Mothering Sunday 15 th March 2015 Rushen Parish Magazine March 2015

Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived

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Page 1: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived

Mothering Sunday – 15th March 2015

Rushen Parish Magazine

March 2015

Page 2: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


Contact Details for Rushen Parish


Rev’d Joe Heaton ([email protected]) 832275

Rushen Vicarage, Barracks Road, Port St Mary


Mrs Margaret Galloway, Cumbrae, Athol Park, Port Erin 837946

Mrs June Harper, The Barns, Strawberry Fields, Colby 834466

Mr Richard Clague, 4 Eagle Mews, Port Erin 834606

Mr Harry Dawson, Thalloo Reagh, Cregneash 478050/835770

Clergy with Permission to Officiate:

Rev Roger Harper, The Barns, Strawberry Fields, Colby 834466

Active Clergy

Rev John Gulland, 3 Snaefell House, Port Erin 834548

Rev Brian Shephard, Keayn Ard, Queens Rd, Pt. St Mary 833315

Retired Clergy:

Canon John Sheen, Kentraugh Mill, Colby 832406

Church Wardens:

Mr Gerry Callister, 60 Ballamaddrell, Port Erin 474924/834627

Mr Arthur Cregeen, 23 Close Famman, Port Erin 832488

Mr Harry Dawson, Thalloo Reagh, Cregneash 478050/835770

Mr Allan Knox, 1Park Court, Athol Park, Port Erin 837862

PCC Secretary:

Mr David Bowman, The Old Bakery, Qualtroughs Lane, 837117/260539

Port Erin

PCC Treasurer:

Mr Alan Kershaw, Ballakilley Barn, Church Road, 838117

Port St Mary

Parish Administrator and Safeguarding Officer for Children and Vulnerable People:

Mrs Claire Jennings, [email protected] 830850

More contact details on the inside of the back cover

Page 3: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


Dear Friends,

The film Memphis Belle follows the experiences of one aircrew during World War II. In the closing scenes of the film they are returning home but have suffered engine damage and have been leaking fuel. The pilot tells them to make it home that are going to have to throw out everything that they no longer need in order to lighten the load. Whilst the author of the letter to the Hebrews doesn’t have an aircraft journey in mind he borrows imagery from the Olympic Games for he describes the Christian journey as a race. He writes

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

A race where it is necessary for the athletes (i.e. us) to throw off every weight that will hinder the Christian journey. A race that is more akin to a marathon rather than a 100m sprint and hence requires commitment and endurance. But the author also knows that we need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, lest we lose we heart. Not a quick look or half a glance but where our whole attention is focused upon him. Runners often move to the wayside not when their muscles give up but rather when they lose heart. Part of observing Lent is to take a close look at our lives and so prepare our hearts and minds in readiness for Easter. Often this is seen as giving something up or to deny ourselves some little pleasure. But, friends, that’s only half the picture let us also keep our eyes firmly fixed on Christ to allow him to be our guide and to transform our lives. If you have lost heart and find yourself on the wayside I invite you to begin again by focussing your attention on the founder and perfecter of our faith. Be assured that he knows your circumstances and waits for you with arms open wide. Rich blessings this Lenten time

Rev Joe Heaton

Page 4: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


Let the Psalms lead you through Lent…

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. Psalm 1:1-2

Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness... Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. Psalm 150:1-2, 6

The book of Psalms opens with a promise that the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, those in covenant relationship with him, those who delight in his instruction and live by it. Readers take this call and its assurance with them into the rest of the book. Then, as Psalm 1 provides an introduction, so Psalms 146-150 seem to form a conclusion to the book, with psalms of praise, culminating in the unfettered adoration of God in Psalm 150. In that sense, the Psalms are – as Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann puts it – ‘bounded by obedience and praise’. And the sequence could well be important. Loving obedience initiates praise, praise is the culmination of obedience. Only those who begin in Psalm 1 can honestly end in Psalm 150. We don’t stay in Psalm 1 – that’s only the beginning – but nor do we rush too quickly to Psalm 150 – praising the Lord without taking account of his loving demand on our lives. Our adoration of God is bound up with our observation of his revealed will. Obedience is embedded in worship. The whole Psalter witnesses to a movement from piety to praise. Of course, that move is not without its struggles! The world doesn’t always seem to go the way Psalm 1 suggests it should – with the righteous prospering and the wicked getting their comeuppance. We get to Psalm 150 in the end, but we don’t do so unscathed. Nor does Psalm 150 necessarily obliterate the despair and doubt, fear and failure that have been expressed along the way. It’s precisely in the ‘stuff of life’ that we discover our ultimate purpose in glorifying and enjoying God forever. The psalms take account of the reality of sin and suffering and shame and setbacks, and they do so with brutal honesty; they also testify to moments when God works to bring us through those periods and renews our hope. And through it all, we come to understand that God doesn’t just exist safely at either end of the Psalter, but is found in the middle as well, in the midst of suffering and hope, in the midst of a life bound by obedience and praise.

