g]kfn ;/sf/ jg tyf e"–;+/If0f dGqfno e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu aa/dxn, sf7df08f} @)&# d+l;/ !@ / !# (27-28 November, 2016) xf]6n lxdfno, s'kG8f]n, nlntk'/, g]kfn ;l3+o g]kfndf Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgfy{ j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud d'nk|jfxLs/0f Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf] k|ltj]bg k|ltj]bg lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf] k|ltj]bg

Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed ...€¦ · providing support to edit, format and print this proceeding. k/fdz ... { sdnf ] lxdfnn ] lrlgPsf ] g ]kfn klx/f ]

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g]kfn ;/sf/jg tyf e"–;+/If0f dGqfno

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaa/dxn, sf7df08f}

@)&# d+l;/ !@ / !# (27-28 November, 2016)xf]6n lxdfno, s'kG8f]n, nlntk'/, g]kfn

;l3+o g]kfndf Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgfy{ j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud d'nk|jfxLs/0f Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf]


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf]



g]kfn ;/sf/jg tyf e"–;+/If0f dGqfno

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaa/dxn, sf7df08f}

@)&# d+l;/ !@ / !# (27- 28 November, 2016)

xf]6n lxdfno, s'kG8f]n, nlntk'/, g]kfn

;l3+o g]kfndf Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgfy{ j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud d'nk|jfxLs/0f Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7 @)&# sf]


k|ltj]bgtof/ ug]{ M >L /fh' ;fksf]6f, zfvf k|d'v, cg'udg zfvfe" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu>L pQd >]i7, afnL ljsf; clws[te" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

k|fljlws ;xof]uM e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

8f= k|]d k|;fb kf}8]n, of]hgf clws[t>L ch'{g uf}td, k|zf;g k|d'v

>L hut yklnof, n]vf k|d'v>L ;'dgf b]jsf]6f, e' ;+/If0f clws[t>L dx]z 9'uf+gf, ;xfos cg'udg clws[t

>L bLks ef/åfh, OlGhlgo/>L j;Gt s]=l;= e§/fO{, gf=;''=

o'=Pg=8L=kL= g]kfn>L bLks s]=;L=, jl/i7 sfo{qmd clws[t, ;L=8L=cf/=Pd=kL

;Dkfbg ;xof]uM >L k|sfz l;+x yfkf, k|ljlw ljsf; clws[te" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu>L uf]kfn sfˆn], jftfj/0f lj1e" tyf hn ;+/If0f ;dfh>L /d]zdf:s], :jtGq k/fdz{bftf

;Nnfxsf/ M >L ljho/fh kf}8\ofn, dxflgb]{zse" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

;jf{lwsf/ © M e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu, kf}if, @)&#

Collaboration Partner: UNDP Nepal/Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme (CDRMP)

Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM) is very thankful to UNDP Nepal / CDRMP for cordial collaboration in organizing the National DSCO Workshop 2016 and providing support to edit, format and print this proceeding.

k/fdz{bftf÷n] cfp6 tyf l8hfOg M Change Media Services, Lalitpurd'b|0f M l;Udf hg/n ckm;]6 k|];, ;fg]kf, ;fFrn, nlntk'/

:ki6Ls/0f M o; k'l:tsfdf k|:t't ul/Psf sfo{kqx? k|:t'tstf{sf lghL ljrf/x? x'g\ .

Kf|s[ltsf] cg'kd pkxf/sf sf/0f g]kfn ljZjdf g} kl/lrt 5 . oxfFsf lxdfn, kxf8, t/fO{ h:tf ef}uf]lns If]q / sf]zL, u08sL / s0ff{nL h:tf a[xt hnfwf/df /x]sf hnfwfl/o ;|f]tx?sf] ;+/If0f / lbuf] Joj:yfkgaf6 k|fKt x''g] pknlJw;Fu g} g]kfnL hgtfsf] eljio ufFl;Psf] 5 . 5f]6f] ;dodf x'g] cToflws jiff{ / To;kl5sf] nfdf] v8]/L h:tf] c;dfg jiff{tsf sf/0f sdnf] ef}ufle{s ;+/rgfn] wfGg g;sL ljkb j9\b} uO/x]sf] 5 . cem To; dfly ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf gfddf k|s[ltdfly ul/g] cGWffw'Gb s'k|of]u, hldg pkef]udf xf]8aflh, jftfj/0fLo kIfnfO{ Wofg glbO{ ul/g] k'jf{wf/ ljsf; cflb sf/0fn] ubf{ sdnf] lxdfnn] lrlgPsf] g]kfn klx/f] hfg], df6f] jUg] / tNNff] tl6o If]qdf df6f] lyu|g] dfq xf]Og afl9sf sf/0f hldg s6fg / 8'jfg x'g] h:tf ljkb\n] el/Psf] b]zsf ?kdf lrlgg'kg]{ la8Djgf b]vf kl//x]sf] 5 . lj=;+= @)&@ sf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDksf sf/0f hdLg lynlrnf] ePsf] 5 . xfnsf lbgdf hnjfo' kl/jt{tsf sf/0f emg kfgLsf] pknAwtfdf r'gf}lt / ;'Vvfkg jl9/x]sf] sf/0f jg 89]nf]sf] 36gf j9b} 5g\ . h;sf sf/0f yk e"Ifosf nflu jf6f] vf]lnlbPsf] b]lvG5 .

csf]{ tkm{, of]hgfa4 ljsf;sf] yfngL lj=;= @)!# ;fndf k|f/De ePsf] / ljsf;sf of]hgf th'{df lhNNff l;dfgf, uflj; l;dfgfsf cfwf/df x'b} cfPsf 5g\ . x/]sf If]qn] cfcfkmgf] 9+un] ljsf;sf sfo{qmd ;+rfng ub}{ hfbf lx/f h:tf] kxf8 a'l4dtfk'j{s s'‘bg g;s]/ s'?k x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . a[xt hnfwf/Lo lx;fjn] k|s[ltsf ;|f]tx? K|fof]udf ;DalGwt ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnfnfO{ hjfkmb]xL jgfpg] k|of;df s]lx gLltut kxn eP klg Jojxf/ut k|of;sf] sld g} /xof] . s[lif, ;8s, l;+rfO, vfg]kflg, ljw't nufotsf lgsfox?sf cfkmgf] nIo cg'?ksf s[ofsnfk tf]lsPs} ;dodf ;DkGg ePsf xf]nfg t/ ;du|df b]zdf lbuf] ljsf;sf] cfef; lbg]tkm{ sld g} b]lvPsf 5g\ .

x/]s jif{ jiff{df jfl9 klx/f]sf sf/0f b]vfk/]sf] ;d:ofnfO{ ;dfwfg ug{ TfTsfnsf p4f/ of]hgf / /fxtdf g} xfdL l;ldt 5f} . t/ g]kfn h:tf] kxfl8 d'n'sdf s[lif ljsf; tyf k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf of]hgf sfof{Gjog ubf{ hnfwfl/o ;f]rdf sfo{qmd th{df / ;f]lx cg'?ksf] ah]6sf] Joj:yf u/L sfof{Gjog ug]{tkm{ kxnsf] sld b]lvPsf] 5 .

o;} ;Gb{edf @)&# sf] d+l;/df jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf ;lrj / e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf dxflgb]{zs aLr ePsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg s/f/df a[xt hnfwfl/o ;f]r cg'?k of]hgf th{'df ug]{ pNNf]v eP adf]lhd ptm ;+emf}tf sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg] jftfj/0f tof/ ug{, xfn lhNnf :t/df ;+rflnt sfo{x?sf ;kmn l;sfOsf] cfbg k|bfg k|bfg, s]lx gljgtd cjwf/0ff h:t} hnhnfwf/ / zxl/ hnfwf/ ;+/If0f, kfl/l:yltsLo k4ltdf cfwfl/t ljkb hf]lvd Go'gLs/0f -xl/t ;8s_ sf kl/of]hgf ljsf; ug]{ ;fy} hnfwf/ juL{s/0fsf tl/sfjf/] ;xeflux?nfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg] nufot klx/f] GfS;f+sg, hf]lvd gS;f+sg, klx/f] /f]syfdsf pkfo / Ifdtf clea[l4 ;d]tsf ljifodf Jofks 5nkmn ug{ ljefluo:t/sf] sfof{zfnfsf] cfjZostf dxz'; ePsf] lyof] .

pk/f]tm cfjZostfnfO{ kl/k"lt{ ug{ ^! lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sfnflu ;+rfng ul/Psf] b'Olbg] /fli6«o sfof{zfnf uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg tof/ ePsf] 5 . o; k|ltj]bgdf ;d]l6Psf ljifox? / 3f]if0ff kq 1fg Joj:yfkgsf nflu dfu{bz{g jGGf] / e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf] ;f]r / p2]Zo cg'?k b]zsf] hnfwfl/o ;|f]tx?sf] gbL k|0fnLdf cfwfl/t of]hgf lgdf{0f / sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ug{ sf]z]9'+ufsf ?kdf /x]g] cfzf /fv]sf] 5' . j]zLg txsf] ;/f]sf/jfnfx? aLr 5nkmnsf] k"j{ tof/Lsf] ?kdf klg of] uf]li7nfO{ lnPsf] 5' . of] uf]li7sf ;'emfjx?nfO{ ;'emfj sfof{Gjog sfo{ of]hfgf lgdf{0f u/L x/]s ljifonfO{ uDeL/ 9+un] sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg] k|ltj4tf hfx]/ ub{5' .

d /fli6«o sfof{zfnf uf]li7nfO{ ;kmn u/fpg ;xof]u ug'{ x'g] pb\3f6g ;qdf k|d'v cltly dfggLo jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqLHo" nufot dGqfnosf] dxfk|d'v / ljefuLo k|d'vHo"x? nufot If]qLo lgb]{zsHo'x?, ljefluo clws[t tyf sd{rfl/x? tyf ;+/If0f ;fem]bf/ Pa+ ;xsld{ ldqx?nfO{ x|bo b]lvg} wGoafb lbg rfxfG5' . ;fy}, uf]li7 ;+rfngdf cfly{s ;xfotf k|bfg ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/ / ;+o'tm /fi6«;+3Lo ljsf; sfo{qmdnfO{ xflb{s s[t1tf k|bfg ub{5' . uf]li7df ljifoj:tnfO{ Jojl:yt tj/n] uf]li7sf ;xeflux? aLr ;xlhs/0f / k|fKt ;'emfjx?nfO{ ;d]l6 k|ltj]bg tof/ ul/ lbg] k/fdz{ bftfx?nfO klg ljefusf] tkm{af6 wGojfb lbg rfxG5' .

=============================================>L ljho/fh kf}8ofn, dxflgb]{zs

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

xflb{s cfef/

;+lIfKt ?k

ASCO Assistant Soil Conservation Offi cer

BCRWME Building Climate Resilience of Watersheds in Mountain Eco-Regions

DDG Deputy Director General

DFRS Department of Forest Research and Survey

DNPWC Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation

DoF Department of Forests

DoPR Department of Plant Resources

DRD Deputy Regional Director

DRR Disaster Risk Reduction

DSCO District Soil Conservation Offi ce

DSCWM Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA

MoFSC Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation

NDM Natural Disaster Management

NFA Nepal Foresters' Association

PA Performance Agreement

PCTMCDB President Chure Terai Madhesh Conservation Development Board

RD Regional Director

RDF Regional Forest Directorate

SA BI HA Samudayik Bikas Tatha Hariyali Ayojana

SOWCOS Soil and Water sonservation Society

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organization

ljifo ;"rL

xflb{s cfef/ 3

;+lIfKt ?k 4

laifo ;"rL 5

;f/f+z -Summary_ 7

v08 Ps M kl/ro 9

!=! k[i7e"ld 9

!=@ sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf p2]Zox? 10

!=# sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf] ;~rfngljwL / ;xeflutf 10

!=$ sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf ;xeflu x?n] cf}NofPsf d'Vo d'Vo ;Defjgf / r'gf}ltx? 11

v08 b'O M pb\3f6g ;q 13

@=! pb\3f6g ;df/f]x 13

@=@ pb\3f6g / dGtJo 13

v08 tLg M k|fljlws ;q 16

klxnf] lbg 16

#= k|fljlws tyf ;f+u7lgs :j?k / cfly{s kIf ;DjGwL sfo{kqx?sf] k|:t'tL 16

#=! klxnf] ;q M k|fljlws tyf gLltut kIf 16

#=@ bf]>f] ;q M ;f+u7lgs :j?k / cfly{s kIf 17

#=# t]>f] ;q M ;d"x 5nkmn 18

v08 rf/ M cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg 19

bf];|f]] lbg 19

$= cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg sfo{kqx?sf] k|:t'tL 19

$=! rf}yf] ;q M cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg 19

$=@ kfFrf} ;q M cWoogx?sf] ;f/f+z 19

$=# 5}6f} ;q M Watershed Characterization and Prioritization Tools ;d"x 5nkmn 20

v08 kfFr M ;dfkg ;df/f]x sfo{qmd 21

%= ;dfkg ;q 21

%=! ;d"x 5nkmnsf] k|:t'tL 21

%=@ 3f]if0ffkq hf/L 21

%=# ;dfkg ;qsf] k|d'v cltyL sf] dGtJo 21

cg';'rLx? M 23

cg';"rL ! /fli6«o uf]li7df ePsf k|:t'tLx? 25

cg';"rL !=! dGqL :t/Lo k|lta2tfkq / dxflgb]{zs :tl/o s/f/ ;Demf}tf hfgsf/L tyf

sfof{Gjogsf] lhDd]af/L ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 25

cg';"rL !=@ r'/]sf lhNnfx?sf] cg'udg k|lta]bgsf] ;f/ ;fy} k|:tfljt ljefuLo cg'udg tyf

d'NofÍg /0fgLlt ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 30

cg';"rL !=# e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaf6 xfn;fn} ul/Psf sf]l;;÷kxnx? tyf

kl/of]hgf k|:tfj ljsf; ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 38

cg';"rL !=$ River Basin Level Planning : Concept and Programs ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 42

cg';"rL !=% /fli6«o hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt, cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sf]if

-d:of}bf_ @)&# ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 46

cg';"rL !=^ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;DaGwL sfg"gnfO{ ;+zf]wg / PsLs/0f ug{ ag]sf] ljw]os -d:of}bf_ 57

cg';"rL !=& ;+l3otfdf ljefusf] ;f+u7lgs 9f+rf / j]lzg cjwf/0ff;DjGwL k|:t'tL 64

cg';"rL !=* a]?h'sf] jt{dfg cj:yf, km5f}{6sf] ljefluo nIo / j]?h' km5f}{6sf nflu ug'{kg]{

sfo{x? ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 67

cg';"rL !=( kj{tLo hnfwf/x?sf] hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;dfg's'ng cfof]hgf BCRWME sf

s[ofsnfkx? ;DjGwL k|utL ljj/0f ;lxtsf] k|:t'tL 69

cg';"rL !=!) km]jftfn hnfwf/df sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf cj;/ / r'gf}tL ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 71

cg';"rL !=!! s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ If]qdf ;~rflnt sfo{qmd tyf l;sfOx?;lxtsf] k|:t'tL 75

cg';"rL !=!@ 8f6fa]; Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 78

cg';"rL !=!# Susceptibility mapping & post earthquake landslide inventory of Nuwakot ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 79

cg';"rL !=!$ Watershed characterization and prioritization tools : Concept and application ;DjGwL k|:t'tL 80

cg';"rL !=!% sf]zL a]l;g ;d"xsf] tkm{af6 ul/Psf] k|:t'tL 88

cg';"rL !=!^ u08sL a]l;g ;d"xsf] tkm{af6 ul/Psf] k|:t'tL 92

cg';"rL !=!& s0f{fnL a]l;g ;d"xsf] tkm{af6 ul/Psf] k|:t'tL 95

cg';"rL @ lhNnf e"–;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]i7L, @)&#, nlntk'/ 3f]if0ffkq 98

cg';"rL # lhNnf e"–;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] sfo{qmd 99

cg';"rL $ lhNnf e"–;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]i7Ldf ;xefuLx?sf] gfdfjnL 102

cg';"rL % lhNnf e"–;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]i7L–@)&# sf emnsx? 110

The District Soil Conservation Offi cers (DSCO) National Workshop, 2016 was held in Lalitpur on 27-28 November 2016 organised by Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management incollaboration with UNDP. The Theme of the workshop was "Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal". The workshop was inaugurated by Honourable Minister of Forest and Soil Conservation Mr. Shankar Bhandari.

The main aim of the workshop was to establish a strong corner stone as foundation for the mainstreaming basins approach. The workshop offered participants the opportunity to sharing different concepts, knowledge and create a common understanding through presentations, discussions and group work. Participants included District Soil Conservation Offi cers (DSCO) of 61 districts, dignitaries from MoFSC, Departments' representative including DG, DDG, Section Heads, technical and admin/Finance staff, Regional Directors of all 5-Regional forest directorates, UNDP staff and other development partners.

Altogether seventeen presentations were shared. DSCWM facilitated nine presentations: Principles and approaches for integrated river basin management in changing federal structure of country; Organizational structures in federal Nepal; Financial situation of the budget allocated for DSCWM and DSCOs; Sharing of recent initiatives from DSCWM; Susceptibility mapping & landslide inventory practices; Monitoring report from districts implementing Chure conservation programs; Proposed Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy of DSCWM, and; Proposed amendment in Act/Regulations related to the department. Three presentations were made by district offi ces’ highlighting issues and best practices representative for all districts, including an update on the implementation status of Phewalake and Kulekhani protected watersheds. One brief presentation was made to highlight main features, activities and progress of the Building Climate Resilience of Watersheds in Mountain Eco-Regions project (BCRWME). Following group discussions among participants, three presentations on the Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali-Mahakali river basins were given. Meanwhile, UNDP as a conservation partner offered detailed presentation about the concept and methods of Watershed Characterization and Prioritization Tools developed for scientifi c watershed management.

In presence of Secretary of the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation Dr. Krishna Chandra Paudel, a declaration (Ghosana Patra) was developed, signed and endorsed after the signature of all participant of the workshop during the closing ceremony chaired by DSCWM Director General Mr. Bijaya Raj Paudyal.

The declaration focuses on integrated watershed management through basin approach introducing new initiations like urban watershed management, hydropower watershed, greenifi cation of highway watersheds, stakeholder consultations in each basin, institutional and capacity development, focus on Chure conservation programme, National landslide management centre, legal provision for watershed management, declaration of protected watershed to Phewa and Kulekhani, and formation of a Conservation Consortium for soil and water conservation.

Main streaving basin approach for Integrated watershed management offers great opportunities for DSCWM to gain and share knowledge and build organisational structures and processes on a clear vision with committed and qualifi ed human resources at both national and district levels. One of the challenges will be to mainstreaming DSCWM programs with the federal structure of Nepal.


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


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vfBfGg pTkfbgdf ;d]t x|f; cfO/x]sf] 5 . o;/L

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;fy} hgtfsf] ;fdflhs / cfly{s cj:yfdf ;d]t

gsf/fTds k|efj kf/]sf] 5 .

o:tf c;/x?nfO{ Go"lgs/0fsf nflu v]tLkftL tyf

:yfgLo k|fs[lts ;|f]tx? -kfgL, jg hËn, cflb_

df lge{/ g]kfnsf clwsf+z hgtfsf] ;xeflutfdf

plrt Joj:yfkg Pjd\ ;+/If0f geP;Dd hgtfsf]

hLjg:t/ dfly p7\g ;Sb}g . o;sf ;fy} /

jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ng sfod /fVg e" ;+/If0f tyf

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf] k|of;åf/f e"Ifo /f]syfd u/L

hdLgsf] pj{/fzlQm a9fpg' cfjZos 5 . hnfwf/Lo

;|f]tx?sf] plrt ;+/If0f Pjd\ lbuf] pkof]uaf6

hnfwf/ If]qsf hgtfsf vfBfGgsf ;fy} 3Ff ;, bfp/f

/ sf7 h:tf cfwf/e"t cfjZostfx? lbuf] ?kdf

kl/k"lt{ ub}{ hgtfsf] hLljsf]kfh{gdf 7f]; d2t k'¥ofpg'

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/f]sL hn, hldg, hËn, hgtf / hLjhGt'aLrsf]

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Nofpg' cfhsf] cfjZostf xf] . hn tyf hldgsf]

;+/If0fåf/f :yfgLo cfjZostf kl/k"lt{ ub}{ ;Gt'lnt

jftfj/0f sfod /fVg / hgtfsf cfjZostf k"lt{sf

nflu :yfgLo ;d'bfox?sf] ;xeflutf ckl/xfo{ x'G5 .

of]hgfj4 hnfwf/ ;|f]tx?sf] ;+/If0f / ljsf;åf/f g}

lbuf] tyf ;Gt'lnt cfly{s pGglt x'g ;S5 .

log} s'/fx?nfO{ b[li6ut u/L @)#! ;fn >fj0f @$

ut] jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno cGtu{t e" tyf hn

;+/If0f ljefusf] :yfkgf eof] . lj=;+=@)#& ;fndf

o; ljefusf] gfd e" tyf hn ;+/If0f ljefuaf6 e"

tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefudf kl/jt{g ul/of] . lj=;+=

@)%) ;fndf ;Ë7g ;'wf/ ubf{ e" ;+/If0f ljefu

gfdfs/0f ul/Psf]df k"gM e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

ljefu g} sfod ul/of] . o; ljefun] ^! lhNnfdf

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nosf] :yfkgf / dfk{mt &%

j6} lhNnfdf e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf

sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng u/L ;]jf k'¥ofp+b} cfO{/x]sf] 5 .

e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ;]jfnfO{ &%

lhNnfdf g} lj:tf/ ug{ tyf ;Dkflbt ;]jfsf]

kf/blz{tfsf cfwf/df cg'udg d"Nofªsg u/L

pknlJwx?sf] n]vfhf]vf ug{ ;f]rtflnsf -Log frame_ tof/ e} :jLs[t ;d]t e};s]sf] 5 . ;fy}

sfo{qmdx?nfO{ hn;|f]t /0fgLlt / /fli6«o hn

of]hgfn] lgb]{zg u/]jdf]lhd hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

sfo{qmdnfO{ j]l;g Pk|f]rdf sfof{Gjog u/L

hnfwf/sf] lbuf] Joj:yfkgsf] dfWodaf6 hgtfsf]

hLljsf]kfh{gdf ;'wf/ Nofpg ;Ë7gfTds ;+/rgfdf

kl/jt{g ug]{ sfo{ e}/x]sf] 5 .

;'wfl/Psf] ;+u7gfTds :j?ksf cfwf/df e"Ifoaf6 x'g]

;d:ofx?nfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug{ ;xeflutfTds hnfwf/

Joj:yfkgsf sfo{qmdx? dfkm{t\ hldgsf] pTkfbsTj

a[l4 ;fy} :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] hLljsf]kfh{gdf ;'wf/

v08 Ps M kl/ro

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


u/L u/LaL Go"lgs/0fdf of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] bL3{sflng

;f]r /x]sf] 5 .

b]z}e/L aif]{gL af9L klx/f] / e"–Ifosf] k|sf]k

lbgfg'lbg a9bf] 5 . hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] c;/af6

cg's'lnt x'g] ;d'bfosf] k|of; lg/Gt/ rln/x]sf]

5 eg] ljgf;sf/L dxfe"sDkn] cToflws dfqfdf

klx/f]x?sf] ;[hgf ug'{sf ;fy} kfgLsf d'xfgx?

;'s]/ xfxfsf/sf] cj:yf ;[hgf ePsf] 5 . k|efljt

If]qsf hgtfx?sf] lhljsf]kfh{gdf ljs/fn ;d:of

kg'{sf ;fy} e" sDksf sf/0f k'jf{wf/x?df Jofks

IftL k'Ug uO ;f] sf] ;+/If0fdf 6]jf k'¥ofpg] r'gf}tL

;d]t ljefu / dftxtsf sfof{nodf k/]sf] cj:yf

5 . csf{lt/ hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0fn] cltj[li6

cgfj[li6 h:tf ;d:ofx? ;[hgf eO{ cToflws jf9L

klx/f]sf] k|sf]k ;d]t Joxf]l/ /fVg' k/]sf] cj:yf

5 . o;sf;fy} ljBdfg ;dGjo gu/L ul/g] ljsf;

lgdf{0fsf s[ofsnfkn] e" jftfj/l0fo cj:yfdf x|f;

cfO{ k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf 36gfx? lbgfg'lbg a9L /x]sf]

cj:yf ;j} If]qdf dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 .

lhNnf l:yt sfo{fnox?sf] ;Lldt >f]t ;fwgjf6

k'¥ofOPsf] ;]jf / sfo{s|d ;+rfngsf] ;+be{df b]vfk/]sf

r'gf}lt / ;+efjgfx?sf] cfk;L cGt/lqmofsf] ckl/xfo{

cfjZostf tyf UNDP, CDRMP, BCRWME, FAO, WWF, CARE Nepal, xl/of] jg h:tf ljleGg

bft[| lgsfox?sf] ;fem]bf/Ldf ;+rflnt sfo{s|dx?sf]

k|ljlw 1fg, l;k tyf cg'ejx?sf] cfbfg k|bfg

ug'{ / ljBdfg cj:yfdf ljefujf6 yfngL ul/Psf

gljgtd sfo{x?sf] hfgsf/L cfbfg k|bfg ug{sf

nflu lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf ljutsf

/fli6«o uf]li7x?n] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]n]sf] l;sfOsf

cfwf/df of] /fli6«o uf]li7 ;+l3o k'g/;+/rgfdf j[xt

gbL k|0ffnLdf cfwfl/t Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

nfO d"nk|jfxLs/0f ug{ ;fGble{s /x]sf] lyof] .

/fi6«sf] ;+l3o k'g/;+/rgfdf j[xt gbL k|0ffnLdf

cfwfl/t Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfo{nfO{ s;l/

cl3 j9fpg ;lsG5 < ljwdfg e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

P]gnfO{ ;+l3otf cg'?k s;l/ ?kfGt/0f ug'{k5{ <

ljwdfg kl/j]zdf b]zsf] e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

gLltsf] d:of}bfnfO{ clGtd ?k s;/L lbg ;lsG5<

cflb ljifodf 5nkmn cl3 a9fpg ;d]t plQs}

dxTjk'0f{ b]lvPsf] 5 . oL laifox?df Jofjxfl/s /

7f]; lgisif{ lgsfNg] nIosf ;fy" Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal” eGg] d"n ljifo

(Theme) df lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o

uf]li7 cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] .

!=@ sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf p2]Zox?

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f Pj+ Joj:yfkgsf]

lznl;nfdf lhNnfl:yt sfo{fnox?sf] 1fg,

l;k, cg'ejsf] cfbfg k|bfg ug]{.

jg gLlt @)&! n] lgb]{lzt u/] jdf]lhd j[xt

glb k|0ffnL -j]l;g cfwf/0ff_ df cfwf/Lt /xL k"j{

of]hgf th'{dfsf] cfwf/lznf tof/ ug{] .

;+l3o ;+/rgfdf ljefusf] :j?k / eflj /0flglt

jf/] ;femf cjwf/0f tof/ ug{] .

hNffwf/ Joj:yfkgsf gljgtd vf]h tyf ljifo

j:t'jf/] hfgsf/L cfbfg k|bfg ug{] .

Watershed Characterization ;DjGwL gljgtd

pknJwLx?sf] ;fy} ;f] ;+jlGw Interactive Software Tool sf] jf/]df cfbfg k|bfg ug{] .

!=# sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf] ;~rfng ljwL / ;xeflutf

dfyL pNn]v ul/Psf p2]Zox? k'/f ug{, e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf] cfof]hgf / UNDP DRR sf] ;xof]udf ;+rfng ePsf] lhNnf e" ;+/If0f

clws[tx?sf] uf]i7Lsf] d"Vo laifo "Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal" /x]sf] lyof] . xf]6n

lxdfnodf ePsf] o; uf]i7Lsf] ;~rfng d"Vo ?kdf

tLg efu -pb\3f6g ;q, 5nkmn ;q / ;dfkg ;q_

df ul/Psf] lyof] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


sfo{kqsf] :j?k

dfggLo dlGqHo"n] k|ltj4tf kqdf x:tfIf/

ug'{ ePsf] ljifodf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

ljefusf] lhDd]jf/L / ;f] pknJwL xfl;n

ug{ lhNnf l:yt sfof{nox?sf] of]ubfg .

jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf ;lrjHo"

/ >Ldfg dxflgb]{zs Ho" aLr Perfor-mance Contract Agreement ug'{ ePsf

ljifox?nfO{ ;Djf]wg ug{ ljefu tyf

lhNnfx?n] k'¥ofpg' kg]{ e"ldsf ;DjlGw

5nkmn tyf hfgsf/L .

bft[ lgsfox? / ;fem]bf/ lgsfox?jf6

Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgdf eO{ /x]sf

/ x'g ;Sg] ;xsfo{sf s[ofsnfkx?sf]

hfgsf/L / ;femf cjwf/0ffsf] ljsf; .

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt, e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f P]g ;+l3o ;+/rgfdf e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf] eflj ;+uf7lgs

:j?k cflbsf] hfgsf/L / ;femf cjwf/0ff

ljsf; .

ljefujf6 z'?jft ul/Psf gljgtd

cjwf/0ffx? jf/] hfgsf/L tyf 5nkmn .

ljleGg lhNnfx?jf6 ;Dkflbt pTs[i6

ls|ofsnfkx?sf] -cfxf sfo{s|dsf]_

k|:t'tL .

uf]i7Ldf dfglgo jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqL Ho", >Ldfg

;lrj Ho", jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno, dxfzfvf

k|d"v Ho"x?–jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno, jg ljefusf

dxflgb]{zs Ho", e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf

pkdxflgb]{zs Ho", If]lqo jg lgb]{zs Ho"x?, lhNnf

e";+/If0f clws[t Ho" x? -^! lhNnf_, bft[ lgsfo

tyf ;fem]bf/ lgsfo UNDP sf k|d"v Ho", e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf zfvf k|d'v Ho"x?, e" tyf

hn ;+/If0f ;dfh g]kfnsf cWoIf Ho", g]kfn jg

k|fljlws ;+3sf cWoIf Ho", kqsf/ Ho"x? cflbsf]

pkl:ylt÷;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] .

ck]lIft pknJwL

jg gLltn] lgb]{lzt u/]jdf]lhdsf

gLlt sfo{gLltx?nfO{ Jofjxf/Ls ?kdf

sfof{Gjog df Nofpg ;3fp k'¥ofPsf]

x'g]5 .

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt, P]gx?sf] d:of}bf

5nkmn dfkm{t clGtd :j?k cfPsf] x'g]5 .

;+l3o ;+/rgfdf ljefusf] efjL /0fgLltjf/]

;j}df dtP]Sotf eO{ ;femf cjwf/0ff

ljsf; ePsf] x'g]5 .

k|fljlws 1fg l;k tyf cg'ejsf] cfbfg

k|bfgjf6 ;xefuLx?sf] sfo{Ifdtfdf j[l¢

ePsf] x'g]5 .

lj:t[t sfo{qmd cg';"rL # / ;xeflusf] gfdfjnL

cg';"rL $ df /flvPsf] 5 . uf]li7df d"n ?kdf

k|:t'tL—5nkmn / ;d"x 5nkmn ul/Psf] lyof] .

!=$ sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf ;xeflu x?n] cf}NofPsf d'Vo d'Vo ;Defjgf / r'gf}ltx?

;fu+7lgs ;Defjgf / ;jfnx?

!=$=! k|d'v ;Defjgf

;+:yf / ;+u7gM

jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno dftxt ljefusf] ?kdf

@)#! ;fn b]lv sfd ub}{ cfPsf]df vf;u/L hnljB'tsf

hnfwf/ If]q ;+/If0f, k'jf{wf/ ;+/If0f, s[lif pTkfbsTj,

k|fs[lts >f]t ;+/If0f, pQm sfo{x? Plss[t hnfwf/

Joj:yfkgsf] cjwf/0fdf cGt/lglxt ePsf] x'bfF o;

qmddf ;do ;fk]lIfs ?kdf kl/lis[t Pj+ ;sf/fTds

/ ;'wf/fTds l;sfO{x? ePsf 5g\ . o;/L g} xfn

^! lhNnfdf lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox? Dffkm{t

b]zJofkL ?kdf ;]jf k|jfx e} /x]sf] cj:yf 5 .

b'/b[li6, nIo tyf p2]Zodf :ki6tf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefun] @)^% ;fndf tof/

u/]sf] ts{o'Qm ;+/rgf÷vfsf (Logical Framework)

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


Ps hLljt clen]v (Live Document) sf] ?kdf

/x]sf] / o;df :ki6 ?kdf b'/b[li6, nIo, p2]Zo

/x]sf]n] ;f]lx cg';f/ sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g'sf ;fy} jg

gLlt @)&! n] klg j]l;g cjwf/0ffdf cfwfl/t

PsLs[t hnfwf/ ;/If0f nfO{ dxTjsf ;fYf ;dfj]z

u/]sf] x'bfF gLltut txdf ;d]t e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f sfo{df ;xhtf /x]sf] .

k|ltj4 / k|ljwLo'Qm hgzlQm

ljefu ;+u nIo p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu jx'If]qut

ljifo ljz]if1 -jg, s[lif, lhof]nf]lh, OlGhlgol/u+,

;dfhzf:qL, s]ldi6«L_ nufot sf k|fljlws tyf

k|zf;lgs If]qdf ;lDdlnt hgzlQm /x]sf] / o;n]

xfn;Dd ;d'bfo, /fli6«o tyf cGt//f{li6«o ;3+ ;:+yf

;u+ ;xsfo{ ub}{ jftfj/0fLo If]qdf ;'zf;g / ljZjf;

(Goodwill) cfh{gsf] cj;/sf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 .

kfl/l:yltlso ;]jf k|jfxsf] k|d'v cjwf/0ff

Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfo{s|dn] g} pkNnf]

tl6o / tNnf] tl6o If]qsf] lbuf] ;+/If0f / ljsf;nfO{

;3fpg] k|d'v sfo{s|dsf ;fy} k|efjsf/L kfl/

l:yltlso ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ;Defjgf /x]sf] / jt{dfg

hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0f pTkGg ;d:ofx?df h'em\g

pko'Qm cg's'ngsf] sfo{s|d /x]sf] s'/fdf ljZj

hgdtsf] Pp6} wf/0ff /x]sf] .

!=$=@ d'Vo ;jfnx?

;+l3otf / a]l;g cjwf/0ff

/fhg}lts kIfsf] ;Dj4tf / hn>f]t ÷ k|fs[lts

>f]tsf] Joj:yfkg;Fu ;DjlGwt j]l;g cjwf/0fsf]

;fd~h:otf ldnfpg, ;fu+7lgs, ;/+rgfsf] gLltut,

sfg'gL / ;u+7gfTds tfnd]n ldnfpg cfjZos

/x]sf] .

;|f]t ;fwgsf] kof{Kttf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf] sfd ;d'bfosf] k|ToIf

;xeflutfdf eP dfq bLuf] x'g] x'+bf ;d'bfo

kl/rfng ;fy} ;fgf] If]qdf Plss[t ?kdf sfd ug{'

kg]{ cj:yfdf cfly{s ef}lts tyf dfgjLo ;|f]tsf]

a9L cfjZostf x'G5 .

;dGjofTds ;+/rgf

Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg jx'kIfLo (Multi Disciplinary) sfo{s|d ePsf] / ;dGjosf] cefjdf

ul/g] k'jf{wf/ ljsf;n] hnfwfl/o ;|f]tx?sf] IfoLs/0f

x'guO{ af9L, klx/f], kfgLsf] cefj h:tf ;d:ofx?

;[hgf eO{/x]sf] ljwdfg cj:yfdf pRr :t/Lo

;dGjo ;+oGqsf] cfjZoQmf dxz'; ePsf] 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


v08 b'O M pb\3f6g ;q

@=! pb\3f6g ;df/f]x

dfglgo jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqL >L zs/ e08f/Lsf] k|d'v cfltYo / jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf lgldQ ;lrj /]zd axfb'/ 8fFuLsf] ljlzi6 cfltYotfdf ePsf] o; uf]i7Lsf] pb\3f6g ;qsf] cWoIftf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L laho/fh kf}8\ofnn] ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . ;f] sfo{qmdsf cltyLx?df bft[lgsfo o'Pgl8lk sf sfo{qmd lgb]{zs >L ljho l;+x, jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf dxfzfvf k|d'vx? 8f= clvn]Zj/nfn s0f{ -jftfj/0f dxfzfvf_, >L u]x]Gb|s]z/L pkfWofo -cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg dxfzfvf_, 8f= l;Gw'k|;fb 9+'ufgf -/]8 sfof{Gjog s]Gb|_, 1fg]Gb| kf}8]n -k|zf;g dxfzfvf_ jg ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L s[i0fk|;fb cfrfo{, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf pkdxflgb]{zs >L v|'Zr]e >]i7, If]lqo jg lgb]{zsx? >L u0f]z emf -dWodf~rn_, >L wg~ho kf}8]n -klZrdf~rn_, >L u0f]z /fo -dWoklZrdf~rn_ tyf >L ;'lw/ sf]O/fnf -;'b'/ klZrdf~rn_ x'g'x'GYof] . o:t} g]kfn jg k|fljlws ;+3sf cWoIf >L z]v/ ofbj tyf e" tyf hn ;+/If0f ;dfhsf cWoIf >L uf]kfnxl/ zdf{ sfo{qmdsf] cltyLsf] ?kdf x'g'x'GYof] . pkl:yt kqsf/ nufot ;Dk"0f{ dxfg'efjx?nfO{ cf;g u|x0f kZrft\ /fli6«o ufgsf] nflu cg'/f]w ub}{ pb\3f]ifs e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf cg'udg zfvf k|d'v >L /fh' ;fksf]6fn] sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

:jfut dGtJoM sf7df08f} lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t

>L dgf]x/ zfx

/fli6«o ufg kZrft lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf]

uf]i7L "Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Inte-grated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal"

df pkl:yt k|d'v cltly, ljlzi6 cltyL, cltyL

nufot ;Dk"0f{ dxfg'efjx?nfO{ :jfut ub}{ sf7df08f}

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t >L dgf]x/ zfxn] hnfwf/

Joj:yfkg Ecological approach to Land Man-agement ePsf] / g]kfnsf] >f]t ;+/If0fsf] lrGtf

ePsf, cg'ejn] vfl/Psf ;+/If0f sdL{x?sf] 1fg /

phf{n] uxg lgisif{ lg:sg ;sf]; eGg] rfxgf JoQm

ug'{ePsf] lyof] .

