r f r i i m nmwrvt El Ca 7f .B 11 i LJ 2US3!ri?WI,-- . J W 1 fcl 'II HI ti U R f ArOL. IX.---N- O. 85. IIONOLULC. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. WEDNESDAY, APKIL 10, 1889. PRICE CENTS. 5 rlvrf iepvnrttfc Jlustnfs.si Cards. business (Tartls. ctrrrttsfKfttts. SO!E CUEER MISHAPS. Fort No. Street. 106 THOS. f, THRU1L THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser 13 I'CCLISIIED Every Morning Except Sundays. au use K I it ions : Daily l 0. AuvKurisKU, one year SO Oo mi months 3 W jier month Co Weekly Hawaiian U AZti tk, one year 5 OU loitigu (ln-clmli- j.watage) 6 1)0 Payable Invariably In Advance. UAW.'.IIAN GAZETTE CO., PostoiHc Uox O. Honolulu, II. I. STATIONER, BOOKSELLER, NEWSDEALER 3Dt Respectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and residents of the islands generally that having resumed business as above and etlected connections abroad with the ob- ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining proinnt attention to order--wit- h best goods at lowest market rates. While the following enumerated line embody the several departments, patrons are assured that all orders will have careful consideration. Fine Stationery. A full assortment of Fashionahle and Commercial Stationery is now on hand and will be replenished monthly with Staple cioods and Novelties as ihey appear. Notwithstanding the distance from source of supplies the stock of miscellan- eous Books is large aud varied and will he made just as full aud attractive as toe tastes and demands of the people require. Special oiders forwarded hy regular steamer and filled at list prices eicepting a few certain lines. This feature having heen taken up again will be given careful attention for prempt delivery to city or mail subscribers. Latest dates o band hy every mail Counter customers can have their supplies reserved, if notified in time. Speci il papers or periodicals procured to order. The leading American and English Magazines rud Reviews regularly received ai alao a varied list cf Fashion publications. Subscription!, can commence at arv time Lack numbers sent for as desired. SoniP 7000 copies of Seaside, Lovell and other Libraries were forced on the ma ket not Jo g since and yet reople are crying for more. A fresh stock has just been received of favorite authors and new issues will arrive by each mail At present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon as public demand warrants it a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music aud Standard Co- llections will be kept on hand. Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and and Artists' Sundries. Drawing Paper, plain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice Sets Water Colors, as also a large variety of cheaper grades for the littla folks. In order to close out this 4ine of really fine Pictures subjects from eminent artists a large reduction in prices have been n aile. Largains are offered also iu quite a variety of Panel Pictures, plain or framed; Photo. Frames, etc. It is planned to carry this stock as a feature of the store through the year, inetea 1 of confining it to the holidays, in order to meet the birthdays and their recurrent demands that are always happening in every will regulated community. This class or Hup of goods in stock, while full and varied, is being added to con- tinually, as attractive aud serviceable novelties appear from time to time. Uoolts: Uibles. News Agency, Magazines. Choice Novels. Music. Artists' Materials. Artotypeg nn! Frames. Toys and Notions. Fancy oo(1s. The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinclair's Indmenovs Flowers enables all orders to meet with prompt attention. By the opening up of the Parcels Post 91et-ialttes- . system with the United States this universally admired work can now he mailed thither at a moderate charge. Hawaiian Annuals. Jakvis' History or M awn Is Andrews' Dictionary, Hawk. Cook Book, etc., constantly en hand. Hawaiian Collections or sets of the full Stamps. mounted, showing date of issue, new or cancelled. Printins Having special facilities and advantages in this deparlmeut, customers can Orders, r"1 on aI1 orders meeting with care aud attention lor execution in the highest style of the art. Hindinc Orders- - All orders for Bin ling also faithfully atterded to. whether magazines, papers, msic, ruling, or tbe manufacture of special sizes or kimls of Blank Books. Terms Cash Th,s ls an lmPrtant point in all business transactions, In takin? up ain the or business set forth above it is p; aimed to conduct it ou a cash basis as stHctlv as Monthly rossihle, though accounts for prompt monthly settlements will be allowed. sett: oients. rdp" frolu unknown parties cu tii other IrlaiiJi .ubi be -- .ccemran ed wit): cash or responsible city reference. All orders faithfully attended to, whether for City or out of town patrons Goods not in stock will be procured as speedily as possible, in town or from abroad as directed. Finally. :o:- - WniffTMi -- Jerritt, of Newark, lost the t&J Of his leg by the luvidental discharge of hi ur. while hunting in the Uerkshiro woods. Patriek Ilanuon, of Sprlngfleld, Mass., 17 of ago, must do without his right hand in future. Ho was shooting ducks when his gun hurst, and the fingers of that hand went Hying after the game. Capt. Reynolds, of Raddon Court, Latch-for- d, EngLxnd, lost his life by his gun ex- ploding r.s ha was climbing a fence. The charge shattered his left knoe, and amputa- tion did not save him. James Evauson. came into "Washington, N. C.ffrom tho country to buy an ax. "Wilo departing from the store with his purchase he dropped it and it fell on his right foot, completely severing the second toe. Miss Catherine Simonds, who lived near Reading, England, lost her life whilo hunt- ing. Her horse stumbled in a rabbit hole, Miss Simonds fell and her horse kicked out r brains before she could be rescue!. With his hand hanging in shreds, William Erwin, of Morris Plains, X. J., walked to a hospital, where the wounded menilier was amputated. Ho had been hunting rabbits, and his gun was prematurely discharged, John and Cyrus Mark, of Pueblo, Colo., went duck shooting, and, seeing a Hock, wero rreeping upon them through tho brush. Cy- rus was just behind his brother. His gun caught in tho brush and was discharged, and John fell dead, having received tho contents in his back. James Loveless, a railroad section boss, was riding on a railroad bicycle on the rem-bert- on and Seashore railroad, when he was overtaken by an extra train, consisting of an ingine and Superintendent liannard's special tar, and hii machine run dowu. He waa tiUvd outright Kearftigrttednrss In the School. Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9 examined tho eyes of members of the tipper classes in the lu'li school of tlia town, states tliat over 50 per cent, of the pupils have some affection of tho eyo. Thirty-fou- r per cent, of those examined were troubled with myopr, 12 per cent, with hyjM'ropia. and G rer cent, with various other eye troubles. "Of these 14 per cent, were astigmatic to some ex- tent," sa-- 3 the doctor. 'I propose to e:tnmhi8 the same pupils' eyes one yeat from now, to see what changes have taken place, especially in tho myopic eyes. So far, I llnd that nearsightedness 6eems to increase iu propottion as out school system becomes more complex, and pupils are obliged to apply them-nelve- s more closely to their work. A larger per cent, of myopic eyes are fomid in city than in village or coun: ,T schools. ' Boston Herald. "Where Are the Old Sinner? "What becomes of the old singers is a question as hard to answer as that con- cerning the fate of the proverbial pins. In Italy they usually retire to their native villages and end their days in olsciirity and peace. In France and Germany, until quite incapacitated for activo duty, they generally set up as singing teachers, and, thanks mainly to their celebrity, earn handsome incomes from ambitious lads and lasses. Duprez, who waa tha original William Tell, gives lessons in Paris, and so do Marie Sass, tho original Selika in "L'Africaine," Delle Sedie, tho great baritone, Carlotta Patti, and a Lost lesser lights of da3s bygone. The ralue of their instruction from a musical atantlpoint may be doubted, but that of tie suggestions they can give to gifted but untledged aspirants to distinction on the stage or concert xdatform can hardly be overestimated. sew York Sun. Two Tests of Death. There are many persons haunted with the fear of lxing buried alive, and many relieve that such thing3 do often happen. A celebrated English M. D. gives tho fol- lowing test: Have the room in wlarjj tho corpse lies perfectly dark; havo a bright light brought and taking tho hand of the corpse hold it near tho light and look through it. If the hand has the least pink look like blood there is Kurciy life, but if the hand has the look of clay or grayish look and you cannot see through it death has taken place. An- other test is to inject a drop of ammonia beneath the skin, if death has taken place it will have no effect, but if there ia life a small red fcpot will appear at the fJace of injection. Surtly these tests p.ra vorth remembering. Atlanta Constitu- tion: Danger In Change. It is doubtless letter that boya shoull oe engaged in practising tho long jump or the lngh jump than in blackening each other's eyes; and that pugilism has in a gi-c.i- t measure leen superseded by gym- nastics in our principal seats of education is matter for congratulation. But that is a totally different thing from banishing football, cricket or hare .atid hounds from school, Urau) sometirres a Loy gets a leg or arm Lrok n in a scurry, is occa- sionally shinned by a cricket ball, oi uiakt'M "hici&elf ill by overexertion across country Nothing venture, nothing have. If we tare for the coolness and the hardi--uo- d which we Hatter ourselves are na-:ieT- .d characteristics, we must not shrink from tho training by which those f)uali-Ue- s are di'veloped. London Standard. Impairing the Library Hooks. There are many queer departments in heseupier stories of the National library, and in one place I found a little book bindery off by itself where a binder stand? idl da j- - long with his tvls and repairs tho wear and tear of the thousand. of books, lie does only the small work, however, ami patches up rather than binds. lie Bays tho. French are the best binders of books, that titer v now many imita- tions of old .hidings and that somo col- lectors make fac similes of old and rare books by Ai piling new ly printed copies of them in coffee. Frank G. Carpenter in The 0)mopolitaiL. Australian Hail Service FOR oAN FRANCISCO, The new and fine Al steel steamship MARIPOSA" Of tli-- Ofeanic Stf amaUip Company, will be due tit Honolulu from and Auckland on or about May 4tli, 1889, And will leave for the iih've port with mails and passengers, on or ubout that date. For ireiglu or passage, having SUPEKIOK ACt Oil JIODATIONW. apply to Win. (j. Irwin & Co., AtJKNTS. For Sydney and Auckland. The new and tine Al steel steamship fcS 99 ZEjNDIl Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be du at Honolulu tr'jm s&n Fraisdsco or or about Apr. 13, 1889. And will im re prompt, di.ipaten with mails an for the above ports. For fif iarbi or passaf, bavins SUPKUIOR AC COMMOUA TiOXS,pply to Win. Gr. Irwin & Co., At IE NTS Claus sjro-ltel- s Win. (3. Irwin. CLAUS SrilKCKELS k C0.; 13ANKEES. H(j.0!.ni' HAWAIIAN ISLAND." I (raw Kxcbaiie on the prlncipul parts o the world. Will roi-eiv- e deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits bearing interest received In their f?av !ns Department subject to published rules and ren.'atio.is. 17ocStf Pa NTERPBISf? u ALAKEA, PLANING NEAR QUEEN MILL, STREET. J", 174 Telephone 55. II. G. CRAB BE, I Ti Ar t 1 I A 1 "XT I1A 1 KJ LXlYJLiy King Street, Honolulu, Oi-.p- . the old Police Station. 82-- 1 m TITEO. P. SEVERIX PliotoirraDlier. 'AS iken the StuUo formerly occupied hy A. A. Monta-.o- . corner of KING and FORT STS., and is prepared to take Pictures in any Stvle r5" riiuting done for Amateurs. Cabinets $6 a doz. Work guaranteed. r.utrance ou F rt tret. 173-t- f Steam Gandv Factory AND. 13 Iv .13 H Y . Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious ice Crearu made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. Tlie Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe IIST SUKVs CE CO IKSTAIiLISIIED 18'!C Assets . .) 40.0 M).0(!0 Ntt Income ClaiuiH l';tnl ,. i ia.5oi,oo Takes Kisks against I.os or PaTnatre by Fire ou buildings, Miichitiry, Sugar Mills, lnvellins and Furniture, on the :uo-- t favor lle terms. 13isliop & Co. 1188-fii- u Innvaiiaii Fertilizing Co. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Cane IFertilize.i's F.ONK MKALS raads to order; STAIJLE MANU11K, rotted and mixed, ON HAND AND FOR SALE In quantities to nuit. A. F. COOKE, Manager. i Factory, Honolulu, II. I. 104-3- ni S. FOSTER & CO., WHOLESALE GJiOCEUS AND Purchasing Agents. Solo Agents for Siinihon'f Toj-o-C- n ISraiul Diamond Creamery BUTTER. rlMIIS CKLFr.liATKD BUTTER IS JL of the finest quality, made upon the Danish and American systems combined. Racked in hermetically r.ealed tins, and warranted to keep in hot climates. 26 and 28 California St, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JC8 i?n-i- v B. LEVY & SON, Iuipoi lets, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domes-ti- F R HITS A N D l'UO D UCE. We are prepared to fill orders of all k'nds in our line, and make a specialty In packing all kinds of fruit for Iouji distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. t2 and r:?0 Sansome St., San Francisco. T. O. Box 174', E. L. MAP.SIIATX, Honolulu, 118-C- Aent for Hawaiian Isiandi. SUN FIRE OFFICE, O F L 0 NDON . ULstablislied 1710. Insurance effected upon every description of property at current rat s of premium. Total Sum Insured In lUbo ... ..327,333,700 Claims arranged by the Local Ayer.ts, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. 3Iadarlaiie & Co. m Agents for Hawaiian Islands. THOMAS LINDSAY Has Kenioved His Manufacturing ftWoll'V lllnll K lilOI fJuWtll ) LiOtilU luililililli fj From 'iuirtiin Mreel lo Thomas Block, Kins: Street. Particular attention paid fo repairing '.CM FOOK LUIS1 & CO., 113 Xuuanu Street. Emmr. Hall IVFOKTEItrf AND DEALERS IN Cliinoso &''Jar-ftnes- Oornls. Viro Crackers. New Dfslcrt: in Cups and auceos, Tea. Ci'irs, and all kinris of l ancy tioods At Oronlly l'.olceil I'rlcrs. Kegr.Ur shlrn-ent- s by erory ntf amer. rQST QFFTCE BOX NO. TABLE or THK THROUGH STEAMERS OP TUE OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. Due at Honolulu from San Francisco, on or about. Zealandia April 13 Alameda May 11 Mariposa Jane 8 Zealaudia July 6 Alameda August 3 Mariposa August 31 Zee.landia September 28 Alameda October L'G Mariposa November 23 Zealandia December 21 Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, on or about. Alameda April 6 Mariposa May 4 Zealandia Jane 1 Alameda June 29 Mariposa July 27 Zealandia August 21 Alameda September 21 Mariposa October 19 Zealandia November 16 Alameda December 14 The Planters liiitllj Devoted to the Encouragement of A GlilCULTUKE, HORTICULTURE, "TOOK RAISING and INDUS- TRIAL ri7I!STJITS GENERALLY, And more especially to the develop- ment and perfection of Cultivation of Cane and the MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. This popular journal has entered on it eighth volume, and having been Enlarged to 18 Pages Monthly, makes a yearly volume of nearly 000 pages, devoted to the agricul- tural and commercial properitj- - of the Hawaiian Islands. The attention of the business men of Honolulu and of all persons engaged in industrial pursuits is called to this per- iodical as a medium for Advertising & Information Which can be obtained in no other pub- lication, here or abroad. fiBFThe price of subscription is very low Two Dollars and a Half C$2.50) per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad. A few copies of bound volumes of the years 1SS6 and 1SS7 can be obtained : $3.50 each. T.ack Volumes of the Planters' Monthly bound to order. Address : II. M. WHITNEY, Editor Planters' Monthly, 10 1254-3- m Honolulu, II. I. Brewer s Block. Et series of engraved Postr.ge Stamps of Hawaii etc., on hand or put up to order on short notice; Tliium. C0-- 9t DEALERS IN- - Kohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papal kou Sugar Co. TST O T T, nousekeeping Goods. and Sheet Iron Work Respectfully submitted, TllOS. Gr. 1261-l- m 8. N. CaSTLE. J. B ATHERTON. G. P. CASTLE. V.'. A. BOWEX. EDW. D. TENNEY. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, SSujsinfSiS (Card. LEWERS & COOKE, (Successors to Lt-wer- S: Dickaou) Importer nn.l JoaIor. In Lumber Ami all Kinds of liuildintf Materials. No. X2 l'OKT HTKKET. Honolulu. ltf J. ALFRED MAGOON, .Attorney at " Law, 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. ltf JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Iui gorier and Dealer la GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 2'-- 'l Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf H. HACKFELD & CO, (jJcnenil Coinmissioii Agents Cor. Fort A; Queen Sts., Ilouolulu. ltf BEAVER SALOON, FuriSlrvct, Opposite "Wilder A C'o.'m. II. J. NOLTK, niOI'KIETOK. Urst-cla-- LuucbOB Served with Tea, Coffee, boda Water, Ginytr Ale or Milk. Open From :t a. iu. (Ill 10 ! X-- ? Smokers' requisites a Specialty. ltf It. VV. FKAZER, JIEBCHAXT TAILOK, Cor. Kin and Alakea Sta., Honolulu. Moderate charge, good workmanship and a perfect fit guaranteed. ltf GER MANIA MARKET. GEO. M. U.M1T, - - - l'UOl'lilETOU. IWt Street, Honolulu. EELF, IdUTTON AND VEAL. rrcsli fxaii'.mre, I'orU, Ktc, hand. Shirv"g served on Constantly on exhort liotlce. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, .IIerM, Mi;;r Mill. Coolers lira and I.eud instill?. A nd marhlnery of every deaeHrtU n made to r ler. attention raid to ships hlack atthlUK. Jol. work executed ou the shortest notice THE ROYAL SALOON, Jlerihant Street (or. MMianu himI I'nder the Management of IS. II. I3 "rolter. stock a variety or the best Wines I .n.w.rsTlers. and ice cold Leers on draught at ten cents per t;Uss ti See I H.-f- ri ltf . Walker & llelwanl, Contractors & Builders Trick, Stone und Wooden Building Estimates Given. Attended to. Jnbblnjf I'ro.HPlIy 7,5 KIN(i STREET. r O. lioi Pell Telephone No. 2. J)AVIS & WUiDElt, 52 FOUT STIIKKT. IMPORTEES G rocerw .V Provision Dealer. UKKH GOODS BV EVERT KTEA.MER.TE t -- IMPORTERS AND Greiaeral Mex'cliaiid.ise. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. II. Smith .t Co., Koloa, Eanai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Union Tire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and Saa Fiancisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemiiigton and Wheeler & Wilson SEWING rA.CHIISrES. tf J O II JNT Stores, Ranges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper 67 to- - t

m nmwrvt - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9 examined tho eyes of members of the tipper classes in the lu'lischool of tlia town, states tliat

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Page 1: m nmwrvt - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9 examined tho eyes of members of the tipper classes in the lu'lischool of tlia town, states tliat


f r

i i m nmwrvtEl Ca 7f .B 11 i LJ

2US3!ri?WI,--. J W 1 fcl 'II HI ti U R f


5 rlvrf iepvnrttfcJlustnfs.si Cards.business (Tartls. ctrrrttsfKfttts. SO!E CUEER MISHAPS.


Street.106 THOS. f, THRU1L


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.

a u use K I it ions :

Daily l 0. AuvKurisKU, one year SO Oo

mi months 3 W

jier month Co

Weekly Hawaiian U AZti tk, one year 5 OU

loitigu (ln-clmli-

j.watage) 6 1)0

Payable Invariably In Advance.


PostoiHc Uox O. Honolulu, II. I.


3DtRespectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and residents of the islands generally thathaving resumed business as above and etlected connections abroad with the ob-ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining proinnt attention to order--wit- h

best goods at lowest market rates. While the followingenumerated line embody the several departments, patronsare assured that all orders will have careful



A full assortment of Fashionahle and Commercial Stationery is now on handand will be replenished monthly with Staple cioods and Novelties as ihey appear.Notwithstanding the distance from source of supplies the stock of miscellan-eous Books is large aud varied and will he made just as full aud attractive as toetastes and demands of the people require. Special oiders forwarded hy regularsteamer and filled at list prices eicepting a few certain lines.This feature having heen taken up again will be given careful attention forprempt delivery to city or mail subscribers. Latest dates o band hy every mailCounter customers can have their supplies reserved, if notified in time. Speci ilpapers or periodicals procured to order.The leading American and English Magazines rud Reviews regularly receivedai alao a varied list cf Fashion publications. Subscription!, can commence at arvtime Lack numbers sent for as desired.SoniP 7000 copies of Seaside, Lovell and other Libraries were forced on the maket not Jo g since and yet reople are crying for more. A fresh stock has just beenreceived of favorite authors and new issues will arrive by each mailAt present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon as public demandwarrants it a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music aud Standard Co-llections will be kept on hand.Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and and Artists' Sundries. DrawingPaper, plain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice Sets Water Colors, asalso a large variety of cheaper grades for the littla folks.In order to close out this 4ine of really fine Pictures subjects from eminentartists a large reduction in prices have been n aile. Largains are offered also iuquite a variety of Panel Pictures, plain or framed; Photo. Frames, etc.

It is planned to carry this stock as a feature of the store through the year, inetea 1

of confining it to the holidays, in order to meet the birthdays and their recurrentdemands that are always happening in every will regulated community.This class or Hup of goods in stock, while full and varied, is being added to con-tinually, as attractive aud serviceable novelties appear from time to time.











The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinclair's Indmenovs Flowers enables allorders to meet with prompt attention. By the opening up of the Parcels Post91et-ialttes-

. system with the United States this universally admired work can now he mailedthither at a moderate charge. Hawaiian Annuals. Jakvis' History or M awn IsAndrews' Dictionary, Hawk. Cook Book, etc., constantly en hand.

Hawaiian Collections or sets of the fullStamps. mounted, showing date of issue,

new or cancelled.

Printins Having special facilities and advantages in this deparlmeut, customers canOrders, r"1 on aI1 orders meeting with care aud attention lor execution in the higheststyle of the art.

HindincOrders- -

All orders for Bin ling also faithfully atterded to. whether magazines, papers,msic, ruling, or tbe manufacture of special sizes or kimls of Blank Books.

Terms Cash Th,s ls an lmPrtant point in all business transactions, In takin? up ain theor business set forth above it is p; aimed to conduct it ou a cash basis as stHctlv as

Monthly rossihle, though accounts for prompt monthly settlements will be allowed.sett: oients. rdp" frolu unknown parties cu tii other IrlaiiJi .ubi be --.ccemran ed wit):

cash or responsible city reference.All orders faithfully attended to, whether for City or out of town patrons

Goods not in stock will be procured as speedily as possible, in town or fromabroad as directed.Finally.

:o:- -

WniffTMi --Jerritt, of Newark, lost the t&JOf his leg by the luvidental discharge of hiur. while hunting in the Uerkshiro woods.Patriek Ilanuon, of Sprlngfleld, Mass., 17

of ago, must do without his right handin future. Ho was shooting ducks when hisgun hurst, and the fingers of that hand wentHying after the game.

Capt. Reynolds, of Raddon Court, Latch-for- d,

EngLxnd, lost his life by his gun ex-ploding r.s ha was climbing a fence. Thecharge shattered his left knoe, and amputa-tion did not save him.

James Evauson. came into "Washington, N.C.ffrom tho country to buy an ax. "Wilodeparting from the store with his purchasehe dropped it and it fell on his right foot,completely severing the second toe.

Miss Catherine Simonds, who lived nearReading, England, lost her life whilo hunt-ing. Her horse stumbled in a rabbit hole,Miss Simonds fell and her horse kicked out

r brains before she could be rescue!.With his hand hanging in shreds, William

Erwin, of Morris Plains, X. J., walked to ahospital, where the wounded menilier wasamputated. Ho had been hunting rabbits,and his gun was prematurely discharged,

John and Cyrus Mark, of Pueblo, Colo.,went duck shooting, and, seeing a Hock, werorreeping upon them through tho brush. Cy-rus was just behind his brother. His guncaught in tho brush and was discharged, andJohn fell dead, having received tho contentsin his back.

James Loveless, a railroad section boss,was riding on a railroad bicycle on the rem-bert- on

and Seashore railroad, when he wasovertaken by an extra train, consisting of aningine and Superintendent liannard's specialtar, and hii machine run dowu. He waatiUvd outright

Kearftigrttednrss In the School.Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9

examined tho eyes of members of thetipper classes in the lu'li school of tliatown, states tliat over 50 per cent, of thepupils have some affection of tho eyo.Thirty-fou- r per cent, of those examinedwere troubled with myopr, 12 per cent,with hyjM'ropia. and G rer cent, withvarious other eye troubles. "Of these 14per cent, were astigmatic to some ex-

tent," sa-- 3 the doctor. 'I propose toe:tnmhi8 the same pupils' eyes one yeatfrom now, to see what changes havetaken place, especially in tho myopiceyes. So far, I llnd that nearsightedness6eems to increase iu propottion as outschool system becomes more complex,and pupils are obliged to apply them-nelve- s

more closely to their work. Alarger per cent, of myopic eyes are fomidin city than in village or coun: ,T schools. '

Boston Herald.

"Where Are the Old Sinner?"What becomes of the old singers is a

question as hard to answer as that con-cerning the fate of the proverbial pins. InItaly they usually retire to their nativevillages and end their days in olsciirityand peace. In France and Germany,until quite incapacitated for activo duty,they generally set up as singing teachers,and, thanks mainly to their celebrity,earn handsome incomes from ambitiouslads and lasses. Duprez, who waa thaoriginal William Tell, gives lessons inParis, and so do Marie Sass, tho originalSelika in "L'Africaine," Delle Sedie, thogreat baritone, Carlotta Patti, and a Lost

lesser lights of da3s bygone. Theralue of their instruction from a musicalatantlpoint may be doubted, but that oftie suggestions they can give to giftedbut untledged aspirants to distinction onthe stage or concert xdatform can hardlybe overestimated. sew York Sun.

Two Tests of Death.There are many persons haunted with

the fear of lxing buried alive, and manyrelieve that such thing3 do often happen.A celebrated English M. D. gives tho fol-

lowing test: Have the room in wlarjjtho corpse lies perfectly dark; havo abright light brought and taking tho handof the corpse hold it near tho light andlook through it. If the hand has theleast pink look like blood there is Kurciylife, but if the hand has the look of clayor grayish look and you cannot seethrough it death has taken place. An-other test is to inject a drop of ammoniabeneath the skin, if death has takenplace it will have no effect, but if there ialife a small red fcpot will appear at thefJace of injection. Surtly these tests p.ravorth remembering. Atlanta Constitu-


Danger In Change.It is doubtless letter that boya shoull

oe engaged in practising tho long jumpor the lngh jump than in blackening eachother's eyes; and that pugilism has in agi-c.i-

t measure leen superseded by gym-nastics in our principal seats of educationis matter for congratulation. But that isa totally different thing from banishingfootball, cricket or hare .atid hounds fromschool, Urau) sometirres a Loy gets aleg or arm Lrok n in a scurry, is occa-sionally shinned by a cricket ball, oiuiakt'M "hici&elf ill by overexertion acrosscountry Nothing venture, nothing have.If we tare for the coolness and the hardi--uo- d

which we Hatter ourselves are na-:ieT- .d

characteristics, we must not shrinkfrom tho training by which those f)uali-Ue- s

are di'veloped. London Standard.

Impairing the Library Hooks.There are many queer departments in

heseupier stories of the National library,and in one place I found a little bookbindery off by itself where a binder stand?idl da j-

- long with his tvls and repairs thowear and tear of the thousand. of books,lie does only the small work, however,ami patches up rather than binds. lieBays tho. French are the best binders ofbooks, that titer v now many imita-tions of old .hidings and that somo col-

lectors make fac similes of old and rarebooks by Ai piling new ly printed copies ofthem in coffee. Frank G. Carpenter inThe 0)mopolitaiL.

Australian Hail Service


The new and fine Al steel steamship

MARIPOSA"Of tli-- Ofeanic Stf amaUip Company, will be due

tit Honolulu from and Aucklandon or about

May 4tli, 1889,And will leave for the iih've port with mails andpassengers, on or ubout that date.

For ireiglu or passage, having SUPEKIOKACt Oil JIODATIONW. apply to

Win. (j. Irwin & Co.,AtJKNTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and tine Al steel steamship

fcS 99ZEjNDIlOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

du at Honolulu tr'jm s&n Fraisdscoor or about

Apr. 13, 1889.And will im re prompt, di.ipaten with mails an

for the above ports.For fif iarbi or passaf, bavins SUPKUIOR AC


Win. Gr. Irwin & Co.,At IE NTS

Claus sjro-ltel- s Win. (3. Irwin.



I (raw Kxcbaiie on the prlncipul parts o theworld.

Will roi-eiv- e deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing interest received In their f?av

!ns Department subject to published rules andren.'atio.is. 17ocStf




174 Telephone 55.


I T i Ar t 1 I A 1 "XTI1A 1 KJ LXlYJLiy

King Street, Honolulu,

Oi-.p- . the old Police Station. 82-- 1 m


PliotoirraDlier.'AS iken the StuUo formerly occupied hy A. A.

Monta-.o- . corner of KING and FORT STS.,and is prepared to take

Pictures in any Stvler5" riiuting done for Amateurs.

Cabinets $6 a doz. Work guaranteed.

r.utrance ou F rt tret. 173-t- f

Steam Gandv Factory


13 Iv .13 H Y .

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious ice Crearu made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.

Tlie Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Assets . .) 40.0 M).0(!0Ntt IncomeClaiuiH l';tnl ,. i ia.5oi,oo

Takes Kisks against I.os or PaTnatre by Fireou buildings, Miichitiry, Sugar Mills, lnvellinsand Furniture, on the :uo-- t favor lle terms.

13isliop & Co.1188-fii- u

Innvaiiaii Fertilizing Co.

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

Cane IFertilize.i'sF.ONK MKALS raads to order;STAIJLE MANU11K, rotted and mixed,

ON HAND AND FOR SALEIn quantities to nuit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.i

Factory, Honolulu, II. I. 104-3- ni



Purchasing Agents.

Solo Agents for

Siinihon'f Toj-o-C- n ISraiul

Diamond Creamery

BUTTER.rlMIIS CKLFr.liATKD BUTTER ISJL of the finest quality, made upon theDanish and American systems combined.Racked in hermetically r.ealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

26 and 28 California St,


B. LEVY & SON,Iuipoi lets, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domes-ti-


We are prepared to fill orders of all k'nds inour line, and make a specialty In packing allkinds of fruit for Iouji distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

t2 and r:?0 Sansome St., San Francisco.T. O. Box 174',

E. L. MAP.SIIATX, Honolulu,118-C- Aent for Hawaiian Isiandi.


ULstablislied 1710.

Insurance effected upon every description ofproperty at current rat s of premium.

Total Sum Insured In lUbo ... ..327,333,700

Claims arranged by the Local Ayer.ts, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. 3Iadarlaiie & Co.

m Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

THOMAS LINDSAYHas Kenioved His Manufacturing

ftWoll'V lllnll K lilOIfJuWtll ) LiOtilU luililililli


From 'iuirtiin Mreel lo

Thomas Block, Kins: Street.

Particular attention paid fo repairing'.CM


113 Xuuanu Street. Emmr. Hall


Cliinoso &''Jar-ftnes- Oornls.

Viro Crackers. New Dfslcrt: in Cups andauceos, Tea. Ci'irs, and all kinris of l ancy

tioodsAt Oronlly l'.olceil I'rlcrs.

Kegr.Ur shlrn-ent- s by erory ntf amer.





Due at Honolulu from San Francisco,on or about.

Zealandia April 13Alameda May 11Mariposa Jane 8Zealaudia July 6Alameda August 3Mariposa August 31Zee.landia September 28Alameda October L'G

Mariposa November 23Zealandia December 21

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, onor about.

Alameda April 6Mariposa May 4Zealandia Jane 1

Alameda June 29Mariposa July 27Zealandia August 21Alameda September 21Mariposa October 19Zealandia November 16Alameda December 14

The Planters liiitllj

Devoted to the Encouragement of





And more especially to the develop-

ment and perfection of Cultivation

of Cane and the


This popular journal has entered on iteighth volume, and having been

Enlarged to 18 Pages

Monthly, makes a yearly volume ofnearly 000 pages, devoted to the agricul-tural and commercial properitj-- of theHawaiian Islands.

The attention of the business men ofHonolulu and of all persons engaged inindustrial pursuits is called to this per-

iodical as a medium for

Advertising & Information

Which can be obtained in no other pub-

lication, here or abroad.

fiBFThe price of subscription is verylow Two Dollars and a Half C$2.50)

per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad.

A few copies of bound volumes of theyears 1SS6 and 1SS7 can be obtained :

$3.50 each.

T.ack Volumes of the Planters'Monthly bound to order.

Address :


Editor Planters' Monthly,10 1254-3- m Honolulu, II. I.

Brewer sBlock.


series of engraved Postr.ge Stamps of Hawaiietc., on hand or put up to order on short notice;

Tliium.C0-- 9t


Kohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papal kou Sugar Co.


nousekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

Respectfully submitted,

TllOS. Gr.1261-l- m


CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,

SSujsinfSiS (Card.


(Successors to Lt-wer- S: Dickaou)

Importer nn.l JoaIor. In LumberAmi all Kinds of liuildintf Materials.

No. X2 l'OKT HTKKET. Honolulu. ltf


.Attorney at " Law,42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. ltf


Iui gorier and Dealer la

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. 2'-- 'l Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf


(jJcnenil Coinmissioii Agents

Cor. Fort A; Queen Sts., Ilouolulu. ltf

BEAVER SALOON,FuriSlrvct, Opposite "Wilder A C'o.'m.

II. J. NOLTK, niOI'KIETOK.Urst-cla-- LuucbOB Served with Tea, Coffee,

boda Water, Ginytr Ale or Milk.

Open From :t a. iu. (Ill 10 !X-- ? Smokers' requisites a Specialty. ltf


JIEBCHAXT TAILOK,Cor. Kin and Alakea Sta., Honolulu.

Moderate charge, good workmanship and aperfect fit guaranteed. ltf


GEO. M. U.M1T, - - - l'UOl'lilETOU.

IWt Street, Honolulu.


rrcsli fxaii'.mre, I'orU, Ktc,hand. Shirv"g served onConstantly on exhort



Steam Engines,.IIerM, Mi;;r Mill. Coolers lira

and I.eud instill?.A nd marhlnery of every deaeHrtU n made to

r ler. attention raid to ships hlackatthlUK. Jol. work executed ou the shortest



Jlerihant Street(or. MMianu himI

I'nder the Management of

IS. II. I3 "rolter.stock a variety or the best Wines

I .n.w.rsTlers. and ice cold Leers on draught atten cents per t;Uss

ti See I H.-f- ri ltf .

Walker & llelwanl,

Contractors & BuildersTrick, Stone und Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Attended to.Jnbblnjf I'ro.HPlIy

7,5 KIN(i STREET.r O. lioi

Pell Telephone No. 2.



IMPORTEESG rocerw .V Provision Dealer.



Greiaeral Mex'cliaiid.ise.-- ALSO, AGENTS FOR--

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. II. Smith .t Co., Koloa, Eanai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

Union Tire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and Saa Fiancisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines

Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemiiigton and Wheeler & Wilson



Stores, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper67

to- - t

Page 2: m nmwrvt - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9 examined tho eyes of members of the tipper classes in the lu'lischool of tlia town, states tliat

t i A.. . t J R l"


f Cau '3. t uc i' t i ? ii r ii is.men oi the Am. ileaii navy have fully ! tell us bluntly that "they do not;

Monthly Meeting.mi-Uium- mI th honorable record of ;

the ai.d hovn themselves to ;

b" woi 1 v successors of the men who i

in pa.--t times have made that service J

r.-- ected thron'hout the world. i

Of tho particulars connected with j

THE JlISO(3sIron and Locomotive Works,

Corct-- of Leal u.l Howard Sttt vi,San i'ranriiico Cal ifonsia

tuo loss of tin iiorman snips, we a great injustice, and if their Ueasknow I.-- . -- . The da-hi- ng of tho Kber ; could be carried out to their logicalin pieces on the rocks, with tho sud ; results, they would do both the Ha-de- ii

destruction of almost the entire j waiians and the foreigners a serious-h- ip".-c--mjany, is the most appall-- j injury. What the Hawaiian needsii.!- - f. ature f the whole series of i.s, not to be denied an education,

..o:';!i.-f:'- ' ,..


4 tsl-':.- ;l



J. Xarge


r'''--1 VaX'nS l



Stock of


and Best Quality



Cream Soda,

Plain Sotin.,

Mineral Waters,


Ladies, Mists". Ouits", and Children's


3n Hutl)oritn.

Km Ijjti Ofti !'.NuT'l K ill l:K.M"VAI .

Notice - ht-- r ly i v 1 1 t- - all whom i:may oii.orn, that II. 11. Anii-ln-i:,- ',

Ks-juir- lately acting m- - llmv;i;ia!iTi-r;i- I iit London, Knian '.V nil t !; f

ItJi Jay o I)( l"-- , rcm-.- ! i.-..-:u

such oliicc, ami that he h no J 1 r r : i ''

iri'i t, act in the lanacitv ai-- .:Mr. Manloy Hopkins of S2 ( or;:!, il! . L

don, K. ill continue t ,t't a- - il !lw.iiiau "oii-- ul at London.


I'orcin Mh. e, Honolulu, Aj. r. .

S") 1 l'ii-I- t

Will h.-- receive.! at the InU rior ( tl . e untilYVF.DN KSI) A V, Aj r, le, Hv. ;:t uo'clock ii'on, for con trui ti;i-t!- ie I';;:k

Hill Road.Plans and sj.ti-iJi.a-

t ion tor the v.r'.can he seen at the Interior :;,.

AH hid must lie j, I iic.lv endowed," Tender for i'urichhowl J J 1 Koad."

The Minister of the Interior ioe- - nothin.l himelf to acc, rt the lowest or anybid.

L. A. TIintSTON.Mini-te- r of the Interior.

Interior Ottiec, March .5 ',77-."- ) t

r.urial rin,ii,.Persons wishing i 'crtilicate-- i for Ihwial.

an ohtain the muio- - ly pi ir.i; to theOHic; of the Iloanl of Health between thehour, of " "."..nt..i p.n,..orto.he rcM- - j

mine j. nijiO, .em or rneloariI, MMith corner of l'un hhowl nI'.erotania struts, out.-iil- e of the' ahoehours.

W. ;. ASIILKY,Secretary of the Hoard of llealtii.

Honolulu, April .t, lss;. sl-- t

1'l'l'A HTM KNT OK 1'lN AM r. i

Ho.Nor.iT.i-- , April 1 , ivvtjTin; following persons liave been ap-

pointed Assessors arid Collec tors of Tax'--tor the respective Taxation Divisions ofthe Kingdom, in accordance with an Actto amend and regulate the Law. relatingto the appointment and tenure of otl'n e ofTax Assessor and Tax Collector, and theAssessment and Collection of Taxes, ap-proved the 21 ,t day of August, A. I. IssS.

C. A. lUtOVVN, 1st Division. NI.im.I ofOahu.

H. (i. TllKADWAY, Ll Division, Inl-

ands of Maui, Mob)k ii, and I.atiai.HKUr.KHT C. AUaTIN. ;M Division.

Id md of Hawaii.j

JDSKPH K. FAUI.KY, Uh Division,Islands of Kauai and Niihau.

w. l. (;kj:i:n.Approved: Minister of Finance

Jon. AtsriN,Minister of Foreign AlVairs.

L. A. Tm usTox,Minister of Interior.

C. XV. Aphkorp,Attorney-Cenera- l.

77-l- m li'iM-l- t



AlMTIoN SU.KS--- V .1. 1 Morrvin, h.ths, j

CtC, 10 U. UK

Istfrior Ornci: -- Tender 1,,



road, close 111 in.St. Andrew's Cathedki. ?:- - !

vice, oiiiuon disaster, .1 p. in.itjiooi.iir juu.ks toinpanv C, drhl,7:p. in.K. ok P.-(- )ihu LodK.-- . Fort street;

Mystic Lod'f, Kin? street, 7:.'5" p. m.Ciii-Kci-i 'i:i;vu r:s -- St. An Irew's Catli. (!ra!.

i entrtil I men. Hawaii in and ChineeChurt lies, 7 p. 1M- -


Pacific Coiiiiiiercial Advertiser.

l t Just nii.l iar nv-- :

Lot all the eu.ls thoil aiiu'st ivt I h

Thy Ci'intry's, thy (!. !, nu I Irutis.'

VKI)Ni:SIAY, Al'Klb 10, ls'.


It is seldom that this communityis moved to such depth of sympathyand regret for anyono not of itsown numbers, as has been mani-fested in every direction for the last

believe in educating kanakas1.'"In many instances the people who

talk in this way have no unkindfeelings towards natives, and no in- -

tention of beinsr illiberal. Never- -

theless, they do the Hawaiian people!

but to be given a better one betterin ILO sense oi uejug Uium mhwuib i

to his needs and surroundings and ;

nrnhMlile fntnrft in iFa flis e.hien- --ition heretofore has not alwavs beenj!lst (Jf tjie he most needeil. j


'1 lwk, 1 I I t li - 11 i f ,T .tn tr r r- - tTk

1 111 it' iiu? iiuuuuuir'jiv itcu uain j

lack of intelligent appreciation of j

both his antecedents and nis en- - j

vironment. j

What is wanted, then, is not any i

decrease in educative inlluences, butsome change in the character of!them, .uch a change is what thexperiment in the way of industrialeeducation, now iroinff on at theKamehameha schools, is calculatedto aid powerfully in bringing about.We are not at all sure but that themanagers and teachers of that in-

stitution would object to the word" experiment " as rather disparagingto the results already produced. Atall events, the enterprise involvesconsequences of the utmost import-ance to the future well-bein- g of theHawaiian people and state, and theprospects of future success and use-

fulness seem as bright as its bestfriends could desire.


Special JVJLeetiiag

A SPECIAL MEETING OF THEA- Stockholders of the Wailuku Sujar Co.will be held at the oltice of C. lirewer itCo., Queen street, on MONDAY, Aprilloth, at 2 o'clock p. in.

FEU OllDElt.Honolulu, April S, 159. 85-- 1 w


Wool, Calico and Linen Shirts,

Queen St., next door to E. I. Thomas'.82-3- m


Abo, one large room, on the Tng-loa- n

premises, opposite Dr. Me- -

Grew's, Hotel street. Apply toANDERSON & lAJNDY,

81-C- .t Dentists.

KF.SI'ECTFULLY NOTIFY HISwI friends and the pnldic eeuerally that behas purchased the Blacksmith ar.il Carriage Shopfonuerly conducted by A. Morgan at Nos. 7lJ andi?l Kiug street, where he is now prepared to doall kinds of Carriat' t'ai ntin and Trimmi'Carriage and Heavy Wao Work n" a (reneralJUacksiui tliir. with irouiptness and dispatchSatisfaction guaranteed. 1'U-t- f.




inform her friends and thepublic penerally that she has opened aplace of business on Fort street, next doorto Gonzal ves' Photo. Gallery, where she isprepared to do sewing, embroidery, etc. ofall descriptions. Native hats of all kindsmade to order. Hawaiian curios alwayson hand. An inspection invited. 82 3ni

Notice lo Dslinpit Tax Payers.

ON AND AFTER TO-DA- Y, THESth f April, all Taxes wilt be payable

at the Tax Assessor's Ofliee in the " Kapu-aiw- a

UuiUling."Nr ten per cent, charge will be made,

unless a warrant has been issued or a suitcommenced, against the person or firmwishing to pay.

V. A. 15KOYVN,Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the

island of Oahu.April s, kvsj. ,s4-i- V



from one to an entire set in-serted on gold, silver, allum- -lnum and rubber bases.

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant souree of irritation to themouth ami throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Oas.

& !H Hotel treet, at Dr. Gro?man'old stand. ;V-l- y

Oceanic Steamship Co.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.Tho Al steamship


Will leave Elonoliiia for the above ,1011 on i


Latest Style




Giiiger Ale,




LISTERTho Water useil in prejiarin


In operation in the Hawaiian

T lTc'. PrJllV x KLmoanVmiii:eiu at tlie olhceI the 1 onipany. (..Jnt--street, at I) o'clock a. in., April l'nh i'?xt,

J. o. l'.i:ti-:i:- .

sccr- - tarv C. 1'.. ,V. Co.Honolulu. Afril ". 1"-''- . -- 2

Stocklp(iers 3Iee inr.rTMIE ANNUAL BUSINE-- S MEETING

the presentation of report-an- -i ele.-tior- , ot '

'i!ccrs uiii he h. : i V. April !

.i i I ..l L I'. ' ' i ' l ' T).lIl .l T.

........! ., ... . . t . . . mi Ti" a. 111. 1 .'11 tn.--M'vV t a ry.

Il i I'M f I i i

1 IlbUlllHllil I'l J I lUllo-- , j


M s v ui:ci:ti atj

JiOLLIis iYAl ik (O.s,A fre,h s.lvAy (i, the j,.1(.,,n;t(.,1 r. r. j

Mates, s;z,. ,i.iect from the factory .

iresh and relia! !.'. ': j


Importer and Healer in

rents, I.iitlie' aiol t'hililren'si frfij V iA c- - o ml I iikti i i

OllVfca lli.llNo. SO Port St.. Honolulu.

78-- 1 v

Firewood For Sale!38 per Cord,


JA.M KS (.'ARTYCan he found next door to the P. C. A.

Otlioe, Merchant Street.

Hacks Nos. 18, 111. 66, 75, 180AND WAGONETTE 1 1 O.

liell TeleplionellOl, Mutual 50O.2(1.1 tf



iioTi-:r- , stiu:i:t.Open all Night! Meals at all Hours.

Keeps the Ilest ColVee, Tea ami Choco-late to he lia in the City.

Mush and Milk every morning-- .

A Change of Dinner. Every Day!

Hardware Co.. IAlFokt St.. : : : Honolulu.

Have Jii:--t Opened

New Lines of Woods1

Yv'hieh wiil rojciv ;.i 1.--1 eet ion.

SSIn the .Salesrooms on tho second j

floor are many article entirely new to j

this market. i

Hjiecial Cioods at Special Prices!

Household (Joods in Larre VarU-t- v !

Comolete lanes

Hardware, A'jt iiultural Iinj-K-inents- ,

Etc., i'lantation S;i;-pii.'s- , Kero-sene (HI oi best ij'iality.

r.WTFic H.ri)W.hi-- : Co., L'n.,1201 o7-- y Honolulu.


This Fiist-I?i- s r.iinily Hotel,lmviiii just ci. iiifjfl liauds, h:is lu eritlioronli I v retiovat.il, (oett-- r withthe KAl'ENA m'KViI.SKS now attacbej,and is preruri-i- to rvceivv

By the Day, Week or MonthAt Ileaxonahle ITates.

TABI.K I'NSt'RPASSr.D. Transient pu.-st-

will fintl every nci'orii'iHHl.itioTi, a place whereall the comforts of a home can be obtained.

TIIOS. K ROUSE, TiiorHonolulu, II. I. lr.f


Having been apjiointeil SOLE AOENT.Sin the Hawaiian I sland- - lor these

C'elehrateil Fertilizers, areprepare, 1 to

ordera for

Dissolved Peruvian Guano,

Special Cane "auiuo,Aiul the Other Fertilizers

Fur Suirar Cane ami Fruit Trees

T 1 1 E A N ; LO-- O N T INF. N T A L

GUANO VvRK ( late OUendonr - ).

Atnl t pive :i;f'rma'.i.n cr:- ernmcrthe -- anic- a; may !e reuirt

A Quantity of Special Cane Manurenow on hand.

Anil a iiirther shipment cf thi- - and th.--- ;

Peruvian Ouar.o i hie h-r- e i:i! Ia. 71-l-

r c r 1 1 - T T T V aI)Vi;rtisi:k ri:- -

w. ii. tv. u Trt siiiutK. s. moo::l.. . . .S.i eriuttcJt itit 1 1

Mm ci ,S!cai!i iiiiiliiRsrvIn a!i i r.i i ri:

', -- o ip. I. .: i F.UkIi it-I-

Uih MS i r liij ;..):! Ii! .

tfam vkfls 1 k::. :: coillete,v.-

-: i :.. ; ; -- i'.e.: : :;.;: ;'; Ini i i-- na

v!ST li i"! I- - I' V( II r. I. -; ;l 111 TUj.'S con- -

tit;c! I v..;l s f. r- - i,c- t J: i r;..,.- iu whiofc

,1 ,,H VIl,I.S ,:ni s,.,r UY Maohln,I : .1 ; tee iimst .: j Aiuo. all

r . 1 K at .1 t ;:f-rt- jta.WATl.lt 1'ItK. of Holler 01 Iron, of .v.;v

si-- . ;a.t.ie i 1: ;ii t :. fi r con 11. CP ! !

tj,--f ill. r. or Sl.rf :s rol-- l, ax.d j.ackeu j

for snijyfutut, rt-.i.l- to bo nveuJ ou tliKrnuuil. i

ilVPKAL'LIC IUVlTTINii. Holler Wort niiJ Waterl'ij--- im:1.Io y ;n (. 1! lishuifiit. rivt-tf.- t.r ,

liVviiaulic ri veil nrucLl nei y, ibat quality o'work lieiii-- r far to h.u.d work.

SUIT WoV.K, ship auil Steam Capstans, StcaujWiiichi-s- Air and ( iivulati n l nims. nudt !

aiirr ine most a;ij-io- ' 1 !.iii-- .

SOI.K Afreuts iinvl iiiun;e"ai-tr.rerf- s for the TacifitCoa.st of the lleii.e Sit ty Holler.

l!L'!rs lirtct Aotiiiir Punirs f"r frriiiation orCity worse f. Imilt with the celratfi 1

navy Valve Motion, superior to axiv otherpump.

JOHN I ) Y K 1 1 Honolulu4l-3- m Koo:a No. 3, upstairs, Sreckels' Dlock.


FjArnAr Plantation--,

lliw.ui, March y, 1SS8.Ilisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San F'rau-cisc-

Gentlemen We have used two of your 30-chaui-

ed Iilter l'iesss this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommenduo improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed i A. Moohe,

Manager Pauhau Planta'.iou.

The-s- Presses are heir-- ' carried in stock inHonolulu arid are foil at very low pricesto meet the demand. A consignment 13 now onl 'ie v,--

llis.Imi Iron A Loco. W'or'itt.Krancisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DVl.it Honolulu

Room N 3 S;)r.ck;'ls Ulork:v fi. ntuiv.t-c.- . ....,:


5 The Large Estate MKnown as

KAHUKU, KAUIsland of Hawaii.

Contains 184,000 Acres.

Apjuy to J. O. CARTER.72 U.n-t- f


Hsibana (laavs.

Bavarian IofT,of the Hackerbrau Hroworv, MuiKlien;

Strassliur" Beer,

Flensbiirg' Ieer.

Double Extra StoutP.oftled by M.IJ. Eo.-t-er London ;

of uj'( rior pialities ;

(rrman Presei'ves,in tins.

ron s:pi: r.v --v



I'd 12M-t- f

Manliatt-u- i Life


''if NtMv Vmk. I.st.ihlUlif.l 1850.

- ! C bo v otT.-r- to the In-s-m:

it; ..' I 'c't ie it- - new

Siii'vivorsliip D?vi.ieiiil Plan

Vriiieh a If jpIs al! trie a.! vantages of LifeIn.-nran- m ing- tli e..'r!i-- r years i iiiV,lii'.-- l at trie satiiC time makes a proviion

! ol'l age. as the 1 Y,i t-r ea-- i ur-- :

len-'c- r hi- - Policy at 'he ni vi the Sur-vivorship I 'r.Ti..i.ND Pj:i:i: .'! anil receiveits Fiu. Vi.f:: in ("ash thus combin-in.- r

lNVFrM::Nr a:i-- pKOTr.CTK.Ci.

ICW Any information eh-erfull- fur-n:-le-

john II. PATY,

disa- - t i liut h )vt'er sincere ourregret ;i the untitnelv fato of soliu.nv 1 i ave men. and however warm

t ! 1'our svr.r.;f. iiv lor lauilJies ana i

fiien.i-- , their deaths cannot, of ne i

come home to our feelingswith the intensity of realiza--

lioii as iri tlu case of thoe wehave iliv known and es- -



1 i mc.uin: few remarks thetther d.4y. suggested by some speci

mens of handiwork from the Ivamo

hameiia schools. we alluded brieflyto the very general tendency ofyoung men to avoid occupations in-

volving manual labor or any consid- -

i.rahh' amount of physical exertion.;,(tl t(l (.,, their livinir bv means of0 - a y

their wits, iiodily exercise of aM'vcro, and even sometimes of anexhausting kind, is considered allright, provided it comes in the wayof what is called " sport," and is notdone for pay. The young man whowould despise walking a mile on a

-- ood street to save fifty cents inha(k wili tramp all day overhills and through thickets, and carrya gun to boot, for the chanco of kill-

ing a few birds. In many nays it isconstantly shown that it is not somuch mere laziness and the fear ofwork which is responsible for thetendency referred to, as it is a falsopride, fostered by the prevalence ofcertain unwholesome social condi-tions, and a consequent desire toavoid all occupations, which are not" genteel."

In the complex organization ofmodern society, industrial and com-

mercial, there must be, of' necessity,a considerable number of personswho live by their wits, that is, in thesense of working with their headsrather than with their hands. With-out such, the world's business cannot be carried on. This kind ofwork is qui t3 as necessary as anyother, and somebody has got to doit. Trying to live by one's wits isall right, therefore, provided thewits are enough above tho averageof others around us to justify us inso doing. Tho trouble has been,that too many young people of nooriginality, no unusual force of character, no intellectual gifts beyond

.. le.vr.'o 4i winery ana cuiumvmA'atv,anil no especial talent in any one,jn,c.(joni have, upon the very mod- -

orate capital of a fairlv" good educa- -

turn, neat penmanship, and a presentable personal appearance, struckout for such callings in life as

j y.ould minister to their social ambi- -

tiu?J' ratlior th:i:i for thoso for vvhichj nature has designed them.

'X his tendency has seemed to beqiiito as strong among the bettereducated young Hawaiian, asamong the boys in America and

i elsewhere, aiid with results quite asunfortunate, if not more so. In a

j large proportion of cases, thoso ofthis cla;-- s who have come upon tho

j stage of active life within the lasti dozen or more years, have shown acontempt for such positions as theycould have easily obtained, andwhich they were well qualified to fill,and sought to make a living atsomething more "intellectual ;" lawand politics for instance. Some ofthese, who happened to possess anatural aptitude for their chosenavocations, have succeeded fairlywell, and made creditable recordsfor themselves. In too many in-

stances, however, the lawyer has degenerated into tho tricky petti

proht.So general is the recognition of

this fact, that it has come to be avery common remark among thoseforeigners who have lived here thelongest, and who know the countryand its people best, that the bestnatives- - the steadiest, the most in- -

du-trio- us, honest, and in every wayreliable are the old natives ; menand women of iorty years of age andupwards who were brought up underthe in'Juences of a generation ago."Wo have heard such remarks scores,if not hundreds, of times, and frompeople of ditVcrent nationalities andof widely di'llViing ideas in religion. !

politics, and almost everything else.In fact, there are not wanting those'

h . looking only at certain unsatis-- j

factory results, and not stopping to j

inquire if those are not largely dueto ean,e.s winch nra remediable, will

fe Co.

HEN 11 Y DAVIS & CO.,j UirOKTIiR-;- ,

IGroeers, Provision and Feed DealersI 1 i

No. 52 10IIT STliKET, HONOLULU, 11. I.


CIIOKE FRESH BUTTER,Island and California Onr Specialtvl

their Goods being purified by tho


Islands in their Establishment only.

r.ox 505.



V r

OUli MOTTO!Excellence of Quality



few days, on behalf of the brave men j fogger, or what is known in somewho met their death in the recent j placs as a and the would-wa- r

of the elements at Samoa. The j be "statesman" turned out to belong stay of tho Vandalia in this only a more or less successful dema-por- t,

the warm friendships which gogue, ready, at any time, to barterwere formed between those on board his influence or his vote for place or

j Family and Island Orders Filledwith Scrnpions CareTELKI'IIONK 130.

aiul our own people, and especially ,

tho high character established byCaptaiu Schoonmaker and his com- -

panions in misfortune, as officerj

and gentlemen, have all combinedto give t this unexpected disastertho weh, ;t of a personal bereave- - j

niont.Howowr keen the grief of those ;

nearest to them by ties of nature orfriendship, thre remains, in the :

case of one and all, the satisfactionof being able to say, "he died at thepost of duty, and met his fate asbecame a man."' Not in theof battle, or sustained by the excite- -

ment incident t the conflict of arms,but under circumstauces far moretrying, waging a hopeless struggleagainst tho resistless forces ofnature, doing what courage or skilltuum uo, po loug as either courageor skill could avail, the officers a:d


All Goods at (v jitly Reduced Prices.

SPJX1AL BAI1GAX1S OF KEMXANTSFriday, April 12, l8i),

At i,ij.

XiT Fcr Trclgtit or Passage nj i ly to

G IKAV1X ifc CO.,



Akrent.DIA3I0NJ) DYE


P.LACK HOSE.livere'l hy c-- riet for r.iV por month ' 2i 12o;


Page 3: m nmwrvt - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9 examined tho eyes of members of the tipper classes in the lu'lischool of tlia town, states tliat

: v



A C ritic of MU Ai'kermisnn Hold j

Plurality of Spouse to b Vnfor-biilile- n

in the Uinlo. !

Two arrest?, both drunk, ye-- t, nhy

Room to let at No. 4 i;tr.ivn

i: 1:1 va i.s.TfKMMY, A D.

Strur I VI, Srn the, !'rum Hamaknit. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.

s' --r- --w W



A Ciarriilons Autra!l.in IHrulge aof l".ni;.aiiil to I'ose

1 1 w n i i .

recently arrived fromAn-Tdh-i- ," interviewed Vy a San Fran-e:.- -i

) Post reporter, told what he pro-!-.-:- -.

"t t'j know ahout the de-ti- ny of thePa.-i:'.- . jirnup?!. Ueferrin to a petition

":; the Satnoans to have their groupunder the jurisdiction oi New

Z ;i tnd, this Australian said :

wj.s a ht.e of poliey that was ac- -

.p!a.h!e to the Sarnoans and to all theeoi...!;if.,. Fur it was not acceptable toGermany or to Fn-lan- d. Why? Be-

cause in "the general iistril'Ution of theraeir.e that had h-- en agreedti; Kngland, France and ( ier-r.aa'- v.

ir wa- - settle. I that Germany-- huuid .,,tve Siitnea. In accordance with




Departments of business :

pooK.s asm A or NTS accuratelv kept and pro' t ily adjusted.(V.ii rcTioNs will receive special attention and return" promptly nuele.Co.NVFYNcla. A M-F- i IAITY. Ptcurds searclud ami correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedLki. ai. 1 m imkms and Paiu,!;." of every descriplk.il cart-tuli- drawn and hamisotnely

engrossed. , ,

C.i'YlMi ami 1 ka N s I. a T 1 N ' i in all languages ui general us- - m unsKkl Ksttk hoiiLTlit ami sold. Taxes paid ami Property sat. ly insured.lIoi sKs, 1'ottages. Pooius, Utlices ati.l Land leaded and rented, and rents collecteil.

i Pikk and LikkIn-- i kam ellected in tirst- - Iass Insurance Foiiifanies.0 sToM H.'t sK Ih siNKss transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans N kuoti atkd at I'avoiim i.k ltvTis.A I'VKRTisKMK.NTs and .--" t Dst ki n i . ns solii ited for Publishers.KII l.KD AND F.NsKlLLVD LaIoK Ft liN Is 11 F l.Any AkTici.F. Pi kchaskk or sold on coinnussion.1 ntkk-Isi.- a n d Ukdlk.s will receive particuTar attention.

The in.i-iot-. on 'iiin .t::!.;n

on Mutiny has nut y.-- t b h

Mr. TI.u::u La, k, J rtr-al- hi-h.- tl. .' ii a i

Kin' of Spa'a ,:

an;, w ,A i' f .

Ili-'ijl,- ; Oil jv:..H;.l.V liv-X- ! .

Mr. Levey will valuab'e .p.-tort-

on laiiha street unlr fotvelo-ur- e, at hi-- 1

sale-roo- ms on Satur.iav nc-on- .

Mr. On. rt ha-::-"-

i n Thi.o tav c !,,; U I)'.'I'.'-- t 1' 111 the tie.--!lli-!MO- t lal

Y. w. i:,- -- late ma . f th- - I

N"ev-- 1 v. i- - ro: ::; .1 in r i u ; i r fi attin- - .Mutton, s acti-ji- t;.u A:a- -

i:an 'on -- u! iervral.

Ki'V. I. luMii'-n- (ji ;) I-

an.N. ha- - uur th inksi r a of th-- '

.San I a-'- Cf.i.ji: ati'i I'a lv lU-.l- . with'iici'u'irit-- i oi t!i rn-- n icr 1 j r i tha.tftv'ion.

A rcat thru.'i hi- - lv t y'Uti: pi.unir ai'it r.nun'rj quarters, at tii;.-fiMj- t

of I'ai.n'i' Sij'ianTin? ki'"T p K- - I trink't- - all r"iriiltht- - ii' irtih...rhu'.i I.

Ni ' iv 1, tl r t

F. r. i'n Allairs, of th" v inuval of .Mr. II.II. riiitru' fr.'in the ! lawaiian (.':..Generalship in I.oiMon, Mr. ManleyHopkins eunt inning tu ai t as Con.-.u- l.

The Anglican I'hnreli I 'hruni,.;', forApril eutitain.-h-tte- rs from Ui-ho- p Willisami Uev. Walare i:ion tiie Cathi- -Iral eofitrover.-v- . It is interesting a.

iMn-k-,ia.,twa!-, ut.-rar- y and edu

vati.jnal items.

Mi-- s Minnie Hroda', - t ' DrPro-lie- , died at Colorado Spring- - on


Hnving liad :in extensive business experience for over twenty-liv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel conij-eten- t to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requitin- - tact and discretion and repeet fullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN P.ISIN1.SS A(. .Md.

T Bell Telephone No. 274. -- !) l- --

"THE ARCADE,Honolulu, II. Icfc CO.)75 and 77 Fort St., (aGi.iNT


French, EnglishOF

and Ainericiiii

DRY AND FANCYMarch 11th. The lamented oung lady tjje;r cable. You may be sur-w- a-

well known and esteemed in thi- -p:-1(.,-

l when I tell you that negotiationscommunity, w here she. concluded a pro- - are pending, and have been for a yearlonged visit about a year ago. J r more, for the complete purchase of

the whole of one of the Hawaiian IslandsThe Japanese Embassy has appointed pv ;n'ii-- h parties. This will be news

fe-fiv- ai for in celebration T,j lH.,jj',le at Honolulu, as well as in theof the inauguration of con-ritutio- nal I Cnited States. The information came e custom-mad- e clothing,


Plats and Caps, Trunks and Valises-- O-

BUY YOURMisses', Children's & Gents' Shoes




56 12Gl-3- m

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Stands First Affloni tlie Leaflii Lifs Assurance Companies of the WIn Outstanding Assurance, in Now I5uMne, in Surplus, in Total Income,

in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surjijim andAssets, in the Percentage of Assets t IJabilities,

and in all other Important Kesiects.

Assets. Dec. 31, 1(!1!7, : : : 8ttl,478.90I 85.

"Pollex," au thor of "Calamo Cur- -

rente" in the Auckland Herald, gases j

thusly :

Miss Ackermann says that in Alaska j

the women have plurality of husbands, j

How nice. It is the westernmost point j

of the American Continent, and every-- jone knows that the torch of liberty has i

been travelling westward. It follows j

that it ought to be the most advanced j

post in the onward march ol civilization,and that is how they do. Clearly wo-

man's rights have attained maturitythere, and it does seem a remarkablething that the tair lecturer stiouM navetried to deprive her Alaskan sister of her j

privileges. She succeeded in persuadingher oisciple. that it was improj.fr

,to keep i

i.n,,, ,..r , .r i. m - . tnl s t hi ','i

I she laileiltr. ch.,a- ir from s. riofure. which, not lor- - ...... .


..l. - t- i r j., i.f,. .1 ,i'f..i r f wLlie lilSL llllltr, lia.1 n.i

who have sought to twist it into support-ing their own conventional bclieis. There

not a word in the Bible against awoman ha.ing as many lawful husbandsas she is able to supjort, any more thanthere is riot a word in the Bible againstany man w ho is not a bishop having athousand wives if he is pleased to under-take the control of such a number. TheBible does not place on humanity one-ha- lf

the restraints which are imposed byjeople who profess to take the Bible astheir rule, and great is their chagrinwhen they find that the Great Book re-

fuses to tollow them in their law-makin- g.

Oar fair lecturer, by mere coaxingand persuasion apparently but not byScriptural proof, persuaded this simple-minde- d

Alaskan woman toetfect a trans-formation in her domestic arrangements,and to dispense with two of her hus-bands. It is a significant fact thoughthat she stuck to the young one. It washard on the two old butlers, but she wasprobably tired of them, and made herconscience as many another with a

hiter skin has done before her excusefor doing a cruel thing. Had Miss Ack-

ermann no svmpathy tor thee poor dis-

carded husbands left unprotected in thiswav? She says herself that she couldfind no Scriptural authority for what shetaught, and yet she did not refrain fromimposing on this joor woman the arbi-trary ruling of her own mere convention-alism. I would ask Miss Ackermannwhat right she had to do anything of thesort? And 1 would ask by what author-ity


does our civilization superciliouslyassume the right to condemn domesticusages which are not contrary to the lawsof Nature or of God.

insrKtiAi. i;lsim:ss items.

I). Howard Hitchcock ha opened hisstii'lio at the old Tregloan premises, op-

posite Dr. MeCirew's olriee, and is preparedto take pupils in !and-cap- e painting andout door sketching. 80-- t

I'attern Hats and Bonnets will be exhib-ited to-da- v, and the balance of this weekat N.S. Sachs' Pupclak Miixinkry Housb,No. 104 Fokt Strf.kt. The latest springami summer styles will be displayed, andthe ladies of Honolulu are cordially in-

vited to inspect them.

Received per S. S. Umatilla

A Full Line ot Spalding's

Baseball GoodsSO-l- MEtS. THOS. LACK, Fort .St.

Rooms to Letfs AT NO. 4 C.ABDEN STREET,


WANTED,PUKiHT, SMART BOY FOR OF- -a ; . , . . . . i r I .. ' tifp. i.a I at -- iliuerson tv iiiii'iy

Dental Office, Hotel street, after 1 o'clock.83-t- f

Hawaiian Tramways Co.HONObb'LL'.


eral smith. Rej.ly stating salaryrequired and giving references to formeremployers on or before April 22d. 81 'itlj.

Notice of Kemoval.


movf'l hi- - oinfft t'roni over I'.bhop &Co.'d li.in k to No. 13 Kaaliu:n:inu street, orthe olhee formerly (.ccufAed y Hon. H. A.Wi'Ir-rnanri- , an-- will i- - mo-- t liapf.y to at-tf-n- tl

to any hu.-nif-s- -f that may ne entnitedt.. hi- - carf-- W. C PAIIKK.

Honolulu. April 3. l"a'. "''-- 1 in

Manufacturers' Agent, Importer and

Commission Merchant,

V.j 2- - Merchant. Sr., : Honolulu.12:, 2 r,2-?.- m

Mortgagee'sNOTICE OF SALE.!

