- M x vfcAA WiifttSffi. s 63 Arf3tF S a. ft 31 ll P& Si H i; et i j n? r wi m w x 3I5 F& WW M . feR l ( b v- - asBs J7 iytyESsy-,s$- . J True to hi? charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy wojdj News from all nations lumb'pijg at his l .ck! Sr.mns NO. 32. VOL. IV. LEXINGTON, K. FBlIMfT UGUST 7, 1818. i" PUBLISHED LTinl FIUDAT MOHVIXG, BY JOllN NOR FELL. $? The price of subscriptions to (fife Kentucky Gazette, is, Three Dot iars per annum, paid in advance, or Foun Dollars at the end of the year. fry The terms of advei Using in this paper, are, 50 cents for the first inser- tion of eveiy 15 lines or under, and 25 cents for each continuance ; longer ad- vei tisements in the same proportion lias 6i ttfe"5nite& SteteB. "" jsr -- AurnotiiTX. AN ACT Providing for tile depositc of wines and dis- tilled spirit in public- - warehouses, and for other purposes. ' '. Me it enacted by the SenatQ ana House of Refirescntatiyes of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, T(iat it shall be lawful for any importer of wines or distilled spirits, which may be imported into the United states, at any time aster the first day of June- - next, at llis option, to be determined at the time of making1 Cntry therefor, either td secure the duties thereon, on the same terms and stipulations as on other goods, ware anu mercnanaiseimportcu, or 10 give ins bond, in double the amount of the duties thereupon, with condition for the- - pay ment ol the Said duties', in twelve calcr-da- r months fiom the date of such bond ; which bond shallbe-aoc,e$e.- u by such col- lector, without surety) upon the terms following, viz : the viincS-o- r distilled spi rits, for the1 ditties whereof such bond shall be accepted, shall be deposited at the expense- - and risk of the importer, in such public or othel' storehouse as may be agreed upon between the importer and the surveyor, or officer of ir.sp-ectio- n of the reenue, for the port where the said wines or spit its shall-b- landed; and buoh whits or spirits shall be kept under the joi it locks'-o- f the insptfe'tof and file im- porter j bv t no delivery shiril be made of such wines or spirit without-- a p'eimit in wsiung, under the. hand-o- f and naval officet orthe, port. Sec. 2-- . And be iffttritereVactt'd, That no per" mit shall be given fbr the removal of the wines or spirhsdeposited" under the piovisions of the foiogfing section, un- -, leas the duties upoii spit its, foi Wiich it shall' be lequiredj be first paid or secured, ijrthc iftinncr-fWiowing- , vu : lue importer, or his'afslgnec, shall give bond, with one-o- r more surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the collec- tor, in double the amount of the duties, upon the wines' or sphits'in each case to be delivered, with condition for the pay- ment of the' saiu'duties, at the same ere- - dits, to be computed' from" the date of the permit, as would have been allowed on bonds for the' same at tides, is they had not been deposited under the provisions of tais act : Prdvided, That the time to be allowed for't ic payme'ntbf theduties'up-01- 1 any wines or spirits 's6 delivered, or for any part of such duties shall not be such as to extend the cre'dit beyond the term of twelve calendar months, origin- ally allowed, upon depositing such wines and spirits. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That is the dutios oil any wifies or spirits, de- posited under the provisions of this act, shall not have beelt"p"ald, or secured to be paid, in the manner "described in the fore- going section, within the term of. twelve calendar months from the time of their importation, it shall be the duty of the collector.to cause so much of such wines or spirits, a,s may be necessary, to"be sold at public auction, and retaining the sum necessary for the payment of the duties which hav e not been secured or paid, to- gether with the expenses of sfe keeping; and sale of such wines 'or spirits, shali j dura the overplus, is any, to the owner or to his agent, or lawful representative; ard the amount of each bond, talien for the duties'bn wines or spirits delivered, aster heiug depositee1, as directed by tliis act, shall be endorsed immediate on the original bond given by the importer, spe-- ", ing the articles delivered and tl.e date of the delivery. Sec. 4. Aid b- - it further enacts', That no drawback shall be allowed of the du-- .j ties paid on any wines or spin's, which a'a't be imported into the United States aster the fiist day of June next, unless such wines o spn its snail have been de posted in pubhx or ether stores, under the prci hie s of tin act, and there kept, fiom their k'iding to their shipment. Sc 5.Ar.d0c it further enacted, That is ary wines, or utl.er spirits, deposited under the movisio: s of this act, slnll be embezzled, 01 fiaudulently hid or remov ed from any store or place, wherein tncy bhall have been deposited, they shall be iorfeited, ar.d the not son or persons so cm bezzlinj, hiding, or removing the same, or aiding or assisting therein, snail oc lia- ble to the same pains and penalties, as is s jch wines 01 spirits had been 11 andulent-l- y unshipped or landed without pajmei t of duty. Sec. 0. And be 1! further enacted, That frcm and aster the fi.st day of June next, the londs 1 r dimes on articles imported by sea, the proc t.ee ct iorcign places or islands, united o-- i t! e eastern snoies ol America, norm of ths eqaatcr, or in its adjacent seas, bayi and gulfs, salt except- ed, shall be pat able, one half in six, and one half in nine osdtiidar months; and the boiy's for duties on goods, wares and merchandise, (other than wine, salt and teas) impoited from any other-plac- e tfihn Europe and the West Indies, shfell be payable, one-thir- d in eight, one-tltii- d in ten, ana onethira in eighteen calendar months.' II. CLAY, Speaker of the IIousi of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD,, President of the Senate, pro tempore. April 2 0, 1818 Approved. JAMES MONROE. 31, Farmers t$ MeicliaWtes Bank ofXcxington. stockholders of the Farmers '& jrc THE Hank of areherebv no. tjfied, that the second instalment of Twenty Dollars' on each share will become clue on the 30lh day of August net, and that piment of the 1c maining instalments w Hi be receiveu trom suclr cf the shareholders as may think proper to pay. Dividends on such payment wjll be iutowecfat tlie same rate pel' cent, as on the first and second instalments, calculating fiom thfe time of payment. Uy order of the Treiident and 'Directors, . Of. T. SC03.'1 Cashier, July 5g5fcl8-- 3t ssc the: sury dcp mtmcst, ? WisditdTos, ArniL 28, 3818. 5 NOTICE IS IIEREUY GIVEN, To the Proprietors of Stock imixA under the convention with Trance of the SOth of April, 18C3, commonly calleoLouisiiN, Stcick, '1 hat one moiety,or half of the principal of said slock, Will be redeemed oil theSfst of October nest ensuing the date hdreof, and that the same will be paid to tile respective proprietor, or to their attornies duly authorized, on the day be- fore mentioned, atthe Treasury in Washington, or at such L,oah Ofnce on the hooks whereof an) ( portion of si'td Stock m sy tin nstand infit'mation ixjw ther Tliat the inter- est tine at the time of redemption, on snch part ofsaidStock ash held in Europe, will be p id as heretofore in London and Amsterdam , and that the interest on such pait'ofsaid htockas btrs'lrecn domesticated tfill be paid at the s4me tifae 7iththe principal, either at tkeTrcasuty orattneJUOBij uiftccs as bctoie mentioned ind itU cho !ei ebu n.atle hiw-i- n. 'I hat the inter. cv,t on the moietv orlulf of said Louisiana Stfeck intended t6 bd redeemed aVaToiesaid, will cease and datCrjnme "vfler the 21st dav of Oc-- tQberj!81B. wm h cuaax ronn, Sf ay'arg ofthf Tt eatury. JVJay-J- t- ijTfr. 3VOTM015. . . riployment of an'Ant or AtSPey' iK'norrffcessarj' irt any claim aaflsi the government. It is molt generally attended witn cxpciue, ana sometimes vim ckkivu ss. Claims will he nromntlv settled, when the accounts, and. 