EX.No.1 ONLINE AIRTICKET RESERVATION SYSTEM Synopsis: The online airline reservation system is developed to overcome the difficulties present in the manual reservation work. This system consists of the following modules, Reservation Cancellation Flight Details The reservation module contains details about the customer and place he/she is intended to travel.The use of this module is to get a flight ticket for the customer according to the needs. The cancellation module has the details about the customer and the information about the tickets.This module updates the available seats after the cancellation of the tickets. The flight details modules has fields such as flightname, flight no, arrival and departure time of the flight and the fair etc. This module is intended to give general information to the customer about different flights and its availability. Existing System : The existing system involves manual work such as making phone calls to confirm the number of available seats and for making payments etc. The customers should wait in a long queue for the reservation of tickets and they need separate forms cancellation and reservation that results in a wastage of time. 1

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The online airline reservation system is developed to overcome the difficulties present in the manual reservation work. This system consists of the following modules,

Reservation Cancellation Flight Details

The reservation module contains details about the customer and place he/she is intended to travel.The use of this module is to get a flight ticket for the customer according to the needs.

The cancellation module has the details about the customer and the information about the tickets.This module updates the available seats after the cancellation of the tickets.

The flight details modules has fields such as flightname, flight no, arrival and departure time of the flight and the fair etc. This module is intended to give general information to the customer about different flights and its availability.

Existing System:

The existing system involves manual work such as making phone calls to confirm the number of available seats and for making payments etc. The customers should wait in a long queue for the reservation of tickets and they need separate forms cancellation and reservation that results in a wastage of time. The details about the different flights is difficult to understand. Maintaining the records are difficult to process with papers.

Proposed System: With increasingly unpredictable work hours and travel at short notice, online ticketing offers an easy and reliable way out. Its 24-hour availability gives it an edge over traditional methods of ticket booking Airline ticket agents and authorized people can access the reservation systems to make flight arrangements, view current reservations, and check passenger lists, as well as many other functions. The customers can reserve tickets at their available time.

Tickets are delivered within 24 hours.

Maintaining the records are much easier as they are stored in the system they can be retrived easily.

Hardware and Software Requirements System Configuration

Processor speed : Pentium 4 @ 2.66 ghz

System Memory : 256 MB

Harddisk : Seagate 40 GB

Keyboard : HCL

Mouse : HCL

Monitor : HCL HCM 582


Planning :Microsoft Project

Desining :Rational rose Enterprise EditionFrontend :Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Backend :Microsoft Access

Testing : Winrnner Project Schedule for Online Airticket Reservation System Using MS-Project

UML Diagram for Online Airticket Reservation System Using Rational rose Enterprise EditionUsecase Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Collabration Diagram:

Class Diagram

Activity diagram

State Chart

Component Diagram

Deployment Diagram:

Database Design Using MS Access:Field NameDatatypeDescription

flnameTextName of the flight

flnoNumberNumber of the flight

arrivalTextArrival time of the flight

departureTextDeparture time of the flight

city1TextPlace from where the flight departs

city2TextPlace to where the flight goes

fairNumberCharge for traveling

seatsNumberSeats available in the flight

Code:Dim c1 As New ADODB.Connection

Dim r1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim r2 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim r3 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim s1, s2 As String

Dim i, j As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Data1_Validate(Action As Integer, Save As Integer)

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Do While Not r1.EOF()

Combo1.AddItem r1("city1"), i


i = i + 1


Do While Not r2.EOF()

Combo2.AddItem r2("city2"), j


j = j + 1


MsgBox "Connected to Database!"

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

s1 = Combo1.Text

s2 = Combo2.Text

Set r3 = c1.Execute("select * from protable where city1 ='" & s1 & "'and city2 ='" & s2 & "'")

Text1 = r3("flname")

Text2 = r3("flno")

Text3 = r3("arrival")

Text4 = r3("departure")

Text5 = r3("fair")

Text6 = r3("seats")

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Set r3("flname") = "loose"


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

i = 0

j = 0

c1.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _

"DBQ=samp1.mdb;" & _

"DefaultDir=s:\;" & _


Set r1 = c1.Execute("select city1 from protable")

Set r2 = c1.Execute("select city2 from protable")

End Sub


TestCase for Online Airticket Reservation SystemUNIT TEST:












updatedetGETif recordno=noofrecordsdisplay error msgdisplayed notvalidlocationok

if record is emptydisplay error msgdisplayed emptyok


INVENTORY SYSTEMSynopsis:Inventory Management is a discipline that encompasses the principles, concepts and techniques for determining what to order, when to order and how much to order. The right amount of inventory involves the balance between what is required to service your customers and what is financially practical. Our inventory systems are designed for a business that desires a complete control over stock levels and an inventory tracking. This software can be used either as a simple inventory control system or a complete manufacturing solution.