Antony Billington

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were glad to meet up with friends they hadn't seen for some time. We the organisers were all pleased to sit down after our friends had gone and enjoy lunch altogether. This is a very important part of the day, as some live alone and they enjoy the company. The selection of soups always surprises us and whatever is in the pans is soon emptied. By the time we have had pie and a cup of tea, we have to make a real effort to clear up the dirty dishes and tidy the hall ready for Sunday School on the following Sunday.

February saw the arrival of the Leprosy Mission, on its annual visit, and our ladies hosted a parish meeting. There was a small bring and buy stall which raised £60. There were numerous donations brought along and given to Nick and Jean Collard, plus several large bags of stamps. A lot of money is raised from the sale of the stamps, especially those which are Manx, so please keep saving your stamps for next year. I will be informed about the money that has been raised shortly and will let everyone know. The speaker, who was so very good, told us all about his work and his time in Mombassa. It all sounded so real and made you realise how well all the money raised is used, nothing is wasted. Sue gave him a lovely vote of thanks, after which the ladies served tea and a lovely selection of cakes. At that point we had the opportunity to buy from the leprosy stall, and I know £200 was spent. It was a very successful afternoon and we have booked them for next year, all being well.

On the last Friday in February we will have another Friendly Lunch with yet again another lovely selection of soups and pies.

It has been really good to see Barbara Qualtrough back in church again after a long time in hospital and recuperation, but despite it all she is determined to get soup made for us.

It was very sad news to St.Mary's congregation to learn of the passing of Arthur Gilmour, who was a faithful member, and rang the bell each Sunday. It was so uplifting to see the church packed last Thursday and to hear how much he was loved and respected by so many, and to meet so many of his family and friends who had flown from Ireland for his funeral. Refreshments had been arranged by the families in the hall so that they could meet everyone, and hear how he was loved here as well. They then flew back at teatime. We send them all our love and prayers.

Love and Best wishes to everyone Brenda, for the Ladies Working Party

Ladies Working Party – St Mary’s

Once again it is time to keep everyone in touch with what is going on in St.Mary's Hall.

Time has passed by so quickly that it is hard to believe that as I write this we are nearly at the end of February! We had a lovely fine day for the January lunches and nobody minded when asked for £4 for their lunch. A lot of people said that the cost should have increased some time ago. A lot of people attended and they all enjoyed themselves immensely and

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and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't been invented yet.

Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden.....Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars. Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel.

Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something.

One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Ham. Noah built a large boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, but they said they would have to take a rain check.

After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for some roast beef. Jacob had a son named Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat.

Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name was Charlton Heston. Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels, and no cable.

God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments. These include: don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet your neighbour's stuff. Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more: Humour thy father and thy mother.

One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Gerry.co.uk and the fence fell over on the town.

After Joshua came David. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot. He had a son named Solomon who had about 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise, but that doesn't sound very wise to me.

After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets. One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale that then sicked him up on the shore. There were also some minor league prophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them.

After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mum is

Cont’d on Page 7

A child’s story of the Bible

A child was asked to write a book report on the entire Bible. This is the result:

In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness, and some gas. The Bible says, 'The Lord thy God is one’, but I think He must be a lot older than that.

Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did. Then God made the world. He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam

Page 7: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


The Real Easter Egg is still the only Fairtrade egg with a copy of the Easter story in each box. There is also a charitable donation for every 150g egg sold. More than £140,000 has been donated from sales. It also supports farmers and producers in the developing world by using Fairtrade chocolate. David Marshall, who heads up the Meaningful Chocolate Company, said; “The Real Easter Egg campaign aims to establish giving a Real Easter Egg as a tradition. We can be found in Tesco, Waitrose and Morrison’s. However, we make very little from supermarket sales, so we do rely on direct sales from churches and schools. Last year we sent more than 400,000 eggs through the post. This is a very positive example of putting our faith into practice so I hope churches will support this year’s Real Easter Egg campaign by visiting www.realeasteregg.co.uk and ordering. Each year the content of the Real Easter Egg changes. This year blue egg has a unique 3ft storybook/banner, the Premium Peace Edition contains an olive wood key ring made in Bethlehem and there is a dairy free dark chocolate egg

A million sold and voted the UK’s favourite Fairtrade Egg!

