Leon's family with to express (heir gratitude for llic support and kindness shown to them at this lime. We would also like lo (hank everyone lor Ihcii curds, mcssiigi flowers and condolences and lor coining tod. is After the burial, refreshments will be served nl the I'olish < him h Mall You arc all very welcome lo join us. The collection taken today during tin- linn-mi muss will l>< donnli .1 to the Polish Parish Church ol I )i\- Men \m In .In We would especially like to thank our Minim, Alii |ii loi i in my lm I»• I over the last few years. We know Ihnl I )nd was \ n \i lul loo and thai il brightened his days lo si i you Cala rod/.ina chcialahy S C K U I V I I K P ( MI/K,I ..)\\. I. MI . A In |i i opiekowala sit,- lata pi /iv osllllllie lulu. Rodzina serdecznie d/iekujc Probos/c/.owi Kys/iudowi i k s i c d / u li Wojczynskicinii /a odprawicnic Ms/y Swielej pogirbowi i Hog /aplac Funeral arrangcmenls by R. Pepperdine & Sons Ltd, Chorlton, Manchester. With special thanks lo Ham S.P. Longin (Leon) Marczak 05.07.1923 -01.04.2015 Msza Sw. Pogrzebowa Polska Parafia Mitosierdzia Bozego w Manchester Czwartek 16-go Kwietnia 2015 o 10.00 Funeral Mass The Polish Parish Church of Divine Mercy Manchester

Mancheste - kresy-siberia.orgkresy-siberia.org/.../4/people/154536/leon_marczak_obituary.pdf · lat a pi /i v oslllllli e lulu. Rodzin a serdeczni e ... Sto w Bozyc h prawd^. Ref.:

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Leon's family with to express (heir gratitude for llic support and

kindness shown to them at this lime.

We would also like lo (hank everyone lor Ihcii curds, mcssiigi flowers and condolences and lor coining tod.is

After the burial, refreshments will be served nl the I'olish < him h Mall You arc all very welcome lo join us.

The collection taken today during tin- linn-mi muss will l>< donnli .1 to the Polish Parish Church ol I )i\- Men \m In .In

We would especially like to thank our Minim, Alii |ii loi i in my lm I»• • I over the last few years. We know Ihnl I )nd was \n\i lul loo

and thai il brightened his days lo si i you

Cala rod/.ina chcialahy SCKUI VIIK P(MI/K,I..)\\.I. MI. A In |i i

opiekowala sit,- lata pi/iv osllllllie lulu.

Rodzina serdecznie d/iekujc Probos/c/.owi Kys/iudowi i ksicd/u li Wojczynskicinii /a odprawicnic Ms/y Swielej pogirbowi i

Hog /aplac

Funeral arrangcmenls by R. Pepperdine & Sons Ltd, Chorlton, Manchester. With special thanks lo Ham


Longin (Leon) Marczak 05.07.1923 -01.04.2015

Msza Sw. Pogrzebowa

Polska Parafia Mitosierdzia Bozego w Manchester

Czwartek 16-go Kwietnia 2015 o 10.00

Funeral Mass

The Polish Parish Church of Divine Mercy Manchester

Hymn Wejsciowy/Entrance Hymn


Pan kiedys stanat nad brzegiem, Szukal ludzi gotowych pojsc zaNim;

By lowic serca Stow Bozych prawd^.

Ref.: O Panie, to Ty na mnie spojrzales, Twoje usta dzis wyrzekry me imie.

Swoja barke pozostawiam na brzegu, Razem z Toba nowy zaczne dzis low.

Jestem ubogim czlowiekiem, Moim skarbem sa rece gotowe

Do pracy z Toba I czyste serce.

Ty, potrzebujesz mych dloni, Mego serca miodego zapalem

Mych kropli potu I samotnosci.

Dzis wypryniemy juz razem Lowic serca na morzach dusz ludzkich

Twej prawdy siecia I stowem zycia.

