to be proportioal to t#e data values or spe!i?ed Euatiles. "ome

    e(amples o4 grap#i!al outputs are illustrated b) t#e !ommads belo8 ad

    !orrespodig plots as s#o8 i igure .1.

    > par(mfrow = c(&, &))

    > points(s$%%, 'lab = "oord ", ylab = "oord *")

    > points(s$%%, 'lab = "oord ", ylab = "oord *",

    + pt.diide = "ran-.prop")

    > points(s$%%, 'lab = "oord ", ylab = "oord *",

    + ce'.ma' = $., col = gray(se/($, %.$, l = $%%)),

    + pt.diide = "e/ual")
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    > points(s$%%, pt.diide = "/uintile", 'lab = "oord ",

    + ylab = "oord *")



    Plot produced

    by points.geodata.

    3.2 E#pirical ariogra#s

    'mpiri!al variograms are !al!ulated usig t#e 4u!tio variog. *#ere are

    optios 4or t#e classical or modulus estimator. Results !a be retured as

    variogram !louds, bied or smoot#ed variograms. *#ere are met#ods

    4or plot to 4a!ilitate t#e displa) o4 t#e results as s#o8 i igure .

    > cloud$ 01 ariog(s$%%, option = "cloud", ma'.dist = $)

    > cloud& 01 ariog(s$%%, option = "cloud", estimator.type = "

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    + ma'.dist = $)

    > bin$ 01 ariog(s$%%, uec = se/(%, $, l = $$))

    > bin& 01 ariog(s$%%, uec = se/(%, $, l = $$),

    + estimator.type = "modulus")

    > par(mfrow = c(&, &))> plot(cloud$, main = "classical estimator")

    > plot(cloud&, main = "modulus estimator")

    > plot(bin$, main = "classical estimator")

    > plot(bin&, main = "modulus estimator")




    of variog results.

    "everal results are retured b) t#e 4u!tio variog. *#e ?rst t#ree are t#e

    more importat oes ad !otais t#e dista!es, t#e estimated semivaria!e ad

    t#e umber o4 pairs 4or ea!# bi.

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    > names(bin$)

    N+O u v

    N bin& 01 ariog(s$%%, uec = se/(%, $, l = $$),+ estimator.type = "modulus", = )

    > par(mfrow = c($, &))

    > plot(bin$, = , main = "classical estimator")

    > plot(bin&, = , main = "modulus estimator")
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    2o'1plots for each of the

    ariogram bins.

    Dire!tioal variograms !a also be !omputed b) t#e 4u!tio variog usig

    t#e argumets Cdirection= ad Ctolerance=. or e(ample, to !ompute a

    variogram 4or t#e dire!tio 60 degrees 8it# t#e de4ault tolera!e agle 922.

    degrees; t#e !ommad 8ould be:

    > ario3% 01 ariog(s$%%, ma'.dist = $, direction = pi45)

    or a Eui!$ !omputatio i 4our dire!tios 8e !a use t#e

    4u!tio variog 8#i!# b) de4ault !omputes variogram 4or t#e dire!tio

    agles 0o, +o, 70oad 1o.

    > ario.6 01 ariog6(s$%%, ma'.dist = $)

    *#e igure s#o8 t#e dire!tioal variograms obtaied 8it# t#e !ommadsabove.

    > par(mfrow = c($, &), mar = c(5, 5, $.7, %.7))

    > plot(ario3%)

    > title(main = e'pression(paste("directional, angle = ",
  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    + 3% 8 degree)))

    > plot(ario.6, lwd = &)





    $ Para#eter Esti#ation

    *#eoreti!al ad empiri!al variograms !a be plotted ad visuall) !ompared. or

    e(ample, t#e le4t pael i igure 6s#o8s t#e t#eoreti!al variogram model used tosimulate t#e data s+,, ad t8o estimated variograms.

