Papua New Guinea Bible Translation Centers Serve in the South Pacific Administrators and Managers Are Needed To Fill Each Center

Manager Needs in Papua New Guinea

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A look at the Regional Centers and at the Main Center at Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea. Join Wycliffe Bible Translators and serve as a manager in this important vital mission and help bring God's Word to the people of Papau New Guinea.

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Papua New Guinea

Bible Translation Centers Serve in the South Pacific

Administrators and Managers Are Needed To Fill Each Center

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Serve in the

South Pacific

Use your Administrative and Management

skills to further the work of

Bible translation!

Table of Contents

The Country of Papua New Guinea (PNG) ................................................................................................... 4

Bible Translation Work Begins in PNG ......................................................................................................... 5

The Two Types of Bible Translation Centers in PNG ................................................................................... 5

Locations of the Bible Translation Centers in PNG ..................................................................................... 7

Why Do Regional and Main Centers in PNG Exist? ..................................................................................... 8

What Does A Regional Center Manager or A Department Manager Do? .................................................. 9

To fill one of these important Regional Center or Ukarumpa Manager Positions: .................................. 9

What Is It Like To Serve As A Manager Or Administrator in PNG............................................................. 10

The Distinctives of Two Cultures (Serving as a manager in the business world and how it compares to

service as a manager with SIL in PNG) ....................................................................................................... 11

A Ministry ................................................................................................................................................... 15

Regional Centers In Papua New Guinea .................................................................................................... 16

Alotau Regional Center ........................................................................................................................... 16

Buka Regional Center .............................................................................................................................. 17

Kavieng Regional Center ......................................................................................................................... 18

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Kokopo Regional Center ......................................................................................................................... 19

Lae Regional Center ................................................................................................................................ 20

Madang Regional Center ........................................................................................................................ 21

Pacific Orientation Course (POC) Center ................................................................................................ 22

Port Moresby Regional Center ................................................................................................................ 23

Wewak Regional Center .......................................................................................................................... 24

UKA - Ukarumpa Main Center ................................................................................................................... 26

Administrative Services ........................................................................................................................... 28

Auto Shop Department ........................................................................................................................... 29

Aviation Department .............................................................................................................................. 31

Communications and Technical Services (CTS) Department .................................................................. 32

Construction and Maintenance Department .......................................................................................... 33

Finance Department ............................................................................................................................... 35

Guest House Department and Member Housing Services Department ................................................ 36

Human Resource Services Department .................................................................................................. 38

Intercultural Community Work (ICW) Department ................................................................................ 39

Linguistic Center Department (LCORE) ................................................................................................... 40

Language Collaboration Opportunities Resources Encouragement (LCORE – North and South)

Department ............................................................................................................................................. 41

Medical Clinic and Health Services Department ..................................................................................... 42

National Employment and National Housing Services Department………………………………………..………… 43

Scripture Use Media Department (LCORE) ............................................................................................. 44

Post Office Department .......................................................................................................................... 45

Print Shop (SIL Press) Department .......................................................................................................... 46

Security Department ............................................................................................................................... 47

Shipping Department .............................................................................................................................. 48

Store (Commissary) Department ............................................................................................................ 49

Training Center Department ................................................................................................................... 51

Ukarumpa International Schools (UIS) Department ............................................................................... 52

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The Country of Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a democratic country and home to over 5 million people speaking over 800 distinct languages. The country achieved its independence from Australia in 1975 and is the leading economy among the island nations of the South Pacific. The country comprises some of the most rugged mountainous terrain on earth and is home to some of the world’s most pristine beaches and coral reefs. It is an island paradise with its friendly people, distinct cultures, tropical climate and vast oceans. It is the land of the unexpected complete with mountain hiking, snorkling, scuba diving and fishing for the adventurer.

The country was one of the last on earth to receive the Gospel. While early mission work began in the late 1800s, the interior remained unexplored and untouched by the outside world until the 1930s. Only since the 1950s has the Bible begun to be available in the language of the people thanks to the work of Bible translation organizations.