@=@ pb\3f6g / dGtJo

dfglgo jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqL >L zs/ e08f/L

sfo{qmdsf] pb\3f6g k|d'v cltlyn] kfg;df alQ afn]/ ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . jxfFn] cfˆgf] pb\3f6g dGtJodf x'g' k5{ -s]<_ eGg] eGbf klg s;/L ug]{ eGg] 7f]; s'/f lgsfNg, lhNnfdf ePsf] ;Lldt ;|f]t ;fwgsf] clwstd kl/rfng u/L k|fs[lts r'gf}tLx?sf] ;fdgf ug{ ;dGjofTds 9+un] cuf8L a9]df kl/0ffd xfl;n x'g] s'/fdf hf]8 lbg' ePsf] lyof] .

dfglgo dGqL Ho" jf6 k|:t't ePsf] lnlvt dGtJo lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] lyof] .

uf]i7Lsf cWoIf Ho",;lraHo",dxfzfvf k|d'vHo"x?, ljefuLo k|d'vHo"x?,lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t Ho"x? nufot /fi6«;]js ldqx?, ljleGg bfqL tyf cGo lgsfosf k|d'v Ho" Pa+ k|ltlglw Ho"x?, k]zfut ;+u7gsf k|d'v tyf k|ltlglw Ho"x?, kqsf/ Ho'x?

pkl:yt e› dlxnf tyf ;Hhg a[Gbx? ÛÛÛÛÛ

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


sdhf]/ ef}uf]lns agfj6, dfglao ultlalwsf

sf/0fx?af6 b]zn] c/af}+sf] Iflt / ut aif{sf]

ljgfzsf/L e"sDksf] c;/ kZrft b]zn] Joxf]g{' k/]sf]

IftL Go'lgs/0fsf] ;Gbe{df lhNnf e" clws[tx?sf]

o; uf]i7L cToGt ;fGble{s / ;d;fdlos 5 . b]zsf]

sl/a @$ s/f]8 3g ld6/ df6f] aif]{gL au]/ hfg]

cj:yf, aftfa/0fLo hf]lvdsf] lx;fan] ljZjsf] rf}yf]

b]z, af9L klx/f]sf] hf]lvdsf] lx;fan] #! cf}+ :yfgdf

ePsf] x'Fbf k|fs[lts >f]t ;fwgx?sf] Plss[t ?kdf

hnfwf/ Aoa:yfkg ug{' cfhsf] ckl/xfo{ cfaZostf

ePsf] 5 .

b]zsf] ?kfGtl/t kl/a]zdf a[xt hnfwf/ Aoa:yfkgsf]

cawf/0ff cToGt} dxTjk"0f{ eP/ cfPsf] 5 . ;f]lx

cg';f/ dGqfnoaf6 ul/Psf @( a'+b] k|lta4tf kqdf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f laefu ;+u ;DalGwt d'ne"t

laifodf # j6f kIfx? hf]l8Psf 5g\ . h;df gLltut

;'wf/ cGtu{t hnfwf/ Aoa:yfkg gLltsf] th{'df ug]{,

kl/alt{t ;+l3o ;+/rgfdf hnfwf/ Aoa:yfkg P]+gsf]

;+zf]wg, / cToGt} ;Da]bglzn ?kdf /x]sf] af9L

klx/f] k|sf]k Aoa:yfkgsf] nflu cfsl:ds sf]ifsf]

Joj:yfnfO{ cuf8L ;fl/Psf] 5 . o; ;DaGwdf

uf]i7Ln] 7f]; sfo{of]hgf tof/ ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 .

xfn ! c/a eGbf a9Lsf] ah]6 hg:t/af6 klx/f]

Aoa:yfkg, glb s6fgsf] /f]syfd nufotsf nflu

dfu cfPsf] cj:yf 5 Û b]ze/ kfgLsf d'xfgx?

;'Sb} uPsf], s[lif e"ldsf] pTkfbsTjdf ;d]t

r'gf}tL ylkPsf] 5 . ag gLlt @)&! n] lgb{]lzt u/]

adf]lhd PsLs[t a[xt glb a]lzgsf] cawf/0ffdf

cfwfl/t /xL hnfwf/ Aoa:yfkg ug{' cfaZos

/x]sf] 7fGb5' . o:tf] sfo{sf] nflu ljefusf] df}h'bf

gLltut, sfg'gL, ;+u7flgs ;+/rgfsf] ;'wf/sf nflu

d k|lta4 5' . b]ze/L k|ToIf hg;Dks{df /x]/ hn,

e"ld, tyf b]zsf ;+a]bgzLn, dxTjk"0f{ / k|fyldstf

k|fKt hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf] sfo{df ;+nUg x'g' ePsf

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?n] cfufdL lbgdf b]zsf]

ablnbf] kl/l:ylt / a9\bf] e"Ifo, hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf

r'gf}tLx?nfO{ k|efasf/L 9+un] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{

dxTjk"0f{ lhDd]af/L tkfO{x?sf sf+wdf 5 . :yfgLo

hgtfsf] k|ToIf ;+nUgtfdf ;+/If0fsf lqmofsnfkx?

;+rfng u/L ljefuLo p2]Zo xfl;n ug{ cem a9L

;lqmo eO nfut / aflif{s sfo{qmdsf] ef}lts k|ult

;dod} ;Dkfbg ug{ lgb]{zg ub{5' .

cGTodf, dGqfnosf] k|lta4tf, ljefuLo k|d'vx?sf]

s/f/ ;Demf}tf cg';f/ k|efjsf/L / ;'zf;g ;lxtsf]

;]jf k|afx ug{ tkfO{x? k"0f{ k|lta4 x'g cfaZos

5 . uf]i7Ldf x'g] 5nkmnx? cToGt ;fGble{s

5g . klx/f] Aoa:yfkg, dGqfno / ljefun] lnPsf

;f]+rx?, cfly{s Aoa:yfkg Pa+ lhNnfdf b]lvPsf

;d;fdlos ;jfnx? tyf uf]i7Lsf] k|lta]bgdf

pNn]lvt ;'emfax?nfO{ sfo{Gjogsf nflu d]/f]

tkm{af6 k"0f{ ;xof]u k|fKt x'g] k|lta4tf ;d]t AoQm

ug{ rfxG5' . uf]i7Lsf] ;kmntfsf] sfdgf ub{5' .

lgldQ ;lrj >L /]zd axfb'/ 8fFuL

uf]i7Lsf] ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf lbg' x'b} jg tyf e"

;+/If0f dGqfnosf lgldQ ;lrj /]zd axfb'/ 8fFuLn]

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;Da}wflgs Joj:yf

ePsf]n] Functional Analysis sf cfwf/df sfd ug'{

kg]{, g]kfnsf] t/fO{ Bread Basket ePsf]n] o;sf]

;+/If0fsf nflu kxf8L If]qsf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgdf

hf]8 lbg' kg]{, Global Discourse df ljrf/ ub}{ e"

kl/wL :t/df sfd ug]{ :yfgLo cg's'ng of]hgfsf]

vfsf Framework sf] ;ldIff u/L uflj; :t/sf]

eGbf hnfwf/ :t/sf] agfpg' cfjZos /x]sf] / o;

ljefudf hn pTkGg k|sf]k ljefun] ug]{ sfd Merge x'g ;S5 t;y{ sfd cg';f/sf] ;+u7g x'g' cfjZos

ePsf] s'/f :ki6 kfg'{ eof] .

jg ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L s[i0fk|;fb cfrfo{

pb\3f6g ;qdf z'esfdgf dGtJo lbg'x'b} jg

ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L s[i0fk|;fb cfrfo{n] ljsf;n]

NofPsf ;d:ofx?n] ubf{ a9bf] e" Ifo Go"lgs/0f ug{

a'bfut ?kdf jg / e" ;+/If0fsf] lgoldt ;dGjo, jg

cltqmd0f ePsf :yfgdf dfgljo afx]s e" ;+/If0fsf

s[ofsnfk gug]{, /fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]; sfo{qmddf

jg / e" ;+/If0f b'j}sf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ / ef}lts

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


k"jf{wf/sf] ;+/If0fdf al9 s]lGb|t x'g] s'/fdf hf]8 lbb}

uf]li7sf] ;kmntfsf] nflu z'esfdgf lbg'eof] .

klZrdf~rn If]lqo jg lgb]{zs >L wg~ho kf}8]n

If]lqo jg lgb]{zsx?sf tkm{af6 z'esfdgf dGtJosf

qmddf klZrdf~rn If]lqo jg lgb]{zs >L wg~ho

kf]8]nn] ædf]6f] kfgL hf]ufcf}+, xl/ofnL a9fcf}Æ sf]

gf/f ;lxt ;~rflnt sfo{qmd cToGt k|efjsf/L

/x]sf], xfn;Dd w]/} pknJwLx? ePsf], jgdf uflj;,

lhNnf / c~rnsf] l;dfgfn] s'g} c;/ gkf/] h:t}

hnfwf/ ;+/If0fdf klg Basin Approach df sfd

ubf{ /fhg}lts l;dfgfn] s'g} c;/ kfg'{ x'+b}g, jg

If]qn] k|fyldstf k|fKt If]qsf] ?kdf dfGotf kfpg'

kg]{, sd vlr{nf] / jftfj/0f d}lq k|ljlwsf] ljsf;df

hf]8 lbg' kg]{ ;fy} /fxt / k'glg{df{0f ;d]t sfd ug'{

kg]{ s'/f JoQm ug'{eof] .

o'Pgl8lksf sfo{qmd lgb]{zs >L ljho k|;fb l;+x

o'Pgl8lk sf sfo{qmd lgb]{zs >L ljho k|;fb

l;+xn] z'esfdgf dGtJo lbg'x'+b} of] sfo{qmd e"

tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu / o'Pgl8lksf] klxnf]

;xsfo{ xf] / o;sf p2]Zox? s]lx dxTjfsfFIfL b]lvP

klg ;fGble{s /x]sf 5g\, o; uf]li7df æ;+l3otf /

;+u7gÆ / Basin Approach sf] 5nkmn dxTjk"0f{ 5g\

/ o'Pgl8lk / jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno !(() b]lv

;xsfo{ ub}{ cfPsf] / To;sf l;sfO{x?nfO{ cfTd;ft

ub}{ Plss[t ?kdf cuf8L a9g' kg]{ s'/fdf Wofg

cfsif{0f u/fpg' eof] .

jg k|fljlws ;++3sf cWoIf >L z]v/s'df/ ofbj

e" ;+/If0fsf] sfd cToGt dxTjk"0f{ ePtfklg 5fFofdf

k/]sf] 5 eGb} g]kfn jg k|fljlws ;++3sf cWoIf >L

z]v/s'df/ ofbjn] hgtf ;+u k|ToIf ;Dks{ x'g]

dGqfno ePsf]n] o;sf] sfd r'gf}tLk"0f{ /x]sf] x'+bf

;dGjofTds tl/sfn] sfd ug{ ;'emfj lbg' eof] .

To;/Lg} e" tyf hn ;+/If0f ;dfhsf cWoIf >L

uf]kfnxl/ zdf{n] ;+l3otf / e" ;+/If0f, bz aif{ b]lv

eGb} cfPsf], dxfe"sDksf] IftL Joj:yfkg, agfPsf

Structure sf] lg/Gt/tf, sd{rf/Lx?sf] k'gtf{hlu,

hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's'ngsf sfd e" ;+/If0fn] ljut

@)#) ;fnb]lv ub}{ cfPsf]n] o;nfO{ Cash ug{ ;Sg]

jftfj/0f tof/ ug{ cg'/f]w ;lxt uf]li7sf] ;kmntfsf]

z'esfdgf lbg' ePsf] lyof] .

of]hgf zfvf k|d'v 8f= k|]d kf}8]n

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf of]hgf zfvf

k|d'v 8f= k|]d kf}8]n n] sfo{qmdsf p2]Zo / ck]lIft

pknJwLx? k|:t't ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

dxflgb]{zs, >L laho/fh kf}8\ofn

pb\3f6g sfo{qmdsf cWoIf e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L laho/fh kf}8\ofnn]

pb\3f6g tyf lgb]{zgsfnflu dfggLo jg tyf e"

;+/If0f dGqLnfO{ wGojfb lbg' ePsf] lyof] . o;/Lg}

pkl:yt ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ wGojfb sf ;fy}

uf]li7df dxTjk"0f{ laifodf 5nkmn ul/ lgisif{df

k'Ug ;a}nfO{ cfXjfg ub}{ pb\3f6g ;qsf] ;dfkg

ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


v08 tLg M k|fljlws ;qklxnf] lbg

#= k|fljlws tyf ;f+u7lgs :j?k / cfly{s kIf;DjGwL sfo{kqx?sf] k|:t'tL

#=! klxnf] ;q M k|fljlws tyf gLltut kIf

sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf] bf]>f] r/0fsf] klxnf] ;qsf]

cWoIftf dWoklZrdf~rn If]lqo jg lgb]{zs >L

u0f]z /fo Ho" n] ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . o; ;qdf k|fljlws

laifodf sfo{kqx? k|:t't ePsf lyP .

k|:t'tL !M 8f= k|]d k|;fb kf}8]n

dGqL :t/Lo k|lta2tfkq / dxflgb]{zs :tl/o s/f/

;Demf}tf hfgsf/L tyf sfo{Gjogsf] lhDd]af/L

klxnf] k|:t'tLdf 8f= k|]d kf}8]nn] jg tyf e" ;+/If0f

dGqL :t/Lo @( a'+b] k|ltj4tf kqsf e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f ljefu ;+u ;DalGwt # j6f a'+bf /x]sf] /

o;nfO{ sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg ljefusf dxflgb]{zs

Ho" ;+u ePsf] s/f/ ;+emf}tf, o;sf cj;/, r'gf}tL /

;d:of ;fy} sfo{;Dkfbg ;"rsx?sf laifodf :ki6

kfl/Psf]] lyof] -cg';"rL !=!_.

k|:t'tL @M >L /fh' ;fksf]6f / >L dx]z 9+'ufgf

r'/]sf lhNnfx?sf] cg'udg k|lta]bgsf] ;f/ ;fy}

k|:tfljt ljefuLo cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt

cg'udg clws[t >L /fh' ;fksf]6f / ;xfos cg'udg

clws[t >L dx]z 9+'ufgfn] r'/]sf lhNnfx?sf] cg'udg

k|lta]bgsf] ;f/ ;fy} k|:tfljt ljefuLo cg'udg

tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt k|:t't ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . h;df

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefun] u/]sf] r'/] If]qsf]

cg'udgaf6 ePsf l;sfO{ / ;'emfjx? ;d]t k|:t't

ePsf lyP -cg';"rL !=@_ .

k|:t'tL #M >L k|sfzl;+x yfkf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaf6 xfn;fn} ul/Psf

sf]l;;÷kxnx? tyf kl/of]hgf k|:tfj ljsf;

o; k|:t'tLdf /fli6«o klx/f] Joj:yfkg s]Gb|sf]

;+/rgf, o;sfnflu ;"rgf s]Gb|, hgzlQm, ;+hfn,

k|:tfjgf, klx/f]sf] clen]v÷tYofÍ, cflb ljif-

osf ;fy} cfsl:ds sf]if :yfkgf, ltg j6} a]l;g

If]qdf ;r]tgf s]Gb|, Ecosystem Based Disas-ter Risk Reduction sfo{qmd, ;8s ;+u} e" ;+/If0f

sfo{, cTofw'lgs k|ljwL o'Qm g;{/L, r'/] u'?of]hgfsf

cfwf/df o;sf] ;+/If0f, ljleGg hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

sfo{sf nflu k|:tfjgf tof/L, /]l8of] sfo{qmd cflb

laifodf 5nkmn ul/Psf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=#_.

k|:t'tL $M 8f= k|]d k|;fb kf}8]n

River Basin Level Planning: Concept and Programs

o; k|:t'tLdf j]zLg pkfud eg]sf] s] xf]< o;sf

pkfb]otf ;fy} PsLs[t hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ug{sf] nflu

o:tf] pkfudsf] cfjZostf tyf l;4fGt sf] ljifodf

rrf{ ul/Psf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=$_.

k|:t'tL %M >L ;'dgf b]jsf]6f tyf >L OlGb/f


/fli6«o hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt, e" tyf hnfwf/

;DaGwL sfg"gnfO{ ;+zf]wg / PsLs/0f ug{ ag]sf]

ljw]os/ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sf]if


>L ;'dgf b]jsf]6fn] /fli6«o hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

gLltsf cf/e"t kIfx?, o;sf] cfjZostf, o;df

/x]sf d"ne"t kIfx?, kl/b[io, nIo tyf p2]Zox?,

/0fgLlt tyf sfo{gLlt, ;+:yfut ;+/rgf, sfg'gL

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


Joj:yf, cg'udg d"NofÍg cflb laifodf :ki6 kfg'{

ePsf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=%=!_. o;/Lg} >L OlGb/f

d"n]ktLn] e" tyf hnfwf/ ;DaGwL sfg"gnfO{ ;+zf]wg

/ PsLs/0f ug{ ag]sf] ljw]os -d:of}bf_ df ;d]l6Psf

laifoa:t', o;sf] k|:tfjgf / d"Vo d"Vo k|fjwfgx?

laifodf k|:t't ug'{ ePsf] lyof]-cg';"rL !=^_. cG-

Todf >L ;'dgf b]jsf]6fn] cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k

Joj:yfkg sf]if -d:of}bf_df /x]sf cfjZostf, p2]Zo,

o;sf] If]q, ;~rfng k|s[of, ;+/rgf cflb laifodf

k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=%=@_.

5nkmndf p7]sf d"Vo a'Fbfx?

k|:t'tL kZrft ;xefuLx?af6 ;'emfjx? k|fKt ePsf

lyP .

l;d]06]8 kf]v/L eGbf df6f] sf] g} agfof] eg]

Ground Water Recharge /fd|f] x'g] ePsf]n]

o;df Wofg hfg' cfjZos 5 -lbjfs/ kf}8]n

lhe";+c, DofUbL_ .

lgodfjnLdf ;ldltsf] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o;df

s]xL a'bfx? yk u/]df of] k"0f{ x'g ;S5 -p4a

axfb'/ l3ld/], lhe";+c, 88]Nw'/f_ .

Land Capability Classifi cation klg eP /fd|f]

x'GYof] . ;fy} hLljsf]kfh{gdf klg Wofg lbg' knf{

-lai0f' 1jfnL, jg ;+rf/_

of]hgfnfO{ l56f] eGbf l56f] lhNnfdf k7fpg

;s] sfddf k|efjsfl/tf cfpg;S5 -;'Gb/ zdf{,

lhe";+c, g'jfsf]6_

;qfWoIfsf] dGtJo

;qsf ;qfWoIfn] k|fljlws / gLltut kIfdf lg/Gt/

kl/jt{g eO{ /xg] x+'bf ;a} ;xefuLx? o;df Up-date e} /xg' kg]{ ;fy} cfkm'n] ljsf; u/]sf k|ljwL /

v8\s]sf gLltut s'/fx? cfbfg k|bfg ug{ cu|;/ x'g

cfu|x ub}{ ;qsf] ;dfkg ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

#=@ bf]>f] ;q M ;f+u7lgs :j?k / cfly{s kIf

jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf ;x;lrj >L 1fg]Gb|

kf}8]nn] cWoIftf ug'{ePsf] uf]li7sf] bf]>f] r/0fsf]

bf>f] ;qdf ;+l3o ;+/rgfdf ljefusf] ;f+u7lgs

:j?k / cfly{s kIf tyf a]?h'sf] cj:yf laifodf

sfo{kqx? k|:t't ePsf lyP .

k|:t'tL ^M >L ch'{g uf}td

;+l3otfdf ljefusf] ;f+u7lgs 9f+rf / j]lzg cjwf/0ff

o; sfo{kqdf ljefusf] df}h'bf ;+u7g, o;sf

;jn tyf ;'wf/fTds kIf tyf ;+l3o 9fFrf /

a]l;g cjwf/0ff cg';f/ sfd ug{sf nflu cfjZos

;+/rgf cflb laifo e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f lje-

fusf pk;lrj -k|zf;g_ >L ch'{g uf}tdn] k|:t't

ug'{ePsf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=&_ .

k|:t'tL &M >L hut k|;fb yklnof

a]?h'sf] jt{dfg cj:yf, km5f}{6sf] ljefluo nIo /

j]?h' km5f}{6sf nflu ug'{kg]{ sfo{x?

o; ;DaGwdf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f lje-

fusf pk;lrj -n]vf_ >L hut k|;fb yklnofn]

a]?h'sf ;}4fGtLs kIf, a]?h' k|ltsf] bfloTj, o;sf

lg/fs/0fsf ;Defjgf÷pkfo / xfd|f] k|ltj4tfdf

k|sfz kfg'{ ePsf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=*_.

5nkmndf p7]sf d"Vo a'Fbfx?

;fFu7lgs :j?k laifodf s]lx dfq 5nkmn ePsf]

lyof] eg] a]?h'sf] cj:yf ;DaGwdf w]/} lsl;dsf

;'emfjx? cfPsf lyP . h; dWo] Ps} k|s[ltsf] sfddf

s'g} lhNnfdf a]?h' cfpg] / s'g}df gcfpg], hf]

JolQmsf] kfnfdf a]?h' ePsf] xf] To;sf] hjfkmb]lxtf

p;}sf] x'g' kg]{ cflb d'Vo lyP .

;qfWoIfsf] dGtJo

;q ;dfkgsf] cj;/df ;qfWoIfHo"n] ;s[o

;xeflutfsf nflu wGojfb lbb} cGoqsf] t'ngfdf

ljefusf] a]?h' pNn]vgLo g/x]sf] / o;nfO{

Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsg] s'/f k|i6 kfb}{ gLltut

s'/fx?nfO{ Jojxfl/s jgfpb} ;dfwfgsf pkfox?sf]

vf]hL ug{ ;a}nfO{ cfu|xsf ;fy ;q ;dfkg ug'{

ePsf] lyof] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


#=# t]>f] ;qM ;d"x 5nkmn

o; ;qdf ;xefuLx? gbL k|0ffnLdf cfwfl/t # ;d"x

-sf]zL, u08sL / s0ff{nL_ df ljeflht eO{ lgDg

cg';f/sf a'+bfx?df 5nkmn ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . ;d"x

5nkmnsf] ;xlhs/0f 8f= k|]d k|;fb kf}8]n, >L /fh'

;fksf]6f, >L k|sfzl;+x yfkf / >L ;'dgf b]jsf]6fn]

ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

Group Work1.Koshi River Basin2. Gandaki River Basin3. Karnali & Mahakali River Basin-Basin Master Plan -1-District SCWM plan -61

Critical Urban W/S identifi cation and conservation dynamics (at least 10).

Critical hydro-catchment identifi cation and conservation dynamics (at least 3).

River Basin Planning, r'gf}lt / ;df-wfg

Critical watershed Area Identifi cation District Level Issues Activity Profi le -61

Building Demand (Offi ce, Residence, Training hall)

Building maintenance,Vehicle, Bike cycle demand

gLlt P]gdf k[i7 kf]if0f

;l3+o 9frfFsf] ;fu+7lgs ;/R+fgfdf k[i7kf]if0f

DSCWM Monitoring Strategy sf nflu


;d"x ljefhg / 5nkmn ;+u} klxnf] lbgsf] sfo{qmd ;lsPsf] lyof] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


v08 rf/ M cg'ej cfbfg k|bfgbf];|f]] lbg

$= cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg sfo{kqx?sf] k|:t'tL

$=! rf}yf] ;q M cg'ej cfbfg k|bfg

dWodf~rn If]lqo jg lgb]{zgfnosf If]lqo jg lgb]{zs >L u0f]z emf n] o; ;qsf] cWoIftf ub}{ cg'ej cfbfg k|bfgsf nflu k|:t'tL ug{ cg'/f]w ug'{eof] .

k|:t'tL *M >L /fdl;x yfkf

kj{tLo hnfwf/x?sf] hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;dfg's"ng cfof]hgf (BCRWME) sf s[ofsnfkx?

cfof]hgf lgb]{zs, /fdl;+x yfkfn] cfof]hgfsf p2]Zo, sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog gLlt, sfo{If]q, ;+:yfut ;+/rgf, of]hgf tyf sfof{Gjog k|s[of, xfn ;Ddsf] k|utL / l;sfOx? k|:t't ug'{ ePs]f lyof] -cg';"rL !=(_.

k|:t'tL (M >L 8Da/axfb'/ yfkf

km]jftfn hnfwf/df sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf cj;/ / r'gf}tL

o; ;qsf] bf]>f] k|:t'tL km]jftfn hnfwf/df sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf cj;/ / r'gf}tL laifodf lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{no sf:sLsf lhe";+c >L 8Da/axfb'/ yfkfs]f /x]sf] lyof] . jxfn] km]jftfn hnfwf/sf] cj:yf, o;sf] dxTj, k|d'v hflvdx?, ;+/If0fdf b]lvPsf k|d'v r'gf}tLx? / o;sf] Joj:yfkgsf ;Defjgf ;lxt ?kftfnsf] cj:yf / l;sfOx? k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=!)_.

k|:t'tL !)M >L /fh' bfxfn

s'n]vfgL hnfwf/sf l;sfOx?

o;/L g} lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf

lhe";+c >L /fh' bfxfnn] s'n]vfgL hnfwf/sf] dxTj,

o;sf] at{dfg cj:yf, hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf k|of;x?,

o;af6 k|fKt pknJwL / l;sfO{ ;fy} eflj of]hgf

k|:t't ug'{ePsf] lyof] -cg';"rL !=!!_ .

k|:t'tL !!M >L nf]sgfy ;fksf]6f

8f6fa]; Joj:yfkg

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{no kfNkfsf lhe";+c >L

nf]sgfy ;fksf]6fn] cfkm}n] ljsf; u/]sf] 8f6fa];

Joj:yfkg Software / o;sf] pkof]u tyf

k|of]u laifodf k|bz{gL ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . o;af6

sd{rf/Lx?sf] kl/rokq, sfo{qmdsf] nfut Oli6d]6,

cg'udg k|ltj]bg ;d]t t'?Gt} tof/ ug{ ;lsg] s'/f

;d]t k|i6 kfg'{eof] . of] Software pkof]uL /x]sf] /

k|uf]u ug{ ;Lk cfjZos kg]{ ;'emfj ;xefuLx?sf]

/x]sf] lyof] . o;sf] k|of]u ;DaGwL s]lx gd'gf

-cg';"rL !=!@_ df /flvPsf] 5 .

;qfWoIfsf] dGtJo

;qfWoIf >L u0f]z emf n] xfdL ;+u y'k|} l;sfOx?

5g\, ltgLx?sf] lgoldt ?kdf cfbfg k|bfg u/]df

sfo{qmddf cem k|efjsf/Ltf cfpg] 5 eGb} ;q

;dfkg ug'{ eof] .

$=@ kfFrf} ;q M cWoogx?sf] ;f/f+z

o; ;qsf] cWoIftf klZrdf~rn If]lqo jg lgb]{zs

>L wgGho kf}8]nn] ug'{ePsf] lyof] . o; ;qsf]

klxnf] k|:t'tL Landslide Inventory, susceptibility mapping and recommendation of the mitigation measures in Nuwakot District ljifodf e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf hnjfo' kl/jt{g Joj:yfkg

zfvf -cg';"rL !=!#_ >L lbks ef/åfh n] ug'{

ePsf] lyof] . o;/L g} Development of Watershed

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


Classifi cation Tools and Integration of Information Technology for classifi cation/categorization of Watersheds/ Sub watersheds of districts of Nepal-cg';"rL !=!$_ ;DaGwdf o'Pgl8lksf >L lbks s];L

tyf cWoogdf ;+nUg k|fWofksx? tyf ;+rf/ k|ljwL

ljz]if1x? >L 8f= df]tLnfn l3ld/], x/Ls[i0f >]i7,

lbks wfdL, wL/h bf;, lg/f]h ltdlN;gf nufotn]

ug'{ ePsf] lyof]] .

;qfWoIfsf] dGtJo

cWoog / cg';Gwfgaf6 cfPsf s'/fx?nfO{ Jojxf/df

kl/0ft ub}{ hfg' kg]{ cfjZostfdf hf]8 lbb} ;s[o

;xeflutfsfnflu ;a}nfO{ wGojfb ;lxt ;qfWoIfn]

;qsf] ;dfkg ug'{ eof] .

$=# 5}6f} ;q M Watershed Characterization and Prioritization Tools ;d"x 5nkmn

;xefuLx? klxnf] lbgd} ljefhg ul/Psf] ;d"xdf

ljeflht eO{ o; ;DalGw 5nkmn ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


v08 kf“r M ;dfkg ;df/f]x sfo{qmd

%= ;dfkg ;q

o; ;qsf] cWoIftf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf

dxflgb]{zs >L laho/fh kf}8\ofnn] ug'{ ePsf] lyof]

eg] k|d'v cltly jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf

;lrj 8f= s[i0frGb| kf}8]n x'g' x'GYof] . o;/L g} If]lqo

jg lgb]{zsx? cltyL x'g'x'GYof] .

%=! ;d"x 5nkmnsf] k|:t'tL

klxnf] lbg ePsf] ;d"x 5nkmn / bf]>f] lbg ePsf]

;d"x 5nkmnsf] ;+o'Qm ?kdf k|:t'tL ePsf] lyof] .

sf]zL a]l;g ;d"xsf tkm{af6 pbok'/sf lhe";+c >L

alb|/fh 9+'ufgf / dxf]Q/Lsf lhe";+c >L a]rgs'df/

dxtf]n] ;+o'Qm ?kdf k|:t't -cg';"rL !=!%_ ug'{ ePsf]

lyof] . o;/L g} u08sL a]l;gsf tkm{af6 -cg';"rL

!=!^_ DofUbLsf lhe";+c >L lbjfs/ kf}8]n / s0f{fnL

a]l;gsf tkm{af6 k|:t'tL -cg';"rL !=!&_ 88]Nw'/fsf

lhe";+c >L p4jaxfb'/ l3ld/]n] ug'{ePsf] lyof] .

%=@ 3f]if0ffkq hf/L

sfo{qmd ;dfkgsf] ;Gbe{df lhNnf e"–;+/If0f

clws[tx?sf] jflif{s ;dGjo sfo{zfnf uf]i7L, @)&#,

nlntk'/ 3f]if0ffkq >L k|sfzl;+x yfkfn] k|:t't

ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . h;nfO{ ;a} ;xefuLn] tfnL

ahfP/ cg'df]bg u/]/ x:tfIf/ kZrft hfl/ ul/Psf]

lyof] .-cg';"rL @_

%=# ;dfkg ;qsf] k|d'v cltyLsf] dGtJo

Uff]i7L]sf] ;dfkgsf qmddf sfo{qmdsf k|d'v cltyL

jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnosf ;lrj 8f= s[i0frGb|

kf}8]nn] lbg'ePsf] ;dfkg dGtJosf] ;f/ M

pknJwLsf nflu ;nfd / 3f]if0fsf nflu

wGojfb .

a]l;g Pk|f]rdf sfdug{ hl6n 5, ;+l3otf;+u

o;nfO{ s;/L ldnfpg] ;DaGwdf uxg 5nkmn

x'g cfjZos 5.

;j}df >f]t ;fwgsf] ;Lldttf aLr sfd ug]{

b[9tf÷dgl:ytL x'g k5{ .

cfkm"n] ug{ g;s] c?n] ug]{ jftfj/0f tof/ ug{

xfdLn] e"ldsf v]Ng' kb{5 .

ah]6 dfu ubf{ sfd, bfd, 7fd ;d]t v'nfP/

dfu ug{ ;s] k|efjsf/L / cf}lrTo k|dfl0ft ug{

;xh x'G5 .

Hydropower jfnfx? hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf

nflu Responsive x'g} k5{ .

uf]i7Laf6 ;a}n] cToflws phf{ lnP/ sfo{If]qdf

kms{g] / To;nfO{ sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogdf nufPdf

kSs} klg pknJwL k|fKt x'g]5 .

If]lqo jg lgb]{zsx?sf tkm{af6 dWodf~rn

If]lqo jg lgb]{zs >L u0f]z emf n] sfo{qmd ;kmn

ePsf] / o;n] gLlt lgdf{0f tx / sfof{Gjog tx

b'j}df phf{ yk u/]sf] l6Kk0fL ug'{ eof] .

sfo{qmddf ;xefuLx?sf tkm{af6 :ofËhf sf

lhe";+c >L sdn uf}tdn] sfo{qmd ;kmn ePsf]

wf/0ff JoQm ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

cGtdf, ;dfkg sfo{qmdsf cWoIf Pj+

dxflgb]{zs >L laho/fh kf}8\ofnn] sfo{qmddf

;xefuL x'g'x'g] dfglgo dGqLHo", ;lrjHo"

nufot ;a}nfO{ wGojfb 1fkg ub}{ uf]li7sf]

;dfkg ug'{ eof] .

uf]li7 ;dfkg kZrft If]lqo jg lgb]{zssf

pkl:yltdf dxflgb]{zs / lhNnf e" ;+/If0f

clws[tx? aLr sfo{;Dkfbg s/f/ ;+emf}tf

ePsf] lyof] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg



lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL ! /fli6«o uf]li7df ePsf k|:t'tLx?cg';"rL !=! dGqL :t/Lo k|lta4tfkq / dxflgb]{zs :tl/o s/f/ ;Demf}tf hfgsf/L tyf sfof{Gjogsf] lhDd]af/L ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

!= k[i7e"ld

e"ld / hn;|f]t g]kfnsf clt dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/Lo

k|fs[lts ;|f]tx? x'g . oL k|fs[lts ;|f]tx? hgtfsf]

hLljsf]kfh{g, bLuf] ljsf; / b]zsf] ;d[l¢sf]] nflu

ckl/xfo{ cfwf/ x'g\ . t/ oL hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tx?sf]

IfoLs/0f (Watershed resources degradation) sf

sf/0f hgtfsf] hLljsf]kfh{g / hLjg:t/df ;'wf/

Nofpg] ljsf;sf s[ofsnfkx?df afwf Pj+ ;d:ofx?

ylkg] u/]sf 5g . g]kfndf hg;+Vofsf] a[l4 tyf

clgolGqt a;f]af; Pj+ zx/Ls/0fn] cg'ko'Qm e"

pkof]u a9b} hfbf e"ldsf] IfoLs/0f (Land degra-dation) klg a9bf] s|ddf 5 . d'Votof aiff{ofddf

clta[li6sf sf/0f IfoLs/0f x'g] hnfwf/sf] pkNnf]

t6Lo If]q -dflyNnf] efu_ df tLa| e" Ifo x'g], uN5L

lgdf{0f x'g] / klx/f] hfg] ub{5 eg] tNnf] t6Lo If]qdf

gbL lsgf/ s6fg x'g] tyf gbL 5]p5fpsf a:tL

nufotsf] e"ld af9Ln] 8'jfgdf kg'{sf ;fy} u]u/fg

y'lk|O{ au/df kl/0ft x'g] ub{5 . le/fnf kfvfx?df

e" ;+/If0fsf pkfox? gckgfO{ s'g} 7fpdf vgLvf];|L

s[lifafnL nufOG5, eg] s[lif of]Uo e"ld u}/s[lif

k|of]hgdf pkof]u eO/x]sf] 5 . To;}u/L jgIf]q ;d]t

cTolws cltqmd0fdf kl//x]sf] cj:yf 5 . pko'Qm

jfg:klts cfj/0f gePsf] / ;+/If0fsf pkfox?

gckgfOPsf] le/fnf] e"ldaf6 tLa| e" Ifo x'g] ub{5 .

o;/L tLa| e" Ifo, klx/f], vf]nf Pj+ gbL lsgf/

s6fg / af9Lsf] kmn :j?k x'g] wghgsf] Iflt / e"

pTkfbsTjdf cfPsf] x|f;n] cfly{s, ;fdflhs Pj+

jftfj/0fLo If]qdf gsf/fTds k|efj kfl//x]sf] 5 .

e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ Joj;flos, hjfkmb]xL / kl/0ffdd'vL jgfpg] sfo{of]hgf tyf s/f/ ;emf}tf

–k|]d k|;fb kf}8]n, /fh' ;fksf]6f, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

ljZjAofkL hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] c;/sf sf/0f g]kfn-

df hnfwf/ If]qsf] Ps k|d'v k|fs[lts ;|f]t kfgLsf]

pknAwtfdf gsf/fTds c;/ kl//x]sf] 5 . kfgLsf

:yfgLo ;|f]tx? ;'Sg] jf kfgLsf] dfqf 36\b} hfg] /

kfgLsf] u'0f:t/df x|f; cfpg] s|d hf/L 5 . o;/L

k|fs[lts cj:yf tyf k|s[of, dfgjLo s[ofsnfk /

hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] c;/sf] kmn:j?k hnfwf/Lo

;|f]tx?sf] IfoLs/0f (Watershed resources degrada-tion) jf6 aif]{gL 7"nf] Iflt x'g] ub{5 .

o:tf] Iflt x'gaf6 hf]ufpg / e"ld / hn;|f]t

;+/If0f u/L e" pTkfbsTj a9fpg PsLs[t hnfwf/

Aoj:yfkg ul/g' kb{5 . lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf]

d'Vo lhDd]jf/L e" tyf hnfwf/sf] Plss[t

;+/If0f / Joj:yfkg ug{ :jLs[t sfo{qmd, of]hgf /

kl/of]hgfx?sf] bIftf / k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog u/L

cf;ftLt nIo xfl;n ug'{ /x]sf] 5 . lhNnf e" ;+/If0f

sfof{nox?n] pNn]lvt sfo{qmd ;+rfng ubf{ yk

hjfkmb]xLtf / kl/0ffdd'vL ug'{ cfjZos b]lvPsf]

5 . o;sf nflu e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ Jo-

jzfoL, hjfkmb]xL / kl/0ffdd'vL jgfpg] p2]Zon] of]

s/f/ ;Demf}tf tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .

@= sfo{of]hgfsf] cfjZostf / p2]Zo M

e" tyf hnfwf/ If]qsf] lbuf] Joj:yfkg ub}{ hldgsf]

pTkfbsTj j[l4 u/L hgtfsf] hLjLsf]kfh{gdf 6]jf

k'¥ofpg j[xt nIo jf]s]sf] e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

k|zf;gnfO{ cem j9L Joj;flos, hjfkmb]xL /

kl/0ffdd'vL jgfpg cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 . pQm

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


lbzfdf clwj9\g e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefun]

tTsfnLg / bL3{sfnLg ;'wf/sf] sfo{f]hgf (Reform plan), @)&) th'{df u/L ;f]xL dfu{ bz{gsf] ?kdf

ljefusf lqmofsnfkx? clw j9]sf 5g\ . pNn]lvt

;'wf/sf] sfo{of]hgfdf e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgnfO{

JojzfoL, hjfkmb]xL / kl/0ffdd'vL jgfpg] ;d]t

ljifo (Agenda) /x]sf]df cfly{s jif{ )&).&! b]lv

/fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ – dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmd nfu'

ePsf lhNnfx?nfO{ sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsf/L / kf/bzL{

?kdf sfof{Gjog ug]{ u/L sfo{ ljj/0f tof/ u/L nfu'

ePsf] / tLg} cfwf/ / ;"rsfÍx?nfO{ cfwf/dfgL

cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sgsf] dfu{ lgb]{lzsf tof/ u/L

:ynut cg'udg ug{ yfnLPsf] 5 . pNn]lvt kxn

(Initiative) jf6 sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogdf hjfkmb]xLtf,

kf/bzL{tf / k|efjsf/Ltfdf j[l4 ePsf]df cfufdL

lbgx?df e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f / Joj:yfkg

k|zf;gnfO{ cem Joj;foLs, kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL /

kl/0ffdd'vL (Result oriented) jgfpg p2]Zosf ;fy

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox? / ljefu jLr sfo{

;Dkfbg s/f/ ug{ jfG5gLo b]lvPsf]n] of] sfo{of]hgf

th'{df ul/Psf] xf] .

#= sfo{ ;Dkfbg s/f/ (Performance Contract) lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/L;+u Joj:yfkgn] ck]lIft

nIo lgwf{/0f ug]{ nIo k|fKtLsf] ;+emf}tf ug]{ /

;f]xL cfwf/df kbflwsf/Lsf] d"NofÍg ug]{ k4lt

kl/0ffd / hjfkmb]xLd'vL Joj:yfkgsf] kl5Nnf]

/0fgLlt xf] .

lghfdtL ;]jf P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf !% -@_ Pj+

lghfdtL ;]jf lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod #$

-v_ df Joj:yfkg / lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/L jLr

sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;+emf}tf ug{ ;lsg] Joj:yf 5 .

>Ldfg\ ;lrj Pj+ ljefluo k|d'v ljr s/f/

;emf}tf eP adf]lhd Jojl:yt ul/Psf] .

o;} k[i7e"dLnfO{ dWogh/ /fvL e" tyf hnfwf/

Joj:yfkgnfO{ kl/0ffd d'vL / hjfkmb]xL jgfpg

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?;+u e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefun] ;+emf}tf s/f/ ug]{ 5 . o:tf] s/f/nfO{ b]xfo jdf]lhd Jojl:yt ul/G5 .

#=! ;+emf}tf s/f/sf] ;"rsfÍx? M

-s_ sfo{qmdsf] nIo / nfut cg';f/ kl/0ffd /

u'0f:t/ sfod ug]{ .

-v_ sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf] nflu lgdf{0f ;fdu|L vl/b

k|lqmofdf df}h'bf cfly{s P]g, lgod, sfo{ljlw /

ljefuLo gLltx?sf]] k"0f{ ?kdf sfof{Gjog ug]{ .