Introduced in 2010, The Real Easter Egg was initially turned down by supermarkets as they were unsure that a ‘faith egg’ would sell. How wrong they were. Last year, in a national poll, the Real Easter Egg was voted the UK’s favourite Fairtrade egg and now more than a million Real Easter Eggs have been sold!

always saying to me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.')

During his life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Liberal Democrats. Jesus also had twelve opossums.

The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him. Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount.

But the Liberal Democrats and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead. Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminium. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.

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News from St Catherine’s

I am writing this just as work is about to start on the repairs to St Catherine's east windows. They are being taken out to be repaired and will not be replaced for approximately three months. During that time, whilst the repair work is being undertaken, wooden blanks will be fitted. I will still be pleased to receive donations towards the repairs at any time.

This work had to be carried out as the windows were in danger of falling out. It is a very costly job which will cost approximately £20,000 and any donations would be very much appreciated.

I was sorry to be off Island for the Parish Away Day at St Ninian’s, but have been told by those who attended that it was a very productive day. Also reading the reports from the Vicar and Gill Poole, this would appear to be so.

We are now in the season of Lent with Easter just round the corner. It is lovely to see the plants and bushes around St Catherine's springing into new life. Let us follow on from our Away Day in trying to bring in new members and new life to our churches.

Until next time God's Blessings


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Is not really adequate for all the love, prayers, and emails as well as good wishes we have received when Ted had a stroke just after Christmas.

These prayers were certainly answered in amazing ways, and we are so grateful – our God is a Great Big God. Ted is doing pretty well and hopefully will continue to do so. Thank you once again.

Love & God bless Rena Bottomley

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

This is being held in St Catherine’s Church on Wednesday 22nd

April 2015 at 7pm. Can I remind secretaries/chairpersons of each church organisation that they need to submit a written report of their organisations’ activities, during the past year, to me no later than 14 days before the APCM. I will be writing separately to you all about this in the next few weeks.

David Bowman (PCC Secretary)

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Down (cont’d) 3 Gospel leaflet (5) 4 Physical state of the boy brought to Jesus

for healing (Mark 9:18) 5 Tugs (anag.) (4) 6 To put forth (5) 10 Nationality associated with St Patrick (5) 11 Leader of the descendants of Kohath (1 Chronicles 15:5) (5) 12 ‘After this, his brother came out, with his

hand grasping — heel’ (Genesis 25:26) (5) 13 At Dothan the Lord struck the Arameans

with — at Elisha’s request (2 Kings 6:18) (9) 14 ‘Peter, before the cock crows today, you will

— three times that you know me’ (Luke22:34) (4)

15 Spit out (Psalm 59:7) (4) 18 ‘When I —, I am still with you’ (Psalm 139:18) (5) 20 Concepts (Acts 17:20) (5) 21 Thyatira’s dealer in purple cloth (Acts 16:14) (5) 22 Does (anag.) (4) 23 The second set of seven cows in Pharaoh’s

dream were this (Genesis 41:19) (4)

March Crossword


1 The earth is one (6) 4 ‘On a hill far away stood an old — cross’

(6) 7 ‘I am the — vine and my Father is the

gardener’ (John 15:1) (4) 8 The Caesar who was Roman Emperor at

the time of Jesus’ birth(Luke 2:1) (8) 9 ‘Your — should be the same as that of

Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 2:5) (8) 13 Jesus said that no one would put a lighted

lamp under this(Luke 8:16) (3) 16 Involvement (1 Corinthians 10:16) (13) 17 Armed conflict (2 Chronicles 15:19) (3) 19 Where the Gaderene pigs were feeding (Mark 5:11) (8) 24 What jeering youths called Elisha on the

road to Bethel (2 Kings 2:23) (8) 25 The Venerable —, eighth-century Jarrow

ecclesiastical scholar (4) 26 8 Across issued a decree that this should

take place (Luke 2:1) (6) 27 Come into prominence (Deuteronomy 13:13) (6)

Down 1 Where some of the seed scattered by the

sower fell (Matthew 13:4) (4) 2 Sexually immoral person whom God will

judge (Hebrews 13:4) (9)

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February Crossword Solution

Have a birthday coming? Help us help the children…

February Sudoku Solution

Do you have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Instead of accepting presents, why not consider asking for donations to be sent to The Children’s Society? That is what Gill and David Robertson, of Newark, did for their 40th wedding anniversary. At their celebration lunch with 65 family and friends, “we simply explained why we wished to support The Children’s Society, and had some booklets available setting out aspects of its work. We put on the invitations, ‘No presents, thank you, but donations, if desired, to The Children’s Society’. 'We feel very committed because of the important work the charity does with very vulnerable children and young people, particularly those who have run away from home. In total we were able to raise £605, which we know will go a long way in helping those children who need it most.' “It is a lovely and very simple way to help transform the lives of disadvantaged young people across the country,” explains a spokesman from The Children’s Society. More details at: www.childrenssociety.org.uk/celebrate.

