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final project

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GROUPING INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................... 4

STRUCTURING THE PROJECT ........................................................................................... 4

WORKING WITH YOUR OWN SECTION ......................................................................... 5

HOROSCOPES ....................................................................................................................... 6

HOMEMADE RECIPES ........................................................................................................ 8

ELABORATION OF A RECYCLED HANDICRAFT .................................................... 12

INTERESTING INTERVIEWS ...................................................................................... 13

LOVE ADVICES .................................................................................................................. 15

DESCRIPTION OF AN ADVENTUROUS TRIP ........................................................ 17



Dear student,

It is a pleasure for us to communicate that you have been selected to participate in a

project whose main aim is to create a magazine. We are looking for an amazing magazine,

different from the traditional ones. That is, although the sections of both will be quite similar,

you are expected to be creative and improve the contents.

The magazine we are looking for consists of seven different sections, which are

horoscopes, homemade recipes, jokes, elaboration of a recycled handicraft, an interesting

interview, love advices and the description of an adventurous trip. You will work in groups

and each group will be in charge of developing a different section.

Do not worry, your work will not be useless, since once you have elaborated this

incredible project, your effort will be awarded. You will have the opportunity to publish it via

internet, so that it will be an online magazine. The first one done in this high school ever. But

remember: this will only be possible if your work turns out to be successful, and as good as a

real magazine would be. For that you need to be serious and responsible with your tasks.

P.S.: We almost forget to tell you one of the most important points of this project. Not

only you will be awarded with the online publishing, but also the best group, that is, the most

creative, original, hard worker, responsible, etc., will have the chance to visit our editorial

department, and help the professional editors.

Good luck future reporters!



- Step 1:

Look under your desks.

- Step 2:

The teacher will say a color, if it is the one you have you will have to raise your

hand and meet the mates that have the same as yours.

- Step 3:

Choose the spokesperson in your group and let it

know to the teacher. She will ask him to come in

front of the class and collect a paper from a box.

This paper will be the section of the magazine you

will develop.


- Step 4:

Once you all have your own section assigned, you will have

to create you personal editorial office. This means that you

have to create a poster containing the name of your

section. The more catchy the better. Each poster will be

representative of each group and its color. You have to

imagine the computer room as a real editorial department,

and apart from the computers, hanging your posters will

contribute to this idea and will help to identify each group.

- Step 5:

Look for magazines at home. If you can’t find any in English, bring in those you

have available. We will analyze the different sections and structure they consist of

all together.


- Step 6:

Look for online magazines in class and analyze them too. Use the following links:





Once you have compared both types of magazines, make a comparison of the

advantages and disadvantages these two types have. For that you can use an online

resource called popplet. http://popplet.com/

- Step 7:

Once you have created your own conceptual map you will make an oral

presentation for the rest of the class using the digital whiteboard. For that the

teacher will brainstorm the main differences presented by the students on the



At this point of the project, you must focus on your section and organize your group

work. Instructions to develop your section are given in this handout. Look for them in the index

and forget about the rest.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of language and

whatever catches your attention.




- Step 2:

Design the zodiac signs as well as the dates according to each one. If any

member of the group draws well he or she can draw the symbols.

Remember the more creative you are, the best.

- Step 3:

Look for some famous people regarding their zodiac sign and include a

picture of them in each one.

- Step 4:

Think about the kind of language used, the structure, etc. and start

describing each sign. You can ask your mates for their zodiac sign if that

helps you. For that, be careful with the information you include in each one,

as you need to be an informative person.

- Step 5:

At the end of each sign you must include two days of the month, one

referring to the lucky day and the other one to the worst day.

- Step 6:

For making your section creative, try to include pictures, different colors

and an attractive kind of letter, but do not be excessive.


- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of language and

whatever catches your attention.





- Step 2:

Ask your parents, friends or relatives for any interesting recipe that might

help you. Put them in common in the group.

Remember they must be as healthy as possible and

typical of that season of the year.

- Step 3:

Organize the recipes according to the order in which they would appear in a

menu: first dish, second dish, dessert, etc. Do not

classify chocolate cake as a first dish, for instance.

- Step 4:

Once you are at home, each of you will have to make

the recipe on its own or with the help of your parents or friends. You must

take photos of each step and take notes of those anecdotes o interesting

things you have experienced while cooking.

- Step 5:

Bring the whole material to class, explain the experience to your mates and

organize it with your group as following mentioned:


Give a name to the recipe.

Put the photos in the correct order.

Add the instructions and anecdotes below each of them.

- Step 6:

You can bring the dish once it is prepared to share it with the class, this may

give you extra marks ;)

- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of language and

whatever catches your attention.



- Step 2:

You will divide yourselves in 2 groups (up to you), since this section will

consist of two parts. One group will work with the first and the other with

the second:

Humor around the world:

1- Look for jokes from the different continents. Let’s see if there is

a cultural difference in humor.



