Mandibular Incisor Position for English Consonant Sounds C. Andrew Burnett, BOS, FDS. RCPS, PhD' Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the mandibtjiar incisor poiitions for the 24 consonant sounds ot" tbe English language. Further aims were to determine if the incisor format for each sound is affected by its position in a word, or by combination wfib an open or closed vowei. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 young adult subjects had their incisai positions determined using an electrognathographic technique during performance of a number of speech tests. Results: The mean values of the 24 consonants, in fhe vertical direction, showed a range from the Intercuspal position or 2.5 mm for a sibilant sound to 11.7 mm for the /H/ sound, and an an tero posterior range of 1.4 mm anterior for a sibilant sound to 1.8 mm posterior for the IM/ sound. The range in the mean lateral dimension was always less than 1 mm on either side of the midiine. The placement of a sound in the initial or final position in a word had no erfect on the incisai position. The degree of vertical opening was significantly greater for 8 of the consonant sounds when in combination with an open vowel sound. The anteroposterior and lateral positions were unaffected by vowel association. Conclusion: The incisor position for consonant sounds is unaffected by initial or t7nal word placement. Some consonant sound positions are affected by combination with an open or closed vowel sound. Sibilant sounds produced a clinically acceptable measure of the most superior and anterior speaking positions in all subjects, ¡nt¡ Prosthodont 1999:12:263-271. I ncisai relationships in speech function have been described at the/S/position'- and the/M/position,^ while counting,•'•^ and during tbe recitation of pas- sages of speecb designed to simulate conversational speecb.^^ Envelopes of maximal jaw motion during speech in 3 planes have also been described'-^ and shown to be reproducible.^ Speech sounds are classified into different groups based principally on tbe acoustic properties of the sound, but they may also be described in terms of 'Clinicai Lecturer, Division of Restorative Dentistry, Schooi of Ciinicai Dentistry, The Queen's University af Belfast, The tioyai Group of Hospitals, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Reprint requests: Dr C. Andrew Burnett, Division of Restorative Dentistry, School of Ciinicai Dentistry, The Queen's University of Beifast Grosvenor Road, Beifast BTI2 6BP, Northern Ireland, fat: + 01232 4Í886Í. e-mail: c.burnett&qub.ac.uk vocal tract articulation. The English language can be broadly divided into 24 consonant sounds and 17 vowel sounds. Consonant speech sounds are pro- duced by tbe vocal traa interrupting or obstructing the flow of air at some point, requiring specific articula- tory formats of the tongue, lips, mandible, teetb. and palate. Phonologic analysis has been traditionally performed by investigating consonants in 3 word po- sitions: initial, medial, and final. More recently it has been suggested that consonants in the word-medial position can be divided into word-initial or word-final consonants in a principled manner.^ That study pro- posed to investigate whether there was a difference in tbe mandibular position required to produce con- sonant sounds in initial or final word positions. Vowel sounds are produced with little or no ob- struction to air flow and are created by adjustments of lip opening and total vocal tract length. Most can „,;¡.¡-'.Number3.1999 263 The International loumal of Prosthodontics

Mandibular Incisor Position for English Consonant Sounds · Mandibular Incisor Position for English Consonant Sounds C. Andrew Burnett, BOS, FDS. RCPS, PhD' Purpose: The purpose of

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  • Mandibular Incisor Position forEnglish Consonant Sounds C. Andrew Burnett, BOS, FDS. RCPS, PhD'

    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the mandibtjiar incisor poiitions forthe 24 consonant sounds ot" tbe English language. Further aims were to determine if theincisor format for each sound is affected by its position in a word, or by combination wfiban open or closed vowei. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 young adult subjects hadtheir incisai positions determined using an electrognathographic technique duringperformance of a number of speech tests. Results: The mean values of the 24 consonants,in fhe vertical direction, showed a range from the Intercuspal position or 2.5 mm for asibilant sound to 11.7 mm for the /H/ sound, and an an tero posterior range of 1.4 mmanterior for a sibilant sound to 1.8 mm posterior for the IM/ sound. The range in the meanlateral dimension was always less than 1 mm on either side of the midiine. Theplacement of a sound in the initial or final position in a word had no erfect on the incisaiposition. The degree of vertical opening was significantly greater for 8 of the consonantsounds when in combination with an open vowel sound. The anteroposterior and lateralpositions were unaffected by vowel association. Conclusion: The incisor position forconsonant sounds is unaffected by initial or t7nal word placement. Some consonantsound positions are affected by combination with an open or closed vowel sound.Sibilant sounds produced a clinically acceptable measure of the most superior andanterior speaking positions in all subjects, ¡nt¡ Prosthodont 1999:12:263-271.