Hard to find Curate’s wife: I’d like to open a joint account. Bank staff: With your husband? Curate’s wife: Heavens, no. With someone

who has some money!

Page 11: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


Mothering Sunday

There is an old Jewish saying: ‘God could not be everywhere, and therefore He made mothers’. Mother Church, Mother Earth, Mother of the Gods - our human mothers - all of them have been part of the celebration of ‘Mothering Sunday’ - as the fourth Sunday in Lent is affectionately known. In Roman times, great festivals were held every Spring to honour Cybele, Mother of all the Gods. Other pagan festivals in honour of Mother Earth were also celebrated. With the arrival of Christianity, the festival became one honouring Mother Church. Thus Mothering Sunday is about the freedom that we gain through the promise of Jesus Christ delivered through our Mother the Church. People were encouraged to go to their ‘Mother Church’ (their home church or their home Cathedral) to worship and give thanks. Hence apprentices, and others, went home for the weekend and often brought gifts (or accumulated pay) home to their family. On the other hand, Mother's Day is a secular festival invented in 1904 and is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in May in most countries in the world. The British Isles seem to be the exception. In recent years Mothering Sunday has been hijacked to take the place of a special, secular day to give thanks for our mothers.

Parish Pump

So Little Time

So little time to say the things You'd really like to say - Before you even find the words, The time just slips away. So little time to do the things You feel that you must do. So treasure, like the purest gold, The time God's given you. So little time to dream your dreams, For youth has passed its prime, And all too soon you realize That there's ... so little time. So little time to reach the height To which you're bound to climb, For swiftly pass the waning years, And there's ... so little time. So little time to pass regrets, And less, to make amends, Yet God can heal the deepest wounds In chosen, cherished friends. So little time to share God's love And beauty here on earth, And know, before His endless time, Their meaning and true worth. Oh, yes, there is so little time To seek the hidden door That opens up to heaven's time, Where time's forevermore.

Author Unknown

For Your Interest

Page 12: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


‘He gave us eyes to see them’ ‘Primavera’

Sandro Botticelli

Each month we are exploring a painting that celebrates the glory and wonder of creation. In this month of March the world around us is moving from the cold and harshness of winter to new birth as the earth comes to life again in the season of spring. It is the theme of ‘Primavera’ by the 15

th century Florentine artist, Sandro Botticelli. His

work in the Sistine Chapel in Rome brought him to the attention of the Medici court, which commissioned this painting in 1482. The Medici dominated the political life of Florence, but Cosimo and his descendants were also great patrons of the arts. Humanism, which debated the place of reason in a world of faith, was the mood of the day in court life, and the work of artists at that time expressed the human form in all its beauty. Scholars have never agreed on the exact meaning of ‘Primavera,’ but it is certainly a celebration of beauty and fertility. We can identify a host of classical figures: Mercury on the left of the canvas separating the clouds so that Spring may come; Zephyr, the west wind, on the right, who is pursuing Chloris; Flora, the goddess of abundance robed in a colourful dress and adorned with flowers. In the centre we see Venus, the goddess of beauty, with a blindfolded Cupid above, preparing to shoot an arrow at the three Graces, whose arms are joined in a stately dance. The setting is a wooded garden where

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News from St Mary’s Sunday School and Junior Church

the trees are filled with oranges, myrtle surrounds Venus, and wondrous flowers spring up from the earth. At first glance the sensuousness and fruitfulness seem almost profane. But we look again and think we see not Venus in the centre, but the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose own fruitfulness gave birth to the Saviour. The three figures by her side could be the Christian virtues of beauty, truth and goodness who dance in her honour, while all around God’s creation blossoms forth to bring joy and new life. It is the world of the Song of Solomon, which the early Fathers could only accept as an allegory of Christian love, where the individual soul seeks the Saviour. But that book of the Old Testament was written in praise of the love that moves human life, as much as it moves the universe. And that can only be good because God the creator is good. The writer invites the beloved to accompany her to the fields and vineyards and find fruits in blossom and plants in bloom: a wilderness transformed by growth and goodness. Just so, we enter the garden of this painting. The characters may be classical, some may be Christian, but as we look we see a creative Love that transforms the winter of death and darkness into light and Spring – the birthday of creation.

