[: TODAY’S I: NEWS TODAY Prison Break Leader Taken By Dog’s Aid JSvo Republicans Enter Lists For Governor; Two Bouvboas May Seek Job VEAMANS TAKES PAPERS •M;ALK.STF:P., OltU., M;iv 21 (f.r • - Anotlior capluro 'waf crciiiLcl tO'lay lo "Ol'i Uoalon," OUljhninn prison huimd, as Clyde Hoavors, reputed rinp- Itviilor a bloody prison brcnk rcluvv.cvl aoUlary c>-infin n<M JVilii'.J'.u, Ardent Townsenilite, • liicU'tinite as to Whicli P05t,He ________ xt!<\-ai a'.ri—Tiie, i r !2J-Ifour pori'vl of filing J aper bu.Jlrws was rccorJcd tmlayj y tlw -sMretary-of-'fttnle na newj canJi l.iloa prepared to enter the prin-.ary raoe.«f - - rmnUlln Glrard was tho flrgfto , to.w W.? hat Into the rin^ several wouM seok tho j:ul)cmhiorlnl no- inlnitlon on the democratic ticiioT Sinc’? iliat tlma ljuaint'ss has been Blow, Four More Eye Riire Tn-1,.;,-. however, thei-e were two Ropiitjhc.in candidates for the pov- emor'3 job In addition and' two Dsmocrati who Indicated ' tliey - woiiM «-ek th» job. ......... Fi-.irik L.. Stephan, T\vln ■3eCc:il.;rTwa years ago-hut fllllV cnnsilered the beat Republican betj o t tlio comln;? cloctlon. llircK liia, h it Into the ring. L, V, Patch. Pay-| -ette. n!^) entered the-race for* the; Rjpubllcan nomination. , I Vonnutns Will Run I Don;ocrat3 who atlrre-J the po* -lltical mixture today w re Lewis ^Villluras. commlsaioner of public wolfjrc'. ana Townsend leader, and H- I.. Yeapans, blind atl^irney ofl Buhl. Yeamans, In taking out pv| per.i aal.l lie would run for cong-j _ rijss or_:or,governor,____________ . Williama, rdfualng td declare ,.whm orfiCQ he would seek, said hel wft3 "a good Democrat, and a To\vr..iend man." "I might rtm for the senate oc the hou.io but-1 believe I like Ida- luV.i •climate' too well," Williams aald. .Miller Karron's Flans > . Attorney-General Bert,Miller, BpWnx, of th« Democratic picture, aald to<lay ho had narrowed hiB courae to three Boaalbllltles: Either ~ ho woiili” run lor governor, «ek reolection ilb attorney general —not riih at all. , He .wid ho would not run for senate or tho house. ca[>tiirv<l latd X Bbmit .75 niil<-s so u th - iM.'ii ot McAlosler. ■•01^ Hos- f.)l!os'/eil l)v a poHsc of f'Hir. iiMcIc-’d tlic fuKilivo over ni')unl:iiiioii(< cojiiUry. Ue.ivers siim ’h'ii'Voil w/ien tiie Jog was ill hli< hoel.i, I'red. Daii«licrty, aorii'tr\rv of the pri.'ioii warilen, -siM.-n.nifiiK'ny loa-tneiO Tr— “Sorry" Ho Escaped iiinii w m jlig u {iiwln eil prison rfflc when captured, offlfera fiald: Ho told captors, tiO AVila "fturcy" th a t He' c g ^ V d j and had "wished several tlmcSl _I waH_clca(i-"_________ ' . . . _____ ^Ifty po.iaemen bad hurried to the vicinity when It was rc- -portcrt-CDiivcrS' \m ftijihleJ: Farmtr* Form Posse Farmers armed with kitchen knives, shotguns nnd ancient pistols formed a posso near Wright City after Jullua Bohan- on,one or the fugitiven, 'WR3 re*. , ported _gfi8n.-^.. .C...iIcArtliut. waa the other convict stlU at •larce. Officials .said the convicts probably would be charged with kidnaping. More thnn 13* per- son.* reported meeting one or more of the fugitives and sev- eral said they were forced to accompany th e — convlct.T ' A“ guard ^-aa killed In the prison break. WOSPUSHZEP GU I Minor aalcs That Held Up Hindonburg Now Bpoed Hor Back LAKKHUR8T, N. J.. May 21 <n.l!i—Tho- wlndJi Uuit (tulftyod the Keppplln Hlndonbcrg on her «o- ond commerclnl flight lo tho UnltiHl fltnto wern npeedlng her iMck ncrou tho Atlantia to<luyito • hor il)U(w nt Fr(inkforUu-Maln. The K>nnt dirlglblo nuo from the {Kirtnblo mooring maat At tho navnl air trnlnlng ulotlon hero at llion laJit night. loa« than 10 hour* After It hftd mnneiivered to a tftk- llfllt landing In the face ot a ^0- mlln‘an>hour wind, Thorn woro 01 paMongei aboani In mldltlon to tho crow of n«, 3Rn pound* or mail and 3,000 poundn of freight inotudlng a four- iiiacu hlplona v^ich Jimmy Hull- lln, tlu spood. nier,. Id nhlpplnx nfiroad for a Eluropeun Juunt wUh liiji wUa and 10•y<u^oIlt eon. Tlifi HaUllpii wor® among the pasaen* ^Tlln Uko-off Inat night wni Ioju l\ft*.AvA<nw lUftiv th e ftrrtval lerdiiy morning. TODAY’S GAMES NATlONMi IJOACUn n.ii.iG, QluuUmwU .,..100 000 OlQ--a ]k<n(<in ..........000 001 . Blino iind Campbell; Lonning uml ' U.H.B, Chlciigo ...... -too 001 101--* ]8 1 IJnN.klyn ..... tW» 000 000- 0 7 1 Hrn/iliiiw lind Iliirliifltti Krunk' hounr, Knrnnhiiw iin<l IlerrM. HI l,iiul>i . . 1)10 nt)f) 00,1 • 4 7 ( N.'W V.itlt , 100 000 001- 2 a ( l‘, DcAn nn<1 DavlB) fl/nllti nnfl MllllClltlK. AMr:iii('Aiir i . ha (hiio Ai t.lilniRii T-hiiii.i-ii.iiiii .....................01)1 to- a Chtrnii-' .............................10ll)0-r S ll.iM.'ili'«; Kellny nnrl Mnyoa; Wlilliiirinl ntiil Ri'wull, AI lU. l/<nil" H lliiiiK.ll ..........................................0»J t HI 1,'iuli . ....................................0 — C lUttcrtoRi \V. l»'ei‘c«ll and I t VoiTulij llugiotl and lUnulijr. At liutnilt - , - . ,'Wi!Wf v o r k....------------ rmiroil. rialtprieiir Oomoi, Murpiw And DIolievi Hnrrol), iliilllvan |ina liny* tv.irllt..U»<ihrflno. At Olevotand— n .. WMniiiirloii' .’Clar'ttlaiid ^ AKINIMES liD O N A T l® Rival"TKreatenis To Fight Hoffman Vote TRENTON, N. J., May ‘21 «'R>—Supporters of lormcr ConKre.ss- iniyi Franklin W. Fort Uireatened a contcHt ot Tucsday’.s election count today to keep Gov. Hatold G, Hoffnifin from going a dcle- gate-at-iarge to the Republican national convention. To obaervoffl it seem ed.that the>-^------------------------------- ------ Democratic'ObaiiTDiim, Naming KaiiBan A a ' M o st Probable, ’ Cit«S; Dangers ^>'ASinNOTOX, May SI rtlPi —Foslmoster Oenorui. Jome* A. Farley tvaa charged in n rouiilng hotiM ipeeeh by ^ p . Dewey Short, Mo., today uUh "In- nultlng the in criticising Gov. Alf Lnndon of Kan)uu> potential I(epubllran prrfllden- ilai randldulr. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich,, Ma; 21 iL’.lii — The I>emocrallo hlgl command cohsidcrn Gov. Alf M. lendon o f. KoriBaa-w* ‘mtui whom~l»rflirtdijnt-lto03e7elt will Iiavo lo. boat to return to the White lloijsfl for anoUier term. Taking tho offenalva moro the .. fortnight in advance of the Re* publicfin convention. Domocnitic Nntinnnl Oharlmon Jamcn A. Far- ley last nlKht began hta party’a fttlnck on tho Kunaoa govenior. He named Lanil^n aa Iho "moat >rotwT)ie" O. O. P. candidate. • llajM KKprrlmeiit Addresfilng tho Michigan iilale I>cm<)crnlic convention, Farley contended election of I.^ndon woulil he a "rcck!o«H experiment." Hfl dM not mention I<nAdon by name but an "govunior of a lypl- eel prairie oial*." --------------— ‘ "Could Ihcro t»e." Farloy aflked, "a more perilous oxperiment than putting the coniploK, nnd highly delicate. r>»:rol of our gdvom- mont Into th« tiands of a rnan de«* titue of oxpprienco and dcvoM «f praotlce In national, atlll leM tn mtematlonal, tnattbni?" Fnrley iwld tho niitlon "Knew Roooevelt" before ho became prca- IdenU Bittliod by rroM tAndon haa bom "exalted by Dte •• FftTtoy nntertHlning in obHcurlty In govemmenti another I............. with, dojiliea of Coolldgo In lila oompoejtton^i-------- --------------- -------- Fnrldy gald no raoJoni i)ro*Ulent liad 4lone a big ]ob "jnuro brave- ly, efricleiitly ami lionofltly" than iVealdent Rooaovolt. “If pnuperlty ta to I m made (ilnhla and iinywiiore near com' piflte, he In the man to do It." Rescuers Reach Plane, Crashed in Cascade Wiids lALyfiUR iOLY Grand Coulee’s Work Menaced, Congress Told CALLS M H [R O UR PF DcveloimiontH of M:ijoi' In,port Believed Near .-i5 B:idoL;l:o Hasteiii; Hon;c DEPARTURE UNEXPECrED ^iciroy Over Eilu'tui-A P u t, Cn;ni!i ' Gr.iziaii:'c. Han Job Must Halt If Cash Is Banned. Ickes Warns W esienn Jobs Endaiigei-od as. A fterm atii of' _ ...... H ouse RofusiiJ .94j Reelam atioTnr--.* - . - By STEWa RT brown - (Copyright^ 193G. Unileil Prc '■■■P.OMK.‘May .'i\ 'M u P iftm U.tdof-lio, of l’i‘> Afrir^ri tT r After II tortuous 10-miIe hike over Wa«hliiBton nioiiiitiiin Ir.ilN, n rr«ru() party rearhM wreck- age or a plane, to find Jay Graybill, avliilor, itcrloiiily Injured, und hiit m.cliaiiir, Arno Wells, dead, (iniyliill crflHhed on a Cascade i»eak while on u supply flight to n golil iiiiiu>. Wrcckaco of (lio piano 1» shown In this picture. . .sudden, r>Tvr tlw l H Ivclopiui-nt'i (if II to Ua7v and Dur. I Rent to retrI.'V. [liine.'i .In Ktliiojii. iB.idnnlio •' M l R : mumi I iti'il Hi: governor'.s sc ^ was safe, but O^D. Keep, Forl’8 cuinpal^ ■iriaiiagori "quite evident there baa been akuUduggery." A confer- ence of FortVuavisera will decide today whether to demand count, he naid. Even If the Fort contest does not develop, the ,primary vole tliat ffreaUy ............................................ pect o f _______ ______________ Landon o r Kansas, secnicd to have :damaged scrtously the political p0‘ altlon of the New Jersey chief ex With' only 130 of 3.580 dlatrlcta unrepofted, Hoffman woa a bad In a •five-candidate T^e governor hod Ihe conaolatlon that, barring, a auccessful contest ho will bo one of four delegales- at-large to tho convention, while Fort, -who campaigned ngalnat )iim on tho ground that ho had "drag- ged Jersey justice In the mud," will not. rsey-G; -O. -P.-eustom- has Jt that llie delegate-nt-large with the largest vote becomes chairman of the convention delegation, Thus, besides lasing political prestige by hla fourth place race, the goverhor probably will go to Cleveland n.s only a private in tho ranks of liia delegation. 'Before tho Hauptmann casc'tnanared hlro, he waa roport- r^lo'have liail lio^'^'gbbg as tho New Jcr«y eaadWato for vicc president. —S^he-jMWly-oom] latloa prov<^ Governor Landon haa an incontostably greater appeal to Republican voters of. the east's In- dustrial centers than Sen. William E. Borah. W ith 'all but act dtatckta ported, tho vote was; Landon 204,378. Borah 72,481. IIAND SEES TPPOSmONPl KNOXVILUC. tcnn.. May 21 m.lv — Mrs. Myrtle Wclgaud chftrgett tliM hvr luiabivnil, J. R. WelKsnd, hadn't taken n ImUi flinco "some tlmo back in loas" iind won un uncontVNted divoren before Judge H, B. Weiiati'r in <ia|nestlc relutlonn court. OANQSTEnS > FORT WAYNhl, ln<l„ May 21 <U.I!) - . * r o l lc e who "ttri'cjled" Juvenile ••HffCBino-o-ycrvrBrflcfuSiia'thom of fltoalhig u bicycle, n match, n iKittle of porfuine, aomo mar- 'blea, Mra. R. i;. Taylor's H|>- ntlck and nuveriil .eiuctrla IlKht bulbit. RBVERBED LOIIAIN, O., May 21 Itll!'— Death revernccl Iho dnclninn of a flip o( a coin today, When Jolm raoo for city council rBff MARRiAOe COLUMBUa, 0„ May 21 )in:i —Aftor having~ tieon' divofocrd from each other twloo, Frank Uunwtt, 4Q, and, Mrs, Uom nurnetl, 40, took out a mar- riage llcenae for the third tlma. Hio miirltal record! Married In lOlOi dlvorcod ill 1D2S; niarrlnd In 11180; dlvorcod In lD9n. con.sirliT On May n bo v.'ii innv J \iicro:. of Kthlcl])!!!. Europdan Tensity Since that day Ihe l-''‘;;iie Nations c(»indt han viit.