Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School Phased Opening from 1 st June 2020 Amendment Date Amendment Page Authorised by

Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School ... · transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment. Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost

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Page 1: Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School ... · transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment. Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost

Manual for Parents and Carers

Baldwins Hill Primary School

Phased Opening from 1st June 2020

Amendment Date Amendment Page Authorised by

Page 2: Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School ... · transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment. Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost


1. Introduction: Preparing for the wider opening of education settings from 1 June 2020

a. Basic principles

b. Know The Facts

c. Ensure Safe Operations including First Aid, School Office and P.P.E.

d. Social Distancing

e. Illness Procedures including Staff Testing, Child Testing and Procedures following confirmed


f. Information Sharing and Mental Health

g. First Aid

h. Attendance

2. Learning

a, Our school day including lunches

b, Timetable for a day at home/school

c, Staffing rota

d, Example social story

Page 3: Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School ... · transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment. Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost

Preparing for the wider opening of education settings from 1 June 2020

From the week commencing 1 June at the earliest, the Government are asking primary schools to welcome back

children in Reception, year 1 and year 6, alongside priority groups.

The following are principles outlined in Government guidance, which we will be following:

Children in eligible year groups are encouraged to attend (where there are no shielding concerns for the child

or their household), so that they can gain the educational and wellbeing benefits of attending

Vulnerable children of all year groups continue to be expected to attend educational provision where it is

appropriate for them to do so (for children with education health and care (EHC) plans this will be informed

by a risk assessment approach)

Children and staff who have been classed as clinically extremely vulnerable due to pre-existing medical

conditions have been advised to shield. We do not expect people in this category to be attending school, and

they will continue to be supported to learn or work at home as much as possible. Clinically vulnerable (but not

clinically extremely vulnerable) people are those considered to be at a higher risk of severe illness from

coronavirus. Few if any children will fall into this category, but parents should follow medical advice if their

child is in this category. Staff in this category should work from home where possible, and refer to the detail

in the Government’s protective measures guidance

A child/young person or a member of staff who lives with someone who is clinically vulnerable (but not

clinically extremely vulnerable), including those who are pregnant, can attend their education or childcare


If a child/young person or staff member lives in a household with someone who is extremely clinically

vulnerable, as set out in the guidance on shielding, it is advised they only attend an education or childcare

setting if stringent social distancing can be adhered to and, in the case of children, if they are able to

understand and follow those instructions. This may not be possible for very young children and older children

without the capacity to adhere to the instructions on social distancing. If stringent social distancing cannot be

adhered to, we do not expect those individuals to attend. They should be supported to learn or work at home

Staff and children or young people should not attend if they have symptoms or are self-isolating due to

symptoms in their household

Protective measures will be put in place for staff and pupils, as far as is possible, to ensure that the risk of

transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment.

Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost priority. DfE guidance on implementing protective measures in

education and childcare settings contains detailed advice for settings on:

cleaning, including supplies of cleaning and handwashing products

testing and tracing

PPE (personal protective equipment)

what settings should do in response to a case of coronavirus being confirmed

We will refer to this guidance and continue to follow the advice from Public Health England. These measures, along with handwashing, cleaning, and self-isolation, will lower the risk of transmission.

Children will need to stay within their new class/group wherever possible and this manual, alongside our risk

assessment (approved by the Partners in Learning Academy Trust Board on 22nd May 2020), will outline the

protective measures including increased cleaning, reducing ‘pinch points’ (such as at the start and end of day), and

utilising outdoor space. This does mean that sadly, children will be parted from some of their class mates for the

duration of these arrangements.

Page 4: Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School ... · transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment. Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost

Basic principles

Following basic principles can help keep us all safe at school and help stop the spread of this disease. The main

recommendations are:

Unwell children and staff should not come to school

We will enforce regular hand washing with water and soap, alcohol rub/hand sanitiser or chlorine solution

and, at a minimum, daily disinfection and cleaning of school surfaces.

