•*r' 'K >f> :vw^ 7«r^>;e '/w* a; ,»s*w ..... #: ^~,*0» WMNTWO *LA«T _. k^| ^n n^t#4l8t9 JOO P# iMtlflOJ %*»%. rnwrr Dellvory Insured by •* V- £* v? *j## *i*t^ •^rv -#^ --•-s-^'i'- * -ii^> r--r*" *THI HOME TOWM PAPwIT : Send THs Trteune-Preea to foresee reside*ts in place *f a ltH«r eaeh *nWIL f 1 JO per year 4 ^»~ r II TH£ NORTHERN TRIBUNE. E«»bi*h«d i ^ - C o m o h d * « d >^§:<J,J«^-COCVERNtUR fRFE PRE>s E*uW»Kcvi i s - : JtOrM. GOUVERNEiJR. N. Y*«UI»Y 31. 1*2t FAIR PREMIUM JJST ISSUED THIS WEEK jbe Largest Edition Yet Published For Seventy First Annual Fair—Increased —— Appropriations TV Premium List and Order of ( $10.00 are offered for the best dis jjnagemeirts for the Seventy-first play of Farm and Garden Produce. jl***! Gouvemeur Fair of 1*2$ Is I grown by exhibitor, to include -jftltf press this meek and is now | sheaves, grain and forage seed*. 1**** distributed to some two llsasand keenly interested exhibit- «r*. advertisers and life members of the Pair Society. The 1*29 edi- tion establish*** a new record for MAGIC GAVEL HERE TUESDAY High Priest William Gardner To Prt*n\—First Visit In the North Mrs NVlhe Wood has b*>*n ap point**d by Hvttry' K Freeman. Master of Gouvrrneur Grange. No 3^3. a* general chairman ot the Fair Exhibit committee at the an nual fairs of the Gouvemeur Agn i cultural and Mechanical Society. j and the St La* rence County Fair Association at Camon. it hating been voted to enter ihe Grange Ex hibit contest at both of these fairs, the cominx month. Mrs. Wood has selected tl»- fol lowing members of the committee as her assistant* Mrs George BEAN, PEANUT AND SPIDER IN EAR Unusjai Experience of Talevitle <jiri—Foreign Substances Are Removed By Specialist Mi** Tet-Olt Monro*-. sixteen- >t-ar-uid daughter of Mr and Mr*. Kichard Monroe of TalcviHe, pass- ed through a motet unusual experi- ence the i>asi week. For soxne time she had b* en having trouble with her left ear which finally began to be more and more painful, until she went to the office of Dr. Charles Adams in Edwards. m *m: ULLAGE ORDERS \; WALKS BUILT i% Connect With Walk on Nortn Side ef BrtdQe—New Sewer On Bamea Street T* SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS- HOLDUP IGDAY#? IIACE PROGRAM -"• COUNTY PICNIC NEARED^ARM NEXT SUNDAY BIG SUCCESS erett Lat ^arr Beati Of ants—Detait Meager— T eri No** Invest-Qji n corn, greatest variety of vegetables and at least three distinct types of potatoes. Entries for these prizes are limited to four, to be treated in order of receipt. The changes in tUhfmsB, stie aflg amount or! t*hTs department like those in prat-. Seaman. Mrs Donald Ritchie. Mrs advertising, reflecting deserving j ticaily all of the others, have been j Kenneth Smith. Mrs Frank Put credit upon the management. The' suggested by the experts of the j ff» r , Mr* Henry Freeman, and dimensions of the book are nine I department of agriculture a^ U»e ; Messrs. George Seaman and Henry sy six Inches and It contains 1(4 State College in Ithaca pages, half of which is devoted to! Throughout many of the depart display advertising by the various ments a system of standards has merchants and industrial concerns, prove of valuable aid to the ex of Gouvemeur and vicinity. The i been introduced which should amount of advertising carried in j hibitor in choosing animals or ar J>r Kd*ards poared some laudi-; r.um-in^ the ear and the pain w a s j 2 urcb ' *** 1 WeSt somewhat eased, a slight Weeding ~£*** lengthy discussion of the vil board «u held at the clerk'* Monday evening, as extended r lesion being held in regard «o construction of the aidtmai* west of the Mam street bridge, OS the north side of the road. The sdfcewalk will extend from the eajfcdce. m front of the McAllasier teVd mill, and w!)1 join the walk IS front of the Free Methodist of the Curtis he** *P o'clock K-. • ' f e l l La" 1 , ait: Vi, D«-at Kl!*ti!<J:t atx>U* irC '.Sir ruoruru i*orT»«»:ai .Mri'art: an<j V JV. n v. v. v (.•«.: .. xa.J- a;, giting the rna*'e; Mr Ijitha.':i »lio :* rru^i the W H lx>omis Talc Cor was en^ape.j >n ha>:ng o on his p*ui»er:y near Fu on which ^ an old mining As he approached the »h, I n:eu jump<ni out armed with S* iBVCSU- Freeman. Mrs Horace Hurlbut has been appointed in chaxgf or the dramatic play which will be put on the com- ing fall. The sum of five dollars has been voted by the Grange to- inside the ear being partially ar- !e>*»-d by this means Her ear J cun'icued to be painful and she consulted an "ear specialist in (Jg- c* r-bur». _-. An examination was made and? ' the startling discovery was made) ihat there were thr*»e foreign sub- gThe matter of constructing this non bar an<i demanded ^* s antes in the ear. which upon be-f.^fejk £ e*aik has been delayed for ml L mo y^* 1 **- following the Jldinic of a sidewalk on the north e of the bridge by the town of reraeur. under condition that e village assume fl.»*0<> of the at expense. The bridge has been ^d for many years with the side pitch/or* on the south side only, but the catalogue is indeed a worthy I tides for show purpoaes Prac-1 *'ard the expemse of the St Law xribute to the Fair Association by J ticaily every department has been the business men of Uouverneur, | standardised in fact to assist the and shows a splendid spirit of co- ; exhibitor in more intelligent white parchment paper, the letter] operation. The covers are done in choosing and display j The outstanding change in the Ing being In red and blue ink. Muchttfulinary Department la the in favorable comment is being heardierease of the premium for displays from all aides as to Its appearance and it it quite worthy of carefuliJng $10.00, 44.00. ami $3.00, which inspection by all interested fair pat rons. "Entering Our Seventj-ftrajLY^ax" is the title of an interesting and comprehensive survey of the year's changes, edited by Secretary Dodds as an introduction to the usual offi- cial premium list. Attention is in- vited to the fact that this years program involves an approximate expenditure by the management of -about $30,000. The new section of grandstand just completed gives Gouverneur Fair a $12,000 stand vith a comfortable seating capacity 4 5.000 people The most important departmental Stages are in the exhibits for is. 1 11 fin hi, FSPTO rence County Picnic, which will be held in Canton. Thursday, August nth. an urgent invitation having be^n brougnt to the local members by Prof. Glenn Wight, of the State School of Agriculture at Cantqn. Emerson H Smith, master of St. of baked goods, the prises now be- in* removed proved to be a small bean, a half a peanut, and also a fair-sized spider The spider, which was dead, had evidently been killed by the injection of tjhe laudanum. as Its condition indicated that It had been dead but a comparatively short time. The bean and peanut dangerous point had undoubtedly been stuffed UKoj The Board recentlv voted for the # .. _. w _. th * ear during the girl's earner purchase of ten thousand gallons Lawrence County Pomona GrangeLy ear * The r * mor * 1 * ttt * for^of oil for resurfacing the village . k r^«««f*w4 »K C n,-.f. ,*# An . AM »-4. eirn substances has restored the I streets which needed attention* but provision was made for the placing Of a walk on the north side This action was taken both for the ap pearan^e of the bridge and for :he safety of pedestrians who now cross the street at the east end of the bridge, which is considered a He as anned with and attacked the .-*.»-a. __ fork w as broken o\tr [:.