Magazine 8-B

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It is the end of the year and sometimes its good to remember the

memories and experiences we have had throughout the year. We have

learned a lot and our knowledge has increased. Bekki has been a great

support for everyone this year, she has taught us a lot of necessary

things to be able to succeed and meet all of our goals. She has

prepared us the best way she can for every time for us to be better and

so next year we have all the requirements we need. This year, we have

learned how to write good essays, we have learned about Utopian

societies, and also how to write short stories. The fist essay we wrote,

was about global issues, the consequences, and solutions. We read a

novel called The Giver, by Louis Lowry and be did an essay about how

the Utopia society worked and how the world could be in danger of

going that way to maybe some day becoming a Utopia society. And at

last, we read a lot of Utopian short stories, and we learned how to write

them. Each of us create their own short story. While learning all of

these things, we also learned about that it is really important to keep

memories about everything we do, to be able to not repeat our

mistakes, and that everything we do leaves a mark in the world. We

learned that is us the can do something about the future and we do

something today, then tomorrow can be a better day. We are the ones

who are shaping the future and it is really important that we are always

positive about founding solutions to any problem. We are the ones who

can control what can happen tomorrow. Experiences, memories,

knowledge, values and decisions, are what will shape the future. We

can make a difference, we can shape the future.

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1. Cover page

2. First page write up

3. Index

4. The giver essays

5. Green section

6. Creative writing

7. Biographies

8. Credits

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Sebastian Montero

Monday, March, 10, 2014

Rebekah Gerard



Is it important to be individual?

Individuality is questioned around the whole world. In Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver

shows how it could be the world without individuality because the chief elder of the

community gets all he wants so he makes all the people that lives in the community

without any difference. The skill of Individuality helps people to grow in emotional

and mental ways.

Individual people are strong in mental ways. Individuality helps people grow

in mental ways because you do what you like to do and you wear what you like to

wear and you don’t do what other people wants you to do or wants you to wear. An

example of this is when Jonas is different from his society when he starts to know

feelings like love and happiness because of the memories The Giver transfer to

him. Individual people are stronger in mental ways than non-individual people

because they experience more things, mental strength is a skill that helps a lot

Jonas when he escapes from the community with Gabriel and with the help of The

Giver . An example is when Jonas escapes from the community he experiences

more things.

An individual person feels better that a non individual person. When you are

not individual you don’t make your own decisions you do what everyone says so

you feel bad with your own self. An example is when Jonas feels bad in the

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community because they controlled all his life, but when he escaped with Gabriel to

elsewhere he almost died but he feels better. When you are choosing what to wear

you have to wear what you like not what other people likes. An example of this is

when this girl that Lois Lowry meet and shared her room with 13 girls more, this girl

was different from all the other 13 girls including, she wearied different clothes and

all that but this girl feel good Lois, she wear different clothes and all that but this girl

feel good with her own self.

Without individuality the people will not be able to develop their emotional

and mental skills. Being different doesn’t mean being weird because all people are

different one another. In conclusion the skill of individuality helps people to develop

their mind and their emotional and mental skills. Also you never have to be non-

individual because you will feel bad with your own self. Remember be different be


MLA: Works Cited

The Book of the Giver

The speech of Lois Lowry

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Diego Velastegui

Rebekah Gerard

English 8thB


Importance of individuality in a society

Individuality is something that exists throughout the world. In the novel “the giver”

by Lois lowry, we can see the world without individuality, with no freedom to

choose .After reading the book I can see that individuality is necessary for build a

better community , but we need to learn to accepted what is different and respect

them to.

Individuality is necessary to build a better community.to have more individuality you

need to separate of the things they teach you and find your own road. For example

Lois Lowry tells of living in a small American community in Japan, A place that was

save, conformable and familiar. A place in were all the people looked the same and

make the same things. The same as the community in were Jonas lives, all the

people was the same, have the same cultured, think the same way. In that place

Lois do not have individuality. When she decides to go against the rule of going out

of the American community, take his bike and go to the Japanese town then it was

when she wins individuality. When she decide what it was good what she want. In

the Japanese town she learns new cultures, meet new people, and learn to

appreciate different ways of live. She can adopted the good about that community

and learn to not committee same mistakes they make. Then it was when Lois

Lowry growth as a person. Oppressing individuality is not good for a community.in

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the community in were Jonas lives the committees of elders decides that there are

going to not have colors, not have animals, the people don’t have freedom to

choose. The committee of elders chooses the name of a child, decides who are

going to be there fathers. Then they decide their jobs, after that there wife and their

family units. They cannot choose a favorite color or a favorite animal. They make

these because if you can choose you can choose wrong, you can make mistakes.

If you never choice and never make something wrong you will never learn how to

be beater. If you never make mistakes you were not going to being searching for

things to help you or solve that mistakes and you will never grow as a person and

as a community.

Individuality is good for a community but you need to learn to accept what is

different, to grow as a community you need to respect the other cultures. For

example when Lois Lowry was in college, she lived in a dorm with other 14 girls.

That have a lot of things in common, the clothes they use, like to dace and the

party’s. They like the same things. 1 girl doesn’t like the same things, don’t dress

the same way, don’t go to the fraternity parties, she was a smart girl. The other

girls in the dorm feel uncomfortable with were, she was sow different she was as

like an “alien”. Sow they pretend that that girl dos not exist. After a lot of years Lois

feels bad because the things they make to that girl. Years after Lois was sent are

the magazine to visit a painter in the coast of Maine. A man that live far away of the

society. But the men have a capacity to see colors were beyond of the capacity of

Lois. After some years Lois now that the old man in the coast of Maine became

blind. This man was the inspiration for the character of the giver. A man that was

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separate of the community that was different. But he can make things that no one

else can do, incredible things. We need to understand that we are not the only

people in the world. Jonas can not belive these idea sow he asked the giver “is not

only us, only now?” then he realize that there is other people in the world of other


we cannot grow as a community if we don’t think in the rest of people. We can not

only grow thinking in our problems and not in the rest. We cannot grow if we ignore

people as the one girl in the dorm or the lonely man that live in the coast of main.

Work cited

Lowry, Lois. The Giver. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Print.

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Victor Quinones

Rebekah Gerard

English 8-B


Where is our oil dependency leading the world?

Fossil fuels provide 80% of the world’s energy consumption, so are we oil dependent? In order to prevent the use of fossil fuels for energy we should use solar energy to take care of our environment. Oil drilling all over the world has increased immensely since the industrial revolution, which has caused a lot of negative environmental, affects like air pollution and climate change.

Today, people all over the world use fossil fuels products in their daily lives like plastic bottles or fossil fuels burned in cars." Petroleum makes up 36% of our energy consumption, coal 27.4 %, and natural gas 23% that makes up 86.4% of the world’s total energy. [...] Only 20% of the energy comes from renewable

Energies"(Freeman). In the USA, about 500 million plastic bags are used annually. This plastic will take over 500 years to decompose in the earth, and till that happens, it will contaminate the atmosphere of the world. The whole earths fuel consumption sums up to 11 billion tons per year. The EIA predicated that 56% of the world’s oil consumption would increase for 2040." Natural gas consumption will increase 64% faster than petroleum and coal consumption will rise 13% a year"(Freeman).

Our current oil dependency has caused serious effects not only in the environment but also in the economy of countries and it will continue if we don’t change this. The EIA projects “co2 emmitions to increase 45 billion metric tons by 2040” (Freeman). All current drilling wells will disappear and new will be found for the same year. Electrical consumption will grow from the actual 20.2 trillion kilowatts an hour to 39 trillion kilowatts. While develop countries try to decrease their oil consumption by using alternative sources like USA that today has developed shale oil that its less contaminating, sub developed countries increase their oil consumption and production like India, China or other South American countries like Ecuador.

In order to prevent the use of fossil fuels as energy sources, we have to incentivize the use of renewable sources that don’t contaminate and help the environment. Solar energy is the best energy to use because it’s one of the cheapest alternative sources, the most profitable, and easy to install and make it work in our school. Solar panels capture the sunlight and convert it to electrical energy. “Countries like Germany or USA have already spent more than 40 billion dollars in solar energy that produces 3% of the US energy. Indonesia already uses 6% of their energy from the sun and UK 4% (Pike). 50% of Quito’s energy comes from oil and the other 50% from hydraulic sources. Here in Quito, we have the

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advantage of being very high in the country, solar rays hit more directly to us so they produce more energy as well.

In order to reduce the co2 emmitions and the use of oil as energy source we have to immediately invest on solar panels that will give the same electricity but without hurting the planet. If we start with a little change, then we are leading to a bigger change in our society. Imagine Quito using all his energy from renewable sources and make a huge contribution to the world.

Works Cited

Smil, Vaclav. “Solar Energy.” Energies. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts. Print. 1999.

Freeman, Andrew. “ Fossil Fuels to Dominate World Energy use through 2040.ClimateCentral.org. Web. 2012.

Pike, William. “What Industry Leaders Expect in 2013. EBSCO.com. EBSCO, Inc. Web. 2012.

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Nicolás Guzmán

Rebekah Gerard

English 8

November 11, 2013

Fossil Fuel Use

Nowadays, the world is facing many global issues. The use of fossil fuels is

a major issue. In order to reduce fossil fuel use, we should implement the use of

renewable energy resources, starting in our community. By analyzing the causes of

fossil fuel use, its effects and the different alternative resources, we should see that

this is the best way to reduce fossil fuel use.