-u_ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf lqmofsnfk sfof{Gjog

k|lqmofdf k|of{Kt hg;xefuLtf h'6fO{ ug]{ .

-3_ sfo{qmdsf] nfut Oli6d]6 / vr{sf] jf/]df

;fj{hlgs Audit ug]{ .

-ª_ 5'§f5'§} sfo{qmdsf] km/s gbL k|0ff{nLdf

sfof{Gjog ug]{ / tf]lsPsf] gbL k|0ff{nL /

hnfwf/df sfo{qmd ;+rfng ubf{ upstream / downstream jLr ;dGjo / ;Gt'nLt x'g] u/L

ug]{ .

-r_ sfof{no Joj:yfkg / sd{rf/L jLrsf] ;'–

;DaGw sfod ug]{ k|0ff{nLsf] ljsf; u/L ;fd'lxs

hjfkmb]xL clej[4 ug]{ .

-5_ cfjZos kl/0ffddf u'0f:t/Lo lj?jfx? pTkfbg

/ vl/b u/L pkef]Qmfx?nfO{ ljt/0f ug'{sf ;fy}

cfjZostf cg';f/ /f]k0f ug]{ .

-h_ k|rlnt P]g lgod jdf]lhd sfo{qmdsf] nfut

Oli6d]6df slG6Gh]G;L jfkt 5'6\ofOPsf] /sd

tf]lsPsf] sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogdf

dfq pkof]u ug]{ .

-em_ sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf] ;sf/fTds kl/0ffd

/ k|efj b]lvg] u/L kfZr{lrq ;lxtsf] k|ult

k|ltj]bg (Activity profi le) tof/ ug]{ .

-`_ gljgtd sfd (Innovative Initiatives) ug]{

o:fdf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;+u ;DalGwt

gljgtd]{ ljleGg sfo{x? kb{5g .

#=@= dfly pNn]lvt !) j6f ;"rsfÍx?sf] ;}4flGts cjwf/0ffx?nfO{ sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf d'Vo cfwf/sf] ?kdf lnOg]5 . jflif{s :jLs[t sfo{qmdsf] cfwf/df cg';"rL ! sf] 9fFrfdf nIo lgwf{/0f ul/g]5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


#=#= s'g} lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tn] nIo eGbf j9Lsf] nIo lgwf{/0f ug{ rfx]df o;nfO{ ljz]if ?kdf clen]v u/L ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

#=$= lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tn] cfk"mn] u/]sf] s/f/sf] cfwf/df dftxtsf sd{rf/L;+u ;+emf}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 .

#=%= lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t;+u ljefun] o:tf] ;Demf}tf k|To]s jif{sf] cflZjg dlxgf leqdf jf ;?jf ÷kb:yfkgfsf jvt ul/g]5 .

#=^= ;+emf}tf ug{ grfxg] jf g;Sg] lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tnfO{ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tsf] lhDd]jf/L lbOg] 5}g .

#=& d'NofÍgsf cfwf/x?

!= sfo{;Dkfbg s/f/ ;Demf}tf kqdf pNn]v ul/Psf


@= kl/df0ffTds ljefhg b]xfosf $ j6f

kIfx?nfO{ !)) k|ltzt dflg jlu{s/0f ul/

d'NofÍg ul/g] 5 .

jflif{s k|ultM *) k|ltzt -nIo tf]lsPsf]

jflif{s :jLs[t sfo{qmdsf] cg';'rL !


cfly{s Joj:yfkg tyf a]?h'sf] cj:yfM !)


-v/Lb OsfO{ u7g, lnnfd ljqmL u/]sf],

j]?h'' km:of}{6sf sf/jfxL rnfPsf], j]?h''

cs+ sf/f]jf/ /sdsf] $Ü eGbf sd sfod

u/]sf], j]?h'' km:of{}6 $%Ü eGbf j9L u/]sf],

cfly{s k|ltj]bg tf]lsPsf] Dofb leq k7f-

Psf], tf]lsPsf] rf}dfl;s sf jh]6 lgsf;f

vr{ u/]]sf] nufotsf cfly{s ;''zf;g

u/]sf] _

kfZj{lrq k]z eP gePsf] cj:yfM % k|ltzt

sd{rf/L tyf u'gf;f] Joj:yfkgM % k|ltzt

#= k|fljlws, cfly{s k|zf;g tyf sd{rf/L k|zf;g

zfvfx?sf] ;+o'Qm d'NofÍg

$= pknlJw d"NofÍg M

k|s/0f -#_ sf] cfwf/df cg';"rL ! sf] 9f“rfdf ul/Psf] s/f/sf] d"NofÍg klxnf] k6s rf/ dlxgf / bf];|f]k6s cfly{s jif{ leq jf ;dfKt ePkl5 If]qLo jg lgb]{zgfno e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu tyf jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnon] ug]{ 5 . d"NofÍg k|of]hgsf nflu lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?n] k|To]s dlxgfsf] !% ut] leq ;+emf}tf cg';f/ ;DkGg u/]sf sfdx? pNn]v ul/Psf] ljj/0f lgb]{zgfno, ljefu / dGqfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .

df3df k|fKt k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df ul/g]

d"NofÍsg sfo{ k|ultsf] ;fdfGo Tracking / cw{ jflif{s d"NofÍg k|of]hgsf] nflu tyf cfly{s

jif{sf] cGTodf k|fKt k|ltj]bgnfO{ jflif{s sfo{

;Dkfbg d"NofÍg kf/fddf c+s lbg] k|of]hgsf

nflu pkof]u ul/g]5 .

s_ s/f/ ;+emf}tf cg';f/sf] sfd u/L tf]lsPsf]

nIosf] (% k|ltzt eGbf j9L pknlJw

xfl;n u/]sf]df k"0ff{Í !)) k|ltzt .

v_ tf]lsPsf] s/f/ ;+emf}tf / nIosf] () b]lv

(% k|ltzt;Dd pknlJw xfl;n u/]sf]df

k"0ff{Ísf] (% k|ltzt .

u_ tf]lsPsf] s/f/ ;+emf}tf / nIosf] *) b]lv

*( k|ltzt;Dd pknlJw xfl;n u/]sf]df

k"0ff{Ísf] () k|ltzt .

%= d"NofÍgsf] pkof]lutf M

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tn] ;Demf}tf cg';f/

u/]sf] pknlJwsf] cfwf/df k|s/0f -$_ cg';f/

pknlJw d"NofÍg ul/;s] kl5 ;f] d"NofÍgsf]

glthfnfO{ b]xfo jdf]lhd k'/:sf/ / b08sf]

nflu k|of]u ul/g]5 .

s_ tf]lsPsf] nIo jf ;f] eGbf j9L pknlJw

xfl;n ug]{ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tnfO{

lghfdtL ;]jf k'/:sf/, j}b]lzs e|d0f

cWoog / lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t kbdf

g} lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsg]5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


v_ tf]lsPsf] nIosf] () k|ltzteGbf dfly pknlJw xfl;n ug]{ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tnfO{ ;f]xL kbdf lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsg]5 .

u_ tf]lsPsf] nIosf] () k|ltzt eGbf sd pknlJw xfl;n ug]{ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tnfO{ ;f] lhDd]jf/Laf6 x6fpg ;lsg]5 .

^= cg'udg tyf d"Nof+Íg M

sfo{;Dkfbg s/f/sf] k|efjsfl/tf cWoogsf] sfo{ k|To]s jif{sf] >fj0f dlxgfleq ;DkGg ul/g] 5 . cWoog kl5 k|fKt x'g] l;kmfl/;x?sf] cfwf/df sfo{;Dkfbg s/f/df cfjZos ;+zf]wg ul/g]5 . sfo{

;Dkfbg s/f/sf] cg'udg / u'0f:t/ lgoGq0fsf] nflu dxflgb]{zssf] g]t[Tjdf lgDg jdf]lhdsf] ;ldlt u7g x'g]5 .

;of]hs M dxflgb]{zs, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

;b:o M k|d'v, of]hgf zfvf, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

;b:o ;lrj M k|d'v, cg'udg zfvf, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

pNn]lvt ;ldltnfO{ ;xof]u ug{ ljefun] cfjZostf cg';f/sf] yk 6f]nL u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .

cg';"rL ! gd'gf

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{no, ==============================lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t >L ================;+usf]sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;+emf}tf s/f/

;Dkfbg ug'{kg]{ sfo{qmd÷lqmofsnfkx?sf] nIo

!= lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfo{s|d tkm{

l;=g+= jflif{s sfo{qmdsf] sfo{ljj/0f jflif{s nIo pknJwLef/

k|ltztefl/t k|ult


@= /fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ – dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmdsf] xsdf slDtdf *) k|ltzt k|ult u/]sf] x'g'kg]{ .

#= BCRWME cfof]hgfsf] xsdf (% k|ltzt k|ult u/]sf] x'g'kg]{ .

d =========================== lhNnfsf] lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t ================================================== n] lhNnfdf pknAw >f]t ;fwgsf] pkof]u u/L dfly pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] nIo k|fKt ug]{ 5' elg of] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;Demf}tf u/]sf] 5' . ;Demf}tf cg';f/ nIo xfl;n ePdf jf x'g g;s]df b]xfo adf]lhd d]/f] sfo{ ;Dkfbg

k|efljt x'G5 eg] s'/f ;+u d /fd|/L kl/lrt 5' .

!= sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"Nofs+g

s= tf]sLPsf] nIosf] (% k|ltzt eGbf a9L pknAwL xfl;n u/]sf]df k'0ff{Ísf] !)) k|ltzt

v= tf]sLPsf] nIosf] () b]lv (% k|ltzt eGbf a9L pknAwL xfl;n u/]sf]df k'0ff{Ísf] (% k|ltzt

u= tf]sLPsf] nIosf] *) b]lv *( k|ltzt eGbf a9L pknAwL xfl;n u/]sf]df k'0ff{Ísf] () k|ltzt

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


@= k'/:sf/ / b08sf] Joj:yf

s= tf]sLPsf] nIo jf ;f] eGbf a9L pknAwL xfl;n ug]{ lhNnf e" ;+/IF0f clws[tnfO{ lghfdtL ;]jf k'/:sf/, j}b]lzs ed|0f jf cWoog / lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t kbdf g} lg/Gt/tf lbOg]5 .

v= tf]sLPsf] nIosf] () k|ltzt eGbf dfly pknAwL xfl;n ug]{ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tnfO{ ;f]xL kbdf g} lg/Gt/tf lbOg]5 .

u= tf]sLPsf] nIosf] () k|ltzt eGbf sd pknAwL xfl;n ug]{ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[tnfO{ ;f] lhDd]jf/Laf6 x6fOg] 5 .

==========================================gfdlhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{no, ====== ldlt M ==================

========================================ljho /fh kf}8\ofn dxflgb]{zse" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu ldlt M ==================

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=@ r'/]sf lhNnfx?sf] cg'udg k|lta]bgsf] ;f/ ;fy} k|:tfljt ljefuLo cg'udg tyf d'Nof°g /0fgLlt ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

!= k[i7e"dL

r'/] efj/ tyf t/fO{ If]qsf] ef}uf]lns, cfly{s,

;fdflhs, k|fs[lts / kfl/l:ytLsLo k|0ffnLx?sf]

;+j]bgzLntf / cGt/;DaGwnfO{ cfTd;fy ub}{ r'/]

efj/ t/fO{ If]qsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf / kfl/l:ysLo

k|0fnLsf] ;+/If0f / ;b'kof]u u/L e" pTkfbsTj

clej[l4 ub}{ u/LaL lgjf/0fsf nflu lbuf] ljsf;

/ jftfj/0fjLr ;Gt'ng sfod /fVg] nIosf ;fy

cf=j= @)^&÷^* b]lv /fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]z

;+/If0f sfo{qmd ;~rfngdf /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} xfn of]

sfo{qmd /fli6«o uf}/asf] cfof]hgfsf] ?kdf ;~rfng

eO/x]sf] 5 . r'/] If]qsf] df6f], kfgL, jg hËn / h}ljs

ljljwtfsf] ;+/If0f / Plss[t Joj:yfkg ;fy} lbuf]

/ jftfj/0f d}qL e" pkof]u, ef}lts ljsf;÷k"jf{wf/

lgdf{0f, s[lif Pj+ cfly{s lqmofsnfkx? ;~rfng

u/L jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / lbuf] ljsf;ljr ;Gt'ng

sfod /fVg] pB]Zo k|fKtLsf nflu e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f ljefun] lhNnf e" ;+/If0f -lh=e"=;+=_ sfof{no

dfkm{t #! j6f lhNnfdf gbL k|0ffnLdf cfwfl/t

Plss[t sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 .

cf=j= @)&@÷&# df e" :jng pkrf/, ulN5, klx/f]

tyf vx/] /f]syfd, kfgL d'xfg ;+/If0f, Ifltu|:t

e'dL k'g?Tyfg, ;le{If]q÷tfntn}of÷;+/If0f kf]v/L

lgdf{0f÷;+/If0f, /]g jf6/÷/g ckm xfe]{l:6u+ 8\ofd

h:tf d'Vo d'Vo lqmofsnfkx? ;~rfngdf /x]sf

5g\ .

r'/]sf lhNnfx?sf] cg'udg k|lta]bgsf] ;f/ ;fy} k|:tfljt ljefuLo cg'udg tyf d'Nof°g /0fgLlt

–/fh' ;fksf]6f, dx]z 9'uf+gf, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

lh=e"=;+=sfof{no dfkm{t ;~rflnt sfo{qmdx?sf]

sfof{Gjogdf ;xhtf NofO{ sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsf/Ltf

a9fpgsf nflu ljefun] :ynut cg'udg ug'{kg]{

cfjZos 7fgL /fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmd

nfu' ePsf !( lhNnfx? -af/f, /f}tx6, ?kGb]xL,

kfNkf, l;/fxf, ;Kt/L, df]/Ë, Onfd, ´fkf, dxf]Q/L,

l;Gw'nL, dsjfgk'/, gjnk/f;L, wg'iff, pbok'/, bfË,

c3f{vfFrL, s}nfnL / s~rgk'/_ df !) j6f 6f]nL

u7g u/]/ cf=j= @)&@÷&# df ;~rflnt sfo{qmdsf]

:ynut cg'udg u/]sf] cfwf/df of] k|ltj]bg tof/

ul/Psf] xf] .

@= p2]Zo

/fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmd nfu' ePsf

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox?n] cf=j= @)&@÷&# df

;~rfng u/]sf ljleGg lqmofsnfkx?sf] :ynut

cg'udg ug'{ g} sfo{qmdsf] d'Vo p2]Zo /x]sf] lyof] .

ljz]iftM tklznsf a'bfFx?df s]lGb|t /xL cg'udg

ul/Psf] lyof] .

sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf, kl/df0f / u'0f:t/

ljefun] lglb{i6 u/]sf] kl/kqx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf]

cj:yf, cfjZos lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lsf] vl/b k|s[of,

df}h'bf cfly{s P]g, lgod, sfo{ljlw / ljefuLo

gLlt / kl/kqx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf

sfof{nosf] Joj:yfkg / sd{rf/L larsf] ;'–


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


#= cg'udg ubf{ ckgfOPsf] ljwL

#=! lhNnf 5gf}6

/fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmd nfu' ePsf

#! lhNnfx? dWo] ;a} ljsf; If]qnfO{ ;d]6\g] u/L

/fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmdsf] k|fyldstf

k|fKt lhNnfx?nfO{ ;d]t Wofgdf /fvL randomly !( lhNnf cg'udgsf nflu 5gf}6 ul/Psf] lyof] .

#=@ :ynut cg'udg 6f]nL 5gf}6

xfn ljefudf /x]sf] df}h'bf hgzlQmn] dfq tf]lsPsf]

;dofjlw leq lhNnfx?sf] cg'udg ug{ ;Dej

gePsf]n] cg'udg 6f]nLdf hfg] sd{rf/L ljleGg

lh=e"=;+= sfof{noaf6 ;d]t v6fOPsf] lyof] . pQm

6f]nLdf hfg] k|fljlws clws[tx? -/f=k=t[=_ 5gf}6 ubf{

z'?df lgo'lQm kfPsf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ lkmN8sf] yk

Jojxfl/s 1fg k|fKt xf];\ eGg] x]t'n] k|fyldstfsf

;fy 5gf}6 ul/Psf] lyof] .

:ynut cg'udgdf uPsf 6f]nLn] ljefuaf6 l{gl{b{i6

sfo{;'rL / :ynut cg'udg dfu{ lgb]{lzsfsf]

cfwf/df :ynut cg'udg u/L k|ltj]bg k]z u/]sf

lyP .

#=# ;'rgf ;+sng ljlw

:ynut cg'udg 6f]nLn] cfjZos tYofÍ Pj+ ;'rgf

;+sng ubf{ lhNnfsf sd{rf/Lx?;Fu 5nkmn,

:ynut lg/LIf0f, Semi structured interview, nlIft

;d'x;Fu 5nkmn Pj+ sfof{nosf] clen]v cWoogsf

ljwLx? ckgfPsf lyP .

$= sfo{qmdx?sf] :ynut cg'udgaf6 k|fKt glthfsf] ljj/0fx?

$=! sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf

;a}h;f] lhNnfx?df gbL k|0ffnLdf g} s]lGb|t /xL

sfo{qmd ;~rfng ul/Psf] ;fy} clwsf+z sfo{qmdx?

;D´f}tf eO{ ;DkGg eO;s]sf] / s]xL sfo{qmdx?

;~rfngsf] cj:yfdf /x]sf] kfOof] . clwsf+z

lhNnfdf ef}lts k|ultsf] t'ngfdf ljlQo k|ult

sd ePsf] kfOof] . ;d:ofsf] pb\ud :yn r'/]sf]

slope df sfo{qmd u/]sf] kfOPg . gbL k|0ffnLdf

sfo{qmd ;~rfng ubf{ Ps} gbL k|0ffnLsf] pkNnf]

t6Lo / tNnf] t6Lo lhNnfx? ljr sfof{Gjogdf

;dGjosf] cefjn] sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsf/Ltfdf sdL

/x]sf] b]lvof] . sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogdf hg;xeflutf

cToGt Go'g x'g uPsfn] nfut vr{ a9]sf] kfOof] .

w]/}h;f] lhNnfx?af6 lgdf{0f ul/Psf] ;+/rgfx?

oyfjt /x]sf] kfOof] eg] k'/fgf s]xL ;+/rgfx?

k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] sf/0f Iflt ePsf] kfOof] .

clwsf+z lhNnfx?df afof]OlGhlgol/Ë k|ljlwsf]

;d'lrt k|of]u ePsf] b]lvG5 . s]xL lhNnfx?sf]]

n=O=df jfof]OlGhlgol/Ë k|ljlwsf] ;dfj]z u/]sf] /

dg;'g z'? ePkl5 sfo{ ;DkGg x'g] cj:yf /x]sf]

lyof] .

:jLs[t sfo{qmd cg';f/ cg'udg ul/Psf s]xL

lhNnfx?sf] g;{/Ldf vo/, lgd, lgjf/f], afF;, jsfOgf],

6fFsL, OlknOlkn, d;nf, w'dL, snd, l;;f}, l;dn,

slNs, u'ndf]x/, cdnf, ;fn h:tf k|hftLsf ljp

v/Lb tyf ;+sng u/L lj?jf pTkfbgsf] sfo{ rfn'

/x]sf] lyof] eg] s'g} lhNnfn] g;{/L :yfkgf ugf{sf

nflu :yfg cefj ePsf] sf/0f g;{/L ;~rfng x'g

g;s]sf] pNn]]v u/]sf lyP .

clwsf+z sfof{nox?n] slG6Gh]G;L jfktsf] /sd

clkm; pks/0f, sfof{no ;~rfng, OGwg, dd{t,

k|fljlws /]vb]v / sfo{qmd cg'udgdf vr{ u/]sf]

kfOof] eg] s~rgk'/ lhNnfdf slG6Gh]G;L jfktsf]

/sd cg'udgsf] cjlw;Dd vr{ gu/]sf] kfOof] .

$=@ sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf] kl/df0f / u'0f:t/

clwsfz+ lhNnfdf agfOPsf ;+/rgfx? gfkL lstfa /

sfo{;DkGg k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt kl/df0fsf] t'ngfdf

lkmN8df lgld{t ;+/rgfsf] kl/df0f, drawing design / :k]l;lkms];g;Fu d]nvfg] b]lvPsf] 5 eg] k|fljlws

kIfaf6 x]bf{ s]xL river training lqmofsnfkx?df

lgld{t ;+/rgfx?sf] design tyf sfof{Gjogdf apron,

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


foundation and inward sloping kIf k|ofKt g/x]sf]

kfOof] . ;fdfGotof :yfgLosf ;d:of / dfux?sf

cfwf/df :yfg / k|ljlw 5gf}6 ug]{ ul/Psf] kfOof] .

hgzlQm cefjn] nfut cg'dfg ubf{ ;/n 9Ën]

sfd ;~rfng x'g ;Sg] gabion wire sf] k|of]udf

a9L hf]8 lbg k'u]sf] b]lvG5 . w]/} lhNnfx?n] heavy coated tf/sf] k|of]u u/]sf] b]lvG5 .

$=# ljefun] lglb{i6 u/]sf] kl/kqx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf

ljefun] lbPsf] lgb]{zg cg';f/ g} w]/}h;f] lhNNffx?n]

heavy coated gabion wire sf] k|of]u u/]sf] kfOPsf]

5 . ljefun] 7fpF / sfdsf] cfjZostfsf] cfwf/df

sf]6]zg, 6]G8/ jf cdfgtaf6 ;d]t cfly{s lgodfjnL

cg'?k x'g] u/L sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ u/fpg] elg

sfo{ ;~rfngnfO{ ;/n agfPsf] eP klg clwsf+z

lhNnfn] To:tf] k|s[ltsf] sfdsf] klxrfg ul/ sf]6]zg,

6]G8/ jf cdfgtaf6 sfd u/]sf] eg] kfOPg .

$=$ sfo{qmdsf] sfof{Gjogsf] nflu cfjZos lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lsf] vl/b k|s[of, df}h'bf cfly{s P]g, lgod, sfo{ljlw / ljefuLo gLlt / kl/kqx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf

sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf] nflu cfjZos lgdf{0f

;fdu|Lsf] v/Lb pkef]Qmf ;ldtLaf6 x'g] tyf ;d"xsf]

vftfdf e'QmfgL ul/g] k|lqmof ;a}h;f] lhNnfn] can-

Dag u/]sf] kfOof] . sfo{;DkGg eO;s]kl5 k|of]u

ul/Psf] ;fdu|Lsf] k|fljlwsn] d'NofÍg ul/;s]kl5

pkef]Qmfsf] gfddf l;w} ;f] ;fdu|L jfktsf] /sd

r]ssf] ?kdf pknAw u/fOPsf] / s]xL lgdf{0f

;fdu|Lsf] /sd pkef]Qmf ;ldtLsf] cg'/f]wdf

laqm]tfsf] vftfdf hDdf ug]{ u/]sf] b]lvof] .

$=% sfof{nosf] Joj:yfkg / sd{rf/L larsf] ;'–;DaGw

:ynut cg'udgdf uPsf] avt afx]s cGo ;dodf

sd{rf/Lx? sfof{nodf g} pkl:yt x'g] u/]sf] kfOPsf]

lyof] . /lhi6/df sfh, xfhL/L / labf ;DalGw ljj/0fx?

cWofjlws /x]sf] kfOof] . w]/}h;f] sfof{nox?n]

sfof{nosf] clen]vx? If]qut÷sfof{nout ?kdf

kmfOlnË ul/ kl~hsf tof/ ul/ /fVg] u/]sf] kfOof] .

s}nfNfL, s~rgk'/, kfNkf, ?kGb]xL, gjnk/f;L,

dsjfgk'/, bfË, c3f{vfFrL, dxf]Q/L / l;Gw'nL

lhNnfx?df cg'udg u/]sf] cjlw;Dd a]?h' g/x]sf]

kfOof] eg] l;/fxf, ;Kt/L, /f}tx6, af/f / pbok'/

lhNnfx?n] a]?h' km5\of}6sf] k|lqmof cuf8L a9fPsf]

hfgsf/L k|fKt eof] . lh=e'=;= sf= wg'iff / df]/Ën]

a]?h' km5\of}6sf] sf/jfxL cuf8L ga9fPsf] kfOof] .

clwsf+z lhNnfx?df ePsf ;jf/L ;fwgx? lh0f{

cj:yfdf /x]sf] kfOof] ;fy} ePsf ;jf/L ;fwgx?sf]

dd{t tyf ;~rfngsf nflu ljlgof]lht ah]6n]

gk'u]sf] cj:yfsf] hfgsf/L k|fKt eof] .

%= ;d:ofx?

sfof{nosf] ejg cefj

b/aGbL cg';f/sf] k|fljwLs tyf k|zf;gLs hg-

zlQmsf] cefj

:yfgLo :t/df lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] cefj

Ps} k|s[tLsf] sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{ ;/sf/L

lgsfoaf6 pkef]QmfnfO{ pknAw u/fOg] cg'bfg

/sddf km/ssf] sf/0fn] hgu'gf;f] /x]sf]

t'ngfTds ?kn] t/fOsf] blIf0fL e]udf

hg;xefuLtfsf] sdLn] sfo{ ;~rfngdf ;d:of

sd{rf/Lx?nfO{{ sfo{qmd ;~rfng ljwL, t/Lsf,

k|fljlws 1fg, ;]jf cled'vLs/0f tfnLdsf]


s]xL lhNnfn] nfut Oli6d]6df drawing design ;dfj]z gu/]sfn] lkmN8df tof/ ePsf

;+/rgfsf] kl/df0f / u'0f:t/ dfkgdf ;d:of

;jf/L ;fwgsf] cefj

sfo{qmd cg'udg e|d0f, OGwg, dd{t, sfof{no

;~rfng vr{sf] sdL

l9nf] u/L sfo{qmd, clVtof/L k|fKt x'Fbf sfo{qmd

sfof{Gjogdf ;d:of

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


^= lgisif{

ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfox?sf] ;dGjodf gbL k|0ffnLdf cfwfl/t Plss[t sfo{qmd ;~rfng ubf{ r'/] If]qsf] df6f], kfgL, jg hËn / h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+/If0fdf lbuf]kgf cfpg'sf ;fy} jftfj/0f d}qL e" pkof]u, ef}lts ljsf;÷k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fn] s[lif e'dLsf] pTkfbsTj / pTkfbgdf j[l4 u/fP/ ;an cfly{s lqmofsnfkx? ljsf; u/fP/ :yfgLo :t/df /f]huf/L ;d]t l;h{gf eO{ lhljsf]kfh{gdf 6]jf k'Ug] b]lvG5 . ;a}h;f] lhNnfn] sfo{qmdx? gbL k|0ffnLdf g} s]lGb|t /xL ;~rfng u/]sf] kfOof] eg] s]xL lhNnfdf pkNnf] tl6o / tNnf] t6Lo lhNnfx?lar ;dGjo a9fpg'kg]{ cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 . clwsf+z lhNnfx?df afof]OlGhlgol/Ë k|ljlwsf] ;d'lrt k|of]u ePsf] kfOP klg afof]OlGhlgol/Ë k|ljlwsf] k|of]u gu/]sf lhNnfx?n] klg ;f] k|ljlwsf] k|of]unfO{ hf]8 lbg'kg]{ b]lvG5 . sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ubf{ lgdf{0f ul/g] ef}lts ;+/rgfx?sf] nfut Oli6d]6 tof/ kfbf{sf] avt g} clgjfo{ ?kdf drawing design ;dfa]z ug'{kg]{ cj:yf /x]sf] 5 . clwsf+z sfof{nox?n] slG6Gh]G;L jfktsf] /sd clkm; pks/0f, sfof{no ;~rfng, OGwg, dd{t, k|fljlws /]vb]v / sfo{qmd cg'udgdf vr{ u/]sf] kfOPsf]df ;f] sf] k|efjsf/L Joj:yfkgsf nflu Pp6f lgb]{lzsf g} tof/ u/L hf/L ug'{kg]{ b]lvPsf] 5 . Ps} gbL k|0ffnLdf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ubf{ ; ;fgf w]/} ;d'x agfpg'eGbf ;s];Dd Pp6} pkef]Qmf ;ldtL dfkm{t sfo{ ;~rfng ubf{ sfo{qmdsf] bf]xf]/f]kgdf sdL cfO{ k|efjsf/Ltf a9\g] b]lvG5 . cg'udg ul/Psf lhNnfx?df b/jlGb cg';f/sf] ;]jf ;DalGw tfnLd k|fKt k|fljlws hgzlQmsf] kbk"lt{ u/L sfo{qmdnfO{ k|efjsf/L 9Ën] ;~rfng ug{ oy]i6 ;|f]t ;fwgsf] Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 .

&= ;'´fjx?

k|fljlws hgzlQmsf] cefjsf] sf/0f sfo{

;+rfng, u'0f:t/ Joj:yfkg tyf sfo{

ljljlws/0fdf ;d:of b]lvPsf] x'Fbf b/jlGb

cg';f/sf] kbk"lt{ x'g'kg]{ .

lkmN8 sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?nfO{{ sfo{qmd ;~rfng

t/Lsf / k|fljlws kIf ;d]l6g] u/L cljnDa

tfnLd k|bfg ug'{kg]{

sd{rf/Lsf] lgo'lQm kZrft\ ;]jf cled'vLs/0f

tfnLd lbg] clgjfo{ Joj:yf ug'{'kg]{ .

sltko lhNnfx?df Bio-engineering k|ljlwsf]

Go'g k|of]u b]lvPsfn] Bio-engineering k|ljlwsf]

sfof{Gjogdf c´ a9L hf]8 lbg'kg]{ .

Zinc coated wire k|of]u ug]{ lhNnfx?nfO{

clgjfo{ ?kdf tf/sf] Nofj kl/If0f u/fpg

ljefun] k'g lgb]{zg lbg'kg]{

tf/hfnL lgdf{0f kZrft\sf] sfo{ ;DkGg

k|ltj]bgdf tf/hfnLsf]] jhg osLg ug]{

;DaGwdf ljefuLo lgb]{zg cfjZos /x]sf] .

sltko lhNnfn] nfut Oli6d]6df drawing design ;dfj]z gu/]sfn] ;f] clgafo{ ?kdf

;dfa]z ug'{kg]{ .

Machine made Uoflaog afs; k|of]udf

k|fyldstf lbg'kg]{ .

;+/rgfsf] k|fljlws kIf h:t}M Foundation, Launching, Inward sloping cflbdf ljz]if

Wofg lbg'kg]{ .

lhNnfx?df slG6Gh]G;Lsf] /sd a9\b} uO{

Joj:yfkg kIf ;'wf/ ug'{kg]{]{ b]lvPsfn] ;f]sf]

nflu Pp6f lgb]{lzsf g} hf/L ug'{kg]{

/fi6«klt r'/] t/fO{ dw]z ;+/If0f sfo{qmddf sfo{

ljljwLs/0f / e" pTkfbsTj ;'wf/sf sfo{qmdx?

;+nUg u/L Plss[t hnfwf/ cjwf/0ff cl3

a9fpg h?/L b]lvPsf] .

cfufdL DSCO ;]dLgf/df lhNnfx?n] u/]sf

pbfx/0fLo sfo{x?sf] k|:t'tLs/0f u/fO{ cGoq

klg cg'';/0f ug'{kg]{ -h:t}M sfof{no Joj:yfkg–

Onfd, g;{/L tyf ;f´]bf/L sfo{qmd–´fkf_

sfo{qmdsf] clQmof/L ;dod} lhNnfdf

k7fOg'kg]{ .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


lhNnfx?df lkmN8 sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg

;jf/L ;fwgsf] Joj:yf, oy]i6 OGwg / cg'udg

vr{sf] Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ .

lhNnfdf yk sfo{qmd k7fpbf Joj:yfkg tyf

cg'udg vr{ ;d]t yk ug'{kg]{

sfof{nonfO{ cfjZos kg]{ ;|f]t ;fwg, ljB'tLo

pks/0f, sfof{no ;~rfng vr{ cflbdf oy]i6

ah]6 ljlgof]hg x'g'kg]{ .

gofF sfof{no :yfkgf ubf{ sfof{no ;~rfngsf

nflu rflxg] Go'gtd k"jf{wf/x? h:t}M b/alGb

d'tfljssf] sd{rf/L, oy]i6 ;|f]t ;fwg, pko'Qm

:yfg cflb s'/fx?nfO{ Wofgdf /fvL sfof{no

/fVg] ejgsf] Go'gtd dfkb08 k'/f u/] kZrft\

dfq ;]jf ;~rfng ug'{kg]{ .

;~rflnt sfo{qmdsf] lg/Gt/ cg'udg ug'{kg]{ .

sltko lhNnfdf Uofljog afs; / 9'jfgL

jfktsf] /sd dfq sfof{noaf6 pkef]Qmf

;d'xnfO{ k|bfg ug]{ sfof{nosf] cfGt/Ls gLltdf

nrstf b]vfpg'kg]{

sfof{nosf] sfo{qmd sfof{GjognfO{ ldtJooL,

;xh / 5l/tf] agfpgsf nflu Pp6} sfo{qmd

;~rfng ubf{ ; ;fgf w]/} ;d'x agfpg'eGbf

sd ;d'xaf6 sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug'{kg]{

lhNnfdf n]vfkl/If0fsf] k|f/lDes k|ltj]bgn]

cf}NofOPsf ljifox?sf] oyfl;3| sfof{Gjog

ug'{kg]{ .

lhNnfdf ah]6 ljlgof]hg pQm lhNNffsf] r'/]] If]qn]

cf]u6]sf] If]qkmnsf] cfwf/df proportionate ?kdf ug'{kg]{ .

pkef]Qmf ;d'xsf] Ifdtf cg';f/ g} lgld{t

;+/If0f ;+/rgfx?sf] u'0f:t/df km/s kg]{ x'Fbf

lh=e"=;=sf= af6 pkef]]Qmf ;d'xx?sf] Ifdtf

clej[l4 ug'{kg]{ .

vf]nf÷vx/]af6 dxf]Q/L lhNnf a9L k|efljt x'g]

x'Fbf vf]nf lsgf/f ;+/If0f sfo{qmdnfO{ ;3g

?kn] ;+rfng ug{'kg]{ .

anfg gbL k|0ffnLdf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ubf{

Ps} gbL k|0ffnLsf] pkNnf] t6Lo / tNnf] t6Lo

lhNnfx? ljr sfof{Gjogdf ;dGjosf] cefjn]

sfo{qmdsf] k|efjsf/Ltfdf sdL cfPsf]n] pQm

gbLsf] pkNnf] t6Lo sfo{qmd pbok'/af6 g} z'?

ug'{kg]{ .

lqo'uf gbL k|0ffnL River Linking Project cGtu{t Pp6f ;3g gbL k|0ffnL x'g'kg]{ .

r'/]sf] slope stabilization and foot hill sf]

;+/If0f sfo{qmd ;u;u} n}hfg'kg]{ .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf] cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg /0fgLlt @)&#

-cjwf/0f kq_


e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;]jfnfO{ cem a9L

glthfd'vL kf/bzL{, hjfkmb]xL agfpFb} ;]jfdf

;'zf;g clej[l4 ug{ lgoldt ?kdf cg'udg

tyf d'NofÍg ug{'kg]{ / cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg

k4ltsf] Aoal:yt ljsf; ug{'kg]{ ckl/xfo{tfnfO{

dx;'; u/L lasf;sf glthfx?n] hgdfg;df kg]{

k|ToIf tyf ck|ToIf k|efjx?sf] dfkg tyf

n]vfhf]vf ug]{ / lautsf cg'eax?af6 k[i7kf]if0f

k|fKt u/L efaL gLlt, /0fgLlt tyf sfo{qmdx?nfO{

yk k|efasf/L / glthfd'vL agfpg] p2]Zosf

;fy e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;]jfsf] cg'udg

tyf d'NofÍg sfo{sf] lb3{sflng /0fgLlt agfpg

cfa:os b]lvPsf] 5 . cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgn]

gLlt, cfof]hgf, kl/of]hgf, sfo{qmdsf] k|efasf/L

/ ;fy{s sfof{Gjogsf nflu dxTjk'0f{ e"ldsf

v]Nb5 . tYof+s, ;"rgf tyf k[i7kf]if0f pknAw

u/fO{ lg0f{o, k|lqmof / gLlt lgdf{0f k|lqmofnfO{

k|df0fdf cfwfl/t agfpg'sf ;fy} kf/blz{tf /

;fdflhs hjfkmb]lxtf clea[l4 u/L ;'zf;g k|a4{g

ug{ klg o;n] d2t k'of{p+b5 .

ag tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno tyf dftxtsf ;a}

lgsfo / ;d'bfosf] cg'udg / d'NofÍg Ifdtf

clej[l4 ug]{ Joj:yf ag If]qsf] ;du| dfu{ bz{gsf

nflu ag]sf] ag gLlt @)&@ n] u/]sf] 5 . o;n]

ag If]qdf ;'zf;g, ;dfj]zLs/0f / ;fdflhs Gofo

k|aw{gsf] nflu Aoa:yfkgnfO{ yk ;Ifd agfpg]

eGg] gLlt canDag u/]sf] 5, To; gLltn] cg'udg

tyf d'NofÍg k2ltsf] ljsf; ug]{ lbzf lglb:6

u/]sf] 5 .

;fy} ag tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnoaf6 xfn;fn} hf/L

ul/Psf] æjg If]qsf] cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt

@)&#Æ n] lnPsf] p2]ZonfO{ kl/k"lt{ ug{sf] nflu

Pa+ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaf6 ;+rfng ug]{

;]jfyk k|efjsf/L / glthfd'vL agfpg / ;'zfzg

sfod ug{ cfa:os dx;'; u/L of] laefu :t/Lo

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .


cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg sfo{ glthfd"ns

agfpg'sf ;fy} dfkg of]Uo agfpg' .

cg'udg tyf d'NofGs+at k|fKt glthfnfO{

cfa:ostf cg';f/ pkof]u of]Uo agfpg' .

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg / of]hgf th{'df aLr

;fdGh:otf sfod ug{' / cg'udg tyf

d'NofÍg af6 k|fKt glthfnfO{ of]hgf th{'df

b]lv sfof{Gjog ;Dd pkof]u ug{'.

cg'udg / d'NofÍg laifout ?kdf sfod

ug]{ / vf;u/L d"Nof+sgnfO{ sfo{;Dkfbg /

hjfkmb]lxtf;+u cfa4 gu/L ;fdfGo kf7

l;s]sf] ?kdf lng] k|j[ltnfO{ kl/at{g ug{' .


cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; ug]{ .

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg nfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{

lbuf] hnfwf/ Aoa:yfkg ub}{ e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0fsf] If]qdf ;'zf;g sfod ug]{ .

cg'udg / l/kf]l6{+u nfO{ r':t, b'?:t / e/kbf]{

agfO{ o;af6 k|fKt l;sfOnfO{ pkof]u of]Uo

agfpg] .

/0fgLltsf] cfjZostf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf] If]qdf cg'udg tyf

d'NofÍg ;DaGwdf pNn]lvt s]lx gLltut /

;+u7gfTds Joj:yf ePsf] ePtfklg o;sf]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


k|0ffnLut ljsf; ug{ g;Sbf cg'udg tyf

d"Nof+sgsf ;+oGqx? sdhf]/ eO o; If]qsf]

;'zf;g sfod ug{ sl7g ePsf] 5 . k|:t't

;Gbe{df e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf]

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgnfO{ ;' :ki6 dfu{bz{gsf

;fy cufl8 a9fpg ;do ;fk]If cg'udg tyf

d'NofÍg /0fgLltsf] cfa:ostf kg{ uPsf] 5 .

cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sgnfO{ r':t, b'?:t /

;'b[9 agfO{ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf]

gLlt, of]hgf, / sfo{qmddf bIftf / k|efAsl/tf

clea[l4 ug{ cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt sf]

cfjZostf dx;'; ePsf] 5 .

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgnfO{ k|fyldstfsf ;fy

sfo{Gjog ul/ kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg /0fgLltn]

:ki6 lbzf lglb{i6 ug{'kg]{ b]lvPsf] 5 .

