Magpie's Marketing Mix 2011

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Students Union Conference

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Let’s weigh it up...“Nothing f lash, just the good old notion of

sharing ideas.”Experience, ideas, trial and error all help us do something different, and hopefully better in the future.

Magpie’s Marketing Mix is a concept generated by Gerard Savva and Becky Edlin from Magpie Comms, to help students’ unions around the country come together and share their experience.

We hope the conference will add value to your organisation, and will give food for thought about how you can inject fresh ideas into your union’s marketing, inspired from the experience of others.

Magpie’s Marketing Mix should leave your mind brimming with a bundle of ideas; may help you forge new partnerships for shared marketing; and keep you connected with the students’ union marketing community.

So what, or who, is Magpie?

Magpie is about... listening to your ideas,

sharing ideas, innovating ideas, developing ideas,

And this is what this

conference will be about: Sharing and developing ideas.

Fact: In a 4 week

period Magpie’s ‘What

The Flock’ campaign

encouraged 17,000

students in Leeds to

visit its website, mostly

through viral marketing.

ok, we’re a little big headed about it, but we’re proud!

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Sizes Feb 2011

Did you know?The name Magpie was a

personal choice of Ged’s.

He named the company as

a tribute to his belated niece

who loved the Step’s song

‘One for Sorrow’.

Magpie is: Gerard Savva, Partner (LUU, Magpie)

Becky Edlin, Partner (LUU, Force-7, Magpie)

Alex Rennie, Web & Graphic Designer (Smart Assess, Magpie)

Kirsty Mann, Design Intern (Rare Creative, Magpie)

Eleanor Calsy-Harrison, Marketing Intern

We are a design and marketing agency, who specialise in student and youth marketing. Magpie provides design and communication services that effectively market your service or product to your target audience.

The team behind Magpie has been in the student and youth marketing sector for a collective 11 years. We understand the desire for new marketing techniques and the ongoing demand to engage more students. Always taking a hands on approach, we listen to and develop our clients’ ideas.

Students can be a fickle and a very diverse bunch so we love the challenge that this sector brings.

Based in Leeds, a city overrun with students, our marketing is innovative and engaging – perfect for a student audience. Recently, whilst working with four students’ unions’ to market student elections, our communications effectively engaged with the 18,382 students who cast their votes. LGOS reached a whopping 26% turnout in voting, and LSU’s turnout was up 58% from 2010.

Magpie is a small team with big ideas! We are always on the look out for new, innovative ideas that enable you to communicate effectively with your target audience.

Magpie’s clients currently include 12 Students’ Unions, 2 Universities, and we’ve also had the pleasure of working with the BBC, NHS, NUS and People & Planet.

As a company Magpie is working hard towards becoming the first choice for student marketing. We believe we can bring huge value to this sector.


Leeds Station




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The Headrow

Great George St



University of Leeds Campus

OBH Old Broadcasting House

Leeds Met Union

P Woodhouse Lane Car Park

Millenium Square

Nearby Food Outlets

Free City Bus stop

The EventWhere is it?Old Broadcasting House Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS2 9ENOver the road (3mins) is Leeds Met Students’ Union, and up the road (10 mins) is Leeds University Union.

While on your way look out for the Broadcasting Tower and Parkinson Building (see map), if you get as far as Parkinson Building you’re a little too far.

By carLeeds is pretty easy to get to from all parts of the UK, with links from the M1 and M62.

From the north: A1-A58. From the east: M62 to J29, then M621 From the south/south-east: M1 to J43, then M621 to J3. From the south-west: M62 to J27, then M621 to J3. From the west: A65 via Kirkstall. the north-west: A660 via Headingley. Parking is available at the Woodhouse Lane car park (LS1 3HQ), which is a short walk from the conference, at a rate of £8.50 per day.

By TrainFrom Leeds train station, Old Broadcasting house is just a 20 minute walk or 5 minutes in a taxi (max. £6 - ask to go to Broadcasting Place). There is also a Free City Bus that runs from Burger King at the train station to Leeds Met Students’ Union/Rose Bowl (just a few minutes walk from Old Broadcasting House). Allow 15 minutes for your free city bus journey and ask the driver to call your stop. Buses are every 5 minutes

Car ShareIf you are driving and have spare seats please let us know as some other delegates may be interested. If you would like to register interest please email [email protected]

Food/RefreshmentsTea and coffee will be provided, and maybe a few biscuits if we’re feeling generous. Due to this being a free event, lunch won’t be provided – please either bring your own or buy lunch from one of the local sandwich shops or supermarkets (labelled on map).

Nosey around Leeds’ Students’ UnionsYou may wish to have a look around Leeds Met SU before or after the event – please do so, it’s just across the road from the venue, we will be happy to direct you.

Leeds University Union is slightly further away (10mins) so we have extended the lunch break to allow time for walking around LUU.

Walking tours/directions can be provided so please ask.

For those who don’t want to leave the conference venue, there will be time to network with Magpie and other Union staff.

please book by 1

April 2011

Leeds University Union.

