Managing Libraries for Future Success 走走走走走走走走走走走走走 Jo Bell Whitlatch 走 · 走走 · 走走走走

Managing Libraries for Future Success 走向未来的成功: 如何管理好 图书馆

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Managing Libraries for Future Success 走向未来的成功: 如何管理好 图书馆. Jo Bell Whitlatch 乔 ·贝儿 · 维特拉奇. Definition of Management 管理的核心定义. “Getting Things Done Through Other People” “通过其他人把事情给做了”。 Four Functions of Management 管理的四大功能 ● Planning 规划 ● Organizing 组织 ● Leading 领导 ● Controlling 监督. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Managing Libraries for Future Success 走向未来的成功: 如何管理好 图书馆

Managing Libraries for Future Success


Jo Bell Whitlatch

乔 · 贝儿 · 维特拉奇

Page 2: Managing Libraries for Future Success 走向未来的成功: 如何管理好 图书馆

Definition of Management管理的核心定义

“Getting Things Done Through Other People” “ 通过其他人把事情给做了”。

Four Functions of Management 管理的四大功能●Planning 规划●Organizing 组织●Leading 领导●Controlling 监督

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Strategic Planning Purpose长远规划目的

• Sets the direction of organization for the future

• 为一个机构设定未来方向• Develops strategies to achieve

organizational vision, mission, and values• 为实现机构的使命和价值制定发展策略• Makes decisions about resource allocation

to reach future goals• 为实现未来目标决定资源分配

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Steps in Strategic PlanningProcess 长远规划步骤

1. Define Vision, Mission and Values

阐述展望、使命和观 念2. Analyze the current situation, including organizational strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats (SWOT). 分析现状,包括机构的优势、弱势、面临的机会和挑战

3. Define goals to close the gap between the current organizational state and the desired future

拟定目标以缩小现状和未来想达到状况的差距4. Formulate strategies (specific objectives) related to each of the goals to move

toward desired future 针对每一目标制定具体的策略 ( 实施计划 )

5. Implement the agreed upon strategies 实施策略

6. Conduct ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of implementation process and initiate changes as necessary

对策略的实施效果进行实时评估,并按实际需要调整策略7. Review and revise strategic plan at least once a year


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Vision, Mission, Values展望 . 使命 . 观念

• Vision – statement of intended future - the fundamental direction of the organization

• 展望– 对未来的构想 – 机构的基本未来方向• Mission – describes reason organization exists,

the major purpose of the organization• 使命 – 阐述机构存在的原因和主要目的• Values – key beliefs shared by organizational

members. Needs to reflect organizational culture and priorities

• 观念 – 机构成员共享的主要信念。需要反映机构文化和优先考虑的事项

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UNESCO Public Library Manifesto联合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言

• Vision – “The public library, the local gateway to knowledge, provides a basic condition for lifelong learning, independent decision-making and cultural development of the individual and social groups.”

• 展望– “公共图书馆是各地通向知识之门,为个人和社会群体终身学习、独立决策和文化发展提供了基本条件。”

• Mission – “The public library is the local centre of information, making all kinds of knowledge and information readily available to users.”

• 使命 – “公共图书馆是各地的信息中心,用户随时可以得到各种知识与信息。”

• http://www.unesco.org/webworld/libraries/manifestos/libraman.html• 中文: http://www.unesco.org/webworld/libraries/manifestos/libraman_ch.pdf

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Vision for King Library Building金恩图书馆大楼的展望

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Values 观念Value statements concern 观念陈述需要体现 :

• Value of the customer 顾客观念• Importance of staff members 员工的重要性• How things get accomplished 如果把工作做好• Importance of efficiency 效率的重要性• Type of communication that is valued 需要重视哪种沟通

方式• Role of performance 执行的作用

Matthews, Joseph R. (2005). Strategic planning and management for library managers. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

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Values 观念Sample Public Library Values 公共图书馆观念举例:• Excellent customer service 出色的读者服务• Open and free access for all 向所有民众提供免费开放• Intellectual freedom and personal privacy 知识自由和个人隐私• Collaboration with local agencies, organizations and elected

officials 和地方政府机构、组织和民选官员合作• Acting with initiative, creativity, and flexibility 行动起来能主动、

有创意、并且灵活。• Effective and efficient stewardship of library resources 有力有效地运用图书馆资源。

Nelson, Sandra S. (2008). Strategic planning for results. Chicago: American Library Association, p. 77.

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Values 观念• What other values might you want to

consider adding for the public library?