Society depends on fossil fuels for energy. Fossil fuels are carbon-based,

non-renewable resources. Its burning is used for making electricity. Since the

industrial revolution, the use of fossil fuels has increased, making us depend on it.

“At least 80 percent of the energy people use to drive, heat their homes, and power

gadgets comes from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, and the

consumption of all of the above contributes to global warming.” (Friday). It is

difficult to change such percentage of energy into renewable. This is also an

industry and a major source of money for some countries. That is why we still

depend on fossil fuels.

The use of fossil fuels is very dangerous for the environment. When burning

fossil fuels, carbon dioxide (co2) is released. CO2 absorbs heat which creates

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global warming. “Since 1990, yearly emissions have gone up by about 6 billion

metric tons of "carbon dioxide equivalent" worldwide, more than a 20 percent

increase” (“Causes of Global Warming”). If we consume all proven fossil fuels it

would emit 3tn tonnes of carbon dioxide, which could increase Earth’s temperature

up to 4°C. It is equal to what has raised since the ice age (Clark). This creates

global warming and climate changes. Additionally, companies contaminate the

environment when extracting fossil fuels. To extract petroleum from earth, a

method is used called hydraulic fracturing, which contaminates water, destroys the

space and can cause petroleum spills (Dobb). There has been a fight between

NGOs and oil drilling companies for many years, for drilling at places like the

Yasuni National Park and the Arctic. If these places are drilled, it would make a

great impact for the environment.

There are many types of alternative energies emerging like nuclear, biofuel,

solar, currents (wind), hydroelectric and geothermal. Not all of them are suitable for

community use. Nuclear power creates nuclear waste and is for industrial use.

Biofuel uses food which is another global issue and emits carbon dioxide.

Hydroelectric and geothermal energies are renewable energy sources, but are for

industrial use only. The best energy sources to use in the community are solar and

wind energy because they can be used in low scale and do not contaminate the


To reduce the fossil fuel use and co2 emissions, we should start giving a

good example of change to renewable energy sources, starting in our community.

We should implement the use of solar panels and wind turbines on the buildings in

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our community. By cooperating with the community, it reduces the cost of panels

and turbines, and increases the wellbeing of a larger group of people. It also

encourages other groups to do the same. This way, the need of public energy

would decrease, stopping the extraction of fossil fuels for energy and decreasing

carbon dioxide emissions.

The billion tons of co2 emitted each year has caused major climate changes

and most of the global warming. It is a responsibility of all of us to give a good

example for others to reduce the use of fossil fuels. “After all, the climate doesn't

know or care how much energy we've got, how efficient our cars and homes are,

how many people there are, or even how we run the economy. It only cares how

much globe-warming pollution we emit” (Clark). If we start with the change in our

community, other large groups of people would do this change to reduce fossil fuel

use, and with it, co2 emissions. This is a matter of the whole planet.If we all

contribute with our communities it would make a great change for the world.

Works Cited

"Causes of Global Warming." National Geographic. National Geographic Society,

n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

Clark, Duncan. "Why Can't We Quit Fossil Fuels?" The Guardian. Guardian News

and Media Limited, 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

Dobb, Edwin. "The New Oil Landscape." National Geographic 2013: n. pag. Print.

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Friday, Leslie. "Breaking the Fossil Fuel Habit." BU Today. Boston University, 28

Mar. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

"History of Fossil Fuel Usage since the Industrial Revolution." Mitsubishi Heavy

Industries, Ltd. Global Website. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd, n.d. Web. 11

Nov. 2013.

McMullan, John T. "Energy Sources." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online,

2013. Web.

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Alejandra Pinto

Rebekah Gerard

English 8-B


The world’s oldest issue

Pollution, one of the world’s oldest issue is the introduction of contaminants

into the natural environment. Pollution is affecting people, animals and every living

thing in the planet. Today the population in our planet has increased in a great

number, because of this pollution has increased too. Pollution is responsible for

health problems and deaths of hundreds of Americans each year. To reduce this

problem I think we could start an education program, to educate people and make

pollution stand out.

“Particles that make up air pollution are small and easily get in your lungs

causing inflammation and other damage” (Montague). Air pollution is causing wide

range of human health problems such as, asthma (especially in children),

inflammation, and maybe death. Most of the people should think that you breath a

lot of polluted air when you're walking on the streets but thats not true. Studies

have recently shown that inside homes and buildings are more polluted than

outside on the streets. The air inside is mostly polluted by fumes released into the

air like, aerosol sprays, cleaners and solvents. many of these indoor pollutants are

known to irritate the lungs, bring asthma attacks and cancer.

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“Diesel vehicles, oil-and coal-burning power plants are the worst offenders”

(Monague). Cars are ways of transportation that people use everyday, but they are

the worst offenders for air pollution. The cars release carbon monoxide, this is

released when wood and fossil fuels (for transportation) are not completely burned.

One of the biggest cities in the united states is in fact the most polluted city too.

Los angeles contains 78 percent of nitrogen and 21 percent of oxygen, when you

breath this it affects your health.

“ Our planets lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater are often a chemical

cocktail” (Miller). Today thanks to technology, scientists are able to detect more

pollutants in smaller areas of our fresh water bodies. Some of the contaminants

found in ocean, lakes, etc. are, sunscreen, pesticides and petroleum. This

pollutants find their way through rivers and lakes which then connect to oceans and

seas. In developing countries, 70 percent of the waste are dumped into waters

polluting them and making them useless for water supply.

To conclude, like I said before, pollution is affecting us in every possible

way. To reduce this, my education program is going to include a reforestation

program to help deforestation which is a contributor for pollution. Besides people

with few resources will also be able to attend to the courses since they will be free.

If we unite all together we are going to be able to make a change and an impact. I

think its important for us to change because we will help future generations instead

of giving them all the problems and issues.

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works cited:

Montague, Peter. Air Pollution Is a Serious Problem. San Diego, CAL: David

L.Bender, 2000. Print.

Li, Jessica. "A Sustematic Approach to Engineerieng Ethics Education."

EBSCO. N.p., n.d. Web.

Bellamy, Rufus. Clean Air. London: Franklin Watts, 2004. Print.

Miller, Ruby. Conteporary World Issues. California: Abc, 1989. Print.

Gifford, Clive. Planet under Pressure Pollution. Chicago: Hienman Libary,

2006. Print.

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Creative writing


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Matias Meneses


English 8B

Rebekah Gerard

World Crisis

It was the year 2028. Humans have been in resources crisis since 2025, it

was about 8 A.M. and Philip woke up he was 21 years old and still lived with his

parents Abby and Seth and his younger brother born on Ecuador name Diego. The

problem on the world was that there were almost no resources left on planet earth.

They started having breakfast with all the family and suddenly the TV turned on

automatically and it was the president of Ecuador announcing that there was no

more resources left on earth and that happened on all countries of the world on the

same time. There was nothing left except rivers and jungle. Philip started talking

with his family and said that they have to disappear. Their parents said that they

were too old and they will stay. Philip had so much love for his parents that he had

to take them. Everyone got in the car Philip took all the useful stuff from the house

as fast as he could. And he took the 4 kayaks for traveling by water.

All of them kayaked very well, they started going to the jungle of Ecuador it

took them 2 hours to get out of the city. And when they got to Puembo everyone

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was in panic. Then they were almost in Papallacta and the light of low fuel turned

on they were worried because there were no more fossil fuels in the world. They

got about 18 km left of fuel about 2 gallons. That was enough to get to Cuyuja

which is very far from the jungle. Philip had a great idea but they will have to kayak

a this river that is super technical and extremely dangerous. He said that they

should put in Cuyuja so they kayak the Papallacta River to the union of the Quijos.

From there they will walk to the upper Papallacta which is 3 days of walking and

keep save from everything in the deep jungle. Everyone kept in silence, Seth said “

well that i our only choice except if you want to die.” they were almost in Cayuja.

The car suddenly turned off there was no more fuel left, they were about 1 km to

Cuyuja. They had to get to the put in of the upper Papallacta. So they unload all

the gear put it on and started walking to Cuyuja with the kayaks.

After 15 minutes they finally saw the put in which was about 200 meters and

suddenly a crazy man stared shooting at them, they got really fast to the river and

started paddling before someone ended dead. Abby noticed that she was missing

a finger. The crazy men shoot her finger, she stared shouting of desperation and

pain. Philip stopped and took out his first aid kit and gave his mother a pill and

covered up her hand. The river was still fairly easy and suddenly the river stared

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entering to a big and steep canyon. Philip said just follow my line. Everyone stared

following Philip trough a rapid that had a 4 meter drop and an undercut on a side,

so if you missed the line you probably will die. They finally got to the union of the

Papallacta River and the Quijos they tied up the kayaks and start walking. Abby

said "I'm starving" then Diego said “me too". They kept walking for about 3 hours in

the jungle and found a dead snake; Phillip said" we should eat this" he start cutting

the snake head and then he took the skiing out. He took out his fire starter and

made a little fire he cooked the snake and everyone ate but they were still hungry.

They continue walking like 4 more hours until was 4 P.M. And they starting

building a shelter and build a fire. They sleep until 6 A.M. And they stared

walking again it was a long journey. They walked for 2 days straight with no

food and then a bear attacked Philip. Phillip took his rescue knife out and

stab him in the heart and he died. He took out the heart and he ate it

because is 60% protein. Then he took all the meat he could and the skiing

and he took it. He finally found a great spot to build a house and live there.