-.l to cnu- tluu>> pcu;ilUes luly foi _____________ Uts war on 1Benito Wus.soIiniH open. fiL'rci Twin Falls A ttorney" Seeking rage; tho Italian di’i<';;.itii)n to the Nomination tor^Govsrn.r, jlSS.S.iSSr'ii.Sf'iviS 'Z Patch Also In participate in niiv league activity ---------------------------------- •- -------- until tli^ pon.iUli'i-ni;e'n™ ovo.l;:tn,5 cabin •• t.i , ■ , Chancellor Kurt Schu.HchulKg ou.s .iltuaivja Prank h- Stephan. Twin l-alls seized pnwer in Austria, ouslin" ousUni: •i-im attorney, today throw h!.i hat Into'Musflolinrs protege nnd .'la te lilte .'y .-)-s -a the political ring by announcing prinfco Krnst von .Starhon-.borg:' i^ad.'-, his candidacy for tlie Republican', n,ere has been a .lomewhnt my- ac-i--’ '-r.'- nomin;\tlon for governor, and liiaifitorious Itniion-Britlsh exchange' Qxt.'n.l'-i ambitions wore cliailenged from 6f dlscourtc.sicB over charges thai cabmot gave tho western part of tl»e state with ---------- -------- v... ^ similar announcement «n the ARIS ICIAIO IPEAGEi Cabinet Seeks Comproxisa By' .. Move to Oivo Starhemberg j;‘,' Coverninn- Share I part of Col. L. V. Pafch, PayMtirf^ cannery cW^f.* Tho devclopmcntB brought to . thfee-the-Jirt-of-eeekeii-arier-the 0. O. P. gubernatorial nomination. First to announce was T. B. Chap* man. Boise police Judge. ■Another prospectivo candidate la Byron Defenbach, former atate treasurer. Action Expeclod Stephan'H nnnouncemont wn,snot unexpcctpil. aa he'declared, follow- Ing ft recent Republican convention nt Moscow' that he woulil make an entry stateuienl soon. At tlie con- ventloti lie umortt'JIy receivoil the endorflement of tho state Republi- can leadership, after C, A. Rottolf-; son. • A ifo -PUbDnher. wUliirew', froni.lhi) 'race with tho promise i tiiat hu would bo named atato' Do Vftlora Qovorjimont TakcB Loadora of RopiiWican Army in Custody, niTBMN. May 21 li'l‘i.-PreBl dent Ilumon d* Valoru'a govern' nirnt today lauiichod its blgK<int »f(en&Wo ttgitlnnl nppnxHinn fac- dims with the lirroiil nf-Miiurice Republiea nnd Ills chief of nd Coulvhniio , fflcers « Iwnnch of tiw cWlo g w ............... they wero leaving a church, where they attended mam, ni Drumcon- dru, n suburb of Dublin. Both were hustled off to UrIde- well prison whero It was explnlued tliey had Iwen arrested iiiuior the public lafaty aot. Ttie govornmont long haa Iwoi actlvo against the Irish Ropubicai army bocouiw of its opposition lo Do Valora’s policies 1ml tho arrest of Twomey and Conlehane reni nanted Its biggest move to dali. «l.000,000,000 BOND JHHUI) WABlimaTON . Ua/ U l (U J'.t— The U, B. treasury will /k>*t ~ bond -Issue of |1,000,000,000 more on Juno 1, Heorelary nf the Troaaury Henry Uorgontliau, Jr. revealed today. Uy JIORKKT 31. RK'T (Ci)p>ri«ht, 1:mc; l;nit.-<l VIKS^X. Mav 'i;;* —A ■'A \ •,:).'rs*. n.'iav.v,,.iir jji,,,,,, .. Ol'aor .smaller •Joveloiimonta af- V tiw ni'-'h* f-a.siior-Aleova in ,V f.>rm”.)'' In ______ firms sent dum dum_ bul-;<lrafV''oV .a Vaw bv'whleh th-s coun-if‘‘^‘!?’ “"'J developrtienl lets to Africa, itrj- 'vouM have’threa "feuhrerJ.’ " Italian newspapers for da>-s past' Thcv (i,o, have talked more and more ot the Sehtwrhnlgc First f'Contlnued on Page 3.: Columa 1) I Chincell-ir Kur: Scljuaehnlgg, a.i^ mlONH In Wiuhlngton. Ickes said that If work Is -itop- peJ, the government may be llabis ' _ for contriiclors’ damage Suits. -Aclintf Hoclamation fmnt. th« combl^M SonU.j,rlva“ p ^ ‘'f f Jirniies I ported to Ickes that tho bureau of Vico Chancellor Eduard construction employ- von Barrenfels, aj national Win- ® new high today mandor of the new armed "fnint" V' ^ '’"\'.‘j : ^ o o K S 'a s n a t l o n a r S o listed^ project. «natrUctioa ' Pocatello Man Will Speak As 188 Seniors End High ---------Bchool-Onreers ........ -A. .iporLi iead.T and liSml of the Moilierh'X)-! Pr-itvL-tlvo fi.UDCiatlon. Sohusiibnigg wouM tho au- promo head. SUarheiii'>erg, how- cvoi’, d.'.Hjilii- tliu trivial lllular na - ture of his .itatiis, would t)« re.^tor- ' « l lo co-)j.iflr.n.i<m, K[u-U.»f IH>' tri- llMVlrale \>'>ul(l' lio torm>l fucli- Grond Coulee, .-i.TlS ii American canal. l.OOi with th« employment i>eak as yet to comei Boulder i\(»ni. 1,421; Caflper-Alco- va, 070; Ogden river pnpject fai UUh. 3M men. ent ■ fol' next fall. Stephan's lows: ‘I dr.siro to onnounc to Iho peO' lOonltauwl cm Pugo 6, Oilumn 3) luallng. clH'w nf the Twin Fallsluccurit thu drafted law, lrw.lrA.4 /..n f.i.n l 1 ■« ttin .•.Mil. high flchoi looked forward t' 2Hth (innufti comnienoeioent umu- rises which will opi-n nt H p. m. today at the gymna.sUiin-au.mor. CASEUNDMY W'nlter H. Cleare, Pocatello bn •■,ess'man, will deliver Ibe ooi. mBncoment ndilress and the (llpl< J. Ward, prenli sciiooi tnisleos, An itwocatlon w ill l»« pro- nnunced by Rev. W alter K. lia r Pino Tt'co Olub Hearing Qolt Started After Acquittal In Kit-Kat Suit trlct court this aflcrnnnn Blx-man Jury, following ............ guilty vonllot returned at 7:30 p, m, yesterday in an action against the KIt-Kat club. Inc., and its pro- prietors, Yesloriliiy's case was givon to the Jury at ii30 p, m,, after bthu- moiils iiy Prosfloulor ICdwani Bab- eocU and by defense attorneys, j. W ...rortiir.