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MAINE STATE LEGISLATURElldc.mainelegislature.org/.../PD1851-52_00P2.pdf · 2017-06-05 · STATE OF MAINE. Resolve requlrzng tlte Secl'etary of State to publish a List of the Stocklwlders

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Page 1: MAINE STATE LEGISLATURElldc.mainelegislature.org/.../PD1851-52_00P2.pdf · 2017-06-05 · STATE OF MAINE. Resolve requlrzng tlte Secl'etary of State to publish a List of the Stocklwlders


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I'lllNTED BY ORDl!R 01'





A. D. 1 8 5 1-- 2-.


I 852.

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Page 3: MAINE STATE LEGISLATURElldc.mainelegislature.org/.../PD1851-52_00P2.pdf · 2017-06-05 · STATE OF MAINE. Resolve requlrzng tlte Secl'etary of State to publish a List of the Stocklwlders

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(\Vith the amount of Stock held by each Jan. 1, 1859,)

l~ THE


Prepared and pllulif;l!ed agreeably to a Resolve of the Legi~lature, apprc·red ~brch 21, 1849; By JOliN G. :SAWYER, Secretary of :'tnte.



1 852.

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Resolve requlrzng tlte Secl'etary of State to publish a List of the

Stocklwlders of tlte Banks in this State.

RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is required

annually to publish a List of the Stockholders in each Bank in this

State, with the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder agreeably

to the returns made by law to the Legislature of this State; and it

shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to distribute to each town

in this State, and also to each Bank in this State one copy of such

printed list; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to

require any Bank, which may neglect to make the returns required by

law to the Legislature, to furnish him forthwith with a List of the

Stockholders of such Bank, and also the amount of Stock owned by

each Stockholder.

[Approved ~[arch 21, 1839.]

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* Androscoggin Bank, (Topsham.) --==============-==========--;-=--=-==--::.::-::.::-==

Names. I Residence.


Androscoggin Bank, !'I'opsham, Betsy N. Baker, (guardian,) I Massachusetts, John Barron, [Topsham, William Barron, I do John Curtis, : Harpswell, Sophia Chick, ITopsham, 'Villiam Dennett, do Jenny Greaves, . do Priscilla Hallett, iAugusta, Peletiah Haley, iTopsham, Benjamin Hasey, (deceased late of): do Joshua Haskell, I do Lithgow Hunter, I do :Sarah Hunter, ! do Hannah Hunter, do Mary Holbrook, do Charity J ame8on, ! do Kingsbury MilJay, jBowdoinham, Collamore 1\1 allet, ,Topsham, Isaac .M allet, I do James McKeen, I do Charity Mustard, do J abez Perkins, Brunswick, Nahum Perkins, Topsham, Samuel Perkins, do Ezekiel Purinton, (deceased,) do Woodbury B. Thompson, do Sarah Purinton, do Hannah E. Purinton, (deceased,) do David Scribner, do Charles Thompson, do

Amount of stock.

1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500

400 1,100 1,000

200 400

1,000 2,600 2,300 1,500

500 800 100 200 500 700 300

1,000 500

2,000 500 500 600

1,000 3,000

300 2,100


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Androscoggin Bank, (Continued.)


Ann E. Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Francis Tucker, (deceased,) Paul C. Tebbets, Nathaniel Walker, (deceased,)



I do do

ILisbon, ITOPSham,

Augusta Bank.

Par value, $80 per share. Cony Female Academy, Charles F. Allen, Stephen Allen, 'Villiam Allen, Lydia H. Blake, Camilla S. Benson, Cashier Boston Bank, Eliza Ann Bradbury, James W. Bradbury, Anna Child, James L. Child, Isaac Coffin, Susan B. Cony, (estate,) Samuel Cony, Martha Curtis, Benjamin Davis, Hannah B. Dillingham, E. C. & A. G. Dole, (trustees,) Benjamin Ellis, Betsy A. Eustis, Joseph J. Eveleth, James W. Bradbury, (trustee,) Elisha Folger, Francis M. Folger, Esther G. Fuller, Lucretia Fuller, B. A. G .. Fuller, (trustee,) Eliza W. Fuller, Joshua Galle, (estate,)

Augusta, Bath, Waterville, Norridgewock, Monmouth,

. Winthrop, Boston, Augusta,

do Calais, Augusta, Wiscasset, Augusta,

do Roxbury, Mass., Augusta,

do do

Currer, l\lass., Massachusetts, Augusta,

do Sidney, ,Augusta, Boston, Wiscasset, Augusta,

do do

I Amount of stock.

2,100 1,300

500 2,000 2,000


(Shares.) 48 3 3

10 3 5

100 10 10 25 H> 5 3

25 12 6 6 4

30 1

3 14 3

10 14 4 3


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Augusta Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of strck.

----- -------------1------

Samuel A. Hitchcock, Massachusetts, (Shares.) 57 Frances Ann Hall, Augusta, 8 Albert B. Hall, do 12 Dudley Haines, (guardian,) Readfield, 18 E. Hathaway, jr., !Botany Bay, 2 William Hunt, lAugusta, 10 Abby G. Ingraham, . do ')-,..,i)

.J udith F. Jones, New York, 5 Sarah F. Lambard, iAugusta, 3 John D. Lang, iVassalborough, 10 John G. Loring & Co., i13oston, 6 State of .M aine, IN H Nl·

IOU John McLellan, 11 ew. amp:::'ilue, 28 Judah McLellan, IBioomfield, 2

I George 'iV. l'~Jorton, !Augusta, [)

John Mullikin, ! do ~! GrorgG F. Patten. :nath, 3t; Thomns L. Pollard, IAugusta, 1 Sophronia Randall, !Vassalborough, 1 R. D. Rice, 'iA\~gusta, ~ Thomas. Rice, i,WInslow, ]0 Hannah G. Rockwood, ivVaterville, 2 Mary Ann Rockwood, I do ::2 Roxanna Rockwood, I Hallowell, :~

Sarah J. Rockwood, :Gardiner, 2 Susannah Rockwood, IAugusta, (, Elizabeth L. Sawtelle, INorridgewock, ~

John Smith, IReadfield, 17 Mary M. Smith, IWarren, 4 Samuel E. Smith, IWiscasset, :{

Thomas W. Smith, IAuO"usta, 45 Charles Snell, l13al~gor, 5 George W. Snell, !CalifQrnia, 5 Sarah H. Snell, Augusta, 7 American Education Society, 4 Mary K. Southwick, do 1 George W. Stanley, do (iO Eliza P. Vose, do 50 Nathan Weston, do 16 Paulina B. Weston, do 20 David White, Skowhegan, .. Greenlief White, Augusta, 10 Helen W. Williams, do 6


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Augusta Bank, (Continued.) ~~~~============== :====================


Joseph H. Williams, Joseph H. Williams, (trustee,) ReuelWilJiams, Sarah Williams, (estate,)


Augusta, do do do

Atlantic Bank, (Portland.) John B. Brown, Ira Crocker, Walter Cory & Co., A. C. Dennison & Co., . Allen Haines, Edward Howe, George W. Homer, George F. Hitchings, Joshua B. Osgood, E. L. Porter & Co., Luther Jewett, William H. Stephenson, Samuel Tyler, Thatcher, Stone & :Maxwell, John M. Wood, H. M. Wood, D. S. Wood, J. D. Wood,

Portland, do do

Norway, Portland,

do do

Gorham, Portland, Gorham, Portland,

do do

Springfield, Portland,

do Northumberland,


Bank qf Cumberland, (Portland.) John Anderson, Isaac Adams, John Appleton, Ann W. Anderson, Joseph Badger,

Portland, Gilead, Portland,

do ,.Brunswick,

Amount of stock.

(Shares,) 4 28 18



200 10,000

200 500 500 500

15,000 500 500 500 500 600 500 500

20,000 10,000 19,500 20,000


3,720 240 120 240 400

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Bank qf Cumberland, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.


Rufus Burnham, 600 James W. Bradbury, Augusta, 200 Charles Brooks, Boston, 400 J ames Bradbury, 160 John Barron, Topsham, 360 William Barron, do 200 Thomas Browne, Portland, 240 Mary Bradbury, Standish. 1,320 Caroline M. Bradbury, 1,280 Daniel Brown, Waterford, 320 M. M. Butler, Portland, 400 Clarissa Carruthers, do 440 1~homas Crocker, Paris, 800 Mary Cleaves,

I Westbrook ,

1,200 E. N. Chaddock, 560 Rebecca K. Chesley. 360 Charles M. Cumston, I 10,400 Sarah Cumston,

IPortland, 3,280

Ira Crocker, 1,080 Charles Q. Clapp, do 4,000 A. W. H. Clapp, do 3,200 J. P. Cressey, 480 Oliver Dennett, 200 Emeline Dennett, 200 Benjamin Day, 240 Charles S. Davies, Portland, 400 David Drinkwater, do 2,000 Ann and Eunice Deering, do 200 Ezekiel Day, do 520 Thomas A. Deblois, do 120 Asa Dresser, 400 Mary L. Deering, Westbrook, 400 Nicholas Emery, Portland, 1,440 W. Evans, do 760 Ebenezer Everett, Brunswick, 520 W m. P. Fessenden, Portland, 400 R. G. Greene, 320 Samuel C. Grant, Gardiner, 1,000 Mary Garland, 120 Stephen Gale, Portland, 240 Mary Hyde, 400 Charles Hunt, Gorham, 1,000 John Heard, 120

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Bank of Cumberland, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

J ames Hasty, Standish, 400 William Hackett, 400 Joseph Hale, 200 Rufus Horton, Portland, 480 Charles Holden, do 3GO Joseph Howard, do 160 Elenore W. Head, do 920 Augustine Haines, Biddeford, 1,240 William Kimball, Portland, 400 Moses Kittredge, 400 Frances F. Kimball, 200 Benjamin Lord, Falmouth, 200 Eliza Little, Windham, 80 Joseph Leavitt, Portland, 200 Moses Mason, 480 Isaac Merriam, 600 Esther Mussey, 400 William Moulton, Portland, 3,360 Dolly Mussey, 400 Matthias Meserve, Scarborough, 80 Edmund Mann, Gorham, 280 Serena Megquire, 400 Serena Morgridge, 200 James T. McCobb, Portland, 2,000 Edward W. Morton, 2,560 Charles H. Osgood, Portland, 320 Ocean Insurance Company, do 1,720 J ames Pratt, do 80 Simeon Pease, Cornish, 2,480 Albion K. Parris, 600 Hannah Pierce, Gorham, 200 George W. Pierce, Portland, 400 Lucy Pritchard, 200 Barnabas Palmer, Kennebunk, 1,000 Mark Pease, Cornish, 200 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, 4,000 Bank of Cumberland, Portland, 1,200 Charles Rogers, do 400 Lucy Russell, 240 James F. Rawson, 200 Eliza Sawyer, Portland, 80 Horatio Southgate, do 800 Samuel Staples, do 20Q

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Bank of Cumberland, (Continued.) "-

Names. Residence.

Ether Shepley, Portland, Nathaniel Shaw, do Joseph Stevens, do Samuel Small, jr., do Israel Richardson, do Isaac Sturdivant, Ephraim Sturdivant, :Cumberland, Saco and Biddeford Institution for

Savings, Isaac J. Stevens, James Todd, Portland, Jonathan Tewksbury, do Eliza C. Turner, do Nancy B. Thatcher, Jane C. Thayer, Sally N. Warren, I

John Webb, /Windham, N. L. Woodbury, I Portland, Ashur Ware, do Harriet S. Woodbury,

iPortland, Samuel Wells, Joseph'Valker, I do William Woodbury, I do Eliza B. Woodman, I


Biddeford Bank. Trustees of Thornton Academy, George H. Adams, Ira Allen, Abigail C. Banks, Charles E. Bartlett, Edward E. Bourne, Amanda C. Bourne, Olive P. Bourne, Richard Bradley, Samuel Bradley, (estate,) John C. Bradbury,


Saco, Biddeford, Unknown,

do Somersworth, N. H., Kennebunk,

do do

Concord, N. H., Saco,


Amount of stock.

1,600 440 200

5,680 400

2,000 760

840 240 800 880 360 160 200 280

1,000 680

],600 240

1,000 400 120

2,400 ------


2,200 600 200 800

1,000 600 100 100

1,500 1,000


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Biddeford Bank, (Continued.)


Edward R. Bradbury, Luther Bryant, Caroline Bunker, Mary C. Burton, Dorcas Burnham, W m. C. Briggs, Mary Jane Calef, Edward Card, George W. Came, Richard M. Chapman, Achsah Clifford, Mary A. Clifford, Mary F. Cochran, Sarah Coffin, Nath'l "V. Cole, Daniel Curtis, Hannah Curtis, Harriet N. Curtis, Elijah Curtis, (estate,) Ralph Cl~ti3, Charles S. F. Cutts, Abraham Cutter, Barnabas E. Cutter, Benjamin Dalton, Elizabeth C. Dearing, Isaac Dearing, Clarissa Dearing, Abigail C. Dearing, William Dwight, William Dwight, (trustee,) Elijah Earle, Joseph Edwards, Isaac Emery, Nathaniel Emery, Philip Eastman, Jason 'V. Fairfield, Alonzo W. Fogg, Mary F. Foster, Wm. P. Freeman, Loring French, Hannah French, Benjamin Gilpatrick, John Gill patrick,


Unknown, Biddeford,

do Alfred, Unknown,

do Mobile, Ala., Lyman, Alfred, Biddeford,

do do

New Boston, N. H., Lynn, Mass., California, Kennebunkport,

do Unknown, Wells, Kennebunk, Saeo,

do Biddeford, Parsonsfield,

.Unknown, I Waterborough,

do Unknown, Brookline, Mass"

do Hollis, Lyman, Boston, Mass" Biddeford, Saco, Biddeford, Unknown,

do Biddeford,

IDracut, Mass" : do !~imerick, ,Saeo,

Amount of stock.

300 800 100 800 500

],000 200 100 500

1,400 100 200 600 400 500

],000 500 300

1,500 300 300 300 200

7,000 100 ]00 100 400

17,800 15,700

200 100

1,300 ] ,5f)0

200 500 200 300 ]00 600 500 400 200

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Biddeford Bank, (Continued.) ~~------------ -------- --- .. --~---------


Maria Gillpatrick, John K. Gillpatrick, Betsey Gillpatrick, Sophia Gillpatrick, Hannah Gooch, Enoch Goodale, Stephen L. Goodale, rrreas.

Co. Agricultural Society, Seth Gordon, David Googius, Elizabeth Gray, Sarah Jane Gray, Martha Gray, Mary Gray, Hugh W. Greene, Hugh W. Greene, (trustee,) W m. D. Guilford, Mary II aines, 'Vm. P. Haines, Wm. P. Haines, (trustee,) Augustine Haines, Elizabeth Hall, Wm. H. Hanson, Joseph Hatch, Daniel L. Hatch, Wm. A. Hayes, Francis B. Hayes, Joseph M. Hayes, Luke Hill, Samuel Hill, Nehemiah Hill, Paulina Hill, Harriet Hill, Ephraim N. Hidden, Elizabeth Hooper, Sarah L. Hooper, Wm. P. Hooper, Stephen L. Hooper, Wm. H. Hutchins, Merchants' Insurance Company, Israel Jacobs, Isabella Jacobs, Samuel S. Jordan,


Biddeford, do do

do Biddeford, Saco,

~o do

I ~~ Northfield, Mass.,

do Saco, Concord, N. H., Biddeford,

do do

Alfred, 'Biddeford, Kennebunk,

do South Berwick, Boston, Saco, Biddeford,

do do do do

Milford, N. H., Saco,

do Biddeford,

do do

Boston, Saco,

do do

Amount of stock.

