IM mir HAU. SEMINARY * i.£> . die», tr» rrrv i-. B.Wft 0 VV .nüir..!,. H»«*/» I, the H»f«.i«^«j-lfceHeT Ch.-Ie. «reo*. Wad » edfetd,i «**».;¦ Latin Schoo -h* H o *bh l- il.,* um. Ker Hubneid Wln*ow. V-.rVo-k.ttie H.^k'weal R«iif«wTaD.~AJB*n 17h* IM*? He' U H tmm, l> IL, tmm* iiM **ra Ucunou TeIM._ iyOUGHKEKP8IE TOÄlkC&~Jjj.\DKM Y . J im Mi' <w«u d lie iMuujtwi wll t ¦ .*nc* MOV r>*T See* 2 Tha P.u.r.*l. Mr. C W r »OKER. U .* a.«ted oy d< erof,««or. «i^l Te.rhara The F-*nch leirtrtrin> t will K* eiwiei tb- chaigeof . Pari* an laiy. wbo will re. de tb* Ita'UeUOO. It L. Interd-d, «BIM P.*'" *. to KreneV the Unguar* of 'he funUf * rommorthja* Irm- ue.eerr all. **» io rr-nHuct to' vupl'« »? the commencement cf Ute orit torro Ctrctfin may be oOetned of the Principal, er o4 B V. Varr ck. aec-re try._ rp/jJtBiTOWN INSTITUTE -Circtilart, with I et reneee. »law o* be luiitnt*, kc. ro*y o^ dtied tt C Sbeperd k Co.'. Bo..k.'*r*. Kf 1-2 ruioc-rt. or E. H. W *oo«, Mo 293 Brietv.r. orbj *>M'**i,\A. A. mmWUk«, PlonnaL Piani3-irortc0 anb Hlosit ASEVEN-OCTAVE fine PIANO for $M5, Beda by La«** A Co i*** th«u .«.* je«* u*ed- A 1*11*1, LUrU k Co. w-Oct- »* fei fU^i Hem* A »Heu 'or .!'<>, J at t to each PlaUM ej d b'el jdeo. . to i-1,loa ¦ A rent «npnaej on putehaee T S B'. KRY, *u «41 Hroadwar CHAMBERS* PlANO-FORTEH, 385 Broad nj.*> T .h trie ^virtmut of eupnrior Pleno*, war¬ ranted itrrKi reepaKt Aar. a fear aoeood h*u<i Patooa, of d I- arrant make* Cbtekerin*/.. Otibe t'«. St'jdeit'. »r., wi ...'eat eSC *>7.S »iUiui. ei' Piaüua to hu« en e«rh» T. B. CH «Mall Ha, Bo. VJk ttroada»T. "at- Wbin at. GOLEMMEDAL PJAM> FOR rEa -Mtuiufac- torad ty hTEIM WaY a -tOMf*. Not M a >d »« vValkat at aaar Br<«d»at Now Y .rk fhaax ftao a bar* racaitad TllRPE PiRS T PnP.wlt'MS wi'bii the teat year u viinpe tlilo. arttl Planoe mad* iha ui t»l «brat>d makara of Bo* toi,. New Y >rk, pbna.t«i|<hia and Baitiatoia. Pnoea low. BEAT fMPROV"iriMENT8 iu PIANO- »ORT<B -aAaaara. UUHTK. NEWlON A tflaÜ ¦ URIS, Nu tV" Brovme at roepecrtoCT ti.tit* atteuoVio U, then PIANO-PORTE *, ooiurtroctad wrnh the pateut ARCH W REST 'LAwR ablrb it ojidoobtedly the mat tubtLaatla> kBproranaiit erer ta troducnd li.to thla povailar lruitnia.eat HA^LETON BROTHERS, PlANO-FiiRTK MA.NLKACTI RER9, No. Jtia CHi.tre-at N^w York. Where mat be found a hue aaaartnent of PIANOS In plair ar.d onieAwntal caa a K.ii.tTiD tatuar.t.ri) IB itihctk Aht> rrairr or Tone. G J& Cfc FISCHER'* IMPROVED ClK' U a LiaR SCALE PIANOFORTES, of tiii«r»ur tooa. male ü ifie a o*t »uUia iiai oaiii.»r a^d wa'rautca * arero i'n So. 32f Bioada aj, ra Y oetioelie Kroad^iv TueaVr Mtuufacory fatal 24 ., 2*3 2V« 247, 24Ü and 2M 28th .'. near ttaVar. 1~> i ä n ö s . Wlt.LlAV MIL' EH'S MODERN IMPKOVE» PIANO F tRTES, Wi*h or without the iKa'len. Manofactery and Warerooma. Noa lAa aud 15» Put 21 af at., bat we»I M and ?d av. The rrai nac'urr r unw being eoabloo to amion ore la hi. own name the modtm lo-jroree PI \Nf) wblch. th ugh of on own manufacture (o»i c to taro.i of rrntrar'), ha. heretofora bie<i knotn, ai t brcon.e (necauae of tbelr menu) jn-'it. clebrated cr.di r a. otht r thlf, wioilii i i ih« attatttOfl of ^'i ehitai* to tbatf etamu.a'lou l bl. tt'i'i oomr aa a*Krv*. A to would CAtTtON THK Pf«LIC ague at buying J'iano. beam g tit uwi of a " w.II-knowj iealetninihe kU«r«tbof txa.lniau'ata oitaiued i I'dyoBthe roerttacif the V'll.l.lAM MILLER flANO, a. tl,.y will h .e- after bear no n'Oer chai. bl. oau name Fw powir, nc uaat aa d i n liai ry of Uu>e. elaancl'y of touch, batoiy aud durtbl ity cf n.aA», ai d at-' j ooaliTv reu 'erl g *ne Piano a letirsh.e In- . ruiuiit ibai.lv an wn to rank amnng ih- tirat and ioo«t cei. braied mar>a f he day. Fach Miauum-nt warranted ro give entire »a'iefai »Ion "I ihe pu-thaa* at mev refunded The iredu ruppne * u the moat llb^'al (eirr t A 'a>ge i'iacou t given'o erbool.. tearne't »t.d clergymMi. Ciretnart m i tchevul. of piicu forwarded to any addrcM po.t- paid. _ RAVEN, BACON & Co., aur-c»*8ora to bacon k RaVtN piANn-PoitTE rdANirfACTUftERS, ^Ma.ouui No. VjO'-u. a..,im»i B.'o.d*ay, whme a full aa a.^tu.ea t of If « TU I M tN 1-a may he fiuu.l. aatelOgafalf of our own cnanufartore. Vt'arvanleai Id atary r«apect itlafljincrn, iCr- COTTON MACHINEKV FOB SALE..110 {. LOOMS, wm the artpetatltw Miokla*g|. uucb of it nearly new. Inquire at No IM ureuuwicli-ai. MA TT 1 a w A N ST i A M EN0I5E8, IfdV- chi*Ists' lOui^s.ent Oat aa, Wouie »od *N atata* at k* ACHIN KY aud C a a TINOS, at N >. 8*- ....urdeud -t. S~~Tr AM-BOILERS for taALE.-Niua VER fT- < Al. ItJUVLal Hoi L KH s, «itb appu ' iua a-a ceet- plate, fron, RaleatJ n.rbe« d'am^ter havuia ihirteeu foui-faet tuaea, in tbutytw,, i be. diam- 'ei. haal'ig .<xiv aja ei»bl teat lulie..well adapted for beatui. »addi ig. v-ry i hat >. CHaS. W .OPEl-ANu Can tul'i- g Engineer, No. *A Broadway, N. Y. T> PRINTERS .For SBlf. a good lur.;.' m/.- VPABHiNOTOB PS E *.*. BJao, a II"« Card aotl Cur i itr Prat.. W at t»c to mthmr. * Proof I . VaNHPR loVKN k IKI-!'I P*l r afl N.J. Woodwortm- i'atem i'laninu m\ CHIN! s, u. e.. j vaiiety.fortal'- at MAlTKaW tN. '. » t. t. i S\M I. H Si" tKfCK. (TntlcrTi, flarbioart nnb 3ron- ADIRONDAC COLD BLAST CHARCOAL Pi:» IRON, bv the Compan»'. Agent, fatn W QCINtY, No 99 W'iMI*iu-*t. gpOOPEE*» TRUSS HOOPS..500 aet* aagt.rt«*) COOl EH-a EDcn TOOLS. AJbertew C^sge.-, Hvrtoct Batten, aid other makera. CIN IP EU'» RiV til- a aanaa aaauetmeuL COOPER'b lUMMLRS, HRIVEIU*. B1ECK lK'N-,a EuiaaUbt CIUS S LITTLE A Co., Noa 33 aod M Puitoa-ti. H A.MMt BED SALISBCUY IRON.Eii.ui ci.ld b'aet chauooal l" g, end e-hi liy wutt-J iu cbarcaal laut eauraoidn aif a<reog<h and qea ily. On land I 4 inebn. anare O.her aiz.. made to order. JOHN W. Ui;INC Y, No. W illiam A.ei.t ai the Nap«iua?> Uea Co UDSON FIO IRON ih exct'lleut f«»t Ft.uudery anal Forge purpoaae Tue Xo Batet i. werteatnd to mil ciureaorai aval to hranpeh a 'or all puipoaiw toanv Sootch Pig. JiHIN tA yi Im:v,Nc. W. Wuliam at, Agent for tba tJudaoi Iran Ceanpany. AMEN A fON - NHt IVELS and M'aDES- a 1 *j aa e b) JOHN W VH INCV, No. ** *T| '.-.am-it. S~ PELTER, ANTIMONY. BaNCA TIN, CUT ^ NAIL*, «Vir aa'e i * lollN W QI'ITT.Nc H 'V.-j go,.,! T^HOMAS PIG IKON.Soft, free, atroiif; and a warranted .ub.n'n't for sc tel. PU. JOH^ t*\ Qt.MnrY.Nr I Wrham at. i'nniiiurc. ENAMELED FI'RNH CUE..»I. P. FAR- UNoros baa now read* f>r aale an aa'eueive aaaavUBI ml nt nch ENAMEI.EIl lldAMUEK PURNITURS, a u-t . and aeaora. and aiahe ately decorated In la dacaeei agnraaaed flowwia. ai tbe V -u.i faitotv Wareroomt, Noa 4t and 4> a'oo. tatet , bttwtec Urxua and Oral eta pnämelei) CoTTAGp; FfJttNl 11 RE..Fl- JJl-J ava .t a^i.. a a. ihe Ma.fall 111. Met BBI bnadwey, eeiow Hlaaxkn-.t 1'HE MIJHKEToES are ABOUT; and Oh' HOW AaiNviYlNo'-The ibtiripatel n:,hf. rear it broken, and a QoH, p*4ul*' I apiri' ia the raauit Tbe u.usl proa rap of r -Bee atemt rhanatd it aiaBfcfwt, tud tb; bee om*4»t I* uraatad -a4M «t\ I «ecina- Da* of thoae M I'mKET > N K fa of Dr.» .'¦ a it not puicbeead. lo.a .o«c aal a m. m-i.t iu get- :ii a en* Torn, *a*in. »re th* rrl>brat*d Pl.i'alrlpuia BLTTRAP*. ao We'l raieolated to ***** a the dlninamom aid kt'eken of flic. Thai ra be* 9 cmt». I .d may -e .eao at Davl.'. (leeat > mp raaa for .«..,..? g 'be Want, of r.-u*. k--p ra, a ated at Bra. 64* and 6K> BroaAway, nor'h aaal eo uer of Blaa ik«r at. It tat I not ee ta fan ta aoftee 'lie 6 in,, e i-onrrivat.ee fj* c'eatin. boaae* ef iraw br-a P '«! u IMF IMlf KO»l H MBTtOI Bl lar prereeaMe te any othe r rmenra \tt d*a*ovnre I f.-r the pe ipae ti i-. ¦. .>., prartaal aud cl eat ooiy c mal, av i.Brtty ahi-uM be wvb- ut mem. hot lea I ag wa ar co' I. BBVIkVi WATER COOabBM are the a-iwl ee»« kfateo i be Jeatgn» *ad aiy a era tei'v and tail e4 anai y auniLada that h«\e been auld lot. *»a«oa, hat au* baa beau raaan *a I'ric.a from $)i m kt .I*. rhe «real Eai- irnlana fi-J aalltu* oee'al er.c e». lo. atad at No. «14 and t>4* Brvadwey ha. a few ruoaa L-ft Wbile anaakiug af water cMeltia, «Ba waaaVifal DUt'SLE ICE PITCHER9 im there piping ban ti i.e.. mu.t he t. «-ei.a«, with a anail ptaca tf lew. ana baa eenl water th.oeah .at the tweuy toe* houra II ia paOcuiarly be^ncae! dunug the nigh when a ***** mi ca«m water a* to iWieahing, parucina.ll to nbe aaoh. H<T I"*'1 w# *"" ''' of wo derfal inren He* at Tue ve y nao ik* of what it aawttvraaiu tbeae Jel-gbt Paiit oeo. day. »itb I4N the ,orr.eter Jtht\ m* . ., 0,,e MT llat.ea»« . cmu ee>aeli< n e pervade the .reten. and wnar bllteiatedl Wbt.twe OR SAT IaTPNT 'CF ( HEAM KRKE/IR TNBOlbH 1> MM mini rrt It U, ta real ty, all that tb* inri: tor caluii fir it. The. are fctpt ro-iatantiv on hand, a;id are Lr aale at th* lou eat market rate* Tba »a c. of tbc-e b'gb'y e*«*em»d Dfivo.ar-Hlk'- CHAIRS are bec<n !rg r*ry attrtidve The. ar* proha'. \ tba eaalad cbalra maw'e . preeent from the wife to th t buahv .1 ui^ti jaiU*toar, fir wb la Mill; 4 i them hla bL 1* payahl* a'e f >*. Ian and a c^ae.ful. happv C0'i"t. uasce >a i>r 'e» ''i. Ttev cap *Jm> la- bar* at Data.*! Oir.t E.tabli.bm«nl. to e!ig<! .v Irraled at Kva 641 aud ClG Bnawiway, north *a*t corner *( Bleach »ra>t Alar. In *eV'*i-4i 10 »be ahme eanme'ited article* an emi.aa* v.etr»> of HOI ft FI RNIS UNO UOO'»S at pric. to .uit the time* R'lBI'IT DAVIS No* I44**tf4vj Biealway, entth eaar farter of Blteeker a* / F »'t-»» Silee-oom* EARTHEN*ARE and CHINA-150 erat». I et»*! * et de, ha.x Iber*" Whits Ol_it*- I'ti rra'-. Coo.n ot Oamda *> r.,r. assts *viHvm.m fitiBjdrapa m ,, m »r » <<u_ La*tet Jr.** bhdi " Btvxa^we/'i- Coin*, for M ? the 'aare t" origin*. jW***"* onlyby BUROl BB. DA! > »i OOOOARU, He y p"r!,-*- Aasnt* f. ' Ik* MaaulactaTBr» V I 1(T~.A Fa^üj^rHwt leavin-th* rty i> Mil one rf i*, mptm'l %*** «< kt AIU bld .-IK kD9 ». r> rh.er. c* *t No. BJ Bleecker*. SCHOOL H KMTI Ilr 3 ( HCl LAU »ÜP»*».ltq on APer.lCA-mon B, R PAT^n, No .4 «IB " *-8T. aJl I FNDID FÜlTtH oTENÄM FURNI- O 11 Hi.. VV boie-aie ai o Boon. _ _ W AKREN WARD. Nn T anal at. IDaitnc«, Je_elr_. iCc- fEyVELRY and DIAMONDS VERY LOW- Ö Tue lUtwenber. for tbe last sigbteen yr%-* in bourn-we Is A ill «f.. i* selling »11 de-cnptio_i Of BBBOÖU, DBOMBtL BBB ill orber k ndi of Jewelry, »' wut-lnaa-V tad retail, a* xueh leu .hmn 'be oaual prv i Ladfbif betytlful Ooid. Cameo, Mnaaie, Cerbn-.r:a ml Ptari »e' E*r rinn». Pins and Bracelet* irj etch. boxer.*** »«to 6U* <* Lanier' Pins. Oold, lui.10, Moaau Pear »od Carbon- de.#2 AO to «¦ >' 00each, Ladlet' Etr ringi, tn'd, taxneo. ROaXtJo, Pearl, Carbon cle. Ar_.*2 60 te 625 00« pair jt,l<l Ouard Cbaim. Cbatelaine Cbaina Fob Cbaina end Vest Chan*.6» 00 to *«5 00 each Pure Ook) WerMfng Rinrs.62 .60 to *f< 00 each l-adiea' field Bracelet*.6* 90 to 6»0 61 earh. .'Inm ai»d CVied Or Id Rings.76 rente to 66 OO eaco :>i,t»en en'« Peal Ring*.65 00 to t»*1 each .«I.jVafiand other Stone Ring» + .' to ijK 00 each. Fine Gold T_axhie* .62 6fl to 6" 00 each fix M (inar.i Keja, fob Key« and Seali.. .61 SO to 625 00 each i,old Pen« and Penrilt.63 M to 616 On each. (Jold Peneil«.61 00 to 67 00 each. I.a'tee Porte monnaie«.61 *' to 61* °* each. icld (roeseiand Neckltrea. +2 Onto 6'7 OOearti »< IC and Stiff Sleeve Button« tnd Stadl 62 'X* to 61ft '"'a set liold "iiwrtaclea and Eye-Oiaaaes.Ol 7S to 610 . trtarr.'.nd fc_ King». l'int.Fniaef-Ruit» A I roaeea. 69 <* to +.V» .'iold Armlett. ''carf Plna and Silver I tiiobiea 37 tu. to 614 '* OEOROE C ALLEN. ImjKirtor Of lA'atcbea and Jeteetrt. vrholeatle and retail. No ii Wall- it. aeconr) floor, tear BroadvrtT, ap atairt Drp ©oobß- BLANKFTS..2<Mi cB*ei* nhi*id-bound Family BLA"»KETei, f,om eradia «Ire to a 4. end ..f varitniqa-li it: 'orptljer with Ne»rf [bAhVB a id H"r»e Blat keta. from to* Kochdal* at d Oo ic Mule vt iU he aold low. N 'SMITH B Co Are ta, N0 71 Brnadwav FALL OF IPSe.- I1AT8 CAI'S. STRAW OO'lDS. BONNETS, Ac, No. It* CHtMar.as- st , New v ort O E O. W. a J EH I iL READ, Mautjfa.-tuieri a d Wholaaeie Dealeoa. Factory Noa ss9, StM ai d 3ie2 Kio^daaj All*ny, N. T., Are now ^iei».fd to ethihit to porcna»rra Irom all par aof tbo ft Bo, an aitr-cive, aleaaut ai d compete aawjrtmant of FALL and WINTER OOOfS, adip ed to too wanra o> erary aectlon of 'he country, amoo* wbirh may be fooud m*ny eu- Itely new and ort»: »I «t\le« "f fbeir owl deiifn mmmrnt Particular attectioa It re>qoeited to their MOLr.sKlN H«T8_ f^U>E BLANKETS..FTeah Iufoioea of the beat Qu-liUc* for aale by NESMITU A Co., No. 71 Broadway a N tea 1' x d~Ti v o v A g E ; OR, TRAVELING CLOAK OBOBOC a. HP.aRN. No 446 Broadway. ^INE BROWN goods..660 bale* Rociing [ -am. Hop* and otht>r o>B*tira foi aale by NF.SMITH A Co., No. 71 Broadway ThteroCa. manufacturing co.s BLEACHED OOODS. fo- aaie by NESMITil A Co., Sola Ateau M W Pointe, (f>ile, l?»la65, ^'c- 1l7xtra QI ALITY REFINED LARD OIL. I J V ery pore, burne bntntiy and ae long ** aperm, and novel ttbtt* the wirk, beini free from gum, It It very tuperio fa aoarbil > ry AleO, IOHI fN'H Pt'HE TAl.I.OW OIL. «uperlor for hnrnio| w || aianrt eoldei weather, ai d will outwear the beit iperm oil Bariela.30'p 4' raJiorn Only Uent john W Ul'INCV, No. Williarn tt. KEROSENE OILS N'iT BX"LOBH E. sei i reu bv patents. KF.aif-ENE II.I CMINATINO O'L. THE PCOMiMi OF Till.- oil. is UNRIVALED. 64 10 ol K 1 ROSENE «i\ h at much litht a* 61» of Rape- teed Oil; 612 of U hade Oil, 626 47 of Spetm Oil, aod *¦}..* Hun.i.i» Fluid. It burnt in all the Arrant* mmm) -'op Lampa incloditit can phone aid ail vie oil lampa without the uaual teudeucy to BnKate. KV ROSENr LUBRICATINO AND BINNACLE OIL Tbe ajbal ad ttiia Od in maebmey ia loo'id to be perfectly in»(ttcal; it r*o ove* tbe rum caused ot the use af impure oiii, Waaat eimai to litit Sperm On. and doei not co aealataiow t. :i |.. e Kor Hii_i_rle Liaji«, S ana and Sow-pril Liq- t. mi, latVj Ol is u. »iirpaa»««. It «-dl !.»»_ laa i mm m.hta witb- BtO tumuiwa or ciua'a t 'be wick, a greal dtieieratum for ihip BiaOta «, aid atasa a naht .qua, I boat Spitm Oil. It aiao burin In'ali'be ?o'ar a d tln.d Lampa. Tie ntr« tioa 'f ri irl ecn ihip '"hannlen, and Ship Cap- fan a it |>*r icultrly roqueated t< "he rertilica «» to he leen at t .atsoa of f UBTI.NS, Aaent ot Kercwsn* On Couioaay. No. B9 heater it_ T1IE^RJ:CKENRID(J_ COAL aud OIL COafPABil mrm Bow pre(»xe.i to »upfly CO Ait OUed at their btaiiubv tort, al Isverp. It, Rsntaekt, eotsawttaa of LU lmiCATl"0 OIL, BURNMO WiL HF-N/Ion«"., aud 0BC701 COAL OU.. Partt* l*r» fumislied at tb* "'oiaaanj'i QNBoo, earner of Wall-*l son Browlwav, New-Vurk| or un application to JAW. t AiRN.H II .»erport, Ky. rHE KEW-JtRSEY ZINC COMFÄNYTby I iinprot.-d procea'of a anufac'-ura are now oropared to offta -hair WBIal OXVD of _INC, superior In waitoiieaa to any other manufactured in this couutt Sold, either dry or rround Li oil by u. Al tren A Co Aa-ufa, No. IM vMbmi('ou*t. Uuiluing iHatcricilo- ENCAU8TIC TILES.Fur Vogtibulea, Halla, tloartba. Oinii.