Magnesium and Heart Disease

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  • 8/7/2019 Magnesium and Heart Disease


    Magnesium Can Reduce Your Risk

    of Sudden DeathPosted By Dr. Mercola | February 10 2011 | 35,277 views

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    New research examined the association

    between magnesium, which has antiarrhythmic properties, and your risk

    of sudden cardiac death (SCD). The study looked at more than 88,000

    women, who were followed for 26 years.

    The results showed that the relative risk of sudden cardiac death was

    significantly lower in women in the highest quartile of dietary

    magnesium consumption. In fact, women with the highest blood levels

    of magnesium had a 41 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death.
  • 8/7/2019 Magnesium and Heart Disease


    According to the study, in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:

    "In this prospective cohort of women, higher plasma concentrations and

    dietary magnesium intakes were associated with lower risks of SCD. If

    the observed association is causal, interventions directed at increasingdietary or plasma magnesium might lower the risk of SCD."


    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition February 2011; 93(2): 253-260

    Dr. Mercola's Comments:

    As its name implies, sudden cardiac death (SCD) occurs without

    warning, taking a person's life just minutes after symptoms first appear.

    Often underlying coronary heart disease is present, but many people

    who die from sudden cardiac death do not know they have heartdisease.

    In fact, the most common "symptom" of heart disease is actually sudden


    Prior to there are absolutely no indications of a problem, no signs like

    ongoing chest pain or shortness of breath. There are no symptoms at all

    until just minutes before the event occurs and ultimately kills you. In the

    United States, there are more than 300,000 deaths every year fromsudden cardiac death, but there are several ways you can help to slash

    your risk considerably -- and one of these may be by consuming plenty

    of magnesium.
  • 8/7/2019 Magnesium and Heart Disease


    Magnesium Slashes Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death

    In the latest study, women who consumed the most magnesium in their

    diets slashed their risk of sudden cardiac death by 37 percent compared

    to those with the lowest intakes. Further, for every 0.25 mg/dL increasein blood levels of magnesium, the women had a 41 percent lower risk of


    A similar15-year long study published in 2009 also found that people

    with the highest blood levels of magnesium had a 40 percent reduction

    in the risk of SCD, compared to those with the lowest magnesium


    Your body uses magnesium to perform more than 300 biochemicalreactions, including those that maintain normal muscle and nerve

    function and keep your heart rhythm steady.

    Sudden cardiac death often occurs because the electrical impulses in

    your heart become rapid and chaotic, leading to an irregular heart

    rhythm (arrhythmia) that causes your heart to suddenly stop beating.

    Magnesium is anti-arrhythmic, which means it helps to suppress

    abnormal rhythms of the heart, thereby lowering your risk of SCD.

    What are the Best Dietary Sources of Magnesium, and WhoMight be Deficient?

    Green leafy vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard are excellent

    sources of magnesium, as are some beans, nuts and seeds, like

    almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

    Avocadoes are also a good source.

    Surveys suggest, however, that many Americans are not getting enough

    magnesium from diet alone. As the National Institutes of Health Office of

    Dietary Supplements states:
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    " dietary surveys suggest that many Americans do not get

    recommended amounts of magnesium there is concern that many

    people may not have enough body stores of magnesium because

    dietary intake may not be high enough. Having enough body stores of

    magnesium may be protective against disorders such as cardiovasculardisease and immune dysfunction."

    In order to ensure you're getting enough, you first need to be sure

    you're eating a varied, whole-food diet like the one described in my

    nutrition plan or that's tailored according to your nutritional type. But

    there are other factors, too, that can make you more prone to

    magnesium deficiency, including:

    An unhealthy digestive system, which impairs your body's abilityto absorb magnesium (Crohn's disease, leaky gut, etc.)

    Unhealthy kidneys, which contribute to excessive loss ofmagnesium in urine

    Diabetes, especially if it's poorly controlled, leading increasedmagnesium loss in urine

    Alcoholism -- up to 60 percent of alcoholics have low blood levels

    of magnesium

    Age -- older adults are more likely to be magnesium deficientbecause absorption decreases with age and the elderly are morelikely to take medications that can interfere with absorption (seebelow)

    Certain medications -- diuretics, antibiotics and mediations usedto treat cancer can all result in magnesium deficiency

    If any of these conditions apply to you, you may want to have yourmagnesium levels checked to ensure you're not deficient. However,

    most people can keep their levels in the healthy range by eating a

    varied diet, including plenty of dark-green leafy vegetables.
  • 8/7/2019 Magnesium and Heart Disease


    One important point to mention: the levels of magnesium in your food

    are dependent on the levels of magnesium in the soil where they're

    grown. Organic foods may have more magnesium, as most fertilizer

    used on conventional farms relies heavily on nitrogen, phosphorous,

    and potassium instead of magnesium.

    So ideally, eat plenty of organic leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds

    every day to keep your magnesium stores replenished. Green vegetable

    juice [Leafy dark greens] can also be beneficial.

    Additional Steps to Prevent Sudden Death

    Heart disease is one of the easiest diseases to prevent and avoid, butyou simply must be proactive about it. First, assess your heart disease

    risk factors. If you have type 2 diabetes, you're already at an increased

    risk so you can move ahead to my recommendations below. For the rest

    of you, one of the most important risk factors will be yourHDL to

    cholesterol ratio.

    Yourtotalcholesterol level is just about worthless in determining your

    risk for heart disease, unless it is close to 340 or higher. And, perhaps

    more importantly, you need to be aware that cholesterol is not the

    CAUSE of heart disease. If you become overly concerned with trying to

    lower your cholesterol level to some set number, you will be completely

    missing the real problem.

    In fact, I have seen a number of people with levels over 250 who

    actually were at low heart disease risk due to their HDL levels.

    Conversely, I have seen even more who had cholesterol levels under

    200 that were at a very high risk of heart disease based on the followingadditional tests:

    Your HDL/Cholesterol ratio

    Your Triglyceride/HDL ratios
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    HDL percentage is a very potent heart disease risk factor. Just divide

    your HDL level by your cholesterol. That percentage should ideally be

    above 24 percent. Below 10 percent, it's a significant indicator of risk for

    heart disease. You can also do the same thing with your triglycerides

    and HDL ratio. That percentage should be below 2.

    If You're at Risk

    First, make sure your vitamin D levels are optimized. Like magnesium,

    low levels of vitamin D in your blood have long been correlated with

    higher risk of heart disease and heart attacks, and a previous study

    found women who take vitamin D supplements lower their risk of death

    from heart disease by one-third.

    My one-hour free lecture on vitamin D will tell you what your optimal

    vitamin D levels should be along with how to safely get them there.

    Next, simply apply my nutrition plan along with regular exercise and

    attention to reducing emotional stress. Together, this will drastically

    lower your heart disease risk -- sometimes quite rapidly.