He stop there and build a fire and start eating, Phillip slept inside if the bear

skin. The nest day they stared building the house with wood and it took

them about 3 weeks to finish it. Phillip said to his family " we will have to

start al over again without destroying the world, there is about 20% of

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population left, the only thing that we can do know is finish living out life's

with joy and family time.

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María Emilia Pachano

Rebekah Gerard

English 8th B

May 26, 2014

Endless Love

Lately I´ve had been finding hidden cards each day in my room. Every.

Single. Day. There is a mysterious card hidden in some part of my room.

I´m kind of tired searching for them and trying to find out who is sending me

these cards.

Oh, and by the way, my name is Nina Hamilton. I´m 14, I go to the CTU

School in California, I live in a beach house with my mom, dad, and my 12

year old brother Jake. Jake and I love to surf and skateboard, we have a

really good relationship because I know I can trust him and he can trust me.

He knows that since I was little I´ve believed in true love and that I´ve

always wanted a love story like in the movies. But as all siblings we fight

sometimes but no matter what we won’t tell our secrets. The thing is that

the only secret Jake does not know about me is that i´ve been receiving

these mysterious cards.

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A month ago was November 18th, my birthday and the day I started

receiving these cards. That day after finding the card inside a turquoise

balloon, and after reading it, I told myself that if I keep receiving these cards

every day, which I didn’t think I would because I thought it was only a

birthday card, I would do anything to find out who is the mystery person

who is sending me these beautiful cards.

The first card said:

Happy Birthday Nina! I hope you have a great day and just if you forget I

wanted to tell you that you have the prettiest smile and the most beautiful

light up eyes in the world. Love you and see you soon.

I was frozen, I had no words to say or describe what I was feeling that

moment. There was no name. I was really frustrated because I didn´t know

who the person who sent me this card was, but I was also very happy

because this mystery card made my birthday even better.

Days passed and I kept receiving a card each day. Every card had a quote

and a complement of me in it, but today something was different. I had a

feeling that something would happen. It was 10am and I went with Jake to

surf. We were having a lot of fun and then he told me he knows I have a


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“Nina, yesterday night I was at Take A Drink eating pizza and drinking

watermelon juice when I heard a boy talk about you.”

“And….” I said

“He was saying that he is in love with this girl who has long brown wavy

hair, bright green eyes, a perfect smile, and knows how to surf.”

“How do you know it’s me?” I asked quickly avoiding eye contact.

“Because then the other boy he was talking to asked him what was her

name, and he said Nina Hamilton,” he said confidently.

“What happened next?”

“Well, I ran home to tell you this but your room door was locked so I thought

you were asleep.”

“What! You ran? Oh my God Jake. Didn´t you think to stay and see who

he was?”

“I´m sorry bro, I just thought I had to run and tell you this.”

I hugged him.

After dinner my family and I made a bonfire on the beach and made some

S’mores. I played my favorite song, “Send me on my Way” by Roosted

Root on the guitar and everything was going great.

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Then I saw a blue light in the middle on the ocean. I stopped playing and

stared at it. “What´s wrong sweetheart?” my mom asked.

“Did you see that?” I said

“See what?”

“The blue light! In the ocean!”

My mom laughed and said, “No Nina, let´s go home.”

I went to my room and there it was again. The blue light, floating with a

thread holding a card. I opened it and it said:

Nina, I know you want to know who I am and you must also want to know

why I am sending you these cards but if you want to know you must trust

me and follow everything I tell you to do. Tomorrow morning before the sun

comes out go to the beach with your surfboard and there you´ll find another


I didn’t know what to do, I couldn´t stop thinking about this card. Trust.

Follow. Trust. Follow repeated in my head. I stayed up very late thinking if I

should go or not, if I could trust the mysterious person or not. Finally I fell

asleep and started dreaming of the blue light in the ocean. I was surfing to

the light but it was too far, I was exhausted. From nowhere a huge wave

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came and I couldn’t pass through it so I rolled and started to choke. I

couldn’t breathe.

Boom! I woke up shaking from my dream, and looked out the window to

see if the sun was out. For my good luck, stars were still there. I tried to

sleep again but I was too agitated. Hours passed and when it started to get

a little lighter I looked at my clock. It was 4am. I had one hour till the sun

would rise, so I had no more time to think. I put my bikini and my Roxy surf

shirt on, grabbed my surfboard, the card, and walked out of my house trying

to not make noise.

The beach was like a deserted. Everything was so calm and quiet, the

sound of the waves, the ocean breeze touching my skin and the sand in my

hair gave me goose bumps. I had decided, I was sure I wanted to do follow

the mysterious instructions. I opened the card and read it once again, but it

didn’t say anything about how to find the other card or what to do. I sat on

my surfboard and waited something to happen.

Time passed and nothing happened, I was getting frustrated. I took my

surfboard, walked into the ocean, took a deep breath and started

swimming. The ocean had no waves at all. It was really weird because this

was supposed to be the best time to surf. Then I saw it. Far away

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something was floating. I swam to it and it was a bottle with sand, a starfish

and a card in it. I open the bottle and the card said:

Now a friend will take you to a very special place.

Then a dolphin jumped out of the water, right over me! She waved to me

with her fin and I waved back. She began to swim, and I followed her.

Magically a path of blue lights surrounded us. I felt something inside of me,

I’d never felt before. It was like magic.

When I turned back the beach was gone, there was only water. I looked

forward and I saw a little island. We arrived and it was beautiful, there was

a path of candles that take me to a cottage full of lights, flowers and palm

tree. It was like a dream I had when I was little. There I found another card

on top of a table with a seashell bracelet. I open it and it said:

Finally you are here, now turn around.

I did, I think my heart skipped a beat. I was standing here and I could hardly

breathe. There he was, Steve Dallas. The boy I’ve liked since I was little,

the most handsome boy in my school. Standing there with laughing green

eyes and that crooked smile that almost knocks me off my feet and with a

white rose in his hand. I was speechless.

“Hey Nina, glad you came.” He said with confidence.

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“What is all of this?”

“This is all yours Nina.”

“But why did you make this, why all the mysterious cards, the mystery

island and you my mystery card.” I told him

“Because I love you, I’ve loved you since we were little, every Saturday

morning I went to the beach to watch you surf.”

He walked through me and he hold my hand, gave me the rose so sweet

and kissed me. It felt different, it felt magical I couldn’t believe this was

happening to me. We went to take a walk and there Steve explained me

that one day when he was surfing he meet Aquamarine and that she

showed him the island. That he decided to make all of this for me the day of

my birthday because he wanted to be special. It felt so good it must be love

I thought.

“It is Nina.” He told me

After this we surfed a little and of course I won. Although he is very good at

it. Is everything I been dreaming of.

“Thank you Steve, thank you so much. This is my first adventure and I took

the risk to come here because I knew it was worth it.” I told him

“You are my endless love.” Steve told me and we kissed again.

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After this, Steve became my boyfriend and every Saturday we went to our

island to have fun and remember the first time we were there. We watched

the stars shine for us at night and the blue lights dance in the ocean. We

walked at the ocean shore to watch the sunset and enjoy all the magic our

island had because that was unbelievable place. Because something like

this only happens to the ones who wonder in true love.

The End.

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Francisco Sevilla 8-B


Rebekah Gerard



My name is Denomiar, I was born in the year 1758, son of the war god,

Ares and my mother, Emerald. I was born in Athens, but trained in Sparta,

my mother send me to the barracks to become a fierce warrior at the age of

seven, the first 7 years of training I hated her, but then, the other 4 years I

understand that my mother send me there so I can became a warrior who

deserves to be the son of Ares. In 1176, I finish my training period at the

age of eighteen, and I was a real warrior, who have seen his friends died on

training, some because of animals attacks, others didn’t resisted the climate

situation, and others killed by enemies not expected that interfere our

training, my only friend who I know for my entire life since a baby, in prince

Leonidas of Sparta, son of Acolopsy king of Sparta and Marlin, the queen.

One morning, commander Saturus send us to spy the Muslims, they hear

that they wanted war to conquer the city of Athens first and then go on and

conquer the rest of Greece, we went on to our journey, we last 13 days until

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we arrive to the doors of the Muslim Empire, we killed two soldiers and put

their uniform for camouflage. We were in the shadows, listening at the

conversation of Nidal, king of the Muslim in this time period with his priest,

one very known for loyalty and knowledgeable known because he was a

knight during the battle of Macedonia that was already 30 years that

happened, killed around 100 Spartans that is a big achieve, his name is


We were doing great in our spying, we also known Muslims had a secret

weapon, and they said, “It’s going to be a massacre with this new specie.” I

suppose he was talking about and army of animals that we never faced

before or something else. Time passed and the name of that “new specie”

was going to be mentioned until Pandora, the princess of Muslim walk

through and yell so loud that I thought my ear was falling off my head, the

chat ended and the chasing started, we run as faster we can and

fortunately we found a group of horses and escape with arrows crossing

beside our heads, Leonidas was embed by and arrow in the right of his

chest. Finally we arrived to Sparta, Leonidas was cured and I went to tell

the king, Acolopsy

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“The information we achieve is very helpful” I said, I tell all I listen to


“What is that secret weapon they have?” he asked me what it could

possibly be, an army of minotaur’s, a hydra, we don’t know it, something

else he said, he stopped at “Aq”…

When I was in my bed I couldn’t get out of my head “Aq”, what can possible

that be, the only thing that I was kind of sure is that it wasn’t a human. The

next morning I researched in the library for the letters “Aq”, but nothing was

in the books and I even asked to priest but they don’t know it or don’t

wanted me to know, I searched for this creature characteristics or

something that could be new for me for months, but I found nothing.