We will provide water, sanitation and waste management facilities and follow environmental cleaning and

decontamination procedures

We will promote social distancing (a term applied to certain actions that are taken to slow down the spread of

a highly contagious disease, including limiting large groups of people coming together – as guided by the

Government see below section) by minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the

environment (such as classroom layout) and timetables (such as staggered break times)

We will ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

We will clean frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and bleach

Ensure Safe School Operations

We will continue to cancel any community events until further notice based on risk.

Staff will reinforce frequent handwashing and sanitation, and the Premises Team will procure the necessary

supplies. Hand sanitiser and/or handwashing facilities will continue to be in each classroom, at entrances and exits,

and near lunch areas and toilets. Staff will continually remind children how to wash their hands:

Step 1: Wet hands with safe (temperature) running water

Step 2: Apply enough soap to cover wet hands

Step 3: Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including backs of hands, between fingers and under nails – for at

least 20 seconds

Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with running water

Step 5: Dry hands with a clean, single-use towel or hand drier as available

Wash your hands often, especially before and after eating; after blowing your nose,

coughing, or sneezing; going to the toilets and whenever your hands are visibly dirty.

Always wash hands with soap and water and whenever your hands are visibly dirty.

First Aid

First Aid to be administered as usual by a named first aider for each group in usual procedures e.g.

use of gloves etc. First aid bags will be kept with each first aider. Parents will be informed of

bumped heads/incidents by phone call/email rather than a paper letter.

School Office

Communication: Please note that the office will be running with reduced staffing.

To reduce risks to health, it will not be possible for Parents and Carers to enter the school buildings, therefore we ask all messages/communication to staff/office should be undertaken through phone calls and preferably by email: [email protected] . If queries are related to home learning, it is better to use the class email addresses e.g. [email protected]

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First aid/labelled creams/labelled antihistamines should be kept in a tray/box in a locked cupboard in each

classroom. If a child needs medicines such as antibiotics, they will not be allowed into school until the course has

finished as we are unable to administer them during this time due to limiting face to face exposure. Lists of

medicines/hand cream in classroom and log of medicines/creams administered must be kept. Staff must not

administer hand cream to pupils (they administer themselves).


Government guidance states wearing a face covering, or face mask in schools is not recommended. Schools do not require staff and children to wear face coverings. The majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work, even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others. The government guidance says PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases including:

If a child becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in school and needs direct personal care until they can return home

Read the guidance on safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care for more information about preventing and controlling infection, including the use of PPE.

Social Distancing

The Government recognises that, unlike older children and adults, Early Years and primary age children cannot be

expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff. They therefore recommend that we follow a

hierarchy of measures:

avoiding contact with anyone with symptoms

frequent hand cleaning and good respiratory hygiene practices

regular cleaning of settings

minimising contact and mixing

Following government guidance, we will keep our children in small groups 2 metres away from each other, where

possible. The government advises that brief, transitory contact, such as passing in a corridor, is low risk.

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For those children eligible to return to school, classes will mostly be split in half, with no more than 15 pupils per

small group and one teacher (and, if needed, a teaching assistant). Where there are shortages of teachers,

teaching assistants (support staff) have been allocated to lead a group, working under the direction of a teacher.

Vulnerable children and children of critical workers in other year groups have also been split into small groups of

no more than 15. Desks are spaced as far apart as possible and displays have been taken down to prevent spread

of infection.

Classrooms will typically look like this:

Please note than an average sized classroom will have approximately 1.0-1.5 metres social distancing, once at

capacity of 15 children and up to 2 adults.

Baldwins Hill School will implement social distancing practices that will also include:

Staggering the beginning and end of the school day including points of drop-off and pick-up (details below).

The Car Park will not be available between 8.30 – 9.30am / 2:30-3pm.

We will endeavour to achieve this with deliveries, but this may not always be possible.