+ hand of one of the m~n aiul they tUXMd and ran into the *oods nearbjr. M: Lat hair could not *;va a very definite description of in* aaaaU- ams. but stated that they wora rou^h an J uncouth in *s;>eaxance. While one of them had shogt hair, he could not say 'ha* lu re^semblow a con\ict. BIRTHDAY PARTY AT NATURAL DAM Motor Boat Races at Black Lake Were Postponed Sunday On . Account of H,gh Wind I Ow.n^ to the high wind which prevailed on Sunday and the rough ness of the M!»T, the annual out board i!»«>'or bra! races a: Black I^Jtt uL-ltr ih< auspices of the James Malo> Vo*\. No 65. Ameri can Lesion, wt-rt ;>ostponed. -Howard Fuller of this village. split his boat in the center withodt serious results Another motor .._. boat containing < >ra Wright. Hinck t ^ Jrf ^* OD C0M0 ^ | - loy Magee and Robert Bates, lipped j There was an attendance of over over near the shore, without spe ctal damage of any ktad The boys easily attained the shore i ^ %- ^ ^ . _ ^ _ There ^as an attendance of ^ *>" >* rs Mar)orie S.ree.er about two thousand people to wit ness the boat races which prom iaed to be the best which have ever been held in thi> vicinity. The legion treasury, however, is enrich- ed considerably through the opera tlon of hot dog and refreshment stands, and also TWO of the conces- sions with the Bach Shows, which been conducting a carnival the t week here on tbe Spencer lot J near the depot The committee in charge an Bounces that the races will be run as scheduled on Sunday. Aug oat 4th. beginning at one o'clock About 2bQ Women of St. Lawrt*cs Coooty Gather at Home of Mrs. Graves Kt preseD'a'ives from practically every to* n and village in the county were in atendance Thurs day ar*'inoon at the annual St. Lawrence County Picnic for Wo- men. held on the lawn at the home of Khoda Fox Graves, assembly- woman from the First District of St Lawrence county. The guests also included women froui Lewis 250 at the picnic lunch which was served at 1? SO o'clock. Mosic during the afternoon was funush- presented the matter of entertmin T e, * n *Mbstances has restored the men: for the officers of the Pom- : ona Grange at the special meeting • which will be held Here Tuesday. August 6th, and it has been voted by the Grange to serve dinner to the Pomona officers and also to the ofricej-s of the Lewis County Pomona Grange. The latter will bring the Magic Gavel at this time -Master Freeman has appointed Mrs. Landon Hall. Mrs Harley Pat- ton, and Mrs. Ben J. Pike as a i ^e-ueral commit tee to make prepar- ations for the Pomona Meeting Dinner, and Mrs IMpert Wood and ; Mrs Grace Seaman *ill be in . charge of the riin:nE room High Priest of Meter. W K Gard- r _ ' Der of Massat huseiy^. will r>«= pre? M Produce and the Home Bu ^ anUed club *- »«r**lie*. churches e nt at the Pomona Meeting as a |or organitations. Space is avail--special guest, this being the oi- ls more than double the amount previously offered. Apiary and Ma- ple products have been giv*n a separate section under this depart- ment wkh increases rn premiums The Home Making Department supersedes the department for Do- mestic and Fine Arts and now in eludes~aTT sections which formerly came under the latter captions Xo classification changes of importance have been made here- Section 12 under Home Making Department is interesting again j eai to its normal eondHioc MARCUS GRAVES BACK FROM TRIP ' . - . . . - * * Spent Past Month In feu Visited Royal Palace at Potsdam. Germany Held oily about eight thousand gallons were usod. whereupon the resi- dents of Gordon and Parker streets . ^requested that these two streets be . . _. .. —. , treated with the oil. The Board Stanley Trerise on Saturday even-1 The same prises announced for The Yoted to purchase two thousand ing in the form of a lawn pertv a* ! original event will be offer d at gallons for this purpose .the home of his mother in-law, Mrs A birthday party was tendered Smith at the piano, and Jack Tait. violinist At the conclusion of the dinner, the ga'hering was assembled, with Mrs \V H Jones of Ogdensburg as ' chairman. The principal address of the afternoon was given by Sara Graham Mulhall, who spoke as the world leader in the cam* paign against narcotics, of the evils of the use of narcotics: fif tbe^fc-i v eration of the narcotic Has. and 'of the work which is being ac- complished through the efforts of the Narcotic Drug League of w hich she is president, and of the World Narcotic Research and Bo- of which the is the •^V' *?**• in the afternoon. I clamation >t Home of Mr. and JktaU AlLof the races will.be r ^ . M - i(ettiiWi _ _ J^on Smith m Honor of cepting the Class A races, which Mrs Muin all maintained that the Stanley Trertte v } bjlTe **** eHminated. the schedule, i mport&nt thing in the movement sow calling for the Class B and C T agalnsf narcotics Is to stop it at races and the free-for-all event. iu gourcf > 0 y preventing its manu- facture and distribution, which can , only be accomplished through a this time. j world w ide educational movement. j *Mial H Pierce wa* appointed by Jason Smith of Natural Dam. and >iarcus Graves, son of Mr with premiums offered to commun 1 ity organizations for the best ex i hi bits. No entry fee is charged in ifri* aeyt^on ftid it i« open ro or .AH those purchasing ticker* for. She stated that plans were already ftae Board as village assessor to There were sixteen present and j the races last Sunday will be-~aa!- made, tor a world conference to b* *soccfw? Charles McCany. who de- fo «r tables of bride were played. } mltted to the postponed event. The' held in November at Washinfton - J ! mp^fg of the Legion will"also] It is hoped that in this way the conduct refreshment stands on the j facts can be brought before tta | grounds during th* races.. It is es-! world and interests everywhere timated that about SS^i was real-! united^ln the ^rar againat the iope ized from the stands and the two j trade and habit, carnival concessions on Sunday! At the close of Mrs MulhaiUs &i» afternoon > , ' -S t^reas. brief remarks were maoV by Mrs J—C. Reedei of CanUS^¥, m The board has granted in I «ased appropriations in all of !ab,e ^'^ for thiW exhibits which ^ca^ion oXiis first-visit.*o the north tee popuUr departments- Seven ! ; hou i d / on8igt 4 of Educational, In- country granger, ty^ve dollars will this year be: j u ? tr1 ^ . °J„ A/ 1 ^™* ^^1^ , ° n August 7th. the Magic Gav> 1 twarded to all granges obtainiM# a Prints of 52^.00, 115 00. and 11000,' uiif be presented at the meeting store of 90 or more points on their are offered -f | oLthe Sdwaro>Gran^^a4-R»J^ard ; » exhibit while premiwTn« of twenty In the Oenartmf nr for 3oy s and after vhith it will ^ reiitmed :o lollars for first and fifteen for aecu. 0\T\^B_ Exhibit, there has been made . the Gouverneur Grange on August coined to continue in the affii % e. The lawn was prettily decorated V The Board also voted to take wilh colored ligtits ATtor the Ihnecessarv action in regard to the Ranies refreshments were nerved. . .rsewer on Barnes street east of The guests included Mr and Mrs. Vrs Pprlp A rr , v-k « nf ^ i P U k street, to relieve the Mood 'George Seaker, Mr and Mrs. gert slrret ha^ ftturn^ L thJ^n^l^^^ 3 in ^ *^"™> «anv of Seaman. Mr. and Mr, Lloyd Tre^ Ki'JSlaJr.f^M m i t h ^ I ^ ^W«rs having DIH-O riooded on rlae. Mr. and Mrs .William Smith, of bis parents after a months trip ih< . oc-^j^ ot h ,, HVV rain< flnd Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bearoan, t to Europe In company ^ ^ H ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ L n ^ \ vanous^^ ^ Mrs. StanVy Trerise. Mr.} Teall of Utile Palls, a classmate atj *£; UHtt l*noc:> A %anous ^ ^ u ^ u ^^.