« iie iu», Conaer« atorie», -o 1) > KN It IRK CHIMN_.y-tops. DP ain-l*ipes. Ae For aale by Mil Le.r k COATrS.No 279 I'earl a'-. N Y. I EAKY ROOFS-LEAKY ROOFS. Li CkBBOKBPS ItooKlNO crmevt lithecbeap.it boat,B-d by tar 'be moat do-able ROriFINty uaed tt ii Iniperv cua to wa er.wea'h-r ai d age I upr ive it; it r.itn'e tbe n i»t in «aas heaf i.v. AK Y tin ft!) iKS ce- BtENl r D and made equal «o neve. a. l. 09hhn, Ma'-'-n ai d BaJlaV r. No Ml Car.al at. ROOFS, ROOFS ROOFS..The cheatn-Bt an¬ bei! artice» fbl everim ro.'f» ia tau ROOFISO PAPCsL BBlth Wt >IB| swsjiBtirtlj on band, and will tell in large antt auiall qoai litt* a to turt porrhasera jas t DKKh ICKSO** 1 Co.. No * Bsekman rr, ROOFING, ROOFING wakrfn'S improved FIRE ard WATER PROOF kelt and COMPOSITiOB ROOFlNO JAMES H JOHNSON A Co., HAMf acti,«tt« N IS Pine it.NewTerk. Oii wi leaky Metallic Roots coveted with a partntnaet aatf Rlasttr CosPni D ProfcGoional Xoticco- R. A. DOOLIT7 LE will REMOVE hin OF- fit E on the lit oi Aiiatuit, o No 2>i 8th-«t nea'J .no at. IMlAl.ATIoN in OiSLASE* of tho LL'NGS. ¦1*1 I«. K... Dr. Ill N rk A would (in BWttM that dunns 'ha h .t n on iba of Oun.msr latien'iai' he receive al er I) d. m 4ai v. 1'eraona lequincg eaam:_a'iou of the lunai ih iuM, it I oiaibie, aelect lb* morui i. No. 928 Broadway, New i ork, July 19. piles, rupture, and fistula.Cured 1 witla ut the ki.ileor ln.ture. by EDW, H DIXO.N.M Ü., 1 a_M ot Iba Scalpel, and Ora raUn.' and Cot lu.'tint Surgaon, No. 42 Baft av. Ottica buuri trum i to 9 a. m, 1 to a p. m., aua 7 to 9 avenint. I>r U will be abarut from the city from Auguat 1 to I, and from September 1 lo ', n cluaite. Ü] NITFD l^ÄTFS PASSPORTS.By J. B. BOMIa\ Notary aad Coaimwaior. r for every State. No. It Waj-ran at ftari.ralnred cittse: . muit pcooav.e enrttfiettaa, öernntn Lanb COarrants BOI NTY LAND-WARKANT OFFICE, No.63 W-iiwi Nsw-York..Tb* highest market price paid for LAND W ARRANT 4 tad all warroa't sold by ua are goaran- UcJ and toiwarded, by mail or othtrwiae on rtceipt of remlt- tat rea Laud Warrantt pr^-red forSv ldiera and other* sntltlod to Bounty Lands, cn aj plicatKia to _/¦ C COLE MAN A Co., No «3 W»U it LAND WARRANTS WANTED- TA i LOR BROTHr RS Banken No.79 WaR r New York. We will topply ordert promptly A*arrant* a wayaoa haad. LAND WARRANTS boucht at the hitrheiit oaab prices, and caim* for Bouniv Lai d. Pemons, kc p-oupt- ly attended to, by OEO WOODMAN No f9 WuliLn it. Paper U)arct)c*nor6 PAPER WAREHOUSE..J. T. DERRICE BON A Ca, No. AO Baokman-ot. affsr tw i. a ua ara "em .: Writing rapere Enfl'.th FreneB and AmerlcaE. Newa Paper, all lirea. wrirhtt atu! qoal.tlea. Bi«k Parwr. aU ataea, wtightt and aaaUtiss. twine Paper, fancy eolort and white, of tho belt gttaT 11 Hauaiag Paper white tv^d colored, d!rJerant widti a. Hatters' Paper, Ct and of the b_t qaahly. Cloth Paiwr Ws4P and 4/>l rt t-. iiml »tarda are P-per, a large asaortciert Jest artier! Bbc strong Paper of the boil qaaUy VA rapwtii* Paper. Htraa Hu aad Mat.tl_ Tea PagSM of d dc-out aaaea Tar aVoaifutg Papar. s_._ais for rooft. ta roaia. nlVTDEKD NMTICE.-Tte SEWI-ANNTAT, INTI *f>T bI1< ¦ r .. m .>. r, , ,... ,t, gr,» .i \i ,,.'!).». r t. . f.' » u dmt' w..- .«e. Wilt be jt if (!<*<¦« the u: «mi|i.H ou irxwiUtu n ef th* P**#< 1 pi i.. (4t: TB f 1 F\ FUNS. PAlNCimLE. AND aS3TA»JtT- I a It A11 road (^M»«Ni*5 ROM)-, ¦tp.rgeri* T*e l.i rn.\T,IV» ASH INl.USA RaILIOAD f I MPaNY'.- INtoM'' Bi»N'>- 7p-rr»o'. (VIUll LaMF.R k Co., No 51 W. .' New Vor», Jay :* Wt 0#Hi r. Ohio ABB umma RAitei.»ti CottFAtr.l Fo*r ,,'<i\r H'v It, 'If- I DIM! END NOTICE..'I hp SEMI-ANNCAI- 'NTEh' "T fa !i-g ir. 'h- Chy ef New Y«*k (t» MM M< RTOaOE B"NDS ef thi* r0..pitlT, OI1 *>(t daft "i'.ci..i' vi1! be i*i(i on A 1 i'or 'h»* Hit . ». th» o*Ac» ' f Mi mi WtN*|.ou(, i.ANIF.R It Co, No. Well «c, ta .Aid ci y. on t'i'm'.'aljoo of r».» ' n jo- e .iKOftOK V|i IMB V. Tree. ;rer. DIVmEND.bane th* MANHATTAN iOMPAnY -Tr.. Pr-.l^»i.t ml 4 Dir*; or. of lb* M AH- H a TT A N Ct> AN'V bii-Tiüi DaV levered a g-mi tnnua d-tide do* five PKRCFNT,pwyAbt*u>tb*it*:ta « U titti iaTIT.DAT, tJ . "»th p>«X. Nrw Yort, fall «, IBM J. M. MORRISON C«-li «r. D~ TVII >ENONOTICE..mTcIi If.AN BOtJTR- E»N AND NORTHERN .NOUNA RAILROAD COMPANY -Tr.e Board cf Dirartct hive THIS DAY de- :uvr-d » Sum Ai.noA. Hi. ideal ol PI VP. PER CENT on the fuL' Stock of rbta Company, peyelle 'o St^khotderi ou end »f>«r the l.t ,.ey of Await i ext. Tbo Traoafex Booke will be rJoeed froLi tbe IfHb Jolj p. n;., to the Jit of payment.New- York. Jon* 37. ItSfi. EDv\ IS r I. ITT HFIELD, TrwainreT. Oalfna a«d Cwicigo Cmow Rolioad Comfky, j ?errna.-t'i Offico, ulrwo. loir 17 11«. J DIVHiF.ND NOTICE..NoÜM Ii hereby liTW to toe enckholdtrt ol *ba oALLNA A.Nli CHICA'M) l'N|ON ktlLBOAD OMPaN'Y taet t Divide^ of »T\ r. PK R CfNT opn- the CAptraJ Btnck of «Aid Comp«uj ha* THIS I'Ai beet, declared bv tbe B »rd o' D-.:*rtore. piribieootce 15 b daj if Aoi'iet next tn Eiehaiife on New York »t per. to bo'drr* if imm etuck. at the ecu ol bn-ine»i on tue Ml dai of JnJj, WA. No dirideid »nll be f mitted witbo'tt diree'ione. bj ordtr of tbe Duectoie. U M I.ARR ABTE. Secretary. Ol i ice or Mo»Hi-, Canal and Banking Compakt. i Jareey C ry, JoJy 21. It-U. ( DIVIHEVO.The li-.iard of Oirwtim have riH-» DAY derived a DIVIDEND from tk*> »arnin»« of the Cenal o' FI*-> h CF.N r f .r tie r,e SIX M JN TIH tiitt tbe 1-RKPPflRI Ii SrtlCK of »ntd Company, neytble to Iba S ockboiflere or »br-r repreeentafTea m a-d arer tbe Irr. Tu»erey (the Mb| of Anamrt -.«at a' tpei' o«ce at Jereey Ci r a- n f re#idet.ti c* Philadelphia and vicinity at tbe ouVe of E «v. CLARK . Co The TltANSPER BfNlRS of tfali STOCK wfl be CLOSED from the i.'th mat. oxtii the day of par oent L. N C JNDIT. Secretary. lavtar. uavinc.« uatitutio«. No 96 kVanaa at, DrVlDENJt. TtiiB Inatiniti.rn haa di'darevi a Stn iAM.ua DWderal at the rat* of SIX PERCEIT on al! tun.t entitleo thereto for the laat three and ri moaifat, payt- bie on are tfter the ilt' ir.tt All Infereat not called fjr will ditw '.iitervtt .. piinciaal. Open <t*My frim lato'Jp. m..andf to ' p. tn. on Mondayt. 7bcr<diyt and Satar U< . WALTER NV rost KLIN, Praetdent. ViNntartiTl. Bi »ti..n. h v. M Pliii«. i .- P.~<,. ekcreUiy._M. D. \ A* Pn.T, [_____* D1V]OEM).OCEAN HANK.-a Di-i.leorl of THREE AND A HaI.F PER CENT an la* «r kal Hn<k hat thi*day been d. lared, ..a». to tu* <th ilert no ani< alter the Vhdey of A'irut next The TrtLtfer B rit* will bei o*td unti that dav. By ril. r of IB* % kl i PAKKER II ANDY, Ceahier. Nrw York, July V\ 18-A_^_ DlVinEND.-KCltJEItS FIRE .N8UBa.NCt. COM P A> Y.Office No. 176 Oiatha-d aqutre, corner rlott-at , New i oik. Joly », Ik*", .Tie board of Director! baiettna dat declared a aemi anuual Dividend of SIX PER CENT peva)M6 to the.tockn.Jden i.n tie l.t ol Auauat neat The trai afer hooka will be cioavd from t.ie .'i t IrM BatB Au*. I By ot ter, 1 B I ELI.O V |, Secretary. LEATHER mTnUTACTÜB ißl BANK, New York, Jnly ZI, IBäfi -a DiMdeto nl FIVE (i) PER CEN T tn the Cepi'el Stoc* wul he i*id ti tie Stockholder* on and after 1- KID ay. Baa l Th*TnMBarBaak«wfcljk*«!a*adaaki tba> day. Bt order of t^a Board. f. U. ACLY, Caabiar. I)Ef»PIA A BCKEAi: VALLEY RATI.KOAI) comp*s<-a Ditlaaad f POL'ft TKM. CEMf em tha CAPITAL STOCK of thi* Catapaai ia» baea dm lared pat aM* ea the 11thday mi Au» .»t at theoir ..- id Iba CBaea«* ¦ Birk Ialand Rail" a* Company. N<-. 18 AM^ani -»r»av». Tha trai «'ei ..¦ «. a ill he Hi>.,d from l.t to Ith Ana/iei. 1 lie i, terett on the bond, f tbia Cou>|«auy "i1! be pal I I the lat Atii.it, at the Com Exchange rl.'ik, on oieaentatiTii of the toupoin. C X IU' K AN T, Tret.oaer. Oiiiikoi riir. Btr.kM»n IbBV*ABCB Co.,» N..W YntK. Jutv i7. lAV,. I THE DIBECT0B8 of thi* Compiay hare de- dareo aumi annu.ldivi.lead of KI .lit FBI CENT.oaj Bide on the Ittof Anruat bait Tin TTanater lio- kt will be tioaed from tl> .lib bat* to Aug. 2 STEPHEN n 0OÜOEI SecteUry. On ict or th* PatarLa'i Fike latcaait r Oo j Nrw Yoat,. Jma 20. .fftj. J TnE BOARD ofOIKl'CToKS.iftiii. Company bare thi. day daoUrad a DIVIDEND of EIVP. .5) PkA CENT, payable on and after tha l.t oi J Jy nett, until whioo tana the Tianat» r K.Kikl will bad lad, by irder. VV. p. IN DER HILL. Se -ftary. Th* Nrw-Y'oait Cfntkm. BatlBwaB Coaraar.) TtKiit'trit'iOriiir ALIt\r, .In i 13 iBaa | 'THE DIRECTORS of thil Company have dp- A clara.i a ou>Oa. .1 of .'urn PCl CENTea the Caiyttal block U-ereol out of U* 1 e' earni'ig., fi.r tbe ait tniti ht wrnch will eapneontne tintty tiiat baft payai.ic on tin 20tb day of Angnu eit ferockb n'era <«bo*e »Wk rjai.tered a' New-V. r'a, will re- re've their dividetda at tb« office of Du ca i. Sner oa. A ('i. i Ihoee wbo-r rtiark la logiiiered al Ho«'ui. at tha o!fi;<- of J e. Ihi-yei k Brother: and tho*a wlu-aa ttork u reg:.ter»d at A taiiy. at tbe Albany Ota Ba-ik. Tbe Tr.ra'tr Hook. »111 be clou,: a*, the c!oa* of buiineta on Thi HSDAY, the Hint t Ju y ln*t.and will be rao^ned oa the n.ornit g ot SAl I IDAY 'tha ?-J o* Auf-«tte»t JOHN V L PBvl YN. Treaanrw. Oillii «'l Tili w || i| \ I trtaOAB Co i Brtvii.rai, N I lar* B», 'aVt , NOTICE..Tib BEMi-aNKUAL [meuest 0" the Horde of thl» Crmptay die 01 l.t of Aognt'.anil I .. p.Id «r the Offiea of Tha Delaware, Lark «wann« and W>f. er' latbaaiCa. No 5. tVaQ-OB,N Y, on ard after tiitt day, en ireietiraiion if the i oopona JOHN I. HI.AIR Pre.'. Oilier or Tiir. Tr.n*r II<iti: ami Alton R. ft Co..) No WitLiiM-II N. Y., July 2f<, liM. 1 INTEREST N< »TICE . The interen daW on tie >.t of Angu.t,ou iba f.r. «. I aecond Mor tage Bond, if thi» t limpet y, wi 1 !>e pala ou a* ifter tuet dav. «u tha or. a-i ta h'j of taacaarpoa*attVtOwlte. C. MTKOO 'K Treawir<r. v r.w .ÖRu an,! Ii \i;u m kaiij: )Tf) i.a N *S I lie C*wp* . tor 'be Interett oan on lot lit ol An.no u|<jn he Second Moirgage It, -.da.*b* Dviver Exten- >iea B. i.rt.-and 'ha Band, navthla in leMt. 'aaa^d hv tie M w MlNK AND HARLE Nl RAIIKOAD COM PAVl will be paid on thu day, ar their ..ffi.e N'e SU Pi-.e a* rear b .Uding W. A Wal FBHCAO, Tieeeurer. Orruc Cr..nt*al Riitaoao^Oo. or Nr.* Jrattv,| rpiTE INTEREST COUPONS of the F.R1T ± MOBfOBOl BOB id paay, due ImoTaw guat proxin n, will be paid r:i and tfwf lb** eaua .'. the oBi:*. No. 88 Wall-it. O. Al. MILLI'.AN, T -t-urar. Cbicabo. It. Fabi tsD Boat) oc Lac RatLaotD Co. > No. |] vt ail-.t Nee Y.iil.J Jv al Hat < THE INTEREST ddob the Domls of this f om pa: y. vue A Ug'iat I. W.tll^peJ . a:. I a ""Jit tc»: !.o Lpou prtaentatio'. of C. i'Cua >i 'hi. off e J. W. CL RRI/'.R, Sec.elax;. OtPKB or R«( tar tn Kl**t*afPP1 R«ti *oaa Co., ( No 7o Baevar e»., f.r«- » rk Ja'vfS |o»l. J FJTEIEST ^CT,t-E--The ^eMI-AVNcal IN i REST on tbe t rat M .r'gtge Boiaiaof '-Iii l l.: paj/, co* on the lit prox wtU be r*ia on and ef.er :.1*t0a/,on pr» aet tatioi. 1.1 tn* Co j.vmi. a' taut ggbaM 1 A to, on the II uA.ng ii<...-» latuad :^ thi* ClBtjatO lue A'ujmt 1'th, vi»: . potp. r T,ir CtTT rr lacftr B. no> oi UK Iowa oi ila u h ds or THr Tow* or KbBoba BoNi » oi thi Tewa or DCLAVAt. And on the 1 am. Mtr^agea goart. te -d > tail Conpany CLARK ft ICBLT.Aa'ta, O h F1CE of CLEVELAND ftftd MAfl »NIXO aUklltlOAD Ci'MPANY.i i r»r.. .s, ., y M..Intaira.: due l.t proxi r.u on tha If MaaTtglaaa Bocda of tbi. Cotxpaiv. wni t." paid hv itaaaia >>AKD, l tK'PritLI. a Co., No. 12 Wrfliam at,. Nt-w Yora. i HARLES L K IQDEI tTacwtaay. 1X)LED0 and ILLWOrS an«' LAKE ERIE, WAeUSI andsT. LOL'i-i lltltllOAD OOatPAMIEi, cow cocioiiiate.l auJcr tn* jtle cf t IL T )LKU J, V.'A- bash and wksttrn rai'.road t jm ¦an.'-t..* Coupon mal .r.'.g ca the lat cf A . nex', ^n I .. . M r- aace Bond* of thsae Compar.'e. (amoint .i.g u/mtüttt nj *j j.a> (. . oi I wul h* paid a: tho Jh-.e of E tVHltttHOrge', BON kTOBTBO*! No. 6a vvaiia-r.. c mat .< P.ne TbJEW-YORK CENTRAL RAD SOAD BEYER \\ PKR CENT BONDS.Taa ende*-»...el tbe SEA PN PER CENT. col'pon b-iSuS f 'n . v pany date leaae), havirg twenty yaar. to ran. it vere- ay oa aemi ant uaily. l the u. .'dat. M February and Aigaei a: We Company'! AgeLcy. IB tail Citv. _PCrCAW. S3BIVAÜ U Co. Plifle's Fitr fagaaaaep Ca < Ntw-YotK Lj»a .n, mag \ AT an ELECTION held June 1?, 1-56, tbe u 1- low a. i gen.>m*. war* elected Direetcri if thi* Cumpeay B>r the cMc.i 4 raaci DIRECTORS. Richard Vartck. Otvlord ? Hebte« W'lium M. VVJiea. D. Jackaon Steward, Jamea S Brouw*r. Al ranam Leg,en, freemar. CaunpbeJ. -K iiai C M**k*T, Lyuxan Caapii, Baa uei B'r«aall eVoienion Basta. tobn W, -.. Edward L. I.yncb, Oe-^-ga VA araer, Tacmaa Wilttanaa, Pater B. Chrlitie, William Mo'r, E^war* P Clark, lame. S. Leant. Edward D Netaan M, romer Brcwx, Corneiiaa Stepben«, Mattbia. < lark. hu» J. Bonerreal, »kaum Skandier, t'briatophar ü wver. Alfrad Barnnre, tVm. D Wathbern, JoLn Mia-avpar.i)7. ( tarle* H. M:Isryra, John P. Y.lvertex. Oe.rge b Cittj a. David P. Sater. Otdeon D* Ant*.... Mf.but Bl - dioral At a anbaeqtact meatr.g cf tit Biard RICHa&D > aJUCR eee, area li itn'if-' *' 1 ;ialac>J P.'-att.nr. ^__ W. F. l.VPERHILL.Becre'ary. MARINERS SAYINGS BANK 3d av., tot, 0f 9th at, open daily from 'J .. aal We.aetlay and e.turday evenuig* Irom ö to S o'tw tk Ir'.-. at on de-ueita ¦Dder BNO.g pat cent. THoS. B STILL MAN, Preantant LUDLOW rATTON A. Co., STOCK and EX- CHANOE BROKERS, Na IS WdUm-it -4to:ki and Bocda bought and aolri at tha Baaauataf B ard aa Coamiaauia. Loanaand bo.meaa rap»r oagvtiated WMBt aLowed on da- poait* Dlv t'e'da ard Inte real Wttranta crllr^tadai-d riui ttad. .Uw/fttce-lolti. BanE I NOTICE.Tlx CO\ IX'S&tdtk*) HAMP5HIR1 11 iiiaL m-' IR< <sv__"'' J" " la- . .Vt/i>/.TrrMi.KK.,p- ¦..»=:. R1WANS' H.*.nK .Tfca 9*cnrBl in-tallm-Lt o' TIIIP.Tr PKW ( r.NT o'llt ea:' atock » <'t K say- eu.e »r he Bar V: i !!. am N< M Nu.. .: , HOMUt Bid nrr<u«rM Am t, 11, MA N'OTICf hereby given, ptUwaROl t the S-a'-'r u mrb rase made Bwd sr>vided, that «H ,h» tttruea: « .. I, MSK' ivnT.,.h«. Hu »« IPHQWIJI BAHR Ol BAINBHIDOB mmm ha trete- had at the Ottre of toe |h«*wt_e*a»w9wt ti the Hat til t i'er*r*raent .JreSta'eef N»w V"-t for rBTTWeuf wrtRir two yesr* trxirr. 'be la" htrttif, or 'be fordt derywirod for »l» rHe.pt: D if toe uremilu* r.otn iarned to the aid Banker will bo gtTen or). trliUw-NK M SCMQPNMAKEE. <a:*rtnlCTqor_ ¦aBB DtlAlTVlaT, ."I » II N'l-I *l,» AI »aa», Jo. y B), IBS6 » _E( I i.MMFKClAL II.OK ot W 1111 Eil \I... I eatMa dty fi erf fti ttiit nfrlre « ooei-e of the .peenfm-ot of 'he RANK OF TROT, tn the Trrj of rroy a, sg«ct for t le ref'Oir in n of i e circa ukm _*oe, '**oto*r witu a rev «-»-ioa of f* »jf.iB _»Ltofth* lTN%IF."('f\'. BKSK of THOT at rOfh «.eiareeah'e te the neteitf l*-)* At) t-» to em«Td 'be ..w leiolBttaj rywratod R»-ik*. Baiting A*vn- t.ol* tad lidindral Bu.tr«. pueed Anru I?, 1831. J AMF.» M. C X>K. StipertatonHeot. h*s\ tirptiretriT. Statb or Ni* fOBI Al.lakV. lugoer I. IBM. ' THE QTJAfcSAICK HANK has THIS DlY Bird ii_ »h!i ufBre t to'l. e of tb* appoiutme it of T i9. I'aRK bank to the City of N*w-1 ort. to AawatPr dkt re. dOMatjMB ol .It Circulating Note*, BBfBjBM « i«i * revocs'im of the apt*'Bttrai t ol the Atnertcan Fichante Rar.k aa aicb Agent itTBiaBll to the act er'lrie" "An act In amend trie .. .¦ni ac * '.l*»lBgt/i l_err»oTtted Rank'. Ranking Aevt *- t.oi e ate Jndnidual Bankett r Aprü i7. 19^ JAMVS M r0 >K, Sip*r_teudea' DREXEL, SATHERA CHURCH. BANKr_W MAN FRANCISCO, Cel. draw Hilda of KixOaiutb ob ORtXFL A Co.. PIULAU^Ll'UJA, payable at Uta piiaoipt. tBiei of the I'rited rl'atet. Cciectiont made tt Sac Franeltco, and fn EBB ttrttrtor of ifea ¦tale, and proteeda prornptry rerilrtod, C :ac'tor_ nay be aant tbreet to D B A C.,or Uroogb l»P.r.\EI. A Co., PT.ila *e!ph_ or L. S. LAWRENCE A Co.. No 104 Naaaau at.,N.I. Etchauga on San F'auiaco for aale, in .