THE NEW YORK SUN. ftinnabM daily, EundAy excelled, ai the Una lluilturg, ror U Fulton and Vassaii its, nil dc.lvtr. ed to exihncribar tn New York clt y el vicinity, at MX aso a QVAirrtR cents- - ir. When Mill by trial, rour IT!nt a yes r. Circulation, 60 000 Copies par day. TOE WIXKLY ,CN In published at TS eeut fCtf) It) montta 111 l pf I ernts. MUSK 8. BaACli, Proprietor. WANTED. TTtr AXTKD-SEVKR- AL GOOOD COOPERS J - employment oa nMtk by 1U. oa J. UCUTKHIiLbK, lSS tnl lvo Ea SOU street. WTO 3101 WAKTED-- A OOMPETKKT PERSON TO ww attend brsldln maehlnra-e- na wh will rely wy , loua-tr- y ana eiieeuon tor eovenceraewi, AIM A well fill hiuUbn to pat elides on woven i eklrte. rtWBwci . seWf-- WANTED-t- lT TOLTIO 0LA35BL0W-- t. . P,,I, those that andraiaal botl work Inquire 101 Maiden hue. at) 8110 XirAKTfBSJO OR SO OOOtTgOOD FREE atone cutters, te whom awnd wwye, and steady em- - EST"" tlll alvan. Apply WEUrVAK'rr MU . HWIWW ave, Bostea. so via MIDDLE AOED MAN e1r'eiireiTd,taetten1abarandrat.urant. 84 make IrieMiifarallTnaerai la a nubile hone. MMMUlrthtt eJ01US4 TITANi" D- -A CANDLE MOULD MAKER. J"A"w bced apr-t- tmt rt ret workmen. OflVft BiAiaiuuBi- - CU, 01 Warm rt. TtTAKTED A GOOD COOK, WASnER .V J"""'. M " West IStA at, don't aer.lv with. Oat city refeianoee. e30 810 WATKD-- A TnotAJTAinfA BOTTO IITANTED 100 GIRLS FOR HOTELS. a?"1 lammee, iq eitr ana enontrr,et New YkFrnrdorvrtent Office, 410 I "t-er- w emoe.j eJlM W'VSP.- 0- C00D CANDfll.VKER. d,r- - "ol' Broadway, alaa a young nan -- iJL" tome know lease of the bualn. Is w 'ANTE EW StllRT ITIONTR- S- 0A. rrT -- "" " " ne nirnest wave a art orotaraA. Alio f irla U learo. aaM 14taH0 w ARTED TOR WnALIHQ VOTAOEal W afta thai -- a.a. a ',fl,7!, ',,l', Annirlaan man and vrpMntma. a inna. and aawrw ix . . fz - - -- rrr 'isKiri '. apj ot Tirna aa, alMMaanni WANTED GIRLS TO OPERATE OH Ororrr Rakra acrlna maahlnoa. and to work "lirAKTEDLADIES TO LEAK TO OPK- - nCS.T!sr'' .iwr wi'rn' wi" -- - t " lWirk Kna BracKiQH U HUMIM. rfrmaimnaM torituatJona aa oparaiora wbaa ' T?i?,,? I V l "$.? marhlnaa lawlra aa Alias rt. nrar Da av va'im Vlf ANU LADlKa 1 JLJUUIH n (Jf- - araio aa Biairara, Wk IJwal orrlnii aaublaaa; praoaiaa natU aarfact a all "TH..wwr na anhl,V!Jir-'nJ,I?.- h pwfiTwjira ; tartna. lie al- - aaaakinaa rQrandat. WAJnTO-Ja- T WALLACES OFTICE ". kaaat.BrMkJTa.oaaka.ahambarinalAL . aa, aonamrkara, amajl airla. aM. tar wMillan ith. Uona In Braokim and lta vlflnlt. ImijMH. - ! andaountiTviaaai Btatla wUa aAalmt ataaawnM TyAHTED 100 QIRL8 TO MAKX BOH- - ,Tf. rly Uoaa anm.alnlad with iha buainant wa4tliifwtaAatolarn. aall (aaa'lTI WASTED LADIES TAtSUBT IDOPKR- - TThmiar Wlkwn'a amrlna lata taacbar; practlaa nntll aarfacl m an klnda of work and nrammradad a plaem Itrt twaiBa-Madta- tasking and hmnnlnf i!ao 1 ap. neon UO roteaiaa at alaa opanani wwaaaA aMkaaa TTTAHTED TOUHU rrTEH WISHUfO TO ! ftSwtfordoTaa tnnuirehant tndlna ablpa, br applrlnd at 11T goutb at Tha ha wai bjU nuaaiparieuaa at aaa wratarrad-aa- waaWIM ".TASTED PERSONS WUO WISH TO a ' kaa laaanna on gl mWi arnHnj paehlpn, Tarma tar. aa4 laanwd waUia tba tnalnm, and ranm g?JJ atandr piaaaa, laanlro at a DHaMnat, A GOOD MAM M'OMr-- WANTED ,0,, o'toatlona; ood ,un (llrla lalnlr luiilad. aud amall firla waotd Untaodlatrlt, at tbl IiaituVi and Uuiur, Hi Elarootbit, cor Cik r (Jail raillu(i'lro. aJUtCKS CONFECTIONER WANTED A GOOD for ran work and ornament v, fan flnrfrt.adrwork.br atpblnj to WILLIAM AIL. Bronkl, n, oorarr 1 ultoo and Carlton avaa. awW yiin JIKL3 WANTED-UII- OS ARE WANTED yJIniinrdlatflr for him of tba beat famlllra Ako for plain fanulli'a, botrla, and boanlina-boua- In ctf 'and coiintrr O'Jjon fan, SO oauU Aprir at U tUUiara. U. MASON. auSaiae'l'V GIRLS WANTED FOR THE UE3T aa oooka, Lbamhrrnialda, nnrana, and houao. woTk. No naad to ait lu tba otttoa -- aura co ba ruited. teal modrrata. Kind and rtwprtAbla trfatinnut at thtow and rmpfcublo oinw, 0 8UUi ar. ai&iMUT vsw a.mn'r iiidvbifd w utr. ...... Ai dlatlr nouo but tlia kMt worken nrad aip'r, aa yaa d enta aarh lor Irouina pltiu anirt, T) nATTERS-- W AN T r D-- SIX GOOD hat floUhara i exuntant ainpl.Trriaiit upon ap. Illation to V. litlWT A CO. M Boutb 1 .Ith rtVrhO. dophia. iU j.jj T) rOTTERT MEN WANTED AT THE ir il ,"!u"' ?P'7 ' ' Naaaao at, a man to taala colmnay topa Ao. front moulda aiV 11111 J) SILVERSMITHS A GOOD PLATE woxaer waatM. Btaadr rruployiuant (lri-- to a Ki JJ,"4. fUilrrara raulra.! Appljr to vvm. J. aaiii.a.rt, iv aaaldon Irti'iif, up atalra. auzv ii'iw TAILORS WANTED TWO niTSIIE- I- A. m atOBiI aian routaut r at 1 EatWdat ',.i,ii jfc7- -A PARTNER WANTED IN THE 'i .?"".' 1 " orrtrr. dlulnic and drinking aalmn,wltb aand botl hnra ha can maka ite 2X """ Arp1y w" "'$&'?"' MEDICINES, " IrRTflE P1IES VEnBTAaauaTDAATIaa errtut rui f. titLa In amry and navlilt o. ru-tula- . riMirM dtwan, and UUxntiimt of tha ?'?'' W",Jfff1l of oa(l"Ctl or badir traatMl vltb aithar of tbiaa dUrnaalna andlanarroua aflactluna, ihepatint n.urt anna- - It tha Dnonr pararKiallr. at bu ulBon. fml r""'inb at Tha IV??!?"" & "l" " ' oftwtiona riwultlot frnutbladla,ai,aollcltdfor traaiurnt Or I'nliam ! aicular prualrlauj baa dvantad lal aMntloo to tbljtlaai of h'ctlooa for nion than XI reara, and SaiUeonaultil at an? hour of thfidar.at hi. II at, rl door front tha Howarr. b"t iowary and Uroadway. ayit Pillf ANNIHILATED ALL PAIN r UKU uioia 11a cnaMal dlaooTcry la Cnouical or Vidlaal SU auwtla HXRTSIIORNE'S NwrabU. CURE ALL. IT CURES HAKTSnORNES CURE-AL- L CURES or Bf k. HARTSnORNE'S Duxua. CURE-AL- L CURES HiRTSlIORNL'S CTRE-AL- L CURES tba Stomach, HiRTSIIOBNE'S CUaE-AL- CURtS Nck and Bora Throat. HaRrtmOKNES CURE-AL- L A GREAT Btaiuact or lloaaJa. TH IS WONDERFUL PREPARATION opan tha bouaa, niuaclaa, alnawt a'id blood, and V lta warnuna tuaauctlo altctrt power, aipil. all laln from tb errtm. (in. a bottle and trr t. )ar.w, to aud bOaauU butUa Mold at tha Inp , A40UKOAI.WAV,ouao-,TaabOTaCu- l atxaot, ai1rlu9 ILES PILES PILES A 1 DOlTLE wfdaaralatvarrcaaa or the monay will ba ra turnU. Cail or adeea UUdoLV, ltO Ureanv rt. Now York. a.d fllu OBF.AT PAIN ANNUIlLATOa- -:r UABToIiO&Mai CltUS-ALLc- (peak. It araold lay t Wtilat moat Phylclau. tka uoutha to .lay. I re nnreallpalnlnhalfanay.'' m aiiouNE cure all i. no o,.-- m. dicing It U prrpaiixl by eClemi.t. S anl tw eanta btttl. roll at .V aW llroadway, abova Canal at. a"l THE INDIAN DOCTOR, 47 LUDLOW who la niaklpf fainoua ruraa ofaero'nU, bu Jrnora.aoiaa, liver, lui a. rbaumatia aud klduvy a, and fan ale dlaaaeaa. l"ea a Wloa fran, and mnula hia ruadloloaa. Try him. tf you wl.h TO LABORINO MEN AND WuuEN-l- V row anBer with any pain from apralna, bralaea. lS"" 1I!B' f b" "- - -- t a lttl. of InaUntla eurad- -a 11 and W aaota. Try ft. Ta ba had U iU Uroadway. ona abora Canal at, afu allS USX THE ORAFENHERU MEDICINES AID NO OTHPRS. THa, gjurrsruiiuia VKOKatiBU YUAM. rtUCM kh CCNTB A HOI. na) taaa u tba worm, anjar aartaia U our la tfi- -. rouowtna oieaaeaa y kUna-Co- p artpiipaia riaaxpnra-.tiaaaac- Fawara atfatrBlnmaan Ulloua Dltaaaae -- Qla- TivDaeatlon. TlDa3lWllVjlpilUl CaA&ntfBKaUj a M. fwrniiTTrt, tta io w, ton TOBK. mttmrm FOR SALE. CABINET MAKER'S LUMBEB- -A LOT..OF VH'Mj-.ynjh.tlnrha- whltawoni rharr plank: 4 Irvh aah plank-- all thoronahly aMmad forlrusrdlatanaa. Thu lumbar will ba olter-- d for a raw dar; only, at a har.aln, at tha yard foo of ttoo. ton at, E.B. from M too o'clock. aW 1131 SALE CHEAP A SIX nORSlTuP-rlr- ht anrlna, with flwA boiler and all tha tttnraa enmplrU and In rood worklnf orrior. for VML Mnat ba eold hamadlai. ly Apply at (0 OaaM'onrt at br Oraanwtth and Waahlnaton. aalt r84 PJR SALE-- A LOT OF BOILER FLUES, i4 Insa. by M Inahm In dlaaietar-anH- b'a fr !?n?i!l?f".?,,' " "nok fuaka. Apply to B, roOLMMO Water at, M.Y. anJarilb SEWTNQ MACHINES FOBJULE THREE awnnlno No. 1 fart roacd, la parfaat ardor, M to $10. llowaa, all a'aM ahaap for Men. AU marhlnaa warrantad ona yaar. faapnlrfnf prompt- ly and faithfully dooe. Bilk naadlaa, nnttlaa, Aa .( ala. Ml timet, naar ttraad. MOOKS AOO.aVrl CEWTNO MACTIINES HEW AND STO- - -'- ona nana ror eat uimi a naaara, waaaaar wu- - on a, aatn ouara ataaniioa nonrn' fehanrad and ra palrad; ladtaa taftmadfto oparaia, TT4 Canal at, ft tten "JS'S fis4" 'oiuiu MHMin OEWINO MACnrNES-'SINOER'- WDEEL-- J r A Trilnon'a and Onm A Bakar'a, all rlaaa M kaad. cNp for own and warrantad t alaa bnanm fold, ara, ahottlwa, naadlfa, aaa. Marhlnaa bona ht. asehana. ad and rawairad, hw tt A. UUaUIM. lis Broadway. room. M4a-t- 4 rJX) MAUONS aND PLASTERERS 4.000 X bnebala (oat and tattla hair foraala. Fraah (oat pair rrom tannanm ovary nay, avoo aa a piau"rrnt ta al laadaouod. 0mll ta cw, per nnanai aaa- tjal btr. It rim. vr buhaL xarmaaaan on twlrfrr JJOLWN.IU.US tM Wawt Wth at4aaalia at, bat, lOtk IIOUSEKEEPINO. A LW ATS AHEAD I fX AOR GREAT OROCtBY EriTABUSIDtEItT, WINES, TFAB. OBOCEKIEll AND ntOTTSIOXB. " Heronnbar tha NoTber. fS 0.ir) fAMfLV rLijCR. lo$J pubaxraL TEA -- Bid Blatk and Oro Taaa. l?li?E5-T,,l'1B''- o",' r f.'L.1.' rarlnar-- a prlcea. MOLABSP.a. .,,ft'rl.0 " urM. And aTtrrtbtaa alaa In tha Orooary Una ahaavar than any otboratora la the TlinMAK L invrw ib. WTloleaala and IMall Dealer In Flna nmarrlea, M OKP.KNWlC'll B TKEBT. and s9 Murray etreei. aal tt4Mlttl POLUMDIANHALL VL CARPET WAREnOCHB. WaaraoflatinatorrAga. PKI KnKIATAPtHTKV tURPrr" a...IM t$l W THRFKPI YTAl'KoTBYlIUIaAlN...Wolo I It) A.LkJ?SJ'.,s'AlMl inatoTfta COITON A WOOL kBatotte A irood aaaortmant of Baft, Mala, Tahla and Piano Covera. Prnyrata fmm ona yard to four yarda wide HI aaaa'lhl AJJAMsA 181 Onaaat. LADIFS'RDrFLES FLUTED' AND BOLTU "IDH. w 80 flXi NEAK DTD30N BT. STOVES, STOVES STOVES OF ALL eookloj and haaUna. for aala ahaaaar than anywhara In tba cltr, at tha oil atand. No. Car-ul- eC-- Na. , No. don'l mlaUka. aalS liaa13 SKIRT SPRINGS WIRE KEELED, and tamparad at abort aotloa on rear aonabla tenoe; a rood arllala rtiaraataad. 1 Cham-"Ki- J. "". Yerkj laotorr Paaaraoo, H. J. WM. CKOB8LAND. uMPlIl fX) EMBBODIERERS FINE CUT, nARD X arood eUmpa for marklotaU klnda of amkroldarr In rreat variety of patturna. Thaaa eUmpa ara proved MthebeatandqukkeeC.br mar klo( on ana aturt. To ba had at Ml Canal at. Urn doon waat of llowery. a8 lt)9 GOODS JUST RECEIVED CON- -. ..;w,noll'raoehniorlnoa,aUooloraj rich rolor. '. 1 ,wralbla Shew U. Urapery.Muelln, HUnketa, krrlno Bhlrta, and M boaa, linon towel,Ubla rlotha. Ac, fi ir aala ivary low tor caah, by JAMES B tMPLI. eJOfli! aOCathariaaat. xitoveh and xxczlsior skirts Mm. DaMnREST-- f Bklrt Maanfaetorr and) Whelaaal Pepot.Ho Broadway. Betel I etorea-t- w Canal at and 1W. flowery. Beat wovwa aklrta, 11 etard prlna-a,w- l buatla, for Lad tae will remeribar r&X; teGL'ter 438 QREENWICH ST., JUST BELOW Canal, la tha plara to rrt woo a wood Uml of Fam !1 r,'."l,u, I" t f ho frarrantod and doll VPT- - a. FOWLltk A EKIrFlM. aaa IMaolU rVT. nLB- - FLOUR, EXTRA AUD DOU- - rantal and drllvararf, good butter. wOaria. perihi Oraraara. biet.K3 toUSo per lbs a treat eavtna on all foode, at tba rreat rhear.et.-re- , &J3 goeond are, cor. WM. 1L BUEHrTOOD. nV&. BOARDINO A FEW GINTLEMEN, OR A GENTLE-ma- n and hla Wife Can tie ene.irninnilKte.1 .Ith .lu aarit rot.nj and rood hoard, at modorata chere, at 4. Kuiliran at, niar Caul. aott S.lll) A HALL BED-ROO- X TO LET WITO .. .. . twfiairrl A twaiA .1 a. wiioworkautof the hoj aleo a littla alrl would b Ukrn to board. Aiply WI Thirl ara, cor. of it hat. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM. moiated wl'h anod obaUntlal board, la a raawaot-ali-la lorelity down town, at J per week. Inonlra at at) Kaat Broadway, batwaan Mar Let nod Catharine etc -- tans A FEW BESPFXTTABLE MEN CAN BE arontuniodatod with rood board and pleaaant rooma ror a a week at 6 Thnmpenn et aleo a room nubia lor a man and hi. wife. Btr.nreranUJ Bad UiU'pUca qulot, and couvanlaat to bueltraa. aert4ac36a A OENTLEMAJBT AND WIFE anna hit atualo autlum.ai aaa ba aoaoouxtodatad witk hoardialfaa.faw.day boardan ruriaalri wnrua inooaraU -- wr aa I Pwrar aUnoar rr-nk- lUt aaoara. ealtana-ao- t A QENTUatAN AND WITK OB TWO au (aniarmna aaa ba aoaommodatad with board wlwrathaaomfhrtaofa bomaaaaba aauorod raw day Iwardare. Apply at -- , at fa. niS A FEW rUEiiKCTABLZ IfXH CAB K . ewwrawiia wit, cMTW WBW epaOta .airy roonia, at 110 Third ava, M bmaa from ittb at. Twi al weakly, Ui adraaoa laoulra la tba atorn, aalM B OABD FOR TWO RESPECTABLE ME-- cnaulra, oretor.nien, lu aa Euelleli family. Iirni.a In adraiica. Uiunarat OX o'cloea. Ap.fy at HI Perry JUS'lua BOAHDING-- A FfcW TOUNU MKN CAN l aooommodatod with good board ard pi uii t ruoma. a'eo a law roun ladloa. Apply No fW uroorna rt, naar Varkk. ta 1'IOU BOARDING- -J OR 8 MEN CAN BE with good board and eorcforUbt roonie, wnera uura u uo cntl ran and only a few bntrdrre kt pti a'.o a .nrnlalied bwdroom for man and wife, at ltd Thirl ava, held 18 th and 11th At, fir out aaa. cata'Ul BOARD ON BKOCKLTH HKIQUTS deatrabta rou a may ba bad al Ml lllcka at,eultahla for famllleal alnclo fentlamaa. Ilouee anoU lna , bath, Kldaawood water. Aa, near Wall aud nouthPerriea. Ta tboaa daalriae tha com. w .uuwsiiij.Niirwji laroraoea optortaolty, aoonerata BOARD AND EDUCATION AT TUB Mra rAMARlSCIO aataothat, betwaau 4ln aud Lralnrtoa avaa A vary few yooni Uulnw only ara rwlvad aa boardara. oomblolaa tho oomforlaof boana wkth tha rwauhuity of aohool Kaf areaoaa of tha hlabeat reapwttahlllty alran and ra. qureA Far alrauiara addrwea aa abora. aat Maa-l- ea OOARUIMj 1 OM I GENTLEMEN UA navaaood board and earta, airy roooia. wbara fa L1J ara only kept, alif bare tha oomforta of a hath and ru, Aa, la tha hooaai tame moileraU. Apply Iviraarta ava, aaai eVth at, aaUl lat DOARl)lNO-UENTIJaC- Kll AND WIFE, i.J alao a fow yonni man, aaa ba aaonrnrnodatad with aood board and pleal rootna at 1 10 Third a venae, where tba anmforta of a bom may Iwurr llaed. liUaa I HOTEL LODGINGS AT THE GREENE Ho aa. No IU for .Inula faolleiaeu, at SI tft to a aai k, or US caula a nlht Blrauim. and otheraalllflud IbU aqulet place to atop at t meaU at all h.iora. IKANC1B KIPftNaH, cropriator, lata of th Manhattan Uouaa, Contra ek a) I'let LODGING 10 CESTS CLEAN, bade, at 10 on u par alane. Oeutlaioao and wllo I oanU full ueela,ll oeta, al r'arnell Uouaa. II Lanrana rt. naar tnal eat JeH M1 FAMAKISS' BOARDING AND .. DAT J.f-- l.dlu 1A t. a,uL Fourth ftud -- nlntni - rili rMiu m Mouday wapt-B- . al yaacaiaO rpWO OB THREE TOUNQ MEN CAN BE - acd.mn.ndetM with pood bard and coi.ifortablo rooaa wiaia ihey ran maka lhanuMlvta at bomei tarma molerata. Aptly at Monro it. aoSOaVl 152 5f)r JUL TOUHO MEN CAN of blaaaant parlor, too at n MpTwkTbdT JnTlar douhXoThoard without kd(l7 laWaoati. 2. Mnaa Canal and Uraad --. kaaaUd ADVERTISING AGENCY. TOHN HOOPER CO.'S CITY AND COITI-- Y AbVEBTlBlNO AOK-NC- Y. hOnrl Bov, Maw Vort. TtaM 6ullln. wiabraadwitk AUTTOl mptiy tneartna in any SkSsbiWTrryohiBa t tha imiriU) gTAT- -t or-rc--X,ff- sJ2rta. aa l aci. tHHfim -- ,,.., aka- -u. m tt SUN, NUMBER &199 NEW YORK, SATURDAY. OCTOiJER 1. 