^ ^ Mr an<J the Wanllus Military School, be } T" -> . » Mrs. Ralph Love. The honors left New York the latter part of Jun* sailing on th*^ steamship dacTTave "oeen offered the 4-H clubs tar booth exhibits of a similar na- •tlfe. - -• : ~. *• Commencing with Department * tor horses it is Interesting to note that a careful technical revision has been made throughout the list and that in many departments a re- classification has bean accomplish- ed which greatly improves upon the clarity and simplicity of the grammatical construction. In De- partments A and 8 for Horses and Csttle. this is particularly effective, enabling a cut in the space require- ments of nearly one-half. In De- partment C for Sheep, two new breeds have been added. Type B and C of Delaines and Karakul. Premiums previously offered on -grades have been discontinued. Some re^lasatncaUosr has boon done in Department H for Farm tad Garden Produce, which is now tvided into four sections as fol sws: Section 1, Field Crop Seeds; action 2, Sheaves, Cereals, For #*, and Silsge Crops; Section S, Istatoea; sad Section 4, Ve§sta- ^Gf>rman>. At Potsdam, they visited the Royal almost an entire reclassification. 9th, at which time the members of Premiums are offered to the chil-1 the Richvllle Grange will parr.ci drcn on work trtnally-done duringjj*axe in.ahe.program. The lect'ir- the past school year. Entries will; er s program will be in charge of be made both according to age and Mrs. Harley Pattoo and ||>a Fred school grades. The department is ! Mellen. lecturers ^for^rhe GGUVCT-| "They inte. Isnd and Germany, Palaces, the former home of Kaiser Wilhelm. He reports that the floors were so highly polished and smooth, that all visitors were obliged to wear sheepskin -over DORIS BCWHALL FREA were won by Trerise. . a* open to all children under 17 years j Beu* and Richvllle granges, each of: c * rD€ ^Z Promtene* ms the res of age. separate department for 4-H whom will present a program The meeting of the Gouverneur tlieir shoes Captain frreid. whoisW of Mr. a n d i r s . Erwin"Bowhatl j t " n * came into prominence as the ~ 1 cuer of the passengers on the I Miss Helen !. Parker, who ssstll _ |June-3«»th was local chairman fsr Him Doris Helen Bowhall. daugh-1 l t ^ N >* r E « T R ^^ n " ' ^ ^ r of Mr. and-Mrs. Erwin Bowhall ! ! ^ J 0 ""*! 1 * !ff^J? J K S of Johnstown street, and Mr. Glenn fining, which i t f ^^jHB ffhd H. Cassidy.^son of Mr. and M r e f a ready response from many to thin Howard— Cassidv ot AltMtes? Vt I vicinity. ChTb work7'ope"n^^urmembers lOran^ Hh. Vi\\ be"the j f^ ca T ^ warned on the same, were married at the St. James' ^ ^ * t b e U m e that NsaM-TBsst lie \ fated Vestls. is captain of the Am Becsms Bride of GJsnn H. Cassidy ! FXUEr APPEAL -tr^ expected thaT pracucaily ail; p ^ 6 e m Qf ^ g u u Pefleni:i ^ of the boats.^ntei»d in the orig •( of women's Cluba;Jlrs .Thomas B, iral cvenr will also participate in, Brown of Ogdensburg. president of the race program the coming Sun day, — - . .- r— ; : .. j burg:. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Ford of " Cant as;—and Mrs. Mtllitftrton, of of Alburn, Vt.—Ceremony Performed st Church In St. Lawrence county presents many Interesting classes, There are five 4-H Clubs In this section and it is believed that all will com- pete for the premiums offered for; club exhibits, which will be in sep- arately arranged booths. JThe ex- hibits to consist of at, least six ar- ticles of clothing. Ave varieties of 1 foods as prescribed by the present 4-H Club requirements, and not leas than four food posters or any other poster or product, relating to the clothing, foods and room furnish- ing units of the Home Making pro- ject. These clubs will be Judged according to a scale of points simi- lar to that used in the grange de- partment. fSO.OO being the award only regular meeting for the com ing month. He*. Prises of $15.00, HUM, and for 7S or more points. RALPH SIMMONS WED A t MEXICO Carried to Beatrice M. Clark Antwerp, July 2Mb—Will Reside at Bigeiow boat, -past week landing in New York city the Church in this village. Friday e v e - i ™ ^ must coUect l^e smal sOalp^ reek. i ««— ** .!*-*.* ~>~%J?il I warm clothing so that it will be TWILIGHT GAMES l OF PAST WEEK a ^to?c££L£*5£ perfona* by'"" 1 ' tOT , ff'tribtttlon **» tb* pMtor. Rev. M F OHUran. I m * rc " r > r **"» ***** **? with Mlu Dorothy Toy fts u » ! , e r o "* December: f * ,,B rtUi * MtlH brtd PBrak ld u d Mr. Olenn Col« u 1 " 1 0 ^"lir^TTi^JSliS .»._ K_-. -..« ^.w. W-.J i FebnMMTt-and daw not tim-ubon the best jnaa. Th« bride WWK-, . , . . _.., . ,, jbkt and .hoe. to lUtci. .nd tbe I ver * , 0 w *' 1 unUI w » l ^ t *?"T* -- 1,rlde.mmld » M .too dr«Me3 in! * ° ° * " ' ?* ov «^°«»• • ' *£** Undefeated to date In rhe twi Ulue witlr blue bat and SB«M to! 100 ut * to **** P«op>e »n «• kl«h lijtbt baseball teacue. the Talcville! match. Both carried boaaoftts of : •i t, d * 8 o f l h * Caucaau*. I team defeated the high acbool « i «weet peas . . j * Rr ** 1 n u u l y children, troaa greKation at the fair crouds p-j-l -j^,, ^4? lt a iraduate of"tbe' ,nR JEREMIAH AMES jS. S. ASSOCIATION DIED ON SUNDAY MEETS SATURDAY Miss Beatrice M. Clark, daughter day ev ** fn * V * decisive score of i Gouverneur high school with I he of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Clar*. of I 1 0 l 0 1 ; Th * ht ^ D *<*«* team has.! esaas of 1S25. and since her grailua- Antwerp, and Ralph Simmons, soni been we *kened the latter par: of- tion she has been employed a* a of Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons of, ih * » e ** on & v tb* absence of some telephone operator in the local ez- f Bigeiow. were united in marriage!** thHr b * tt * r Payers and have j change of the Northern New York iat five o'clock Thursday afternoon,! dropped ****ml games. With but I Telephone Corporstion. 8he was a = :July 2Sth. at the parsonage of tbe! tw0 morf * »*»•• scheduled in the popular member of the Delta Lit- Methodist church at Mexico, N. Y. J e ** ue »^ rt «M* hut one for the erary Society during her high . JThe ceremony was performed by Talcv1Ue tejan t0 _Pi» T . they will] school course ,the pastor. Itev Barber L. Waters.! »»doubtedly score a perfect rec-j Mr Cassidy was educated fti-the r% newlyweds left Jor fteeident on California Road For 1 The Dekherrus Society Will HoW through the central __ p acore a the young couple heJng unaccom' I ^ ioT th * ••••oil jpanied _- __-_ . - i*°** the Firemen on August 3rd Following the ceremony, thef wW<kh ^* the losing game of the As stated by the newspapers, the financial campaigns of Near East Relief came to a June 30th. But our clothiac was not reached and we are to be short of clothing. You have been generous with your clothing in the past. Will yon not therefore, as s last generous gesture, bundle up one mora Iwsulli of'clo't'.nr for Near East Jketief SYLVIA LAKE - CLUB MEETS Elect Five Directors Monday CveV lUeo—ahrty^eae inetuwed IU Membership _ The first meeting of the newly incorpopated Sylvia Lake Club wan held at the «otel Pavilion. Mon- day, .evening. A thorough dtacue- "of the benefit andV needs of such an organisation was had. Alii?*•* * * • * • ^'•eolved 99 Years—Fwneral Services This Afternoon Jeremiah Asa Ames, 8ft, a farmer residing on the California road. Hid J under at his home He was ktra in Morristown. May 2, 1841. sad moved to his last home 59 Meeting in Methodist Church at Russell The 56th session qf the Dekher russ Sunday School Association will be held in the Methodist church ax Russell. Saturday, Aug- ust 3rd. at 1»'«:30 o'clock a. m. The fears ago. He had been a member opening exercises will include sing the Black Lake Masonic bodge ing. devotions in charge of Rev. L. In* f$ years. - - , Mathewson: address of welcome, "sir Ames wTOf a son of Asa and Rr^iUS.Rundall; response. Rev lacinda Ellen Wood Ames. He George Dando: and appointment of •arried Mary Forsytbe. who died committees, after which individual years airo. He is survived programs will be riven by the van- a daughter. Mrs. Amber Conroy ous churchet iAr 4be association as BePeyster. and two sobs. Asa follows •Bat of Macomb, and Qar%>Ases* Russell raited Song ttbPeyater; 1C grandchildren aad Reed, Dorothy LaFavre. Doris • f*>tt^raadrMHrrn 9 r Gates: recitation: Poor House Nan. Tonus! services were held this Doris Galea-duet Rev. and Mrs a short trip part of the ( state, and -wr? 