Staggering break and lunch times

Cancelling assemblies other than virtual assemblies, PTA events, sports games (all Mid-Sussex inter-school

competitions have now been cancelled irrespective of phased opening and lockdown moving forward) and

other events that create crowded conditions

Create space for children’s desks to be at least one metre apart and up to a maximum of 15 children per class

Teach and model creating space and avoiding unnecessary touching

Provide pupils with individual stationery to limit the sharing of resources – children are provided with their

own packs for equipment/work undertaken – children must not bring in own resources/equipment/toys

Setting in place clear barriers along communal corridors and areas, including marking the floors to aid children

follow correct procedures when, if absolutely necessary, they have to move around the school; and marking

the floors when queuing for communal areas such as the lunch hall

Limit parents/carers to one adult dropping off/picking up and, where possible and safe to do so, leaving other

siblings at home rather than bringing them on site at collection times

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Illness Procedures including Staff Testing, Child Testing and Procedures following confirmed cases

Procedures if students or staff members become unwell

If anyone in an education or childcare setting becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature,

or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), parents will be called immediately and

asked to collect their child and given guidance on the length of isolation required before returning to school. Further

guidance is provided below. COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection guidance. If the

child has any siblings in the school, they will also need to be collected and taken home.

If a child is awaiting collection, they will be taken to the ‘Allkids’ room and collection will be from the gate to the

left of here.

How to arrange a test

The self-referral and employer referral test booking routes are available for England, Scotland and Northern



Apply for a coronavirus test

You can select a regional test site drive-through appointment or home test kit.

The government say home test kit availability will initially be limited, but more will become available.

Read a user guide explaining how to use the online self-referral service (PDF, 2.34MB, 35 pages).

The testing process

The test involves taking a swab of the nose and the back of the throat, which can be done by the person

themselves (self-administered) or by someone else (assisted).

Further information including videos on how to use self-tests can be found here: Government Guidance Website

After the test procedures

When a child or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus, they should be sent home and

advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days. All staff and pupils

who are attending an education or childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of

coronavirus and are encouraged to get tested in this scenario. We will encourage parents to do this as quickly as

possible; provide them will the link for parents once the Government makes this available; and encourage them to

share the results with us as soon as possible.

Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and their fellow household

members can end their self-isolation.

Where the child or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class or group will be sent home and advised to

self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider class or group do not need to self-isolate unless

the child or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms.

As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the year group or in the wider

school, the Acting Headteacher will seek advice from Public Health England’s local health protection teams, who

will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise us on the most appropriate action to take. In some cases, a larger

number of other children may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole

class, year group, corridor or school. Where settings are observing guidance on infection prevention and control,

which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole school will not generally be necessary.

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Promote information sharing and Mental Health

The coronavirus outbreak may have caused significant mental health or wellbeing

difficulties for some children and families. It is important to recognise that while ‘getting

back to normal’ is important and will be reassuring for many, school staff will support the


individual families who have been directly affected e.g. missed learning as parents have been working, those who have developed anxieties related to the virus (this could involve family members as well as

children) families who have had major life events during the time we have been closed e.g. new diagnosis of medical

conditions those about whom there are safeguarding concerns those who may make safeguarding disclosures once they are back in schools those who cannot return to school due to shielding

Some children may also have experienced bereavements in their immediate family or wider circle of friends or

family or had increased/new caring responsibilities.

All children will have missed the routine of school, seeing their friends, and being supported by their teachers and other adults in the school. Staff will provide:

opportunities for children to talk about their experiences of the past few weeks opportunities for one-to-one conversations with trusted adults where this may be supportive some refocussed lessons on relevant topics, for example, mental wellbeing or staying safe pastoral activities, such as positive opportunities to renew and develop friendships and peer groups other enriching developmental activities

School will utilise letters, emails and links on websites to promote information sharing. We can use virtual means–

e.g. blog on Purple Mash for Year 6 or/and actual, socially-distanced class forums – this way, we can be sure to

address children’s questions and concerns. We will encourage children to discuss their questions and concerns

and respond to children’s reactions in an age-appropriate, supportive way, explaining to them that they are

normal reactions to an abnormal situation. We will listen to their concerns, reassure them they’re safe and praise

them frequently. We will explain it is normal that they may experience different reactions and encourage them to

talk to teachers/staff if they have any questions or concerns.