100 1(0 IOU 500 500 500

400 200 800 100 ]00 100 100

1,300 500 300

1,700 200

1,000 1,500

100 200

1,000 100 100

3,800 100 200 200 200 100 100 600 500 200 500 200

1,600 15,000

700 ~OO 500

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Biddeford Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

----------------1---------\-----rrristram Jordan, jr., Ichabod Jordan, Rithworth Jordan, 3d, Noah W. Jordan, Thomas F. Jewett, Nathan O. Kendall, Margaret Lane, Abbott Lawrence, Lucinda Leavitt, Joseph W. Leland, Samuel Lord, (guardian,) Susan H. Lord, Enos H. Littlefield, Willis Mason, Jeremiah Mason, Luther T. Mason, Sarah Mcintire, (estate,) Simon Meserve, Mary Miller, Abigail R. McKenney, Mary Milliken, Charles H. Milliken, William Melcher, Pamela Moody, Wm. P. Moody, William Murch, Lydia Murch, John T. G. Nichols, Eunice Nye, John W. Page, Barnabas Palmer, W m. Pickering, (estate,) Susan B. Pickering, (adm'x. ,) Lydia F. Pickering, Miss Lydia F. Pickering, Horace Piper, Richard H. Plummer, 'l'homas Quinby, Mary Jane Read, John D. Read, Luey A. Rumery, Lucy Rumery, Hannah S. Rumery,

Saco, Biddeford,

do Roxbury, Mass., South Berwick, Saco,

do Boston, Mass., Unknown, Saco, Portsmouth, N. H., Kennebunk, Wilmington, Mass., Saco,

do Biddeford,

do Hollis,

do Unknown,

do Biddeford, Holyoke, Mass., Saco,

do do

Biddeford, Saeo,

do Biddeford, Kennebunk, Greenland, N. H.,

do do do

Biddeford, do do

Unknown, do

Saeo, do do

!300 500 300 900

2,000 500

1,000 3,500

300 200 900 500 200 300 100 200

1,000 200 100 200 200 500 800 200 200

2,000 100 200

1,000 100 600 400

1,400 200 200 (,00

1,000 1,000

200 200 200 100 100

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Biddeford Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence.

Joel Russell, Holyoke, Mass., Amos Russell, do Saco & Biddeford Savings Institute, Saco, Charles C. Sawyer, do Tristram Scammon, do Abby F. Shepley, do Daniel Smith, jr., do Robert Smith, Kennebunkport, Samuel C. Smith, Hollis, Etherlinda A. Smith, Unknown, Sarah Smith, .Jio Joseph C. Smith, G~ton, Mass., J abez Smith, Biddeford, Thomas Smith, do Daniel E. Somes, do Joseph Stapley, 2d, do Jereh. C. Stimson, Saco, Samuel Storer, do George G. Strickland, do John Storer, Sanford, James B. Thornton, Scarborough, Thomas G. Thornton, Biddeford, Augustus Titcomb, do Jonathan Tuck, do Nath'l M. Towle, Saco, Thomas P. Tufts, do Smith ... \0 Twombley, do Sarah E. Wakefield, do Charles N. Wakefield, do Mary L. "'lakefield, do Hugh Walace, do William Walace, Unknown, Lauriston Ward, Washington, D. C., Caroline E. Ward, do Stephen Weeks, Pittsfield, N. H., Elizabeth H. Weeks, do Francis Wentworth, Alfred, Mary F. Whitman, Lexington, Mass., James F. Whitten, California, Lucinda Whitten, Saco, Julia E. Woodsum, do J. E., H. S. and J. L. Woodsum, do


Amount of stodt.

600 100

3,000 200 100 100 1UO 800 100 300 100 500 100 800 300 300 200 800 200

2,500 1,600

100 100 200 500 100 200 600 600 600 800 100 300 200

1,100 500 200

1,100 300 200 400 300


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Bank of the State of Maine, (Bangor.)


Leonard March, George K. Jewett, E. D. Jewett, E. G. Dunn, Daniel B. Hinkley, Samuel Billings, Samuel F. Hersey, 'rhomas P. Stetson, C. J. Fay, Sarah D. Jenness, Matilda Jenness, Sarah J. Dearbon, C. M. Hamm, {trustee,) Deborah Jenness, Betsey Whitehouse, Sarah E. Morse, James H. Kelsey, John E. Lyon, Jerem. Merithew, William McGilvery, R. W. ShapJeigh, Peter Sanborn, Ira St. Clair, Peter Jenness, John J. Jenness, J. 1'. Vose, B. W. Jenness, Thomas Jenness, Mary A. HaH, Z. D. Creighton, Sarah R. Lake, Lucy E. March, Oliver March, John S. Jenness, (trustee,) C. S. Merick, Samuel A. Jewett,


Bangor, do

St. John, N. B., Aroostook, Bangor, Massachusetts, Bangor, Hampden, North Lincoln, Bangor,


Boston, do

Searsport, do



Nashville, Tenn.,

Amount of stock.

5,000 5,000 6,300 2,400 1,2CO 4,800 2,400 1,200 1,200

200 200 100 100 400

J,500 1,000 1,000

12,000 1,200 2,400 2,000

600 600

8,000 30,000

2,000 3,000

100 600 600

10,000 10,000 15,000 5,700

500 5,700


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H. J. Anderson, Ann Avery, David Alden, H. O. Alden, Amos Atkinson, Alden & Crosby, Benjamin Brown, John Bean, Jonathan Bean, Hannah Bean, Isaac C. Brown, Elizabeth A. Barns, Caroline Bradley, Martha A. Bradley, Jane Bishop, Noah G. Clark, Rowland Carlton, Enoch Clements, (estate,) A. H. Bradbury, Mercy E. Dyer, Calvin Eames, Philip Eastman's estate, Josiah Farrow, Samuel French, (estate,) D. B. Fuller, Lydia P. Frothingham, James Gammans, Charles Gordon, Oliver K. Gordon, Eliza A. Gordon, Oliver H. Gordon, Henry L. Gordon, Abby A. Gordon, Nathaniel Gurney, Prescott Hazeltine, Paul R. Hazeltine, Benjamin Hazeltine, John Haraden, . John Haraden & Son, Daniel Haraden, John Hathaway, Elizabeth Hosmer, H. H. Johnson,

Belfast Bank.

I Re:lidence.

---IBelfast, do

jNorthport, ,Belfast, IBoston, iBelfast, 1 do iMontville, I do i do ilBoston, B+st,

I do I do


, do

do I do \Knox,





·Belfast, do do

;Freedom, IBelfast, I do ISearsport,

IBrooklyn, N. Y.,

do do do do



I do do

I do !Boston, ICastine, :Belfast,


1,700 700 200 300

1,000 100 200

1,400 600 200

1,000 200 100 100 300 300 700 ~OO 100 200 400 200

1,500 200 100 100 300

1,200 800

1,000 700 200 200

2,200 300

4,400 700 700 500

1,000 3,000

100 1,100

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Belfast Bank, (Continued.) ================


Anson Johnson, AI fred Johnson, John Jaqlles, jr., .1ohn S. Kimball, Isabella G. Kimball, Susan S. Kimball, E. C. Kimball, N. M. Lowney, Nathaniel Morrill, jr., (estate of,) Elizabeth McGregor, John McArthur, Hollis Monroe, .• Thomas Marshall, Jeremiah Merethew, Henry McGilvery, Thomas Morton, (estate,) Alonzo Morton, Susannah T. Mitchell, Margaret Mead, Abigail L. Mead, Paulina Moody, Salathiel Nickerson, Lemuel R. Palmer, Robert Patterson, Rebecca Prentiss, Hale Parkhurst, Nathaniel Patterson, Samuel G. Pierce, David L. Stevens, William Sibley, Reuben Sibley, Eliza Sumner, Mary Schenk, Putnam Simonton, Moses True, Paul True, (estate of,) Ezekiel True, Robert Treat, George F. Tilden, & Co., William V ose, Martin P. White, James P. White, Joseph Williamson,

I Residence. Amount of stock. ,------------- ----Ohio, 2,OUO Belfast, 1,400 Belville, 0., 1,200 Belfast, 1,000

do 200 Salem, Mass., 1,000 Belfast, 100

do 1,000 New Hampshire, 1,300 Derry, N. H. 200 Augusta, 200 Bel fast, 700

do 2,000 Searsport, 500

do 700 Jackson, 500

do 200 Bridgewater, Mass., 900 Castine, 200

do 100 Belfast, 2,200

do 3,500 do 1,600 do 400 do 800

Unity, 300 Belfast, 100

do 300 Castine, 1,500 Freedom, 900 Belfast, 200 Hope, 200 Lincolnville, 200 Searsport, 200 Ohio, ],000 Montville, 1,500 Belfast, 900 Frankfort, 1,100 Castine, 200 California, 500 Bel fast, 600

do 3,100 do 2,200

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Belfast Bank, (Continued.) ======:

Names. Residence.

William D. Williamson, (adm'r.,) Boston, Joseph Wescott, Castine, H. G. O. Washburn, Belfast, Charlotte Washburn, do

* Brunswick Bank. William Allen, Joseph Badger, Elizabeth Brinegen, Brunswick Bank, Bowdoin College, James Cary, J. & W. Barron, William Curtis, J ames Cowing, William Donnell, William Dennett, Mary G. Dunlap, R. T. Dunlap, Ebenezer Everett, Mary W. Green, John C. Humphreys, Jere. Hunt, (estate of,) L. T. Jackson, Thomas Knowlton, Adam Lemont, Isaac Lincoln, John D. Lincoln, John McKeen, Joseph McKeen, Joseph McLellan, (estate,) Samuel R. Merrill, Moses E. Merrill, (estate,) Richard & Robert McManus, Henry Merritt, Henry Otis, John Owen, Geo. F. Richardson, (estate,)


Northampton, Mass., Brunswick,

do do do do

Topsham, Brunswick,

do Bath, Topsham, Brunswick,

do do

Topsham. Brunswick,

do do

Litchfield, Brunswick,

do do do do do

Brunswick, do do do


Amount of stock.

2,200 2,100

700 200


800 3,200

80 1,600

SO 240

2,400 400 80

560 240

12,000 5,840

800 400

3,360 240 800 400 80 80 80

640 640 320 240 160 800 240 240

1,520 4,800

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Brunswick Bank, (Continued.)


James Sampson, David Scribner, Stephen Snow, Humphrey Snow, N ath'I Springer, William Stanwood, Alfred J. Stone, Daniel P. Stone, Joseph Stimpson, John ScolI y , Charles Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Brunswick School Fund, Thomas C. Upham, Nath'l Walker, (estate of,) George Woodside, N athan Woodward, Jordan Woodward,


Bowdoinham, Topsham, Brunswick,

do do do do

Boston, Brunswick, Boston, Topsham,

do Brunswick,

do Topsham, Brunswick, . do


Calais Bank. Manufacturers' Insurance Co., Titus WelIes, Eagle Bank, Catharine Robbins, Franklin Insurance Company, Charlotte W. Seaver, Catharine F. Seaver, Mary Ann P. Seaver, Martha W. Seaver, Hubbard Winslow, Stephen P. Fuller, Waldo Flint, John Tucker, Scudder, Cordis & Co., Austin D. Barnard, F. E. & J. L. Barnard, Henry Rice,

Boston, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Amount of stock.

240 800 160 240 240

3,200 800

2,640 80

400 1,600 1,200

320 2,160 2,000

240 240



5,000 1,000 5,000

300 3,000

360 250 200 200

2,750 3,600

350 1,300

800 50 50


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Calais Bank, (Continued.)


M. P. Sawyer, Otis Daniell, Theo. Prentiss, Robert Farley, (in trust,) Daniel Denney, Mary H. Cormerais, J. C. Merrill, (adm'r.,) H. K. Kendall, (guardian,) Thomas V ose, John Dickinson, Greenwood C. Child, Phinehas Nevins, Ro bert Watson, (trustee,) Frederic Hobbs, Thomas Child, Ovid Burrill, L. P. Grosvenor, Wm. Deming, Levi L. Lowell, Francis Swan, Thomas Robitson, Geo. Downs, Downs & Cooper, Stephen Emerson, Calais Bank, Emeline S. Sewell, E. A. Barnard,


Boston, do do do do do do do do

Amherst, Mass., Augusta, St. Stephens, N. B.,

do Bangor, U. S. Army, East Machias, Pomfret, Ct., Calais,

do do do do do do do do do

Canal Bank, (Portland.) John Anderson, Ann W. Anderson, Hannah M. Bryant, John C. Bryant, Sarah J. Bryant, Eliphalet S. Bryant, Benj. D. Bryant, Charles E. Barrett,

Portland, do



Amount of stock.

800 850 250

2,850 250 500

1,500 1,000

500 500

2,500 1,250

250 250 100 500

6,000 100 150 50

IUO 1,200

50 50

4,000 50



2,200 500 600 200 600 700 300


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Canal Bank, (Continued.)


Thomas Browne, (deceased,) Dorcas Bagley, Theo. Bradbury, Caro. M. H. Bradbury, Marcia Bradbury, Wm. G. Brooks, (trustee,) Eleanor T. Brooks, Henry T. Brooks, John C. Brooks, Brazier & Hall, John Bartells, Joseph Barbour, Lucy E. Barbour, George L. Bradbury, Angeline Bradbury, Olive Barron, Mary Ann Browne. Harriet E. Blake, Mary O. E. Brooks, H. Maria Bradford, Grinfill Blake, George Bartol, Jane Bradbury, Mary Blake, Hannah Chase, Asa Cummings, Samuel Chadwick, Charity Fund, 1 st Parish, Benj. P. Chamberlain, Elizabeth Chase, Betsey Sewall Cross, Mary M. P. Cram, Ellen E. Crocker, Oliver Carleton, Marshall Cram, Charles C. A. Chase, Dorothy Clark, Almira Cobb, (trustee,) A. W. H. Clapp, Rensellear Cram, Francis C. Colby, Commissioners A. & St. L. R. R.,


Standish, do do


Portland, do do


Portland, do

Danville, Portland,

do do




W. T. Dwight, Portland,

Amount of stock.

6,600 400

1,800 100

1,900 2,500

400 400 500 300 200 500 300 100 100 200 100

3,000 2,200 1,000

800 1,200

100 400

1,100 500

6,600 200

8,200 200

1,000 2,000

500 3,000

500 100 200 500

7,000 300 500 500 SUO

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Canal Bank, (Continued.)


John A. Douglass, Charles S. Davies, Louisa Dennett, A big ail Dennett, Lucy Deane, (deceased,) Nathan Dane, Jacob Drummond, W. W. Deane, Joseph Eaton, Rufus Emerson, W. Evans, Nicholas Emery, Nathan Elden, Hannah Elden, Calvin Edwards, Margaret Emery, J. S. Eaton, Edw. Fox, Female Orphan Asylum, John Fox, Charles Freeman, Phebe C. Freeman, First Parish, Abigail B. Frothingham, Ira 1'. Farrington, Caro. Farnsworth, Jos. B. Frothingham, Jos. E. Foxcroft, Jane Fox, Stephen Frothingham, Grand Lodge of Maine,


Waterford, Portland,

Portlnd, do do

Buxton, Portland,

Portland, do



New Gloucester,


Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Maine, Jos. M. Gerrish, Portland, W. Goodenow, do Stephen Gale, do Byron Greenough, do John D. Gardner, Boston, Eliphalet Greeley, Moses Gould, Mary Garland, Sam'l Goddard, (trustee,) Francis Gould, n~n'l Goodenow,

3"" Alfred,


Amount of stock.

1,600 800 500 500

1,800 200

1,100 100 500

1,700 1,100 5,400

600 1,100

500 300 500

1,500 2,700 5,800

600 200 500 900

1,2()0 300

1,100 2,500

500 300

2,000 100 700

1,000 700

1,100 3,000

700 500 500

2,000 500


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Canal Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

Thomas Hammond, Portland, 6,600 Joel Hall, (deceased,) 9,400 Simeon Hall, Portland, 300 Elenor W. Head, 1,300 Francis B. Hayes, 1,000 Enoch F. Higgins, (deceased,) 1,000 Mary C. & J. D. Higgins, Standish, 2,000 Mary E. Hatch, 600 Isaac & Eliz. Hopkins, 1,100 Sarah W. Hamilton, Portland, 1,600 Sophia E. Hamilton, 300 Abigail S. Hill, 500 Esther C. Horton, (deceased,) 1,100 James Hall, 400 Alexander Hubbs, Portland, 200 Sam'l A. Holbrook, Freeport, 1,300 Julia A. Holbrook, 1,300 Elizabeth Holbrook, Portland, 1,400 Joseph Howard, do 600 Isaac Ilsley, do 4,200 Sarah Jewett, do 200 James C. Jordan, 1,800 Luther Jewett, Portland, 500 W. T. Johnson, 300 W. Kimball, Portland, 1,300 Abigail Kelley, 200 Phebe Lord, 4,300 Elizabeth Langdon, 200 Zenas Libby, (deceased,) 500 Benj. Lord, Falmouth, 1,500 Josiah Little, 1,200 Josiah Little, (trustee,) 200 Paul Langdon, (deceased,) J,500 S. R. Lyman, Portland, 1,100 Moses P. Lary, 600 Eben Libby, 500 Sumner Libby, 400 Lewis Libby, 400 Josiah S. Little, Portland, 1,400 Josiah Little, jr., do ],000 James R. Lunt, 800 Benj. F. l.unt) 800 Sarah E. Luut, 700

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Canal Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

Sarah M. Mayo, Portland, 800 Doll y M ussey, (deceased,) 2,000 Esther Mussey, Portland, 2,000 Elisha H. Moseley, 600 Louisa J. Mills, 300 Jane G. Mead, 1,200 Edward Motley, Portland, 1,300 Eleazer McKenney, do 700 Geo. G. Minot, 500 Roger Merrill, 100 Joseph McKeen, (treasurer,) Brunswick, 100 Serena Morgridge, 2,500 Maine Missionary Society, 1,300 Jonathan Moore, 1,200 Albert Newhall, Cumberland, 5,000 Ichabod Nichols, Portland, 2,200 Joseph Noble, Boston, 900 Charles G. NichollS, 100 Nicholas G. Nichols, 100 Prentiss M. Nichols, 100 John Oxnard, Portland, 1,600 Edw. Oxnard, do 3,000 Joshua B. Osgood, do 4,600 Richard Odell, (deceased,) 1,500 Ocean Insurance Company, Portland, 20,400 Jott S. Perkins, 1,000 Lucy Phinney, Gorham, 2,400 Thomas Perley, (deceased,) 2,000 John P. Perley, 2,300 Augustus Perley, Bridgton, 600 Sarah Perley, 1,500 Portland Marine Society, 1,500 Pro. Portland Athenreum, 2,700 Nathan Pope, Windham, 700 Oliver Pope, do 500 Lydia C. Pease, Portland, 1,100 Cath. B. Pease, do 1,100 Portland Mutual Insurance Co., 1,600 Eleanor Q. Pote, 300 Ellen B. Preble, 200 Levi Patch, 200 P. D. & Co. Canal Bank, Portland, 3,700 P. D. & Co., Merchants' Bank, do 400

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Canal Bank (Continued.)