'now spending sev- j eral weeks at the Hurley cottage at Sylvia Lake, after which they | w ill make their home In Bigeiow. Hr. Simmons is employed by the New York Central fUfiroad com- pany as a telegrapher, and is sta- tioned at the present time at Riv- • ergate. REV. R. C. HOLMES TO PREACH HERE 111 Occupy Pulpit at the Trimty Sptecopal Church—ftev. V. O. —. Boyle on Vacation ness School In Syracuse. For season . j time he has been employed as a. ; Blowing ^ ! n t h c j^v i nn:ar railway mail clerk on the run from! j the Business Men were defeatf»d by j Alburg! VtTTTo Norwood, N. Y.. on (the Hon on team in the Twilight the Rutland Railway. The coming league game at the fair ground •! fall he will be located -in the Pean- Monday evening by a score of 7 sylvania Terminal in New York to 2. A series of costly error* .c city. j . t h i s frame"*aV«> lD9 H ortons four Following the ceremony at the i runs Smith and Mellen were is church a reception was held at the : the points for the Hortons. with home of th#» bride's parents on • Hubbard and Taylor performing johnsiown street, after which the for the Business Men. The latter newlyweds left Tor a motor trip to , were credited with 8 errors and the N4ae;ara Falls ana Buffalo. 1 pon ' | Hortons with but one. The score:, their return they wijl^ make their j They will op-' Russell high school and later took, . Ui t . .a course at the Central City Bual- •»> »«P " / V P««»i ^ ^ ^ ^ ' _ _ _' or freight to our ware house? The address is c o V. S Army Base, foot of 68th Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sincerely, James L Barton,, Chairman. FARMERS' PICNIC- 1 of the property owners and others Interested in the lak? seemed to be agreed that the organisation would he very helpful in cartas; tor their interests, A motion was made aad carried thai five directors be elected to represent the organisation, wbo~ln turn will elect the officer* and ap- point the necessary committees to carry out tbe ideas of Use d a b members /^ . * The five directors selected were J. J. Wallace. B. F. Brown, H. C. Rogers, £. J. Peck, and J. F, 7*he memherthrpwt the present time is sixty-one, including BenJ. F Brown,, A^nes Fred Chaumont. Jennie Chaumosrt^j dmer Curtis, Margaret .XHtrtla, William Cameron. Martha Caaaer- on. Judge J. C. Dolan. George F. Dawley. Mary Pawley, G W. Deans, Lillian Deans. Charles Dunkelberg, Marie Dunkelberg. Albert Dodda. Charles Force, Minnie Force, 0. R Fortune, Mrs. G. B. Fortune, L: 1>1 1F r, Mrs. L. J5. FehTSer. Dallas ] Haselton. Nina H axe It on. Dr. C. T. 'Henderson. | Business Men 1 Hubbard, -p . Cole Z-b Randall. *-b . I Lehigh, cf ... ' Raderman. as. Taylor, c jj Anderson, If j Bruet l b . . . Lasbure. rf . HELD AT CANTON ] ^^^ *~- f * XL - 5 * iB i"»asnon at l:S»et the home, and F £. Rundell; recitation. Golden The Rev V O Boyle rector of fc|S waa made, ml J^wardgvtBe. Chains. Etlgabeth Reed. i Trinity Episcopal church, left by ^•raak J. Browm. paator of the DeRalb Junction MAhodist—' motor Monday for Chalf Riv^r. Oat ., gShlst gatauifjaJ church at Har- Duet: Mies M. Trezalet! and £. Can., which i* about I2ti miles west u "*% officiated . BUbop: dlaJogue: Character, eight of Ottawa, where he win spend his Woodward. 2 h 1 boyt: aemg: Jaauor girls; recita- vacation Durlnr bis absence rhe * ^ ^ Ur!# rf - •tioa Daisy Treoalet; song: Phyllis church wiB be closed for repairs £»«h, P j Dunkelberg; cotiecrioa piece: So* and nainting excepting Sunday..' Gillette, ci J man Dando f Aucur Ilth On tha: date a eerv- j Thomas as . . •Ffff Ti>Ori i V Booth RasseO— Playlet (ice wiu be held at II «> o'clock. " ^J™ 0 *** *" b * llfilKNIjAT '• DeKalW ittnetio* £ptacopal->A The semce will be to charre of FMc# lb lUViWyni than address. Church Unity, by ' :b* fter R#xford C Hormes of Kux ' ] *T u -,- .- fMra Charles B MeOruer . Spmnrfi^W Gardens L I The M*I>en c Utrifertn* Bermoa Methodist—Three svaa> i r^ruiar senicet of the cbueck will am REVIEW R. i 0 (• 1 fj <• f> 2 R. 2 (* 1 1 << 1 K home at Alburir. V*t. FIVE OPERATIONS AT HOSPITAL Haroid B. Johnson, Es>t©i* of thei I Water-town Datiy Times Will I Bt Principal 6psaktr J . Th»- #tajs< w .^:-g s* f ir^the big IfArmerp* picnic ^t the Canton Fair Mrs. E. W. Jackson. Andrew Laidlaw. Grace Laidlaw George F Leak, Gertrude Leak, Edward C. Leahy. Adelaide Leahy, Jerome Payne. Bertha Payne, B, J. Peck. Eva Peck. Elmer Robinson, Catherine Robinson. Harry C. Rog wS the be Grange. Dairymen's _ and Home Bureau and Cactoa . i "^ ~" * - — • ^vertising Club cooperating Tonsils ar*d Adewotds Removed By Hsrrld B Joknnon ed:u* J>r M. J Stearns of Oodees- .WaterurwB Daily Ti»*-» burg or Thursday j 0ke armd,*] speaker at the Five op*-ra:.oas for tonsfls and. Mr Johnson Is s native ot ' adenoids w*r* performed a: the near, and still retain§ an artlee la- j VaaDuae* Memorial Hospital oa»J*rest is St Lswrenc* ^v»u»ty sfrt-t Thursday by Dr M J Stearas of cultmre. being the OWTK- «i a large | Ogdensbjrg Tboe* operated en dairy farm near Gowveriierr. j IndudeKi Mf \ > n S one aad A full jsrocram of Pportf efJI grre ; daughter. Carol. Mrs Vera Steven plenty of fan for all aoc" tas> e*H . eoa Robert Fnxk. and Doris Shte-'dab exhibits by tbe bni> i M r t r i i Bock ^«f the county make this a r ^ latter Otherf admitted to the hosprtal <*7 . tnchssV Hosn^r Prx* of Hermoa. J wbe aa-! all of his teetJt ^itracted by Dr WUliajn R Connor of this wfUaae aaso Mrs "Mary Dsetricfc Grounds on Thursday August g.i^r». Eliaabeth Rogers. Charles R. This is the larg^^t fathering of \ Rodger, lone Rodger. Charlee*8hoe- I farmers In the COUIK>. with the maker. Blake Spilman. Mrs. Btahe L^agoe, Farm Spilman. George L Tait, AaaeUai Tait. Richard Trerise. Fay Trerise Harry C. TanAllen. I^otUe Van- AOen. John J Wallace. Mrs J J. Wallace. Hiram Wright, Mrs « i - f ram Wright Joseph Wet?. A*oe* Wesf _. ITEMS Of NOTE IN TBE NUTSHELMSfl the {fort hern New York Federa : tion; Mrs. Jnhus Frank. Ogdena \ . LowvlUe. TRIP FOR G0UU: 4: ^STARMOTiBB v«*ii« - - ''.. i.i» i Mrs Ja B: Jiorma. commander of af the Ajnertcad Le- the announcement faR particu- so the goUTsUr voyaaw to Xarope as by the TJaited S t a t e s wfcicb Wfll take asaoo on May 1, l » d , and wiD enable a* the mothers who bad sons killed fn- the wortd war to vtsfc the gr*vee oT thelf soaa hi France. ' - - Ittr Morasrdeaires that the era residing in-Goaverneur aad vi- cinity communicate with him at the * ats for the trip, by the government states that all mothers, tacmdlng step- tkm any w who stood local prior to dejath wfil bo efigible fa EhaMp. A wife of a soldlar Is Fftoce wffl sise be for the,trip prtrrMiai 1 still a widow- . . ^ : 3ik 1 .<—x* 7.-^ ^ - i : MBS CURTIS DO HERE ON MONDAY V.-T . V>SS jr- Hresidsnt of Port Cheater, Mrs. E. A. Jeene at Star Lake Miss Laura V. Curtis Chester. N. T^ aged 41 years, at the VanDusee Memorial pitaJ at 1 :K> odock Tuesday noon, the cause af death acute Bright's D^aease. freat she had beea suffering tor the asjot 3- FPkr- t ' ---.-^ *-&JF Miss CurtM, actaiuaaoJfd by Mfav^ E A- Jenae and Hasel Jenne af Pott to their Cottage, at Star Lake, weeks ago, bat brought to the days ago. Miss Curtis waa ban at Chester. Deceaaaer daairbter etf EU aad Cartia, aad Jhad Iseea a ir^sanjs; m ^* I^^^B TQ^^BJW. ^saw sssss ss of the the Part forty eea»BL mmm wsw asaaee an .J J4 r.-w -, ^-.,_m" i

