Maha Mahasona ( Character Bulild Up Edited )

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  • 8/11/2019 Maha Mahasona ( Character Bulild Up Edited )


    Maha Mahasona (): Rough Script

    IntroductionThis sequence of events that have been restrictedin a histrionic space is the

    recreation of past; an analysis of the present and an effort to create at least a

    minutepivoting point that would propel the future away from this destructive



    This event sequence may appear a reminiscence of the past at superficial read.Yet the past indeed is the present and the present in turn creates the future. In

    this histrionic space one has to substitute the assumption of the linear arrow of

    time with a spiral flow. This is not the past as it is. Yet this is not completely

    isolated from the events in the past. This is the spiral sequenceof events that

    stemsfrom Mahasona to Maha Mahasoan

    Dramatis Personae


    Bhashmaasura (


    Ritigala Jayasena ( )


    Kuda Jasyasena ( )


    Control ( )


    A circular stage with a circular space at the center. Stage has been divided in to

    three parts where simultaneous development of three Mahasonas will occur.

    Center is dedicated to the construction of Maha Mahasona at the climax.

  • 8/11/2019 Maha Mahasona ( Character Bulild Up Edited )


    Character Profile

    The sequence of events in which these characters take part may have occurred in

    the past; even happening now in the present and may be a part of the future that

    stems from here. As the time itself plays no critical part here, writer refuses to

    acknowledge its existence. Thus unfolds the story of three characters in anabstract timeless space.

    There would be no main characters among the dramatis persona and all the

    residual and seemingly insignificant characters are being taken as main. First

    three characters have common origins but seems to have developed unique


    Bhashmaasura ( )

    An entity with anarchic ideology that have infinite endurance and devotion. He is

    aimless and uses chaos as an instrument. Rather calm in appearance; a volcano

    that is serene until eruption.

    Ritigala Jayasena ( )

    A wild and untamed beast in appearance. He has immense strength at his

    disposal. He is disloyal in nature as he cannot find an entity worthy of his loyalty.

    Chaotic in behavior because of disloyalty. A tornado in its destructive journey.

    Kuda Jasyasena ( )

    An entity whose self has been overcame by the intension of revenge. Thirst for

    revenge makes him unstable. A self-poisoned apple that would be delectable in


    Control ( )

    A formless genderless entity that signifies the control structure of a society. It maybe a person, a group of people, a set of values, a doctrine, a belief system etc.

  • 8/11/2019 Maha Mahasona ( Character Bulild Up Edited )


    Character Buildup

    Buildup of Mahasonas

    Character 1



    Control feels a threat



    MahaMahasona 1

    Character 2



    Mahasona 2

    Control feels a threat



    MahaMahasona 2

    Character 3



    Mahasona 3

    Control feels a threat



    MahaMahasona 3



    Mahasoana 2


    Mahasoana 3

    Giant Projection of

    Maha Mahasona

  • 8/11/2019 Maha Mahasona ( Character Bulild Up Edited )


    Stage1 Stage2 Stage3

    An act based on theimmergence ofMahasona as


    Audience get disruptedin the process. A

    shadow of control isvisible in instances.

    An act based on theimmergence of

    Mahasona as Ritigala

    Jayasena. Audience get

    disrupted in theprocess. A shadow ofcontrol is visible in


    An act based on theimmergence of

    Mahasona as Kuda

    Jayasena. Audience get

    disrupted in theprocess. A shadow ofcontrol is visible in


    Control feels the threat of immergences

    All three immergences get propelled towards the center Maha Mahasona( A projection )

    Buildup of Maha Mahasona

    All three immergences get on top of one another (All three Maha Mahasonas merge

    with one another to form a giant projection.)

    Projection breaks down to reveal the control (web like entity) inside.

    Remnants of Mahasonas get embedded in the audience.