1859. PRICE OiVE CENT THE NEW YORK SUN. SATfRDAT M0RXIX0, OCTOBE S 1, 1859. Mate f Mrxtraa Affair. Th Nw Orlaaoj mail, of which rveral daj-- t' nrplr hkre rracfceJ n at th urn Una, place U In toasaaalon f Nw Orleant fnperi and ,. rtapcndrnr- -, which ftrntih th foHowtng lator. matlon, A MinUtitUn corrMpondent, 16th, MJII Tha Aurora Tlore!lirar,WrvJa Vera Crtta, at In other p area to to av.uth, but It wa. only for a ahort time vialUo, en aorount of th okmjod etata ,.f tho atmoa4t. Tba cruua for th tnlutlon of th Mrtiean Imhr-vl- a U aprrnacbing a a alow but inn pa.,. Miaii.m Uv. In nor of sr tun n.onejr fma Ih. r Wrjy. an.1 0.0t Itunwdutoly, arj uter lAooo.ouo morii-Jr- aan tea haeel alllila aaaUUrxw! tt.fnltedBU.-a- , auJ th. nU,Tof UrkVS. T.JV da I. kxAcd u,.,n aa th only HKlbl aaJ ration of U Mr. Mrhtn' ar ,n known to you. T "l .f1,u - treatv, wrhnlavar may t, J??." "I I'Un t th lira of tha racrwt. .e'2 ?lh, tT,2'l iTrrTVmnt- - "in therefore, thaaUofllarfrorUhavaboanlnvalth. Mlnl,rtor leavrtndl.rtit,nd without hiring acoonii)Ue4 anvLiipo. r "I1- 7- ."- -" Jl1! mltrlaft on awnttnt of 11 health, It ta vail known that hla health waa never bettor than during hla etay In thia omintry. Wa have, roomivar. In Mr. M.Xaae'e own word, while city, a auffie'ent if lanathm of hla midden derartura. He aald, "I am dlaaatuiftaxl with the rouras which the Jraaita A.tn.liUtratb.n la Mir-ait- toward th IniUd BUtaa; I will n. rorrnlt n.ylf to be liumbuinrcl, aud ahottld my govern-ni- it ti pnirlj ruaUln ror, I atuill Iromcliatcly Th Cfrrx'pon.lcnt of lite Kew Orloatu fr4-cm- f, ditlng from Vera Crui, Ctb, lay i Mr. McLifti had aemlomciallT reidgTied, and will nerrr com back t- - Mexico, ttnlcaa under duTeiaul aua lc , lta luu bicn m,wt avandati.ualy docelrnl bilh here and at home, and iinleaa h can bring Mo riiinaNun to Iho ta-- of d.4ng aaiwthlitg, or kerlng a pnanlw, there an end r the nueelnn. In tl.e aboance or a deviled ul- timatum fn.ro Mr. RrrnawAN, whh h woul.1 allow hint t.teer, "Ihithufr flgut," ha la uaelau here,exccit aa a rnillte rhararuu t-- ga'laut th Iroautlo of Bou, Aanaua i Trrt a about on Me dj. ".". ?L"?.,"Vt. thalaUknoaa,or Impa'twl health, hmried tha Mlnlatcr IT, but to ua on tua ai thia U a I gammon. I ant n,t blind nor aud when I aaw Um a fow daja arf i ba b.kl .mite htal-tb- r, aa.l waa nally lively. Ha had vlaitnl up and down tt coaet, had gl living, a bath aud bn era, frequent curaion on th Ilrunklyn, an.L v. Ithnl, a very pleasant Un.o of It i m uiver, he haa kept good onny, bwn wltli the wontii, and hob- nobbed over cliauigQ Juat Ilka a well man, too much to Impnaa on a d In dividual hk your corrraKiudeut. Tb. blahor of th. vtrbmt dlnceara of Mortco wer rrcetitlr aaMmblcl tiMnthee t,w.,t.irte nr iv. ..k. bmLnti lu tli city of Me J loo, to conalder the merit and demerit of th war. Th vole of tbo Church la atlll for war, though lta clamor loudly agalnat th ekr.ae. The lalrr are willing to Me tha alanghter goon, and pray for a blooly war, but thry are an mlaeriy with their caah that I might- ily fear they are not only hating tha country, but they ara baling caato. Eratyhody aaya, glv it utouer, and the rev,uutinn ahaa 1 nut .in. -- n. thou.lt all thl gaa la for their tenant, to main- tain their odlnua preaartpUoD, yet they fa to make thaao cunlary aacrlAoaa which are needful to bring alemt auch aanguhutry Th Arcbbuihnp prorawad to 11 the war out onc-iutra-ct to any arty who wuu'ddtth rwuih work chaapeat. Mia.., waa tha only bl.lder, an.1 bo pioiuwd. In eoiiableratlnn of tha eim , tou.vno lu taar, and IS.lwO.oiK) in abort IneUIImeuta, to but au and to Ui row, and reinauta tha church in it. I'trmgatlvea. Now, 1 hare but little doubt of Miaa. von a aucceea, if the Chuich ahould ootna d n ly aud .tick up to hlin oeiragvatalyi for tho man who yl , yxU th blgeet crowd uf behind him In thia country. II it, unfortunate- ly, a dlaaeuting voice waa raiawl, and th Hlahop of Mungla aai.l, "fcl th war take cere of it- -lfi w Iuit wid out enough ntonav ( wa ara cheitad on at ahlcaf" That rnutonc told Ilia atory, andth bal- ance T tha aceelon waa In I.I InaecroL Uttera from Mexico rrlat a "tranaactloa" bi.twn n MiEiKoa and tba Arubbl.p, which reriectaon th houeetv of th one and the aagaUty of Die other. Th nnerabl pntlata waa lu del, or rathor Miaanoa held liia j aper for toii.oou, yal,ia in on year. Ua laTond bi abate theaa obllgationa at tha rata of M ir ooul., which Miuhor agreed to, and tin Archblahop paid Into tb tieaaury. Ha then lent for hla taitea, and waa ratliar aabulalied to find that Mnuana luvl juet aold Uietn to a broker at a diaooust of SO ir cent., tlicrcby oblalulng within If, per cent, uf Uielr full val-u- a. Hla reverabn waa full id anger, andamuht t) !rvtet, but th not ar lea ouuld do nothing for hi.u. New rwkllrallaa. Tmk Lost Awn Fdipd, on Liiit Amo'.i th rtHi. i!w finmtirt II. a(lf.i7. N,w York: Ikaauan A MaaoN, rublUhera, J10 Ilmadaay. TLa author ttatci that he la a mlaaionarv ,f the manaKers of tto "Horn for tho Fiton.Ua." With Hi .xferirnca derived from uch a poi-tlo- whKh constant! ou to hiin many acmes of dittreaa ahut out from the Reneral com inunity, he seeks to prevmt an exhibit of fact. Tho volume U therefore luostlj- - a coiiifilatlon of little) life sketches, rlniply told, but vf much It haa, howetrr, alali.atlcul And otlurlnforrna-tlo- n rrlailnirto New York, vli.: Iho Alm. house nd 111 operations , tho Sanitary Associa- tion ruotemrnta, Including the J.nnlclU of New Turk i the diseases and general mortality of the city its In temperance, paiiwrUm, vie ami crime, ,, r,, which Is of hlli Interest to ill of our citizens, and of which, al .lifflront times, otir journal may tfve extracts. Tim BrtPiaf 11. a ! VarM Uurnt. New York Haarn it ilaoruaas, 1'ubtaheia This Is a hislury of KuicUnd, from th earliest time to tho revolution In 1CM, with reararchri of recent lliatorbns contlnuo.1 down to IHjrt. It Is got up In cruel form for student and sihoo! use, and is well illustiatod by woo. I engraving. T Tnriaani Maactu lit Tal. P. Skafnr,of A'rnrurlj. New York! rtioxtr A Riaeaxb, t Jclm at. 'Ihla Is a complete hletoryand descrlpliuit of the Semaphore, lUectrie, and Mai;netlc s, anciest and modern, of Kurope, Aula, Africa and America. 1!a boA h pd up In a neat and most substantia! meclianlial at tie, intended iu au 6TaU.r's text-Loo- k Ihroutjli-tu- t the land, as aUoa conilet rectrd of as It now exists. The engravings and authorship are an h nr to secure this result, and Its merits w ill alto secure fur it a nic'ie nmung the most uutid aclcutillc work of the day. Tin Dur Riioruaiia, akd onir aTr.UKS, r.y I HUip litrttll. Nw York M. W. lx.no, IX llrnad'ay. Biuixiaa inii Buaainaa, aa Ui.u.TatTiin ta th lln-t- i kT or Noma CuaaacTaHa. Iij luv. Krtkuti Xeali. New Yjrk : H. Vf. poi, rubUaher, hwl llruadway, Iheao are two small volumea fur JuveuiU and Sunday School srrt I. e. '1 he matter in them U altiiitlt and judiciously acWte.l. Tua Ttanira's Aesn-TeN- ISy Charltt .Yorlkiml, A. M., author of " Tha Tea, her and Parent," Ao. Ifcertou . Caoenv Niriinia A Ct., 1 ihliahera Ngw York P. C. IlaoXMCl, til) ity. This Is Inten.lwl to be a collection of hints and methud iu echool dincijilinn and instruction. It U oompliaed iu a series of familiar letters to or.0 eiitcrinu hpon the lestter's work. Tin Ansau an Lira Aasta MaatiiNS. The 0 tobrr bitnbtir la irsue.t. "Maerta Uianim'n Cbora." This one of HiokiVa publn.at.oi a, ia Jut lanued In lnauaua'a thoap uufurui elylo, Ili.At'Kwoou'aMtaiiiKa. The Septemlwr r print Ls jtut Iwutl by Ltoitaan bivrr d. Co., TV fullon atrttt Auuicta Mini' ii.OiTT Th Kt,lier uuml-f- U publmhed by 1) Mmmuiiu U.lbX, M 11., ita cu- ter, at W Luion Buaro, Aiiaaviv M.iktiilv. Tba Oiiolxr nurulatr Is aut, IhacfdlUnaof I'lit.Lira, Haurhu. A Co., lu fur. tuer imbliahrra, Lav oouaentud bj IU preaiut ewu by In Aaaigueea. KkihtSKMaiivK Mkw or tuk New TriTA asT. Il'j Utorut V. floldirm. If. It. New Yorkl llLiknua A Mam.n, 1'ubllahera. 810 Dnavlway. 1 hla Look haa rather a novel charMteriatic, Th noted chartcters of the New Testament are taken up $aial!in and characters applied to tLm In avoidance ttilh the .ILtlnctlve traits of their lives. Thus, Joan tho Baptist U portrayed at "lb Herald Preacher," IUnop, u the Sensual man; Prryjt, as the ImpuUir man; Jenas, at th ATaiicIouimani Joiip, ajthe Beloved man; TiioMie, aa tha Douburj Nkouemps, m the Bellftious Inquirer; Axabiaa, 14 th Llsr; Sri- - riiKK, at th Mart; r DoacoDi AakirrA, as tV Almot ChrUtUnj and Paul as th Great M.n, KiYcTTBaxiUT:m- -. II. Wilsow, Putllaher, m Broadway. Thia id a Mauual c I all tha luatitu- - Wona, Organlsatlona, Boeiottaa, Lluaa of Travel. do-- , A., Ac wtt bu , dty auouula, UP. f)rkain-- 4k lrlr .Harder. Iht New Orleans MrTepon.rPt of the Charks-lo- n Covritr, wti'lngfrom that city, Sept. 20th, Mill I t jtxninir, al a'- it a.piAHer paat eight o'clock, tl well Vflnwn Dr. Ropiar M. (lin waa ahot In an afTiay wlih Mr. Ekaaay Tot ma at. Probably tbar haaneeurred In this city, for th last ten yaara, no rrbt tl at iiaa crtaUJ so much scuwtl.m, or excited to much comment. !r. tilArtAlf wait tlhfortnnar In belnw AVeeeoma now and thtn with a creng, mortdd longiiig for B.pion atd when under the Inflvienee of this atruulttl he, tdhetw laera'm, quiet, oottrtAnia, a thomtigh gen-- t crran In tlemranor and piarance, became oliati-Dat- e, hot Leaded, quarrrjantiie, dangeron. His snoe-H-ot t Juration and ak.HI aa a phyaiclan, fine Into pltaaaut ma iner, bandanm, dlgnrned person, and hiffl.lv rertwrtahla and Inftuantlal ennnavlooa here, made htm very popnlan and hie grlevntia weak, neaa a as born with for hla many good 'I'lalltlce, arxl the ettrm had for bla family. It was oftart prwlbicd to Mm, however, by bl owa friends, that he would die by violence, or, as on of them t .Id him, "(la- tin, n.ark me, yott will die In yonr boots aid In tha fntter." The prediction has been voriued t j tha Ir. Ciunati'a name la known tbrmiubnut tha Tut- ted Ittatea, from hla killing Mr. Lnaiao, in jiw York, when Intoxicated, from hla trial, crmdcssjlMlon, anion and release. Hla In his old baiiota here created a siogu'ar annaation. I never shall forget the first time 1 met hint, after t.bt rrtntn fmm his northern priwtn. Ha stood In front of a dnig store, that for many years was at the comer of fit. Cbarloa and Cnnimmi stroeta, and In which he lin.1 an lnlerret. It was a gathering I .lace for many street loungers and poULclaiw. 11 a.1 born aeen there year alter year when h wnl to New York, and wtale lit ptlann, bla Iwrtly fotm waa much mimed I It waa mt known that be was giHng to onrno tck, and I was fairly atari ed, when, ou turning th comer ou mortdi.g, I aaw I Im In hla old p'are, In hla usual easy attitude, eking Juat tha same, rtgar In month and ama'l can In hamU-onl-y a deathly ja'lor hail repac.t tL tinal I ra thy eo'or of hla face. Tlia Now York a.rne t f blood flaahed over me l 1 avetted my head, paawd in. The rame Impression was no d.aibt pr.lnceil on the community g. nera'ly, and for a long Um thu a!tl!fced roait was a stranger lit th whert h had Hveil so long, where ther had len en nn ny to glr him a cordial grasp of th land. He aormed prepared for this i IwJ no daibt luadr up hia mind to do It, and rhapt ha I a aecrt, defying pltantw In atajlng In bis ml haunt, and attending, with ai'ent pride, tt th ditiea of hla profeealim. Ora.tua'ly a change of feeling came over th masa of nur eitirriia In regard to tha man; we ar a warm-- I carted, sjnqathrlietwor'e, If wear 4 i and the re.ctvnr), on. J.tnielro cmirae itira.n d by lir. (liiiitu, bis atttntion to his pnreai,ioti,hla avoid ,n.- - of hla fi.nni r wraknraa, after awhile tndnce.1 many tnf.gtwhatha.l paaaid, and th dm tor regained much of hla old imclal a.iiiiintance aud a larva share of t'n.fewiional patronv. Iltit the morbid erat uig for at'mtilii, t'n)ugh onco qirnrhid In lihaaj, eisild not In cured. It can back arura vthlle, and It Iweane known that Doctor tlsiiuu had ocenalonal relapais Into his old habl. of Intoxication. Sb.ll be cntrlred n to let thia be aern almit th ttreeta, and thnaigh tha Inlhianeeof tils family and friends, be was a year ago elected by the Aiurrlran raity, llty rhyslcbtn. A sbntt time airo. ha loat tha nfflea. at tha a. ..I... .I..- - r.k. .. X ., i.. .. .. . ..".. .n .uv m.,hi. vj .uoeid-iio- n. a ir. itaav, ana for a fortnight, tt appears, had been under th that Mr. EaaaaT Tot mm, a young man, prominent In tha American party, bad procured hia deft at. II was known tint he had axpramed klm. ir i..r aoni days at. In violent tenns agalnet ToLkDtao, cureiug luiu, aud avowing bis purjina to shoot Um at eight. These xprea.lons and this rrei4vweieuiUired while Dr. Oxiiii. waa tinder th Infturnc of llptor, which. It appear, he liad Uen aluoa Thursday laat, so much aa to be gcneral.y uidtce.L lal mgl t, the Chief of Tollc, Mr. Antwa. who la related to GaAiuai In some way, aaw lUin at tha It iby Ct a on Common et, a poiatlar rem.it and Li tloid that he aaa In II nior. He f,lt a preacntlment aoim tiling waa ginng to happrn. ahould Uaaiia oindibonla puUlo a placet ho want up to him and told b Im he must go home) If he c.a-U- d any dleturlwjioo lie wiaild arreet hint and lock him tip for tho night, t.aautu luallad that he was nut lotoil.