    Incisai relationships in speech function have beendescribed at the/S/position'- and the/M/position,^while counting,•'•^ and during tbe recitation of pas-sages of speecb designed to simulate conversationalspeecb.^^ Envelopes of maximal jaw motion duringspeech in 3 planes have also been described'-^ andshown to be reproducible.^

    Speech sounds are classified into different groupsbased principally on tbe acoustic properties of thesound, but they may also be described in terms of

    'Clinicai Lecturer, Division of Restorative Dentistry, Schooi ofCiinicai Dentistry, The Queen's University af Belfast, The tioyaiGroup of Hospitals, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

    Reprint requests: Dr C. Andrew Burnett, Division of RestorativeDentistry, School of Ciinicai Dentistry, The Queen's University ofBeifast Grosvenor Road, Beifast BTI2 6BP, Northern Ireland, fat:+ 01232 4Í886Í. e-mail: c.burnett&qub.ac.uk

    vocal tract articulation. The English language can bebroadly divided into 24 consonant sounds and 17vowel sounds. Consonant speech sounds are pro-duced by tbe vocal traa interrupting or obstructing theflow of air at some point, requiring specific articula-tory formats of the tongue, lips, mandible, teetb. andpalate. Phonologic analysis has been traditionallyperformed by investigating consonants in 3 word po-sitions: initial, medial, and final. More recently it hasbeen suggested that consonants in the word-medialposition can be divided into word-initial or word-finalconsonants in a principled manner.^ That study pro-posed to investigate whether there was a differencein tbe mandibular position required to produce con-sonant sounds in initial or final word positions.

    Vowel sounds are produced with little or no ob-struction to air flow and are created by adjustmentsof lip opening and total vocal tract length. Most can

    „,;¡.¡-'.Number3.1999 263 The International loumal of Prosthodontics

  • Incisor Po5Ítion for Consonant Sounds

    be generated by means of many different articulatorypatterns. It is not possible to predict whether a vowelsound will be produced by adaptation of the tongue,lips, or larynx. Therefore, the recording of specific in-cisal formats for the range of vowel sounds will notcapture consistent jaw positions for specific sounds.Traditionally, however, some vowel sounds have beenknown as "open" vowels, eg, /Ah/, and associated witha large jaw separation; others have been known as"closed" vowels, eg,/E/, and associated with lesser jawseparation. It has been postulated that the articulationof fhese sounds may affect the jaw position for suc-ceeding or preceding consonant sounds.••

    Phonetic tests have long been advocated as a clin-ical aid in designing and constructing oral prosthe-ses, especially with regard to anterior tooth positionand the vertical dimension of occlusion. The /S/sound has been used to determine the adequacy ofthe interocclusal distance,^• '̂'• '̂ the/F/and/V/soundsto decide the maxillary anterior looth position,'^ andthe/M/sound to establish a desirable mandibular pos-tural position,•''"' The basis for many of these clini-cal techniques has come from studies that did not pro-duce quantitative data.

    The aim of this study was to describe the mandibu-lar incisor position in relation to intercuspal position(IP) in 3 dimensions for the 24 consonant sounds ofthe English language. Further aims were to deter-mine if the incisor format for each sound is affectedby being in initial or final word position or by beingcombined with succeeding or preceding open orclosed vowels.

