Making the Links Athrawon Bro ESIS

Making the Links Athrawon Bro ESIS

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Making the Links Athrawon Bro ESIS. Dolen Gyswllt. Datblygu’r Gymraeg Welsh Language Development For extend language patterns use the grids provided on the course. Uned 2. Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau is the Welsh national anthem The words are about pride in Wales and its language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Making the LinksAthrawon Bro ESIS

Datblygu’r GymraegWelsh Language Development

For extend language patterns use the grids provided on the course

Uned 2

Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau is the Welsh national anthem

The words are about pride in Wales and its language

The tune and words were the work of the father and son team of Evan James (1809 - 1878) and James

James (1833 - 1902).

Both residents of Pontypridd, in January 1856.

The earliest written copy survives and is part of the collections of the National Museum of Wales

Hen Wlad fy NhadauHen Wlad fy Nhadau

Hen Wlad fy Nhadau

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri;

Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwr tra mad,Dros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.


Gwlad! Gwlad!Pleidiol wyf i’m gwlad.

Tra’n môr yn fur i’r bur hoff bau,O bydded i’r hen iaith barhau.

Hen Gymru fynyddig, paradwys y bardd,Pob dyffryn, pob clogwyn, i’m golwg sydd hardd;

Trwy deimlad gwladgarol, mor swynol yw siEi nentydd, afonydd, i mi.

Os treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwlad dan ei droed,Mae hen iaith y Cymry mor fyw ag erioed,Ni luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad,

Na thelyn berseiniol fy ngwlad.


Cyfieithiad Translation

The old land of my fathers is dear to me,A land of poets and singers, famous people of renown

Its brave warriors, great patriots,For freedom they lost their blood

ChorusCountry, country, I'm partial to my country,

While the sea is a wall for the pure, dear country,O may the "old language" continue

Old mountainous Wales, paradise of the poet,Every valley, every cliff is beautiful in my sight;

Through patriotic feeling, more enchanting is the murmurOf her streams and rivers to me

.If the enemy violated my country underfoot,The "old language" of the Welsh is alive as ever,

The spirit wasn't hindered by the awful, treacherous handNor the sweet harp of my country.


Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Rhyfelwyr Warriors

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Pa fath o dŷ sy, da ti?Pat fath o dŷ oedd ‘da’r Rhufeiniaid/Celtiaid?

Which type of house do you have?Which type of house did the Romans /Celts have?

Ble oedd y Celtiaid/Rhufeiniaid yn byw? Where did the Celts/Romans live?

Oedd……….da’r Rhufeiniad/Celtiaid?Oedd, Nag oedd

Did the Romans/Celts have……..?Yes, No

Oedd y Rhufeiniaid/Celtiaid yn hoffi …?/i fwyta ….? Did the Romans/Celts like….?/to eat?

Beth oedd y Rhufeiniaid/Celtiaid yn (hoffi) (g)wisgo/yn (b)fwyta?Roedd y Rhufeiniaid/Celtiaid yn (hoffi) gwisgo/bwyta….

What did the Romans/Celt like to wear/to eat.?The Romans/Celts like to wear/eat.

Pa ddefnyddiau oedd y Rhufeiniad/ Celtiaid yn defnyddio?Pa liwiau oedd y defnyddiau?

Which materials did the Roman/Celts used?Which colours were the materials?

Beth mae e/hi/yn gallu wneud?Beth oedd y Rhufeiniaid/Celtiaid yn gallu wneud?

What can he/she/do?What could the Romans/Celts do?

Roedd y Rhufeiniaid /Celtiaid yn gallu…. achos….ond doedden nhw ddim yn gallu.. achos

The Romans /Celts could…. because…. but they could not …..because……

Sut wyt ti’n teithio i’r ysgol?Sut oedd y Rhufeiniaid/Celtiaid yn teithio?Roedd y Rhufeiniad/ Celtiaid yn teithio,,,

How do you travel to school?How did the Romans/Celts travel ?The Romans/ Celts travelled …..

