Manifesto CCBC 2012 - Eng and Welsh

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  • 8/2/2019 Manifesto CCBC 2012 - Eng and Welsh


    Conwy Labour Party

    Plaid Lafur Conwy

    Standing up for Conwy

    Yn sefyll dros Conwy

    Local Elections 2012

    Etholiadau Lleol 2012



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    Welsh Labour Standing Up For Conwy

    The elections on May 3rd are vitally important for Conwy. Now more than ever

    Conwy County needs clear and effective political leadership.

    Labour has the vision, ambition and political will to steer Conwy through the

    difficult times ahead to focus on jobs and opportunities for our young people,

    safe and clean streets and care for our older citizens.

    We are on your side in these tough times standing up for Conwy - and this is

    our programme for a better, fairer Conwy.

    Our candidates come from many different communities across the County andunderstand the real problems that everyday people face. We work hard all year

    round, talking to Conwy residents and businesses and making sure that we can

    represent them effectively within the Council. . We know that the cuts of the UK

    Tories and Liberal Democrats are hitting families in Conwy hard so We will work

    to support those who are most vulnerable from the Tory and Liberal UK

    Governments cuts.

    A community is made up of its people.

    In Conwy, the services provided by the Council are spread unevenly and social

    divisions are getting wider. We believe that this is damaging and wrong for

    everyone who lives and works here. The Lib Dems, Independents, Plaid

    Cymru and Tories have no long-term plan for Conwy.

    This document sets out our programme for action should we be elected to run

    the County Council in May 2012.

    Labour standing up for you and for Conwy.

    Chris Hughes

    Conwy Labour Group Leader

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    Llafur Cymru yn sefyll dros Conwy

    Mae'r etholiadau ar Fai y 3ydd yn hanfodol bwysig ar gyfer Conwy. Nawr yn fwy

    nag erioed mae gan Sir Conwy angen arweinyddiaeth wleidyddol clir ac


    Mae gan Llafur y weledigaeth, yr uchelgais ar ewyllys gwleidyddol i lywio

    Conwy drwy'r cyfnod anodd sydd o'n blaenau - i ganolbwyntio ar swyddi a

    chyfleoedd ar gyfer ein pobl ifanc, strydoedd diogel a gln a gofal ar gyfer ein

    dinasyddion hn.

    Rydym ar eich ochr chi yn y cyfnod anodd yma - yn sefyll dros Gonwy a dyma

    ein rhaglen ar gyfer Conwy decach, well.Mae ein ymgeiswyr yn dod o lawer o wahanol gymunedau ar draws y Sir ac yn

    deall y problemau gwirioneddol y mae pobl yn eu hwynebu bob dydd. Rydym yn

    gweithio'n galed trwy gydol y flwyddyn, yn siarad thrigolion a busnesau Conwy

    a gwneud yn sir y gallwn eu cynrychioli yn effeithiol ar y Cyngor. . Rydym yn

    gwybod bod y toriadau gan Doraid a' Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol y Deeyrnas

    Unedig yn curo teuluoedd yng Nghonwy yn galed, felly byddwn yn gweithio i

    gefnogi y rhai sydd fwyaf agored i niwed rhag toriadau gan Lywodraeth y

    Toraid a'r Rhyddfrydol yn Llundain.

    Ei phobl syn gwneud cymuned

    Yng Nghonwy, mae'r gwasanaethau a ddarperir gan y Cyngor yn cael eu

    lledaenun anwastad ac mae rhaniadau cymdeithasol yn ymledu. Rydym yn

    credu bod hyn yn niweidiol ac yn annheg i bawb sy'n byw ac yn gweithio yma.

    Does gan y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol, yr Annibynwyr, Plaid Cymru a'r

    Toraid unrhyw gynllun hir-dymor ar gyfer Conwy.

    Mae'r ddogfen hon yn gosod ein rhaglen weithredu os cawn ein hethol i reolir

    Cyngor Sir ym mis Mai 2012.

    Llafur yn sefyll i fyny drosoch chi a thros Gonwy.

    Chris Hughes

    Arweinydd Grp Llafur Conwy

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    Conwy Labour Party believes there are fundamental local services that the

    Council must get right. We will be the peoples council and our priorities will be:

    Getting Conwy working -support for jobs and opportunities for all.