We will guide children on how to support their peers and prevent exclusion and bullying. The same principles of inclusion of all will continue to form the basis of everything we do. Staff will talk to children explicitly about the fear and anxiety which may lead to feeling we want to exclude individuals for example if a member of the class is seen not washing their hands properly or if someone sneezes due to hayfever. Compassionate responses, in line with our school values will be encouraged, whilst also acknowledging the emotions involved. The whole school community will need to be open and honest and support each other with difficult emotions.

Page 9: Manual for Parents and Carers Baldwins Hill Primary School ... · transmission is reduced – please see our school risk assessment. Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost

How to prepare your child/children in returning to school We have created a social story for each child returning to school which details the adults working with them and what their classroom will look like (see below). We are also creating a video for Year groups returning to school: Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 which will be uploaded to Purple Mash the week before children join (details when available will be sent out). Please watch the year group specific video and share the social story with you child. Talk about the pictures and the adults that will be in school with them and talk about any worries they have. You may also want to talk about the likely timetable for their day (see below and show them pictures of the new school layout from this manual. If you have any concerns, please raise these with their class teacher via the class emails so a member of the team can contact you to reassure/support as necessary.


Parents and carers of eligible year groups, and critical workers/parents and carers of vulnerable children, are

strongly encouraged to bring in your children, but the government has said you will not face fines or other sanctions

if you don’t. Parents whose children have been invited back to school must inform us via telephone call or email if

your child is ill and unable to come into school. Similarly, please inform us if you have chosen for your child not to

attend so we understand why and can discuss it with you if needed.

Learning - Plan for continuity of learning

Throughout the phased opening, teachers and TAs will ensure there is support for continued access to quality

education. Expectations around in-school and home learning are:

We will continue to post a video talking about the learning for the week to each class using Purple Mash by each

Monday morning at 8:30am. This can be done by individual teachers for their classes or by one teacher on behalf

of the year group as some teachers will be in school teaching other classes.

Our home learning will be uploaded to the class pages on our website which will include:

o 5 English sessions from: the Oak National Academy

o 5 Maths sessions from the White Rose

o PSHE activities related to wellbeing and disease prevention and control in daily activities and lessons

o Experience based learning activity linked to the connected curriculum unit in focus

o Outdoor learning activities using 30 days Wild from the Wildlife Trust

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See examples for Years 1-6 and EYFS below:

We will continue to provide printed copies of work for non-attending pupils from home delivery list.

Staff will provide feedback for 1 piece of work each week to learners that are not on site – this could be English or

Maths work.

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Our usual practices to support transition will be used where possible. We are working closely with our Early Years

and Secondary partners to ensure transition into and out of school is completed with as much support as possible

such as potential virtual tours.

Our School Day

Children can wear uniform, or non-school uniform, to ensure that clean clothes can be worn every day and

therefore reducing the need to change for PE/physical activity. Following advice, it is more imperative that clothes

are clean each day. It is also recommended that parents ask children to remove their clothing as soon as they get

home and place them on a hot washing machine cycle. Your child should also have a shower on arriving at home.

All staff and children must wash their hands immediately upon arrival and upon leaving the school site.

Please can children bring in:

Named Water Bottle – these need to be taken home and cleaned every day

Named Lunchbox - if not having a school meal provided by Chartwells

Named Lightweight coat (if necessary) – coats and bags will need to be placed under/on each child’s chair in order to reduce risk of contamination. We will not be using cloakrooms for storing belongings.

Named Sun hat/cap (if hot) *For health and safety purposes, children will be provided with age appropriate reading books that only their group will use, please do not bring in book bags or books from home. Please also ensure that they are wearing sunscreen if the weather is hot. We are unable to apply sunscreen to


Children will go straight to their classrooms with their belongings as the cloakrooms will be out of use. Children will keep coats on their chair and bags under their tables. ll staff and children must wash their hands immediately upon arrival and upon leaving the school site.

