Making progress from Vision to Action - Japan’s activities on CCUS & G20 - Yukihiro Kawaguchi Director Global Environment Partnership Office METI, Japan

Making progress from Vision to Action - Global CCS Institute · 2019. 6. 18. · 2 Japanese climate change policy Japanese climate change policy after COP21 Paris Agreement was adopted

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Page 1: Making progress from Vision to Action - Global CCS Institute · 2019. 6. 18. · 2 Japanese climate change policy Japanese climate change policy after COP21 Paris Agreement was adopted

Making progress from Vision to Action

- Japan’s activities on CCUS & G20 -

Yukihiro KawaguchiDirector

Global Environment Partnership Office METI, Japan

Page 2: Making progress from Vision to Action - Global CCS Institute · 2019. 6. 18. · 2 Japanese climate change policy Japanese climate change policy after COP21 Paris Agreement was adopted

1. Japan’s Activities on CCUS

2. G20 Summit 2019 in Osaka


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Japanese climate change policy Japanese climate change policy after COP21 Paris Agreement was adopted at COP21 in 2015 and went effect in 2016. The “Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures” was approved

by the cabinet in 2016.

Direction of the “Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures”

• Actions to achieve mid-term target (26% reduction by 2030)

• Strategic actions toward long-term goal (80% reduction by 2050)

• Actions toward global GHG reduction

Innovation including CCUS, based on “Energy & Environment innovative Strategy(2016)” and “Strategic Energy Plan(2018)”, etc.

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Projects / FY 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020~



CO2 Injection0.1 ~ 0.2 Mt/year

Post Injection Monitoring

R&Ds(2) CO2 Capture Technologies

TomakomaiDemo Pj.

Practical use of

CCS tech.

CCS Site Survey

Geological Survey , Building Geological Model

Overview of Domestic CCS Policy in Japan

A(1) Safety Evaluation Technologies

Verifying Safety Evaluation Technologies

Cost Reduction

Identifying CO2 Storage Site

Achieving Operation Abilities

Confirming CCS safety


Based on Strategic Energy Plan (2018), for the practical use of CCUS technologyaround 2020, METI promotes Tomakomai Demonstration Project, R&Ds and surveys forpotential CO2 storage sites.

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Japan’s worldwide action for CCUS development & deployment

Saudi Arabia : Saudi-Japan vision 2030 (2017) CO2 free-annmonia supply chains Japanese Heavy Industries, Oil and

Trading companies involve.

Australia: Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) Project:

Australian brown coal will be converted into liquid hydrogen with CCS for export to Japan.

Indonesia : Collaboration for master-planning

of the EOR Project. JICA(Japan International Cooperate

Agency) supports Gundhi CCS demo project.

USA: MOC on the CCS collaboration R&D and FS for CCS deployment Petra Nova Co2EOR project

Tomakomai, Japan: The first large scale CCS project in Japan. Technical safety of full CCS system

is being demonstrated. Good relationship with stakeholders


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Global Summit on CCUS by IEA and UK, BEIS• Global Ministers, CEOs of energy industries and agencies

discussed toward the deployment of CCUS. • Priorities and strategies for scale-up of CCUS investment

was summarized as “Chairs’ Summary”Global Summit in Edinburgh, 2018Co-ChairC. Perry, Minister of State for Clean

Energy and Growth, UKF. Birol, Executive Director, IEA

Statement by Akimasa Ishikawa,Parliamentary Vice-Minister, METI

Global Summit on CCUS in Edinburgh, 2018

Chairs’ SummaryThe Summit identified priorities and strategies to enable

CCUS investment decisions, including:

• Prioritise competitive investment opportunities

• Reduce costs through better business models and CCUS “hubs”

• Develop policy frameworks for investment certainty

• Include CCUS in long-term climate planning: The

• Identify and develop “bankable” CO2 storage

• Unlock the value of CO2

• Strengthened partnerships for accelerated deployment

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1. Japan’s Activities on CCUS

2. G20 Summit 2019 in Osaka


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G20 Summit 2019 in Osaka

Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s Keynote Speech at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (January 23, 2019)

❝ In Osaka, here comes my second point, ladies and gentlemen, I would very much like to highlight what innovation does and how much innovation counts in tackling climate change, because, and this is an important ”because,“ we NEED disruptions.