m *m: FAIR PREMIUM JJST HOLDUP IGDAY#? IIACE …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031312/1929-07-31/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · safety of pedestrians who now ... fork w as broken o\tr [:.+

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^~,*0» WMNTWO * L A « T _. k ^ | ^n n^t#4l8t9 JOO P# iMtlflOJ %*»%. r n w r r Dellvory Insured by

•* V-

£ *

v? *j## * i * t ^

•^rv -#


* -ii^> r--r*"


Send THs Trteune-Preea to foresee reside* ts in place *f a ltH«r eaeh *nWIL f 1 JO per year

4 ^»~ r


T H £ N O R T H E R N T R I B U N E . E«»bi*h«d i ^ - C o m o h d * « d >^§:<J,J«^-COCVERNtUR fRFE PRE>s E*uW»Kcvi i s - :

JtOrM. GOUVERNEiJR. N. Y*«UI»Y 31. 1*2t


jbe Largest Edition Yet Published For Seventy First Annual Fair—Increased

— — Appropriations TV Premium List and Order of ( $10.00 are offered for the best dis

jjnagemeirts for the Seventy-first play of Farm and Garden Produce. jl***! Gouvemeur Fair of 1*2$ Is I grown by exhibitor, to include

-jftltf press this meek and is now | sheaves, grain and forage seed*. 1**** distributed to some two llsasand keenly interested exhibit-«r*. advertisers and life members of the Pair Society. The 1*29 edi­tion establish*** a new record for


High Priest William Gardner To B« Prt*n\—First Visit

In the North

Mrs NVlhe Wood has b*>*n ap point**d by Hvttry' K Freeman. Master of Gouvrrneur Grange. No 3^3. a* general chairman ot the Fair Exhibit committee at the an nual fairs of the Gouvemeur Agn

i cultural and Mechanical Society. j and the St La* rence County Fair

Association at Camon. it hating been voted to enter ihe Grange Ex hibit contest at both of these fairs, the cominx month.

Mrs. Wood has selected tl»- fol lowing members of the committee as her assistant* Mrs George


Unusjai Experience of Talevitle <jiri—Foreign Substances Are

Removed By Specialist

Mi** Tet-Olt Monro*-. sixteen->t-ar-uid daughter of Mr and Mr*. Kichard Monroe of TalcviHe, pass­ed through a motet unusual experi­ence the i>asi week. For soxne time she had b* en having trouble with her left ear which finally began to be more and more painful, until she went to the office of Dr. Charles Adams in Edwards.

m *m: ULLAGE ORDERS \ ; WALKS BUILT i% Connect With Walk on Nortn

Side ef BrtdQe—New Sewer On Bamea Street



erett Lat ^arr Beati Of ants—Detait Meager— T

e r i No** Invest-Qji n

corn, greatest variety of vegetables and at least three distinct types of potatoes. Entries for these prizes are limited to four, to be treated in order of receipt. The changes in

t U h f m s B , stie aflg amount or! t*hTs department like those in prat-. Seaman. Mrs Donald Ritchie. Mrs advertising, reflecting deserving j ticaily all of the others, have been j Kenneth Smith. Mrs Frank Put credit upon the management. The' suggested by the experts of the j ff»r, Mr* Henry Freeman, and dimensions of the book are nine I department of agriculture a U»e ; Messrs. George Seaman and Henry sy six Inches and It contains 1(4 State College in Ithaca pages, half of which is devoted to! Throughout many of the depart display advertising by the various • ments a system of standards has merchants and industrial concerns, prove of valuable aid to the ex of Gouvemeur and vicinity. The i been introduced which should amount of advertising carried in j hibitor in choosing animals or ar

J>r Kd*ards poared some laudi-; r.um-in^ the ear and the pain w a s j 2 u r c b ' ***1 W e S t

somewhat eased, a slight Weeding ~ £ * * *

lengthy discussion of the vil board « u held at the clerk'* Monday evening, a s extended rlesion being held in regard «o

construction of the aidtmai* west of the Mam street bridge,

OS the north side of the road. The sdfcewalk will extend from the eajfcdce. m front of the McAllasier teVd mill, and w!)1 join the walk IS front of the Free Methodist

of the Curtis

he** * P o'clock

K-. • ' f e l l La" 1 , a i t : V i , D«-at Kl!*t i !<J:t atx>U* irC '.Sir ruoruru

i*orT»«»:ai .Mri'art: an<j V JV. n v. v. v (.•«.: .. xa.J- a;, giting the rna*'e;

Mr Ijitha.':i »lio :* rru i the W H lx>omis Talc Cor was en^ape.j >n ha>:ng o on his p*ui»er:y near Fu on which ^ an old mining As he approached the »h,

I n:eu jump<ni out armed with S*


Freeman. Mrs Horace Hurlbut has been

appointed in chaxgf or the dramatic play which will be put on the com­ing fall. The sum of five dollars has been voted by the Grange to-

inside the ear being partially ar-!e>*»-d by this means Her ear J cun'icued to be painful and she consulted an "ear specialist in (Jg-c* r-bur». _-.

An examination was made and? ' the startling discovery was made)

ihat there were thr*»e foreign sub-

gThe matter of constructing this non bar an<i demanded ^*

s antes in the ear. which upon be-f.^fejk

£e*aik has been delayed for m l Lmo y^*1**- following the

Jldinic of a sidewalk on the north e of the bridge by the town of reraeur. under condition that

e village assume fl.»*0<> of the at expense. The bridge has been d for many years with the side


on the south side only, but

the catalogue is indeed a worthy I t ides for show purpoaes Prac-1 *'ard the expemse of the St Law xribute to the Fair Association by J ticaily every department has been the business men of Uouverneur, | standardised in fact to assist the and shows a splendid spirit of co- ; exhibitor in more intelligent

white parchment paper, the le t ter ] operation. The covers are done in choosing and display

j The outstanding change in the Ing being In red and blue ink. Muchttfulinary Department la the in favorable comment is being heardierease of the premium for displays from all aides as to Its appearance and it it quite worthy of carefuliJng $10.00, 44.00. ami $3.00, which inspection by all interested fair pat rons.

"Entering Our Seventj-ftrajLY^ax" is the title of an interesting and comprehensive survey of the year's changes, edited by Secretary Dodds as an introduction to the usual offi­cial premium list. Attention is in­vited to the fact that this years program involves an approximate expenditure by the management of -about $30,000. The new section of grandstand just completed gives Gouverneur Fair a $12,000 stand vith a comfortable seating capacity 4 5.000 people

The most important departmental Stages are in the exhibits for

is. 1 11 f in hi, FSPTO

rence County Picnic, which will be held in Canton. Thursday, August nth. an urgent invitation having be^n brougnt to the local members by Prof. Glenn Wight, of the State School of Agriculture at Cantqn.

Emerson H Smith, master of St. of baked goods, the prises now be-

in* removed proved to be a small bean, a half a peanut, and also a fair-sized spider The spider, which was dead, had evidently been killed by the injection of tjhe laudanum. as Its condition indicated that It had been dead but a comparatively short time. The bean and peanut • dangerous point had undoubtedly been stuffed UKoj The Board recentlv voted for the

#.. _ . w _ . th* e a r during the girl's earner purchase of ten thousand gallons Lawrence County Pomona GrangeLy e a r* The r * m o r * 1 * t t t * for^of oil for resurfacing the village .kr^«««f*w4 »KC n , - . f . ,*# A n .A M»-4. eirn substances has restored the I streets which needed attention* but

provision was made for the placing Of a walk on the north side This action was taken both for the ap pearan^e of the bridge and for :he safety of pedestrians who now cross the street at the east end of the bridge, which is considered a

He >» as anned with and attacked the .-*.»-a. __ fork w as broken o\tr [:.+ hand of one of the m~n aiul they tUXMd and ran into the *oods nearbjr.

M: Lat hair could not *;va a very definite description of in* aaaaU-ams. but stated that they wora rou^h an J uncouth in *s;>eaxance. While one of them had shogt hair, he could not say 'ha* lu re^semblow a con\ict.


Motor Boat Races at Black Lake Were Postponed Sunday On .

Account of H,gh Wind I

Ow.n^ to the high wind which prevailed on Sunday and the rough ness of the M ! » T , the annual out board i!»«>'or bra! races a: Black I^Jtt uL-ltr ih< auspices of the James Malo> Vo*\. No 65. Ameri can Lesion, wt-rt ;>ostponed.