    > bin$ 01 ariog(s$%%, uec = se/(%, $, l = $$))

    > plot(bin$)

    > lines.ariomodel(co.model = "e'p", = c($,

    + %.5), nugget = %, ma'.dist = $, lwd = 5)

    > smooth 01 ariog(s$%%, option = "smooth", ma'.dist = $,

    + n.points = $%%, -ernel = "normal", band = %.&)> lines(smooth, type = "l", lty = &)

    > legend(%.6, %.5, c("empirical", "e'ponential model",

    + "smoothed"), lty = c($, $, &), lwd = c($,

    + 5, $))
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    I pra!ti!e 8e usuall) do=t $o8 t#e true parameters 8#i!# #ave top be

    estimated b) some met#od. I t#e pa!$age geoR t#e model parameters !a be


    $. by eye: trying different models oer empirical ariograms

    (using the function lines.variomodel),

    &. by least squares fit of empirical variograms: with optionsfor ordinary (#;

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    heoretical ariogram cures added to empirical


    >#e usig t#e parameter estimatio

    4u!tios variofit ad likfit t#e ugget e44e!t parameter !a eit#er be

    estimated or set to a ?(ed value. *#e same applies 4or smoot#ess, aisotrop)

    ad tras4ormatio parameters. ptios 4or ta$ig treds ito a!!out are also

    i!luded. *reds !a be spe!i?ed as pol)omial 4u!tios o4 t#e !oordiates

    ad@or liear 4u!tios o4 give !ovariates.

    e(ample !all to likfit is give belo8. Ket#ods

    4or print() ad summary() #ave bee 8ritte to summariFe t#e resultig

    ob ml 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7))

    likfit: likelihood ma1imisation using the function o


    likfit: 5se control() to pass additional

    arguments for the ma1imisation function.

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    Dor further details see documentation for op


    likfit: *t is highly advisable to run this function


    times with different initial values for theparameters.

    likfit: 2"R0*0T: his step can be time demandingU

    likfit: end of numerical ma1imisation.

    > ml

    likfit: estimated model parameters:

    beta tausq sigmasq phi

    ,.@@BB ,.,,,, ,.@;+@ ,.+=7@

    likfit: ma1imised loglikelihood - = summary(ml)

    ummary of the parameter estimation

    6stimation method: ma1imum likelihood

    !arameters of the mean component (trend):



    !arameters of the spatial component:

    correlation function: e1ponential

    (estimated) variance parameter sigmasq (partia

    l sill) - ,.@;+@

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    (estimated) cor. fct. parameter phi (range par

    ameter) - ,.+=7@

    anisotropy parameters:

    (fi1ed) anisotropy angle - , ( , degrees )

    (fi1ed) anisotropy ratio - +

    !arameter of the error component:

    (estimated) nugget - ,

    ransformation parameter:

    (fi1ed) Lo1o1 parameter - + (no transformati


    Fa1imised Gikelihood:

    log.G n.params "* L*

    = options(geoR.messages = A;

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    > ml 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = )

    > reml 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = ,

    + method = "R;")

    > ols 01 ariofit(bin$, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = ,+ weights = "e/ual")

    > wls 01 ariofit(bin$, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = )

    itting models with a B'ed alue for the nugget

    > ml.fn 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = ,

    + nugget = %.$7)

    > reml.fn 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = ,+ nugget = %.$7, method = "R;")

    > ols.fn 01 ariofit(bin$, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = ,

    + nugget = %.$7, weights = "e/ual")

    > wls.fn 01 ariofit(bin$, ini = c($, %.7), fi'.nugget = ,

    + nugget = %.$7)

    itting models estimated nugget

    > ml.n 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7), nug = %.7)

    > reml.n 01 li-fit(s$%%, ini = c($, %.7), nug = %.7,

    + method = "R;")

    > ols.n 01 ariofit(bin$, ini = c($, %.7), nugget = %.7,

    + weights = "e/ual")

    > wls.n 01 ariofit(bin$, ini = c($, %.7), nugget = %.7)

    No8, t#e !omads 4or plottig ?tted models agaist empiri!al variogram as

    s#o8 i igure +are:

    > par(mfrow = c($, 5))

    > plot(bin$, main = e'pression(paste("fi'ed ", tauD& ==

    + %)))

    > lines(ml, ma'.dist = $)
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    *8o $ids o4 variogram envelopes !omputed b) simulatio are illustrated i

    t#e ?gure belo8.