Names. Residence.

P. D. & Co., York Bank, Saco, President and Trustees WaterviI1e

College, Ann Quincy, Charles E. Quincy, Thomas B. Ripley, Lucy Russell, Margaret W. Reeves, Mary C. Robinson, Toppan Robie, Isaac Richardson, Jacob Rowe, Isaac Sturdivant, N ath'} Shaw, J. B. Scott, Wm. Swan, Lucy Sewall, Narcissa Sewall, Eveline SewaJ], Matilda Sewall, W. B. Sewall, St. John Smith, Sarah Stockman, Martha J. Stockman, Caroline Stockman, Benj. Smith, Dolly C. Smith, Nicholas E. Smart, Miranda Stone, Mary E. Stone, Nancy Smith, Ether Shepley, R. M. Stratton, (agent,) Eben'r Sumner, Priscilla P. Smith, Saco and Biddeford Savings Inst., Ann T. Shepley, Geo. F. Shepley, W. H. Stephenson, Harriet A. Stodder, Shaw & True, Anna Stevens, Thomas C. Upham,

Portland, New York,

Portland, Gorham, Portland,

Portland, do do do



Portland, do

Portland, do do



Amount of stock.


1,000 5,000

600 500 600

1,000 500

1,000 2,500 1,100

13,300 600

1,400 1,400

500 500 500 500

1,800 2,500

100 100 100

1,000 1,200

600 1,000 2,000 1,800 4,800 1,300

600 2,400 2,000

200 1,500

300 700 100 200


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Canal Bank, (Continued.)


Phineas Varnum, Elias Thomas, W. W. Thomas, Henry G. Thomas, Martha Trask, Samuel Trask, George Taylor, (trustee,) Trustees North Yarmouth School

Fund, Trustees North Yarmouth Acad., Trustees North Yarmouth Ministe-

rial Fund, Trustees Gorham Academy, ~rrustees Portland Academy, Trustees Charity Fund Mt. Vernon



Portland, do do do do do

Trustees Ch'y Fund A.L.M. Lodge, N ath'l Warren, Portland, Jerh. Winslow, France, Benj. Willis, Boston, Benj. 'Villis, jr., do Phebe Wadlin, Adam Wilson, Warren & King, Ashur 'Ware, Wm. 'Voodbury, Harrison Whitman, Nancy Wyer, Ezekiel Whitman, W. C. Whitney" G. & L. P. Warren, Sally N. Warren, Joseph Walker, Margaret Whitman, Ann S. Weymouth. Joseph Walker, jr., Leonard White,

Westbrook, Portland,


Portland, do

Norway, Westbrook,

do Portland,


Amount of stock.

2,300 13,000 5,300

100 1,500 2,600


900 2,000

1,300 1,300 ],200

1,000 200

4,300 6,200

10,000 3,500 1,300 1,200

100 400 SOO 500 800

1,600 3,800 2,300 1,500 2,900

500 600 800



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Casco Bank, (Portland.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

John F. Anderson, Portland, (Shares.) 11 Sam'} J. Anderson, do 60 Edward Anderson, Windham, 2 Abraham W. Anderson, Gray, 19 Ann W. Anderson, Portland, 10 Nathaniel Blanchard, do 5 N ath'l Blanchard, (guardian,) do 34 Benjamin Barron, Topsham, 6 Olive Barron, do 1 Hannah Buxton, Cumberland, 5 Julia Buxton, (deceased,) do 5 Hannah P. Buxton, Unknown, 2 Phebe M. Buxton, do 2 Maria Bradbury, Standish, 24 Caroline M. Bradbury, do 24 Clarissa Brooks, Portland, 4 Mary Blake, do 5 Ann T. Bailey, Unknown, 5 Theophilus .Boyd, Portland, 1 A lmira Broad, Westbrook, 8 N ath'l Percy Blanchard, Yarmouth, 6 Grinfill Blake, Pennsylvania, 10 Eben L. Blake, (deceased,) Portland, 1 George Bartol, do 16 Lucy Elizabeth Barbour, Gorham, 3 Charles Baker, Portland, 4 Parker Cleaveland, Brunswick, 15 Hannah Chase, Danville, 3 Emily Cummings, Portland, 76 Nathan Cummings, do 6 Charles Q. Clapp, do 11 A. W. H. Clapp, do 36 Samuel Chadwick, do 125 Ellen E. Crocker, Westbrook, 10 Cram & Perley, Portland, 5 Ira Crocker, (guardian,) do 20 Ammi G. Cutter, do ]0 Dorcas Deblois, do 10 Martha Darling, do 3 M. & A. P. Darling, do 7

~ Neal Dow, do 12 Margaret W. Drinkwater, do 8 Eliza L. Dwight, do 2

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Casco Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

Christopher Dyer, Portland, 1 Elizabeth J. Drown, Exeter, N. H., 10 Olive Y. Deake, New Orleans, 10 Eben'r Everett, Brunswick, 3 Nicholas Emery, Portland, 19 William Evans, do 80 William P. Fessenden, do 6 Moses Gould, do 6 Eliphalet Greely, I do 50 Daniel Goodenow, iAlfred, 30 Joseph T. Gilman, IExeter, N. H., 8 Mary Goddard, :Unknown, 6 Philip Greely, I Portland, 3 Joseph Howard, do 3 Elenor 'V. Head, do 5 Alexander Hubbs, : do 23 Benjamin Hasey, (deceased,) !TOPSham, 13 Samuel Hanscom, Portland, 14 Abigail S. Hill, Kennebunk, 1 Rufus Horton, IPortland, 2 Lydia Hilton, do 6 Caleb Hobart, iN orth Yarmouth, 10 Isaac Ilsley, 'Portland, 188 Mary IIsley, do 17 Eliza R. Ingraham, do 5 James C. Jordan, (minor,) do 5 Jones & Hammond,

\ do 2 Charles Jones, I do 15 "\Vm. T. Johnson, jAugusta, 2 Wm. Jones, IUnknown, 2 Josiah S. Little, Portland, 20 Isabella G. Lowell, do c 1 Ann E. Lowell, do 10 Sarah K. Lewis, do 2 Esther Mussey, do 33 John Mussey, do 5 ~Iathias ~leserve, Cape Elizabeth, 3 Daniel Mountfort, (deceased,) Portland, 10 Almira Merrill, do 4 Elizabeth Merrill, (deceased,) do 3 N. Doane McLellan, do 7 Penelope Martin, do 6 Catharine Martin, do 2

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Casco Bank, (Continued.)


Pamela Martin, Joshua Maxwell, Edward W. Morton, William Moulton, .John M. Milliken, Rebecea H. McCobb, Albert Newhall, Martha P. Oxnard, Mary C. De Grand Oxnard, Charles H. Osgood, Mary Jane Pitter, Abby Pierce, Wm. P. Preble, Wm. P. Preble, jr., Hannah Preble, Mehitable Pettengill, John H. Philbrick, I .. evi Patch, Ann Quincy, Charles E. Quincy, Clarissa A. Robie, Tappan Robie, Geo. F. Randall, Mary Rea, (deceased,) Dolly Stockman, Martha Jane Stockman, Caroline Stockman, Isaac Sturdivant, Rebecca Strong, Anna Stevens, Catharine Storer, Ellen Storer, Nancy Smith, St. John Smith, Priscilla P. Smith, Benjamin Smith, Smith & Hersey, Smith, Hersey & Co., Wm. Swan, William B. Sewall, Eben Steele, Samuel Trask, Jane C. Thayer,


Portland, do

Kennebunk, Portland, Westbrook, Portland, Cumberland, Portland,

do do

Cumberland, Portland, Unknown, Portland, York, Portland, Standish, Otisfield, Portland, New York, Gorham,

do Portland,

do do do do do do do

Gorham, do

Boston, Portland,

do Kennebunk, Portland,

do do

Kennebunk, Portland,

do do

Amount of stock.

2 11 13 20 10 10 11 3 4 5 1 5

14 16

7 15 6

20 26 12 11 15 2 4

27 15 6

172 10 5 4 3

10 5 2

13 2 2 5 7 3

15 4

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Casco Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence.

I Lucy Thorndike, lPortland, Wm. Titcomb, ~North Yarmouth, Jonathan Tucker,Portland, Mary Topping, ;Unknown, Elisha Trowbridge, I Portland, Diana E. Tewksbury, I I do Thomas C. Upham, Brunswick, Phinehas Varnum, Portland, Levi Woodbury, (deceased,) !Portsmouth, N. H., Joshua Wingate, jr., (deceased,) iPortland, Benjamin Willis, (Boston, Christopher Wright, [Portland, Ezekiel Whitman, I do Hannah H. Wenberg, do Ruth A. Waterhouse,C,lpe Elizabeth, Lydia 'Vard\vell, Unknown, Timothy \Valker:. :Rumford, \V m. "Woodbury, !Portland, Jeremiah W"inslow, !Unknown, Pres. Direct. & Co. of Casco Bank,! Portland, Ocean Insurance Company, I do l\'l utual Fire Insurance Company, i do Institution for Savings, Saco andi Biddeford,Saco,

Bowdoin College, !IBrunswick, Maine Missionary Society, I North Yarmonth School Fund, Cumberland School Fund, Grand Lodge of Maine, i Portland Relief Society, \Portland, Portland Academy, I do Ancient Land Mark Charity Fund'i do Charity Fund in 1st Parish, . do Mount Vernon Charity Fund, do Portland Marine Society, do Portland Athen<Bum, do Relief Association of Fire Dep't, do First Parish Hall Fund, do



Amount of stock.

(Shares.) 3 25

5 1 3 9

20 30 60

165 156 10 6 .5

12 ()

.5 15 22

150 129 20

7 IH2 15 R 5

It; 3

18 ]()

16 3 9 9 1

I--'~ 3,O(JO

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Commercial Bank, (Bath.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

Hannah S. Allen, Bath, 500 Sarah A. T. Allen, (estate,) do 100 Rachel L. Batchelder, Phipsburg, 100 Bernard C. Bailey, IBath, 500 Thomas S. Bowles, (estate,) I do 300 William Brown, West Bath, JOO Sam'} F. Blair, Richmond, 500 Hiram A. Bowles, Boston, 3UO 1\1 ary A. Bartlett~ Corinth, 100 Freeman Clark, Baih, 2,000 Zacheus Crooker, do 1,200 Wm. Crawford, (estate,) do 200 Daniel F. Coombs, West Bath, 100 John Corliss, Woolwich, 1,30U A. G Chandler, Calais, 200 Mary R. n. K. Cram, Portland, 400 Commercial Bank, Bath, 1,000 O. D. Crommett, (estate,) Waterville, ,00 A. R. Campbell, West BatiJ, 100 W m. L. Crosby, Arrowsic, ~OO Ann M. Clapp, Bath, 5UO Joseph A. Day, \Voolwich, 500 Betsey Delano, . do 200 William DonneIJ, IBath, 3,500 )Vm. Decker, Richmond, 400 Mary Farnham, IWOOlWiCh, 300 Ellen E. K. Groton, Bath, 100 W m. Gilmore, Woolwich, 400 Zina Hyde, Bath, t'UO Benj. Hasey, (estate,) Topsham, 1,000 Eliza A. Haggett, Portland, 100 Adam Hunter, Topsham, 500 James B. Hall, Augusta, 200 A. B. Hall, Portland, 100 Willis Hunter, Topsham, 1,000 Seth Hathorn, Woolwich, 2,300 Mary Hathorn, ! do 300 O. G. Hubbard, (guardian,) 1M assachusetts, 200 Marshall S. Hager, Richmond, 1,000 James M. Hager, do 5UO Z. Hyde & Co., IBath, 200 Charity Jameson, Brunswick, 1,100 Geo. W. KittredgE', ;Unknown, 900

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Commercial Bank, (Continued.) -c:-::=====

Nantes. Re.idence.

Adam Lemont, Brunswick, Susan Lincoln, ,Massachusetts, Eliza Lenox, Wiscasset, Parker McCobb, (estate,) ;Portland, David C. l\Iagolln, !Bath, James H. l\lcLellan, . do Salome Morse, do Hannah C. Magoun, do Solomon Metcalf, Monmouth, Joseph Mustard, Richmond, Levi Mustard, do Convers L. O\ven, :Bath, John Parsons, ' :Phipsburg, 'Villialll Potter, IBath, Rachel Patten, iTopsham, Ezekiel Purrington, (estate,) do 'Villiam Patten, Richmond, Mary J. Pattell, Topsham, Caroline C. Porter, Bath, Caroline C. Prescott, do Abigail N. Page, [Brunswick, G. F. Patten and others, (trustees,) Bath, Harvey Preble, IWoolwic.h, Thomas Pierce, ISollthport, John H. Perkins, Iw' oolwich, 'Vm. E. Payne, IBath, Benjamin Randall., do Jacob Robinson, do Jere. Robinson, do Thomas M. Reed, !Phipsburg, Mary E. Robinson, IBath, Sarah A. Rice, ' do .Johnson Rideout, do Daniel Robbins, jr., do 'Vm. M. Reed, . do W m. Rogers, \:Topsham, W m. Rogers, Bath, Geo. Shepard, 1\' do W m. D. Sewall, do .Joseph Sewall, (estate,) do John Smith, do Samuel Swanton, 2d, do Samuel Stanwood, (estate,) do


Amount of stock.

400 400 200

7,500 1,800 1,000

600 100 500 500 500 700

1,000 500 400

1,400 1,800

200 400

),700 1,200

SOO 200 40() 100 300 500 200

3,800 1,300

500 500

1,2(JO 600 300 100

1,000 1,000 2,300

800 100

1,000 200

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Commercial Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stf'ck .

. ------ --~---------------Polly Sewall, Bath, David Sewall & Son, do Stephen Sewall, 'I Winthrop, Ann L. Sewall, Bath, Wm. R. Smith, Augusta, Elizabeth Sewall, Bath, Nancy Smith, do Benj. C. Sewall, do Harrison Springer, Richmond, Samuel Tarbox, Westport, G. Trufant & Z. Hyde, (executors')rBath, John H. Thompson, :Topsham, 'fhomas Wilson, ilBowdoinham, Seneca White, i Boston, Joshua Winslow, jr., ,Bath, Lincoln Webb. Woolwich,

, I


Eastern Bank, (Bangor.) Amos M. Roberts, 'Villiam A. Blake, Joseph A. Ballard, Reuel Williams, D. B. Hinckley, S. P. Strickland, M. M. Ballou, :Edward D. Peters, & Co., John Patten, James C. Roberts, Sarah Ann H. Mills, Elizabeth B. Allen, Louiza G. Mills, Joseph Chase,

I Bangor, do

Bosto~, Augusta, Bangor,

do Boston,

do Bangor, New Hampshire, Bangor,

do do




I i


300 200 300 300 500 300 200 500 500 500 400 100

3,000 400

1,000 500

1------I $75,000

6,600 2,000

20,000 4,000 9,600 4,000

18,000 10,000 7,500

15,000 1,000 1,000

800 500


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Exchange Bank, (Bangor.)