Pierwsze Czytanie/First Reading Ksivga Koheleta Rozdzial 3,1-8 (Ecclesiastes 3,1-8)

Wszystko ma swoja godzin?, jest czas na wszelka sprawe pod niebem:

jest czas rodzenia i czas umierania, czas sadzenia i czas wyrywania tego, co zasadzono,

czas zabijania i czas leczenia, czas burzenia i czas budowania,

czas ptaczu i czas smiechu,

czas lamentu i czas tanca, czas rzucania kamieni i czas zbierania kamieni,

czas usciskow i czas powstrzymywania si$ od usciskow, czas szukania i czas tracenia,

czas zachowania i czas odrzucania, czas rozdzierania i czas zszywania,

czas milczenia i czas mowienia, czas miiowania i czas nienawisci,

czas wojny i czas pokoju!

Oto slowo Boze R/. W. Bogu niech b^da dzieki

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Psalm Responsoryjny/Responsorial Psalm (PS 24: 6-7 17-18 20-21)

Refren: Do Ciebie, Panie, wznosz? mojq dusz?.

Wspomnij na swoje milosierdzie, Panie, na swoja milosc, ktora trwa od wiekow. Pamietaj o mnie w swoim milosierdziu, ze wzgledu na dobroc Tw^, Panie. /Ref

Uwolnij moje serce od smutku, wyzwol mnie od udr^ki.

Spqjrz na moj bol i utrapienie wybacz mi wszystkie grzechy. /Ref

Strzez mego zycia i wybaw mnie, by nie spotkat mnie zawod, gdy uciekam sie do Ciebie.

Niech prawosc i niewinnosc b^da m^ obrona skoro pokladam w Tobie nadzieje. /Ref

Drugie Czytanie/Second Reading A Reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans (5: 5-11)

Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit

who has been given to us. For Christ, while we were still helpless, died at the appointed time for the ungodly.

Indeed, only with difficulty does one die for a just person, though perhaps for a good person one might even find courage to die.

But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. How much more then, since we are now justified by his Blood,

will we be saved through him from the wrath. Indeed, if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, once reconciled,

will we be saved by his life. Not only that, but we also boast of God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

through whom we have now received reconciliation.

The Word of the Lord. R/. Thanks be to God.

Aklamacja/Gospel Acclamation

Alleluja, alleluja, alleluja To jest wola Ojca mego,

aby kazdy, kto wierzy w Syna, mial zycie wieczne, a Ja go wskrzesze w dniu ostatecznym.

Alleluja, alleluja, alleluja

Ewangelia wediug sw. Jana/The Gospel according to John 14,1-6

Jezus powiedzial do swoich uczniow: "Niech si? nie trwozy serce wasze. Wierzycie w Boga? I we Mnie wierzcie!

W domu Ojcatnego jest mieszkah wiele. Gdyby tak nie byto, to bym warn powiedzial. Id? przeciez przygotowac warn miejsce.

A gdy odejde i przygotuj? warn miejsce, przyjde powtornie i zabiore was do siebie, abyscie i wy byli tam, gdzie Ja jestem. Znacie drog?, dokad Ja id?".

Odezwal si? do Niego Tomasz: "Panie, nie wiemy, dokad idziesz. Jak wiec mozemy znac drog??"

Odpowiedziat mu Jezus: "Ja jestem droga i prawda, i zyciem. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie"

Oto slowo Boze R/. W. Bogu niech beda dzieki


Modlitwa Wiernych/Bidding Prayers


Jeden Chleb

Jeden chleb, co zmienia si? w Chrystusa Cialo, z wielu ziaren pszenicznych si? rodzi.

Jedno wino, co si? Krwia^ Chrystusa stalo, z soku wielu winnych gron pochodzi.

Ref. Jak ten chleb, co ztaczyl zlote ziarna, tak niech milosc zlaczy nas ofiarna. Jak ten kielich laczy kropel wiele,

tak nas, Chryste, w swoim ztacz Kosciele.

