Manifest Destiny Unit 5-1

Manifest Destiny

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Manifest Destiny. Unit 5-1. What is Manifest Destiny?. Idea the it was our “ God-given” right to control coast to coast (artic to tropics too?) in America “American Race” idea. Frontier Thesis. Frederick Jackson Turner (historian) – We were great because we could always grow/expand. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Manifest Destiny

Manifest DestinyUnit 5-1

Page 2: Manifest Destiny

What is Manifest Destiny?Idea the it was our “God-given”

right to control coast to coast (artic to tropics too?) in America

“American Race” idea

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Frontier ThesisFrederick Jackson Turner

(historian) – We were great because we could always grow/expand.

Why move west?◦Land (CHEAP LAND!)

What were the problems?◦Indians and now other countries too

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What is in the way of Manifest Destiny?


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Before the 1830s, how did we get what we already had?

Treaty of Paris 1783◦After Revolutionary War the area from

Appalachian Mts to Mississippi RiverLouisiana Purchase 1803

◦From France - $15 million Adams-Onis Treaty 1819

◦From Spain after 1st Seminole War for $5 million

How did Europe’s conflicts benefit the young United States?

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Why would different sections want the U.S. to expand?The South

◦Expansion of slave statesThe East

◦More markets for products/resourcesThe “West” (Mississippi

valley/Great Lakes area)◦Frontier “spirit”, land◦Pioneer Spirit ◦Rugged Individualism

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Where can we go and what is the problem?Cuba

◦Spain owns itTexas

◦Mexico owns itCalifornia and southwest

◦Mexico owns itOregon Territory

◦Not sure who owns it. Mexico, Russia, U.S. and Britain all have claims

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Western TrailsSanté Fe Trail

◦ Begins in Independence, Mo

◦ Traders to Santé Fe

◦ Created more interest into Mexican-owned territory

Oregon Trail◦ Begins in

Independence, Mo◦ To Willamette

Valley (Portland) Oregon

◦ What are some of the dangers faced on the trail?

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Started with Fur Traders and missionaries◦John Jacob Astor◦Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

Joint Occupation – U.S. and Britain both settled (ignored Russia and Mexico’s claims)

“Fifty-four Forty or Fight” – slogan for those who wanted to fight Britain for it all

49th Parallel – Peaceful boundary for most of the area

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Cuba Texas and SWSoutherners hoped to

expand into this Spanish-held territory (with slaves)

Tried to buy and even once a small group tried to take over by force.

In early 1850s, the U.S. tried to buy it with the Ostend Manifesto, but anti-slavery members of Congress stopped it.

We’ll look at that in next section.

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What did the Presidents do with Manifest Destiny?

Jackson and Van Buren◦Both avoided the issue as they

knew the issue would bring up the issue of the expansion of slavery.

Tyler and Polk (change Harrison to Polk on notes)

◦Tyler supported expansion. Polk made it the central issue in the election of 1844 as he pushed to add Texas and Oregon.

- Was Jackson right?

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Election of 1844Democrat – James K. Polk (darkhorse


Whig – Henry Clay (yes, he is still here!)

Issue – Expansion with Oregon and Texas

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Misc. Manifest Destiny InfoClayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) – idea

of building a canal in Central America with Britain

Did we do it then?

Aroostook “War” – Argument over Canadian-Maine border. Settled peacefully with Britain in 1842 by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty

California Gold Rush

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Reflection QuestionsHow did the idea of Manifest Destiny

contribute to the “American Dream?”How did the United States in the late

1700s and early 1800s benefit from the problems in Europe?

How did our relationship with Great Britain change in the first half of the nineteenth century?

What future problems would the United States face due to Manifest Destiny?