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Promote Life Long Learning宣扬终身学习

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Access to and Preservation of Community Information


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Learning and the LibraryLearning and the Library学习和图书馆学习和图书馆

• Promoting and supporting information literacy –– has become a very significant role for the 21st century library

• 促进和培养信息查找使用能力已成为 21 世纪图书馆的一项非常重要的工作

• To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate evaluate, and use effectively the needed information

• 具备信息查找使用能力是指一个人必须在需要信息时意识到,并有能力查找、评价和有效使用找到的信息

• At the core of information literacy is critical thinking. A useful resource in Chinese is -Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools Miniguide:

• 其核心是批判性思维。有用的中文参考书是:批判性思维

• http://www.criticalthinking.org/page.cfm?CategoryID=87&endnav=1

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Analyzing the Current Situation分析现状

• Prepare background information by reviewing political, economic, technological and social internal and external organizational factors that impact upon the organization.

• 准备背景信息,查看政治、经济、技术和社会等对机构造成影响的内部和外部因素

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Community Environment for King Library


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Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses 分析优势和弱势

Need to know your internal and external organizational environment in order to do planning

需要了解机构的内部和外部环境以便作计划• Strengths – internal organizational conditions helpful in reaching

the intended future• 内部优势 – 机构内部有利于实现目标的条件• Weaknesses – internal organizational conditions that will make it

difficult to reach the intended future• 内部弱势 – 机构内部不利于实现目标的条件• Opportunities – external conditions helpful in reaching the intended

future• 外部机会 – 机构外部有利于实现目标的条件• Threats – external conditions that will make it difficult to reach the

intended future• 外部挑战 – 机构外部不利于实现目标的条件

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Organizational Environment组织环境

Composed of Internal and External Influences 由内部和外部因素组成– Political 政治因素 government regulation, laws, government philosophy and values,

organizational culture and managerial leadership style 政府规定、法律、政府的理念和观念、组织文化和领导管理作风。

– Economic 经济因素 library revenue, new organizations in same domain (e.g. Google), globalization of the marketplace, salary rates for employees, costs of library books, journals, electronic databases 图书馆的收入、同一范围内的新组织(比如谷歌 ) 市场的国际化、员工的工资标准、书籍、期刊和数据库的费用。

– Social 社会因素 demographic changes in community, customer expectations, health and educational systems, social networking, staff skills and knowledge 社区的人口变化、读者的期望值、健康和教育体系 、社会网络化、员工的技能与知识。

– Technological 技术因素 digital systems, Web 2.0, ebooks, networks, mobile phones, other technology information systems 数码系统、 Web 2.0 、电子书籍 、网络、行动电话以及其他的信息技术系统。

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Library as an Organizational System 图书馆作为一个组织系统


Feedback 回馈

Inputs 输入


Political 政治Economic 经济

Technology 技术

Social 社会

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Analyzing the Current Situation分析现状

• Can you provide some examples for each of these categories?

• 你能对如下类别举一些例子吗 ?– Political 政治因素– Economic经济因素 – Social 社会因素– Technological 技术因素

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Sample SWOT Chart – Social“内内外外”样表 – 社会方面

Strengths 内部优势• Outreach programs for specific groups, such

as: 针对特定人群的推广项目,比如 :

Non-English-speaking adults and their families to improve their basic literacy skills 讲外语的成人和他们的家庭,以提高他们的基本阅读能力。

Weaknesses 内部弱势• Library not successful in

attracting teens 图书馆在吸引青少年方面不够成功

Opportunities 外部机会• Provide and promote group meeting spaces

for social clubs and community organizations – “the library as a place” 宣传社会团体和社区组织,并为之提供活动 / 会议场所:“图书馆作为一个场所 .”

Threats 外部挑战• Younger people read less printed

material and spend more time on the Web 年轻人少看印刷品,而把世界多放在上网。

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Library Community Spaces图书馆是个社区空间

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Sample SWOT Chart – Economic “内内外外”样表 – 经济方面

Strengths 内部优势• Diverse operating and capital

funding sources 运作和资金来源的多样化

Weaknesses 内部弱势• Decline of revenue from many

funding sources over time 长期以来,从很多资金来源的收入降低。

Opportunities 外部机会• Strong community support for

developing additional community partnerships, leading to revenue enhancements 社区对发展其他社区合作方面以强有力的支持,这样也带动了资金的增长。

Threats 外部挑战• California budget support declining due

to loss of tax revenue and high unemployment 由于税收的损失和高失业率,加州政府的财政支持减弱。

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Exercise – SWOT for your Library练习 – 你的图书馆的“内内外外”