-And .Oct .Chat>man. cf Chapman and Chapman. Today's trial has aa defondanU, the Pina Tfw> elub, lnc„ and its proprietors, W. K, Cameron and o, o, ooleman. The same atto^ n w ar® aollngtas In yesterday's trial. Judge T, Bailey Lee Is pre- siding. Pondem Arn>r<l .Move* Tlio cabinet iiu'i'ting ai«-) conilct- cdi'r; (1| Heeoimiructl<n\ <tf tiic tii- therisnd fnmt. Uie flcmi - prtyale .urmlMi.wlilcU Include such uonflict- Ing riemcnta an Htarlii'mlx'rg'a Hi-iinvvehr und thn .ScliucluiidK* U,<|| h.. ................... (IV (iiiori;.. ■''’"'■f Rtdtlu-r Cuthoiic ni.irm „,i, pr..i*oi „f ,>» iK»rd „r is t>f llie new, gn'iit«T Austrian army projHiOed In vlolatiun of the St, (jmniilu treiily. ____ __ ____ IpleircimipitimTne (iTa churclii and tho henudlction will lie nuida by Rev. Roy 1C. H u n ie tt, rirnt Baptist church niinistor. Tlie high Khool band, under the direction of J. T, Balnbridge, nml the girls' gieo ciub, directed by Minn Cliirico Haumlerfl, will supply muAienl num1)ors. Hiipt. W. U. Hmllh, and Mra. Charles A. North, tor tlio Amorican Asitoclnllon of Unlveraity Women, w ill award Hoholarshipii, and tho class will bo presented by Piluclpsl C. li. Bond. Security Director WABllINGTON. May 21 <1H:'- The aocial aecurlly board today announced looatlnns and directors vC .U.tflglouiU..aUlcaa..wUQh-wUl olil ago benefit aiul ice piuvlBlona ot the social aeourlly act, .rT«.“S,' a „ , . : I..,.,., Montana, UUh, WyomlnK.)< Heber Harper, New York City, dlroolor. Fishing Paradise Forlorn Without Any “Customers” aUllor's note—Herbert hoe-' ver spent many eummer week- endt at td« oant|^ on ttt« Rapl* dan. Ha gave U to the oquntry. when'he retired, aa'a permanent aummer White. Houie. preel>< (lent nefiMVelt, however, hat oruliee and 'vlalls to' .Hfde’park iraaeK*~a Park. The raeuU* ..._ _____ flihermiln'e paradlM without a elnQle f(ah* ermanH* dmrllMd In (N fel* lowlnn artlele. pniXsNTpljAfip ON THV RAPTOAN, Vk, M y SI (Ut!)->7iil« ^ till tUiftmtni MndtH €t ill A m ertM -tnit tliery W V e jro u l fly on the. There la nobody to appreciate Ui only Uie owla that roost In Tuatle obttnntya, ihe vroodpeek* era Ujal hav» tone to m tk on Herbert Hoover's "dlplomatlo" log, and Uie'apooHlelfroui that Ine to Irritate them, ft P. letVKaBd.i The gentlemea la these or- ganlsatroaa .have betn goinff about,-Ihrtr taaVu wtth • deep feellnv of frustration—wonder* IPC the tiie of malDtala- ing Uie .naUon'a moat beautiful rural rM reat for a I’resldent who never usea It. T tie/v* done a plui-parfect Job or U o d lu tha rippling rills, lha . leafy loweni u4 Mrs, tlowMv. m a t naket P S S te A «pn |^ tfins t ^ p h ft lot the mountalnilite for sev4n years, iho blrda.and tbe beasU were BD lonMoino Uiev atopned everything to wMoomiTniB. Uven two rainbow trout came up from Uielr deep pool In tho lUpldan river to have a lo6k and only awam away after de- ciding 4 waa no prealdent. Tlie marlnea were Alfltty proud ot Tti*'VeiV'tama ten m uM /im OM a n M l nnd (tah< ; k :S '3 | s made r«moua by tba Ruldent and Prlma Hlnlatw, l>real(laiiVa-«i>i^*n4-tiu Premier's. Tiiere wasn't muah oholuei iwlh felt pretty hard anil bumpy to me. Tlie onrelAkera of thla lo shoo away the woodpaoHera t. regular intervals ana the oon> pMkera doa'ft like. Only IDus, they aav, oaa Uiey preserve tha tW.ttUI.^uwkVlon R l NOSALLOIIEO Tliousaibda of Jobless Slated For W ork as 1137,000,000 Is Roleaaed nitunlion which some hitva feaml might lead tu oivii wiir canir prumplly 'after HUrlicniberK' tuni fnoiu Rome, where he eoi o«l Premier Henilo Muswillnl, jils B'>d fnllier. DEAIHF08ECAS Man, Two Women Bxpoolod to ■ • Sticcirtnb AnbrBIiooliiiij A t Burlfiy nuftLTnr, way at (flpociui) - victims uf a triple shooting hero laet night were all oxpeoted to die. It waa reported io<lay by the phy- akilan atunding two women and a man iit the irremstad hospital The doetor aaaftrted It w u hts tM lief that "they can't live." tranged wife. Opal Runats Dolaoot calibre government automatla htmaelf. ahut Self iQ Ilead Dotaon etwt himself In the head. Hla wife hu an uftly- wound through tha oheat »nd throat: whilo Mrs, Moore was ahot through tha abdomen. raice aald Jealousy waa the tiva tor the triple ah " o o ^ Jpn ^ - followed,her to n' Bjy ® •liri. poUon, wh 'mllKN >t • tool i .............................. _ "«]?ViJTu: Wuplf ^ a bwa KU 0lt>S0,'teM MUoa Vm»v Uiat.DotMn ........ ^ •‘f® 4 WAflHlNarON. Mny 21 Tbousandg ' <»f lobiesa WlU "fUid work, to accompaniment of the hiss of sleam dredges nnd tho clat« (er of ]ille.iirlvers, os a result of a- {i:i7,000.000 allotment, n^ade by ' the war depnrtinenl today to Im- prov<i Ameilnt’s rivers und her* I’nrllons of the vast sum will go . lo ovory nnok and cranny of tha lutllon. Allol/uenU run from the | 2S,000.000 cur-mnrkod for tm- ' provemont of Ihu upper Mississippi rii’or to a few hundred dullais fac_ some bick-wator creek. Mostly New Prp]eeti Of the |1»7,000,000 alloltbd to- day, |iaO,4nR,S3D will 1)0 used for naw projects while «94,40H,1B0 will Im spent In miilntulnlng ports imd wat«rwMys.-whi«ji...«intedy-4u(va-: been Improved. The money poured out t was pmvWeii In the nnmial V nnd harbors act, passed wniflh appropriated' fi30,Tou,vuu for new port and waterway pro> iaats and >Ui,OT7,llO« for the main* lenance of existing ones. Funds net allocated now will be appor* v tioned later by the war department . as the army corP"<»t englt^eort de* , cldas they m ay. be apent advAn* Ihiilinjecta jforwMclT' money woa let aaTde today bav*' te'BiiiS'ay WRECKED W.WB ■ 'WW : ffl'J