Michael Burgess

On the 30th

January, Joe, Claudia and I attended Amelia's confirmation at King William's College chapel. It was a lovely service with four young people being confirmed. They all did very well and spoke out clearly. The confirmees led the prayers and Amelia and Elizabeth joined the choir for part of the service. Amelia was able to take communion at St. Mary's on the following Sunday, 1

st February. It is lovely to welcome her as a full

member of our church family.

The All Age service on the 8th

February was led by Joe. The service was based on John 1 verses 1 – 14 – In the beginning was the “Word.” Each time “Word” appeared in the reading the Sunday School held up the name of Jesus. As it was half term we had several children missing but those that were present led the congregation in singing “Jesus bids us shine”.

In our groups this week we looked at the passage about Martha and Mary. We all lead busy lives but we talked about how we could find ways to spend time with Jesus – time spent in prayer and reading the Bible.

We are looking forward to having pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and will then be thinking about Lent. We are intending to raise money for Water Aid during Lent with weekly savings and we hope to be able to have a cake sale and raffle after our service on Mothering Sunday.

With love from St. Mary's Sunday School and Junior Church

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baby grew into a toddler and I began to break into my stride. My second baby was an easy baby, and I think it was at about this point that ‘Alpha Mother’ began to emerge. Alpha-Mother could do things. You need forty cupcakes for the reception class? Not a problem. Want some sleep solutions for your nocturnal infant? In a heartbeat Alpha-Mother rocked up to toddler groups; she attended school meetings. Alpha-Mother had ideas and theories. She was competent. Her home looked nice, she maintained a calm exterior, and enjoyed dining out on stories of her happy, functioning family. But Alpha-Mother was also a pain. She annoyed people. She once reduced a friend to tears of anxiety and incompetence with her superiority. She could be nice enough on the outside, but she couldn’t keep people close. Clever, together and consummately strong, she peddled fear and inadequacy and worked hard to keep her many plates spinning. Alpha-Mother wanted to grow, and had she done so I suspect she would have slowly suffocated those closest to her. Instead, she is dying. (I would like to say she is dead and buried, but she still occasionally rears her head in a melodramatic death throe.) The problem with Alpha-Mother was that she was utterly unaware of her need of a Saviour. She was entirely self-made; a construct defined by her capacity to project success. Alpha-Mother and those like her are born when we attempt to botch and patch together for ourselves an identity which will mask our most vulnerable places, instead of turning over our brokenness to the restorative hands of the King of Love. What reckless stupidity! We have in Jesus a Saviour who came not for the healthy, but for the sick. He came to shine his life-giving, radiant light into those secret corners of our lives. Jesus does not need his followers to live like superheroes, leaping tall buildings in a single bound, living lives that make onlookers gasp with their many talents and plate-spinning capabilities. Jesus loves each of us as we are. We are told in Romans 8 that, “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.” This love is entirely free and unearned, it is a love that sees us as we are and loves us anyway. This is great news! In the presence of God we can all see our superhero identities for the empty-shells they really are, as we allow God’s transforming love to remodel us from the inside out.

By Joy French. Her recent book, with Anna France-Williams, is ‘Ordinary Mum, Extraordinary Mission: how can a busy mum be part of Gods’ mission when she can’t even find a babysitter?’ (IVP, £8.99)

No more superhero Mums!

This month Mothers will be remembered and thanked for all that they do for their families. But here Joy French encourages Christian mothers not to seek ‘Super-Mum’ status… (Editor) A few years ago, I realised that I was living with a sinister alter-ego. I first discovered her when my children were small. The transition from young-adult life to motherhood had brought many challenges, but as the dust settled, I began to craft a working model of how best to do this mothering thing. My first

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200 years ago, on 20th

March 1815 Napoleon returned to Paris as Emperor of France after escaping from exile. (On 18

th June he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.

175 years ago, on 30th

March 1840 Beau Brummell died. This famous British dandy and fashion leader established the man’s suit with neck tie as a fashion – and then went insane from syphilis.

150 years ago, on 4th

March 1865 Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as President of the United States for a second term. (He was assassinated a month later.)

125 years ago, on 4th

March 1890 the Forth Bridge in Scotland was officially opened. It was the first major steel structure in Britain.

100 years ago, on 18th

March 1915 the Battle of Gallipoli began when the Allies launched their main attack on Ottoman forts along the strait.

90 years ago, on 21 March 1925 Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh was officially opened.

80 years ago, on 21 March 1935 Persia was renamed Iran.

