UHMLG Spring Forum 2008 Donald M Mackay Head of Health Care Libraries Oxford University Library Services


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UHMLG Spring Forum 2008

Donald M Mackay Head of Health Care Libraries

Oxford University Library Services

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Borders or Bust?Library Space Developments on the

HE/NHS Crossover

Images Removed. Picture of 1960s librarian shelving books and picture of

Borders Book Shop

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Borders or Bust?

• Context– Bigger Picture– Health Care Libraries/OULS

• Space Plans– Information Gathering – What We Did & Doing– Future Plans

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“We don’t need a library anymore it’s all on the Internet”

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Images Removed

• But still building lots of new libraries, just not always called that any more…..

• Pictures of new libraries, Ideas Stores, Knowledge Centres, Information Commons

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Educational Context

• New Types of Learner– Mature, Part-Time, Long Distance, E-

learning, Etc

• New Methods– Collaborative, Problem Based, Reflective,

Learning by Doing, by Conversation, Etc

• New Technologies– Interactive Whiteboards, Personal

Learning Environments, Wireless/Mobile Technologies, Ubiquitous Access, Etc

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NHS Context

• Where to Start?• Modernisation Agenda• Quality of Care• Patient Rights • Primary Care Led NHS• Evidence-Based Practice &

Clinical Governance• Technological Developments

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NHS Context

• Knowledge Management• Workforce Developments• Cost Effectiveness• Educational Issues• Seamless Service, Partnership,

& Multidisciplinary Working• e.g. NSFs, Health Improvement

Modernisation Plans, Care Trusts, etc.

• Overseas Staff

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Images Removed

• Lots of pictures of traditional Oxford Libraries – old books, gothic architecture.

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OULS Estate Strategy

• Rationalisation of Libraries– ROQ, RSL/Hooke

• Improve Physical Infrastructure– New Bodleian, Law Library

• Deduplication (Scorpio)• Lots More E-Content (ELISO)• Very Big Off Site Storage

– Depository/ASRS

• Capital Campaign

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Images Removed

• Exciting new programme of building work.

• Images of proposed new buildings including New Bodleian, RSL and Deopository

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Health Care Libraries

• Oxford University Library Services (OULS)

• Established 1960s• Four Sites by 2005• Jointly HE/NHS Funded

– Medical Sciences Division – ORH NHS Trust – Oxfordshire PCT


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Developmental Areas

• Getting Out More – Librarian on the Loose/Clinical Librarians

• Better Marketing (To and Fro)

• Electronic Resources – HE & NHS

• Increasing External Income

• Improving, Reducing & Refocusing Space

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HCL Estate

• Disparate & Expensive

• Old & Small & Limited Facilities

• Uninviting, Hidden & Unfriendly

• Selective

• Poor Staff Accommodation

• New Library Option & Hospital Closure

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HCL Estate

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HCL Estate

• Image Removed

• Very old library at RI

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New Library Space

• Signature New Research Building

• “Institute of Cancer Research”

• £50M

• Range of Groups

• In between Two Site Libraries

• Fresh Start & Integration

• Update Older Plans

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Developing a Plan

• Desk Research

• Visits

• Asking Our Users– Focus Groups– Questionnaires– Workshop– NHS & HE

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Key Themes - Visits & Desk Research

• Flexible – Now & Future– Space & Furniture

• Ubiquitous IT & Power • Zoning – noisy, quiet, group, eating,

comfy, formal…..• Bright, Airy, Colourful• 24/7• Integrated with Learning & Teaching

– Pods, Clusters, classrooms, conference rooms, alcoves

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Key Themes - Visits & Desk Research

• Information Commons• Heart/Hub of the Campus/Site• Library as 3rd Place (Between

Home/Work or Dorm/Classroom)• Inclusive & Welcoming• Escape/Nest• Traditional Services as Well• Toys for the Boys (and Girls)

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Six slides removed

• All images of new developments, use of space, light, mixed types of space, new uses of space, innovative uses of furniture….

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Key Themes - Our Users

• No Significant Differences

• Library as Space

• Welcoming, Inviting, Inclusive

• Good Collections– (But not too bothered about paper


• Space to Escape/Work/Think

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Key Themes - Our Users

• Space for e-Learning • Space to Play• Space to Access IT (inc Wireless) • Zoning• Coffee/Newspapers• Chat & Quiet & Group Study

Space• 24/7

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What We Did About It

• A New Knowledge Centre• Some Improvements to Main Site• (already 24/7)• New Services/New Users• Opened Up Teaching

Space/eLearning• Improved Our IT

– Wired & Wireless

• Threw Away Journals• Plans for Refurbishment of Main Site

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ORC Knowledge Centre

• Images removed• What were we to do?• Choice between “funky” Saltire

Centre and trad Oxford.• Oxford doesn’t do funky and

Oxford medical researchers and clinicians don’t want trad Oxford

• So we chose something in between….

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ORC Knowledge Centre

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ORC Knowledge Centre

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ORC Knowledge Centre

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Main Site Plans

• Be Bolder• Major Refurbishment• Dispose of (Almost) All Journals• More Open• Smaller, Rezoned, New Facilities• Learning & Teaching Integration• Feasibility Study• Money…..

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• Borders – Why Not?

• Already on the Way

• Borders Plus

• Maintaining and Developing Existing Strengths

• Eye to the Future

• Hill Report

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Hill Report

8.6 A predominant view of the library is one of space. Nowadays, however, this may be well removed from the repository concept of a place merely to store books and journals, although this is still important. Other concepts associated with the library as space include:

• A place for reflection, quiet contemplation and working undisturbed

• A meeting place e.g. for staff, and students

• A point of access to technology e.g. internet access; a virtual space

• Meeting rooms and areas

• A place for training, and the library as learning enabler

• A repository for resources, for example health promotion materials.

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Credits & One or Two References

Photos – Mainly Copyright DMM or JISC infoNet, an advisory service of the JISC.http://www.flickr.com/photos/jiscinfonet/sets/Many thanks to the many colleagues whom I badgered for information and visits.

Useful Online Starting Points:

EDUCAUSE - Learning Space Design in the 21st Centuryhttp://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/NLI0446.pdf. JISC infoNet - Planning & Designing Technology-Rich Learning Space http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/learning-space-design/more/index_htmlDesigning Librarieswww.designinglibraries.org.uk/JISC - Designing Spaces for Effective Learninghttp://www.jisc.ac.uk/eli_learningspaces.htmlGlasgow Caledonian University Saltire Centre http://www.gcal.ac.uk/thesaltirecentre/building/index.html University of Sheffield Information Commonshttp://www.shef.ac.uk/infocommons/Space Management Group - Impact On Space Of Future Changes In Higher Education.http://www.smg.ac.uk/documents/FutureChangesInHE.pdf CLIR - Library as Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Spacehttp://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub129/pub129.pdfScottish Funding Council – Spaces for Learninghttp://www.sfc.ac.uk/information/information_learning/Spaces_for_Learning_report.pdf