the dmanig Elnmes. Publshes AU County and Town Of. fical Adverisements. MANNING, S. C., APRIL 7, 1915 Dr. Hess's STOCK IONIC FOR Horses, Cattle and Hogs. Panacea makes hens lay and poultry .healthy. Instant Louse Killer kills lice, fleas and ticks. Give it a fair trial accord- ing to directions and if not satisfactory your money re- funded. LEON WEINBERG i "Everything Good.to Eat." Mr. Foik of Denmark spent Easter in Manning. Read the statement of the Bank of Pinewood in this issue. Mr..Dan Hydriek of Spartanburg was a visitar to Manning lUst week. Little Ashley, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rigby is ill with pneumonia. Sheriff Gamble has had to go back to the hospital to have his wounds looked after. Died in Greelyville last Monday uight. Mrs. J. E. Keels, aged about 50 Years Governor Manning has appointed Mr. W. E. Jenkinson of Kingstree on the Bard of Pardons. Married last-Monday at New Zion, Mr.-Levi J. Morris and Miss Carrie Anne Hagen, of Abbeville. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Till of Sumter, spent Easter Sunday with the famly of Mr. W. P; Leggin Manning. Hon. . J, Watson, Commissioner of rclture and Inustries, will deliver an address In Manning an the 12th, fis-ant. Mrs. T.L Bagnal, of Manning, was *ealed to the bedside of her sister. Mrs. Roper Pendergrass, at Florence last Sudy. Mr. Thomas Nimmer has been con- ened to his bed for the past week,- but we are glad tolearn he is on the road Died ar,-s Boie in the Morrisville s eedlon of Wiimsbrg, Mr G. K. itehm, egadedon~ oftheoldest -eng IWillamsburg county.- Thid boardof health of the town of Pinewood. S. C., has received and is furnishing to its citizens free, .Disin- fectant's, to beused 0n their premises, durisgga(clean up) week throughout Died yesterday tnorning, at her home sans-ve mailes westiof Manning. Mrs. Elizabeth RidgGi, wife of Mr. J. Henr RidgiDi, aged 54 years. The funera acok this afternoon as Home The travelli men are greatly please with the renewal of the system which' *permits the railroads putting into oper- a*Son the interchangeable mileage book. There will be no more hollers from the knights of the grip.' Rev. W. H. Barnwell~ rector of the Episcopal church wil hold services next Sunday morning at 11:30 in Pres- byterian church as Pinewood. The Holy communion will be celebrated at thlaaervice. Public invited. Itw~ilbevgatifyin to the friendsof Bennie M. Gibson to learn that after having undergone an operation at the Columbia hospital for appendicitis that he has returned homie considerably im- proved, although he is still weak. Died near Trinity last Thursday hight, Bernice Lee, the thirteen-year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manning Lee. The funeral took place in the Manning cemetery Friday. The Rev. 0. p. Watson, pastor of the-Methodist church, conducted the service. Comptroller General Sawyer has sent out the pension money to the sev- eral Clerks of Court. The amount for Clarendon is se,027,50, and Clerk of Court Barron Is now ready to distrib- ute the same. The list of pensioners1 arrived too late for us to get it in thisi .ThisIs to notify all those interested in the declamation contest for the Manning group, that on account of the very bad weather last Saturday, the event was post-pond just one week. We shall expect the contestants next Saturday morning at ten o'clock. D. B. Riser. There will be a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Richardson, near Summerton, Friday evening, which is 1eoked forward to with much pleasure. The Times editor acknowledges an in vitation to be present, but other en- gagements will prevent the pleasure, and besides, Father Time has enjoined him from ever again enjoying such privileges.. There were several farmers in Man- ning last Monday wbo expressed a de- sire to have Hon. John L. McLaurin to come to Clarendon to address them, and weare quite sure that if they write him at Columbia he will arrange a date for this county in the near future. At present he has a number of engage-I ments to address farmers in the upper1 tier of counties. The committee in charge of the chautauqua to begin in Manning next Monday has invited State Warehouse Commissioner John L. McLaurin to di- liveran address in Manning Monday. This should be an incentive for every. farmer and business man in the county to he present, as Mr. McLaurin will have a a message that is of importance to the cotton growers generally. Mr. 3. T. Stukes of Manning, has in bis possession a newspaper which is 100 years old. It was published in Georgetown, S. C., July 1815, and was named Georgetown Gazette and _Mer- cantile Advertiser. The paper is ad- dressed to "Joseph Stukes" the grand- father of the present J T. Stukes, and the great grandfather of the Times editor's wife. There are a number of documents chronicled in the sheet re- lating to the French revolution, and the papers of Napolean. Is would be a good thing to preserve this newspaper iu a glsas ase in the Manningr library. Governor Manning has put the crimp on prize fighting in Charleston. A bout was to have taken place in that tha city last night, but upon the order of t the Governor, Sheriff Martin notified the projectors and it did not come off -o The only other time such an event was we attempted in this State was stop- of t ped by Governor McSweeney. The afU law is very positive against this brutal ap; sport. law see Mr. F. Earle Bradham, formerly con- sig1 ected with the Allendale Enterprise, law and recently with the Jasper Herald. per bas made a business connection with ma: he Rev. L. D Bass, and will publish froi tt Florence The Commonwealth. Mr. we Bradham is a Mannin1,ite, and a grad- he 2ate of Wofford college with several ern Fears of newspaper experience. We pos wish him success in his new field of cou abor. Ine sho A junior B Y P U was organized at mu ;he Baptist church last Sunday after- len' 2oon. The Following officers were no Olected: Leader. Mrs. F. 0. Richard- add ;on; president. Isabelle Thomas: vice- the )resident, Allen Harvin; secretary by Aary Ansley; chanster, Daisy Barri- foil 2eau; librarian, Pearle Rawlinson; our reasurer, Manly Holladay; captains, slenn Harvin, Ruby McElveen, Allen ao1 Earvin, Mildred Johnson. My Miss Katherine Richardson requests 2s to announce- that there will be a un parade of the Corn and Tomato Clubs tru Af this county in Manning Tuesday of l8tb,at 11 o'clock a.m. Miss Richardson res prides berself, and not without merit, ant ,bat she is doine a great deal of prac. Ac deal good in this county, and she is so tr well satisfied with the results of her of abors that she is anxious to share her in I joy with the people from all over Clar- tha don, and on next Tuesday she pro- be ses to exhibit the young hopefuls and g0c iheir work. There will be three days of pleasure . in Manning beginning Monday 12th jecl nst.. and ending Wednesday 14th, un- sit3 ler the auspices of The Booster Club Festival. There will be lectures, con- *erts, impersonationsand various other mntertainments. Col. E. J. Wat- tO S on of Columbia. will d e i v e r m address Monday morning at 10:30 which will be of special interest Ho, 6 the farmers. There is no man in C ;he South better prepared to give in- aruction to farmers than this gentle- you nan. He has made a study of every "T4 >hase of agricultural life. and it is in- nes leed a compliment to the projectors of don he chautauqua to have secured this out sy man for this occasion. We can the with all si ncerity say to the people of I 3arendon, the farmers especially, it whi will pay them handsomely to come to the Wanning to hear this entertaining and roa structive speaker. ed tWE nar Willie Bethane's Last Chance a Court. J to t The United States supreme court has 1 landed down a decision in the case of ed 1 Phe State of South Carolina aeainst lati roe Malloy,- convicted in the Marlboro froi =ourt in 1910, and sentenced, to be con langed, but between the date of his sue :onviction. and the date set for his exe- pay suton the legislature changed the I ci node of punishment from hanging to this .lectrocution. His attorney appealed ing the United States supreme court on the he grounds that he could not be legal- bee Vexecuted as he was sentenced to be froi inged and not. electrocuted.- This mai mase is of more than ordinary interest tire a Clarendon county, because the case tha if Willie Bethune several times tried stri ad convicted for the murder- of Mr. G Ben Mims, has also been carried to the rat] pase court on-practically the grounds aris >f appeal. Our information is that the T ittorney for Beahune -agree with fhe the ttoney General to let his case go cola ilong with the Malloy cate, if a new oth rial was granted Malloy, he would ask ben or one one for Bethune, but if Malloy my ot it would be useless to further in- ed1 aist for .Willie Bethune. So we leg! ssame that Willie Bethune's only the ope now lies with the Governor of alot southCarolina. either granting a com- nee nutation or pardon. Hie will be taken frec efore the Judge at the next term? of ple: ourt whowill sentence him to be elec- tha rocted. The sentenecing Judge has Act lo disretion inthecsse, and must im-F mose the death penelty. This case has run the gamut of the wha oorts for a long time, but it has now tho eared its end. It has cost this county in great deal of money. but that should at I aot be taken into consideration where kiee life is at stake, even tho' the life -be S hat of a negro who killed a white ti nan. What is demanded -however, is danI ustice, and the highest court of this dot treat governmnent has decreed that su ustice has been done in this, and the ver nalloy cases which was before it from for outhCarolina. obj - Wafted Home owa Die8 at 2:30 last Friday mornmng, thi Bernice Lee, the youngest daughter of Ac rn. and Mrs. J. M. Lee. Her healthtr lad been on the deline for severaltr nonths prior to her last illness. She ne leveloped a, case of pneumonia of a very ta nalignant character which caused her sen leath within one week. The funeral was conducted by her ty< astor, the Rev. G. P. Watson, on Sat- sai rday morning at 11 o'clock by the any rave in the Manning cemetery, where re ihe was laid torest- tax Bernice was in her thirteenth year, md