'vouMieis with which they are connected, are transmitted to the proper of-- hec: Money will be transmitted, wherever sum due, or, wheic the amount is not aseeYtaine'd, a leeeipt in blaftk sall be forwarded to the Treasarv Heoartment Military ptitehts, and certificates of milita ry pensions, will bfe trafisiuittcd in like malt- - npr, whenover the necessary vouchers aie for- warded to theproper office jptiiN yuiMjv: AUA.V1B, xn h, CRAwroiii), J C. CALUOLN, B. V. CltOWNINSlllELD. Washinstcn City, 5tay 27, 1818. cr The Garettes in which the acta of Con gress are published,, are icjuested to insert the above, weekly for three months ; and pa pers in the interior ill deserve thcthinks of the comtnumtv by giving it ubheit) in their l esibectiie districts, as it ina be the means of f r.l t -- .:w is u people who are least able to bear thera. Juiio-J,- jAt . ., ,s ., ,, THEAbUICV DHPAHTMDNT, Amu. 27th, 1818. 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the several acts of ILnitation here tofore passed, and which barred the al- - lovraace and settlement ot certain evi dences of public debtjhave been sjspend- - pd for two years, by an aet pussed the iJSth of Apnl, 1818, oi which the follow ing is a copy. Wftt, 11. UKAWJCUKJU, T Secretary of the Treasury. AN ACT .t- To authorise the ofcermin certihxates Me it enacted by tir Senate antl Ihnse of He- - presentahves of the Untied Stalls of America m Congress assembled, That so much 01 an act, entitled, " An act making further provisions for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public" dibl," passed the third day of Match, one thousand seven hun- dred and ninety-fiv- e ; and 'o much of the act, entitled, " An act respecting loan office and final settlement certiticatcs, indents of inter- est, and the untunded and registeicd debt, ci edited on the books 01 the 1 reasury, pass- ed tlie tw elfth dy of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eigh- t, as bars fiom settle- ment and allowance, ceitificates commnnlv called loan office and final settlement certifi- cates, and indents ol interest, be, ?nd the same is hereby, suspended tor the tei m ot u o v ears, fr&m and . ftci- - the pssmj ci' this act ; a noti- fication oi winch teinpoi ny suspension of tlie act of limitation sli 11 be published by the Se- - cieUrv 01 the Tit.'j'.r;1for th j information 01 the holders of tlie said ceitificates, m one or more of the puBuc eaeliof the "Unit- ed Steles. Sec 2 And hi it fw iher enacted, That 1J ficatts, countersigneti by Iho i otucirs of die states iespecu el ', filial settlement ccrti-finte- s, and ts of mterest, which, the nine of passln? this act, shall be 01 tstandmg, ipaybe presented at the Treasury, upon the same beijig Uquidted ami adjusted, shall be paid to the rcspectn e holders A the with mieiest, at sixpi-- r cent iromtnc dale ot the last payment of interest, as endowed on certificates. Sec 3. Jlhdit-- t father enacted, TUf, foi carrying this act into the suu Ot lllil thousand dedors be ipjiTepru' . , ouV ot. 'i .monejs in the Treasury of theUnitedJles not .II. CLAY, SjieaJter of the House of Jieiresentatwcs. JOHN qAILLARU President of the Senate, April 13, 1818 Arruovrti, jAsicSaiONnoiJ. Jlav 15. 20t. By the President of the Uni- ted States. "UlirnrAB, by an act of Congress, prssed on the 3d of March, 1815, Entitled, "an act to provide for the ascertaining and sui vej ijig of uic oounoary lines nsca oy ii.e ireaty wili tlie Creek Indians, and for otlier purposes," tlie President of the United States is authorised to cause tlie laVids acquired by the saidtieaty to be offered for sale when survey ed " Timirrorr, I SIoNroi, President of the United StiteS, do hereby declare and make known, that public for the disposal to law) of certain lands in the Ala- bama territory, shall be held at Milledgev ille, in Georgia, vi? i On the first "Monday in October next, for the sale Of town lots, in the town of Cahaba. in the said territory, situate at the junction of tlie liver Alabama anil Uahaba On the third Monday in October next, for the sale of townships, 13, 14, 15, 16, ikfcanges y,au, 11, i- -', To, is; and ot townsiiips", 15, 16, in nnges 14 and 16 of tiie land district in Alabama territory, directed by law to be soH at Millcdgcville, excepting such lands as bars reserved by law lor the support 'p. schools, or for other purposes ; each pubS sIe shall continucopen Tor two weeksandno longer. 'I he town lots and otlier lands'.shall be ottered lor sale lnregular numencal order, commencing withthe lowest number of lots, sections and townships, and rantrcs. nd I further ueclarQ and make know that the olfices of the reffisfer and receiver of pub lic monies for the said district, shall be remov ed fiom MilledgcviJfe to tlie aforesaid town of Cahaba, on the, first day of January, 1819, Given under iny h.irtdat the city of Wash-infco- this twentv-ttyl- d day' of May, 1818 JAMES MOStftffi. Bv the President, "JOSIAH MEIGS, Commission e'r of the general Land Office, frH'rinters who are authorised to publish the laws of the United States, will publish the r,l,A-,r- A...r n.,rnoV .l) tl,a RmI kC rn.n rttllUt VJIV. t" WbkA illl VltV IllOt, U Jji.JUHl next, and send their bills to tlie General Laud Office for payment. A Map of tjie above district, and a plan oil in.e town 01 canaDa, wui ce engraved as spee- dily as" practicable, for JOHN GARDIXnU, , Chief Clerks Geiier.al Land Office Ahdsoldbv liim at Milledire.vil1-- .- rUV Lrfths jaWSWH6 puuilbiruhs notice slrall have Jime 12161 tey the President of -- the Uni ted States. "'jTllEUCAS, bv an act of Congress, passed VT on the 12th" Deceiriber, 1811, entitled "An act eitending tlie time for openine the several Land Ofiices established in the territo- ry of Orleans," the President of the United fetates.is authorised to cause the Land Offices in the said territorj , (now state of Louisiana) to be opened, and the land offered for sale. Therefore, I, .Tamps .Toxkoe, President of the United 'States, do hei eby declai c and make known, that public sales shall be held at Ope- - lousas, in the state of Louisiana, for the dispo sal of the following lulds, agreeably to law, in the western lartd district of Louisiana, v iz On the first .Monday in December next, fur the sale of Townships, No. 1 and 2 South") r .u . ,. i:- - :.. CI 23 4 5 6 1 and 2 North -- ul "X 1 23 4 56 3NoithS KanEcS ( 3 45 of the principal meridian. On the first .Monday 111 February next,' f6 the sale ot t ownsnips 3 south'") C 345 4 south I i 5 south ! Of the base line in J 3 4 50 " 67 8 9 10 south r Ranges 456 11 south 4 12 south L 3 ffestof the principal meridian. ExceptirtrthelandreseivedbylaTC for the sup port 'v . of . schools, .. and for other puinoses Lacli f .1 T T sale snail continue open lor tnree wceKs ana no longer, ana the sales shall beinicgulir nu mtftical Older. Given under my liAnd, at the City of 11 ash. ington,""the 20th Ay of June, one thou- sand eight hundred ;in.d eighteen. JAMES JWXROE. By the President jpsuir JimiGS, Commissioner of the General Land Office. pThe printers of new snipers who are an tliprised to publish the laws of the United States, (in the statessouth and w est of J'enn-sjlvaill- will insert the above onceaweek till the first .Monday inTJeceiliber net, and send their accounts to the Geneial Land Office for payment. A .uap ot tne anovc Jjanu jlusiiici is prepn- - jng, ana wilt UG tor sale M upeiousas, anu ai he General Land OfliO, by JOJVr GAIWLXEli, Ck Clh. Printers who publish this notice-wit- the proclamation, will be furnished with a map. 24 20t. By the President oi' the Unit ed Stufccs. "CTSTHftlir-AS- , by an act of Congress, passed V V on the 26th of Mai eh, 1604, entitled an " Aet making prevision for the dispoil if the public landiin the Indiana 1 en. tor' , ai, I lo other purposes," and an ait p.vi.d tin. 3d of March, 1803, entitled " An let kup)lemunan to the -- ct, entitled, an act makingprovisiou for '. disposal of the pubhc 111 tile Indiana I eirilor," and ah act passud on .idle 25th ot pnl WHS, entitled ' An jAct supplemei tal Territo!) of Michigan," the President ot the United fcUtes l a tionzcd to c. use the Ki ds in ;lc Januuistiict 01 ucu-oitt- ie oi.ica ior sile when surveyed, and .hcrcas, ajutui the saidhuids hae uven survey id rhjgSmc, I, J iMt-- i MONIiOE, P.eident of thoWnited States, 111 conforniy with Ck said adfs, do hei eby dtcbre aiid n. I.z knox ;i, that public sales for the ciisj.o-- . 