O Pasterzu, zgromadz w jednej swej owczarni, zablakane owce, ktore gin^.

W jeden Kosciol zbierz na nowo i przygarnij, bysmy jedna stali si? rodzina.

Komunia/Communion Hymn

Coz Ci Jezu damy

Coz Ci Jezu damy za Twych lask strumienie? Z serca Ci skladamy korne dzi?kczynienie.

Ref. Panie nasz, kroluj nam! Boze nasz, Kroluj nam!

Poprzez wieczny czas kroluj Jezu nam.

2. W Serca Twego ranie, o sere naszych Krolu, Pokqj i wytrwanie ukojenie w bolu.

3. Ty nas wspieraj w znoju, strzez przez zycie cale, Bysmy w sere pokoju Twa wielbili chwal?.

How Great Thou Art

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand hath made,

I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed:

Ref. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God; to thee,

How great thou art, how great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Saviour God; to thee,

How great thou art, how great thou art!

When through the woods and forest glades I wander, and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;

when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, and hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze;

But when I think that God, his Son not sparing, sent him to die-I scarce can take it in

that on the cross, our burden gladly bearing, he bled and died to take away our sin;

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home-what joy shall fi 11 my heart!

Then shall I bow in humble adoration, and there proclaim: My God, how great thou art!


Dobry Jezu

Dobry Jezy, a nasz Panie, Daj mu wieczne spoczywanie

In memory of Longin (Leon) Marczak

Leon was born on 5th July 1923 in Ulanska Dola, Dubno, Wolyn, Poland. This area of Poland was known as the Kresy region, or Borderlands.

He was born some ten minutes before his twin brother Jurek, to parents Stan i slaw and Maria Marczak.

The twins were named Longin and Jeremy, but preferred to be known as Leon and Jurek. He also had three siblings - Tadeusz (Tadzik), Regina (Renia) and

Mieczyslaw (Mietek).

Leon Stanislaw originally worked for the forestry commission in Poland, but then joined the army and fought against the Bolsheviks. After the war he

was given 12 hectares of land in the Kresy region (wojskowa osada). The family had a house, a barn, a stable, a well and two horses.

Up until the age of 15, Leon worked as a gospodarz/helper on the farm. He also went to college in Beresteczko.

When the war broke out in 1939, Leon was just sixteen years old. Poland had been occupied by the former USSR and being of Polish nationality, in 1940 they were

deported to the Specposioleks in Russia in the Arctic Taiga around Archangel. There, Leon worked in the forest. When living in the Russian forest, Leon

remembers wearing 'walonki' (fur shoes) and 'kufajki' (fur jackets).

Leon's military records state that on the basis of the Sikorski-Maisky (Polish-Soviet) agreement, of 30 July 1941, Leon and Jurek were released and together with the Polish Army units crossed the Soviet-Iranian frontier.

He was evacuated to Iran (via Uzbekistan) where he enlisted in the Polish Forces under British Command with effect from 1st April 1942.

On the re-organisation of the Polish Army in the Middle East, he was assigned to the Polish Army units in the United Kingdom. He arrived in the UK via South Africa on 17th October 1942 and was posted to 1 Armoured Regiment, 1 Polish Armoured Division (1 Polska Dywizja Pancerna), 1 Polish Corps - a regiment or 'pulk' which formed part of the 10th Cavalry Brigade - 10 BKPanc - 10 Brygada

Kawalerii Pancernej. This has since reformed in Poland in honour of General Maczek's tank regiments.

Leon and Jurek trained in Scotland. They drove Sherman tanks and were under the command of General Stanislaw Maczek. The family still have Leon's

original tank driving licence.

Between 1944 and 1947, Leon served on the continent alongside his brother Jurek. The division liberated Breda in Holland in 1944 and made its way to Germany, Wilhelmshaven. The troops liberated some labour camps and the divisions most

notable success was during the battle of Normandy, when they sealed the Falaise Gap.