M l mumi IP E A G E i m lONH - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF099/... · [: TODAY’S I: NEWS TODAY Prison Break Leader Taken By Dog’s Aid

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Prison Break Leader Taken By D og’s Aid

JS v o R ep u b lican s E n te r L ists F o r G o v e rn o r; Tw o Bouvboas

M a y S eek Jo b


•M;ALK.STF:P., OltU., M;iv 21 (f.r • - A notlior cap luro 'w a f crciiiLcl tO'lay lo "Ol'i Uoalon," OUljhninn prison huimd, a s Clyde Hoavors, repu ted rinp- Itviilor a bloody prison brcnk

rcluvv.cvl aoUlaryc>-infin


JV ilii '.J '.u , A rd e n t Townsenilite, • liicU 'tin ite as to W hicli

P 0 5 t ,H e ________

xt!<\-ai a'.ri—Tiie,i r !2J-Ifour pori'vl o f filing

Japer bu .Jlrw s w as rccorJcd tmlayj y tlw -sM retary-of-'fttnle na newj canJi l.iloa p repared to enter the

prin-.ary raoe.«f- - rm n U lln G lrard was tho f lrg fto

, to.w W.? h a t In to the r in^ several

wouM seok tho j:ul)cmhiorlnl no- in ln i tlo n on th e dem ocratic ticiioT S inc ’? i lia t tlm a ljuaint'ss has been Blow,