was a consistent member of the Manning Methodist church and Sunday per School. She was a bright little Christ- e ln,.always pleasing .and cheerful in the home, and her you,thful death has t made a vacancy that never can be filled. an We extend to the bereaved parents, ln isters and brothers, our heartfelt sym-rc pathy, and mourn with them. God only ile* knows best when to call one of His own WOI bome, and when the death angel comes out to our homes for one of His jewels we .T hould feel it a blessing to know that wil He has a nobler work for them to do, coil so let us try to r' 'ize that as we part thi with the loved one. and friend, she has do. gone a little while before us, walking the golden streets in the New Jeru- salem and is now celebrating the great- est event of her spiritual life. "Little children, little children, Who love their redeemer, All His pure ones, all the bright ones, Eis loved ones and His own; . Like the stars of the morning, in His bright crown adorning, Re They shall shine in His likeness, Ap) Bright gems of His own." at Honor Rol-Jordan First Grade. in Joseph Brunson hoi Wesley ThompsonEl Irma May Burnett .El Virginia- Lowder Second Grade. Thomas Sprott ona .Fourth Grade. Willie Graham Fifth Grade: w Lucile Rawlinson 'the Eugene Plowden en< Seventh Grade. h Paul Graham 5 Eighth Grade. m. Sue Plowden Pe Lillian Bradham S. Ninth Grade. Leona Ridgill David Bradham af William Bradham -rai Fred Rawlinson Pa Coa Thompson Da Tenth Grade. Loroine Thompson FC Julius E. Clark, Who Is It That Say lay ? 'he readers of The Times will recall t an Act was passed to require the Mr. I -resident owners of autb trucks to Ed a license into the county treasury Dear lo business in this county, and that In' have been urging the enforcement undei his law, thinking of course, that gave ,r its passage the Governor had uable roved it, and that it is one of the answ, s upon our statute books, but it from ns Governor Manning has not yet strair ied the Act, and therefore it is not your until he does. Whether he will In yO mit this Act to become a law re- the v, ns to be seen, however, judging self a n what he savs in his letter which Coun1 publish herewith it is evident that requi s considering not to do so. Gov- in bot or Manning adds to his let:er as a the 14 script. "Have requests from your say, nty not to sign." We cannot imar- and ii why any citizens of Clarendon reaso ild make such a request when it chall( it appeal to them that they are As ling their aid to non-residents and Bank -taxnayers having the privilege of of fig] Ina to the taxpayers and residents only 1 cost of repairing the damage done you .hose who pay no taxes here. The ExMau )wing is the Governor's letter, and Our I reply thereto: into ( Columbia, April 1, 1915. a i. Louis Appelt, over Manning, S. C. make Dear Senator: - I have before me yet enjoy igned, the Act "To prohibit auto thi o :ks doing business in the Counties Liken, Clarendon and York by non- ter I dents, without first procuring an deavo ual license therefor." I note this eav ,puts a license of $100.00 on each some atlr sk doing business in Clarendon and at a 50.00 on each truck doing business going Liken and York. It seems to me want t the result of this Bill is going to papet :o prevent trucks from delivering fhat ds in your County and to cripple forCo ditions rather than to cause any hod d efit to arise. are o 'lease point out to me what the ob- kn , of this Bill is and wbat the neces amen for it is. Yours very truly, mind RICHARD I MANNING. ers o or ave request from your County not y in. accor fend : Manning, S. C.. April 2. 1915. about i. Richard I. Manoning, Governor. up no olumbia S. C. jure Dear Governor:-! have serioi rs dated April 1st, relating to Act newsl >prohibit auto trucks doing busi- purpt in the Counties of Aiken. Claren- here? and York by non-residents, with- ernor first procuring aa annual license quest refor." prese ese auto trucks are very heavy, C. Br n loaded they weigh several tons, 'you complaint is that they cut up the get e is and damage the bridges: a load- er px ,ruck running at the rate of 15 or you?' nty miles an hour striking an ordi- if t y wooden bridge loosens it at eyerv tleme it and therefore makes it dangerous deep he travelling public. stock, 'he County Commissioners request- of sue he delegation to secure some Jegis- tative on for the protection of the County Yoi these road locomotives, that if we derst Id not prohibit them, to impose may a lice'nse as would at least help to croac, the cost of .repairing the bridges. matte 6not understand why any citizen of ets ar Countyshould write you request- attem you to withhold your approval of order Act, unless it be some who have perso solicited by the owners of trucks of bu Sumter, for since I came home does i iy citizens have expressed their en- both approval of the Act and the hope gets our offeers would enforce the law Your tly. 'one-I overnor, as to "cripple conditions by la ierthan to cause any benefit to inch. e," I cannot see it so. have be goods sold and delivered by ten ec se trucks consist mainly of Coco- stand: Chero-cola. Pepsi-cola and other more er soft drinks, (bottled) of doubtful pense eft to the welfare of tbe masses; in our I opinion, they are sold and deliver- stock] many who are not engaged in a nothi imate bnslness, especialy during here cotton picking season-little shops tional ig the road, some of which are sus- contr ted of being blisd tigers, and'are priva uently run by negroes. I would be been sed to know who it is in Clarendon pect has requested you not to sign this cialr .but w ..and y ersonally I have no tnterest in it Ye, tsoever, but, I do think it just that hacke e who sell and deliver such god one c xtraordinary heavy vehicles should and a east contribute toward the cost of see n< ping our bridges repaired. fight, ould one. of these tremendous any ~ks break into a bridge and it was Had1 iaged the owner would, I have no him] bt, involve the County in a damage been ,and if he succeeded in getting a nothi 2iet the taxpayers would be mulct yo, that much. argut he trucks which run over this coun- when ome from Sumter, and I know the.t this d action to this Act is made by their self ers, however, this should have no rathe ring upon the merits or justice of that] Act-.it is either a good or had direc and the Counties named therein cause ,ugh their Representatives felt the the y of such an Act.or they would net bin en up the time of the 0.neral As- -7ou ing n bly wIth it. Such he trucks whic~h run over this coun- notic ome from Sumter as I have already cussi< I but this action was not taken in I ma. spirit of opposition to Sumter. but twen1 Ily for the protection of Clarendon's our y payers solely. them lsuch heavy vehicles are to be to thb mitted to cut up our roads and conti ken our bridges thereby jeopard- not a e their safety without contributing fiden he expense of making these roads d esir bridges safe for the general travel- rpublic, then in my opinion, a non- to dent, and a non-taxpayer has a priv ig' 9e which a resident tax payer. ild not be permitted to enjoy with- ttl proest. argui therefore sincere'y hopr that you ~ allow Clarendon the privilege of cussi eting from non-taxpayers some- an ill 2g to help repair the damage ihey as I With much Respect ..us lo< I am Yours &c,. had t LOUI APPLT- ed th dice your BUSINfESS LOCAL.S. tv the f 'or Sale-One Hudson Touring Car, ingt good condition, and price right, give tson for selling, have too many cars. youa ply to Julien Weinberg, Manning. ious tryin on't forget the big concerts given pub Ihompson's Hall for colored people. th Ink King, Manager,.i I ' 'OR SALE-A few Colonies of Bees in efi frame hives. Will give each pur- ty to ser one section supper for comb settit ey. Price per Colony, $7 00. R. S. ple o: iott, Silver, S. C. Alt shall Vanted-Salesman and collector at App 'e, to locate at Manning. Singer shou ring Machine Co., Sumter, S. C. ed b and will give free, one sitting of S. C. sistit ite Leghorn eggs to any member of Act, Corn and Tomnatoe Clubs in Clar- putn Ion county, that will guess nearest even number of chicks I will hatch from Yo eggs, now in my incubator. All bein: sses to be made in writing by 2 p. peals April, 13th. Hatch comes off on 14th. to me Sama Pouity Farm, Davis Station, broti C. coun tified Villfurnish White Leghorn eggs to after sw reliable farmers to hatch and upon te on shares, natural hatch only, diced ties to call for the eggs. A, C. ing vis, Davis Station, S. C. chart R SALE-One Brush Car, known fo- the ."McRoy .Car" 850.00 cash. righ pply to S. I. Harvin, Manning S. C. that. Would fave Us Bring Suit. April 5th, 1915. e .ouis Appelt, itor Manning Times: Sir:- last week's issue of your paper, the caption "It is the law," you nearly three coiumns of your val- editorial space in an effort to Ir my letter, and went so far afield S its subject matter, that I feel con- v ied to trespass once more upon b kindness and the public'sipatience. si ur caption you assume as a fact s4 ry point in issue between your- p nd at least three Banks of this C ty. You say 'your ameudment T ring us to publish our statements E h papers and give you one half gal rate ther,-F r is the law;' we d n our judgment, it is not the law, s4 a my former letter I set out my w as for so believing, and practically a inged you 'to show me.' fC we expected. and as we wrote the s< Examiner, this is not your way g ting, and a!though you are the mterested persou in this matter, v wrefer to hiae behind the Bank iner and let him do your fighting. fc 3ank again challenges you to go C ourt and make us publish our nents in your paper. and if you is s, we will feel so much better it than if the Bank Examiner oi s us come across; at least we will E the fight so much more. en our Bank contends you are ily interested person in this mat- am not unmindful of the fact n your editorial upon me you en- red to convince the public that of our stockholders and the public ti ge had a right to know what was on in our Bank, and therefore M d to see the statements in your b . A complete answer to this. is ,he public now gets the same in- .tion the public gets in every oth- w unty of our State, and every stock A tr of this Bank