    Including young people,

    Yours streets Your community: rubbish collection and recycling,

    public toilets, street lighting, safe and accessible roads and paths.

    Improving care for the elderly and vulnerable

    Better housing for Conwy people

    Opportunities for young people and improving education

    Safer streets - freedom from crime and aggression

    Improving local democracy a peoples council Councillors listening to and representing YOU


    The policies of the UK Tory and Liberal Democrat coalition government arefailing the economy of Conwy. Unemployment is the most pressing problemfacing our area, and Labour believes in creating more opportunities for ouryoung people.

    Key to the success of Conwys future economy is therefore the creation of jobs.A Labour run Conwy will work with the Welsh Labour Government, other publicsector organisations, businesses, colleges, co-operatives and the voluntarysector to build economic capacity and create jobs. We will make Conwy moreattractive to investment and look again at the skills people will need.

    We welcomed the decision of the Welsh Labour Government to identify tourismas a key economic sector in Wales as it plays a vital role in our local economy.

    Our young people need help to build hope for the future. The UK Tory Lib Demcoalition scrapped the Future Jobs Fund. So we welcome the Welsh LabourGovernments actions in creating fresh opportunities that can help to reduce thenumber of young people out of work in Conwy. We will build on this lead andincrease Apprenticeships, which the Labour Government brought back in and

    has championed in Conwy. But we believe the Council should play an even

    more prominent role in promoting apprenticeships and training opportunities

    within the County. We will therefore pledge that a Labour run Council will:

    Build and develop the CONWYAPPRENTICE scheme, with a

    single entry point for youngpeople providing opportunities

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    with both public and privatesector employers to linked tovocational training.

    Promote the creation ofapprenticeships through theCouncils procurement processes,

    ensuring that more companiesawarded large public sectorcontracts support the creation oflocal apprenticeships.

    Review the availability ofchildcare provision in the County,and work to ensure that there issufficient affordable childcare tosupport parents to access work ortraining.

    Promote re-training and re-skillingprogrammes, helping peopledevelop the new skills that theywill need to do the jobs of thefuture.

    Launch a new programme ofwork to support social enterprisesand co-operatives in Conwy.

    Introduce a Living Wage for

    Conwy Council workers andencourage other employers in theCounty to pay their staff a LivingWage.

    End the waste of empty counciland privately owned buildings toprovide new affordable space fornew business start-ups.

    Work with community focused

    schools and libraries to make

    better use of schools andcommunity buildings, ensuring

    facilities are available for use by

    the youth, youth services and

    local communities outside of

    school hours

    Work for the strategic

    regeneration in locations such as

    Colwyn Bay Labour will step forward and take

    the lead in promoting Conwy. We also recognize that there is a

    new and emerging not for profitsector of mutual socialenterprises and charitablecompanies. These, plus ourexisting voluntary and community

    sector, will play a significant rolein helping us achieve our visionfor growth.

    Pride in Our County

    Conwy Labour wants local people to feel rightfully proud of their County and we

    will play a leading role in bringing communities together with a programme of

    local festivals, events and street fairs that will boost local trade and promote a

    positive image of Conwy, the Conwy Food Festival and Llandudno Celtic Fayre

    are excellent examples that we would build upon.

    Developing Social Enterprise and Local Entrepreneurs

    Conwy Labour will focus on building the capacity of communities to withstand

    the combined effects of the recession and the Tory/Liberal Government cuts to

    the public sector. We will strengthen the role of the co-operative and community

    sector, offer more support from Councillors and Council teams, and develop a

    new approach to social enterprises and community-led activity. We will seek to

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    ensure everyone involved service users and staff who provide them have a

    say in how organisations are run through a co-operative approach.

    Supporting Local Business

    The Council should be a major contributor to the Conwy economy and must

    operate in a way that brings local economic benefits. We will develop a

    straightforward procurement process for the Council, contracting at the smallest

    practicable scale, and ensure that Conwy-based businesses have the skills and

    knowledge to benefit from public sector procurement opportunities, or are

    brought together to co-operate to win larger contracts.

    We recognize the value and importance of the public sector to the County

    economy, whilst understanding the clear need to develop the private sector and

    ensure that it is able to respond to the opportunities offered to the County.

    The Council could do much more to help local businesses grow by:

    Supporting arrangements to increase opportunities for buying local goods;

    seek continuing business rates exemption for small businesses;

    assisting businesses to co-operate to win larger public sector contracts

    Examine whether schemes such as Free After 3.00 and Pay on Exit

    parking could boost use and duration of town centre and local shopping.