2- Select the best ones and type them for the

magazine by making clear the place/culture

each joke comes from.

3- Add pictures (flags, symbols, etc. of the

country) as well as a brief description of how

humor/ jokes are considered in that country or culture.

Looking for the best joke in our school:

1- Interview different people (teachers, students, workers, etc.)

from the high-school and ask them to tell a joke. Remember! It is

something voluntary, so they may refuse to do so. Do not force


2- Record them (or write the joke) and take them a picture.


3- Type the joke and add the correspondent photo.

- Step 3:

Revise your part with the other group, and design together the whole


- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of language and whatever catches your





- Step 2:

Think about or look for several easy handicrafts made with recycled materials, or

make up anyone.

- Step 3:

Make the handicraft at home and take photos of every step while you do it. Next

day, bring in the photos and include them on your section. Add all the instructions

to make it in each photo. The recycled materials must be easily available.

- Step 4:

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of using recycled materials.

- Step 5:

Bring in your handicraft to show it to the rest of your mates.

- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of language and

whatever catches your attention.




- Step 2:

Choose the person you are going to interview. It might be someone

interesting you know from outside the high-school, a mate who has a

special quality, etc.

You have to make clear the reasons you have chosen that person for. He or

she must have something special to tell or show to the rest so that the

interview becomes catchy. Remember to ask that person for permission.

- Step 3:

When interviewing somebody many roles must be put in practice. Divide

these among you: photographer, typist, interviewer, etc.

- Step 4:

Prepare the questions and put them in common with your group mates.

Make a brainstorming activity to clarify your ideas.



Questions must follow and order.

Preferably no yes/no questions, as the answers

can limit the results.

Prepare more than those you will need, just in

case. (20/30 questions).

Ask about relevant things and not about issues that might make

your guest feel uncomfortable. Focus on interesting topics.

Once you have organized them, show them to the teacher.

- Step 5:

Now you are supposed to put all that information in practice, date him and

record the answers, take photos, etc.

- Step 6:

Finally, you have to organize all that data collected. The final result should

include some photos (between 2 and 3) and the questions with the answers

(between 10 and 15).

When typing, information must be organized and summarized. Just choose

the most interesting parts. What is in oral style must be changed to written

style, that is, it must be adapted.

- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of

language and whatever catches your





- Step 2:

Think about the stories you are going to write, the kind of person who is

supposed to need your help, their personality and so on.

Write it down.

- Step 3:

You will have to write two letters as well as two suggestions. For that, you

will divide yourselves in two groups. One group will

elaborate the letters (stories) and the other will

write the answers for both letters.

- Step 4:

Each letter has to be well structured, with an introduction, a body

(problems the person has) and an ending.

- Step 5:

The problems must be related to love issues and close to reality. The

answers have to be real and as helpful as possible.

- Step 6:


For both letters you must include an image which summarizes the main idea

of them.

- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.



- Step 1:

Look for the way of presenting this section in other magazines online, as

well as their main topics, the kind of language

and whatever catches your attention. You will

have to describe two different trips to two

different places. For that, you will divide

yourselves in two groups. One group will

work describing one place and the other will

work on another one.




- Step 2:

The trips will take four days long. Choose two places or types of trips you

recommend the reader to travel to and give reasons for your decision.

- Step 3:

Describe the cities or places you have chosen. Where they are, their

population, monuments or things they are important for. For example, the

weather like, kinds of public transport they have, the languages their

residents speak and so on.

- Step 4:

Once you have decided the type of trip and your destination, and you have

looked for the information sources, show them to your teacher so that she

can give you some advice.


- Step 4:


Establish how much money the reader would spend for the trip.

You must include at least two types of public transport.

You must prepare and describe the trip from the moment the

reader would leave home.

You must explain what kind of luggage you recommend the

reader to wear (heavy or weak) and the personal items. Always by

giving reasons for it. For example: “You will have to take some

swimsuits with you because it will be sunny in Springfield during

those days.”

You must describe those places you will visit and the activities

you will practice.

Make an itinerary by giving details such as prices, timetables,

locations, etc.

You must include a map of each place and several attractive

pictures of locations, monuments, food, etc.

- Step 5:

If you have not been there look for recommendations or give your own one

in case you have been to.

- Step 7:

Once you have finished your section think of an original title for it.


Now you have completed this excellent work, you must be eager to see

your section organized in a nice magazine. Therefore, and as we mentioned

above, we will create an online magazine.

It is time to work as a whole class again and with the help of your

teacher by using: www.issuu.com

This link will enable you to structure your personal data and the other

sections created by your mates so that you can picture your effort and

enjoy it as a whole.

Come on! We are excited for seeing your excellent work as reporters!