knows our Books . pen to him at all times. But you ,and I know, that when this e ment was conceived in youe you did not have our stockhold- cJ - the public in the back Side of s head. save as an argument to use the members of our delegation to plish your purpose, and to de- yourself with if taken to task sueh pernicious legislation. Own 0 w; if your purpose was not to in-. a competitor who was making is inroads into your profits In the aper business, was not your real se to get even with some one Else why did you tell the Gov- L ,when he had before him the LA ion of vetoing tuis Act, in the c nee of Messrs. Joseph Sprott. A. adham and J. K. Breedin. that t had this Act passed in effect to n ven with Jake Weinberg and oth- g rsons here who were fighting h bis is true, and-4 have these gen- n's word for it, where does your 9 oncern for the public and our s holders come in, to say nothing ;h motives animatiug a. repr i -n- of the people? iare apparently unable to un- P Lnd that Banks and individuals t tand up some time and fight en- P ments upon their rights as a r of principle, even if their pock- I e not affected, but here you are P pting to mislead the public In t to show the pubde that this is a b nal fight on you and not a matter siness, you urge in efrcet that it ot cost us one cent more, but papers publish for what one now This is not what your Act says. a Act says each paper is to get P alf the legal rate as now provided i.' The legal rate is one dollar an Our statements up to this time a been published by The Herald at ms per inch, and your Act, if It s, would make us pay ninety cents s per inch, or at an additional ex- of around thirity dollars a year to. lank, which I hardly think our I olders would relish if they' cared d g about the principle. So you see anoter reason for tbe unconstitu- tity of your Act; It impairs our a act and takes away the power of te contract, for after all _that has C said our Banik could scarcely ex- iny favors, in the way of commer- aes, at your hand in the future. e would be told 'it is the law,' ou must pay to the last .farthing. refer to my position not~ being. dby all of our Directors; only i ut of nine takes a different view, s s I recollect his position he could~ 3advantage to us in rking the " when it did not cost the Bank~ nore to publish -in both papers. re presented the above figures to g [ believe the Board would have a unanimous. You see we have ng to conceal. arecertainly hard pressed for nent to show my inconsistencyb you bring the lynching case into iscussion, for here you hang your- a ndshow your own inconsistency It r than mine. You are arguing C [ ouht to obey your Act, altbo' in s violation of the Constitution, be- in that case I was urging upon . ry obedience to the :law, theleby. i -inconsitent, and according to L fee or the prospect of a fee malt- e see matters in a differentlight.' ~ petty flings e beneatb thbe- of gentlemen in a public is- >n. I attribute wllatever success rhave attained at the bar in my ,y years practice to the fact th Lt r rors believe I was presentiug to i: my conscientious convictions as It law and evidence, you to the b ary notwithstanding, and!I am fraid of your destroying tnis con- ye in me however much you may e it At any rate Messrs. Purdy~ 3ryan certainly thought the ac- f was b'ased upon good law-it be- c rrittennot only in the statute s) but as a part of the Constitution~ -else they lost a mighty fine op- a nity to upset it. Over against myI ent for law and order in that ,d in the matter we are uow dis- ag, (for I will argue resistance to egal and unlawful Act as strongly lo obedience to a lawful Act,) let yk at your conduct. No sooner ,he papers in that case been serv- an you began an effort to preju- and prejudge the case. Knowing paper would be read by prospec- jurors you began, writing about reat injustice to make the many or the Act of a few, and predict- hat a jury could not be found to the dead man's family a cent, and re still writing about the obnox- and unjust law. In short adroitly g to convince our jurors that the c, or you at least, expected them iltify themselves. You charge me violating the law when Slawful way I resist what ;ay is not law, and you ect urging the jurors of our (Joun- violate the fundamental law, and ig yourself up as a shining exam- consistency! ho the Constitution says a County pay for a cowardly murder, Mir. It in The Manning Times says it d not-rank anarchy being preach a paper that ought so be a der of aentiment in favor of law- ou now taking me to task for re-, g an illegal and unconstitutional passed, as the evidence shows, to ione in your pocket and to get with certain people! refer to my uncle and cousin, upon that jury and that my ap- ' convinced them. You neglected , mntion that my uncle also is the; ier-inlaw ofone of the opposin;; rel and of the Supervisor who tes-' in the case. This uncle told mec wards that when he was called the case he was very much prejo- against my case, but after hear- the evidence and the ,Judge's te he could do niothing else than the law. I judged these men ly, and 1 than It God I came from kindA o stoc, from- men who will* tand for the law and what is right, ven if their pocket is hurt thereby. Yours very truly, W. C. DAVIS. Pres, The Peoples Bang. Davis Station On last Monday afternoon the Davis tation school had an egg hunt. There rere four prizes given to girls and ovs who found the most eggs first and ,cond prizes for the girls and first and ,cond prizes for the boys. The first rize for the girls was won by Jennie orbett and second by Maggie Dyson. 'he first prize for the boys was won by veret Horton second-by Roy Johnson Rev. J. 0. Burnett of Jordan con ucted prayer meetine at Davis Station :hool house last Sunday night, there as a large crowd out, the prayer ieetines which have been going on w about a year at the Davis Station :bool house seem to be doing a lot of ood in this community. Miss Patty Gamble of Manning is isiting her brother John Gamble. Miss Lita White of Manning spent a .w days last week with the Misses bilders. Miss Annie Liza Bradham of Paxville visiting relatives here. Mrs Maude Broadway and children Summerton is visiting her brother H. Hilton.. S. Summerton. This place was visited by two snow Ils last week, and had it not been for ie rain precceding the snow, old other earth would have took on the antle of white, while roofs on all the- aildings was totally covered, and for few hours things looked like mid- inter snow storm. At the regular meeting of the J 0 U M held Tuesday evening the follow- ig officers was enstalled to serve the isuing year, Leon Davis Councillor, ice Councillor J. E. Richbourg, Re- >rding Secretary T. E. Walker, As- stant recording Secretary Ellison apers, Jr., Financial Secretary H. H. edlin, Treasurer C. R. Touchberry. onductor L. H. Godwin. Warden J. E enent, inside Sentinel Walter Semi, itside Sentinel L. H. Godwin, Truis- ,e Wash Davis, J. F. Richboure, and , Q. Mathis, Past Councillor J. Q. [athis. This Council -was organized ay 1913, and is in a flourishing condi- on, and it is the desire and full ex- .ctation of each and every' member make this one among the best Coun .'s in this County. The last attraction of the Lyceum of is season was presented .Monday ight at the school auditorium. It was reatly enjoyed, these evenings of de- ghtful and elevating entertainments ere secured to the people of this sec- on at a great sacrifice of time and oney, given by the management con- sting of Messrs Fred Barnes, E. J. obinson, H. P. Trop, and T. E. Stan- *y. It seems but fitting that there iould be some way to reimburse these >ug men for the money they have had >put up to secure this benefit to the ablic. The Oak Grove school, taught by [iss Mary Ridgill, held the exercise reliminary -to the district Field Day >be held here Friday, in the contest eld, Miss Hodge won first place, Miss usie May Ridgill second place, and [iss Annie Mabel Ridgill third place. ad Edward& Mellette, was among the st of the boys. This school is most bly conducted and splendidly equip- ad. Mrs. F. F. Capers of Greenville, and rs. W. H. Johnson, of Charleston, re guests this week, of Dr. and Mrs. 1ison Capers. Miss Alice Hoyle- of Pinewood, is ending some time with her sister era. Mrs. J. D. Richbourng.. Miss Martha Walker, who is attend- ig Coker College, is spending a few i.ys wit-h her~parents here, Mayor and [rs. T. I. Walker. Mrs. J. W. Broadway is visiting rel- dves and friends in Sumter this week. Mr. G. C. NeSmith, Summerton's antractor and builder, is spending a -eek or two with relatives, and friends SOconee county, his former home. The Storke visited at the home of r. and Mrs. H. A. Richbourg last ek and left a girl. Mr. 3. 5. Cantey, the efficient super- itendentL of tbe Methodist Sunday -hool 'ias been quite sick for the past vo weeks. but is able to be up at this riting much to the delight of his Lany friends. Messrs C. M. Davis and Felix Din. Ie-, spent Monday in Sumter on busi- ess. Mr. Hall Nelson of Columbia, spent aurday and Sunday with his mother re, Mrs. M. L. Nelson.- Mrs. F. W. Truluck, has returned ome after a pleasant visit to relatives ad friends in Olanda Fla., Mrs. Tru- ick says the weather was a lit billy down there, but -no frost - was ~en during her stay of several weeks The North Western freight train. ade its regular schedule Sunday, it sai-d this trip was necessary in order get a number of cars of fertilizer to eir destination, so that the farmers: ight begin to plant cotton. NUB .Keep Ponies In Ice Stables. A Danish explorer, who has just eturned from a 'journey across the iland ice of -Greenland, made use of :elandic ponies, which he found to well adapted to Arctic travel. hen stops were made the horses rere sheltered in holes cut in theI e. These ice stalls were quite corn- rtable, and in severe weather were overed with tarpaulins, to keep out now and wind. The small horses ave a good account of themselves, nd will doubtless be used extensive- rn future Arctic expedtons.