    *#e plot o t#e le4t#ad side s#o8s a evelope based o permutatios o4

    t#e data values a!ross t#e lo!atios, i.e. evelopes built uder t#e assumptio o4

    o spatial !orrelatio. *#e evelopes s#o8 o t#e rig#t#ad side are based osimulatios 4rom a give set o4 model parameters, i t#is e(ample t#e parameter

    estimates 4rom t#e >L" variogram ?t. *#is evelope s#o8s t#e variabilit) o4 t#e

    empiri!al variogram.

    > 01$%%, = bin$)

    > en.model 01 ariog.model.en(s$%%, = bin$,

    + model = wls)

    > par(mfrow = c($, &))

    > plot(bin$, enelope =

    > plot(bin$, enelope = en.model)





    Pro?le li$eli#oods 91D ad 2D; are !omputed b) t#e 4u!tio proflik.

    Mere 8e s#o8 t#e pro?le li$eli#oods 4or t#e !ovaria!e parameters o4 t#e model

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    8it#out ugget e44e!t previousl) ?tted b) likfit.

    >RNIN5: R%NNIN5 *M' N'* -KKND -N ' *IK'


    > prof 01 profli-(ml, geodata = s$%%, = se/(%.6@,

    + &, l = $$), = se/(%.$, %.7&, l = $$),

    + uni.only = A;

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    -rossvalidatio residuals are obtaied subtra!tig t#e observed data mius t#e

    predi!ted value. "tadardised residuals are obtaied dividig b) t#e sEuare root

    o4 t#e predi!tio varia!e 9C$rigig varia!e=;. ) de4ault t#e 10 plots s#o8 i

    t#e igure 10are produ!ed but t#e user !a restri!t t#e !#oi!e usig t#e 4u!tio


    > par(mfcol = c(7, &), mar = c(5, 5, $, %.7), mgp = c($.7,

    + %., %))

    > plot('.wls)





    variatio o4 t#is met#od is illustrated b) t#e e(t t8o !alls 8#ere t#e model

    parameters are reestimated ea!# time a poit is removed 4rom t#e dataset.

    >RNIN5: R%NNIN5 *M' N'* -KKND -N ' *IK'

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    > ' 01 'alid(s$%%, model = ml, reest = RG?)

    > 'R.wls 01 'alid(s$%%, model = wls, reest = RG?,

    + ariog.obE = bin$)

    & Spatial Interpolation

    -ovetioal geostatisti!al spatial iterpolatio 9kriging; !a be per4ormed 8it#

    optios 4or:

    $. Simple kriging

    &. Ordinary kriging

    5. Trend universal! kriging

    6. "#ternal trend kriging

    *#ere are additioal optios 4or o(-o( tras4ormatio 9ad ba!$

    tras4ormatio o4 t#e results; ad aisotropi! models. "imulatios !a be dra8

    4rom t#e resultig predi!tive distributios i4 reEuested.

    s a ?rst e(ample !osider t#e predi!tio at 4our lo!atios labeled 1, 2, 3,

    4 ad idi!ated i t#e ?gure belo8.

    > plot(s$%%Hcoords, 'lim = c(%, $.&), ylim

    = c(%,

    + $.&), 'lab = "oord ", ylab = "oord


    > loci 01 matri'(c(%.&, %.3, %.&, $.$, %.&, %


    + $, $.$), ncol = &)

    > te't(loci, as.character($:6), col = "red")

    > polygon(' = c(%, $, $, %), y = c(%, %, $,


    + lty = &)

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    9ata locations and points to be


    *#e !ommad to per4orm ordinary kriging usig t#e parameters estimated b)

    8eig#ted least sEuares 8it# ugget ?(ed to Fero 8ould be:

    > -c6 01 -rige.con(s$%%, locations = loci, -rige = -rige.control

    (obE.m = wls))

    *#e output is a list i!ludig t#e predi!ted values 9kc'predict; ad t#e

    $rigig varia!es 9kc'krige.var;.