6 years passed like water through my mouth, I had 24 in the year 1202,

news come to the streets of Athens, yes, I had returned to live and protect

my mother and my little brother too, a son of Ares called Perfelon, I was in

the market when I heard that some men were talking about going to war

against Muslims. Rapidly I went running to my house to alert my family to

go to a safe place where I know that they are live and with protection, too

worried about them I can’t fight with my total strength and at the same time

worried about my family so before I f go I leave them with my protector who

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used who used to be a warrior and now and elder called Sasoyan. Sasoyan

was rich and had many houses because he once won a war to Barbarians;

he had many houses but his most expensive and safe house he had was a

house made of stone in the cold mountains and a big chimney in the

mountains, the house was warm and also there he had lot of supplies. At

the next morning I send my mother and brother with Sasoyan to be safe

and to not worry about them. In the night I decided I decided to travel to

Sparta to figure out what was happening, I put on my army, take my shield

and sword and with my horse I traveled to Sparta, I was there when the sun

was rising.

My friend of childhood Leonidas was awake and he receive me as a

member of the royal family with a banquet in the middle of the day and a lot

of entertainment in it. The king of Sparta, Acolopsy was sick of a mortal

plague that causes death in 2 years, it had begun a few days before and

the symptoms were not appearing yet, the king was good and could fight in

this war, he was leading the Nova army that was the name of our entire

army. The moment I was going to sleep my best and most loyal friend

Leonidas told me “leave your stuff ready, were going at the rising of the

sun” I was impacted that we were going to the fields of Marathon, I was

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impacted that Muslims had already conquered Marathon and also were

ready for battle, I started thinking about my family and what will happen to

them, or how was my brothers training with Sasoyan so he can become a

fierce warrior. Before going to war the next morning the king invoke another

banquet, so the men were ready and completely rest for battle, all the royal

family were there, generals, commandants, come featured warriors, priests,

and some civilians who had the power of speech, the king tell a speech

talking about what is war, how he is going to fight it and how if we were

successful, the glory the ones who live and killed will have. All the night I

couldn’t sleep thinking about my family…

The next morning the horn was ringed for war, an army of 60,000 in total,

we are 10 generals which commanded and army of 5,000 each and the

king, Acolopsy that commanded an army of 10,000 Spartans. We marched

quickly and we pass through the mountains of Marathon to the fields of

Marathon were the war takes place. Our strategy was that that each

general has a week to fight against the empire and the rest of the army was

going to help them with arrows. I took the first turn and the battle was

exhausting, in my week I lost 2,000 men, a big number but we killed around

15,000 of them, their army was of 80,000, when I finished fighting was

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exhausted, the next day it was Leonidas turn… Leonidas turn for battle and

he was exited but too nervous, his fight was brutal and he got hurt in the

right part of his chest and he lost 3,500 men and killed 10,000 Muslims,

more that the half of his army not existed…

1 year and 6 months passed of war and we are were tired, we eliminated

the army of the Muslim and killed the king and we had 25,000 soldiers left

and also the king was about to die of his disease, when Leonidas got hurt

the king send him back to Sparta to cure him and also he returned with an

army of 15,000 Spartans in the last stand of the war and we won because

of his help. I had inner peace and wanted to return to my family as quick as

I could but the king asked me to stay to say goodbye. The next day the king

died at noon, in the falling of the sun and Leonidas was about to become

king, we all were sad because of our multiple lost. The next day Leonidas

was named king, I said goodbye and I returned with glory and with a feeling

of power to Athens, the first thing I do was to go see my family, they were

good and I send my protector to rest. I was happy because all ended but I

still had a concerned about the secret weapon of Muslims and that they

don’t use it , would they use it later?, what could it be?...

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Julia Madriñán


English 8-B

Rebekah Gerard

Selfish Love

"Do you ever find yourself truly?" Anna said to Lucas with a confused voice.

Lucas, confused by Anna's question answered "What do you mean?”

Anna and her boyfriend, Lucas, had been down this same road a thousand

times. This time, it was different; it made Anna think all night. By the time

she actually got some sleep, she woke up realizing something. Anna had to

make a decision that would probably hurt a lot of people. Immediately, she

called her mom, dad and siblings to arranged lunch with them. She didn't

know how to tell her family her desires.

They finally gathered at the restaurant. Anna was shacking. They were

eating, drinking and having fun. Right before lunch ended, Anna decided to

make her announcement.

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Anna still had the same dream of how heart-broken Lucas was when she

told her of her departure, she knew he would be devastated. How couldn't

he? They had been dating 7 years.

Today was the day Anna was finally ready to take a job at a small cafe,

right by the corner of the street her apartment was, in Paris. So far, she

hasn’t met anyone, except for her next-door neighbor, Chloé. That was ok

for her since she had only been there for 3 days. The coffee shop owner

was really nice to her. Her first day working was hard because she didn't

have a fluid French, but what was nice about the day was that Chloé went

to the cafe. She was really nice with Anna too.

Anna didn’t know that Chloé also worked in the café, so as the days went

by their friendship grew closer and stronger.

Six months later, Chloé and Anna were the best friends you could ever

imagine. They even moved in together so they were practically sisters. With

Chloé’s help, Anna couldn’t be better, she adapted and got used to

everything well. Also Anna kind of stop aching by the fact that Lucas wasn’t

physically with her anymore. In Paris, there were pretty nice guys, but Anna

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didn’t mind much about that, because the only one in her heart was Lucas

for the moment.

What Anna wasn’t expecting was this call from Lucas. He told Anna that he

wanted to see her, so she had to pick up the next flight to Buenos Aires,

Argentina to come hang out with him. Anna was feeling guilty because she

hadn’t been much in contact with Lucas after all this time, so she did what

he asked her and bought the next ticket to Buenos Aires.

Anna’s family didn’t want her to travel to Buenos Aires; they thought if

Lucas wanted to see her, he should be the one traveling not her. So Anna

was obligated to borrow some money from Chloé, obviously asking her.

September 11, 2001 was the flight date. Nobody wanted Anna to travel that

day. The bad news were that she had to make a connection flight in New

York, because that was the only flight available for that month. She didn’t

have any option of not traveling that date, so she did it.

What Anna didn’t know was all the trouble and mess that was about to

happen in New York. Unfortunately Anna’s plane was crushed by one of the

Terrorist’s airplanes that were going to crush into the twin towers. Obviously

she died, but the first person to acknowledge Anna’s flight was Chloé.

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All her family was in NY for Anna’s wake, the only person who was

forbidden to enter was Lucas. All her family blamed him about Anna’s

death, because if he would’ve been at least a little conscious about what

Anna was willing to do about him, he wouldn’t have asked her to travel, and

the one who would have traveled is him. Everyone was devastated by her


When Lucas realized the huge mistake he had done, he began realizing

that the only ones who will always stick together and hold on with you are

your family. Not precisely your blood family, but the ones who care for you

as if you were. He will always live with the guilty conscience that his

selfishness killed the only person that loved him the most in this world.

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Paula Viteri


English 8-B

Rebekah Gerard


I can see sound... Weird huh? I can see the lyrics of what you tell me

written in the air. But not only I can see them, I identify your intentions by

seeing what color your words are written on. I only see good and bad,

green and red.

Hello, how are you?-You’re introducing yourself to kill me.

Hello, how are you?-You’re introducing yourself so we can be friends.

I live in district 7 where I have enough to eat, dress and live. I never lack, I

never spare. In school we learn about other districts. I know that in district

12 they have barely something to eat, and people do everything they can

so they can get a piece of bread, also that being fat is a sign of wealth in

rich districts.

Let me explain more about my talent. I guess it only protects me, for

example, if a thief approaches me I will run away. I also use it in music, it

helps me understand and feel the lyrics of the song. Sometimes I like to

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really concentrate in a song and the color of the lyrics can be whatever

color I wish. My best friends Thomas and Juliana have always been there in

the mocking. By mocking I mean that I’ve tried telling people about my gift

but they don’t believe me and call me crazy.

“Hurry up Paula well be late” yelled my mom.

“In a minute” I yelled back.

We were running late for the monthly national anthem singing. Every 1st of

each month we have to go to the district meeting council, every citizen goes

there, and we sing the districts anthem and announcement. As I was

walking out my house I saw how a man got whipped. I almost ran after him

to save him. That was what my instinct told me. But I couldn't, I knew the

consequences. They would’ve whipped me too. As we were entering the

council I saw my friends Thomas and Juliana, but they were already in their

seats. I was trying to find my seat, but there were so many people they

obstructed my view. When I finally found my number and sat with my

mother by my side I got a weird and negative vibe, I ignored it. The

ceremony started and they began with the monthly announcements. I

always get bored in that part and don't pay attention. Then we started

singing the district anthem I noticed something weird. All the citizens letters

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were in green, but I noticed something, something strange, something

unusual. I looked up to see the podium where the government is in. They

were also singing. I saw that the letters of the anthem were in red. Bad

intentions. Then I looked back to see the people they were all in green. I

started analyzing the situation. When it came to me, maybe its the anthem.

Ohh district 5,

"My loyalty and faith goes to you,

Even in dark times that may drawn us

There I will be

Defending my district I will be

With my head up high defeating it.