F o u r M ore Eye Riire Tn-1,.;,-. how ever, thei-e were two

Ropiitjhc.in candidates for the pov- em or'3 jo b In addition and ' two D sm o c ra ti w ho Indicated ' tliey

- woiiM «-ek th » job ..........Fi-.irik L.. S tephan , T\vln

■3eCc:il.;rTwa ye a rs a g o -h u t fllllV cnnsile red th e beat Republican betj o t tlio comln;? cloctlon. llircK liia, h i t Into th e r ing . L, V, Patch. Pay -|

-e tte . n!^) en tered the-race for* the; R jpubllcan nom ination. , I

V onnutns W ill Run ID on;ocrat3 w ho atlrre-J the po*

-lltica l m ix tu re today w r e Lewis ^Villluras. commlsaioner of public wolfjrc'. a n a Townsend leader, and H- I.. Y ea p an s , blind atl^irney ofl Buhl. Y eam ans, In tak ing ou t p v | per.i aal.l lie would run for cong-j

_ rijss o r_ :o r,g o v ern o r,____________ .W illiam a, rdfualng td declare

,.w h m orfiCQ he would seek, said hel wft3 " a good D em o crat, and a To\vr..iend m an."

" I m ig h t r tm for the senate oc th e hou.io b u t-1 believe I like Ida- luV.i •clim ate' too well," Williams aald. •

.Miller K arro n 's Flans > . A tto rn e y -G e n e ra l B e rt,M iller ,

BpWnx, o f th « D em ocratic picture, aald to<lay ho had narrow ed hiB courae to th ree Boaalbllltles: E ither

~ ho w o iili” ru n lo r governor, « e k reolection ilb a tto rn ey general —n o t riih a t a ll. ,

H e .wid ho would no t run for senate o r th o house.

ca[>tiirv<l la td X Bbmit .75 niil<-s sou th -

iM.'ii ot M cAlosler. ■•01^ Hos- f.)l!os'/eil l)v a poHsc of

f'Hir. iiMcIc-’d tlic fuKilivo over ni')unl:iiiioii(< cojiiUry. Ue.ivers s i im ’h'ii'Voil w/ien tiie Jo g w as ill hli< hoel.i, I 'red . D aii«licrty , aorii'tr\rv of th e pri.'ioii w arilen,

-s iM .-n .n ifiiK 'ny lo a - t n e iO T r — “ S orry" H o Escaped

■ iiinii w m j l i g u {iiwlneil prison rfflc w hen c ap tured , offlfera fiald: H o to ld cap tors, tiO AVila "fturcy" th a t He' c g ^ V d j a n d had "w ished several tlmcSl

_I waH_clca(i-"_________ ' . . . _____^ I f ty po.iaemen bad hu rried

to the v icinity w hen It w as rc- -portcrt-CDiivcrS' \ m ftijihleJ:

F a rm tr* F o rm PosseF a rm ers a rm e d w ith k itchen

knives, sh o tg u n s nnd ancien t pisto ls form ed a posso n e a r W right C ity a f te r Ju llua B ohan- o n ,o n e o r th e fugitiven , 'WR3 re*.

, po rted _ g f i8 n .-^ .. .C .. . i Ic A rt l iu t . w aa th e o th e r conv ic t stlU a t •larce.

Officials .said th e convicts probably w ould b e charged w ith k idnaping. M ore thnn 13* pe r­son.* reported m eetin g one o r m ore of th e fu g itiv e s and sev­e ra l said they w ere forced to a ccom pany th e — convlct.T ' A“ guard ^-aa k illed In the prison break.


M in o r a a l c s T h a t H e ld U p H in d o n b u r g N ow Bpoed

H o r B a c k

LA K K H U R 8T , N . J . . May 21 <n.l!i—Tho- wlndJi Uuit (tulftyod the Keppplln H lndonbcrg on her « o - ond com m erclnl fligh t lo tho UnltiHl f l t n to w ern npeedlng her iMck n c ro u tho A tlantia to<luyito

• hor il)U(w n t F r(inkforU u-M aln .The K>nnt dirlglblo n u o from

th e {Kirtnblo m ooring m aat At tho navnl a ir trn ln ln g ulotlon hero a t l l i o n laJit n ig h t. loa« than 10 hour* A fter I t hftd mnneiivered to a tf tk - llfllt land ing In the face o t a ^0- mlln‘an>hour wind,

Thorn w oro 01 paMongei aboan i In m ldltlon to tho crow of n«, 3Rn pound* or mail and 3,000 poundn o f f re ig h t inotudlng a four- iiiacu h lplona v ^ ic h Jim m y H ull- lln, t l u spood. n ie r , . Id nhlpplnx nfiroad fo r a Eluropeun Juunt wUh liiji wUa a n d 10•y<u^oIlt eon. Tlifi HaUllpii wor® am ong the pasaen*

^ T l ln U k o -o ff Inat n igh t w ni Ioju l\ft*.AvA<nw lUftiv th e ftrrtval lerdiiy m orning.


n .ii.iG , QluuUmwU .,..100 000 OlQ--a]k<n(<in ..........000 001 .

Blino iind Campbell; Lonning uml ' U .H .B ,Chlciigo ...... -too 001 101--* ]8 1IJnN.klyn ..... tW» 000 000- 0 7 1

Hrn/iliiiw lind Iliirliifltti Krunk' hounr, Knrnnhiiw iin<l IlerrM.HI l,iiul>i . . 1)10 nt)f) 00,1 • 4 7 ( N.'W V.itlt , 100 000 001- 2 a (

l ‘, DcAn nn<1 DavlB) fl/nllti nnflMllllClltlK.