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Bible Translation Work Begins In PNG

Bible translation work began in PNG in 1956 and since that time extensive Bible translation work has been underway. Wycliffe Bible Translators’ partner organization, the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) and its sister organization in the country, the Bible Translation Association (BTA) of PNG and a small number of other mission agencies have been hard at work bringing God’s Word to every language in the country.

1956 Location of the main Ukarumpa Mission Center

To date, over 200 language communities have received the New Testament in their own language with many of these languages now also having Old Testament translation projects started. Another 200+ language communities have Bible translation projects underway and many are nearing completion. Several language communities have received the entire Bible. However, at least 300+ Bible translation projects remain to be started. Prayer, people and other resources are needed to start new work and support existing work. We pray you will consider filling one of the positions noted in this booklet.

The Two Types of Bible Translation Centers in PNG

There are two types of Bible translation centers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that support the Bible translation work of SIL and BTA in PNG. Each center provides vital resources to support Bible translation work in the country. The first type of Bible translation centers are smaller centers of operation. There are eight such smaller regional centers in PNG plus the POC center which is an orientation center for training new staff. The small centers normally are comprised of several housing units, several office rooms and classrooms. All centers exist to further the work of Bible translation and the support services necessary to carry on the work. The centers are located in coastal regions on the main island and on the smaller islands off the coast of the main island of Papua New Guinea. They are modern facilities well equipped for the work at hand. [Back to Table of Contents]

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The second type of Bible translation center is the Main Center of operation. It is located in the Eastern Highlands of the main island at a mission center called Ukarumpa. Ukarumpa is home to more than 600 mission staff working throughout the country and serves as the main adminstrative center of operations.

2011 Ukarumpa Mission Center

Each center is staffed by qualified missionary staff and national employees. To maintain the level of work going on in the country and enter the remaining languages requires a large number of administrators and managers in addition to other support personnel and Bible translation staff. This booklet is prepared to help you discover your place of service in this important work. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Locations of the Bible Translation Centers in PNG

1) Alotau Regional Center 2) Buka Regional Center 3) Kavieng Regional Center 4) Kokopo Regional Center 5) Lae Regional Center 6) Madang Regional Center 7) Pacific Orientation Course Center 8) Port Moresby Regional Center

9) Wewak Regional Center UKA – Ukarumpa - Main Center (Headquarters) [Back to Table of Contents]

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Why Do Bible Translation Centers in PNG Exist?

Bible translation centers exist to effectively and efficiently bring essential support services to Bible translation teams working in various geographical areas of Papua New Guinea.

When the Bible translation work started in 1956 in Papua New Guinea, a 600 acre parcel of land in the Eastern Highlands was leased for 99 years from the government. This land was developed into a large main center of operations central to many languages in the interior of the island. For a number of years work was concentrated in the interior. However, as those language communities had translation work started, more Bible translation teams began moving to other parts of the country. Due to the rugged terrain of the country it became necessary to set up small regional centers of operation.

Over the years, a variety of regional locations were developed. Some of the early locations have been closed down due to work being completed in the area. However, today there are eight active and thriving regional centers plus the POC Orientation center supporting more than 200 Bible translation projects. The small regional centers of operation include a furnished house for Regional Center manager. They also include guest house facilities to temporarily house national translation workers, other missionaries from our organization who are working in the area and translation consultant advisors checking on the work. There is often a classroom set aside for translation workshop meetings. Most small regional centers also have a small workshop area used for mechanical repairs and a small staff of national employees who handle lawn work and light cleaning. [Back to Table of Contents]

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The larger Ukarumpa main still exists and serves as the main support center in the country. It houses administrators and hundreds of support workers involved in providing essential services such as air service, finances, medical care, schooling for missionary children, telecommunications and other necessary services. Of course, all of these centers of operation and the people who staff them do so as a means of serving Christ and so that the people of Papua New Guinea will have access to God’s Word.