    More marketing of conferences and events, and reviewing those staged or

    sponsored by the Council.


    A Labour Conwy will inherit many challenging circumstances resulting from theactions and failures of the Liberal Democrat, Plaid Cymru and (so called)Independent Councillors that effectively currently run the Council and a

    Conservative-led UK Government, which means we will have to explore newways of delivering Conwy residents services.

    Decent Neighbourhoods - Clean Streets

    We believe that everyone, regardless of where they live, should have a decent

    neighbourhood. Yet it is possible to walk down streets just yards apart and feel

    as though you are in a completely different County. This is because the way the

    Council allocates its resources doesnt reflect the needs of our communities.Conwy Labour wants to ensure that all areas are maintained to a decent


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    The Independents & Lib Dems have a record of failure when it comes to

    keeping our streets clean, this election is your opportunity to hold them to


    Labour will seek to re-model refuse collection, re-cycling, and street cleaning


    Launching a 24 hour CLEAN

    STREETS hotline to report

    local trouble-spots and get

    action to clear them within 24


    Taking action to clean and

    enforce a long term solution to

    neglected alleyways, passages

    and verges to prevent crime

    and fly tipping.

    Work to provide recycling

    without the hassle - review

    and the Councils refuse and

    recycling scheme to make it

    easier for householders to

    recycle with secure waste


    Ensure our streets are kept

    clear of dog faeces and

    prosecute owners

    Announce a rolling calendar of

    Community Clean-up Days

    across the County.

    Introduce Our Clean Conwy

    smartphone apps allowing

    people to report highways

    problems such as potholes, as

    well as vandalism and litter

    using their smartphones.

    Provide more public toilets to

    stop streets being fouled

    We will devolve more decision-making around these issues to local

    communities through Neighbourhood Partnerships, allowing local residents

    and Councillors to prioritise the services that are most important in their area.

    Labour set up a ward street cleaning service, which we believe should be

    brought back. Many residents have told us that they have seen a steady

    increase in rubbish and litter on our streets. Many residential roads never get

    their road cleaned by the Council, this must not continue.

    The Lib Dems on the Council introduced changes to our bin collections and

    over-complicated recycling, with all sorts of different boxes and bags that have

    resulted in confusion and made life more difficult for householders.

    The Independents & Lib Dems have a record of failure when it comes to

    keeping our streets clean, this election is your opportunity to hold them to


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    Labour will defend our social care services by working with other public sector

    partners to secure efficiencies in order to reinvest in services. We value the

    care that adult services offers the frail and vulnerable in society and will help

    improve services so they give those who need it the support they want to

    continue active lives. Labour will work to deliver care services that meet the

    standards people have the right to expect.

    A Labour Council will:

    Work to raise standards ofcare across private, voluntaryand public sectors.

    Ensure appropriate care foreveryone that needs it.

    Protect our residential carehomes from privatisation.

    Support Care Council forWales standards toprofessionalise care services.

    Introduce alongside thevoluntary sector a Meals on

    Wheels service for olderresidents.

    Support Armed Service

    Veterans. Campaign for central

    government to develop anational care service.

    Explore how the Council cansupport co-operatives andsocial enterprises in thedevelopment of socialservices.


    Conwy has a housing crisis, with a long list of people currently on waiting lists

    for social housing. The County also has a significant proportion of privately

    owned older housing stock that will require investment if it is to be fit for the

    future. Radical decisions must be taken in housing policy.

    We will reform planning policy to speed up the time it takes to get affordablehousing developments underway. We will ensure that the homes being built

    meet the housing needs of current and future populations. Building new homes

    is labour intensive. We will work to ensure that local people benefit from the

    employment opportunities by setting up a local employment initiative in

    partnership with local builders. This will actively promote apprenticeships within

    building firms.

    A Labour Council will make it easier to re-develop brownfield sties to meet thechanging needs of local communities

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    Currently to get onto the waiting list for social or sheltered housing it is

    necessary to apply to a number of different housing associations, and in a

    variety of ways (forms, online and telephone) that can be unnecessarily


    We believe that social housing should be a positive choice for people to make,

    and that the Governments plans to end lifetime tenancies will act as a cap on

    aspiration and deter people from investing in their own (socially provided)

    homes. We will therefore campaign against these plans.