1 (iiet. b!v io 'aw) of tlie sam land', si. -- 11 be h;hl t Detioit, m Michigan Tcrntoiv, vi? On the first Lu 'ji 11 j n"vt, so- - the hnds cojtaiu.d m r ' - ; 1J, il. IZ I l conimonls called loan office ceriislho an act 1 emulating the 'grants ot lands in the inc'ei at and, same., cuect, sales been n, Trcst June lands soufli of the liaeline j on the first Monday of arpjtjpDer neitfcior tne i.ukis contametl in rairtpcs 13, 14. l,16 andjr. north ortJbae line; and on the first Monday in Novcmbar next, for the lands contained in ranges 9, 1&? ai, ana it, noun 01 me'oase tine, excepting such lands as are, or may lie' reserved in said district, by law, for the support of Schools, aneffor otlier purposes The sales shall con-tnui- e open for to weeks and no longer, and shall Gommence with the first section of the lowogt number of townships and ranges, and (iroceed jn tegular mnfceucal order OVen under my lraftd at the City of Wash-fjngto- the3lst day of March, one thou- sand cij,ht hundred aaij eiglifccen. ' s JAMEs MOXUOE. By tliePiesidcnt, JOSIAII MEIGS, .Com'r of tlie General Land Office. fC5 Printers of nelvsnanersr who are author-"- : izedto puldithtlie Us of the United States, will wtertthc above once a. w.eek till October J next, and send tbeisjulis to the General Land Office for payment April 24-2- 3t X5y the President Of the Unit- ed States. ILWHEUEAS, bv n aCt of Conrrress, passed TV on the 17th of February, 1818, entitled "an act maloncr provision for tlie establish mentot additional Land Offices in theteintory - of M Esouri," the President of tlie United States , is auuionsea to riirefetthe pubhc lands which a have-bcei- l suiveycd in the territory, to, be of. Illecedfor salej - r ftTllierefore, I, Jamfs Mo:;r.or", President of the United Statrt. do lierebv dcclartf xnl mnlrp known, tint pubhc sales for the exposal (agreeably to law") ofceitain lands in the-epv- . ntory of Missouri, shall be held as follows, v At St Louis, in the said teintorv. on the VTnn.T.iT U l.....l ..1 T I rl I.1 '"'u'j 'i auiusi, uutouer, iiccemoer. icd-- , mary and Apnl next, and thiee weeksT.ftcr each ot the said days, for the sale of lands in the land district of- - St Louis Thirty town. ships shall be offered at each sale, commenc-'ng,wit- h the most eastern ranges west of the fifth principal meridian Hue, and pioceeding westeily. At the Seat of Justice of IToward'Qomitij, in the said territory, onthe first Modclwin Sep- tember and Nommlipr npvt nnrl IH ivnnt a aster each of the said days, for the sale, o?lands fu me lanu uisiuce 01 uounfjp unity townships shall be offered at eacffsalc T he fii-s- t to be in a square form, and to include the seat of justice of the said county, as nearly in the" centre as the situation of the survei s u.il! adiflit, and the second immediately east of the nist, aad in tlie came form ; excepting fiom S de infcach district, the lands 'vvhigll hav c been or may bd rescn ed by law for Steer purjioses Given uittler mV hand, at tlife Citvof Wcsfl- - JS2& JAMES JttPKJlOE. Jijc-tlfi- 'Presidqjit"." jysiAii Mtiua, . .,v.CaBiussisw o?tlie Gfliiiitil Land Office. (TV Printei-- s cT Newspapers who are author ised to publish the laws ot tlie United States,! win inscii ine anove once a weoic mi Apm net, and send their bills to the Geiral Land Office for puj ment. A of the above Landsmiv be had fTr" map . - . .. . . ... 1 .. (previous to uie sales; atjne UCnci-a- l Lana Office, andjitthe Laud OfEcesin the Missou- - 11 territory. The map is now engraving foi JOHN GMUIENEH, Chief Clerk, General Land Office. May 22, 1818-45- t- Bv tile President of the Unit- - - .? ed States. iPaJllERKAS, by an act of Congiess, passed YT on heod of March, entitled "an fictto proitide for the ascei tainingiind survey ingpf the boundary lines hi.ed by the treaty jUplh the Creek Indians and for other pui poses," luie President of the United States is authorised Hp cause the lands acquired by the said tredtv to be ollereit lor sole wuen surveyed, and Whereas, put of the raid laniL have been 6ui- - vev eit 1 herefore, I JAMES MONROE, President of thb United State?, do hei eby declare afd makuinown, tnat public sales tor the disposal of certain lands south of the Tennessee ri el- and in the district of Madison countj-- , shali be held at Huntsville, in said county in Alabama 1 ei ntorv r On thsflKAIoadiiyitr July nest for the sale of tlie jsnckin ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. On'the first Monday in September nest for the lands m laiujes 10, 11, 14 13,14, excepting such lands as are or sha)l be reserved according to law, tor tne support ot scnools a,id tor otlier purposes. Each sale shall continue open for tw o weeks, and .no lontrer, afed shall com' uiencc with the section, township and range of lgirfowest nuin.Der, anu ptoceca in regulai numerical order. ' Given under my hsr.d, at the City of "Wash ington, tins ilStuay ot .Mai-cl- 1818. JAMES MONROE. By the President, 1 JOSIAII AIEIGS. Com'r of tlie General Land Office. n"t" Printers who aie authorized to publish tlie laws of the United States, will publish the abov'e once a veek till October net, and send then- - bilU to the General Land Office for p'a.y. ment COPPERPLVI'E MAPS of the above lands Play, behadatlhe office of the Smveyor Gen eral, at Huntsville, or at tne ueneral Laiul Cli- - fice April 24-2- 3t By die President of the Ujuit ed States. TSWTHKUEAS, bv an Act of Congress, p-- VV sed on tlie 3d of March, 1817, entitled " An ae' to aethone the appointment of a Survcver for the lands m the northern part of the Mississippi territory, and the sale of, Cfcitam lands tnSiem descubed," the i'resi dent of the Uiutod States is authorised to Se lect ceitain land- -, for scites tor towns, and cause the sud lands to be laid off into town lots ardtlu said lets be ofiiredfors.de l'iie-efore- , I, Jivizs Mo-,uo- t, President of the C'ri'ed States, do lurebv declare and ijiake Ijiow n, that public sales for the dispo- sal nft.be lots in the ton n of Marathon, fheie, tofore ealled Milton's Bluff) on tlie South bank of the river Tennessee,(near the head of the Musc.e Shoals) in Alabama teritory sliall be luldat HantsviUe, in tne said territory, on c'ie soj d vjonda in October net '! c sales a!l coatin ac open for one week, i ii.ll 0u .'neeeos.i-j- , and the lotssliallbe oljercd for s iV .n 1 . ",hr numsiical or. jannmnf, ih Uie lou-- .t jitiner l.n en under n- - hand, at the citr nton, Uws 2&Ut dav of May, 1818 JAUh-- b MOMIOE By tlie t josivn Mr.in"?, Coinmivsioner Geneial T CC5' Printers who are authorised to publish the laws.of the United States," will msit the above in their newspapers juioe aweckt'tt the first of October neyt, and send thei.- - bills to tlje General Land-OJHc- e far payeei. A map of the Huntsville district is engraved, and a plan of the town of Maiathon wi!l',c engraved as speedily as r.nj he sold at Iluntsulle , and at the v.u'ieral Land Office, by JOHN GARDINER, rA.. fr-- - Printers of the lavs who insert tins r.otice, shall hav e copies ol the Map and plan .tunc iox WOT'CE. TWTOW for gale, O'.T FIUNDlf'-'- AKDFlrf" TV ACRFSS OP lAJl, yhereon I nw ine, six or seven m les east o'ijLevtng-ton- . un- - del- - good cultivation, it bein ,;a part of colonel ... . n..4A).m -- .. -- l' .1. Tf' W ,u"') Bui-ey- ui me ursiraie laidj .emy ei oiueit uaicr, niTii a never laihrg Spring, gpodcommodioiis.i;t7i7)MC5. and good APPLE OJi CJJAR7J. Any one- - v. ish-in- g to purchase, wjll jdense call and see me, at any iuiCj anu near in fims ct salc . L jwwv bin,. July lU-- 5tl 5U tt J VMBS M PIKE ISA GAIJf A T HIS1 GST. OEATJV and anious to 'attend to the res-IC- ii pectiv e commands of the Lidicsand Gcn- - tleme,L.ot Lexington and its vicinity, in the va- rious duties of his profession. Havin-- r remov. ed his family to this country v ith an idea of occommg a pertinent resiacnt,hc is determin- ed, (is strict atttrtion, jirompt obedience, and faithful execution of their orders are the necessary requisites) to ntrit their nationage, being ajready satisfied, that wUh this commu- nity meat goes not unrewarded JJe has late- ly added to his small stork of 1'A.NC lXJOOUS, .'7n elegant Assortment of Tortoise Shell Combs, cromprtiing the Tuck- ing, of vauous Long and Side, both or- namented raid pluin a sew very handsome Toilette Eoxcs Cold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, Cologne Water, Antique Oil of va- rious perfumes ra sew fancy Soaris, of the Or- ange, Rose, Vandia, Jasmin, lllWuet, Aibre and CEillCt' Perfumes ; ash Balls, Transpa rent, Liquid, and indsor Soap , the Italian reuneclljaf,k,lJealaY1n-a57rcTol- g lTCB'siiatci.t pocket 1'ire Works, Canton Phos- phorus do , Ioiy and Pocket Combs, moroc co "VI diets, MIL Purses, Gentlemen's Ures- - sirg- L.s, Jtpaois c.d Kpzot Straps, scissors, i ooui iinisnes , uoart lMaUter. &c J.ejt of the jJd btocknlbw elgauitCEASP Oorut-han- . Mock Peail, Jett and Calv'together vnui ugs:saiia j.ycs,- - nioefcPeail Beads for cl.udrcn, S.c. f.entlenien'd Crop igs, Ladies' liar.deatis, Tiaras, Clusters and 1'nz- - ettes, made on tlia shoitcst notice Tirstqiahty of Sl'tNIU CIGARS, con stadtly kept for rctril Lexin-Tlnn- , J'ine lQ- -lf JMils of Exelmn&c, ,"N the Eastern Cities, on New-ti- l leans and on Pitts'iuivh, will be nui chased at the Office ot Discount and Deposit of the Bank of the United Strtes at Leiiogton- - E. SALOMON, Casluer. June26-- tf GLSS. J VARIETY of clegtuit cut and cngrat ed GLASS, jusi recen ed-.t- for sale, hv' fcAM. THOMPSON &. CO. "Which, in poinj ofquality and elegance, does gre;d credit to American manufacture. 'I hey hav 6 also on hand a supply of ul.'1 tie Lo, to sint retail stores, at the Icte Pittsburgh prices, anil cainagc, with the usual credit for approv ed paper. The abate articles were all tnanufycUired ly Uake-.ve- l', J'age eJ JJakevfU, ofjhitsbioirh Lexington, Jan 31 tf LAKD FOR SALE. 1 fiOn ACnS " otter creek, Hardin county, sour miles fiom the Ohio, and twenty-- C ircm l ouisville. 1 ne soil is good and lies w'ell for cultivation ; a Mill sc$t belongs to thu tract, on Otter cieek, a neyjar sailing stream, andoiu-o- f the best in the state for mills, or michmery ot any kind. A good title will be made and possession giici to tb.C purchaser. For particuhrs enquire in Lci- - mglon, KentucKV, ot the subscriber. JS COWAN. July 24, 18186 yoji SALE, C Or KjWld be t vchanired for Gchlinvis) THE NOTED HORSE BEDFORD. For terms, appjily to William Ito'tonan, Lex ington, or to the suuscnocr in Mercer county JOHN BOWMAN." July 21 St LOST. A GltEKN MOKO' CO POCKET BOOK, rftONi'-VlMN- between Seventy and Eigh-- J 1 Poll irs, -. current ra.lcr, aiid some pa- - icr rt no cot to aBy- - one but the own er lhc ,'we L.00K .vasieiton Mesi bmith 5t To Id's co i.iti r, Cheap fcide, or dropped beli.ci ,. tV. " s ore aid Mr Isuic Reed's, Ma n s'li i. icr ton Vhoevcf hith sound it, pin' y ill 1 v It it it e t.'ie't t,"Vet sh.dl leeeive 'I eii Zlulnrs Rcva:d, a.i 1 t.ie I'leeio tlianlvj ot JOB H. PIKE. July 24 3t - ROLLEY BLUE yr.SPEC i ) l ELY i ifjn is the ni' ' c, that JtT lie has opened a 15LU jMIi L'i S'ielP in Water suci '. i esr t'le ic, dci.ee oi doc. L Campbell, and opposite the Upper Market House wheiehe as eiery convenienpe and facility to enable h m to execute his woik in the nearest and! "st nui.ur Eviwt1 v. pt ..nfjJiow.fiRiv.nor.s''. IIOTix- , .e ie done at the I n e .t 1.. X gt n Ap 1 1" "MS -- f & CiJS0.' XJIOTTER 5 SON", J.B'' jujt received and are now opening l2- - ,ik)r EttOlirj&tJlTIIBltT op suitable for the present, nrtd approaching sea- son; which they will sell unusually low for Csh. , .Included in the assortment ara j (Canton Crapes, Irish Linens, Su perfine Cloths 6c .Cnssimcrcs, Monroe Shoes &.EooteesTor Ladies. aoieni VIOUIS, INOS. a, , 3fjV ct , Straw Boiinets o&tliehttcst fashions, , And a, tomftlef assortment is LIVERPOOL CHINA. Le. July 24 tf C3oic e WiiCiS v&IAqyvciv Si . nriHE Subscriber's thefej- - JL lowingvervctioiQe Waivs ?nd taquors, oy tne quarter casicganoiiorquaii, aeverj reuu ced nrices. namely ' Old Londoh particular Madeira, "j ' . ' lenenne L Wiri?c , Port (very pure) f ' XiXiuOw Malaga J Real Holland Guy tr 4th proof JaniSK Spirits N E Rum -- "- A'RC.AMnATj & NOUJEIV. V M.4 dmhfielo-- the GUzette OJisc. A. &. N, have5n hJn'd a large and general ' ' assortment of , sfij, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Carpenters Toolsj Glassware 6;c. .., All which are oifeied as usual, very cheap for Cash. Les July 2.4 4t GUlOCUITiS. subscribers have just received and THE for sile fie following articles, to wit : Teas, coffee, chocolate e " , Loaf, lump and brown sugars Spices ot every description Raisins, figs, pocons and lice JMiistard Scotch rappee and moclcahau snuffs Sweet and. cold expressed castor oil, by the quait or pint bottle Claiet wines, gin, rum, Jamaica spirits Ficnch and peach Dranuy, ana wmsitcy Spanish and common cigars . , Tobacco, also M'Quie's do Salmon, shad, mackerel and s rrarTifnramira-vanei- v in ranev Rinri- - in. gether w ith a sew setts Handsome View s VI e stiU continue to carry on Sign and nuLuesx-jinian- ancuraper Hanging- - firtlVTVller!,J, GRANT. July 17 tf BExiorjiu Henry' Fletcher 'jrFORMS his fnendj and customers, that he L has remov ed his jr.tfJ2T.T.Un Y.li F.9JVC Y yQTlV- - to the house on tlie cornep of Main stre and Joi dan's row, formerle occupied by liucK, urautold x Megowan, auctioneers V Hill; 1L US JiX ASSOlWjEXr or Rich and Fash onabls Jewellery Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches Plated, Japanned, and Hard Ware Fine ivory handled Kni cs and Foiks, in setU Fouling Pieces; Pocket Pistols Cabinet Brass Ware WatchrMakers' , Tools andtiterials ; Clock Movements., ' i Win?A VAHir.TY OF F1NCY AIITIOLES, All of Which will be sold at very reduced prices for, cash, or short approved credit. J, li. Order will be taken for setts of Sil- ver Plate, to be executed by Messrs. Fletcher c Gardiner, Philadelphia, in the first sftile and at the Piidadelphia prices Leinj?ton, July 24-- 8t snwi v;; h coiAiRS, m)Al lor Dale, oupcipi uinua, cuureiy 3. new, built by Evenjftfrom Ljondoa . O t,.l J U..tl. 1... 1 nn-.n- 9f Broderip, of London . j 1 Superb Grecian SOFA; Inelegant SIDE BOARD 2 very neat SIDEBOARDS; Marble WASH. STANDS 4th proof COGNIAC BRANDY, by the cask SHREVE Sc COMBS, Aucl'rc. and Com. Merchants. Julv 24 tf HEW BOOKS. "J"H"AVK just received the following NEW JO. l'UBLICATIONS- - The UDGE FAMILY in PARIS. Edited by 'I homas Brown the lounger, author of the T Post Bag.N RAMBLES IN ITALY; in the years 181 1 17. Bv an Aniencan. AVOMEN : or. l'oon ct Coxtbe A1 ale- - By th e author of Bertram, &c. BONAPARTE'S LET PER to Lord Liver- - pool the RELIGIOUS WORLD DISPLAYED ; or a Vtew of the Four Gbaxd Ststems or Reli-r.io- ir DISCOURSES, chiefly on Devotiostae sub- -i :cts, bv the late Rev. New combe Cappe To winch a"ie prefixed filctnoirs of his life, by Ca- tharine Cappe ANECUOI'ES of the Life of RICHARD WATSON, Bishop of Landaff. Writen by himself SACRAMENTAL ADDRESS and Mcdita. ,tijns By tlie Rev. Tlenry IJeltrage. W &S have lately received large additions to their stock of Hooks and Stationery, which renijer their assortment very complete, Lexington, July 24 -- 3t AX PRIVATE 3&li Seat entirely new, with five ACOTJNTitY ad antageouslyitiiateit u. ihe neighborhood of Lexington 'Iernis one th.id in cash, and the Lalance ,iaj able m one and tw o v eai s ' SHRFVE & COMBS. Auqt'' t and Le? Jul; 2- '-