Because we are on each others team. "

Yes! Its the anthem. But, what about it? Millions of different options popped

in my head. Bad thoughts. I couldn’t stop myself, more thoughts came, I felt

in a different world and started getting dizzy, green and red letters where

surrounding me melting within each other. I didn't like this, not at all. I

needed help I couldn’t contain these thoughts all by myself. After the

ceremony was over I called for a meeting and the tree house with Thomas

and Juliana at dawn. There they were. I explained them the situation. They

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were amazed. They couldn’t believe it. Neither did I. There were many

awkward silences. After all it was a lot to take for a 14 year old.

We started analyzing the anthem. it was hard I just saw a bunch of letters

jumping around in a blank piece of paper. We had to connect the things that

we saw happening in our district and what we saw in the news so that we

can relate in to the anthem. The first thing we noticed was that everything

evolved around us. Meaning that the words described that we were going to

defend the districts we give our loyalty, its all us.

“Why does in mention us so much?” questioned Juliana.

“Its like they are describing us as slaves.” commented Thomas.

“Or are we? Just think about it, all the money that we gain goes to the

government they give us the minimum part of what we gain. Don’t you think

that has to do something with their secret?” I added.

“You do have a point, what are they doing with the money?” Thomas asked.

“In the anthem they do mention that we have to defend something, what if

we are defending something and we don’t know what it is?” Juliana


“Right! Remember when there was a strike in which people argued that the

government was hiding things from us?” I said.

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“Yes! It was about the government not telling us about medicine that can

cure some serious diseases? Maybe there hiding something else again.

After all the government does keeps a lot of thing to themselves” Thomas


“Have you ever gone to other districts?” Juliana asked.

“No.” I denied

“No.” Thomas said.

“Do you know about someone that has visited other districts? Friends?

Family? Have you ever heard abut transport to other districts? Pictures?”

Juliana asked again.

“No.” I said again

“No.” Thomas said shocked.

“Maybe there is no more districts, just us. ” I commented.

“That’s it. But what about the money?” Thomas questioned.

“I’m sure they are using the money to solve a problem, we just don’t know

it. Like they are having a a war and we didn’t know about it.” Juliana


“So our theory breaks down to this: There is no more districts than us, the

12 districts is a lie they tell us to keep us mentally safe. The money we gain

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goes to investments that the government does in war with someone that we

don’t know.” I realized.

The three of us had the coldest looks on our faces. We were frozen,

speechless. Im pretty sure that we had all billions of different thoughts

bouncing around, corrupting our stableness.

“Im going to go now, see you tomorrow! Here, same hour.” Said Thomas,

breaking the silence.

“I shall go to” Juliana waved goodbye.

I was the only one on that isolated tree house staring at the stars, asking

myself if they were real. We had these amazing yet rebellious theory. It

didn’t take to long till it occurred to me of my librarian pal, Joseph. I went to

the library very often and when I did I always listened to Joseph and his

adventurous stories. He has told me that he worked or the government


The next day I went to the library in the early afternoon to talk to Joseph.

“Good afternoon Joseph.” I greeted.

“How are you doing miss Paula?” he said nicely.

“I’m all over the place Joseph, I need your help.” I commented

“What is it? You know I’ll do anything to help you.” He told me.

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“You see, I’ve told you about my talent and trough it I discovered that the

government is keeping a lot of things from us. Many things, everything is a

lie Joseph. I don’t even know if this library is real. I’ve started questioning

everything in every way. I’m going insane.” I said worried.

“Shhhhhh, keep your voice down if someone hears us we are in deep

trouble. I’ll tell you everything but not now. Lets meet today at 6:00 in the

woods.” Ordered Joseph.

“I’ll be there. I’m counting on you.” I commented.

I couldn’t stop thinking of what can go wrong in all of this situation. But

somehow I managed myself to stay positive, well that lasted till I met him in

the woods. I was there punctual at 6 in the woods. He approached to me

from my back very careful. When we finally met face to face he started

questioning me I told him about my theory, I told him everything I


“Paula, I don’t know how but you are right, you are right about everything,

its amazing how you out of all the people and all these years where the only

one who figured it out, but my dear Paula you shall not speak of this. No

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one has to know you know. You’ll get killed, I as well. But Paula you are our

hope. You can make everyone know this dirty little secret the government

has.” He said.

“ I have already think about all of the possibilities. We can tell the people by

pamphlets. I know its sounds weird but they would never know is us is we

destroy evidence in every possible way.”

“Your brilliant! How do you do it? I’ll take care of the pamphlets. You go

home, rest. Lets see each other tomorrow same place same time, now I’m

the one counting on you.” And then left.

As he walked away I felt trust because all the letters I saw form the words

he said were in green. There was no doubt U trusted him. The ones I did

not trusted were the bad guys, the government. I went home, uncertain with

drops of fear circulating through my body.

The next day I was there in the woods at 6:00 punctual, as always. But

Joseph took more than usual to come. I got worried. When he finally came.

I saw desperation on his face, running towards me. All the thoughts flashed

through me again. I had him face to face, when my soul dropped in the


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“They found out about you, your talent, what you know, everything. They

are coming after us, right after us we have to run away. We cant stay the

will kill us and everyone we know. I already made the pamphlets, people

will find out. Our mission is accomplished. But you and me, dear we are in

serious danger. Lets go!”

I flipped.

“How could you? I trusted you! How could you do this to me? You are guilty

of them finding out! I never should have told. And you want me to escape

right here right now? You are insane! What about my mom and my friends?

I prefer being killed.”

“They have access to everything I do and I could hide the pamphlet in any

way they discovered, but it wasn’t my fault! Im sorry! But you have too trust

me. We will return when everything cools down, your mom is safe so are

your friends. You have to calm down.”



Page 52: Magazine 8-B

Sofia Burgos

Rebekah Gerard

English 8-B

May, 21, 2014

I fell in love

“WHAT?” Emma screamed.

“Shhh, girls don’t scream, I’m trying to take attendance,” our sports teacher


She finished taking attendance and said we had to run around the field.

“OMG Sophie, where did this come from?”

“I don’t know, I just think he is cute, but come on Emma, its beginning of

7th grade, beginning of high school, nothing will happen, feelings will

probably disappear.”

“Okay, if you say so,” she said.

And that’s what happened, my feelings for Jake disappeared, I realized

they weren’t even feelings, I just found him nice and I never imagined him

in my like as more than a friend. Time went by and I even forgot I liked him

for some time and we were friends, from my group of friends.

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My sister, Annabel is the best sister ever, we have the perfect sister

relationship. The thing is she says I am from the popular girls in my grade,

she says I’m the perfect brunette, with my wavy light brown hair and my big

brown eyes with long lashes and my caramel colored skin (this is how she

always describes me).

This school year has been amazing and I’ve learned all about high school.

At the end of the year this guy started texting me and all summer we were

kind of like dating, I’m not telling this story in detail because I do not like to

talk about it because I didn’t have a good experience, even though I did

learn a lot about boys and how relationship work. The point is he was my

boyfriend for two months when I started 8th grade.

I had a party one day and when I got to the party I sat with Jake and all of

my friends who weren’t dancing because I really wasn’t in the mood to

dance. So we all started to chat and then some people went to dance and

at last the only ones who were sitting at the bench was us (Jake and I). I

was freezing, and so he let me his sweater and he was telling me a story

about that his grandma underestimated him and that that is why he never

danced anymore at parties, and he thought he was ugly and that he will

never get a girlfriend. I told him that that wasn’t true, that I thought that he

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was really nice and that a lot of girls think that too and that he shouldn’t feel

that way. He said thank you and we had a good night and laughed and

enjoyed a lot.

After two months I broke up with my boyfriend and it was December. 2

weeks after I broke up, Jake texted me. We started talking and at school he

always said hi in a nice way. Sometimes when he texted me he got flirty

and he told me I was beautiful. One day he told me he was going to go to a

football game and I told him that he had to score some goals. But he told

me that he wasn’t inspired.

“Here is how you get inspired,” I told him, “you have to think in something or

someone you like or you think is nice and play for that”

And he responded “Okay, then I am going to think in you all of the game.”

He was so nice… after two weeks I went on my trip to Europe for

Christmas vacations. We still chatted when I had wi-fi at the hotels, and he

was at the beach. When I was at Budapest, I returned to the hotel very late

at night but or course here at Ecuador it was still noon. We started talking

about how was my day and he asked me where was I going to spend new

year’s eve. I told him that I was going to be at Paris and the I wish it would

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snow when I was there. Then he started getting flirty and he told me he

liked me. This is how he said it

“Sophie I am going to tell you the truth, you are really nice and to me you

are beautiful and I really like you.”

Since that day I started falling for him. I came back from vacations

and school started. The minute he saw me, he came to me and gave the

best hug ever given to a person. The day went on and sometimes we

stopped in the halls to talk and he always gave me a little hug. The week

went by and everything was very nice. Then one day I got in to him in the

hall and he told me he had to talk to me about something, so he said that at

recess we would talk. The next two periods I was so nervous and then it

was recess time. We were walking and we were just talking about nothing

important, then recess was over and I realized he never said anything

“important” to me. So a the end of the day when he came to say goodbye, I


“hey Jake, you said you had to tell me something important”

he kind of blushed and said “ohhh, yeah, right”

“Well, what was it? “I said

“tell you tomorrow?”

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“okay!”I said

He gave me a hug and I went away.

The next day, it was first recess and I went with my friends to our

spot, he came in front of all of my friends and said

“Hey Sophie, this recess or next one?”