Names. Residence.

J. E. Kingman, I Boston,

J. W. Clark & Co., do Winslow Whittemore, do John B. Foster, Bangor, John S. Ricker, do John L. Jewett, do J. S. Wheelwright, do Catherine Foster, do Jacob McGaw, do C. H. Webb, 1 Boslon, P. E. Kingman, do 'W. H. Foster, do Geo. W. Ladd, /Bangor, Harnett Eddy, !Ithica, N. Y., Ivis G. Bates, IBoston,

Jesse Aiken,

Freemans Bank. (Augusta.) Hallowell,

John Atkins, Daniel Blaisdell, James W. Bradbury, J. & W. Barron, E. K. Blake, Lydia H. Blake, W m. C. Crooker, Loring Cushing, (estate,) Benjamin Davis, Benjamin Ellis, Williams Emmons, Sally Fletcher, Jabez Gay, Grand Lodge of Maine, Robert Goodenow, Watson F. Hallett, Priscilla P. Hallett,


do Sidney, Augusta, Topsham, Monmouth,

Augusta, do

Massachusetts, ,Hallowell, Norridgewock, Farmington,

Farmington, Augusta,



Amount of stock.

1,000 5,000 5,000 6,500

300 200

10,000 500 500

4,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 5,000


500 200 600 700

1,000 200 100 700

1,900 2,300 1,000

500 1,000

800 1)00 500 800 700

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Frelmans Bank, (Continued.)


Wm. Hunt, Mary M. Homan, L. 1\1 Lithgow, Geo. W. Morton, John Mulliken, Prince B. Mooers, Alvah Moulton, Gilbert Newhall, James W. North, A. W. Norris, .T. & 'V. Orllin, Robert Pope, Bethuel Perry, Daniel Pike,"(cashier,) Isabella Parsons, Thomas Parker, (trustee,) Abigail \V. Rogers, Samuel L. Rogers, Asa Redington, John Smith, Alden Sampson, Henry R. Smith, Cullen Sawtelle, Stephen Sewall, Geo. H. Snell, C. H. & G. H. Snell, Jacob Sleeper, Amelia G. Spaulding, Reuel Washburn, Samuel 'VeIls,


Augusta, do do do do

New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Augusta,

New Hampshire, Hallowell, Augusta,



Augusta, do

Readfield, Kennebec, Augusta, ~ orridgewock, 'Winthrop, Unity,

do Massachusetts, Hallowell,

S. Wells and 1. Gage, Charles F. '''iugate, Eliza P. Vose,

!Portland, (executors,) Portland &. Augusta,

IAucrusta I "" , I do I

Amount of stock.

2,400 700

1,700 800

1,200 2,000 80~

3,800 500 100 100 500 500

1,000 800

1,000 200

1,JOO 1,000 3,000

500 ],500

800 500 100 100

3,000 300

2,000 1,000 1,500

500 1,000


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Frontier Bank, (Eastport. )

Names. Residence. Amount of stocl ...


N. Ames, (estate,) St. Andrews, N. B., 975 Isaac Ames, Machiasport, 450 J. M. Ballram, Robbinston, 150 Henrietta B. Brewer, do 975 Anna O. Buck, Eastport, 1,500 J. Buck, (estate,) I do 150 .J. D. Beckford, IRoston, 300 E. H. Burgin, IEastport, 150 M. D. Bibber. I do 225 'V. M. Brook~, I do 1,425 'V. M. Brooks, (trustee,) do 1,050 J. 'V. Bass, I

do 75 Lewis BI iss, iHalifax, N. S., 1,950 Samuel Buckman, IEastport, 75 Geo. W. Crockett, i Boston, 375 J. C. Crookshanks, 1St. John, N. B., 1,050 Charles S. Carpenter, IEastport, 375 Greel1\\'ood C. Child, Augusta, 7,500 J. K. Dawson, IU. S. Army, 450 J. Edwards, (estate,) I Eastport, 450 Charles F. Eaton, [Boston, ] ,500 Beckie Fairbanks, I do 150 Jere. Fowler, Lubec, 525 David Fullum, Boston, 3,975 James l\1. Robbins, Milton, Mass., 1,350 Frontier Bank, Eastport, 300 l)eter Gilligan, do 2,100 Sophia Gleason, do 1,950 Jesse Gleason, (estate,) do 525 Frederick Hobbs, Bangor, 1,050 Cyrus Hewes, New Brunswick, 300 Luther Hewes, Sheffield, N. B., 300 C. H. Hayden, (trustee,) Eastport, 525 A. Hayden, (estate,) do 3,000 A. Hayden, do 1,050 P. Houghton, do 600 John Kilby, Dennysville, 975 Thea. Lincoln, jr., do 525 Chase & Grew, Boston, 675 L. A. Cazenove, (trustee,) Alexandria, Va., 375 M. Caulkin, (estate, Eastport, 975 Wm. Maybee, do 525 Samuel A. Morse, Machias. 1,500

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Frontier Bank, (Continued.) ===================


Charles Merritt, Darius Pearce, Abigail Rice, J. J. Robinson, (trustee,) J. J. Robinson, J. B. Ricketts, Isaac Ray, Thos. Reed, Stevens ~ Peabody, Lorenzo Sabine, Amos Seaman, C. & S. Stevens, Wm. Shackford, Jacob Shackford, Smith Tinkham, D. S. Townsend, J. V. Thurgur, (trustee,) S. Tuttle, (estate,) Bela Wilder, Samuel Witherell, Samuel Wheeler, Wheeler & Co., P. J. Nevins, Benj. Smith, Tho. E. Millege, Nancy Snow, J. R. Nevins, John Whitcomb, Martha O'Brine, John Dogger, Jabez Mourey, Isaac L. Beade,


St. John, N. B., Eastport,

do '!Campobello, N. B., il do U. S. Army, Providence, R. 1., St. John, N. B., Eastport, Framingham, Nova Scotia, Eastport,

do do do

Boston, St. John, N. B., Eastport, Pembroke, Eastport,

do do

New York, St. John, N. B.,

do do

New York, Eastport, Machias, Grand Menan, Lubec, St. John, N. B.,

Amount of stock.

1,200 1,575

525 3,000

150 750 150 450

2,250 300

1,950 150 225 450 900

1,050 1,950 2,025

600 525

1,650 675

2,700 975 300 300 900 225 300 525

1,425 450


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Gardiner Bank.

Names. Residence. Amount of stnck.

--------- ~------------ -------Frederic Allen, Lucy Adams, Henry B. Bradstreet, John A. Bradstreet, S. J. & N. W. Bridge, (trustees,) Sophia Bond, Charles E. Brads~reet, W m. Bradstreet, George ·W. Bachelder, W m. S. Bartlett, Caleb Curtis, (trustee,) Samuel Cony, Episcopal Church, R. H. Gardiner & als., (trustees,) E. J. Gardiner, jr., (deceased,) R. H. Gardiner, (trustee,) Gardiner Savings Institution, Mary Gay, (deceased,) Dorcas P. Gay, Samuel C. Grant, '''m. B. Grant, Nancy Grant, Thomas Grant, Peter Grant, Samuel G. Johllson, (trustee,) Enoch Jewett, (deceased,) Elizabeth Lord, Meltiah Lawrence, -W m. Purrington, Isabella Purrington, Thomas W. Pierce, (trustee,) John Stone, (deceased,) Edward Swan, (trustee,) Joseph Titcomb, Phebe Tarbox, (deceased,) Samuel B. Tarbox, Petty Vaughan, (trustee,) Wm. M. Vaughan, John A. Vaughan. Martha Vaughan, Petty Vaughan, Samuel Wells, Olive Worcester,

Gardiner, Farmington, Gardiner,

Boston, lIallowell, Pittston, (Gardiner,

do Chelsea, Mass., Boston, Mass., Augusta, Gardiner,

do do do do do

I do IHallowell, IGardiner, i do I do I do Dresden, Pittston, Gardiner,

do Bowdoinham, Unknown, Boston, Gardiner,

do Farmington, Gardiner,

do London, (Eng.,) Hallowell, Philadelphia, Unknown, London, (Eng ,) Portland, Gardiner,

500 500

1,000 2,000

600 1,aOO 3,000 72,300

GOO 500

18,600 1,500

400 800 500

10,00U a, tOO

400 300

6,800 5,900 2,500

700 2,800

100 3,700 8,600 ] ,000 1,:300 1,000 ],500 1,000

:200 500

1,000 5,100 2,000

100 2,000

500 100 900 700

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Gardiner Bank, (Continued.)


Sarah L. Williams, Paulina B. Weston,



Augusta, do


Granite Bank, (Augusta.) Mary Andrews, :State of New York, W. A. Brooks and Wife, IAugusta, James 'V. Bradbury, do Eliza P. Brick, I do David Brown, I Readfield, John S. Brown, IState of New York, Albert F. Barnard, IUnknown, Sam'l S. Brooks, Augusta, Erastus Bartlett, Icalifornia, Darius Alden and Wife,


, Charlotte E. Child, Lois Carleton, Alna, Mehitable Chandler, Augusta, S. Cummings, lunknown, Hannah ~i. Child, Augusta, Isaac Cottle, (estate,) Sidney, James L. Child, IAugusta, William Caldwell and Wife, do Albert G. Dole, do Elizabeth W. Freer, N. C., Isaac Downing, Unknown, F. M. Davis, do Elizabeth Dole, (trustee,) Esther G. Fuller,


Lucretia G. Fuller, 'Visca.sset, Wm. Goldthwait, Kennebec, John H. Goldthwait, do Julia Ann Coleard, do David Fales, (guardian,) Augusta, Timo. Goldthwait, jr., Kennebec, Elizabeth Goldthwait, do Thomas Goldthwait, Unknown, Timo. Goldthwait, Kenn~bec,

Amount of stock.

1,500 1,500


(Shares.) 80 34

7 ') .J

10 27

8 12 2

32 6 7

88 1 9 5

16 14 26 5 4 8

12 12 6 5 3 4 2 6 4

11 4

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Granite Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

John Gold wait, Kennebec, (Shares,) 15 Harriet A. Holley, Unknown, 8 Susan Holley, do 7 William Holley, Farmington, 2 Annah S. Harris, Unknown, 7 Ruth Ellen Hall, State R. I., 14 Hannah A. Hall, State Massachusetts,\ l:l .Margaret Hamlin, Augusta, 4 George S. Hall, Portland, I 3 Franpis Ann Hall, Augusta, 92 Jabez Gay, Farmington,


8 L. VV. Lithgow, Augusta, 10 Silas Leonard, do


1 J. Maxey, Gardiner, 1 George \iV. Morton, Augusta,

I 1,5

James W. North, do :2 Elisha Prescott, ( estate,) Readfield, 8 William Prescott, do 4 Caroline-, C. Prescott, Unknown, 3 Ellen A. & C. E. Nourse, do 2 Gardiner Savings Bank, Gardiner, 2 Thomas Parker, (trustee,) Farmington, 20 P. Rogers. 2 Isaac lt ay, State R. I., 3 G. Rockwood, Kennebec, s Samuel Redington, ( estate,) 32

. Wm. Redington, Vassal borough,., 4 James Starr, Jay, 10 Robert Starr, Unknown, 1 ~1. H. Smith, Warren, 3 Mary M. Smith, do rn Wm. M. Stnitton, Augusta, 5 Lydia Stolle, Massachusetts, 7 Elizabeth W. Stanwood, do I Daniel Stone, Wiscasset, 1 Samuel E. Smith, do IO William Thomas, Kennebec, 12 D. C. Weston, Augusta, 24 Henry Williams, do 12 Betsey Winslow, .Kennebec, 4 Thaddeus Weeks, \.T efferson, 16 Nathan Weston, Augusta, 80 Church Williams, ( estate,) J lo 1

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Granite Bank, (Continued.)


Charles J. Wingate, Greenlief White, ~William W oart, (estate,)



-- ---~---- ... -

Waterville, Augusta,

Kenduskeag Bank, (Bangor.) G. W. Pickering, L. F. Pickering, G. C. Pickering, F. A. Pickering, F. A. Taylor, John Wilkins, John Godfrey, E. D. Peters, Byron Porter, Mary \V. Clark,

Bangor, do do do do do do

Boston, Hampden, West Cambridge,

Lime Rock Bank, (Rockland.) N. Daniels, Joseph Daniels, John Payson, Deborah\V. Robbins, Abby E. Stewart, Jonathan Libby, Nancy Lermond, J oseph Berry, Nancy Creighton, Mary G. Cole, Joseph Gilchrist, Edward O'Brien, .10hn G. Payne, (estate,) Barnabas Webb, 'Villiam Singer,

Union, do do do do do do

Thomaston, do do do do do do do

I Amount of stock.

10 12 10

18,900 19,900 9,000

20,000 20,000

100 100

10,000 1,000 1,000


200 100

1,500 200 200

1,500 800 200

1,000 500 600 500 500 500 500

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Lime Rock Bank, (Continued.) -------- ===================

~ _____ N_a_m_e_s_. _____ I _____ ~_esidence. Samuel G. Adams, Nancy Adams, S. D. Carleton, Carleton & Norwood, Carleton, Norwood & Co., Benjamin Carleton, Joseph Estabrook & Co., Silas G. Fay, Hanson Gregory, William Gregory, Elijah Glover, Susan Glover, Simon Hunt, Joseph Jones, John Tolman, Samuel Tolman, Rebecca K. Thayer, Jonathan Thayer, Sophia Thayer, Wm. Simonton, J. H. Counce, \V illiam Hovey, Ruth Huse, Susan F. Huse, A. M. Huse, Jonathan Huse, A. G. Lermond, John Little, Nancy Starrett, Aaron Starrett, Benj. E. Starrett, Harriet N. Starrett, Edward Spear, Mahala Spear, Jesse Page, J. W. Bogus, James M. Spear, Anson Butler, William Branton, John S. Colburn, Joseph Condon, Rebecca Crockett, Knott Crockett,


! iCamden, I do , do ! do I do I do I do I do

do do do do do do do do do do do

I do iWarren, I do I do

do do do do do do do do do do do do


do do

IRockland, i do

I, i~ do

Amount of stock.

500 500 500 500

1,000 2,700 1,000

100 400

1,000 2,300

flOO 1,000

500 100 500

1,000 500 700 500 500 200 400 500 400

1,800 1,000 1,400

100 1,000

400 600 500 500

1,500 100 400

1,000 1,100

300 500 300


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Lime Rock Bank, (Continued.)

Name!!. Residence.

Joseph Furbish, Rockland, John Gregory, jr., do John W. Hunt, do Charles Holmes, do Abby E. Holmes, do Joseph Hewett, do P. A. Hewett, do C. A. Harrington, do Joseph Ingraham, do Coit Ingraham, do 1. K. Kimball, do Iddo Kimball, do A. H. Kimball, do Eliza A. Lovejoy, do Henry C. Lowell, do Simon Litchfield, do Sam'l Libby, do James Partridge, do Sarah H. Partridge, do John Pillsbury, do Sam'l Pillsbury, do Lucy Snow, do Israel Snow, do Larkin Snow, do Davis Tilson, do George Thomas, do Peggy Thomas, do Charles Thorudike, (estate,) do Josiah Tolman, do Timothy Williams> do John Spear, do A. G. Spear, do Reuben Shearer, do Levi Cummings, do Hiram G. Bouney, do Sam'l Rankin, do Eliza S. Row, do John T. Berry, do Joshua Bllrt'ett, South Thomaston, William McLoon, do Charles 1\1 eLoon, do Nancy MeLoon, do Henr S auldin y p g, do


-----~~-- ---"~

Amount of stock.

200 500

1,000 200 100

1,20 o 100 200

1,500 40

] ,00 5,50

50 1,10

50 50 90 30 40

1,70 50 20

1,00 50 80 70 50 30

1,50 50

2,00 60

2,50 20 50 50

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

10 10 50

2,00 50 50 60

.. "::

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Lime Rock Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence.