Dyluniwch Design

Ysgrifennwch Write

Gwnewch Make

Edrychwch ar…. Look at

Peintiwch eich ..(part of the body) Paint your…..

Uned 3

Calon LânNid wy’n gofyn bywyd moethus,Aur y byd na’i berlau mân;Gofyn rwyf am galon hapus,Calon onest, calon lân.

CYTGANCalon lân yn llawn daioni,Tecach yw na’r lili dlos;Dim ond calon lân all ganuCanu’r dydd a chanu’r nos.

Pe dymunwn olud bydol,Chwim adenydd iddo sydd;Golud calon lân rinweddolYn dwyn bythol elw fydd.

Hwyr y bore fy nymuniad;Esgyn ar adenydd cân,Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy NgheidwadRoddi imi galon lân

Calon Lân is a Welsh hymnWelsh hymns date back to the middle of the 17th century; in the 18th and 19th centuries they were the ‘pop’ songs of the dayThe singer in this hymn asks for a pure heart, full of goodness, which will last for ever

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Calon Lân

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Ble mae..? DymaBle mae e’n/ hi’n byw?Mae e’n/hi’n byw yn mewn carafán yn AberMae e’n byw yn Abercynon mewn tŷ terasMae hi’n byw ym Merthyr mewn byngalo

Where is….? HereWhere does he/she live?He/She lives in a caravan in Aber.He lives in Abercynon in a terraced houseShe lives in Merthyr in a bungalow.

Beth ydy dy gyfeiriad? 20, Tref Eilian, Y Rhath, Caerdydd

What’s your address?20, Tref Eilian, Y Rhath, Caerdydd

Ble wyt ti wedi bod yng Nghymru?Dw i wedi bod i Gaerdydd.Wyt ti wedi bod i Gaerdydd?Ydw, dw i wedi bod i Gaerdydd gyda DadNag ydw, dw i ddim wedi bod i Gaerdydd, ond dw i wedi bod yng Nghaernarfon.Ydy Dewi wedi bod i Langrannog?Ydy, mae Dewi wedi bod i LangrannogNag ydy, dydy Dewi ddim wedi bod i Langrannog,ond mae e wedi bod i Lanelwedd.Mae Siân wedi bod yn Aberystwydd gyda’u theulu ar wyliau

Where in Wales have you been ?I’ve been to CardiffHave you been to Cardiff?Yes, I been to Cardiff with Dad.No, I haven't been to Cardiff but I have been to Caernarfon

Has Dewi been to Llangrannog?Yes, Dewi has been to Llangrannog?No, Dewi has not been to Llangrannog but he has been to BuilthSiân has been to Aberystwyth with here family on holiday

Ble est ti ddydd Sadwrn?Es i i’r sinema / Ganolfan HamddenSut //Faint o’r gloch /Pa fis est ti ar dy wyliau?Es i mewn awyren am 10.00 y bore ym mis Chwefror i America gyda Dad a Mam.Roedd hi’n yn wych.

Where did you go Saturday?I went to the cinema/Leisure CentreHow/What time/Which month did you go on holiday?I went on an aeroplane at 10.00 in the morning in February ,I went to America with Mum and Dad .It was wonderful.

Sut mae’r tywydd ym Mhen-y-bont? Mae hi’n bwrw glawSut oedd y tywydd ddoe? Roedd hi’n….a/ac doedd hi ddim yn…Sut fydd y tywydd fory? Bydd hi’n wlyb.Ddydy Mam ddim yn hoffi tywydd gwlyb.Mae hi’n hoffi tywydd sych ac oer.

How the weather in Bridgend? It's raining.How was the weather yesterday? It was…. And it wasn’t…How will the weather be tomorrow? It will be wet. Mum doesn’t like wet weather she likes it dry and cold.

Beth wyt ti’n gallu wneud? Beth mae Mam yn gallu wneud? What can you do? What can Mum do?

Ble mae …?