• For your library, please list one in each category for Technology:• 请列出你的图书馆在技术方面的:

– Strength内部优势 _______________________________________

– Weakness内部弱势 _____________________________________

– Opportunity外部机会 ____________________________________

– Threat外部挑战 _________________________________________

Generally, Strengths and Weaknesses are factors INTERNAL to the organization and Opportunities and Threats are factors EXTERNAL to the organization 一般来说,就组织而言,优势和弱势往往是内在因素,而机会和挑战是外在的。

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Exercise – SWOT for your Library练习 – 你的图书馆的“内内外外”

• For your library, please list one in each category for Political:• 请列出你的图书馆在政治方面的:

– Strength内部优势 _______________________________________

– Weakness内部弱势 _____________________________________

– Opportunity外部机会 ____________________________________

– Threat外部挑战 _________________________________________

Generally, Strengths and Weaknesses are factors INTERNAL to the organization and Opportunities and Threats are factors EXTERNAL to the organization 一般来说,就组织而言,优势和弱势往往是内在因素,而机会和挑战是外在的。

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Consult Most Important Community Groups in Analyzing Environment 向社区主要人群征求意见,对环境加以分析















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Collect Information from Community 从社区收集信息

Listen to customers by using 用一下方法听取读者意见 :

• Surveys to measure customer expectations and needs 用民意调查来了解读者的期望值和需要

• Focus group interviews with key users 对图书馆主要用户进行面对面的针对性访谈。

• Data from automated systems concerning library use 用自动的系统采集图书馆使用数据。

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Defining Goals 拟定目标• Goals – relatively few in number; general statements related to the

purpose of the organization. Serve as statements of intended future for organization.

• 目标 – 相对数量较少 ; 是对机构目的和未来发展的一般陈述。• Process of analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

threats should involve discussions with the school leadership and teachers in case of a school and community leaders in case of a community library.

• 分析内部优势弱势和外部机会挑战时应和学校领导和老师讨论 (或如果是社区图书馆,则与社区领导讨论 )

• The library’s primary community perspectives are key in setting and determining goals

• 图书馆的主要服务对象是拟定目标的关键

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Sample Goals 目标举例• Developing and sustaining in children the habit and enjoyment of

reading and learning, and the use of libraries throughout their lives; • 发展和持续培养学生良好的阅读、学习和使用图书馆的习惯• Promoting reading and the resources and services of the library to

the whole community and beyond• 在整个社区以至其外推广阅读以及图书馆的资源和服务• Securing sufficient funding to provide quality services and programs• 为提供高质量的服务和项目而寻求资金保障• Developing partnerships with local organizations• 发展与地方组织的合作关系• Using technology to improve library services• 利用先进技术来改善图书馆服务

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Using Technology to Improve Library Services利用先进技术来改善图书馆服务

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Developing Objectives for Each Goal 为每项目标制定实施计划

• Objectives are specific action plans for meeting each goal. Should be strategies to close the gap between present status and desired future for organization

• 实施计划是为达到目标的详细的行动计划 。实施策略应缩短机构现状和未来期望的差距

• Objectives should be SMART• 实施计划应当是 SMART :

- Specific 详细的- Measurable 可估量的- Achievable 可完成的- Realistic 实际的- Timely 即时的

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Sample Objective for a Goal为达到一个假设目标而制定的实施计划

• Goal: Promoting reading and the resources and services of the library to the whole community and beyond. 目标:在整个社区以至其外推广阅读以及图书馆的资源和服务

• Objective 1: Develop and present four author programs that promote interest in reading in the community during the 20010/2011 year.

• 实施计划 1: 在 2010/2011 年度,组织进行 4 次作家讲座来提高社区对阅读的兴趣。– Specific = four author programs详细的 = 4 次作家讲座– Measurable = feedback survey form to evaluate value of programs by all

participants 可测量的 = 收集反馈表以评估讲座效果– Achievable = calculate resources and budget required 可完成的 = 计算所需资源

和成本– Realistic = determine whether resources are available to present four programs– 实际的 = 决定资源是否可获取– Timely = during 2010/2011 year即时的 = 2010/2011 年度

Could you improve upon this objective? 你能改善此实施计划吗 ?

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Author Program in Library图书馆里的作家讲座

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Exercise – Goals and Objectives for your Exercise – Goals and Objectives for your Library Library 练习 练习 ––目标和实施计划目标和实施计划

• Please provide one goal for the your library that clearly supports the mission of your school or community.