/0f gLltsf] cfwf/

o; gLlt tof/ ug]{ qmddf g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@,

jg gLlt @)&!, /fli6«o l;d;f/ gLlt @)^(,

/fli6«o h}ljs lalawtf /0fgLlt / sfof{Gjog of]hgf

-@)&!–@)&&_, hnafo' kl/jt{g gLlt @)^*, /fli6«o

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg lbUbz{g @)&), ag If]qsf]

cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt @)&# nufot cGo

;fGble{s gLlt tyf sfo{qmd / g]kfn kIf /fi6« ePsf

;DalGwt dxf;+lwx?nfO{ ;d]t cfwf/ dflgPsf] 5 .

/0fgLltsf] gfd / cf/De

of] /0fgLltsf] gfd æe" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

If]qsf] cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg /0fgLlt @)&#æ /

xg] 5 .

of] /0fgLlt e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf]d"n

/0fgLltsf] ?kdf /xg] 5 .

of] /0fgLlt e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaf6

ljefuLo :jLs[t ePkl5 nfu' x'g]5


e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf] cg'udg tyf

d'NofÍgnfO{ ;'b[9, k|0ffnLd'vL, gflthfd'ns l;sfO{

Aoa:yfkgdf ;Ifd / ;+:yfut agfO{ o; If]qsf]

lbuf] Aoa:yfkg / ;'zf;g clela|lWbsf] ;'lglZrttf

ug]{ .


of] /0fgLltsf] p2]Zo b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf 5g\ M

!= cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgnfO{ k|0ffnLd'vL, ;fwg

>f]t ;DkGg, ;'b[9 / ;+:yfut agfpg gLlt,

/0fgLlt / ;+u7gfTds ;'wf/ ug]{,

@= cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg ;+oGqsf] ljsf; ul/

o;af6 k|fKt k|ltj]bg / k[i7kf]if0f n} afWosf/L

/ sfof{Gjog of]Uo agfpg],

#= cg'udg tyf d'NofÍg sfo{nfO{ ;"rsf+s /

;do;Ldf ;lxtsf] sfo{of]hgf ag] sfo{Gjog



pNn]lvt ;f]+r tyf p2]Zo xfl;n ug{ lgDg /0fgLlt

canDag ul/g] 5 .

!= cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgnfO{ ;'b[9, ;Ifd,

gflthd'ns / k|efasf/L agfpg]

@= ;"rgf ;+sng / k|lta]bgnfO{ r':t, b'?:t /

e/kbf]{ agfpg] k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; ug]{

#= cg'udg / d'NofÍgnfO{ k|0ffnLd'vL agfpg]

$= cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgnfO{ txut ;'rsf+ssf]

ljsf; ul/ sfof{Gjog ug]{

%= e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu cGtu{tsf gLlt,

of]hgf, kl/of]hgf / cg'udg / d'NofÍg aLr

tfnd]n sfod ug]{

^= gLlt / of]hgf rqmx?sf] ;a} kIfx?df cg'udg

tyf d'NofÍgsf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ ;fd]n ug{

afWosf/L k4tL ljsf; ug]{

&= cg'udg tyf d'NofÍgnfO{ kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg

o;af6 k|fKt k[i7kf]if0fnfO{ sfo{;Dkfbg d'NofÍg

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


;+u cfa4 ul/ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf]

;'zf;g sfod ug]{

*= e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf] gLlt, /0fgLlt, /

lb3{sflng of]hgfx?sf] lgoldt cg'udg tyf

cfjlws d'NofÍg ul/ ;'wf/sf nflu k[i7kf]if0f


(= h'g txaf6 gLlt, of]hgf, / sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog

x'G5 / ;f]lx txaf6 cg'udg ug]{ ul/ k|0ffnLsf]

ljsf; ug]{

!)= cg'udgnfO{ k|efasf/L agfpg Aoa:yfkg

;"rgf k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; ug]{

!!= e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f If]qsf] cg'udg tyf

d"Nof+sgsf] k4ltnfO{ ;do ;fk]If t'Nofpg

o;sf] ;+:yfut lasf;df hf]8 lbg]

pNn]lvt /0fgLltx?sf sfo{gLltx? ;d]t klxrfg

ul/g] 5g\ . sfof{Gjogsf] Joj:yf, cfly{s kIf,

hf]llvd cflb ;d]t ;du| ljifoj:t' ;d]6]/ ljefluo

cg'udg /0fgLlttsf] clGtd d:of}bf tof/ u/L

ljefujf6 :jLs[t u/fO nfu' ul/g] 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=# e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefuaf6 xfn;fn} ul/Psf sf]lz;÷kxnx? tyf kl/of]hgf k|:tfj ljsf; ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

Realizing the critical situation of accelerated soil erosion and watershed degradation in the country, Government of Nepal established the Department of Soil and Water Conservation in 1974 under the then Ministry of Forests. In 1980, it was renamed as Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM) to better represent its roles and responsibilities of watershed management. Since its establishment, various efforts have been continuing to meet the challenges of soil erosion and watershed degradation faced by the country. At present DSCWM is providing SCWM service to 73 out of the 75 districts of Nepal through 61 District Soil Conservation Offi ces (DSCO).

DSCWM has been planning, implementing and monitoring soil conservation and watershed management programs/activities based on the principles of integrated watershed management to contribute to the livelihood and well-being of the people through sustainable watershed management of the river basins. At present, Country is moving towards the federal system as per Constitution of Nepal 2072, so department is exercising to appropriate the structure and its position in the National, Regional and Local level. Meanwhile, the demand of services from the people to address accelerated soil erosion and watershed degradation related disasters is increasing day by day. Forest policy 2071, envisaged integrated watershed management following basin approach, hence DSCWM is working toward mainstreaming basin approach for integrated watershed management. After the earthquake of April 25th

Sharing of recent initiatives from the Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management.

-Prakash S. Thapa, Technology Development Offi cer

2015 and following monsoons, many landslides are triggered and exacerbated.

Government has assigned the responsibility of managing landslides in the country to the department. DSCWM has been trying to coordinate mainstream all the international NGO’s working in the fi eld of landslide management so that there must be synergetic efforts in landslide management. Recently, in a continuing endeavor to meet departmental objectives in line with the policies and strategies, the department has incorporated the following SCWM programs and activities as new initiatives.

1. National Landslide Management Centre

DSCWM is going to establish a National Landslide Management Center with a vision to coordinate with all the government and donor agencies working in landslide management. One of the objectives of this center is to collect the segregated data about landslide. It will collect the GPS/GIS based information at district level and update at central level and will play role in networking at Central/State/Basin/district level. At the same time, it is envisioned that it will be justifi cation to get the fund for basin management and to develop project proposals about landslide treatment. This center will play crucial role to develop the technically sound manpower and will contribute in the Capacity enhancement & technology development /Land use mapping/Landslide inventory/ Hazard mapping/Landslide mapping/Landslide treatment etc. it is also supposed that center will develop

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planned activities/ geography wise for landslide treatment and ensure sustainable development / will vigor to assure budget for it.

2. Emergency Fund Establishment

DSCWM has started the process to establish “Emergency Natural Disaster Management Fund” to address the emergency need of the people immediately after the disaster occurred at any part of the country.

From this fund the major activities to be performed will be the prevention of natural disaster related to the watershed and negative impact mitigation activities. To provide the immediate services related to soil and water conservation to the victims and supposed to victimize people, community or area. For the effective management of emergency soil erosion mitigation and rehabilitation and fl owing immediate services in the affected communities/areas.

3. Landslide treatment Project-Dolakha, Nuwakot

The devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 in Nepal with an epicenter in Gorkha District followed by hundreds of aftershocks of various magnitude have shaken the hills triggering landslides and creating cracks consequently affecting livelihood of many people especially in the central part of Nepal. Monsoon of 2015 exacerbated the problem of slope instability in these shaken hills further worsening the situation. The Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM) of the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation has the mandate to provide livelihood support to the earthquake-affected farming communities through landslide treatment, on-farm conservation and community soil conservation. Given the insuffi cient number of trained staff and gaps in technical knowhow to deal with landslide in DSCWM, the Government of Nepal has requested the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support this huge task of landslide treatment and rehabilitation of earthquake affected lands. The FAO and DSCWM jointly developed the project

funded by FAO under the Technical Cooperation Programme. DSCWM and FAO jointly is going to implement TCP project entitled “Landslide prevention and stabilization of slopes in the most earthquake affected district of Nepal” in Sundrawati VDC, Dolakha District for coming two years.

The rural communities of Sundrawati VDC, Dolakha District, where agricultural land has been severely affected by the landslide, settlements threatened by landslides and communities using irrigation systems and drinking water source affected by landslides will be the foremost benefi ciaries of the project. DSCWM, local CBOs and NGO as service providers and relevant institutions in Nepal will benefi t from capacity building of staff through the delivery of training package developed under the project mainly on landslide treatment and mitigation.

The project emphasizes environmental improvement of Sundrawati VDC, Dolakha District and enhancement of livelihood of communities adversely affected by the earthquake. Similar, one project has been designed for Nuwakot district under the TCP program by FAO and DSCWM jointly, which is going to be implemented in near future.

4. Watershed Awareness Centers

DSCWM has started to work on the establishment of watershed awareness center in three basins identifi ed by department as Koshi river basin, Gandaki river basin and Karnali-Mahakaili river basins for the Capacity building of the district level government staffs and conduct awareness raising programs in Universities, Colleges/Schools & Community people. This center will inform the community people and students about Ecosystem Based Disaster Risk Reduction programs. This will also Initiate Conservation friendly infrastructure development. In future, it will also conduct Research, Demonstration and Extension activities. Only the capacity of the department is not suffi cient for such activities so Memorandum of Understanding will be made with some academic institutions like IOF, Pokhara & will

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extend collaboration with other research institutes of SAARC. Before the establishment of this center DSCWM may necessitate observation tour to such national/international centers for exploring better ideas about it. It is yet to be decided the appropriate place/district to establish centers considering Basin wise and state wise accessibility and acceptability and have to develop proposal/budget/estimate for establishment.

5. Sadak Sangai Bhu Samrakshyan (Soil conservation with road) Program

In addition to the road slope stabilization activities, there will be new initiative to protect the upstream and downstream of the roads considering integrated watershed management approach. Not only around the right of way of the roads but broadening the activities to watershed level. District Road Master Plan need to be assessed for whether it contains EIA/IEE component or not and whether EMP is prepared or not? If not, then they have to make provision and if yes then they have to manage fund for which our contribution will be technical and collaborate to mobilize the fund. Rural roads will be basic units which are constructed haphazardly. At the same time DSCO will have prior knowledge of road construction so that conservation activities, awareness and enhancement activities will be conducted simultaneously.

6. High Tech Nursery Program

For plantation purposes, we need to have seedlings of better size or developed with modern technologies so we need to have high tech nurseries in our DSCOs. DSCOs have to prepare plans for establishing such nurseries accordingly in coming years and DSCWM will incorporate it in planning and budgetary process.

7. Chure Hills Protection Program

Land degradation due to soil erosion, deforestation, encroachment, forest fi re, grazing is the key threats in the Chure hill area leading threat to ecosystem services and has caused damages to socio economic life of the people living in Chure

foothills and Terai region. It is well known that to protect Terai region we must conserve Chure region for which upper catchment area will be focused. Recently government has prepared Chure master plan for next 5 years with detail activities to be performed there for its protection. Based on the Chure master plan DSCWM will be concentrating some of conservation activities in Chure hill. Chure Conservation: Planting species recommended by department in landslide treatment guideline 2016 & (more over 5 B’s Bans, Bel, Bet, Bayar, Barro-Harro-Amala; Paudyal, B R; Gorkhapatra-2014). Sa.Bi.Ha may be one of the models to replicate in Chure hill areas for which our department is having conversation with JICA.

8. Environmental Inspector

For this request letter with memo fi le has been forwarded to the MoFSC. Environment Protection Act has provision of Environmental Inspector. But MOPE don’t have local/district level offi ces and human resource throughout the country and have only 17-18 Environmental inspector and Good thing is Secretary of MoPE has given verbal consent for transferring rights of EI to DSCWM. For this Hon. Minister’s level decision is suffi cient for the devolution of EI authority to districts with assigned responsibilities. DSCWM covers whole nation with technical knowledge aided; further trainings to DSCO may require. Secondary objective is to develop Para- environmental-inspector at community level through DSCO’s.

9. Urban Catchment Protection

Land as well as water quality in the urban areas has been degraded facing the pressure from increasing population. Agricultural system is also haphazard and water sources are declining and getting polluted. People are facing water scarcity. There is a need to take step in urban watersheds; coordinating among municipalities & DDC’s and other line agencies. DSCWM will identify at least 10 critical urban w/S and their conservation dynamics considering their National importance with close consultation with DSCOs.

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10. Management of Nationally Important Watersheds (Hydro Catchment Conservation)

In places where hydropower /hydro dam/drinking waters supply/irrigation dams has been constructed or going to be constructed for irrigation, electricity production or for drinking water supply etc. DSCWM have to initiate conservation activities for the upstream protection of such watersheds. For Eg: - Melamchi: It is predicted that before 2074 BS KTM valley will receive drinking water from Melamchi but who knows next rainy season will disturb the water tank by Siltation problem. As the upstream catchment area of Melamchi is in degraded and problematic condition, Melamchi Water Supply Development Board allocated fund for the conservation of watershed and searching the right entity to handover the further management responsibility related to watershed. DSCM will identify at least 3 major hydro catchments considering their National importance with the help of corresponding DSCOs to start work in the fi rst phase and will extend the conservation activities for all problem facing hydro catchments.

11. Project Proposal Development

Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management has started developing proposals for many watersheds such as Maha-maikhola Watershed, Rapti-Narayani Sub Basin, Khanikhola micro watershed, Daraundi Watershed based on consultations and formal informal conversations with some development partners. At the same time, DSCWM has been exploring more opportunities to work collaboratively with conservation partners.

12. TV-Radio Program

Radio Program will be operated which have network in maximum areas of the nation new

episodes fortnightly and will rebroadcasted ones. TV-Radio program will contain knowledgeable information, interviews with experts, discussion about current issues, success stories, conservation famers experiences, conservation related songs, folksongs etc.

The major objectives of the TV-radio program are to enhance the positive environment among community people to replicate the success conservation and result oriented activities through extension, to extend low cost soil conservation activities, to aware stakeholders and common people about the existing policies, rules and regulations about Soil conservation and watershed management, to reduce the negative environmental impacts arising from unplanned development, to disseminate the latest inventions and modern technologies, to outspread conservation oriented adaptation strategies and mitigation measures against negative impact climate change.

However, these are some of the recent initiatives started by the DSCWM, but it is important that some of these activities like Landslide Management Center, Environmental Inspector have been conceptualized in detail and request letters have been forwarded to ministry of forest and soil conservation. At the same time, some of the activity will be under conceptualization process and will soon be developed as project, similarly some initiations may require the help of outsourcing and for some activities we have to collaborate with other government and non-government line agencies for partnership. The resources in terms of money and human resource may require to be increased for these initiations for which together with government support we may have to seek development partners’ support as well in future.

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cg';"rL !=$ River Basin Level Planning : Concept and Programs ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

1. Background

The Integrated River Basin Management is defi ned as a process that promotes the coordinated development and management of land, soil, water, land and watershed resources to maximize the environmental balance, economic, and social benefi ts in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of existing ecosystems (National Water Plan, 2002).

Why River basin Management (DSCWM perspective)

No national coverage of services, (9th Five years plan has indicated to cover entire nation),

Diffi cult to response immediately in case of emergency landslide/fl ood damage,

Program is implementing at sub w/s level, many years takes to cover the entire district, and nation

Diffi cult to address the hydrological and other natural processes

Effects are site specifi c due to small scale input,

Small-scale pilot projects have a limited im-pact on a larger watershed or river basin, the scaling-up of successful local experi-ences is a critical challenge for watershed management programmes (refer the side fi gure).

Integrated River Basin Management in Changing Federal Structure: Principles and Approaches

-Prem Prasad Paudel, Planning Offi cer

2. River basin planning requirement:

It is a process of collecting and analyzing river basin data, appropriate institutions, legal and policy support/harmonization, and evaluating management measures in order to achieve the objectives within prescribed timescales. It is means required to gauge in advance what is the aim of management.

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3. Policy and Legal mandate: River basin is emphasizing in national and global context.

For instance;

1. Constitution of Nepal, 2072

2. National Water Plan 2002

3. National Water Resource Strategy, 2005

4. Forestry Sector Policy 2071

5. Wetland Policy 2069

6. Periodic plans of National Planning Commission specially from 9th fi ve years’ plans.

4. Constitutional and Forestry Sector Policy provisions (Roles and Target)



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5. What could be the aim of basin management (few examples)1. Water quality and quantity management

2. Maintaining and balancing Upstream and Downstream

3. Ensuring settlement free from Geo-hazards

4. Wetland management

5. Biodiversity management6. Many more aims….

6. Realization of the importance of watershed scale management

Dept. of Soil Conserva on and watershed Management

Dept. of Soil and water conserva on

Are we aiming to manage at basin scale?

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7. What issues should be addressed to act at basin scale? (Managing transition)1. Adjustment of political boundary (District,

provinces and VDCs with basin boundary and its institutional/organizational set up (political concern vs. hydrological concern)

2. Incremental budget system (additional budget for basin intervention is required)

3. Arrangement of existing human resources and their upscaling

4. Mode of action (How sub watershed level action can be blended at basin level) i.e Do we need to act specifi cally at Sub watershed level and gradually making cumulative impacts?

5. How requirement of central level institution for inter state basin scale management could be justifi ed?

8. Options for central levels actions

We can target the national level importance activities like;1. Water supply catchment protection (Protect-

ing water towers)2. Minimizing risk of Infrastructures (Roads,

irrigation canals, and other infra)3. Hydropower catchment protection

4. National level wetland protection against ero-sion/sedimentation

5. Geo hazards Management6. Disaster prevention and management7. Degraded land rehabilitation8. Siwalik range management etc.

9. Gap in past analysis and uncertainties Structural transformation during administra-

tive reform was not in line with basin, How central level organization is going to set

up (national scale), Why we need the central institution i.e. con-

crete justifi cation plan, Let us make possible to declare few critical

w/s so that central level management is neces-sary (beyond the capacity of local bodies).

10. Supportive Policy Instrument Constitution of Nepal, 2072 Forest Policy, 2071 Position Named at Public service commission

as "Basin Director" National water Plan, 2002 Water Resource Strategy, 2005

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cg';"rL !=% /fli6«o hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt, cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sf]if -d:of}bf_ @)&#

;DjGwL k|:t'tL

!= k[i7e"ld

e"ld / hn;|f]t g]kfnsf clt dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/Lo

k|fs[lts ;|f]tx? x'g . oL k|fs[lts ;|f]tx? hgtfsf]

hLljsf]kfh{g, bLuf] ljsf; / b]zsf] ;d[l¢sf]] nflu

ckl/xfo{ cfwf/ x'g . t/ oL hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tx?sf]

IfoLs/0f (Watershed Resources Degradation) sf

sf/0f hgtfsf] hLljsf]kfh{g / hLjg:t/df

;'wf/ Nofpg] ljsf;sf s[ofsnfkx?df afwf Pj+

;d:ofx? ylkg] u/]sf 5g\ . g]kfndf hg;+Vofsf]

a[l4 tyf clgolGqt a;f]af; Pj+ zx/Ls/0fn]

cg'ko'Qm e" pkof]u a9b} hfbf e"ldsf] IfoLs/0f

(Land Degradation) klg a9bf]s|ddf 5 . d'Votof

aiff{ofddf clta[li6sf sf/0f IfoLs/0f x'g]

hnfwf/sf] pkNnf] t6Lo If]q -dflyNnf] efu_ df tLa|

e" Ifo x'g], uN5L lgdf{0f x'g] / klx/f] hfg] ub{5

eg] tNnf] t6Lo If]qdf gbL lsgf/ s6fg x'g] tyf

gbL 5]p5fpsf a:tL nufotsf] e"ld af9Ln] 8'jfgdf

kg'{sf ;fy} u]u/fg y'lk|O{ au/df kl/0ft x'g] ub{5 .

le/fnf kfvfx?df e" ;+/If0fsf pkfox? gckgfO{

s'g} 7fpdf vgLvf];|L s[lifafnL nufOG5 eg] s[lif

of]Uo e"ld u}/s[lif k|of]hgdf pkof]u eO/x]sf] 5 .

To;}u/L jgIf]q ;d]t cTolws cltqmd0fdf kl//x]sf]

cj:yf 5 . pko'Qm jfg:klts cfj/0f gePsf] /

;+/If0fsf pkfox? gckgfOPsf] le/fnf] e"ldaf6

tLa| e" Ifo x'g] ub{5 . o;/L tLa| e" Ifo, klx/f],

vf]nf Pj+ gbL lsgf/ s6fg / af9Lsf] kmn :j?k

x'g] wghgsf] Iflt / e" pTkfbsTjdf cfPsf] x|f;n]

cfly{s, ;fdflhs Pj+ jftfj/0fLo If]qdf gsf/fTds

k|efj kfl//x]sf] 5 . ljZjAofkL hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf]

–;'dgf b]jsf]6f, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

!=%=! /fli6«o hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLlt, @)&# -d:of}bf_

c;/sf sf/0f g]kfndf hnfwf/ If]qsf] Ps k|d'v

k|fs[lts ;|f]t kfgLsf] pknAwtfdf gsf/fTds

c;/ kl//x]sf] 5 . kfgLsf :yfgLo ;|f]tx? ;'Sg]

jf kfgLsf] dfqf 36\b} hfg] / kfgLsf] u'0f:t/df

x|f; cfpg] s|d hf/L 5 . o;/L k|fs[lts cj:yf

tyf k|s[of, dfgjLo s[ofsnfk / hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf]

c;/sf] kmn:j?k hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tx?sf] IfoLs/0f

(Watershed Resources Degradation)jf6 aif]{gL 7"nf]

Iflt x'g] ub{5 . o:tf] Iflt x'gaf6 hf]ufpg / e"ld

/ hn;|f]t ;+/If0f u/L e" pTkfbsTj a9fpg PsLs[t

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg ul/g' kb{5 . PsLs[t hnfwf/

Aoj:yfkgnfO{ dfu{ bz{g ug{sf] lgldQ hnfwf/

Aoj:yfkg gLltsf] th'{df ug{'' kg]{ cfjZostf ePsf]

5 . o:tf] gLltsf] cefjdf Jojl:yt ?kdf e" pkof]u

/ IfoL s/0f lgoGq0fsf sfo{qmdx? ;~rfngdf

sl7gfO{ pTkGg ePsf] 5 . hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg

gLltsf] th'{dfaf6 o;;DaGwL sfg'g, of]hgf tyf

sfo{qmdx? th'{df Pjd\ sfof{Gjog ug{ / gLlt

sfof{Gjogdf b]vf kg{ ;Sg] ;d:ofx?sf] ;dfwfgsf

pkfox?sf] vf]hL ug{ ;/sf/nfO{ dfu{ lgb]{zg k|fKt

x'G5 . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df b]zsf] ;du| cy{tGq tyf

gful/ssf] hLjgofkgsf] k|d'v cfwf/sf ?kdf

e"ld tyf hn;|f]tn] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf]

5 . b]zsf] ;Dk"0f{ e"ld tyf hn;|f]tnfO{ ;+/If0f

ub}{ o;sf] bLuf] pkof]u ug'{sf ;fy} PsLs[t ?kdf

o;sf] bLuf] Joj:yfkg ug'{ klg clxn]sf] dxTjk"0f{

cfjZostf ePsf] 5 . lq–jifL{o of]hgf -@)&).)&!—

@)&@.)&#_, /fli6«o hn;|f]t /0fgLlt, @)%* /

hn;|f]t of]hgf, @)^! n] klg hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg,

hn;|f]t ;+/If0f÷Aoj:yfkg / kfgL hGo k|fs[lts

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


k|sf]k Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLltsf]

cfjZostf cf}NofPsf] 5 . xfn;Dd ;dli6ut ?kdf

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLltsf] th'{df gxF'bf o; If]qsf]

Joj:yfkgdf b]lvPsf sl7gfO{nfO{ lg/fs/0f ug{ o;

;DaGwL 5''§} gLltsf] th'{df ug'{ cfjZos ePsf]n]

of] æ/fli6«o hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLlt, @)&#Æ th'{df

u/LPsf] 5 .

@= ljutsf k|of;x? / jt{dfg l:ylt

g]kfnsf dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/ If]qx?sf] ;+/If0f, ;Da4{g

Pj+ j}1flgs Joj:yfkg u/L af9L, klx/f], e"Ifo h:tf

k|sf]ksf] Go"lgs/0fsf ;fy–;fy} hldgsf] pa{/f

zlQm clea[l4 ub}{ lasf;sf k"jf{wf/x?sf] ;+/If0fdf

;3fp k'¥ofpg] p2]Zosf ;fy lj=;+= @)#! ;fndf

e" tyf hn ;+/If0f ljefu -xfnsf] e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f ljefu_ :yfkg ul/Psf] lyof] . ljefusf]

:yfkgf sfn b]lv g} ljleGg cfof]hgfx? / lj=;+=

@)%) ;fn b]lv lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox? tyf

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg cfof]hgfx? Dffkm{t e" ;+/If0f

tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] sfo{ ul/b} cfPsf]df

xfn ^! j6f lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox? Dffkm{t e"

;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg sfo{ ul/b} cfPsf]

5 . o;/L e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf]

sfo{ ubf{ g]kfnsf cfjlws of]hgfx? -rf}}yf] k~r

jifL{o of]hgf b]lv_, jg ljsf; u'?of]hgf -!(*(_,

ljefuLo dfu{bz{gx? / ljefusf] sfo{ljwLnfO{ g}

d'Vo cfwf/ dfgL ;]jf k|bfg ul/b} cfPsf] 5 . e"

;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg l;t ;DalGwt s]xL

gLltut a'Fbfx? k|ToIf ck|ToIf ?kdf ag, s[lif,

hn;|f]t, jftfj/0f h:tf ljleGg If]qut gLltx? leq

5l/P/ /x]sf] cj:yf 5 .

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] Ps k|d'v s[ofsnfkdf

jfg:klts cfj/0fsf] lg/Gt/tf agfO{ /fVg' kb{5 .

d'n'sL P]g, @)@) sf hUuf ;DaGwL dxnx?, e"ld

;DaGwL P]g @)@!, e"ld k|zf;g P]g, @)@$ nufotsf

e"ld ;DaGwL sfg'gx?, lghL jg /fli6«os/0f P]g

@)!#, jg P]g @)!*, jg ;+/If0f -ljz]if Joj:yf_

P]g @)@$, vs{ hUuf /fli6«os/0f P]g @)#!, jg

P]g @)$( h:tf sfg'gx?sf] lgdf{0f u/L jg–If]qsf]

cltqmd0fnfO{ /f]ls jfg:klts cfj/0f agfO{ /fVg]

k|of; ePsf] b]lvG5 . hUuf -gfkhfFr_ P]g, @)!( sf]

cf7f}+ ;+zf]wg @)%& tyf hUuf -gfkhfFr_ lgodfjnL,

@)%* df e"ldnfO{ s[lif If]q / Jofj;flos tyf

a;f]af; If]qdf juL{s/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] kfOG5 .

o; qmddf e"ldsf] Ifdtfsf cfwf/df juL{s/0f d"ntM

k'gM gfkL ul/g] If]qdf dfq cjnDjg ul/Psf] x'gfn]

o;n] b]zsf] ;du| e"ldnfO{ juL{s/0f ug{ ;s]sf]

b]lvb}g eg] juL{s/0f cg';f/sf] pkof]u ug]{ ljifodf

k|rlnt sfg'gdf s]xL pNn]v ePsf] kfOb}g . ag P]g,

@)$( / lgodfjnL, @)%! Dff ePsf k|fjwfgx?n]

hg;xeflutfd"ns ag ;+/If0f / Aoj:yfkgdf hf]8

lbPsf] xF'bf e" ;+/If0f / hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgdf s]xL

dfqfdf ;xof]u k'u]sf] b]lvG5 .

:yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]g, @)%% / lgodfjnL,

@)%^ dfkm{t e"–pkof]u ;DaGwL ljifodf :yfgLo

lgsfonfO{ lhDd]jf/ agfOPsf] b]lvG5 . o; P]g tyf

lgodfjnLn] e"–pkof]u of]hgf tof/ ug]{, e"ld ;|f]t

gSzf tof/ ug]{, klt{ hUuf / 8fF8f, eL/ kfvf]df

j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{, ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbf If]qsf] hu]gf{ ug]{,

e"–Ifo / gbL lgoGq0f ug{ cfjZos of]hgf jgfpg],

jg, jg:klt / h}ljs ljljwtf ;+/If0f ug]{, ;fj{hlgs

;/sf/L hUufsf] cltqmd0fdf /f]s nufpg] h:tf

sfo{df :yfgLo lgsfonfO{ lhDd]jf/ agfOPsf]

kfOG5 .

jg gLlt @)&!, s[lif gLlt @)^!, l;rfO{ gLlt

@)^), hn pTkGg k|sf]k Aoj:yfkg gLlt @)^@,

jftfj/0f ;+/If0f gLlt @)^&, /fli6«o e"–pkof]u gLlt

@)^(, h:tf gLltx? lgdf{0f u/L If]qut ;d:of Pj+

;jfnx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ k|of; ePsf] b]lvG5 t/

;du| ?kdf PsLs[t hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] /fli6«o

gLlt lgdf{0f gePsf] cj:yf 5 . hn pTkGg k|sf]k

Aoj:yfkg gLlt, @)^! df hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg dfkm{t

hn pTkGg k|sf]kx? Go""gLs/0f ug]{ s'/f pNn]v

ul/Psf] 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


#= ;d:of / r'gf}tL

jt{dfg cj:yfdf e"–tyf hnfwf/ If]qsf]

Joj:yfkgdf lgDg ;d:of / r'gf}tLnfO{ ;Daf]wg

ul/g'' kg]{ cfjZostf dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 .

#=! e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf

sfo{qmdx?nfO{ j}1flgs, Jojxfl/s Pj+ :yflkt

cGt/f{li6«o dfGotf cg'?k a[xt hnfwf/

Joj:yfkg pkfud (Basin Approach)ckgfpg] tkm{ 7f]; sfo{ ug{ g;lsPsf] /

ljBdfg ;+:yfut ;+/rgf klg pko'Qm gePsf]

cj:yf 5 .

#=@ hnjfo' kl/jt{gn] hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tsf] Iflos/0f

eO{ hghLljsfdf yk gsf/fTds c;/

kfl//x]sf] s'/f /fli6«o cg's"ng sfo{ of]hgf

(NAPA) / :yfgLo cg's"ng sfo{ of]hgf

(LAPA) df :ki6 pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . xfd|f]

h:tf] sdhf]/ cy{tGq / ef}uf]lns cj:yf

ePsf] d'n'sdf To:tf c;/x?sf] Go"lgs/0f,

hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ngsf sfo{s|dx?

sfof{Gjog ug{' r'gf}tLsf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 .

#=# PsLs[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf] dfWodaf6

l;rfO{ k'¥ofpg g;lsPsf] / jiff{tdf lge{/

v]tLof]Uo hdLgsf] pTkfbsTj a[l4 u/L vfB

;'/Iffdf 6]jf k'¥ofpg'' r'gf}tLsf ?kdf /x]sf]

5 .

#=$ ;fdflhs, cfly{s / kfl/l:yltlso÷jftfj/0fLo

b[li6sf]0fjf6 clt dxTjk'0f{ / ef}ueL{s ?kdf

;+j]bglzn r'/] If]qsf] a9\bf] IfoLs/0fnfO{

;Daf]wg u/L o;sf] ;+/If0f tyf bLuf]

Joj:yfkgsf] sfo{ Plss[t gLltsf] cefjdf

r'gf}ltk"0f{ /x]sf] 5 .

#=% r'/] If]qsf] clts|d0f / u}x| sfg'gL j;f]jf;sf]

Joj:yfkg, r'/] If]q ;+/If0fsf] d"n ;d:ofsf]

?kdf /x]sf]5 .

#=^ r'/] If]q nufotsf gbLgfnfx?af6 9'Ëf, lu§L,

afn'jfsf] hyfefjL pTvgg\, lgsf;L / ;f] af6

l;lh{t ;d:ofsf] plrt ;Daf]wg x'g g;s]sf]

cj:yf 5 . u|fdL0f ;8s nufot cGo ljsf;

lgdf{0f sfo{df k|fljlws ljZn]if0f ljgfg}

8f]h/, :sfe]6/ h:tf d];Lg/L cf}hf/x?sf]

hyfefjL k|of]un] e"dLsf] c:yL/tf / tLa| e"

IfonfO{ j9fjf lbO/x]sf] cj:yf 5 .

#=& hnfwf/sf] pkNnf] tl6o If]q / tNnf] tl6o

If]qsf] cGt/ ;DjGw (Upstream-Downstream Linkage and cause effect relationship) /

jftfj/0fLo ;]jf z'Ns (PES) h:tf dxTjk"0f{

ljifox?df k|efjsf/L sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{

cj:yf 5 .

#=* hn pTkGg k|sf]k nufot k|fs[lts ljkb\

hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f (DRR) / hnfwf/

Joj:yfkgnfO{ ;dGjofTds ?kdf d""n

k|jfxLs/0f ug]{ sfo{nfO{ ;kmntf k"j{s ;DkGg

ug'{ kg]{ cj:yf 5 .

#=( ljBdfg e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g, @)#(

tyf lgodfjnL, @)$@ sf sltko sfof{Gjog

x'g g;s]sf Joj:yfx?nfO{ k"0f{ ?kdf

sfof{Gjog ug'{ kg]{ cj:yf 5 .

#=!) e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] ljifonfO{

/fli6«o tyf If]qut k|fyldstfdf /flvg'' kg]{

cj:yf 5 .

#=!! ;dfg sfo{ k|s[lt ePsf ;/sf/L lgsfox?

lar ;dGjo Pj+ ;xsfo{ ug]{ k|efjsf/L

Aoj:yf gx'Fbf PsLs[t ?kdf sfo{s|dx?

;+rfng x'g ;s]sf 5}gg .

#=!@ xfn ;]jf k|jfx ul//x]sf ^! j6f lhNnf e"

;+/If0f sfof{nox? dfkm{t e" ;+/If0f tyf

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf ;]jfx? &% lhNnfsf]

;Lldt If]qx?df dfq k'¥ofpg ;lsPsf] 5 .

;d:of / cfjZostfsf] cfwf/df b]zJofkL

?kdf ;]jf k'¥ofpg g;lsPsf] ljBdfg cj:yf

5 . e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf]

nflu pko'Qm ;+:yfut tyf hgzlQm Joj:yf

ug'{ kg]{ cj:yf /x]sf] 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


$= /fli6«o hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLltsf] cfjZostf

Rff}+yf] k~r jifL{o of]hgf b]lv cfjlws of]hgfx?sf e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg ;DaGwL gLlt / sfo{s|dx?, jg ljsf; u'?of]hgf -!(*(_, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g, @)#(, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f lgodfjnL, @)$@, ljefuLo sfo{ljlw tyf ljleGg lgb]{lzsfx?sf] cfwf/df e" tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg ;]jf k|jfx ul/b} cfPsf] 5 . e" ;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg;Fu ;DalGwt s]xL gLltut a'Fbfx? k|ToIf ck|ToIf ?kdf jg, s[lif, hn;|f]t, jftfj/0f h:tf ljleGg If]qut gLltx? leq 5l/P/ /x]sf] cj:yf 5 . PsLs[t hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] nflu cfjZos gLltut Aoj:yf ckof{Kt 5 . xfn ljBdfg ;DalGwt P]g lgodsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;d:of / cfjZostfsf] cfwf/df b]zJofkL ?kdf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] ;]jf k'¥ofpg ;lsg] u/L ;+:yfut ;+/rgf gx'g', r'/] If]q nufotsf /fli6«o dxTjsf / ;Da]bgzLn hnfwf/x?sf] ;+/If0f÷Aoj:yfkgsf] ;d:ofnfO{ gLltut ?kdf ;Daf]wg ug{ g;lsg', hnfwf/sf] pkNnf] tl6o If]q / tNnf] tl6o If]qsf] cGt/ ;DjGwnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ g;lsg' h:tf ;d:of / r'gf}tLx? ;Daf]wg ug{sf] lgldQ /fli6«o hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLltsf] cfjZostf k/]sf] 5 .

%= b"/b[li6, kl/b[io, nIo tyf p2]Zox?

/fli6«o hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLltsf b"/b[li6, kl/b[io,

nIo tyf p2]Zox? b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf 5g\ M

%=! b"/b[li6 (Vision)

hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tx?sf] PsLs[t ?kdf j}1flgs

Joj:yfkg u/L kfl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] ;Gt'ng

sfod ub}{ bLuf] ;fdflhs, cfly{s ljsf;df 6]jf

k'¥ofpg] .

%=@ kl/b[io (Mission)

-s_ hnfwf/ If]qnfO{ Joj:yfkgsf] OsfO{ jgfpg] .

-v_ Plss[t pkfud ckgfO{ of]hgf th'{df /

sfof{Gjog ug]{ .

-u_ ;xefuLtfTds, ;xsfo{ / ;dGjofTds ?kdf

sfo{s|d ;+rfng ug]{ .

-3_ hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgdf hgs]Gb|Lt cjwf/0ff

cjnDjg ug]{ .

-ª_ hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgdf ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug]{ .

-r_ pkNnf] tl6o / tNnf] tl6o If]qljrsf] cGt/

;DjGwnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ .

%=# nIo (Goal)

j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud cg'?k hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tx?sf]

PsLs[t / lbuf] Aoj:yfkg dfkm{t kfl/l:yltsLo

k|0ffnLdf ;Gt'ng / lhljsf]kfh{gdf 6]jf k'¥ofpg] .

%=$ p2]Zo (Objectives)

o; gLltsf k|d'v p2]Zo b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf 5g\M

-s_ j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud cg'?k hnfwf/x?sf]

klxrfg, juL{s/0f / k|fyldsLs/0f ug]{ .

-v_ juL{s/0fsf] cfwf/df ljleGg txsf hnfwf/

Joj:yfkg of]hgfx? agfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ .

-u_ j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud cg'?k ;+:yfut tyf

;f+u7lgs ;'wf/ ug]{ .

-3_ r'/] If]qsf] hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ ljz]if

k|fyldstf lbg] .

-ª_ hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfx? af/] k|rf/

k|;f/ / ;dGjo ug]{ .

-r_ /fli6«o dxTjsf tyf ;+jb]gzLn hnfwf/

If]qx?sf] klxrfg u/L ;+/lIft hnfwf/ 3f]if0ff

ug]{]{ .

-5_ hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0fn] kg{;Sg] ;+efljt

hf]lvdsf] cfFsng ul/ hnfwf/ :t/df

cfjZos / pko'Qm cg's'ng÷;dfg's'ng Pj+

ljkb Joj:yfkgsf sfo{s|d ;~rfng ug]{ .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


-h_ hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfof{Gjogdf :yflgo

lgsfo, u}x| ;/sf/L ;+:yfx?nfO{ klg ;dfj]z

u/fOg] 5 .

-h_ jftfj/0fLo ;]jfsf] e'QmfgL (PES) sf] nfuL

pko'Qm k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; u/L sfof{Gjog ug]{ .

^= gLlt

^=! j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud (Basin Approach) cg'?k

gbL k|0ffnL / If]qkmnsf] cfwf/df ljleGg txsf

hnfwf/x? klxrfgu/L b]xfo jdf]lhd ljleGg

txdf juL{s/0f ul/g]5 .

-s_ j[xt hnfwf/ (River Basin)

-v_ 7"nf hnfwf/ (Macro Watershed)

-u_ ;fgf hnfwf/ (Small Watershed)

-3_ pkhnfwf/ (Sub-watershed)

-ª_ ;'Id hnfwf/ (Micro Watershed)

^=@ g]kfnsf 7"nf gbLx?– sf]zL, u08sL, s0ff{nL

/ dxfsfnLsf] j[xt hnfwf/ If]qleq kg]{ 7"nf

hnfwf/, dWod hnfwf/, pkhnfwf/ / ;'Id

hnfwf/x? Klxrfg u/L If]qkmnsf] cfwf/df

5'6\ofOg] 5 .