<u. to aa:t, a? DRFXr.L A C«., Philadelphia, and L. S. L_W_XJrCfl A Cc New Yart._ OFFICE II. iC~GC^DMXN A Co., No. 7 Wall at _U e lave for aale the following; Boci Itiatl . If4-fit) Seter rerCent Rmid«. Htrdl- OoBi ty. Ky. f *' n<- «in Per Cent Bi nde. DtM.i«. n'". -i tt. Teas. Bl.vttrj Eight Pi r Ceit Boi da NwaConn'T Brjn.oOO EuL' Per Cent Bo:.Jr. Mineral Point, Wir. Alto, a great ram-ty of City, County and Ran war SecurltAai la triailer lota SMALL FY BART_p:iT, No. M Wall-tt,, Note Loai aiud Stock fommtttr Brök ei»..Paper payahat al any Pomt In the United State« and Cards rnPerted aof Bortatted. OF.O C SMALLKT. ALFRED W i tHri.lMT. Beferer.re«: Mori Taylor, eaq.; Wan R Aster, eaq Ouics bn Unction. A. M Ifrowta. AtwclBttOBt*. BY BANGS, BROTHER A CO .Trado-SAlo Rooma No IS Pirk row. TUB REOULAR KALL TRADE SALE wil bt aom. r.encsd on TUESDAY, September 9. at H <.'.-..ct a m. Con- aigi n er't of Bookt. Stereotyp« Plates, S'ationary. Book- B.i derr* Matenalt. Ac., tolicitwi. Tbs Calalottao w_ ht put to preaa early la Jaly. A fit ION NOT I (' e .steam F. NO INK. Ac IX rOBM I V»N ANTWERP will ae on FBiDAT, A'it I. al in o'el >ek Bt' No. Oreens et one 12 horte sower S'»am Engine. CtKnplr'e, >:i good >u-on < order. Terms a s- half. aeh, halarre in app»"v«d no'e at dtye. Alao.a quan'iiy oi 6i af"ng at d three 1 an Ii g Ls/hsa / >RKaT SALEBtKILBftCRN CITY. in( olum vB bio Cotuity, Siola 04T WatBotisia. Teere wul bo ofered al pnnlw S»!s. by the [.ropriefurs. on X »NDAY, Anruf If 1919, aid iajt-i t,,e sniln week. 0*1 TflOUlAND to TWO TilOl SAND CITY OT.t, eii n m dillerent partt of the plat, t.table I. r BBBaMst «i A rewAia Ma rfciMBor ni m est Will he r»i«de ea'y hy a tmall tmoont in hand and the re weirder <D long tioie, with a low ra'e of int»reat and a liberal diecmn-to all peraona who artai make ealnehie impr bH w.'i.iTi a tear lu m the tins of purcDase, or to ihoso who may prefer to pat tn hard KlI.Btil KN ( IT V li ii'i'tted al the 'Vlrraitti I Hit' r, urmsdlstely he ow that r> tntitri("t known ts 1HE DILLS, and In the miJtt of a nrl "gric'jltnrtl country, and of the So,de«t \rt flneat acene»y hi U l| r1* The ai'e of theci y rtaalf la beaatiful and healtij In tlie eX'r. me, being an elera'ed plain, ria.na amoo'b.y a .d t'.i i It Lrni t 'i'u-tT eievatioti of 80 f0 t ab.iv 'he nvat, «hieb fli.w« BtwBBi1 its ire.fern b.n:ndary. to an Bat I BillMl of «h..ut IV fret, a 1. if it rast ta the tsole land at its entca iiouudary, twe n.ile* t'islai.l horn the met. At tbia point tbo LA CBOSSE tnd MILWACKEE RAlf/- ROAD riot'i «the W arontin River, affrrd tit eaay MBaBtl t. a le-'ween 'he eaalern bjkI western portions of the Stato and t:.r Os.BBJ l.eaoud. elao, at thia point one of the larg-«t water-nowera tu the B'.i'e it in proce-t of beinr ere:ted, hy ihe IVTaeswjbt Ri .er I i-anlie Comfi' v. n'.oer a rnarter aranted by lh" Sta'b Vbe Wiacoosifl it the I* /eat river la the »i- and .his er».'er rower will be the low« a' M*ti ou the river of fiy that >-*c ' e imj roved therehv givu g to if foyn'iar alv ir'area. wo eh a ill «p.ed j invite IboBtBttattt of BULLS and MANCFAC TORIES ol every deacrtpt'oti. JOHNS \LIEl', i'r a t ot the VV Isconsm River U>d'aulic Co. RlibriiT Cifv. .1 iiy LJBM_ B A. I MtATOB Ao--'H»nee- ijonitive exec in Oi'1 sale oi real J ESTATE of Batbafd E Air... k, .lerea«»d, by o..|,, of tee Surtoga-e F.lirabe'b L E Alroek. Eti rn'ilt. *'io. C Kar. Te». rn.'or NINE LOTS on 114th Bod 119th art .COLE I HILTON wil «eil at a.'.tKinon WE MaUDaV. Aug ist 6. IBM. a' 1.'o'clock, »' the Mer-ha.ts' Eachsag , NINE 1. 'Ti ol OltO'NII on i'4th and II vh alt vi Ob lftTB «T Five I cetoe the aoti'erly aide of lith-«t, he- tar*SB lb* 4'h and BtaVBvat, eonmieiiciug .*> teat *as'eriy Iron the Mh BT. OB I'4th -t -Poor Lot* immedla'i'lv In the rear cf 'he ahove. n 'be novthe-ly *tde of IMth at, Ea. h ol It* ahove lota ie feet m wbl'b, in frui. and roar, and I'd feet 11 uches, < r half'he hi >rk. in d'ptb. For Ptrticu tra and n.*fa apply at the uS.ce of th. ABxtionocr, No. I> Km aauit._(T'ol Joar.f 't Ha..rvaa, Aoetl meer. SATURDAY, Atieusf., at 10 o'cloi k a. m.. nf Hi 1 Bt4 Wsrreu. resr Courts», Bnioklyn. A general ¦Mortmei.t ol Parh", Chamber and K 'chen Furniture. Cat*, kogaot t' *b" Stle» RoO.I Tt'MS M'IBBr.ll., Anr'ioneer. TRADE sale nf CABINET FURNITURE, be_THIS M()RNI.N'(;.atlO«oV'ock,*i No 711 Naaaau- rt..The lirile.ua of Con.ignewa are to toll THIS 0 AY, to tba 1 thoat l.ilder Caltloano in. 'aii a a ia-g* vsgiQty Of all kind., f .u. Ra«enrui to A"i< iirludiut rtcat Parlor a_tag, rwaja. me. I'd enatswled Chaiwhag Salle« Alan. O.l Psiuiiiiaa, Spriug «. 1 Hir *-attrea*ea. Oi.rloih, Mat'inr, Siirfeiar I, Bah, he, fiom a faml y, aold firit. N. B..Boxiig, Ac , al uij:*r*lo cb-rtet and eile. ." lUioifllancoiio- Ik r A z il WOOD .m quintals BR.vzil ¦ V. OOP. nr. bond and dutv psid), for sals hy 8 0FFOBD, TILEB1 ill h Co Ha ft BmalBH. IP fOU hn- BM.D, and win_ « l'<mv\ h.<ad of ¦All ETEBBOaVg), ML'frArrfa'. or vV'til-KErtS '"k.y, cr chat ga Whf* or Cray 4air to its oris-n*/ r > r or 'o a Tirhf hrrwi or black, inct' te f>m ttamps to I'rof. HlRIKtlJ.. New ioi« Pott Otti'o, tod receive hit velaebie hi *t*»K eel fai* ir ^ ira*' uc'iona 'o sccorunl'an lb >ie ohjaeta WERK A Co.'a sT'ARK_IN<- and BTILL CtT.WVBA V\ INKS. V. <!. Cf*)77FNe, So.« A,tnt, No. 71 .Varrpo. at N Y. iDrcim öteamers, ,<'f- f%B} ATl.V REDUi ED I'RICES..Ananst 5 - \M V B M^l' LINE.. Kifty po'iBda of ti-srare fre*, liieenet ft t tou' a oi etc.-.*. Four ur« from ocean ro ocean, hy "ana ma ha read ; .,r. tu fog CAJ4FOHBYn via Panama Rai.'*ad. Ihe I: "«d S'»tet Ma'l S'eamahtp Co. will t'rpa'ch for a a pin wa.1 on 1 I BBDAT, AtBJBW] I .' lo'eio-k p m precisely frii-n pvrt .ot or W.r-rst Nor-h Riser 'ho weil-kn>w_ and faat tta-mrbn IILINOIB. Capt Ca aa S. B are. I S N. Pa«s.n- »er- ti J Ma wii ha i rwarde.i hj Paiieo.a Radrcad. and seo- rect nf Pa am» win. ths Pacific Mail 3 r._ihlp Co "t tnagt.1- aaatltaBrwrniBt OOLDBN AO I. I T. « atkina, Commareler. which will be In it id.eat an 1 leave Immediately fat San F tare, reo The r«h.i' »*e ii .'orrned that it' Pacific Map Steamship Ca. aiwayl lave on* or more ei'ra t>Mhtawt't Iyi g at Ptiiama ready foi at 'o ttutd any po**.!.le deiwutioa of ratmrgan or ms a. Kor PBspaga apply b> 1. W . Rai MONO at in* .m'v BaaM af th- I Btpa ea Na '77 Weat at.,'or Warrerj ,t «4. Y. f.¦¦¦{!>' i i"i ¦»¦' TO.;,: .j rerc ihic f'jo'.i'llce per r--"ird 11 BObU A BO freirtt wiJ b* received alter 12 a el <k CO *he .'aa ot atiiling. FOR CALIFORMV Via SICARAGUA.. ¦HOBTEST Roer»; by Too MILKS. PAUCBf «.IF«TL\ REDLTED -Thoncw »cd ttletdtd SteamshipCA fAWB.t :t»nt_«.)J. D. Bnllp-k, C i.Ttnaa4eT, w..t rail frtn. petr H BJ, ftot of N rtt r. a-., «.orth Ii. er f.,t S t.V J'.AN DE NICAKAOiTA, on SATl'RDaY, Aogitt i l«'o. at i o'clo:h. p. m.. It cottect with the stea uer SIERRA NK TA DA, ftviL San J bbb dri I .-. sn tos Pacitk I i Itk 9 aa rAWB. ?a*a.ngert a.11 fitul ths tba haa'lulaat a_d cbeapast to_t. Fo: ftt :ght or ptssaga apt ly to _CHAS A. WtHTNET. No ? Bowlii.g Oreoa. N T. U'MIED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. -F'or HAVANA a: I NT. W-OR I,E ANS .On SATfl- LAY. Aurua' .'. at 2 p. m., fr<_ pier foot of Warren r. North Piter, the faar _dfavori,, ,feArna_? PUILADELPHIA Ctpt, ;cb:. McOowt-i, wfi! saj at ahove Passage can be eec-.red at tb* effico of 'ha Lin* Fieigtt to tU w-Orlean*. 91 cent* per cubic foot, receive 1 o* V j'aty. BBayBBH will he rotn-licd wrb hl*ik brtlt of lading of rha *sr_ nsxod by tbo Lino, on trpticabon at their office, fix euer forma «ig_aO. aatt no MH ol .vi...« «ml h* timed af.er th* boor ct tadrng. For rrenrfat or Baarage apply tt too ofBoo, No ITT Waat ac «or_r of Warratv_M O. ROBERTO. Are.t F)R BREMEN via SOI^IIAMt^i7-Tha I'LitedSuroa Vtil Stoarnihip W.t-IUIN iTON E Ct't- aav. rca_r_uder. wül sail for BREMEN, toucAlns at Sol.T'I AJIPTON t; Isjjd the mailt a/id paaaenaer, for England aai Frar«.. cm - ATTRnAT, August 9, at U o'clock, m., from Ftei >>o 37, >,otth Bir*r raica or rattact a tow bbw-tobb to toi tb-ttrroB oa latuia. Ip First Cabin Mam Rai'.«.BI30 h. Ku-st Cabm, Lower Saloon.. ... i.a !_«*<__ Cabin.. n0 An aiMrieecad Sraneoa tt attar bad to each et«a»i_rr Speci* cr«tered m Il»~« < r L. doo. No parcols recetvod on the ubt cf aaillna. Al. lattsra nnat past throush tba Post OSes F at Paaasga or Fretgnt, apply t* C. n. SAND. Aawnt, Ha. 11 Sou. Waiaaat at The ateamer HERMANN, w!! tacgsod !ht WASaiNOTOB BtdraJI Kepfamber*. . M, DAILY 'or . 01<.»»KKE1.">IK.. lnn,fiO#J R> (>f**i«. 1 Pars Cwtd Spr**«- Comw-.il N. I'liMnt . IUI'.»., er- vta« hy 81 p Thaht.riPJ -*....»» HF"*. (.ft M..i-k, -er.. R.oia*o. « Pkt' --r. »>f .<s»' t.»o Mag . Am »«t RrrUiamg » fe^rtia**' »t f ». Bf. _ FOR^KIHE ISLaWD p!RKPT.-P«^rr«er« f-rttu».. -'«v-1'a pU:* «C fa-jrt er. laAm** b-t .in' rortlW'r i,. "ir» tf.ey e»J. r««* 7.'irvntb RMt« * . »¦.<¦?. iL! lit I eBt I leal B Juni to Tr> .aipeon end et«»ii>-r H'Hti ff-rp 'elif. daily, leeO-g Bra>»!fr . 3 II p. n »ad «ml»«» Fr* ku» »t 7. p 1r.ai.dla.v1u4 Fire itiend 84 * t n>.,end «rinn et Brooklyn eb >i» 9 e m rilPWt«n » prefer I a* or«r the <-ett Sovt'b Hat, e*j rtke-he'.'e m ir-ln ftm *l* »Im. vi» TBea»w-» had '«Ha. tberre te Klee'wand in . *oai'»«dw»et «ad fa** aei.inf *.. .»> ladt aTBathwi.i elweyt b* in ree^H eee, and »ai' mm-d'atelv »nr tha Beech, tautr'the c-Ttnaia-d ri a careful aud «1 utel erBtn-.C PhASVI ., >s K IS Ce,tatT: SrMjfr Hrrj D*y live tor albany.From fbot of Canal a »i Sp:.. ( .(..,»! 7 a n. lauding at Wret Pouit, New- tur.h PumHwia*. Kiii-lof Point. CatAHl . d Hn-laaa Ste-nei Af. >"MA M01 JajAVeaiaaWaja dFrniat. A LI OA, raeadet. Tt.»r*day aid SttuiAav. eater*. Jeer at klhtey with trun ta .'in- n and tha North; a.... wito Ma .a V\ .at Tee.-baa n.ew iha Boa'» at Ca aa«l ta) coov »y paaf-najart to the Moaulaua lio' aa_^_ Fi 1 shTnc. railroad.delightful ex Cl KalONB-nKv KN TRIP* DA'ly each way («loa Uti i.-epted.) Bi>«t leave* Near York and canleave P'cahPm. L'l., at -t r and W a. m ,1.4, Me « 1 p. m meailn« and at- sharrtnr r aaaar t«ra at Hnnter't Point on the P-eat liver oaa o trte /Vi it Het* > k Tbt- beautiful eteaun-r ISLAND C'JT. FroAhm*- Hailroe»! line, leave* P loa Maraet »Up, foot .f Pol¬ ar »t.j at tha eb hour* eiforuvit fine newt of a I obj<vi» of taterear aa both ehoree of tha Kt« PJear. aaJ lai«<li«a} at «oti bar'. foil.I in tweat) ain.ataa liere paaae.ata «t»o froai b. at to car» and w taken lhai,-« 11 rieahl.» (elabt hum) orer otv tt th.' f.. r^ada in the i-enntr?. in larautt-OTe aih.«t»a. iu lliuliua atop*at Pent \ Britaa. Maapath WuS^td. Saarttewa Nati.ii. 0 I». |«>t a.,.1 Va'eat k'.uaiiiu. Tha arboia Uip occunea leaa that, au b. n. f aro. 36 Centn Etcureioa partle« ana. ah. ola taker at rednre.l ratet Peranna can alao rer^b th I rare »; the Biooklrn Cut Railroad Ü.rouah oreeu Point, or at aWoaaaMtaa BaVat ferry. PIC-NIC r.ROVF. :,ear the Plcahin* depot, fittej tip preeeir 1 r azcaraiooiata «rat thai rttaaV1 at ay be occ lp.eJ «rarla R 11081^ mmi PBOVUmJSCE via NEW- PdhT ii^t PALI. FIVKR.-Tbe «aieudid aid »apenaa kMpel ME rROPOLIS, Capt, Hroam, fearee Ne<r \ ort erwrj ffJPS 'A V Tnt'RSDA V and SaTT'RPAT. at H o'.-loc* p. ra. | tod BAY* 8TATF, Ctpr. Jewe»t l-atwt Near-ton ararf MOKHAY. « EUNKSDAY a: d PR1PAY. at S o'clock a. Bt t bom Pier No 3 K. R., near tha Battery. both tooc'-iiu at New- aort each wat. _ Her after uo reorat trtl! ha refar1*d aa aeenrad b> ant anall- tant aaitfl the tame #he*. hare beeii paij for Freuht »0 B..ttot. it foraa/dad thioaah with gref. ditpatah ?y aa Exprtwa Prejiht T.am. WM BÖRPEN, Arent. Not 7P and 71 t\ att aa. RMil LAR MAIL LINE rta tiTOMNO R fot BOSTON and PRO\ lliENcE-Inland route, trithon' de.at. eh't ra i-Ar. »r ^«|^r..^Ta The tteanera fl.\.Vol TH RoCR Capt Joel Sr.me. and C. f A M1 h K HI LT, Capt, W R Ktaea. la eonnactioa witn ha Btouinatoa and Protl.ience, and Bo*t©r and ProTblenoa RaB roada, Lvatir f Naw-Y ort daily, Sondaya excepted, from Plea No I. Nor'h Ffaer, Pr>t wharf above Battery pla.:a at * c'cloeh a m.. a v i- * P ¦ or on tha arrival of tha aiail train wo* b leavea Boacon at V V p. m. The C \ ANDERBII.T from New Tor* Mmdae. Wed) kav ano Krida« Prom Stoiongtou Tuaadar Thuradar and Sa* May. The PLYMOUTH ROCR from New York T.iaetley. Thar* tea arid aatardsy. From Btonlnttou, Monday, Wedoeedev and frlday. Peaaei.(era proceed froat u*tou par Railroad to Prorv ianre, ». ,1 B.iatou, in the Etpreet MalTrralu, aeveraj honra la advance of tboea by >»h*r routea, and In ample tim* for all tha aarly ox run ¦ Ibaai jo.inecr-n« North anil F.aat Paaaetutera that prefer it ren.au on board Uie »teanwir, enj a aigbr/t peel nndiAtorhed, breakfatt if detlred and leave St.uilnKtoa in abe I 4a a nr. train aonaecting at Pravideuca with tne 11 a ra Orai2 for H a*00 A Bxif+tv Matter acoetnpaniaa tha .teamer aid Trail ahn u«r earb way. For pa»»t««. hernt, atate-rooma or frelrhr,apply a !':er No. 3 North K:ver or at the oftce No 10 Battery-plaro C~entral railroad of new-jeft?ey. ('001 ectti a ai NfW Hampton with the Delawi.f. t«oka wai.na and Wettern Railroa.1 ta Scianton. Orta Baad tha Borth aad Weal, ana at Eaeton with the Lehnjb falle * Rail nvad to Haue Ik l.iink. 81'MMER ARBANilEMEN'TS Cnmmenruig J 111a ». IIW Ltatt New-Ynfk for Paar .n aiid li lennediaie | lacaa. fr..r» aiei N.i t Nartft Rivet, at T:98 a. an end :J: *) p. m for aooiar rut-- at 7; -ii end U>:a>a ru ami i_V and 5m p nn The above traiu» coned at Eü/ahetb with ttaln» on th» New tereey KaUmai* which leave New-Yon from tha foot of Cv' r an.1 it BtTiaM aad 11 a. m., i and ¦ | m JOHN 0 IfEBflw, Bap't. t] r e at C e n t r a L route.. ¦* Tha Thron#b Ticket and Frnaht f>"3ce of tha Oil \T lAEiaTKRN RAILWAY, MICH ioan CENTRAL KAtLttO AD, and their Railroad aid bteamboat Connection* to Chicago. MRwaokee, Oaleaa, BuHlcgton, St Loula. Cairo, ard all po'.nt> U'ett and MBtk weat Via BL'BfENPION BRIDOE BL'FPALO, or OSWEOO, If at No. Pd BROAD't AY. N. Y. Corner of Conrt'an.l'«t DAUtf'S clarr Ar*rjt. THE 1 ION HCl)NiIN KlVER RAILKOAO..Erviit Mai I' 1881 TraiBB wUI leavn Cbamt>er»at Statin, aa fol owt: > xpret», b a m and p ra Mail, 9am, Thr.qgt f. ey Train, 17 m Kn-ltrant!' p m For Poniiiikaenale, 7 a. o'. and p ¦ Pot Smg mm I'liWi. m. an 1 9:4a p m. |Thla train leave" every F rid-y evening at lip. m. For II ud tea 1:9 a ¦ F01 PeakakilL 4 anaTaiBOp m. Tha "oagb keepa e, Sirg flint and Peek-kill Trai a at..p at Vt n, 4r^rtena WatAeiiieva t. keu at Ckatmbera. Canal, OBVtetttwbeT aad flat ita frali.a for New ¦ ork leave Trov at 4:55 8:t5and ">:4*e. m. aid t: Jr p. m., and Kaat Albany at Ii "> and ll: 1* a. an, end to. m. A. t. BMITH, Snpenutendeut 10NG I8LARD raii.roai».SUMMER ar- J BANOE.MPN1S -ona.'.ay exeip'eiti Taint Mttaj Ee»t.Leave Biooklyn fot Oraenport, 9 a m a d on Bttur aavt. Si H p n. ; tor tapliv a. fa m. ard 7:43 p m for Er.-u.11 ii.tii.-. 'a m. a-J 3-45 and H p m for Stoaeef. 10 a m. ai.. 1:15 p. m ; for Hempatrad, 10 a in tili and 6 p. un B>r Jamaica, 9 and 10 t. m :i.l>, 1.13. 6 and 7 pm. Michigan SOUTHERN railroad line. -Tiaveleia f.r CHtCAOO ST. LOCIS K A NS \a, and all twata W'twt and Bearti treat, can obtaio ThrouatB Tataaet ard e|| 11 fi.fii.atu. coocemmj roatee, fare. Ac ei-h-r l.y the NFVVrYOBI ANU FRIB RaILRoaD. 01 NE'v VORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, by »pp|;een..ii at the ( ompaiiy't Ott ce, No. l^t Brae**way, een *r or Dei tt JOHN F. I'ORTEH.i,., .,,! Af.i. M t> R. R. vew-vork and new-haven railroad J>N 81 MMEK ARKAM.r M E M 1, cHnmeneiug May 5. !»