What Does A Bible Translation Center Manager or A Department Manager Do? A regional center or department manager assists the missionary staff who are doing Bible translation work in a geographical region of the country or in a department at Ukarumpa. They handle the practical needs of the workers by assisting with some or all of the following: general accounting and bookkkeeping functions, hiring of national employees, upkeep of regional center or department grounds and facilities (office and homes), transportation needs of staff (if in a region pick up staff at local airstrips, ground transportation to and from village allocations, boat travel, etc.), purchasing supplies for workshops or translation teams in remote villages or for departments, helping staff and if serving in a region hosting any Guest House facilities and helping organize facilities for Bible translation workshops. These positions are great for a single or married couple with or without children. If you come to serve short term at a center and decide you want to stay longer, you may be able to stay in the same position, or you may consider filling in at another regional center as the need arises or if qualified help with management in another department at Ukarumpa.

To fill one of these important Regional Center or Ukarumpa Manager Positions:

Around The World - For Regional Center or Ukarumpa Manager Positions Contact: Chuck Micheals – Director for Management Recruitment, Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA Email: [email protected], Cell Phone: (321) 278-2225 [Back to Table of Contents]

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What Is It Like To Serve As A Manager Or Administrator In PNG? Serving in our organization will be one of the most rewarding things you have done in your life. What makes this work so satisfying? Knowing that your service is to Christ, His church in PNG and that your part in His Kingdom work will result in an impact that lasts beyond yourself, into eternity. Many managers and administrators have been successful in life and now want to use their spiritual gifts to more directly advance the Gospel.

“I am grateful that God is giving me opportunities to use my administrative and management gifts in Wycliffe for the benefit of Bible translation. Wycliffe needs more managers and administrators who are willing to hear the call of God and help us accomplish our mission of seeing a Bible translation in progress in every language community needing one by the year 2025.” - Bob Creson, President/CEO Wycliffe USA

When serving with a mission organization, it is good to keep in mind that there are cultural distinctives that are often quite different than the context you would find when serving with a business that operates for profit. Even service in a non-profit organization that is not Christian in nature can be different from an organization like ours. We exist for the purpose of translating God’s Word for people who still wait for it to come to them in a language they understand best. Decisions are often reached based primarily on the impact on achieving the goals of Bible translation. These decisions require significant sacrifice, flexibility and money with a return on investment of men’s souls rather than a focus on financial return. Therefore, managers and administrators need to be willing to use all their talents, skills and ability to lead, but also be willing to be led and be flexible.

Understanding cross cultural issues, long range translation goals and the necessity to stay the course are important things to learn in serving with us. Realizing we have come to serve the global church and the Papua New Guinea government means we put others’ needs in front of our own. We are serving in the country to contribute to goals larger than ourselves. Without a God-empowered servant’s heart, a mutual desire to serve God and others, as well as a willingness to allow God to change us, there can be misunderstanding, pride and friction in the relationship. As God brings two very distinctive cultures together for His glory and our good, our trust needs to be in God alone.

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The Distinctives of Two Cultures (Serving as a manager in the business

world and how it compares to service as a manager with SIL in PNG) Service in Business Position and income are important factors in business. God has blessed me and now I want to serve Him in a new way. It may be in doing what I did in my vocation or it may be something different. I trust that my job experience has been in preparation for a new portion of my life. Service in Missions We are all in this together. We are all working to get the job done. Some of us feel good about “doing the big job” and some of us feel good about helping others do the big job. Position and income are of lesser importance. I trust that God will continue to give me the abilities to do my job as I make myself available to Him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service in Business I am used to supporting myself through my own business or working for a company and receiving a paycheck. I would feel uncomfortable asking people to support me, plus I know missionaries are poor and I don’t want to beg for money. I am used to giving others money.

Service in Missions How we view our income can reflect our walk with the Lord. Wycliffe is a faith mission whose missionary staff look to God for financial provision as every Christian should. All that we have comes from God.

God has a wonderful way of providing for our needs. These needs are often met through the regular giving of God’s people toward your support as a vital member of a Bible translation team. However, God often supplies our needs in unusual and unexpected ways. Expect to see your faith grow!