-Howard Fuller of this village. split his boat in the center withodt serious results Another motor .._. boat containing < >ra Wright. Hinck t J r f ^ * O D C 0 M 0 ^ | -loy Magee and Robert Bates, lipped j There was an attendance of over over near the shore, without spe ctal damage of any ktad The boys easily attained the shore i ^ %- ^ ^ . _ ^ _

There ^as an attendance of ^ *>" >*rs Mar)orie S.ree.er about two thousand people to wit ness the boat races which prom iaed to be the best which have ever been held in thi> vicinity. The legion treasury, however, is enrich­ed considerably through the opera tlon of hot dog and refreshment stands, and also TWO of the conces­sions with the Bach Shows, which

been conducting a carnival the t week here on tbe Spencer lot

J near the depot The committee in charge an

Bounces that the races will be run as scheduled on Sunday. Aug oat 4th. beginning at one o'clock

About 2bQ Women of St. Lawrt*cs Coooty Gather at Home

of Mrs. Graves

Kt preseD'a'ives from practically every to* n and village in the county were in atendance Thurs day ar*'inoon at the annual St. Lawrence County Picnic for Wo-men. held on the lawn at the home of Khoda Fox Graves, assembly­woman from the First District of St Lawrence county. The guests also included women froui Lewis

250 at the picnic lunch which was served at 1? SO o'clock. Mosic during the afternoon was funush-

presented the matter of entertmin T e , * n *Mbstances has restored the men: for the officers of the Pom-

: ona Grange at the special meeting • which will be held Here Tuesday. August 6th, and it has been voted by the Grange to serve dinner to the Pomona officers and also to the ofricej-s of the Lewis County Pomona Grange. The latter will bring the Magic Gavel at this time

• -Master Freeman has appointed Mrs. Landon Hall. Mrs Harley Pat-ton, and Mrs. Ben J. Pike as a

i ^e-ueral commit tee to make prepar­ations for the Pomona Meeting Dinner, and Mrs IMpert Wood and

; Mrs Grace Seaman *ill be in . charge of the riin:nE room

High Priest of Meter. W K Gard-r _ ' Der of Massat huseiy^. will r>«= pre?

M Produce and the Home Bu ^ a n U e d c l u b *- »«r**lie*. churches ent at the Pomona Meeting as a |or organitations. Space is avail--special guest, this being the oi­

ls more than double the amount previously offered. Apiary and Ma­ple products have been giv*n a separate section under this depart­ment wkh increases rn premiums

The Home Making Department supersedes the department for Do­mestic and Fine Arts and now in eludes~aTT sections which formerly came under the latter captions Xo classification changes of importance have been made here-

Section 12 under Home Making Department is interesting again

j eai to its normal eondHioc


' ! — . - • . . . - * *

Spent Past Month In feu Visited Royal Palace at

Potsdam. Germany

Held oily about eight thousand gallons were usod. whereupon the resi­dents of Gordon and Parker streets .

^requested that these two streets be . . _. .. —. , treated with the oil. The Board Stanley Trerise on Saturday even-1 The same prises announced for The Yoted to purchase two thousand ing in the form of a lawn pertv a* ! original event will be offer d at gallons for this purpose .the home of his mother in-law, Mrs

A birthday party was tendered

Smith at the piano, and Jack Tait. violinist

At the conclusion of the dinner, the ga'hering was assembled, with Mrs \V H Jones of Ogdensburg as

' chairman. The principal address of the afternoon was given by Sara Graham Mulhall, who spoke as the world leader in the cam* paign against narcotics, of the evils of the use of narcotics: fif tbe^fc-i

veration of the narcotic Has. and 'of the work which is being ac­complished through the efforts of the Narcotic Drug League of w hich she is president, and of the World Narcotic Research and Bo-

of which the is the

• ^ V '

*?**• in the afternoon. I clamation

>t Home of Mr. and JktaU — AlLof the races will.be r ^ . M - i ( e t t i i W i _ _ J^on Smith m Honor of cepting the Class A races, which M r s M u i n a l l maintained that the

Stanley Trertte v } b j l T e **** eHminated. the schedule, i m p o r t & n t thing in the movement sow calling for the Class B and C T agalnsf narcotics Is to stop it at races and the free-for-all event. i u g o u r c f> 0 y preventing its manu­

facture and distribution, which can , only be accomplished through a

this time. j world w ide educational movement. j *Mial H Pierce wa* appointed by Jason Smith of Natural Dam.


>iarcus Graves, son of Mr with premiums offered to commun

1 ity organizations for the best ex i hi bits. No entry fee is charged in

ifri* aeyt^on ftid it i« open ro or

.AH those purchasing ticker* for. She stated that plans were already ftae Board as village assessor to There were sixteen present and j the races last Sunday will be-~aa!- made, tor a world conference to b* *soccfw? Charles McCany. who de- f o «r tables of bride were played.} mltted to the postponed event. The' held in November at Washinfton

- J ! m p ^ f g of the Legion will"also] It is hoped that in this way the conduct refreshment stands on the j facts can be brought before t ta

| grounds during th* races. . It is es-! world and interests everywhere timated that about SS^i was real-! united^ln the ^rar againat the iope ized from the stands and the two j trade and habit, carnival concessions on Sunday! At the close of Mrs MulhaiUs &i» afternoon — >, ' -S t^reas. brief remarks were maoV by

Mrs J—C. Reedei of CanUS^¥,

m The board has granted in I «ased appropriations in all o f ! a b , e ^ ' ^ f o r t h i W exhibits which ^ca^ion oXiis first-visit.*o the north tee popuUr departments- Seven ! ; h o u i d / o n 8 i g t

4 o f Educational, In- country granger,

ty^ve dollars will this year be: j u ? t r 1 ^ . °J„ A/1^™* ^^1^ , ° n August 7th. the Magic Gav> 1 twarded to all granges obtainiM# a Prints of 52^.00, 115 00. and 11000,' uiif be presented at the meeting store of 90 or more points on their a r e o f f e r e d -f | oLthe Sdwaro>Gran^^a4-R»J^ard;» exhibit while premiwTn« of twenty In the Oenartmf nr for 3 o y s and after vhith it will ^ reiitmed :o lollars for first and fifteen for aecu. 0\T\^B_ Exhibit, there has been made . the Gouverneur Grange on August

coined to continue in the affii%e. The lawn was prettily decorated V The Board also voted to take w i l h colored ligtits ATtor the Ihnecessarv action in regard to the Ranies refreshments were nerved. .

.rsewer on Barnes street east of The guests included Mr and Mrs. V r s P p r l p A r r , v - k « nf ^ i P U k street, to relieve the Mood 'George Seaker, Mr and Mrs. gert slrret ha^ f t t u r n ^ L t h J ^ n ^ l ^ ^ ^ 3 i n ^ *^"™> «anv of Seaman. Mr. and Mr, Lloyd Tre^ K i ' J S l a J r . f ^ M m i t h ^ I ^ ^W«rs having DIH-O riooded on rlae. Mr. and Mrs .William Smith, of bis parents after a months trip ih< . o c - ^ j ^ o t h,,HVV r a i n < flnd Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bearoan, t to Europe In company ^ ^ H ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ L n ^ \ v a n o u s ^ ^ ^ Mrs. StanVy Trerise. Mr.} Teall of Ut i l e Palls, a classmate atj * £ ; U H t t l*noc:> A %anous ^ ^ u ^ u ^^.^ ^ M r an<J

the Wanllus Military School, b e } T " -> . » Mrs. Ralph Love. The honors left New York the latter part of Jun* sailing on th*^ steamship

dacTTave "oeen offered the 4-H clubs tar booth exhibits of a similar na-•tlfe. - -• : ~ . — *•

Commencing with Department * tor horses it is Interesting to note that a careful technical revision has been made throughout the list and that in many departments a re­classification has bean accomplish­ed which greatly improves upon the clarity and simplicity of the grammatical construction. In De­partments A and 8 for Horses and Csttle. this is particularly effective, enabling a cut in the space require­ments of nearly one-half. In De­partment C for Sheep, two new breeds have been added. Type B and C of Delaines and Karakul. Premiums previously offered on -grades have been discontinued.