------------_ ...... _.- --- --- -----George Thorndike, South Thomaston, Arathusa Thorndike, do J ames Sweetland, do A. C. Robbins, Brunswick, Nathaniel Robbins, do Katharine H. Safford, Hope, Betsey Crane, do Boyce Crane, do Edmund Daggett, do Lemuel Rich, do John Whitmore, do Benj. Safford, do James Crockett, Vinalhaven, Joseph Fernflld, do Hannah Leadbetter,

I do

Reuben Leadbetter, do Gorham Clough, IFreedom, Mary Cotter, Damariscotta, Jane Wooster, North Haven, Hannah Wooster, do Lydia Wooster, do Barbary Y. Wooster, do Lewis Leadbetter, do James Thomas, do Putnam Simonton, Searsport, William Malcomb, Cushing, Samuel F. Morse & Co., Boston, Mass., Sidney B. Morse, do Nehemiah Boynton, Chelsea, Mass.,

Lincoln Bank, (Bath.) Bath Academy, Sarah A. Allen, Amos L. Allen, Joseph Berry, Robert Bosworth, John Bosworth,


do do

jGeorgetown, Bath,



Amount of stock.

500 500 500 500 500

3,100 300 200 500 400

1,000 500 700

1,000 100

2,500 200

1,000 300 100 700 200 600 300 300 400

1,700 800 500

1,000 200 300

1,300 600 500

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Lincoln Bank, (Continued.) ===================== ====.========


Jonas Burnham, Charles Crooker, W m. D. Crooker, Charles Clapp, jr., Eben'r Clapp, David Curtis, Freeman Clark, Sarah G. Clark, Geo. W. Chase, Charles Davenport, W m. Donnell, Wm. Drummond, William Decker, Joseph A. Day, Sam'l Donnell, J. W. Ellingwood, J ames Farren, Horace A. Gray, Jonathan Hyde, (trustee,) Zilla Hyde, Henry Hyde, Levi Houghton, Charlotte Houghton, L. W. Houghton, Silas A. Houghton, John R. Houghton, Henry L. Houghton, Z. A. Hyde, Hosea Hildreth, Mary Hildreth, John Harwood, Thomas Harwood, John Henry, (estate,) Andrew Heath, Willard Hall, Seth Hathorn, Nehemiah Harding, Heath & Co., Geo. W. Kendall, Clarrissa Kimball, Wm. Ledyard, Stephen Larrabee, Sarah H. Lambard,


Unknown, Bath,

do do do do do do

Richmond, Bath,

do do

Richmond, Woolwich, Bath,

do do

Bowdoinham, Bath,

do do do do do do do do do do do

Bowdoinham, Bath,

do do do

Woolwich~ Bath,

do do do do do do

Amount of stock.

500 2,000 2,000 1,700

300 1,300 2,100

200 500

5,000 5,000 1,500

{lOO 500 800

2,100 1,000

200 1 I ,000 3,800

500 1,700 1,000 1,800

500 500 500 300 500 500 500

7,800 4,500 1,700

500 1,00U

700 500

1,000 500

3,700 300


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Lincoln Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

-.-.~-.-~ --Isaac Lincoln, Brunswick, 1,500 Susan Lincoln, do 600 A. N. Littlefield, Bath, 1,OUO L. P. Lemont & Son, do 700 A. R. Mitchell, do 100 Isaac Merritt, do 1,800 J. H. McLellan r do 2,000 James McLellan, do 3,100 n. C. Magoun, do 2,700 Mary Masters, do 1,200 Nancy Mitchen r do 1,900 Harriet N. Mitchell, do 100 Mary J. Mitchell, do 1,100 W. V. & O. Moses, do 4,000 J. P. l\Jorse, do 500 Charlotte A. Meeker, IN ew Orleans, 500 Richard Morse & Sons) IBath, 1,000 Robert H. McKown, do 1,500 Richard Nutter, I do 2,000 Ann Maria Oliver, I do 600 Emi~y Oliver,

I do 600

Mary Ov\,'en, do 1,800 Con verse L. Owen, do 1,500 6eo. F. Patten, do 21,200 Wm. Purington, Bowdoinham, 3,500 Joshua Page, Bath, 4,300 Albert G. Page, do 3,100 Jesse 'V. Page, Unknown, 200 James F. Patten, Bath., 6,000 John Patten, do 14,000 G. E. R. Patten, do 2,100 James S. Patten, do 2,400 N ath'l Purington, Bowdoinham, 1,200 Eunice H. Purington, do 500 C. K. Porter, Bath, 1,000 Wm. E. Payne, do 400 Maria R. Patten, Bowdoinham" 600 Henry E. Palmer, Bath, 500 Wm. M. Rogers, do 6,100 Benjamin Kendan~ do 40() H. L. Richardson,. Boston, 1,000 Daniel Robbins, Bath, 800 F. L. Richardson, (trnstee New York, 3,000

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Lincoln Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence.

Maria Richardson, Albany, Abigail Rogers, Bath, Sam'} Swanton, 2d, do Jacob Smith, do Elizabeth Stetson, do EHzabeth Sewall, do Wm. D. Sewall, do B. C. Sewall, do Ruth S. Shaw, do Thomas Simpson, do Joseph H. Torrey, do \Vm. 'forrey, jr., I do Elizabeth Torrey, do Ezekiel Tarbox, I Westport, A. M. Trevett, Bath, Cornelius Tarbox, Westport, ~am'l Tarbox, do Rachel Trott, Bath, Seneca White, Massachusetts, Lincoln Webb, Woolwich, B. R. Woodside, Bath, H. P. Wiggin, do

Manufacturers' Bank, (Saro.) Thornton Academy, Oeo. H. Adams, Horace Bacon, Ann P. P. Barroughs, Emily E. Barstow, John A. Berry, (executor,) John A. Berry, Olivia D. Berry, John D. Boothby, John C. Bradbury, Edward R. Bradbury, Amos Chase, Edward R. Cogswell,

ISaco, Biddeford,

do Portsmouth, New York, Saco,

do do

Limington, Saco,

do do

South Berwick,

Amount of stock

200 300

3,200 200

1,2(0 300

2,100 100 500 300

1,000 300 500

2,200 400 800

1,000 1,200

000 500 700 500


(Shares.) 31 10 5

10 1 7 1 3

10 25 10 2


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Manufacturers' Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.

John Cranch, Margaret E. Cogswell, Abraham Cutter, Barnabas E. Cutter, Josiah Calif, Mary E. Cutts, Mary A. Cutts, Mehitable Curtis, Charles F. Cutts, Benj. Day, Enoch L. Deering, Isaac Deering, N ath'l Deering, William Deer~]g, Gordon & Douglass, Nathan Eldon, ~ Hannah Eldon, Ralph Emery, Sarah S. Emery, Philip Eastman, jr., Albert W. Fish, Loring French, Mary A. Foster, David Fernald, Francis Fernald, Nahum Getchell, Joseph Getchell, John Gilpatrie, Mary E. Gilpatric, Hannah Gilpatrie, Jeremiah Goodwin, Elizabeth Goldthwait, Lucia A. Green, Hugh oW. Green, Phillip Greely, Bowen C. Green, Stephen L. Goodale, Alfred W. Haven, Geo. W. Haven, Eliza A. Haven, Charlotte \1. Haven, Francis B. Hayes, Ephraim N. Hidden,

Portsmouth, N. H., (Shares,) Portland, Saco, Biddeford, Saco,

do do

Kennebunk, Saco, Portland, ISaco,


do do


-LOndOn, (Eng.,) Buxton,

do "IBiddeford, Boston, Saco, IGorham, IDracllt, Mass., IPortsmouth, N. H., Saco, Portsmouth, Saco,

do I do I do

Iso~ersworth, N. H., ,Biddeford, ICambridgeport,

do Portland, Saco,

do Portsmouth,

do do do

\Boston, Effingham, N. H.,

2 6 5 3 1 5 3 5 2

13 5 5 1 2

18 4 8 5 4 5 6

35 15

3 6

15 8 1 1 1

20 3 4 9 3 2 2

]0 10

I 4

17 4

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lYlanufacturer~' Bank, (Continued.) --------=-======-=--=--=-===T==-=----=-==-=--

Names. ResideIl'Ce. Amount of stock.

Elizabeth Hooper, Saco, (Shares.) 9 Robert Jameson, do 8 Tristram Jordan, jr., do 9 Tri~tram Jordan, do I)

Harriett Kitteridge, Port~mouth, 5 Mary Kimball. Biddeford, 1 Elizabeth P. King, Saco r 1 Lowell & Edwards, do 5 Margaret M. Lane, do 7 Wm. Murch, do 10 Mutual Fire Insurance COt:l'lpany, I do 10 Charles H. Lunt, Portsmouth, N. H., 6 Dorcas Merrill, Saco, 2 Asaph Moody, Kennebnnkport, 4 Sophia Moody, do 2 Sarah and Elizabeth Mo(:)'{fy, Sacos 2 Eunice Nye, do 10 John \Y. Page, Biddeford, f)

Orlando Perkins, ,I~enllcbunkport , 5 Eunice Perkins, do 5 Susan Parl~er, do 5 Daniel H. Pierce, tPortsmouth, N. H., 10 Portsmouth Female Asyhrm1 do 2 .Tof'l Russell, Biddeford, 6 J ames Randlett, Portsmouth, 25 Wm. Rice, do 26 Olive Sawyer, Saco, 1 J. Q. Scammon, New York, 3 Hannah Scammon, Saco, 1 Dan'l Smith, jr., do 6 James Smith, jr., do 5 Robert Smith, Kennebunkport, 22 Cornelius Sweetser,. Saco, 10 Wm Smith, Kennebunkport, 2 Joseph Smith, Biddeford, 2 Alfred Smith, Durham, N. H., 2 Betsey Sands, Saco, 4 Saco & Biddeford Savimgs Inst., do 80 Sam'l Storer, do 30 Miranda Stonfi', !Kennebunkport ,. to Mary E. Stone,.. do 20 John Shepley .. Saco, 6 Isaac Sturdivant, Portland, 30

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Manufacturers' Bank, (Continued.)

Names. I Re~idence. Amount of stock.

-~--------------.---- - ,. - -------- ._- ------James Sheafe, (estate,) Portsmouth, 40 Maria H. Sanford, New York, 6 Mary C. Thornton, Biddeford, 14 Nancy B. Thacher, IOhio, 8 Nathaniel M. Towle, Saco, 11 George Toppan, jr., do 9 Michael Toppan, do 7 David Tompkins, IDover, 10 Hannah Tucker, Saeo, 4 Twambly & Smith, do 10 Lewis \Vakefield, (estate,) do 5 Charles N. \Vakefield, do 3 Sarah E. Wakefield, do 3 Eunice W oodsum, I do

3 SrIm'] Whitten, do 4 Sarah 'Villiams, Cambridgeport, 1)

James Weston, :Bangor, 2 Lauriston Ward, IWashington City, 2 Hugh Wallace, !Saco, 2 William Dwight, (trustee,) IBoston, 3

I 1 -------


Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, (Portland.) William Allen, Francis Baker, Phinehas Barnes, Hllrris C. Barnes, Anna Bartol, Nubby Bean, Clarissa Brooks, Eleanor T. Brooks, Charles Brooks, (guardian J BenJamin Chadbourne, Benj. P. Chamberlain, Jane Chase, Alvah Conant, Nehemiah Cram~ Ruth Cutter,

Portland, do do do do do do do

Roston, Standish,

. Boston, Portland,

do Ohio, Portland,

r 150 ISO 100 50

3,50 50

300 300 350

l,050 1,250

50 2,000

550 200

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Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, (Continued.)


Charity Fund First Parish, Charles Davis, Almira W. Davis, Benjamin Deake, Neal Dow, Harriet lVI. Ellingwood, Nicholas Emery, Cyprus Eustis, Edwin Fernald, john D. Gardiner, Joseph B. Gardner, Deborah Gardner, Sophia GiJpatric, Samuel M. Gould, Francis H. Gould, David Gray, William E. Greeley, Pamela Hanford, (estate,) H. B. & H. M. Hart, Horace Harvey, Abigail S. Hill, Rufus Horton, Sarah W. Horton, Mary Horton, Isaac 1lsley, Mary lIsley, Caleb Jones, Moses F. Kimball, Joseph Leavitt, Mary J. Lewis, Harriet S. Libby, H. J. Libby & Co., Barak Littlefield, Solomon Loring, Anna G. Loring, Sarah Martin, Pamela Martin, Frederic G. Messer, J. McKeen & E. Everett, (trus.,) Frederic A. Merrill, Eleazer McKenney, Maria McLaughlin, LucyjMcLellan,


Portland, do do do do

Bath, Portland, Dixfield, Portland, Boston, Unknown,

do do

Philadelphia, Kennebunk,


Portland, do

Portland, do do do do

Westbrook, Rumford, Portland, Gorham, Portland,

do do

Cumberland, do

Ohio, Portland, Colebrook, Brunswick, Portland,



Amount of stock.

450 750 200 300

1,750 500 100 150 500 750 150 250 250

2,250 150 50

3(0 600 200 400 300

3,750 150 250

2,550 400 700 300 200 450 50

300 50 50 50

800 800

1,000 400 50

1,100 100 800

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llJ1Janujacturers' and T'raders' Banlc, ( Continued.)


Jane G. Mead, Henry B. Minot, Happy Morse. Charles G. Nichols, Nicholas G. Nichols, I'rentiss M. Nichols, Edward Oxnard, Ocean Insurance Company, Sam'l Paine, Albion K. Paris, Lydia G. Pease, Catharine B. Pease, Lucy Phinney, Plummer & Moore, Moses J. Plummer, Dorcas A. Plummer, Orlando Perkins, Mary Preble, (estate,) Bowdoin College, Canal Ballk, E. Gould, cashier, (trustee,) Joshua Richardson, J. Richardson, (executrix,) Eunice P. Richardson, Elizabeth D. Richardson, Toppan Robie, Thomas S. Robie, (minor,) Benj. A. Robie, (minor,) Lucinda E. Robie, Susan S. Royall, Lucy Sewall, Eveline Sewall, N arcissa Sewidl, A. K. Shurtleff, Harriet M. Smith, Julia G. Smith, Isaac Sturdivant, Susan Sumner, (estate,) William Swan, Benevolent Society, Marine Society, Marine Missionary Society, American Education Society,


Gorham, Portland,

do do do do do do

Gorham, Portland, Westbrook,

do 'IGorham, Portland,

do do

Portland, Brunswick,

jPortland, I do

do do

Gorham, do do do

Portland, Kennebunk,


Portland, Bath,

Portland, do do do

Amount of stock.

700 100 600 50 50 50

750 7,150

450 750 150 5;-)0 600 250 250

1,050 350

1,850 6,200

600 8,400 1,250

250 1,300 1,300 1,650

250 250 250 200 200 200 150

2,000 500 100

3,400 100

1,750 1,650 1,200

550 400

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Manufacturers' and T'raders' Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence.


Benj. Thrasher, Renj. F. Thrasher, Martin Trask, Helen Trask, Elisha Trowbridge, 'tV m. S. Trowbridge, Jonatl13n 'rucker, Phinehas Varnum, Stephen Waite, Joseph '\Talker, Ashur Ware, George Warren, Samuel Weed. Ezekiel Whitman, Benj:1I11in \Villis, Rebeca B. Witham, 'William \Voodbury, Nancy Wyer,

Havana, do

IPortland, Calais, Portland,

do do do do do do do do do

Boston, Portland,

do do

lJIlariners' Bank, (Wiscasset.) Samuel Alley, Nathaniel Stone, Isaac Coffin, Thomas Hodgdon, 'rhomas Parsons, Samuel Tarbox, James McCarty, Elisha J. Taylor, Silas Lewis, William Elmes, C. & W. B. Wilkins, Wilmot Wood, Temple Lee, (estate,) Henry Clark, Franklin Clark, Silas L. Young, David R. Adams, (estate;)

Dresden, Boston, Wiscasset, Boothbay, Edgecomb, Westport,

do Wiscasset, Boothbay, Wiscasset, Boston, Wiscasset,

do do do do


Amount of stock.

2,900 100 500 500

1,000 100

1,250 1,150

250 350 500

1,500 900 600

6,000 50

150 850


600 500 500 300 100 900 600 200 500 200 400 600 200

2,400 2,400

100 100

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IJ!fariners' Bank, (Continued.) ----------- --- -.---------~~~-~-------~-

-- ---~~---~------


Stephen Lewis, William Stacy, Philip E. Theobald, (estate,) Lydia T. Wood, Lincoln Webb, Patrick Lenox, Isaac Lincoln, (estate,) lohn & Wm. R. Young, \Viscasset Female Asylum, Sargent S. Littlehale, Thaddeus Weeks, lotham Donnell, Isabella Coffin, Marshall S. Hagar, .lohn T. Acorn, S. R. & L. Smith, Seneca \Vhite, 1\1 ary Plummer, Samuel E. Smith, Edward H. Hall, .lohn H. Sheppard, I;'reeman Parker, Sarah Knight, Charles Thayer, S. P. Baker, (cashier,) .loseph Decker, Bernard C. Bailey, Martha Hodge, .lane C. Decker, Sarah Hagar, R. H. McKO\\!l1, Addison D. Fisher, • Martha Jane McCarty, Abaline R. Greenleat\ Allen Lewis, Martha W. Darrett, GeorO'e 'W. Philbrick, \Villi~m & Andrew Adams, Robert Sprowl, .J ane F. Richards, Elisha Palmer, Llewellyn W. Lithgow, Margaret M. Boyd,


Residence. Amount of stock.