Training is given for what we call the “Biblical Model for Partnership Development”. This training helps us discover how God provides for His purposes through local churches and individual Christians. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service in Business God has developed quality skills in my life through my education and experience. Life experience has helped me to apply these skills. I only really want to do what I am good at and feel comfortable doing. Service in Missions We are glad that you want to use yours skills or interests in mission service. We require academic training, life experience or both and we go to great lengths to make sure you are in a job that is a good fit for you and the people you are serving. [Back to Table of Contents]

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We recognize that due to the volunteer nature of our work, you will be asked from time to time to consider new positions of responsibility or accept changes to the job that may come your way due to the variables that come with serving overseas. This can be a faith stretching time as you look to the Lord for His help.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service in Business I want to make a significant contribution in my work and I am used to leading.

Service in Missions We all want to make a difference. Sometimes we get to be directly involved in some very important things happening and sometimes we need to take on lesser roles that further the cause of Bible translation. It can be a humbling experience to rely on the Lord with our mighty weakness as the great Church Father John Knox did and see how God can use your small acts of obedience to display His mighty acts!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service in Business I have heard of the great need for mission workers, but I did not know that I could be used in ministry. I am not a pastor or a linguist. Yet based on other needs I expect that I could be used in ministry. I do expect professionalism and mutual respect based on who I am in Christ. I would trust that Christ would use me as His instrument. Service in Missions We want to see God exercise His life through you in mission service. We strive for excellence in all we do and so do our work in order to hear from Christ, ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant.’

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service in Business I have seen a ‘dog-eat-dog’ climate in the business world and I want to work in a godly environment.

Service in Missions Service in missions requires people who are mature in their faith, successful in relationships, living within their means, striving daily to fight against sin and temptation, leading a life characterized by repentance. People who serve in missions are not perfect people, though. We all have our shortcomings and problems. However, we do our best to give grace and practice forgiveness and look to God to help us when we fail.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Service in Business My work takes a lot out of me, but I’ve been able to hold to my beliefs and have made church important in my life as well as my family. In fact, I see it is important to protect my family.

Service in Missions We believe that our work is refreshing and while it may be the hardest thing you have ever done, knowing that you are not working for things that perish, but the eternal keeps us going. The welfare of the family is important to us. We do our best to care for children’s education needs, provide a quality, [Back to Table of Contents]

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caring environment for singles, couples and families through community activities, spiritual retreats, youth groups, member care facilities and counseling services when necessary.

It is important that the whole family is in agreement to serving overseas. Special care care must be given to serving with older children and responsibilities to aging parents at home.

A move to involvement in mission work also requires honest discussions with leadership in your local church since the local church needs to be the one who sends you into this work. A move to missions is NEVER an individual decision. The time to pray and also talk with your local church about your interest in missions is now! ------------------------------------------------------- Service in Business I have taken good care of my body. I have good access to health care and security. It is important that I have this care available and provided for me wherever I go. Service in Missions We are concerned about the health and security of our mission staff. We do our best to provide for this care. However, due to the location of our centers, nature of our work and lack of predictably available higher level medical facilities in the country, medical care may be limited and services can require trips back to home countries or nearby countries. We provide care for personal security as much as possible, but ultimately we need to understand the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Service in Business I know that in my business life I am restricted in what I talk about concerning my faith. I want to share my faith openly.

Service in Missions We serve under the direction of the government of Papua New Guinea. We have come to serve them and the people of PNG. While we are free to share our faith, we do not engage in religious activities that are outside our scope of our government agreements. We have not come to plant churches or hold evangelistic crusades. However, we are free to share our faith in the workplace and speak about the importance of Bible translation with people we meet.