70 years ago, in March 1945 Anne Frank, the Dutch Jewish diarist and Holocaust victim died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, probably from typhus. Also on 26

th March 1945 that David Lloyd George,

British Prime Minister (1916-22) died.

50 years ago, on 8th

March 1965 3,500 US Marines landed in South Vietnam – the first US combat troops to take part in the war. Also on 18

th March 1965 Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov became the

first person to make a space walk.

40 years ago, on 5th

March 1975 The Homebrew Computer Club held its first meeting in Menlo Park, California. It started the personal computer revolution. Several notable computer pioneers were members, including the founders of Apple.

30 years ago, on 3rd

March 1985 British miners voted to return to work after a year-long strike over pit closures and job losses. Also on 15

th March 1985 the first .com internet domain was registered

(symbolics.com). Also on 28th

March 1985 that Marc Chagall, important Russian-born French artist, printmaker and designer, died.

25 years ago, on 15th

March 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev became the first (and only) President of the Soviet Union. (He resigned in Dec 1991.)

20 years ago, on 2nd

March 1995, British ‘rogue trader’ Nick Leeson was arrested for his role in the collapse of Barings Bank. Also on 20

th March 1995, a terrorist group released sarin nerve gas on the

Tokyo underground in Japan, killing 12 people and injuring thousands.

15 years ago, on 26th

March 2000 Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation.

10 years ago, on 26th

March 2005, the British science fiction TV series Doctor Who returned after a 16-year break.

All in the month of March

500 years ago, on 28th

March 1515 Saint Teresa of Avila was born. This Spanish Carmelite nun was a writer and mystic who reformed the Carmelite Order. She was also the first woman to be made a doctor of the Roman Catholic Church.

250 years ago, on 3rd

March 1765 William Stukeley, English clergyman who pioneered the archaeological investigations of the ancient stone circles at Stonehenge and Avebury, died.

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Bible Society’s unusual appeal

From the Registers

Weddings (February 2015):

There were no Weddings in February 2015

Baptisms (February):

Sunday 15th

February 2015 Michael Cowin St Catherine’s Church @ 11.00am

Acia Janet Cowin St Catherine’s Church @ 11am

Funerals (January 2015):

Wednesday 7th

January 2015 Mrs Linda Heaney Kirk Christ @ 12 noon Friday 9

th January 2015 Mr Edward Callister

Kirk Christ @ 11am Thursday 15

th January 2015 Mr Donald Hutchison

Kirk Christ @ 1pm Thursday 22

nd January 2015 Mrs Patricia Cargill

Kirk Christ @ 1pm

Here’s an unusual request: Bible Society has made an urgent plea for help in buying a four-by-four vehicle for use in South Sudan. They have good reason: until a robust vehicle can be found, the Bibles sent to South Sudan simply cannot be distributed. Instead they are languishing on the shelves of a warehouse in Juba. The problem is that the roads, when they exist at all, are often a morass of deep mud. Not that Bible Society hasn’t tried. For years one of its intrepid staff, Edward, drove a hired moped over miles of dirt tracks to deliver small batches of Bibles. But Edward is now too elderly to carry on, and there are still many heavy boxes of Bibles to transport. “That’s why we urgently need to buy our very own vehicle, tough enough to travel to remote villages and big enough to carry multiple boxes of Bibles in one trip.” If you could help, go to: www.biblesociety.org.uk/about-bible-society/appeals/south-sudan-an-unusual-request

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Mrs Valerie Vaughan playing our opening hymn. She had chosen ‘Love Divine’ as it was the National Marriage Week. Mrs Hartley then chose a reading for us, and after our prayers, and other business, the speaker was introduced. We were informed that he had received the Maundy Money at the same service in Westminster Abbey from the Queen four years ago, the same day the Queen was celebrating her birthday. The slides were a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Isle of Man of yesteryear. Mrs Pat Thomson gave a delightful thank you and gave a gift from the branch. This month there is the Diocesan Day at the Sea Terminal to raise funds for education for Burundi. There are posters in all the churches, which say ‘Bunting for Burundi’ and we are hoping for some of our young families in the parish will be able to attend and enjoy all that is on offer, and learn about our overseas branches and at the same time raise money. Our indoor members are delighted to receive gifts from our members and also visits. They are still very much part of our branches, so please visit them, they are always delighted to see you. Our next meeting is on Monday 9

th March in St Catherine’s Church Hall at 2pm when our

speaker will be Mrs Elaine Christian. Her talk is called ‘Laughter is the Best Medicine’ so come along that afternoon and join us, we welcome anyone who wants to meet us. I send my love and prayers to all members,