Purchase order:

Create a supplier catalog linked to your inventory items. Easily create purchase orders that will be filled in automatically by values you can select from lists. Receive inventory and assets into stock against purchase orders. If you want, set the System to create purchase orders automatically based on how much you have in stock and the history of your stock. Handle supplier contracts for selected suppliers and items. Purchase materials for selected work orders. Use a temporary ID for items which are not in your catalog yet. Use predefined memos to communicate with your suppliers. And view and print a variety of useful reports.Benefits of Inventory Management:-

Through the objective evaluation of existing inventory levels, and the establishment of formal inventory control procedures, your company will be in an enhanced position to maintain or improve customer satisfaction while improving cash flow.

If you run out of stock, you will lose sales. If you have too much stock, the lack of cash flow will hurt you.Inventory control easy for you to track, print out reports and always be aware of your stock levels.

Sales. Create both Sales orders for items in the inventory system. Enter multiple ship to locations, customer warning flags, multiple sales reps, and customer links to suppliers. Track types of order status: Outstanding, Waiting for Approval, Approved, Shipped, and Cancelled. Track your Order Fulfillment stats. Ship kits. Generate pick lists, packing slips, invoices for shipped orders, and Shipping Manifests/Bills of Lading. Specify payment terms and use predefined memos. Track carrier companies and shipping types ("ship via"). Fill or Kill orders. Use automated backorder generation. Automate invoices for handling and shipping. And send auto-email to customer and sales reps.

Work Orders/Jobs. Track work order status from Open to Approved to Scheduled to Started to Completed. Get parts and labor quotations, and track the component and labor cost of work orders with reports. Assemble kits based on bill of materials. Track your work orders by work type, "requested by", supervisor, "assigned by", and more in the system. Bill of Materials. Make and use bill of materials with up to 20 levels. Use our assembly work order graphical interface editor. Track component serial numbers. Automate assembly cost calculation. Differentiate between critical and non-critical components. Automatically generate purchase orders based on what you need to complete your work orders.

Existing system:In the existing system there are some defects but in this we are overcoming the defects meet in the existing system such as Stock Maintenance is difficult.

To identify the reorder level is difficult.

To maintain bank transaction is difficult.

Time and cost Expensive.

Proposed system:

In the proposed system we have overcomes the defects faced in the existing system such as Stock Maintenance.

Reorder level status to avoid the demand.

To Maintain bank transaction.

Time and cost is decreased

Database Design Using MS Access:

Field NameDatatypeDescription

Product name, Customer nameTextName of the product and customer

Product no,customer idNumberNumber of the product and customer id

QuantityNumberQuantity of the product

Stock availNumberStock available of the product

Product costNumberProduct cost

Hardware and Software RequirementsSystem Configuration:Processor speed : Pentium 4 @ 2.66 ghz

System Memory : 256 MB

Harddisk : Seagate 40 GB

Keyboard : HCL

Mouse : HCL

Monitor : HCL HCM 582


Frontend : Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Backend : Microsoft Access

Project Schedule for Inventory System Using MS-Project








Private Sub Command1_Click()

Set Rs1 = Conn1.Execute("SELECT * FROM login where name='" & Text1 & "'")

If Rs1.EOF Or Rs1.BOF Then

MsgBox ("user name and password is in correct")

End If

If Text1 = Rs1(0) And Text2 = Rs1(1) Then

Unload Me



MsgBox ("password is in correct")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Conn1.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _

"DBQ=s:\vb project\inventory.mdb;"

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

Text1.Enabled = True

If Text1.Text "" Then

Text2.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_Change()

If Text2.Text "" Then

Command1.Visible = True

End If

End SubOutput:



INPUTcust namemaniAcceptedAcceptedok

cust name&^maninotAcceptednotAcceptedok




dept nameproductionAcceptedAcceptedok

dept name***notAcceptednotAcceptedok

no of orders6AcceptedAcceptedok

no of orders0notAcceptednotAcceptedok



INPUTGETif no of orders>=1go to get detaildisplaygetdetails()ok

if getdetails of updationgetupdatedetailsgetputdata()ok

if no of orders=500go to get detaildisplaygetdetails()ok

if getdetails of updationgetupdatedetailsgetputdata()ok

if amount