I blushed and said “the next one Jake”

All of my friends started asking what happened and why was I going to go

with him next recess. Of course I only told this to my 3 best friends Emma,

Abbey, and Isabel. They were so exited for me and I told them I was kind of

in love. It was second recess and he came to see me. I was very nervous

and the only thing I felt was that everyone was starring at us. So we got to a

place to sit and he said

“Okay Sophie, here’s the thing, I like you, I already told you that, and

because you are my first one, I want this to workout, so I wanted to know if

you wanted to start to spend sometime together, I mean, like recess and

maybe sometimes go on dates, so… what do you say?”

I was totally shocked by what he just said, I mean, of course I wanted to, so

I told him

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“Jake!! Of course I would like to start spending some time together and I

really thing you are very nice.”

That day, when I got home I told Annabel about everything that

happened. She was so happy for me and started giving me advice and we

watched a love movie because she wanted me to fall in love even more.

That is what started happening, but after 1 week we had half-year

vacations. We were still texting but now in a nicer way. I went to the beach

with Emma and Abbey, Isabel went to Galapagos Islands. I had a great

time there at the beach with my friends, one day, it was already night, like

12:00 o clock. We were talking, he told me he had to go to sleep but what

the message said was totally the best thing ever. “Sophie, I am really tired, I

am going to sleep, tomorrow I’ll call you, sleep well, I love you.” I just

couldn’t believe it, I was so happy, and Emma and Abbey started


The next day he dedicated a song to me. He told me I was his princess and

since that day instead of calling me Sophie, he called me princess. That

day we had to get back home because we had to get back to school. The

next day I went to school and he came running to see me and hugged me.

He told me he missed me a lot and then we went to recess together.

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Two weeks later, we all went to Emma’s house and he started acting a little

weird. I asked him what was wrong and he said that we had to talk.

“look Sophie, not even my last intention was ever to hurt you, but there is

something I have to tell you” he said, “I figured out, that right now I am not

ready for a relationship and I don’t want to keep hurting you”

I was so sad.

I was so in love that for 2 months I never forgot him. I just waited because

honestly I didn’t want anyone else. For 2 months, the only thing I thought

about was getting back together with him. Because of everything that

happened in those 2 months, I knew that he did feel something for me but

he just wasn’t ready.

The last two weeks of those two weeks we were starting to get along better.

On Friday, we had a party, and all of a sudden I just felt someone hugged

me and it was him. We went to talk, and he told sorry for everything he had

done and that if I could please trust him again, that now h is ready and he

jut kept hugging me and kissing me in the cheek. We had a long talk about

getting back together and at last we took the decision that we were going to

start over again and we were going to take it slowly. Since that day, we

started falling in love every day a little bit more. “We fell in love the way you

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fall asleep, slowly and then all at once. “And I figured out that everything

happens for a reason.

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Juan Martin Reyes

May 26 2014

English 8th-B

Rebekah Gerard

USA in December

Finally the day came, December 26

- "Wake up," my mother said.

It was already 3:30am and we needed to get ready to go, so I woke

up without any complains and took a shower, picked my things and waited

for my parents and my brother to be ready. When they were ready, we

headed to the airport. I was very happy, I was finally going to USA again

after such a long time. When we got to the airport, we saw all my family

was there waiting for us. We waited for the plane to arrive and got in. It was

like 5:40, it was almost time to go. Before going we numbered ourselves

just to be sure we were all there, we were 14 in total!

The time finally arrived and the plane started moving.

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At first, we were all heading to Miami, that I knew for sure; but then I asked

my mother,

- "Mom, where is my aunt Adriana going after Miami?"

- "Umm.. I think she's staying in Miami, I'm not sure. Or maybe going to

Orlando" she answered.

- "And my aunt Veronica? Is she going to Orlando?"

- "Nope, she is staying in Miami two or three days" she replied.

Another thing I knew for sure was that my family and I were going to

Tampa after Miami, it was one complete day of traveling; from Quito to

Miami and then to Tampa. The captain of the plane suddenly started talking

through the speakers,

- "Welcome aboard flight .... with destination to Miami, we will be flying at a

height of about 30,000 feet and it will take approximately 3 hours and 45

minutes, thank you for choosing us and enjoy your flight."

At that moment I took my iPad and started listening to music, and

before I knew I fell asleep. The flight was long and had lots of turbulence,

but that didn't really stop me from sleeping.

When we got to Miami, the captain spoke again,

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- "Welcome to Miami ladies and gentleman, the local time 9:45am, enjoy

your stay and thank you again for choosing us"

We were finally in Miami, after being almost four hours sitting in the

plane. There each family took its own way because we were not staying all

in the same city. My grandma, my brother, my parents and I were heading

to Tampa, my aunt Adriana to Orlando and my aunt Veronica was staying

in Miami. So we each took our way. We passed security place where they

checked our belonging to be sure we didn't have any weapons nor drugs

and there we saw some old friends of my father that were going to live in

Houston, we stayed there talking to them a long time. After talking with

them for around fifteen minutes, my family, the ones going to Tampa, were

very hungry so we went looking for some place to eat.

We were ready to order so we called the waitress, ordered

everything and started talking, when suddenly my mother checked her

watch and shouted,

- "It's time to go! We need to go catch the flight now or we'll miss it!"

We started arguing about it because I knew we were with the same

exact time as in Quito, but my mother thought it was like always, one more

hour than in Quito; so she got up and asked the waitress,

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- "Hey miss, what time is it?"

- "10:40," the waitress replied.

My mother then calmed a little and sat down. The waitress came

with out food and we ate, it was delicious!

We got up and started walking around the airport looking for the

gate in which we needed to go into the plane. In the way, my father found

one of his favorite stores and went inside and told me to go to the gate with

my brother and my grandmother. We kept walking and two gates before our

gate I saw my aunt Adriana again, with my two cousins. We sat in their gate

to talk until it was time for getting in the plane, my mother came and sat to

talk too.

- "Time to go" my grandma said

In that moment we all said goodbye and went to the gate to board

the flight. The flight wasn't very long, it took about half hour so it wasn't that

bad. When we got to Tampa I was very happy, I was going to see my aunt

which at the time hadn't seen for about six months; when she came to visit

my grandfather that was sick. We got down from the plane, passed security

again and we started walking to the exit. There, I saw my aunt with my

three cousins; Ramiro, Renato and Santiago, this last one, was the only I've

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never met. They showed us the way out and we got into the cars and went

to my aunt's house that was where we were going to stay. We stayed there

in Tampa until the 30th and went to Orlando to reunite with all my family

again, this time, my aunt Catalina was there too. On the 31st we went to

Magic Kingdom and wanted to see the New Year's Parade, but we couldn't,

we were too tired and there was to many people to stay until 12 o'clock so

we watched the parade of 10:30pm and we went to a department to

celebrate New Year; it was awesome. The next day we went to a mall and

on January 2nd we returned to Tampa.

When we got there we saw a disaster, something was wrong in

there, some building were cracked and others were completely destroyed.

Suddenly my little brother woke up and started looking around, he also

knew something was wrong.

- "An earthquake!" He shouted

- "It looks like it," I replied

At that exact moment we all took our phones and started calling my

aunt and cousins from Tampa to see of they were okay and if something

happened to them. I called my cousin Ramiro.

- "Hey, are you alright?" I said

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- "Yeah, don't worry," he replied

- "What about Renato and Santiago? And your mother?"

-"They are all okay, we're at my house"

We went to his house to see them and my brother turned the TV on,

on the news it said that there was a danger of having another earthquake

and this time it could come with some sort of tsunami or another disaster.

So we started talking and decided to return to Quito, this time they were

coming with us. We jumped into the cars and went to the airport, there we

told the woman we needed 14 tickets for the nearest available flight

urgently. She looked for all the flights and put us all on the same plane to

return and be safe. We called my aunts and told them we were returning to

Quito because of the risk of staying in Tampa, they said

-"It's okay, we are going to the airport right now and we're returning too."

We went to the gate and waited for the plane. When it arrived we

started boarding it and I said.

- "I'm so tired, I wish we could teleport directly to Quito or something like

that." But nobody heard what I said, luckily for me.

We boarded the flight, we each took our assigned seat and waited

for the time for the plane to take off. The plane started moving rapidly,

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ready to take off; it started elevating and I looked through my window as

I've always done. It was all very calm outside my window, but suddenly I

saw something strange happening in the sky right in front of us.

The sky started turning into a reddish pink and a hole started to

open in front of the plane, it looked like a portal, like the ones I used to do in

my video games when I was little. I didn't know what was happening but I

was amazed, just like my brother and everyone else in the plane. The plane

entered that big strange hole and we just disappeared from the sky of

Tampa and reappeared in Quito's blue sky. The pilot started landing without

saying a single word, like nothing strange had happened during the flight. I

was simply amazed, I still didn't knew exactly what had happened but I was

glad it did, because we were finally in Quito and that's what I wanted ten

minutes before arriving. We got down the plane, passed migration, picked

all our bags and went to my house; in the case of my cousins and my aunt,

they went to a hotel near all of us so we could be close and see each other

each time we wanted.

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Vanessa Monsalve

Rebekah Gerard

English 8B

May 21, 2014.

Not a Happily Ever After.

“How did it end? Will that happen again? Is there anyone else, other than

me alive? What real happened? She asked.

“A volcano and a radioactive explosion, those accidents can’t happen twice

without people Fionna. I’m sorry, but we believe you’re the only one alive,

let me explain it briefly, take a sit please” he replied.

Fionna sat down. She busted to tears remembering her family, friends, and

teachers. The world in fact as it was.