Uned 4

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Y Creadur Bach Creature Comforts

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Pa anifail/aderyn wyt ti’n hoffi? Which animal/ bird do you like?

Oes anifail anwes ‘da ti? Have you a pet?

Sawl anifail anwes sy’ da ti? How many pets do you have?

Ble mae ci /cadno yn byw? Mae’r mochyn yn byw mewn twlc.

Where does a dog live/fox? The pig lives in a sty.

Sawl anifail sy’n neidio/cerdded/hopian.?Sawl coes/adenydd//toed sy ‘da’r anifail/ aderyn?

How many animals can jump/walk/hop? How many legs/wings/feet doese this animal/bird have?

Beth wyt ti eisiau? Dw i eisiau.. Wyt ti eisiau ….? Ydw, nag ydwPa ddefnydd wyt ti eisiau? Ydy defnydd yn gryf/hyblyg/gwrth-ddŵr?

What do you want? I want…Do you want….? Yes, noWhich material do you want?Is the material/strong/durable/waterproof?

Dosbarthwch Sort

Dyluniwch Design

Uned 5

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Fy Milltir Sgwâr A View Through a Window

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Sut mae’r tywydd? ( gweler Calon Lan) How the weather?( see Calon Lan)

Dyma This is

Ga i..? May I have….?

Pwy wyt ti? Who are you?

Sut wyt ti? How are you?

Es i I went

Beth wyt ti eisiau?Wyt ti eisiau afal? Ydw dw i eisiau afal/Nag ydw, ‘dw i ddim eisiau afal.Dw i eisiau afal a/ac oren. Dw i ddim eisiau… a/ac…Beth mae John eisiau? Mae John eisiau….Dydy John ddim eisiau…Ydy e/hi eisiau …?Ydy/Nag ydy

What do you want? I want…Do you want….? Yes, I want an apple/ No, I don’t want an apple.

I want an apple and an orange. I don’t want……and……What does John want? John wants…..Jon does not want….Does he/she want..?Yes/ No

Beth wyt ti’n wneud yn dy amser hamdden? What do you do in your spare time?

Arhoswch Wait

Gwrandewch Listen

Trowch i’r chwith/dde/syth ymlaen Turn left/right/straight ahead

Gwnewch Make a

Pa siâp…..? Which shape…..,?

Uned 6

Twll Bach y Cloout of “Can Di Bennill “ gan D Geraint Lewis a Delyth Hopkin Evans gyda chaniatâd Y Lolfa

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Twll Bach Y Clo-Through the Keyhole

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Beth wyt ti eisiau? Dw i eisiau rhaw What do you want? I want a spade

Oedd y bwyd yn iach? Pa fwyd oedd yn iach?

Was the food healthy? Which food were healthy?

Pa siâp ydy hwn?SilindrSffêrCiwbCiwboid

Which shape is this?CylinderSphereCubeCuboid

Beth oedd y Tuduriaid yn hoffi/ gallu gwneud? Roedd y Tuduriaid yn hoffi………………………..Roedd y Tuduriaid yn ……Roedd y Tuduriaid yn gallu gwneud,,,,

The Tudors liked/could do?The Tudors liked….The Tudors did……The Tudors could do….

Yr Olwyn Fwyd

Bwyd Grawnfwyd Llysiau a ff rwythau

Cig/pysgod/ff a Llaeth a


Siwgr Braster

Wyt ti wedi yfed dŵr? Ydw Nag ydw Faint?

Wyt ti’n bwyta’n iach ? Ydw Nag ydw

Uned 7

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Taclo’r Taclau- Machines

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Ble mae peiriannau yn cael eu defnyddio? Where are machines used?

Oes peiriant yma? Oes/ Nag oesMae peiriannau yn yr ysgol.

Oes wyneb llyfn/garw i’r siâp?

Does the school have any machines? Yes/ NoThere are machines in school

Does the shape have a smooth/rough face?

Sawl cornel/ongl/wyneb/ochr sy’ i’r siâp? How many corners/angles/faces/sides does the shape have?