With Love, Brenda (Branch Leader)

Rushen Mothers’ Union

After having to cancel January's meeting we were delighted to have such a lovely afternoon for this month’s meeting at which we looked forward to having Mr Jack Kaighen from Laxey with his magic Lantern show. Unfortunately he didn't have the lantern with him, as he says it is a very heavy piece to carry around. So he had brought a projector on which he had transferred all the original pictures. The afternoon started off with our short form of service with

Expensive boat

A vicar was planning an Easter pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and was aghast when he found it would cost him £50 an hour to rent a boat on the Sea of Galilee. He protested to the travel agent that the cost was ridiculous. “That might be true,” replied the travel agent, “but you have to take into account that the Sea of Galilee is water on which our Lord himself walked.”

“Well, at £50 an hour for a boat, I am not surprised!”

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Concerts commence at 7.45pm Admission free - Retiring Collection

Refreshments in Hall following Concert

Mother’s reward

A man was decorating his new den and decided it was a good place to display all the awards he and his two sons had won at various athletic competitions. When he had filled two whole walls, he remarked to his wife that it was a shame she had no awards to contribute. The following day, she produced, neatly framed, the birth certificates of their two sons, and added them to the display.

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Children’s Page

Page 20: Magazine - Rushen Parish · Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived


Horatius Bonar

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.” I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad; I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad. I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give the living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.” I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s Light; Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.” I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my Star, my Sun; And in that light of life I’ll walk, till travelling days are done.

“I Heard the Voice of Jesus


Horatius Bonar was born in 1808 in Edinburgh, Scotland, the son of a ruling elder in the Church of Scotland. After a relatively uneventful upbringing, Bonar entered into the ministry himself, becoming pastor of the North Parish in the rural town of Kelso. Not long after he entered the ministry there was a disruption in the Church of Scotland that resulted in the withdrawal of 451 ministers from the established church, among whom were Bonar and a number of his friends. Together they formed The Free Church of Scotland.

Bonar spent the next 20 years as pastor to the congregation in Kelso, writing, and engaging in evangelism. Throughout his life he had been strongly influenced by Thomas Chalmers, and in 1866 he planted a new church in his home city of Edinburgh: the Chalmers Memorial Chapel. He was to serve that church until the year before his death in 1889.

In Bonar’s day the Scottish church had no substantial library of hymns since they sang metrical Psalms almost exclusively. Bonar had begun to write hymns before his ordination when he was serving as superintendent of a Sunday school. He found that the youth had little love for either the words or the tunes they were singing, so he set out to write a few hymns with simpler lyrics and already familiar tunes. These hymns were received wonderfully.

It wasn’t long after this that Bonar, apparently having a gift and an interest in writing verse, took to writing adult hymns. This continued as a habit while he served as pastor, and in the course of his ministry he published a number of hymn compilations. “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” was one of the hymns he wrote during his tenure at Kelso. This is perhaps his most famous song, having found good reception not only in Scotland but also in the wider English-speaking world. What makes the hymn so widely appealing may well be its focus on the gospel call of Christ to come to him, look to him, drink, and rest, and the simple call to obey and to find in him all that he has promised. It is simple, sweet and encouraging.

The Story Behind the Hymn

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Rushen Parish Prayer Diary

Lord, help me to live this day, quietly and easily. To lean upon they great strength, trustfully and

restfully. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will, patiently and

serenely. To meet others, peacefully and joyously.

To face tomorrow confidently and courageously! Amen

March 2015 This is your invitation to pray day by day for:


Farmers as they prepare for the seasons ahead 2

nd Students in college undertaking courses to further their knowledge


People who are housebound, unable to enjoy the pleasures of outdoor life 4

th Voluntary helpers in schools who give of their time to help the children


Chaplains in hospitals, prisons and the armed forces, and their ministry 6

th The emergency services in their effort to bring relief to those in distress


Those who volunteer to read, and lead intercessions, at our services in the parish 8

th ‘The Future’ and the activities it will undergo at its meeting this evening


The Mothers’ Union meeting taking place today at 2pm in St Mary’s Church Hall 10

th Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, whose birthday it is today


The Port Erin United Men’s Fellowship Meeting at the Methodist Hall this evening 12

th The residents and helpers at all institutions and the love they derive from each other