«B Ptaaervar Bra'ioa« 1 Coepet Rraadway and C ana. at In New-York... ( Corner 2Hth at and l b av *tAia« Lrui Ntw-Yoat.For Naw-Uaven: 7, » 1 e. (Cxi; U' f. J 15. 4, (Ex.) t.V p. m. For Bridgapot: 7. « a |TPt) Urse. Vi«..4 (Ft ). f-'IO p m. For Mtlford. S'ra ford, r'airtield. .sonihport and Wettport: 7. a. m. 1»»", 1 IS a.3" p. m For Nona-Ik: 7,8 a Bt | ItlBB, 115. «, (BaM *. »:15 6:15p.m. For Darieu and Ore.-nwioh: 7, 9 a. m.; 11:19. 3:15. 4:30, 5:15, 8|I5 p. m. For Stamford: 7, 8. (Ex.) 9 a m.: UkSB,9:lB, I, (Ea ) 4»88, filA, tili Bv 8*. For Port Cheater ai d U.teru.a.liade ataOoua: 7, 'J a ui., UlaM. e>tl&, 4aBB. BtM 1:15 p. u.. Co>arcnva Taaivt.Fot Boaton: I am. I Et); a p. at (Ex Fi Hartford and Sprinaherd: Um. (Ejui If: rip n, i p. ta. (Et i F..r Connecticut Riva; Railroail to Moaoreall t i ¦ 'Pai For Canal Redroed: Bam (Ex.) and I i :*) p. m. tu U itfield For New-Leedou Railroad: 8 a m ' p m Fu» llooAa ntiic Ral'read 8 a. m For Neo«etnck Rnuruaii: 3 a ni.,84i5p m. For Danhiiry and Norwalk aWJroaJ 7. 9 a. m. IF " it a in a tu Nr wl net .Pf«» New-Haven- S:S8 7 *»A a ei. [El ; », (Ex ) 4:30, ih* p. ir. (Kx ( From Bridgeport: 4:10,7:4*, !0:lt a m Kx.) l./l, Et 5:11. |0:i»i, p. tu. ii'.x-l Ii ¦. Norwalk: 1:45,M:44,8:lA, |*:fJB a n. (Ka.i littf. (Kb.) I 15b m. (Ei.) From Pert I boater- vr.btt Tl3a, «:57, 11:80 a. m. (Ex 14:0«, rj TT p. m. _JAMES H HOVT, Bapanntendeat VEW-VORK and ERIE RAILROAD..Oh AN and »Pe- MONDAY, May 16.5b,and nntll fnrthar aorta* Paaatnaer Traiat will leave Pier foot l7 D iai.eaL, at MWwt: DT hKIRl FXPKFBP.ataa BJ. for Dttnkirb Bl FFALOEAPKfc.S.».,at« a. m forBaffaio^ M A11.. at 8:15 a m fcrDürkTi anj Buffalo an 1 InterraedJ. a:-i Wiranag, Paaaeijtera br Una Train will connect with Pit- praa.'.raitJ for Bjrtcuae. Cayura, Canandairua, N agare Foiia aad R.cheat.-; ( aLd with the Llabtrang Exra-aca Train oa the Lake Slioi- Rai reed for Cu.cinnari Chir aao 1c BOi.BLAND PASSENOKR, at 3:30 p. at,, (f'ot.. foot a Cha.i,l.e.-. at. ,> via Piairmoot. for Sutfera'a aid laterme liataa Btatioi a Tt'AV PASSEN1ER, at ip.tn.. for Newbtrrgb and Mlidla town anc ii teimed-ate itutiona BJ""*' BXPBr.Sa, rt ^ p. m for Oenklra and BioTVo BUIGBANT. at 6 p. in., fot bankirk and Barfaio and la-er- radiate Statlona. Tlie above Trmina raa dally, Snndeye txrepred Tl-ve Erpreaa Treitj ei^neet at PI.tIra with the 'iLamra C»u. iai,nt and Niaga-a Killt Rai'read, for Nltatara Fallt at fclngJ ji,i.n with tie Sveeuae «nl Bn.gtramtc^ RtHroad Ba ajaftaaai at Coming with the äufalo. Cornmg and New i'orl lBai!ri..d. Kf Rochetter, at Oreat Pud with DeUwaro, Laeta Wa--jia and weete.n KtHroad, lot Scranto-,, »t Bcffdo and Den «jk with 'ha Lake Store tta^rovl for Cleveland. Ca^innia rolaoo, Detroit. Ch'.ct*i kc. _D 0- McCALLLM. Oenerai dapjiantanden*. New wide-gauge route from new- ixraivJH *,.niKSTr.K-Thm ROCHESTER arul wENESf*. VALLPY R AiLROAD it now ope , ^' iaZm .action w. htiia Bui.aio Ccn.ing and New-Torrau' N»w Y ,rk arid Pne Rail roada, forma a dwact reute horn New-York tt, tor heater. .Aaftffify- tbJ" r00'*' toaethar with t>.a wperto- coaa fort .Sorded by the wide care, ret der» it by far *e ioat JaeJa Ma oe tweet the above named eitlen * aJ^'^al:*" \' V*oty*'x New fork end Erie Railroad «caet Omca, foot of Daaue-eL.aad No. IBB Broadwtv ala> ea Jertey City. 1 "*. ä»a Btawaae abeeted throaaB Freiitbia wlii he trtntported .atwaan New Tark a.d Raah^ tm with dl.petch Any ui&nnathva laBrwi in regard tb2X Mai he cUa-nad by eaiJint on th* Oenara. Frauth: Ataut J th. Sew lorkandEn« Rai'road. Et.a Br.Udi^,, oct.rt TA>PAflf ttpra.1 Freltht Agent. Na IJB BatvedwaT ' Notrain. on the Bof/alo Perolna and New-Pork BatJJroed oe _J A. aETJPU:|.Li Sep^t^oaeVt. Nrvv-Voaa »»o üablsm Railboao CoMrtar 1 8vrt»i.tTtNntvT,f».Ic.,wTI,,T £^¥4* > ONtw-iotK Je'v t* l»»i t WING to a CHANGE in TIME-TaBI V the NEW-YORK ABDHARf EMRAa^4DC(j.^Aif? will tit a. iuBtt.ee running their EX»BE8S f. i » !I antH tha 4th day of A'iguat, ' far ALBANY _._Wat J. CiCTWM,, Sar/t N Et%wVSf l knda, HARL«M RAILROAD »Hb tt by the cart tld » m*lu« h, 22y 1 h "«« f am Pout eta/a la r^^^^ fe»p!lj»> BBtm _w« j camp ft &Xml \e;w-JBR8tY RAILROArj^^ör" PHlTT" CITT.-BJal) aad lmpnm Ltaaw Leae, Naw y^fS" I/TH c?tiRKWSBimV Lr-Nt* nP.,«JfTfT I DAI. HIOHI ANlla Orr AM ||ii('4Jp . ..» citr-.- c vi» in« r, «M nriTT ,n-v t\i- I .<*trn J.rrm.llli.Hicmi PoShm » . fit' f _j * t. a. f «1 «. [...«« N-* I I v- 4, ..<».» J" . v Ts .«.'') I- T || Petes« a.,*.,., l lata Bf .' at H cl-etp ,a u,a,' OotOai f.f. «*,fi#.d«> .Jilj" *. *'."'' ra-rf-tt. . trV.y ».!¦.. J »i ' "*t if »J ft'itl : t o'-'oek S..«.».. »Ii«-. ''Uti'. -<"d "«'k. »«' »i'.if.r. ^ r i* r> Tr'lV«! tir _.»-¦ 'ly "¦r--r~1 'o ' - trave Ir-jtmtf n.tav'T ** .>». adapted iv-t» m't ot. rfc* roe's_ Of NM pTLTÄNIA RAiLROAlr rifffM I UaILY TH'taild in > NU Rn^»;» r.in., OKI (*»<!. a-id riTTIBI SOM Th* a***'-!, a AtL r t A I N leave* "Warlalpiil. for *._».' V . a**) ...r-s P ttebatrrh Pb'lealeJ tH. *. 7 a m TV- 'A*. I.I a* eat. a PWIaita-pNa I'm Oltteir-.rrh v P _ . _''1 , '.».*«** P U l*t| Ale in» V«»i»... .1 -l I O rii «V fat Phi i V f*i» a' » 9 p. at The «I ra l>r>». ruuuwt «I Pil'saarg: w_b »'¦' «* . total taw 8*. I Mat, Mo Allot,. Dal*.* .ati*^ rtat«& Uri go- *<.' ' - »'..... ¦ra). La r«>- .*, and luJl*aa -4l*, !¦-»*_;< f~ '>.*»«> BeOafotirtJrta Baa«BsYy T-^ti iv-»«4 /..,...< IIa Ma.ailo a. «vaa«ta« .».»«.; eAw.-'th Bat .taww. part,-' b-a'i feet* %u *>- >..» ' »rl**'.a St Latati. Laaar- «_r ami Cu-einiiatt Iflt fn'h' . Bwrttet an a,-- aaaViaaVM »r foe hot- i o' 'h't art*. PajBwaBJatr* » P b>* 'bat at n-t-tt. mot' *tr;e_Ü*as a_ -run i>rtars« runt- h-tw.o 'ha East tod We.t. Ttirr.«»h 'tek*t*e*jt ha hat «Ither of th- above avarrt ewV aiacai in 'h" **>«t, or a*" j H BL'TTB. AAJ-t N-tr Jaraey Baliruaa Co.. knx mt Cveruar lt at , N«w Xmti, J L. KLlflOTT, Aaaac Pea_tTi»aala Ba-rwad Ca., .' Af f Meat. H-oaJw». N«a» Task. TBOMAJ Mt>OBE. A4a.1t. cor UU arw »aa tat ata |i* T.^k Jaa 1*1 *tu..i_r4_» CAKATCHU BBtJ IKBANOrV Ki'KINirH.-- ~ IH'i.lioN RIVPR I A ILH'I»t>- Two <!»,.' j Ktpraaa IBM .tt p »laara lra»aJ Pi»»-! tttft pMI ( hitrr-n «. Staitot tor ...«RaT«K>4 arC 1-BtNON SPKI«il*M, DlirCT. A'«i u> Arr.ra at Utrafo.t tt 1? tl r m Loiaeoa s- at l-.H'p m. At I? tn An.. it Saratoga at 7: ?9 r . and at LaOaac-a 8pV_titt7:.10p m .... Yvk aoid at d B-W> . J.V-'/K , ,».,., ¦ ¦ at 4 l>-»am* Traloi c. :i.-cl a' P* K KS ST ILL for LAKR «I ,t AI B AN Y * » Nl AÜAK.A PAi LS «nd tha LAK.KS. «rat at »Vot tor LAKE DKi'UU': _' asflt * t aw ri 4 r -MI ft. «rc^rmiaadiv. llUoical ROMAN EYE HAI>AM.. Thi« ofli-brat-fl rom- ,o% lur\V«ak ana Kfltmrd Fi« »«1 comt.uttf t*l, . k ag- aJ. h\ a di-1 i.toUh.-.I O. u t. *unnr a uiaw . 1! ca»f, tod' u it ht ,-oi tj >. tly'»il-d uooii .! tha tart brat Belva tBal Mlf la ca*ra what- 'hr P<«Bati ,,,1, rtaii.ao. It art* ilnatt i!k* D.aat'c lb mi-»t f all irrrta _«, a 1.1 nauallt ttf fta a t und'tr t-a-a aft r a f*w a «ica'J >oa P paxxj ai d atad b) A 0 A D. oANlH, DrumUti, Nn lot) Ptlua ii Near Yck_ IiHE ORP^TF^IT^EDICAL DKOOVKRT of tha a11 f Hi M.N.SMiT of Roibarrj tat diacc aaraal h. aa.a *i aaar aoatn.on tatator* weav a a remedy that cotaa K v KB Y KT.««» at* UfhiOR. from lAr taoaat jfcra/W- _aea as a aval warn, "taaaaav Ha hs>'ikad it tn ovei ststran buiulro.t caasa sttd sraar faatast atcept u two ee*' a. both thiualei ha.ot Us has uww m aAs svaa*aaitaa aaav two huadrsd esttiticaua of Ba aalaa. *!' w'thdat raaiji|_:!ai of Bwanan. Two bo"l-i ar- wairatits-l to ca.O a aaratoi awes ra-^us. One to thrao bottlot will ears tho wont ktad of satssalaa am lbs face Two or rbf-e botrt*o w'l! eioar the aTttasa of VdU. Two bo'f-i are warTa-i'od to aure the worst -a-bo* is tha moat I and a>oanacb Tftre-tr. «re h*"lea are wirr_t-l to airs t«o wwrst caws at Siyaltwlss _ . On-or two bo'tlst are wa-a«r*i to aoro all kaswor 'a tho ''two bottles are warran-aj to c ira rant'nf of tho aars and alotchea amaoa th* hair Eoar or ait bo*tlei are warrantsd to eara eomip» ar.i rrtnarnaj **Ot,s bor-la w«!l nre aeajy aaS|BjtBl of tha itra. Tws or three boiilea tr* warranted to cars the worst case at rtnrworuj Two or tkrte bottlst are wärr»t.ted ta en-t rbt m,-st lssparats toss of rhevmettem. This- in four taitttot are wsrrai.tod to tars salt rhsato, Pi re to sight ho'tlei will cute tho worst rss» of «-ioM_ A beiM-fjt Ta ala era asiK-n-nced f.om the farit fxetUa, and a paafrct cure n warranted wbao (bs abor* >|ti«no>is m tabs - NolbU g l«oke so improbable to thowa who bar- la »ein <rtad sll the wondeit'o ujedlcio.a of tlie day. aa that aejinaaon waved (gown k on tt.s pasieraa sud along old a'ous walls ah a ate aaea *»er» kiiin r In the tystoat a-1 R is a fiaod fact ff yies h.taa htuiist it has u> start there ere no ifa nor ands, hairea «a .«« abovt it, euitli g svnae casei. bo' awj toaea I padetlen r»a»a Asussoo bsttleaof 11 in Iba rajB by of Hoa'ou. I know loa af» lac ta of it ta eve y aee It a. ajteady done eima -f tho graw*- sst eutes ease done a> hl' saacliaas'U I gave 11 «0 tHldren a year oi l "le penole of us'y I haaa e.;u iHe'r. p' oy, w^ruiy- ootti't cbil 'ten, wh,»te rt-sh was s-jft and Babhy, raatnre-1 to a aert'"' e'sta t heakh by nns bo'Us 1, tm «e wh''are rehjscl to a each hseoarns a sattts wtM awajircrait. It git es great .elief tn eatarrh and dinwoaa S 1: e a ho have taken 't hate been c muib for t-ara, at_ haws been reaulaied its n. Wbars the bodf is .1 it worka 4.* aasy but where there It any deri gen eut of tho faweokxat af aarure II all: caua- vary eintrat toalmga, but you taaisi aut hat tlannsd they tlwavi oraaopaa, kt ftom to ir dayi to a eaaofc. There la netar s bad result from it. on tha eoutrara, wbesi lAad 'eelitia ii goes tos will fest youra-if like a n«w pses au. I award tomsuf the most sxtravagant e .... wo. of U 'Avst avat eata datailed to. Baaaatfaattwwag- ¦,, I>ONaLD KENNEDY, No l«vwM.a«t. (Uihorv. Maas Pries BL Wfoletsle a.ei-iforNew Yo-t- CV CLICK KNBBa Co., Bo HI Barclay at 0 M 111 KS H KINO, No .'J road way j A B. k I' «ANDS.No Ml Willkam .'.j MABSH, oKVIm a Co No |M n reen aria hat. HOVD A i'acl. Chassoere-at i ?V KLLSbCoNo M'.Kianano at MrKKSSilM, kohmit4b t Co No I4< Maden-ane. H a > " HABBaL ft ilBLET, Warren ai ; B tRN 1S A V ARK No BN .|,,.!.. waiui CLOoE A Co.. aaatdso Is' e; Mrs IIA YBS, Btaeaa. ty t ax.d for aala at retail by all rasrwetabis Dnvas-tsts tbetisBh ant the Culon legal Xoiicco ASSKJNEK * NOTICE . Notw Is horohybJbbbj to the cr-dltori ot D.lNtrLT. wiLf.UM t of in-City «t Jftset City. Com ty of hud.on, and S'ate of Now Jersey, in-' all c a in« aga'net hit tata'e muat r>e aahinito'' to the eoa k :ih, r I i, naa'gn-e. or ut too fficH of W H J, II ff,, ea lulre, bi-eoinael. No. 5 Mi Miciutry el JsfOOf CBe, uu ar osta or afp ination be'oie tlie twenty i.i thdatif Augns sett, tietrsg ll ii in thi f.om the date ff t'e aavisi.ment or So 'neovae Parrel bött rofalbg in'or a d tin en.' of th- ea'ate, ami a. id r ,ilitora»t- farther noiifi*.. >bai a iiat pi th-claimi «gsi'iot theaaid PsVPlKL T, IM1.1.. WH will be til-d wuh the iur rotate i t he Con of K."»e« hef re ti e g .ani g Map smbsr T>rm of tb« llrphaa.» l.ui', when aiarptiai . thereto to ty i* 6 d by a. > petwm ut'-'e-ted .Dat-l Ihia tifieeo'h da, of Isla _[jyl8l»awK(_CHARLES CRANE. IN Pliwafil ANL't ul ait order «f the SurrnKatej oftb. Cm i) of New-York, nonce is b. iehv gitea. in sat peiaona aaVvtlsj ciau.it agsinat J1 it KM I All (A. SKY, uto of th,- Cktl ol New i ork. dtceaaed. to prea^nt liie aaine with tone hen thereof, to the luhacrth-r, at the ottlr- of Jamas w~ Vtbii. No. ,| Liberty^! iu ths < it) ol Ne» ., ,,rt, oa ot ho tore tho tontb da/ of (jetohatr as>aL.Datsd. Wow-Ton ih- 7tfc da, of Maieb. I8<6. WILLIAM POWER. Er ecu tor aYc mb2v law 6me* ' IN I'l i;>l AN« I f an ..r.lrr of tbi~Surn#K»t»> of the County ot New York, iiottco n hereby gtvst ut aj/taar- Hinabavinaclainie againat 11 E.NRY B I AJLLEl, late of too CUy Jj Sl * > "rk- deceased, to preaent the tame, with von. hers 1 n l, to the rubecriheri. at the otTsce .i Wetmors A Uusai f10 fil u"' -' at the CM} af New Vork. on or before the ewei itiotfa iatol Ja:> uoxt-Dated New York, the twelfth day X JtLut.y, OEOIIOE HENDEatSON .,«,__ w ELI/A KAHLE V. Aalmiuisttalors, Its., ' * f._ ofllenrvS Barley. d-ceaAod. IN MUafABBaM of an order of the, 8iirri»B:a*>o7 B the 1 .unty ot New York NOTICE It her.'l.v given to aB * I'- it . elaiois against LOOK BARER, lato of tho CHa of New Hrk. debated, 'c preaori' the tame artth voschert tie ;of »" the mbeeeiber. at »h« office of Hot*ans A Co. No. V *Lr' r»'^»fbange. In the City of New-York, ou or beforo <J e ISh day of Augoit _a.lt Dtf-d. N-w V ..-k the 7tli day ol rT^ rl. W ILLIAM C cHttER, . Z- -i sVtmlBatlrator. IN Pl'RnL'ANtJE of an ordpr of t_«^aprofTt^ ¦ °f OtaCcajati .f N. York, notice ta hereby give;, to aft P«raot.h«T n.eltim a,ai,,.t l.pifNIS MVLLIaB, rv- oftb, ' ilj 01 Ma Vork, deeeaaed, to preeet.t the aaine Brftb v .ocle-ra tUg to Bbb subeerll ate a' the reatdi-taca ef Ann MiS:lns, No * 1 - » " ¦' ti tie City V-A rk.otlM B»i M mt t-nlfc ., <"" »:t* :¦..». Ne, V .rk the atrth !., of ,w7,l'_a r. I'ANIEL O'CONOR, Eieautor mb7l,w«mK' ANN Mt'LLINS Kiecutrla. S^bb^sÄb. C^.i:hl-County of ()NTARiÖT. LTsfoatB it*Jlim^*%£l1H- m*i BK W* Vfl c. / ll K tU TS 5 ^OODO WlLI.Uw If 'L««R. a*. S_VTa 'Ua 0 Tovfi'Kits r> fc swiatjL ra nou kiil\M ' fl,,IIK linoc*. i'H4Tr..ud il.r .H N,r ^..r«J<J'2'«: Yon sr. heeehy an mm med -hieb ' ' "f A H K A II t M A P( -ir, plti.lf. -heb w.i, Ua,.d iniaaofhceof tht Clert .aid Conity frt_!a< 1,5 S? ''»"".»".»« «b. taksciBW.at*A« >Mlec.eotOe-et, wi-kan twenty da»a afiet it e tSTvles A this * " "mt Ol tho da» «f lerttce t rl wUI applj ta tLe tou t kvr the leih I a.au lad .n the c , opisint . . , C I KOLOER Plali t.rr.AU.mey, jv » law7wP Oetiava.Oniavio r.oi ite, NT Y f itcon.iia.it was Ittd In Oman., i.V..M, I i-a'a Otfie on to* ¦> ib o' Jen.. |>/6. C. I. POLOllR. PL tf*e. At'oTiw,, W'i Rl ME COI RT-CoBiity of .New-York^ «*___?*_¦£». * BKADPOKII. Surr.-at., .' tb .' . Ah A UL'lhi. ane Mary J .hufe, Lho I Oiu Chatte H ¦ AJ '"At *ivu- r+t* SwOtS* A Urn al-tt. u , e,° t_T h* M"*i*t'* t-amod: Yoo *r* hereby .»«- noned ar.d re.jBlred I* answer the .. mnlnut in th_ aeüo«. C ral'tSdd*/0f _5 ,"VBd U> * r*« . »f »our aaiww W.m!. £ ,^P,.1'':^,1 ^ .«ikorrlW, at hie oBV*. Ho. «I mVS. r .1 rtty "*N»* Vork, within twenty days *fter iho ¦-rtire ol Ihis sommofaj ou yoo, stcJuslve of the dty »t (awl a_. __ r* ." ** answer toe aald tosnp-atot wtl/in th* no e ttoi^aid .he i.laiutiS na thit ac'lon will aop'y Bj Oia w'T V*. **>.* t-w-ite-f demanded in the complaint Haf-1 New Tork^Jily ,4 itig, |_ u BOWNE pialntuf i Atu,ra*y Ja IS UwgwK. ClTrifcME COURT-City and County «f New Yctk-DrORAStp. MtLTSY asaliat' J.iHN W. LAT- 2"N at.d MaUOARET kit wif*. Slttibew Malon*y. Alfred E Tiln.t Letfy Wsllao- Ea Bar .ala* Hamme t Herbert 11 t> 1 1_ .. ' _r¦_¦*'! t.» -... . . -pt.-..... C.'t aid Cotintyof New York.end serve a ew»y 0f to«r aaswar ar> r. me a: b< oB1'« No M W all it ia the City of faw-Tarfe, w'hln twatily day* tf er Uta eeivlcs herawf, et«Ia*iv* *f tbsday *. inch *»re»c- and If yon fail to an*war the reanp.alaH a* aforo awd the paltiiK wall iptJ t to t ve i 'ourt for the r illif agatindtl la ti- et**r.pa*iat .tiow Il k luiv 17, IthA lasrSwr JAMES C HCl. PlalBtlff'a Atttwwoy.