    A Labour Council will work for affordable, secure and energy efficient

    accommodation for all. We are committed to increasing the influence held by

    tenants and residents over housing, and oppose the control held by central

    government over housing finances.

    We will:

    Actively campaign for funding

    to be made available to build

    new council houses.

    Simplify social and sheltered

    housing applications in

    partnership with housing


    Ensure that local people in

    need of housing are given

    more priority.

    Support Armed Forces families

    in need of housing.

    Tackle the scandal of long

    term empty houses and bring

    them back into use.

    Increase the roll-out of HMO

    landlord registration to improve

    living conditions in the private

    rented sector across the


    We will work to ensure the housing needs of our community can be better met.

    We will prioritise energy efficiency and seek to increase the amount of

    renewable energy used and generated within the County. We will explore the

    possibility of providing greater assistance to homeowners wishing to install

    energy efficiency measures in their own homes. We will pursue twin goals of

    tackling fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions.


    Labour Councillors are campaigning against the closure of Libraries, particularly

    important to children (and highly valued by the whole community) and against

    charging for older students to get to school and college by bus. Young people

    across Conwy deserve better. Education in Conwy is safe only under Labour as

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    only Labour Councillors have consistently campaigned against the unnecessary

    cuts inflicted by this current Council. Time for a change!

    A Labour run Conwy will:

    Fund free travel to school or

    college for all students under

    19 years old and in full time

    education where they live more

    than two miles from their place

    of study

    Seek Welsh Assembly

    Government funding to invest

    in our School buildings.

    Ensure that more existing

    funding actually reaches the


    Promote free school breakfasts

    and support the Flying Start

    programme for the early years,

    Protect summer holiday play

    scheme programmes from the

    Tory/Liberal Government cuts.

    Prioritise investment in

    childrens play areas.

    Protect youth services from

    further cuts and work with

    community groups to provide

    more youth activities across

    the County.

    Continue to develop the

    Conwy Youth Council, working

    with schools to provide our

    younger people with a voice on

    County issues.


    Too many parts of the County are plagued with graffiti and anti-social

    behaviour. Too often peoples fears of anti-social behaviour are based on their

    experiences in certain neighbourhoods.

    Labour had a proud record when it comes to community safety. Increased

    frontline policing coupled with tough measures to stamp out unacceptable

    behaviour helped to reduce crime across the County.

    But the UK Tory/Liberal Government is now cutting our local police force and

    we now see crime is rising again.

    We welcome the pledge of the Welsh Labour Government to increase the

    number of Community Support Officers and will follow this lead to work with

    local businesses and communities to improve safety on our seats..

    We will use the powers available to us to tackle anti-social behaviour for

    everyone, as we recognise this is not a problem restricted to certain areas.

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    Labour will:

    Fight to defend neighbourhood based Policing against cuts from the

    Tories and Liberal Democrats.

    Develop and expand Anti Social Behaviour services.

    Work with the police to back up the use of CCTV to more effectively

    prevent crime and bad behaviour, making neighbourhoods safer.

    Work with local business to help make our towns more attractive.

    Develop a new Council Night-Watch service to more effectively stamp

    out noise nuisance, using existing powers without warning suspected

    culprits, to give residents a quiet life.

    Making Our Roads and Transport Safer

    Labour will:

    Introduce 20mph zones around schools and residential areas where


    Since many traffic and parking issues are around our schools, we will hold

    a review of parking and travel to all schools.

    Seek to implement residents parking schemes where they have majority

    support. Review the Councils gritting policy to ensure that roads and pavements

    near old peoples homes, day centres and schools are kept safe in bad


    Ensure adequate parking facilities are available for Disabled Car Users.

    Provide more and safer bicycle routes.

    To lower car usage, promote more use of minibuses to provide rural bus

    services and explore the scope for more on demand services..


    Because we support community voices, Labour is committed to finding new

    ways to help local residents have a greater say in how their area can be


    Labour has tried to participate in the current political coalition, but has too small

    a part to ensure local people have a real ability to formulate local priorities. Justlook at the way in which the Council handled proposals to close libraries in the

    County or the confusion caused over household rubbish and recycling because

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    it is far too complicated - this is due to the lack of competence and lack of

    foresight of the present Council administration.