^=# cfjZostf cg';f/ hnfwf/x?nfO{ /fli6«o

dxTjsf, clt ;+j]bgzLn / cGo hnfwf/x?df

juL{s/0f ug]{ / k|fyldlss/0f ug]{ .

^=$ j[xt hnfwf/ juL{s/0fsf] cfwf/df ljleGg

txsf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgfx?–/0fgLlts

a]l;g Aoj:yfkg of]hgf, hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg

of]hgf, pk hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg of]hgf, ;"Id

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg of]hgf, ;fd'bflos ;|f]t

Aoj:yfkg of]hgf tof/ u/L sfof{Gjog ug]{ .

^=% j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud cg'?k ;+:yfut tyf

;f+u7lgs ;'wf/ ug]{ . klxrfg ePsf j[xt

hnfwf/, 7"nf hnfwf/ / cfjZostf cg';f/

cGo hnfwf/x?df :ynut sfof{nox?

:yfkgf u/L / kof{Kt dfgj ;|f]tsf] Joj:yfkg

ug]{ .

^=^ r'/] If]qsf] hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ug{ cfjZos

Plss[t gLlt tyf /0fgLlt canDjg ug]{ .

^=& r'/] If]qsf] ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpg

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ k|fyldstf lbb}

gbL k|0ffnLsf] cfwf/df Plss[t sfo{s|dx?

;+rfng ug]{ .

^=* r'/] If]q nufotsf e" efusf] hnfwf/

Joj:yfkgdf ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;+nUgtf,

;xsfo{ / :yflgo jfl;Gbfsf] ;ls|o ;xeflutf

;'lglZrt ug]{ .

^=( r'/] If]q nufotsf gbLgfnfx?af6 9'Ëf, lu§L,

afn'jfsf] cj}1flgs pTvgg\ / lgsf;LnfO{

lglZrt dfkb08 agfO{ lgodg ug]{ .

^=!) u|fdL0f ;8s nufot cGo ef}lts k"jf{wf/

lgdf{0f sfo{x? ubf{ e" ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ cfj¢

ug{ s]Gb|:t/b]lv :yfgLo lgsfox? ;+u

;dGjog :yflkt ug]{ .

^=!! hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfdf b]zAofkL

?kdf k|rf/ k|;f/ ug]{, ;+/If0f lzIff k|bfg

ug]{, ;'zf;g k|jb{g ug]{ tyf ;xeflutfd"ns

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg u/L :yfgLo ;d'bfosf]

zzQmLs/0f / Ifdtf ljsf;nfO{ k|f]T;flxt

ug]{ .

^=!@ hn ljB't, l;rfO{, ko{6g, h}ljs ljljwtf

nufotsf cfwf/df /fli6«o dxTjsf tyf

;+j]bgzLn hnfwf/ If]qx?sf] klxrfg ug]{ /

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf sfo{x? ;Grfng ug]{ .

^=!# /fli6«o dxTjsf tyf ;+j]bgzLn hnfwf/

If]qx?nfO{ cf}lrTosf] cfwf/df ;+/lIft

hnfwf/ 3f]if0ff ug]{]{ .

^=!$ hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0fn] hnfwf/df

kg{ ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdsf] cfFsng ug]{ .

^=!% cfjZos / pko'Qm cg's'ng÷;dfg's'ng Pj+

ljkb Joj:yfkgsf sfo{s|d ;+rfng ug]{ .

^=!^ jftfj/0fLo ;]jfsf] e'QmfgL (PES) sf] nflu

pko'Qm k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; u/L sfof{Gjog ug{

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cfjZos If]qx?sf] klxrfg u/L sfof{Gjogsf]

nflu cfjZos kg]{ sfg'g tyf sfo{ljlw lgdf{0f

u/L hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgdf jftfj/0fLo ;]jfsf]

e'QmfgL k|fKt x'g] ;xh jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug]{ .

^=!& a9L le/fnf] kfvfdf 3/, s'nf] h:tf

ef}lts ;+/rgf lgdf0f{ ug{ tyf v]tLkftL ug{

lg?T;flxt ug]{ .

^=!* hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sf] sfo{ ubf{ d'ntM e"ld

sf] pTkfbsTj ;+/If0f, kfgLsf ;|f]t ;+/If0f,

ljsf;sf k"jf{wf/ ;+/If0f / k|fs[lts k|sf]k

Joj:yfkg h:tf sfo{s|ddf hf]8 lbg] .

^=!( hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL cWoog,

cg';Gwfg / k|ljlw ljsf;nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug]{ .

&= /0fgLlt tyf sfo{gLlt

&=! j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud cg'?k ljleGg txsf

hnfwf/x?sf] juL{s/0f u/L sfof{Gjogdf

Nofpg b]xfojdf]lhdsf /0fgLlt tyf

sfo{gLltx? cjnDag ul/g]5 .

&=!=! b]xfosf cfwf/x?df hnfwf/x?sf]

juL{s/0f ul/g]5M

&=!=!=! gbL k|0ffnLsf cfwf/df – gbL

k|0ffnLsf cfwf/df sf]zL, u08sL,

s0ff{nL / dxfsfnL gbL k|0ffnLx?nfO{

oL j[xt hnfwf/leqsf ljleGg txsf

hnfwf/x?sf] ?kdf juL{s/0f ul/g]5 .

&=!=!=@ If]qkmnsf] cfwf/df – hnfwf/x?sf]

If]qkmnnfO{ b[li6ut u/L lgDg

adf]lhd juL{s/0f ul/g]5 M

-s_ !))! b]lv %))) ju{ ls=

dL=;Dd – 7"nf hnfwf/

-v_ !)! b]lv !))) ju{ ls= dL=;Dd

– ;fgf hnfwf/

-u_ !% b]lv !)) ju{ ls= dL=;Dd

– pk hnfwf/

-3_ ! b]lv !% ju{ ls= dL=;Dd –

;"Id hnfwf/

&=!=!=# ;Da]bgzLntf / dxTjsf] cfwf/df –

hnfwf/sf] ;Da]bgzLntf / dxTjnfO{

b[li6ut u/L lgDg adf]lhd juL{s/0f

ul/g]5 M

-s_ sdhf]/ ef}ule{s agf]6, tLa| e"

Ifo / hdLgsf] IfoLs/0f e} /x]sf

hnfwf/ If]qx?nfO{ klxrfg u/L

IfoLs/0fsf] cj:yf cg'?k clt

;Da]bgzLn, ;Da]bgzLn / sd ;Da]bgzLn hnfwf/df juL{s/0f ul/g] 5 . o;sf] nflu cfjZos k|fljlws lgb]{lzsf tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

-v_ hnljB't cfof]hgf, l;rfO{ cfof]hgf, h}ljs ljljwtf / kof{ko{6gsf] b[li6sf]0faf6 dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf hnfwf/ If]qx?nfO{ klxrfg u/L /fli6«o dxTjsf hnfwf/, If]qLo dxTjsf hnfwf/ / h}ljs ljljwtf tyf kof{ko{6sLo dxTjsf hnfwf/sf] ?kdf juL{s/0f ul/g]5 .

&=@ clt ;Da]bgzLn / /fli6«o dxTjsf hnfwf/x?nfO{ cf}lrTosf] cfwf/df k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff ul/g] 5 .

&=# ljleGg txsf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgfx?– d'Votof 7"nf tyf ;fgf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg of]hgf, pk hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg of]hgf, ;"Id hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg of]hgf, ;fd'bflos ;|f]t Aoj:yfkg of]hgf jf ;fd'bflos ljsf; of]hgf tof/ ug{ lgb]{lzsf tof/ u/L sfof{Gjog ul/g]5 .

&=$ j[xt hnfwf/ pkfud cg'?k e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf] k'g{;+/rgf ul/g] 5 . a]lzg lgb]{zgfnox?, hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg sfof{nox? / cfjZostf cg';f/ :ynut sfof{nox?

:yfkgf u/L cfjZos dfgj;|f]tsf] Joj:yfkg

ul/g]5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


&=% r'/]If]qsf] hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ug{ …r'/]If]q

;+/If0f tyf Joj:yfkg gLltÚ / /0fgLlt tyf sfo{gLlt tof/ kf/L sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=^ r'/] If]qsf] ;+/If0f tyf Aoj:yfkg sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpg hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfo{nfO{ k|fyfldstf lbOg] 5 . gbL k|0ffnLsf] cfwf/df Plss[t of]hgf tof/ u/L sfo{s|dx? sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=& Pp6} hnfwf/If]q leq kg]{ r'/], efj/ / t/fO{ If]qsf] ;+/If0f Pj+ Aoj:yfkg ug{ PsLs[t of]hgf agfO{ sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 . o; If]qsf] e" efu clt ;+j]bgzLn ePsf]n] o;sf] ;+/If0fsf] nflu k|lts"n c;/ kfg]{ u/L 5l/P/ /x]sf dfgj a:tLnfO{ Aoj:yfkg ug{ ;/sf/åf/f NofOg] PsLs[t a:tL ljsf;sf sfo{qmdx? ;+u} ;xeflutfTds PsLs[t hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg sfo{qmdx? sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=* r'/] If]q nufotsf gbLgfnfx?af6 9'Ëf, lu§L, afn'jfsf] cj}1flgs pTvgg\ / lgsf;LnfO{ lgodg ug{ ;f] ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf tof/ kf/L sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=( u|fdL0f ;8s nufot cGo ef}lts k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f sfo{x? ubf{ e" ;+/If0fsf pkfox? clgjfo{ ?kdf ckgfpg' kg]{ sfg'gL dfkb08 agfO{ nfu' ul/g] 5 .

&=!) hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfdf b]zAofkL ?kdf k|rf/ k|;f/ ug]{ / ;+/If0f lzIff k|bfg ug]{, ;'zf;g k|j4{g ug]{, ;xeflutfd"ns hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg, :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] zzQmLs/0f / Ifdtf ljsf;nfO{ k|f]T;flxt ug]{ sfo{s|dx? tof/ u/L sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=!! hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0fn] hnfwf/df kg{;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdsf] cfFsng u/L hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg sfo{s|dx? sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=!@ hf]lvd / ljkbsf] cfsng u/L cfjZos / pko'Qm cg's'ng÷;dfg's'ng Pj+ ljkb

Joj:yfkgsf sfo{s|d ;+rfng ul/g] 5 .

&=!# jftfj/0fLo ;]jfsf] e'QmfgL (PES) sf] nflu

pko'Qm k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; u/L sfof{Gjog ug{

cfjZos If]qx?sf] klxrfg u/L sfof{Gjogsf]

nflu cfjZos kg]{ sfg'g tyf sfo{ljlw

lgdf{0f u/L hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgdf jftfj/0fLo

;]jfsf] e'QmfgL k|fKt x'g] ;xh jftfj/0f

l;h{gf ul/g]5 .

&=!$ ;a} e" ef}uf]lns If]qdf @% l8u|L eGbf a9L

le/fnfkg ePsf] hdLgdf 3/, s'nf] h:tf

ef}lts ;+/rgf lgdf0f{ ug{ tyf v]tLkftL ug{

lg?T;flxt ul/g]5 .

&=!% hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf] sfo{ ubf{ d"ntM e"ldsf]

pTkfbsTj ;+/If0f, kfgLsf ;|f]t ;+/If0f,

ljsf;sf k"jf{wf/ ;+/If0f, hnafo' kl/jt{g

cg's"ng tyf ;dfg's"ng / k|fs[lts k|sf]k

Joj:yfkg h:tf sfo{s|dx?df hf]8 lbg]5 .

&=!^ hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL cWoog,

cg';Gwfg / k|ljlw ljsf;nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ul/g]

5 .

&=!& hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf sfo{x? ax'cfoflds /

;j} If]q ;d]6g' kg]{ x'Fbf e" pkof]u gLlt @)^(

df jlu{s/0f ul/Psf ;j} If]qx?df ;Grfng

ul/g] 5 .

&=!* hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfo{qmddf :yfgLo

lgsfox?, u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;xeflutf

u/fOg] 5 .

&=!( ljB't pTkfbg, j[xt vfg]kfgL / l;+rfOsf]

nflu lgld{t hnfzox?sf] lbuf]kgfsf] nflu

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf sfo{x? u/] jfkt pQm

k"jf{wf/jf6 k|fKt x'g] cfDbfgLsf] lglZrt c+z

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf sfo{qmdx?df ;b'kof]u

ug{ sfo{ljlw agfO{ sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 .

&=@) hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf sfo{x? pkef]Qmf ;ldlt

u7g u/L ;Grfng ug{ ;lsg] / o:tf

pkef]Qmf ;ldltx? ljefu cGtu{t /x]sf]

:yfgLo sfof{nodf btf{ ul/g] 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


&=@! :yfgLo ;d'bfon] hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgsf

lgoldt ;Grfng x'g] e" ;++/If0f sfo{x?

jfx]ssf] cj:yfdf k|fljlws 1fg / ;]jf dfu

u/]sf] v08df Go"gtd z'Ns lng] Joj:yf ug]{

/ o;sf] nflu lglZrt sfo{ljlw agfO{ ;]jf

pknJw u/fOg] 5 .

*= ;+:yfut ;+/rgf

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt sfof{Gjogsf] nflu

k|efjsf/L ;+u7g–;+/rgf cfjZos x'g] ePsf]n]

s]Gb|df e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu, a]l;gdf

a]lzg lgb]{zgfnox?, 7"nf hnfwf/x?df hnfwf/

Aoj:yfkg sfof{nox? / cfjZostf cg';f/ lkmN8

sfof{nox? :yfkgf ul/g] 5g .

(= sfg'gL Joj:yf

k|:t't gLlt sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg gLlt cGtu{t /xL

@ jif{ leq P]g, lgod, lgb]{lzsf lgdf{0f u/L sfg'gL

Joj:yf ;'b[9 ug'{ kg]{ x'G5 . o;sf nflu cfjZostf

cg';f/ lgDg sfo{x? ul/g] 5g\ .

(=! If]qut ?kdf 5l/P/ /x]sf hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg

;DjGwL sfg'gx¿nfO{ ;do;fk]If ;'wf/ tyf

kl/dfh{g ;lxt PsLs[t u/L nfu" ul/g]5 .

(=@ hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg ;DaGwL jt{dfg sfg'gL

Joj:yfdf ;do ;fk]If ;'wf/ Pj+ kl/dfh{g

u/L nfu" ul/g]5 .

(=# hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{

lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ lgb]{lzt ug{ cfjZostf

cg';f/ ljleGg k|sf/sf lgb]{lzsf, dfu{bz{g

sfo{ljlw th'{df u/L nfu' ul/g]5 .

!)= cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg

k|:t't gLltsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 ck]lIft k|ltkmn

tyf p2]Zo xfl;n eP gePsf] ;DaGwdf cg'udg

/ d"NofÍg ug{ cg'R5]b * cGtu{tsf ljefu /

cGtu{tsf sfof{nox?n] ;DalGwt ;a} lgsfox¿;Fu

;dGjo u/L cfjZos Joj:yf ug]{5g\ . o; gLltsf]

k|efj d"Nof+sg jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno / /fli6«o

of]hgf cfof]un] ug]{5 .

!!= hf]lvd

hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLlt PsLs[t ?kdf th'{df u/L

k|yd k6s sfof{Gjogdf cfpg nfu]sfn] o;sf]

sfof{Gjogdf ljleGg cj/f]wx? cfpg ;Sg] b]lvG5g\ .

o; ;Gbe{df gLltsf] ;xh Pjd\ ;kmn sfof{Gjogsf

k|d'v hf]lvdx? lgDgfg';f/ /xg] b]lvPsf 5g\ M

!!=! o; gLltsf] sfof{Gjogsf] nflu s]Gb| tyf

:yfgLo txdf pRr:t/sf] /fhgLlts

k|lta4tf Pjd\ k|zf;lgs sl6a4tf cfjZos

kg]{ ePsf]n] o;sf] cefjdf gLlt sfof{Gjogdf

sl7gfO{ kg]{ ;Defjgf /x]sf] 5 .

!!=@ gLlt tyf ;f] adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ul/Psf

sfo{qmdx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf nflu cfGtl/s

;|f]t;fwg kof{Kt gx'g] b]lv+bf j}b]lzs

;xof]u kl/rfngsf] nflu cfjZos kxn

ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 .

!!=# ;+/If0f / ;xeflutfd"ns hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg

of]hgfx?sf] b]zAofkL sfof{Gjog k|d'v

hf]lvdsf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 .

!!=$ hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkgsf] If]q jx'kIfLo ;/f]sf/sf]

ljifo ePsf]n] ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfox?sf] ;xof]u

ljgf o;sf] sfof{Gjog k|efjsf/L x'g ;Qm}g .

!!=% of] gLlt sfof{Gjog ug{sf] nflu pko'Qm sfg"gL

Joj:yf, ;+:yfut ;+/rgf, bIf hgzlQmsf]

pknJwtf / ;Ifd Joj:yfksLo Ifdtfsf]

cfjZostf kb{5 . ;f] gx'bf;Dd sfof{Gjogdf

sl7gfO{ kg]{ ;Defjgf /x]sf] 5 .

!@= gLltdf kl/dfh{g

!@=! hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg ;DaGwL ljifo ;d]6g] of]

k|d'v gLlt xf] . o; gLlt cg's"n gePsf P]g,

lgod tyf gLltx? of] gLlt nfu" ePsf] @ jif{

leq ;DalGwt lgsfon] of] gLlt cg'?k x'g]u/L

;+zf]wg Pj+ kl/dfh{g ug'{kg]{5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


!@=@ hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg gLltnfO{ k|To]s !) jif{df

k'g/fjnf]sg Pj+ kl/dfh{g ul/g]5 .

!#= afwf, c8\sfp km'sfpg]

o; gLltsf] sfof{Gjogsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} ;d:of

pTkGg ePdf g]kfn ;/sf/, jg tyf e" ;+/If0f

dGqfnon] jfwf c8sfp km'sfpg ;Sg]5 .

!=%=@ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sf]if -d:of}bf_ @)&#


g]kfnsf] sdhf]/ e"jgf]6 e" ef}uf]lns jgfj6, le/fnf] hldg cTolws jiff{t, cg'ko'Qm e" pkof]u, cj}1flgs v]tLk|0fnL, jg ljgfz, cJojl:yt kz'kfng, jftfj/0fdf x'g] Ifltsf] k"j{ cg'dfgljgf ;~rflnt ljsf; lgdf{0fsf sfo{x? h:tf dfgjLo lqmofsnfkx?n] cfsl:ds ?kdf x'g] k|fs[lts k|sf]knfO{ a9jf lbO{ cfly{s, ;fdflhs Pj+ jftfj/0fLo If]qdf gsf/fTds k|efj kfl//x]sf] 5 . xfn g]kfndf jfl9 tyf klx/f]jf6 jflif{s s/Lj c/jf}+sf] wghgsf] Iflt, ;8s ljw'tLo hnfzo, 7'nf7'nf gx/x?df k|ToIf c;/, j:tLx? jufpg' ;fy} hf]lvdk"0f{ / ;+s6k"0f{ ?kdf lhjg ljtfpg jfWotf h:tf] cj:yf /x]sf] kfOG5 . g]kfndf e"Ifosf] dfqf @$ s/f]8 wgld6/ k|lt jif{sf b/n] e}/x]sf] cg'dfg 5 . ljZjdf jfl9 tyf klx/f]sf] hf]lvddf g]kfn #) ;f}+ :yfg, hnjfo' kl/jtg{sf] lx;fjn] $ cf}+ :yfg / e"slDko hf]lvdsf] lx;fjn] !! cf}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . e" tyf hnfwf/;+u ;DjlGwt k|fs[lts k|sf]kaf6 k|efljt jf k|efljt x'g;Sg] JolQm, ;d'x, ;d'bfo jf If]qdf tTsfn e" ;+/If0f ;DjGwL ;]jf k''/\ofpg / cfsl:ds e"–Ifo Go"lgs/0f tyf k'g{:yfkgf ug]{ sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpgsf ;fy} k|efljt hgtf jf If]qdf tTsfn /fxt k'/\ofpgsf nflu of] sf]ifsf] d:of}bf tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . dfglgo dGqLHo" tyf >Ldfg\ ;lrj Ho"af6 ljleGg a}7sx?df ePsf] lgb]{zgsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjogsf nflu klg cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sf]if v8f ug'{kg]{ dxz'z ul/Psf] xf] .

sf]ifsf] ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De, kl/efiff, cfjZostf, p4]Zo, cfDbfgLsf ;|f]tx?, sf]if ;+rfngsf If]qx?, sfo{ ;+rfng k|lqmof, sf]if lgb]{zg ;ldlt, sf]if lgb]{zg ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/, sf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldlt, sf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ / n]vf ;DalGw Joj:yf k|:tfljt d:of}bfdf ;d]l6Psf ljifoj:t'x? x'g\ .

k|:tfjgf M–

e" tyf hnfwf/;+u ;DjlGwt k|fs[lts k|sf]k /f]syfd

tyf Go"gLs/0f u/L k|efljt jf k|efljt x'g;Sg]

JolQm, ;d"x, ;d'bfo jf If]qdf tTsfn e" ;+/If0f

;DjGwL ;]jf k''/\ofpg] sfo{nfO{ ;d'lrt Joj:yfkg

ug{ / cfsl:ds e"–Ifo Go"lgs/0f tyf k'g{:yfkgf

ug]{ sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpgsf ;fy} k|efljt

hgtf÷If]qdf tTsfn /fxt k'/\ofpgsf nflu of]]

sf]ifsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .

!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/DeM–

-s_ o; sf]ifsf] gfd æcfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k

Joj:yfkg sf]ifÆ /xg] 5 .

-v_ of] sf]if g]kfn ;/sf/n] l:js[t u/]kl5 k|f/De

x'g]5 .

@= kl/efiffM–

ljifo jf k|;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df –

-s_ æcfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]kÆ eGgfn] cfsl:ds

?kdf hldgsf] 7"nf]] efu klx/f]sf] ?kdf uO{

jf jf9Lsf] sf/0fn] pTkGg e"–Ifo ;DjGwL

k|sf]ksf ;fy} s6fg, hndUgtf ;d:ofnfO{

;d]t a'emfpF5 .

-v_ ædGqfnoÆ eGgfn] jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno

;Demg' kb{5 .

-u_ æljefuÆ eGgfn] e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

;Demg' kb{5 .

-3_ ædxflgb]{zsÆ eGgfn] e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

ljefusf dxflgb]{zsnfO{ ;Demg' kb{5 . ;f]

zAbn] lgldQ dxflgb]{zsnfO{ ;d]t hgfp5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


-ª_ æn]vf k|d'vÆ eGgfn] e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

ljefusf n]vf clws[tnfO{ ;Demg' kb{5 .

-r_ æsf]ifÆ eGgfn] tTsfn 36]sf] 36gfnfO{ ;Daf]wg

ug{sf nflu v8f u/LPsf] sf]ifnfO{ hgfp“b5 .

-5_ æsf]if lgb]{zg ;ldltÆ eGgfn] l;=g+ * adf]lhd

ul7t ;ldltnfO{ hgfpF5 .

-h_ æsf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldltÆ eGgfn] l;=g+ !)

adf]lhd ul7t ;ldltnfO{ hgfpF5 .

#= sf]ifsf] cfjZostf M–

-s_ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ sf] efu $ sf] /fHosf

lgb]{zs l;4fGt, lglt tyf bfloTj cGt{ut

wf/f %! -5_ df k|fs[lts ;fwg ;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f,

;Djw{g / pkof]u ;DalGw gLltdf k|fs[lts

k|sf]kjf6 x'g] hf]lvd Go"lgs/0f ug{ k"j{ ;"rgf,

tof/L, p4f/, /fxt Pj+ k'g:yfkgf ug]{ pNn]v

ul/Psf] .

-v_ jg lglt @)&! sf] lglt # df pNn]v u/]sf]

hn tyf e"ldsf] pTkfbsTj j[l4 ug{ hnfwf/

If]qsf] Plss[t ;+/If0f / Joj:yfkg ug]{ Joj:yf

/flvPsf] .

-u_ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g @)#( sf] k|:tfjgfdf

pNn]lvt jfl9, klx/f] e"–Ifo h:tf k|fs[lts

k|sf]ksf] lgoGq0f u/L e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

ug]{ Joj:yf pNn]v ePsf] .

$= sf]ifsf] p4]Zo M–

s= cfsl:ds ?kdf hldgsf] 7"nf]] efu klx/f]sf]

?kdf uO{ jf jf9Lsf] sf/0fn] pTkGg e"Ifo

;DjGwL k|sf]ksf ;fy} s6fg, kfgL hDg]

;d:ofnfO{ Go"gLs/0f tyf k"g/:yfkgf ug]{

sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpg .

v= k|fs[lts k|sf]kjf6 k|efljt If]qdf tTsfn /fxt

k'/\ofpg .

u= k|fs[lts k|sf]k /f]syfd tyf Go"lgs/0f u/L

k|efljt x'g ;Sg] JolQm, ;d'x, ;d'bfo jf

If]qdf tTsfn e";+/If0f ;DjGwL ;]jf k'/\ofpg .

%= cfDbfgLsf ;|f]tx? M–

sf]ifdf b]xfo cg';f/sf /sdx? hDdf ul/g]5 .

-s_ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkgsf nfuL

g]kfn ;/sf/af6 ljlgof]lht /sd

-v_ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkgsf nfuL

cGo ;+3 ;++:yfaf6 k|fKt /sd

-u_ :yfgLo lgsfox? -lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt . ufpF

ljsf; ;ldlt_ cflb t/ j}b]lzs ;xof]u k|fKt

ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{ l:js[lt lng' kg]{5 .

-3_ j}b]lzs ;xof]u -g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{ :jLs[t

lnO{_ af6 k|fKt ;xof]u

-ª_ :yflgo pkef]Qmf ;ldltaf6 k|fKt ;xof]u ;d]t

^= sf]if ;+rfngsf If]qx? M– cfsl:ds k|fs[lts

k|sf]k Joj:yfkgsf] /sd b]xfosf If]qdf vr{ ul/g]

5 M

-s_ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]kjf6 pTkGg ePsf

Ifltsf] tTsfn /f]syfd, Joj:yfkg ug{,

-v_ eljZodf x'g ;Sg] Ifltsf] /f]syfd ug{

-u_ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL

cWoog cg';Gwfg ug{

-3_ sf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldltaf6 lglb{i6 ePsf cGo

sfo{x? ug{

-ª_ k|rf/ k|;f/ / hgr]tgfd'ns sfo{x? ug{

&= sfo{ ;+rfng k|lqmofM–

cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sf]ifsf] sfo{

;+rfng ug{ cfjZos lgb]{lzsf tof/ u/L ug{ ;Sg]

5 .

*= sf]if lgb]{zg ;ldlt M–

cWoIf M ;lrj, jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfno

;b:o M k|ltlglw, cy{dGqfno

;b:o M dxflgb]{zs e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

;b:o ;lrjM k|d'v, e" ;+/If0f zfvf, e" tyf h=;=


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cfjZostfg';f/ cWoIfn] cGo ;b:ox?nfO{ ;ldltsf]

j}7sdf cfdGq0f ug{ ;Sg] 5 .

(= sf]if lgb]{zg ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

cfsl:ds sf]ifdf /sd hDdf u/fpg /fli6«o

tyf cGt/fli6«o bftfx?;Fu ;xof]u dfu ug]{ .

cGo ;DjlGwt lgsfo;+u cfsl:ds k|fs[lts

k|sf]k Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL ;dGjo ug]{ .

cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkgsf] nflu

cfjZos jh]6sf] Joj:yf ug]{ .

!)= sf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldlt M– k|fs[lts k|sf]k

Joj:yfkg sfo{nfO{ Jojl:yt / tTsfn ;Daf]wg

ug{sf nflu ljefudf b]xfo jdf]lhdsf] ;ldlt /xg]

5 .

cWoIf M dxflgb]{zs

;b:o M k|d'v, of]hgf zfvf

;b:o M n]vf zfvf

;b:o ;lrj M k|d'v, e" ;+/If0f zfvf

cfjZostfg';f/ cWoIfn] ljefusf cGo ;b:ox?nfO{

;ldltsf] j}7sdf cfdGq0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .

!!= sf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

!= cfsl:ds ?kdf x'g] e"–Ifo / k|efj Go"gLs/0f

;DjGwL sfo{qmd ;+rfng, /]vb]v / ;dGjo

ug]{ .

@= e"–Ifo / To;sf] k|efj Go"gLs/0f ;DjGwL

of]hgf th'{df / Joj:yfkg ug]{ .

#= e"–Ifo / To;sf] k|efj Go"gLs/0f ;DjGwL

of]hgf sfof{Gjogsf nfuL kof{Kt /sdsf]

Joj:yf ug{ ;fnj;fnL ?kdf kxn ug]{ .

$= cfsl:ds ?kdf x'g] e"–Ifo / k|efj Go"gLs/0f

:yn 5gf]6 u/L jh]6 ljlgof]hg ug]{ .

%= cfsl:ds ?kdf x'g] e"–Ifo / k|efj Go"gLs/0fsf

nfuL cGo ;Dj4 lgsfo;+u ;dGjo ug]{ .

^= cfsl:ds ?kdf x'g] e"–Ifo / k|efj Go"gLs/0fsf

nfuL k|fljlws /0fgLlt tof/ ug]{ .

!@= n]vf ;DalGw Joj:yfM–

cfsl:ds ?kdf x'g] e"–Ifo, af9L, klx/f], s6fg,

kfgL hDg] ;d:ofsf] Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL sfo{qmd

;+rfng ug{ ljefudf s]lGb|o:t/sf] sf]ifsf] Joj:yf

/xg] / o; sf]ifsf] d'Vo clVtof/L dxflgb]{zsdf

/xg] 5 . ljefusf] dxflgb]{zs / n]vf k|d'vsf] ;+o'Qm

b:tvtaf6 sf]ifsf] vftf ;+rfng x'g]5 .

-s_ cfsl:ds k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg sfo{qmddf

vr{ ePsf] /sdsf] cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f /

clGtd n]vf k/LIf0f u/fpg] lhDd]jf/L ;DjlGwt

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nodf x'g]5 .

-v_ cfly{s jif{sf] cGtdf sf]ifdf af+sL ePsf] /sd

lk|mh x'g]5}g .

-u_ vr{ ge} lhNnfdf af+ls /xg uPsf] /sd

;DjlGwt lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{non] ljefusf]

vftfdf lkmtf{ k7fpg' kg]{5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=^ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;DaGwL sfg"gnfO{ ;+zf]wg / PsLs/0f ug{ ag]sf] ljw]os -d:of}bf_


g]kfnsf] dxTjk"0f{ k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] ?kdf /x]sf] e"ld

/ hn;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f, e"dLsf] pTkfbsTj a[l4,

k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] ;fdgf tyf cGo k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf]

Joj:yfkg;Fu ;d]t cGof]Gofl;|t /x]sf] x'Fbf g]kfnsf]

ef}uf]lns agf]6 / pTkfbg ;DaGw ;d]tnfO{ Wofgdf

/fvL hnfwf/Lo cjwf/0ffdf PsLs[t ;|f]t Joj:yfkg

ug{ tyf k|b]zx?sf] l;dfgfdf /x]sf ;femf hnfwf/sf]

;fd"lxs pkof]u ub}{ Ps csf]{ k|b]zsf] ;xof]u /

;xsfo{nfO{ d"t{?k lbO{ ;+/If0f / ljsf;nfO{ ;Gt'lnt

agfpFb} vfB ;'/Iff, lbuf] / :jR5 phf{ k|flKt dfkm{t

/fli6«o ;d[l4 k|fKt ug{sf] nflu cfjZos Joj:yf ug{

jf~5gLo ePsf]n], g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f @(^ sf]

pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bn] of] P]g

agfPsf] 5 .

!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æe"

tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g, @)&#Æ /x]sf] 5 .

-@_ of] P]g t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .

@= Kfl/efiffM ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df

o; P]gdf,–

-s_ æhnfwf/Æ eGgfn] aiff{tsf] ;dodf k/]sf]

kfgL PsLs[t eO{ Pp6} lgsf;af6 aUg]

If]q ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] s'g} gbL,

vf]nf, vf]N;f cflbnfO{ lgsf;sf] cfwf/

dfgL To:tf] axfj ;Fu;Fu}sf] / ;f]eGbf

dflyNnf] If]qnfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 .

-v_ ækl/ifbÆ eGgfn] bkmf # adf]lhdsf] e"

tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg kl/ifb ;Demg'

k5{ .

–OlGb/f d'n]ktL, ;xfos e" ;+/If0f clws[t, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

-u_ æk|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldltÆ eGgfn]

bkmf % adf]lhdsf] k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/

;ldlt ;Demg' k5{ .

-3_ ægbL j]l;gÆ eGgfn] sf]zL, u08sL,

s0ff{nL / dxfsfnL gbL tyf tLgsf d'Vo

;xfos gbLx?sf] kl/ifbn] tf]s]sf] rf/

lsNnf leqsf] hnfwf/ If]q ;Demg'k5{ .

-ª_ ægbL j]l;g of]hgfÆ eGgfn] gbL j]l;gsf]

;+/If0f, Joj:yfkg / ;b'kof]usf nflu

lbuf] ljsf; / ;+/If0fsf] cjwf/0ffdf

tof/ kfl/Psf] bL3{sfnLg tyf dWosfnLg

of]hgf ;Demg'k5{ .

-r_ ædxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/Æ eGgfn] klxrfg u/L

tf]s]sf cfly{s, ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts,

k|fs[lts tyf ;'/Iffsf b[li6sf]0fn]

d"Nojfg, ;+j]bgzLn tyf hf]lvdo'Qm

hnfwf/ If]qnfO{ ;Demg' k5{ .

-5_ æ;lrjfnoÆ eGgfn] kl/ifb\sf]

;lrjfnosf] ?kdf ;/sf/L sfdsfh

ug{] bkmf ^ adf]lhdsf] ;+3Lo hnfwf/

;+/If0f ;lrjfno ;Demg' k5{ .

-h_ ælgb]{zgfnoÆ eGgfn] bkmf & adf]lhdsf]

cGt/k|b]z gbL a]l;g ;+/If0f lgb]{zgfno

;Demg' k5{ .

-em_ æIfltu|:t e"ldÆ eGgfn] bL3{sfnLg ;'Vvf,

af9L, klx/f], cfunflu, jg ljgf;, clws

rl/r/0f tyf nuftf/sf] e"–Ifosf sf/0f

hldgsf] pTkfbsTj / pTkfbg Ifo eO{

h}ljs, ef}lts tyf k|fs[lts k|s[ofdf

c;/ k/]sf] If]q ;Demg' k5{ .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


-`_ æOsf]l;:6d ;]jfÆ eGgfn] ;Gt'lnt / lgoldt k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f / Joj:yfkg eO{ dfgj pkof]uL k|fs[lts pkef]Uo ;fdfu|L, pTkfbg ;xof]uL jftfj/0f, jftfj/0fLo :jR5tf tyf ;fdflhs ;fF:s[lts ;]jf / j:t'x?sf] cfk"lt{ ;Demg' k5{ .

-6_ æHfn ;~roÆ eGgfn] eljiodf k|of]u ug]{ p2]Zon] kfgLsf] axfa kmsf{O{ jf gkmsf{O /f]sL hnfzo, kf]v/L cflbdf kfgL hDdf ug]{ sfo{{ ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] ;txdf k'u]/ aUg' cl3 g} aiff{tsf] kfgLnfO{ hDdf ug]{ jf s'g} klg ;+/rgfdf ;~ro ug]{ sfo{nfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 .

#= kl/ifb\sf] u7g M -!_ e" tyf hnfwf/sf] ;+/If0f, Joj:yfkg / ;b'kof]u u/L ljleGg k|b]zx?lar ;dGjo sfod ug{] ;DaGwL s]Gb|Lo lgb]{zg tyf ;dGjo lgsfosf] ?kdf Ps e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg kl/ifb /xg]5 .

-@_ kl/ifb\sf] u7g b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

-;+3Lo e" tyf hnfwf/ kl/ifbdf ax'klIfo la1 tyf ;fem]bf/, gful/s ;dfh nufotsf ax' ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] k|ltlglwTj ;'lglZrt ug]{ u/L /fhgLlts, k|fljlws, ;fdflhs / j}1flgs JolQmTjx? /x]sf] a9Ldf ;ft ;b:oLo kl/ifbsf] u7g ug]{ _

-#_ kl/ifbsf cWoIf tyf ;b:ox?sf] a}7s eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwf ;DaGwL Joj:yf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s adf]lhd x'g]5 .

$= kl/ifbsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M o; P]gdf cGoq plNnlvt sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf cltl/Qm kl/ifbsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

-s_ k|b]zx?lar hnfwf/Lo ;|f]tsf] cGt/lge{/tf, nfe nfutsf] afF8kmFf8 tyf pkof]u ;DaGwdf cfjZos ;dGjo / ;xsfo{ ug]{,

-v_ hn;|f]tsf] cGt/f{li6«o d'2f ;d]t ;Daf]wg u/L PsLs[t k|fs[lts ;|f]t ;+/If0f / ljsf;nfO{ ;~rfng ug{],

-u_ s'g} Ps jf Ps eGbf a9L k|b]zdf kg]{

watershed hot spot, critical watershed, protected watershed, severely degrad-ed watershed cflb dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/Lo If]qsf] klxrfg u/L pQm If]qdf ug'{kg]{ sfdsf] sfo{of]hgf nfu' ug{ k|b]zx?nfO{ ;'emfj lbg],

-3_ g]kfndf /x]sf hn;|f]tx? / ltgLx?sf hnfwf/ If]qdf /x]sf e" ;|f]tx?sf] ;+/If0f, Joj:yfkg / ;b'kof]u ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ gLlt, of]hgf tyf sfo{qmdx? lgdf{0f ug{ ;xof]u k'/ofpg],

-ª_ e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ;DaGwdf cGt/f{li6«o / cGt/ k|b]z ;dGjosf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ ;xof]u ug]{,

-r_ d'Vo gbL a]l;gx?, hf]lvddf k/]sf ;+j]bgzLn e"dL tyf hnfwf/ If]q, cfly{s ;DefJotf af]s]sf hn kl/of]hgf ;~rfng x'g] hnfwf/, ;'Vvfu|:t If]q cflbsf] /0fgLlts of]hgf tof/ u/fpg] / g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ :jLs[lt tyf sfof{Gjogsf] nflu l;kmfl/; ug]{,

-5_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f gLlt, /0fgLlt / of]hgfx?sf] kfngf tyf sfof{Gjogsf nflu cfjZos lgb]{zgx? Hff/L ug]{,

-h_ gbL a]l;g;Fu ;DalGwt cfly{s, ;fdflhs, kof{j/0fLo / a}1flgs cWoog cg';Gwfgsf sfo{x? ug]{ u/fpg],

-em_ g]kfnsf hnfwf/ If]qx? / tLgdf ;~rflnt sfo{qmdsf] u'0f:t/ cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg ug]{ u/fpg],

-`_ gbL a]l;g, ;+j]bgzLn hnfwf/ If]q / cGt/fli6|o ;xof]udf ;+rfng x'g] gbL a]l;g kl/of]hgfx?sf] ;+rfng, Joj:yfkg

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


/ cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg sfo{sf] ;xhLs/0f ug]{,

-6_ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf nflu ;+3Lo, k|fb]zLs tyf :yfgLo txsf] Ifdtf cWoog u/L Ifdtf clea[l4 ug{ ;xof]u ug]{,

-7_ e"Ifo eO{ cGt/ k|b]zdf kg{ ;Sg] c;/x? klxrfg u/L k|b]zx?lar ;xsfo{ u/L ;+/If0f sfo{qmd cl3 a9fpg k|f]T;fxg ug]{,

-8_ pkNnf] / tl6o hnfwf/sf] cGt/ ;DaGw lbuf] ?kdf sfod /fVg k|b]zx?aLr ;+of]hgsf/L e"dLsf v]Ng],

-9_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo sfo{x? .