Edrychwch Look

Yn ôl, Ymlaen, I’r dde,I’r chwith,Yn ôl un camYmalen un cam

BackForwardTo the rightTo the leftOne step backwardsOne step forwards

Rhowch gyfarwyddiadau Give instructions

Taclo’r Taclau - Machines


Magnetig Ddim yn fagnetig

Taclo’r Taclau MachinesAilgylchu Recycling

Mae pobol y pentref yn ailgylchuPapurau, caniau a photeli.

Oes rhywbeth ‘da chi i ailgylchu?Dewch â fe i ni.

Oes rhywbeth ‘da chi, Mrs Gruffudd?Plastig, cardbord, papurau newydd?

Oes rhywbeth ‘da chi i ailgylchu?Dewch â fe i ni.

Mae pawb yn y pentref yn ailgylchu -Papur a gwydr, jariau, poteli.

Oes rhywbeth ‘da chi i ailgylchu?Dewch â fe i ni.

Unit 8

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Rhandir Mwyn – The Good Life

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

O ba wlad mae’r bwyd yn dod yn wreiddiol? From which country does the food originate?

Beth wyt ti’n gallu ailgylchu?Gwydr (glass)Papur (papers)Caniau (tins)Plastig

What can be recycled?GlassPaperTinsPlastic

Ydy e’n/hi’n fawr?Ydy e’n/hi’n fach?Mae e’n/hi’n fawr/fach

Is it big?Is it small?It is big/small

Dydy e ddim yn y tŷ/ tu allan It is not in the house/outside

Oes ….. da fe?Mae olwyn/ injan/ ‘da fe.

Has it a …….?It has wheels/engine.

Uned 9

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Glanlanwyr - Castaways

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Beth wyt ti eisiau? Dw i eisiau……?

What do you want?I want…?

Beth wyt ti’n gallu wneud? Dw i’n gallu … Wyt ti’n gallu…? Ydw/Nag ydw Dw i’n gallu …/Dw i ddim yn gallu …

What can you do? I canCan you…. ? Yes/NoI can../ I can't …

Ga i,,,os gwelwch yn dda? Cei, Na chei

Beth wyt ti’n defnyddio? Dw i’n defnyddio……

What are you using..?I’m usng…

Beth wyt ti’n hoffi? Dw i’n hoffi

What do you like?I Like

Oes… gyda ti? Oes/nag oes Have you got a...?Yes I have/ No I haven’t

Wyt ti wedi gorffen?Ydw/ Nag ydw

Have you finishedYes/No

Defnyddio gwybodaethi ddatblygu cyflwyniad ar y lleoliad hwn -PowerPoint, llyfryn teithio, poster Use information to develop a presentation on thislocality e.g. PowerPoint, travel brochure, poster.

DaeryddiaethDaeryddiaeth GeographyGeography

Beth ydy …?Sut le ydy e? Beth sydd yn …?

Pa mor bell ydy …? Pa mor uchel ydy …?Sut mae’r ardal wedi newid? Sut mae’r tywydd yn…..

Pam mae …yn newid? Beth sy’n achosi …?

Yn y wlad Yn y dref

I ba gyfeiriad mae …? Beth ydy Prif ddinas Cymru? Caerdydd

Ble mae Caerdydd? De Cymru

Sawl sir sy’ yng Nghymru?

Edrychwch ar y map



gorllewin dwyrain

Pa fath o le ydy…?

Uned 10

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Aur Du – Black Gold

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Pa flwyddyn ydy hi? Pa ganrif ydy hi?

Which year is it? Which Century is it ?

Sawl canrif yn ôl? How many year ago?

CeltiaidTuduriaidYr Oes Fodern

The CeltsThe TudorsModern Times

C C O CDegawdCanrifMileniwm

B C A DDecade,Century Millennium

90- Nawdeg gradd i’r chwith90- Nawdeg gradd i’r chwith

45 Pedwardeg pump gradd i’r dde45 Pedwardeg pump gradd i’r dde90 degrees to the left90 degrees to the left

45 degrees to the right45 degrees to the right

Beth oedd y Tuduriaid yn wisgo? What did the Celt wear?