    -osider o8 a se!od e(ample. *#e goal is to per4orm predi!tio o a grid

    !overig t#e area ad to displa) t#e results. gai, 8e use ordiar) $rigig. *#e

    !ommads !ommads belo8 de?es a grid o4 lo!atios ad per4orms t#e

    predi!tio at t#ose lo!atios.

    > pred.grid 01 e'pand.grid(se/(%, $, l = 7$), se/(%,

    + $, l = 7$))

    > -c 01 -rige.con(s$%%, loc = pred.grid, -rige = -rige.control(

    obE.m = ml))

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    met#od 4or t#e 4u!tio image !a be used 4or displa)ig predi!ted values as

    s#o8 i t#e e(t igure, as 8ell as ot#er predi!tio results retured

    b) krige.conv.

    > image(-c, loc = pred.grid, col = gray

    (se/($, %.$,

    + l = 5%)), 'lab = "oord ", ylab =

    "oord *")



    ap of the -riging


    ' ayesian /nalysis

    a)esia aal)sis 4or 5aussia models is implemeted b) t#e

    4u!tio krige.bayes. It !a be per4ormed 4or di44eret Hdegrees o4

    u!ertait)H, meaig t#at model parameters !a be treated as ?(ed or radom.

    s a e(ample !osider a model 8it#out ugget ad i!ludig u!ertait) i

    t#e mea, sill ad rage parameters. Predi!tio at t#e 4our lo!atios idi!ated

    above is per4ormed b) t)pig a !ommad li$e:

    >RNIN5: R%NNIN5 *M' N'* -KKND -N ' *IK'


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    > bsp6 01 -rige.bayes(s$%%, loc = loci, prior = prior.control(phi

    .discrete = se/(%,

    + 7, l = $%$), phi.prior = "rec"), output = output.control(n.po

    st = 7%%%))

    Mistograms s#o8ig posterior distributio 4or t#e model parameters !a be

    plotted b) t)pig:

    > par(mfrow = c($, 5), mar = c(5, 5, $, %.7), mgp = c(&,

    + $, %))

    > hist(bsp6HposteriorHsampleHbeta, main = "", 'lab = e'


    + prob = )

    > hist(bsp6HposteriorHsampleHsigmas/, main = "",

    + 'lab = e'pression(sigmaD&), prob = )

    > hist(bsp6HposteriorHsampleHphi, main = "", 'lab = e'p


    + prob = )



    !istograms of samples from posterior


    %sig summaries o4 t#ese posterior distributios 9meas, medias or modes;

    8e !a !#e!$ t#e Hestimated a)esia variogramsH agaist t#e empiri!alvariogram, as s#o8 i t#e e(t ?gure. Noti!e t#at it is also possible to !ompare

    t#ese estimates 8it# ot#er ?tted variograms su!# as t#e oes !omputed i "e!tio


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    > plot(bin$, ylim = c(%, $.7))

    > lines(bsp6, ma'.dist = $.&, summ = mean)

    > lines(bsp6, ma'.dist = $.&, summ = median, lty =


    > lines(bsp6, ma'.dist = $.&, summ = "mode", post

    = "par",+ lwd = &, lty = &)

    > legend(%.&7, %.6, legend = c("ariogram posterior


    + "ariogram posterior median", "parameters post

    erior mode"),

    + lty = c($, &, &), lwd = c($, $, &), ce' = %.@)



    Fariogram models based on the posterior


    *#e e(t ?gure s#o8s predi!tive distributios at t#e 4our sele!ted lo!atios.

    Das#ed lies s#o8 5aussia distributios 8it# mea ad varia!e give b)

    results o4 ordiar) $rigig obtaied i "e!tio +. *#e 4ull lies !orrespod to t#e

    a)esia predi!tio. *#e plot s#o8s results o4 desit) estimatio usig samples4rom t#e predi!tive distributios.