m r , r Fa^üj^rHwt FOR^KIHE - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1856-08-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · iyOUGHKEKP8IE TOÄlkC&~Jjj.\DKMY. J imMi

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IM mir HAU. SEMINARY * i.£>

. die», tr» rrrv i-. B.Wft 0 VV .nüir..!,. H»«*/» I, the

H»f«.i«^«j-lfceHeT Ch.-Ie. «reo*. Wad

» edfetd,i «**».;¦ Latin Schoo -h* H o *bh l- U«il.,* um. Ker Hubneid Wln*ow. V-.rVo-k.ttie

H.^k'weal R«iif«wTaD.~AJB*n 17h* IM*? He' U H tmm,l> IL, tmm* iiM **ra Ucunou TeIM._iyOUGHKEKP8IE TOÄlkC&~Jjj.\DKMY .J im Mi' <w«u d lie iMuujtwi wll t ¦ .*nc* MOVr>*T See* 2 Tha P.u.r.*l. Mr. C W r »OKER. U .*

a.«ted oy d< erof,««or. «i^l Te.rhara The F-*nch leirtrtrin> t

will K* eiwiei tb- chaigeof . Pari* an laiy. wbo will re. de

tb* Ita'UeUOO. It L. Interd-d, «BIM P.*'" *. to

KreneV the Unguar* of 'he funUf * rommorthja* Irm-

ue.eerr all. **» io rr-nHuct to' vupl'« »? the commencementcf Ute orit torro Ctrctfin may be oOetned of the Principal,er o4 B V. Varr ck. aec-re try._

rp/jJtBiTOWN INSTITUTE -Circtilart, withI et reneee. »law o* be luiitnt*, kc. ro*y b« o^ dtied tt

C Sbeperd k Co.'. Bo..k.'*r*. Kf 1-2 ruioc-rt. or E. H.W *oo«, Mo 293 Brietv.r. orbj *>M'**i,\A.A. mmWUk«, PlonnaL

Piani3-irortc0 anb Hlosit

ASEVEN-OCTAVE fine PIANO for $M5,Beda by La«** A Co i*** th«u .«.* je«* u*ed- A 1*11*1,

LUrU k Co. w-Oct- »* fei fU^i Hem* A »Heu 'or .!'<>, J att to each PlaUM ej d b'el jdeo. . to i-1,loa ¦ A rent «npnaejon putehaee T S B'. KRY, *u «41 Hroadwar

CHAMBERS* PlANO-FORTEH, 385 Broadnj.*> T .h trie ^virtmut of eupnrior Pleno*, war¬

ranted itrrKi reepaKt Aar. a fear aoeood h*u<i Patooa, of d I-arrant make* Cbtekerin*/.. Otibe t'«. St'jdeit'. »r., wi ...'eateSC *>7.S »iUiui. ei' Piaüua to hu« en e«rh»

T. B. CH «Mall Ha, Bo. VJk ttroada»T. "at- Wbin at.

GOLEMMEDAL PJAM> FOR rEa -Mtuiufac-torad ty hTEIMWaY a -tOMf*. Not M a >d »« vValkat

at aaar Br<«d»at Now Y .rk fhaax ftao a bar* racaitadTllRPE PiRS T PnP.wlt'MS wi'bii the teat year u viinpetlilo. arttl Planoe mad* h» iha ui *» t»l «brat>d makara of Bo*toi,. New Y >rk, pbna.t«i|<hia and Baitiatoia. Pnoea low.


¦URIS, Nu tV" Brovme at roepecrtoCT ti.tit* atteuoVio U,

then PIANO-PORTE *, ooiurtroctad wrnh the pateut ARCHW REST 'LAwR ablrb it ojidoobtedly the mat tubtLaatla>kBproranaiit erer ta troducnd li.to thla povailar lruitnia.eat


No. Jtia CHi.tre-at N^w York.Where mat be found a hue aaaartnent of PIANOS In plair

ar.d onieAwntal caa aK.ii.tTiD tatuar.t.ri) IB itihctk Aht> rrairr or Tone.


J& Cfc FISCHER'* IMPROVED ClK' Ua LiaR SCALE PIANOFORTES, of tiii«r»ur tooa. male

ü ifie a o*t »uUia iiai oaiii.»r a^d wa'rautca * arero i'n So.32f Bioada aj, ra Y oetioelie Kroad^iv TueaVr Mtuufacoryfatal 24 ., 2*3 2V« 247, 24Ü and 2M 28th .'. near ttaVar.

1~> i ä n ö s .


Wi*h or without the iKa'len.Manofactery and Warerooma. Noa lAa aud 15» Put 21 af at.,

bat we»I M and ?d av.

The rrai nac'urr r unw being eoabloo to amion ore la hi. ownname the modtm lo-jroree PI \Nf) wblch. th ugh of on own

manufacture (o»i c to taro.i of rrntrar'), ha. heretofora bie<iknotn, ai t brcon.e (necauae of tbelr menu) jn-'it. clebratedcr.di r a. otht r thlf, wioilii i i ih« attatttOfl of ^'i ehitai* totbatf etamu.a'lou l bl. tt'i'i oomr aa a*Krv*. A to would

CAtTtON THK Pf«LICague at buying J'iano. beam g tit uwi of a " w.II-knowjiealetninihe kU«r«tbof txa.lniau'ata oitaiued i I'dyoBtheroerttacif the V'll.l.lAM MILLER flANO, a. tl,.y will h .e-

after bear no n'Oer chai. bl. oau name Fw powir, nc uaataa d i n liai ry of Uu>e. elaancl'y of touch, batoiy aud durtbl itycf n.aA», ai d at-' j ooaliTv reu 'erl g *ne Piano a letirsh.e In-. ruiuiit ibai.lv an wn to rank amnng ih- tirat and ioo«tcei. braied mar>a f he day. Fach Miauum-nt warranted rogive entire »a'iefai »Ion "I ihe pu-thaa* at mev refundedThe iredu ruppne * u the moat llb^'al (eirr t

A 'a>ge i'iacou t given'o erbool.. tearne't »t.d clergymMi.Ciretnart m i tchevul. of piicu forwarded to any addrcM po.t-paid.


RAVEN, BACON & Co., aur-c»*8ora to baconk RaVtN piANn-PoitTE rdANirfACTUftERS,

^Ma.ouui No. VjO'-u. a..,im»i B.'o.d*ay, whme a full aaa.^tu.ea t of If « TU I M tN 1-a may he fiuu.l. aatelOgafalf of ourown cnanufartore. Vt'arvanleai Id atary r«apect

itlafljincrn, iCr-

COTTON MACHINEKV FOB SALE..110 {.LOOMS, wm the artpetatltw Miokla*g|. uucb of it

nearly new. Inquire at No IM ureuuwicli-ai.

MA TT 1 a w A N ST i A M EN0I5E8, IfdV-chi*Ists' lOui^s.ent Oat aa, Wouie »od *N atata*

at k* ACHIN >¦ KY aud C a a TINOS, at N >. 8*- ....urdeud -t.

S~~Tr AM-BOILERS for taALE.-Niua VER fT-< Al. ItJUVLal Hoi L KH s, «itb appu ' iua a-a ceet-

plate, fron, RaleatJ n.rbe« d'am^ter havuia ihirteeu foui-faettuaea, in tbutytw,, i be. diam- 'ei. haal'ig .<xiv aja ei»blteat lulie..well adapted for beatui. »addi ig. v-ry i hat >.

CHaS. W .OPEl-ANuCan tul'i- g Engineer, No. *A Broadway, N. Y.

T> PRINTERS .For SBlf. a good lur.;.' m/.-

VPABHiNOTOB PS E *.*. BJao, a II"« Card aotl Cur iitr Prat.. W at t»c to mthmr. * Proof I .

VaNHPR loVKN k IKI-!'I P*l r afl N.J.

Woodwortm- i'atem i'laninu m\CHIN! s, u. e.. j vaiiety.fortal'- at MAlTKaW tN.

'. » t. t. i S\M I. H Si" tKfCK.

(TntlcrTi, flarbioart nnb 3ron-


fatn W QCINtY, No 99 W'iMI*iu-*t.

gpOOPEE*» TRUSS HOOPS..500 aet* aagt.rt«*)COOl EH-a EDcn TOOLS. AJbertew C^sge.-, Hvrtoct

Batten, aid other makera.CIN IP EU'» RiV til- a aanaa aaauetmeuLCOOPER'b lUMMLRS, HRIVEIU*.B1ECK lK'N-,a EuiaaUbt

CIUS S LITTLE A Co., Noa 33 aod M Puitoa-ti.

H A.MMt BED SALISBCUY IRON.Eii.ui ci.ldb'aet chauooal l" g, end e-hi liy wutt-J iu cbarcaal laut

eauraoidn aif a<reog<h and qea ily. On land I i« 4 inebn.

anare O.her aiz.. made to order. JOHN W. Ui;INC Y, No.W illiam A.ei.t ai the Nap«iua?> Uea Co

UDSON FIO IRON ih exct'lleut f«»t Ft.uuderyanal Forge purpoaae Tue Xo Batet i. werteatnd to mil

ciureaorai aval to hranpeh a 'or all puipoaiw toanv Sootch Pig.JiHIN tA yi Im:v,Nc. W. Wuliam at, Agent for tba tJudaoiIran Ceanpany.

AMEN A fON - NHt IVELS and M'aDES-a 1 *j aa e b) JOHN W VH INCV, No. ** *T| '.-.am-it.

S~PELTER, ANTIMONY. BaNCA TIN, CUT^ NAIL*, «Vir aa'e i * lollN W QI'ITT.Nc H 'V.-j go,.,!

T^HOMAS PIG IKON.Soft, free, atroiif; and awarranted .ub.n'n't for sc tel. PU.

JOH^ t*\ Qt.MnrY.Nr I Wrham at.


ENAMELED FI'RNH CUE..»I. P. FAR-UNoros baa now read* f>r aale an aa'eueive aaaavUBI ml

nt nch ENAMEI.EIl lldAMUEK PURNITURS, a u-t .

and aeaora. and aiahe ately decorated In la dacaeei agnraaaedflowwia. ai tbe V -u.i faitotv Wareroomt, Noa 4t and 4> a'oo.tatet , bttwtec Urxua and Oral eta

pnämelei) CoTTAGp; FfJttNl 11 RE..Fl-JJl-J ava .t a^i.. a a. ihe Ma.fall 111. Met BBIbnadwey, eeiow Hlaaxkn-.t

1'HE MIJHKEToES are ABOUT; and Oh'HOW AaiNviYlNo'-The ibtiripatel n:,hf. rear it

broken, and a QoH, p*4ul*' I apiri' ia the raauit Tbe u.uslproa rap of r -Bee atemt rhanatd it aiaBfcfwt, tud tb; beeom*4»t I* uraatad -a4M «t\ I «ecina- Da* of thoae

M I'mKET > N K faof Dr.» .'¦ a it not puicbeead. lo.a .o«c aal a m. m-i.t iu get-:ii a en*Torn, *a*in. »re th* rrl>brat*d Pl.i'alrlpuia

BLTTRAP*.ao We'l raieolated to ***** a the dlninamom aid kt'eken offlic. Thai r a be* 9 cmt». I .d may -e .eao at Davl.'. (leeat> mp raaa for .«..,..? g 'be Want, of r.-u*. k--p ra, a ated atBra. 64* and 6K> BroaAway, nor'h aaal eo uer of Blaa ik«r at.

It tat I not ee ta fan ta aoftee 'lie 6 in,, e i-onrrivat.ee fj*c'eatin. boaae* ef iraw br-a P .» '«! u

IMF IMlf KO»l H MBTtOI Bllar prereeaMe te any othe r .¦ rmenra \tt d*a*ovnre I f.-r thepe ipae ti i-. ¦. .>., prartaal aud cl eat ooiy c mal, av

i.Brtty ahi-uM be wvb- ut mem.hot lea Iag wa ar co' I.

BBVIkVi WATER COOabBMare the a-iwl ee»« kfateo i be Jeatgn» *ad aiy a era tei'v andtail e4 anai y auniLada that h«\e been auld lot. *»a«oa, hat au*baa beau raaan *a I'ric.a from $)im kt .I*. rhe «real Eai-irnlana fi-J aalltu* oee'al er.c e». lo. atad at No. «14 and t>4*Brvadwey ha. a few ruoaa L-ft Wbile anaakiug af watercMeltia, «Ba waaaVifal

DUt'SLE ICE PITCHER9im there piping ban ti i.e.. mu.t he t. «-ei.a«, with a anailptaca tf lew. ana baa eenl water th.oeah .at the tweuy toe*houra II ia paOcuiarly be^ncae! dunug the nigh when a

***** mi ca«m water a* to iWieahing, parucina.ll to nbe aaoh.H<T I"*'1 w# *"" ''' '° of wo derfal inren

He* at Tue ve y nao ik* of what it aawttvraaiu tbeae Jel-gbtPaiit oeo. day. »itb I4N the ,orr.eter Jtht\ m* . ., 0,,e MTllat.ea»« . cmu ee>aeli< n e pervade the .reten. and wnarbllteiatedl Wbt.twe


It U, ta real ty, all that tb* inri: tor caluii fir it. The. arefctpt ro-iatantiv on hand, a;id are Lr aale at th* lou eat marketrate*Tba »a c. of tbc-e b'gb'y e*«*em»d

Dfivo.ar-Hlk'- CHAIRSare bec<n !rg r*ry attrtidve The. ar* proha'. \ tba eaaladcbalra maw'e A« . preeent from the wife to th t buahv .1 ui^tijaiU*toar, fir wb la Mill; 4 i them hla bL 1* payahl* a'e f >*.

Ian and a c^ae.ful. happv C0'i"t. uasce >a i>r 'e» ''i. Ttevcap *Jm> la- bar* at Data.*! Oir.t E.tabli.bm«nl. to e!ig<! .v

Irraled at Kva 641 aud ClG Bnawiway, north *a*t corner *(Bleach »ra>tAlar. In *eV'*i-4i 10 »be ahme eanme'ited article* an emi.aa*

v.etr»> of HOI ft FI RNIS UNO UOO'»S at pric. to .uitthetime* R'lBI'IT DAVISNo* I44**tf4vj Biealway, entth eaar farter of Blteeker a*

/ F »'t-»» Silee-oom*

EARTHEN*ARE and CHINA-150 erat».I et»*! * et de, ha.x Iber*" Whits Ol_it*-

I'ti rra'-. Coo.n ot Oamda*> r.,r. assts *viHvm.m fitiBjdrapa m ,, m

»r » <<u_ La*tet Jr.** 1« bhdi " Btvxa^we/'i- Coin*,for M ? .« the 'aare t" origin*. jW***"* onlyby

BUROl BB. DA! > »i OOOOARU, He y p"r!,-*-Aasnt* f. ' Ik* MaaulactaTBr»

V I 1(T~.A Fa^üj^rHwt leavin-th* rtyi> Mil one rf i*, mptm'l %*** «< kt AIU bld.-IK kD9 ». r> rh.er. c* *t No. BJ Bleecker*.

SCHOOL H KMTI Ilr3 ( HCl LAU »ÜP»*».ltq on APer.lCA-mon

B, R PAT^n, No .4 «IB " *-8T.

aJl I FNDID FÜlTtH oTENÄM FURNI-O 11 Hi.. VV boie-aie ai o Boon.

_ _

W AKREN WARD. Nn T anal at.

IDaitnc«, Je_elr_. iCc-

fEyVELRY and DIAMONDS VERY LOW-Ö Tue lUtwenber. for tbe last sigbteen yr%-* in bourn-we IsA ill «f.. i* selling »11 de-cnptio_i Of BBBOÖU, DBOMBtL BBBill orber k ndi of Jewelry, »' wut-lnaa-V tad retail, a* xueh leu.hmn 'be oaual prv i

Ladfbif betytlful Ooid. Cameo, Mnaaie, Cerbn-.r:a mlPtari »e' E*r rinn». Pins and Bracelet* irj etch.

boxer.*** »«to 6U* <*Lanier' Pins. Oold, lui.10, Moaau Pear »od Carbon-

de.#2 AO to «¦ >' 00each,Ladlet' Etr ringi, tn'd, taxneo. ROaXtJo, Pearl, Carbon

cle. Ar_.*2 60 te 625 00« pairjt,l<l Ouard Cbaim. Cbatelaine Cbaina Fob Cbaina end Vest

Chan*.6» 00 to *«5 00 eachPure Ook) WerMfng Rinrs.62 .60 to *f< 00 eachl-adiea' field Bracelet*.6* 90 to 6»0 61 earh..'Inm ai»d CVied Or Id Rings.76 rente to 66 OO eaco:>i,t»en en'« Peal Ring*.65 00 to t»*1 each

I» .«I.jVafiand other Stone Ring» + .' to ijK 00 each.Fine Gold T_axhie* .62 6fl to 6" 00 eachfix M (inar.i Keja, fob Key« and Seali.. .61 SO to 625 00 eachi,old Pen« and Penrilt.63 M to 616 On each.(Jold Peneil«.61 00 to 67 00 each.I.a'tee Porte monnaie«.61 *' to 61* °* each.icld (roeseiand Neckltrea. +2 Onto 6'7 OOearti»< IC and Stiff Sleeve Button« tnd Stadl 62 'X* to 61ft '"'a setliold "iiwrtaclea and Eye-Oiaaaes.Ol 7S to 610 .trtarr.'.nd fc_ King». l'int.Fniaef-Ruit» A I roaeea. 69 <* to +.V».'iold Armlett. ''carf Plna and Silver I tiiobiea 37 tu. to 614 '*

OEOROE C ALLEN. ImjKirtorOf lA'atcbea and Jeteetrt. vrholeatle and retail. No ii Wall-

it. aeconr) floor, tear BroadvrtT, ap atairt

Drp ©oobß-

BLANKFTS..2<Mi cB*ei* nhi*id-bound FamilyBLA"»KETei, f,om eradia «Ire to a 4. end ..f varitniqa-li

it: 'orptljer with Ne»rf [bAhVB a id H"r»e Blat keta. from to*Kochdal* at d Oo ic Mule vt iU he aold low.

N 'SMITH B Co Are ta, N0 71 Brnadwav


No. It* CHtMar.as- st ,

New v ortO E O. W. a J EH I iL READ,

Mautjfa.-tuieri a d Wholaaeie Dealeoa.Factory Noa ss9, StM ai d 3ie2 Kio^daaj All*ny, N. T.,

Are now ^iei».fd to ethihit to porcna»rra Irom all par aof tboft Bo, an aitr-cive, aleaaut ai d compete aawjrtmant ofFALL and WINTER OOOfS, adip ed to too wanra o> eraryaectlon of 'he country, amoo* wbirh may be fooud m*ny eu-

Itely new and ort»: »I «t\le« "f fbeir owl deiifn mmmrntParticular attectioa It re>qoeited to their MOLr.sKlN

H«T8_f^U>E BLANKETS..FTeah Iufoioea of the beat

Qu-liUc* for aale by NESMITU A Co.,No. 71 Broadway

a N tea 1' x d~Ti v o v A g E ;OR,


No 446 Broadway.

^INE BROWN goods..660 bale* Rociing[ -am. Hop* and otht>r o>B*tira foi aale by

NF.SMITH A Co., No. 71 Broadway

ThteroCa. manufacturing co.sBLEACHED OOODS. fo- aaie by

NESMITil A Co., Sola Ateau



Pointe, (f>ile, l?»la65, ^'c-

1l7xtra QI ALITY REFINED LARD OIL.I J V ery pore, burne bntntiy and ae long ** aperm, and novelttbtt* the wirk, beini free from gum, It It very tuperio faaoarbil > ry AleO,IOHI fN'H Pt'HE TAl.I.OW OIL. «uperlor for hnrnio|

w || aianrt eoldei weather, ai d will outwear the beit iperm oilBariela.30'p 4' raJiorn Only Uent

john W Ul'INCV, No. 9« Williarn tt.


sei i reu bv patents.KF.aif-ENE II.I CMINATINO O'L.

THE PCOMiMi OF Till.- oil. is UNRIVALED.64 10 ol K 1 ROSENE «i\ h at much litht a* 61» of Rape-

teed Oil; 612 of U hade Oil, 626 47 of Spetm Oil, aod *¦}..*Hun.i.i» Fluid.

It burnt in all the Arrant* mmm) -'op Lampa inclodititcan phone aid ail vie oil lampa without the uaual teudeucy toBnKate.

KV ROSENr LUBRICATINO AND BINNACLE OILTbe ajbal ad ttiia Od in maebmey ia loo'id to be perfectly

in»(ttcal; it r*o ove* tbe rum caused ot the use af impure oiii,Waaat eimai to litit Sperm On. and doei not co aealataiowt. :i |.. e Kor Hii_i_rle Liaji«, S ana and Sow-pril Liq-t. mi, latVj Ol is u. »iirpaa»««. It «-dl !.»»_ laa i mm m.hta witb-BtO tumuiwa or ciua'a t 'be wick, a greal dtieieratum for ihipBiaOta «, aid atasa a naht .qua, I boat Spitm Oil. It aiaoburin In'ali'be ?o'ar a d tln.d Lampa.Tie ntr« tioa 'f ri irl ecn ihip '"hannlen, and Ship Cap-

fan a it |>*r icultrly roqueated t< "he rertilica «» to he leen att .¦ .atsoa of f UBTI.NS, Aaent ot Kercwsn* On Couioaay. No.B9 heater it_

T1IE^RJ:CKENRID(J_ COAL aud OILCOafPABil mrm Bow pre(»xe.i to »upfly COAit OUed at

their btaiiubv tort, al Isverp. It, Rsntaekt, eotsawttaa of LUlmiCATl"0 OIL, BURNMO WiL HF-N/Ion«"., aud 0BC701COAL OU.. Partt* l*r» fumislied at tb* "'oiaaanj'i QNBoo,earner of Wall-*l son Browlwav, New-Vurk| or un application

toJAW. t AiRN.H II .»erport, Ky.

rHE KEW-JtRSEY ZINC COMFÄNYTbyI iinprot.-d procea'of a anufac'-ura are now oropared to offta-hair WBIal OXVD of _INC, superior In waitoiieaa to anyother manufactured in this couutt Sold, either dry or rroundLi oil by u. Al tren A Co Aa-ufa,

No. IM vMbmi('ou*t.

Uuiluing iHatcricilo-

ENCAU8TIC TILES.Fur Vogtibulea, Halla,tloartba. Oinii.« iie iu», Conaer« atorie», -o 1) > KN It IRK

CHIMN_.y-tops. DP ain-l*ipes. Ae For aale byMil Le.r k COATrS.No 279 I'earl a'-. N Y.

I EAKY ROOFS-LEAKY ROOFS.Li CkBBOKBPS ItooKlNO crmevtlithecbeap.it boat,B-d by tar 'be moat do-able ROriFINtyuaed tt ii Iniperv cua to wa er.wea'h-r ai d age I upr ive it;it r.itn'e tbe n i»t in «aas heaf i.v. AK Y tin ft!) iKS ce-BtENl r D and made equal «o neve. a. l. 09hhn,

Ma'-'-n ai d BaJlaV r. No Ml Car.al at.