Some re^lasatncaUosr has boon done in Department H for Farm tad Garden Produce, which is now tvided into four sections as fol sws: Section 1, Field Crop Seeds; action 2, Sheaves, Cereals, For #*, and Silsge Crops; Section S, Istatoea; sad Section 4, Ve§sta-

^Gf>rman>. At Potsdam, they visited the Royal

almost an entire reclassification. 9th, at which time the members of Premiums are offered to the chil-1 the Richvllle Grange will parr.ci drcn on work trtnally-done duringjj*axe in.ahe.program. The lect'ir-the past school year. Entries will; er s program will be in charge of be made both according to age and Mrs. Harley Pattoo and | |>a Fred school grades. The department is ! Mellen. lecturers ^for^rhe GGUVCT-|

"They inte. Isnd and Germany, Palaces, the former home of Kaiser Wilhelm. He reports that the floors were so highly polished and smooth, that all visitors were obliged to wear sheepskin -over


were won by Trerise. . a*

open to all children under 17 years j Beu* and Richvllle granges, each of: c * r D € ^Z Promtene* ms the res of age.

separate department for 4-H whom will present a program

The meeting of the Gouverneur

tlieir shoes Captain frreid. whoisW of Mr. a n d i r s . Erwin"Bowhatlj t"n* came into prominence as the ~

1 cuer of the passengers on the

I Miss Helen !. Parker, who ssstll _ |June-3«»th was local chairman fsr

Him Doris Helen Bowhall. daugh-1 lt ^ N >* r E « T R ^ ^ n " ' ^ ^

r of Mr. and-Mrs. Erwin Bowhall ! ! ^ J 0 " " * ! 1 * ! f f ^ J ? J K S of Johnstown street, and Mr. Glenn f i n i n g , which i t f ^ ^ j H B ffhd H. Cassidy.^son of Mr. and M r e f a ready response from many to thin Howard— Cassidv ot AltMtes? Vt I vicinity.

ChTb w o r k 7 ' o p e " n ^ ^ u r m e m b e r s l O r a n ^ Hh. Vi\\ be"the j f^ca• T ^ w a r n e d on the same, were married at the St. James' ^ ^ * t b e U m e t h a t NsaM-TBsst

lie \ fated Vestls. is captain of the Am

Becsms Bride of GJsnn H. Cassidy ! FXUEr APPEAL

- t r ^ expected thaT pracucaily ail; p ^ 6 e m Qf ^ g u u P e f l e n i : i ^ of the boats.^ntei»d in the orig •( o f women's Cluba;Jlrs .Thomas B, iral cvenr will also participate in , Brown of Ogdensburg. president of the race program the coming Sun day,— - . — .- — r— ; • : .. j burg:. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Ford of

" Cant as;—and Mrs. • Mtllitftrton, of

of Alburn, Vt.—Ceremony Performed st Church

In St. Lawrence county presents many Interesting classes, There are five 4-H Clubs In this section and it is believed that all will com­pete for the premiums offered for; club exhibits, which will be in sep­arately arranged booths. JThe ex­hibits to consist of at, least six ar­ticles of clothing. Ave varieties of1

foods as prescribed by the present 4-H Club requirements, and not leas than four food posters or any other poster or product, relating to the clothing, foods and room furnish­ing units of the Home Making pro­ject. These clubs will be Judged according to a scale of points simi­lar to that used in the grange de­partment. fSO.OO being the award

only regular meeting for the com ing month.

He*. Prises of $15.00, HUM, and for 7S or more points.


Carr ied to Beatrice M. Clark Antwerp, July 2Mb—Wil l

Reside at Bigeiow

boat, -past week

landing in New York city the Church in this village. Friday e v e - i ™ ^ must coUect l ^ e smal sOalp reek. i ««— ** .!*-*.* ~>~%J?il I warm clothing so that i t will be


a^to?c££L£*5£ p e r f o n a * b y ' " " 1 ' tOT, ff'tribtttlon * * » tb* pMtor. Rev. M F OHUran. I m*r c"r>r **"» *« ***** **? with M l u Dorothy Toy fts u » ! , e r o "* D e c e m b e r : f * , , B rtUi * M t l H

brtdPBrakld u d Mr. Olenn Col« u 1 " 1 0 ^ " l i r ^ T T i ^ J S l i S .»._ K_- . - . . « ^.w. W-.J i FebnMMTt-and daw not tim-ubon the best jnaa. Th« bride W W K - , . , . . _. . , . ,, „

jbkt and . h o e . to l U t c i . .nd tbe I ver* , 0 w*' 1 u n U I w » l ^ t * ? " T * -- 1,rlde.mmld » M .too dr«Me3 in! * ° ° * " ' ? * o v « ^ ° « » • • ' * £ * *

Undefeated to date In rhe twi U l u e witlr blue bat and S B « M t o ! 1 0 0 u t * t o **** P«op>e »n « • kl«h lijtbt baseball teacue. the Talcville! match. Both carried boaaoftts of : • i t , ™ d * 8 o f l h * Caucaau*. I team defeated the high acbool « i «weet peas . . j * Rr**1 n u u l y children, troaa greKation at the fair c r o u d s p-j-l -j^,, ^4? lt a iraduate o f " t b e ' , n R


Miss Beatrice M. Clark, daughter d a y e v * * f n * V * decisive score of i Gouverneur high school with I he of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Clar*. of I 1 0 l 0 1 ; Th* h t ^ D * < * « * team has.! esaas of 1S25. and since her grailua-Antwerp, and Ralph Simmons, soni b e e n w e *kened the latter par: of- tion she has been employed a* a of Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons of, ih* » e ** o n &v tb* absence of some telephone operator in the local ez-

f Bigeiow. were united in marriage!** t h H r b*tt*r Payers and have j change of the Northern New York iat five o'clock Thursday afternoon,! d r o p p e d ****ml games. With but I Telephone Corporstion. 8he was a

= :July 2Sth. at the parsonage of t b e ! t w 0 m o r f * » * » • • scheduled in the popular member of the Delta Lit-Methodist church at Mexico, N. Y. J e ** u e »^rt*« «M* hut one for the erary Society during her high

. J T h e ceremony was performed b y T a l c v 1 U e t e j a n t 0 _Pi» T . they will] school course , the pastor. Itev Barber L. Waters.! »»doubtedly score a perfect rec -j Mr Cassidy was educated fti-the


newlyweds left Jor fteeident on California Road For1 The Dekherrus Society Will HoW through the central

__p acore a the young couple heJng unaccom' I ^ ioT th* • • • •o i l

jpanied _- __-_ . - i * ° * * the Firemen on August 3rd Following the ceremony, the f w W < k h ^* t h e l o s i n g game of the

As stated by the newspapers, the financial campaigns of Near East Relief came to a June 30th. But our clothiac was not reached and we are to be short of clothing.

You have been generous with your clothing in the past. Will yon not therefore, as s last generous gesture, bundle up one mora Iwsulli of'clo't'.nr for Near East Jketief


Elect Five Directors Monday CveV lUeo—ahrty^eae inetuwed IU


_ The first meeting of the newly incorpopated Sylvia Lake Club wan held at the « o t e l Pavilion. Mon­day, .evening. A thorough dtacue-

"of the benefit andV needs of such an organisation was had. Al i i?*•* ** • * • ^'•eolved

99 Years—Fwneral Services This Afternoon

Jeremiah Asa Ames, 8ft, a farmer residing on the California road. Hid J under at his home He was ktra in Morristown. May 2, 1841. sad moved to his last home 59

Meeting in Methodist Church at Russell

The 56th session qf the Dekher russ Sunday School Association will be held in the Methodist church ax Russell. Saturday, Aug­ust 3rd. at 1»'«:30 o'clock a. m. The

fears ago. He had been a member opening exercises will include sing € the Black Lake Masonic bodge ing. devotions in charge of Rev. L. In* f$ years. - - , Mathewson: address of welcome, "sir Ames wTOf a son of Asa and R r ^ i U S . R u n d a l l ; response. Rev lacinda Ellen Wood Ames. He George Dando: and appointment of •arried Mary Forsytbe. who died committees, after which individual

years airo. He is survived programs will be riven by the van-a daughter. Mrs. Amber Conroy ous churchet iAr 4be association as BePeyster. and two sobs. Asa follows

•Bat of Macomb, and Qar%>Ases* Russell ra i t ed Song ttbPeyater; 1C grandchildren aad Reed, Dorothy LaFavre. Doris • f*>tt^raadrMHrrn 9 r Gates: recitation: Poor House Nan.

Tonus! services were held this Doris Galea -duet Rev. and Mrs

a short trip part of the

( state, and -wr? 'now spending sev-j eral weeks at the Hurley cottage

at Sylvia Lake, after which they | w ill make their home In Bigeiow. Hr. Simmons is employed by the New York Central fUfiroad com­pany as a telegrapher, and is sta­tioned at the present time at Riv-

• ergate.


111 Occupy Pulpit at the Trimty Sptecopal Church—ftev. V. O.

— . Boyle on Vacation

ness School In Syracuse. For season . j time he has been employed as a.