-n- d, but pn mlaed to go home aixn. Mr, Av awsleil him to mart some Ji.a i.fflorrs at hia own l.rlvat onioe, pnanlalng himself to return to th Ru. 1 y aud ret flataaa away and take Mm home. A few a omenta after ha waa railed out and told llutt Dr. Csauaaha.1 Juat been alui dead. KaawtToLti'Axnwas a o. Urge male. mlnsi I aliall almply say ofblm, liowiver, that ha Is a oldcat and moat res'ted creola famlllra; and though aomewhat wild, the young man baa neter lii evcuaed of anything mean or H'sownirutenietilnr this sail aiT.ir, as I heard It from him In tho "lock-tip,- " (where Ids thiaigh his voir now and then ws a little choked,) waa to this efTer 1 1 t'p to within a fortnight ago, be and Dr, Oatntv were on th most courteous terms. He then iv.lloed a change In (laeiua'a manner, which Unm. eo'd ami finally entirely entranced. Ha Ilil no at- tention totl.le, as he was bu,y with his candidate-ahl- p for e'etk of one of tha dietrkt ooiirta. Last Hatunlay theKtreil tTommlssloner t him wonl, tbr.ugli Alditman Mrwaor, that Dr. tletiita was going almtit the aire. Is alniidng him, and threat Ming to kill him at sight. Iha same uewa waa given htm by r jaitua. Ills frlendt a.lvla.1 him to arm blmaelf, aa (laaiitu was a d.ir gemns man. lis a... e dh.giy wmt home and provided hlmaolf with a Itvoiter, but teuislnr.l with lis family that even. Ing. tin tmiday be went op town toeia his frund, as usual, and talk ah id tba elmtlon. When beaiare.l mi hi. chari tnt, a frinid (whom I aaw alterwerds, and who c mllrnicd this state- ment,) nut I im and begee of him u. t to go on Onuntiii street, near the I iilon i r the Ituhy Cof. aallatiiau WMtlieu Ihrealenlng mill to kllltlm. He did not eo why he ahoii'd go out of hia way ; but ba ci.nclild.d finally to do ao.an I avoid. d eneounh ring i,aaiuw. Yestor.lay ha wont to th nplxMieeideig the river, where hla father raal.luet n t.in.ed to th city In the evening by tb lowcrferry, and ran. up hot u. At Iha I'niou lioifer-hnue- ou Colnmon streit, UtweenCamp and Ht. Chatlce, he mtt filenrla, and atal I awhllo chatting. Ily. ami by oewat uktd by a friend paaalng by, to go or. 1 . tl "Huh)" and lokn a drink wuh him. They nmdU.eattitt ; T'limano st.isd his friend lu fr int of ti . latgeahowwlndow of l'iKAria reetaur- - ant next to tl ltuhi'.i b. alnilro thu di.u display ol fiuit It always contains. They tli.it eLter.d to "Kuby," w I are there is gaiu ra'ly a crowd. To, xna. Mi.ej.l.s l.a.1 no thought of OaauAa, aud had no Idiaof mnttltg him. Ou entering the anlonii, ha aaw (latin, a few rt a ahoad of him, taking to sjllr. IIsn.aiki,, llleve. At the aanw liiaaut. ClaaiiiM turnt bla brail, caugbl sight if ToiinsMi, (who Is a email man) gate hlin a aoowhng look, aud put hla right nat d up to hla ll1-c- t a.dn, aa if to draw a weapon. '1 in snaao aaw the 1 aik and motion, drew bis rer - ver, ai a nimi ine nvo enota aim aingillar rapidity wo., ,im-- i, ,, ni,i eai.ie nieN.iiii.ae Ol aim. Ilr. IliiHitf did in t nr , he did in liav time J aupjHae He iiutiuu towaiua ToLrnaaii, who, ilrew l.a.k, and Dr. (irsiuh ataggerod out Into the atrnrt aud fell In tb mud aud wnbr, dead. His platol, a small porktt Ins.iM.rx-w- aa pitkid up In the stmt, I. alnl. Toiri-.v- Imni'dUtily axriaiiiud, I am tho man tl at did it . I did It In eeif-- l. lenoa 1" He a irrell.lnr. td lilinm ir ouick'7, and waa taken to tha .lioo lot k llS wiuro bis frlel ds soon fodowrd. The leidy of thedcad man was taken into th ennae. boiiM!, t' ' di..ra of which were il.vl, and a pliyat. . Ian was i ii the a t r.H'y but lua skill was ' no avail. I '.a Chief of V,, lice then had his I' ly takeu l. bl' piiiatn i.rfce, ardlliaie, afhr biailng T"l a'atemi nt, (ha parting with ma by elapp'ug hw l.rr lot and aaj Ing cm rg tica'ly ''t DC re Is no purer C"ticl cc than mine I") etrctrhod out on a table, I .aw tba tibf ttunat ti an, his large bamla Hue fum tiflono.l ; his paiiUlnona and boot cor-err- d with mud i h cat, vi.t aal clavat tr, hla shht stained with mud aud a littla hl.nal ; bla aims croaard j his hands and wHsts blacltnidt tir.l aitb I.U cravat : his si lit boaan lattly i.n; and bla flu fialnrea whito and fixed forevi r. Ther was no exprrmion or ln about tta. ciaintfiiaiiot It was calm and aerrne. A phystctan .landing by snowed me the wouu Im; three amall black te I, low tlia right bnant, entloae bigether that Ih band vo'ildcovuithrui, aud uualu Urn loll ann 1 la-- I hadarennf the man ba st.Nid at my el. 1'iw, i hatting phaealil y. Im.k.iig handaom', dlgut. fed and tomb una as nr now ha la; a Mood, .feint', n.uil and rain aid'ttl iurj.ee Tn.ly, aa a gentleman etembug ntar observed, th way ol tha tranagruaur ia held. Farelga lilrlHaenco. 11i Liu Inn limri autrKosta llm InimeJU'e dlspatth of tba final Ka.teru to CUna. 1 he dirra-- e f Mr. Ilevssi, the eminent K.nglneer, ori'iirn.d at bis naidenre lu Umdoli ou the l.'ith liiel. Dn Iha Mh, he waa tarried frouitli. liroat to I.U litkdrliee lu a very dengiroua ami a'anuiug rouiiitl ti, bating lean etWed witu aral)sts, tudoc. etl, it was U ttevisb by ove mauta' anxiety, Mr, Tax HanrrxajWnudliurii ca.ne lu thud lu the cm t. at I, r thu Cirvi-lam- l Lannli-ap- . '1 he hoi si I' a. I au eiullil stail Ibgira lid J.a othtre cl.na at her heala bi tha land, wlau Coiiif rter, DiHo and iahurn hratbd brr, Comforter carryirg on h riming, At the diitamw Am.bidant jolnud ttiain, but ha iuinitdiately full ba"k, and I e three placed nnbhed Iha raoo, C'.mfulter wlnuli.g tUvrlty by hafaleigtr. WmmIIoiiu waa beaten bra.1 uiy fr.Tu Ditto The Mad of M-- (Uly waa fourtli, aiul Aiiiataidam nftb. M. Lri.itr Kit.ua ha wiUton along 1UU outlie lni trial An. List y. Hut litn-- r rhsuisi 1 am entitle 1 toathrm, aa being laanlftatly if M. ibiaaraaia Lad bw-- far away from Fiance, if all h..i of iiturnlng hail '"'an cl.e. to blmfoiavet, he w uld uoitti have had th luieui nor tba mcana or prrrlng. In oonuert with th ary party, tLnaa blotejy and lufauoua daya of June, lsli, that rnt tuha--l the Ibpublln. It, for evil and Ij ranity, lie strength haa conflated lu at ting alowly. pallwlly bu inorasaiitlyi why then ahould we. wbu have raibllu welfare and th triumph of I beity lo view, daprtr ourn'voa of th tuuaua of acting LetuaniA fonfelthal svery Brpubllcan who ra. tome to r.iuw ..i. itu...l.l i.t-- i In si ita of all, a llghtwiprxadlng fooue, ana a auldlar ready for tha coining day, UCDUU hoi.i.im v Lotrnoa, Beit. 14, lib. fxphlta! wid Opermtla Ft rftlraiiia. Sonis t lui alnc we had occasion to notice a t.w inflhod to faciliiat trad la tb Boston tnaiket, vis. I the openlOK and funuahln of a room with lienors and cigars, la a leading; Jrlvate etVdbmeBt 'a tb. oitf , WUr this new fuiRltd "iiolliin" In th "miihTn Athena'' has proted a profitali'o xperlnieat or not, we are onabto to say, hut we ar edvlvyl that stl.l f itliluii has recently been Introtlucid Info New Totk. M'e ar reliably Informed that a tar hnstnas. firm In thia city have now connected with their establish arent, In full blast, eat, Ing;, drinking and smoking iatoon,wbere the cus- tomers of the house are regularly introduced at certain hours, ami if occasion requires, at inter-xal- s, several times between. Tho "Institu- tion' aforesaid. It Is remarked, Is highly appreciated by tho "trail," and work s "adm- irably.' It sometimes happena that th custom- er of thU " popular house, " In consequence of otlier engagements, are unable to rail upon them daily, A note Ia made of such absence, and. if It is too lona protracted, a young; man Is tlia etenlng; to the hotel with a bo' tin ffwlne, to "log; tho memory" of the delin fluent. Whether or not some atay away on purpose to be thus "jopBd," we are nit at present advised. We shall watch the working,! of this "progressive" establishment, and may lave orculon to alludo to It again. Another " large ind wealthy house" also has dclermlne.1 to lead otT In another direction. A highly respectable New Or- leans merchant has, through the benevo- lence of said Arm, been "nut through" all the performances of the afly from th "refining," opera down to the . As in the drst-rro- tionedcase, we have reliable Information, and beg, to state, for th benefit of the public, that the lulls for theteentertaltmente and perform- ances amounts tl20 federal currency. Now, it Is well understood, that when the old cocks crow tho young; onea learn, and hence, tho public need not bo surprised at such develop n'ents as the recent defalcations and other we read of In the daily aprrs. If onr young men are educated In such commerclU schools, il may be expected that they will grad- uate with due honors. liulrprmltnl. Tke Caaad FrUe PUki. rmt-xan- Km l.r are bo,h completing their training la Canada, tha one at Cow t harts, Fort Krle, the other near Point Albl.in. They ant both In excellent cone 1 Ion, " as fine as silk," and anticipating wl'h equal conlldance tbe event ful (Ith of October. Inrorttinately thay rsn'l both win, and, if things go on right, one will almost Inevitably loaei and which ona that will bo, looking at the present condition of things, It dues not seem possible to con- jecture. '1 he chanter of accldints Is always be- tween the prediction and the end It l.ioks to.an.l weneverknew ofa light in widen tt was ao emi- nently the only thing to Im counted on. There dors not apiiear to bo in either man a w ek imlot to argue from. Pjtch man has mado a rem trka-b- le light. Knit's ha' tie in Australia with a big man, though conducted In a very lonao man- ner, extended over an nnpnve.lente 1 time, and, If It irhap lacked a little In punishing power, show etl great game. Them was even more game shown In tho ilipoltlon previous to tho fight than in tho light itself, as It Is known that r.t. IV. then tolerably well oh- -, sold all his goo.lt, and put the money on the battle. He U known to every met rnpulltan, also, to be a trim, strong man, and a very fine sparrer. He will have uo chance to lay off in this tight, however. Pun r, on the other hand, Is a man who don't know when lie Is whipped, and won't atop to In- quire. In his light wuh Cunt rv, when he was so badly o9 that the betting round the ring was one hundred to ten on Cont'Rt, by his simple, persevering game, he restored tho scale.and even made It thirty to fifteen on Piticr.; and If the light had Uded would hate won the tight. In severity this bat tlo waa far before Knxt'e in Australia. Phh R ta not out of condition ba he then was, and he has since learned to sparj and, beside, that waa fight full of experiences 'i be learned much In It. But he has not got Co-i- ii n to deal with; and if tbo man he his it not bo remarkable as a boxer, ho la a wickeder man, who Iflio once gets th acalo turned. Will win the light. I'vrhr'i ty.nf. Amellcaa Policy la tke China War. Tin dispatches received by tbe Government, narrate with ininiitene.s tho recent eventa In t.'.ll,ln,' I;1T-'lu- ,r Tatwah. axvs. that the British olllcer In charge of the gunboats having Ulted him, uld nothing aliout aid, but hia silent appeal was powerful iudoo.1. During th few moments be was on lioard the Powhatan, be would look anxiously at hi Admiral and at his boats. After he left, com inura Cant. Tamaii, "I held a conversation wltlt our Commissioner, Mr. Waiui, and ho agreed with ma perfectly, that under tho circumstances of our position with tbo J'.tiglirh, and the aid the Admiral 1ml ten- th red tna the (Ur Iwfnre, I cjuld do no Ins than lowthebnatstoliUrrlinr; I made the offer, which was thankfully and promptly accepted. While the boats were making fist to the hawsers, viblili I veend astern, 1 lnslate.1 on Mr, Wauii and his suite leutlng loey-Wa- and going on board on of tbo junks, for reutoni which will b ol.tlous. He at first reluctantly yield!, and lef, u, but anon returned in one of the English Ismts, declaring that as the Tier-Wa- n waa his hi me. and ttoiiig under lire with his annmbati . aud conuirrriice, I reluctantly yiulilndi hi gal- lant impulse." Cant. Iatnaij. lowed th bolts through the Urill-.l- i line to within a short the Admiral, whose Hag was flying, win n canting them off be retired to tho rear of tlin I. ne, and anchored for tho nl'ht. Ilotook up his ioeil ion, aalt might euahlo him to aid the wounded, and should any busts lie sunk, to rrtctie their crews, In other words to afford all the aid consistent with neutrality." Having been Inform ihv a UrilUi tiihcer that tlioAduiiritl wasiUngeit.ti.ly wound ed, Capt.TAISAu, went iu a barge to visit him, aud w lien -- tithln a few fci t of tin) Cormorant, a round shot struck the biat, killed the coxswain, Mr. IIaiit, of llmklyn, N. V., and ahghily wtunde.l Trkxi'iiark. ihey reached I lie Corniur.iiil before Iha Isutt entlroly sunk. Tainai I. sat a the Chinese (,'oinmiMiioii- - era had pretiomdy notliied Mr. WAitnof their arrangement, ami requee'el him to accompany Iholliillah and Mliihlars to Hie I'eiho. To this he couseiileil, I hereby, to a rartatn ex- tent, the same pl.t'tforiii wilh the Ut- ter, 'iho sliiieriiv of Iho Cvuiuiumloners wai much doubted at the lime. Ilrsabaefibe Preperl'reaeixatleaaf HaaltY, A gossiping corraepomlent of the Manchester .'vanillin, (lesciil.iiig the haliita of tlm Hritiali I'ltnile, luring the vucstlnn, aaya "At liroub lunde, llinugb to man tramps Iho rtubbles or beats iho cover with keener rot,or rairles a surer tluiible-bar- and that, too,wlthuut spec- -t acres, at 71 this Is but the morning's ainuse-meu- l, Ity 2or3 o'clock, I.rd I'Ai.HK.sTox is In his room, elbow deep in dispatches, and walled about with olllie boxes. Visitors at tbo housa are nothing of him till tlm late dinner at A, and Il at dispatched though there may lie an ad- journment to the drawing room, an I even tbe billiard room, wh re the jierennial host still han- dles his cue like a master, and again without .c'acles I,ord 1'Aiwamiox U nn more vision, after 10, but the lighta are burning In bla private room till 12 or t o'clock, or eten later. In the Intervals of hia severe and prut I acted lalmr no one i an be gayt r or rpilghltier than Ird Pai Man- sion, or readier to lake and pass the mojw'ierire, 'lhoui'li l.ord I'AIMritsTDN declares be hat no time to read 'any thing but niiiiiucrliU' he myiiis iiufmt of theturrent literal jro, I er!ia;is Lady I'AI.MriisTtiM et becratea ll for him, itud keeps him supplied wilh thu eascucu for conier-aiiou- ." The Ull aaa Haanir. The editor of lh I'ortbind Aryut, wlul at I'altimore, ou 'Ihurwlay l.i.', main an txcurston In l.cr. lie says that "time rHcupied in this trip if thirty four miles, wa jiist two hours and a half fn in the I'nie the fistenings were cist off from the whuff until alio was iininither moor- ings aud we un fe mi uVmh," This must be cotiKldt'ied au iidruira'la a rforiiianco. When tllA 1 M.nt 111. iriili.l. ill lb e.l ht.l.l ., h.ll..