A M r:iii( 'A iir i .h a (hiioAi t.lilniRii

T-hiiii.i-ii.iiiii .....................01)1 t o - aC h t r n i i - '.............................10 ll)0-r S

ll.iM.'ili'«; Kellny nnrl Mnyoa; W lilliiirinl ntiil Ri'wull,

AI lU. l/<nil" HlliiiiK.ll ..........................................0»J tHI 1,'iuli . ....................................0 — C

lU ttcrtoRi \V. l»'ei‘c«ll and I t VoiTulij l lu g io t l and lU nu lijr.

A t l iu tn ilt - , -. ,'Wi!Wf vork ....------------

rmiroil.rialtprieiir Oomoi, Murpiw And

DIolievi Hnrrol), iliilllvan |ina liny* tv.irllt..U»<ihrflno.

A t Olevotand— n.. W M niiiirloii'

.’Clar'ttlaiid ^

A K I N I M E Sl i D O N A T l ®

Rival"TKreatenis To Fight Hoffman Vote

TREN TO N, N . J., May ‘21 «'R>—S u p p o rte rs of lorm cr ConKre.ss- iniyi F ran k lin W . F o r t U ireatened a contcHt o t Tucsday’.s election count today to keep Gov. Hatold G, H offnifin from going a dcle- gate-at-ia rge to the Republican n a tional convention.

To obaervoffl i t seem ed .th a t th e> -^ ------------------------------- ------ —

D em ocratic 'O ba iiT D iim , N a m in g K aiiB an A a ' M o s t P r o b a b le , ’

Cit«S; D a n g e rs

^>'A SinNO TO X , M ay S I rtlPi — Foslm oste r O en o ru i. Jom e* A . Fa rley tvaa c h a rg ed in n rouiilng hotiM ipeeeh b y ^ p . Dewey Sho rt, Mo., to d a y u U h "In- nultlng th e in c ritic is ingGov. A lf Lnndon of Kan)uu> poten tia l I(epub llran prrfllden- ila i randldu lr.

GRAND R A P ID S , Mich,, Ma; 21 iL’.lii — The I>em ocrallo hlgl com m and cohsidcrn Gov. A lf M. le n d o n o f . KoriBaa-w* ‘m tui w hom ~l» rflirtd ijn t-lto03e7e lt will Iiavo lo . boat to r e tu rn to the W hite lloijsfl fo r anoU ier term .

T ak in g tho offenalva moro the .. fo rtn ig h t in a d vance of th e Re* publicfin convention . D om ocnitic Nntinnnl O harlm on Jam cn A. F a r ­ley la s t nlK ht b e g a n hta p a r ty ’a fttlnck on tho K unaoa govenior. H e named L anil^n aa Iho "m oat >rotwT)ie" O. O. P . candidate.

• llajM K K prrlm eiit Addresfilng tho M ichigan iilale

I>cm<)crnlic convention, Fa rley contended elec tion of I.^ndon woulil he a "rcck!o«H experim ent." Hfl dM n o t m en tion I<nAdon by nam e b u t an "govun io r of a lypl-eel p ra ir ie o ia l* ." --------------— ‘

"Could Ihcro t»e." Farloy aflked, "a m ore perilous oxperim ent th an pu ttin g th e coniploK, nnd highly delicate. r>»:ro l o f ou r gdvom - m ont Into th« tiands o f a rnan de«* titu e of oxpprienco an d dcvoM «f praotlce In n a tional, a tlll leM tn m tem atlonal, tn a ttb n i? "

Fnrley iwld th o niitlon "Knew Roooevelt" before ho became prca- IdenU

B ittliod b y r ro MtA ndon h aa b o m "exa lted by Dte

•• FftTtoy

nntertHlning in obHcurltyIn govem m enti a n o th e r I .............w ith , dojiliea o f Coolldgo In lila oompoejtton^i-------- --------------- --------

Fnrldy gald no raoJoni i)ro*Ulent liad 4lone a b ig ]ob "jnuro brave ­ly, efricleiitly am i lionofltly" than iV ealdent Rooaovolt.

“ If p n u p e rlty ta to Im m ade (ilnhla and iinyw iiore n e a r com' piflte, he In th e m an to do It."

Rescuers Reach Plane, Crashed in Cascade Wiids lALyfiURiOLY Grand Coulee’sWork Menaced,

Congress ToldCALLS M H [ R O


DcveloimiontH of M :ijo i' In ,p ort B e lie ved N ear .-i5 B :idoL;l:o

Hasteiii; H on;c

D E P A R T U R E U N E X P E C r E D

^ ic iro y O ver Eilu'tui-A

P u t , Cn;ni!i ' Gr.iziaii:'c. H an

Job Must Halt If Cash Is Banned. Ickes Warns

W e s i e n n J o b s E n d a i i g e i - o d a s . A f t e r m a t i i o f '

_ ...... H o u s e R o f u s i i J .9 4 j R e e l a m a t i o T n r - - . * -

. - By STEW a RT b r o w n - (Copyright^ 193G. Unileil Prc

'■■■P.OMK.‘ May . 'i \ 'M uP if tm U.tdof-lio, of l ’i‘>A frir^ri tT r

A fter II to rtuous 10-miIe hike over Wa«hliiBton nioiiiitiiin Ir.ilN, n rr«ru() p a rty rea rh M wreck- age or a plane, to find Ja y G raybill, av liilo r, itcrloiiily Injured, und hiit m .c lia iiir , A rno Wells, dead, (iniyliill crflHhed on a Cascade i»eak w hile on u supply flight to n golil iiiiiu>. W rcckaco o f (lio piano 1» shown In th is picture. .