TV vritTUK OF A r(nKR:.1 K - hi.'.n;. or to i

r. of saM Hor.o;;i,'j. duff A rehr-iaryi- . i

n th Ri'i-'r- j of r)''" ':. in i

ar.'r,f r.a'ir f ir.rr.t-n- to tr"c'.r,o her;to-'r--.nhi- -

ih.- t ti V : .-- ' ii a Piih'.ic Ar.otior.

i,y i.fj'.A is (. I.EVEV. Aurtioi.efr, a: bis

On Saturday, April 13AT V2 O'CLOCK NOON,

rau.-'i- ? nan; !y :


Certain Piece anfl Parcel of LaM. : ..if on Li

r.h. Oahv.,; a j s r r r, .' 'i

r. ; . ) i p ." p ir: of t i,f.,''.! 'ie r ri 1 ir. R.'.yii i'A'.'V No. K i - inin . i ; r.

to.ktiif:f: allBaiMiuES wm!& Tberean,

ri'ri .n.'l

.i- -'.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,A H"t ;or(i

'"" s. - ! y , A J r:Ifur Kinau, !. .rc.,.;-u- . fur Maui ...

Hawaii. '' j' in.Miur M ikahal.i. l'lti !" in, fur Kauai, at

o ru.:iur asaloalf, ':m:j' if K to t":.

I' -

.wnr .Mukuiii. Mi i r..'u'ur, !u Mi iioka:.it I. ui:ti , r t ia.N.r liark Victoria, rrre-en- , fur Huw- -

kml Man. I.dir Milf Morri fur Ko...ui.

Si fir a r.ili aii'l Eliza fur K .

Si hr I.'.ik i fur i hal t.i hr la ahi i'..r K"li i! a.

Am bi.i Mi i fj .' I'. r 1 i ..-r, lurSan Kram iu u.

tier t k M:!7. .ih'to ! i k u -- , !' r ' irintu.

( (! !.i,;itij; 1 u-i- !. v.I r r K.t tl i. (',iiiT'.V"i,i, f,,r Wai.m e

a I! 1 W.i : i'. ; :i ! a in .

ri-!i- Mary I i. l'u-- u r fur Waiiut-.i- .

Srfir ll.iltakala i'ur I't i'iflan, Hawaii.

N in I'orl fi)iu I'firt-i'i- i I.rt- -'

I S S A lert , 1 r i , II a v..ii.II M S I'urmurant. Nu u!!-;- . Kau ii.

S 1'rnatilla. linlme-- , ,ni i ra-- iu u.Am M ii kt Murni.ii.' M.r. la: !ainl. S S I.l'r hk Iton, Hi r. Urn k"i:.l!rit lik K.al Tar, lluivnv Tahiti.i.k A'l.iif .lulni-ui- i, Y.'.w N ca-t'- e.

'..: i t OM--n- , Witniii. --', San l'ra:airr !ik i N'U':1i mX. Ila-- h, r.r.nn.

Am t'.v N'-w-l- i v . J uiin-uj- u Nr .vi-.i-- i k-- .

i:n--tfi- l irmu I"oi-iv;- l'l t!j.

Vi'"i'!.(. Wl.'T.: truTu. I':. p.

Si hr .) i . . .S Fram Mar !

Si hr K I'.iriu .. ...mii I'Viihnm. .IarL'ui hr III. i hnauer..an I rani M.tr-"- J

ilk Sun., ma a:i lra!i - u MarL'OTern P'.ra Ikuhm. an 1 'ram -' u MarL'lI'.kt Ariit-Ii- ati F ram - Marl'")i;k K S I hum ri -an Frarici-c- i April J

Il.i.v S S Zrakimlia .m 1 ra ir -c . April 1U

lr.. III.- - w . , I . . I III

p.k r li.T, .. mm Fm.m-u- , Ai-rill- l

r.kt".i-S- ; WiM-- r San l ram i- - u April Vi

I'.kt W 11 lhmun l .San t ran--iM-.- . Ai-ri- l 12, ,i

Si h r A ti r.a -an i rain -i u . pru i i

'jt l.urline San 1'ram -i u April 2 '

Pr,t I'i-'u- VI TV in ii April 1

1U W I'. .u.!fr. -- an Frama-- i u April 22Ales MoN. Ll -.i :i l'i an'-ic- i Aprii 21

Itk Culu-- a -an Fra r i -- i n . M a y 1

I'tt ( 'i in -- m. lu .-.m Francis' u Mav 1

15 i vl a an 1'raiK-i-e- A prii ''J'.k Dr M- - z-- . . e wca-- m Mar IuP,k Del. Melanie Newcastle Mar ::n al'.k I.if Try'va--l'.- k Newcastle April 1

' i" K iniev . . . Newcastle Ar.nl 1'

l'.k l'akw:.:! .

'. New castle. .April In

llktne .1 i.'an . .April 1".

l'.k l'...n. a Fiver-;..,,,!- .. Ail' 2

'.r IA-- Ko.val A'i- e I.; verp.;'I . Mav 21Triumph . . V a turi t . . M a r 2u

1 :5c Deuts. hland. . . Prrmeti . Ju!v 2ap.k .lam.iiea nia-gu- April 2"

Sh Paul ..Glasgow . May 4

15k Ja- - I. Harwav I'.u-ru- n ..Aug Hl'.k C O Whitmure Puget Suiirnl .Mav 1

I'.kt Klikitat Puget Suund Mac 2

It M S S Maripu-- a .Colonies . May 1

Dally Kfcei t of I'roiluce.r oug.xr. L'as,--- t:. Mis. pigs.

Stmr I'ele CO ....

IU'.P.v im"!:K-- .

For Kauai, per -- trnr Mikaha'a. April '

A Cropp and wife. W Meyer, S. hoiz andwife. Y. Iseuberg. Mr Klitzing, Dr June-- .Mr l.m.Fav. Mr, I". art.l-- u W F Powell,Mn M McKeag.jtr, Mi-- -. Harri-- , ami ::o

deck pas-enger- s.

For Maui and Hawaii, per rr Kinau.April ; Prut W T I'righam, MrWar.sey.Hon J Pi' har-D.-n- , 11 L Austin. C FHorner, Pro D 11 1 1 it. he. ck , jr.Mis- - L Kaunuhi. llise Plioel.e and

irah Hanim i. A Pai'ba. T It Ktyworta,U Wallace and w ife, J Aiwoiii. ami about;',0 deck pH-- . Ii.,''.'"'.

F..r Kiiauea and Hanab-i- . per Wai-aleal- e,

April Mrs.) D Strong, MrsSteV-t-.i.-o- n,

-- r, Mrs .bums m and d uighter.

The bark Fore-- t tu'ii i- - ut Uobinson'swharf loadin. u:ir.

The siboon.T Wa'u-h- i at F.rt r.nes'wharf It dig recau'.ke !.

Th.. ..-inie- r fik ihala tuok hurst: and2 colt' tor Kai; u e- -. r lay.

The ba rk '. N. Wie-o- - d. .ckolat the Pa if.c Mad u:cp.my's M.arf.

The srhuun. r Mary F. Ku-t- er t.k 7"

tons ci.kiI to Waii a. a, Kauai, yes ten lay.The bark N".e'i"iy - m""r.-- at Fort

street wharf to unload her cargo of teal.The steam, r Kaa'.a s il- - thi- - m.-rnin- for

Waianae and v'aiala i to bring sugar torthe -- te.mid.i;. luiatitia.

Thel.ark. ntn.es Fl n.ter and W. IE Di-m--

are s and 17 dav- - out respectivelyfur Hon" iulu from San Franeisc...

ti. . v. .1 t.o-- Vi.-toria- . '""art amr.urres.n, s,iad April : i;i h.i!!.!- - torn,v.ii:ii! Island to uano I r b:;- -

land.The Jlermia hark M i it! in. t'.i u a

I.everku-- . '.,"'. i eari;. Apr b iti I'., let'Vr

, .r ,. 'vv'i i" barkeurine .o-o- . C Per- -

kin" san,'.!".;-:- l !"h for S in Fran- ;

Theo. 11with tie" f' ' stdlOVici . '

' .'' J i i - i t r ; (.'

' X ' I- -'-- .

,V '".. " ' ' ;

( .... i ; s . .,1,,. .lo. ; I'. A. l.'li'!":md '.!. ii -- .

I l a. '. .r.il si -.ir. 12.l..-- -- in- vaiaeli.lJTs ; tonti;:e,

$:i..-:'.-s sL

m a ki:i :

Ti'tv.futV-M'i.f.- Fl: In iri Fr m-- a

fi-f- tt V U.'V. .. A. '.,. in. M.

Wibiatu Tn mot ii , an-- l.uluMiller of m I' rar..'l-- ' i

II KI.jut t.vi.i M..f..-,l-i:4.i- Ai a. Anna!r..,.i ,i'ev a 'I 1 7 rno ; 1 ii J a a. i J

.oi JO'. c ai ;it.'i ia , p-- ' i 3 '



--itteie. nt of r.at JlritAlu'

Attitmle.Sane .an all.irs was

V blu.-- book on

ined in Lon Ion on M i vh 0th. It

wbthe dates ran- -

1 -- .", t i T'larvin truiTi Ajr-r-

.Il-ati-- iow that Hn- -

it in eorl.ai ac- -s . i. u eei. thrcord w ith ATiierie.i. an 1 that ,he

re.-i-u-t t r

to 'H'oetl-- J tomvU n-t- onr

iearneiil,,r in a::.M :.,-t;- i

w onth Anieri.an trover

.rv'to t von

A.nrv 'tr.;'.a:.-- '

a f.i-n-

n .i;r.'.;i.rient in tln U.i ' .. ...... i

i ;arm.ir:V an j ' r :

l.an.l inh in.l. T!.-- - l-r-:

; jt .r . i, l tin' i' I :

fat.iiv? )V- -were

.1.1 ei !i. er"..e. : . 'j.lwcrnnit'nt O't Mil".'r-,-

t rtherwi.-.- v

TU ."..!. ,.rn.. ( r:l.:ri te. .Vi J T. 1 1

. t. riu.fierm.inr,in 1- -7, incan oT'i'o-i-- ". .

the tont.ol 'A am.,an a..a,iin a in'ieVe-t- e.l

Outstanding AssnrftnceNew BuBlnen of lhrt7Hnrplns (4 percent. Standard)Increase In rinrplns duriiiK the YenrIncrease In Assets during the YearTotal Income ;

Premium IncomePercentage of Assets to LUli lilies

.. .f" ! 1 . I r .... .. , rl U i

Mil- - t I U- - I '. II Ml lias I --- niaiii' al" ' . ..itlv i:: rent. 1 ranee loes not

. . , .

are - 'n ' as t keens its surmus con-- i. . i

v;,-t- s a New Caledonia and graduallyti!u. - them to escane arid overrun the.,,';,.,:, i.-- Wliat will England get? She

v.iil not et leit. She will secure the is

big.'e.--t pic.m in the pie. Knghmd iii anoi tupus in teiriiorial aggrandisement?,

now girdling the world She willhave her Pacific cable frotn Canada

to Au-tra'i- .i. Siie wants, a halfwayl,ou.-- , and what is better than the Ha-

waiian Island-- ? I do not say there isi!iv documemary an'ement to thisll'ei t between the European powers

mentioned, but there is a tacit under-standing to that etirct. England hascone- - here and interfered with our Chinatrade, the American line of steamershaving to buy oil' the Canadian Pacifi",and both England and Germany willstrive for our Australian trade."

The oracle then repeats the "chest-

nut" about the object of English invest-

ment in Hawaiian securities being ulti-

mate conquest ; also revamps the stalebut fal.--e stnr of the Honolulu KuadSupervisor insulting the British Majesty,

wand continues :

"The American government has theexclusive right to Pearl river harbor intl.- - Hawaiian Islands. Then,i c,me snecial privilege for a station

jrip, ,uv hands accidentally and I havel-p- rmiet.about it till noV. It 13 lu.ltime, though, that it was known. Thesenegotiations are not being conducted bythe British government, but it is quitepossible that they may be for the gov-

ernment. This European policy in thePacific has been well arranged, and isbeing successfully carried out. Samoafor the Germans and Hawaii for theEnglish."

In connection with the report thatHilo is to be the Pacific cable station on

the group, also the iort of call for the. ., , , i

steamship line between the cariauian.jo.ist and Australia, the foregoing ex- -

trai ts will at least atFord material forgossip.


for tir Cheat.Akiam was fined $11 20, Tu sday, for

. , i.iurious ano neeuiess rining.W. K. Hitchi:ock pleaded not guilty to

the charge of gross cheat, in obtainingby false pretenses 10 H0, the propertyof H. B. Savior. After the prosecution j

had proved that defendant gave a worth- -

less check on Bishop A fo.'s bank to j

Savior's cb-rk- , the case was continued I

till later in the day. When cne witness, j

had been examined on resuming thetrial, the deien-lan- t change.! ins pica 10

guilty in second degree, lie was nneu.,; tid u0 Costs.

Ki ,' i i klhl , larceny oi oo oeioirgmg toIvenahu. pleaded not guiltv. On trialbe was found guiltv in third degree, and-- ..ro,.;irfl to bard labor two months andto pay f lo tine and oO costs. Appealtiote.l to a jury.

.John Smith, furious driving, forfeitedbail .

Julio de Freitas pleaded guilty to as-

sault on J. I'eix.'ira, and was lined $11.Geo r re Fiji, drunk, b.


a. .. ii.II F. A r'r- - ,RTFP.S tF.it. U. DeT-.I-V- PoST,

N'j. 4". li l'T. (J.U.IH)RMAji. A. P. )

TIIK POST WILL Mi: FT ATQ their ouarf.r-- . Kitor street, at 7

W O I'ilH'ri i 111 o.i'. I fi. in., melltii i:i-t- .. to inarch in a holv toIJJ t . utral Fnion Ch'in:h, there totake parr in the Memorial Ser-vices for the Pea.l, at Apia,s.i i . ia .

Ali v '.' imra.ies invited.Pv ori!f-- r of


r.NMV V.A'ii'itant.