• 请想出一个你所在图书馆的目标,此目标需支持学校和社区的使命

• For this goal, please draft an objective that is SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

• 就此目标写出一个实施计划。此计划 应该是详细的、可测量的、可完成的、实际的、即时的

• How will you assess the degree to which the objective is accomplished?

• 你将如何评估此计划 ?

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Implementation of Strategic Plan实施计划

• For each objective, list specific tasks, person responsible, resources that will be required, and how level of success in meeting the objective will be measured

• 每项计划列出详细的任务、负责人、所需资源及如何评估• For each objective, develop chart with following columns• 对每项计划作一张含下列项目的表:

– Specific Tasks详细任务– Responsible person负责人 – Resource requirements 所需资源– Timeline 时间期限 – Measurement plan 评估方法

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Sample Chart for Objective: Four Author Programs 假设实施计划行动表: 4 次作家讲座

Specific Tasks 详细任务

Responsible person



Requirements 所需资源


时间期限 Measurement Plan评估方法

1. Meet with appropriate groups 同相应的读者群见面

Head of Outreach


Staff $



5/2010 Groups agree on priority list

相应的读者群同意的名单 , 按轻重缓急排列。

2. Contact authors


Head of Library


Staff $

员工工资6/2010 Authors & times



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Completing the Objectives Chart完成实施计划行动表

Other specific tasks include 其他的具体任务包括 :

3. Identify and reserve place 明确和预订场地

4. Identify technology needs and secure services 明确技术设备的需要并确保服务的提供

5. Marketing plan for each author program 对每个作家讲座的宣传计划

6. Hosting each author and program event 主办每个作家讲座活动

◦ For each of these areas a responsible person, amount of resources (staff, collections, facility, technology), timeline, and measurement plan must be listed. 仔细列明每个环节的负责人,所需资源(人员、图书馆收藏、场地、技术)时间表、和评估方法

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Sample Program Survey for Participants活动参加者问卷调查举例

EVALUATION OF AUTHOR PROGRAM 作家讲座评估 • How did you hear about the program? 你从哪里知道此讲座信息的 ?• What caused you to participate in the program? 你参加讲座的原因 ?• Please tell us what you enjoyed most about the program: 你对讲座最感兴趣

的部分是什么?• What did you learn that was new about the author? 你学到什么新的东西?• If you had been planning the program, what changes would you make? 如果

由您来计划这个活动,你将作什么样的修改?• Please rate the overall value of the program in promoting interest in reading

in the community:请给此提倡社区阅读的活动打分: ____very valuable ____somewhat valuable ____not at all valuable____ 非常有价值 ____ 有价值 ____没有价值

• What suggestions do you have for future programs? 你对未来的活动有何建议?

NOTES: To be administered immediately after the conclusion of the program.注:讲座结束时立即实施

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Seven Step Model for Developing and Evaluating Objectives

发展和评估实施计划的七步骤模式1. Identify the problem that needs attention

确定需解决的问题2. Define the various ways to solve the problem

罗列解决此问题的各种方法3. Select the process that appears to have the greatest chance of working

选择一种最易成功的方法4. Set out the criteria against which to measure the success of the specific problem

solving efforts 拟定评估此方法成功与否的标准

5. Carry out the effort 实施方法

6. Evaluate what occurs 评估实施结果

7. Reflect upon whether the results have solved the problem to a satisfactory degree 反省结果是否解决了问题

Source: Watson Boone, Rebecca. (2000). Seven Steps Common to Practitioner Research. Academic librarians as practitioner-researchers. Journal of Academic Librarianship,26 (2), p. 90

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1. Identify the problem that needs attention2. Define the various ways to solve the problem

3. Select the process that appears to have the greatest chance of working4. Set out the criteria against which to measure the success of the specific problem solving efforts

5. Carry out the effort

7. Reflect upon whether the results have solved the problem to a satisfactory degree

6. Evaluate what occurs

7. 反省结果是否解决了问题6. 评估实施结果

1. 确定需解决的问题2. 罗列解决此问题的各种方法

3. 选择一种最易成功的方法4. 拟定评估此方法成功与否的标准5. 实施方法

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Question? 提问?

• What is the primary reason that most strategic planning efforts fail?

大多数长远规划失败的主要原因是什么 ?

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Five Essential Questions for Managers Five Essential Questions for Managers 管理者的五个基本问题管理者的五个基本问题

• Management expert Peter Drucker suggested that managers in every nonprofit should ask themselves five essential questions:

• 管理学专家 Peter Drucker建议非盈利组织的管理者应该问自己五个问题 :

• What is our mission? 组织的使命 ? – Who is our customer? 服务对象是谁 ? – What does this customer value? 服务对象觉得什么重要 ?– What are our results?我们的工作效果如何 ? – What is our plan?我们的计划是什么 ?