M x vfcAA WiifttSffi. Si asBs P& J7nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt754746qm29/data/1978.pdf · M x vfcAA WiifttSffi. s 63 Arf3tF S a. ft 31 ll P& Si H i;3I5 et i j n? r wi m w x F& WW M. feR l

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M x vfcAA WiifttSffi. s 63 Arf3tF S a. ft 31

ll P& Si Hi; et i j n? r wi m w x3I5 F& WW M . feR l

(b v-

- asBs J7 iytyESsy-,s$- .J

True to hi? charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy wojdj News from all nations lumb'pijg at his l .ck!

Sr.mns NO. 32. VOL. IV. LEXINGTON, K. FBlIMfT UGUST 7, 1818. i"



$? The price of subscriptions to (fife

Kentucky Gazette, is, Three Dotiars per annum, paid in advance, orFoun Dollars at the end of the year.

fry The terms of advei Using in thispaper, are, 50 cents for the first inser-

tion of eveiy 15 lines or under, and 25cents for each continuance ; longer ad-

vei tisements in the same proportion

lias 6i ttfe"5nite& SteteB."" jsr --AurnotiiTX.

AN ACTProviding for tile depositc of wines and dis-

tilled spirit in public- - warehouses, and forother purposes. ' '.Me it enacted by the SenatQ ana House

of Refirescntatiyes of the United Statesof America, in Congress assembled, T(iatit shall be lawful for any importer ofwines or distilled spirits, which may beimported into the United states, at anytime aster the first day of June-- next, atllis option, to be determined at the timeof making1 Cntry therefor, either td securethe duties thereon, on the same termsand stipulations as on other goods, wareanu mercnanaiseimportcu, or 10 give insbond, in double the amount of the dutiesthereupon, with condition for the- - payment ol the Said duties', in twelve calcr-da- r

months fiom the date of such bond ;

which bond shallbe-aoc,e$e.- u by such col-

lector, without surety) upon the termsfollowing, viz : the viincS-o-r distilled spirits, for the1 ditties whereof such bondshall be accepted, shall be deposited atthe expense- - and risk of the importer, insuch public or othel' storehouse as maybe agreed upon between the importer andthe surveyor, or officer of ir.sp-ectio- n ofthe reenue, for the port where the saidwines or spit its shall-b- landed; and buohwhits or spirits shall be kept under the

joi it locks'-o-f the insptfe'tof and file im-

porter j bv t no delivery shiril be made ofsuch wines or spirit without-- a p'eimit inwsiung, under the. hand-o- f

and naval officet orthe, port.Sec. 2-- . And be iffttritereVactt'd, That

no per" mit shall be given fbr the removalof the wines or spirhsdeposited" under thepiovisions of the foiogfing section, un- -,

leas the duties upoii spit its,foi Wiich it shall' be lequiredj be firstpaid or secured, ijrthc iftinncr-fWiowing- ,

vu : lue importer, or his'afslgnec, shallgive bond, with one-o-r more surety orsureties, to the satisfaction of the collec-

tor, in double the amount of the duties,upon the wines' or sphits'in each case tobe delivered, with condition for the pay-

ment of the' saiu'duties, at the same ere- -

dits, to be computed' from" the date of thepermit, as would have been allowed onbonds for the' same at tides, is they hadnot been deposited under the provisionsof tais act : Prdvided, That the time to beallowed for't ic payme'ntbf theduties'up-01- 1

any wines or spirits 's6 delivered, orfor any part of such duties shall not besuch as to extend the cre'dit beyond theterm of twelve calendar months, origin-ally allowed, upon depositing such winesand spirits.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Thatis the dutios oil any wifies or spirits, de-

posited under the provisions of this act,shall not have beelt"p"ald, or secured to bepaid, in the manner "described in the fore-

going section, within the term of. twelvecalendar months from the time of theirimportation, it shall be the duty of thecollector.to cause so much of such winesor spirits, a,s may be necessary, to"be soldat public auction, and retaining the sumnecessary for the payment of the dutieswhich hav e not been secured or paid, to-

gether with the expenses of sfe keeping;and sale of such wines 'or spirits, shalij dura the overplus, is any, to the owneror to his agent, or lawful representative;ard the amount of each bond, talien forthe duties'bn wines or spirits delivered,aster heiug depositee1, as directed by tliisact, shall be endorsed immediate on theoriginal bond given by the importer, spe-- ",

ing the articles delivered and tl.e dateof the delivery.

Sec. 4. Aid b- - itfurther enacts', Thatno drawback shall be allowed of the du-- .j

ties paid on any wines or spin's, whicha'a't be imported into the United Statesaster the fiist day of June next, unlesssuch wines o spn its snail have been deposted in pubhx or ether stores, underthe prci hie s of tin act, and there kept,fiom their k'iding to their shipment.

Sc 5.Ar.d0c it further enacted, Thatis ary wines, or utl.er spirits, depositedunder the movisio: s of this act, slnll be

embezzled, 01 fiaudulently hid or removed from any store or place, wherein tncybhall have been deposited, they shall beiorfeited, ar.d the not son or persons so cmbezzlinj, hiding, or removing the same,or aiding or assisting therein, snail oc lia-

ble to the same pains and penalties, as is

s jch wines 01 spirits had been 11 andulent-l- y

unshipped or landed without pajmei tof duty.

Sec. 0. And be 1! further enacted, Thatfrcm and aster the fi.st day of June next,the londs 1 r dimes on articles importedby sea, the proc t.ee ct iorcign places orislands, united o-- i t! e eastern snoies ol

America, norm of ths eqaatcr, or in its

adjacent seas, bayi and gulfs, salt except-ed, shall be pat able, one half in six, andone half in nine osdtiidar months; andthe boiy's for duties on goods, wares andmerchandise, (other than wine, salt andteas) impoited from any other-plac- e tfihnEurope and the West Indies, shfell bepayable, one-thir- d in eight, one-tltii- d inten, ana onethira in eighteen calendarmonths.'

II. CLAY,Speaker of the IIousi of Representatives.

JOHN GAILLARD,,President of the Senate, pro tempore.

April 2 0, 1818 Approved.JAMES MONROE.


Farmers t$ MeicliaWtes BankofXcxington.

stockholders of the Farmers '& jrcTHE Hank of areherebv no.tjfied, that the second instalment of TwentyDollars' on each share will become clue on the30lh day of August net, and that piment ofthe 1 c maining instalments w Hi be receiveu tromsuclr cf the shareholders as may think properto pay. Dividends on such payment wjll beiutowecfat tlie same rate pel' cent, as on thefirst and second instalments, calculating fiomthfe time of payment.

Uy order of the Treiident and 'Directors,. Of. T. SC03.'1 Cashier,

July 5g5fcl8-- 3t

sscthe: sury dcp mtmcst, ?

WisditdTos, ArniL 28, 3818. 5NOTICE IS IIEREUY GIVEN,To the Proprietors of Stock imixA under the

convention with Trance of the SOth of April,18C3, commonly calleoLouisiiN, Stcick, '1 hatone moiety,or half of the principal of said slock,Will be redeemed oil theSfst of October nestensuing the date hdreof, and that the same willbe paid to tile respective proprietor, or totheir attornies duly authorized, on the day be-fore mentioned, atthe Treasury in Washington,or at such L,oah Ofnce on the hooks whereofan) (

portion of si'td Stock m sy tin nstandinfit'mation ixjw ther Tliat the inter-

est tine at the time of redemption, on snch partofsaidStock ash held in Europe, will be p idas heretofore in London and Amsterdam , andthat the interest on such pait'ofsaid htockasbtrs'lrecn domesticated tfill be paid at the s4metifae 7iththe principal, either at tkeTrcasutyorattneJUOBij uiftccs as bctoie mentionedind itU cho !ei ebu n.atle hiw-i- n. 'I hat the inter.

cv,t on the moietv orlulf of said Louisiana Stfeckintended t6 bd redeemed aVaToiesaid, willcease and datCrjnme "vfler the 21st dav of Oc--tQberj!81B.

wm h cuaax ronn,Sf ay'arg ofthf Tt eatury.

JVJay-J-t- ijTfr.

3VOTM015. . .

riployment of an'Ant or AtSPey'iK'norrffcessarj' irt any claim aaflsi the

government. It is molt generally attendedwitn cxpciue, ana sometimes vim ckkivu ss.

Claims will he nromntlv settled, when theaccounts, and. 'vouMieis with which they areconnected, are transmitted to the proper of--hec:

Money will be transmitted, whereversum due, or, wheic the amount

is not aseeYtaine'd, a leeeipt in blaftk sall beforwarded to the Treasarv Heoartment

Military ptitehts, and certificates of military pensions, will bfe trafisiuittcd in like malt- -

npr, whenover the necessary vouchers aie for-

warded to theproper officejptiiN yuiMjv: AUA.V1B,xn h, CRAwroiii),


Washinstcn City, 5tay 27, 1818.cr The Garettes in which the acta of Con

gress are published,, are icjuested to insertthe above, weekly for three months ; and papers in the interior ill deserve thcthinks ofthe comtnumtv by giving it ubheit) in theirl esibectiie districts, as it ina be the means of

f r.l t -- .:w is u

people who are least able to bear thera.Juiio-J,- jAt . ., ,s ., ,,

THEAbUICV DHPAHTMDNT,Amu. 27th, 1818. 5

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,That the several acts of ILnitation here

tofore passed, and which barred the al- -

lovraace and settlement ot certain evidences of public debtjhave been sjspend- -

pd for two years, by an aet pussed theiJSth of Apnl, 1818, oi which the following is a copy.