Fasliioiiable 3Iilliner,

tree' : Honolulu,

H.i.-- t 1.' tjeiv I per Steamer Umatilla, inali the

and Latest novelties ;

Jtil)bo3is. Velvets,Suraii

Ai-- o a Variety of

Trench Flowers,;:;;r ir lvv. hats and hat

! i!AMi:S ;

in T. wmm:1 ill i i

te.l Vy f...rr -! i r.l J .


. 1 1 o vne v rt t- - L t v .

. i H - ..!!i!u H i, Aff-rehan-t


Absolutely Pure.Jr'orqv.tcR raising, the Royal faking I'owdoriii

superior to all utfa-- r leavening agents. It ispure and wholesome anil of the highest

leavening power. It is always uniform instrength an 1 quality an.l never falls to makelight, swet, m.ist palritahle and nutritive fond,lirf ad, l.iscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withKoy&l liaking I'owder may be eaten Lo' witl.oiodistressing results to the mo.-i-t digestiveorgans, it will keep in any climate withoutdettriaration.

Pr.'f. II. A. Mott, I'. S. Government Chemist,after examining officially the principal bakingpowder-- " of the country, reported:

"The Uovu.1 l.aking I'owder in absolutely pure,for I have fo found it i n many testa made bothfor that ccijupan y ar.d the United Statea Governtuect.

"Hi-caus- of the facllitiea that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportion of the same, and the method of itsprepsration, the Koyal leaking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Da. IlKMiY A. MOTT, I'h. l.,"5 1221-l- y L. S. (ioverntnent Chemist.


TN VIEW OF THE INCREASE OFJ-- incendiary fire? of late, and for the bet-ter protection of propertv interests, hreward of Two Hundred "Dollars (fitf)

ill be paid to anyone rivintr such infor-mation a.s will lead to the arrest and con-viction of any person or persons guilty ofincendiarism in the City of Honolulu, ex-cept ir: the case of Daniela and Kawulia,who have already confessed to complicity

four different acts of incendiarism dur-ing the past month.

And a further reward of Fifty-- Dollars($.7)) will he paid for the arrest and con-viction of any person or persons guilty ofstarting bush fires in the mountains, ofthe Island of Oahu.

JNO. II. SOPFR.M ar-ha- l.

Marshal's Office, Honolulu, Mar. 20, ls.sf).,!Mf


Artistic Engraver en Wood

(Late of Harper Pros., N. Y.)

Contracts Executed on ModerateTerms.

(specimens of work at office).

DIPLOMA.Art Dept., Harpkr Pros, )

Nnw York, April, ls7.fMr. Felix Ollert w as for several years em-

ployed in this establishment, and found acompetent engraver and in all respects areliable and upright person.

,1 . (i. Sm ITU wick ,

Supt. Eng. Dept., Harper Pros., N. Y.

ECT Orders received at J. E. Prown &Co. 'a, 2S Merchant st. 01-l-


M. B. CAMPIiELL HAS COMMENCEDMRS. bnslness of Dressmaking, Cutting andf'ittinK. at her resMem e, No. 73 h retania street,opposite the Hotel. Tho patrona of the ladiesii respectfully solicited. (Satisfaction Kuaran-tee- d.

tf iU-- i U


FLORIDA WATEHThe UniverBal rorfume

For the Toilet, the Ilath and the Handkerchief.

In view of the attempl? maderecently hy some un'.ruj.ulojidealers, to f'it upon the puhlicftell a w ';rt';ess i.TiitatK.n, bearing ther,r.rr.l r,..trl- att.earan..e. .

ofth -- nuine, we ca.l atteritK.n tothe msrki oi thege:)uii.e Mlkkav & unman

FLORIDA WATER.F.irh V.ttle of tr.; Z'Huine b'ipr.on its r.rc' the 'I ra'.e

Mirk, which apf.rar; alonsir.thU noti.! ; arid r n each leaf ofth- - pamphirt, which ii wrapp'tar.,!in ! it. apfars in faint watermark letter, th-- w.r'l


IfithPr h. larklne rjctth article a4 spurlu-- .

IS! DOWNING & SCH 31 IDTWholesale Agentt

8rt Franclco, CaU

v.. .I' '..f

- 'a- -

V O P'

m.......R r.i-- K; - -

ai a:isra'-t".r- ;n tooj.'w'l TO s Oa7S. of fior.orrit.v ar,!37 nw Strxluj. '

fe ir. r 1. n. n i- -

V'i Y1 'b1 ! i.Trri.,sr it fo. i. ST ON R.

, II!.

.S i i by f.r st.I'.F.NON, SMITH f

o i ; i : A zc T t -- .

A Careful Study or the above Prores Conelnslrelj that llie Kqnitable Societyia tlie most Profitable and Secure Life Assurance

Company for intending Assnrfrs.




KGAN & CO., 75 and 77 Fort St.

.J4K3.02f.50. 1 a.H.!4,105

i K,io4,2rr1,74H,37


127 1-- 2


.A. A .A fJ JL J JL

12V- r,m

Atr.-1- to. n4 ' '1. :.yrH U, any of V m

'MtWn (rornt". I osU.ffire hr.t o. 416"p

f h i!ari'1 tht t l iiiftH'"; Milrti !jrwill l. KiveD on niluati n.

h'rt lo fv.ry orlr. Inl.ind orlr solitltel.

M. MELLIS. lit

..vernment in the Empire.,

Employers j

i i

ol per-o- ns ot that naTi"uan; nave re-

ceived repteTs to give them ah'-lida-

for the oi ca.sion.

Mrs. Good has received per Uma-tilla a fine lot of sprint goods, con-i-tin- g

in part of fancy ribbons and velvets,Surah silks, a large variety of fancy j

dowers; al-- o French lace hats and !

frames, and the latest novelties in trim-mings. See a l veftiseinerit. j

Yesterdav evening while the driver of;

nacK N u.l from the Pantheon rami.i

-. . .

was taking his supper, a Chinese hack j

ran foul oFhi- - equipage. The Pantheon ;

hor.--e fright and breaking the halter j

ran away. It brought up with the cross- - j

bar broken near the Empire satoou onHotel stteet.

r I . - ,!-.-.- . 1 .1- -. ..

.11 li'l ent il.n.o iiiu n. ii'. "i... ;

disasters. The bark Yandalia, jf Can- -

ada, 1,410 tons, wa- - run down and sunk, I

with the loss of two live-- . o!f the English !

.uist. nine davs l:e"ore the American i

ivirviin Ytind ilia was wrecked at Samoa.The British warship ..2o ton- -,

was wrecKed on one ot tne .oa.:.t -e

March 7th, or about the -- ametimethat the large Engli.-- l merchant steam-ship Sultan was sunk in the Atlantic,and h- -r crew r -- cued by the Guiun s. S.Nevada.

cttpdi. mc rnTTr--o i. 1... w- -

Coiitinuation of th- - Waialua MunlerTrial A Shi! Witne-- s the Wh..Ie;


Day.In the trial of Aila for the murd.-- r oi

L'-ui- s ohn.-o- n on Wediiesil.tv, Mrs. I

Ketn'Ci a Iavis for the p '!i!;in was. i

!.--, t ..n ri,- - witness i..e entire ia.Ilr-- r i ross-fxatninati- by Mr. M'.-- con-

cluded at 4:o p. tn.. ar.d the minuteslater the Court adjourned until l:3)o'clock this morning.

Al" Clt.MI:r.K.In the matter of" 2".otv' "uen Co.,

i.mt-rr-. Mr Justice Preston iieafilf if ion of a-- -i jrn Lee I'at S.-- andN' (.ban, tor approval i f a.'counts and

. . . .I 1 4. 1

It. was i'M-T.- "i no. uifassi-Tve-

-i pay a first an 1 final ilividendi ,t r a i t . r -- i .ne i'-- r cent., arc! that, the

tweea the as cotnj en.-at- i. n,and that up,, h.i- :- they e- -

char -- ! and their -- ureties r .eased.

N llir'hv.ire I'lriu.An a iverti-'-i- : in t 1 1 a a :r w

G vzi.ttk announ. es tiiat the dir 'tur- - oi

rhe Il.iwaiian Har Lvare Company haveresolved to acc-p- t the charter of

-- ranted by the Mlni-te- r of theInterior, March o"th. Also that the

'ani-'- by the ele.-tio-com pan v has orof the fo'i lowing officers, who eons-rut-


tb P.oardol Direi-tors- : K. II. Hendry,Pr-'s- i .lent and Mamuvr; bain Kr.a, icjPresi.lenf ; iodfrey Prown, Secretaryand Trea-ure- r: (Veil Prvn, Au-htor- .

It is a limited liability company.

I in port in t "ale.There will be a rare chance

to obtain bargains at tor e.e,irance .i;e

to be held b.V Mr. L. J. I..-v- at

auction f n r. ' m''.rr --.v tu- r;

lir., law:.-- , l.u:e i ur'.i.n.J, ':l.e:'Jan.l a larj-- ofIn M.'i'i ,v itho:t re-er- v m ..r

T-inent-J. 1 n-T- win a!.--o !

.X r-i- t. iT'x-kt-rv-. ur:.t .ne, l,.r'-- ' a!

, ,i1!r..t.T" r'...'-- , ana a v.

Ttment ot iar.'.-- ati'lKverv tiiii". will ! e -- .;

; . i

Ther1 w ill ! a n.ni jnaln'ierr.ory of ir: '. vl now wl..

. ri tii ..anar (.'ntr.u '"a

evet.in. Ti.;nv;eil r.j

: W. . A.i ', ':.'.O.l. .1

..rv;. e m a r :

tii "i'n-- i r ir'

An e. i' . r .

r.a I r. U--- a t A TV 1 "V' (

r.i: r!.i .il'.-r:v:';:- i ar . - " fC . r- -

!: ;r;r the -' v'' ''ao.n .on

. . .1.The ' XT'

We h;ive j'JHt n'M'ivfd a coiifignmeiit of tho


Canadian "Club" Whiskey !

fAnd oHer the s..mc for Sale

In 33ond ox Tnty Paid.W. (1, PEACOCK & Co.


H. J. IcJntyre & X3ro.,


Groceries, IrovisionB and FeedEAST CORN KK FOfcT AM KINO STREETS.

i Prr.nnr- - hy vry sanifr. Ail r.Mr faitt.f .nyI city fr of rhre. IUn4 ord-- M

Telephone. No. ri

rioneer Shirt .Factory, of Honolulu.ISo. IT !F',3riiruL Street.

Th nn1ral2r.'l ' Inform p-i-

miMnrrmnt. X.irortions f .r '.f in ir

White Shirts, Over Shirts and Xiht (iowns.,1 f,t giirntol t.y maVin a nrnr:



- Fell Telephone 4IO.RUPTURE "SS

j fl. V.. T. . T' S to'f'. n Krtn - " '' 'ii. - I


, T1S"7 '1. 9"T TIT

Page 4: m nmwrvt - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · Dr. "Whittier, of Brooklino, who ha9 examined tho eyes of members of the tipper classes in the lu'lischool of tlia town, states tliat

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADYEHTISEK, APK1L 10, 1889.r to AVrnp Turkey fn. nural vltirfrtisrmcnt?.!)!

Ex Bark H. HackfeldlilJKWER & COMPANY, GEO. W. LINCOLN,FROM LIVria'OOL,(Uiiiitetlj.

(j K N 1 : L M :ii 'ANT1 LE

piIE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FI-- D S A COV-- jtractor, and is now better ' ;

; appertainin, to con.racUntor any 'otl.W ctoViAt , - to hil'tm.l" hth., same goo.! an.l workmanlike 'manwr as l.wtofor.- - harm", --Wie I n,v ,


(m.m ission a(;i:nts. h,arin, , mtoi t.u.1 ha, 'ii VoVth! Wng a."1,,' rrihiSn "":eSelwig & Lange's Patent

IS to oO t'ltatolter!!.lavr Of OKFlCKRrf

Tlmnkin- - the public for pat favors,I reinain re?i.oetfuUv vours,

GEO". Y. LINCOLN. AdvertiserCommercial

"I Jal niim.v.t entirely in gror. rs' brownpnj'r,'" 1'uam; street 1'.iht merchant tot tie ubi juitMis rejKirtcr. "M-- t f t!i. pajv-- r

mill arp sUunNsl in the New Lnglan i t tt

but a --rnt ju-in- ity f paf'.-- is m.-mu- ae-tur-

throughout N-- Ti.rir laiate, ; illyalong the eastern bord- - r."

"What H thi ivijit-- r made out of.'"'the reporter.

"Straw anil water. Alnit nr.y k:i:d ofstraw will answer, and I thinlc that eoroitnlk.s hnvo also been ro-c- i intoalthough the i ..it 'T male fn .n this mate:was inferior in jTja!it'. Flail thro-die- v. , acor ryo straw, well boand, i rre t'rr-- d. In

Un manufn ture of j.nj,..r ti.o straw h u,.nnnl nnd laid j,.-',I- y in hrgs Lime

prinkied f.v.r every layer, e:;-- l wVn thevats nre full, limo watr is thiown f.eer tho

hob St!im is tle-- n turn'? 1 t a5 th botorn of the vats, ami 1 ho sti nv ij al-- t i jCook until it it t.L-r- u .lily I. ItIhwi jviss-.- ! through n lnrg'.t .;-- . w-.-:- - r

ml clan e.l trom the 1. ;n .. 1 .jtj( : itr.um i

ti". Th.i ' raw, or whnt. i. i'. -

parsed thr ugh j:rindvi, wi.it.'i r.-l- u l . t- ipu!, when it id L.i down i:.:o u 1

ari'l.'r th ;Vr."The is now pnr-r- 1 vp. r. 1 : , r ;

t' p.i-- s iivit t Fie machine. 1 ; f;.-,- t ?!.. .. ,;

with vvar r, if tin f.nf.-- i i;- :,! I t ;

bght, and th. u i Tr-.- t. l..rr t , ):: :,' ::

l.y means ( f a l i.'V jI-- , pi u ev!, !'..; .'"What il- - you me;t; i;0 -

Oh, its tho .,: 1 , -. : : . '

h e.in-le- s the ;:il; :hr ) .: I; ar v i. , -

CoJ i r j --

C .i i.JrV i i . . .