Every Monday there will be a pre-recorded Whole school assembly led by Miss Dabell

that children can watch at home and in classes via Purple Mash. (From Monday 8th


Every Friday there will continue to be a pre-recorded virtual celebration assembly led by Miss Dabell that children

can watch at home and in classes via Purple Mash. We will continue to celebrate children who are learning at home

and school.

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Phased re-opening of Baldwins Hill School

Opening Times

All vital messages are emailed/phoned through to the office to ensure prompt drop off/pick up. Please note,

we are unable to pass messages to children during the day, unless they are of a very urgent nature.

Group: Start time:

Finish time:

Drop off: Pick up:

Siblings 8.50am 3pm Arrive through large double gates on playground – drop off to appropriate external door ways * (detailed below) and exit behind Year 6 classrooms out behind Allkids.

Collection from external classroom doors at 3pm arrive through large double gates and exit behind All Kids.

Critical Workers’/ Vulnerable Children

9.00am 2.50pm Arrive through large double gates, deliver children to classroom external doors of Beijing/Athens class -exit via Main gate and past office

Parents enter through large double gates collect from external Beijing & Athens doors on playground. Exit via main gate and past office

Year 6 9.10am 2.40pm Arrive through large double gates , drop off to main Year 5/6 door, exit route around back of Year 5/6 classrooms and leave via gate behind All kids and out via carpark. Please- no Year 6 parents on site unless absolutely necessary

Children must be guided by teachers out - leave through Year 6 door near hall, exit using gate behind All Kids into car park – teacher guide from gate to car park gates. Please - no Year 6 parents on premises – meet child outside carpark gates if necessary

Year 1 9.20am 2.30pm Arrive through large double gates on playground – drop off to external door of London Class and exit by coming towards year 6 and out behind Allkids

Parent pick up outside London class via one way system and out behind Allkids

Early Years

9.30am 2.20pm Arrive through large double gates on playground – RA drop off to Main New Build entrance & RB through outside area door and exit back towards year 6 and out behind Allkids.

Children remain at seats- parents collect from their morning drop-off doors. Exit behind Allkids.

Date Event

26th - 29th May School open for Critical Worker and Vulnerable children in Reception – Y6 from Halsford Park and Baldwins Hill

Monday 1st June

SCHOOL CLOSED except Critical Workers’ and Vulnerable children in Early Years, Y1-Y6 from Baldwins Hill only. Staff training.

Tuesday 2nd June Critical worker/vulnerable childcare groups only

Wednesday3rd June Early Years children start back (+ CWV in Y1-6)

Monday 8th June Year 1 start back (+Early Years + CWV in Y2-6)

Monday 15th June Year 6 start back (+Early Years +Year 1 +CWV in Y2-5)

TBC Other year groups

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A member of staff will ensure the large double gates are open from 8:50am. Please note - due to drop off/pick up

the car park will not be available between 8:30-9:30 and 2:30-3pm.

Parents must observe the 2m social distance and wait outside of the school building. Only one parent per family

must come to school. All siblings not attending school must be left at home rather than accompany the adult unless

it is unsafe to do so. Children are left by the parents at external doors OUTSIDE the school building. Scooters and

bikes are not advised in order to minimise the risk of infection. Staff Marshalls, where available, will be strategically

positioned to ensure procedures are being followed. Please note, safe social distancing at drop-off and collection

time is essential to enable us to move to the next stages of re-opening.

Classroom Locations

Class Location in school

Key Workers’/Vulnerable Children Group 1 Beijing Group 2 Athens


Yr 1 1A 1B 1A London 1B Middle area New Build

Yr 6 6A 6B 6A Atlanta 6B Sydney

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Children will eat their lunch in the hall or classroom. Lunch may be eaten outside if the weather is warm. Children

will always remain in their own group with the adults working with that group- they will not mix with other groups.