Fishermen who go out to sea in all weathers and catch the fish we eat and enjoy 14

th Participants in sporting activities taking place today


All mothers on Mothering Sunday, and families re-united 16

th Children returning to school after a busy weekend


All saints and martyrs who have remained steadfast in their faith 18

th Manual workers who work so hard to maintain our highways


The PCC Meeting taking place in St Catherine’s Church Hall at 7pm this evening 20

th Families as they begin to prepare and spend their weekend together


Thomas Cranmer, remembered today, and the Book of Common Prayer 22

nd Pets and the joy and love they give to their owners


People preparing for an important anniversary in their lives 24

th Those undergoing surgery at our own hospital, or in the UK, today


The Port Erin United Men’s Fellowship Meeting at the Methodist Hall this evening 26

th Gerald Callister and his tireless work for the Parish of Rushen


The Friendly Lunch taking place in St Mary’s Church Hall from 12 noon today 28

th Shopkeepers in Port Erin and Post St Mary


Our Lord as he entered Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week 30

th The safety of children at play now the lighter evenings are upon them.


Preparation for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting taking place on 22nd

April 2015

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1st March 8am St Catherine’s Holy Communion (BCP) (Lent 2) 9.30am Kirk Christ Morning Prayer (BCP)

11am St Mary’s Holy Communion (CW) 11am St Catherine’s Morning Prayer (CW) 3.15pm St Peter’s @ St Mary’s Evening Prayer (BCP)

4th March 10.30am St Catherine’s Holy Communion (BCP) 11.45am Southlands Holy Communion (CW)

8th March 9.30am Kirk Christ Holy Communion (CW) (Lent 3) 11am St Mary’s All-Age Service (CW) 11am St Catherine’s Holy Communion (CW) 3.15pm St Peter’s @ St Mary’s Evening Prayer (BCP) 6.30pm St Mary’s Youth Service

11th March 10.30am St Mary’s Holy Communion (BCP)

15th March 8am St Catherine’s Holy Communion (BCP) (Mothering 9.30am Kirk Christ Morning Prayer (CW) Sunday) 11am St Mary’s Holy Communion (CW) 11am St Catherine’s All-Age Service (CW) 3.15pm St Peter’s @ St Mary’s Holy Communion (BCP)

18th March 10.30am St Catherine’s Holy Communion (BCP)

22nd March 9.30am Kirk Christ Holy Communion (CW) (Lent 5) 11am St Mary’s Morning Prayer (CW) 11am St Catherine’s Morning Prayer + Baptism (CW) 3.15pm St Peter’s @ St Mary’s Evening Prayer (BCP) 25th March 10.30am St Mary’s Holy Communion (BCP) 29th March 11am Kirk Christ All-Age Joint Service (Palm Sunday)

(CW) Common Worship (BCP) Book of Common Prayer

Services March 2015

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Contact Details for Rushen Parish

St Mary’s Sunday School Leader:

Carole Coole, Cronk-NyGreiney, Fisher’s Hill, Arbory 827545

St Mary’s Ladies Working Party & St Mary’s Friendly Lunches

Mrs Brenda Watterson, Cair Vie, Linden Ave. Port St Mary 833618

St Mary’s Hall Bookings:

Mrs Brenda Watterson, Cair Vie, Linden Ave. Port St Mary 833618

St Catherine’s C.A.M.E.O & Morning Coffee

Mrs Suzanne Ali, 25 Sunnydale Avenue, Port Erin 834456

St Catherine’s Friendly Lunches

Mrs Sandy Fairest, 21 Ballamaddrell, Port Erin 834449

St Catherine’s Hall Bookings:

Mr & Mrs G Callister, 60 Ballamaddrell, Port Erin 474924/834627

Web Site/E-mail:

www.rushenparish.org.uk [email protected]

Magazine Editor

Mr David Bowman, The Old Bakery, Qualtroughs Lane, 837117/260539

Ballafesson, Port Erin

e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Articles for the magazine should be submitted to the editor no later

than 20th of each month. This arrangement is subject to change.

Parish Director of Music:

Mr M D Porter, 10 Fairway Drive, Rowany, Port Erin 832143

Churchyard Enquiries:

Please contact Mr Harry Dawson: 478050/835770

or Mr G Callister: 474924/834627

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March Sudoko Competition

Here is this month’s Sudoko competition. As usual you can download this from the parish website, cut it out from the magazine, or pick up an entry form from the back of one of the three churches. When completed you can submit is to me at my address which can be found in the magazine, give it to one of the wardens, or telephone me so that I can collect it from you. You must ensure that your name and address is printed somewhere on your entry. There is a prize of £5 for the winner. The solution will be printed in the April edition of the magazine. The draw will be made at the joint Palm Sunday Service at Kirk Christ on Sunday 29th March 2015. The name of the winner will be published in the Rushen News on Easter Sunday. The closing date is Friday 20th March 2015. The very best of luck!

David Bowman (Editor)