Parkinson Building

Broadcasting Tower and Old Broadcasting House




10am – 10.30am: Arrivals/refreshments

10.30am: Introduction

10.45am – 11.15am: Session One Do Union’s need a brand?What does a union’s brand mean in the new landscape of HE? Emily Badger and Tom Salmon outline marketing communication’s role in delivering Union strategy.


Corporate strategy and vision • The theory that branding has verbal, visual and behavioural components that • should reflect the diversity of, and personality behind, the Union’s impactMaking decisions on what services / products the brand (union) then offers • to segment markets

11.20am – 11.50am: Session Two Flicking the switch: Student Engagement Andy Winter will be presenting his thoughts about student engagement and how Union’s need to think about it when attempting to involve students in their campaigning and communications work.

11.55am – 12.15pm: Session Three Subject: Social Networking and Social Media Simon Nicholls Social Media Recruitment Manager, Circle People Ltd

12.15pm – 1.45pm: Lunch Break & tour of LUU

1.45pm – 2.15 Session Four Providing direction: Practical Market Research Kim Somerville will share with you some practical and innovative market research ideas and present her thoughts on how market research and market intelligence can provide direction for your Students’ Union and help better meet students’ needs.

2.20pm – 2.40pm: Session Five Interview with Di Harvey ‘Queen of Shops’ In this question and answer session, Di Harvey will discuss how she keeps on top of trends, and uses marketing to create a unique user experience both online and offline. Ask her anything and she will do her best to answer!

Engaging Students New Media Commercial External Speaker Student Union Speaker

The Mix * times subject to change.

2.45pm – 3.15pm: Session Six Subject: New Media Advertising Featured Guest Speaker: Tom Wong Marketing Director, TBWA London.

3.15pm – 3.30pm: Refreshment Break

3.35 – 4.15pm: Session Seven Cutting through the visual noise, getting your message seen and heard Magpie Comms will explore new ways in which you can communicate to students.

4.20pm – 4.45pm: Session Eight Going mobile: Developing a Union AppBen Neasmith will be outlining how and why Hallam Union took their online presence to the iPhone and beyond.

Wrap Up: 4.50pm – 5.00pm

The Mix

Engaging Students New Media Commercial External Speaker Student Union Speaker

The icing on the cakeThe great thing about this conference is the speakers. They have an insight into the challenges your organisation faces; the time, responsibility and budget restraints, as well as the changing trends within the audience. These guys make the conference...

Emily Badger, Marketing & Communications Manager, Birmingham Guild of Students

Emily has worked in SU marketing for seven years. Her previous roles have covered a range of in-house marketing functions which have included communications and publicity, media relations and media sales. As Marketing & Communications Manager, Emily is now responsible for the management of the marketing and communications department – current work includes the development of a member focused organizational Strategic Plan and associated IT, communications and research strategies, as well as developing strategy and activity to further enhance the Guild’s reputation and brand.

Di Harvey, Retail Manager, Leeds University Union

Having worked for Leeds University Union for 21 years Di has seen many changes within the student market and buying trends. Product, innovation and customers are her thing, with specialist knowledge in greetings Cards, gifts, branded clothing and merchandise.

Di believes it is key for Unions to mix on-trend, well merchandised products with excellent customer service to provide a unique retail shopping experience.

Ben Neasmith, Communications Coordinator, Hallam Union

Ben has over 15 years design and communication experience both in the UK and abroad. Having worked for Student Unions on a full-time and freelance basis since 2007 he has designed, managed and delivered a wide variety of communication projects, most recently a mobile app which has proved popular amongst students and shareholders alike.

Tom Salmon, Marketing Manager, Leeds University Union

Tom has worked in students’ unions for eight years as Events Manager and then as Marketing Manager. Responsible for brand planning, proposition development, impact reporting and communications strategy, Tom leads a team of 8 full time staff in the Marketing Team at Leeds University Union. Follow him @tominleeds.

Kim Somerville, Director of Marketing & Communications, Leeds Trinity University College

After gaining an MA in Applied Research Consultancy from Lancaster University Kim’s marketing career started at a Market Research Agency working for a range of blue chip clients.

She subsequently became the Marketing Manager at Leeds University Union with a strong focus on helping to improve the student experience and enhance the Union

facilities through conducting market research and applying the results.

For the past three years she has been the Director of Marketing & Communications at Leeds Trinity University College with responsibility for growing student applications and enhancing the reputation of a small university in a challenging environment. She remains a firm advocate of using marketing intelligence to provide business direction and is passionate about using this to get the best results.

Andy Winter, General Manager at York St. John Students’ Union

In his 11 years experience working within four different students’ unions, Andy has always focused strongly on student engagement. From working as a Sabbatical Officer, Activities Manager and now General Manager, Andy will share his thoughts and experience about how you can motivate your students to get involved.

We hope you enjoy Magpie’s Marketing Mix and take something really valuable away

...and the cherryon top

...Now, Who wants to lick the bowl?This non-profit event has been produced with you in mind. Magpie Comms is dedicated to providing top-notch student focussed marketing and sharing best practice. If you have any comments, questions or queries about this event please get in touch.

[email protected] | www.magpiecomms.com | 0113 318 3051 Magpie Comms 1-5 Springfield Mt, Leeds, LS2 9NG