-@_ kl/ifbn] cGt/ k|b]z hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ k|b]z ;/sf/ tyf k|fb]lzs e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldlt;Fu ;dGjo u/L dxfsfnL, s0ff{nL, u08sL, sf]zL h:tf dxTjk"0f{ gbL k|0ffnL, l/e/ 8fOe;{g jf a[xt hn kl/of]hgf If]qx?sf] gbL Joj:yfkg of]hgf agfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 l:js[t u/fO{ nfu' ug{ ;Sg]5 .

%= k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldltM -!_ k|b]z:t/df e" tyf hnfwf/sf] ;+/If0f tyf Joj:yfkgsf] nflu k|b]z ;/sf/n] k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f tyf Joj:yfkg ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-@_ k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/;ldltn] kl/ifb;Fu ;dGjo u/L cfkm\gf] k|b]zleq e" tyf hnfwf/sf] ;+/If0f tyf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL sfo{ ug{]5 .

-#_ kl/ifbn] k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/;ldltnfO{ cfly{s tyf k|fljlws ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg ;Sg]5 .

^= e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;lrjfno M -!_kl/ifbsf] ;lrjfnosf] ?kdf sfd ug]{ u/L e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;lrjfno /xg]5 .

-@_ ;lrjfnodf g]kfn ;/sf/n] v6fPsf] /fhkqflÍt ljlzi6 >]0fLsf] clws[tn] k|zf;sLo k|d'vsf] ?kdf sfd ug]{5 .

-#_ ;lrjfnosf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

-s_ kl/ifbn] ug]{ lgoldt sfo{sf] ;+rfng tyf Joj:yfkg ug]{,

-v_ kl/ifbn] ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu ;DalGwt sfdx?sf] k|zf;sLo / Joj:yfksLo lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug]{ .

&= cGt/k|b]z gbL a]l;g;+/If0f lgb]{zgfno M -!_ cGt/k|b]zdf 5l/P/ /x]sf gbL a]l;gx?df cGt/ k|b]z ;dGjo ub}{ PsLs[t ?kdf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ug{ cGt/k|b]z gbL a]l;g ;+/If0f lgb]{zgfnosf] :yfkgf ul/g]5 .

-@+_ lgb]{zgfnosf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ sd{rf/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] pknAw u/fpg]5 .

-#_ lgb]{zgfnosf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

-s_ gbL a]l;g;Fu ;DalGwt laifodf gLlt dfux?sf] klxrfg ug]{,

-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t gbL a]l;g /0fgLlts of]hgfnfO{ sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg lj:t[t gbL a]l;g of]hgf, kl/of]hgf / sfo{qmdx/ tof/ u/L ;~rfng u/fpg],

-u_ cGt/ k|b]z hnfwf/x?af/] cWoog cg';Gwfg ug]{, u/fpg],

-3_ cGt/k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;DaGwL ;dGjo, ;xsfo{ clea[l4 ug]{ / cGt/k|b]z hnfwf/ ;DaGwL ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{ ;xhLs/0f ug]{,

-ª_ e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ;DaGwdf k|b]z tyf :yfgLo :t/sf] Ifdtf clea[l4 ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] .

*= Hfnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf th'{df tyf sfof{Gjog M -!_ Hfnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfo{nfO{ a}1flgs, k"j{ cg'dfgof]Uo / kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg b]xfo adf]lhdsf Joj:yfkg of]hgf th'{df u/L sfof{Gjog ul/g]5 M–

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


-s_ pkhnfwf/

-v_ hnfwf/

-u_ gbL a]l;g

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] pkhnfwf/ of]hgf :yfgLo tx dfk{mt, v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf k|b]z ;/sf/ dfk{mt tyf v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] gbL a]l;g of]hgf g]kfn ;/sf/ dfk{mt ;~rfng ul/g]5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjog ;+3 / k|b]zsf] ;xof]u / ;dGjodf :yfgLo txn] ug]{5 .

-$_ pkNnf] / tNnf] t6Lo hnfwf/sf] cGt/;DaGwsf] lbuf]kgfsf nflu hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf sfof{Gjogsf] ;+o'Qm of]hgf agfO{ ;+o'Qm kl/of]hgf ;+oGq dfkm{t sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-%_ e" pkof]u of]hgf cGtu{t /xL ;a} vfn] e"dLsf] pTkfbsTj ;+/If0f ug]{ of]hgf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgfsf] cleGg cË x'g]5 .

-^_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] e" ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ k|b]z tyf :yfgLo ;/sf/nfO{ cfjZos k|fljlws tyf cfly{s ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg]5 .

(= 3f]if0ff ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ kl/ifbn] k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/; / k|b]z ;/sf/sf] lg0f{osf cfwf/df s'g} klg If]qnfO{ ;'Vvfu|:t If]q, af9L k|efljt If]q, hnjfo" kl/jt{gsf sf/0f k|efljt If]q, clt Ifltu|:t e"dL -l;leonL{ l8u|]8]8 Nof08_ ?kdf 3f]if0ff ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-@_ kl/ifbn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] If]qdf laz]if hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg /0fgLlt jf sfo{of]hgf tof/ kf/L hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg lgb]{zgfno dfkm{t sfof{Gjog u/fpg]5 .

!)= Ifltu|:t e"ldsf] k"g?Tyfg tyf k|flKtM -!_ k|b]z

;/sf/n] leif0f Aff9L, klx/f], ;]8Ld]G6];g, r/d hn tyf e" k|b'if0f, r/d e" IfoLs/0f cflbaf6

k|efljt If]qsf] klxrfg ePkl5 To:tf If]qsf]

k'gM :yfkgfsf] sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{]5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cj:yf

lgoGq0fsf] nflu k|b]z ;/sf/n] s'g} sfo{ ug{

tTsfn aGb]h nufpg ;Sg]5 / k|rlnt ;+3Lo

sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL cGt/ k|b]z / cGt/f{li6«o

;xof]u k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] If]qdf Iflt

ePsf] hUufdf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf

sfo{qmd u/L k'gM k|fKtL x'g cfPsf] hldg h'g

k|b]zsf] k|fs[lts l;dfgfdf kb{5 ToxL k|b]zn]

To;sf] ;+/If0f Joj:yfkg / pkof]usf] lbuf]

Joj:yf ldnfpg' kg]{5 .

-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] If]qdf hldgsf]

k"g?T:yfgsf] of]hgf agfpFbf s'g} klg k|b]zn]

hfgLhfgL csf]{ k|b]zsf] hldgdf Iflt k'¥ofpg]

u/L ug'{ x'b}g .

-%_ pkbkmf -$_ ljkl/t csf]{ k|b]zsf]

hldgdf Iflt k'u]df Iflt k'¥ofpg] k|b]zn] Iflt

k'u]sf] k|b]znfO{ kl/ifbn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhdsf]

Ifltk"lt{ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .

-^_ pkbkmf -!_, -@_ / -#_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{df

g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|b]z ;/sf/nfO{ cfjZos

;xof]u ug]{5 .

!!= ;Ldfdf /x]sf] hnfwf/ If]qsf] ;+/If0f M -!_

g]kfnsf] ;Ldfdf /x]sf] hnfwf/ ;DaGwL laifo

g]kfn ;/sf/af6 Joj:yfkg x'g]5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] hnfwf/df hn

pkof]u, k|b'if0f lgoGq0f, hn ofqf / hn k|f0fL

;+/If0f ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/÷kl/ifbaf6

hf/L x'g] lgb]{zg adf]lhd gbL a]l;g hnfwf/

lgb]{zgfnosf] ;dGjodf k|b]zx?n] sfo{ of]hgf

agfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] hnfwf/sf]

pkof]uaf6 k|fKt x'g] cfDbfgLsf] Gofof]lrt c+z

kl/ifbsf] l;kml/;df g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;DalGwt

k|b]znfO{ pknAw u/fpg]5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


!@= e"dL tyf hn k|b'if0f ug'{ gx'g] M -!_ E"fdL tyf gbL k|b'if0f lgoGq0f ug'{ k|To]s k|b]z ;/sf/sf] bfloTj x'g]5 .

-@_ s'g} hnfwf/ If]qdf laikmf]6s kbfy{ k|of]u ug'{ kg]{ ePdf gbL a]l;g lgb]{zgfnoaf6 cg'dlt lng'kg]{5 .

-#_ g]kfn e/ jf s'g} hnfwf/ If]qsf] nflu e"dL tyf hn k|b'if0fsf] kl/efiff / dfkb08 tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

!#= Osf]l;:6d ;]jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|b]zdf /x]sf] hnfwf/af6 pTkGg x'g] Osf]l;:6d ;]jfsf] k|of]u kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] dfkb08 adf]lhd k|b]z ;/sf/n] ug]{5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Ps eGbf a9L k|b]zdf k}mlnPsf jf Ps eGbf a9L k|b]zsf] l;dfgfdf /x]sf hnfwf/af6 pTkGg x'g] Osf]l;:6d ;]jfsf] k|of]u g]kfn ;/sf/n] ug]{5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf] Osf]l;:6d ;]jfsf] dfkg, n]vfhf]vf / ;]jf z"Ns ;DaGwL Joj:yf kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] dfkb08 adf]lhd x'g]5 .

-$_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf] Osf]l;:6d ;]jf pkef]u ug]{ ;d'bfo, :yfgLo tx / k|b]zsf]

bfloTj / clwsf/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf o; P]gsf] cwLgdf /xL kIfx?aLr x'g] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd

x'g]5 .

-%_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf Osf]l;:6d ;]jfx?sf] /fli6«o df}Hbft, axfj / pkof]usf] cflwsfl/s tYof+s ;+sng, cg'udg / k|fKt

glthfsf cfwf/df ;]jfsf] d"Nof+sg ug]{, ;]jf z'Nssf] /fli6«o dfkb08 tf]Sg] sfo{ kl/ifbn] ug]{5 .

-^_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf] Osf]l;:6d ;]jf / To;sf] nfesf] afF8kmfF8 ;DaGwdf cGt/k|b]z jf :yfgLo tx tyf ;d'bfo aLr ljjfb ePdf To:tf] ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg kl/ifbsf]

l;kmfl/;df g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lg0f{o adf]lhd x'g]5 .

-&_ hnfwf/af6 pTkGg x'g] Osf]l;:6d ;]jfsf] lg/Gt/ k|flKt / pkof]u tyf To:tf ;|f]t dfly pkof]ustf{sf] clwsf/ tyf To;sf] sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

!$= ljkb\ Joj:yfkg ug]{ M -!_ Gf]kfn ;/sf/n] af9L, klx/f] ;'Vvf h:tf ljkb lgoGq0fsf nflu s]Gb|Lo sfo{qmd tyf of]hgf th'{df u/L nfu" ug]{5 .

-@_ s'g} Ps k|b]zdf uPsf] klx/f]af6 gbL jf lxd gbLsf] axfj /f]lsg uO{ csf]{ k|b]zdf Iflt x'g ;Sg] cj:yfdf kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfkt\sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff u/L s]Gb|Lo p4f/of]hgf th'{df u/L sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg]5 .

-#_ af9L klx/f] h:tf ljkbsf] ;dodf kl/if-bsf] l;kmfl/;df g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|b]z ;/sf/ jf ;f]em} lkl8tnfO{ /fxt tyf p4f/ ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg ;Sg]5 .

!%= hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf l:js[t u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_cGt/k|b]z hnfwf/ / /fli6«o dxTjsf hnfwf/ If]qdf lgdf{0f x'g] 7"nf hn kl/of]hgfsf] lgdf{0f ug'{ cl3hn pkof]u of]hgf agfO{ kl/ifbaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 / To:tf] hn pkof]u of]hgfnfO{ gbL a]l;g of]hgfsf] cleGg c+u dflgg]5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf hn kl/of]hgfsf] cfly{s, ljQLo, jftfj/0fLo / ;fdflhs d"NofÍg ubf{ hnfwf/ ;+/If0f / Joj:yfkgsf kIfx? ;d]t clgjfo{ ?kdf ;dfj]z ul/g' kg]{5 .

-#_ kl/ifb tyf k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldltn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf hn kl/of]hgfsf] lbuf]kgf / hn ;b'kof]u ;DaGwdf ;do ;dodf cWoog u/L g]kfn ;/sf/ tyf k|b]z ;/sf/x?nfO{ /fo ;'emfj ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


!^= d'xfgsf] btf{, ;+/If0f tyf pkof]u M -!_ D'fVo gbL k|0ffnL / dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/ If]qsf] kl/ifbn] tf]s]sf d"Vo d'Vo kfgL d"xfg k|of]u ug]{ JolQm jf pkef]Qmf jf ;+:yfn] pkef]Qmf, pkef]u If]q, kfgLsf] k|of]usf t/Lsfx? / hn ;+/If0fsf cfwf/e"t k|fljlws kIf ;d]t v'nfO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd To:tf] d'xfg btf{ ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-@_ kfgL d"xfgsf] jl/kl/sf] lglZrt If]qdf ug'{kg]{ / ug'{ gx'g] sfo{x?sf] ;"rL agfO{ kl/ifbn] ;fj{hlgs ug]{5 / To:tf] ;"rLsf] Joxf]/f sfof{Gjog ug'{ ;DalGwt ;a}sf] bfloTj x'g]5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k/Dk/fut ;fgf / demf}nf cfof]hgfsf] kfgL d"n klxrfg, btf{, gjLs/0f nufotsf sfo{x? ;DalGwt k|b]z / :yfgLo txaf6 ;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkg x'g ;Sg]5 .

!&= e"dLut hn;|f]tx?sf] klxrfg, lbuf] pkof]u / Joj:yfkg M -!_ e"dLut hn k|of]u u/L Ps nfv eGbf a9L hg;+Vofsf nflu vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{ ug]{ jf kfFr;o x]S6/ eGbf a9L hldgdf l;+rfO{ ug'{kg]{ jf b}lgs krf; xhf/ ln6/ eGbf a9L kfgL k|of]u ug]{ pBf]un] clgjfo{ ?kdf e"ldut hn Ifdtfsf] cWoog u/fO{ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg :jLs[t u/fpg'kg]{5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd E"fdLut hn;|f]t pkof]u ug]{ cfof]hgf jf ;+:yfn] k'gMe/0f -l/rfh{_ cfof]hgf tof/ kf/L clgjfo{ ?kn] ;Fu;Fu} sfof{Gjog u/fpg'kg]{5 .

!*= l;d;f/ If]qsf] Joj:yfkg M -!_ kl/ifbn] /fli6«o dxTjsf / /fd;f/ If]qdf ;"rLs[t l;d;f/ If]qsf] hnfwf/df /x]sf k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f, ;b'kof]u / Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;DalGwt lgsfox?;Fu ;dGjo ;d]t u/L To:tf If]qsf]

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf agfO{ sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg]5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] hnfwf/ If]qdf lgif]w ug'{ kg]{ sfo{x?sf] klxrfg u/L To;nfO{ lg?T;flxt tyf lgoGq0f ug]{ ;DaGwdf k|b]z e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldlt tyf :yfgLo tx;Fu ;dGjo u/L cfjZos sfo{ ug]{5 .

-#_ kl/ifbn] /fd;f/ If]qsf] hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ug{ k|b]z jf :yfgLo txnfO{ Ifdtf clea[l4 tyf cfly{s k||fljlws ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg]5 .

!(= hn dUgtf -jf6/ nluª_ agfpg' gx'g] M -!_s;}n] klg gbL a]l;g tyf dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/ If]qdf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgfn] pNn]v u/]sf] cj:yfdf afx]s hn dUgtfsf] cj:yf l;h{gf ug'{ xF'b}g .

-@_ k|b]zx?n] ;+rfng ug]{ ljsf; kl/of]hgfaf6 Ps csf]{ k|b]zdf hndUgtf l;h{gf x'g uPdf To:tf] hndUgtf x'g glbg kl/ifbn] lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] lgb]{zgsf] kfngf ug'{ ;DalGwt k|b]zsf] bfloTj x'g]5 .

-#_ s;}n] gbL a]l;g / dxTjk"0f{ hnfwf/ If]qdf hfgLhfgL hndUgtf l;h{gf u/fO{ wgdfn, v]tLafnL / ;DkQLsf] Iflt x'g uPdf To;/L ePsf] Iflt jfkt Ifltk"lt{ lbg' kg]{5 .

@)= gbLsf] axfj kl/jt{g ug'{ gx'g] M hn tyf e"dL pkof]udf 6]jf k'¥ofpg] p4]Zon] g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t cfof]hgf afx]s cGo gbLx?sf] axfj kl/jt{g ug{ jf u/fpg kfOg]5}g .

@!= 8foe;{g tyf gbL h8fg cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug'{ k"j{ :jLs[lt lng' kg]{ M

-!_ Pp6f gbLsf] kfgL 8foe6{ u/L csf]{ gbLdf ld;fpg] jf gbL h8fg ug]{ cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug'{ k"j{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] l:js[tL lng' kg]{5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd :jLs[lt lbg' k"j{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] kl/ifbsf] k/fdz{ dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg e" pkof]u, h}ljs tyf ef}lts jftfj/0f

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


/ e" pTkfbsTjdf uDeL/ k|lts"n c;/ kg]{ u/L 8foe;{g jf gbL h8fg cfof]hgf :jLs[t ul/g] 5}g .

@@= ;]l8d]G6 y'kfg{, ;Íng ug{ jf a]rljvg ug{ gx'g] M

-!_ gbL a]l;g, ;+j]bgzLn hnfwf/ / hn tyf e" ljsf; cfof]hgf If]qdf gbL a]l;g jf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf pNn]v eP afx]s s'g} klg k|sf/sf] ;]l8d]G6 y'kfg{, ;Íng ug{ jf a]rlavg ug{ jf u/fpg' xF'b}g .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cfktsflng cj:yfdf To:tf] kbfy{ y'kfg{ jf x6fpg'kg]{ eP ljkt Joj:yfkgsf] lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] clwsf/L jf lgsfosf] cfb]zdf To:tf] sfd ug{ u/fpg ;lsg]5 .

-#_ gbL a]l;g, ;+j]bgzLn hnfwf/ / dxTjk"0f{ e" tyf hn kl/of]hgf If]qdf 9'Ëf, lu6L, afn'jf nufotsf kbfy{ y'kfg]{, ;Íng ug]{ jf a]rlavg ug]{ u/fpg] ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

@#= ;hfo M -!_ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ug]{ JolQm-nfO{ b]xfo adf]lhd ;hfo x'g]5 M–

-s_ o; P]g adf]lhd agfPsf] ;+/rgf ab\lgot;fy eTsfPdf, lauf/]df jf s'g} lsl;daf6 xflg gf]S;fgL k'¥ofPdf xflg gf]S;fgLsf] lauf] c;'n u/L lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf jf kfFr jif{;Dd s}b jf b'a},

-v_ bkmf !@ sf] pkbkmf -!_ tyf pkbkmf -@_ ljkl/tsf] sfo{ u/]df tLg nfv ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf jf tLg jif{;Dd s}b jf jf b'a},

-u_ bkmf !(, @), @! / @@ ljkl/tsf] sfo{ u/]df Ps nfv ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf jf Ps

jif{;Dd s}b jf b'a},

-3_ v08 -s_, -v_ / -u_ df plNnlvt sfo{

afx]s of] P]g ljkl/tsf] cGo sfo{ u/]df krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf jf 5 dlxgf;Dd s}b jf b'a} .

@$= g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL x'g] M bkmf @# adf]lhd ;hfo x'g] s;"/ ;DaGwL d'2f g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL x'g]5 .

@%= d'2fsf] cg';Gwfg / bfo/L M -!_ bkmf @# adf]lhd ;hfo x'g]] s;"/ ;DaGwL d'2fsf] cg';Gwfg tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] ug]{5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cg';Gwfg clws[tn] cg';Gwfgsf] sfd k'/f eP kl5 d'2f rNg] jf grNg] lg0f{osf] nflu ;DalGwt ;/sf/L jsLn ;dIf k7fpg' kg]{5 / ;/sf/L jsLnaf6 d'2f rNg] lg0f{o ePdf cg';Gwfg clws[tn] d'2f bfo/ ug]{5 .

@^= cleo'QmnfO{ y'gfdf /fVg] M

-!_ bkmf @# adf]lhd ;hfo x'g]] s;"/df sf/afxL rnfO{Psf] s'g} JolQmn] s'g} k|df0f nf]k jf gfz ug{ ;Sg] jf cg';Gwfgdf afwf Jojwfg jf k|lts"n k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] jf cleo'Qm efuL hfg] kof{Kt sf/0f ePdf cg';Gwfg clws[tn] lghnfO{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd y'g'jf k"hL{ lbO{ y'gfdf /fVg ;Sg]5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd s'g} cf/f]lkt JolQm jf cleo'QmnfO{ cg';Gwfgsf] l;nl;nfdf y'gfdf /fVg' k/]df af6fsf] Dofb afx]s ks|fp u/]sf] rf}aL; 306fleq d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L;dIf pkl:yt u/fpg' kg]{5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd y'gfdf /fVg] cg'dlt dfu ePdf ;DalGwt d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Ln] cg';Gwfg ;Gtf]ifhgs eP jf gePsf] ljrf/ u/L Ps} k6s jf k6s k6s u/L kRrL; lbg;Dd y'gfdf /fVg] cg'dlt lbg ;Sg]5 .

@&= lgod agfpg ;Sg] M of] P]g sfof{Gjog ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos lgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 .

@*= vf/]hL / arfp M -!_ ========= P]g, ==== vf/]h ul/Psf] 5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] P]g adf]lhd eP

u/]sf sfd sf/afxLx? o;} P]g adf]lhd eP

u/]sf] dflgg]5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=& ;+l3otfdf ljefusf] ;f+u7lgs 9f+rf / j]lzg cjwf/0ff;DjGwL k|:t'tL


!= k[i7e"ld

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu dxflgb]{zssf] g]t[Tjdf

^! lhNnfsf lhNnf e" ;/If0f sfof{nox? dfkm{t

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg tyf e" ;+/If0f ;+u ;DalGwt

;]jfx? b]z JofkL ?kdf k|jfx ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . xf-

nsf] ;f+u7lgs :j?k, sd{rf/Lx?sf] b/alGb / ;]jf

k|jfxsf] dfu ljr ;Gt'ng sfod ug{ lg/Gt/ k|of;

/x]sf] ePtfklg dfu cg';f/ ;]jf k|jfx ug{ sl7gfO{

/x]sf] 5 .

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf] sfo{ a]l;g cjwf/0ff

cg';f/ ug]{ jg gLltdf :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v e} ;s]sf]

/ ;f]lx cg'?k sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog /0fgLltx? tof/

e} /x]sf / tof/ x'g] qmddf /x]sf]n] ;+l3otf /

a]l;g cjwf/0ff lar tfnd]n ldnfP/ cuf8L j9g'

kg]{ cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 . b]zsf] at{dfg cj:yf

/ ;Da}wflgs k|fjwfg cg';f/ ;+l3otf tkm{ pGd'v

ePsf] cj:yfnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0f ljefun] klg ;+l3otfdf cfˆgf] ;fFu7flgs

:j?ksf af/]df u[xsfo{sf] yfngL u/]sf] 5 . oxf+

at{dfg ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgf / eflj lbgsf] k|:tfljt

9fFrfsf af/]df 5nkmn ug'{ ;fGble{s x'g] 5 .

@= at{dfg ;fFu7lgs ;+/rgf

df}h'bf ljefusf] ;+u7gdf dxflgb]{zs, pkdxflgb]{zs

;fy} ( a6f zfvf /x]sf 5g\ . h;dWo] & a6f

k|fljlws zfvf -hnfwf/ ;"rgf k|0ffnL ljsf; zfvf,

;+l3otfdf j]lzg cjwf/0ff cg'?k e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefusf] k|:tfljt ;f+u7lgs 9+frf

–ch'{g uf}td, pk ;lrj

e" ;+/If0f zfvf, hnjfo' kl/jt{g Joj:yfkg zfvf,

k|ljwL ljsf; zfvf, k|rf/ k|;f/ tyf tflnd zfvf,

of]hgf zfvf / cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg zfvf_ /x]sf

5g eg] sd{rf/L k|zf;g tyf cfGtl/s Joj:yfkg

zfvf n] k|zf;lgs / cfly{s k|zf;g zfvfn] cfly{s

Joj:yfkgsf] sfd ub}{ cfPsf 5g . ljefu cGtu{t

xfn ^! lhNnfdf lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox? /x]sf

5g\ .

#= ljBdfg ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgfdf /x]sf s]xL sdL sdhf]/Lx?

df}h"bf ;+/rgf jt{dfg hnfwfl/o ;f]r cg'?k

sfo{s|d ;~rfng ug{ r'gf}ltx?sf] plrt

Joj:yfkg ug{ ckof{Kt /x]sf] .

pko'Qm bIf hgzlQm tyf cGo ;|f]t ;fwg

;d]t kof{Kt ?kdf pknJw x'g g;s]sf] jt{dfg

cj:yfdf 7"nf tyf demf}nf klx/f] Joj:yfkgdf

sl7gfO{ ePsf] .

lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox? dfkm{t lhNnfsf !

jf @ k|fyldstf k|fKt pk hnfwf/ If]qdf dfq

sfo{qmd ;+rfng x'b} cfPsf], h;jf6 lhNnfsf]

% k|ltzt eGbf sd If]qdf dfq e" tyf hnfwf/

;+/If0fsf sfo{qmd ;+rfng eO Hofb} Go"g

;+Vofdf dfq ;]jf k|fKt ug{ ;s]sf] cj:yf .

pk–hnfwf/ :t/df ;+rfng ul/g] e"–;+/If0f

tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfo{qmdsf] ef}uf]lns

km}nfj6 Hofb} ;fgf] x'g] ePsf] / glb k|0ffnLsf]

k"/} e"–efunfO{ of]hgf th'{df tyf sfof{Gjogdf

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


g;d]l6g] ePsf]n] pkNnf] hnfwf/ If]q / tNnf]

t6Lo If]q ljrsf] cGt/;DaGw sfod x'g

g;s]sf] .

al9 eGbf al9 hnfwf/ If]qx?df ;]jf k|jfx

ug]{ dg;fo / k|oTg xF'bfxF'b} klg ;+u7gfTds

;+s'rgsf sf/0fn] lhNnf leq} klg cfjZos ;a}

:yfgx?df ;]jf lj:tf/ ug{ g;lsPsf] cj:yf .

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f sfo{qmd k|ltsf] hgrf;f]

/ a9\bf] dfusf] cfwf/df k+"lhut sfo{qmd /

jh]6sf] kl/df0f em08} kfFr u'0ff eGbf jl9n]

a[l4 eO;s]sf] cj:yf ljBdfg /x]sf] t/ To;sf]

Joj:yfkg ug'{ kg]{ ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf eg]

h:tfsf] t:t} /xbf Joj:yfksLo :fd:ofx?

b]lvg yfn]sf] .

/fi6«klt r"/] ;+/If0f sfo{qmd t/fO{sf @^ j6f

lhNnfdf ;+rfng ul/b} cfPsf] / tL lhNnfx?

dWo] t/fO{sf % j6f lhNnfx? -;'g;/L, lrtjg,

slknj:t', afs]+, jlb{of_ df lh=e"=;+=sfof{no

:yfkgf gePsf] .

dxfe"sDksf] sf/0f c;/ k/]sf hldgsf]

Joj:yfkg ug{sf] nfuL clxn]sf] ;+/rgfn]

;+af]wg ug{ g;s]sf] cj:yf .

$= ;f+u7lgs k'g;+/rgf ug'{kg]{ sf/0fx?

;+l3otf / a]l;g cjwf/0ff cg'?k sfd ug{sf nflu

at{dfg ;f+u7lgs :j?kn] ;Dej b]lvb}g To;}n]

o;sf] af/]df clxn] b]lvg} ;f]Rg' kg]{ cfjZostf

/x]sf] 5 . d'Vo ?kdf o;sf sf/0fx? lgDg cg';f/

/x]sf 5g .

;+l3otf cjwf/0ff cg'?k

Af]l;g cjwf/0f cg'?k PsLs[t hnfwf/


g]]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg cg'?k -cg';"rL –%-!!_–

hn;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f / ax'cfolds pkof]u ;DalGw

gLlt / dfkb08

%= k|:tfljt gofF ;f+u7lgs Joj:yf

s_ ljefu÷cfof]u÷k|flws/0f÷;ldlt

ljlzi6 >]0fL -dfggLo_ g]t[Tjdf ;+u7g

;+3Lo hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt agfpg]

;+j]wgzLn hnfwf/x?sf] klxrfg u/L To:sf]

Joj:yfkg -km]jf, s'n]vfgL, d]nDrL _

j]lzg lgb]{zgfno jLr tyf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf j9L

k|b]zx?sf] jLr ljjfb cfPdf ;dfwfg ug]{

s]Gb|Lo nf]s;]jf cfof]u÷s]Gb|Lo k|zf;g

x]g]{ lgsfosf] ;xdlt lnO{ cGt/ k|b]z– j]lzg

sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;?jf ug]{

j]lzg lgb]{zgfno of]hgf th'{df tyf cg'udg


v_ j]l;g Joj:yfkg lgb]{zgfno–sf]zL, u08sL,

s0ff{nL– dxfsfnL

ljlzi6 jf /f=k= k|yd >]0fLsf] g]t[Tjdf ;+u7g

ax' k|b]zdf kg]{ hnwf/x?sf] klxrfg u/L

Joj:yfkg ug]{

dxTjk'0f{ hnfwf/x?sf] klxrfg u/L To;sf]


j]l;g cjwf/0ffdf kg]{ k|b]zx?sf] ljr hnfwf/

;DjGwdf p7\g] ljjfbx?sf] ;dfwfg ug]{

k|fb]zLs nf]s;]jf cfof]u÷k|fb]zLs sd{rf/L

k|zf;g x]g{ b'O{ lgsfosf] ;xdtL lnO{ j]l;g

lgb]{zgfno leq sd{rf/Lx?sf] cGt/ k|b]z

;?jf ug]{

j]lzg leq kg]{ k|fb]lzs hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

sfof{nox?sf] of]hgf th'[{df tyf cg'udg ug]{

@_ k|b]zdf M k|fb]lzs hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfof{no

–& j6f

/f=k= k|yd >]0fL

k|fb]lzs hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg gLlt agfpg]

k|b]z cGt/utsf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

sfof{nox?sf] ljjfb cfPdf ;dfwfg ug]{

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


k|fyfldstf k|fKt hnfwf/x?sf] klxrfg u/L

To;sf] Joj:yfkg

k|b]z leqsf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfof{nox?df

sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?sf] k|b]z leq ;?jf ug]{

k|b]zleqsf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfof{nox?sf]

of]hgf th'{df tyf cg'udg ug]{

#_ :yfgLo tx M hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfof{no – %%

/f=k= låtLo >]0fLsf] g]t[Tjdf

Pp6} hnfwf/ b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L :yfgLo

lgsfodf k/]df a9L If]qkmn cf]u6]sf nfO{ s

ju{ / sd If]qkmnsf] v ju{ -/f=k= t[tLo >]0fL_

/xg] u/L sfof{no /xg]

s / v sf] of]hgf th'{dfsf] ;dGjo k|fb]lzs

hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg sfof{non] ug]{

;'Id hnfwf/x?sf] klxrfg u/L To;sf]

Joj:yfkg ug]{

o; k|sf/n] ;+u7g tof/L u/]df ljefusf] sfo{df

k|efjsfl/tf cfpg] clek|fo ;lxt k|:tfj ul/Psf]

xf] . o;nfO{ cem kl/dfh{g ub}{ cem r':t ;+u7g

agfpg klg ;lsG5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=* a]?h'sf] jt{dfg cj:yf, km5f}{6sf] ljefluo nIo / j]?h' km5f}{6sf nflu ug'{kg]{ sfo{x? ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

!= k[i7e"eL

n]vf k|;fzgdf a]?h' x'g glbg' Ps dxTjk"0f{ sfo{

xf] . olb a]?h' e} xfn] klg o;nfO{ ;dod} Joj:yfkg

ug'{ xfdL sd{rf/Lx?sf] bfloTj leq kb{5 . xfd|f]

ljefu / cGtu{tsf sfo{nox?df klg s]lx a]?h'x?

/x]sf]n] o;nfO{ ;dod} km5\of{]6 ug{sf nflu ;a}sf]

k|ltj4tfsf] cfjZostf 5 . h;sf nflu ljefudf

sfo{/t xfdL ;j}n] ;dfg lhDd]af/L dx;'; u/L kxn

ug'{ kg]{ clxn]sf] k|d'v sfd dWo] Ps xf] .

@= j]?h' km5{of}6 nIf / c+s u0fgf

cf=j= )&!.&@ sf] nIfM n]vfkl/If0f c+ssf] $

k|ltzt eGbf j9L j]?h' sfod gu/fpg] /x]sf] /

o;sf] alu{s/0f lgDg cg';f/ /x]sf] 5 .

*% b]lv !)) k|ltzt ;af{]Ts[i6

%% b]lv *% k|ltzt pTs[i6

$% b]lv %% k|ltzt ;fdfGo

$% eGbf sd k|ltzt Go"g

#= cf=j= )&#.&$ sf] j]?h' km5{\of}6 sfo{ of]hgfM

z'?b]lv cf=j )%(.^) ;Ddsf] k'/fgf] j]?h' ;DjGwdfM

c;'npk/ ug{'kg]{, ;/sf/L xfgL gf]S;fgL /

d:of}6 ePsfnfO{ cfjZos sf/jfxL u/L clGtd

6'ªuf] nufO{ km5{of}6 ug]{

;/sf/L xfgL gf]S;fgL / d:of}6 ePsf] jfx]s

cGo ljifodf k|rlnt sfg'g jdf]lhd dGqfnosf]

;lrjHo"jf6 j]?h' km5{of}6 u/fO{ n=s sf] nflu

–hut k|;fb yklnof, n]vf zfvf, e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu

s'df/L rf]s tyf s]G›Lo txdLn sfof{nodf

k7fpg] .

;f]xL cf=j= )%(.^) ;Ddsf] j]?h' ;'Go

jgfpg'kg]{ .

cf=j= )^).^! b]lv )&).&! ;Ddsf] j]?h' *)%

eGbf dfly km5{of}6 ug{ k|of; ug]{ . t/ Go'gtd

%)% km5{of}6 ug}{ kg]{

cf=j= )&!.&@ sf] j]?h' ;'Go jgfpg kg]{

sfg'g jdf]lhd s]G›Lo txdLn sfof{nodf

k7fpg'kg]{ c;'npk/ ug]{ j]?h'sf] ljj/0f d+l;/

leq k7fpg] .

$= b08 / k'/:sf/sf] Joj:yfM

n]vf kl/If0f c+ssf] $ k|ltzt eGbf sd j]?h'

sfod u/fpg] / s/f]8 eGbf j9L j]?h' sfod

u/fpg] lhNnfx?sf] ^% k|ltzt eGbf j9L j]?h'

km5{of}6 u/]df j]?h'sf] sfddf k|ToIf ?kdf

;+nUg x'g] sd{rf/Lx? j9Ldf # hgf ;DdnfO{

wGojfb ;lxt ? $))).)) -k|lt JolQm_ gub

k'/:sf/ lbg] .

s/f]8 eGbf sd j]?h' x'g] sfof{nosf] &)

k|ltzt eGbf j9L km5{of}6 u/L tf]lsP jdf]lhd

;'Go jf Go'g j]?h' sfod u/]df dfq j9Ldf

tLg hgfnfO{ wGojfb ;lxt ? $))).)) -k|lt

JolQm_ gub k'/:sf/ lbg]

n]=k jf6 n]=k c+ssf] $ k|ltzt eGbf j9L j]?h'

sfod u/fpg] / %) k|ltzt eGbf sd j]?h'

km5{of}6 ug]{ sfof{no k|d'v / n]vf k|d'vnfO{

cfjZos sf/jfxL u/L sf=;=d' nfO{ Wofg lbg]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


rfn' cf=j= )&@.&# sf] >]:tf n]=k= x'bf j]?h' g}

x'g glbg] u/L z'Go j]?h' sfod u/fpg] sf=k|= /

n]=k|=nfO{ ? !))).)) yk k'/:s[t ug]{

cGt/utsf ljefu tyf sfof{nox?nfO{ j]?h'

km5{of}6 ;DjGwdf sf/jfxL ug]{ / k'/:s[t ug]{

sfd dGqfnon] ug]{ .

%= j]?h' km5{of}6 sfo{ ljwLM

cf=j )%(.^) ;Ddsf] ;/sf/sf] gf]S;flg ge-

Psf] j]?h' ;DjGwLt ;lrj Ho" jf6 lgoldt

u/fO{ n=s=sf nfuL s'df/L rf]/ tyf s]G›Lo

txsLn sfof{nodf k7fpg]

cf=j )^).^! b]vLsf] k]:sL j]?h', c;'npk/

ug{'kg]{ j]?h'sf] xsdf k]:sL km5{of}6 u/L u/fO{

c;'n ug]{ c;'n u/L ;DjGwLt sf=k|n] j]?h'

km5{of}6 u/L n=s sf nfuL d=n]k sf] ljefudf


k|rlnt sfg'g jdf]lhd l/t ;Dd gk'¥ofO{

clgoldt ePsf] t/ ;/sf/L xfgL gf]S;fgL

gb]lvPsf] j]?h' sf=k|sf] l;kmfl/; ;lxt

cfjZos k|df0f sfuhft ;+nUg u/L l6Kk0fL

;lxtsf] kmfOn ;lrj Ho" jf6 lgoldtsf nfuL

ljefudf k7fpg]

^= j]?h'sf] nfut k7fpg'kg]{

c;'npk/ ug{kg]{ 7xl/Psf] j]?h' sfof{non] c;'npk/

ug{'kg]{ 5 . ;DjGwLt sfof{non] To:tf] j]?h' Ps

jif{ leq k6s-k6s sf/jfxL ubf{ klg c;'n pk/

x'g g;s]df c;'n sf/jfxL ubf{ klg c;'npk/ x'g

g;s]df c;'npk/ x'g g;s]sf] sf/0f vf]nL n]vf

pt/bfoL clws[t ;dIf k]z ug{' kg]{5 . o;/L k];

x'g cfPsf] Joxf]/f n]vf pQ/bfoL clws[tn] cg';'rL

-!% jdf]lhdsf] 9f+rfdf ljj/0f e/L s]G›Lo txdLn

sfof{nodf nfut k7fpg'kg]{ 5 .

o;/L k|fKt x'g cfPsf] j]?h' s]G›Lo tfx;Ln sfof{non]

hfrL /Lt k'u]sf] ePdf ;ft lbg leq nfut s;L

;f] sf] hfgsf/L ;DjlGwt lgsfonfO{ lbg]5 . o;/L

k|fKt ePsf] hfgsf/Lsf] cfwf/df ;DjGwLt lgsfon]

cfˆgf] j]?h'sf] nfut s§f ug]{ 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=( kj{tLo hnfwf/x?sf] hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;dfg's'ng cfof]hgf BCRWME sf s[ofsnfkx?;DjGwL

k|utL ljj/0f ;lxtsf] k|:t'tL

1. Introduction

Building Climate Resilience of Watersheds in Mountain Eco-Regions (BCRWME) is the fi rst component of Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) of Nepal. Project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) was provided by ADB to develop BCRWME Project. The Project was approved by ADB's Board of Directors on 23 September 2013. Government of Nepal (Cabinet) approved the project on 9 January 2014. The grant agreement was signed on 20 January 2014 and became effective on 7 February 2014. The Nordic Development Fund (NDF) has provided a parallel grant for technical assistance, and the agreement between NDF and the Government was signed on 13 February 2014. Project completion is expected by 31 January 2020.

The project aims to provide access to more reliable water resources for domestic purposes and irrigation for communities living in the watersheds of Nepal river systems which are signifi cantly vulnerable to climate change. Access and reliability to water resources will be improved through a participatory program of integrated watershed management with interventions in upland areas to increase surface water storage and groundwater recharge. The project will demonstrate ways to protect water sources while at the same time developing them for effi cient use. The communities in the project area will have more reliable water supplies in the dry season. Major benefi ciaries will be women and disadvantaged groups. The project will demonstrate participatory watershed management planning and build the

Building Climate Resilience of Watersheds in Mountain Eco-Regions (BCRWME) Project

–/fd l;x+ yfkf, cfof]hgf lgb]{zs, BCRWME, 88]Nw'/f

capacity of all levels of the government for integrated watershed development specifi cally focusing on water resources.