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Service in Business I think there should be emphasis given to sound business principles. Service in Missions We do our best to operate using sound business practices. However, some people may find it more difficult to adjust to a mission culture then others. It may be hard at first to see the real value of certain mission activities, structures and policies. It is important that we evaluate ourselves and our desires to serve Christ before criticizing others. Having an attitude of a learner is important as we learn together how others value things in business and work and how they communicate and worship. Trying to figure out what the best way forward in a management situation often will go beyond who’s right or wrong to what is best in the very different cultural context, whether the culture of the organization, the country or that of those involved. Living together with members of different racial, denominational, economic, family and even different county backgrounds will be a growing experience. Frankly, it is not so much about your experience, skills and work, but all about your work being done to the glory of God. God doesn't ‘call the qualified, He qualifies the called.' It is far more important that we discover God's direction for our lives and that may not include serving with us. Neither service in missions or business is better than the other; nor is inner city ministry better than outreach to people in remote villages. Ultimately, simply resting in God’s will and serving for His glory is what He desires. We do trust that you will consider service with us as. There is a significant job that needs to be done and with your skills, talents and abilities we can finish the Bible translation task! Please let us know how we can help you find your fit with us. For more information about any of the jobs noted in this booklet, please contact Chuck Micheals, Director of Management Recruitment at: [email protected]. Please include the Job Name and Job ID Number when corresponding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Back to Table of Contents]

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A Ministry

If you’re doing it because no one else will, it’s a job. If you’re doing it to serve the Lord, it’s a ministry.

If you’re doing it just well enough to get by, it’s a job.

If you’re doing it to the best of your ability, it’s a ministry.

If you’ll do it only as long as it doesn’t interfere with other activities, it’s a job.

If you’re committed to staying with it, even when it means

letting go of other things, it’s a ministry.

If you quit, because no one praised you or thanked you, it’s a job.

If you stay with it even when no one seems to notice,

it’s a ministry.

If you do it because someone else said it needs to be done, it’s a job.

If you do it because you are convinced it needs to be done,

it’s a ministry.

It’s hard to get excited about a job. It’s impossible not to get excited about a ministry.

People may say “well done” when you do your job. The

Lord will say “well done” when you complete your ministry.

Author Unknown

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Regional Centers In Papua New Guinea Alotau Regional Center

Has a regional center office, a home for the center manager and family, boat program manager and family, workshop meeting room and several fully furnished apartments for guests and workshop participants. The boat program manager oversees the one boat that SIL operates to transport translators to the smaller islands of the South Pacific. SIL - Alotau Center Alotau, Milne Bay Province Papua New Guinea [Back to Table of Contents]

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Buka Regional Center

Has a regional center office, a home for the center manager and family, workshop meeting room and several fully furnished apartments for guests and workshop participants.

SIL- Buka Center Buka Papua New Guinea

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Kavieng Regional Center

Has a regional center office, a home for the center manager and family, workshop meeting room and several fully furnished apartments for guests and workshop participants. SIL Kavieng Centre Kavieng, New Ireland Province Papua New Guinea

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Kokopo Regional Center

Has a regional center office, a home for the center manager and family, workshop meeting room and several fully furnished apartments for guests and workshop participants.

Kokopo Regional Center Managers can also be involved in the local church or churches around town as they are able, get to know leaders in churches and government, and provide helpful support to single women who serve in the region. SIL-Kokopo Center Rabaul, East New Britain Province

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Lae Regional Center

Has a regional center office, a home for the center manager and family, a 12 room guest lodge and lounge area for guests and missionaries traveling around the area. Includes a pool for guests and a BBQ area.

SIL- Lae Center Lae, Morobe Province Papua New Guinea

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Madang Regional Center

Has a regional center office, a home for the center manager and family, workshop meeting room and several fully furnished apartments for guests and workshop participants.

SIL- Madang Center Madang, Morobe Province Papua New Guinea

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Pacific Orientation Course (POC) Center

The POC center is the main cultural training center for new missionaries coming to serve in PNG as well as other countries in the Pacific. It provides an orientation twice a year to the culture and language as well as physical fitness training in areas such as bush hiking and swimming in the Pacific Ocean. During the training, participants spend time in a variety of Papua New Guinean villages which range from an overnight stay in a bush house to 1-5 five weeks in a village setting with a local host family. It also hosts the POC school for families with children so that the children also receive an age-appropriate orientation to this new country and culture while providing basic instruction in reading, writing and math. Onsite basic medical care is provided by trained POC staff with the back-up support of a local medical doctor as well as the SIL Clinic doctors at Ukarumpa. The POC center at Nobonob has basic accommodations, dining room and classroom facilities. It also hosts a school for families with children and medical care while the course is in being held. SIL – Pacific Orientation Course Center Madang, Morobe Province Papua New Guinea [Back to Table of Contents]