Chartwells will provide a lunch for any child in school, however, children can bring their own packed lunch if they

prefer. The lunch hall will typically look like this:

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Suggested Timetable For Childcare for Critical Workers and Vulnerable Pupils

When the children come in in the morning, they have been starting off with their home learning activities. There

will need to be printed learning activities (from the website) available for children to access during this time. There

will be time in the morning and afternoon for this to enable children to upload work for their teachers/assigned

teacher to give feedback on. Children will need to have their passwords/login details for purple mash/Bug club and

Nessy etc. Please note that pupils will not have direct teaching due to being in mixed year groups but support will

be given where possible.

Below is an example timetable:




Core Values Responsibility

Respect Courage

How can you show the core values at school today?

Talking through the Zones of Regulation

Setting yourself up for the day. Talking through the timetable for the





Daily exercise e.g Joe Wicks Body Coach, ‘Just dance’ Yoga – PE lesson

on Youtube

Use of field (timetabled)

Use of hall – agree a rota amongst ‘bubble’ groups,


Printed Maths activities Printed home learning

10.30 Break time and snack

11.00 Home


Laptop – Purple Mash/Oak Academy/ printed English sheets



Lunch - staggered timings

1.00 Craft activities and/or colouring

Bingo/ games

1.30 PSHE Wellbeing focus - This session is to ensure wellbeing is being taught to

all classes in school. You may wish to talk about your worries or set

aside this time for other relaxing activities such as yoga or other quiet

activities including mindfulness.


Outdoor Art

Outdoor games or activities - following social distancing guidance.

3:00 Home time Children collected from pick-up points following manual guidelines.

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Suggested Timetable for learning at Home/School

Keeping structure and routines helps children thrive. This is an example of a structure but you will know how

much you can manage and what works best for your children. Remaining calm is more important than trying to do

all of these areas so select the areas which work best and adapt to the age of your children.

Years 1 and 6 will follow a similar structure but timings will differ


How can you show the core values at home/School today?

Talking through the Zones of Regulation

Setting yourself up for the day.

9.00 Daily exercise e.g Joe Wicks Body Coach, Yoga – PE lesson on Youtube

Use of field (timetabled)

9.30 Fluent writing and fast reading

English – Oak National Academy daily lesson and activities

10.30 Break time and snack

11.00 Fast Maths and working on times tables

Maths – White Rose daily lessons and activities



Lunch *will be staggered timings at school

1.00 Quiet reading. Each group will have a set of books that can be used for

individual reading. (Books must not be taken home)

Read on your own, to an adult, listen to a story or (read with a sibling at


1.20 PSHE Wellbeing focus - This session is to ensure wellbeing is being taught to all

classes in school. At home, you may wish to talk about your worries or set

aside this time for other relaxing activities such as yoga or other quiet

activities including mindfulness.


Experience based learning or outdoor learning

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Example Early Years Timetable


How can you show the core values at home/School today?

Talking through the Zones of Regulation

9.00 Dancing Wake and shake to get my body moving and ready for the day.

9.30 Phonics Practising my sounds and using these for my reading and writing

10.30 Break time and snack


Learning in the outside area

Exploring all the areas of learning

12.00 Lunch *will be staggered timings at school

1.00 Story time – sharing a story with my class or an adult at home.

1.20 Maths and singing number songs

2.00 PSED Wellbeing focus – Talking about how I am feeling and how I can help my friends

STAFFING (Please note due to shielding reasons/some staff are working remotely and due to teaching in

smaller groups, some children will be taught by other teachers/support staff)

Class Staff Member:

Key Workers’/Vulnerable Children

Ms Malik Mr Knowles

Early Years Mrs Heawood/Mrs Hodges Miss Crean/Mrs Woodward Mrs Perera/Mr Tippett Mrs Dalgetty

Year 1 Mrs Regan Mrs Custard/Mrs Scanlan

Yr 6

Mrs Osborne/Mrs Hollywood (Fri) Mrs Foster Mr Barrett

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Example ‘Social Story’ sent home to children attending school: