MAC Mag 2011

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Mount Aspiring College of Wanaka, NZ, produces an annual magazine showing the goings on at the college. This is a student driven project that opitimises the modern, exciting spirit of the school.

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    Top Honours for Outdoor Ed at MACMAC won the Best Outdoor Education Programme award at the 2011 Outdoor Excellence Awards organised by Outdoors New Zealand. The school has been offering Outdoor Pursuits since the college opened in 1987, and OP was already on offer prior to that by the area school and district high school. Were teaching kids now in Outdoor Pursuits whose parents did it when they were in school, said Science teacher an ex-OP instructor Ian McNabb, who put through the nomination for the award.

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    Katniss Everdeen and the Hunger GamesIn the reaping, her sister has been chosen. Struck with terror, entangled with horror, the poor girl shouts, I will act the locum. Concealing her emotions, suppressing her fear, undaunted, the girl proceeds to the stage.

    The game she has been put in is the worst of all. Out of 24 the winner will be the only one standing tall.Others will get slewed and slain, and be picked up by the hovercraft, coming down like the rain.

    Theres no mercy, theres no favour; all that works is kill and slaughter.Theres no luck, theres no chance, the only thing that counts is your skill and stance.

    You must be shrews, you must be cunning, you must be judicious to survive till the end.You may win; you may die; it s all up to the Lord to decide.Thus quoths Katniss Everdeen, who is going to play the cruel Hunger Games.

    By Aqeeda Singh - Year 9

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    Year 9 Camp The Best of 9 Lives

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