ROOFS, ROOFS ROOFS..The cheatn-Bt an¬bei! artice» fbl everim ro.'f» ia tau ROOFISO PAPCsL

BBlth Wt >IB| swsjiBtirtlj on band, and will tell in large anttauiall qoai litt* a to turt porrhasera

jas t DKKh ICKSO** 1 Co.. No * Bsekman rr,

ROOFING, ROOFINGwakrfn'S improved


JAMES H JOHNSON A Co.,HAMf acti,«tt«

N IS Pine it.NewTerk.Oii wi leaky Metallic Roots coveted with a partntnaet aatf

Rlasttr CosPni

DProfcGoional Xoticco-

R. A. DOOLIT7 LE will REMOVE hin OF-fit E on the lit oi Aiiatuit, o No 2>i 8th-«t nea'J .no at.

IMlAl.ATIoN in OiSLASE* of tho LL'NGS.¦1*1 I«. K... Dr. Ill N rk A would (in BWttM that dunns 'ha

h .t n oniba of Oun.msr latien'iai' he receive al er I) d.m 4ai v. 1'eraona lequincg eaam:_a'iou of the lunai ih iuM,it I oiaibie, aelect lb* morui i. No. 928 Broadway, New i ork,July 19.

piles, rupture, and fistula.Cured1 witla ut the ki.ileor ln.ture. by EDW, H DIXO.N.M Ü.,1 a_M ot Iba Scalpel, and Ora raUn.' and Cot lu.'tint Surgaon,No. 42 Baft av. Ottica buuri trum i to 9 a. m, 1 to a p. m., aua 7to 9 avenint.

I>r U will be abarut from the city from Auguat 1 to I, andfrom September 1 lo ', n cluaite.

Ü] NITFD l^ÄTFS PASSPORTS.By J. B.BOMIa\ Notary aad Coaimwaior. r for every State. No.

It Waj-ran at ftari.ralnred cittse: . muit pcooav.e enrttfiettaa,

öernntn Lanb COarrants

BOI NTY LAND-WARKANT OFFICE, No.63W-iiwi Nsw-York..Tb* highest market price paid forLAND W ARRANT 4 tad all warroa't sold by ua are goaran-UcJ and toiwarded, by mail or othtrwiae on rtceipt of remlt-

tat reaLaud Warrantt pr^-red forSv ldiera and other* sntltlod to

Bounty Lands, cn aj plicatKia to

_/¦ C COLEMAN A Co., No «3 W»U it


No.79 WaR r New York.We will topply ordert promptly A*arrant* a wayaoa haad.

LAND WARRANTS boucht at the hitrheiit oaabprices, and caim* for Bouniv Lai d. Pemons, kc p-oupt-

ly attended to, by OEO WOODMAN No f9 WuliLn it.


BON A Ca, No. AO Baokman-ot. affsr tw i. a ua ara*« "em .:

Writing rapere Enfl'.th FreneB and AmerlcaE.Newa Paper, all lirea. wrirhtt atu! qoal.tlea.Bi«k Parwr. aU ataea, wtightt and aaaUtiss.twine Paper, fancy eolort and white, of tho belt gttaT 11Hauaiag Paper white tv^d colored, d!rJerant widti a.

Hatters' Paper, Ct and of the b_t qaahly.Cloth Paiwr Ws4P and 4/>l rtt-. iiml »tarda are P-per, a large asaortciert Jest artier!Bbc strong Paper of the boil qaaUyVA rapwtii* Paper. Htraa Hu aad Mat.tl_Tea PagSM of d dc-out aaaeaTar aVoaifutg Papar. s_._ais for rooft. ta roaia.

nlVTDEKD NMTICE.-Tte SEWI-ANNTAT,INTI *f>T bI1< ¦ r .. m .>. r, , ,... ,t, gr,» .i \i

,,.'!).». r t. . f.' » u dmt' w..- .«e. Wilt be jt if(!<*<¦« the u: «mi|i.H ou irxwiUtu n ef th* P**#< 1

pi i.. (4t:TB f 1 F\ FUNS. PAlNCimLE. AND aS3TA»JtT-

I a It A11 road (^M»«Ni*5 ROM)-, ¦tp.rgeri*T*e l.i rn.\T,IV» ASH INl.USA RaILIOADf I MPaNY'.- INtoM'' Bi»N'>- 7p-rr»o'.

(VIUll LaMF.R k Co., No 51 W. .'

New Vor», Jay :* Wt

0#Hi r. Ohio ABB umma RAitei.»ti CottFAtr.lFo*r ,,'<i\r H'v It, 'If- I

DIM! END NOTICE..'I hp SEMI-ANNCAI-'NTEh' "T fa !i-g ir. 'h- Chy ef New Y«*k (t» MM

M< RTOaOE B"NDS ef thi* r0..pitlT, OI1 *>(t daft"i'.ci..i' vi1! be i*i(i on A 1 i'or 'h»* Hit . ». th» o*Ac» ' fMi mi WtN*|.ou(, i.ANIF.R It Co, No. 5» Well «c, ta.Aid ci y. on t'i'm'.'aljoo of r».» ' n jo- e

.iKOftOK V|i IMB V. Tree. ;rer.

DIVmEND.bane tÄ th* MANHATTANiOMPAnY -Tr.. Pr-.l^»i.t ml 4 Dir*; or. of lb* M AH-

H a TT A N Ct> w» AN'V bii-Tiüi DaV levered a g-mi tnnua

d-tide do* five PKRCFNT,pwyAbt*u>tb*it*:ta «U titti iaTIT.DAT, tJ . "»th p>«X.Nrw Yort, fall «, IBM J. M. MORRISON C«-li «r.


COMPANY -Tr.e Board cf Dirartct hive THIS DAY de-:uvr-d » Sum Ai.noA. Hi. ideal ol PI VP. PER CENT on thefuL' Stock of rbta Company, peyelle 'o St^khotderi ou end»f>«r the l.t ,.ey of Await i ext. Tbo Traoafex Booke will berJoeed froLi tbe IfHb Jolj p. n;., to the Jit of payment.New-York. Jon* 37. ItSfi.

EDv\ IS r I. ITT HFIELD, TrwainreT.

Oalfna a«d Cwicigo Cmow Rolioad Comfky, j?errna.-t'i Offico, ulrwo. loir 17 11«. J

DIVHiF.ND NOTICE..NoÜM Ii hereby liTWto toe enckholdtrt ol *ba oALLNA A.Nli CHICA'M)

l'N|ON ktlLBOAD OMPaN'Y taet t Divide^ of »T\ r.PK R CfNT opn- the CAptraJ Btnck of «Aid Comp«uj ha* THISI'Ai beet, declared bv tbe B »rd o' D-.:*rtore. piribieootce15 b daj if Aoi'iet next tn Eiehaiife on New York »t per. to

bo'drr* if imm etuck. at the ecu ol bn-ine»i on tue Mldai of JnJj, WA.No dirideid »nll be f mitted witbo'tt diree'ione.bj ordtr of tbe Duectoie. U M I.ARR ABTE.

Secretary.Ol i ice or Mo»Hi-, Canal and Banking Compakt. i

Jareey C ry, JoJy 21. It-U. (

DIVIHEVO.The li-.iard of Oirwtim haveriH-» DAY derived a DIVIDEND from tk*> »arnin»« of

the Cenal o' FI*-> P« h CF.N r f .r tie r,e SIX M JN TIHtiitt tbe 1-RKPPflRI Ii SrtlCK of »ntd Company, neytbleto Iba S ockboiflere or »br-r repreeentafTea m a-d arer tbeIrr. Tu»erey (the Mb| of Anamrt -.«at a' tpei' o«ce at JereeyCi r a- n f re#idet.ti c* Philadelphia and vicinity at tbe ouVeof E «v. CLARK . CoThe TltANSPER BfNlRS of tfali STOCK wfl be CLOSED

from the i.'th mat. oxtii the day of par oentL. N C JNDIT. Secretary.

lavtar. uavinc.« uatitutio«. No 96 kVanaa at,

DrVlDENJt.TtiiB Inatiniti.rn haa di'darevi aStn iAM.ua DWderal at the rat* of SIX PERCEIT on

al! tun.t entitleo thereto for the laat three and ri moaifat, payt-bie on are tfter the ilt' ir.tt All Infereat not called fjr willditw '.iitervtt .. piinciaal. Open <t*My frim lato'Jp. m..andfto '

p. tn. on Mondayt. 7bcr<diyt and Satar U< .

WALTER NV rost KLIN, Praetdent.ViNntartiTl. Bi »ti..n. h v. M Pliii«. i .- P.~<,.

ekcreUiy._M. D. \ A* Pn.T, [_____*D1V]OEM).OCEAN HANK.-a Di-i.leorl of

THREE AND A HaI.F PER CENT an la* «r kalHn<k hat thi*day been d. lared, ..a». to tu* <th ilert no

ani< alter the Vhdey of A'irut next The TrtLtfer B rit* willbei o*td unti that dav. By ril. r of IB* % kl i

PAKKER II ANDY, Ceahier.Nrw York, July V\ 18-A_^_

DlVinEND.-KCltJEItS FIRE .N8UBa.NCt.COM PA> Y.Office No. 176 Oiatha-d aqutre, corner

rlott-at , New i oik. Joly », Ik*", .Tie board of Director!baiettna dat declared a aemi anuual Dividend of SIX PERCENT peva)M6 to the.tockn.Jden i.n tie l.t ol Auauat neatThe trai afer hooka will be cioavd from t.ie .'i t IrM BatB Au*.I By ot ter, 1 B I ELI.O V |, Secretary.

LEATHER mTnUTACTÜB ißl BANK, NewYork, Jnly ZI, IBäfi -a DiMdeto nl FIVE (i) PER CEN T

tn the Cepi'el Stoc* wul he i*id ti tie Stockholder* on andafter 1- KID ay. Baa l Th*TnMBarBaak«wfcljk*«!a*adaakitba> day. Bt order of t^a Board. f. U. ACLY, Caabiar.

I)Ef»PIA A BCKEAi: VALLEY RATI.KOAI)comp*s<-a Ditlaaad f POL'ft TKM. CEMf em tha

CAPITAL STOCK of thi* Catapaai ia» baea dm lared pataM* ea the 11thday mi Au» .»t at theoir ..- id Iba CBaea«* ¦Birk Ialand Rail" a* Company. N<-. 18 AM^ani -»r»av». Thatrai «'ei ..¦ «. a ill he Hi>.,d from l.t to Ith Ana/iei.

1 lie i, terett on the bond, f tbia Cou>|«auy "i1! be pal I I thelat Atii.it, at the Com Exchange rl.'ik, on oieaentatiTii of thetoupoin. C X IU' K AN T, Tret.oaer.

Oiiiikoi riir. Btr.kM»n IbBV*ABCB Co.,»N..W YntK. Jutv i7. lAV,. I

THE DIBECT0B8 of thi* Compiay hare de-dareo aumi annu.ldivi.lead of KI .lit FBI CENT.oaj

Bide on the Ittof Anruat bait Tin TTanater lio- kt will betioaed from tl> .lib bat* to Aug. 2

STEPHEN n 0OÜOEI SecteUry.On ict or th* PatarLa'i Fike latcaait r Oo j

Nrw Yoat,. Jma 20. .fftj. J

TnE BOARD ofOIKl'CToKS.iftiii. Companybare thi. day daoUrad a DIVIDEND of EIVP. .5) PkA

CENT, payable on and after tha l.t oi J Jy nett, until whiootana the Tianat» r K.Kikl will bad lad,

by irder. VV. p. IN DER HILL. Se -ftary.Th* Nrw-Y'oait Cfntkm. BatlBwaB Coaraar.)

TtKiit'trit'iOriiir ALIt\r, .In i 13 iBaa |'THE DIRECTORS of thil Company have dp-A clara.i a ou>Oa. .1 of .'urn PCl CENTea the Caiyttalblock U-ereol out of U* 1 e' earni'ig., fi.r tbe ait tniti ht wrnchwill eapneontne tintty tiiat baft payai.ic on tin 20tb day ofAngnu eit

ferockb n'era <«bo*e »Wk I« rjai.tered a' New-V. r'a, will re-

re've their dividetda at tb« office of Du ca i. Sner oa. A ('i. iIhoee wbo-r rtiark la logiiiered al Ho«'ui. at tha o!fi;<- of J e.Ihi-yei k Brother: and tho*a wlu-aa ttork u reg:.ter»d atA taiiy. at tbe Albany Ota Ba-ik.Tbe Tr.ra'tr Hook. »111 be clou,: a*, the c!oa* of buiineta on

Thi HSDAY, the Hint t Ju y ln*t.and will be rao^ned oathe n.ornit g ot SAl I IDAY 'tha ?-J o* Auf-«tte»t

JOHN V L PBvl YN. Treaanrw.

Oillii «'l Tili w || i| \ I trtaOAB Co i

Brtvii.rai, N I lar* B», 'aVt ,

NOTICE..Tib BEMi-aNKUAL [meuest0" the Horde of thl» Crmptay die 01 l.t of Aognt'.anil

I .. p.Id «r the Offiea of Tha Delaware, Lark «wann« and W>f.er' latbaaiCa. No 5. tVaQ-OB,N Y, on ard after tiitt day,en ireietiraiion if the i oopona JOHN I. HI.AIR Pre.'.

Oilier or Tiir. Tr.n*r II<iti: ami Alton R. ft Co..)No I« WitLiiM-II N. Y., July 2f<, liM. 1

INTEREST N< »TICE .The interen daW on tie>.t of Angu.t,ou iba f.r. «. I aecond Mor tage Bond, if thi»

t limpet y, wi 1 !>e pala ou a* ifter tuet dav. «u tha or. a-i ta h'j

of taacaarpoa*attVtOwlte. C. MTKOO 'K Treawir<r.

v r.w .ÖRu an,! Ii \i;u m kaiij: )Tf)i.a H« N *S I lie C*wp* . tor 'be Interett oan on lot lit ol

An.no u|<jn he Second Moirgage It, -.da.*b* Dviver Exten->iea B. i.rt.-and 'ha Band, navthla in leMt. 'aaa^d hv tieM w MlNK AND HARLE Nl RAIIKOAD COMPAVlwill be paid on thu day, ar their ..ffi.e N'e SU Pi-.e a* rearb.Uding W. A Wal FBHCAO, Tieeeurer.

Orruc Cr..nt*al Riitaoao^Oo. or Nr.* Jrattv,|rpiTE INTEREST COUPONS of the F.R1T± MOBfOBOl BOB id paay, due ImoTawguat proxin n, will be paid r:i and tfwf lb** eaua .'. the oBi:*.No. 88 Wall-it. O. Al. MILLI'.AN, T -t-urar.

Cbicabo. It. Fabi tsD Boat) oc Lac RatLaotD Co. >No. |] vt ail-.t Nee Y.iil.J Jv al Hat <

THE INTEREST ddob the Domls of this f ompa: y. vue A Ug'iat I. W.tll^peJ . a:. I a ""Jit tc»: !.o

Lpou prtaentatio'. of C. i'Cua >i 'hi. off e

J. W. CL RRI/'.R, Sec.elax;.OtPKB or R«( tar tn Kl**t*afPP1 R«ti *oaa Co., (

No 7o Baevar e»., f.r«- » rk Ja'vfS |o»l. J

FJTEIEST ^CT,t-E--The ^eMI-AVNcalIN i REST on tbe t rat M .r'gtge Boiaiaof '-Iii l l.: paj/,

co* on the lit prox wtU be r*ia on and ef.er :.1*t0a/,onpr» aet tatioi. 1.1 tn* Co j.vmi. a' taut ggbaM1A to, on the II uA.ng ii<...-» latuad :^ thi* ClBtjatO lue

A'ujmt 1'th, vi»:.

potp. r T,ir CtTT rr lacftrB. no> oi UK Iowa oi ila uh ds or THr Tow* or KbBobaBoNi » oi thi Tewa or DCLAVAt.

And on the 1 am. Mtr^agea goart. te -d > tail ConpanyCLARK ft ICBLT.Aa'ta,

O h F1CE of CLEVELAND ftftd MAfl »NIXOaUklltlOAD Ci'MPANY.i i r»r.. .s, ., y

M..Intaira.: due l.t proxi r.u on tha If MaaTtglaaa Bocda oftbi. Cotxpaiv. wni t." paid hv itaaaia >>AKD, l tK'PritLI.a Co., No. 12 Wrfliam at,. Nt-w Yora.

i HARLES L K IQDEI tTacwtaay.

1X)LED0 and ILLWOrS an«' LAKE ERIE,WAeUSI andsT. LOL'i-i lltltllOAD OOatPAMIEi,

cow cocioiiiate.l auJcr tn* jtle cf t IL T )LKU J, V.'A-bash and wksttrn rai'.road t jm ¦an.'-t..*Coupon mal .r.'.g ca the lat cf A . nex', ^n I .. . M r-aace Bond* of thsae Compar.'e. (amoint .i.g u/mtüttt nj *j j.a> (.. oi I wul h* paid a: tho Jh-.e of

E tVHltttHOrge', BON kTOBTBO*!No. 6a vvaiia-r.. c mat .< P.ne

TbJEW-YORK CENTRAL RAD SOAD BEYER\\ PKR CENT BONDS.Taa ende*-»...eltbe SEA PN PER CENT. col'pon b-iSuS f 'n . v

pany date leaae), havirg twenty yaar. to ran. it vere- ayoaaemi ant uaily. l the u. .'dat. M February and Aigaei a: WeCompany'! AgeLcy. IB tail Citv.

_PCrCAW. S3BIVAÜ U Co.Plifle's Fitr fagaaaaep Ca <Ntw-YotK Lj»a .n, mag \

AT an ELECTION held June 1?, 1-56, tbe u 1-low a. i gen.>m*. war* elected Direetcri if thi* Cumpeay

B>r the cMc.i 4 raaciDIRECTORS.

Richard Vartck. Otvlord ? Hebte« W'lium M. VVJiea.D. Jackaon Steward, Jamea S Brouw*r. Al ranam Leg,en,freemar. CaunpbeJ. -K iiai C M**k*T, Lyuxan Caapii,Baa uei B'r«aall eVoienion Basta. tobn W, L» -..Edward L. I.yncb, Oe-^-ga VA araer, Tacmaa Wilttanaa,Pater B. Chrlitie, William Mo'r, E^war* P Clark,lame. S. Leant. Edward D Netaan M, romer Brcwx,Corneiiaa Stepben«, Mattbia. < lark. hu» J. Bonerreal,»kaum Skandier, t'briatophar ü wver. Alfrad Barnnre,tVm. D Wathbern, JoLn Mia-avpar.i)7. ( tarle* H. M:Isryra,John P. Y.lvertex. Oe.rge b Cittj a. David P. Sater.Otdeon D* Ant*.... Mf.but Bl - dioralAt a anbaeqtact meatr.g cf tit Biard RICHa&D > aJUCR

eee, area li itn'if-' *' 1 ;ialac>J P.'-att.nr.^__W. F. l.VPERHILL.Becre'ary.

MARINERS SAYINGS BANK 3d av., tot, 0f9th at, open daily from 'J .. aal We.aetlay and

e.turday evenuig* Irom ö to S o'tw tk Ir'.-. at on de-ueita¦Dder BNO.g pat cent. THoS. B STILL MAN, Preantant

LUDLOW rATTON A. Co., STOCK and EX-CHANOE BROKERS, Na IS WdUm-it -4to:ki and

Bocda bought and aolri at tha Baaauataf B ard aa Coamiaauia.Loanaand bo.meaa rap»r oagvtiated WMBt aLowed on da-poait* Dlv t'e'da ard Inte real Wttranta crllr^tadai-d riui ttad..Uw/fttce-lolti. BanE


NOTICE.Tlx CO\ IX'S&tdtk*) HAMP5HIR111 iiiaL m-' IR< <sv__"''*¦ J" " la- . .Vt/i>/.TrrMi.KK.,p- ¦..»=:.

R1WANS' H.*.nK .Tfca 9*cnrBl in-tallm-Lto' TIIIP.Tr PKW ( r.NT o'llt ea:' atock » <'t K say-

eu.e »r he Bar V: i !!. am N< M Nu.. .: , HOMUt

Bid nrr<u«rM Am t, 11, MA

N'OTICf hereby given, ptUwaROl tthe S-a'-'r u mrb rase made Bwd sr>vided, that «H ,h»

tttruea: « .. I, MSK' ivnT.,.h«. Hu »«

IPHQWIJI BAHR Ol BAINBHIDOB mmm ha trete- had at

the Ottre of toe |h«*wt_e*a»w9wt ti the Hat til t i'er*r*raent <¦

.JreSta'eef N»w V"-t for rBTTWeuf wrtRir two yesr* trxirr. 'bela" htrttif, or 'be fordt derywirod for »l» rHe.pt: D if toeuremilu* r.otn iarned to the aid Banker will bo gtTen or).

trliUw-NK M SCMQPNMAKEE. <a:*rtnlCTqor_

¦aBB DtlAlTVlaT, ."I » II N'l-I *l,»AI »aa», Jo. y B), IBS6 »

_E( I i.MMFKClAL II.OK ot W 1111 Eil \I...I eatMa dty fi erf fti ttiit nfrlre « ooei-e of the .peenfm-ot

of 'he RANK OF TROT, tn the Trrj of rroy a, sg«ct for t le

ref'Oir in n of i e circa *¦ ukm _*oe, '**oto*r witu a rev «-»-ioa off* »jf.iB _»Ltofth* lTN%IF."('f\'. BKSK of THOT at

rOfh «.eiareeah'e te the neteitf l*-)* At) t-» to em«Td 'be..w leiolBttaj rywratod R»-ik*. Baiting A*vn-t.ol* tad lidindral Bu.tr«. pueed Anru I?, 1831.

J AMF.» M. C X>K. StipertatonHeot.h*s\ tirptiretriT. Statb or Ni* fOBI

Al.lakV. lugoer I. IBM. '

THE QTJAfcSAICK HANK has THIS DlYBird ii_ »h!i ufBre t to'l. e of tb* appoiutme it of T i9.

I'aRK bank to the City of N*w-1 ort. to AawatPr dkt re.

dOMatjMB ol .It Circulating Note*, BBfBjBM « i«i * revocs'imof the apt*'Bttrai t ol the Atnertcan Fichante Rar.k aa aicbAgent itTBiaBll to the act er'lrie" "An act In amend trie.. .¦ni ac * '.l*»lBgt/i l_err»oTtted Rank'. Ranking Aevt *-

t.oi e ate Jndnidual Bankett r Aprü i7. 19^JAMVS M r0 >K, Sip*r_teudea'


ORtXFL A Co.. PIULAU^Ll'UJA, payable at Uta piiaoipt.tBiei of the I'rited rl'atet.Cciectiont made tt Sac Franeltco, and fn EBB ttrttrtor of ifea

¦tale, and proteeda prornptry rerilrtod, C :ac'tor_ nay beaant tbreet to D B A C.,or Uroogb l»P.r.\EI. A Co., PT.ila*e!ph_ or L. S. LAWRENCE A Co.. No 104 Naaaau at.,N.I.Etchauga on San F'auiaco for aale, in .<u. to aa:t, a?