“Don´t cry honey, we’ll take care of you”, another voice said.

The voices, she heard were mechanical and cold but still made her feel

happier to listen to someone. She meant something again. She always

thought robots will look like humans but they were just machines. The first

thing she remembered after waking up was this thing looking at her. It had

this cubical head, a rectangular thing that she believed it was her/his/its

body, and then this chain like arms and legs, small feet and like hand

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claws, like the ones crabs have. He started talking to her about where was

she and that she was the last human alive, she realized it was a he for its

deep voice. He unplugged her and helps Fionna stand up. She was weak,

but she could walk.

He took Fionna to another room, this was more like a living room, and the

other was like a hospital room, although they never left the building.

Then another machine passed through a door. This one looked like Bender

from Futurama. She remembered how she and her brother used to see

that show, when she was younger. Her brother tall, thin but strong, blue

eyes, brown hair just like her father. She, in the other hand was like her

mother, those red lips and a Colgate smile, long brown hair, those long

lashes that were on top of those green eyes that always showed what she


Fionna started crying and this other machine passed through her.

“Have a seat Fionna”, she said, this was a woman us she could tell.

“How come everybody knows me?” “Oh honey, you’re the last human

alive, how would we not know you?”

“Is that for sure?”

“Of course, radiation killed everyone; we just wonder how you are still alive”

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“How did radiation killed everyone? For me everyone just died,

earthquakes became a daily thing, volcanoes were active and oceans were

just creating huge waves, was that all for radiation?”

“In deed”

“How did it start?”

“A radioactive plant was being translated to Yellowstone but some liquid

snipped and felt inside the geyser”

“And that means?”

“The eruption of the inside volcano beneath the geyser, which destroys half

of the United States, let me show you what we have on satellites.”


She turned around to get something; Fionna wasn’t scared anymore

although she as sad likes what was the reason to live with no human life.

“Is there anything else, other that humans”?

“Well after the Earth moved 10 cm. closer to the sun, and Earth got a 25%

more of oxygen, there are huge insects but no plants or animals. If that is

what you ask.”

“How big, like how big is a spider””

“Like 3m tall, why?”

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“Just asking…” She freaked out. A three meter spider, would kill her in

seconds, although, (she didn’t

know what’s the point of living if there is no other human life) “Any way, if

I’m the only one alive, why do you need me?”


“I’m not really sure”

“Uhhh, you were showing me how everything ended”

“Right, right”

A video started projecting on this white wall across the fancy living room. It

was worse than a horror movie, those were just images of people so

skinny, their skin was red and they seem dehydrated. Fionna sighted.

“China and the United States,” another robot said, Fionna couldn’t take her

eyes of the wall.

“People got infected after the Yellow tone underground volcano destroyed

half of the United States”, he continued. “Hello Fionna, sorry for

interrupting but I feel that you need an explanation. A good one, “he turned

to the other robot but she looked away. Fionna decided to look at the robot

and ask something, but she couldn’t move.

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“AHN400.01 they named the infection, but it was way worse than the

bubonic plague. Radiation, that was in the air, got through peoples pores

making their skin red, book like red, then their stomach would be extra-

sensitive and in days people died from dehydration . Everyone died so they

never found a cure. Your family, Fionna, was in this building when you

were 8, this whole place is full of oxygen, clean oxygen, and nothing comes

in. We had about 7.000 people here, someone got infected and everyone

started dying”

“Why did you have people here?”

“We wanted to maintain the human race after everything was gone”

“Then, why do you need me? No, wait, how old am I?”

“You’re 14 today, happy birthday”

“What day is it?”

“June 27, 4906”

“Ok, so now, why do you need me?”

“We need your help, to try and find other human life”, Jack said, his name

wasn’t Jack but he looked like one, or at least that’s how Fionna felt.

“Follow me.”

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She stood up. Turned one last time to the wall, and went with Jack. They

walked through a hall way and all robots stared at her, looking amazed and

making her feel uncomfortable.

“How did you get the images?” She asked Jack. “Satellites in space,” he

replied, like the most common thing on Earth.

They went in an elevator and went up for about 47 stages. Everything was

so sophisticated; she had never been there before. They got to this huge

room with a million of buttons, different size, shape and color. And there

were like 30 other robots.

“You will help us look for human life, through this telescope,” Jack said.

There was a huge telescope lying on top of a snow white platform and was

connected to a huge screen that only showed a grayscale, image.

“This telescope works with a satellite in space and here in this screen is the

signal of a working human heart, if you track a human heart there will

appear an orange-yellowish spot in the screen.”

“So I just look around the world looking for a living heart” Fionna said

feeling awesome since she could explore the new world.

“Affirmative” Jack said.

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Fionna went next to the screen and saw LA, or what was left of it and

began her new job.

A year went by. “Jack, Jack! Look at this!!!!” She exclaimed.

Jack flew to the screen and there it was an orange-yellowish circle, near

Italy and France, kind of in the ocean.

Jack immediately send jets to the coordinates calculated and within hours

the jet came back.

And there he was brown hair, green eyes with a cute nose, he was a really

handsome and he seemed 16-17. Fionna was the first to speak.

“Hi, I’m Fionna,” she said shyly. “I believe we are the only ones alive”. She

said with a wise voice.

“I’m Tim,” he said awkwardly.

“Well Tim, we need to check you out, follow me please”, Jack said.

They turned and left the room.

“You totally like him”, Marie said. By that time Fionna had named the 30

robots that were there with her, Marie was definitely her best friend.

“I don’t believe in love at first sight”, she said with a phoned voice.

“Fine then” Marie said sarcastically.

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Jack was like her brother, and Marie her best friend, Isa her mother and

Jose her father, and for each robot she had a role in her life. But Tim was

different, not only because it was a human, but it reminded her of her life

crush, Nicolas, he was dead.

As the years went by Fionna and Tim were both crazy in love but none of

them confessed that, although they knew it was true. Being the only

humans alive made the be inseparable but it was anyway awkward

because they both knew that when Fionna came to age they will have to

continue with human life.

On December 21, 4908 Fionna had flu in her lungs that got worst and

worst. On March 10, 4909 Fionna died, but she left a letter for everybody.

As everything has a beginning but everything that starts has an end. I

guess my beginning came to an end, let met remain in your hard disks and

heart forever.

- Fionna

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José Francisco Naranjo


Rebekah Gerard


Dead War

Oh God is (6am) I need to wake up to go to school. Hey Nick wake

up said mom, if you don’t wake up your are going to be late. “I feel very

sleepy”. Then when I was walking to school in the street I saw my favorite

video game that my best friend has it, I looked at the window and stay in

shock of the incredible video game that it is it. This video game was coming

with only one game, the best one and it was about killing people and having

guns all that types of things.

At school, I was very late and my friends ask me why am so late? So

I respond them looking at the new best video game that is so awesome.

William responds I have it they give me last night so do you want to come

to my house this afternoon and play it? Well… yes I would love it. At 2.00

pm school was done so I met with William to go with him to his house. I was

so desperate to play this incredible game. We get home very sun because

Williams’s house is very close to school. We start playing this game that is

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from 18 years old not from 15 but we like it very much and we were very

good at it. Williams’s mom was watching the news and something terrifying

was happening with two important countries in the world, they said

something like mmm “war”…

A war??? William said, we were 15 years old and we have this game

that is about war, about killing people with guns all that things that are

similar to kill people online, is really happening or these things, we can

die… William enters in shock. And we are playing this game that is about

killing people and do these shocking things. News said everyone stay home

until this war is over, we cannot believe it. We thought it was a dream. Then

Williams Mom removes the console because she was so scared of what

was happening and she did not want us to play it.

The years past and things change and it was very rare that anything of war

was happening in our country, then in the news said that United states

attacked Russia a very massive attacked that kill around 1.002.14 people in

the city just in 10 minutes it was frightful. Russia cannot be behind this

murder. Now they said is the beginning of the war…

Tomorrow September 9th was my birthday, so I cannot way it that my dad

gives me the console, the next morning exactly 6am somebody hits the

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door desesperatly and was calling my name screaming. I go to see what

was happening I open the door; “they tell me a military man” take one pair

of shoes, grabs T-shirt pants and we are going to take you with us. I

respond am mm why? Is my birthday. No wonder more and hurry up! I

cannot believe it and also my mom and dad they were still sleepy and I

don’t want to wake them. I was so scared of what was happening, and I

asked one more question were I am going to? They said to WAR!!! In that

moment I realize that the game that I have played with my best friend

William is going to be in real life, I was scared of. Then I know that never in

my life know how to shoot a weapon. I was in shock I were going to kill

people and I don’t want to do it. They said me if you don’t shoot they shoot

you and you die simple like that so go and kill Russians said one of the

soldiers. There is our enemy and they are going to attack United States we

need to defend ourselves and all the people who lives here, so whatever

soldier you kill you are saving 10 American’s. In the concentration camp

were around 500.000 soldiers, I think that I would be safe there but a men

screaming said that the Russians are coming in Helicopters and planes that

drop bombs. Take care and KILL RUSSIANS!... One minute then I don’t

remember what was happening, I cannot listen anything, I can only

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remember see thousands of explosion’s and men screaming and men

dying. Thousands of thousand’s, in that moment in my left hand was my

best friend William wounded by bombs. I don’t know what to do! So scared

to see people like that and my best friend am, am what I do he said please

help me! Then lift my head and no one more was left everybody has left

everybody is dead… I cannot believe that was happening I listen voices

and a language so peculiar and I even recognize it. “The Russians are

coming to us” William said and was about 500 soldiers with weapons in

their hands. I see to mi right and it was a RPD with 1000 bullets inside it… I

have no choice to kill this people who kill around of 498.000 United States

soldiers. I put William next to be and cover with some bags of stones inside

it so he can get cover wit in. They cannot see me but I can see them, I take

the weapon and see to the sky and said 2is the biggest revenge ever”.