- - an hour, there wiu scarcely any perceptible lr, I aid tho iliiMirbaara i flhe water by tbe pwsage I oi too vrKi was inarveiou.lv aiignt, B.i clean, imbed, waa bat mumucnt,' that a tkllf would hctii c ly hat e felt any agltatlou in croln her wake, MAIL ITEMS, ,4. Tiir tuma of the Chinaman who was iu com- mand of ihe victorious armios ou thsPcihoU JIamii (ieneral IIanii. l'mmixs In acrowd, says ritP.NTtCR, should keop their elbows out of cat h other's stomachs ; yet, a man's stomach U nfteuer Injure I by the motion of Us own elbows thtn by toot of Uls neighbors. f.R.TiiocAAirrt vUiton attended the lata 6. Louis fair, In on day, Ooe thousand dol ' rrenilum waa a war do. I to tbe tit bull. Muih more Interest id lalen Ui ,uch nutters there tbaa litre. Til Ohio Stalttnan says ihe Artesian well, at Columbus, la now the doost bore in tha world, tbe aur having reached a depth of 2.215 feet, without having yet touched the fountain, which Is to repay th. aLi iwaiiw TiT .1 "V'l-- n cuitncv dolhr! X ",ot lt fiTthonlrer .vBJ!ff!l'rte.?,lrV''Vp'',,rrtne: their pond coming winter,' and antic fuitelhatltwll' afford them muth pleasure 1 hey hare enlarged the tond to doubt Its for- mer area. Tiir BrtLT-NIraragr- enterprise. Is now en- tirely git en ttp.and the mon employed left there In great distress, without payment of their dues, or means of snppnet. The affair eost Its total loaa. Tiif:nrt are at f resent In the world ahont one nunilRsl and twenty-on- e thousand Mormons. J Ight thousand live In Utah, of whom fiur thousand six hundred and aaventoen have lirtrrn Araurin.fjh're AlndVeJ tn'rvj. At the apioachlrg conference of the Metho-- lt Kplscopal Church, orlh, It is understood that strong efforts will be made to Intmd ict general tills against the continuance of slave- holders wit bin tLechurch. It will fall, so think the majority. It Is related of the Fn nch family of the Duka Im l.r. vis. that thev have a picture in tlmir chateau, In which N.tAtt Is represented going Into the ark, and cutting under his arm a small trunk on which Is written, "'uner trimma n J the Urii f,mUy. " Tiircr have t giant In Ohio, who, though but 17 years of age, weighs 3!Ni pounds, an I la 7 and one-thi- feet Y gh. Ho Is a son or the calahra-te- d Scotch glat f, jAvtr RitnAl.l,who exhibit-e- d himself at 1 rAta's Muselm, In ths oil Hall, at t hiladclptua, tenor twelve yean rt". SrwAinn of California, has had a vary unique testimonial prepareal In his honor. It consist a of a cast-iro- n plai e,to bo sunk 1 1 the larg- est tree in the grove of big trees near th "lo trail, upon Ihe south fork of the Merced. In raised tettera upon tt will he the Inscription I ".Senator Gum, June 15, 1M59." Mr. CohcontT, In view of tho profits and fort in es amassed by the proirintnrs or the Wash- ington "hotels," has almost concluded to build a latent as large aa the t apltol, upon the south- east corner of Jackson siiiiam, to be conduced on the Eurox-a- plan. So sayi a correspondent of the .Yrvy. Tiiutx la In the County Infirmary at CoIum. bus, Uhlo. an old woman of K! years, cal e I the "last of the Mohicans," beeauso she Is the hut or for a their lo'ng;Vh7Zi'i:;fn:rniar.ym Uo in viiuu. . vaiiex from tho 2S0tli to (700th part of an Inch In thickness. The fibre of the coarsest wool Is about Ihe 5X)ili part of an Inch In diameter, bilk worm's silk Is about the n.tMHIili purl of an Inch thick; but tho spider's hue Is ti limes finer, and a single pound would bo sufficient to encompasa the globe. Tiir Emperor AlRxAwrirrt hxa decided that libraries shall 1st forme.) in all Ihe vessels of the Rusalan Navy which make lung voyages, and he has ordered that a sum of IKK) roubles shall bo at once ghen for the purpose from his private puree, and that an annual allowance of lei roubles shall lie made to every and every frigate front the same source. Smokkha are In an ecstaey of delight In con- sequence of a report that Professor l.mniu has discovert d a mode of Imparling to urdmarv to- bacco the perfume and flavor of the finest Hav- ana. It a aaid that the most ex periencoil roe not urs have lieen put to the test, and have smckr.l the prepared tobacco in tho belief llm It was the finest Cuban. As was the case wilh our Mexican war, tbe late war In Italy has demon driteil the useless-ne- e of all extra display In army uniform, and a commission Is now sitting in Paris which has for Its object the all eral ion of the present uniform of the Krcnth Atmy.wlth a view to making It as simple and duMule as practicable. Tb subject romiuat.ds almost aa much attention a a chaug in th futhlnn ofa lady's toilette, Tn Nashua (Me.) Ttl'miph doesn't publish births, tut tbua gives a broad hint Dial aa heprenod In thai line i 'The man who carries the ll.les round must have llppnd his basket over In our nelghbtaiuind. Such a show- er of babloaaa we have had up hare I 'lb niln-- micr, an. i inn lawyer, ami me doctor, are all in for it, not to mention other parties not pertain- ing to the learni d professions." A book Is about to be published giving a de- tailed account of the cruise of the yacht Wan- derer when ou l.crlid slat Ing expodulnn. This book, sat s the Charleston Jftrruiy, w 111 make a sensation. It is brought out bv a person w bo took a prut In her adventures, aiid will gitea minute recount thereof and will make some de- velopments Involving the reputation of many public men of I his cjuntry. Tiir, most singular rpit In Ihe world Is that of tho Count lite hi. M.uia o,-- ,.f tl,- - .,.,.- - opulent loidn.f J n't Iho. 'Jhisai.it turns ono I l,n.l-.- u .,,,, -- n.l .1.1.1.. ,, . I. , ,. . ..! ., -- . ...I I ,,.i,.j,ui im, ,i, I,.,,-,- ., ,,,.-- ,. vot'n all. I liljvs twenty-fou- r tunes, and whatever It nlsvs Cirrenptmds lo a tcrtalii degree of ciKiklng.wlihli - et f.tly understiHal by lliec.aik 'ill us, a leg of mutton, al' dno.nVwill lie excellent at Ihe twelfth air i a fowl, i Ai t'Uimim,U, will be juicy at the eighteenth, and ao on. Tiir. gross violations of law In several of th larlnhesof Ix)ul-Iau.- i, I mill by Ihe or.lin try out- laws of htM'li ty, und Ihe Vigilance ('uiinutcos wliiihhate been nrgsnlrrd In mete nut sum- mary juntiie to them, have at length become ao lltigriiiit as to iiecessiuto the tnierf-rri- ir of the t xetutlveof li.uotnte. (lor, Wu ki iryp, after l.uing a iiroclauiatloii who! Im f.iiin 1 of no atall, luu liimstlf gone In the ceno of disorder wilh a view of aiding in th mstorailoti of ficaie. A SniNiiit FAaiki, of Port Hotie. I 'nner Cana da, has ihal'enged llitimv as follows "I will carry M llu.Nl.ix lo the centre of hit cable across the M igara riter, lie to carry mo the runt of Ihe ili.ilnrce across. flrrwants to start from cither i ml, proceed to the centre, and down ropes to the deck of the Maid of tho Mist below, re- turning the same way. I offer this chtl'enge In consequence of M. Huixdin's repea'ei asseriiuna that mi man dare perform bis feats." As the night t rain coming w est over tho Oreat Mfatrru Bailwav, a few nlghia since, was mov- ing along the shore of Use St. Clair, just at day light in the morning, a heavy fog prevailing at I he time, a llock of w ild dutks cam rushing agalut the cars, four of them suturing the open door of the baggage car, which was iiiiti.fe.ly closed and the gnme captured. The 'spoils were divided Utwccn tlin conductor and baggage- man. Know the statement of Mr. I'm Mas, Con- sular Agent at Amoor Biver, in Asiatic Itmils, it apN-r- i that American commerce at the Amiuir is steadily iinreaslng, Fite A merle ill built steamers are now plying on Its waters, w hi h are nat Igable for steamboala 2. SIX) miles. 'Ihe commercial products of that regional pre-se- n, comlat prlntluilly of furs and minerals, Kt it is thought that when navigation shall have develoiwd ihe internal resources of Ihe country, trad will be proiwrtlonahly Increased, From Moscow to tbe bead of the Autoor, aie flv hundred cltlee, towns, uml tillages. Mn. Waiih, an American, sua the EsiTtf, has just pa'ented an intention ofa new code of Igiml leh graphs for the ocean marine service, liv means of which he exs'Ctstobe Hide to Iran-uni- t news lietween America and F.nglatid in lite cava. 1 he la'est news will tat Irlrgrapoed frouilLu Llgbthouie at Cane Mace to tint useiug steamer, on .Sunday, which will dguul the iuiel'igence to tho station at Cajie Clear, on tin 'illowlog Ftiday, To New Yotk ami Ij.ndon, from Iheao loci'i, the t'Ommuiilca-lio- n will, if course, lei titer the electric wires, and In Ibis way news will I only tlvo days in transitu between Lotnloti and New York city. Dr. L.wc Attempted lo cross tbe rose, at IU-- clicster, '."Jib. with a man en his luck. The man innui.tril upon Us shoulders with bis feet su"! Milled at tlm sllisof Lr i.avr, and ho moved slowly out ujion the rope. Witt it teur Ihe con-tr- e of iha rlter tba roe begau lo swxv, aad it was clear that the fiat was not tiibuancin- - pU.ted. I'restnlly Dr. Lavksaw that he was ahont to fall, and threw his wile, aud caught by his I'lttt, '1 Im man upon hia back caught around his last t and drew lil.nae f Uon the ro,H). And Uirre thetwoacn.ba'a were seated upon tho roj when our remrer left. We hiar, lust as w g to prise, lh.H the) managed lo reach Ih dtoreiu safely upon thu io. So aa.t s Ihe c. a"A. Tiir. Caiu.h-- and Amlor Hallr"! Company is engaged In construciing a link of railnatd aoiuail-'- ht niiles In length, ooimectlng their Camden and Jersr 'Uy K'al with tholr Cam-i- h n and Ainlny Kad. By this connecting link east from near Priniwtou to near Jatnawbu;, Sutb Aoiboy will be connected by continuous lmeorrallrra.lv la the Trenton and UeWldere Kailroad. and the Uhlgh Valley lUUroad, with, the Lehigh coal mines lu Pennsylvania. Tbi uuVrs a uew outlet fur the loal of thia rwHon. and by the establlahment, a Is MnUmpXated, of eroaf depot at Karl'an Bay, whloh may at all tbnei be approached by shipping of tha largest i win Etv to toe worn 01 tu camaea ana Amboy Ksilrva4CmPA0r 1 DAW MttlCO orsTr " ' 111 La. aawafi 1 I .1 .)' JIATES OF ALVEiTisiNO lamia uir-J- i rs ADYAVCt. W;ibury,,fidvMm &&s "a ' - "viaa at a. . a nJt :;.r;zrn ?i':,n ? write to tt , """"" i"T.nrrra. the age of Si, ,J ctSTMuTZ "V"? mce. ne will be CD on his next birtii 'dar ' 1 urlng nart pf th Hire he took 80 , He Ih'n.s thCTi ar. 30 opium eatc-fl- S AU yfc Iar. where he reetdes. M ?,Tn',T "P1-- - Te,n "'e?" the town of - n.w.,avrrr vsshni... Ti -- -. j i it j omtii . - as lit ta - - igbt feet of th wall. -- b7 :rn-w,"r- "- . the flame arose to about twMtt,, " eoneAMothe bona, that rsxrfoM t had remoTed, In order to prevent cotrnwaVhwi! ariou. rnotbotU were reaorted to. to e.3e JS the fire, bnt all prox-e- unsnccessful. ItrernaS H on fire fma edn texliy afternoon until Baa. day morning. Ft Rntit rarllcnlarj evincemtng toe brb whirlwind In Chowan and I'erqilrnana count!. N. C, assure ua that It swept all over that am- otion as a perfect l..om of daatructloo a noot wklow, a sirs. Asm kt, and child, havfeg tW hous. thrown .bout their eva.uatr.-v- . ta tiurrlcijn. bh.h.rwatf I ao mangled that hear despaired of. TheehUd waa carried U at distance of mile, where It waa found by Ita la- mentations. The child la expected to die alaew I'topli were roowsd from their alamhers la ttur uukntsa of tbe night to find their cottage Una Into atoms aa hy a bomb of destrnction, anal themselves glad to escaje with maimed lintbaT and stripped of very con. fort of life. Wiiii. two gentlemen, named Jan. B. Ooas ar.d Imvvhkp' r Ltik, were out fox hunting tat the woods, near the Pad leading to Lstno'a Mills, in Tin Bu.h, Kingston, N. T., thaw came to a tree, from which was auapnda4 taw kebdtia of a human being. Every partlala ad the fle-- h bad dropped from the bona and aw ay. The tieletnn waa clothed I a fin. IsToailcloth suit. Coroner Dorwts, of Klnntan-wa- a notll'ietl, whoproeeetleil to theicene. That clothe wer searched. In them were found! several pat-er- a gold watch, a 3 bill on tba. Manufacturers' Hank, of Troy, a 1 1411 on th New York State Bank, a f 2 (.ill on the Kingsbtet Bank a 1 bill nt the Merriinao Bank, of Con- cord, a fire dollar gold piece, a fifty cent p eoa and one cent, a watch key, and two Iron key. Some t f the papers ar receipts fur board, In fa- vor of It. A. Coi.r.. The laat one Is dated at Ilallston Spa, May 2nth, 101. On of tha p-a- pcrs nan a.ivcruvrneni irom me nome e-- V'w'o'iIfl'.J'e- - 'A-.- " ' .' i : - --- " Issupimeed to be that of H. A. Cot k, who .w iu uceiu aoine tnrwe montns ego. VARIETIES. A VARRtrn monster stl.t that he UtatV dreame.1 that he hail an angel br hi aide, aai, upon wtfe. waking up, found it wu 'coked y but hi ! A Tnrjxo Teoneeaee clergyman seem to hATt. com.ressei the whole bralrofhls sermon aal "deceit" In the following "Oh. m rthrwn. the snowiest shirt-fro- may conceal an aching lamom, and the stiffest of ail rounders encircle at throat that has many a bitter 4U to swallow. j A mas down Fast has Invented rr vhlne Xm renovate old bachelors. Out of a goad alxd,fat, greasy old bachelor, be can make quit a decani, ) tiling man, and have euough left for two small .upiiea, a pair of leather breech, and a kdj of soft soap. FINANCIAL, cU. NsTW Y0BJC, Friday, feat, M. iTOCX F.ZCHANOB tllW rJT atOAJ . too Tenn.wa.'W.. II H MMY.Cwa.BaNn touoo ao.....bM ssv to do. ...DM 111 4000 V. 6 Nk 4 IT do. Oil eiMm Mo. ( eJ lt ta...,..., BIA 10O0 do , isr, ISO Ao., ,..,., t y TrOOlO do. 84 ISO do.....a3ll), boot) do. ...MOM 1 to....bMII 1000 Cal. Tall .... UW 100 do... ne a i ISO0 h.X. Cert. Is.. 10 IM do.. bMt'af looo n.x. Cm. Ita. V9 B0 .....aMIlJ? lots) Koelig.'rJ, ena IU do aM.lj. lenn St.... SO M do., l)w VSI Hud. Id M..., Tt IM d.v....t II, V. MM BO v....ne a.v aotn Muih. C p.0. Hv ItO Uud-B- .... asll SJOO IU. Can.-- ... W o 10 Meroha- n- Bk.lOT tfO needing K ... 44M; 15 do ire 1000 do M 44M B0 rtierlxllk..,. 109W W do aae.lij 10 I'aclfioM. B.... SO 100 do....bl 4ij-- TS ! ISM CU. CoL A Cln. II M do eM ;la tl Jo,.... MJ, M HM 110 Mloh-Ce- n. stl 4t 0 do .. Tltt do.... 4IM IS Del. Hud. C. (MM IfO d.i.., .149 4(2 HO Ual. A Chi .140 IS 101 K. H AN-Ia.- g U I a do, ;i 109 do. I ta dt so llsj II ranama B.aja,i lot d.l.,,,hs T4li IM do....at.U ,, do.....a-- 73V 0 HI. &a H..at no do at Ult do. 4fcJ toe do 74 tut do sM MM IM no. ...ISO Tlli 110 CUAAIMIsT lixiOo. A Tol.... II ) do at MM sat 100 do....bMt4l2 110 d I1W 100 te....M0fZJi U Da Ua IV. ... It BXCOtID BOAJtO. SfJOOn. B Ba,T4.. ,101V KO Erie R.....pAs t V M. 8 AN la 11 10 PaoifloM A.... Bl lot, In, Can. R..bM ttJU It du....b60 1.0 tied AUu I tiki Beading B. all) 43 H 109 a.. alttl ioi)M.cn Uen 11.. tt). 100 do.....alSUJ loo to. ... s 100 CU a iot..i:i ti3 I 0 N.Y.Ceu B .. F1M 100 do. t if M Uo... .140 Ilia 100 do S1W 111 do., ..I ,' 100 CU.AR.L.k4r B'O do IB IIM I0d do,,ly 10(1 d at 81,',' .. X BTOCX fXl'CTt'ATIOflTa. This tahla la dcrtved by .Dpanaua of la Flrat Bt aed aaJea at b day I Aovanoso, awnawaa, Mkh. Ceiu 8a.. V petal Tart .'i petal llwaa.,, a , Va-t- e . . inu-t-na. M , Pscino MaU....lM .. Heeding- - , tj Harlem FT ....ar , Mich Owtfre'.. JJ .. Mioh. Bo. Qoar. V . 111. Centra. V Cle.4Tol l.vj .7 FALE9 OF BXAL ESTATT4. Nsw Tcans Bept. , House and lot ra Uxlngton ar, beL lid and klldsts, etsilH. IIABSB 1 lot on listhi-t- , marfth a, MxICO tea 1 do ou filler, u.er Wth it, WUCU. , 11 na,klngta Siarkel Uetall rMeeew ratDAT, Ban. HO, rooLTSt awn eAam. iCUma, p'J, 108, Pattrldsea, rr. 7t.at 04 euii.na. 1 www, r (& fvaie, or 1 'suet v T Woudeoes,vr.UIIM4i 00 Ivraoa, aALTBD, aw,a, Ttirkeya, 4. ... ls ) Chlekeua, tb... ti H I towawea, n i wa rmeprliis.pr.. "ssA 60 Alelvea,luo..l TsV 1 1 tsAt l)uika,tauu.,pr td old IIl.but,Ib. 10., n Utaen, each. .1 Sbiil U) Hall Cotl0ah.fb. 4e 1 Biualw,eacn.u -- 4 r,l (O dkd Mackerel, lit,; ll WildlU(eoiia.,l (io IO dO LB. TOt, mm ItlillM , do..,. rseU IS) to SelmmLa la. KwodlllxOa.Ua. Ih.ll (A) Salt Haliuou.tk Hkl asxr Vn. Mackerel, lo. RoaMlnapiecea II. vurv sal, bl.l .. lTnftLBriBB Hirlolu8l.ak 14.. Porter lloune, ttk. Halifax. No. -- iaa Kiinip. .... lo.. ratrrva, Corned lit, f. St. ArDl-- a. X, )k.. Ctiurklhuf..., (a. tripe MSTTon Via. i? Om-bvj- ii. tlraywa Hind (marten. PkA lore iiuartera. Ca4 jtnirir..., IiS flf Choi. lo4 rinelona., 1AA as V at... vy ti vxin-Vl- h. I 'aVtakeTs 'aUrape - M Hindquarters. 1V4 (U1J- - i .M lore uuarttra. Bu ivns 'II' . ? VealCutluU... vi Hiui'tttitiliak r, ,n Crasf( duB., roaa- - bK a'S.i fuutiA Fresh Pork lUiikti-- ii Baited ;- - il iistlOst. ttta.a.i Haul ekat Ms1 -- t Prun- -, Iki'a. --us CurriUaU. lb., mists, suuaan, Ao-- Vlh, Ill mil III! 1 aall llama. ....... 13o 14 I WKUUIUdMJU iu,.ike.i n.f. .. -- ti. lis mi.. k )o l.u-oo- . . ( I..I To.41 at Ik, bhiul'ra. 10 Junta, hot, iio Tonmna All. HI . I, M peek. Teuinltw. olek d ( faruiuslurk.. i( Lard .'... ., ( Bunked Jo la. 44 aia.TU-aaotl- e. KS52?ii": 7J V Butter, pall, lb. Laittuew.doa... llo fafr Btat tin 'Uaeta, bunch.. tl IM Wealeru. ,biaa,bea4- - riuar b it 10c u taa,Ufot.... '.Uarlick, bh. HI ew - . a iriww, IMMBM.- .- Kv - naw, ran-w-ra. lTo, , " .; Cod...... aiA - Cwcambers.da. - Ut r Btripee Haas.., II '8todMa.ra... f ra ttaaa Caneta, Li.... J kloundars,..,, CauUllawaraa 1; k-- la 13.-::::- : .is --. rllueftah 8t. Cranb-- iMaaa, Halibut lOtl Ppan. taakawl rPlaataa- - 3'I iiaduoca.. WtMak VU S-- TJtJ 8lwWVi-a- 4 - sn,' rwrid- - ataPtl. . .. ..a .? J&3 ilinMa TwiiU. - j aaJW IrBrwU4r ltrthaM u ? -- ar