Wftt, 11. UKAWJCUKJU, TSecretary of the Treasury.

AN ACT .t-To authorise the ofcermin certihxates

Me it enacted by tir Senate antl Ihnse of He- -

presentahves of the Untied Stalls of America mCongress assembled, That so much 01 an act,entitled, " An act making further provisionsfor the support of public credit, and for theredemption of the public" dibl," passed thethird day of Match, one thousand seven hun-

dred and ninety-fiv- e ; and 'o much of the act,entitled, " An act respecting loan office andfinal settlement certiticatcs, indents of inter-est, and the untunded and registeicd debt,ci edited on the books 01 the 1 reasury, pass-

ed tlie tw elfth dy of June, one thousand sevenhundred and ninety-eigh- t, as bars fiom settle-ment and allowance, ceitificates commnnlvcalled loan office and final settlement certifi-cates, and indents ol interest, be, ?nd the sameis hereby, suspended tor the tei m ot u o v ears,fr&m and . ftci- - the pssmj ci' this act ; a noti-fication oi winch teinpoi ny suspension of tlieact of limitation sli 11 be published by the Se- -cieUrv 01 the Tit.'j'.r;1for th j information 01the holders of tlie said ceitificates, m one ormore of the puBuc eaeliof the "Unit-

ed Steles.Sec 2 And hi it fw iher enacted, That 1J

ficatts, countersigneti by Iho i otucirs ofdie states iespecu el ', filial settlement ccrti-finte- s,

and ts of mterest, which, thenine of passln? this act, shall be 01 tstandmg,ipaybe presented at the Treasury, uponthe same beijig Uquidted ami adjusted, shallbe paid to the rcspectn e holders A thewith mieiest, at sixpi-- r cent iromtnc dale otthe last payment of interest, as endowed on

certificates.Sec 3. Jlhdit-- t father enacted, TUf, foi

carrying this act into the suu Ot lllilthousand dedors be ipjiTepru' . , ouV ot. 'i

.monejs in the Treasury of theUnitedJles not

.II. CLAY,SjieaJter of the House of Jieiresentatwcs.

JOHN qAILLARUPresident of the Senate,

April 13, 1818 Arruovrti,jAsicSaiONnoiJ.

Jlav 15. 20t.

By the President of the Uni-ted States.

"UlirnrAB, by an act of Congress, prssed onthe 3d of March, 1815, Entitled, "an act toprovide for the ascertaining and sui vej ijig ofuic oounoary lines nsca oy ii.e ireaty wili tlieCreek Indians, and for otlier purposes," tliePresident of the United States is authorised tocause tlie laVids acquired by the saidtieaty tobe offered for sale when survey ed "

Timirrorr, I SIoNroi, President ofthe United StiteS, do hereby declare and makeknown, that public for the disposal

to law) of certain lands in the Ala-bama territory, shall be held at Milledgev ille,in Georgia, vi? i

On the first "Monday in October next, for thesale Of town lots, in the town of Cahaba. inthe said territory, situate at the junction oftlie liver Alabama anil Uahaba

On the third Monday in October next, forthe sale of townships, 13, 14, 15, 16, ikfcangesy,au, 11, i- -', To, is; and ot townsiiips", 15,16, in nnges 14 and 16 of tiie land district inAlabama territory, directed by law to be soHat Millcdgcville, excepting such lands as bars

reserved by law lor the support 'p.schools, or for other purposes ; each pubSsIe shall continucopen Tor two weeksandnolonger. 'I he town lots and otlier lands'.shall beottered lor sale lnregular numencal order,commencing withthe lowest number of lots,sections and townships, and rantrcs.

nd I further ueclarQ and make know thatthe olfices of the reffisfer and receiver of public monies for the said district, shall be removed fiom MilledgcviJfe to tlie aforesaid town ofCahaba, on the, first day of January, 1819,

Given under iny h.irtdat the city of Wash-infco-

this twentv-ttyl- d day' of May,1818 JAMES MOStftffi.

Bv the President,"JOSIAH MEIGS,Commission e'r of the general Land Office,

frH'rinters who are authorised to publishthe laws of the United States, will publish the

r,l,A-,r- A...r n.,rnoV .l) tl,a RmI kC rn.nrttllUt VJIV. t" WbkA illl VltV IllOt, U Jji.JUHlnext, and send their bills to tlie General LaudOffice for payment.

A Map of tjie above district, and a plan oilin.e town 01 canaDa, wui ce engraved as spee-dily as" practicable, for

JOHN GARDIXnU, ,Chief Clerks Geiier.al Land Office

Ahdsoldbv liim at Milledire.vil1-- .- rUVLrfths jaWSWH6 puuilbiruhs notice slrall haveJime 12161

tey the President of --the United States.

"'jTllEUCAS, bv an act of Congress, passedVT on the 12th" Deceiriber, 1811, entitled

"An act eitending tlie time for openine theseveral Land Ofiices established in the territo-ry of Orleans," the President of the Unitedfetates.is authorised to cause the Land Officesin the said territorj , (now state of Louisiana)to be opened, and the land offered for sale.

Therefore, I, .Tamps .Toxkoe, President ofthe United 'States, do hei eby declai c and makeknown, that public sales shall be held at Ope- -lousas, in the state of Louisiana, for the disposal of the following lulds, agreeably to law, inthe western lartd district of Louisiana, v iz

On the first .Monday in December next, furthe sale of Townships, No.1 and 2 South") r .u . ,. i:- - :.. CI 2 3 4 5 61 and 2 North --

ul "X 1 2 3 4 5 63NoithS KanEcS ( 3 45

of the principal meridian.On the first .Monday 111 February next,' f6

the sale ot t ownsnips3 south'") C 3 4 54 south I i

5 south ! Of the base line in J 3 4 5 0"67 8 9 10 south r Ranges 4 5 6

11 south 412 south L 3ffestof the principal meridian.

ExceptirtrthelandreseivedbylaTC for the support'v . of

.schools,.. and for other puinoses Lacli

f .1 T T

sale snail continue open lor tnree wceKs anano longer, ana the sales shall beinicgulir numtftical Older.

Given under my liAnd, at the City of 11 ash.ington,""the 20th Ay of June, one thou-sand eight hundred ;in.d eighteen.

JAMES JWXROE.By the President

jpsuir JimiGS,Commissioner of the General Land Office.

pThe printers of new snipers who are antliprised to publish the laws of the UnitedStates, (in the statessouth and w est of J'enn-sjlvaill-

will insert the above onceaweek tillthe first .Monday inTJeceiliber net, and sendtheir accounts to the Geneial Land Office forpayment.

A .uap ot tne anovc Jjanu jlusiiici is prepn- -

jng, ana wilt UG tor sale M upeiousas, anu aihe General Land OfliO, by

JOJVr GAIWLXEli, Ck Clh.Printers who publish this notice-wit- the

proclamation, will be furnished with a map.24 20t.

By the President oi' the United Stufccs.

"CTSTHftlir-AS- , by an act of Congress, passedV V on the 26th of Mai eh, 1604, entitled an

" Aet making prevision for the dispoil i f thepublic landiin the Indiana 1 en. tor' , ai, I loother purposes," and an ait p.vi.d tin. 3d ofMarch, 1803, entitled " An let kup)lemunanto the --ct, entitled, an act makingprovisiou for'. disposal of the pubhc 111 tile Indiana

I eirilor," and ah act passud on .idle 25th otpnl WHS, entitled ' An jAct supplemei tal

Territo!) of Michigan," the President ot theUnited fcUtes l a tionzcd to c. use the Ki ds

in ;lc Januuistiict 01 ucu-oitt- ie oi.ica iorsile when surveyed, and .hcrcas, ajutuithe saidhuids hae uven survey id

rhjgSmc, I, J iMt-- i MONIiOE, P.eidentof thoWnited States, 111 conforniy with Cksaid adfs, do hei eby dtcbre aiid n. I.z knox ;i,that public sales for the ciisj.o-- . 1 (iiet. b!v io'aw) of tlie sam land', si. --11 be h;hl t Detioit,m Michigan Tcrntoiv, vi?