    Materials and Methods


    Atotalof30 healthy subjects participated in the study;all had intact dentitions. There were 15 men and 15women with a mean age of 22 years (range 20 to 25yearsi. The incisur relationship of each subject wasrecorded and classified^ ̂ on the basis of contact of themandibular incisors or a continuation of their axialplanes with the palatal surface ofthe maxillary incisorswhen occluding in IP, The composition ofthis subjectgroup, with regard to relative numbers ofthe differ-ent incisor relationship classes, was determined toclosely approximate the mean of that reported foryoung English adults,'"'-'*' which was taken as the ac-cepted standard for this study. Random allocationfrom a total sampling frame of 50 subjects to each ofthe 4 incisor subgroups supplied the makeup of thefinal subject group of 13 Class I subjects, 8 Class II di-vision 1, 7 Class II division 2, and 2 Class III, Therewas no statistically significant proportional difference

    (Chi-squared) in relation to incisai classification be-tween the subject group and the accepted standard.

    Jaw Position Recording

    jaw positions were recorded using a sirognathograph(SCG; Siemens), The SCO was connected to a com-puterized system (Bio-Pak, Bio-Research Associates)that recorded and displayed, to the nearest 0,1 mm,spatial coordinates in 3 planes; frontal (vertical), sagit-tal (anteroposterior), and coronal (lateral). The systemhas been shown" to have linear output for up toabout 40 mm of vertical displacement when lateralmovement is less than 10 mm; these conditions werefulfilled in this study.

    Speech Protocol

    The speech tests used in the experiments were de-signed in conjunction with a speech therapist, A totalof 24 individual consonant sounds and 2 vowelsounds were investigated. The consonants can beclassified into 6 subgroups: sibilants, plosives, frica-tives, liquids, glides, and nasals (Table 1 ). A numberof the sounds are paired as voiceless and voiced;these have the same articulatory pattern but differ inthat the voiced sounds are produced with laryngealphonation.

    The speech sounds were recorded in initial andfinal word placement and each in combination withthe open vowel /Ah/ and the closed vowel /E/, Somesounds are not employed in initial word placementin English and others not in final word placement. The2 vowel sounds were recorded individually to con-firm the open/closed relationship.

    Mandibular positions for 88 words were recordedin 17 separate tests (Table 1 ¡. Each test was limitedto a maximum of 6 words that were pronouncedwith a pause between them to allow recording on asingle graphic screen of the analysis system. Thispermitted a straightforward visual identification andmeasurement of the desired consonant sound.

    The recording sequence was explained to the sub-jects and the speech tests were demonstrated for pro-nunciation and rate and volume of speech. The latter2 parameters were described as that of normal con-versational speech and subjects were given a fewminutes to rehearse the tests. The SGG headset wasmounted and aligned with the subject seated uprighton a plastic chair with the head firmly supportedagainst the rear chair support. Subjects were instructedto keep their heads as steady as possible during record-ing. Recordingartifact5 caused by head movement ordisplacement ofthe antenna device may occur whenusing the SGG.'^''^ For this reason movements ofthe

    The Internationa I oí Pioslliodortii 264

  • Burnett Incisor Position for Con so

    Table 1 Consonant Sounds and Word Tests


    SibilantsS voicelessS h voicedZ voicelessZh voicedCh voicelessJ voiced

    ^losivesP voicelessB voicedT voicelessD voicedK voicelessG voiced

    -ricatfvesF voicelessV voicedT h iTÎ12H





    Initial +open vowe

    Test iSamSham2amZuramChamJamTest 5PaBaTaDaKaGaTestaFanVanThankThatHatTest 13LanRan



    Test 17atitieee

    Final +open vowel

    Test 2PassCashAsAzuPatchMadgeTesteTapSaabPatMadRackRagTest 10LaugtiCalfKatti

    Test UValCar


    Initial T-closed vowel

    Test 3SeeSheZeeZureeChesJeeTest 7PeeBee7ee•eeKeeGeeTest 11FeelVetoTheatreTheHeTest 15LeeRee



    ant Sounds

    Rnal*closed vowe)

    Test 4PieceOuictieEaseEmPeachSiegeTestsCreepBeebSheetReadReekLeagueTest 12LeafLeaveKeith

    Test 16HeelEar



    headset were checked for by inspection and by hav-ing subjects start and finish each test at tbe referencepoint, IP, as identified on tbe screen; discrepancieswere seldom found, but if they were the recording wasrepeated. The intluence of recording and subject vari-abiiity has been previousiy investigated^ with regardto mandibular speech positions; these were shown tobe reproducibie after a 6-month intervai. The samemethod was empioyed in this investigation.