DRFXr.L A C«., Philadelphia, and L. S. L_W_XJrCfl A CcNew Yart._OFFICE II. iC~GC^DMXN A Co., No. 7 Wall

at _U e lave for aale the following; Boci Itiatl. If4-fit) Seter rerCent Rmid«. Htrdl- OoBi ty. Ky.f *' n<- «in Per Cent Bi nde. DtM.i«. n'". -i tt. Teas.Bl.vttrj Eight Pi r Ceit Boi da NwaConn'TBrjn.oOO EuL' Per Cent Bo:.Jr. Mineral Point, Wir.

Alto, a great ram-ty of City, County and Ran war SecurltAaila triailer lota

SMALL FY BART_p:iT, No. M Wall-tt,,Note Loai aiud Stock fommtttr Brök ei»..Paper payahat

al any Pomt In the United State« and Cards rnPerted aofBortatted. OF.O C SMALLKT.

ALFRED W i tHri.lMT.Beferer.re«: Mori Taylor, eaq.; Wan R Aster, eaq

Ouics bn Unction.A. M Ifrowta. AtwclBttOBt*.

BY BANGS, BROTHER A CO .Trado-SAloRooma No IS Pirk row.

TUB REOULAR KALL TRADE SALE wil bt aom.r.encsd on TUESDAY, September 9. at H <.'.-..ct a m. Con-aigi n er't of Bookt. Stereotyp« Plates, S'ationary. Book-B.i derr* Matenalt. Ac., tolicitwi. Tbs Calalottao w_ ht put to

preaa early la Jaly.A fit ION NOT I ('e .steam F.NO INK. AcIX rOBM I V»N ANTWERP will ae on FBiDAT,A'it I. al in o'el >ek Bt' No. 4» Oreens et one 12 horte sowerS'»am Engine. CtKnplr'e, >:i good >u-on < order. Terms a s-

half. aeh, halarre in app»"v«d no'e at *¦ dtye. Alao.a quan'iiyoi 6i af"ng at d three 1 an Ii g Ls/hsa

/ >RKaT SALEBtKILBftCRN CITY. in( olumvB bio Cotuity, Siola 04T WatBotisia. Teere wul bo ofered alpnnlw S»!s. by the [.ropriefurs. on X »NDAY, Anruf If 1919,aid iajt-i t,,e sniln week. 0*1 TflOUlAND to TWOTilOl SAND CITY OT.t, eii n m dillerent partt of theplat, t.table I. r BBBaMst «i A rewAia Ma

rfciMBor ni m estWill he r»i«de ea'y hy a tmall tmoont in hand and the reweirder <D long tioie, with a low ra'e of int»reat and a liberaldiecmn-to all peraona who artai make ealnehie impr bHw.'i.iTi a tear lu m the tins of purcDase, or to ihoso who mayprefer to pat tn hard

KlI.Btil KN ( IT Vli ii'i'tted al the 'Vlrraitti I Hit' r, urmsdlstely he ow that r>

tntitri("t known ts 1HE DILLS, and In the miJtt of anrl "gric'jltnrtl country, and of the So,de«t \rt flneat acene»yhi U l| '¦ r1* The ai'e of theci y rtaalf la beaatiful and healtijIn tlie eX'r. me, being an elera'ed plain, ria.na amoo'b.y a .dt'.i i It Lrni t 'i'u-tT eievatioti of 80 f0 t ab.iv 'he nvat, «hiebfli.w« BtwBBi1 its ire.fern b.n:ndary. to an Bat I BillMl of «h..ut IVfret, a 1. if it rast ta the tsole land at its entca iiouudary, twe

n.ile* t'islai.l horn the met.At tbia point tbo LA CBOSSE tnd MILWACKEE RAlf/-

ROAD riot'i «the W arontin River, affrrd tit eaay MBaBtlt. a le-'ween 'he eaalern bjkI western portions of the Stato andt:.r Os.BBJ l.eaoud.

elao, at thia point one of the larg-«t water-nowera tu theB'.i'e it in proce-t of beinr ere:ted, hy ihe IVTaeswjbt Ri .er

I i-anlie Comfi' v. n'.oer a rnarter aranted by lh" Sta'bVbe Wiacoosifl it the I* /eat river la the »i- and .his er».'errower will be the low« a' M*ti ou the river of fiy that >-*c'e imj roved therehv givu g to if foyn'iar alv ir'area. wo eha ill «p.ed j invite IboBtBttattt of BULLS and MANCFACTORIES ol every deacrtpt'oti. JOHNS \LIEl',

i'r a t ot the VV Isconsm River U>d'aulic Co.RlibriiT Cifv. .1 iiy LJBM_

B A. I MtATOB Ao--'H»nee-

ijonitive execinOi'1 sale oi realJ ESTATE of Batbafd E Air... k, .lerea«»d, by o..|,, of tee

Surtoga-e F.lirabe'b L E Alroek. Eti rn'ilt. *'io. C Kar.Te». rn.'or NINE LOTS on 114th Bod 119th art .COLEI HILTON wil «eil at a.'.tKinon WE MaUDaV. Aug ist6. IBM. a' 1.'o'clock, »' the Mer-ha.ts' Eachsag , NINE 1. 'Tiol OltO'NII on i'4th and II vh alt vi

Ob lftTB «T Five I cetoe the aoti'erly aide of lith-«t, he-tar*SB lb* 4'h and BtaVBvat, eonmieiiciug .*> teat *as'eriy Ironthe Mh BT.OB I'4th -t -Poor Lot* immedla'i'lv In the rear cf 'he

ahove. n 'be novthe-ly *tde of IMth at,Ea. h ol It* ahove lota ie feet m wbl'b, in frui. and roar, and

I'd feet 11 uches, < r half'he hi >rk. in d'ptb. For Ptrticu tra

and n.*fa apply at the uS.ce of th. ABxtionocr, No. I> Kmaauit._(T'ol

Joar.f 't Ha..rvaa, Aoetl meer.

SATURDAY, Atieusf., at 10 o'cloi k a. m.. nfHi 1 Bt4 Wsrreu. resr Courts», Bnioklyn. A general

¦Mortmei.t ol Parh", Chamber and K 'chen Furniture. Cat*,kogaot t' *b" Stle» RoO.I

Tt'MS M'IBBr.ll., Anr'ioneer.

TRADE sale nf CABINET FURNITURE,be_THIS M()RNI.N'(;.atlO«oV'ock,*i No 711 Naaaau-

rt..The lirile.ua of Con.ignewa are to toll THIS 0 AY, to tba1 thoat l.ilder Caltloano in. 'aii a a ia-g* vsgiQty Of all kind.,f .u. Ra«enrui to A"i< iirludiut rtcat Parlor a_tag, rwaja.me. I'd enatswled Chaiwhag Salle« Alan. O.l Psiuiiiiaa, Spriug«. 1 Hir *-attrea*ea. Oi.rloih, Mat'inr, Siirfeiar I, Bah, he,fiom a faml y, aold firit. N. B..Boxiig, Ac , al uij:*r*locb-rtet and eile.



Ik r A z il WOOD .m quintals BR.vzil¦ V. OOP. nr. bond and dutv psid), for sals hy

8 0FFOBD, TILEB1 ill h Co Ha ft BmalBH.

IP fOU hn- BM.D, and win_ « l'<mv\ h.<ad of¦All ETEBBOaVg), ML'frArrfa'. or vV'til-KErtS

'"k.y, cr chat ga Whf* or Cray 4air to its oris-n*/r > r or 'o a Tirhf hrrwi or black, inct' te f>m ttamps to I'rof.HlRIKtlJ.. New ioi« Pott Otti'o, tod receive hit velaebiehi *t*»K eel fai* ir ^ ira*' uc'iona 'o sccorunl'an lb >ie ohjaeta


V. <!. Cf*)77FNe, So.« A,tnt, No. 71 .Varrpo. at N Y.

iDrcim öteamers, ,<'f-f%B} ATl.V REDUi ED I'RICES..Ananst 5 -

\M V B M^l' LINE.. Kifty po'iBda of ti-srare fre*, liieenetft t tou' a oi etc.-.*. Four L« ur« from ocean ro ocean, hy "anama ha read ; .,r. tu fog CAJ4FOHBYn via Panama Rai.'*ad.Ihe I: "«d S'»tet Ma'l S'eamahtp Co. will t'rpa'ch for a apinwa.1 on 1 I BBDAT, AtBJBW] I .' lo'eio-k p m precisely frii-npvrt .ot or W.r-rst Nor-h Riser 'ho weil-kn>w_ and faattta-mrbn IILINOIB. Capt Caaa S. B are. I S N. Pa«s.n-»er- ti J Ma l» wii ha i rwarde.i hj Paiieo.a Radrcad. and seo-rect nf Pa am» win. ths Pacific Mail 3 r._ihlp Co "t tnagt.1-aaatltaBrwrniBt OOLDBN AO I. I T. « atkina, Commareler.which will be In it id.eat an 1 leave Immediately fat SanF tare, reoThe r«h.i' »*e ii .'orrned that it' Pacific Map Steamship Ca.

aiwayl lave on* or more ei'ra t>Mhtawt't Iyi g at Ptiiama readyfoi at 'o ttutd any po**.!.le deiwutioa of ratmrgan or ms a.Kor PBspaga apply b> 1. W . Rai MONO at in* .m'v BaaM

af th- I Btpa ea Na '77 Weat at.,'or Warrerj ,t «4. Y.f.¦¦¦{!>' i i"i ¦»¦' TO.;,: .j rerc ihic f'jo'.i'llce .« per

r--"ird 11BObU A BO freirtt wiJ b* received alter 12a el <k CO *he .'aa ot atiiling.


«.IF«TL\ REDLTED -Thoncw »cd ttletdtd SteamshipCAfAWB.t :t»nt_«.)J. D. Bnllp-k, C i.Ttnaa4eT, w..t railfrtn. petr H BJ, ftot of N rtt M» r. a-., «.orth Ii. er f.,t S t.VJ'.AN DE NICAKAOiTA, on SATl'RDaY, Aogitt i l«'o.at i o'clo:h. p. m.. It cottect with the stea uer SIERRA NKTADA, ftviL San J bbb dri I .-. sn tos Pacitk I i Itk 9 aarAWB. ?a*a.ngert a.11 fitul ths tba haa'lulaat a_d cbeapastto_t. Fo: ftt :ght or ptssaga apt ly to

_CHAS A. WtHTNET. No ? Bowlii.g Oreoa. N T.


LAY. Aurua' .'. at 2 p. m., fr<_ pier foot of Warren r. NorthPiter, the faar _dfavori,, ,feArna_? PUILADELPHIA Ctpt,;cb:. McOowt-i, wfi! saj at ahovePassage can be eec-.red at tb* effico of 'ha Lin*Fieigtt to tU w-Orlean*. 91 cent* per cubic foot, receive 1 o*

V j'aty.BBayBBH will he rotn-licd wrb hl*ik brtlt of lading of rha

*sr_ nsxod by tbo Lino, on trpticabon at their office, fixeuer forma «ig_aO. aatt no MH ol .vi...« «ml h* timed af.er th*boor ct tadrng.For rrenrfat or Baarage apply tt too ofBoo, No ITT Waat ac

«or_r ofWarratv_M O. ROBERTO. Are.t

F)R BREMEN via SOI^IIAMt^i7-ThaI'LitedSuroa Vtil Stoarnihip W.t-IUIN iTON E Ct't-

aav. rca_r_uder. wül sail for BREMEN, toucAlns at Sol.T'IAJIPTON t; Isjjd the mailt a/id paaaenaer, for England aaiFrar«.. cm - ATTRnAT, August 9, at U o'clock, m., fromFtei >>o 37, >,otth Bir*rraica or rattact a tow bbw-tobb to toi tb-ttrroB oa

latuia.Ip First Cabin Mam Rai'.«.BI30h. Ku-st Cabm, Lower Saloon.. ... i.a

!_«*<__ Cabin.. n0An aiMrieecad Sraneoa tt attar bad to each et«a»i_rr Speci*cr«tered m Il»~« < r L. doo. No parcols recetvod on the ubtcf aaillna. Al. lattsra nnat past throush tba Post OSes F atPaaasga or Fretgnt, apply t* C. n. SAND. Aawnt,Ha. 11 Sou. Waiaaat atThe ateamer HERMANN, w!! tacgsod !ht WASaiNOTOBBtdraJI Kepfamber*. .


DAILY 'or . 01<.»»KKE1.">IK.. lnn,fiO#J R>(>f**i«. 1 t« Pars Cwtd Spr**«- Comw-.il

N. I'liMnt . IUI'.»., er- vta« hy 81 p Thaht.riPJ-*....»» HF"*. (.ft M..i-k, -er.. R.oia*o. « Pkt' --r.

»>f .<s»' t.»o Mag . Am »«t RrrUiamg »

fe^rtia**' »t f ». Bf. _

FOR^KIHE ISLaWD p!RKPT.-P«^rr«er«f-rttu».. -'«v-1'a pU:* «C fa-jrt er. laAm** b-t

.in' rortlW'r i,. "ir» tf.ey e»J. r««* 7.'irvntb RMt« * .

»¦.<¦?. iL! lit I eBt I leal B Juni to Tr> .aipeon end et«»ii>-r

H'Hti ff-rp 'elif. daily, leeO-g Bra>»!fr . 3 II p. n »ad«ml»«» Fr* ku» »t 7. p 1r.ai.dla.v1u4 Fire itiend 84* t n>.,end «rinn et Brooklyn eb >i» 9 e m

rilPWt«n » prefer I a* or«r the <-ett Sovt'b Hat, e*j

rtke-he'.'e m ir-ln ftm *l* »Im. vi» TBea»w-» had '«Ha.tberre te Klee'wand in . *oai'»«dw»et «ad fa** aei.inf *.. .»>

ladt aTBathwi.i elweyt b* in ree^H eee, and »ai' mm-d'atelv»nr tha Beech, tautr'the c-Ttnaia-d ri a careful aud «1 utelerBtn-.C PhASVI ., >s K IS

Ce,tatT: SrMjfr Hrrj

D*y live tor albany.From fbot of Canala »i Sp:.. ( .(..,»! 7 a n. lauding at Wret Pouit, New-

tur.h PumHwia*. Kiii-lof Point. CatAHl . d Hn-laaaSte-nei Af. >"MA M01 JajAVeaiaaWaja dFrniat. A LIOA,raeadet. Tt.»r*day aid SttuiAav. eater*. Jeer at klhtey with

trun ta .'in- n and tha North; a.... wito Ma .a V\ .at

Tee.-baa n.ew iha Boa'» at Ca aa«l ta) coov »y paaf-najart to theMoaulaua lio' aa_^_

Fi 1 shTnc. railroad.delightful exCl KalONB-nKv KN TRIP* DA'ly each way («loa

Uti i.-epted.) Bi>«t leave* Near York and canleave P'cahPm.L'l., at -t r and W a. m ,1.4, Me « 1 p. m meailn« and at-

sharrtnr r aaaar t«ra at Hnnter't Point on the P-eat liver oaa o

trte /Vi it Het* > k Tbt- beautiful eteaun-r ISLAND C'JT.FroAhm*- Hailroe»! line, leave* P loa Maraet »Up, foot .f Pol¬ar »t.j at tha eb v« hour* eiforuvit fine newt of a I obj<vi» of

taterear aa both ehoree of tha Kt« PJear. aaJ lai«<li«a} at «otibar'. foil.I in tweat) ain.ataa liere paaae.ata «t»o froai b. at

to car» andw taken lhai,-« 11 rieahl.» (elabt hum) orer otv

tt th.' f.. r^ada in the i-enntr?. in larautt-OTe aih.«t»a. iu

lliuliua atop*at Pent \ Britaa. Maapath WuS^td. SaarttewaNati.ii. 0 I». |«>t a.,.1 Va'eat k'.uaiiiu. Tha arboia Uip occunea

leaa that, au b. n. f aro. 36 Centn Etcureioa partle« ana.

ah. ola taker at rednre.l ratet Peranna can alao rer^b th I rare

»; the Biooklrn Cut Railroad Ü.rouah oreeu Point, or at

aWoaaaMtaa BaVat ferry.PIC-NIC r.ROVF. :,ear the Plcahin* depot, fittej tip a«

preeeir 1 r azcaraiooiata «rat thai rttaaV1 atay be occ lp.eJ «rarla

R 11081^ mmi PBOVUmJSCE via NEW-PdhT ii^t PALI. FIVKR.-Tbe «aieudid aid »apenaa

kMpel ME rROPOLIS, Capt, Hroam, fearee Ne<r \ ort erwrjffJPS 'A V Tnt'RSDA V and SaTT'RPAT. at H o'.-loc* p. ra. |tod BAY* 8TATF, Ctpr. Jewe»t l-atwt Near-ton ararfMOKHAY. « EUNKSDAY a: d PR1PAY. at S o'clock a. Bt t

bom Pier No 3 K. R., near tha Battery. both tooc'-iiu at New-aort each wat. _

Her after uo reorat trtl! ha refar1*d aa aeenrad b> ant anall-tant aaitfl the tame #he*. hare beeii paij forFreuht »0 B..ttot. it foraa/dad thioaah with gref. ditpatah

?y aa Exprtwa Prejiht T.am.WM BÖRPEN, Arent. Not 7P and 71 t\ att aa.

RMil LAR MAIL LINE rta tiTOMNOR fot BOSTON and PRO\ lliENcE-Inland route,

trithon' de.at. eh't r» ra i-Ar. »r ^«|^r..^TaThe tteanera fl.\.Vol TH RoCR Capt Joel Sr.me. and C.

f A M1 h K HI LT, Capt, W R Ktaea. la eonnactioa witn haBtouinatoa and Protl.ience, and Bo*t©r and ProTblenoa RaBroada, Lvatir f Naw-Y ort daily, Sondaya excepted, from PleaNo I. Nor'h Ffaer, Pr>t wharf above Battery pla.:a at * c'cloeha m.. a v i- * P ¦ or on tha arrival of tha aiailtrain wo* b leavea Boacon at VV p. m.

The C \ ANDERBII.T from New Tor* Mmdae. Wed)kav ano Krida« Prom Stoiongtou Tuaadar Thuradar and Sa*May.The PLYMOUTH ROCR from New York T.iaetley. Thar*

tea arid aatardsy. From Btonlnttou, Monday, Wedoeedev andfrlday.Peaaei.(era proceed froat u*tou par Railroad to Prorv

ianre, ». ,1 B.iatou, in the Etpreet MalTrralu, aeveraj honra laadvance of tboea by >»h*r routea, and In ample tim* for all thaaarly ox run ¦ Ibaai jo.inecr-n« North anil F.aat Paaaetuterathat prefer it ren.au on board Uie »teanwir, enj >» a aigbr/tpeel nndiAtorhed, breakfatt if detlred and leave St.uilnKtoa inabe I 4a a nr. train aonaecting at Pravideuca with tne 11 a ra

Orai2 for H a*00A Bxif+tv Matter acoetnpaniaa tha .teamer aid Trail

ahn u«r earb way.For pa»»t««. hernt, atate-rooma or frelrhr,apply a !':er No. 3

North K:ver or at the oftce No 10 Battery-plaro

C~entral railroad of new-jeft?ey.('001 ectti a ai NfW Hampton with the Delawi.f. t«oka

wai.na and Wettern Railroa.1 ta Scianton. Orta Baad thaBorth aad Weal, ana at Eaeton with the Lehnjb falle * Railnvad to Haue Ik l.iink.81'MMER ARBANilEMEN'TS Cnmmenruig J 111a ». IIWLtatt New-Ynfk for Paar .n aiid li lennediaie | lacaa. fr..r»

aiei N.i t Nartft Rivet, at T:98 a. an end :J: *) p. m for aooiarrut-- at 7; -ii end U>:a>a ru ami i_V and 5m p nn

The above traiu» coned at Eü/ahetb with ttaln» on th»New tereey KaUmai* which leave New-Yon from tha foot ofCv' r an.1 it BtTiaM aad 11 a. m., i and ¦ | m

JOHN 0 IfEBflw, Bap't.

t] r e at C e n t r a L route..¦* Tha Thron#b Ticket and Frnaht f>"3ce of tha


and their Railroad aid bteamboat Connection* to Chicago.MRwaokee, Oaleaa, BuHlcgton, St Loula. Cairo, ard all po'.nt>U'ett and MBtk weatVia BL'BfENPION BRIDOE BL'FPALO, or OSWEOO, If

at No. Pd BROAD't AY. N. Y.Corner of Conrt'an.l'«t DAUtf'S clarr Ar*rjt.


HCl)NiIN KlVER RAILKOAO..Erviit MaiI' 1881 TraiBB wUI leavn Cbamt>er»at Statin, aa fol

owt: > xpret», b a m and p ra Mail, 9am, Thr.qgtf. ey Train, 17 m Kn-ltrant!' p m For Poniiiikaenale, 7

a. o'. and p ¦ Pot Smg mm I'liWi. m. an 1 9:4a p m.

|Thla train leave" every F rid-y evening at lip. m. For II udtea 1:9 a ¦ F01 PeakakilL 4 anaTaiBOp m. Tha "oagbkeepa e, Sirg flint and Peek-kill Trai a at..p at Vt n, 4r^rtenaWatAeiiieva t. keu at Ckatmbera. Canal, OBVtetttwbeT aad flat itafrali.a for New ¦ ork leave Trov at 4:55 8:t5and ">:4*e. m.

aid t: Jr p. m., and Kaat Albany at Ii "> and ll: 1* a. an, endto. m. A. t. BMITH, Snpenutendeut

10NG I8LARD raii.roai».SUMMER ar-J BANOE.MPN1S -ona.'.ay exeip'eiti Taint Mttaj

Ee»t.Leave Biooklyn fot Oraenport, 9 a m a d on Btturaavt. Si H p n. ; tor tapliv a. fa m. ard 7:43 p m forEr.-u.11 ii.tii.-. 'a m. a-J 3-45 and H p m for Stoaeef. 10 a

m. ai.. 1:15 p. m ; for Hempatrad, 10 a in tili and 6 p. unB>r Jamaica, 9 and 10 t. m :i.l>, 1.13. 6 and 7 pm.

Michigan SOUTHERN railroad line.-Tiaveleia f.r CHtCAOO ST. LOCIS K A NS \a, and

all twata W'twt and Bearti treat, can obtaio ThrouatB Tataaetard e|| 11 fi.fii.atu. coocemmj roatee, fare. Ac ei-h-r l.y theNFVVrYOBI ANU FRIB RaILRoaD. 01 NE'v VORKCENTRAL RAILROAD, by »pp|;een..ii at the ( ompaiiy'tOtt ce, No. l^t Brae**way, een *r or Dei tt

JOHN F. I'ORTEH.i,., .,,! Af.i. M t> R. R.

vew-vork and new-haven railroadJ>N 81 MMEK ARKAM.r M E M 1, cHnmeneiug May 5. !»«B

Ptaaervar Bra'ioa« 1 Coepet Rraadway and C ana. atIn New-York... ( Corner 2Hth at and l b av

*tAia« Lrui Ntw-Yoat.For Naw-Uaven: 7, » 1 e.