----------- -----Whitefield, Wiscasset,


I'Brooklyn, N. Y., Woolwich,


do I do i do iBoston, iJefferson, :Alna, 'Wiscasset, !Richmond, IAlna, ! Wiscasset, ;Unknown, !Wiscasset, f do !Dresden, , Boston, iWiscasset, i\Vestport, Dresden. : \V iscasset, :Alna, \Bath, :Woolwich, Alna, Littleton, Mass, Bath,

'Arrowsic, 'Vestport,

do ,Boothbay, I Wiscasset, ;Damariscotta, ,Boothbay, Bristol,

(Wiscasset, Unknown, 'AuQ:usta, !enkno\\'n,

400 100 200 400 500 400 100 10() 500

1,000 1,500 1,200

100 1,000

200 600

1,200 200

1,100 400

1,700 300 100 200 tWO 300 400 500 (lOO 50n

1,000 500 200 300 400 400 ]00 100 200 lOO 500

1,000 200

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Mariners' Bank, (Continued.)

Names. _______ I ____ ~~~d::_~:.__ Amount of stock.

Edmund Dana, IWiscasset, 100 Nahum Perkins, (adm'r.,) Topsham, 10,000 W. C. George, lunknown, 100 Rufus K. Porter, Machias, 400 John Hedge, East Dennis, Mass., 200 Chloe Hedge, II do 200 John E. Thorp; Bristol, 400

. Langdon Coffin, Boston, 500 Thomas J. Southard, Richmond, 200 Larkin S. Hedge. Unknown, 400 Abigail Decker, Alna, 200 Nancy RundJett, do 400 Isabella Rundlett, do 200 Henry Ingalls, (guardian,) Wiscas:,et, 200 Augustine W. Cochran, (guardian,)iIEdgecomb, 200 Seth Hathorn, i Wool wich, 2,200 William C. Davis, 'Wiscasset, 1,000 Erastus Foote, jr., do 200 Elbridge G. Peaslee, Alna, 500 Elizabeth L. Hilton, Wiscasset, 200 David Hatch, (guardian,) Dresden, 200


Medomalc Ban/t, (fValdoborough.) James Hovey, John Bulfinch, Frederic Castner, Jacob Hofses, J. & R. Miller, Henry Kennedy, George D. Smouse, Joseph Clark, James Herbert f

Sarah Shackforth, Alexander Palmer, Ebenezer Bradford, J obn Seiders, John Kaler,


waldoborough, do do do do do do do do do do do rlo do


900 200 500 800 400 500

1,000 2,000

200 200 200 600 300 500

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Medomak Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. \ Amount of stock.

---~------ --------~---"--

Ezekiel Winslow, \Valdoborough, 700 Frederic Benner, do 100 Charles Benner, 2d, do 200 D. W. Kennedy, Boston, 600 Charles M. Reed, (in trust,) do 500 R. A. Bradford, I

do 400 James N. Stimpson, I do 200 Frederic Hahn, IBremen, 200 David G. Well man, I do 100 A very Trowant, i do 200

I William H. Little, I do 100 Rhoda Little, I do 200 Nancy Studley, iwarren, 200 Moses Studley, do 800 John Studley, IFriendship, 1,000 Mary Studley, I do 100 Samuel Morse, Waldoborough, 1,000 Sarah Sprowl, INobleborough, 100 Josiah Winslow, i do 500 W. Emerson, !Boston, 2,000 Deborah Burge, iN ew Hampshire, 300 Seville Starrett, i do 200 James W. Johnston, !Bremen, 1,000 Susan F. Kaler, iWaldoborough, 200 Samuel Payson, IWarren, 100 Nancy Hatch, IBremen, 1{)0 Trustees of Congregational Church, do 1,000 Barbara A. Johnston, I do HOO Elizabeth Johnston, i do 400 Precilla Feyler, !Waldoborough, 100 Jacob Bornheimer, I do 200 Charles Welt, i do 300 Joseph Bornheimer, I do 200 Dorothy Engley, I do 100 Christian Bornheimer, I do aoo John H. Willet, I do 100 Peter Mink, I do 200 Sally G. Elwell, do 600 Sarah E. Allen, do 200 George Allen, do 500 Trustees of Congregational Church; do ]00 William Kennedy, Jefferson, 200 Thaddeus Weeks, do 1,400

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ff/edomak Bank, (Continued.) ==================== -----=-=--=-==::


Georg~ Weeks, Arther Child, O. Bancroft, E. A. Hovey, D. M. Mitchell, Daniel Weeks, Hiram W. Partridge, Sewell Plummer, Myrick L. Weeks, Alden Kennedy, Waterman F. Keen, M. E. Chapman, A. R. Reed, J. P. McCobb, J. A. Reed, James Schwartz, 2d, (guardian,) Clara Whitney, Phebe Hook, Lucy M. Ludwig, Jane A. Reed, Reuben Orff, Henry Kennedy, (trustee,) John H. Kennedy, Bela B. Haskell, G. W. Allen, Elijah Morse, Ruth Huse, Ann M. HUBe, Steadman Butterick, Sarah Horn, F. Morse, E. W. K. Groton, H. Hovey, Henry Robinson, Mary Robinson,


Jefferson, Unknown, Lowell, Mass., Massachusetts, Portland, Jefferson,

do do do do

Bremen, Boston,

do do do

Waldoborough, New Orleans,

do Waldoborough,

do do do do do

Worcester, Warren,

do do

IConcord, Mass., ICushing, Franklin, Bath, Boxford, Mass., Friendship,


Amount of stock.

1,200 1,000

400 5,000

200 900 300 200 900 600 500 800 500 600

] ,500 200

2,000 100 500 100 300 100 SOO 200 500 400 200 100 800 100

1,000 . 700

],000 3(0 100


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Mercantile Bank, (Bangor.)


Samuel Farrer, William Emerson, S. P. Strickland, E. G. Rawson, .T ames Eddy, J ames Dunning, Mercantile Bank, John Hodgdon, James Jenkins, John S .. Jenness, Johnson Sewall & Co.,


Bangor, do do do do do

I do IHoulton, INeponset, Mass., \ fioston,

I do ! j

1tlerchants' Bank, (Bangor.) Mrs. Samuel K. Lowell, Bragg, Moor & Co., Wm. Lewis, Henry A. Wood & Co., Wiggins Hill, J. H. Bowler, Perley & Nash, Henry Leighton, Thomas H. Getchell, John l\lanning, jr., J. & G. Hathawav, Rufus Dwinel, . Edward Pearson, Arad Thompson, J ames Bryant, 'V. A. Blake, Sam'l H. Blake, J ames Thompson, Thomas S. Pullen, 'Vinthrop Chapman, Francis Hill, David Hayes, (estate,) .lohn Goddard, Byron Porter,


IBangor, I do I do


I I I i i I


do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

IDover, i do Exeter, I do ; do 10rono, 'Hampden,


1 Amount of stock.

9,050 5,300 5,000 5,050

500 50

5,000 50

5,000 ,5000



1,000 1,000 1,000

500 1,000 1,000

500 200 500 40{l 500

2,000 300 300 500

3,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ],000

200 1,000 1,000

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Merchants' Bank, (Continued.)

Names. _I R"'d •• ,,. ! Amount of stock.

Mary B. H. Blake, F. A. Butman, Sam'l Bragg, J. Boyden, Sam'} Bartlett & Co.) Isaac Cary, John T. Heard, R. W. Shapley, Richard Hutchinson, Mrs. Mary M. Hutchinson, Amos Knowlton, Allen S. Bartlett, Ruth Vose, E. M. Clark, Asa Smith,



do IBoston,

I do do do do

Hartford, do

Newburgh, Dover, New York, Winthrop, Passadumkeag,


~lerchants' Banlc, (Portland.) Joseph S. ALlams, Portland Academy, Colman S. Adams, William Allen, Fayette Bartlett, Frances Baker, Thoma~ Brown, (estate,) Joseph Barborn, Dorcas Bagley, Harrison Brazier, Portland Benevolent Society, Elizabeth Beeman, Lucy E. Barbour, Samuel Chadwick, Samuel Chase, Charity Fund 1st Parish, Edward F. Cutter, Bowdoin College, Harriet Capell, Eben n. Choate,

jHebron, N. H., 'Portland, Boston, Portland, New Bedford, Mass., IPortland, I do Gorham, Portland,

do I do I do lGorham, jPortiand,

do ! do Belfast., Bwnswick, Portland;


500 1,000

100 500

9,000 1,000 2,000 4,000

500 500·

1,000 300

3,500 1,000 1,000


6,150 37G 750 900

1,200 150 750 750 150 750 375 375 225

7,500 375

2,025 375

1,59.0 225 300

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~Ifrchants' Bank, (Continued.) ----.--~--.-

---------~.- .. ----

Names. I Re.iidcllcc. ! Am,>ullt ,·f shIell.

~liza-b-et-h-G-.J-. -c-u~~er'~--~---~-~-INorth Yarmout~l-,-:---- -~-;,;-;~

Phineas Drinkwater, ((-,state,) IPortiand, 2,625 Josiah Dow, . do 1,950 Neal Dow, do 1,800 Ezekiel Day, (estate,) do 1,425 Charles S. Davies, do ",50 Eunice Day, do 375 Thomas A. Deblois, I do 300 Benjamin Deake, l,200 Nicholas Emery, Ii POdfotland, 1,050 Rufus Emerson, 2,925 William Evans, do 750 Mary C. Foy, do 600 Female Charitable Soci~' do 600 N. O. Cram, (guardian,) do 1,200 First Parish, do 525 Ann A. H. Goodenow, do 375 Eliphalet Greeley, do 1,:350 Philip Greely, do 1,800 Jonathan Greely, \:cumberland, 150 Daniel Goodenow, Alfred, 750 \Villiam Goodenow, IPortland, 300 Mary Garland, IUnknown, 375 Ministerial Fund, 'Gorham, 450 Joel Hall, (estate,) Portland, 450 Isaac & Elizabeth Hopkins, i'\ew Portland, 750 Samuel Hanson, (guardian,) Portland, 1,20U Thomas Hammond, do 450 Daniel Hood, do 3UO Isaac llsley, do 3,600 Ocean Insurance Company, do 10,950 Portland Mutual Fire Ins. Co., do 2,175 Charles Jordan, do 600 Mary C. Jordan, do 375 Luther Jewett, do 375 James C. Jordan, I do 225 Joseph S. Jewett, 'Gorham, 600 Charles Kimball, Portland, 450 Benjamin F. Lunt, Westbrook, 150 James R. Lunt, do 150 Sarah E. Lunt, do ) SO Sarah K. Lewis. Portland, 375 S. LOllgfellow, (estltte,) do 750

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lJIlerc/wnts' Bank, (Continued.) ================ --------~-~------------ -~--------


David Morton, Edward W. Morton, Daniel Mountfort, (estate,) Eben McIntosh, rrhomas S. Minott, Robert A. Merrill, Lucy S. Moody, Sarah Martin, Pamelia Martin, Sarah M. Mayo, President, Directors and Co., 'M er-

chants' Bank, Portland Marine Society, Joshua Maxwell, Trustees Ministerial Fund, Edward Oxnard, Charles Oxnard, John Oxnard, Charles H. O::;good, Elizabeth G. Oxnard, Harriet C. Oxnard, Ann Maria Oxnard, Martha P. Oxnard, Barrett Potter, John Potter, Ann Quincy, Charles E. Quincy, Lucy Russell, Israel Richardson, Toppan Robie, Edward Robie, Lucinda Robie, (minor,) Thomas S. Robie, do Benjamin A. Robie, do Susan Sumner, Isaac Sturdivant, William Swan, Horatio Southgate, Jonathan Stevens, Anna Stevens, Jonathan Tucker, Martha Trask, Thomas C. Upham,


Portland, Kennebunk, Portland,

do . do

Falmouth, Portland,

do do do

do do do

North Yarmouth, Portland,

do do do do do do do do

Augusta, Portland, New York, Gorham, Portland, Gorham,

do do do do

Portland, do do do do do do do



Amount of stock


5,175 1,200

750 375 300 375 300 525 525 450

750 1,275

750 300

2,700 825 750 825 450 450 450 225

1,500 600

1,575 4:)0 522

3,300 4,275



450 9,750

900 900 300 300

6,975 375


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jJ;lercltants' Bank, (Continued.)

Names. ____ I ____ ~~sidence. William Woodbury, George W arrea, Joshua vVingate, jr., (e:'5tate,) Adam Wilsoll, Joseph \Veeks, Ezekiel Whitman, Benjamin Vlillis, Mary Webb, Ashur \\T are, Susan "Vebsler, Jeremiah Winslow, Joseph \Valker, Joshua F. \Veeks, Rufus E. 'Vood, Margaret P. "Vhitman, Deacons I 8t Church,

iPortland, I do


do do do

I do


If Portl and,

do i do ,France,

I'Portland, . do

do do


Northern 13anlc, (HaUOlL'ell.) Jacob Abbott, W. E. Abbott, Sallucia Abbott, R. B. Abbott, Academy, Jesse Aiken, Alfred Alley, theil's,) Robert Alley, Olivia B. Bacon, Fanny Bartlett, Lucretia F. Bond, Byron S. Blish. Frances H. Blish, W. G. Brooks, 'rhomas B. Brooks, l>avid Brown, J. S. R. Brown, Smith C. Cox, W. C. Crooker 7

liNew York, Massachusetts,


IH~fowell, i do : V assaI borough,

do Boston, Montville, New York, California, Richmond, Boston, Hallowell, Readfield, New Hampshire, Pittston, patricktown pl.,


Amount of stock.

4,875 1,575 1,125

525 1.200 2,625 3,375

150 1,200

375 1,725 I,U50

300 825 525 375


2,500 1,200

5HO 700

1,800 ],000 3,000

200 100

2,000 1,000

200 200 300 300 100

5,000 1,000


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Northern Bank, (Continued.) -. ~~------~--==::~----.~~-- ----=====-.:;======


Clara A. Cutler, J. C. Dwight, Williams Emmons, Lucy LVI. Emmons, Femal e Ch. Society, Friends Society, John P. Flagg. Sarah 'V, F. Fuller, James Fillebrown, (heirs,) John Gardner, Gardiner Savings Institution, Franklin Glazier, Julia Glazier, Samuel C. Grant, Nancy Grant, Ellen L. Gilman, Adaline Goodale, \Villiam Holley, Enoch .J ewett, (heirs,) Joanna S. Lemont, A ugustine Lord, Andrew 1\1 asters, Richard M acy, (heirs,) John McLellan, Judah IVlcLellall, John Merrick, George Merrick, B. Nason, Lydia T. Nason, Edward A. Nason, Charles C. Nutter, D, '.Y. Nutting, Amos .l';ourse, (guardian,) Betsey Kimball, H, 'V. Paine, Martha C. Palmer, Elisha Pettingill, Reuben Richards, Hannah n obinson, Alden Sampson, Thos. H. Sanford, (trustee,) Stephen Sewall, Henry Sewall, (heirs,)


Farmington, ,Hallowell,

I ~~ i do Fairfield, Hallowell,

do Readfield,

I'Hallowell, Gardiner, ~HallowelI,

do do

Gardiner, New York, Boston, Farmington, Unknown, Augusta,

i Hallowell, I do


vassalborough, , Unknown, - . Bloomfield,


Hallowell, do do

, do Augusta, Boston,

do Bath,

1M t. Vernon, !Hallowell,

do East Livermore, Boston, Mt. Vernon, Kennebec, New York, Winthrop, Unknown,

Amount of st<'ck.