• These essential questions that librarians should ask concerning their libraries illustrate the importance of planning for the future through use of the strategic planning process. 图书馆员应该对自己的图书馆问这些的根本问题,因为它们指出了运用策略规划对今后规划的重要性。

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Future Trends in Organizations – Organizing 未来组织趋势 – 组织方面

Present Organizations 目前的组织• Largely multilevel with several vertical layers 基本上是多层次的,有数个垂直层次

• Bureaucratic, largely top-down,

官僚机构,基本上是从上到下• Many well defined rules and procedures 很多明确的细则和程序

• Complex interdependencies, narrowly defined jobs focused on one functional area 复杂的相互依赖,工作范围被集中在一个具体的功能

Future Organizations 未来的组织• Primarily horizontal with few vertical levels 主要是平面的,有很少几个垂直的层次

• Teams, primarily bottom-up


• Less rigid rules and procedures

较少刻板的规定和程序• Minimal interdependencies, broader jobs reaching across functions 最低程度的相互依赖,工作范围可以跨功能

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Organization with Vertical Orientation 垂直方向的组织

Library Director

Public ServicesBudget/Personnel Technical Services



Information Systems Cataloging


Circulation Monographs


Library Outreach


公共服务 技术服务预算 / 人事

参考咨询 信息系统 编目




流通 书籍


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Organization with Horizontal Orientation横向的组织

Library DirectorLibrary Director







Library OutreachLibrary Outreach

Information SystemsInformation Systems





流通 信息系统

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Future Trends in Organizations – Leading未来组织的趋势 – 引领

Present Senior Managers

目前的高层管理人• Assign and delegate tasks

分配指派任务• Short range focus

短期关注• Review all policy and many procedural recommendations审阅所有的政策以及关于过程的建议 • Efficiency oriented, internal operational focus


Future Senior Managers

未来的高层管理人• Focus on motivating & engaging staff

着重于鼓励员工参与• Long range focus

长期关注• Delegate many policy and all procedural decisions to team

把很多政策以及关于过程的决定指派给团队• Effectiveness oriented, external customer focus


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Teams 团队Advantages 优势• Increase productivity

提高效率• Lead to better decisions

能做出较好的决定• Enhance staff work commitment, engagement and motivation

提高员工的投入,参与和动力• Promote creativity and innovation

鼓励创造和创新精神• Improve customer service

改善顾客服务• Responsive to changing environment


Disadvantages 劣势• Longer process to reach goals

达到目标要花更多的时间• Social loafing – some let others do their work 磨洋工 – 有些人把自己的事让其他人做• Failure to consider alternative solutions because of pressure to conform 因为随大流的压力而不能考虑其他的解决办法

• Risky decisions because no one is accountable 会做出冒险的决定,因为反正没有人会负责

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Is a Team Best in these Situations?在这些情形下 ,团队是不是最好的办法?

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Changing Nature of Jobs改变工作性质

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Managing Teams 管理团队• Select staff with appropriate personal and technical competencies• 挑选有合适个人和技术能力的人员• Establish clear team goals• 建立清晰的团队目标• Develop ground rules and deadlines• 明确基本的规则和截止期限• Monitor progress toward goals• 跟踪目标进展• Provide training to all staff on team skills• 向所有员工提供团队技巧培训• Provide adequate resources – information, equipment, staffing,

encouragement, assistance 提供足够的资源:信息、设备、人员、鼓励和帮助

• Establish reward systems, which make team members both individually and jointly accountable 建立奖惩机制,使团队作为个人和集体都能各尽其职

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Is This a Team? 这是个团队吗?

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Key Team Interpersonal Skills团队所需的主要人际技巧

• Developing trust 培养信任• Communication 沟通• Coaching and facilitating 辅导和帮助• Respecting and valuing differences 尊重和

重视不同意见• Problem-solving 解决问题• Listening 倾听• Feedback 回馈信息• Conflict resolution 解决冲突

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Respecting & Valuing Differences尊重和重视不同意见

• Myers Briggs assessment of individual preferences used for team building 迈尔斯在用于团队建设上使用的个人喜好评估

• Assumptions are that all preferences are valuable, equal, and necessary 假设是所有的喜好是有价值、同等和必需的