On the first Lu 'ji 11 j n"vt, so- - thehnds cojtaiu.d m r ' - ; 1J, il. IZ I l

conimonls called loan office ceriislho an act 1 emulating the 'grants ot lands in the

inc'ei at










soufli of the liaeline j on the first Monday ofarpjtjpDer neitfcior tne i.ukis contametl inrairtpcs 13, 14. l,16 andjr. north ortJbaeline; and on the first Monday in Novcmbarnext, for the lands contained in ranges 9, 1&?

ai, ana it, noun 01 me'oase tine, exceptingsuch lands as are, or may lie' reserved in saiddistrict, by law, for the support of Schools,aneffor otlier purposes The sales shall con-tnui- e

open for to weeks and no longer, andshall Gommence with the first section of thelowogt number of townships and ranges, and(iroceed jn tegular mnfceucal order

OVen under my lraftd at the City of Wash-fjngto-

the3lst day of March, one thou-sand cij,ht hundred aaij eiglifccen. '

s JAMEs MOXUOE.By tliePiesidcnt,

JOSIAII MEIGS,.Com'r of tlie General Land Office.

fC5 Printers of nelvsnanersr who are author-"- :izedto puldithtlie Us of the United States,will wtertthc above once a. w.eek till October J

next, and send tbeisjulis to the General LandOffice for payment April 24-2- 3t

X5y the President Of the Unit-ed States.

ILWHEUEAS, bv n aCt of Conrrress, passedTV on the 17th of February, 1818, entitled

"an act maloncr provision for tlie establishmentot additional Land Offices in theteintory -of M Esouri," the President oftlie United States ,

is auuionsea to riirefetthe pubhc lands which ahave-bcei- l suiveycd in the territory, to, be of.

Illecedfor salej - rftTllierefore, I, Jamfs Mo:;r.or", President of

the United Statrt. do lierebv dcclartf xnl mnlrpknown, tint pubhc sales for the exposal(agreeably to law") ofceitain lands in the-epv- .

ntory of Missouri, shall be held as follows, v

At St Louis, in the said teintorv. on theVTnn.T.iT U l.....l ..1 T I rl I.1'"'u'j 'i auiusi, uutouer, iiccemoer. icd-- ,mary and Apnl next, and thiee weeksT.ftcreach ot the said days, for the sale of lands inthe land district of-- St Louis Thirty town.ships shall be offered at each sale, commenc-'ng,wit- h

the most eastern ranges west of thefifth principal meridian Hue, and pioceedingwesteily.

At the Seat of Justice of IToward'Qomitij, inthe said territory, onthe first Modclwin Sep-tember and Nommlipr npvt nnrl IH ivnnt aaster each of the said days, for the sale, o?landsfu me lanu uisiuce 01 uounfjp unitytownships shall be offered at eacffsalc T hefii-s- t to be in a square form, and to include theseat of justice of the said county, as nearly inthe" centre as the situation of the survei s u.il!adiflit, and the second immediately east of thenist, aad in tlie came form ; excepting fiomS de infcach district, the lands 'vvhigll hav c beenor may bd rescn ed by law for Steer purjioses

Given uittler mV hand, at tlife Citvof Wcsfl- -

JS2& JAMES JttPKJlOE.Jijc-tlfi- 'Presidqjit"."

jysiAii Mtiua,. .,v.CaBiussisw o?tlie Gfliiiitil Land Office.

(TV Printei-- s cT Newspapers who are authorised to publish the laws ot tlie United States,!win inscii ine anove once a weoic mi Apmnet, and send their bills to the Geiral LandOffice for puj ment.

A of the above Landsmiv be hadfTr" map. - . .. . . ... 1 ..(previous to uie sales; atjne UCnci-a- l LanaOffice, andjitthe Laud OfEcesin the Missou- -

11 territory. The map is now engraving foiJOHN GMUIENEH,

Chief Clerk, General Land Office.May 22, 1818-45- t-

Bv tile President of the Unit- -- .?

ed States.iPaJllERKAS, by an act of Congiess, passed

YT on heod of March, entitled "anfictto proitide for the ascei tainingiind surveyingpf the boundary lines hi.ed by the treaty

jUplh the Creek Indians and for other pui poses,"luie President of the United States is authorisedHp cause the lands acquired by the said tredtvto be ollereit lor sole wuen surveyed, andWhereas, put of the raid laniL have been 6ui- -vev eit

1 herefore, I JAMES MONROE, Presidentof thb United State?, do hei eby declare afdmakuinown, tnat public sales tor the disposalof certain lands south of the Tennessee ri el-

and in the district of Madison countj-- , shali beheld at Huntsville, in said county in Alabama1 ei ntorv

r On thsflKAIoadiiyitr July nest for the saleof tlie jsnckin ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. On'thefirst Monday in September nest for the landsm laiujes 10, 11, 14 13,14, excepting suchlands as are or sha)l be reserved according tolaw, tor tne support ot scnools a,id tor otlierpurposes. Each sale shall continue open fortw o weeks, and .no lontrer, afed shall com'uiencc with the section, township and range oflgirfowest nuin.Der, anu ptoceca in regulainumerical order. '

Given under my hsr.d, at the City of "Washington, tins ilStuay ot .Mai-cl- 1818.

JAMES MONROE.By the President,

1 JOSIAII AIEIGS.Com'r of tlie General Land Office.

n"t" Printers who aie authorized to publishtlie laws of the United States, will publish theabov'e once a veek till October net, and sendthen- - bilU to the General Land Office for p'a.y.ment

COPPERPLVI'E MAPS of the above landsPlay, behadatlhe office of the Smveyor General, at Huntsville, or at tne ueneral Laiul Cli- -

fice April 24-2- 3t

By die President of the Ujuited States.

TSWTHKUEAS, bv an Act of Congress, p--

V V sed on tlie 3d of March, 1817, entitled" An ae' to aethone the appointment of aSurvcver for the lands m the northern partof the Mississippi territory, and the sale of,Cfcitam lands tnSiem descubed," the i'resident of the Uiutod States is authorised to Se

lect ceitain land- -, for scites tor towns, andcause the sud lands to be laid off into townlots ardtlu said lets be ofiiredfors.de

l'iie-efore- , I, Jivizs Mo-,uo- t, President ofthe C'ri'ed States, do lurebv declare andijiake Ijiow n, that public sales for the dispo-sal nft.be lots in the ton n of Marathon, fheie,tofore ealled Milton's Bluff) on tlie Southbank of the river Tennessee,(near the head ofthe Musc.e Shoals) in Alabama teritory sliallbe luldat HantsviUe, in tne said territory, onc'ie soj d vjonda in October net

'! c sales a!l coatin ac open for one week,i ii.ll 0u .'neeeos.i-j- , and the lotssliallbe

oljercd for s iV .n 1 . ",hr numsiical or.jannmnf, ih Uie lou-- .t jitiner

l.n en under n- - hand, at the citrnton, Uws 2&Ut dav of May, 1818

JAUh-- b MOMIOEBy tlie t

josivn Mr.in"?,Coinmivsioner Geneial T

CC5' Printers who are authorised to publishthe laws.of the United States," will msit theabove in their newspapers juioe aweckt'ttthe first of October neyt, and send thei.- - billsto tlje General Land-OJHc- e far payeei.

A map of the Huntsville district is engraved,and a plan of the town of Maiathon wi!l',cengraved as speedily as r.njhe sold at Iluntsulle , and at the v.u'ieralLand Office, by


Printers of the lavs who insert tins r.otice,shall hav e copies ol the Map and plan

.tunc iox

WOT'CE.TWTOW for gale, O'.T FIUNDlf'-'- AKDFlrf"

TV ACRFSS OP lAJl, yhereon I nwine, six or seven m les east o 'ijLevtng-ton- . un- -del- - good cultivation, it bein ,;a part of colonel... .n..4A).m -- .. -- l' .1. Tf'W ,u"') Bui-ey- ui me ursiraie laidj

.emy ei oiueit uaicr, niTii a never laihrgSpring, gpodcommodioiis.i;t7i7)MC5. and

good APPLE OJi CJJAR7J. Any one-- v. ish-in- g

to purchase, wjll jdense call and see me, atany iuiCj anu near in fims ct salc . L

jwwv bin,.July lU-- 5tl 5U tt


OEATJV and anious to 'attend to the res-IC- ii

pectiv e commands of the Lidicsand Gcn- -tleme,L.ot Lexington and its vicinity, in the va-rious duties of his profession. Havin-- r remov.ed his family to this country v ith an idea ofoccommg a pertinent resiacnt,hc is determin-ed, (is strict atttrtion, jirompt obedience,and faithful execution of their orders are thenecessary requisites) to ntrit their nationage,being ajready satisfied, that wUh this commu-nity meat goes not unrewarded JJe has late-ly added to his small stork of 1'A.NC lXJOOUS,

.'7n elegant Assortment ofTortoise Shell Combs, cromprtiing the Tuck-ing, of vauous Long and Side, both or-namented raid pluin a sew very handsomeToilette Eoxcs Cold Watch Chains, Sealsand Keys, Cologne Water, Antique Oil of va-rious perfumes ra sew fancy Soaris, of the Or-ange, Rose, Vandia, Jasmin, lllWuet, Aibreand CEillCt' Perfumes ; ash Balls, Transparent, Liquid, and indsor Soap , the Italianreuneclljaf,k,lJealaY1n-a57rcTol- g

lTCB'siiatci.t pocket 1'ire Works, Canton Phos-phorus do , Ioiy and Pocket Combs, morocco "VI diets, MIL Purses, Gentlemen's Ures- -sirg- L.s, Jtpaois c.d Kpzot Straps, scissors,i ooui iinisnes , uoart lMaUter. &cJ.ejt of the jJd btocknlbw elgauitCEASP