m tt SUN, 1 - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-10-01/ed...THE NEW YORK SUN. ftinnabM daily, EundAy excelled, ai the Una lluilturg, ror U Fulton and

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Page 1: m tt SUN, 1 - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-10-01/ed...THE NEW YORK SUN. ftinnabM daily, EundAy excelled, ai the Una lluilturg, ror U Fulton and

THE NEW YORK SUN.ftinnabM daily, EundAy excelled, ai the Una

lluilturg, ror U Fulton and Vassaii its, nil dc.lvtr.ed to exihncribar tn New York clt y el vicinity, atMX aso a QVAirrtR cents-- ir.

When Mill by trial, rour IT!nt a yes r.

Circulation, 60 000 Copies par day.TOE WIXKLY ,CN In published at TS eeut

fCtf) It) montta 111 l pf I ernts.MUSK 8. BaACli, Proprietor.


J - employment oa nMtk by1U. oa J. UCUTKHIiLbK, lSS tnl lvo Ea SOU

street. WTO 3101

WAKTED-- A OOMPETKKT PERSON TOww attend brsldln maehlnra-e- na wh will relywy , loua-tr- y ana eiieeuon tor eovenceraewi, AIMA well fill hiuUbn to pat elides on woven ieklrte.rtWBwci . seWf--


. P,,I, those that andraiaal botl workInquire 101 Maiden hue. at) 8110

XirAKTfBSJO OR SO OOOtTgOOD FREEatone cutters, te whom awnd wwye, and steady em- -

EST"" tlll alvan. Apply WEUrVAK'rr MU. HWIWW ave, Bostea. so via

MIDDLE AOED MANe1r'eiireiTd,taetten1abarandrat.urant.84 make IrieMiifarallTnaerai la a nubile hone.

MMMUlrthtt eJ01US4

TITANi" D- -A CANDLE MOULD MAKER.J"A"w bced apr-t- tmt rt ret workmen.OflVft BiAiaiuuBi- - CU, 01 Warm rt.

TtTAKTED A GOOD COOK, WASnER.V J"""'. M " West IStA at, don't aer.lv with.Oat city refeianoee. e30 810


IITANTED 100 GIRLS FOR HOTELS.a?"1 lammee, iq eitr anaenontrr,et New YkFrnrdorvrtent Office, 410 I

"t-er-w emoe.jeJlMW'VSP.- 0- C00D CANDfll.VKER.

d,r-- "ol' Broadway, alaa a youngnan -- iJL"tome know lease of the bualn. Is

w'ANTE EW StllRT ITIONTR- S-0A. rrT -- "" " " ne nirnest wave a art

orotaraA. Alio f irla U learo. aaM 14taH0

wARTED TOR WnALIHQ VOTAOEalW afta thai -- a.a. a

',fl,7!, ',,l', Annirlaan man and vrpMntma.a

inna. and aawrw ix . . fz- - -- rrr 'isKiri '.apj ot Tirna aa,alMMaanni

WANTED GIRLS TO OPERATE OHOrorrr Rakra acrlna maahlnoa. and to work

"lirAKTEDLADIES TO LEAK TO OPK- -nCS.T!sr'' .iwr wi'rn' wi"

-- - t " lWirk Kna BracKiQH U HUMIM.rfrmaimnaM torituatJona aa oparaiora wbaa' T?i?,,? I V l "$.? marhlnaalawlra aa Alias rt. nrar Da

av va'imVlfANU LADlKa 1 JLJUUIH n (Jf--

araio aa Biairara, WkIJwal orrlnii aaublaaa; praoaiaa natU aarfact a all"TH..wwr naanhl,V!Jir-'nJ,I?.-

h pwfiTwjira; tartna. lie al- -aaaakinaarQrandat.

WAJnTO-Ja- T WALLACES OFTICE". kaaat.BrMkJTa.oaaka.ahambarinalAL .aa, aonamrkara, amajl airla. aM. tar wMillan ith.Uona In Braokim and lta vlflnlt. ImijMH. - !

andaountiTviaaai Btatla wUa aAalmtataaawnM

TyAHTED 100 QIRL8 TO MAKX BOH- -,Tf. rly Uoaa anm.alnlad with iha buainantwa4tliifwtaAatolarn. aall (aaa'lTI


lata taacbar; practlaa nntll aarfaclm an klnda of work and nrammradad a plaem ItrttwaiBa-Madta- tasking and hmnnlnf i!ao1 ap.neon U O roteaiaa at alaa opanani wwaaaA aMkaaa

TTTAHTED TOUHU rrTEH WISHUfO TO! ftSwtfordoTaa tnnuirehanttndlna ablpa, br applrlnd at 11T goutb at Tha ha

wai bjU nuaaiparieuaa at aaa wratarrad-aa- waaWIM

".TASTED PERSONS WUO WISH TOa ' kaa laaanna on gl mWi arnHnj paehlpn, Tarmatar. aa4 laanwd waUia tba tnalnm, and ranm

g?JJ atandr piaaaa, laanlro at a DHaMnat,

A GOOD MAM M'OMr-- WANTED,0,, o'toatlona; ood ,un (llrla lalnlr

luiilad. aud amall firla waotd Untaodlatrlt, at tblIiaituVi and Uuiur, Hi Elarootbit, cor Cik r (Jailraillu(i'lro. aJUtCKS

CONFECTIONER WANTED A GOODfor ran work and ornamentv, fan flnrfrt.adrwork.br atpblnj to WILLIAM

AIL. Bronkl, n, oorarr 1 ultoo and Carlton avaa.awW yiin

JIKL3 WANTED-UII- OS ARE WANTEDyJIniinrdlatflr for him of tba beat famlllraAko for plain fanulli'a, botrla, and boanlina-boua- Inctf 'and coiintrr O'Jjon fan, SO oauU Aprir at UtUUiara. U. MASON. auSaiae'l'V

GIRLS WANTED FOR THE UE3Taa oooka, Lbamhrrnialda, nnrana, and houao.

woTk. No naad to ait lu tba otttoa --aura co ba ruited.teal modrrata. Kind and rtwprtAbla trfatinnut atthtow and rmpfcublo oinw, 0 8UUi ar. ai&iMUTvsw a.mn'r iiidvbifd w utr. ......A i dlatlr nouo but tlia kMt worken nrad aip'r, aayaa d enta aarh lor Irouina pltiu anirt,

T) nATTERS-- W A N T r D-- SIX GOODhat floUhara i exuntant ainpl.Trriaiit upon ap.

Illation to V. litlWT A CO. M Boutb 1 .Ith rtVrhO.dophia. iU j.jjT) rOTTERT MEN WANTED AT THEiril ,"!u"' ?P'7 ' ' Naaaao at, a man totaala colmnay topa Ao. front moulda aiV 11111

J) SILVERSMITHS A GOOD PLATEwoxaer waatM. Btaadr rruployiuant (lri-- to a

Ki JJ,"4. fUilrrara raulra.! Appljr to vvm. J.aaiii.a.rt, iv aaaldon Irti'iif, up atalra. auzv ii'iwTAILORS WANTED TWO niTSIIE-I-A. m atOBiI aian routaut r at 1

EatWdat ',.i,iijfc7- -A PARTNER WANTED IN THE'i .?"".' 1 " orrtrr. dlulnic and drinkingaalmn,wltb aand botl hnra ha can makaite 2X """ Arp1y w" "'$&'?"'


IrRTflE P1IESVEnBTAaauaTDAATIaaerrtut rui f. titLa In amry and navlilt o. ru-tula- .

riMirM dtwan, and UUxntiimt of tha?'?'' W",Jfff1l of oa(l"Ctl or badir traatMl

vltb aithar of tbiaa dUrnaalnaandlanarroua aflactluna, ihepatint n.urt anna- - It thaDnonr pararKiallr. at bu ulBon. fml r""'inb at ThaIV??!?"" & "l" " ' oftwtiona riwultlotfrnutbladla,ai,aollcltdfor traaiurnt Or I'nliam! aicular prualrlauj baa dvantad lal aMntloo totbljtlaai of h'ctlooa for nion than XI reara, andSaiUeonaultil at an? hour of thfidar.at hi. II

at, rl door front tha Howarr.b"t iowary and Uroadway. ayitPillf ANNIHILATED

ALL PAIN r UKU uioia11a cnaMal dlaooTcry la Cnouical or Vidlaal SUauwtla






HiRTSIIOBNE'S CUaE-AL- CURtSNck and Bora Throat.

HaRrtmOKNES CURE-AL- L A GREATBtaiuact or lloaaJa.

TH I S WONDERFUL PREPARATIONopan tha bouaa, niuaclaa, alnawt a'id blood,

and V lta warnuna tuaauctlo altctrt power, aipil. alllaln from tb errtm. (in. a bottle and trr t.)ar.w, to aud bOaauU butUa Mold at tha Inp ,

A40UKOAI.WAV,ouao-,TaabOTaCu- l atxaot,ai1rlu9ILES PILES PILES A 1 DOlTLEwfdaaralatvarrcaaa or the monay will ba ra

turnU. Cail or adeea UUdoLV, ltO Ureanv rt. NowYork. a.d fllu

OBF.AT PAIN ANNUIlLATOa- -:rUABToIiO&Mai CltUS-ALLc- (peak. Itaraold lay t

Wtilat moat Phylclau. tka uoutha to .lay. I rennreallpalnlnhalfanay.''m aiiouNE cure all i. no o,.-- m.dicing It U prrpaiixl by eClemi.t. S anl tw eantabtttl. roll at .V aW llroadway, abova Canal at.


THE INDIAN DOCTOR, 47 LUDLOWwho la niaklpf fainoua ruraa ofaero'nU, bu

Jrnora.aoiaa, liver, lui a. rbaumatia aud klduvy a,

and fan ale dlaaaeaa. l"ea a Wloa fran, andmnula hia ruadloloaa. Try him. tf you wl.h

TO LABORINO MEN AND WuuEN-l- Vrow anBer with any pain from apralna, bralaea.lS"" 1I!B' fb" "-- --t a lttl. of

InaUntla eurad- -a11 and W aaota. Try ft. Ta ba had U iUUroadway. ona abora Canal at, afu allS


THa, gjurrsruiiuia VKOKatiBU YUAM.rtUCM kh CCNTB A HOI.

na) taaa u tba worm, anjar aartaia U our latfi- -. rouowtna oieaaeaa y

kUna-Co- partpiipaia riaaxpnra-.tiaaaac-

Fawara atfatrBlnmaanUlloua Dltaaaae --Qla- TivDaeatlon.

TlDa3lWllVjlpilUl CaA&ntfBKaUj

a M.fwrniiTTrt, tta iow, ton TOBK.mttmrm


CABINET MAKER'S LUMBEB- -A LOT..OFVH'Mj-.ynjh.tlnrha- whltawoni rharr plank:

4 Irvh aah plank-- all thoronahly aMmadforlrusrdlatanaa. Thu lumbar will ba olter--d for araw dar; only, at a har.aln, at tha yard foo of ttoo.ton at, E.B. from M too o'clock. aW 1131


anrlna, with flwA boiler and all tha tttnraaenmplrU and In rood worklnf orrior. for VML Mnatba eold hamadlai. ly Apply at (0 OaaM'onrt at brOraanwtth and Waahlnaton. aalt r84

PJR SALE--A LOT OF BOILER FLUES,i4 Insa. by M Inahm In dlaaietar-anH- b'a fr!?n?i!l?f".?,,' " "nok fuaka. Apply to B,

roOLMMO Water at, M.Y. anJarilb

SEWTNQ MACHINES FOBJULE THREEawnnlno No. 1 fart roacd, la parfaat

ardor, M to $10. llowaa, all a'aM ahaap for Men.AU marhlnaa warrantad ona yaar. faapnlrfnf prompt-ly and faithfully dooe. Bilk naadlaa, nnttlaa, Aa .(ala. Ml timet, naar ttraad. MOOKS AOO.aVrl

CEWTNO MACTIINES HEW AND STO- --'-ona nana ror eat uimi a naaara, waaaaar wu--on a, aatn ouara ataaniioa nonrn' fehanrad and ra

palrad; ladtaa taftmadfto oparaia, TT4 Canal at, ft tten"JS'S fis4" 'oiuiuMHMinOEWINO MACnrNES-'SINOER'- WDEEL-- J

r A Trilnon'a and Onm A Bakar'a, all rlaaa Mkaad. cNp for own and warrantad t alaa bnanm fold,ara, ahottlwa, naadlfa, aaa. Marhlnaa bona ht. asehana.ad and rawairad, hw tt A. UUaUIM. lis Broadway.room. M4a-t- 4

rJX) MAUONS aND PLASTERERS 4.000X bnebala (oat and tattla hair foraala. Fraah (oatpair rrom tannanm ovary nay, avoo aa a piau"rrnt ta

al laadaouod. 0mll ta cw, per nnanai aaa-tjalbtr. It rim. vr buhaL xarmaaaan on twlrfrrJJOLWN.IU.US tM Wawt Wth

at4aaaliaat, bat, lOtk


GREAT OROCtBY EriTABUSIDtEItT,WINES, TFAB. OBOCEKIEll AND ntOTTSIOXB." Heronnbar tha NoTber. fS0.ir) fAMfLV rLijCR. lo$J pubaxraL

TEA -- Bid Blatk and Oro Taaa.l?li?E5-T,,l'1B''- o",' rf.'L.1.' rarlnar-- a prlcea. MOLABSP.a..,,ft'rl.0 " urM. And aTtrrtbtaa alaa Intha Orooary Una ahaavar than any otboratora la theTlinMAK L invrw ib. WTloleaala andIMall Dealer In Flna nmarrlea, M OKP.KNWlC'll

B TKEBT. and s9 Murray etreei. aal tt4Mlttl


A irood aaaortmant of Baft, Mala, Tahla and PianoCovera.

Prnyrata fmm ona yard to four yarda wideHI aaaa'lhl AJJAMsA 181 Onaaat.



STOVES, STOVES STOVES OF ALLeookloj and haaUna. for aala ahaaaar

than anywhara In tba cltr, at tha oil atand. No. Car-ul-eC-- Na. , No. don'l mlaUka. aalS liaa13

SKIRT SPRINGS WIRE KEELED,and tamparad at abort aotloa on rear

aonabla tenoe; a rood arllala rtiaraataad. 1 Cham-"Ki- J.

"". Yerkj laotorr Paaaraoo, H. J. WM.CKOB8LAND. uMPlIlfX) EMBBODIERERS FINE CUT, nARDX arood eUmpa for marklotaU klnda of amkroldarrIn rreat variety of patturna. Thaaa eUmpa ara provedMthebeatandqukkeeC.br mar klo( on ana aturt. Toba had at Ml Canal at. Urn doon waat of llowery.


..;w,noll'raoehniorlnoa,aUooloraj rich rolor.'. 1 ,wralbla Shew U. Urapery.Muelln, HUnketa,

krrlno Bhlrta, and M boaa, linon towel,Ubla rlotha.Ac, fiir aalaivary low tor caah, by JAMES B tMPLI.eJOfli! aOCathariaaat.

xitoveh and xxczlsior skirtsMm. DaMnREST-- f Bklrt Maanfaetorr and)

Whelaaal Pepot.Ho Broadway. Betel I etorea-t- wCanal at and 1W. flowery. Beat wovwa aklrta, 11 etard

prlna-a,w- l buatla, for Lad tae willremeribar r&X; teGL'ter

438 QREENWICH ST., JUST BELOWCanal, la tha plara to rrt woo a wood Uml of

Fam !1 r,'."l,u, I" t f ho frarrantod and doll VPT- -a. FOWLltk A EKIrFlM. aaa IMaolU

rVT. nLB- - FLOUR, EXTRA AUD DOU- -rantal and drllvararf, good butter. wOaria. perihiOraraara. biet.K3 toUSo per lbs a treat eavtna on allfoode, at tba rreat rhear.et.-re- , &J3 goeond are, cor.



A FEW GINTLEMEN, OR A GENTLE-ma- nand hla Wife Can tie ene.irninnilKte.1 .Ith .luaarit rot.nj and rood hoard, at modorata chere, at 4.Kuiliran at, niar Caul. aott S.lll)

A HALL BED-ROO- X TO LET WITO.. .. .twfiairrl A twaiA .1 a.wiioworkautof the hoj aleo a littla alrl would bUkrn to board. Aiply WI Thirl ara, cor. of it hat.

A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM.moiated wl'h anod obaUntlal board, la a raawaot-ali-lalorelity down town, at J per week. Inonlra atat) Kaat Broadway, batwaan Mar Let nod Catharine etc--tans

A FEW BESPFXTTABLE MEN CAN BEarontuniodatod with rood board and pleaaantrooma ror a a week at 6 Thnmpenn et aleo a roomnubia lor a man and hi. wife. Btr.nreranUJ BadUiU'pUca qulot, and couvanlaat to bueltraa.

aert4ac36aA OENTLEMAJBT AND WIFE anna hitatualo autlum.ai aaa ba aoaoouxtodatad witkhoardialfaa.faw.day boardan ruriaalriwnrua inooaraU -- wr aa I Pwrar aUnoar rr-nk-lUtaaoara. ealtana-ao- t

A QENTUatAN AND WITK OB TWOau (aniarmna aaa ba aoaommodatad with boardwlwrathaaomfhrtaofa bomaaaaba aauorodraw day Iwardare. Apply at --, at fa.niSA FEW rUEiiKCTABLZ IfXH CAB K

. ewwrawiia wit, cMTW WBW epaOta .airyroonia, at 110 Third ava, M bmaa from ittb at. Twial weakly, Ui adraaoa laoulra la tba atorn, aalM

BOABD FOR TWO RESPECTABLE ME--cnaulra, oretor.nien, lu aa Euelleli family.