-Pop- lar Mechanics. Mann Will Open The Aut highest gr~ We resp ise you up Ma S. A. SAULS. National Health Week Among ColortA People (waTTlul FoR THE TIMES.) A popular meeting was had in thi colored Methodist church of Ms.nni in which the subject of sanitation wa discussed by several speakers. Thi meeting was gotten up by Rev. A. W Timmons, pastor of the Trinity A. M E. church with the assistance of thi Colored Women Federation Club. The idea of having the colored peoplh clean-up their premises in the entir negro section of the town was fully dis cussed. The high death rate among colored people in the Southern State is alarming and the ieaders and stu dents of our livin. .onditions believ( that this high deat!A rate is due to tbi surroundings of our people, ignoranc of the laws of sanitation and hygiene and filthy environments. One of the leading speakers at th( popular meeting was Mr. Charltot DuRant, president of the Home Bani and Trust Co. Mr. DuRant pointet out several ways by which people ma] live long lives, and urged our peopli to co-operate In the movement of hav ing a general clean-up week. Hi speech was listened to with much. in terest. The "National Health Week" is at idea introduced by Booker T. Wash ington, president of the nation negr< business league. In his circular sent out last week he says: "I am authorized by the Executiv Committee of the National Negro Bus. ness League to invite the following or- ganizations, as well as others to b( amed later, to unite with the Leagu in observing a National Health Week Daily and weekly newspapers, healtt journals, The National Medical Asso nation, The National Association oJ 3raduate Nurses, The National Asso ,ation of Colored Women's Clubs, The National League on Urban Conditionc mong Negroes, The Natiokal Asso. :iation of Teachers in Colored Schools Ie National Negro Press Association ,he Bishops and other officers of color. 3d religious denominations, State Med- cal Association, Annual Church Con. Eerences and Associations, Secret So :iety Organizations, Colored Insurance Dompanies, Farmers' Conferences Farmers' Improvement Societies 'hurches, Schools and othor loca >rganizations. It is thought that the race will wel ome the opportunity to unite all tbesc afforts in one great National' Healti Xovement, and thus gain the benefil )f the momentum and the enthusiasn .hat will come from the great Unite Elealth Movement. The dates decide ipon are March 21st to 27th 1915. Without health and until we reduc -he high death-rate it will be -impossi Dle for us to have permanent succes! la business, in property getting, in ac juiring education to show -other. evi- lences of progress. Without healti Lnd long life all else falls. The following facts will illustratA something of the neeb and importance )f this health movement Four hundred and fifty thuusani egroes in the south alone are seriousl3 illall the time; the annual cost of th( ;ickness of these 450,000 negroes i 75,000,000. One hundred and twelve thousant 2egro workers in the south alone ar sick all the time; tbeir annual loss it earnings is $45,000,000; 45 per cent o he annual deaths among negroes i reventable. Two hundred and twenty five thous. d negro workers in the south alone lie annually; 100,000 of these deathv :an be prevented. The annual funeral expenses of ne- roes of the south alone amount to $15 )00.000; $6,500,000 of this amount coui be saved. These raties are too well naintained in the north. Sickness and death cost negroes oi ~he south alone $100,000,000; 50,000,00( >f this-amount could be saved.. -We must reduce our great death rate iethrone disease and enthrone healti md long life." The following program was rendered tt the A. Mf. E.'ohurcn Thursday night Opening song-All hail, etc.. Invocation-Rev. A. W. Timmons. Chorus-Jesus Lover of My Soul. .Recitation-L N. James. Solo-S. Smith. Opening remarks-R. A. White. Duett-Anderson and Harris. Address-Dr. J. P. Golden. Recitation-M. Walker. Solo-M. S. Heart. Address-I. M. A. Myers. Address-Dr. A. W. Brown. Music. Benediction. More Fruits Should Be Used. It is rather strange how few peopl4 know the medicinal value of our comn mon -fruits and vegetables. What pity more fruits and fruit juices arn not used. ~Fussy Woman. A fussy Atchison woman returned bag of salt to her grocer with the complaint that its "flavor" wasn'i good-Kansas- City Star. A Real Peach. Our idea of a peach is the wife of man who thinks she Is prettier thai the cashier at his favorite restaurant -Galveston News. Very Easy. "It is said that two people can live on less than one. How' do you ac count for It?" "Necessity." Optimistic Thought. Better a blush on the face thana bot on the heart. ing A near the Ban witha f 'ORD Ci AND GUARA omobile publi de, and our p ectfully solci: to-date servic nning Au MANNi Fine Fishin'. Small Boy-Good fishin'? Yessir; ye go down that private road till ye come to th' sign "Trespassers will be prose- cuted;" cross th' field with th' bull in it an' you'll see a sign "No fishin' al- lowed."-that's lt.-Life. Back Number. "I wouldn't dream of marrying him. Why, he said he would do everything to make me happy." "What Is wrong about that?" "He ought to know that humans are put on earth to fulfill mis- sions, not to be happy." An Optimist. When you hand a lemon to an op- timist he will dig up a little sugar and a little something else and a little hot water and make himself comfortable. -Cincinnati Enquirer. Application of Paint. Paint should be applied only to a clean and dry surface. Moisture un- der a paint causes it to blister when exposed to the sun; also moisture be- tween coats has the same effect. An Exception. Mr. Jones had been scolding his six- year-old daughter, who retorted: "Don't think, papa, that just because you married mamma you hve a right to be rude to all women!" When Talk Begins. Hostess-"People rxe very dull to- night, Adolph. I realiy can't get them to talk." aost-"Play something, dearest."-Judy. Simple Poison Warning. A good way -.o mark bottles contain- ing poizon is tc push two pins into the Ide of the cork at right angles to each other. Daily Thought. j.c v: e, at first thought sweet, bit- :re i-g back on itself recoils.- z re .Verld Happier. . A. be contented to .a" Wims-Aesop. Dr. King's New INePills Thebest-In the-world.- Too Much for Mother. - A Pasadena boy asked his fathe what was meant by the expression: "the woman had a Greek profile." The father put down the paper he was reading and replied: "Why, it mere- ly means a classic outline." The I mother took a hand, declaring the answer was too short and really a shifty euphemism. "Give our son a long and clear answer," she insiste4 Paterfammas sat up and made this lucid, ornate reply: "A Greek profile is a bold silhouette, blending the Doria and Ionian expression and depicting thaf clear-cut plastic work of Praxi- teles, which is entirely free from the rococo renaissance school and which in modern melodrama, would be Called the marble face." Both mother and son took the count, and father re- sumed his reading of the article: "W'Ay Oysters Have Strong Lungs." -4asidena News.I GRANE of Dresses at DJ We. are offering fo entire Line of Ladies' HALF] These are fashioi created by America's in alt the leading shad tie Green, Battleship A $25 Dress for $10; a $15 Dress for i If you desire to s< at the saine time say man at your earliest Owing to the im these goods, terms of 'HE to Supp k of Clarendor ll Line of \R PART .NTEED TIREI .c will find our rices. strictly ii your patronas e. to Supply IN, S. C.- When it I Darkest. By his own observations on *U' sands of nights W. F. Denning, -ie English scientist, has proved that we are scientifically correct when we say that it is "always darkest just before dawn." He has found that before dawn a great darkness invariab:7 seems to drop down like a mantle upoi the immediate surroundings. Objects which were plainly observable during the previous hours of the night are blotted out, and a nervous feeling is sometimes induced by the dense oao- Ity of the air. Fond Recollections. "Speaking of old times," said a member of the Reminiscence club, "I can reniember when a waiter would say 'Thank you' out loud for a 25-cent tip." "That's nothing," replied his companion. "I can remember when I would look at the list of dishes on a. menu to see what I wanted instead;' of looking first at the prices to see what I could.afford." "Back" Is the Only Way She Talks "When yo' has a quah'l wid yo' wife do she pout and sulk or do she talk back, Brudder Rumpus?" "She talks back, sah! And she not on'y talks back, but she talks frontards and side- ways and acrost and endways and diag'nal and round and round, and den she comes all de way back and re- peats herse'l. Aw, yassah; she so talks back!" Draw Your Own Conclusions. "Why," asked tha weary4ookingi woman, "do you constantly refer to yourself as the goat of this house. hold?" "Because," replied the- irri , table man, in a loud tone of voice, "a goat is supposed to be able to eat anything and act as if he enjoyed; it."-Washington Star. Interested at Once. "My dear, you ought to pass up friv- olous things and take an interest in; deep subjects. Take history, for In- stance. Gessler, the tyrant, put up. a hat for the Swiss to saluter The. lady was a trifle interested. "How was It trimmed?" she inquired.-Lousville- Courier-Journal. Help Wanted. We -have a splendid -answer for -i first-class conundrum, but somehow can't fit them, which -is: One looks after the marriage altar and'the oth- er alters- the marriage. We suspect a minister and a lawyer are Invov&ed. -Philadelphia Ledger. Heredity and Color BlIndness Color blindness is always inhart- ed through the mother, and Sever through the father. There appears to be no instance in which a color-blind- father has transmitted his defect to his children except in connection with7 a mother who was a transmitter. Best Think Softly. 'If blue or depressed, think of a pretty girl or something equally as, pleasant," adviseS a -doctor. H'm. In the case of a married man it would be best -for him not to do his tblnklng out loud.-Philidelphia Inquirer. SALE . Iiirschmanm's r a few days only, our Silk Dresses at- RRICE ! 's latest dictates, as foremost designers, es. Putty, Sand Bot- Grey, Etc. $12.50; $20 one for ~7.50. ~cure the latest, and e money, visit Hirsch- onvenience. mense reductions on salea are strictly cash ly Co. April 15th, S ~oods of the line. re and prom- Co., ROS