Oorut-han- . Mock Peail, Jett and Calv'togethervnui ugs:saiia j.ycs,-- nioefcPeail Beadsfor cl.udrcn, S.c. f.entlenien'd Crop igs,Ladies' liar.deatis, Tiaras, Clusters and 1'nz- -

ettes, made on tlia shoitcst noticeTirstqiahty of Sl'tNIU CIGARS, con

stadtly kept for rctrilLexin-Tlnn- , J'ine lQ- -lf

JMils of Exelmn&c,,"N the Eastern Cities, on New-ti- l leans and

on Pitts'iuivh, will be nui chased at theOffice ot Discount and Deposit of the Bank ofthe United Strtes at Leiiogton- -

E. SALOMON, Casluer.June26-- tf

GLSS.J VARIETY of clegtuit cut and cngrat ed

GLASS, jusi recen ed-.t- for sale, hv'fcAM. THOMPSON &. CO.

"Which, in poinj ofquality and elegance, doesgre;d credit to American manufacture.

'I hey hav 6 also on hand a supply oful.'1 tie Lo, to sint retail stores, at theIcte Pittsburgh prices, anil cainagc, with theusual credit for approv ed paper.

The abate articles were all tnanufycUired lyUake-.ve- l', J'age eJ JJakevfU, ofjhitsbioirh

Lexington, Jan 31 tf


1 fiOn ACnS " otter creek, Hardincounty, sour miles fiom the Ohio,

and twenty-- C ircm l ouisville. 1 ne soil isgood and lies w'ell for cultivation ; a Mill sc$tbelongs to thu tract, on Otter cieek, a neyjarsailing stream, andoiu-o- f the best in the statefor mills, or michmery ot any kind. A goodtitle will be made and possession giici to tb.C

purchaser. For particuhrs enquire in Lci--

mglon, KentucKV, ot the subscriber.JS COWAN.

July 24, 18186yoji SALE,

C Or KjWld be t vchanired for Gchlinvis)THE NOTED HORSE BEDFORD.For terms, appjily to William Ito'tonan, Lexington, or to the suuscnocr in Mercer county



rftONi'-VlMN- between Seventy and Eigh-- J1 Poll irs, -. current ra.lcr, aiid some pa- -

icr rt no cot to aBy-- one but the owner lhc ,'we L.00K .vasieiton Mesi bmith5t To Id's co i.iti r, Cheap fcide, or droppedbeli.ci ,. tV. " s ore aid Mr Isuic Reed's,Ma n s'li i. icr ton Vhoevcf hith soundit, pin' y ill 1 v It it it e t.'ie't t,"Vet sh.dlleeeive 'I eii Zlulnrs Rcva:d, a.i 1 t.ie I'leeiotlianlvj ot

JOB H. PIKE.July 24 3t -

ROLLEY BLUEyr.SPEC i ) l ELY i ifjn is the ni' ' c, thatJtT lie has opened a 15LU jMIi L'i S'ielPin Water suci '. i esr t'le ic, dci.ee oi doc. L

Campbell, and opposite the Upper MarketHouse wheiehe as eiery convenienpe andfacility to enable h m to execute his woik inthe nearest and! "st nui.ur

Eviwt1 v. pt ..nfjJiow.fiRiv.nor.s''.IIOTix- , .e ie done at the I n e .t 1..

X gt n Ap 1 1" "MS -- f



J.B'' jujt received and are now openingl2- - ,ik)r EttOlirj&tJlTIIBltT op

suitable for the present, nrtd approaching sea-son; which they will sell unusually low forCsh. ,

.Included in the assortment ara j(Canton Crapes, Irish Linens, Su

perfine Cloths 6c .Cnssimcrcs,Monroe Shoes &.EooteesTor Ladies.aoieni VIOUIS, INOS. a, , 3fjV ct ,Straw Boiinets o&tliehttcst fashions,

, And a, tomftlef assortment isLIVERPOOL CHINA.

Le. July 24 tf

C3oice WiiCiS v&IAqyvciv Si .

nriHE Subscriber's thefej- -JL lowingvervctioiQe Waivs ?nd taquors, oy

tne quarter casicganoiiorquaii, aeverj reuuced nrices. namely 'Old Londoh particular Madeira, "j

' .

' lenenne L Wiri?c, Port (very pure) f ' XiXiuOwMalaga J

Real Holland Guy tr4th proof JaniSK SpiritsN E Rum

--"- A'RC.AMnATj & NOUJEIV.V M.4 dmhfielo-- the GUzette OJisc.

A. &. N, have5n hJn'd a large and general' ' assortment of , sfij,

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Carpenters ToolsjGlassware 6;c. ..,

All which are oifeied as usual, very cheap forCash.

Les July 2.4 4t

GUlOCUITiS.subscribers have just received and

THE for sile fie following articles, to wit :

Teas, coffee, chocolate e" ,

Loaf, lump and brown sugarsSpices ot every descriptionRaisins, figs, pocons and liceJMiistardScotch rappee and moclcahau snuffsSweet and. cold expressed castor oil, by the

quait or pint bottleClaiet wines, gin, rum, Jamaica spiritsFicnch and peach Dranuy, ana wmsitcySpanish and common cigars . ,

Tobacco, also M'Quie's doSalmon, shad, mackerel and s

rrarTifnramira-vanei- v in ranev Rinri- - in.gether w ith a sew setts Handsome View s

VI e stiU continue to carry on Sign andnuLuesx-jinian- ancuraper Hanging- -

firtlVTVller!,J, GRANT.July 17 tf

BExiorjiuHenry' Fletcher

'jrFORMS his fnendj and customers, that heL has remov ed his jr.tfJ2T.T.Un Y.li F.9JVC Y

yQTlV-- to the house on tlie cornep of Mainstre and Joi dan's row, formerle occupied byliucK, urautold x Megowan, auctioneers

V Hill; 1L US JiX ASSOlWjEXr orRich and Fash onabls JewelleryGold and Silver Patent Lever WatchesPlated, Japanned, and Hard WareFine ivory handled Kni cs and Foiks, in setUFouling Pieces; Pocket PistolsCabinet Brass WareWatchrMakers' , Tools andtiterials ; Clock

Movements., 'i

Win?A VAHir.TY OF F1NCY AIITIOLES,All of Which will be sold at very reducedprices for, cash, or short approved credit.

J, li. Order will be taken for setts of Sil-

ver Plate, to be executed by Messrs. Fletcherc Gardiner, Philadelphia, in the first sftile and

at the Piidadelphia pricesLeinj?ton, July 24-- 8t

snwi v;; h coiAiRS,m)Al lor Dale, oupcipi uinua, cuureiy3. new, built by Evenjftfrom Ljondoa. O t,.l J U..tl. 1... 1 nn-.n- 9f

Broderip, of London . j

1 Superb Grecian SOFA; Inelegant SIDEBOARD

2 very neat SIDEBOARDS; Marble WASH.STANDS

4th proof COGNIAC BRANDY, by the caskSHREVE Sc COMBS,

Aucl'rc. and Com. Merchants.Julv 24 tf


"J"H"AVK just received the following NEWJO. l'UBLICATIONS- -

The UDGE FAMILY in PARIS. Editedby 'I homas Brown the lounger, author of theT Post Bag.N

RAMBLES IN ITALY; in the years 181 1

17. Bv an Aniencan.AVOMEN : or. l'oon ct Coxtbe A 1 ale- -

By th e author of Bertram, &c.BONAPARTE'S LET PER to Lord Liver- -


or a Vtew ofthe Four Gbaxd Ststems or Reli-r.io- ir

DISCOURSES, chiefly on Devotiostae sub- -i

:cts, bv the late Rev. New combe Cappe Towinch a"ie prefixed filctnoirs of his life, by Ca-

tharine CappeANECUOI'ES of the Life of RICHARD

WATSON, Bishop of Landaff. Writen byhimself

SACRAMENTAL ADDRESS and Mcdita.,tijns By tlie Rev. Tlenry IJeltrage.

W &S have lately received large additionsto their stock of Hooks and Stationery, whichrenijer their assortment very complete,

Lexington, July 24 --3t

AX PRIVATE 3&liSeat entirely new, with five

ACOTJNTitY ad antageouslyitiiateitu. ihe neighborhood of Lexington 'Iernisone th.id in cash, and the Lalance ,iaj able mone and tw o v eai s '

SHRFVE & COMBS.Auqt'' t and

Le? Jul; 2- '-