    Each ofthe consonant and vowei sounds was de-scribed in reiation to its verticai, anteroposterior, andiaterai separation from IP. The mandibuiar positionthat came ciosest to iP in tbe verticai direaion duringthe exercise was taken to represent the superior speak-ing position (SSP). The most anterior mandibuiar po-sition assumed in relation to iP was taken to representthe anterior speaking position (ASP). The positions inthe horizontai plane that were posterior to IP weregiven a negative value. Statisticai anaiysis was per-formed by means of 2-group unpaired Student's itestsand anaiysis of variance (ANOVA) muitipie compar-ison tests using the Scheffé criterion, with Pvalues lessthan 0.01 interpreted as statisticaiiy significant.

    Table 2 Mean Dimensions (mm) of the InterocclusalSpeecti Position of 2 Vowel Sounds for ttie SubjectGroup (n = 30]
















    'Significant difference P i Q.01 (Student's 1 test).


    Vowel Sound Positions

    The group mean verticai incisai separation for/Ah/was 12.2 mm. which was significantly more "open"(P < 0.0001 ) than /E/ at 7.7 mm (Tabie 2).

    265 The International Journal of PriBIhodontics

  • Inciser Position for Consonant Soundi

    Table 3 Dimensions (mm) of the Interocclusal Speech Position of the ConsonantSounds for the Subject Group (n = 30)

    Word sound








    \r. 1̂ ._B" ""





    F .


    VerticalAnts ro posteriorLateralVerticalAnteropostefiorLateralVerticalAnte ropo steri orLateralVerticalAnteropostenorLateralVerticalAnteropcsteriorLateralVerticalAnteropos le ri orLateralVerticalAnteroposleriorLateralVerticalAnte roposte rio rLateralVerticalAnteroposferiorLateralVerticalAnte roposte rio rLateralVerticalAnte roposte rio rLateralVerticalAnte roposte rio rLateralVerticalAnte roposte rio rLateral





















    -3.0-7 80-1.9









    Placement of Consonant Sound in Initiai orFinal Word Position

    The placement of the consonant sound in the initialor final word position had no effect on the incisai po-sition assumed for that particular sound.

    Sound Combination with an Open orClosed Vowel

    The combination with an open or closed vowel didnot alter the incisai position assumed for the pro-duction of the sounds /S/, /Sh/, /Z/, /Zh/, /Ch/, /J/, /P/,/B/, AT/, /D/,/K/, /G/, /F/, /V/, AhV, or/Th2/. The de-gree of vertical incisai separation was significantlygreater for the sounds /H/, /L/, /R/, /Y/, /W/, /M/, /N/,and/Ng/when in combination with the open vowel

    sound (P< 0.0001). The anteroposterior and lateralpositions of all ofthe consonants were unaffected byvowel association.

    Consonant Incisai Position

    The data from the investigation on initial and finalplacement and open and closed vowels were com-bined to produce mean values for the 24 consonantsounds in all 3 dimensions (Table 3). The vertical di-mension is reported for both vowels for the soundsfor which vertical jaw separation was affected bycombination with an open or closed vowel. Therewas no positional difference between any of thevoiceless/voiced consonant pairings. There was nogender difference in the dimension of any speechposition.

    Tlie Intemational Iourral of Prosthodontics 266 Í12, Number 3, 1999

  • Table 3



    Word sound Direction











    VerticalAnleroposterioiLateralVerticalAnteroposteriorLateralVerticalAnteroposteriorLateralVertical (ov)Vertical (cv)AnteroposteriorLateralVertical (ov)Vertical (cv)Ante roposte riotLateralVertical (ov)Vertical (cv)AnteroposteriorLateralVerBcal (ov)Vertical (cv)Ante roposte norLateralVertical (ov¡Vertical (cv)Ante re posten orLateralVertical (ov)Vertical (cv)AnteroposteriorLatera!Vertical (ov)Vertical (cv)AnteroposteriorLateralVerucal (ov)Vertical (cv)AnleroposteriorLateral

    Incisor Position tor Consonant Sounds











    10.5 • - '8.6

    -1.60.7 —iniw







    8.7 "^^^^^-1.6














    -6.8-7.2Q. 1-2.45.0-16-93.1-13.4

    -5.0-6.6^ S t 0-1.9



    Sm. 6.0-16-63.&-13-3




    g ^ 5.9-15-93.1-13-4


    SO = standard deviaton: ov = ¡n combination wftti open vowet; cv = in comtiinatron with dosed vowel.