; Blowing ^ ! n t h c j ^ v i n n : a r railway mail clerk on the run from! j the Business Men were defeatf»d by j Alburg! VtTTTo Norwood, N. Y.. on (the Hon on team in the Twilight the Rutland Railway. The coming

l e a g u e game at the fair ground •! fall he will be located -in the Pean-Monday evening by a score of 7 sylvania Terminal in New York to 2. A series of costly error* .c city. j

. th is frame"*aV«> lD9 Hortons four Following the ceremony at the i runs Smith and Mellen were is church a reception was held at the : the points for the Hortons. with home of th#» bride's parents on • Hubbard and Taylor performing johnsiown street, after which the

for the Business Men. The latter newlyweds left Tor a motor trip to , were credited with 8 errors and the N4ae;ara Falls ana Buffalo. 1 pon ' | Hortons with but one. The score:, their return they wijl make their j

They will op-' Russell high school and later took, . Ui t . . a course at the Central City Bual- •»> »«P " / V P««»i ^ ^ ^ ^ ' _ _ _ ' or freight to our ware house? The

address is c o V. S Army Base, foot of 68th Street. Brooklyn, N. Y.

Sincerely, James L Barton,,



of the property owners and others Interested in the lak? seemed to be agreed that the organisation would he very helpful in cartas; tor their interests,

A motion was made aad carried thai five directors be elected to represent the organisation, wbo~ln turn will elect the officer* and ap­point the necessary committees t o carry out tbe ideas of Use d a b members / ^ . * The five directors selected were J. J. Wallace. B. F. Brown, H. C. Rogers, £. J. Peck, and J. F,

7*he memherthrpwt the present time is sixty-one, including

BenJ. F Brown,, A^nes Fred Chaumont. Jennie Chaumosrt^j d m e r Curtis, Margaret .XHtrtla, William Cameron. Martha Caaaer-on. Judge J. C. Dolan. George F. Dawley. Mary Pawley, G W. Deans, Lillian Deans. Charles Dunkelberg, Marie Dunkelberg. Albert Dodda. Charles Force, Minnie Force, 0 . R Fortune, Mrs. G. B. Fortune, L: 1>1

1 F r, Mrs. L. J5. FehTSer. Dallas ] Haselton. Nina H axe It on. Dr. C. T. 'Henderson.

| Business Men 1 Hubbard, -p .

Cole Z-b Randall. *-b .

I Lehigh, cf ... ' Raderman. as.

Taylor, c jj Anderson, If j Bruet l b . . .

Lasbure. rf .

HELD AT CANTON] ^ *~- f*XL- 5 * i B

i"»asnon at l : S » e t the home, and F £ . Rundell; recitation. Golden The Rev V O Boyle rector of fc|S waa made, ml J^wardgvtBe. Chains. Etlgabeth Reed. i Trinity Episcopal church, left by ^ • r a a k J. Browm. paator of the DeRalb Junction MAhodist—' motor Monday for Chalf Riv^r. Oat ., gShlst gatauifjaJ church at Har- Duet: Mies M. Trezalet! and £. Can., which i* about I2ti miles west u

" * % officiated . BUbop: dlaJogue: Character, eight of Ottawa, where he win spend his Woodward. 2 h —1boyt: aemg: Jaauor girls; recita- vacation Durlnr bis absence rhe * ^ ^ U r ! # rf -

•tioa Daisy Treoalet; song: Phyllis church wiB be closed for repairs • £ » « h , P j Dunkelberg; cotiecrioa piece: So* and nainting excepting S u n d a y . . ' Gillette, ci J man Dando f Aucur Ilth On tha: date a eerv- j Thomas as . .

• F f f f T i > O r i i V Booth RasseO— Playlet (ice wiu be held at II «> o'clock. " J™ 0 *** *"b * l l f i l K N I j A T '• DeKalW ittnetio* £ptacopal->A The s e m c e will be to charre of F M c # l b

l U V i W y n i than address. Church Unity, by ' :b* fter R#xford C Hormes of K u x ' ] *T u — -,- .- fMra Charles B MeOruer . Spmnrfi^W Gardens L I The M*I>en c

Utrifertn* Bermoa Methodist—Three svaa> i r^ruiar sen ice t of the cbueck will


R. i

0 ( •

1 fj

<• f>

2 R .

2 (*

1 1 <<


K home at Alburir. V*t.


Haroid B. Johnson, Es>t©i* of the i I Water-town Datiy Times Will I Bt Principal 6psaktr J . Th»- #tajs< w .^:-g s* f ir^the big IfArmerp* picnic ^t the Canton Fair

Mrs. E. W. Jackson. Andrew Laidlaw. Grace Laidlaw

George F Leak, Gertrude Leak, Edward C. Leahy. Adelaide Leahy, Jerome Payne. Bertha Payne, B, J. Peck. Eva Peck. Elmer Robinson, Catherine Robinson. Harry C. Rog

wS the be

Grange. Dairymen's _ and Home Bureau and Cactoa

. i "^ ~" * - — • ^vertising Club cooperating Tonsils ar*d Adewotds Removed By Hsrrld B Joknnon ed:u*

J>r M. J Stearns of Oodees- .WaterurwB Daily Ti»*-» burg or Thursday j 0ke armd,*] speaker at the

Five op*-ra:.oas for tonsfls and. Mr Johnson Is s native ot ' adenoids w*r* performed a: the near, and still retain§ an artlee la- j VaaDuae* Memorial Hospital oa»J*rest is St Lswrenc* ^v»u»ty sfrt-t Thursday by Dr M J Stearas of cultmre. being the OWTK- «i a large | Ogdensbjrg Tboe* operated en dairy farm near Gowveriierr. j IndudeKi M f \ > n S one aad A full jsrocram of Pportf efJI grre ; daughter. Carol. Mrs Vera Steven plenty of fan for all aoc" tas> e*H . eoa Robert Fnxk. and Doris Shte- 'dab exhibits by tbe bni> i M r t r i i Bock ^«f the county make this a r ^ latter

Otherf admitted to the hosprtal <*7 . tnchssV Hosn^r Prx* of Hermoa.

J wbe aa-! all of his teetJt ^itracted by Dr WUliajn R Connor of this wfUaae aaso Mrs "Mary Dsetricfc

Grounds on Thursday August g.i^r». Eliaabeth Rogers. Charles R. This is the larg^^t fathering of \ Rodger, lone Rodger. Charlee*8hoe-

I farmers In the COUIK>. with the • maker. Blake Spilman. Mrs. Btahe L^agoe, Farm Spilman. George L Tait, AaaeUai Tait. Richard Trerise. Fay Trerise

Harry C. TanAllen. I^otUe Van-AOen. John J Wallace. Mrs J J. Wallace. Hiram Wright, Mrs « i -

f ram Wright Joseph Wet?. A*oe* W e s f _ .


the {fort hern New York Federa:

tion; Mrs. Jnhus Frank. Ogdena \ .


TRIP FOR G 0 U U : 4: ^STARMOTiBB v«*ii«

- - ''.. i . i » i

Mrs Ja

B: Jiorma. commander of af the Ajnertcad Le­

the announcement faR particu-

so the goUTsUr voyaaw to Xarope as

by the TJaited States wfcicb Wfll take asaoo

on May 1, l » d , and wiD enable a * the mothers who bad sons killed fn-the wortd war t o vtsfc the gr*vee oT thelf soaa hi France. ' - -

Ittr Morasrdeaires that the era residing in-Goaverneur aad vi­cinity communicate with him a t

the * ats for the trip,

by the government states that a l l mothers, tacmdlng step-

tkm any w who stood local

prior to dejath wfil bo efigible f a EhaMp. A wif e of a soldlar Is F f t o c e wffl sise be

for t h e , t r i p prtrrMiai 1 still a widow- . . ^


1 .<— x*

7.-^ ^ • - i :


V.-T . V>SS


Hresidsnt of Port Cheater, Mrs. E. A. Jeene at Star


Miss Laura V. Curtis Chester. N. T^ aged 41 years, at the VanDusee Memorial pitaJ at 1 :K> o d o c k Tuesday noon, the cause af death acute Bright's D^aease. freat she had beea suffering tor the asjot 3-FPkr- t ' ---.-^ *-&JF

Miss CurtM, actaiuaaoJfd by Mfav^ E A- Jenae and Hasel Jenne af Pott to their Cottage, at Star Lake, weeks ago, bat brought to the days ago.

Miss Curtis waa b a n at Chester. Deceaaaer • daairbter etf EU aad Cartia, aad Jhad Iseea a ir^sanjs; m

^* I^^^B TQ^^BJW. ^saw sssss ss of the

the Part forty eea»BL mmm wsw asaaee an

• .J J4

r.-w -,

^-.,_m" i