To remind us of that, the IPCC, in its recent “1.5-degree report,” tells us that global net human-caused emissions of CO2 should reach “net zero” around 2050, meaning that any remaining emissions would need to be balanced out by removing CO2 from the air. ❝

❝ We will be inviting to Japan topmost experts in science and technology from G20 member countries to combine forces in accelerating innovations. ❝


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Japan’s action to accelerate innovation

Solid Sorbent for chemical capture (An example of R&D in Japan)

Novel amine solid sorbents is expected to save energy & cost compared to liquid amine.


10,000 t/y Demo will be conducted in Kyoto, starting from 2019.

Cost reduction of the carbon capture is the key Demonstration test of new capture technology at a coal power plant is to be

started from 2019. This innovative capture technology will be expected to reduce capture costs to

half of conventional methods.

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Carbon Utilization & Recycling

Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s Keynote Speech at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (January 23, 2019)

❝ We must invite more and still more disruptive innovations before it's too late. CO2, ladies and gentlemen, could well be the best and most affordable resource for multiple uses. There is artificial photosynthesis, for which a key discovery, one for photocatalysis, was made by Akira Fujishima, a Japanese scientist. An old technology of methanation is getting attention anew to remove CO2. It's time now to think about CCU, Carbon Capture AND Utilization. ❝


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Innovation for Carbon Recycling

Carbon recycling: Considering Carbon dioxide (CO2) as source for Carbon, capture CO2then utilize and recycle it as Carbon compounds. Promoting R&D for these technologies more efficiently

Solve climate change problems by reducing CO2 in the air as well as secure stable supply of new resources. Challenging innovative technologies contributing both at once.

Taking following actions to establish a new eco-system① Reduce cost and improve efficiency rate for capturing CO2② R&D for producing, converting and processing CO2 as materials and resources

(chemical products, fuels, minerals, etc.)③ Develop variety of utilization sectors for materials and resources oriented from carbon.

Current and future activities Establishment of Carbon Recycling Promotion Office in ANRE※1/METI※2 as of

February 1st, 2019 Drafting roadmap for carbon recycling technologies by June 2019 (TBC) Hosting International Conference on Carbon Recycling among industries,

academia and governments in Fall 2019. Promoting necessary measures to support R&D or any other innovation on carbon


Carbon Recycling Promotion Office


※1:Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, ※2:Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

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Thermal power generations/gas/steel/chemistry/



Variety of utilization sectors

DAC(Direct Air Capture of CO2)

Catalysis, Artificial photosynthesis, Algae, Biomass, Methanation, Concretization, Plant factory, etc.

Carbon Recycling (R&D)








Building materials


Packages, containers, chemical products


Concept of Carbon Recycling~ Strongly promote R&D to realize carbon recycling




CO2 CO2Physical absorption method, chemical absorption method, Membrane separation method, etc.



Chemical materials, Mineral etc.


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International Roundtable: Strengthening Collaboration on CCUS

Keynote by Akimasa Ishikawa,Parliamentary Vice-Minister, METI

Keynote by Mark Menezes,Under Secretary of DoE

With Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Objective: To discuss on options for strengthening international CCUS collaboration

Date & Venue: Feb.13-14, 2019 at Washington D.C. USA Agenda (1) National and International Perspectives, (2) Policy, (3) Finance

(4) Knowledge Sharing, (5) Opportunities for Strengthening Collaboration Participants: • Government AUS, CAN, FRA, GER, JPN, NOR, Saudi, UK, USA • Univ. & agency ITB, JOGMEC, JETRO, NEDO, etc.• Industry Shell, Saudi Aramco, Total, Occidental, JX, MHI, Sojitz, JAPEX, etc.• Finance World Bank, JP Morgan, ADB, Mizuho Bank, etc.• NGO & Institute OGCI, IEA, IEAGHG, GCCSI, RITE, etc.

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International Roundtable: Recommendations (Draft)

Discussion of the Roundtable was summarized by the secretariat.

Secretariat will offer recommendations of international CCUS collaboration toward G20.

The report and recommendations will be published by RITE and C2ES.

Recommendations Based on these roundtable discussions, C2ES and RITE offer

the following recommendations for consideration at the G20.

• Highlighting the Importance and Benefits of CCUS

• Integrating CCUS into Action Plans

• Promoting Carbon Recycling

• Others,

e.g. encouraging stronger public and private sector investment, encouraging

the ratification of the London Protocol, Organizing side events at the G20, etc.

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G20 2019 Schedule

Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth: June 15-16 in Karuizawa

Osaka Summit: June 28-29 in Osaka

The View at Karuizawa Town

CCUS: From Vision to Action

To move forward from vision to action, G20 is a good chance to highlight it. Many issues will be discussed on G20 agenda. Input on CCUS from each

country is important.