• Used to understand behavior of yourself and others 用于理解你和其他人的行为

Myers-Briggs: http://www.myersbriggs.org/

中文 : http://www.hc.com.sg/

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Energy Preferences 精力的偏好

Extraversion 外向• Oral communication•口头交流• Working in groups• 和集体工作• Act and respond quickly•反应和回答很快• Energy from interacting with other people 从和他人互动上得到精力

Intraversion 内向• Written communication•书面交流• Working alone or with one or two other people 单独或和一两个人一起工作• Reflect and think deeply 深思熟虑• Energy from inner world•从内心世界得到精力

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Information Gathering Preferences信息收集上的偏好

Sensing感觉• Specific examples•具体例子• Seek predictability•寻求可预知性• Specific solutions•具体解决办法

Intuition直觉• General concepts• 基本概念• Desire change• 希望改变• Further exploration•进一步探索

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Decision-Making Preferences决策上的偏好

Thinking 理性• Reason• 理论• Truth and objectivity• 真理和客观性• Detachment• 分离• Task-oriented• 任务导向

Feeling 情感• Support•支持• Interpersonal harmony

和谐的人际关系• Personal involvement•个人参与• People-oriented• 人际导向

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Lifestyle Preferences生活方式的偏好

Judging 判断• Settled and Ordered

固定有序• Closure•关闭• Act on a decision•按照决定行动

Perceiving 理解• Flexible and open•灵活开放• Options• 多重选择• Adapt to new information 根据新的信息而变化

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Self-Mastery of Skills and Knowledge 自己掌握技能和知识

• Every librarian a leader 每个图书馆员都是领导者

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Problem Solving Steps from Critical Thinking Concepts and Problem Solving Steps from Critical Thinking Concepts and

Tools Miniguide Tools Miniguide 批判性思维书中的解决问题步骤批判性思维书中的解决问题步骤

– First identify, then re-state from time to time your goals, objectives, and needs. Also identify possible problems and obstacles you may encounter in order to reach these goals, objectives and satisfy these needs

– 先找出来,再不时重新清楚说明你的目标、目的及需求。认清为达到这些目标、目的或满足你的需求时,可能遇到问题与障碍。

– As long as there is any opportunity, you should inspect these possible problems one by one, state them clearly


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Problem Solving Steps -2解决问题步骤之二解决问题步骤之二

– Research this problem, in order to identify which categories of problem you are facing (See the table in the above page), think about what you should do to solve the problem. Differentiate what you can control, and what you can’t. Put aside what you can’t control, and focus on what you can solve

– 研究一下这个问题,为了确定你面对的是那一类的问题,想想你该做什么才能解决它。分开那些你可以掌握的和那些你不能掌握的问题,把那些你无法掌握的放在一边,集中精力在那些你可以解决的问题上。

– Think about what information you need, and, look for the information actively

– 想想看你需要什么信息,并且积极的去寻找这些信息。– Analyze the information you’ve collected carefully. Infer the

possible conclusions– 将你收集的资信息小心的分析解读,推敲出可能达成


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Problem Solving Steps – 3解决问题步骤之三解决问题步骤之三

– Think about what choices you may have when in action. What can you do in short term? In long term? Especially you need to realize your limitation: regarding financial resources, time, and capability.

– 想想你在行动时可能有哪些选择,短期中可以做些什么?长期呢?特别要认清你的限度:有关财力、时间与能力。

– Evaluate your choices, including the pros and cons in real situations

– 评估你的选择,包含它们在具体情况中的好处与坏处。

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Problem Solving Steps – 4解决问题步骤之四解决问题步骤之四

– Adopt a strategy facing problems, follow the strategy extensively. This may include direct actions, or careful sand table exercise , or even strategy of “wait and see”

– 采取一个针对问题的策略,贯彻地去做,这可能涉及直接的行动,或谨慎的沙盘推演,或等着看的策略。

– When you act, monitor the situations triggered by the actions. If in need, prepare to adjust your strategy anytime. When more information regarding the problems show up, prepare to adjust strategy, or adjust analysis, or problem statements, even all of these three

– 当你行动时,留意一些因行动引起的意外情况,如果有需要,随时准备修正你的策略,当有更多问题出现时,准备好调整策略、分析或问题陈述,甚至三者都做调整。

• http://www.criticalthinking.org/page.cfm?CategoryID=87&endnav=1

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Future Trends in Organizations – Controlling 未来组织的趋势 – 监督

Present 现在• Few training and evaluation systems for selected staff 对部分员工使用几个培训和评估系统• Few performance information systems