    The mean values deduced for the 30 subjects forthe 24 consonant sounds ¡n the vertical directionshowed a range from IP of 2.5 mm for a sibilantsound to 11.7 mm for the /H / sound iti combitiattonwith an open vowel; and an anteroposterior range of1.4 mm anterior to IP for a sibilant sound to 1.8 mmposterior for the/Wsound. The relatively large stan-dard deviations and ranges associated with the di-mensions for all incisai speech sound positionsdemonstrate the individual variability of these posi-tions; this should be borre in mind when interpret-ing mean values.

    There was no difference among any of the sibilantsotjnds with regard to their mean mandibular incisorposition; however, there was variation within each in-dividual with regard to which ofthe 6 sounds pro-duced the SSP. This variation could be as large as 2.0

    mm, although it was often much smaller. Nonethe-less, to precisely determine an individual's SSP it isnecessary for a subject to recite a speech exercisecontaining all ofthe Sibilantsounds. The sibilant ASPof 26 subjects was anterior to IP. with only 4 subjectscoincident or posterior to IP. In the lateral dimensionthe sibilant position was very close or coincidentwith the midline, with about equal numbers of sub-jects placed to the left or right.

    The plosive sounds /P/, /B/, /K/, and /C/ all had asimilar incisai position that was significantly greater|P

  • r Poîition for Consonant Sounds


    1 4 '


    ? ..„g 10-


    o 3-a. °"in•s0) _

    > 6-

    4 -

    2 -

    IP oH

    1 Sibilant2P/B3T/D4K/G5F/V6Th17Th2BHou9HCV

    IOUR0V11 UR cuI2Ï/W0V


    15 MiN*lg cv

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    Word sound

    Fig 1 Consonant sound verticalpositions (mean t standard devia-tion) trom IP tor the subject group(n = 30). cv = in combination withopen vowei; cv - n̂ combinationwith closed vowei.

    cannot be said to always cause an individual's SSP,although the size of tbe difference appears to be clin-ically irrelevant. The mean ASP for the sounds A"/and/D/ was just anterior to IP, with 12 individuals coin-cident or posterior to IP. There was no differenceamong any plosive sounds in the lateral plane.

    The mean vertical dimensions of all of the fricativesounds were significantly different from one another(P

  • Incisor Position for Consonant Sounds

    Fig 2 Consonant sound antero-postenor positions (mean ± stan-danj deviation) from IP for the sub-jeot group (n = 30),




    .f 1t



    .S -1

    oo. oo —¿- •


    •^ - 3 .

    - 4 -

    - 5 -

    IP - 6 •0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Word sound


    1 SibilantS P/B3 T/D4 K/G5F/V6TT1I7Th2SH9 L/R

    10Y/W11 M/N/Ng

    9 10 11

    group of 30 subjects, A broad range in values of verti-cal incisai separation was found between the "closed"sounds (the sibilants,/T/, and /D/) and the more "open"sounds t/H/and the nasal sounds). The incisor positionof each individual sound was unaffected by initial orfinal word placement of that sound. This finding willsimplify and shorten the design of speech tests in futurestudies. The incisor format for 16 of the consonantsounds was unaffected by being enunciated in com-bination with either an open or closed vowel. The re-maining 8 consonant sounds had a larger vertical in-cisor separation when in combination with an openvowel sound. These 8 sounds were among those witha larger mean incisai separation. It appears that in pro-ducing sounds that require a closed jaw relationship agreater constraint is placed on jaw position, in relationto combination with preceding or succeeding vowels,than is the case with more open sounds. A variationwithin individuáis was identified w ith regard to whichparticular sound produced the smallest incisai separa-tion, but the magnitude ofthe differences is probablyclinically insignificant. Therefore, the use of traditional/S/ sound speech tests, such as "Mississippi" or "sixty-six," should give acceptable results in the determina-tion of occiusai vertical dimension. The only previousreport in the literature of a 3-dimensional /S/ soundposition is by George,^ who found a near /S/