],500 300 400 100 200 2QO

1,000 700 500 IOn

3,400 1,30n

800 2,700 a,400

400 700

1,500 3,000 1,200

100 2,500

200 900 100 800

1,200 600

1,000 3,600

500 800 400 400 900 500 500

2,500 400

1,000 500

2,500 400

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Northern Bank, (Cont-inued.) -- - - ------ -~. ---- ----- --~------~~---~-,---.~---------~~--------~-.~---- "---- - ------~-

John Stratton, Paul Stickney,


A bby Tenney, Petty Vaughan, John A. Vaughan, Samuel 'Vei!,3, Louis:1 A. Wells, S. Wells & I. Gage, (execu1ort',) S. C. Whittier, George F. Wingate, Louisa A. ·Wingate,


.noston, ~HalIcweJ1,

do England, Philudeiphia, iPortl:md,

do Portbnd & Augusta, • H all O\r ell ,

do do

Amount uf ~hck.

1,900 JOO 200 400 :WO

1, I GO 1,000 l,noo

tOO I nOD 1 ;')on 1------

I $75,000.

Rockland Banfc, (Rockland.)

I~:~ AIll't paid in.

Sawyer & Colson, IRockland, 500 2;:>0 John Gregory, jr., , do I 500 250 Jonathan White, do i 1,000\ 500 Oliver Jameson, do I 200 100 Josiah Acorn, do : 3001

150 Benj. W. Lothrop, do 500 250 Israel Snow, do 1,000 500 Ephraim Barrett, do 500 250 Moody E. Thurlo, do 600\ 300 Lowell & Foster, do 5001 25() John P. 'Vise, do 300i 150 Timothy "\Villiams, do 1,00°1 500 Joseph Pierce, do 400 200 N. A. Burpee, do 3001 150 Larkin Snow, do 500\ 250 Margaret Harrington, do 1,2°°1 600 H. H. Spear, do 500' 250 Samuel Pillsbury, do 2,000 1,000 Maria Spear, do 200 100 Francis Cobb, do ] ,0(0 500 H. G. Berry, do 500 250

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Rockland Banle, (Continued.) ==================

A. H. Ki::'~;;-',---I~:c~;:~~ dence. Amount of stock.


, 2,000 Enos Crockett, do 1,500 Nathan A. Farwell, do 2,000 Hannah C. Thomas, do 500 Albert F. Thomas, do 500 Joseph {<'arwell, do 200 S. G. Dennis, do 3~JO Sophronia Harrington, do 500 JOh.l Merrill, do 300 Jonathan Spear, do 500 Iddo Kimball, do 5,000 Lydia Crockett, do 100 Josiah Tolman, do John Spear, do John '1'. Berry, do I

500 500

I 500 Oliver B. Fales, do 500 Z. G. Shuman, do 500 James W. Sayward, do 500 Benjamin Clark, do 200 Ann E. F. Ulmer, do 200 Arch'd G. Spear, do Joseph Fish, Thomasto

50U n, 1,000

John O'Nicl, do 500 Wm. Sin!!er, do 500 John Morse, do Merritt Austin, do George Thorndike, South Th I

500 500

om aston, 1,000 Charles McLoon, do ],000 Catharine Sweetland, do 500 Wm. McLoon, do 2,000 John Bickmore, St. Georg e, 500 J ames Fernald, I Vinalhave il, 1,000 Reuben Leadbetter, do 2,000 J ames Thomas, do 200 James Y. Fuller, do 500 B. B. Haskell, Waldobor ough, 500 John H. Kennedy, do 500 Ezekiel Winslow, do Edward Cushing, Camden, Simon Hunt, do Thomas Hunt, do

1,00°1 200 1

1,00°1 500'

Jonathm Thayer, do 500 Joseph ;\. vV hite, J Boston, 500


Am't paid in.

1,000 750

1,000 250 250 100 150 250 ]50 250

3,50 5

50 50 50

° o o o

° 500 500 50 200


o o o o o o o o o o o o o

20 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 25

] ,00 25 50

1,00 20 50 25 25 50 20


° ° o o ° o o o ) 5~H

50, 500

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Rockland Banlc, (Continued.)

-_-_""" --~~----l--_~",i',"~_. _I Amount or "ook. Am" p,i' in.

Benj. Safford, II Hope, i 500 500 Joseph F. Hall, Belfast, I 500 250 Josiah Farrow, , do 500 250 Daniel Bartlett, 'Montville, ' 500 250 Jonathan Bartlett, ~ do 500 250 Joel A. Walker, :Union, 300 150

I ,-------_._-

Sagadahock Bank, (Bath.)

.T oseph Berry, Georgetown, J ames Bowker, Phipsburg, L. Blackman, ,Bath, J. & W. Barron, Topsham, Thomas S. Bowles, Bath, \Villiam Crawford, do John Corliss, Woolwich, F. Clark, Bath, M. R. B. K. Cram? Portland, \Villi'am Donnell, Bath, J ames Drummond, Phipsburg, \V m. Dennett, [Topsham, Joseph A. Day, [Woolwich, Betsey Delano, I do Mary A. French, jU nknown, E. W. K. Groton, i Bath, Peggy Green, iTopsham, E. E. K. Groton, iBath, S. S. Hawes, I do J. Haskell, Topsham, John Henry, Bath, Geo. F. Patten, Z. A. Hyde, &

Chas. Davenport, (trustees,) Z. Hyde & Co., E. A. Hodgkins, Mary Farnham, Seth Hathorn,


do do do

Woolwich, do

$50,000 $'30,650

I Amount of stock.

1----! ],200

'\ 300 3,600

I 3,500 I 600

I 700 700

1,000 300

3,200 2,000 2,700

700 100 ]00 100 200 100 200

3,300 1,000

1,400 500 300 100 500

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Sagadahock Bank, (Continued.) ~================ :======================


Zina Hyde, C. M. Jameson, E. D. Knight, Geo. W. Kittredge, Kendall, Richardson & Co., William Ledyard, A. Lowell, M. J. Ledyard, D. C. M agoun, James McLellan, W. V. & O. Moses, Almira Merritt, Noble Maxwell, Levi l\I ustard, Joseph Mustard, Magoun & Clapp, C. L. Owen, E. M. Owen, William Purrington, Wm. Purrington, (agent,) N. Purrington, H. Purrington, Palmer & Ledyard, C. C. Prescott, Joshua Page, E H, Purrington, A. G. Page, C. R. Porter, David Patten, Robert Patten, T. M. Reed, J ames Riggs, . Wm. M. Reed, Moses Riggs, T. D. Robinson, W. Richardson, D. Robbins, B. F. Riggs, Sarah Riggs, H. L. Richardson, John Smith, Jacob Smith, D. Scribner,

I Residence. Amount of stock.



iBath, ITopsham,


do IBath,

do Phipsburg, Bath,

do do do

Harpswell, Unknown, Bowdoinham,

do Bath,

do do

Bowdoinham, do do do

Bath, do do

Bowdoinham, Bath,

do Bowdoinham,

do Phipsburg, Bath,

do Georgetown, Bath,

do do

Augusta, Georgetown, Boston, Bath,

do Topsham,

2,000 1,000

)00 900 600 100 200 400 200

2,200 2,800

200 4,300 1,000 ],000 ],000 2,800

500 10,100

500 500

1,200 400 600 800

f,OUO 500 500

2,000 1,000

200 1,300

800 1,300 2,000 1,100

900 ],000 1,000 1,000

900 500


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Sagadahock Bank, (Continued.)


J. Snow, M. P. Snow, Ann L. Sewall, T. J. SOllthard, Charles Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Joanna Torrey, E. Tarbox, Samuel Tarbox, Ezra Tyler, C. Tarbox, Rachel Trott, J. Winslow, jr., E. Waldron, L. Webb, A. R. 'Watson, Thomas Wilson,

William Allen, Charles F. Allen, Stephen Allen, Elizabeth T. Abbott, 'Vm. Atkinson, Sarah Anderson, ' Susan Boutelle, Betsey W. Bosworth, Bloomfield Academy, Ephraim Bigelow, Cromwell Barnard, Simeon Bean, Joseph P. Huzwell, A. & P. Coburn, Congo Parish, John Col by, (estate,) Arthur Drink water, James B. Dascomb,


Harpswell, do

Bath, Richmond, Topsham,

do Bath, Westport,

do do do

Bath, do do

Woolwich, Georgetown, Bowdoinham,

Skowhegan Bank. Norridgewock, Unknown,

do Norridgewock, Madison, Norridgewock, Unlmown, Skowhegan, Bloomfield,

do do

N. H., Solon, Bloomfield,

do Madison, Fayette, . Bloomfield,


Amount of stock.

900 400 200 200

3,000 1.900 'soo

1,000 500 100

.. 300 1,000 2,100

200 1,100 1,000 1,000


(Shares.) 12 10 10 3 5 1 3

10 34 2

iO 10 4

75 5

23 5


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Skowhegan Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence. Amount of stock.


Elizabeth Dole, Bloomfield, (Shares,) 2 Benjamin F. Dodge, Skowhegan, 3 Levi Emery, jr., Bloomfield, 4 Sally Fletcher, Norridgewock, 10 Mary Fletcher, do 5 Sarah G. Gilman, Skowhegan, 3 Nathaniel Hilton, (estate,) Palmyra, 5 Joseph Jenkins, (estate,) Madison, 25 Holman Johnson, 2d, Palmyra, 3 Nathan Jewett, jr., Solon, 3 Carolin~ L. Jewett, ~kowhegan, 3 Jonas Jewett, ISolon. 1 Thomas P. KendaH, 1M assachusetts, ]5 Joseph Locke, IBloomfield, 8 Joseph L. Locke, IGeorgia, 13 Daniel Lord, (guardian,) IAthens, 2 James G. Leavitt, Skowhegan, 5 Peter Malhon, . do 5 Judah McClellan, IBloomfield, 7 John McClellan, iConnecticut, 20 Henry McClellan, New York, J Lucy McIntire, Bloomfield, 1 Sylvia L. Malbon, Skowhegan, 4 John G. Neil,

I do 41

Ebenezer H. N eiJ,. I do ~ Sarah Neil, !

do 6 Hellen O. Neil., I uo a Josep,h Norton, INorridgewock, 1 Lydi~ Nuth, Bloomfield, 2 Edmund Pearson, ! do 32


Edmund Pearson, (estate}) IN.,H., .., I

Henrietta O. Pearson, do Samuel Philbrick, Skowhegan, 17 John R. Philbrick, W' aterville, 10 Joseph Philbrick, Bloomfield, 4 Wm. Philbrick, N. H., 20 John Pierce, Solon, 2 Luther Pierce, (estate,) do 1 l.uther Pierce, do 2 Samuel Parker, Bloomfield, 19 Sumner Parlin, do 1 Wm. Rowell, Bingham, 3 Samuel Robinson, Skowhegan" &

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Skowhegan Bank, (Continued.)


Daniel Steward, Cullen Sawtelle, Solomon Steward, Galon Soule, Daniel Snow, jr., Mary A. Stanley, Sarah J. Stanley, Deborah Sawyer, Somerset Academy, Abram Tinkham, John S. Tenney, Hanover Trefethren, Ticonic Bank, Trustees Ministerial Fund, Lydia Titcomb, Nancy Titcomb, Joseph Titcomb, .lohn Titcomb, Lucy I. Thompson, Elizabeth L. Talbot, S. & J. W. "Teston, Stephen Weston, Joshua Woodman, Samuel Woodman, John Woodman, Abel Wood, Mahala \Vood, Solomon 'White, Nancy White, Joseph \Veston, Zd, Sybil Wood, Daniel Wells, Mary Whittier, Wrn. \Vhittier, Elizabeth Whiting,


Skowhegan, Norridgewock, IBloomfield~ IFairfield, I Bloomfield, ! do

do , do \Athens, i Massachusetts,


,Cornville, I Waterville, 1 Bloomfield, !Farmington, I do ! do I do


.\Iadison, Machias, i Bloomfield,

I do

1 Cornville, I do i do


do (Bloomfield, iUnknown. lBloomfield, INorridgewock, :Bloomfield, ICornville, I do !Fairfield,


I Amount of stock.

:-----i (Shares.) 12

I 2 8

! 16 4 4 8

20 3 3 1

10 2 5 3 5 2 2 3

10 4

12 3 2 5 2

14 6 1 1 1

I ~ 1 ___ 3

i 750

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South Berw'ick Ban/c.

Names. Residence.

Elizabeth Abbott, South Berwick, Hannah Brown, Somersworth, N. H., Berwick Academy, South Berwick, I Joseph P. Baker, New York, Olive Cushing, South Berwick, Edward R. Cogswell, Providence, R. I., 1\1 argaret E. Cogswell, do Emily A. C. Burleigh, Great Falls. N. H., Enoch Chase, Boston, ~iass., Mary R. Doe, Rollinsford, N. H., Samuel Fernald, Kittery, Susan A. H. Ferguson, South Berwick, Jeremiah Goodwin, Somersworth, N. George Goodwin, South Benvick, Thomas Goodwin, 2d, do Frederick J. Goodwin, Middletown, Conn., Elizabeth Goodwin, South Berwick, William Goodwin, North Berwick, Sarah Goodwin, South Berwick, Ich,abod Goodwin, & aI, (trustees,) Portsmouth, N. H, Joseph D. Gufspy, Dover, N. H., Hannah E. Gufspy, do Susan Goodwin, Berwick, Sophia S. Goodwill, do Sarah Goodwill, do Sarah Hayman, South Berwick, Philip Hall, North Berwick, Hiram H. Hobbs, South Berwick, J ames Hobbs, do Nathaniel Hobbs, (North Berwick, Joseph Hillard, (heirs,) ;Berwick, A. J. Hoag, ]PhiJadelPhia, Abby M. Hoag, Lynn, Mass., Francis B. Hayes, 1 Bostoll, Sheldon Hobbs, North Berwick, Charles C. Hobbs, South Berwick, Nicholas Hanson, do Horace Hall, North Berwick, t:dward Hayman, South Berwick, Benjamin Hodsdon, do 'Vilfianl Hayes, Boston, Franais B. Hayes, do Daniell-fQ(lsdon, lNorth Berwick,

Amount of stock.

] ,0(;0 ] ,100 1,000

500 700

3,600 1,000

700 5,000 1,500

600 600

3,000 3,lOO 2,000 1,300

250 500

],150 750 450 150 100 100 100

] ,700 600 750

1,400 '",50 50U

2,300 550

8,650 1,000

50 1,750

150 350 100 50

350 400

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South Berwick Bank, (Continued.)

Names. I Residence.

------------- ·-------I-----~--- ~.-

Hiram H. Hobbs, (trustee,) ISouth Berwick, Theodore F. Jewett, I do 'Thomas Jewett, I do Theodore H. Jewett, I do Mary R. Jewett, I do Nancy Leigh, I do Samuel Lord, (guardian, ) IPortsmouth, N. H., Ministerial Fuud, 1st Parish, ISouth Berwick, Olivia Nason, I do Benjamin Nason, I do North Parish ill Berwick, jllerwick, William Nason, ISouth Berwick, Elizabeth H. Nason, New York, Daniel Nason, I Boston, Charles M. F. Nealley, iNew Market, N. II., John Plumer, iSouth Berwick, Samuel Parks, . do Joshua W. Pierce, !Greenland, N. H., Francis Plumer, !Rollinsford, N. H., Betsey Pray, j·Lebanon, Thomas C. Parks, Somersworth, N. II., Theda Smith, (heirs,) IDanvers, Mass., Sarah ~1. Sargent, ,Newburyport, Mass., Thomas Savage, (heirs,) iy ork, Ether Shepley,:Portland, David H. Stacy, Unknown, Danville Sn'ett, !Auburn, Nancy B. Thatcher, IU nknown, Susan M. Trafton, !South Berwick, Moses Varney, :Rollinsford, N. H., Isaac Varnf>Y, iNorth Berwick, Mary Ann Varney, iRollinsford, N. H" Elizabeth Walker, iPortsmouth, N. H., James W. Ward, IAbington, Mass., Mark Walker, \Portsmouth, N. H., Mary R. \Vallingford, IBerwick, Mary Yeaton, IRollinsford, N. H.,


Amount of st,'c.k.

2,000 4,000 1,000

500 25U

1,900 1,800 1,000

850 1,300

700 1,100

600 1,250

GOO 2/>00

500 2,000 1,500 1,000

500 500

5,500 1,000 4,000

200 500 500 100

2,000 2,000

50 2,500

350 1,000

150 1,150


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Thomaston Bank.