Iirni.a In adraiica. Uiunarat OX o'cloea. Ap.fyat HI Perry JUS'lua

BOAHDING-- A FfcW TOUNU MKN CANl aooommodatod with good board ard

pi uii t ruoma. a'eo a law roun ladloa. Apply No fWuroorna rt, naar Varkk. ta 1'IOU

BOARDING- -J OR 8 MEN CAN BEwith good board and eorcforUbt

roonie, wnera uura u uo cntl ran and only a fewbntrdrre kt pti a'.o a .nrnlalied bwdroom for man andwife, at ltd Thirl ava, held 18 th and 11th At, fir out

aaa. cata'Ul

BOARD ON BKOCKLTH HKIQUTSdeatrabta rou a may ba bad al Mllllcka at,eultahla for famllleal alnclo fentlamaa.Ilouee anoU lna , bath, Kldaawood water. Aa, nearWall aud nouthPerriea. Ta tboaa daalriae tha com.w .uuwsiiij.Niirwji laroraoea optortaolty,aoonerata


betwaau 4ln aud Lralnrtoa avaa A vary few yooniUulnw only ara rwlvad aa boardara. oomblolaa thooomforlaof boana wkth tha rwauhuity of aohool Kafareaoaa of tha hlabeat reapwttahlllty alran and ra.qureA Far alrauiara addrwea aa abora. aat Maa-l- ea

OOARUIMj 1 OM I GENTLEMEN UAnavaaood board and earta, airy roooia. wbara faL1J ara only kept, alif bare tha oomforta of a

hath and ru, Aa, la tha hooaai tame moileraU.Apply Iviraarta ava, aaai eVth at, aaUl lat

DOARl)lNO-UENTIJaC- Kll AND WIFE,i.J alao a fow yonni man, aaa ba aaonrnrnodatad withaood board and pleal rootna at 1 10 Third a venae,where tba anmforta of a bom may Iwurr llaed.

liUaa I

HOTEL LODGINGS AT THE GREENEHo aa. No IU for .Inula faolleiaeu, at

SI tft to a aai k, or US caula a nlht Blrauim. andotheraalllflud IbU aqulet place to atop at t meaU atall h.iora. IKANC1B KIPftNaH, cropriator, lata ofth Manhattan Uouaa, Contra ek a) I'let

LODGING 10 CESTS CLEAN,bade, at 10 on u par alane. Oeutlaioao

and wllo I oanU full ueela,ll oeta, al r'arnellUouaa. II Lanrana rt. naar tnal eat JeHM1 FAMAKISS' BOARDING AND..DAT

J.f-- l.dlu 1A t. a,uLFourth ftud --nlntni - rili rMiu m Moudaywapt-B- . al yaacaiaO

rpWO OB THREE TOUNQ MEN CAN BE- acd.mn.ndetM with pood bard and coi.ifortablorooaa wiaia ihey ran maka lhanuMlvta at bomei

tarma molerata. Aptly at Monro it. aoSOaVl

152 5f)r JUL TOUHO MEN CANof blaaaant parlor,

tooat n MpTwkTbdT JnTlardouhXoThoard without kd(l7 laWaoati. 2.

Mnaa Canal and Uraad --. kaaaUd



hOnrl Bov, Maw Vort. TtaM 6ullln.wiabraadwitk AUTTOl

mptiy tneartna in anySkSsbiWTrryohiBa t tha imiriU) gTAT- -tor-rc--X,ff- sJ2rta. aa l aci.

tHHfim-- ,,.., aka- -u.



Mate f Mrxtraa Affair.Th Nw Orlaaoj mail, of which rveral daj-- t'

nrplr hkre rracfceJ n at th urn Una, placeU In toasaaalon f Nw Orleant fnperi and ,.rtapcndrnr- -, which ftrntih th foHowtng lator.matlon, A MinUtitUn corrMpondent, 16th,MJII

Tha Aurora Tlore!lirar,WrvJa Vera Crtta, atIn other p area to to av.uth, but It wa. only for aahort time vialUo, en aorount of th okmjod etata ,.ftho atmoa4t.Tba cruua for th tnlutlon of th Mrtiean Imhr-vl- a

U aprrnacbing a a alow but inn pa.,. Miaii.mUv. In nor of sr tun n.onejr fma Ih. rWrjy. an.1

0.0t Itunwdutoly, arj uter lAooo.ouo morii-Jr-aantea haeel alllila aaaUUrxw!

tt.fnltedBU.-a- , auJ th. nU,Tof UrkVS. T.JVda I. kxAcd u,.,n aa th only HKlbl aaJ ration of U

Mr. Mrhtn' ar ,n known to you.T "l .f1,u - treatv, wrhnlavar mayt, J??." "I I'Un t th lira of tha racrwt..e'2 ?lh, tT,2'l iTrrTVmnt- - "in therefore,thaaUofllarfrorUhavaboanlnvalth. Mlnl,rtorleavrtndl.rtit,nd without hiring acoonii)Ue4anvLiipo.

r "I1- 7-."- -" Jl1! mltrlaft on awnttnt of 11health, It ta vail known that hla health waa neverbettor than during hla etay In thia omintry. Wa have,

roomivar. In Mr. M.Xaae'e own word, whilecity, a auffie'ent if lanathm of hla

midden derartura. He aald, "I am dlaaatuiftaxl withthe rouras which the Jraaita A.tn.liUtratb.n la Mir-ait-

toward th IniUd BUtaa; I will n. rorrnltn.ylf to be liumbuinrcl, aud ahottld my govern-ni- itti pnirlj ruaUln ror, I atuill Iromcliatcly

Th Cfrrx'pon.lcnt of lite Kew Orloatu fr4-cm- f,

ditlng from Vera Crui, Ctb, lay iMr. McLifti had aemlomciallT reidgTied, and willnerrr com back t- - Mexico, ttnlcaa under duTeiaul

aua lc , lta luu bicn m,wt avandati.ualy docelrnlbilh here and at home, and iinleaa h can bring MoriiinaNun to Iho ta-- of d.4ng aaiwthlitg, or

kerlng a pnanlw, there anend r the nueelnn. In tl.e aboance or a deviled ul-timatum fn.ro Mr. RrrnawAN, whh h woul.1 allow hintt.teer, "Ihithufr flgut," ha la uaelau here,exccitaa a rnillte rhararuu t-- ga'laut th Iroautlo of Bou,Aanaua i Trrt a about on Me dj.

".". ?L"?.,"Vt. thalaUknoaa,or Impa'twl health,hmried tha Mlnlatcr IT, but to ua on tua ai thia Ua I gammon. I ant n,t blind nor audwhen I aaw Um a fow daja arf i ba b.kl .mite htal-tb- r,

aa.l waa nally lively. Ha had vlaitnl up anddown tt coaet, had gl living, a bath audbn era, frequent curaion on th Ilrunklyn, an.Lv. Ithnl, a very pleasant Un.o of It i m uiver, he haakept good onny, bwn wltli the wontii, and hob-nobbed over cliauigQ Juat Ilka a well man, toomuch to Impnaa on a d In dividual hkyour corrraKiudeut.

Tb. blahor of th. vtrbmt dlnceara of Mortco werrrcetitlr aaMmblcl tiMnthee t,w.,t.irte nr iv. ..k.bmLnti lu tli city of Me J loo, to conalder the meritand demerit of th war. Th vole of tbo Church laatlll for war, though lta clamor loudlyagalnat th ekr.ae. The lalrr are willing toMe tha alanghter goon, and pray for a blooly war,but thry are an mlaeriy with their caah that I might-ily fear they are not only hating tha country, butthey ara baling caato. Eratyhody aaya, glv itutouer, and the rev,uutinn ahaa 1 nut .in. -- n.thou.lt all thl gaa la for their tenant, to main-tain their odlnua preaartpUoD, yet they fa tomake thaao cunlary aacrlAoaa which areneedful to bring alemt auch aanguhutry

Th Arcbbuihnp prorawad to 11 the war outonc-iutra-ct to any arty who wuu'ddtth rwuihwork chaapeat. Mia.., waa tha only bl.lder, an.1bo pioiuwd. In eoiiableratlnn of tha eim , tou.vnolu taar, and IS.lwO.oiK) in abort IneUIImeuta, to butau and to Ui row, and reinauta tha church in it.I'trmgatlvea. Now, 1 hare but little doubt of Miaa.von a aucceea, if the Chuich ahould ootna d n ly

aud .tick up to hlin oeiragvatalyi for thoman who yl , yxU th blgeet crowd ufbehind him In thia country. II it, unfortunate-

ly, a dlaaeuting voice waa raiawl, and th Hlahop ofMungla aai.l, "fcl th war take cere of it- -lfi wIuit wid out enough ntonav ( wa ara cheitad on atahlcaf" That rnutonc told Ilia atory, andth bal-ance T tha aceelon waa In I.I InaecroL

Uttera from Mexico rrlat a "tranaactloa" bi.twn nMiEiKoa and tba Arubbl.p, which reriectaon thhoueetv of th one and the aagaUty of Die other. Thnnerabl pntlata waa lu del, or rathor Miaanoa heldliia j aper for toii.oou, yal,ia in on year. Ua laTondbi abate theaa obllgationa at tha rata of M ir ooul.,which Miuhor agreed to, and tin Archblahop paidInto tb tieaaury. Ha then lent for hla taitea, andwaa ratliar aabulalied to find that Mnuana luvl juetaold Uietn to a broker at a diaooust of SO ir cent.,tlicrcby oblalulng within If, per cent, uf Uielr full val-u- a.

Hla reverabn waa full id anger, andamuht t)!rvtet, but th not ar lea ouuld do nothing for hi.u.

New rwkllrallaa.Tmk Lost Awn Fdipd, on Liiit Amo'.i thrtHi. i!w finmtirt II. a(lf.i7. N,w York:Ikaauan A MaaoN, rublUhera, J10 Ilmadaay.

TLa author ttatci that he la a mlaaionarv ,fthe manaKers of tto "Horn for tho Fiton.Ua."With Hi .xferirnca derived from uch a poi-tlo-

whKh constant! ou to hiin manyacmes of dittreaa ahut out from the Reneral cominunity, he seeks to prevmt an exhibit of fact.Tho volume U therefore luostlj-- a coiiifilatlon oflittle) life sketches, rlniply told, but vf much

It haa, howetrr, alali.atlcul And otlurlnforrna-tlo- n

rrlailnirto New York, vli.: Iho Alm.house nd 111 operations , tho Sanitary Associa-tion ruotemrnta, Including the J.nnlclU of NewTurk i the diseases and general mortality of thecity its In temperance, paiiwrUm, vie amicrime, ,, r,, which Is of hlli Interest to illof our citizens, and of which, al .lifflront times,otir journal may tfve extracts.Tim BrtPiaf 11. a ! VarM Uurnt. New

York Haarn it ilaoruaas, 1'ubtaheiaThis Is a hislury of KuicUnd, from th earliest

time to tho revolution In 1CM, with reararchriof recent lliatorbns contlnuo.1 down to IHjrt. ItIs got up In cruel form for student and sihoo!use, and is well illustiatod by woo. I engraving.T Tnriaani Maactu lit Tal. P. Skafnr,ofA'rnrurlj. New York! rtioxtr A Riaeaxb,

t Jclm at.'Ihla Is a complete hletoryand descrlpliuit of

the Semaphore, lUectrie, and Mai;netlc s,

anciest and modern, of Kurope, Aula,Africa and America. 1!a boA h pd up In aneat and most substantia! meclianlial at tie,

intended iu au 6TaU.r's text-Loo- k Ihroutjli-tu- tthe land, as aUoa conilet rectrd of

as It now exists. The engravingsand authorship are an h nr to secure this result,and Its merits w ill alto secure fur it a nic'ienmung the most uutid aclcutillc work of theday.Tin Dur Riioruaiia, akd onir aTr.UKS, r.y

I HUip litrttll. Nw York M. W. lx.no,IX llrnad'ay.

Biuixiaa inii Buaainaa, aa Ui.u.TatTiin ta th lln-t- ikT or Noma CuaaacTaHa. Iij luv. Krtkuti

Xeali. New Yjrk : H. Vf. poi, rubUaher, hwlllruadway,Iheao are two small volumea fur JuveuiU

and Sunday School srrt I. e. '1 he matter in themU altiiitlt and judiciously acWte.l.Tua Ttanira's Aesn-TeN- ISy Charltt .Yorlkiml,

A. M., author of " Tha Tea, her and Parent," Ao.Ifcertou . Caoenv Niriinia A Ct., 1 ihliahera NgwYork P. C. IlaoXMCl, til) ity.

This Is Inten.lwl to be a collection of hints andmethud iu echool dincijilinn and instruction. ItU oompliaed iu a series of familiar letters to or.0eiitcrinu hpon the lestter's work.Tin Ansau an Lira Aasta MaatiiNS. The 0

tobrr bitnbtir la irsue.t."Maerta Uianim'n Cbora." This one of HiokiVa

publn.at.oi a, ia Jut lanued In lnauaua'a thoapuufurui elylo,

Ili.At'Kwoou'aMtaiiiKa. The Septemlwr r print Ls

jtut Iwutl by Ltoitaan bivrr d. Co., TV fullonatrtttAuuicta Mini' ii.OiTT Th Kt,lier uuml-f-

U publmhed by 1) Mmmuiiu U.lbX, M 11., ita cu-ter, at W Luion Buaro,

Aiiaaviv M.iktiilv. Tba Oiiolxr nurulatr Is aut,IhacfdlUnaof I'lit.Lira, Haurhu. A Co., lu fur.tuer imbliahrra, Lav oouaentud bj IU preaiut ewuby In Aaaigueea.

KkihtSKMaiivK Mkw or tuk New TriTAasT. Il'j Utorut V. floldirm. If. It. New YorklllLiknua A Mam.n, 1'ubllahera. 810 Dnavlway.1 hla Look haa rather a novel charMteriatic,

Th noted chartcters of the New Testament aretaken up $aial!in and characters applied to tLmIn avoidance ttilh the .ILtlnctlve traits of theirlives. Thus, Joan tho Baptist U portrayed at"lb Herald Preacher," IUnop, u the Sensualman; Prryjt, as the ImpuUir man; Jenas, atth ATaiicIouimani Joiip, ajthe Beloved man;TiioMie, aa tha Douburj Nkouemps, m theBellftious Inquirer; Axabiaa, 14 th Llsr; Sri- -

riiKK, at th Mart; r DoacoDi AakirrA, as tV

Almot ChrUtUnj and Paul as th Great M.n,KiYcTTBaxiUT:m- -. II. Wilsow, Putllaher,m Broadway. Thia id a Mauual c I all tha luatitu- -

Wona, Organlsatlona, Boeiottaa, Lluaa of Travel.do-- , A., Ac wtt bu , dty auouula,

UP. f)rkain--4k lrlr .Harder.Iht New Orleans MrTepon.rPt of the Charks-lo- n

Covritr, wti'lngfrom that city, Sept. 20th,Mill

I t jtxninir, al a'- it a.piAHer paat eight o'clock,tl well Vflnwn Dr. Ropiar M. (lin waa ahot Inan afTiay wlih Mr. Ekaaay Tot ma at. Probably tbarhaaneeurred In this city, for th last ten yaara, norrbt tl at iiaa crtaUJ so much scuwtl.m, or excited

to much comment.!r. tilArtAlf wait tlhfortnnar In belnw AVeeeoma

now and thtn with a creng, mortdd longiiig forB.pion atd when under the Inflvienee of this atruulttlhe, tdhetw laera'm, quiet, oottrtAnia, a thomtigh gen-- t

crran In tlemranor and piarance, became oliati-Dat- e,

hot Leaded, quarrrjantiie, dangeron. His snoe-H-ot

t Juration and ak.HI aa a phyaiclan, fine Intopltaaaut ma iner, bandanm, dlgnrned person,

and hiffl.lv rertwrtahla and Inftuantlal ennnavlooahere, made htm very popnlan and hie grlevntia weak,neaa a as born with for hla many good 'I'lalltlce, arxlthe ettrm had for bla family. It was oftart prwlbicdto Mm, however, by bl owa friends, that he woulddie by violence, or, as on of them t .Id him, "(la-tin, n.ark me, yott will die In yonr boots aid In thafntter." The prediction has been voriued t j tha

Ir. Ciunati'a name la known tbrmiubnut tha Tut-ted Ittatea, from hla killing Mr. Lnaiao, injiw York,when Intoxicated, from hla trial, crmdcssjlMlon,

anion and release. HlaIn his old baiiota here created a siogu'ar annaation.I never shall forget the first time 1 met hint, aftert.bt rrtntn fmm his northern priwtn. Ha stood Infront of a dnig store, that for many years was atthe comer of fit. Cbarloa and Cnnimmi stroeta, andIn which he lin.1 an lnlerret. It was a gatheringI.lace for many street loungers and poULclaiw. 11a.1 born aeen there year alter year when h

wnl to New York, and wtale lit ptlann, blaIwrtly fotm waa much mimed I It waa mt knownthat be was giHng to onrno tck, and I was fairlyatari ed, when, ou turning th comer ou mortdi.g,I aaw I Im In hla old p'are, In hla usual easy attitude,eking Juat tha same, rtgar In month and ama'l canIn hamU-onl-y a deathly ja'lor hail repac.t tLtinal I ra thy eo'or of hla face. Tlia Now York a.rnet f blood flaahed over me l 1 avetted my head, paawdin.

The rame Impression was no d.aibt pr.lnceil onthe community g. nera'ly, and for a long Um thua!tl!fced roait was a stranger lit th

whert h had Hveil so long, where ther hadlen en nn ny to glr him a cordial grasp of thland. He aormed prepared for this i IwJ no daibtluadr up hia mind to do It, and rhapt ha I a aecrt,defying pltantw In atajlng In bis ml haunt, andattending, with ai'ent pride, tt th ditiea of hlaprofeealim.

Ora.tua'ly a change of feeling came over th masaof nur eitirriia In regard to tha man; we ar a warm-- I

carted, sjnqathrlietwor'e, If wear 4 iand the re.ctvnr), on. J.tnielro cmirae itira.n d by lir.(liiiitu, bis atttntion to his pnreai,ioti,hla avoid ,n.- -

of hla fi.nni r wraknraa, after awhile tndnce.1 manytnf.gtwhatha.l paaaid, and th dm tor regainedmuch of hla old imclal a.iiiiintance aud a larva shareof t'n.fewiional patronv.

Iltit the morbid erat uig for at'mtilii, t'n)ugh oncoqirnrhid In lihaaj, eisild not In cured. It canback arura vthlle, and It Iweane known that Doctortlsiiuu had ocenalonal relapais Into his old habl. ofIntoxication. Sb.ll be cntrlred n to let thia beaern almit th ttreeta, and thnaigh tha Inlhianeeoftils family and friends, be was a year ago elected bythe Aiurrlran raity, llty rhyslcbtn.

A sbntt time airo. ha loat tha nfflea. at tha a. ..I....I..-- r.k. .. X ., i.. .. .. ...".. .n .uv m.,hi. vj .uoeid-iio- n. a ir. itaav, anafor a fortnight, tt appears, had been under th

that Mr. EaaaaT Tot mm, a young man,prominent In tha American party, bad procured hiadeft at. II was known tint he had axpramed klm.

ir i..r aoni days at. In violent tennsagalnet ToLkDtao, cureiug luiu, aud avowing bispurjina to shoot Um at eight. These xprea.lonsand this rrei4vweieuiUired while Dr. Oxiiii. waatinder th Infturnc of llptor, which. It appear, heliad Uen aluoa Thursday laat, so much aa to begcneral.y uidtce.L

lal mgl t, the Chief of Tollc, Mr. Antwa. who larelated to GaAiuai In some way, aaw lUin at tha It ibyCt a on Common et, a poiatlar rem.it andLi tloid that he aaa In II nior. He f,lt a preacntlmentaoim tiling waa ginng to happrn. ahould Uaaiia

oindibonla puUlo a placet ho wantup to him and told b Im he must go home) If he c.a-U- dany dleturlwjioo lie wiaild arreet hint and lock him

tip for tho night, t.aautu luallad that he was nutlotoil.-n- d, but pn mlaed to go home aixn. Mr, Avawsleil him to mart some Ji.a i.fflorrs at hia ownl.rlvat onioe, pnanlalng himself to return to th Ru.1 y aud ret flataaa away and take Mm home. A fewa omenta after ha waa railed out and told llutt Dr.Csauaaha.1 Juat been alui dead.