Mann ing to Co. · in the declamation contest for the Manninggroup, thatonaccountof the ... him from ever again enjoying such privileges.. Therewereseveral farmersin Man-ninglast

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the dmanig Elnmes.Publshes AU County and Town Of.

fical Adverisements.

MANNING, S. C., APRIL 7, 1915



Horses, Cattle and Hogs.Panacea makes hens lay

and poultry .healthy.

Instant Louse Killer killslice, fleas and ticks.

Give it a fair trial accord-ing to directions and if notsatisfactory your money re-funded.

LEON WEINBERGi "Everything Good.to Eat."

Mr. Foik of Denmark spent Easter inManning.Read the statement of the Bank of

Pinewood in this issue.

Mr..Dan Hydriek ofSpartanburg wasa visitar to Manning lUst week.

Little Ashley, son of Mr. and Mrs.J. H. Rigby is ill with pneumonia.

Sheriff Gamble has had to go back tothe hospital to have his wounds lookedafter.

Died in Greelyville last Mondayuight. Mrs. J.E. Keels, aged about 50YearsGovernor Manning has appointed Mr.

W. E. Jenkinson of Kingstree on theBard of Pardons.

Married last-Monday at New Zion,Mr.-Levi J. Morris and Miss CarrieAnne Hagen, of Abbeville.

Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Till of Sumter,spent Easter Sunday with the famly ofMr. W. P; Leggin Manning.Hon. . J, Watson, Commissioner of

rcltureand Inustries, will deliveran address In Manning an the 12th,fis-ant.

Mrs. T.L Bagnal, of Manning, was

*ealed to the bedside of her sister. Mrs.Roper Pendergrass, at Florence lastSudy.

Mr. Thomas Nimmer has been con-ened to hisbed for the pastweek,- butwe are glad tolearn he is on the road

Died ar,-s Boie in the Morrisvilleseedlon of Wiimsbrg,Mr G. K.

itehm,egadedon~ oftheoldest-engIWillamsburg county.-

Thid boardof health of the town ofPinewood. S. C., has received and isfurnishing to its citizens free, .Disin-fectant's, to beused 0n their premises,

durisgga(clean up) week throughout

Died yesterday tnorning, at her homesans-ve mailes westiof Manning. Mrs.Elizabeth RidgGi, wife of Mr. J. HenrRidgiDi, aged 54 years. The funera

acok this afternoon as Home

The travelli men are greatly pleasewith the renewal of the system which'*permits the railroads putting into oper-a*Son the interchangeable mileagebook. There will be no more hollersfrom the knights of the grip.'Rev. W. H. Barnwell~ rector of the

Episcopal church wil hold servicesnext Sunday morning at 11:30 in Pres-byterian church as Pinewood. TheHoly communion will be celebrated atthlaaervice. Public invited.

Itw~ilbevgatifyin to thefriendsofBennie M. Gibson to learn that afterhaving undergone an operation at theColumbia hospital for appendicitis thathe has returned homie considerably im-proved, although he is still weak.

Died near Trinity last Thursdayhight, Bernice Lee, the thirteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ManningLee. The funeral took place in theManning cemetery Friday. The Rev.

0. p. Watson, pastor of the-Methodistchurch, conducted the service.

Comptroller General Sawyer hassent out the pension money to the sev-eral Clerks of Court. The amount forClarendon is se,027,50, and Clerk ofCourt Barron Is now ready to distrib-ute the same. The list of pensioners1arrived too late for usto get it in thisi

.ThisIstonotify all those interestedin the declamation contest for theManning group, that on account of thevery bad weather last Saturday, theevent was post-pond just one week.We shall expect the contestants nextSaturday morning at ten o'clock. D.B. Riser.

There will be a dance at the home ofMr. and Mrs. J. M. Richardson, nearSummerton, Friday evening, which is1eoked forward to with much pleasure.The Times editor acknowledges an invitation to be present, but other en-gagements will prevent the pleasure,and besides, Father Time has enjoinedhim from ever again enjoying suchprivileges..There were several farmers in Man-

ning last Monday wbo expressed a de-sire to have Hon. John L. McLaurin tocome to Clarendon to address them,and weare quite sure that if they writehim at Columbia he will arrange adate for this county in the near future.At present he has a number of engage-Iments to address farmers in the upper1tier of counties.

The committee in charge of thechautauqua to begin in Manning nextMonday has invited State WarehouseCommissioner John L. McLaurin to di-liveran address in Manning Monday.This should be an incentive for every.farmer and business man in the countyto he present, as Mr. McLaurin willhave a a message that is of importanceto the cotton growers generally.

Mr. 3. T. Stukes of Manning, has inbis possession a newspaper which is100 years old. It was published inGeorgetown, S. C., July 1815, and wasnamed Georgetown Gazette and _Mer-cantile Advertiser. The paper is ad-dressed to "Joseph Stukes" the grand-father of the present J T. Stukes, andthe great grandfather of the Timeseditor's wife. There are a number ofdocuments chronicled in the sheet re-lating to the French revolution, andthe papers of Napolean. Is would be agood thing to preserve this newspaperiu a glsas ase in the Manningr library.

Governor Manning has put the crimpon prize fighting in Charleston. About was to have taken place in that thacity last night, but upon the order of tthe Governor, Sheriff Martin notifiedthe projectors and it did not come off-oThe only other time such an event was weattempted in this State was stop- of tped by Governor McSweeney. The afUlaw is very positive against this brutal ap;sport. law


Mr. F. Earle Bradham, formerly con- sig1ected with the Allendale Enterprise, lawand recently with the Jasper Herald. perbas made a business connection with ma:

he Rev. L. D Bass, and will publish froitt Florence The Commonwealth. Mr. weBradham is a Mannin1,ite, and a grad- he2ate of Wofford college with several ern

Fears of newspaper experience. We poswish him success in his new field of couabor. Ine

shoA junior B Y P U was organized at mu

;he Baptist church last Sunday after- len'2oon. The Following officers were noOlected: Leader. Mrs. F. 0. Richard- add;on; president. Isabelle Thomas: vice- the)resident, Allen Harvin; secretary byAary Ansley; chanster, Daisy Barri- foil2eau; librarian, Pearle Rawlinson; ourreasurer, Manly Holladay; captains,slenn Harvin, Ruby McElveen, Allen ao1Earvin, Mildred Johnson.

MyMiss Katherine Richardson requests

2s to announce- that there will be a un

parade of the Corn and Tomato Clubs tru

Af this county in Manning Tuesday ofl8tb,at 11 o'clock a.m. Miss Richardson res

prides berself, and not without merit, ant

,bat she is doine a great deal of prac. Acdeal good in this county, and she is so tr

well satisfied with the results of her ofabors that she is anxious to share her in I

joy with the people from all over Clar- thadon, and on next Tuesday she pro- beses to exhibit the young hopefuls and g0c

iheirwork.There will be three days of pleasure .

inManning beginning Monday 12th jeclnst.. and ending Wednesday 14th, un- sit3ler the auspices of The Booster ClubFestival. There will be lectures, con-

*erts, impersonationsand various othermntertainments. Col. E. J. Wat- tO S

on of Columbia. will d e i v e r

m address Monday morning at10:30 which will be of special interest Ho,6 the farmers. There is no man in C;he South better prepared to give in-aruction to farmers than this gentle- younan. He has made a study of every "T4>hase of agricultural life. and it is in- nesleed a compliment to the projectors of donhe chautauqua to have secured this outsy man for this occasion. We can the

with all si ncerity say to the people of I3arendon, the farmers especially, it whiwill pay them handsomely to come to theWanning to hear this entertaining and roastructive speaker. ed


Willie Bethane's Last Chance a Court. Jto t

The United States supreme court has 1landed down a decision in the case of ed 1

Phe State of South Carolina aeainst latiroe Malloy,- convicted in the Marlboro froi=ourt in 1910, and sentenced, to be con

langed, but between the date of his sue:onviction. and the date set for his exe- paysuton the legislature changed the I cinode of punishment from hanging to this.lectrocution. His attorney appealed ingthe United States supreme court on the

he grounds that he could not be legal- beeVexecuted as he was sentenced to be froiinged and not. electrocuted.- This maimase is of more than ordinary interest tireaClarendon county, because the case thaifWillie Bethune several times tried striad convicted for the murder- of Mr. GBenMims, has also been carried to the rat]pase court on-practically the grounds aris>fappeal. Our information is that the Tittorney for Beahune -agree with fhe thettoney General to let his case go colailongwith the Malloy cate, if a new othrialwas granted Malloy, he would ask ben

or one one for Bethune, but if Malloy myotit would be useless to further in- ed1

aist for .Willie Bethune. So we leg!ssame that Willie Bethune's only theopenow lies with the Governor of alotsouthCarolina. either granting a com- neenutation or pardon. Hie will be taken frecefore the Judge at the next term? of ple:ourtwhowill sentence him to be elec- tha

rocted. The sentenecing Judge has Actlodisretion inthecsse, and mustim-Fmosethe death penelty.This case has run the gamut of the wha

oortsfor a long time, but it has now thoeared its end. It has cost this county ingreat deal of money. but that should at Iaotbetaken into consideration where kieelifeis at stake, even tho' the life -be S

hat of a negro who killed a white tinan.What is demanded -however, is danIustice, and the highest court of this dottreatgovernmnent has decreed that su

usticehas been done in this, and the vernalloy cases which was before it from forouthCarolina.

obj- Wafted Home owa

Die8 at 2:30 last Friday mornmng, thiBernice Lee, the youngest daughter of Acrn.and Mrs. J. M. Lee. Her healthtrladbeen on the deline for severaltrnonths prior to her last illness. She neleveloped a, case of pneumonia of a very tanalignant character which caused her senleathwithin one week.