•几个表现信息系统• Performance data distributed to senior managers only

表现数据只在高层管理人内传阅• Budget categories - personnel, collections, technology, and other operating expense 预算类别:人事、馆藏、技术、和其他运作开支

Future 未来• Many training and evaluation systems for all staff 对所有员工使用很多培训和评估系统• Many performance information systems

•很多表现信息系统• Performance data widely distributed

表现数据广泛传阅• Budget categories related to programs for groups: children, teens, adults . . .预算类别和针对各个人群有关的活动相结合:儿童、青少年、成人。。。

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Operating - $34,514,664 (85.5%)  营运 365 FTE 365 个全职人力工时  365位全职人力工时 Utilities and custodial 水电煤和清洁工 Supplies, training, programming 日常用品 , 培训 , 活动

Capital - $5,850,000 (14.5%) 资产 250,000+ items purchased each year 每年购买超过 25万件 New technology 新技术 New/replacement computers & equipment 新/更新计算机和设备 Branch maintenance and improvements 分馆的维护和更新

*Does not include Library Bond or Reserves 不包括图书馆债券和储备资金

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2009-2010 年图书馆资金来源 ( 包括资金额和储备 )

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General Fund – City of San Jose primary fund used for

Personal and Non-personal services. Balances returned to GF.  平常资金 -圣荷塞市的基本资金 2009-10 = $30,294,729

Library Parcel Tax – special voter-approved library funding

used for Personal and Non-personal services, materials, and

automation. Balances rebudgeted or fall to Ending Fund  图书馆专用税 Balance. 2009-10 = $11,177,624

Construction/Conveyance Tax Fund  基建税– Capital fund used for

materials, automation, facilities improvements, and FF&E.

Balances rebudgeted or fall to Ending Fund Balance. Library

receives 14.22% of receipts from property transfer tax. 2009-10 =$12,786,236


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Library Bond 图书馆债券 – funding for property acquisition, expansion

and construction of branch libraries. Balances rebudgeted

or fall to Ending Fund Balance. 2009-2010 = $40,921,848

Gift Trust Fund  捐献基金 – gifts, donations, bequests used for materials

and programming. Balances carried to next year. 2009-10 = $341,581

Healthy Neighborhood Venture Fund 社区健康基金 – funding from tobacco

settlement via a competitive annual grant process, used for

B4LH and HWC. Balances returned to HNVF. 2009-10 =$120,000

Community Development Block Grant 社区建设特许金– funding from HUD

via a competitive annual grant process, used for Smart Start

family child care training. Balances returned to CDBG. 2009-10 =$433,920


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Operating 营运 General Fund平常资金     Library Parcel Tax 图书馆专用税 Personal Services 个人服务 $25.2 million $3.9 million

Non-personal svcs 非个人服务 $4.9 million $474 thousand

2009-2010 Operating BudgetGeneral Fund and Library Parcel Tax

$5,406,713 16%

$29,107,951 84%

Personal services Non-Personal services

2009-2010 年营运预算 : 平常资金和图书馆专用税

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Branch Libraries FF&E

$1.7 million (source – C&C reserve)

New branch collections

$2.5 million (source – C&C reserve)

Reserve: Future Year Branch FF&E

$1.7 million (source – C&C reserve)

Reserve: Materials Handling

$1.3 million (source – C&C reserve)

Reserve: Library Automated System Replacement

$0.68 million (source – LPT reserve)

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Capital Const/Conv Library Parcel Tax Materials $2.2 million $1.9 million Automation $250 thousand $1.1 million Equip and Furnishings $150 thousand Facilities Improvements $400 thousand

2009-2010 CIP Budget Construction/Conveyance and Library Parcel Tax

$400,000 7%

$150,000 3%

$1,250,000 21%


Materials Acquisiton Automation

Facilities Improvements Equipment & Furnishings

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San Jose Public Library customers (Public and University) paid $1.25 million dollars in fines and replacement costs for lost or damaged materials in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 每年读者支付 125万美元的罚款。 Over $460,000 was paid by credit card, a remarkable 37% of all payments. 46万用信用卡支付。 SJPL received $1.14 million or 92%, all of which goes back to the General Fund. 图书馆收入 92% ,全部入经常基金 University received $105 thousand or 8%. 大学收到余下部分。

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Fundraising to Supplement Public (Government) Funding募集资金来补充公共(政府)基金