Gorchmynion penodol ynglŷn â PhrintioSpecific commands relating to Print MakingTynnwch eich dyluniad Draw your designDefnyddiwch inc Use inkDefnyddiwch inc heddiw Use ink todayEwch i nôl rholer Go and get a rollerTynnwch eich / Tynna dy ddyluniad Draw your designDefnyddiwch / Defnyddia inc Use inkDefnyddiwch / Defnyddia inc heddiw Use ink todayEwch / Cer i nôl rholer Go and get a rollerDw i’n printio I am printingDw i wedi printio I have printedDw i’n gallu printio I can printDw i’n hoffi’r llun yna I like that pictureDw i’n defnyddio inc I am using inkDyna brint da That’s a good printDoes dim digon o inc There’s not enough inkDw i wedi printio ... I have printed a ...Printiais i ... I printed a ...

Uned 11

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Amser a Ddengys- Time Lord

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above theme Use the grids to extend the language patterns

Beth ydy hwn? What’s this

Pa gyfnod? Which period?

Gwrandewch ar ….Gerddoriaeth glasurol./ Gerddoriaeth swing/Cerddoriaeth roc a rôl

Listen toClassical music. Swing music/ rock and role music

Pa un wyt ti’n hoffi? Dw i’n hoffi…..achos ….. Which one do you like? I like… because it is…

Beth ydy dy enw di? Ann ydw i. What you're name.? My name is Ann

Ble rwyt ti’n byw? Dw i’n byw yn… Where do you live? I live in…..

Oes …da ti? Oes, Nog oes Have you a……? Yes, No

Beth wyt ti’n hoffi? Dw i’n hoffi… ond dw i ddim yn hoffi….

What do you like? I like…. but I dislike……

Wyt ti’n gallu..? Dw i’n gallu… Dw i ddim yn gallu Can you… Yes I can… I can’t…

Pa fath o dŷ sy ‘da ti? Mae tŷ…..da fi. What type of house do you have? I have a……….

Faint ydy dy oed di? Dw i’n …..oed. How old are you? I am …….

Uned 12

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Syllu ar y Sêr- Tomorrow’s World

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Ble mae’r …?Dyma’r … …

Where’s the …?Here’s the…..

Ga i’r paent, os gwelwch yn dda May I have the paint please?

Dw i eisiau … I want …

Peintiwch Paint

Gludwch Glue

Dw i eisiau I want…….

Oes…da ti? Have you a…?

Cân : ‘Seren Ddisglair’

Ble mae’r seren ddisglair?Ble mae’r seren nawr?Dyma’r seren ddisglair,

Yn yr awyr fawr.Ble mae’r seren ddisglair

Heno yn y nos?Dyma’r seren ddisglair,

Dyma’r seren dlos.

Song:‘Shiny Star’

Where’s the shiny star?Where’s the star right now?

Here is the shiny star,In the big sky.

Where’s the shiny starTonight?

Here is the shiny star,There’s a pretty star.

Uned 13

Patrymau Iaith/ Language Patterns Croesi’r FFin- Bringing Down The Borders

These language could be use with a number of cross curriculum activities related to the above themeUse the grids to extend the language patterns

Ble mae …?Ble yn y byd mae …?Beth ydy …?

Where is …?Where in the world is …?

Disgrifiwch yr ardal/y tywydd/yr hinsawdd.Edrychwch ar y map/lluniau.

Describe the area/weather/climateLook at the map/pictures

Beth wyt ti eisiau?Bwyta’n iach

What do you want?Healthy eating

Pa fath le ydy e?

Beth sydd yn …?

What is it like?What is in …?

Pa mor bell /uchel ydy …? How far/high is …?

Pa gyfeiriad?

Sut mae’r ardal wedi newid?Sut mae … yn newid?Pam mae … yn newid?

Which direction?How has the area changed?How does … changeWhy does … change?