The funeral was conducted by her ty<astor,the Rev. G. P. Watson, on Sat- sairdaymorning at 11 o'clock by the anyravein the Manning cemetery, where reihewas laid torest- tax

Bernice was in her thirteenth year,mdwas a consistent member of theManning Methodist church and Sunday perSchool. She was a bright little Christ- eln,.always pleasing .and cheerful inthehome, and her you,thful death has tmadea vacancy that never can be filled. an

We extend to the bereaved parents, lnistersand brothers, our heartfelt sym-rcpathy,and mourn with them. God only ile*knowsbest when to call one of His own WOIbome,and when the death angel comes outtoourhomes for one of His jewels we .Thouldfeel it a blessing to know that wilHehasa nobler work for them to do, coilsoletus try to r' 'ize that as we part thi

with the loved one. and friend, she has do.gonea little while before us, walkingthegolden streets in the New Jeru-salemand is now celebrating the great-estevent of her spiritual life."Littlechildren, little children,

Who love their redeemer,AllHispure ones, all the bright ones,

Eisloved ones and His own; .

Likethe stars of the morning, inHis bright crown adorning, Re

Theyshall shine in His likeness, Ap)Bright gems of His own."


Honor Rol-JordanFirst Grade. in

Joseph Brunson hoiWesley ThompsonElIrma May Burnett .ElVirginia- Lowder

Second Grade.Thomas Sprott ona

.Fourth Grade.Willie Graham

Fifth Grade: wLucile Rawlinson 'theEugene Plowden en<

Seventh Grade. hPaul Graham 5

Eighth Grade. m.Sue Plowden PeLillian Bradham S.

Ninth Grade.Leona RidgillDavid Bradham afWilliam Bradham -raiFred Rawlinson PaCoa Thompson Da

Tenth Grade.Loroine Thompson FC

Julius E. Clark,

Who Is It That Say lay ?

'he readers of The Times will recallt an Act was passed to require the Mr. I-resident owners of autb trucks to Eda license into the county treasury Dear

lo business in this county, and that In'have been urging the enforcement undeihis law, thinking of course, that gave,r its passage the Governor had uableroved it, and that it is one of the answ,s upon our statute books, but it fromns Governor Manning has not yet strairied the Act, and therefore it is not youruntil he does. Whether he will In yOmit this Act to become a law re- the v,

ns to be seen, however, judging self an what he savs in his letter which Coun1publish herewith it is evident that requis considering not to do so. Gov- in botor Manning adds to his let:er as a the 14script. "Have requests from your say,

nty not to sign." We cannot imar- and ii

why any citizens of Clarendon reasoild make such a request when it chall(it appeal to them that they are Asling their aid to non-residents and Bank-taxnayers having the privilege of of fig]Ina to the taxpayers and residents only 1

cost of repairing the damage done you.hose who pay no taxes here. The ExMau)wing is the Governor's letter, and Our Ireply thereto: into (

Columbia, April 1, 1915. a

i. Louis Appelt, overManning, S. C. make

Dear Senator: -I have before me yet enjoy

igned, the Act "To prohibit auto thi o:ks doing business in the CountiesLiken, Clarendon and York by non- ter Idents, without first procuring an deavoual license therefor." I note this eav,puts a license of $100.00 on each some

atlrsk doing business in Clarendon and at a50.00 on each truck doing business goingLiken and York. It seems to me wantt the result of this Bill is going to papet:o prevent trucks from delivering fhatds in your County and to cripple forCoditions rather than to cause any hoddefit to arise. are o'lease point out to me what the ob- kn,of this Bill is and wbat the neces amenfor it is.

Yours very truly, mindRICHARD I MANNING. ers o

orave request from your County not y

in. accorfend :

Manning, S. C.. April 2. 1915. abouti. Richard I. Manoning, Governor. up noolumbia S. C. jure

Dear Governor:-! have serioirs dated April 1st, relating to Act newsl>prohibit auto trucks doing busi- purptin the Counties of Aiken. Claren- here?and York by non-residents, with- ernorfirst procuring aa annual license questrefor." preseese auto trucks are very heavy, C. Brn loaded they weigh several tons, 'youcomplaint is that they cut up the get eis and damage the bridges: a load- er px,ruck running at the rate of 15 or you?'nty miles an hour striking an ordi- if ty wooden bridge loosens it at eyerv tlemeitand therefore makes it dangerous deephe travelling public. stock,'he County Commissioners request- of suehe delegation to secure some Jegis- tativeon for the protection of the County Yoithese road locomotives, that if we derst

Id not prohibit them, to impose maya lice'nse as would at least help to croac,the cost of .repairing the bridges. matte6not understand why any citizen of ets ar

Countyshould write you request- attemyou to withhold your approval of orderAct, unless it be some who have persosolicited by the owners of trucks of buSumter, for since I came home does i

iy citizens have expressed their en- bothapproval of the Act and the hope getsour offeers would enforce the law Yourtly. 'one-Iovernor, as to "cripple conditions by laierthan to cause any benefit to inch.e," I cannot see it so. havebe goods sold and delivered by ten ecsetrucks consist mainly of Coco- stand:Chero-cola. Pepsi-cola and other moreersoft drinks, (bottled) of doubtful penseeft to the welfare of tbe masses; in our Iopinion, they are sold and deliver- stock]many who are not engaged in a nothiimate bnslness, especialy during herecotton picking season-little shops tionaligthe road, some of which are sus- contrted of being blisd tigers, and'are privauently run by negroes. I would be beensed to know who it is in Clarendon pecthas requested you not to sign this cialr

.but w..and yersonally I have no tnterest in it Ye,

tsoever, but, I do think it just that hackee who sell and deliver such god one cxtraordinary heavy vehicles should and aeast contribute toward the cost of see n<ping our bridges repaired. fight,ould one. of these tremendous any~ks break into a bridge and it was Had1iaged the owner would, I have no him]

bt, involve the County in a damage been,and if he succeeded in getting a nothi2ietthe taxpayers would be mulct yo,that much. arguthetrucks which run over this coun- whenome from Sumter, and I know the.t this d

action to this Act is made by their selfers, however, this should have no rathering upon the merits or justice of that]Act-.it is either a good or had direcand the Counties named therein cause

,ugh their Representatives felt the the yof such an Act.or they would net binenup the time of the 0.neral As- -7ouing nblywIth it. Suchhetrucks whic~h run over this coun- noticome from Sumter as I have already cussi<I but this action was not taken in I ma.spirit of opposition to Sumter. but twen1Ilyfor the protection of Clarendon's our ypayers solely. themlsuch heavy vehicles are to be to thbmitted to cut up our roads and contiken our bridges thereby jeopard- not a

e their safety without contributing fidenheexpense of making these roads desirbridges safe for the general travel-rpublic, then in my opinion, a non- to

dent, and a non-taxpayer has a priv ig'9ewhich a resident tax payer.ildnot be permitted to enjoy with- ttlproest. arguitherefore sincere'y hopr that you ~allow Clarendon the privilege of cussi

eting from non-taxpayers some- an ill2gto help repair the damage ihey as IWith much Respect ..us lo<

I am Yours &c,. had tLOUIAPPLT- ed th



'orSale-One Hudson Touring Car, ingtgood condition, and price right, givetsonfor selling, have too many cars. youaplyto Julien Weinberg, Manning. ious

tryinon't forget the big concerts given pubIhompson's Hall for colored people. thInkKing, Manager,.i

I ''ORSALE-A few Colonies of Bees in efiframe hives. Will give each pur- ty toserone section supper for comb settitey.Price per Colony, $7 00. R. S. ple o:iott,Silver, S. C. Alt

shallVanted-Salesman and collector at App'e,to locate at Manning. Singer shouringMachine Co., Sumter, S. C. ed b

andwill give free, one sitting of S. C. sistititeLeghorn eggs to any member of Act,Corn and Tomnatoe Clubs in Clar- putnIoncounty, that will guess nearest evennumber of chicks I will hatch from Yo

eggs, now in my incubator. All bein:ssesto be made in writing by 2 p. peals

April, 13th. Hatch comes off on 14th. to meSama Pouity Farm, Davis Station, brotiC. countified

Villfurnish White Leghorn eggs to afterswreliable farmers to hatch and uponteon shares, natural hatch only, dicedtiesto call for the eggs. A, C. ing

vis, Davis Station, S. C. chartRSALE-One Brush Car, known fo-the."McRoy .Car" 850.00 cash. righpply to S. I. Harvin, Manning S. C. that.

Would fave Us Bring Suit.

April 5th, 1915. e

.ouis Appelt,itor Manning Times:Sir:-last week's issue of your paper,the caption "It is the law," you

nearly three coiumns of your val-editorial space in an effort toIr my letter, and went so far afield Sits subject matter, that I feel con- vied to trespass once more upon bkindness and the public'sipatience. siur caption you assume as a fact s4

ry point in issue between your- pnd at least three Banks of this Cty. You say 'your ameudment Tring us to publish our statements Eh papers and give you one halfgal rate ther,-F r is the law;' we dn our judgment, it is not the law, s4

a my former letter I set out my w

as for so believing, and practically ainged you 'to show me.' fCwe expected. and as we wrote the s<Examiner, this is not your way gting, and a!though you are themterested persou in this matter, v

wrefer to hiae behind the Bankiner and let him do your fighting. fc3ank again challenges you to go Court and make us publish ournents in your paper. and if you iss, we will feel so much betteritthan if the Bank Examiner oi

s us come across; at least we will Ethe fight so much more.en our Bank contends you areily interested person in this mat-am not unmindful of the fact

n your editorial upon me you en-red to convince the public thatof our stockholders and the public tige had a right to know what wason in our Bank, and therefore Md to see the statements in your b. A complete answer to this. is,he public now gets the same in-.tion the public gets in every oth- w

unty of our State, and every stock Atrof this Bank knows our Books .

pen to him at all times. But you,and I know, that when this ement was conceived in youeyou did not have our stockhold- cJ