    Conwy Labour has consistently campaigned to let local people have more of a

    say in decision making. Through the creation of Neighbourhood Partnerships

    Labour will give you voice in the big decisions of the day enabling anybody in

    the community the chance to have their say. We will also work with Town and

    Community Councils under the Charter agreement.

    Better Access to Council Services

    A Labour run Conwy Council will bring Council and other public services

    together so they can be delivered more efficiently for local people through one-

    stop shops. We will review and simplify how people access Council services or

    communicate with the Council, and lobby central government where necessary,

    so it is no longer necessary to fill in different forms to give the same information

    to several bodies.

    Council services will be better advertised and we will seek to extend opening

    hours of Council services, so they can be delivered at times when they are most

    needed. The current 9.00 to 5.00/Monday to Friday service is not convenient for

    many people.

    If elected, Labour Councillors will use our role as advocates for residents to

    change old-fashioned cultures and working practices within the Council by

    providing joint services with other public organisations, focusing on protecting

    services and reducing overheads. Where possible and to save services from

    being lost, these may be run on mutual lines, where service users and the

    people who deliver them decide how these should be run. An example of this

    was the green waste collections, run by a co-operative providing jobs to

    disadvantaged people but now handed over to a profit making company.

    We believe these are important new approaches, needed if the Council is to

    continue to achieve financial savings imposed by the Tory and Liberal

    Government in the future and keep your Council Tax down. We believe that the

    Councils workforce will rise to the challenge, and we will seek to deliver our

    programme of reform in partnership with them.

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    Devolve Power to Your Community

    Because we support community voices, Labour is committed to finding new

    ways to help local residents have a greater say in how their area can be


    Labour has tried to participate in the current political coalition, but has too small

    a part to ensure local people have a real ability to formulate local priorities. Just

    look at the way in which the Council handled proposals to close libraries in the

    County or the confusion caused over household rubbish and recycling because

    it is far too complicated - this is due to the lack of competence and lack of

    foresight of the present Council administration.

    Conwy Labour has consistently campaigned to let local people have more of a

    say in decision making. Through the creation of Neighbourhood Partnerships

    Labour will give you voice in the big decisions of the day enabling anybody in

    the community the chance to have their say. We will also work with Town and

    Community Councils under the Charter agreement.

    Better Access to Council Services

    A Labour run Conwy Council will bring Council and other public services

    together so they can be delivered more efficiently for local people through one-

    stop shops. We will review and simplify how people access Council services or

    communicate with the Council, and lobby central government where necessary,

    so it is no longer necessary to fill in different forms to give the same information

    to several bodies.

    Council services will be better advertised and we will seek to extend opening

    hours of Council services, so they can be delivered at times when they are most

    needed. The current 9.00 to 5.00/Monday to Friday service is not convenient for

    many people.

    If elected, Labour Councillors will use our role as advocates for residents to

    change old-fashioned cultures and working practices within the Council by

    providing joint services with other public organisations, focusing on protecting

    services and reducing overheads. Where possible and to save services from

    being lost, these may be run on mutual lines, where service users and the

    people who deliver them decide how these should be run. An example of this

    was the green waste collections, run by a co-operative providing jobs to

    disadvantaged people but now handed over to a profit making company.

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    We believe these are important new approaches, needed if the Council is to

    continue to achieve financial savings imposed by the Tory and Liberal

    Government in the future and keep your Council Tax down. We believe that the

    Councils workforce will rise to the challenge, and we will seek to deliver our

    programme of reform in partnership with them.

    Your Money and Advice

    We will endeavour to make sure that the Council does not make peoples

    financial situation worse. We will try to keep Council Tax below inflation. A

    Labour Council will spend your money on protecting the Countys public


    Labour will:

    Seek Value for Money by working with other public sector bodies across

    the region.

    Reduce the Councils bloated spending on Private Consultants and

    Agency staff.

    Work with other authorities to deliver services where practical.

    Review the top management of the Council to reduce unnecessary tiers,

    eliminate duplication and create savings to invest in our communities and

    keep Council Tax low.

    Many people who retire are unaware of the additional help and support that is

    available to them. We will therefore promote income maximisation schemes for

    older people, so that people who have worked all their lives can live a dignified

    and full retirement.

    We are concerned about the dangers of legal loan sharks and pay day loans,

    and the difficulties many people have in obtaining credit at a reasonable rate.