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Port Moresby Regional Center

The center has several homes for the center manager and family, government relations personnel and fully furnished apartments for staff working in the area doing government relations work and general services for the organization. The center includes a small pool and a BBQ area for families living there. SIL – Port Moresby Center Boroko, National Capital District Papua New Guinea [Back to Table of Contents]

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Wewak Regional Center

The Wewak Regional Center is a combination resource for missionaries assigned to work in the Sepik region and a Guest House facility. Its main function is to support the missionary efforts in the East and West Sepik provinces of Papua New Guinea. Some of its general functions include accommodations for SIL members, a facility for training courses and workshops, acquiring supplies for missionary teams, acting as a resource for the numerous missionary teams and individuals and assisting numerous other mission organizations working in the Sepik. It provides long-term housing for several missionary members, short-term lodging for our missionaries passing through Wewak on the way to remote villages, short-term accommodations for other mission and church organizations and lodging for commercial guests (if available) which help with operational costs. There are 4 large buildings, a workshop, and large gazebo or ‘Haus Win’ built with local bush material. The housing apartments units include 4 – 3 bedroom apartments, 3 – 2 bedroom apartments, and 2 – 1 bedroom apartments which are all self-contained units. The sleeping rooms are rooms with 2 bunk beds (four beds) in each room with shared kitchens and wash rooms. [Back to Table of Contents] The six total buildings are as follows:

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1. The Center Manager’s apartments, shipping room, Manager’s office and storage areas for teams.

2. A Guest House with 3 apartments, 1 sleeping room and a small conference room. 3. A Guest House with 3 apartments and 5 sleeping rooms which include 2 kitchens and 3

bathrooms. 4. A Guest House and Translation Office building with 3 large apartments and 4 translation offices

and lobby. 5. A Haus Win which is used as a training facility for up to 30 people. 6. A Workshop area.

SIL - Wewak Center Wewak, East Sepik Province Papua New Guinea

Here is a portion of an email from them about the typical work as a regional manager:

“I will be leaving for a Comprehensive Planning Seminar in Brisbane, Australia this coming weekend and in the meantime we need to get ready for a STEP (teacher training for literacy work) workshop held at the Wewak Regional Center which will start Sept. 7th. I need to have a cement pad poured and ready for a VSAT satellite dish before I go, finish grouting a tile floor in a new printing publishing type office at an adjoining property that we have just acquired in partnership with another mission, and do the other usual things this week, such as taking care of our mission airplane coming tomorrow and bringing guests and members to and from other MAF (another mission air service) and Air Niugini (PNG national airlines) flights.

Things have been and are looking to continue to be quite busy here at Wewak. A new Sepik Initiative (a Bible translation initiative for the Sepik Province of PNG, where the Wewak Center is located) is being planned and has already started. We just finished a translation workshop for translators doing Old Testament translation and now we have the STEP course starting again. Next month a Church Engagement workshop is planned. Also being discussed is a dictionary workshop, a storytelling workshop, and then in March another Old Testament translation workshop for the same group that just left us.

On a side note, the Wewak Center manager has numerous opportunities to make trips to villages and Bible translation allocations throughout the Sepik if the interest is there and the person is gifted with abilities to repair, install, and build an assortment of things or if they have desire to deliver and pick up members from their allocation or canoe drop off points on the Sepik River. I have made many trips into the Sepik by car, canoe, plane, helicopter, and foot at the request of members.”