(Cxi; U' f. J 15. 4, (Ex.) t.V p. m. For Bridgapot: 7. « a|TPt) Urse. Vi«..4 (Ft ). f-'IO p m. For Mtlford. S'ra

ford, r'airtield. .sonihport and Wettport: 7. a. m. 1»»", 1 ISa.3" p. m For Nona-Ik: 7,8 a Bt | ItlBB, 115. «, (BaM *.»:15 6:15p.m. For Darieu and Ore.-nwioh: 7, 9 a. m.; 11:19.3:15. 4:30, 5:15, 8|I5 p. m. For Stamford: 7, 8. (Ex.) 9 a m.:UkSB,9:lB, I, (Ea ) 4»88, filA, tili Bv 8*. For Port Cheaterai d U.teru.a.liade ataOoua: 7, 'J a ui., UlaM. e>tl&, 4aBB. BtM1:15 p. u..Co>arcnva Taaivt.Fot Boaton: I am. I Et); a p. at

(Ex Fi Hartford and Sprinaherd: Um. (Ejui If: rip n,i p. ta. (Et i F..r Connecticut Riva; Railroail to Moaoreall ti ¦ 'Pai For Canal Redroed: Bam (Ex.) and I i :*) p. m.tu U itfield For New-Leedou Railroad: 8 a m ' p m Fu»llooAa ntiic Ral'read 8 a. m For Neo«etnck Rnuruaii: 3 ani.,84i5p m. For Danhiiry and Norwalk aWJroaJ 7. 9 a. m.IF "

it a in a tu Nr wl net.Pf«» New-Haven- S:S8 7 *»A aei. [El ; », (Ex ) 4:30, ih* p. ir. (Kx ( From Bridgeport:4:10,7:4*, !0:lt a m Kx.) l./l, Et 5:11. |0:i»i, p. tu. ii'.x-lIi ¦. Norwalk: 1:45,M:44,8:lA, |*:fJB a n. (Ka.i littf. (Kb.)

I 15b m. (Ei.) From Pert I boater- vr.bttTl3a, «:57, 11:80 a. m. (Ex 14:0«, rj TT p. m.

_JAMES H HOVT, Bapanntendeat

VEW-VORK and ERIE RAILROAD..OhAN and »Pe- MONDAY, May 1» 16.5b,and nntll fnrthar aorta*Paaatnaer Traiat will leave Pier foot l7 D iai.eaL, at MWwt:DT hKIRl FXPKFBP.ataa BJ. for DttnkirbBl FFALOEAPKfc.S.».,at« a. m forBaffaio^M A11.. at 8:15 a m fcrDürkTi anj Buffalo an 1 InterraedJ.

a:-i Wiranag, Paaaeijtera br Una Train will connect with Pit-praa.'.raitJ for Bjrtcuae. Cayura, Canandairua, N agare Foiiaaad R.cheat.-; ( aLd with the Llabtrang Exra-aca Train oa theLake Slioi- Rai reed for Cu.cinnari Chir aao 1cBOi.BLAND PASSENOKR, at 3:30 p. at,, (f'ot.. foot a

Cha.i,l.e.-. at. ,> via Piairmoot. for Sutfera'a aid laterme liataaBtatioi aTt'AV PASSEN1ER, at ip.tn.. for Newbtrrgb and Mlidla

town anc ii teimed-ate itutionaBJ""*' BXPBr.Sa, rt ^ p. m for Oenklra and BioTVoBUIGBANT. at 6 p. in., fot bankirk and Barfaio and la-er-

radiate Statlona.Tlie above Trmina raa dally, Snndeye txrepredTl-ve Erpreaa Treitj ei^neet at PI.tIra with the 'iLamra

C»u. iai,nt and Niaga-a Killt Rai'read, for Nltatara Fallt atfclngJ ji,i.n with tie Sveeuae «nl Bn.gtramtc^ RtHroad Baajaftaaai at Coming with the äufalo. Cornmg and New i'orllBai!ri..d. Kf Rochetter, at Oreat Pud with DeUwaro, LaetaWa--jia and weete.n KtHroad, lot Scranto-,, »t Bcffdo and Den«jk with 'ha Lake Store tta^rovl for Cleveland. Ca^inniarolaoo, Detroit. Ch'.ct*i kc.

_D 0- McCALLLM. Oenerai dapjiantanden*.

New wide-gauge route from new-ixraivJH *,.niKSTr.K-Thm ROCHESTER arulwENESf*. VALLPY R AiLROAD it now ope , ^' iaZm.action w. htiia Bui.aio Ccn.ing and New-Torrau' N»w Y ,rkarid Pne Rail roada, forma a dwact reute horn New-York tt,tor heater..Aaftffify- tbJ" r00'*' toaethar with t>.a wperto- coaafort .Sorded by the wide care, ret der» it by far *e ioat JaeJaMa oe tweet the above named eitlen


aJ^'^al:*" \' V*oty*'x .« New fork end Erie Railroad«caet Omca, foot of Daaue-eL.aad No. IBB Broadwtv ala>ea Jertey City. 1 "*. ä»a

Btawaae abeeted throaaBFreiitbia wlii he trtntported .atwaan New Tark a.d Raah^tm with dl.petch Any ui&nnathva laBrwi in regard tb2X

Mai he cUa-nad by eaiJint on th* Oenara. Frauth: Ataut J th.Sew lorkandEn« Rai'road. Et.a Br.Udi^,, oct.rt TA>PAflfttpra.1 Freltht Agent. Na IJB BatvedwaT'Notrain. on the Bof/alo Perolna and New-Pork BatJJroed oe

_J A. aETJPU:|.Li Sep^t^oaeVt.Nrvv-Voaa »»o üablsm Railboao CoMrtar 18vrt»i.tTtNntvT,f».Ic.,wTI,,T £^¥4* >ONtw-iotK Je'v t* l»»i t

WING to a CHANGE in TIME-TaBI V theNEW-YORK ABDHARf EMRAa^4DC(j.^Aif?will tit a. iuBtt.ee running their EX»BE8S f. i » !IantH tha 4th day of A'iguat,' far ALBANY

_._Wat J. CiCTWM,, Sar/t

N Et%wVSf l knda, HARL«M RAILROAD»Hb tt by the cart tld » m*lu« h, 22y 1 h "«« f amPout eta/a lar^^^^ fe»p!lj»> BBtm

_w« j camp ft&Xml\e;w-JBR8tY RAILROArj^^ör" PHlTT"CITT.-BJal) aad lmpnm Ltaaw Leae, Naw y^fS"

I/TH c?tiRKWSBimV Lr-Nt* nP.,«JfTfTI DAI. HIOHI ANlla Orr AM ||ii('4Jp . ..»citr-.- c vi» in« r, «M nriTT ,n-v t\i-

I .<*trn J.rrm.llli.HicmiPoShm » . fit' f _j * t. a. f «1 «. [...««N-* I I v- 4, ..<».» J" . v Ts .«.'') I- T || Petes«a.,*.,., l lata -» Bf .' at H cl-etp ,a u,a,'OotOai f.f. «*,fi#.d«> .Jilj" *. *'."'' ^» ra-rf-tt.. trV.y ».!¦.. J »i ' "*t if »J ft'itl : t o'-'oekS..«.».. »Ii«-. ''Uti'. -<"d "«'k. »«' »i'.if.r. ^

r i* r> Tr'lV«! tir _.»-¦ 'ly "¦r--r~1 'o ' - trave Ir-jtmtfn.tav'T ** .>». adapted iv-t» m't ot. rfc* roe's_Of NM pTLTÄNIA RAiLROAlr rifffMI UaILY TH'taild in > NU Rn^»;» r.in.,OKI (*»<!. a-id riTTIBI SOM Th* a***'-!, a AtLr t A I N leave* "Warlalpiil. for *._».' V . a**)...r-s P ttebatrrh Pb'lealeJ tH. *. 7 a m TV- 'A*. I.I a*eat. a PWIaita-pNa I'm Oltteir-.rrh v P _

. _''1 ,'.».*«**

P U l*t| Ale in» V«»i»... .1 -l I O rii «V

fat Phi i V f*i» a' » 9 p. at

The «I ra l>r>». ruuuwt «I Pil'saarg: w_b »'¦' «* . totaltaw 8*. I Mat, Mo Allot,. Dal*.* .ati*^rtat«& Uri go- *<.' ' - »'.....¦ra). La r«>- .*, and luJl*aa -4l*, !¦-»*_;< f~ '>.*»«>

BeOafotirtJrta Baa«BsYy T-^ti iv-»«4 r»/..,...< IIa Ma.ailo a. «vaa«ta« .».»«.; eAw.-'th Bat

.taww. part,-' b-a'i feet* %u *>- >..» ' »rl**'.a St Latati. Laaar-«_r ami Cu-einiiatt

Iflt fn'h' . Bwrttet an a,-- aaaViaaVM »r foe hot- i o' 'h't art*.PajBwaBJatr* » P b>* 'bat at n-t-tt. mot' *tr;e_Ü*as a_ -run

i>rtars« runt- h-tw.o 'ha East tod We.t.Ttirr.«»h 'tek*t*e*jt ha hat «Ither of th- above avarrtewV

aiacai in 'h" **>«t, or a*"j H BL'TTB. AAJ-t N-tr Jaraey Baliruaa Co.. knx mt

Cveruar lt at , N«w Xmti,J L. KLlflOTT, Aaaac Pea_tTi»aala Ba-rwad Ca.,

N» .' Af f Meat. H-oaJw». N«a» Task.TBOMAJ Mt>OBE. A4a.1t. cor UU arw »aa tat ata

|i* T.^k Jaa 1*1 *tu..i_r4_»


IH'i.lioN RIVPR I A ILH'I»t>- Two <!»,.' j Ktpraaa IBM.tt p »laara lra»aJPi»»-! tttft pMI ( hitrr-n «. Staitot tor...«RaT«K>4 arC 1-BtNON SPKI«il*M, DlirCT.

A'«i u> Arr.ra at Utrafo.t tt 1? tl r m Loiaeoa s-at l-.H'p m.At I? tn An.. it Saratoga at 7: ?9 r . and at LaOaac-a

8pV_titt7:.10p m....Yvk aoid at d B-W> . J.V-'/K , ,».,., ¦ ¦ at 4

l>-»am* Traloi c. :i.-cl a' P* K KS ST ILL for LAKR «I

,t AI B AN Y * » Nl AÜAK.A PAi LS «nd tha LAK.KS. «rat at

»Vot tor LAKE DKi'UU': _' asflt* t awri 4 r -MI ft. «rc^rmiaadiv.


ROMAN EYE HAI>AM..Thi« ofli-brat-fl rom-,o% lur\V«ak ana Kfltmrd Fi« »«1 comt.uttf t*l,

. k ag- aJ. h\ a di-1 i.toUh.-.I O. u t. *unnr a uiaw

. 1! ca»f, tod' u it ht ,-oi tj >. tly'»il-d uooii .! thatart brat Belva tBal Mlf la ca*ra what- 'hr P<«Bati,,,1, rtaii.ao. It art* ilnatt i!k* D.aat'c lb mi-»t f all irrrta _«,a 1.1 nauallt ttf fta a t und'tr t-a-a aft r a f*w a «ica'J >oa

P paxxj ai d atad b) A 0 A D. oANlH, DrumUti, Nn lot)Ptlua ii Near Yck_IiHE ORP^TF^IT^EDICAL DKOOVKRT

of tha a11 fHi M.N.SMiT of Roibarrj tat diacc aaraal h. aa.a *i aaar

aoatn.on tatator* weav a a remedy that cotaa K v KB Y KT.««» at*UfhiOR. from lAr taoaat jfcra/W- _aea as a aval warn, "taaaaavHa hs>'ikad it tn ovei ststran buiulro.t caasa sttd sraar faatastatcept u two ee*' a. both thiualei ha.ot Us has uww m aAssvaa*aaitaa aaav two huadrsd esttiticaua of Ba aalaa. *!' w'thdatraaiji|_:!ai of Bwanan.Two bo"l-i ar- wairatits-l to ca.O a aaratoi awes ra-^us.

One to thrao bottlot will ears tho wont ktad of satssalaa amlbs faceTwo or rbf-e botrt*o w'l! eioar the aTttasa of VdU.

Two bo'f-i are warTa-i'od to aure the worst -a-bo* is thamoat I and a>oanacb

Tftre-tr. «re h*"lea are wirr_t-l to airs t«o wwrst caws at

Siyaltwlss _ .

On-or two bo'tlst are wa-a«r*i to aoro all kaswor 'a tho

''two bottles are warran-aj to c ira rant'nf of tho aars andalotchea amaoa th* hairEoar or ait bo*tlei are warrantsd to eara eomip» ar.i rrtnarnaj

**Ot,s bor-la w«!l nre aeajy aaS|BjtBl of tha itra.Tws or three boiilea tr* warranted to cars the worst case at

rtnrworujTwo or tkrte bottlst are wärr»t.ted ta en-t rbt m,-st lssparats

toss of rhevmettem.This- in four taitttot are wsrrai.tod to tars salt rhsato,Pi re to sight ho'tlei will cute tho worst rss» of «-ioM_A beiM-fjt Ta ala era asiK-n-nced f.om the farit fxetUa, and a

paafrct cure n warranted wbao (bs abor* >|ti«no>is m tabs -NolbU g l«oke so improbable to thowa who bar- la »ein <rtad

sll the wondeit'o ujedlcio.a of tlie day. aa that aejinaaon waved(gown k on tt.s pasieraa sud along old a'ous walls ah a ate aaea

*»er» kiiin r In the tystoat a-1 R is a fiaod fact ff yies h.taahtuiist it has u> start there ere no ifa nor ands, hairea «a .««

abovt it, euitli g svnae casei. bo' awj toaea I padetlen r»a»a

Asussoo bsttleaof 11 in Iba rajB by of Hoa'ou. I know loa af»lac ta of it ta eve y aee It a. ajteady done eima -f tho graw*-sst eutes ease done a> hl' saacliaas'U I gave 11 «0 tHldren a

year oi l "le penole of us'y I haaa e.;u iHe'r. p' oy, w^ruiy-ootti't cbil 'ten, wh,»te rt-sh was s-jft and Babhy, raatnre-1 to aaert'"' e'sta t heakh by nns bo'Us

1, tm «e wh''are rehjscl to a each hseoarns a sattts wtMawajircrait. It git es great .elief tn eatarrh and dinwoaaS 1: e a ho have taken 't hate been c muib for t-ara, at_ hawsbeen reaulaied its n. Wbars the bodf is .1 it worka 4.*aasy but where there It any deri gen eut of tho faweokxat afaarure II all: caua- vary eintrat toalmga, but you taaisi aut hattlannsd they tlwavi oraaopaa, kt ftom to ir dayi to a eaaofc.There la netar s bad result from it. on tha eoutrara, wbesi lAad'eelitia ii goes tos will fest youra-if like a n«w pses au. I awardtomsuf the most sxtravagant e .... wo. of U 'Avst avat eatadatailed to.

Baaaatfaattwwag- ¦,, I>ONaLD KENNEDY, No l«vwM.a«t.(Uihorv. Maas Pries BLWfoletsle a.ei-iforNew Yo-t- C V CLICK KNBBa Co.,

Bo HI Barclay at 0 M 111 KS H KINO, No 1» .'J road way jA B. k I' «ANDS.No Ml Willkam .'.j MABSH, oKVIm aCo No |M n reen ariahat. HOVD A i'acl. Chassoere-at i

?V KLLSbCoNo M'.Kianano at MrKKSSilM, kohmit4bt Co No I4< Maden-ane. H a > " HABBaL ftilBLET, Warren ai ; B tRN 1S A V ARK No BN .|,,.!..waiui CLOoE A Co.. aaatdso Is' e; Mrs IIA YBS, Btaeaa.ty t ax.d for aala at retail by all rasrwetabis Dnvas-tsts tbetisBhant the Culon

legal Xoiicco

ASSKJNEK * NOTICE .Notw Is horohybJbbbjto the cr-dltori ot D.lNtrLT. wiLf.UM t of in-City

«t Jftset City. Com ty of hud.on, and S'ate of Now Jersey,in-' all c a in« aga'net hit tata'e muat r>e aahinito'' to the eoak :ih, r I i, naa'gn-e. or ut too fficH of W H J, II ff,, ea lulre,bi-eoinael. No. 5 Mi Miciutry el JsfOOf CBe, uu ar osta orafp ination be'oie tlie twenty i.i thdatif Augns sett, tietrsgll ii in thi f.om the date ff t'e aavisi.ment or So 'neovaeParrel bött rofalbg in'or a d tin en.' of th- ea'ate, ami a. idr ,ilitora»t- farther noiifi*.. >bai a iiat pi th-claimi «gsi'iottheaaid PsVPlKL T, IM1.1.. WH will be til-d wuh the iurrotate i t he Con t» of K."»e« hef re ti e g .ani g Map smbsrT>rm of tb« llrphaa.» l.ui', when aiarptiai . thereto to ty i*6 d by a. > petwm ut'-'e-ted .Dat-l Ihia tifieeo'h da, of Isla

_[jyl8l»awK(_CHARLES CRANE.

IN Pliwafil ANL't ul ait order «f the SurrnKatejoftb. Cm i) of New-York, nonce is b. iehv gitea. in satpeiaona aaVvtlsj ciau.it agsinat J1 it KM I All (A. SKY, utoof th,- Cktl ol New i ork. dtceaaed. to prea^nt liie aaine withtone hen thereof, to the luhacrth-r, at the ottlr- of Jamas w~Vtbii. No. ,| Liberty^! iu ths < it) ol Ne» ., ,,rt, oa ot hotore tho tontb da/ of (jetohatr as>aL.Datsd. Wow-Ton ih- 7tfcda, of Maieb. I8<6. WILLIAM POWER. Erecu tor aYcmb2v law 6me* '

IN I'l i;>l AN« I f an ..r.lrr of tbi~Surn#K»t»>of the County ot New York, iiottco n hereby gtvst ut aj/taar-

Hinabavinaclainie againat 11 E.NRY B I AJLLEl, late of too CUyJj Sl * > "rk- deceased, to preaent the tame, with von. hers1 n l, to the rubecriheri. at the otTsce .i Wetmors A Uusaif10 fil u"' -' at the CM} af New Vork. on or before theewei itiotfa iatol Ja:> uoxt-Dated New York, the twelfth dayX JtLut.y, OEOIIOE HENDEatSON.,«,__ w

ELI/A KAHLE V. Aalmiuisttalors, Its.,' * f._ ofllenrvS Barley. d-ceaAod.IN MUafABBaM of an order of the, 8iirri»B:a*>o7B the 1 .unty ot New York NOTICE It her.'l.v given to aB

* I'- it . elaiois against LOOK BARER, lato of tho CHaof New Hrk. debated, 'c preaori' the tame artth voscherttie ;of »" the mbeeeiber. at »h« office of Hot*ans A Co. No.V *Lr' r»'^»fbange. In the City of New-York, ou or beforo<J e ISh day of Augoit _a.lt Dtf-d. N-w V ..-k the 7tli day olrT^ rl. W ILLIAM C cHttER,

. Z- -isVtmlBatlrator.IN Pl'RnL'ANtJE of an ordpr of t_«^aprofTt^¦ °f OtaCcajati .f N. York, notice ta hereby give;, to aftP«raot.h«T n.eltim a,ai,,.t l.pifNIS MVLLIaB, rv- oftb,

' ilj 01 Ma Vork, deeeaaed, to preeet.t the aaine Brftb v .ocle-ratUg to Bbb subeerll ate a' the reatdi-taca ef Ann MiS:lns, No* 1 - » " ¦' ti tie City V-A rk.otlM B»i M mt t-nlfc.,

<"" »:t* :¦..». Ne, V .rk the atrth !., of,w7,l'_a r.

I'ANIEL O'CONOR, Eieautormb7l,w«mK' ANN Mt'LLINS Kiecutrla.

S^bb^sÄb. C^.i:hl-County of ()NTARiÖT.LTsfoatB it*Jlim^*%£l1H- m*i BK W* Vfl c./ ll K tU TS 5 ^OODO WlLI.Uw If 'L««R.a*. S_VTa 'Ua 0 Tovfi'Kits r> fc swiatjL

ra nou kiil\M ' fl,,IIK linoc*. i'H4Tr..udil.r .H N,r ^..r«J<J'2'«: Yon sr. heeehy an mm med-hieb

' ' "f A H K A II t M A P( -ir, plti.lf.-heb w.i, Ua,.d iniaaofhceof tht Clert b« .aid Conityfrt_!a< 1,5 S? ''»"".»".»« «b. taksciBW.at*A«>Mlec.eotOe-et, wi-kan twenty da»a afiet it e tSTvles A this* " "mt Ol tho da» «f lerttce t rl wUIapplj ta tLe tou t kvr the leih I a.au lad .n the c , opisint

. . ,C I KOLOER Plali t.rr.AU.mey,jv » law7wP Oetiava.Oniavio r.oi ite, NT Y

f itcon.iia.it was Ittd In Oman., i.V..M, I i-a'a Otfie onto* ¦> ib o' Jen.. |>/6. C. I. POLOllR. PL tf*e. At'oTiw,,W'i Rl ME COI RT-CoBiity of .New-York^«*___?*_¦£». * BKADPOKII. Surr.-at., .' tb .' .

Ah A UL'lhi. ane Mary J .hufe, Lho I Oiu Chatte H¦ AJ '"At *ivu- r+t* SwOtS* A Urn al-tt.

u , e,° t_T h* M"*i*t'* t-amod: Yoo *r* hereby .»«-noned ar.d re.jBlred I* answer the .. mnlnut in th_ aeüo«.

C ral'tSdd*/0f _5 ,"VBd U> * r*« . »f »our aaiww

W.m!. £ ,^P,.1'':^,1 ^ .«ikorrlW, at hie oBV*. Ho. «ImVS. r .1 rtty "*N»* Vork, within twenty days *fter iho¦-rtire ol Ihis sommofaj ou yoo, stcJuslve of the dty »t (awla_. __

r* ." ** answer toe aald tosnp-atot wtl/in th*no e ttoi^aid .he i.laiutiS na thit ac'lon will aop'y Bj Oiaw'T V*. **>.* t-w-ite-f demanded in the complaint Haf-1 NewTork^Jily ,4 itig, |_ u BOWNE pialntuf i Atu,ra*yJa IS UwgwK.

ClTrifcME COURT-City and County «f NewYctk-DrORAStp. MtLTSY asaliat' J.iHN W. LAT-

2"N at.d MaUOARET kit wif*. Slttibew Malon*y. AlfredE Tiln.t Letfy Wsllao- Ea Bar .ala* Hamme t Herbert 11t> 1 1_ .. ' _r¦_¦*'! t.» -... . . -pt.-.....

C.'t aid Cotintyof New York.end serve a ew»y 0f to«r aaswarar> r. me a: b< oB1'« No M W all it ia the City of faw-Tarfe,w'hln twatily day* tf er Uta eeivlcs herawf, et«Ia*iv* *f tbsday*. inch *»re»c- and If yon fail to an*war the reanp.alaH a* aforoawd the paltiiK wall iptJ t to t ve i 'ourt for the r illif agatindtlla ti- et**r.pa*iat .tiow Il k luiv 17, IthA

lasrSwr JAMES C HCl. PlalBtlff'a Atttwwoy.