2. Expected Impact of the Project

The expected impact (long-term goal) will be that climate resilience in Nepal mountain communities is improved.

3. Outcome of the Project

The project’s outcome will be that communities signifi cantly vulnerable to climate change have access to more reliable water resources. Approximately 45,000 households are expected to benefi t from improved water availability during the dry season to support domestic and agricultural uses. The spring or surface water sources are expected to become more reliable; the dry season water yield will either remain the same or increase.

4. Outputs of the Project

Four outputs are envisaged:

1. Participating communities have improved catchment management and new or improved water storage infrastructure—The project will support communities to develop and protect their water sources (springs and streams) and construct water storages to help sustain the use of limited water during the dry season;

2. Communities and Government manage water and land in an integrated and inclusive manner within watersheds—Implementation

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


of subprojects will particularly address water conservation in the catchments and shortage issues;

3. Government adopts knowledge-based approaches for integrated water and land management and improved water reliability and accessibility in the wake of climate change; and

4. Project management support is provided.

5. The Project Area

The Project will be implemented in the Lower West Seti and Budhi Ganga watersheds of the Karnali River basin. The project area includes Accham, Bahjung, Baitadi, Bajura, Dadeldhura, and Doti districts (whole or in part).

6. The Interventions and working units Scheme:

One package of water sources protection, catchment management (includes conservation

plantation, recharge pond construction, gully and landslide treatment, soil erosion control, grazing management etc.), construction of water infrastructures (infi ltration gallery/water collection chamber/intake, drinking water storage tank , irrigation pond, transmission from source to storage tank/pond etc.) within a catchment.

7. Sub-project :

One package of all schemes with in a Village Development Committee (VDC) is termed as a subproject.There are 120 VDCs in the Project area of which about a dozen sparsely populated VDCs are part of Khaptad National Park and Ramaroshan area. Total number of subprojects proposed is 108. During PPTA extension Period 8 Subprojects Preparation Reports (SPPRs) has been prepared (up to feasibility level).

For Detail: http://www.dscwm.gov.np/index.php/2014-04-15-01-47-39/bcrwme

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!) km]jftfn hnfwf/df sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogsf cj;/ / r'gf}tL ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

k[i7e"ld M

lj=;+= @)#! ;fn b]lv g} e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

ljefujf6 km]jfhnfwf/ If]qdf km]jf hnfwf/ cfof]hgf,

;fd'bflos ljsf; tyf jg÷hnfwf/ ;+/If0f cfof]hgf

-;f=lj=x=cf=_ nufot ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfx?jf6

;+/If0fsf sfo{x? ;+rfng ePsf] kl/0ffd:j?k

km]jftfn nufot o;sf] hnfwf/ If]q s]lx xb;Dd

;+/lIft b]lvG5 . km]jftfn ;+;f/sf] ;'Gb/td\ tfnx?

dWo] !# cf}+, g]kfnsf] bf];|f] 7"nf] -klxnf] 7"nf] tfn

d'u'sf] /f/f tfn_ tyf sf:sLsf] klxnf] 7"nf] tfn xf] .

pQ/ M kf]v/f j8f g+= @^, ;/fËsf]6 / j8f g+= ^

j}bfd, blIf0f M kf]v/f j8f g+= @%, k'DbL e'DbL, k"j{ M

kf]v/f j8f g+= !& / j8f g+= ^, klZrd M rfkfsf]6

uf=lj=;= sf] sfvdf cjl:yt, !@# ju{ ls=dL= df

km}lnPsf] km]jftfn /fi6«sf] ko{6lso ;Dkbfsf] ?kdf

/x]sf] 5 .

km]jftfn xfn} ljZj /fd;f/ ;"lrdf ;"lrs[t ePsf]

5 . km]jf hnfwf/ If]qdf ;jeGbf al9 jiff{ x'g]

sf/0fn] w]/} klx/f] hfg] ub{5 . o; If]qsf] e" agf]6

v's'nf] ePsf] sf/0f jif]{gL xk{gvf]nf / o;sf ;xfos

vf]nfx?jf6 aufP/ Nofpg] 9'+ufdf6f] nufotsf

kbfy{x?n] km]jftfn k'l/+b} uPsf] 5 . ;+/If0fsf]

;f]r ljgfsf] cJol:yt ljsf; lgdf{0fsf sfo{x?jf6

km]jftfnsf] cfo' lbgfg'lbg ;+s'lrt x'Fb} uPsf] cj:yf

ljBdfg 5 . ljleGg cWoog cg';f/ km]jftfnsf]

If]qkmn @@))) /f]kgLjf6 !)))) /f]kgLdf ;+s"lrt

ePsf] b]lvG5 .

;+/lIft km]jf hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff cfjZostf / dxTj

–8Dj/ jxfb'/ yfkf, lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t, lhNnf e" ;+ sf, sf:sL

km]jftfnsf] ef}uf]lns cjl:ylt M

prfO{ M ;d'GbL ;tx b]lv &$@ ld6/

If]qkmn M cf};t %=!$ j=ls=dL=

nDafO{M %=$@ ls=dL=

rf}8fO{ M &) b]lv @=)) ls=dL=

tfnsf] kl/lw M @!=) ls=dL= (HFL)

cf}ift ulx/fO{ M *=^ ld6/

clwstd ulx/fO{M @$ ld6/

hnfwf/ If]qM !@# j=ls=dL=

clwstd hn IfdtfM %#)))))) So"= ld=

pQ/ M kf]v/f j8f g+= @^, ;/fËsf]6 / j8f g+= ^ j}bfd, blIf0f M kf]v/f j8f g+= @%, k'DbL e'DbL, k"j{ M kf]v/f j8f g+= !& / j8f g+= ^, klZrd M rfkfsf]6 uf=lj=;=

>f]t M IUCN, 1996

km]jf hnfwf/ If]qsf ;d:ofM

pkNnf] tl6o If]qdf (Upstream) cJojl:yt tyf

of]hgfljlxg ljsf; lgdf{0f sfo{, al9, klx/f], e"–Ifo,

kfgLsf] d'xfg ;'Sb} uO{/x]sf], hnjfo' kl/jtg{sf]

hf]lvdtf j[l4 cflb ;d:of ljBdfg 5g\ . tNnf]

tl6o If]qdf (Downstream) vf]nf, vf]N;L /

vx/]x?sf] s6fgn] ubf{ km]jftfnsf] IfoLs/0f /

ljgf;, km]jftfnsf] lg/Gt/tfdf k|Zg lrGx h:tf

;d:of ljBdfg 5g\ . pkNnf] tl6o If]q tyf tNnf]

tl6o If]q aLr tfbfDotf gePsf] d'Vo ;d:ofsf]

?kdf /x]sf 5g\ .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


km]jf hnfwf/nfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff ug'{sf] cfjZostf Pj+ cf}lrTotf M

ldlt @)^*÷!@÷@) df ;DdfggLo ;jf]{Rr

cbfntjf6 e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g tyf lgodfjnL

sfof{Gjog ug]{ ;DjGwL lgb]{zgfTds cfb]z hf/L eP

adf]lhd e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefujf6 pQm

cfb]z sfof{Gjog ug'{ elg n]lvcfPsf,] km]jfhnfwf/sf]

pkNnf] tyf tNnf] tl6o If]qaLr tfbfDotf sfod

ug'{ (Upstream-Downstream Linkage) ckl/xfo{tf

/x]sf], km]jftfnsf] ljgf; tyf IfoLs/0f /f]Vg'kg]{

cfjZostf /x]sf] Pj+ hnfwf/ If]qsf] lbuf] e" pkof]u

of]hgf sfof{Gjog x'g'kg]{ cfjZostf ljleGg cWoogn]

phfu/ u/]sf]n] km]jftfnsf] ;+/If0f / ;Dj4{g clt

cfjZos ePsf] .

km]jftfnnfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff ug{ ;s]sf]

v08df jif]{gL x'g] u]u|fg y'lk|g] sfo{ (Deposition and Sedimentation) df sld cfO{, tfnsf] cfo" a9\g], tf-

nsf] If]qkmn ;+s"rg x'g] qmd /f]lsg], km]jfhnfwf/sf]

tNnf] / pkNnf] tl6o If]q (Up stream and Down stream) If]q ljr cGt/ ;DjGw :yfkgf ug{ ;lsg],

kfl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] ;]jfnfO{ lbuf]kgf k|bfg

ug{ ;lsg], pkNnf]tl6o If]qdf /x]sf] k+rf;] ;+/lIft

jgsf] lbuf] Joj:yfkgdf ;xof]u k'Ug], km]jftfn

;+/If0fsf] nflu 5l/P/ /x]sf sfo{/t lgsfox?aLr

;dGjofTds ?kdf Plss[t ;]jf k|jfx x'g] . km]jftfn

cltqmd0f ePsf] hUuf 5fgljg ug{ ul7t ;ldltsf]

cWoog k|ltj]bg @)^( h]i7 # ut]n] klg e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g @)#( tyf lgodfjnL @)$@

sf] sfof{Gjogdf hf]8 lbb} km]jftfnsf] ;+/If0f Pj+

;Djb{g ug'{kg]{ cfjZostfnfO{ cf}NofPsf] .

km]jf hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf] pkfo s] t <

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g @)#( sf] bkmf # cg';f/

km]jf hnfwf/sf] If]qnfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff

ul/ o;sf] u'? of]hgf lgdf{0f / sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{ .

o;sf] ;fy;fy} km]jftfn ;+/If0f Pj+ ax' pkof]usf]

nflu tTsfn, cNksfn / lb3{sfndf u'g{kg]{ k|d'v

sfo{x?sf] nflu Plss[t sfo{of]hgf tof/ kf/L

;DjlGwt lgsfon] /fli6«o uf}/jsf] cfof]hgf k|:tfljt

ul/ sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg' kg]{ .

3f]if0ff ug'{sf] nIo M

km]jf hnfwf/ If]qnfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff

ul/ Plss[t hnfwf/ Joj:yfkgjf6 lbuf] e" pkof]u

k|0ffnL ckgfO{ ;fdflhs, cfly{s, /fhg}lts tyf

jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ng sfod ul/ kfl/l:yltsLo

;Gt'ng sfod ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] .

3f]if0ff ug'{sf] p2]Zo M

j}1flgs e" tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg ug]{, e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g, @)#( tyf lgodfjnL @)$@

sf] sfof{Gjog ug]{, km]jftfnn] lbg] jftfj/0fLo

;]jf (Environmental Service) nfO{ ?kdf sfod

ug]{, kof{ko{6g (Eco-Tourism) nfO{ clej[l4

ul/ :yflgo ;d'bfosf] hLjg:t/ psf:g ;xof]u

ug]{, sfof{Gjogjf6 k|fKt cg'ejsf] cfwf/df P]g /

lgodfjnLdf ;do;fk]If ;'wf/ ug]{ ,

s'g} klg If]qnfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ ;+/lIft hnfwf/

3f]if0ff ug{sf] nflu ljBdfg P]g ;j{;fwf/0fsf]

hfgsf/Lsf nflu tn pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .

;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff ePkl5 x'g] kmfObf M

:yfgLo ;d'bfodf e"–;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/

Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL hgr]tgf clej[l4 x'g], /fli6«o

tyf cGt{/fli6«o :t/df o;sf] dxTj phfu/ x'g],

ljsf; lgdf{0f nufot cGo sfo{qmddf ;]jf ;'ljwf

clej[l4 x'g], kl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] ;xglzntf

tyf nrstfkgsf] clej[l4 x'g], hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf

c;/x?jf6 :yfgLo ;d'bfodf pTkGg hf]lvdtfdf

sd x'g], kl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] ;+/rgf tyf sfo{sf]

k4lt :yflkt eO{ kl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] hf]lvdtf

Go"g x'g], ;du|df kl/l:yltsLo ;]jfsf] lg/Gt/tf

sfod x'g] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff kZrft\ ck]lIft pknAwL tyf k|ltkmn M

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g lgodfjnLsf] sfof{Gjog

x'g], km]jf hnfwf/ If]qsf] e" pkof]u of]hgf th'{df

(Land Use Plan Formulation) eO{ o;sf] sfof{Gjog

x'g, km]jf hnfwf/ Jf]qdf j}1flgs hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

sfo{jf6 of]hgfj4 ljsf; lgdf{0fsf sfo{ x'g uO{

:yfgLo ;d'bfosf] hLjg:t/df ;'wf/ x'g], P]g

lgodosf] sfof{Gjogjf6 k|fKt cg'ejjf6 km]jftfn

hnfwf/ If]qsf] l;dfÍgdf ;do ;fk]If ;+zf]wg ug{

ldNg] ;fy} km]jfhnfwf/ If]qnfO{ jftfj/0f ;]jf z'Ns

(Paymet for Environmental Service) e'QmfgLsf]

nflu z'?jftL k/LIf0f (Piloting) ug{ ;lsg] .

xfn;Dd eP ul/Psf k|of; / k|ult M

;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] uf=lj=;= / gu/kflnsf :t/Lo

cGt/s[of uf]i7L ;DkGg,

;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] lhNnf :t/Lo cGt/s[of uf]i7L


lhNnf :t/Lo cGt/s[of uf]i7L ul/ km]jf

hnfwf/nfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/ 3f]if0ff ug]{ jf/]

;xdlt k|fKt,

g]kfn ;/sf/ -dlGqkl/ifbsf]_ ldlt @)&!÷&÷@)

sf] lg0f{ofg';f/ e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g,

@)#( sf] bkmf !^ sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd

lhNnf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt sf:sLsf]

u7g eO{ ;j{;fwf/0fsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu g]kfn

/fhkq efu %, ldlt @)&!÷(÷& df ;"rgf

k|sfzg ul/Psf],

cfjZostfg';f/ ;ldltsf] a}7s a;L cfjZos

lg0f{o lng] sfd ePsf],

u'?of]hgf lgdf{0fsf] nflu ;DjGwLt lgsfodf

kxn eO{/x]sf] .

efjL sfo{ lbZff M

km]jf hnfwf/sf] u'?of]hgf tof/ ug]{,

lhNnf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt sf:sLnfO{

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g @)#( sf] bkmf !^

sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd sfd st{Jo / clwsf/


e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g @)#( sf] bkmf # sf]

pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd km]jftfn hnfwf/ If]qsf]

rf/ lsNnf v'nfO{ km]jftfnnfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/

If]qsf]] ?kdf 3f]if0ff ug{sf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/

-dlGq kl/ifb_ jf6 lg0f{o u/fpg] tkm{ ;DjGwLt

lgsfon] cfjZos kxn ug]{,

3f]if0ff kZrft\ of]hgf sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg],

;DjGwLt lgsfojf6 P]g tyf lgodfjnLdf

;do;fk]If ;'wf/ ug{sf] nflu kxn ug]{,

km]jftfn ;+/If0fsf] nflu ;DjGwLt lgsfon]

/fli6«o uf}/jsf] of]hgsf] k|:tfj cufl8 a9fpg] .

lgisif{ M

xfd|f eflj ;Gtltx?sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu Pj+

kof{ko{6g (Eco Tourism) sf] nflu km]jftfnsf]

;+/If0f Pj+ ;Da4{g x'g clt cfjZos 5 . t;y{

km]jftfnsf] ;+/If0f Pj+ ax' pkof]usf] nflu

tTsfn cNksfn tyf lb3{sfndf ug'{kg]{ k|d'v

sfo{x?sf] nflu Plss[t sfo{of]hgf tof/ kf/L

/fli6«o uf}/jsf] cfof]hgfsf] ?kdf k|yd, bf];|f] /

t];|f] r/0fdf ug'{ kg]{ sfo{x?sf] sfo{ ;"rL agfO{

;DjlGwt lgsfojf6 k|:tfj ul/ sfof{Gjogdf

n}hfg' kg]{ b]lvG5 .

;+/If0fsf] cjwf/0ff cg';f/ tNnf] tl6o / dfly-

Nnf] tl6o tf/tDotf ldnfpFb} jftfj/0fLo ;]jf

z'Ns e'QmfgL (PES) sf] nflu kxn ug'{ kg]{

b]lvG5 .

km]jftfnsf] kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ ul/ o;

If]qsf] h}ljs ;fdflhs Pj+ cfly{s ljsf;df 6]jf

k'¥ofpg xfn e}/x]sf] cltqmd0f / cJojl:yt

a;f]af;nfO{ x6fO{ kfgLsf] ;tx / e08f/df

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


j[l4 ul/ km]jftfnsf] ;+/If0f / ax'pkof]u ug{

ca]nf e};s]sf] 5 . t;y{ km]jftfnnfO{

;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff ul/ ;dofg's'n P]g

sfg"gsf] kl/dfh{g ub}{ ;xeflutfd"ns hnfwf/

Joj:yfkgsf sfo{x? tbf?ktfsf ;fy cufl8

a9fpg' kg]{ b]lvG5 .

Plss[t sfo{of]hgf / ;dGjofTds sfo{k|0ffnL

cjnDag ub}{ :yfgLo txdf ckgTj sfod x'g]

ul/ ;+/If0f / ax'pkof]usf sfo{x? lhDd]jf/

lgsfosf] g]t[Tjdf of]hgfj4 9+un] sfof{Gjog

ug'{ ckl/xfo{ ePsf] 5 .

;j} ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;sf/fTds Pj+ /rgfTds

;xof]usf] ;fy;fy} cy{k"0f{ ;xeflutfjf6 g}

km]jftfnsf] ;+/If0f Pj+ ;Dj4{g x'g] b]lvG5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!! s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ If]qdf ;~rflnt sfo{qmd tyf l;sfOx? ;lxtsf] k|:t'tL

!= kl/ro

s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ If]q dsjfgk'/ lhNnfdf cjl:yt

g]kfnsf] klxn]f / 7'nf] dfgj lgdL{t tfn hnfzoo'Qm

hnljB't cfof]hgfsf] hnfwf/ If]q xf] . of]=g]kfn

ljB't k|flws/0fsf] :jfldTjdf /x] klg g]kfns} ;femf

;/f]sf/sf] cfof]hgf sf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 .

@= s'n]vfgL hnfwf/sf] dxTj

o; hnf;oaf6 pTkfbg ePsf] ljB'tm] b]z el/s}

nflu cfk'tL{ ug]{ ePsf]n] g]kfndf s'n]vfgL hnfwf/sf]

ljif]z dxTj /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} g]kfnsf cGo ljB't

cfof]hgfx? au]sf] kflgsf] jxfjaf6 ;+rflnt ePsf]

/ ;'Vvf df};ddf ltgLx?sf] pTkfbg Ifdtf sd x'g]

ePsf]n] s'n]vfgL hnljB't zlQm u[xaf6 k|fKt x'g]

ljB't k|yflds ?kdf ;'Vvf ofddf k|of]u x'G5 .

# s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf k|of;x?

s'n]vflg hnljB't hnfzosf] :yfkgf kl5

;g\ !(&* b]lvg} s'n]vflg hnfwf/ If]qdf

s]lGb|o txsf e"–;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ ;DjlGw

sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng x'b} cfPsf 5g\ .

;g\ !(&* af6 s'n]vfgL hnfwf/df klx/f]

uN5L / ;txL e"–Ifosf] Iflt u|:t If]qx?sf]

k'gp{Tyfg ug{ e"–;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/ Joj:yfkg

sfo{s|dx? nfu" ul/Psf] .

g]kfnsf] /fli6«o dxTjsf] hnfwf/ ePsf] x'gfn]

;do–;dodf laleGg bft[ lgsfox?n] cfly{s

tyf k|fljlws ;xof]udf e"–;+/If0f tyf hnfwf/

Joj:yfkg ;DjlGw sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng ePsf] .

s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf] ljutsf k|of; / jt{dfg cj:yf

–/fh' bfxfn, lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t, lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{no, dsjfgk'/

@)#%÷)#^—@)#^÷)#& df USAID sf]


cf=j= @)#*÷)#(—@)$@÷)$# df

UNDP/FAO sf] ;xof]u

cf=j= @)$#÷)$$—@)%)÷)%! df FINNIDA sf] ;xof]u

cf=j= @)%!÷)%@—@)%@÷)%# df E.U, sf]

;xof]u klxnf] r/0f

cf=j= @)%#÷)%$—@)%&÷)%* df E.U sf]

;xof]u bf];|f] r/0f

Winrock International sf] ;xof]udf -pkNnf]

If]qsf ;d'bfonfO{ jftfj/l0fo ;]jfsf] nflu

k|f]T;fxg ug]{ RUPES kl/of]hgf

$= s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf cj:yf / r'gf}tL

s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ kl/of]hgfsf] cjlw ;dfKt

x'g' cl3 @)$^.$& ;fn lt/ ;+/lIft hnfwf/

3f]if0ff u/L hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt u7g ug]{ s'/f

s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ Aoj:yfkg of]hgf -@)$&.$*_

df pNn]v ePtf klg ;f] cg'?k ;+/lIft hnfwf/

3f]if0ff u/L hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt u7g ug]{

sfo{ x'g g;s]sf] .

To;n] ubf{ kl/of]hgfsf] km]h cfp6 eP kl5

hnfwf/ Aofj:yfkg sfo{n] lg/Gt/tf kfpg

g;s]sf] tyf ljutsf sfo{s|dx?sf] ;+/If0fsf]

nflu :jfldTj u|x0f u/L Aofj:yfkg ug]{ :yflgo

Aofj:yfkg lgsfo u7g x'g / sfg'gL dfGotf

kfpg g;s]sf] .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


Winrock International sf] ;xof]udf pkNnf]

If]qsf ;d'bfonfO{ jftfj/l0fo ;]jfsf] nflu

kl/of]hgf dfkm{t k|f]T;fxg ug]{ RUPES sfo{


s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ ;+/If0f d~rsf] u7g,

jftfj/0fLo ;]jf jfkt kfpg] hnljB't /f]oN6Lsf]

Aoj:yfkg ug]{ k|of; yfn]sf] t/ lg/+t/tf kfpg

g;s]sf] .

%= s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf r'gf}tL

kl5Nnf lbgx?df u|fld0f ;8s nufot ljsf;

lgdf{0fsf] sfo{x? tyf v]tLkftLsf t}f/ tl/sfx?

;+/If0f d'vL x'g g;Sbf hnfwf/df ePsf]

clwstd e" Ifosf] dfWodaf6 tfndf df6f] tyf

afn'jf (Sediment) y'lk|gfn] xfdL ;a}sf nflu of]

;d:of Ps uDeL/ r'g}fltsf] ?kdf b]vf k/]sf]

kmn:j?k, o;n] hnfzosf] sfo{ cjlw

(Operating life) df ulDe/ k|Zg v8f u/]sf]

5 . hnf;o lgdf{0fsf] l8hfO{gsf] a]nf hnfwf/

If]qaf6 k|lt x]=& 3g ld6/ k|lt jif{ u]u|fg cfpg]

/ ;f] sf cfwf/df !)) jif{ cfo' x'g] cg'dfg-

lgkf]g sf]O{ sDkgL lnld6]8sf cg';f/_ u/]sf]df

;f] cg'dfg eGbf w]/} u'0ff u]u|fg cfpg] cg'dfg

ul/Psf] 5 .

^= s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ If]q Joj:yfkgsf nflu klxrfg ul/Psf pkhnfwf/ If]qx?

km]bLvf]nf pkhnfwf/ yfxf g=kf= @, #, $, %

3lt{ v}6L vf]nf pkhnfwf/ yfxf g=kf= ^, &

ls6LgL, ?K;], c+w]/Lvf]nf pkhnfwf/ yfxf g=kf=


l6i6'ª vf]nf pkhnfwf/ -jh|jf/fxL, s'G5fn_

yfxf g=kf= !@,!#,!$,!% / l6i6'ª !

lj;L+v]n vf]nf pkhnfwf/ lrTnfª ^,&,(, yfxf

!!, dfv'{ !

lrTnfª vf]nf pkhnfwf/ lrTnfª !,@,#,$,%,* /

dfv'{ #,$,*,(

kmfv]n vf]nf pkhnfwf/ kmfv]n @,$,%,^,&,*,(

6;/ vf]nf pkhnfwf/ yfxf (,!! / dfv'{ %

l;deGHofª 7f8f] vf]nf pkhnfwf/ yfxf !),

dfv'{ ^, &

&= ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]qsf] nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf] l;dfgf

k'jL{ l;dfgfM

k|:tfljt ;+/If0f If]qsf] rf/ lsNnf / If]qkmn

kmfv]n uf=lj=;=j8f g+=@,$,%,^ rv]n 36\6]

vf]nf, dxfnIdL vf]nf kfgL9nf] l;df -;fgf] gof

ufp, rv]n 36\6] vf]nf, dw'jg, km]bL ds}af/L_,

s'n]vfgL uf=lj=;=sf] j8f g= %,* kfgL 9nf]

pQ/L l;dfgfM

lrTnfª vf]nf / l6i6'ª ah|af/fxL vf]nf lz/ kfgL

9nf]sf] l;df lrTnfª uf=lj=;= j8f g+= !,@,^,(

tyf yfxf g=kf= j8f g=+ !$,!% / l6i6'ª !,@


klZrdL l;dfgfM

bfdg, v}6L vf]nf, Cif]Zj/ vf]nf, 3tL{vf]nf

tyf km]bLvf]nf lz/ kfgL 9nf], yfxf g=kf=sf]


blIf0fL l;dfgfM

s'n]vfgL j8f g=^ / (, dfv"{ uf=lj=;= ^ / &

le/vs{, dfv' / ;fgf] dfv', yfxf g=kf=!) b'O{3/],

gnLjg x'b} l;deGHofª vf]nfsf] kfgL 9nf] l;df

x'b} l;deGHofª 8f8f;Dd .

hDdf If]qkmnM !%@ au{ ls=dL

*= ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff jf/] DFSCC sf] l;kmfl/;

lg0f{o g+ ! M o; dsjfgk'/ lhNnfsf] s'n]vfgL

hnfwf/ If]qnfO{ ;+/lIft hnfwf/sf] ?kdf Aoj:yfkg

ug]{ u/L lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt dsjfgk'/sf] @% cf}

lhNNff kl/ifbn] u/]sf] lgltut lg0f{osf] kl/a]zdf

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


hnfwf/ ;+/If0f clws[tn] ;f] If]qsf] cfaZos

cWoog tyf :yflgo ;/f]sf/afnfx?;+u cGts[of

u/L ;+/lIft If]qsf] ?kdf Aoj:yfkg ug]{ u/L k|:tfa

ug{ k/fdz{sf nflu lhNnf jg If]q ;dGjo ;ldltdf

k]z eof]] . k|:t't k|:tfadf e' tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f

P]g tyf lgodfjnLdf ePsf] Aoj:yf cg';f/ lhNnf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt u7g ug{ ljefu

dfkm{t g]kfn ;/sf/df cg'/f]w u/L k7fpg] tyf ;f]

cg';f/ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 ;ldlt u7g eP/ cfP kl5

pQm k|:tfa / k|s[of ;f]xL ;ldltn] cl3 a9fpg] u/L

lg0f{o eof]] .

(= k|:tfljt lhNnf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;ldlt

P]gsf] bkmf !^ cg';f/ dsjfgk'/ lhNNffdf lHfNnf

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt u7gsf] nflu lgDg

;+/rgf /xg] u/L k|:tfa ul/Psf] Aoxf]/f cg'/f]w 5 .

!_ lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] ;efklt


@_ k|d'v, lhNnf clwsf/L jf lghn] tf]lslbPsf]

clws[t k|ltlglw –;b:o

-#_ k|d'v, lHfNNff jg sfof{no

– ;b:o

-$_ k|d'v, lhNNff jg:klt sfof{no

– ;b:o

%_ k|d'v, lhNnf s[lif ljsf; sfof{no

– ;b:o

^_ k|d'v, lhNnf kz' ;]jf sfof{no

– ;b:o

&_ k|d'v, lhNnf dfnkf]t sfof{no


*_ k|d'v, lhNnf gfkL sfof{no


-(_ ko{6g af]8{n] tf]s]sf] k|ltlglw

– ;b:o

!)_ ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf dxf;+3 k|ltlglw !

hgf – ;b:o

!!_ lhNnf e" ;+/If0f clws[t

– ;b:o ;lrj

!)= ;+/lIft If]q 3f]if0ff ug]{ s|ddf xfn ;Dd ePsf k|ult

s'n]vfgL hnfwf/ If]qdf ( j6f pkhnfwf/ If]qdf

;+rfng ePsf cGt/lqmof tyf cled'vLs/0f

sfo{jf6 :yfgLo hgtf hnfwf/ If]qnfO{ ;+/lIft

If]qsf] ?kdf Joj:yfkg ug{ k|ltj4 /x]sf] .

lhNnf jg If]q ;dGjo ;ldtLjf6 s'n]vfgL

hnfwf/ If]qnfO{ ;+/lIft If]qsf] ?kdf Jojl:yt

ug{ lhNnf e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldtL u7g

ug{ k|:tfj ul/Psf] .

e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ljefu jf6 ;+/lIft If]q

3f]if0ffsf] nflu l6Kk0fL cfb]z ;fy jg tyf e"

;+/If0f dGqfnodf k]z ul/Psf] .

jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnojf6 lhNnf e" tyf

hnfwf/ ;+/If0f ;ldlt u7gsf] nflu k|:tfjgf

tof/ u/L dGqL kl/ifbdf k]z ePsf] 5 .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!@ 8f6fa]; Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL k|:t'tL


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!# Susceptibility mapping & post earthquake landslide inventory of Nuwakot ;DjGwL k|:t'tL

Narrative Summary

Due to the devastating earthquake of 25th April 2015, 31 districts of Nepal were affected among which 14 were severely affected resulting huge loss of human life, property and ecosystem services. These 14 districts were categorized as severely hit and crisis hit districts by the Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) carried out by Government of Nepal. Nuwakot district is one of the severely hit districts. In order to reduce vulnerability and/or threat of potential landslide disasters and protect local people, infrastructures, land and water resources, identifi cation of the most susceptible slopes as well as treatment and mitigation of the most critical landslides deemed essential. With the initiation and fi nancial support of WWF/Hariyo Ban Program and overall guidance of Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management

Landslide Inventory, susceptibility mapping and recommendation of the mitigation measures in Nuwakot District

Jagannath Joshi, Pradeep Poudyal, Dipak BharadwajDepartment of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management1, Hariyo Ban Program2

(DSCWM) and fi eld support of District Soil Conservation Offi ce (DSCO) Nuwakot a study was carried out on "Landslide inventory, susceptibility mapping and recommendation of the mitigation measures” in 2016.

The study has identifi ed the landslides and its impact areas within different VDCs of Nuwakot district. It has defi ned the type and criticality of landslides with feasibility of treatment. Landslide susceptibility mapping within the VDCs and sub-watersheds of the district was carried out with the index of different causative factors and bivariate analysis. Furthermore, the mitigation measures for the urgent and treatable landslides are purposed with the tentative estimation of the cost and prioritized them based on the social, environmental and economic criteria.

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!$ Watershed characterization and prioritization tools : Concept and application

;DjGwL k|:t'tL


Watersheds of Nepal are naturally susceptible to erosion and landslides owing to rugged and steep slopes, high relief, steep river gradient, complex geology and active tectonics. Long history of settlement, agriculture, animal grazing, and continued trend of growing human and climate stress have contributed to changes in land use and land cover systems and alteration of watershed ecosystem to a state of drawing serious attention of planners and policymakers. A proper understanding of these biophysical and human characteristics of watersheds and subsequently categorizing them based on parameters indicating susceptibility, vulnerability and sensitivity has become, therefore, an urgent task for conservation, recovery and sustainable use of watershed resources and services. The development of an IT based watershed categorization tool incorporating the watershed parametric and non-parametric measures for watershed condition assessment can be a prototype decision making tool for the managers and practitioners of soil conservation and watershed management, mainly the offi cials of the Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM)/District Soil Conservation Offi ce (DSCO). Hence an attempt was made to develop a watershed categorization tool based on watershed characteristics which indicate watershed’s susceptibility and vulnerability of the sub-watersheds both in IT based software and in manual form for off-line use,

1. Development of Watershed Classifi cation Tools and Integra-tion of Information Technology for classifi cation/categorization

of Watersheds/ Sub watersheds of districts of Nepal

-Deepak Bhardwaj, Deepak Dhami, Dhiraj Das, Deepak K.C.,Hari Krishna Shrestha, Motilal Ghimire, Niroj Timalsina, Prem Paudel

by using a spreadsheet program, like MS Excel. Watersheds and sub-watersheds of Nuwakot District were selected for this study.

Methods: Experts vis-à-vis practitioners approach

Experts, after reviewing the literatures and using expertise, compiled a potential list of parameters, which were proposed in the consultation workshops participated by the DSCWM/DSCO’s offi cials and experts from the UNDP, Nepal. After a thorough review of relevancy and rationale of parameters, in a group discussion between the practitioner and experts, a set of twenty parameters grouped under six themes were selected. These are: i. Topography and morphometry (slope gradient, elevation range/basin length ratio, drainage density, slope aspect), ii. Geology (lithology and structure), iii. Hydrologic and geomorphic response (landslide density, fl ood risk area, and rainfall), iv. Land and water resources (non forest/forest ratio, slope cultivation, vegetation density (NDVI), access to safe drinking water), v. Human pressure (population density, livestock density, population change, rural road density), and vi. Disaster Record (past disaster loss and forest fi re events).

Remote sensing image, relevant maps, climatic and disaster events data were used to derive these parameters (Fig 1). Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method incorporating participants’ expert judgment was applied to assign weight to

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


Figure 1 Examples of sources of parameters

Figure 2 Examples of index of thematic as well composite of all parameters







Land usse Lands lide

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


each selected parameters based on their relative importance. Using these weights, watershed categorization and prioritization was done in GIS environment as well as in IT based watershed classifi cation tool.


Twenty parameters of each watershed and sub-watersheds of Nuwakot District, representing six major themes were calculated. Based on the weight values both thematic composite and overall composite index maps were produced which indicates various susceptibility, hazard potential, vulnerability and sensitivity (Fig 2)

Integration to IT and Development of Watershed Categorization Tool

A prototype automated software (Tool) for watershed characterization and prioritization tool,

including a user manual, was developed, which can be used for assessing watershed conditions and categorizing or ranking them accordingly by the users and practioners involved in watershed conservation and management.


Our sincere gratitude extends to CDRMP at UNDP in Nepal for taking initiation and materializing this project through fi nancial and logistics supports.

*Corresponding Authors: [email protected] [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg



Watershed Characterization/ Prioritization Tool and Integration of IT (WCTIIT) is a web-based software application tool, which allows collecting information about watershed and sub-watershed of Nepal. The application provides electronic version of dynamic forms used in collecting watershed and sub-watershed parameter information. The major objective of this tool is to characterize/ prioritize the sub-watersheds of the districts of Nepal which indicate watershed’s susceptibility, vulnerability and multi-hazard risk assessment of the sub-watersheds. The application saves data collected to database and it functions online as well as offl ine use mode. This tool is highly interactive to the users having easy GUI front end.

2. Watershed/ Sub-Watershed Classifi cation Software Tool for characterization/prioritization of districts of Nepal

It is useful for Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM).

The watershed and sub-watershed of Nepal are characterized by 20 different parameters in 6 different themes (Finalized by workshop entitled “Watershed assessment and classifi cation” organized by DSCWM and supported by CDRMP/UNDP). On the basis of relative importance of each parameter against the other parameters, the weights for each parameter were calculated using Analytic Hierarchy Process (Saaty 1980). On the basis of the impact of these parameters, watershed and sub-watershed are prioritized as per its level of vulnerability. The approved parameters with different six themes are mentioned in table below:

Dhiraj Kumar Das, Deepak Bahadur Dhami, Deepak K.C.*, Deepak Bharadwaj, Hari Krishna Shrestha, Motilal Ghimire,

Niroj Timalsina, Prem Paudel*

S.N. Parameter Theme Weight/Internal weight (%)[From AHP Method)

1 Slope gradient Topography and Morphometric 11

2 Elevation range /basin length Topography and Morphometric 8

3 Slope aspect Topography and Morphometric 2

4 Drainage density Topography and Morphometric 9

5 Lithology Geology and Structure 4

6 Lineament density Geology and Structure 4

7 Landslide density Hydrology and Geomorphic Response


8 Flood and sedimentation Hydrology and Geomorphic Response


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


9 Rainfall Hydrology and Geomorphic Response


10 Non forest/forest Ratio Land and Water Resource 4

11 Hill slope agriculture Land and Water Resource 6

12 Forest greenery condition (NDVI)

Land and Water Resource 2

13 Non access to drinking water Land and Water Resource 4

14 Firewood Consumption Human Pressure 2

15 Population density Human Pressure 4

16 Livestock density Human Pressure 3

17 Decadal population change Human Pressure 2

18 Rural road density Human Pressure 6

19 Past disaster Past disaster loss and Forest events


20 Forest fi re events Past disaster loss and Forest events


Table 1: Twenty parameters in six different themes with their assigned weights (by AHP method)


The Information Technology based tool for watershed characterization and prioritization attempt to illustrate the development of a viable and generic toolkit for integrated watershed planning and management. A conceptual design of the system is shown in fi gure below.

Figure 1: Flow Diagram of the system


Master Data Input: In order to characterize/prioritize the given watershed/sub-watershed, fi rst master data input should be fi lled. Admin user has to set the master data once in the system. Setting the data of

District Name, River Basin Name (eg. Gandaki River Basin)

Watershed Name, Watershed Area, Sub-Watershed, Sub-Watershed Area

Latitude and Longitude

Field Level Input: Entering the Field level data of 20 parameters in 6 different themes of each sub-watershed is being done by two different ways. First directly enter the data manually into the system and second Import directly the excel data (from predefi ned template) into the system. For this, fi rst download the template (In excel form) of importing the data from the system and then fi ll the data into the excel template and then import directly to the system.

System Processing

After entering the input data, the system calculates the various adjusted weights of each parameter of sub-watershed. Then it is reclassifi ed into fi ve different classes (using natural break). Similarly it will produce priority rank of each sub-watershed on the basis of their vulnerability.

OutputWCTIIT Processing SystemInput

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg



After processing the system produces Final weights of parameters, Watershed Priority Ranking, Various Reports as per requirement, Results in Excel and CSV (GIS) format.


The system is web based and highly interactive. It can be used online as well as offl ine use. The tool used to develop this system is listed below.

SQL Server 2008 R2 , IIS 6, C# .NET, ASP .NET, ADO.NET

.NET Framework 4.0, Web Services, HTML,CSS, AJAX


The main user of the system is District Soil Conservation Offi cer (DISCO) of DSCWM. Different users can be created by this system on the basis of their specifi c roles. So password based as well as role based security system is applied in this system.

Admin Module

Administrative module is primarily concerned with the user administration of the system. Administrator has the overall access to the system and as per the access level of administrator is on the top of the hierarchy.

Create user and admin login

Defi ne roles and privileges of the User

Can Access all the information and data of the system

Can change and update all the information and data of the system

Data Entry Staff Module

Fill the fi eld data of watershed and sub-watershed parameters in the system

Changes login password


The system is highly secured for the users. It has incorporated two types of security levels described below:

Password Based Security: Letters-Only Passwords Not Allowed, Minimum Password Length (at least 6 alphanumeric), Encryption with MD5 algorithm and never display

Role Based Security: Authentication and Application based Security; Admin can access the whole system and can create different other users based on their specifi c roles to use the system.


This system produces fi nal weights of parameters, Watershed Priority Ranking by using natural break, Various Reports as per requirement, Results in Excel and CSV (GIS) format. Similarly, the user can generate the reports according to their requirements. It has capability of generating the reports in the following types.

1. Parameter Based Report: It can generate the report as per the individual parameter (among 20 parameters) of watershed/sub-watershed.

2. Theme Based Report: It can generate the report as per the individual themes (among 6 themes) of watershed/sub-watershed.