Geo. Abbott, (estate,) Sarah A. Ca!land, l\1ary G. Cole, Nancy Creighton, Sarah C. Cushing, Sullivan Dwight, (trustee,) Georges Insurance Co., Georgean Lodge, I. O. of O. F., Jane Gleason, (estate,) Mrs. G W. Gleason, John H. Gleason, Ann M. Gleason, Sarah Henderson, Ann B. Henderson, Susan Henderson, Oliver Jordan, (guardian,) W. R. Keith, Lincoln Baptist Benevolent Society, Edward 0' Brien, Snow Paine, Edward Robinson. Richard Robinson, Wm. Singer, Barnabas Webb, Robert Walsh, Iddo Kimball, Reu ben Sherrer, John Spear, Sally Benner, Kg. Solomon's Lodge, John Littler Hannah Robinson, Mary.Cotter, Lincoln Academy, Damariscotta Benevolent Society 1

Samuel E. Smith, Lydia R. Smith, Mary Buxton, Lvdia Y. Burton, N'ancy Copeland, John H. Counce, (estate,) Keziah Counce, John Creighton,


Thomaston, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Rockland, do do

I Waldoborough, do

Union, do

Newcastle, do do

Wiscasset, do

Warren, do do do do do

Amount of stock.

200 500 500 500 100 900

1,300 600 200 900 900 400 500 200 200 300 100 400 500 500 200 200 700 900 400

5,500 700 100 200 200 800 100 500

1,000 300

1,300 2,000

100 100 100

2,000 1,000


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Thomaston Bank, (Continued.) ------ --------

I Names. I Residence.

·-----I---~· - -~-~------

Keziah Creighton, Mary A. Creighton, William Hovey, (guardian,) vVilliam Hovey, Ruth Huse, Jonathan Huse, Margaret Lermond, Lucy Lawry, Paulina McCallan, Jesse Page, M. H. Smith, Mary M. Smith, Joseph Spear, Ed win Smith, Edwin Smith, (trustee,) Frazier Head, Mrs. John Miller, St. George~s Lodge, Warren School Fund, ... Warren Academy, Warren Baptist Society, J ames Barter, Rufus B. Allyn, Betsey Clark, Elsa Kelleran, Mrs. W. A. Gleason, Sarah E. Farley, Hannah E. Smith, Olive Y. Smith,


I do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

St. George, Belfast, Boston,

do New York, Pennsylvania}> Bangor,


Ticonic Bank, (Waterville.) J ames Stackpole, Timothy Boutelle, .1ediah Morrill, J ames Shores, Harriet Redington, Mary Dalton,


do ! do I do

I, do


Amount of stock.

200 500

2,300 400

1,noo 200

1,000 200 100 500 500

3,500 200 300

1~100 500 500 300 4UO 400 500 400

] ,5{)0 100 300

Z,ODO 200

1,100 500


5,800 5,300 3,100 2,400 2,100 1,500

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Ticonic Bank, (Continued.) ====================


John Mathews, Samuel Plaisted, Stephen Thayer, Alfred Burleigh, Clymena Mathews, Mary Esty, Emily N. Heath, Ann E. Mathews, J ames Stackpole, jr., George E. Shores, Susan L. Phillips, Ann Appleton, Stephen Stark, Henry Nourse, James M. West, \Vm. H. Blair, Watervil/e Lodge, Elizabeth Blair, • Samuel Redington, WIll. Dyer, Catharine Lincoln, Elah Esty, Samuel Appleton, Augustus P. Stevens, Fidelia Stevens, Ruth J. Stevens, James H. Plaisted, Aaron A. Plaisted, Edwin Noyes, John Ware, Trustees Somerset Academy, Silas L. Hoxie, Daniel Blaisdell, Margaret Tiffany, Samuel S. Tiffany, Daniel P. Tiffany, Silas H. Delano, (estate,) Lucy Cushman, (estate,) Thomas Rice, Joseph Eaton, Charles Cushman, Caroline Smart, Ann p, Mathews,


Waterville, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Athens) do

Sidney, do do do do do

Winslow, do do do

Unknown, do

Amount of stl'ck.

1,200 1,000 1,000 1,UOO 1,000 1,000 1,000

900 900 600 500 500 500 9UO 500 500 300 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 IOU

1,000 800 700

1,500 300 200 200 500 200

1,500 1,000

300 1,000 1,000

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Ticonic Bank, (Continued.) =======


Thomas P. Kendall, Sarah N. Nickels, Abel Hoxie, (estate,) Hannah Tozier, Reuben Jones, A rnold Hoxie, Allen Wing, Benj. Bowman, Elizabeth Whiting, Elizabeth Burney, Calvin Selden, Harriet Selden, Cullen Sawtelle, Sarah Sawtelle, (estate,) Caroline S. Dole, 1\1 ary Fletcher, Nathan \Veston, Clarissa Holman, Octavia Brackett, Charles A. Brackett, John A. Brackett, Hiram W. Brackett, Samuel B. Tarbox, Eleazer Tarbox, Joseph Taylor, Sally Allen, Judah McClellan, Asher Hinds, Nathaniel Gilman, John McClellan, Christianna Whitney,



Unknown, do

Fairfield, do do do do do do do

Norridgewock, do do do do do

Augusta, Canaan, China,

do do do

Gardiner, do

Belgrade, China, Bloomfield, Benton, New York, Woodstock, Ct., Boston,

Union Bank, (Brunswick.)

Joseph Badger, Eunice Badger j Silas Bracket, Elizabeth Brinegeon,

Brunswick, do do do


Amount of stock.

500 2,000 3,000 3,000

600 6DO 7'00 500 500 300

2,000 2,000

500 500 500 500

2,500 1,100

400 400 100 100 5UO 500 500 500 300 500

1,000 3,000



(Shares.) 10 2 1 4

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Union Bank, (Continued.)

Names. Residence.

-------_._-- ------

Robert Bowker, Charles Boutelle, John Curtis, John S. Curtis, V. G. & E. Colby, John Crowley, Wm. Curtis, Elizabeth Cushing, Lorenzo Day, Jos. F. Dunning, Samuel Dunning, Nathaniel Davis, C. S. Estes, J ames Elliott, Wm. Frost, Wm. S. Given, Lithgow II unter, Elizabeth Harman, John Harman, -Jeremiah Hunt, Alice Hall, Uriah Jack, Andrew Jack, Jane F. Jackson, Charity Jameson, Caleb Keilque, Adam Lemont, (guardian,) Lemont, Forsaith & Hall, Isaac Lincoln, Daniel Lunt, Adam Lemont, Joseph McKeen, Clement Martin, John McKeen, Josiah Mitchel1, Isaac Mallett, Geo. F. Mustard, Jos. McKeen, (trustee,) Arabella Merrill, Sarah Merrill, Wm. O. Moody, {jolamore Mallett, Jerome P. Marsh,

Brunswick, do


Harpswell, do

IBrunswick, Topsham, Brunswick, Unknown, Brunswick,

do do do

Durham, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Brunswick, Topsham, Brunswick,

do do do

'Topsham, do do

Brunswick, Topsham, Brunswick,

do do do do do do do do

Topsham, Brunswick,

do do do

New Orleans, Topsham, Augu.s:a

Amount of stoek.

(Shares,) 5 5 8 2 5 2 5 5 4 4

10 6 3 4

17 5 5 3 5 2 8

10 3 6

13 5 5

25 10 7

14 12 20 10 5 4 4

10 1 1 5 5 6

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Union Bank, (Contin'lled.)


Nathan Nye, John Patten, N. '1'. Palmer, Abigail N. Page, Geo. F. Patten, Charles S. Pennell, A. S. Perkins & Co., Lewis S. Pennell, Hannah PotteI, Mary A. Reed, Francis F. Rundlet, Paul Randall, Geo. Skolfield, Clement Skolfield, ;~aac G. ~~mpson, J llomas SImpson, Hinksm:1.ll Sylvester, School Fund, A. B. Thompson, Mary Thompson, Thos. C. Upham, Henrietta 'Veymouth, Samuel Woodard, 2d, James M.\Vincbell, Samuel S. 'Ving, Leonard \Voods, Jordan "Woodard,

:Freeport, :Bath, :Brunswick, ! do 'Bath, jBrunswick, :Topsham, I Brunsrvick,

do iTopsham, ,Alua, Hnrpswell, ,Brullswick, iH[upswell, 'flrunswick, I do

, "

i I

do do do

[Topsham, ,Brunswick, Topsham, iBrunswick, ! do . do

do do

Veazie Bank, (Bangor.) Samuel Veazie, Edward A. Dana, John W. Veazie, Nathaniel Lord, Francis A. Lord, Maria B. Veazie, Susan 'V. Veazie, John Fisk, John McDonald,


Bangor, Massachusetts,

do Bangor,

do Massachusetts, Bangor,

do do


I Amount of stock.

lc~har-~:.)-;5 i 19 i 3

10 [)

20 10 3

10 2 5

30 S a 5 a

10 5

10 2

1 lU 2 1

40,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 19,000 40,000 20,000

500 500


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Waterville Bank.


Samuel P. Shaw, ]ncrease S. Johnson, W. & D. Moor, James Stnckpole, jr., Stephen Stark, Thomas G. Kimball, John R. Philbrick, Charles J. 'Vingate, Peter Talbot, James M. 'Vest, Samuel Doolittle & Co., Ivory Low, Joseph Nudd, Daniel Moor, (estate,) Elethea Soule, Elijah Gleason, jr., Samuel Kimball, George \V. Keely, George 'V. Pressey, Paul L. Chandler, I"evi Ricker, Charles H. Thayer, Harriet B. Blanchard, Elizabeth M. Dow, Calvin Gardner, Stephen F. Harrey, Alden Emery, Allen Brackett, O. "V. 'V ashburn, John D. Lang, Jacob Southwick, (estate,) Samuel Calder, Hiram Pishon, Prince Hopkins, Amasa Dingley, (guardian,) "fhomas Rice, Franklin Dunbar, Ambrose Howard, Cyrus Howard, John Richards, Tufton Simpson, Jane Hiscock, Welthea Hiscock,


\Vaterville, do do do do

. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

China, do

Vassalborough, do do do do

Winslow, do do do do do do do do

Amount of stock.

5,000 3,600 ' 3,300 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,700

400 400 500 500 200 200 500

1,000 500 600 200 100 500 500 '400 100 100 200 100

1,000 200

1,000 800 400 200 200 100 500 500 500 400 400 200 HO 100

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lVaterville Bank, (Continued.) =====

Names. I ____ ~:sid~n~:~ ____ Amount of stock.


Madison Crowell, IBenton, 800 Daniel H. Brown, ! do 500 Gideon vVells, iClinton, 500 Francis Low, I do 500 Daniel II unter, 2d, do 500 Elijah Blaisdell, do 500 Daniel ,V ells, do 200 ASH Pratt, do 200 Geo. & H. Hunter~ do 200 Rich:ml 'Veils: do 100 A. &, P. Coburn, : Bloomfield, 1,000 William Parker, do 500 Levi Emery, jr., do 200 Joamn C. Morse, do 500 ,loseph Kimball, do 100 James '1'. Leavitt, 'Skowhegan, 200 1\105es Littlefield, do 100 Lysnudcr Cutler, Dexter, 1,000 Amo~; Abbott & CO' j

do ,-100 Stephen Cannon, : Fairfield, 300 John Otis, ! do 500 S:lOmcl Judkins:, do 1,000 Stephen Nyc, do 500 Nahum Totman, do 200 Henry C. Newhall, do 200 Esty N. Doc, IAugusta, 300

I ~

Joseph 1\1. Moor, :Palmyra, 100 Margnxet Barnwell, do 400 Isaiah Vickery, !Parkman, 1,000 Daniel Bbisdell, :Sidney, 1,000 D. L. Milliken, !Burnham, 1,200 'iVilliam 8i bley, :FreedolD, 1,000 Earl W. Johnson, IBoston, 1,000 N atbanir,l Gilman f ,New York, 1,000

I ------$50~OOO

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York Bank, (Saco.)

~t~-lm-a-n-B-.-A-l:::'~--------"------II A_lf_ir_ed_,_R_e_Sid_e_n_ce_. __ I Amount Hf ':::

Horace Bacon, Biddeford, 150 Margery Boothby, Saco, 75 Emily E. Barstow, New York City, 75 Edward E. Bourne, Kennebunk, 1,500 John C. Bradbury, Saco, 450 John Chadwick, do 1,200 Daniel Cleaves, do 6,000 Mary Cleaves, Washington, D. C., 7,950 Ch&rles Dummer, do 1,650 Moses Dunn, Hollis, 825 Isaac Dearing, Waterborough, 150 Orinda Dearing, do 150 James M. Dearing, Saco, 75 Nathaniel Dearing, Hollis, 375 \Ym. Dearing, Saco, 225 '''m. Dwight, (trustee,) IBoston, '150 Lucia Ela, W nshington, D. C., 1,050 Samuel Emery, (estate,) iBiddeford, 1,725 Sarah S. Emery, l13oston, 300 Benj. F. Frcnch, Lowell, 825 Isaac Furbish, IKellnebunk, 975 First Parish of Kennebunk, I do 1,125 Mary Fisk, I: Wells, 300 Nancy Glttcs, do :375 Bowen C. Green, Saeo, 150 Joseph IV£. Hayes, do 375 Joseph Hatch, Kennebunk, 2,925 Daniel S. Hatch, do 900 Wm. P. Hooper, Biddeford, 675 Mary Hooper, do 375 Mary D. Hartley, !VVashington, D. C., 525 William P. Haines, I do 450 E. J. & M. F. Hartley, (minors,) I do 825 Samuel S. Jordan, Saco, 600 Margaret H. King, IWaShington, D. C., 1,200 Endicott King, . Unknown, 225 Rebecca M. King, ;Portland, 675 Dorcas K. Leland, Hanover, N. H., 1,200 William Lord, Kennebunk, 1,950 Margaret Lane, Saco, 300 Sarah L. Mason, Kennebunkport, 750 Joshua Maxwell, Portland, 150

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York Bank, (Continued.)


Harriet Maxwell, Samuel Merrill, ( estate,) Samuel T. Merrill, Jott S. Perkins, Orlando Perkins, Humphrey Pike, Edmund Parker, Israel Pinkham, ( estate,) Jane M. Reed, vVm. Richardson, (est.:ite,) John Ricker, Burley Smart, Caroline Stone, Apbia Sawyer, Ether Shepley, John Shepley, Abby F. Shepley, Dolly C. Smith, Samuel Storer, Robert Smith, William Smith, (est2.te,) Benj. Smith,


Portland, Biddeford,

do Kennebunkport,

do Saco, Nashua, N. H., Biddeford, Manchester, N. H., Bath, Saco, Kennebunk,

do Biddeford, Portland, Saco,

do Kennebunk,

1 Saco,


11.{ennebunkport, Biddeford,

,Kennebunk, Alfred Smith, Saco and Biddeford

Durham, N. H., Srtvings fosti-

tution, Sarah Smith, 'I'homton Academy, Geo. P. Titcomb, · vVm. Titcomb, Lucy W. Titcomb, Abigail Titcomb, N a11cy B. Thatcher, Olive Tarbox, Paulina Tarbox, Almira Towne, Lewis Wakefield, ( estate,) Sarah E. Wakefield, Elizabeth A. Wight,

Saco, Tuftenboro', N. H., Saco, Kennebunk,

do do do

Ackron, Ohio, Kennebunkport,

do do

Saco, do




Amount of stnck.

375 150 375

1,200 525 225 825

75 l ,20(J

825 45{) 900 300 450

5,625 750 75

1,875 2:J5

2,175 375 375 975

4,650 75

1,200 375 375 375 900

1,875 75 75

225 675 450 300


NoTE.-The returns from the Banks bearing this mark (*) were not

sworn to by the Cashiers.

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Androscoggin Bank, Augusta Bank, Atlantic Bank, Bank of Cumberland, 1

Biddeford Bank,


Bank of the State of Maine, Belfast Bank, Brunswick Bank, Calais Bank, Canal Bank, Casco Bank, Commercial Bank,

Eastern Bank, Exchange Bank, Freemans Bank, Frontier Bank, Gardiner Bank, Granite Bank, Kenduskeag Bank, Lime Rock Bank, . Lincoln Bank, Manufacturers' Bank, Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, Mariners' Bank,

Medomak Bank,

Mercantile Bank, Merchants' Bank, (Bangor,) Merchants' Bank, (Portland,)

"N°orthern Bank,


3 4 6 6 9

14 15 17 18 19 26 30 32 33 33 35 37 38 40 40 43 46 49 52 54 57 57 58 61

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84 I~DEX.


Rockland Bank, 63 Sagadahock Bank, 65 Skowhegan Bank, 67 South Berwick Bank, 70 Thomaston Bank, 72 Ticonic Bank, 73 Union Bank, 75 Veazie Bank, 77 \Vaterville Bank, 78 York Bank, 80