    position to be 1,8 mm vertical, 0.5 mm anterior to IP,and 0,5 mm lateral, and a far/S/position of 2.9 mm ver-tical, 2-0 mm anterior to IP, and 1.2 mm lateral.George^ suggested that the mandible has a range ofmovement during the production of the/S/sound thatis dependent on the sounds preceding or following the/S/, but this was not supported in the current study,ßenediktsson-̂ reported the/S/position in 2 dimensionsat2.6mm vertical, with a range of Oto 14 mm, and 1.3mm anterior to IP, with a range of-2 to 10 mm wherethe negative value indicates a position posterior to IP.Benediktsson's result is very close to the sibilant posi-tion reported here, as are the results of Gillings,'' whofound the sibilant position in the vertical dimension tobe 2.5 mm (SD ± 1,7, range 0 !o 6 mm).

    The /M/ sound has been advocated in determiningthe postural interocclusal position, or mandibular restposition, in complete denture prosthodontics"''-^'^' be-cause it is thought to produce a vertical opening equiv-alent to the interocclusal distance required, ie, 2 to 4mm. This has been supported by Gibbs et al,^ whofound the opening at//vVto be 3.0 mm for 4 subjects.Investigating lip and mandibular dynamics for 5 sub-jects, Sussman and Smith^- found the jaw lowering for/iVV to be 11.7 mm for ail vowel combinations. The cur-rent study is the first investigating the /iW sound for alarge sample of English speakers; the vertical opening

    "Z, Number 3, 1999 269 The Interraiional Journal of Prosttiodontics

  • lncÍ50f Position for Consonant Sounds

    of the//vV sound with an open vowei found in this studywas 11.5 mm (range 6.0 to 16.6 mm| and 8.3 mm witha ciosed vowei (range 3.6 to 13.3 mm). These resuitsdo not support the use of the/M/sound to estabiishpos-turai interocclusai position in dentate or edentate pa-tients.

    A study protocoi in which subjects read out pre-pared speech exercises is an artificiai situation thatmay lead to adoption of jaw positions that do not truiyrefiect those of uninhibited conversationai speech.Variables such as rate and voiume of speech aredif-ficuit to standardize, but the more externai artificiaicontrois that are exerted on functions increases thepotential to detract from a naturai performance.Abbs-' has shown that an increased speaking rate re-suits in an unchanged mean displacementof the jawfrom the conversationai speaking rate. The voiume ofspeech is mostiy dependent on the subgiottai com-ponent of speech production, consisting of the iungsand the associated respiratory muscuiature, and isconcerned with generating the air flow that powersspeech production, although shouting is obviously as-sociated with exaggerated mandibuiar movement.^"

    Speech sounds are articuiated and modified by a va-riety of orai organs, of which the mandible is botone,and the adaptability of speech must be borne in mindwhen interpreting mandibuiar positionai formats. It hasbeen shown that test subjects are abie to compensateduring speech, by appropriate adjustments of their iipand tongue movements, to produce the same acousticsignai with no difference in the timing oi magnitude ofmuscieactivitywhiie biting on a "bite biock" betweenthe posterior teeth.^^ it is suggested that speakers havea montai representation of the supraiaryngeai vocaltract that they use to produce a particuiar speech sound.Deviations from normai intraorai conditions produceappropriate movements to rearrange the vocai tractshape in compensation. Converseiy, this argument putsa value on descriptions of mandibuiar speech positions,as it supports the view that unhindered speech articu-lation positions should be stabie and reproducibie.


    Within the limitations of the study it was conciuded that:

    1. The incisor position for each individuai consonantsound was unaffected by initiai or finai wordpiacement of that sound.