KaawtToLti'Axnwas a o. Urge male. mlnsi Ialiall almply say ofblm, liowiver, that ha Is a

oldcat and moat res'ted creolafamlllra; and though aomewhat wild, the young manbaa neter lii evcuaed of anything mean or

H'sownirutenietilnr this sail aiT.ir, as Iheard It from him In tho "lock-tip,- " (where Idsthiaigh his voir now and thenws a little choked,) waa to this efTer 1 1

t'p to within a fortnight ago, be and Dr, Oatntvwere on th most courteous terms. He then iv.lloeda change In (laeiua'a manner, which Unm.eo'd ami finally entirely entranced. Ha Ilil no at-tention totl.le, as he was bu,y with his candidate-ahl- p

for e'etk of one of tha dietrkt ooiirta. LastHatunlay theKtreil tTommlssloner t him wonl,tbr.ugli Alditman Mrwaor, that Dr. tletiita wasgoing almtit the aire. Is alniidng him, and threat Mingto kill him at sight. Iha same uewa waa given htmby r jaitua. Ills frlendt a.lvla.1 him to armblmaelf, aa (laaiitu was a d.ir gemns man. lis a...e dh.giy wmt home and provided hlmaolf with aItvoiter, but teuislnr.l with lis family that even.Ing. tin tmiday be went op town toeia hisfrund, as usual, and talk ah id tba elmtlon. Whenbeaiare.l mi hi. chari tnt, a frinid (whomI aaw alterwerds, and who c mllrnicd this state-ment,) nut I im and begee of him u. t to go onOnuntiii street, near the I iilon i r the Ituhy Cof.

aallatiiau WMtlieu Ihrealenlng mill tokllltlm. He did not eo why he ahoii'd go out ofhia way ; but ba ci.nclild.d finally to do ao.an I avoid.d eneounh ring i,aaiuw. Yestor.lay ha wont to th

nplxMieeideig the river, where hla father raal.luetn t.in.ed to th city In the evening by tb lowcrferry,and ran. up hot u. At Iha I'niou lioifer-hnue- ouColnmon streit, UtweenCamp and Ht. Chatlce, hemtt filenrla, and atal I awhllo chatting. Ily.ami by oewat uktd by a friend paaalng by, to goor. 1 . tl "Huh)" and lokn a drink wuh him. TheynmdU.eattitt ; T'limano st.isd his friend lu

fr int of ti . latgeahowwlndow of l'iKAria reetaur- -

ant next to tl ltuhi'.i b. alnilro thu di.u displayol fiuit It always contains. They tli.it eLter.d to"Kuby," w I are there is gaiu ra'ly a crowd. To, xna.Mi.ej.l.s l.a.1 no thought of OaauAa, aud had noIdiaof mnttltg him.

Ou entering the anlonii, ha aaw (latin, a fewrt a ahoad of him, taking to sjllr. IIsn.aiki,,llleve. At the aanw liiaaut. ClaaiiiM turnt blabrail, caugbl sight if ToiinsMi, (who Is a emailman) gate hlin a aoowhng look, aud put hla rightnat d up to hla ll1-c- t a.dn, aa if to draw a weapon.'1 in snaao aaw the 1 aik and motion, drew bis rer -ver, ai a nimi ine nvo enota aim aingillar rapiditywo., ,im-- i, ,, ni,i eai.ie nieN.iiii.ae Ol aim. Ilr. IliiHitfdid in t nr , he did in liav time J aupjHae Heiiutiuu towaiua ToLrnaaii, who, ilrew l.a.k, and Dr.(irsiuh ataggerod out Into the atrnrt aud fell In tbmud aud wnbr, dead. His platol, a small porkttIns.iM.rx-w- aa pitkid up In the stmt, I. alnl.Toiri-.v- Imni'dUtily axriaiiiud, I am tho mantl at did it . I did It In eeif-- l. lenoa 1" He a irrell.lnr.td lilinm ir ouick'7, and waa taken to tha .lioo lot kllS wiuro bis frlel ds soon fodowrd.

The leidy of thedcad man was taken into th ennae.boiiM!, t' ' di..ra of which were il.vl, and a pliyat.. Ian was i ii the a t r.H'y but lua skill was ' noavail. I '.a Chief of V,, lice then had his I' ly takeul. bl' piiiatn i.rfce, ardlliaie, afhr biailng T"l

a'atemi nt, (ha parting with ma by elapp'ughw l.rr lot and aaj Ing cm rg tica'ly ''t DC re Is no purerC"ticl cc than mine I") etrctrhod out on a table, I.aw tba tibf ttunat ti an, his large bamla Huefum tiflono.l ; his paiiUlnona and boot cor-err- d

with mud i h cat, vi.t aal clavattr, hla shht stained with mud aud a littla

hl.nal ; bla aims croaard j his hands and wHstsblacltnidt tir.l aitb I.U cravat : his si lit boaanlattly i.n; and bla flu fialnrea whito and fixedforevi r. Ther was no exprrmion or ln about tta.ciaintfiiaiiot It was calm and aerrne. A phystctan.landing by snowed me the wouu Im; three amallblack te I, low tlia right bnant, entloae bigetherthat Ih band vo'ildcovuithrui, aud uualu Urn lollann

1 la-- I hadarennf the man ba st.Nid at my el.1'iw, i hatting phaealil y. Im.k.iig handaom', dlgut.fed and tomb una as nr now ha la; a Mood,.feint', n.uil and rain aid'ttl iurj.ee

Tn.ly, aa a gentleman etembug ntar observed, thway ol tha tranagruaur ia held.

Farelga lilrlHaenco.11i Liu Inn limri autrKosta llm InimeJU'e

dlspatth of tba final Ka.teru to CUna.1 he dirra--e f Mr. Ilevssi, the eminent K.nglneer,

ori'iirn.d at bis naidenre lu Umdoli ou the l.'ith liiel.Dn Iha Mh, he waa tarried frouitli. liroatto I.U litkdrliee lu a very dengiroua ami a'anuiugrouiiitl ti, bating lean etWed witu aral)sts, tudoc.etl, it was U ttevisb by ove mauta' anxiety,

Mr, Tax HanrrxajWnudliurii ca.ne lu thud lu thecm t. at I, r thu Cirvi-lam- l Lannli-ap-. '1 he hoi si I' a. Iau eiullil stail Ibgira lid J.a othtre cl.na ather heala bi tha land, wlau Coiiif rter, DiHo and

iahurn hratbd brr, Comforter carryirg on hriming, At the diitamw Am.bidant jolnud ttiain,but ha iuinitdiately full ba"k, and I e three placednnbhed Iha raoo, C'.mfulter wlnuli.g tUvrlty byhafaleigtr. WmmIIoiiu waa beaten bra.1 uiyfr.Tu Ditto The Mad of M-- (Uly waa fourtli,aiul Aiiiataidam nftb.

M. Lri.itr Kit.ua ha wiUton along 1UU outlielni trial An. List y. Hut litn-- r rhsuisi

1 am entitle 1 toathrm, aa being laanlftatlyif M. ibiaaraaia Lad bw-- far away from

Fiance, if all h..i of iiturnlng hail '"'an cl.e. toblmfoiavet, he w uld uoitti have had th luieuinor tba mcana or prrrlng. In oonuert with thary party, tLnaa blotejy and lufauoua daya ofJune, lsli, that rnt tuha--l the Ibpublln.

It, for evil and Ij ranity, lie strength haa conflatedlu at ting alowly. pallwlly bu inorasaiitlyi why thenahould we. wbu have raibllu welfare and th triumphof I beity lo view, daprtr ourn'voa of th tuuaua ofacting

LetuaniA fonfelthal svery Brpubllcan who ra.tome to r.iuw ..i. itu...l.l i.t-- i

In si ita of all, a llghtwiprxadlng fooue, ana a auldlarready for tha coining day, UCDUU hoi.i.imv

Lotrnoa, Beit. 14, lib.fxphlta! wid Opermtla Ft rftlraiiia.

Sonis t lui alnc we had occasion to notice at.w inflhod to faciliiat trad la tb Bostontnaiket, vis. I the openlOK and funuahln of a

room with lienors and cigars, la a leading;Jrlvate etVdbmeBt 'a tb. oitf , WUr

this new fuiRltd "iiolliin" In th "miihTnAthena'' has proted a profitali'o xperlnieat ornot, we are onabto to say, hut we ar edvlvylthat stl.l f itliluii has recently been IntrotlucidInfo New Totk.

M'e ar reliably Informed that a tar hnstnas.firm In thia city have now connected with theirestablish arent, In full blast, eat,Ing;, drinking and smoking iatoon,wbere the cus-tomers of the house are regularly introduced atcertain hours, ami if occasion requires, at inter-xal- s,

several times between. Tho "Institu-tion' aforesaid. It Is remarked, Is highlyappreciated by tho "trail," and work s "adm-irably.' It sometimes happena that th custom-er of thU " popular house, " In consequence ofotlier engagements, are unable to rail upon themdaily, A note Ia made of such absence, and. ifIt is too lona protracted, a young; man Is

tlia etenlng; to the hotel with a bo' tinffwlne, to "log; tho memory" of the delinfluent. Whether or not some atay away onpurpose to be thus "jopBd," we are nit atpresent advised. We shall watch the working,!of this "progressive" establishment, and maylave orculon to alludo to It again.

Another " large ind wealthy house" alsohas dclermlne.1 to lead otT In anotherdirection. A highly respectable New Or-leans merchant has, through the benevo-lence of said Arm, been "nut through" all theperformances of the afly from th "refining,"opera down to the . As in the drst-rro-

tionedcase, we have reliable Information, andbeg, to state, for th benefit of the public, thatthe lulls for theteentertaltmente and perform-ances amounts tl20 federal currency.

Now, it Is well understood, that when the oldcocks crow tho young; onea learn, and hence, thopublic need not bo surprised at such developn'ents as the recent defalcations and other

we read of In the daily aprrs. If onryoung men are educated In such commerclUschools, il may be expected that they will grad-uate with due honors. liulrprmltnl.

Tke Caaad FrUe PUki.rmt-xan- Km l.r are bo,h completing their

training la Canada, tha one at Cow t harts, FortKrle, the other near Point Albl.in. They antboth In excellent cone 1 Ion, " as fine as silk,"and anticipating wl'h equal conlldance tbeevent ful (Ith of October. Inrorttinately thayrsn'l both win, and, if things go on right, onewill almost Inevitably loaei and which onathat will bo, looking at the present condition ofthings, It dues not seem possible to con-jecture. '1 he chanter of accldints Is always be-tween the prediction and the end It l.ioks to.an.lweneverknew ofa light in widen tt was ao emi-nently the only thing to Im counted on. Theredors not apiiear to bo in either man a w ek imlotto argue from. Pjtch man has mado a rem trka-b- le

light. Knit's ha' tie in Australia with abig man, though conducted In a very lonao man-ner, extended over an nnpnve.lente 1 time, and,If It irhap lacked a little In punishing power,show etl great game. Them was even more gameshown In tho ilipoltlon previous to tho fightthan in tho light itself, as It Is known that r.t.IV. then tolerably well oh-

-,sold all his goo.lt,

and put the money on the battle. He U knownto every met rnpulltan, also, to be a trim, strongman, and a very fine sparrer. He will have uochance to lay off in this tight, however.

Pun r, on the other hand, Is a man who don'tknow when lie Is whipped, and won't atop to In-

quire. In his light wuh Cunt rv, when he wasso badly o9 that the betting round the ring wasone hundred to ten on Cont'Rt, by his simple,persevering game, he restored tho scale.and evenmade It thirty to fifteen on Piticr.; and If thelight had Uded would hate won the tight. Inseverity this bat tlo waa far before Knxt'e inAustralia. Phh R ta not out of condition ba hethen was, and he has since learned to sparj and,beside, that waa fight full of experiences 'i belearned much In It. But he has not got Co-i- ii

n to deal with; and if tbo man he his it notbo remarkable as a boxer, ho la a wickeder man,who Iflio once gets th acalo turned. Will winthe light. I'vrhr'i ty.nf.

Amellcaa Policy la tke China War.Tin dispatches received by tbe Government,

narrate with ininiitene.s tho recent eventa Int.'.ll,ln,' I;1T-'lu- ,r Tatwah. axvs. that theBritish olllcer In charge of the gunboats having

Ulted him, uld nothing aliout aid, but hiasilent appeal was powerful iudoo.1. During thfew moments be was on lioard the Powhatan, bewould look anxiously at hi Admiral and at hisboats. After he left, com inura Cant. Tamaii,"I held a conversation wltlt our Commissioner,Mr. Waiui, and ho agreed with ma perfectly,that under tho circumstances of our position withtbo J'.tiglirh, and the aid the Admiral 1ml ten-th red tna the (Ur Iwfnre, I cjuld do no Ins thanlowthebnatstoliUrrlinr; I made the offer, whichwas thankfully and promptly accepted. Whilethe boats were making fist to the hawsers,viblili I veend astern, 1 lnslate.1 on Mr, Wauiiand his suite leutlng loey-Wa- and going onboard on of tbo junks, for reutoni which will bol.tlous. He at first reluctantly yield!, andlef, u, but anon returned in one of the EnglishIsmts, declaring that as the Tier-Wa- n waa hishi me. and ttoiiig under lire with his annmbati .

aud conuirrriice, I reluctantly yiulilndi hi gal-lant impulse." Cant. Iatnaij. lowed th boltsthrough the Urill-.l- i line to within a short

the Admiral, whose Hag was flying,win n canting them off be retired to tho rear oftlin I. ne, and anchored for tho nl'ht. Ilotookup his ioeil ion, aalt might euahlo him to aidthe wounded, and should any busts liesunk, to rrtctie their crews, In otherwords to afford all the aid consistent with

neutrality." Having been Inform ihv a UrilUitiihcer that tlioAduiiritl wasiUngeit.ti.ly wounded, Capt.TAISAu, went iu a barge to visit him,aud w lien --tithln a few fci t of tin) Cormorant, around shot struck the biat, killed the coxswain,Mr. IIaiit, of llmklyn, N. V., and ahghilywtunde.l Trkxi'iiark. iheyreached I lie Corniur.iiil before Iha Isutt entlrolysunk. Tainai I. sat a the Chinese (,'oinmiMiioii- -era had pretiomdy notliied Mr. WAitnof theirarrangement, ami requee'el him to accompanyIholliillah and Mliihlars to Hie I'eiho.To this he couseiileil, I hereby, to a rartatn ex-tent, the same pl.t'tforiii wilh the Ut-ter, 'iho sliiieriiv of Iho Cvuiuiumloners waimuch doubted at the lime.

Ilrsabaefibe Preperl'reaeixatleaaf HaaltY,A gossiping corraepomlent of the Manchester

.'vanillin, (lesciil.iiig the haliita of tlm HritialiI'ltnile, luring the vucstlnn, aaya "At liroublunde, llinugb to man tramps Iho rtubbles orbeats iho cover with keener rot,or rairles asurer tluiible-bar- and that, too,wlthuut spec- -t

acres, at 71 this Is but the morning's ainuse-meu- l,

Ity 2or3 o'clock, I.rd I'Ai.HK.sTox isIn his room, elbow deep in dispatches, and walledabout with olllie boxes. Visitors at tbo housaare nothing of him till tlm late dinner at A, andIl at dispatched though there may lie an ad-journment to the drawing room, an I even tbebilliard room, wh re the jierennial host still han-dles his cue like a master, and again without

.c'acles I,ord 1'Aiwamiox U nn more vision,after 10, but the lighta are burning In bla privateroom till 12 or t o'clock, or eten later. In theIntervals of hia severe and prut I acted lalmr no onei an be gayt r or rpilghltier than Ird Pai Man-sion, or readier to lake and pass the mojw'ierire,'lhoui'li l.ord I'AIMritsTDN declares be hat notime to read 'any thing but niiiiiucrliU' hemyiiis iiufmt of theturrent literal jro, I er!ia;isLady I'AI.MriisTtiM et becratea ll for him, itudkeeps him supplied wilh thu eascucu for conier-aiiou- ."

The Ull aaa Haanir.The editor of lh I'ortbind Aryut, wlul at

I'altimore, ou 'Ihurwlay l.i.', main an txcurstonIn l.cr. lie says that "time rHcupied in thistrip if thirty four miles, wa jiist two hours anda half fn in the I'nie the fistenings were cist offfrom the whuff until alio was iininither moor-ings aud we un femi uVmh," This must becotiKldt'ied au iidruira'la a rforiiianco. WhentllA 1 M.nt 111. iriili.l. ill lb e.l ht.l.l ., h.ll..- -an hour, there wiu scarcely any perceptible lr, I

aid tho iliiMirbaara i flhe water by tbe pwsage I

oi too vrKi was inarveiou.lv aiignt, B.i clean,imbed, waa bat mumucnt,' that a tkllf wouldhctii c ly hat e felt any agltatlou in croln herwake,

MAIL ITEMS, ,4.Tiir tuma of the Chinaman who was iu com-

mand of ihe victorious armios ou thsPcihoUJIamii (ieneral IIanii.

l'mmixs In acrowd, says ritP.NTtCR, shouldkeop their elbows out of cat h other's stomachs ;yet, a man's stomach U nfteuer Injure I by themotion of Us own elbows thtn by toot of Ulsneighbors.

f.R.TiiocAAirrt vUiton attended the lata6. Louis fair, In on day, Ooe thousand dol' rrenilum waa a war do. I to tbe tit bull.Muih more Interest id lalen Ui ,uch nuttersthere tbaa litre.

Til Ohio Stalttnan says ihe Artesian well,at Columbus, la now the doost bore in thaworld, tbe aur having reached a depth of2.215 feet, without having yet touched the

fountain, which Is to repay th.

aLi iwaiiw TiT .1 "V'l-- n cuitncvdolhr! X ",ot lt fiTthonlrer.vBJ!ff!l'rte.?,lrV''Vp'',,rrtne: theirpond coming winter,' and anticfuitelhatltwll' afford them muth pleasure1 hey hare enlarged the tond to doubt Its for-mer area.

Tiir BrtLT-NIraragr- enterprise. Is now en-tirely git en ttp.and the mon employed left thereIn great distress, without payment of their dues,or means of snppnet. The affair eost Its

total loaa.

Tiif:nrt are at f resent In the world ahont onenunilRsl and twenty-on- e thousand Mormons.J Ight thousand live In Utah, of whomfiur thousand six hundred and aaventoen havelirtrrn Araurin.fjh're AlndVeJ tn'rvj.

At the apioachlrg conference of the Metho-- ltKplscopal Church, orlh, It is understood

that strong efforts will be made to Intmd ictgeneral tills against the continuance of slave-holders wit bin tLechurch. It will fall, so thinkthe majority.

It Is related of the Fn nch family of the DukaIm l.r. vis. that thev have a picture in tlmirchateau, In which N.tAtt Is represented goingInto the ark, and cutting under his arm a smalltrunk on which Is written, "'uner trimma nJthe Urii f,mUy. "

Tiircr have t giant In Ohio, who, though but17 years of age, weighs 3!Ni pounds, an I la 7 andone-thi- feet Y gh. Ho Is a son or the calahra-te- d

Scotch glat f, jAvtr RitnAl.l,who exhibit-e- dhimself at 1 rAta's Muselm, In ths oil

Hall, at t hiladclptua, tenor twelve yeanrt".SrwAinn of California, has had a vary

unique testimonial prepareal In his honor. Itconsist a of a cast-iro- n plai e,to bo sunk 1 1 the larg-est tree in the grove of big trees near th "lo

trail, upon Ihe south fork of the Merced.In raised tettera upon tt will he the Inscription I".Senator Gum, June 15, 1M59."

