Ma tiera esta enferma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

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Ma tiera esta enferma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ. Ma Vie au Soleil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqyOJ7oUnbI. Global Challenges: Education Why can’t all children go to school?. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/nov/09/nobel-peace-prize-malala-yousafzai. Day 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Ma tiera esta enfermahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Page 2: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Ma Vie au Soleilhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqyOJ7oUnbI

Page 3: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ


Global Challenges: EducationWhy can’t all children go to school?


Page 4: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Launching the Unit

2012 Unesco Education for All Global Monitoring Report

Day 1

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Grade Level

9 - 12 Language Level NH - IL Date 4/22/13 Day in

Unit 2

Unit Theme and Question

Global Challenges: EducationWhy can’t all young people go to school?


What is the communicative and cultural goal for the

lesson today?Students can:

List reasons why education is important for all people;Identify countries where all children cannot go to school;

How will the modes of communication be addressed

in this lesson?


Identify reasons why education is important based on video and text;Interpret the colors on a world map related to education

√ Interpersonal Share additional reasons why education is important

√ Presentational Express opinions on importance of education

If applicable, indicate how the Connections/Comparisons/

Communities goals of the unit will be part of your lesson


√ Connections Global Studies; Geography



Page 6: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ


Lesson SequenceActivity/Activities

What will you do as the teacher?

What will students do?

TimeHow much

time will this

segment take?

Materials Resources TechnologyBe specific. What materials will you

develop? What materials will you

bring in from other sources?

Gain AttentionGet students’ attention, pique interest (engage students when they arrive, introduce posted goals, establish context, make certain students know how they will use the new information)


Provide Input Teacher presents and models new information or concepts in small chunks to avoid information overload.


Elicit Performance / Provide Feedback Students practice new information/concepts individually and in pairs/groups.


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Lesson Sequence Activity/Activities Time

Materials Resources Technology

Provide Input (2) 10

Elicit Performance / Provide Feedback (2) 5

Assess Performance / Closure Teacher checks to see that each student met the lesson goals.


Enhance Retention & Transfermeaningful practice outside of class

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Provide Input: Text


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Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback:

Pair and Group Work

Page 10: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Discuss this image and the reading with your group. Then, pick up a pen and write your thoughts giving reasons from the


Elicit Performance/Provide Feedback Assess Performance

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Student Can-Do

Page 12: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Teacher Can-Do

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Vocab List

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Grammar in Context

Shrum & Glisan

Page 15: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Il a mis le café Dans la tasseIl a mis le laitDans la tasse de caféIl a mis le sucreDans le café au laitAvec la petite cuillerIl a tournéIl a bu le café au laitEt il a reposé la tasseSans me parlerIl a alluméUne cigaretteIl a fait des rondsAvec la fuméeIl a mis les cendresDans le cendrier

Sans me parlerSans me regarderIl s'est levéIl a misSon chapeau sur la têteIl a mis son manteau de pluieParce qu'il pleuvaitEt il est partiSous la pluieSans une paroleSans me regarderEt moi j'ai prisMa tête dans ma mainEt j'ai pleuré.

Déjeuner du matin, Jacques Prévert

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Grammar in Context

Page 17: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

nager Hier, j’ ai nagé à la plage.

écouter D’abord, j’__________ de la musique.

Passé composé

Page 18: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

nager Hier, j’ ai nagé à la plage.

écouter D’abord, j’ ai écouté de la musique.

Passé composé

Page 19: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

nager Hier, j’ ai nagé à la plage.

écouter D’abord, j’ ai écouté de la musique.

jouer Puis, j’ _____________ au volleyball.

Passé composé

Page 20: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

nager Hier, j’ ai nagé à la plage.

écouter D’abord, j’ ai écouté de la musique.

jouer Puis, j’ ai joué au volleyball.

Passé composé

Page 21: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

nager Hier, j’ ai nagé à la plage.

écouter D’abord, j’ ai écouté de la musique.

jouer Puis, j’ ai joué au volleyball.

gagner J’______________ le match.

Passé composé

Page 22: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

nager Hier, j’ ai nagé à la plage.

écouter D’abord, j’ ai écouté de la musique.

jouer Puis, j’ ai joué au volleyball.

gagner J’ ai gagné le match.

If you were a textbook author, how would you explain how to speak and write in the past?

Passé composé

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Grammar in Context

Page 24: Ma tiera esta enferma youtube/watch?v=zlugcpczjhQ

Great Art of France: Virtual Visits

Elle s’appelle Mona Lisa. Elle a 32 ans. Elle n’est pas jolie, mais elle n’est pas laide, non plus. Elle a les cheveux longs, pas noirs, pas blonds......

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What did you do?

Yesterday – Today - Tomorrow

What are you doing?

What are you goingto do?


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What is your grading system? Pretend that I am the parent of a student. I want to know how grades are determined so that I can better understand the grade my child has. Jot down how you determine the final quarter/semester grade. Be sure to include any elements that are required by your school or school district.

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