    We will therefore promote credit unions as a positive alternative and ensure that

    the Councils policies do not discriminate against credit unions and mutual

    societies. We will demand tough action against loan sharks and offer one-to-

    one advice for people with long-term debt problems.

    Dealings with large companies, the public sector or other organisations can be

    difficult for individuals, so we will support and promote free, independent advice

    and advocacy services, helping towards this goal by increasing and protecting

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    funding of the Citizens Advice Bureau, and campaign for adequate and fair

    Legal Aid

    Many of the policies that impact on poverty are the responsibility of

    Government, such as cutting universal Child Tax Credits, cutting Legal Aid and

    moving towards a Unified Benefit. So we will work together with other Councils

    around the country to collectively lobby on measures which will reduce poverty

    and inequality. And we will always campaign against Government policies

    regardless of which party is in power that increase inequalities for the people

    of Conwy.


    Women and single parent families are disproportionately affected by the

    Tory/Liberal cuts. Women are under-represented (e.g. only around 20% of

    Councillors are woment), and often act as undervalued carers of children,

    elderly or vulnerable people on behalf of society.

    Therefore Labour will:

    Seek to improve affordable childcare services for all;

    Assist women to take their rightful place in society by confidence building;

    Address the real costs to families of caring for others.


    The NHS is absolutely fundamental to a safe and fair society, so Labour will

    work with health organisations to improve local health services. In particular,

    we will assist where possible to address any identified shortcomings, and to

    improve primary healthcare so doctors, dentists and other healthcare providers

    are more accessible to people who need them.

    A healthy environment is central to health of people, so Labour will seek to

    protect and improve to environment of our towns and countryside.

    Exercise is proven to be fundamental to good health, so we will work with GPs

    and healthcare professionals to encourage wider prescription of appropriate

    exercise (e.g. swimming or gym sessions).

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    Labour believes a measure of a decent society is how it treats its elderly and

    vulnerable people. As we all hope to be elderly one day, it is also in the

    interests of all to improve services.

    A Labour run Council will:

    Simplify applications for sheltered housing

    Introduce alongside the voluntary sector a Meals on Wheels service for

    older residents

    Promote more use of minibuses to provide rural bus services and explore

    the scope for on demand services.

    Liaise with Age Cymru to provide gardening and assisting withbins/recycling

    Decency to All

    As well as expecting decency between people, we believe in decency towards

    other creatures, and that we should preserve the environment for future

    generations. We will therefore ensure all policies take into account the need to

    maximise environmental protection, including in procurement. We will follow

    where possible the Labour Animal Welfare Societys Local Authority Charter for

    the Welfare of Animals, including banning the giving of lives as prizes,

    encouraging wider identity chipping of pets and licensing of the sale of exotic

    (wild) animals.

    Welsh Language

    Conwy has a rich cultural and linguistic heritage. No other party has a better

    record on the Welsh language than Labour, but the Welsh language does not

    belong to any one political party: it is part of the heritage of us all. We will

    continue to fight for Council services to be available to the people of Conwy in

    their language of choice.

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    Your Labour Candidates care passionately about our community. They live in

    the County, use local services and want the local community to be served well

    by the Council. That is why they will make every effort to make themselves

    available at surgeries, on the phone and by e-mail.

    Its not just in running the Council that Labour Councillors make a difference.

    Having a Labour Councillor means you will have someone who will represent

    you and everyone that lives locally and take on casework to ensure that

    residents get the best possible service. This is not always the case with

    Councillors from other parties.

    Once elected, all Labour Councillors promise to:

    1. Hold regular advice surgeries.

    2. Do regular ward walks so we can spot problems and listen your views and


    3. Ask for your views by phone, on the doorsteps and in surveys so you can

    express your opinions on issues that matter in your area.

    4. Deliver at least two newsletters or newspapers per year in each Labour

    Ward about what Labour is doing locally and across the County.

    5. Be present, or represented, at community events to which local groups

    invite us.

    6. Join local action groups and work to make them a success.

    7. Attend the committees we are appointed to and be a constructive and well

    briefed member of that body.

    8. Have an advertised contact number and will deal promptly and

    courteously with their constituents.

    9. Ensure your problems are tackled quickly and efficiently.

    10. Conwy Labour Councillors will maintain a high personal profile

    locally all the year round, not just at election time!