SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND CONTROLS (ME-464) [Dr. Shaukat Ali] Assignment # 1 The major inventions and developments in control Systems in history ALI AKHTER 2 0 0 9 0 3 2 FME

Major inventions in control systems

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major developments in control systems

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Page 1: Major inventions in control systems



(ME-464) [Dr. Shaukat Ali]

Assignment # 1

The major inventions and developments in control

Systems in history

A L I A K H T E R2 0 0 9 0 3 2


G H U L A M I S H A Q K H A N I N S T I T U T E O F E N G I N E E R I N G S C I E N C E S & T E C H N O L O G Y


Page 2: Major inventions in control systems

Inventions and developments in control systems

Ctesibius – (B.C.270) – Float regulator mechanism:

In about 270 BC the Greek Ctesibius invented a float regulator

for a water clock. Water was allowed to flow in a small stream

into a measuring container at a constant rate. The level of water

was used to tell the time. To keep the level of supply tank

constant, a float valve was used similar to that used in flush


Cornelis Drebbel – (17th Century) – Temperature regulator:

In 17th century, Cornelis Drebbel in Holland invented a purely mechanical temperature control

system for hatching eggs. The device used a vial of alcohol and mercury with floater inserted in

it which was connected to a damper controlling flame. Alcohol and mercury expanded on

increased heat, raising the floater, closing the damper, reducing the flame.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) – Mathematical modeling:

A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language.

Brook Taylor (1685 – 1731) – Taylor series:

The concept of a Taylor series was formally introduced by the English mathematician Brook

Taylor in 1715.

Dennis Papin – (1700) – Pressure regulator for steam boiler:

Pressure build up (temp. goes up) open the damper for release of hot air.Temperature sensor is used to measure the pressure of hot air.

Pierse Simon Laplace (1749 – 1827) – Laplace Transform:

The Laplace transform is named after mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace, who

used a similar transform (now called z transform) in his work on probability theory.

James Watt – (1788) – Flyball governer:

In 1788 Watt completed the design of the centrifugal flyball

governor for regulating the speed of the rotary steam engine.

Page 3: Major inventions in control systems

Polzunov – (1765) – First level regulator system:

Polzunov's water float regulator was used to control the amount of water flowing into the boiler of the engine.

Edward John Routh – (1831 – 1907) – Routh criterion:

It is a necessary and sufficient method to establish the stability of a control system. 

Oliver Heaviside – (1859 – 1925) – mathematical analysis:

Oliver Heaviside invented mathematical techniques to the solution of differential equations (later

found to be equivalent to Laplace transforms)

J.C. Maxwell – 1868 – Mathematical theory for control system:

In the mid 1800's mathematics was first used to analyze the stability of feedback control systems.

Liapunov – (1890’) – Stability theory:

The work of A.M. Lyapunov was seminal in control theory. He studied the stability of nonlinear

differential equations using a generalized notion of energy in 1892 [Lyapunov 1893].

Nyquist, Bode, Black – (1930’) – Electronic feedback amplifier:

The Bell Telephone system was developed.

Harry Nyquist – (1889 – 1976) –Nyquist criterion:

Nyquist published a classic paper on stability of feedback amplifiers called Nyquist stability


Harold Black – (1898 – 1981) – Negative feedback amp:

The negative feedback amplifier was invented by Harold Stephen Black on August 2, 1927.

Black had been toiling at reducing distortion in repeater amplifiers used for telephone


Page 4: Major inventions in control systems

Hendrik Bode – (1905 – 1982) – Bode diagram:

Bode plot was invented by Hendrik Wade Bode.

WWII period – Automatic airplane pilot:

Gun-positioning system, radar

Antenna control system

Military systems

Post War – Frequency domain analysis:

Laplace transform method

John Von Neumann – (1903 – 1957) – Basic operation of digital computer:

Neumann introduced the basic operation of digital computer.

1950’ – Root locus method:

Computer age open (digital control)

Space age (Sputnik, Soviet Union)

Maximum principle (Pontryagin)

Optimal control

Adaptive control system (Draper)

Bellman – (1960’) – Dynamic programming:

State space method

1970’ – Microprocessor based control system:

Digital control system

1980 – Neural network:


Fuzzy control

Predictive control

Doyle & stein : LQG / LTR

Remote diagnostic control system