-the public in the back Side of s

head. save as an argument to usethe members of our delegation toplish your purpose, and to de-yourself with if taken to tasksueh pernicious legislation. Own 0w; if your purpose was not to in-.a competitor who was makingisinroads into your profits In theaper business, was not your realse to get even with some oneElse why did you tell the Gov- L

,when he had before him the LA

ion of vetoing tuis Act, in the c

nee of Messrs. Joseph Sprott. A.adham and J. K. Breedin. that thad this Act passed in effect to n

ven with Jake Weinberg and oth- grsons here who were fighting h

bis is true, and-4 have these gen-n's word for it, where does your 9

oncern for the public and our s

holders come in, to say nothing;hmotives animatiug a. repr i -n-ofthe people?iare apparently unable to un- P

Lnd that Banks and individuals t

tand up some time and fight en- Pments upon their rights as ar of principle, even if their pock- Ie not affected, but here you are Ppting to mislead the public In t

to show the pubde that this is a bnal fight on you and not a matter

siness, you urge in efrcet that itotcost us one cent more, butpapers publish for what one nowThis is not what your Act says. a

Act says each paper is to get Palfthe legal rate as now providedi.'The legal rate is one dollar an

Our statements up to this time abeenpublished by The Herald atms per inch, and your Act, if Its,would make us pay ninety cents s

per inch, or at an additional ex-of around thirity dollars a year to.lank, which I hardly think our I

olders would relish if they' cared dgabout the principle. So you see

anoter reason for tbe unconstitu-tityof your Act; It impairs our aactand takes away the power oftecontract, for after all _that has Csaidour Banik could scarcely ex-

inyfavors, in the way of commer-aes,at your hand in the future.ewould be told 'it is the law,'

ou must pay to the last .farthing.refer to my position not~ being.

dby all of our Directors; only i

utofnine takes a different view, s

s I recollect his position he could~3advantage to us in rking the "

when it did not cost the Bank~nore to publish -in both papers.represented the above figures to g[believe the Board would have a

unanimous. You see we havengtoconceal.arecertainly hard pressed fornentto show my inconsistencyb

you bring the lynching case intoiscussion, for here you hang your- andshow your own inconsistency It

r than mine. You are arguing C

[ ouht to obey your Act, altbo' in s

violation of the Constitution, be-in that case I was urging upon .

ryobedience to the :law, theleby. i

-inconsitent, and according to L

feeor the prospect of a fee malt-eseematters in adifferentlight.' ~

petty flings e beneatb thbe-ofgentlemen in a public is-

>n.I attribute wllatever successrhaveattained at the bar in my,yyears practice to the fact th Lt rrorsbelieve I was presentiug to i:

my conscientious convictions as Itlawand evidence, you to the barynotwithstanding, and!I amfraidof your destroying tnis con-ye inme however much you maye itAt any rate Messrs. Purdy~3ryancertainly thought the ac- fwasb'ased upon good law-it be- crrittennot only in the statute s)butas a part of the Constitution~

-elsethey lost a mighty fine op- anity to upset it. Over against myI

entfor law and order in that,dinthe matter we are uow dis-ag,(forI will argue resistance to

egal and unlawful Act as stronglyloobedience to a lawful Act,) letyk atyour conduct. No sooner,hepapers in that case been serv-

an you began an effort to preju-and prejudge the case. Knowingpaper would be read by prospec-

jurorsyou began, writing aboutreat injustice to make the many

ortheAct of a few, and predict-hat ajury could not be found tothedead man's family a cent, andrestillwriting about the obnox-andunjust law. In short adroitly

g to convince our jurors that thec, or you at least, expected them

iltifythemselves. You charge meviolating the law whenSlawful way I resist what;ayis not law, and you

ect urging the jurors of our (Joun-violate the fundamental law, andigyourself up as a shining exam-consistency!ho the Constitution says a Countypay for a cowardly murder, Mir.It in The Manning Times says itd not-rank anarchy being preacha paper that ought so be aderofaentiment in favor of law-

ounow taking me to task for re-,g an illegal and unconstitutional

passed,as the evidence shows, toionein your pocket and to get

with certain people!referto my uncle and cousin,

upon that jury and that my ap-'convinced them. You neglected ,

mntionthat my uncle also is the;ier-inlaw ofone of the opposin;;reland of the Supervisor who tes-'in the case. This uncle told mecwards that when he was calledthe case he was very much prejo-against my case, but after hear-

theevidence and the ,Judge'ste hecould do niothing else than

thelaw. I judged these men

ly, and 1 than It God I came fromkindAo stoc, from- men who will*

tand for the law and what is right,ven if their pocket is hurt thereby.

Yours very truly,W. C. DAVIS. Pres,

The Peoples Bang.

Davis StationOn last Monday afternoon the Davistation school had an egg hunt. Thererere four prizes given to girls andovs who found the most eggs first and,cond prizes for the girls and first and,cond prizes for the boys. The firstrize for the girls was won by Jennieorbett and second by Maggie Dyson.'he first prize for the boys was won byveret Horton second-by Roy JohnsonRev. J. 0. Burnett of Jordan conucted prayer meetine at Davis Station:hool house last Sunday night, thereas a large crowd out, the prayerieetines which have been going onw about a year at the Davis Station:bool house seem to be doing a lot ofood in this community.Miss Patty Gamble of Manning isisiting her brother John Gamble.Miss Lita White of Manning spent a.w days last week with the Missesbilders.Miss Annie Liza Bradham of Paxvillevisiting relatives here.Mrs Maude Broadway and childrenSummerton is visiting her brotherH. Hilton..


Summerton.This place was visited by two snowIls last week, and had it not been forie rain precceding the snow, oldother earth would have took on theantle of white, while roofs on all the-aildings was totally covered, and forfew hours things looked like mid-inter snow storm.At the regular meeting of the J 0 UM held Tuesday evening the follow-

ig officers was enstalled to serve theisuing year, Leon Davis Councillor,ice Councillor J. E. Richbourg, Re->rding Secretary T. E. Walker, As-stant recording Secretary Ellisonapers, Jr., Financial Secretary H. H.edlin, Treasurer C. R. Touchberry.onductor L. H. Godwin. Warden J. Eenent, inside Sentinel Walter Semi,itside Sentinel L. H. Godwin, Truis-,eWash Davis, J. F. Richboure, and,Q. Mathis, Past Councillor J. Q.[athis. This Council -was organizeday 1913, and is in a flourishing condi-on, and it is the desire and full ex-.ctation of each and every' membermake this one among the best Coun.'s in this County.The last attraction of the Lyceum ofis season was presented .Mondayight at the school auditorium. It wasreatly enjoyed, these evenings of de-ghtful and elevating entertainmentsere secured to the people of this sec-on at a great sacrifice of time andoney, given by the management con-sting of Messrs Fred Barnes, E. J.obinson, H. P. Trop, and T. E. Stan-*y. It seems but fitting that thereiould be some way to reimburse these>ug men for the money they have had>put up to secure this benefit to theablic.The Oak Grove school, taught by[iss Mary Ridgill, held the exercisereliminary -to the district Field Day>be held here Friday, in the contesteld, Miss Hodge won first place, Missusie May Ridgill second place, and[iss Annie Mabel Ridgill third place.ad Edward& Mellette, was among thest of the boys. This school is mostbly conducted and splendidly equip-ad.Mrs. F. F. Capers of Greenville, andrs. W. H. Johnson, of Charleston,re guests this week, of Dr. and Mrs.1ison Capers.Miss Alice Hoyle- of Pinewood, isending some time with her sisterera. Mrs. J. D. Richbourng..Miss Martha Walker, who is attend-igCoker College, is spending a fewi.yswit-h her~parents here, Mayor and[rs. T. I. Walker.Mrs. J. W. Broadway is visiting rel-dves and friends in Sumter this week.Mr. G. C. NeSmith, Summerton'santractor and builder, is spending a-eek or two with relatives, and friendsSOconee county, his former home.The Storke visited at the home ofr.and Mrs. H. A. Richbourg lastek and left a girl.Mr. 3. 5. Cantey, the efficient super-itendentL of tbe Methodist Sunday-hool 'ias been quite sick for the pastvoweeks. but is able to be up at thisriting much to the delight of hisLany friends.Messrs C. M. Davis and Felix Din.Ie-,spent Monday in Sumter on busi-ess.Mr. Hall Nelson of Columbia, spentaurday and Sunday with his motherre, Mrs. M. L. Nelson.-Mrs. F. W. Truluck, has returnedome after a pleasant visit to relativesadfriends in Olanda Fla., Mrs. Tru-icksays the weather was a litbilly down there, but -no frost - was~en during her stay of several weeksThe North Western freight train.ade its regular schedule Sunday, itsai-d this trip was necessary in orderget a number of cars of fertilizer toeir destination, so that the farmers:ight begin to plant cotton. NUB

.Keep Ponies In Ice Stables.A Danish explorer, who has justeturned from a 'journey across theiland ice of -Greenland, made use of:elandic ponies, which he found towell adapted to Arctic travel.

hen stops were made the horsesrere sheltered in holes cut in theIe. These ice stalls were quite corn-rtable, and in severe weather wereovered with tarpaulins, to keep outnow and wind. The small horsesave a good account of themselves,ndwill doubtless be used extensive-rn future Arctic expedtons.-Pop-lar Mechanics.

MannWill Open

The Authighest gr~We resp

ise you up


National Health Week Among ColortA People(waTTlul FoR THE TIMES.)

