Scenario A mother brought her single son to health center and complain that her child didn’t grow well. The mother said that her son has been getting milk formula and rice porridge since the child 6 months old. The baby has been three times hospitalized caused by diarrhea since 6 months ago. The mother also said that her son got a measles when the child 9 months old and after that the child got fever frequently. The father was becak driver and has been treating at the similar Health Center caused by chronic cough since his son 8 months old. The mother show her son KMS to you and this charthis body weight has been decreasing since 6 months ago. Physical examination findings were body weight 6.0 kg, length 70 cm, very thin child, like old man face, skin elasticity was decreased caused by loss subcutaneous fat, muscle atrophy, piano sign of ribs (iga gambang) and baggy pants at the buttock. As a doctor in that Health Center, you must assess and confirm what I the nutritional status and also have to seek why this child didn’t optimal growth like another similar child. A. Klarifikasi istilah a. Didn’t grow well: pertumbuhan yang tidak mengikuti kurva pertumbuhan normal. b. Milk formula: susu formula. c. Rice porridge: bubur nasi.

Ma Rasmus

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ScenarioA mother brought her single son to health center and complain that her child didnt grow well. The mother said that her son has been getting milk formula and rice porridge since the child 6 months old. The baby has been three times hospitalized caused by diarrhea since 6 months ago. The mother also said that her son got a measles when the child 9 months old and after that the child got fever frequently. The father was becak driver and has been treating at the similar Health Center caused by chronic cough since his son 8 months old.

The mother show her son KMS to you and this charthis body weight has been decreasing since 6 months ago. Physical examination findings were body weight 6.0 kg, length 70 cm, very thin child, like old man face, skin elasticity was decreased caused by loss subcutaneous fat, muscle atrophy, piano sign of ribs (iga gambang) and baggy pants at the buttock.

As a doctor in that Health Center, you must assess and confirm what I the nutritional status and also have to seek why this child didnt optimal growth like another similar child.

A. Klarifikasi istilah

a. Didnt grow well: pertumbuhan yang tidak mengikuti kurva pertumbuhan normal.

b. Milk formula: susu formula.

c. Rice porridge: bubur nasi.

d. Diarrhea: pengeluaran feses abnormal dengan intensitas cair, lebih dari 3 kali sehari.

e. Measles: campak.

f. Chronic cough: batuk kronis.

g. KMS: Kartu Menuju Sehat.

h. Piano sign of ribs: bentuk iga seperti tuts piano.

i. Baggy pants: kulit di bawah bokong yang terlihat kendur dan berlipat-lipat.

j. Muscle atrophy: penurunan massa otot.

k. Old man face: terlihat seperti wajah orang tua.

B. Identifikasi masalah

a. Anak laki-laki, 12 bulan, BB 6 kg, PB 70 cm mengalami pertumbuhan yang tidak baik.

b. Riwayat nutrisi:

Sejak usia 6 bulan, diberi susu formula dan bubur nasi.

c. Riwayat penyakit:

6 bulan yang lalu( mengalami diare 3 klai dn dirawat di rumah sakit.

Pada usia 9 bulan( menderita campak, setelah itu sering demam.

d. Riwayat keluarga:

Sosek( ayahnya seorang tukang becak.

Penyakit( sejak 4 bulan lalu, ayahnya mengalami batuk kronis.

e. Dari KMS menunjukkan adanya penurunan berat badan sejak 6 bulan yang lalu.

f. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik:

BB = 6 kg.

PB = 70 cm.

Sangat kurus, terlihat seperti orangtua.

Elastisitas kulit menurun, karena lemak subkutan hilang.

Atrofi otot.

Iga gambang.

Baggy pants pada bokong.

C. Analisis masalah

a. Bagaimana pertumbuhan normal bayi usia 0-12 bulan?

b. Factor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan bayi?

c. Apa saja penyebab pertumbuhan yang tidak baik pada bayi?

d. Bagaimana mekanisme pertumbuhan yang tidak baik pada kasus?

e. Bagaimana pemberian nutrisi yang baik pada bayi?

f. Bagaimana hubungan riwyat pemberian nutrisi pada kasus dengan pertumbuhan yang tidak baik?

g. Apa saja yang menyebabkan diare pada anak usia 90>95>90


