Macbeth Act 1-3 By Noemie Thomas


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Page 1: Macbeth


Act 1-3 By Noemie Thomas

Page 2: Macbeth

Important Characters

Macbeth- Thane of Cawdor and Gladis soon to be King of Scotland

Lady Macbeth- Wife of Macbeth

Page 3: Macbeth

Important Characters

King Duncan- Current King of Scotland

Banquo- A general in the King’s army, Thane of Lochaber

Three witches- (three witches)

Page 4: Macbeth

Important Characters

Macduff- Thane of Fife, a nobleman of Scotland

Fleance- Banquo’s son

Page 5: Macbeth

Act 1

King Duncan hears about Macbeth’s recent success in battling an army of Irish.

On the battlefield, Macbeth and Banquo encounter three witches.

The witches tell Macbeth that according to their prophecy, Macbeth will become King of Scotland.

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Act 1

However they also tell Banquo that his children will also one day be King

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Act 1

This idea of Macbeth being King sticks in his head and soon becomes and obsession.

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Act 1

Before King Duncan arrives for dinner, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth discuss killing King Duncan. They agree to leave the planning to Lady Macbeth.

During dinner, Macbeth soon tells Lady Macbeth he no longer wants to kill the King.

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Act 1

Lady Macbeth calls him a coward and convinces him just to leave it all to her.

They agree that they should just proceed with their plan.

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Act 1

The plan is that while King Duncan sleeps, they will get the chamberlains drunk while they kill him. They will then smear blood on the chamberlains to make them think that they did it.

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Act 2

Before killing Duncan, Macbeth suddenly has a hallucination; a dagger is floating in mid air pointing towards Duncan.

Macbeth rationalizes and concludes that the dagger is just a result of his mind coping with the guilt of killing the King of Ireland.

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Act 2

Macbeth leaves the hall to kill Duncan and Lady Macbeth enters.

She hears Macbeth cry out and emmerge with blood all over his hands.

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Act 2

Lady Macbeth tries to calm Macbeth down, though she soon realizes that he forgot to put the daggers beside the chamberlains to frame them.

Again, she accuses Macbeth of being cowardly and should be ashamed of himself.

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Act 2

Lady Macbeth goes and places the daggers herself.

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Act 2

Macduff asks Macbeth if the King is awake, as he wished to see him.

Macbeth lies and says the King is still asleep, but offers to bring him to him.

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Act 2

There lies the dead King, and Macduff freaks out, screaming around the castle that the King has been murdered!

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Act 2

Lennox is present and Malcolm and Donalbain arrive as well to discover their father dead.

Macbeth then declares that because he was so upset, he has killed the chamberlains.

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Act 2

Macduff seems a little suspicious of Macbeth’s actions, but then Lady Macbeth then faints and swiftly misdirects his attention.

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Act 2

Duncan’s sons Malcolm and Donalbain conclude that it is no longer safe and they will flee to Ireland and south of England.

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Act 2

People begin to be suspicious of Duncan’s death and suspect that the chamberlains were paid off to kill the Duncan.

Macbeth is crowned King!!!

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Act 3

Post King Macbeth’s coronation, Banquo begins pondering of the three witch’s prophecy.

He begins thinking that since the first prophecy came true, why not the second? Banquo’s line could eventually become Kings.

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Act 3

Banquo becomes ambiotious Macbeth and Lady Macbeth invite

him to a feast that night. Macbeth labels Banquo and his

children to be a threat to his crown.

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Act 3

He persuades two servants to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance.

He tells this to Lady Macbeth, who, she too has been disturbed by the additional threat to the crown.

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Act 3

The murderers are successful in killing Banquo, though his son Fleance escapes.

Before Banquo’s death, he urged his son to avenge his death.

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Act 3

Macbeth is told of the escape and becomes very angry.

That night, during the feast, he sees Banquo’s ghost sitting at the table. Macbeth begins talking to the ghost.

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Act 3

Embarassed, Lady Macbeth makes excuses for him in front of the guests.

Once alone, Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to snap out of it.

That night, Macbeth decides to go see the three witches the next day to learn more about his future.