3. Priority Based Report: It can generate the report as per their priority based on vulnerability of watershed/sub-watershed.

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Similarly, on the basis of format, it can generate two types of formats.

1. Excel: The numeric data produced by the system can be exported in excel format for further analysis and use of the data.

2. CSV: The numeric data produced by the system can be exported in CSV format for further analysis in GIS software. With this data, the user can plot the sub-watershed information in graphical form. A sample report is shown below:

Figure 2: A sample report of slope gradient parameter


Our sincere gratitude extends to CDRMP at UNDP in Nepal for taking initiation and materializing this project through fi nancial and logistics supports.

Corresponding Authors:* [email protected] [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg



Binay Kumar 1 , Uday Kumar, Micro watershed characterization and prioritization using Geomatics technology for natural resources management, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, Volume 1, No 4, 2011

Anane, M., Bouziri, L., Limam, A., &Jellali, S. (2012). Ranking suitable sites for

irrigation with reclaimed water in the Nabeul-Hammamet region (Tunisia) using GIS and AHP-multicriteria decision analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 65, 36–46. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2012.05.006

Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, Fifth Edition

Bill Evjen, Scott Hanselman, Devin Rader, Professional ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!% sf]zL a]l;g ;d"xsf] tkm{af6 ul/Psf] k|:t'tL

1. Critical urban w/s and Hydropower identifi cation and conservation dynamics

S.no Districts Watersheds Hydropower 1 Taplejung Hangdewa, Mewa, Fawa Kabeli 2 Panchthar Hewa, Kabeli, Feme Hewa, Kabeli, Feme 3 Illam Mai, Puwa Khola, Ratuwa, Biring Mai, Puwa 4 Jhapa Ratuwa, Biring 5 Morang Chisang, Gachhiya 6 Sunsari Sardu Seuti 7 Dhankuta Tankhuwa Nibuwa 8 Bhojpur Sere Khola Pikhuwa 9 Sankhuwasabha Pangma Hewa, Piluwa, Arun 10 Terhathum 11 Sirha Balan, Gagan, Kamala 12 Saptari Khado 13 Udaypur Trijuga 14 Khotang Sapsu Khola 15 Okhaldhunga Thotne Khola, Lipe Khola Molung Khola 16 Solukhumbu Beni Khola Solu Khola, Dudh Koshi 17 Dhanusha Baluwa, Jalad, Aurahi, Kamala, Ratu 18 Mahottari Ratu, Maraha, Banke, Bigahi 19 Sarlahi Lakhandehi, Banke, Jhim, Bagmati 20 Sindhuli Kamala, Marin 21 Ramechhap Manthali, Ranjor Khimti 22 Dolakha Charnawati 1 & 2, Jiri Dhunge khola Tamakoshi, Sorung,

Khimti 23 Bara Pasaha 24 Parsa - 25 Rauthut Lal Bakaiya, Gaur Khola 26 Sindhupalchowk Melamchi Bhote Koshi, Sunkoshi,

Indrawati 27 Kavre Rosi, Indrawati 28 Lalitpur Bagmati, Bishnumati 29 Kathmandu Shivapuri 30 Bhaktapur -

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


2. High Priority WS in Koshi Basin Bagmati Melamchi Sardu/Seuti Khando Ratuwa Maraha

3. Interstate WS Bagmati Kamala Lal Bakaiya

4. District Level Issues

$=! hgzlQm Joj:yfkg

b/jGbL cg';f/sf] hgzlQm gePsf] emfkf, df]/Fu, Onfd, ef]hk'/, ;+v'jf;ef, dxf]Q/L, wg'iff, ;nf{xL, /f}tx6

df}h'bf b/jGbL ;+/rgfdf k|fljlws b/jGbL Go'g /x]sf]

e"=;+=;= / ;j OlGhlgo/ yKg' kg]{

b/jGbL ;+/rgf lhNnfut ?kdf j]d]n /x]sf]

slx OlGhlgo/ t sxL ;j OlGhlgo/

s/f/ sd{rf/Lsf] Jo:yfkgsf] ;d:of s/f/sf k|fljlws sd{rf/L /x]sf] lhNnf

$=@ ef}lts k'jf{wf/

cfkm\g} sfof{no ejg g/x]sf] jf/f, k;f{, /f}tx6, ;nf{xL, dxf]Q/L, wg'iff, pbok'/, df]/Ë, tfKn]h'Fu, kfFry/, ef]hk'/, ;+v'jf;ef, l;Gw'nL, vf]6fFu, t]x|y'd, bf]nvf

;jf/L ;fwgsf] cefj jf/f / ;nf{xL jfx]s clwsfFzdf k'/fgf] / lju|]sf] cj:yfsf] ;jf/L ;fwg / sltko lhNnfdf uf8L g} g/x]sf]

k|fljlws d]lzg cf}hf/ . kmlg{r/sf] l;ldttf

clwsfFz lhNnfdf

$=# ljlto Joj:yfkg

OGwg, b}=e|=e=, 3/ef8f, sfof{no ;+rfng, dd{t lzif{sdf jh]6sf] cefj

;j} lhNNff

sfo{qmd jh]6 Go'g x'g] u/]sf]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


$=$ sfo{qmd Joj:yfkg

gbL k|0ffnLdf sfo{qmd gx'g' ;nf{xL

hgtfsf] dfFu, cfjZoQf cg';f/sf] sfo{qmd gx'g'

cfs:dLs e";+/If0f sfo{qmd / jh]6 gx'g'

tf]lsPsf] sfo{qmddf Go"g jh]6 ljl-gof]lht x'g'

;+/If0f kf]v/L, l;+rfO{ s'nf]

Rf'/] sfo{qmd ;+rfng ePsf] lhNnfdf hg;xeflutf h'6fpg sl7g x'g] u/]sf]

nfOg Ph]G;Lsf] ljefluo sfo{ljlwsf] sf/0f

lhNnf e';+/If0f sfo{qmd cf]em]ndf k/]sf] r'/] ;+/If0f sfo{qmdn]

gbL k|0ffnLdf sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogdf c:ki6tf

Pp6} uf=lj=;= Ps eGbf j9L gbL k|0ffnLdf /x]sf]

;km\6j]o/ sfo{qmdx? g/x]sf]

cGt/ lgsfo ;dGjosf] cefj

5. River Basin Planning- Challenges & Solutions

5.1 Challenges Low national priority for river basin planning

management. Political boundaries vs Basin boundaries Roles/responsibilities explanation among

central/state/local levels. Organizational structure setup in line with

federal modality Co-ordination among line ministries.

5.2 Solutions Federal modality and its boundaries should

be fi nalized at fi rst. Basin organizational setup in line with fed-

eral structure. Strong legal backup----laws/by-laws

6. Feedback to Policy/Act


æhnfwf/ If]q . l;dfFsgsf] lg/Gt/tf nfO{ Wofgdf /fvL s]Gb| . k|b]z . :yflgo lgsfo ljrsf] ;fem]bf/L / ;dGjodf hnfwf/sf] ;fd'lxs pkof]u / ;+/If0f ug]{Æ


æhnfwf/÷;femf hnfwf/÷gbL j]l;gÆ nfO{ sfg'gL tyf k|fljlws efiffdf k'gM kl/eflift ul/g' kg]{ .

7. Feedback to Monitoring activities DSCWM Monitoring Guideline 2050 should

be updated/revised in line with MoFSC M/E Strategy.

Departmental Working Guideline should be updated.

Norms should be revised. (Ref: DoLI-DAR/Dept. of Irrigation)

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


8. Feedback to Federal Organizational Setup Clarity between Federal Tiers and ModelsFederal Tiers

9. Feedback to w/s characterization and prioritization tool Highly applicable for W/S management and

planning. Need of user friendly detail manual. Approval of manual from DSCWM/MoFSC. Capacity building to DSCWM/DSCOs.

(Trainings and hightec logistics) Assigning WISDS (Watershed Information

System Development Section) as focal section at center.

Strengthening the GIS lab at DSCWM and establish Data Management Center.

Federal Modality Coming Together Federal Model Holding Together Federal Model Symmetric Federal Model Asymmetric Federal Model Co-operative Federal Model

The question arises here that

Where we are?.....who can explain?

olb eGg ;Sb}gf} eg] ;+l3o 9fFrfsf] ;fFu7lgs ;+/rgf s;/L tTsfn} to ug]{ <

s] ug]{ t <

Ecological sensitivity, River drainage coverage and anthropogenic relations sf] cfwf/df dfly pNn]lvt df]8]n cg';f/ j}slNks ;+l3o ;fFu7lgs ;+/rgf tof/ kfg]{ .

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!^ u08sL a]l;g ;d"xsf] tkm{af6 ul/Psf] k|:t'tL

1. Group Work on Gandaki/Narayani Basin

1.1 Covers 19 districts:

Mustang, Myagdi, Parbat, Baglung, Syangja, Gulmi, Palpa, Arghakhanchi, Kapilbastu, Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Kaski, Tanahu, Lamjung, Manang, Gorkha, Dhading, Nuwakot, Rasuwa

1.2 Possible Programs Summary at Different Levels

1.2.1 Possible Programs Summary in Federal Systems

Programs Where LevelInter- state Basin Management Gandaki Basin (Possibility of 3 States) FederalMega Hydropower Watershed Conservation

Budigandaki- Gorkha and Dhading Kali Gandaki/ Narayani- Mustang, Myagdi, Parbat, Baglung, Syangja, Gulmi, Palpa, Nawalparasi


Wetland Conservation Program Wetland Conservation Program Federal

1.2.2 Possible Programs Summary at State Levels

Programs Where Level

Critical Hydro- Catchment Conservation Program

Modi Khola- ParbatTrisuli- Rasuwa, Nuwakot, DhadingUpper Daraudi- GorkhaJhimruk- ArghakhanchiRahughat Khola- MyagdiDaram Khola-BaglungIdi, Mardi-KaskiNishi- BaglungMarsyangdi, Madi, Ngadi- Lamjung Seti, Marsyangdi- TanahuChepe- Lamjung and Gorkha


lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


Programs Where LevelCritical Urban Watershed Conservation program

Tinau- Rupandehi and Palpa, Upper Kaligandaki- Myagdi and Mustang State

Critical Watershed Conservation Program

Arun Khola- Palpa andNawalparasi

Kanchan- Rupandehi and Palpa, State

Critical Watershed Conservation Program

Enguria- Rupandehi , Binai, Giruwa- NwalparasiJyagdi Khola- Syangja, Bandganga, Rahusingh- Arghakhanchi , Painyu Khola- Parbat, Rithum Khola- Myagdi, Kali khola- Kaski, Bhuji- Baglung , Mahesh Khola- Dhading, Midim Khola, Dordi Khola, Chepe- Lamjung, Ghey Khola, Thapa Khola- Mustang, Chudi, Risti, Naudi – Tanahu


Critical Urban Watershed Conservation program

Fewa, Rupa-Begnas- Kaski, Resunga- Gulmi, Sardi Khola- Gorkha, Buldi Khola, Chhabdi- Tanahu, Kerunge, Turiya- Nawalparasi, Myagdi Khola- Myagdi, Kathe Khola- Baglung, Thoppal Khola, Agra Khola- Dhading, Aandhikhola- Syangja, Trisuli- NuwakotRidikhola- Arghakhanchi


Settlement Conservation Program Humdi- Dhading, Okharbot, Begkhola, Patlekhet- Myagdi, Deurali- Prabat Barpak, Laprak, Kerauga, Manbu, Gumda – Gorkha


Bio- Engineering Road Slope stabilization

All Districts of Gandaki Basin (19 Districts) Local

1.3 River Basin Planning Challenges and Solutions Manpower Budget Political Commitments and Priority Techniques and tools Administrative division and Basin


2. District level issues Building Demand- 8 Building Maintenance-6 Vehicle- 13 Bike Demand- 16

Users Group PAN Registration Issue Manpower fulfi llment TA/DA, Fuel Addressing Emergency Issues Emergency Fund at District Level

3. Feedback on Policy and Act Confl icting with other policies, Acts, Rules,

Regulations Organizational and HR capacity to implement

the proposed Act Lack of clarity in the formation of central,

state and local level’s Soil and Watershed Management Committee and their roles and responsibilities

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


4. Feedback on Organizational Structure in Federalism HR management in Federalism Central level Organization (Lead by

Secretary), Basin offi ces (JS), State level offi ces (JS), Local level offi ces (US/Offi cers)

Trained social motivators at local offi ces Multidisciplinary team and their roles and

responsibilities at different levels

5. Recommendations for Monitoring Strategy Regular & Systematic monitoring (When,

Where, How)

ICT Based Prioritization Tools Recommendations

Improvement/Finalization/Applicability Approval from DSCWM and apply as

guideline User Friendly

6. Resource Requirement (Human and Logistics) Training for concerned staffs Budget allocation

7. Data Generation and Sharing (Data Management) Internet, software and necessary tools

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


cg';"rL !=!& s0ff{nL dxfsfnL a]l;g ;d"xsf] tkm{af6 ul/Psf] k|:t'tL

1. Main River Systems

l;=g+= lhNnf gbL k|0ffnL zx/L hnfwf/Critical Hydro


! h'Dnf ltnf, hjf, lxdf h'uf8 h'uf8

@ d'u' d'u's0ff{nL

# sfnLsf]6 ltnfs0ff{nL, e]/L /]+lun

$ x'Dnf x'Dnf s0ff{nL, bf]hfd bf]hfd pkNnf] s0ff{nL

% 8f]Nkf e]/L e]/L

^ b}n]vk/fh'n, nf]x/], 5fduf8, kfb'sf, /fd3f6, s0ff{nL

5fduf8, /fsd s0ff{nL

& ;'v]{t e]/L pQ/Lu+uf

* c5fd a'9Lu+uf -tNnf] klZrd ;]tL_, s0ff{nLa'9Lu+uf -;fFkm]au/_


( aemfª sfn+uf, pkNnf] ;]tL, tNnf] ;]tL afx'nLuf8pkNnf];]tL, sn+uf

!) 8f]6L tNnf] klZrd;]tL, 7"nLuf8 pkNnf];]tL

!! 88]Nw'/f /+u'g, x'/fuf8, /8'jf, tNnf] ;'gf{ofuf8/+u'gk+t'/f,


!@ afh'/f a'9Lu+uf, s0ff{nL a'9Lu+uf a'9Lu+uf

!# a}t8L ;f]gf{of, rf]dlnof ;f]gf{of

!$ bfr'{nf rd]lnof, gf}uf8 rd]lnof rd]lnof

!% s}nfnL df]xgf, lnSdf s6]gL df]xgf, v'l6of

!^ s~rgk'/ dxfsfnLsfdLsf6], vlgofFvf]nf

!& ?s'd :ofgLe]/L, 7"nLe]/L d'sn' :ofk'{,;fgLe]/L

!* /f]Nkf df8L, n'+u|L df8L

!( ;Nofg zf/bf zf/bf -vn+uf_

@) Ko'7fg /fKtL lemd|'s lemd|'s,df8L

@! bfª aaO{,/fKtL kft'vf]nf,;]jf/

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


2. District Level Issues

l;=g+= lhNnf lhNnf:tl/o ;jfn

! h'Dnf ejg dd{t, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofFuf8L

@ d'u' gofF sfof{no

# sfnLsf]6 gofF sfof{no

$ x'Dnf gofF sfof{no

% 8f]Nkf gofF sfof{no

^ b}n]v ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofF uf8L

& ;'v]{t tflnd ejg, cfjf; ejg, df]6/;fOsn, ejg dd{t,

* c5fd ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofFuf8L

( aemfª ejg lgdf{0f,tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofF uf8L

!) 8f]6L ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, uf8L dd{t

!! 88]Nw'/f cfjf; ejg dd{t, df]6/;fOsn

!@ afh'/f ejg dd{t, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofF uf8L

!# a}t8L cfjf; ejg, tflnd xn, uf8L dd{t

!$ bfr'{nf ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, uf8L, df]6/;fOsn

!% s}nfnL ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, uf8L dd{t

!^ s~rgk'/ ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, uf8L dd{t

!& ?s'dejg lgdf{0f, sDkfp08 jfn, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofF uf8L, df]6/;fOsn

!* /f]Nkf Tfflnd xn, df]6/;fOsn, ejg dd{t

!( ;Nofg tflndxn

@) Ko'7fg ejg lgdf{0f, tflnd xn lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, gofF uf8L, df]6/;fOsn

@! bfª ejg lgdf{0f, sDkfp08 jfn, tflnd xn, lgdf{0f, cfjf; ejg, uf8L dd{t, df]6/;fOsn

3. gLltdf k[i7kf]if0f

ljut jif{df

gLlt kfl/t u/fO{ k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog cfjZostf

gLlt cg';f/ P]g, lgod, lgb]{lzsf kfl/t tyf sfof{Gjog

4. P]gdf k[i7kf]if0f

ljBdfg e" tyf hnfwf/ ;+/If0f P]g @)#( tyf

lgodfjnL @)$@ nfO{ cfwf/ lng'kg]{

d'2fsf] txlssft tyf bfo/L s'g txsf] clwsf/Ln]

ug]{ k|i6 ls6fgL x'g'kg]{-/f=k=cg+=k|yd_

tf]lsPsf] eGg] :yfgdf k|i6 ls6fgL x'g'kg]{

gLlt;+u tfnd]n ul/g'k5{

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


sfg"g ;DjlGw hgzlQmsf] Joj:yf

d'xfgsf] btf{ ;DjGwdf cGo sfg"g;+u tfbfTDotf x'g'k5{

;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]q 3f]if0ff ;DjlGw k|fjwfg

5. ;+3Lo 9fFrfsf] ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgfdf


;+3df ;d]t ljkb\ Joj:yfkg ;DjlGw lgsfo x'g'k5{

6. ljljw

dGqfnojf6 ;~rflnt cfof]hgf kl/of]hgf ;~rfng x'‘Fbf ;DjlGwt ljefu, sfof{no dfkm{t\ ;~rfng ug]{ gLlt cjnDag ul/g'kg]{

lgb]{lzsf tyf sfo{ljlw -;+/lIft hnfwf/If]q 3f]if0ff_ tof/L

cfsl:ds sf]ifsf] cfDbfgLsf >f]tx? df PES jf6 k|fKt >f]t klg pNn]v ug]{

cfsl:ds sf]if /sdsf] lhNnfut ljlgof]hgsf]] k|i6 cfwf/ pNn]v ug'{kg]{

hnfwf/ juL{s/0f gLltdf pNn]v eP cg';f/ ug]{

lhNnfdf ljkb\ Joj:yfkgsf] nflu cfsl:ds sf]if v8f ul/g'kg]{

gd{\; kl/dfh{g

7. WS classifi cation/prioritization Tool

7.1 Improvement/fi nalization/applicability– National level data required– Parameters to address Climate Change

Vulnerability required to be introduced– Basics on Watershed terminologies and data

generation techniques– Prioritization and classifi cation– BCRWME project supported GIS based

watershed prioritization should be visited– Make it applicable and replicable\

7.2 Resource requirement (human and logistics)– Capacity development (GIS, Remote sensing,

Excel advance, AutoCAD)– High resolution and compatible computers

and laptops– GPS– Map digitizer– Information Technology related training

7.3 Data generation and sharing (data management)– GIS lab in DSCWM should be strengthened

and linked with each DSCO to be used as data bank (central data bank and central server)

– Focal person in each DSCO should be developed

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%= ejg lgdf{0f ug{sf nflu hUUff Joj:yfkg ug{ ljefu dfkm{t jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnodf ljz]if cg'/f]w ug]{ .

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&= ljefu / dftxtsf lhNnf e" ;+/If0f sfof{nox?df /x]sf] sd{rf/L b/jGbL cg';f/ kbk'lt{sf nflu jg tyf e" ;+/If0f dGqfnodf cg'/f]w ug]{{ .

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"Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal"

National Workshop of District Soil Conservation Offi cers 2073

Organized by: Department of Soil Conservation & Watershed Management in collaboration with UNDP NepalDate: 12-13, Mangshir, (27 - 28 Nov. 2016) MC: Raju Sapkota, Chief, Monitoring sectionVenue: Hotel Himalaya, Kupondole, Lalitpur

Program Schedule

Day 1 : 2073/08/12 Sunday Opening CeremonyTime Activity Key Person09:00-10:00 Registration, Tea & Breakfast Yamuna Kadel/Indira Mulepati/ /Basanta KC/Aarati

Chair: Mr. Bijaya Raj Paudyal, Director General, DSCWMChief Guest: Hon. Minister, Shankar Bhandari, MoFSC Special Guest: Special Guest Mr Resham Bahadur Dangi, Division Chief, Foreign Aid Coordination Division, MoFSCDistinguished Guests: Member Secretary, PCTMCDB, Division Chiefs of MoFSC,Director Generals: DoF, DNPWC, DFRS, DoPR, RDs, DDG, DSCWMRepresentatives from UNDP, and other Conservation PartnersChair Persons NFA, SOWCOS and Journalists

Inauguration Chief Guest, Hon. Minister Shankar Bhandari, MoFSCWelcome Remarks Mr Manohar Sah, DSCO, KathamanduObjectives/Scopes of the workshop

Mr. Prem Paudel, Chief, Planning Section, DSCWM

Opinion /Remarks

Mr Gopal Hari Sharma, Chair Person, SOWCOS, NepalMr Shekhar Yadav, Chair Person, NFAUNDP Program Manager, Mr Bijaya SingMr Dhannjaya Paudel, RD, Western Regional Forest DirectorateMr Krishna Acharya, DG, Department of ForestSpecial Guest Mr Resham Bahadur Dangi, Division Chief, Foreign Aid Coordination Division, MoFSCChief Guest Honorable Minister Mr. Shankar Bhandari, MoFSC

Vote of thanks and Closing remarks

Chair Person: Mr. Bijaya Raj Paudyal, DG, DSCWM

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


12:00-01:00 LunchDay 1 : Thematic Sessions

Theme 1: Contemporary management issues and initiations Chair by : DG, DSCWM


Information regarding Hon' Minister's Letter of Confi dence (Pratibadhhata Patra) and Performance Agreement between Secretary (MoFSC) and DGl and role of DSCO's and different sections of the Department to meet the targets

Dr. Prem Paudel, Chief, Planning Section Raju Sapkota, Chief, Monitoring Section


Sharing of fi ndings of Chure Program monitoring reports of FY 2072/073 and Proposed monitoring strategy of DSCWM in line with MoFSC's monitoring strategy

Raju Sapkota, Mahesh Dhungana, Monitoring Section, DSCWM


Sharing of recent initiatives from the DSCWM (Radio Program, National Landslides Management Centre, Emergency Fund Establishment, Landlside treatment Project-Dolkaha, Nuwakot, Awareness Center in 7 states, Sadak sangai Bhu Sanrakshyan Program, Chure hills protection, JICA –SA BI HA)Project Proposal Development (Mahamaikhola, Watershed, Rapti Narayani Sub Basin, Khanikhola Microwatershed, & Daraundi Watershed.

Prakash Singh Thapa, Technology Development Section, DSCWM

1:45-2:00River basin Level Planning : Concept and Programs Prem Pd Paudel,

Planning Section, DSCWM


Sharing Draft: National Watershed Management Policy and Soil and water conservation act; Concept on Establishment of Emergency Fund for NDM

Sumana Devkota/ Indira Mulepati Soil Conservation Section, DSCWM

2:30-2:40 Open Discussion/Answering/Feedback/Suggestions2:40-3:00 Tea BreakTheme 2 Administrative system in Federal Nepal ( O& M and Good governance) Chair: Gyanendra Paudel, Admin Div Chief MoFSC

3:00-3:20a]?h'sf] jt{dfg cj:yf, km5f}{6sf] ljefluo nIo / j]?h' km5f}{6sf nflu ug']kg]{ sfo{x?

Jagat Prasad Thapaliya, Under Secretary, Account Section, DSCWM

3:20-3:40;+l3otfdf ljefusf] ;f+u7lgs 9f+rf / j]lzg cjwf/0ff jf/]

Arjun Gautam, Under Secretary, Administration Section, DSCWM

3:40-3:50 Remarks by ChairpersonTheme 3 River Basin Management and working Units

Chair: Div Chief MoFSC


Group Division according to 3 major river basins : Discussion about river basins and DSCO will point out major watersheds of the Districts

Facilitation by Prem Paudel, Raju Sapkota, Prakash Thapa and Sumana Devkota each group

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg



Group Work1.Koshi River Basin2. Gandaki River Basin3. Karnali & Mahakali River Basin-Basin Master Plan -1-District SCWM plan -61Critical Urban W/S identifi cation and conservation dynamics (at least 10).Critical hydro-catchment identifi cation and conservation dynamics (at least 3).River Basin Planning , r'gf}lt / ;dfwfgCritical watershed Area Identifi cationDistrict Level Issues Activity Profi le -61 Building Demand (Offi ce, Residence, Training hall)Building maintenanceVehicle, Bike cycle demandFeedback on Policy and ActFeedback on Organizational Structure in Federalism Suggestion on DSCWM Monitoring Strategy

6:30-9:30 Followed by Reception Dinner

Day 2: 2073/08/13 Monday

Day 2 : Thematic Sessions Chair: DG, DSCWM8:00-9:00 Tea Breakfast9:00-10:00 Group Work Presentation

10:00-10:15 Implementation of Phewa waterhed in Kaski: Opportunities and challenges DSCO , Kaski

10:15-10:30 Sharing of Kulekhani watersheds DSCO, Makawanpur10:30-10:40 Sharing of activities about BCRWME Ram Singh Thapa, PD, BCRWME10:40-11:15 Best practices sharing DSCO11: 15 -11:30 Tea Break

11: 30-11:45 Susceptibility mapping & post earthquake landslide inventory of Nuwakot.

Raju Sapkota/Dipak Bhardwaj

11:45-1:15 Watershed characterization and prioritiza-tion tools : Concept and application

Deepak KC /Prem Paudel/Raju Sapko-ta/Deepak Bhardwaj (UNDP-DSCWM)

1:15-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:00 Group work on Watershed Characteriza-tion & Priotization tool


3:00-3:30 Group Work Presentation

3:30-4:00 Performance Agreement with all DSCOs and discussion regarding PA.

4:00-4:30 Closing Ceremony4:30-5:00 High Tea and Departure

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


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;xefuLx?sf] gfdfjnL

S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

1 Shankar Bhandari MoFSC / Hon’ Minister

- -

2 Dr. KC Paudel MoFSC / Secretary3 Resham Bdr Dangi MoFSC / Joint

Secretary- -

4 Dr. Akhileshor Lal Karna

MoFSC / Division Chief

9843131598 [email protected]

5 Gyanendra Paudel MoFSC / Joint Secretary

9851123888 -

6 Dr. Sindhu P. Dhungana MoFSC / Chief, REDD Cell

9860330217 [email protected]

7 Gehendra K. Upadhaya MoFSC / Division Chief, Monitoring Division

- -

8 Bijaya Raj Paudyal DSCWM / DG 9841550066 [email protected]

9 Krishna Pd Acharya DoF / DG - -10 Kurshev Shrestha DSCWM / DDG11 Ganesh Jha MRFD, Hetauda /

RD9746012373 -

12 Dhananjaya Paudyal RDF, Pokhara/ RD 9849849192 [email protected] Ganesh Ray MWRFD, Surkhet

/ RD9854035825 ganesh_sagyan@

hotmail.com14 Sudhir K. Koirala FWRDF / RD 9841975841 sudhirkoirala86@

gmail.com15 Vijaya Singh ACD/UNDP 9851041653 [email protected]

1 Aadesh K. UPA DSCO Office Argakhachi

9847578390 -

2 Abdullah Miya Kantipur / Journalist

9851002786 [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

3 Ajay Karki DSCO / DSC Officer Parbat

9857630454 [email protected]

4 Amrit Pakhrin DSCWM 9741188690 -5 Ananda Ram Ghimire DSCO / DSC

Officer Rupandehi9857022968 dscorupandehi@gmail.

com6 Ananda Raj Tripathi UNESCO 9851037128 anandarajtripathi@

gmail.com7 Anant Pakhrin 9741188690 -8 Apexa Kafle Freelancer 9808062001 -9 Arati Poudel DSCWM 9841513531 aratithapa64@yahoo.

com10 Arbind Yadav DSCO / DSC

Officer Sarlahi9844032312 -

11 Arjun Gautam DSCWM 9841244523 [email protected]

12 Astbhuja Nand Upadhyay

DSCO / DSC Officer Baitadi

9847042589 [email protected]

13 Badri Raj Dhungana DSCO / DSC Officer Udaypur

9852835204 [email protected]

14 Bal Bahadur Ghale DSCWM 9841087433 -15 Barna Guro DSCWM 9803007729 -16 Basanta Bdr KC DSCWM 9841763395 [email protected] Bechan Kumar Mahato DSCO / DSC

Officer Mahottari9854030948 bechan.mahato@

gmail.com18 Bidur Gautam Journalist 984123896219 Bijendra Kumar Singh DSCO, Ilam 9852681819 bijendra25@yahoo.

com20 Binod Kumar Shah DSCO / DSC

Officer, Darchula9741083634 binodshah69@gmail.

com21 Bipin Kumar Jha DSCO / DSC

Officer, Dhanusha9844025523 bkjha25523@gmail.

com22 Bishnu Bd Bhandari DSCO / DSC

Officer, Saptari9841354051 bbhandari1@yahoo.

co.in23 Bishnu Pd. Acharya NFA / General

Secretary9857060846 [email protected]

24 Bishnu Pd. Pokhrel DSCO / DSC Officer Gulmi

9846087231 [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

25 Bishnu Prasad Gyawali Bansanchar / Editor 9841511250 [email protected]

26 Bharat Khadgi DSCO Office Palpa - -27 Chandra Majhi Cameraman 9843336390 chandrabamajhi@

yahoo.com28 Damber Thapa DSCO, DSC

Officer Kaski9848825351 thapadamber04@

gmail.com29 Damodar Singh Ayer DSCO / DSC

Officer Doti9848662200 damodarayer@gmail.

com30 Deepak KC UNDP / Sr.

Programme Officer9751009294 [email protected]

31 Deepak B. Dhami IT 9851124845 [email protected]

32 Dhirendra Pradhan DSCO, Kavre 9856033170 [email protected]

33 Dhiraj K. Das NEC / Asst. Professor

9841344919 [email protected]

34 Dipak Bharadwaj DSCWM / Engineer 9851036030 [email protected]

35 Diwakar Maskey DSCO / DSC Officer Lalitpur

9851236166 [email protected]

36 Diwakar Paudel DSCO / DSC Officer Myagdi

9857622117 [email protected]

37 Dr. KC Paudel MoFSC / Secretary - -38 Dr. Indra Sapkota DFO Kathmandu - -39 Dr. Muta S. Pradhan TMI / Director 9851022035 mpradhan@mountain.

org40 Ganesh Dhungana DSCWM 9841650551 [email protected] Ganga Ram Sahu DSCO /

DSC Officer Okhaldhunga

9845295358 [email protected]

42 Gopal Hari Sharma SOWCAS (Soil & Water Conservation Society)

9851115146 [email protected]

43 Gopal Kafle Freelancer 9852050228 [email protected] Hari Kunwar DSCO / DSC

Officer Taplejung9852660104 [email protected]

45 Haribamsha Acharya DSCO / DSC Officer Lamjung

9841371348 [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

46 Hari Ballave Ghimire Na su, DSCWM - -47 Dr. Hari K. Shrestha NEC / Professor 9851006010 [email protected] Hriday K. Jha DSCO / DSC

Officer Jhapa9855021129 hridayjha34@yahoo.

com49 Indira Mulepati DSCWM 9841477371 [email protected] Indra Pd Adhikari DSCO / DSC

Officer Tanahun9856063175 indraprasad.adhikari@

yahoo.com51 Jagat Prasad Thapaliya DSCO Kathmandu 9741017591 [email protected] Jay Kumar Guro I DSCWM 9803133606 -53 Jay Kumar Guro II DSCWM 9816121615 -54 Jiut Raut Ahir DSCO / DSC

Officer Jumla9845405744 [email protected]

55 Kaji Ratna Shrestha DSCWM 9849498542 -56 Kamal Psd Gautam DSCO / DSC

Officer Syangja9856050106 kpgautam.gautam@

gmail.com57 Keshav Chandra Lal

Das DSCO / DSC Officer Bara

9845117590 -

58 Khem Raj Regmi DSCO / DSC Officer Bajura

9858425410 [email protected]

59 krishna MFSC 9849036601 -60 Krishna B. Bhandari DSCO Office

Tanahun9846075711 -

61 Krishna Poudel DSCO / DSC Officer Sindhuli

9841126446 [email protected]

62 Krishna Psd. Ghimire DSCO / DSC Officer Gorkha

9841478367 [email protected]

63 Krishna Chaudhary MFSC 9849036601 -64 Kumar Ghorsaini MoFSC 9849668657 -65 Lal Bahadur Woli DSCO / DSC

officer, Pyuthan9849637100 lalbahadurwoli@

gmail.com66 Laxmi Pd. Upadhaya Gorkhapatra /

Journalist9851056450 [email protected]

67 Laxman Upreti NEFEJ / ED 9851020754 [email protected] Loknath Sapkota DSCO / DSC

Officer Palpa9857062864 [email protected]

69 Madhav Prasad Baral DSCO / DSC Officer, Mustang

9856032509 [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

70 Mahendra Kr. Mandal DSCO / DSC Officer Rukum

9807750870 [email protected]

71 Mahesh Dhungana DSCWM, Monitoring Officer

9841650551 [email protected]

72 Man B. Darai Forest Ministry - -73 Man Bahadur Chhetry DSCO / DSC

Officer Khotang9841319409 manbahadurchhetry9@

gmail.com74 Manohar Kumar Shah DSCO, Kathmandu 9841526875 shahmanohar17@

gmail.com75 Manohar Singh Dhami DSCWM 9841792617 manohardhami@

gmail.com76 Manoj Aryal CRFT - -77 Meghnath Kafle DSCO /

DSC Officer, Sindhupalchowk

9841591994 [email protected]

78 Mikmar Tamang DSCO / DSC Officer Rasuwa

9844247091 [email protected]

79 Nabin Luitel Radio Sagarmatha / Journalist

9841418560 [email protected]

80 Nathuram Lungeli UNDP / Admin Finance Assistant

9841566318 [email protected]

81 Nippin K. Shrestha District Forest Office, Surkhet

9801705659 -

82 Niranjan Shrestha DSCO / DSC Officer Dhading

9841370950 [email protected]

83 Niroj Timilsina Environmentalist 9851186071 [email protected] Nirmal Thapa DSCWM 9841842739 -85 Padam Suryab. DSCO Office Kavre 9849775265 -86 Pasang Tamang DSCWM 9860113465 pasangdolakha@gmail.

com87 Prabhat Pal DSCO Kathmandu 9849449058 ecoprabhat@yahoo.

co.uk88 Pavin Kumar Singh DSCO / DSC

Officer Morang9852030688 singhpk987@gmail.

com89 Pradip Kumar Mishra DSCO / DSC

Officer Rolpa9844028996 [email protected]

90 Pragati Dhakal Karobar Daily / Journalist

9851183965 [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

91 Prahalad Dhital DRD, Mid Western Regional Forest Directorate

9841328184 [email protected]

92 Prakash S. Thapa DSCWM, Under Secretary

9860913987 [email protected]

93 Prem Prasad Paudel DSCWM, Under Secretery

9841519141 [email protected]

94 Prem B. PC DSC Office Baglung

9847748701 -

95 Purna Bahadur Khawas Western Regional Forest Directorate, Pokhara

9846030576 -

96 Raj Kumar Roka DSCO / DSC Officer Terathum

9841423266 [email protected]

97 Raj Kumar Shrestha DoF - -98 Rajendra Pd Yadav DSCO / DSC

Officer, Sarlahi9854024537 dscosarlahi@gmail.

com99 Rajesh Pyakurel DSCO / DSC

Officer Ramechhap9849867266 pyakurelrajesh2@

gmail.com100 Raju Dahal DSCO / DSC

Officer Makwanpur9855027712 rajudahal2022@mail.

com101 Raju Sapkota DSCWM / M&E

Officer9851127906 rajusapkota140@

gmail.com102 Ram Chandra Bhatta TCN/ GM 985171777 -103 Ram Govind Arya DSCO / DSC

Officer, Kailali9867148911 ramgovindarya@

gmail.com104 Ram Krishna Rajthala DSCO / DSC

Officer Salyan9857824707 rkrajthala3a@gmail.

com105 Ram Kumar Lho Forest Ministry 9841641517 -106 Ram Singh Thapa BCRWME / PD 9841161462 [email protected] Ramesh K. Maskey Change Media

Service / Media Producer

9851152528 [email protected]

108 Ramesh Adhikari DSCWM / Accountant

9841324587 [email protected]

109 Ranjan Kafle Nepal UNESCO Centre

9847200219 [email protected]

110 Sabin Sharma Rajdhani Daily / Journalist

9851000699 [email protected]

lhNNff e" ;+/If0f clws[tx?sf] /fli6«o uf]li7sf] k|ltj]bg


S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

111 Sabina Maiya Prajapati BCRWME / ASCO 9851139805 [email protected]

112 Sabitra Panthi DSCWM 9841822969 [email protected]

113 Sakchhi Maskey Change Media service

9851152528 [email protected]

114 Sampurna Nanda Giri DSCO / DSC Officer Arghakhachi

9857066220 -

115 Sanjay Kr. Mishra DSCO, DSC Officer Bhojpur

985203314 [email protected]

116 Santosh Bhandari DSCO / DSC Officer Surkhet

9844861463 -

117 Sarita Maharjan DSCWM 9808928909 -118 Sebak Kumar Basnet DSCO / DSC

Officer Dang9847835671 -

119 Ser Bahadur Shrestha DSCO / DSC Officer Baglung

9845783721 [email protected]

120 Shanta Kumar Shahi DSCO / DSC Officer Panchthar

9846262959 [email protected]

121 Sharad Babu Pageni DSCO / DSC Officer Dang

9841484987 [email protected]

122 Shikhar Chapai DSCO / DSC Officer Dailekh

98458051434 [email protected]

123 Shiva Kumar Pokharel DSCO / DSC Officer Achham

9851148965 [email protected]

124 Shiva Ram Adhikari DSCO / DSC Officer Surkhet

9858025725 [email protected]

125 Shivahari Giri DSCWM 9841651070 -126 Shyam Prasad Neupane DSCO / DSC

Officer Kanchanpur9856039228 neupaneshyam28@

gmail.com127 Shyam S. Shrestha DSCO / DSC

Officer Nawalparasi9841271023 ssshrestha_99@yahoo.

com128 Shyam S. Shrestha DSCO, DSC

Officer Rautahat9855041139 shyamsundarshrestha@

yahoo.com129 Shyam Shrestha UNESCO 9851037006 -130 Sita Ram Shah DSCO / DSC

Officer Siraha9842820182 [email protected]

131 Sudip Khadka DSCWM 9841191179 [email protected]

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S.N. Name Organization / Designation Contact No. Email

132 Sumana Devkota DSCWM 9841449341 [email protected]

133 Sundar Prasad Sharma DSCO / DSC Officer Nuwakot

9841311069 [email protected]

134 Sunil kumar Gupta DSCO / DSC Officer Bajhang

9854035861 [email protected]

135 Surendra Adhikari MoFSC 9841386383 [email protected]

136 Suresh Dahal DSCO / DSC Officer, Dolakha

9851147676 [email protected]

137 Surya KC 98496350176 -138 Tek Nath Dahal DSCWM - -139 Uddhaw B. Ghimire DSCO / DSC

Officer Dadeldhura9847113107 ghimire_uddhaw@

yahoo.com140 Uma Sharma DSCWM 9843288627141 Uttam Shrestha Crop Dev Officer,

DSCWM9841362398 -

142 Vidhisha Samarasekera ADB / Water Resources Specialist

- [email protected]

143 Yamuna Kandel DSCWM 9841039609 -144 Yamuna Shrestha DSCWM 9849491155 -

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"Mainstreaming Basin Approach for Integrated Watershed Management in Federal Nepal"

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