. President Rtul Manager.Irunjurer au.i Secretary


icb have rrov-.- a wrt-a- t sa.'Cf ss at Lihue,Ilauauiaaln. Krk ii.a. Wiirucs, K0I0.1. L.iUaiua.Lacpuhcfbof, ainl wl.u-- ar- provided'aitb the lat-s- t 11111 rovaicti:t.-- ; also,



MRLCTorH:o). C. K. firiiioi). Hon. II. VaterLouBe


IViiiff li'o Chan & Co,


Have Just Received by Late Arrivals. large and well assorted Stock of

lmrid-pa'iiiie- d China

Oinner and Tea Sots

Contains ail the nutritive v-rt- s of the best Malt Liquors while it is FKKEfrom a . stimulating eii'ects.

Siag-ai- - Coolers,trouud corners)

Iron Tank?, 3 sizes;l:ixter Engines,

Deane's Steam Iumjsf

Steel Kails &PixturesPortal.de Track, Sleeiers & Switches,

Corrugated Iron, all Un-tl- is;

Eire iiricks, Slates,Eire Clay, Asbestos,

White Bros Portland Cement

t r: --o- aa cling JJaily .Newspajp&iof Fj-oi- t!.- - :i:--- t i .:. itferret 1 to t Lo fet c i 1 a:i.l i '

j : , .'

whir-- is 1'i.ars.T 1li in t':)';--- :. J; ISTOT BEVERAGE.The following analysis the proportion of alcohol in the Malt Extract as Coin-pare- d

with .Malt Liquors:

th ul liUM p.Asi-.- l over tt-- j l'. '; t'-.-

watr is j well - i.-- . ! . f i?. a:. 1

tho ilamp iat.er is 'thl" t sajji'ic i"...--Weight It it Jiiuv'S ovir .i spaeu of inttlir feet to the Mryers.' ri.e,(, are l ',r. I.'

iron lin tivo f. et in li"ru t r ai: 1

hcatiNl ,y strain. Tliey are usually seven mnumber, an by the time the damp p'ip rI'.i.vm'.h over tlieiu an.l through a set of

i' which the attention of intending pur-rh.i-.-- rs

is direct, d, as no goods of 1411 al4'iulity have ever tieeti iinjxjrted intothis market. Aho, all variutk-- 8 andi ' : 1 i i 1 it s of

S i I k J fand kerchiefs,Of Chinese and Japanese make. Also,

IX THEGermania P. Cement,Keg Shooks, Rivets,Sugar and Coal Lags,Coal Raskets, Twine,Stockholm and C.. U Tar, Etc.l"or Sale at Lowest Kates ly

tt" Water.

Knglish small beer 3 2 2 I 01lLager beer (Brooklyn) 2.8 8 914Malt extract (Wyeth's) o.a4 ; 1.0To AKUIVi: by bark "VELOCITY,

now due, an assortment ofOUANlTE

mi.tljii)g-- calen.htrs, it is th. .l ou-L- ly .Iryui.l is then woiiikI tip on re-N- .

"It is now in one ln sheet about four an.la half or live feet w He. The paper on fourin 1 sometims five reels is uruvele.1 un l rutn.l rf.unte.l. Fihishers then ta!:o the jiajar,

foil and titi it. .After Uin tie. I up intoburilei it Is press and is then ready forthe market." 4ow York 1'n-s.s- .

U. HACKFELI) & CO.!hiving and Curl) Stones

The Manufacturers, Messrs. Jxo. Wyeth & Bko., Thil., have appointed



--:o;m SOLE AGENTS FOR THE IIAW'N ISLANDS. Notice of Copartnership.

Hawaiian Transfer Co.

rjlIIK HAVINT. PUK-- .chafed tho busmen ot J. (ireen and the

floury CI."y I'ncltl-t- .Tho skill which IMr. Clay learned In

boyish encofinters wn.i of use to him after-vard- ,for statesmen in Kentucky wero

addicted to flsticulfs. Tlio Hon. JamesC. fpriprar, o member of the Kentuckyicrslature, and afteruard elected to con-gress, had been very fortunate in suchaffair. He once, when in his cups, com-municated to Mr. Clay tho of hi.success. It was to advance upon hit.enemy with a pleasant expression ofcountenance, nnd, having thus thrownbim off his frtinrd, to strike him a heavyblow iu the face, and keep at it until howas beaten. Messrs. Cay and springafterward quarreled, nnd met by accidentat the hotel, in a room occupied by anumber of the members. 'As soon,"ays Mr. Clay, "as nrirrer. who wa r.vi.


(Except Sunday.)


con- -


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

Groceries and Provisions.

.vniencan Express Company, havesolnlated under the lirm name of theHAWAIIAN GAZETTEHAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANYand are prepared to carrv on the Praviniand Express business of all kinds.

CT"Telehone otlice at No. 75 Kin- - Stnext door to Robt. More'.s. "

liell r.05.It e Zlouse ;itols a Specially

lsi-t- f HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COPrinting Establishment

iT-- kinds of carting faithfully and j

promptly attended to; furniture removedami caretuily handled; always on hand onarrival of sieamers. j

If you want a wagon or dray you wid i

nno ii to your advantage to ring up eitheroi our telephones. J. W. M (il IKEifj-i- ti j. McQueen. i

Jently awaiting my arrival, saw me, hoadvanced past all these gentlemen towardme, with a pleasant look, w ithout speak-ing. I remembered his methods, andwhen he got within reach, without a word)n either side, I gave him a severe blowIn the face and brought him staggering tothe floor." As often as Mr. Sprigg wouldtise, Mr. Clay would repeat the blow, andUus easily beat his antagonist. Mr

Jlay speaks of this as cornic; most of hisaffairs, however, with knife and pistol.

of the tragic order. The Argonaut.

NOXOhULU MARKET.(Successor to Win. Mct'andleps.)

-- . C 4tueen S(r4-(- , Fish Murket, Ho-110I11I-

II. I.

-- o-

Subscription, 86.00 per AnnumJust Received ex Simp. Mariposa

From New Zealand !

Hie First Lot of New Zealain

Merchant St., Honolulu.

Choicest Beef, Mutton, Por , Fish


Always Kepi on Hand.Or 50 " Cents per Month :

fiaedsiftrn'rttny All tb t"What does tho seodinau do in winter:'

A gentleman connected with a prominenthouse which deals in plant germs, roots,seeds, bulbs and slips, repeated this questionof a reporter the, ot her day.

"Tbero seems to be a general i ipro?sionwhich is erroiKHMis," said he, "that thero isnothing for tho seedsmen to do through thowinter, but it is far from being the dullestseason of tho year with them, lteallv, thoonly busy wison is from March 1 to Jimo pi,although some of the market gardeners whofctvart their early vegetables under glass, pur-chase their Ktoek of seeds as e rlV as' Feb-ruary.

'Tho very dullest season is in the middle of6Utnmer, which nature deigned fur thegrowth and fructifying, and not the

vegetable life. During that part oftho jear no t.ecds nre put into the gro-.md- .

Cntil the ground is frozen pretivsiiii thereis considcrabJo for us to do. Wo put ..a our

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to. Potatoes Delivered by Carrier

-- A Nil- -hive Sto k Furnished io Vftfcls at bbortnotice.

OnionsTelopliones 2S3"o. 212FOR SALE BY


Xo 7:i ; 11 11a in Stree.i;itS.KHT.U)VE, . . - P,urritreB8.

Moeji. ui new an. I n a ft .me. Up toThanksgiviug iKH.plo set out bu'.'.,-- , hyaeinthj

;l erK'uses. Currants, berries l i r.r oviues aro also v. t out iu the r , t!:nt istha season, too, whoa tlie pert.ni-- u, d..i::;escarnations, digitalis, Loi!yhoe:. (vaine,;Xlowers, paitoies, pel uaL;s, Uii-uoi:- v;

t , L,. I .,tn-p- and trbeua-- : i,ro i ,r u'vflowering.

BY TAK! 2r v uy I'rscr! tiou of Daiu anil FancyjT7 '

an '

"Thereare s eral m.evhsoC tl. jtlio Sen has nr,"i: Jc.--a to ,.' j icf tho lito fll and v.i e...c ;. .,J:wta:ig World.


fcet, all Chases of tl.o Community.Workman, and, ID


Hread and Crackers,V K V. S 11 .

Ayer's Tills you will relieve the systemof those germs of disease which sinelv,though often slowly, undermine health.As a cathartic, they are unexcelledThey are gentle yet searching, health-fully stimulating both the secretory andexcretory organs. They are composedof vegetable ingredients onlv. and aretherefore, free from the objectionable

rola trackersA I)i. T.'.e

o u 1 :

! tli yi.iifit

Saloon Bread

In hii KnIish f'r.v.Now, tho Arn r.'.n ear ?

earring ran on tnod.tlVre'.st pr :

Enlih railway ivniei ,cr or.;..- - -

preat tlenl for lfe-ba- y

a to wi ap around roar le : ...

do it. Ho ;nfH you to be;-- n s'. rnrouud your .:i:uliei1 aud'vV!tx j lefts yni to buy a readmj laup i;to travel by ni-- ht. aud vni do ir. If

lu:ijs Hand.!

it. !! Plain

quuuues louna in other Fills.

Ayer's Pillsare sugar-coate- d, and agreeable to thoeye and taste. By apportioning the dosoin accordance with the directions ac-companying each package, tlie.se Fillsmay be administered with PerfectSafety to patients of all ages. As an

lias forand Fancy Printing any years been noted for its Hnnr f ttivH.S'1 r

I roceedin t " "A -- iilblUllrfroA PECIxH-TV-. ases, etc. Ihese aro recordederhatim when thei importance of tl e occasion warrants it.Ul.uul OrvJer- - Iriiitt I y Atlenlel lo.172-S-



pioviuo wiii any drinking w.-jte- as hexpeets you to buy n g!as of In er if y..u fVothirsty, and you do it. A traveler iu winterlu an English earria0-- e sits niufllod up so thatLecau hardly nunc, lla dresses fur tlie oc-casion us I would if I were goin to enjoy anafternoon sit d.uu on tha banks of tho De-troit river with the therinoineter U low zei oNow, an Auiorioau doi-sn- t like that sort ofthm..j. If tho ear is n..t hot euo.i-- h for himto sit in his M-a- t in the same eo-.- t imie hovould use in bis own house he travels e

other road. If th.- - lamps are n-.- t b-i- -ht

he blows up the fo::duetor, and if there iseuyvalor in tho tank all that &: ion of ( onnti vwill hoar from hiiu.Luko Sharp in DetroitFren Dress.

Diiru inN ll. laxat ion.Charles Darwin f .und l.;u kmuu-.- apreat mental relaxation, nnd h, wns verv

Luw Books and Blanks, I'amnlilets of any kind.

auer-uiun- er nn, taken to assist thoprocess of digestion, tie v are of greatbenefit, and as such are large h- - usedthroughout Europe, America, and allthe countries of the civilized world. ForConstipation or Costivencss,Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Eiliousne,Ileadacb s Foul Stomach, Loss .f Ap-petite, Disorders of the Liver, and K d-n- ey

Complaints. Ayer's Pills are invalu-able, and should be at hand with ev rvfamily fur use in emergency .


Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.Suld by Druggists ai;d Medicine Vendors.


Murray & Lanman'sFLOaiDA WATER,

Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Books,Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work,

Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Curds,Ball and Wedding Cards, Programmes, Billheads,

ion.ioi novels ior ti:o sune pur. The Letterheads printed in Copying Ink, Etc., Etc., Etc.,treat naturih' .1 did most of bis writui" it. MPs;! in r TOILET. BATH.THE ADVEETISER

- he, r,a. f te ,orl1.


tin in ale h.irso h.iir chair by tho lire,upon a Ih, ,t stretehed across "tlie arms.'V hen ho La many or I0115 letteis to writebe lictated 'i.em from rv.i--- copies writtenon tho laeK--4 f manusei ipus or proof heetjs.He kept a'.i 4.110 letters ho received a habit-caugh- t

from hLs father. When Ids letterswere finished ho lay on a sofa iu his bedroomuid had novels read him, while ho smoked ucigarette or regale,l his nostrils with snuT -I-Inrjer s liazar.

PFK 3AI-.-

PROMPTLY A2JD NEATLY EXECUTED. 1in L Ilii'l froio LondonTo --A.iuive !

-- i;est-

--:o: Fen re Wire,

A TiciKlUh Thought.Littlo Sister lanrUy)-X- ow you do hat IMy.Little Brother I won't."You, woat, clxl Oh, don't I t wi,h We

a-- s grown up an' you wuj my hub:uid."Omaha World.

Rock Salt for Cattle. Galvanized Huckets,Address all business letters:

HAU'AIIAX GAZETTE CO.,Best Coir Ifattin!j

cr Sale at Lowest Trices hy-- i j

T few Ions Ptlll undisposed of.


Thero la a ttroaj Iiienew between achrome invallj and a cracked chiaa dLsliwhich 13 handled bo carefully that it outlastsmany a sound v. hole one, which by a sia- -iinadvertau u dashed to ttcaA --U. AJaiJJauor.

UtiT Address all business letters :


IT. M. W1UTXEY, Bi.ismo.98 Manager.

H. 31. WHITXEY, Manao- -THEO. II. DAVIFS A nvCO.?5 ?ff. TT. 3facfarlane & Co.

12J tf

Honolulu, IT.