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UKA - Ukarumpa Main Center

The large mission center at Ukarumpa houses hundreds of missionaries and local Papua New Guinean employees. It serves as the main center of operations for SIL in the country. Includes administration offices, auto shop, center operations, medical clinic, community development, computer (IT) department, construction, employment, finance, guest house, print shop, post office, school, security, store, teen center, telephone departments along with Bible translation, literacy and linguistic office and a linguistic library, Scripture use, sociolinguistic survey and other academic offices. SIL PNG P.O. Box 1 (413) Ukarumpa, E.H.P. 444 Papua New Guinea [Back to Table of Contents]

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Administrative Services

The Administrative Services department provides administrative oversight of all aspects of the Bible translation work and related support services. This involves handling all visa and work permits for missionaries, supervision of all academic and support service departments, government relations, member care and other counseling services and working with internal and external partners.

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Auto Shop Department

The Auto Shop serves the automotive needs of the Ukarumpa center residents and various departments which have vehicles. The department operates a fully equipped automotive welding, painting, repair and maintenance center, a small automotive retail shop and petrol (gasoline) pumps. It also oversees a government sponsored automotive apprentice program for local citizens enrolled in the program. [Back to Table of Contents]

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In addition to oversight of regular automotive services, it also handles the rental of a small fleet of vehicles used by the missionaries who do not own their own vehicles or need mini-van vehicles for travel off center. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Aviation Department

The Aviation department oversees all of the air transportation for our missionaries in the country. This includes a number of fixed winged aircraft and several rotary helicopters which are used to transport people and cargo to Bible translation allocations in remote jungle or mountain regions. An aviation repair workshop for mechanics and a parts room are included. The department oversees a number of national apprentices as a well as a staff of trained pilots and mechanics. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Communications and Technical Services (CTS) Department

The CTS department oversees the purchase and repair of electronic equipment as well as electronic communications. This includes the telephone and computer network systems used at Ukarumpa and the shortwave radio system used to communicate with translators living in remote regions of the country. Internet access, computer helpdesk support and business application software development are all functions of this department. CTS also repairs radios, computers and other electronic devices and operates a small retail store for residents at Ukarumpa.

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Construction and Maintenance (CAM) Department

The Construction and Maintenance department is responsible for all departmental building on center and responsible for the general services for the residents at Ukarumpa. The Construction area oversees the construction of residential house and departmental building and repair as well as house building for translators in the jungle and mountain village areas. They operate a fully equipped joinery for making [Back to Table of Contents]

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furniture and cabinetry and have a small construction retail shop, a small lumber yard and a sawmill. They also have a government sponsored Construction apprentice program which trains national employees in the skills of carpentry. The Maintenance area includes electrical, plumbing and welding sections, LP Gas bottles services, water systems for the center, small appliance repairs, road maintenance (grading, drainage, etc.), oversight of the center-wide generator system as well as the maintenance and garbage disposal services for Ukarumpa center residents and general center-wide center grounds upkeep (mowing, etc.). They maintain a number of large pieces of road grading equipment and also have a small retail store which sells electrical and plumbing products. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Finance Department

The Finance department oversees the financial accounting for the organization’s operations in the country. This includes all payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable as well as handling the accounting for all international transactions. They also assist as necessary in the finances associated with missionaries living in the country.

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Guest House and Member Housing Services Department

Guest House

Type of privately owned homes

Centered owned Translator Lodges

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[Back to Table of Contents] The Guest House manager oversees the Guest House which provides temporary lodging for visitors as well as center residents coming and going from Ukarumpa on their way to the village, vacation (holiday) or furlough. Three meals a day are provided along with a quiet and restful lounge. The Member Housing Services manager oversees the rental of center owned and private dwelling rentals. The center owned units are for translators returning to Ukarumpa for workshops or to enroll their children in the schools. Fully furnished homes are available for rent by expatriate residents who do not own their own home or who are serving in PNG for a short period of time. The Guest House and Member Housing Services department also rents out a supply of basic household items to those needing temporary assistance. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Human Resource Services Department

The Human Resource Services department provides administrative oversight of all HR aspects of the work. This also involves handling all visa and work permits for missionaries, government relations associated with this and working with internal and other external partners. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Intercultural Community Work (ICW) Department

The ICW department works with various language communities in the country by helping a community strengthen itself and develop towards its full potential. As facilitators, they work in partnership with local people and organizations to meet identified needs. They believe that literacy is a key component of sustainable development. In 2006 the PNG Postal service issued a series of stamps commemorating 50 years of service by SIL in Papua New Guinea. A special stamp honoring SIL’s community development work was featured:

K5.35 – Community Development Stamp “For 50 years SIL has dedicated its time, resources and manpower to developing the whole person and the whole community. Community development takes on many faces. Helping introduce and improve cash crops, providing fresh water, and teaching sewing skills to women are a few of the many ways SIL has brought practical methods of community development into hundreds of villages.”