A popular meeting was had in thicolored Methodist church of Ms.nniin which the subject of sanitation wadiscussed by several speakers. Thimeeting was gotten up by Rev. A. WTimmons, pastor of the Trinity A. ME. church with the assistance of thiColored Women Federation Club.The idea of having the colored peoplh

clean-up their premises in the entirnegro section of the town was fully discussed. The high death rate amongcolored people in the Southern Stateis alarming and the ieaders and students of our livin. .onditions believ(that this high deat!A rate is due to tbisurroundings of our people, ignorancof the laws of sanitation and hygieneand filthy environments.One of the leading speakers at th(

popular meeting was Mr. CharltotDuRant, president of the Home Baniand Trust Co. Mr. DuRant pointetout several ways by which people ma]live long lives, and urged our peoplito co-operate In the movement of having a general clean-up week. Hispeech was listened to with much. interest.The "National Health Week" is at

idea introduced by Booker T. Washington, president of the nation negr<business league. In his circular sentout last week he says:"I am authorized by the Executiv

Committee of the National Negro Bus.ness League to invite the following or-ganizations, as well as others to b(amed later, to unite with the Leaguin observing a National Health WeekDaily and weekly newspapers, healtt

journals, The National Medical Assonation, The National Association oJ3raduate Nurses, The National Asso,ation of Colored Women's Clubs, TheNational League on Urban Conditioncmong Negroes, The Natiokal Asso.

:iation of Teachers in Colored SchoolsIe National Negro Press Association,he Bishops and other officers of color.3d religious denominations, State Med-cal Association, Annual Church Con.Eerences and Associations, Secret So:iety Organizations, Colored InsuranceDompanies, Farmers' ConferencesFarmers' Improvement Societies'hurches, Schools and othor loca>rganizations.It is thought that the race will welome the opportunity to unite all tbescafforts in one great National' HealtiXovement, and thus gain the benefil)f the momentum and the enthusiasn.hat will come from the great UniteElealth Movement. The dates decideipon are March 21st to 27th 1915.Without health and until we reduc

-he high death-rate it will be -impossiDle for us to have permanent succes!labusiness, in property getting, in acjuiring education to show -other. evi-lences of progress. Without healtiLnd long life all else falls.The following facts will illustratAsomething of the neeb and importance)f this health movementFour hundred and fifty thuusaniegroes in the south alone are seriousl3illall the time; the annual cost of th(;ickness of these 450,000 negroes i75,000,000.One hundred and twelve thousant

2egro workers in the south alone arsick all the time; tbeir annual loss itearnings is $45,000,000; 45 per cent ohe annual deaths among negroes ireventable.Two hundred and twenty five thous.d negro workers in the south alone

lie annually; 100,000 of these deathv:an be prevented.The annual funeral expenses of ne-roes of the south alone amount to $15)00.000; $6,500,000 of this amount couibe saved. These raties are too wellnaintained in the north.Sickness and death cost negroes oi~he south alone $100,000,000; 50,000,00(>fthis-amount could be saved..-We must reduce our great death rateiethrone disease and enthrone healtimd long life."The following program was renderedttthe A. Mf. E.'ohurcn Thursday nightOpening song-All hail, etc..Invocation-Rev. A. W. Timmons.Chorus-Jesus Lover of My Soul..Recitation-L N. James.Solo-S. Smith.Opening remarks-R. A. White.Duett-Anderson and Harris.Address-Dr. J. P. Golden.Recitation-M. Walker.Solo-M. S. Heart.Address-I. M. A. Myers.Address-Dr. A. W. Brown.Music.Benediction.

More Fruits Should Be Used.It is rather strange how few peopl4

know the medicinal value of our comnmon -fruits and vegetables. Whatpity more fruits and fruit juices arnnot used.

~Fussy Woman.A fussy Atchison woman returned

bag of salt to her grocer with thecomplaint that its "flavor" wasn'igood-Kansas- City Star.

A Real Peach.Our idea of a peach is the wife of

man who thinks she Is prettier thaithe cashier at his favorite restaurant-Galveston News.

Very Easy."It is said that two people can live

on less than one. How' do you account for It?" "Necessity."

Optimistic Thought.Better a blush on the face thana

bot on the heart.

ing Anear the Ban

witha f

'ORD CiAND GUARAomobile publide, and our pectfully solci:to-date servic

nning AuMANNi

Fine Fishin'.Small Boy-Good fishin'? Yessir; ye

go down that private road till ye cometo th' sign "Trespassers will be prose-cuted;" cross th' field with th' bull init an' you'll see a sign "No fishin' al-lowed."-that's lt.-Life.

Back Number."I wouldn't dream of marrying him.

Why, he said he would do everythingto make me happy." "What Is wrongabout that?" "He ought to know thathumans are put on earth to fulfill mis-sions, not to be happy."

An Optimist.When you hand a lemon to an op-

timist he will dig up a little sugar anda little something else and a little hotwater and make himself comfortable.-Cincinnati Enquirer.

Application of Paint.Paint should be applied only to a

clean and dry surface. Moisture un-

der a paint causes it to blister whenexposed to the sun; also moisture be-tween coats has the same effect.

An Exception.Mr. Jones had been scolding his six-

year-old daughter, who retorted:"Don't think, papa, that just becauseyou married mamma you hve a rightto be rude to all women!"

When Talk Begins.Hostess-"People rxe very dull to-

night, Adolph. I realiy can't get themto talk." aost-"Play something,dearest."-Judy.

Simple Poison Warning.A good way -.o mark bottles contain-

ing poizon is tc push two pins into theIde of the cork at right angles to

each other.

Daily Thought.j.cv: e, at first thought sweet, bit-

:re i-g back on itself recoils.-

z re .Verld Happier..A. be contented to.a"Wims-Aesop.

Dr.King'sNew INePillsThebest-In the-world.-

Too Much for Mother. -

A Pasadena boy asked his fathewhat was meant by the expression:"the woman had a Greek profile."The father put down the paper he wasreading and replied: "Why, it mere-

ly means a classic outline." TheImother took a hand, declaring theanswer was too short and really a

shifty euphemism. "Give our son a

long and clear answer," she insiste4Paterfammas sat up and made thislucid, ornate reply: "A Greek profileis a bold silhouette, blending the Doriaand Ionian expression and depictingthaf clear-cut plastic work of Praxi-teles, which is entirely free from therococo renaissance school and whichin modern melodrama, would be Calledthe marble face." Both mother andson took the count, and father re-sumed his reading of the article:"W'Ay Oysters Have Strong Lungs."-4asidena News.I

GRANEof Dresses at DJ

We. are offering foentire Line of Ladies'


These are fashioicreated by America'sin alt the leading shadtie Green, Battleship

A $25 Dress for$10; a $15 Dress for i

If you desire to s<

at the saine time sayman at your earliest

Owing to the imthese goods, terms of


to Suppk of Clarendorll Line of

\R PART.NTEED TIREI.cwill find ourrices. strictly iiyour patronas


toSupplyIN, S. C.-

When it I Darkest.By his own observations on *U'

sands of nights W. F. Denning, -ieEnglish scientist, has proved that weare scientifically correct when we saythat it is "always darkest just beforedawn." He has found that beforedawn a great darkness invariab:7seems to drop down like a mantle upoithe immediate surroundings. Objectswhich were plainly observable duringthe previous hours of the night areblotted out, and a nervous feeling issometimes induced by the dense oao-Ity of the air.

Fond Recollections."Speaking of old times," said a

member of the Reminiscence club, "Ican reniember when a waiter wouldsay 'Thank you' out loud for a 25-centtip." "That's nothing," replied hiscompanion. "I can remember whenI would look at the list of dishes on a.menu to see what I wanted instead;'of looking first at the prices to seewhat I could.afford."

"Back" Is the Only Way She Talks"When yo' has a quah'l wid yo' wife

do she pout and sulk or do she talkback, Brudder Rumpus?" "She talksback, sah! And she not on'y talksback, but she talks frontards and side-ways and acrost and endways anddiag'nal and round and round, and denshe comes all de way back and re-peats herse'l. Aw, yassah; she sotalks back!"

Draw Your Own Conclusions."Why," asked tha weary4ookingi

woman, "do you constantly refer toyourself as the goat of this house.hold?" "Because," replied the- irri ,

table man, in a loud tone of voice, "agoat is supposed to be able to eatanything and act as if he enjoyed;it."-Washington Star.

Interested at Once."My dear, you ought to pass up friv-

olous things and take an interest in;deep subjects. Take history, for In-stance. Gessler, the tyrant, put up.a hat for the Swiss to saluter The.lady was a trifle interested. "How wasIt trimmed?" she inquired.-Lousville-Courier-Journal.

Help Wanted.We -have a splendid -answer for -i

first-class conundrum, but somehowcan't fit them, which -is: One looksafter the marriage altar and'the oth-er alters- the marriage. We suspecta minister and a lawyer are Invov&ed.-Philadelphia Ledger.

Heredity and Color BlIndnessColor blindness is always inhart-

ed through the mother, and Severthrough the father. There appears tobe no instance in which a color-blind-father has transmitted his defect tohis children except in connection with7a mother who was a transmitter.

Best Think Softly.'If blue or depressed, think of a

pretty girl or something equally as,pleasant," adviseS a -doctor. H'm. Inthe case of a married man it would bebest -for him not to do his tblnklngout loud.-Philidelphia Inquirer.

SALE. Iiirschmanm's

r a few days only, ourSilk Dresses at-


's latest dictates, as

foremost designers,es. Putty, Sand Bot-Grey, Etc.$12.50; $20 one for~7.50.~cure the latest, ande money, visit Hirsch-onvenience.mense reductions on

salea are strictly cash

ly Co.April 15th,


~oods of theline.

re and prom-

Co., ROS