In 1946, whilst liberating a labour camp, Leon met and married Krystyna Malecka. Their first son, Stanislaw/Stan was born in 1947 and they also went on to have

Henryk and Helena.

In 1947, Leon returned to the UK - the division was sent to the UK, nr Salisbury, Wiltshire. Due to the gradual demobilisation of the Polish Forces under British command, he enlisted in the Polish Resettlement Corps. Leon served in the UK

until he was discharged into industry.

Leon's first civilian job was for the Welsh Forestry Commission in Dollgellau, North Wales - hence his lifelong love of planting trees!

Leon found private accommodation at a station house with a family in Trawsfynedd, Blaenau Festiniog, North Wales.

He secured another job laying cables for the electricity board in Betws y Coed, before the family moved to Manchester in 1949.

Once in Manchester, Leon found lodgings in Lloyd Street, Moss Side (near to where the Polish Church is now) in an attic room.

Leon worked in a restaurant called 'Budiga' in the beer cellars and later in a veal sausage factory! Eventually, he bought a house in Stockton Street. His father and

other family members came to live with them.

After working in a small handbag factory, Leon bought a house in Burford Ave. In 1960, Leon decided to set up his own business with his brothers Jurek and

Tadzik. They rented a premises in Manchester for £3 per week and later moved to larger premises near the Mancunian Way before buying their own factory in South Croston Street, Brooks Bar. The business was called Tadlon Productions

(combining TADeusz and LONgin).

In the early 1960's Leon met Alicja. Alicja was one of Leon's machinists, who had come to Manchester from a camp near Doddington, Crewe. Alicja

helped to look after Leon's children Stan, Henryk and Helena, until they later emigrated to Canada with their mother, Krystyna.

Alicja and Leon later married and had five children -Elizabeth, Roman, Wanda, Basia and Renatka.

The family moved to Washway Road, Sale in 1970.

While their families were growing up, Leon and his brothers worked at the handbag factory six days a week (with a two week holiday in July) until

they all reached retirement age.

In 1992, Leon bought a house on Newgate Close, Sale. He later married Marjorie Dolan and they enjoyed a visit to Poland together.

Having travelled through Eastern Poland, Siberia, Uzbekistan, the Middle East, Scotland, Italy, Holland, Germany and Wales it can be said that Leon lived a

brave, adventurous and colourful life.

He was very proud of his achievements within the tank regiment alongside twin brother Jurek during World War II. He was an honorable veteran and standard

bearer, attending many military commemorations and events into his 90th year. He also became the Presez of the Manchester branch of the Pierwsza Dywizja Pancerna Veterans Association and was a well respected member of the Polish

Community in Manchester.

Leon received many Army medals for his contributions during the Second World War, including the Polish Army Medal, the 1939-1945 Star from the British

Government, the France and Germany Star, the Defence Medal and most recently, the Medaille de la France Liberee, or the France WWII Liberation Medal

1938-1945, secured by his daughter Wanda for his 90th birthday.

He remained extremely nostalgic about his homeland of Poland, and reminisced about the cherries, trees, rivers and the landscape throughout his life. He also

loved the Polish language and remembered a little Russian from the war and had a keen interest in the history of Poland, particularly the wars and partitions of his

country throughout time. Leon also enjoyed visiting Poland, especially Krakow and Zakopane, with his family and enjoyed holidays in Pwllheli at the family caravan.

He loved playing his accordian, singing and listening to Polish army songs. He loved his garden and enjoyed a glass of red wine a day.

He faced the many challenges of old age with dignity and lived independently in Sale until the morning he passed away.

During the last four years, he was cared for by his children and their families, and by Alicja, to whom Leon's children owe a huge debt of gratitude.

He always very much looked forward to family phone calls from his children in the UK, Italy and America and enjoyed visits from family members, his

brothers, old friends and his grandchildren.