• US libraries increasingly seeking private funds from non-government (tax) sources 美国图书馆增加从非政府(税收)渠道来募集私人资金。– Reasons related to – reduced budgets, increased resistance to

taxes, inflation of library materials, expanded user expectations and demands, competition for tax dollars from police, fire, and so forth, librarian reluctance to charge fees 原因有:预算减少、对增税的反对、图书馆材料的通货膨胀、用户的期待和要求的提高、警察局和消防部门对税收收入的竞争、图书馆不愿收费。

• Two most common approaches 常用手段– Friends of the Library 图书馆之友– Library Foundations 图书馆基金

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Friends versus Foundations图书馆之友和基金

• Friends usually raise small amounts of money ($10,000 - $20,000 annually) – important for building community support; common activities - book and merchandise sales 图书馆之友一般募集的金额很小,一年,一两万。

• Foundation members are selected for their ability to make large gifts and for social connections to major donors 基金会的成员一般经过挑选。

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King County Library Foundation Mission Statement金恩图书馆基金会的使命陈述

The King County Library System Foundation promotes literacy, learning, and libraries by providing support beyond public funding for initiatives and resources that enable the King County Library System to better serve the needs of our community. 金恩县图书馆系统基金会致力于利用公共以外的资金,来推展识字和学习,并为有关的倡议和资源提供资金,从而使金恩县图书馆系统能更好地服务于我们社区的需要。

• http://www.kcls.org/foundation/

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Major Concerns 要点• Public may be reluctant to contribute to organization they think

should be government supported – generally expect basic operations to be government funded 公共可能不愿意对一些他们认为需要政府支持的组织提供帮助 – 一般人指望政府为基本的设施提供资金。

• Clear policy that private donations are in addition to government funds – provide service enhancements, such as programs related to career needs, health issues, educational needs, access to technology 需要明确阐明:私人捐献是在政府提供资金的基础上,是为了提供更好的服务:比如职业规划、健康问题、教育需求、技术知识等方面的活动。

• http://tascha.washington.edu/usimpact/projects/us-public-library-study/

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Another Issue – “Just Ask” 另外一点:要张口要

• In US, many librarians do not want to seek gifts – traditional library culture does not select individuals comfortable with marketing and solicitation efforts 在美国,很多图书馆员不愿张口向人要捐赠。传统的图书馆文化不要求从业人员有市场推广和募捐方面的能力。

• Need to be more comfortable with soliciting funds – a Chinese proverb “A man can wait a long time with his mouth open before a duck flies in” 图书馆要习惯于募捐。

Establishing a Library Foundationhttp://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/altaff/foundations/orgtools/library-foundation.pdf

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Getting Started 如何着手?• Need a strategic plan and a case for support 需要一个策略

计划和一个例子相支持• Vision for fund raising needs to address these questions募捐需要的展望需要考虑下列问题:– How will fundraising results impact on success of

library’s constituents?募捐的结果是如何对图书馆的服务对象产生成功效应?

– How do potential projects match the interests of potential donors? 如何使潜在的项目能和潜在捐献人的兴趣相结合

Good US resource on fundraising:Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations


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Case Statement for Fundraising募捐活动的项目陈述

• A written statement of why you are raising money 你为何要募捐的一个书面陈述– Need statement 说明需要– Goal statement说明目标– Proposed solution 建议方案– Credentials of organization, project and people 组织、


Fundraising action plan: http://www.webjunction.org/fundraising/articles/content/433897

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Friends of the Palo Alto Library ( FOLPA )帕罗阿图图书馆之友

• 2003-2007 FOLPA gave $1.3 million to improve Palo Alto Public Library – renovate children’s library, new books and media, children’s programs, new technology 2003-2007 年帕罗阿图图书馆之友向帕罗阿图图书馆提供了 130万美元用来于翻修儿童图书馆、新书、音像资料、儿童活动项目和新技术。

• 2005-2006 150 Friends volunteers contributed over 25,237 hours 2005-2006 年 150位图书馆之友的义工奉献了 25237 个小时。

• 2008-2009 Friends total income $303,014 – net income after expenses was $224,306 2008-2009 年图书馆之友收入 303,014美元。

• 2008-2009 Friends gave $226,124 to Library 2008-2009 年图书馆之友捐 226,124美元。

• Recently funded Link+ for $127,000 – provides access to books in over 50 public and academic libraries in California and Nevada – delivery in about 4 days. 最近捐127,000美元给馆际互借服务。

• http://www.friendspaloaltolib.org/

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Controlling Function of Management 管理的监督功能

• In addition to budget, what other important topic should we be considering as part of “controlling”?

• 除了预算之外,我们还可以把哪些要点作为“监督”的一个方面?

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Thank You!谢谢 !