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Linguistic Center Department (LCORE)

The Linguistic Center oversees a Linguistic Library, Linguistic workshop rooms and study cubicles.

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Language Collaboration Opportunities Resources Encouragement (LCORE –

North and South) Department

LCORE oversees the administrative offices for the translation, linguistics, literacy, sociolinguistic and other language related departments. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Medical Clinic and Health Services Department

The Medical Clinic and Health Services department provides basic medical service (including a Lab) plus operates a small pharmacy for the missionaries and national employees and their families. Medical doctors and nurses make weekly visits to nearby villages to provide baby well checks and provide a limited number of medical services. It also has a two chair dental office.

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National Employment and National Housing Services Department

The National Employment and National Housing Services department oversees the employment of national Papua New Guinean employees who are involved in work at Ukarumpa and around the country. They also oversee and maintain a large number of center owned employee houses.

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Scripture Use Media Department (LCORE)

The Scripture Use Media Department produces video translation services such as the Luke and Jesus Video. The department also provides for audio recordings of Scripture on portable media players for use in villages, on the internet and for cell phone access.

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Post Office Department

The Post Office is an actual sub office for the Papua New Guinea Post PNG Ltd. postal service. It sells postage stamps, sorts and sends letters and parcels to and from Ukarumpa. It has a special service of handling the mail for translators located in remote village locations. At one time, Ukarumpa was the second largest post office in Papua New Guinea.

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Print Shop (SIL Press) Department

The Print Shop (SIL Press) exists to assist in the printing and publication of various Scripture portions, literacy books and booklets and other related linguistic material. The department provides services such as binding, publishing, laminating, small printing runs of Scripture portions or literacy publications, layout of photos for passports, visas, etc.. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Security Department

The Security department is responsible for the oversight of Ukarumpa center security. It oversees the work of a private security firm as well as enlisting center residents to help with general security details. [Back to Table of Contents]

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Shipping Department

The Shipping department is responsible for handling all purchase orders for overseas purchases and handles all arrangements for shipping material to and from Ukarumpa. It also handles all international shipments in and out of PNG for the support departments and SIL missionaries.

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Store (Commissary) Department

The Store department supplies the food, houseware and stationary supplies for the Ukarumpa center. It has a full range of food products from the USA, Australia and New Zealand as well as basic houseware items, school supplies, clothing, sewing supplies, toys and garden supplies. It has a fresh meat case along with an assortment of chilled dairy and frozen products. The store provides special services in [Back to Table of Contents]

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handling the purchasing and shipping of goods for translators located in remote villages. The store has a warehouse to store supplies and a loading dock which serves as the pick-up and delivery location of all center supplies. The store has a national workforce of between 20 – 30 employees.

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Training Center Department (LCORE)

The Training Center department exists to assist in the training and development of national workers involved in Bible translation. The facilities include a number of training classrooms, sleeping quarters for both men and woman and a well-equipped dining hall.

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Ukarumpa International Schools (UIS) Department

Pre School Campus

Primary School Campus

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Middle and High School Campus

The UIS school system at Ukarumpa is comprised of a Pre-school, Primary school, Middle school and High School. The student body has over 200 students whose parents serve with in the country and with other missions or are children of local national employees and area business families. The teaching is in English and the curriculum used is appropriate for USA diplomas, the UK O Level exams and Australian HSC level exams. The school also has a Home Country Studies program for students from other countries. There are a number of children’s boarding homes which house students whose parents are serving in remote locations in the country. For more information, check out their web site: www.ukarumpainternationalschool.org