    > par(mfrow = c(&, &))

    > for (i in $:6) I

    + -p' 01 se/(-c6HpredJiK 1 5 8 s/rt(-c6H-rige.arJiK),

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    + -c6HpredJiK + 5 8 s/rt(-c6H-rige.arJiK),

    + l = $%%)

    + -py 01 dnorm(-p', mean = -c6HpredJiK, sd = s/rt(-c6H-ri


    + bp 01 density(bsp6HpredicHsimulJi, K)+ r' 01 range(c(-p', bpH'))

    + ry 01 range(c(-py, bpHy))

    + plot(cbind(r', ry), type = "n", 'lab = paste(";ocation",

    + i), ylab = "density", 'lim = c(16, 6),

    + ylim = c(%, $.$))

    + lines(-p', -py, lty = &)

    + lines(bp)

    + L



    Predictie distributions at the four selected


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    aps obtained from the predictie


    ( Si#ulation o0 aussian ando# !ields

    *#e 4u!tio grf geerates simulatios o4 5aussia radom ?elds o regular or

    irregular sets o4 lo!atios. It relies o t#e de!ompositio o4 t#e !ovaria!e matri(

    ad t#er4ore 8o=t 8or$ 4or large umber o4 lo!atios i 8#i!# !ase 8e suggest

    t#e usage o4 t#e pa!$age Radomields. "ome o4 its 4u!tioalit) is illustrated

    b) t#e e(t !ommads.

    > par(mfrow = c($, &))

    > sim$ 01 grf($%%, = c($, %.&7))

    > points.geodata(sim$, main = "simulated locations and alues")

    > plot(sim$, ma'.dist = $, main = "true and empirical ariograms")

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web




    par(mfrow = c($, &))

    > sim& 01 grf(66$, grid = "reg", = c($,

    + %.&7))

    > image(sim&, main = "a small1ish simulation", col = gray(se/($,

    + %.$, l = 5%)))

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web




  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    pages - M+;+=Q3

    issn - M+B,K

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    ee also Ycitation(pkgname)Y for citing R packages


    Note: urther e'amples for the function krige.bayes are gien in




    require(geoR)set.seed(7=;)#### Durther e1amples for the usage of krige.bayes()## #### Lefore reading this see documentation for krige.bayes

    ## H help(krige.bayes)#### 2"R0*0T: $66 "GG "0 L6 *F6 "08 !"*0T 86FF"08*0T

    ## imulating 4 grf(;,3,3 .7;))

    #### Lasic usage##

    ## a basic and simple call to the 4 krige.bayes(


    ## different input and output optionse1+ 4 krige.bayes(e1.data3 prior - list(phi.prior - fi1ed3 phi - ,.

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    e1.bayes 4 krige.bayes(e1.data3 loc-e1.grid3 prior - prior.control(phi.discrete-seq(,3 73 l-

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web



    #### 0ow including tausq##! 4 prior.control(tausq.rel.prior - uni3 tausq.rel.discrete -seq(,3 .;3 l-B))

    ap;.kb 4 krige.bayes(ap+)ap;.kb## using the previous posterior as prior for ne1t callapB.kb 4 krige.bayes(ap73 prior-post7prior(ap;.kb))apB.kb######! 4 prior.control(phi.prior-c(.73.

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web



    N#?: we recommend the

    pac-age Randomields (http://cran.r!"J"T6.html#RandomDields) for

    a more comprehensie implementation for simulation of

    Oaussian Random ields.

    require(geoR)set.seed(7=;)#### Durther e1amples for the usage of krige.bayes()## #### Lefore reading this see documentation for krige.bayes## H help(krige.bayes)#### 2"R0*0T: $66 "GG "0 L6 *F6 "08 !"*0T 86FF"08*0T

    ## imulating 4 grf(;,3,3 .7;))

    #### Lasic usage##

    ## a basic and simple call to the 4 krige.bayes(

    ## different input and output optionse1+ 4 krige.bayes(e1.data3 prior - list(phi.prior - fi1ed3 phi - ,.

  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    plot(e1.bayes)lines(e1.bayes3 summ-median3 lty-73 post-par)lines(e1.bayes3 summ-mean3 lwd-73 lty-73 post-par)

    ## ... and for the predictiveop 4 par(no.readonly - R56)par(mfrow-c(737))


  • 8/13/2019 Manual Geor Web


    apB.kb 4 krige.bayes(ap73 prior-post7prior(ap;.kb))apB.kb######! 4 prior.control(phi.prior-c(.73.