Mr. CohcontT, In view of tho profits andfort in es amassed by the proirintnrs or the Wash-ington "hotels," has almost concluded to build alatent as large aa the t apltol, upon the south-east corner of Jackson siiiiam, to be conducedon the Eurox-a- plan. So sayi a correspondentof the .Yrvy.

Tiiutx la In the County Infirmary at CoIum.bus, Uhlo. an old woman of K! years, cal e I the"last of the Mohicans," beeauso she Is the hutorfor

atheir lo'ng;Vh7Zi'i:;fn:rniar.ym Uo

in viiuu. .vaiiex from tho 2S0tli to (700th

part of an Inch In thickness. The fibre of thecoarsest wool Is about Ihe 5X)ili part of an InchIn diameter, bilk worm's silk Is about then.tMHIili purl of an Inch thick; but tho spider'shue Is ti limes finer, and a single pound wouldbo sufficient to encompasa the globe.

Tiir Emperor AlRxAwrirrt hxa decided thatlibraries shall 1st forme.) in all Ihe vessels of theRusalan Navy which make lung voyages, and hehas ordered that a sum of IKK) roubles shall bo atonce ghen for the purpose from his private puree,and that an annual allowance of lei roubles shalllie made to every and everyfrigate front the same source.

Smokkha are In an ecstaey of delight In con-sequence of a report that Professor l.mniu hasdiscovert d a mode of Imparling to urdmarv to-bacco the perfume and flavor of the finest Hav-ana. It a aaid that the most ex periencoil roenot urs have lieen put to the test, and havesmckr.l the prepared tobacco in tho belief llm Itwas the finest Cuban.

As was the case wilh our Mexican war, tbelate war In Italy has demon driteil the useless-ne- e

of all extra display In army uniform, and acommission Is now sitting in Paris which has forIts object the all eral ion of the present uniformof the Krcnth Atmy.wlth a view to making It assimple and duMule as practicable. Tb subjectromiuat.ds almost aa much attention a a chaugin th futhlnn ofa lady's toilette,

Tn Nashua (Me.) Ttl'miph doesn't publishbirths, tut tbua gives a broad hint Dial aa

heprenod In thai line i 'The man whocarries the ll.les round must have llppnd hisbasket over In our nelghbtaiuind. Such a show-er of babloaaa we have had up hare I 'lb niln--micr, an. i inn lawyer, ami me doctor, are all infor it, not to mention other parties not pertain-ing to the learni d professions."

A book Is about to be published giving a de-tailed account of the cruise of the yacht Wan-derer when ou l.crlid slat Ing expodulnn. Thisbook, sat s the Charleston Jftrruiy, w 111 makea sensation. It is brought out bv a person w botook a prut In her adventures, aiid will giteaminute recount thereof and will make some de-velopments Involving the reputation of manypublic men of I his cjuntry.

Tiir, most singular rpit In Ihe world Is that oftho Count lite hi. M.uia o,-- ,.f tl,- - .,.,.- -opulent loidn.f J n't Iho. 'Jhisai.it turns ono Il,n.l-.- u .,,,,-- n.l .1.1.1..,, . I. ,

,. . ..! .,-- . ...I I,,.i,.j,ui im, ,i, I,.,,-,- ., ,,,.-- ,. vot'n all. Ililjvs twenty-fou- r tunes, and whatever It nlsvsCirrenptmds lo a tcrtalii degree of ciKiklng.wlihli- et f.tly understiHal by lliec.aik 'ill us, a leg

of mutton, al' dno.nVwill lie excellent at Ihetwelfth air i a fowl, i Ai t'Uimim,U, will be juicyat the eighteenth, and ao on.

Tiir. gross violations of law In several of thlarlnhesof Ix)ul-Iau.- i, I mill by Ihe or.lin try out-laws of htM'li ty, und Ihe Vigilance ('uiinutcoswliiihhate been nrgsnlrrd In mete nut sum-mary juntiie to them, have at length become aolltigriiiit as to iiecessiuto the tnierf-rri- ir of thet xetutlveof li.uotnte. (lor, Wu ki iryp, afterl.uing a iiroclauiatloii who! Im f.iiin 1 of noatall, luu liimstlf gone In the ceno of disorderwilh a view of aiding in th mstorailoti officaie.

A SniNiiit FAaiki, of Port Hotie. I 'nner Canada, has ihal'enged llitimv as follows "Iwill carry M llu.Nl.ix lo the centre of hit cableacross the M igara riter, lie to carry mo the runtof Ihe ili.ilnrce across. flrrwants to start fromcither i ml, proceed to the centre, and down ropesto the deck of the Maid of tho Mist below, re-turning the same way. I offer this chtl'enge Inconsequence of M. Huixdin's repea'ei asseriiunathat mi man dare perform bis feats."

As the night t rain coming w est over tho OreatMfatrru Bailwav, a few nlghia since, was mov-ing along the shore of Use St. Clair, just atday light in the morning, a heavy fog prevailingat I he time, a llock of w ild dutks cam rushingagalut the cars, four of them suturing the opendoor of the baggage car, which was iiiiti.fe.lyclosed and the gnme captured. The 'spoils weredivided Utwccn tlin conductor and baggage-man.

Know the statement of Mr. I'm Mas, Con-

sular Agent at Amoor Biver, in Asiatic Itmils,it apN-r- i that American commerce at theAmiuir is steadily iinreaslng, Fite A merle illbuilt steamers are now plying on Its waters,w hi h are nat Igable for steamboala 2. SIX) miles.'Ihe commercial products of that regional pre-se- n,

comlat prlntluilly of furs and minerals,Kt it is thought that when navigation shallhave develoiwd ihe internal resources of Ihecountry, trad will be proiwrtlonahly Increased,From Moscow to tbe bead of the Autoor, aie

flv hundred cltlee, towns, uml tillages.Mn. Waiih, an American, sua the

EsiTtf, has just pa'ented an intention ofa newcode of Igiml leh graphs for the ocean marineservice, liv means of which he exs'CtstobeHide to Iran-uni- t news lietween America andF.nglatid in lite cava. 1 he la'est news will tatIrlrgrapoed frouilLu Llgbthouie at Cane Maceto tint useiug steamer, on .Sunday, which willdguul the iuiel'igence to tho station at CajieClear, on tin 'illowlog Ftiday, To New Yotkami Ij.ndon, from Iheao loci'i, the t'Ommuiilca-lio- n

will, if course, lei titer the electric wires,and In Ibis way news will I only tlvo days intransitu between Lotnloti and New York city.

Dr. L.wc Attempted lo cross tbe rose, at IU--clicster, '."Jib. with a man en his luck. Theman innui.tril upon Us shoulders with bis feetsu"! Milled at tlm sllisof Lr i.avr, and ho movedslowly out ujion the rope. Witt it teur Ihe con-tr- e

of iha rlter tba roe begau lo swxv, aad itwas clear that the fiat was not tiibuancin- -

pU.ted. I'restnlly Dr. Lavksaw that he wasahont to fall, and threw his wile, aud caught byhis I'lttt, '1 Im man upon hia back caught aroundhis last t and drew lil.nae f Uon the ro,H). AndUirre thetwoacn.ba'a were seated upon tho rojwhen our remrer left. We hiar, lust as w gto prise, lh.H the) managed lo reach Ih dtoreiusafely upon thu io. So aa.t s Ihe c. a"A.

Tiir. Caiu.h-- and Amlor Hallr"! Companyis engaged In construciing a link of railnatdaoiuail-'- ht niiles In length, ooimectlng theirCamden and Jersr 'Uy K'al with tholr Cam-i- h

n and Ainlny Kad. By this connecting linkeast from near Priniwtou to near Jatnawbu;,Sutb Aoiboy will be connected by continuouslmeorrallrra.lv la the Trenton and UeWldereKailroad. and the Uhlgh Valley lUUroad, with,the Lehigh coal mines lu Pennsylvania. TbiuuVrs a uew outlet fur the loal of thia rwHon.and by the establlahment, a Is MnUmpXated, oferoaf depot at Karl'an Bay, whloh may at alltbnei be approached by shipping of tha largest

i win Etv to toe worn 01 tu camaea anaAmboy Ksilrva4CmPA0r 1 DAW MttlCO orsTr" '111 La.aawafi


lamia uir-J- i rs ADYAVCt.

W;ibury,,fidvMm &&s"a

' - "viaa

at a. . a

nJt :;.r;zrn ?i':,n ? write to tt ,""""" i"T.nrrra.the age of Si, ,J ctSTMuTZ "V"?

mce. ne will be CD on his next birtii 'dar '1 urlng nart pf th Hire he took 80 ,He Ih'n.s thCTi ar. 30 opium eatc-fl- S AU yfcIar. where he reetdes.

M ?,Tn',T "P1-- - Te,n "'e?" the town of

- n.w.,avrrr vsshni... Ti ---.j i it j

omtii.- as lit ta - -

igbt feet of th wall. -- b7 :rn-w,"r-"- .

the flame arose to about twMtt,, "eoneAMothe bona, that rsxrfoM t hadremoTed, In order to prevent cotrnwaVhwi!

ariou. rnotbotU were reaorted to. to e.3eJSthe fire, bnt all prox-e- unsnccessful. ItrernaSH on fire fma edn texliy afternoon until Baa.day morning.

Ft Rntit rarllcnlarj evincemtng toe brbwhirlwind In Chowan and I'erqilrnana count!.N. C, assure ua that It swept all over that am-otion as a perfect l..om of daatructloo a nootwklow, a sirs. Asm kt, and child, havfeg tWhous. thrown .bout their eva.uatr.-v- . tatiurrlcijn. bh.h.rwatf I ao mangled that hear

despaired of. TheehUd waa carried U atdistance of mile, where It waa found by Ita la-mentations. The child la expected to die alaewI'topli were roowsd from their alamhers la tturuukntsa of tbe night to find their cottage UnaInto atoms aa hy a bomb of destrnction, anal

themselves glad to escaje with maimed lintbaTand stripped of very con. fort of life.

Wiiii. two gentlemen, named Jan. B. Ooasar.d Imvvhkp' r Ltik, were out fox hunting tatthe woods, near the Pad leading to Lstno'aMills, in Tin Bu.h, Kingston, N. T., thawcame to a tree, from which was auapnda4 tawkebdtia of a human being. Every partlala ad

the fle-- h bad dropped from the bona andaw ay. The tieletnn waa clothed I a fin.

IsToailcloth suit. Coroner Dorwts, of Klnntan-wa- anotll'ietl, whoproeeetleil to theicene. That

clothe wer searched. In them were found!several pat-er- a gold watch, a 3 bill on tba.Manufacturers' Hank, of Troy, a 1 1411 on thNew York State Bank, a f 2 (.ill on the KingsbtetBank a 1 bill nt the Merriinao Bank, of Con-cord, a fire dollar gold piece, a fifty cent p eoaand one cent, a watch key, and two Iron key.Some t f the papers ar receipts fur board, In fa-vor of It. A. Coi.r.. The laat one Is dated atIlallston Spa, May 2nth, 101. On of tha p-a-pcrs nan a.ivcruvrneni irom me nome e--

V'w'o'iIfl'.J'e-- 'A-.- "

' .' i : - --- "Issupimeed to be that of H. A. Cot k, who.w iu uceiu aoine tnrwe montns ego.

VARIETIES.A VARRtrn monster stl.t that he UtatV

dreame.1 that he hail an angel br hi aide, aai,uponwtfe.

waking up, found it wu 'coked y but hi !

A Tnrjxo Teoneeaee clergyman seem to hATt.com.ressei the whole bralrofhls sermon aal"deceit" In the following "Oh. m rthrwn.the snowiest shirt-fro- may conceal an achinglamom, and the stiffest of ail rounders encircle atthroat that has many a bitter 4U to swallow. j

A mas down Fast has Invented rr vhlne Xmrenovate old bachelors. Out of a goad alxd,fat,greasy old bachelor, be can make quit a decani,) tiling man, and have euough left for two small.upiiea, a pair of leather breech, and a kdj

of soft soap.


NsTW Y0BJC, Friday, feat, M.iTOCX F.ZCHANOB tllW rJT atOAJ .

too Tenn.wa.'W.. II H MMY.Cwa.BaNntouoo ao.....bM ssv to do. ...DM 1114000 V. 6 Nk 4 IT do. OileiMm Mo. ( eJ lt ta...,..., BIA10O0 do , isr, ISO Ao., ,..,., t yTrOOlO do. 84 ISO do.....a3ll),boot) do. ...MOM 1 to....bMII1000 Cal. Tall .... UW 100 do... ne a iISO0 h.X. Cert. Is.. 10 IM do.. bMt'aflooo n.x. Cm. Ita. V9 B0 .....aMIlJ?lots) Koelig.'rJ, ena IU do aM.lj.lenn St.... SO M do., l)wVSI Hud. Id M..., Tt IM d.v....t II,V. MM BO v....ne a.vaotn Muih. C p.0. Hv ItO Uud-B- .... asll

SJOO IU. Can.-- ... W o10 Meroha-n- Bk.lOT tfO needing K ... 44M;15 do ire 1000 do M 44MB0 rtierlxllk..,. 109W W do aae.lij10 I'aclfioM. B.... SO 100 do....bl 4ij-- TS

! ISM CU. CoL A Cln. IIM do eM ;la tl Jo,.... MJ,M HM 110 Mloh-Ce- n. stl 4t0 do .. Tltt do.... 4IMIS Del. Hud. C. (MM IfO d.i.., .149 4(2

HO Ual. A Chi .140 IS 101 K. H AN-Ia.- g UIa do, ;i 109 do. Ita dt so llsj II ranama B.aja,ilot d.l.,,,hs T4li IM do....at.U,, do.....a-- 73V 0 HI. &a H..atno do at Ult do. 4fcJtoe do 74 tut do sM MMIM no. ...ISO Tlli 110 CUAAIMIsTlixiOo. A Tol.... II ) do at MMsat 100 do....bMt4l2110 d I1W 100 te....M0fZJiU Da Ua IV. ... It

BXCOtID BOAJtO.SfJOOn. B Ba,T4.. ,101V KO Erie R.....pAs

t V M. 8 A N la 1110 PaoifloM A.... Bl lot, In, Can. R..bM ttJUIt du....b60 1.0 tied AUu I

tiki Beading B. all) 43 H 109 a.. alttlioi)M.cn Uen 11.. tt). 100 do.....alSUJloo to. ... s 100 CU a iot..i:i ti3I 0 N.Y.Ceu B .. F1M 100 do. t ifM Uo... .140 Ilia 100 do S1W111 do., ..I ,' 100 CU.AR.L.k4rB'O do IB IIM I0d do,,ly10(1 d at 81,',' .. X

BTOCX fXl'CTt'ATIOflTa.This tahla la dcrtved by .Dpanaua of la Flrat

Bt aed aaJea at b day I

Aovanoso, awnawaa,Mkh. Ceiu 8a.. V petal Tart .'i petalllwaa.,, a , Va-t- e . .inu-t-na. M , Pscino MaU....lM ..

Heeding-- , tjHarlem FT ....ar ,Mich Owtfre'.. JJ ..Mioh. Bo. Qoar. V .111. Centra. VCle.4Tol l.vj .7

FALE9 OF BXAL ESTATT4.Nsw Tcans Bept. ,

House and lot ra Uxlngton ar, beL lid andklldsts, etsilH. IIABSB

1 lot on listhi-t-, marfth a, MxICO tea1 do ou filler, u.er Wth it, WUCU. , 11

na,klngta Siarkel Uetall rMeeewratDAT, Ban. HO,

rooLTSt awn eAam. iCUma, p'J, 108,Pattrldsea, rr. 7t.at 04 euii.na. 1 www, r(&fvaie, or 1 'suet v T

Woudeoes,vr.UIIM4i 00 Ivraoa, aALTBD, aw,a,Ttirkeya, 4. ... ls )Chlekeua, tb... ti H I towawea, n i warmeprliis.pr.. "ssA 60 Alelvea,luo..l TsV 1

1 tsAtl)uika,tauu.,pr td old IIl.but,Ib. 10., nUtaen, each. .1 Sbiil U) Hall Cotl0ah.fb. 4e 1Biualw,eacn.u -- 4r,l (O dkd Mackerel, lit,; llWildlU(eoiia.,l (io IO dO LB. TOt, mmItlillM , do..,. rseU IS) to SelmmLa la.KwodlllxOa.Ua. Ih.ll (A) Salt Haliuou.tk Hkl

asxr Vn. Mackerel, lo.RoaMlnapiecea II. vurv sal,bl.l .. lTnftLBriBBHirlolu8l.ak 14..

Porter lloune, ttk. Halifax. No. -- iaaKiinip. .... lo.. ratrrva,Corned lit, f. St. ArDl-- a. X, )k..Ctiurklhuf..., (a.tripe

MSTTon Via. i? Om-bvj-

ii. tlraywaHind (marten. PkAlore iiuartera. Ca4 jtnirir..., IiS flfChoi. lo4 rinelona., 1AA as

V at... vy tivxin-Vl-h. I 'aVtakeTs 'aUrape - MHindquarters. 1V4 (U1J- - i .Mlore uuarttra. Bu ivns 'II' . ?

VealCutluU... vi Hiui'tttitiliak r, ,nCrasf( duB.,roaa- - bK a'S.ifuutiAFresh Pork lUiikti-- iiBaited ;- - il iistlOst. ttta.a.iHaul ekat Ms1 --t Prun- -,

Iki'a. --us CurriUaU. lb.,mists, suuaan, Ao-- Vlh, Ill mil III! 1 aall

llama. ....... 13o 14 I WKUUIUdMJUiu,.ike.i n.f. .. --ti. lis mi.. k

)o l.u-oo- . . ( I..I To.41 atIk, bhiul'ra. 10 Junta, hot,iio Tonmna All. HI . I, M peek.

Teuinltw. olek d (

faruiuslurk.. i(Lard .'... ., (

Bunked Jo la. 44

aia.TU-aaotl- e. KS52?ii": 7J VButter, pall, lb. Laittuew.doa...llo fafr Btat tin 'Uaeta, bunch.. tlIM Wealeru. ,biaa,bea4- -riuar b it 10c utaa,Ufot.... '.Uarlick, bh. HI ew

- . a iriww, IMMBM.- .- Kv -naw, ran-w-ra. lTo, , " .;Cod...... aiA - Cwcambers.da.


Btripee Haas.., II '8todMa.ra... fra ttaaa Caneta, Li.... Jkloundars,..,, CauUllawaraa 1;k--la 13.-::::-

: .is --.rllueftah 8t. Cranb-- iMaaa,Halibut lOtlPpan. taakawl rPlaataa- - 3'Iiiaduoca..WtMak VU

S-- TJtJ8lwWVi-a- 4 - sn,'rwrid- -

ataPtl. . . . ..a .? J&3ilinMa TwiiU. - j aaJWIrBrwU4r ltrthaM u