    2. The verticai incisor position for the consonantsounds /S/, /Sh/, fZj, flhl, ICr\j, ¡\l, /P/, /B/, /T/, /D/,/K/,/C/,/FA/V/./ThV, and Ah2/was unaffected bybeing enunciated in combination with either theopen vowei sound/Ah/or the ciosed vowei sound/E/. The remaining consonant sounds, /H/, ¡U, /R/,

    A/ , AV/, ¡Ml, /N/, and /Ng/, produced a larger verti-cai incisor separation when in combination with theopen vowei sound. The anteroposterior and iateralpositions were unaffected by vowei association,

    3, The sibilant sounds caused the SSP in most sub-jects, although for others the /TD/ sounds weresiightiy smaiier. There was variation within indi-viduals as to which sibiiant sound caused the SSP,but this difference is ciinicaliy insignificant andwords containing the/S/sound alone are recom-mended for ciinicai determination of this position.

    4, A sibiiant sound aiways produced the most ante-rior speaking position of the mandibie.

    5, The position of the mandibie during pronuncia-tion of the/M/sound wouid not aiiow a satisfac-tory ciinicai determination oftheposturai interoc-clusai position.


    The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Ms ChristineHayden, Department of Speech and Language Therapy, The RoyalBelfast Hospital for Sick Children.


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    Literature Abstracts-

    Pain, allodynfa, and serum serotonin level in orofacial pain of muscular origin.

    TTiis interesting study investigated the blood semm level of serotonin in patients with femporo.mandibular disorders fTMD] of muscular origin and compared rt with levels in healthy subjecis andin patients with fibromyalgia. The etiology and pathophysiology ot TMD is still unclear, but there isevidence ttiat serotonin is involved in the pathophysiolcgy cf chronic pain. The study groups com-prised 20 patients wrth localized myalgia (TMD). 20 healthy subjects (age- and gender-matched),and 20 female fibromyalgia patients (cfiagnosed according to the criteria ot the American Collegeof Rheumatology). All participants were examined clinically for signs of dysfunction in the temporo-mandibular region by nDufine methods, and pressure pain threshold and pressure pain tolerancelevel were assessed with an algometer. A blood sample was taken from each patent for serotoninanalyses. The results showed no significant differences in serotonin blood levels among thegroups, and a wide individual variation in all 3 groups. The TWD patients with localized myalgiashowed a negative correlaSon between serotonin level and tendemess ot the tempommandibularmuscies. in the group wrth flbn^myalgia there was also a negative con-elation between serotoninlevel and number ot painful musculoskeletal body regions. It was concluded tfiat allodynia of crofa-dal muscies in patients with TMD is significantly related to the serotonin concentration.

    Emberg M. Hedenberg-Magnusson B, Alstergren P, Lundeberg T, Kopp S, J Omfac Pain1999;13:55-62. References: 22. Reprints: Or Malm Emberg. Department of Cliricaj Oral Physiology,ScliocI of Dentistry, Box 4064, SE-141 04 Huddlngs. Sweden, e-mail: maJinembergaota.ki.se—,41V

    Microleakage of the abutment-implant Interface of os sea inte g rated implants:A comparative study.

    The microleakage at the abutment-implant interface was studied in vitro using colored tracingprobes driven by a 2-atm pressure system. Five different implant systems were compared, alsoaltering the closing torques of the abutment connections. A gradual increase in micrcleakingover time was observed for ail samples. Microleakage decreased significantly as the closingtorque increased from 10 Nom to the manufacturers' recommended closing torques. Significantdifferences among the tested implant systems were found. Comparing dye microleakage valuesin the 5 systems at the manufacturers' recommended closing torques, the microleakage of theITI assemblies (Straumann) appeared to be higher than that of the other 4 systems. However,the difference was significant only after 20 minutes. The clinical implications of the results werediscussed, and it was stated that abutment ciosure at the recommended torques would help fominimize the potential adverse effecfs of microieakage.

    GrossM, Abramovich I. Weiss E./nl JOfa/Waxiïtofac/mpianis 1999:14:94-100. References: 26.Reprints: Dr Martin Gross, Department of Oral Rehabilitation. The Maurice and Gabriela GoldschlegerSchool of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel—SP

    r^;-\:~--. '.2. Number 3,1999271 The Internationa al of Prosthodontii