At that moment I start shooting the 1000 bullets, in just one minute and 14

seconds 500 Russians soldiers were dead and two of 500.000 American’s

soldiers were “almost” alive. Then William and I decide to scape and go far

away from this disaster. We took a military car and when we were driving

far away from the concentration camp but, we hear many helicopters and

airplanes that were flying at the top of us and also pointing us, we don’t

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know what was happening in that moment I was so tired and so scare and

so, so, so shock of what I have did and what I have seen in just 20 minutes.

It had been my worst three days of my life, that in front of me die around

thousands of people of which 500 or Less kill them for revenge. And now?

I'm here in the hospital writing this tragedy that lived in three days and not

know how to thank God for being alive to save my buddy, my best friend.

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ABOUT US Biography Sofia Burgos

By: Maria Emilia Pachano

Sofia Burgos is a 14 year old girl. She was born in April 20 of 2000.Rodrigo Burgos and Piqui Granja are her parents, she has a younger brother Felipe. Her favorite color is BLUE, her favorite sport is soccer, her favorite food is the MEXICAN food, her favorite animal are DOGS (she has two), her favorite city is PARIS, and her favorite movies are the romantic ones, THE NOTEBOOK is her favorite. Sofi´s hobbies are dancing SEVILLANAS and make beautiful drawings and Paint them. She loves listening to music; any kind of music will cheer up her day.

Her best Friends are Isabella Córdova, Abigail Villaquirán, Victoria Zaldumbide and Andrea Donayre (GUGU). She studies in the American School of Quito and when she grows up her goal is go to study in the Southern University of California. Sofi is always happy because she puts a smile to everything and always is there for anyone. No matter if the day is HOT or COLD she will always be happy.

Biography Paula Viteri

By: Julia Madriñan Paz

Paula Viteri Monceau is a 13 year old girl. She was born

on July 6, 2000. She lives in Quito, Ecuador. She has a

younger sister and an older sister. Their names are

Camila at the age of 15 and Trini with the age of 10.

Paula studies at Colegio Americano de Quito. She has

a small dog. On her free time, Paula likes to play

volleyball and soccer. One of her other hobbies is

singing. She has always been one of the tallest girls.

She enjoys entertaining people and making people

laugh. She loves to act and aspirated to become an actress.

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Biography Sebastian Montero

By: Juan Martin Reyes Sebastian Montero, known as Sebas by his friends, was born on September 28, 2000. He lives with his mother and father, also has one sister, Alegria and one brother, Jose Javier. He grew up in Quito until he was 9 then he went to live in Colombia; when he was 11 he came back to Quito and stayed here since then. He likes to play soccer and hang out with his friends during his free time, also likes watching TV. When he was little he loved to play soccer

with his father, and ride bike when he could. If he could be an animal, he would certainly, without any doubt, be a tiger.

Biography Julia Madriñan Paz

By: Paula Viteri

Julia Madriñan Paz is a 14 year old girl that lives in Quito, Ecuador. She was born in November 8, 1999. She studies in Colegio Americano in 8th grade. Her mothers name is Veronica Paz and her fathers name is Eduardo Madriñan. She has two siblings Priscila and Alejandro. 48. She has done Pole dance in the past and is currently practicing Rock climbing. She likes to travel and has visited several places like Amsterdam, Paris and New York. She has one dog named Claudio And he is a Bichon Frisè. In her

childhood her uncle was kidnapped and it had a huge impact in her life. Her grandfather owns a soccer team named Liga which she has a huge passion for.

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Biography Nicolás Guzman

By: Francisco Sevilla

Esteban Nicolas Guzman Jijon born in 21, October of

1999, he would like to be a dolphin because they are

intelligent and are pacific. He likes about short stories

that you can be creative, he doesn’t like schedule about

works (due date). His favorite food is Mexican food. He

listens to classic rock and dubstep (electronic music). He

had born in Quito/Ecuador. His favorite sport is volley;

he is very good at it. The drama class is the favorite

class of Nicolas because there he does plays. His brother is Mateo Guzman Jijon.

He plays the guitar, he likes it because since a child and to because he can play

many songs with it.

Bibliography Jose Francisco Naranjo

By: Matias Meneses

Jose Francisco was born on September 28 of 1999. His

favorite food is hamburger and pizza. Jose likes to do

lots of things like play soccer, play station 3, and be with

her girlfriend. He has four brothers which are named

Juan Sebastian, Esteban, Daniel and Pablo. His fathers

are named Juan Fernando and Maria Eliana. His

favorite color is blue. He like the hot days. His favorite

animal is the dog. He has a dog and a turtle. He likes to

ride a bike and he eats a lot of food.

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Biography Maria Emilia Pachano

By: Sofia Burgos

Maria Emilia Pachano was born in November 18, 1999. Her

favorite color is turquois, and her favorite animal is the

penguin. Her hobbies are: play tennis, dace flamenco and

play volley. When she grows up she wants to live in

California, and she is going to be an interior designer. She

has brown hair, brown eyes and a very bright smile always.

She is always in love even if she doesn’t have someone to

be in love with. She loves cold days, but also likes to go the beach. She is very

friendly and is always willin to help whenever someone needs any help.

Biography Victor Quiñones By: Diego Velastegui

Victor Manuel Quiñones Cavalucci was born the 14 of December of 1999. In the city of Quito. His fathers fathers are Ernesto Quiñónez and Olga Cavallucci. Víctor study in the American school or Quito.his parents divorce when he have 11 years old. He have a younger sister Chiara Quiñónes His hobbies are: go out with his friends that are like his family. He like to go to his farm in Amaguaña. He is part of the team of volleyball of his school. He playas the violin. He likes to draw. He is part of the model of the U.N

in the school. He is a very smart kid that has always god grade. Biography Francisco sevilla By: nicolas guzman

Francisco Martín Sevilla Zamorano was born the 28 of September, 1999, in the capital of Ecuador, Quito. He would live in mars, if he had to live in another planet. Francisco plays squash and trains every week. He also trains every day his skills in his playstation. If Francis would be an anal, he would be a lion, because of its strength and leadership. The food Francisco would never eat is broccoli, he dislikes the taste. The best thing Francisco has written is his short story "War of Gods." What Francisco likes the most about writing, is creative

writing because he can express all of his imagination and creativity.

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Biography Diego Velastegui By: Victor Quiñones

Diego Jose Velastegui Guadalupe was born in a 10 of November in a cold night in Quito. His mother was Marcella Guadalupe, of Brazilian origins and his father was Ecuadorian in origin and birth. That night, he wasn’t the only one that was new to the Velastegui family. His twin brother was born only 5 minutes before him. Mateo and Diego share a lot in common but both of them are different as well. He likes to ride horseback on his free time in his farmhouse. His is an intelligent and capable student which makes him a great classmate who is helpful and caring for his mates. After the long working day we walk together to the coliseum were we play volleyball. He has played

already for 6 years and he is really supportive and good. He gets to his home to play Xbox 360 that it’s almost a hobby for him and his brother. During this class year i had enjoyed having this person in my class besides me all the time ready to help and support me always. Biography Alejandra Pinto By: Vanessa Monsalve

Alejandra Pinto Cordova was born in March 24 of the year 2000 in the city of Quito, Ecuador. She was the first of two siblings (she has a younger sister named Julieta) and loves with her father, mother and their dog, Manchas. She loves laughing and being weird with her friends, she loves to dance and sing in the shower as well as she enjoys reading (Twitter posts from Mathew Espinosa or any other Magcom boy). She’s a blonde, brown eyed girl who loves Harry

Potter and she wishes she could be studying in Hogwarts. On her free afternoons she plays volleyball at school or is on We Heart It. She has a very opened personality which can be seen on her writing skills.

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Biography Vanessa Monsalve by: Alejandra Pinto

Vanessa Monsalve, was born on March 6, 2000 on the city of Santo Domingo de los Tzachilas. Her favorite color is blue. Her favorite planet is Jupiter. If she would be a whale she would be an orca. Her favorite actress is Shailene Woodley. Her favorite fandom is O2L. Her celebrity crush is Keegan Allen and she admits having a crush on a mysterious guy she will not reveal. If she had the chance to have 10 animals on her house she would have a dog, cat, cow, pig, squirrel, sheep, guinneapig, bird, monkey and a

fish. If she would be a famous person she would be Justin Bieber. If she would rather be a boy or a cow, she would be a boy. Her favorite flag is the flag from England and her favorite city is Paris because it is the city of love.

Biography Juan Martin Reyes By: Sebastian Montero

Juan Martin Reyes was born on 1999 in metropolitan hospital on Quito, Ecuador. He has a brother of 12 years named Mauricio. He grew up on Quito and went to the Americano School on Quito. When he was little he liked to ride bicycle with his cousins and also to play soccer. Juan Martin's favorite sport is soccer. Also as a hobby he likes to watch TV play soccer and get out with his friends his favorite colors are blue and red, his favorite animal are dogs, his parents name are Mauricio Reyes and Gabriela Freire, so

this is Juan Martin Reyes resumed life.

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