Macbeth Written by William Shakespeare Project by Lee Pierce

Macbeth Written by William Shakespeare Project by Lee Pierce

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Page 1: Macbeth Written by William Shakespeare Project by Lee Pierce


Written by William ShakespeareProject by Lee Pierce

Page 2: Macbeth Written by William Shakespeare Project by Lee Pierce

William Shakespeare and Historical Influence

William Shakespeare, while actual date of birth is unknown, was first baptized on April 26 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. While little is know about Shakespeare’s personal life, he was married to Anne Hathaway at 18 years old and had three children with her. Shakespeare is often referred to as the greatest writer of the English language. This title comes about as Shakespeare contributed works such as Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, and Julius Caesar, along with countless sonnets. Shakespeare’s basic poetic form is blank verse iambic pentameter. Shakespeare died on April 23 1616.Macbeth was written sometime between 1603 and 1607. Macbeth was written just a few years after Shakespeare’s Globe Theeatre. The play was most likely written soon after the coronation of King James the first of England, formerly known as King of Scots James the seventh. It is often believed to have been written for and debuted for King James of Scotland. It was during this period that the first Union Flag of England was designed.

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Conflict in Macbeth

The conflict in Macbeth arises after Macbeth is given a prophecy from three witches that he will be King. Upon telling the prophecy to his wife, Lady Macbeth pressures him into taking the life of King Duncan and taking his place upon the thrown. After doing so, Macbeth becomes paranoid and attempts to kill off anyone he sees as a threat. Meanwhile, the true heir to the thrown, Duncan’s son Malcolm, flees to England and seeks help. As the plays progresses, After being warned by the witches about Macduff, Macbeth exiles him to England. Macduff then meets Malcolm and the two plot to take back the thrown. A battle ensues and Macduff and Macbeth do battle. After a heated fight Macduff beheads Macbeth.

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Symbolism and Theme in MacbethFloating Dagger before Duncan’s death

Lady Macbeth sleepwalking



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Discussion Questions

1. Do the witches in Macbeth engineer fate or manipulate the actions the lead to a predestined outcome?

2. How does Shakespeare’s depiction of fate parallel with the elements of fate in classical pieces such as the Iliad and Oedipus Rex?

3. In the play Lady Macbeth appears to dominate Macbeth, but can she be considered a feminist character or only manipulative?

4. How does Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking and suicide represent core themes in the play?

5. How is ambition represented as a tragic flaw?6. What does the characterization of the witches say about the views on

superstition in the historical period?7. What do the images produced by the cauldron represent?8. How is equivocation used in the play?9. What does the illusion of the dagger represent?10. How does weather dictate the actions of the characters in the play?

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Urges Macbeth to commit regicide

Murders Duncan

Honors Macbeth

Flees to England. Plots to take back the throne.

Helps Malcolm develop plot to kill Macbeth

Exiles Macduff out of fear and paranoia.

Returns and kills Macbeth.

Kills herself out of guilt.

Flees to Ireland but never returns in the play

Page 7: Macbeth Written by William Shakespeare Project by Lee Pierce

If you like Macbeth you may also like…

•Hamlet by William Shakespeare•King Lear by William Shakespeare•Oedipus Rex by Sophocles•The Iliad by Homer•Antigone by Sophocles•The Tragedy of Macbeth Part 2: The Seed of Banquo by Noah Lukeman

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Terms to Know

• Equivocation• Regicide• Tragedy• Iambic pentameter

Page 9: Macbeth Written by William Shakespeare Project by Lee Pierce

Reading Quiz1. What do the three witches meet upon?

a. a roof b. a heathc. Macbeths statue d. Duncan’s castle

2. What nation is invading Scotland in the opening scene?a. Portugalb. Russiac. Germany d. Ireland

3. The sailors wife refused to share her ___ with the witcha. broomstick b. black catc. chestnuts d. husband

4. Macbeth is greeted with how many witches?a. two b. threed. five d. four

5. The witches tell Macbeth he will be thane of what providence?a. Narnia b. Irelandc. Glamis d. Cawdor

6. Who urges Macbeth to kill Duncan?a. his mother b. Banquoc. Lady Macbeth d. Donalbain

7. Macbeth has a vision of what object floating before him?a. Duncan’s head b. Fleancec. a dagger d. a bow

• Who is originally framed for Duncan’s death?a. Banquo b. Donalbain and Malcolmc. the chamberlains d. the porter

• Donalbain flees to which country?a. Ireland b. Germanyc. U.S. colonies d. England

• Malcolm flees to which country?a. Ireland b. Germanyc. Portugal d. England

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11. In act three, Macbeth states that the only man he fears in Scotland it…a. Malcolmb. no onec. Banquo d. Macduff

12. Macbeth hires whom to kill Banquo?a. two unknown men b. Rossc. Lennox d. Fleance

13. Who escapes the assassination attempt?a. Lady Macbeth b. Rossc. Banquo D. Fleance

14. Who’s ghost is at dinner?a. Duncan b. the chamberlainsb. Banquo c. Fleance

• The witches meet with who in Act three scene five?a. Hecate b. Macbethc. Lady Macbeth d. Malcolm

• Who has been blamed for Banquo’s death?a. Fleance b. Macbethc. Macduff d. Donalbain

• Where has Macduff went?a. England b. Italyc. Germany d. Ireland

• Who are Macduff and Malcolm asking for aid?a. King James IV b. Mary Queen of Scotsc. King Edward d. Queen Elizabeth

• How does Malcolm test Macduff’s loyalty?a. he immediately trusts him b. he asks to see Macduff’s tattooc. he pretends to be a bad person d. he jokes of killing Duncan

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20. Lady Macbeth has developed a habit of…a. Sleepwalking b. Stealingc. riding horses d. being kind

21. Lady Macbeth admits toa. the murders b. being evilc. being a witch d. loving Banquo

22. What is seemingly covering her hands?a. tears b. gun powderc. blood d. food

23. Who has committed suicide?a. Donaldbain b. Macduffc. Lady Macbeth d. the porter

24. Macbeth is afraid of no man because…a. he is immortal b. his armor is the best in the worldc. no man woman born can kill him d. he is confident in his outside army

25. Why can Macduff kill Macbeth?a. he can’t b. he was not born of a womanc. he is god d. “from his mother’s womb/ Untimely ripped”

26. Macduff claims what part of Macbeth?a. his sword b. his armc. his headd. his castle

27. Who is the new king of Scotland?a. Macduff b. Fleancec. Malcolm d. Donalbain