Leon is survived by his brothers Jurek and Tadzik, by Alicja and their 5 children, his 3 children in Canada, 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Extracts sourcedfrom official papers, as well as from the History of the Marczak Family by George Marczak.

Podporucznik Longin Marczak

"Urodzony w 1923r na Kresach - Osada Ulanska Dola kolo Targowicy, Wojewodztwo Luck -Wofyn, Powiat Dubno.

Ojciec mial tarn nadana ziemie po Wojnie Bolszewickiej ( wiosna 1921).

Na Ulanskiej Doli byla nasza szkola i kosciol Matki Bozej Rozaricowy w Targowicy.

Po ukonczeniu szkory powszechnej otworzyla sie Bursa Osadnikow Wojskowych w Beresteczku.

Tarn zastala nas wojna. Mialem wtedy 15 lat.

Jak wrocilem do domu za dwa tygodnie wkroczyla Sowiecka Czerwona Armja. Zycie bylo juz nie jasne.

Ojciec zostal aresztowany przez Ukrajihcow.

Pare dni potem zostal uwolniony i 10 go lutego 1940 w nocy czekala na saniach ukrajihska formanka i kazali zbierac sie za 5 minut: 'Bo Warn tu zyc nie wolno.'

Przez dwa tygodnie wywoziono nas do Kottasa (Archangielsk) pociagiem towarowym, a z tamtad sankami dwa dni wiezli nas w gleb lasu miedzy rzeka

Wyczegda i Dwina. Mieszkalismy w 'specposiolkach' i w lasach pracowalismy ponad rok.

Po uwolnieniu ( sierpien 1941) przyjechalem z bratem blizniakiem na pohidnie do Uzbekistanu do Tashkentu. Potem wiezli nas nad rzeka Armudaja do morza

Aralskiego (Moynoq) gdzie pracowalismy na uzbeckich kolchadzach.

Po opuszczeniu tej miejscowosci szlismy 500 kilometrow z powrotem do Taszkentu. Doszlismy do miejscowosci Buchara. Poci^gi byly przyszykowane

do Krasnowodska do morza Kaspifiskiego, potem na okret do Pachlewi w Persji.

W Persji zostalismy umundurowani i przewieziono nas do Techeranu. Tarn byla zbiurka duzo wojska. Transportowali na wojskowe pojazdy do Palestyny.

Po tygodniu na okret 'Maorytania' - wyjazd na Suez, kolo Madagaski do Poludniowej Afryki. W Durbanie byl duzy kamp wojskowy i okolo 8 tysiecy


Przewieziono przez Atlantyk do Szkocji. To byl rok 1942. Tarn byl wybor broni lub Pierwsza Dywizja Pancerna ktora formowala sie. Ja z bratem przydzielony

do 3-ciego Pulku Pancernego, Kelso, Szkocja.

General Maczek zostal mianowany i 3-ci Pulk Pancerny zostal przedzielony do Pierwszego Pulku Pancernego 2-go i 24-go Pulku.

Ja z bratem w wojsku przez 2 lata- szkolenie pancernego. Funkcja szkolenia byla kierowca czolga britijskiego Krusajder, a na wyjazd do Normandji czolgiem

amerykafiskim Szerman, Pierwszy Pulk Pancerny.

Wojna trwala 9 miesiecy (1944-45): Francja, potem przez Belgie i do Holandji. Zakonczona wojna byla 5-go maja w Wilhelmshafen. Dwa lata okupacja w

Niemczech. 1947r dywizja przestala pelnic okupacje. Ja wrocilem do Anglii gdzie zostala demobilizjacja.

Dostalem sie do Manchesteru po jakims czasie. Nas bylo czterech braci. Zatozylismy swoj wlasny interes -torebkarski. Bardzo dobrze szedi az do


Pisane przez Leona, Sierpien 2010 Imperial War Museum, Manchester