.sudden,r>Tvr tlw l H

Ivclopiui-nt'i (if II to Ua7v and Dur.

I R ent to retrI.'V. [liine.'i .In Ktliiojii. iB .idnnlio ■ • •'

M l R:


iti'il Hi:

governor'.s s c ^ w as safe, b u t O^D. Keep, F o r l’8 c u in p a l^ ■iriaiiagori

"qu ite ev ident there baa been akuUduggery." A confer­ence of F o r tV u a v ise ra will decide today w hether to demand count, he naid.

E ven If th e F o r t con test does no t develop, th e ,p rim ary vole tlia tffreaUy ............................................p ec t o f _______ ______________Landon o r K an sas, secnicd to have : dam aged sc rtously the political p0‘ altlon of th e N ew Je rsey chief ex

W ith' on ly 130 o f 3.580 dlatrlcta unrepofted, H offm an woa a bad

In a •five-candidate T ^e governor hod Ihe conaolatlon th a t, barring , a auccessful contest ho w ill bo one o f fou r delegales- a t-large to th o convention, while Fort, -who cam paigned ngalnat )iim on tho ground th a t ho had "drag­ged Je rsey ju stice In the mud," will not.

rsey -G ; -O. -P .-eustom - has Jt th a t ll ie de legate-n t-large w ith the la rg e s t v o te becomes chairm an of the convention delegation, Thus, besides la s in g political prestige by hla fo u rth place race, the goverhor probably w ill go to Cleveland n.s on ly a p r iv a te in tho ranks o f liia de lega tion . 'B efore tho H auptm ann c a sc 'tn a n a re d hlro, he w aa roport- r ^ l o ' h a v e liail l i o ^ ' ^ ' g b b g as tho N ew J c r « y eaadW ato for vicc p residen t. •— S^he-jM Wly-oom]la tlo a prov<^ Governor Landon haa an incon to stab ly g rea te r appeal to R epublican vo te rs of. the e a s t 's In­d u s tr ia l cen te rs th a n Sen. W illiam E. B o rah .

W ith 'a l l b u t a c t dta tckta ported , th o vote w as;

Landon 204,378.B orah 72,481.

I I A N D SEE S T P P O S m O N P l

KNOXVILUC. tc n n .. May 21 m.lv — M rs. M yrtle W clgaud chftrgett tliM h v r luiabivnil, J . R. WelKsnd, h a d n 't taken n ImUi flinco "som e tlm o back in loas" iind won un uncontVNted divoren before Ju d g e H , B. W eiiati'r in <ia|nestlc relutlonn court.

O A N Q STE nS >FO RT W AYNhl, ln<l„ May 21

<U.I!) - .* ro llce w ho "ttri'c jled" Juvenile

••HffCBino-o-ycrvrBrflcfuSiia'thom of fltoalhig u bicycle, n match, n iKittle of porfuine, aomo mar-

'blea, M ra. R . i ; . T aylor's H|>- ntlck and nuveriil .e iuctrla IlKht bulbit.

RBVERBED LOIIAIN, O., M ay 21 Itll!'—

D eath revernccl Iho dnclninn of a flip o( a coin today , W hen Jolm

raoo fo r c ity councilrBff

M A R R iA O eCOLUM BUa, 0 „ May 21 )in:i

—A ftor having~ tieon' divofocrd from each o th e r twloo, F rank U unw tt, 4Q, and, M rs, U om nu rn etl, 40, took ou t a m ar­riage llcenae fo r th e th ird tlma. H io m iirltal record! M arried In lOlOi dlvorcod ill 1D2S; n iarrlnd In 11180; d lvorcod In lD9n.

con.sirliTOn May n bo v.'ii i n n v J \iicro:.

of Kthlcl])!!!.Europdan T ensity

Since th a t day Ihe l - ' '‘;;iie N ations c(»indt han viit.-.l to cnu- tluu>> pcu;ilUes l u l y foi

_____________ U ts w a r on1 Benito Wus.soIiniH open. fiL'rci

T w in F a l l s A tto r n e y " S eek in g rage; tho Ita lian di’i<';;.itii)n to the

N om in ation to r ^ G o v s rn .r , j l S S . S . i S S r ' i i . S f ' i v i S ' Z P a tc h A lso I n ‘ pa rticipa te in niiv league activity

---------------------------------- •- -------- un til tli^ p o n .iU li 'i-n i;e 'n ™ o v o .l;:tn ,5 cab in •• t.i, ■ , Chancellor K urt Schu.HchulKg ou.s .iltuaiv ja

P ra n k h- S tephan. Twin l-alls seized pnw er in A ustria , o u s lin " ousU ni: •i-im atto rney , to d a y th row h!.i h a t Into'M usflolinrs pro tege nnd . ' l a t e l i l t e . ' y . - ) - s - a the po litica l ring by announcing prinfco K rnst von .Starhon-.borg:' i^ad.'-, his cand idacy for tlie Republican', n ,e re h as been a .lom ew hnt m y- ac-i--’ '- r . '- nom in;\tlon fo r governor, and liiaifitorious Itniion-B ritlsh exch a n g e ' Q xt.'n .l'-i am bitions w ore cliailenged from 6f dlscourtc.sicB over c h arges th a i cabm ot gavetho w este rn p a r t o f tl»e s ta te w ith • ---------- -------- v ... ^

s im ila r announcem ent « n the


I P E A G E iC abine t S e e k s C o m p ro x is a B y '.. M ove to O ivo S t a rh e m b e rg j;‘,'

C overn inn- S h a r e I

p a r t o f Col. L. V. P a fch , PayMtirf^ cannery cW^f.*

Tho devclopmcntB b rought to . th fe e - th e - J ir t-o f-e e e k e ii-a rie r -th e

0 . O. P . g u b e rn a to ria l nomination. F i rs t to announce w as T. B. Chap* m an. B oise police Judge. ■ Another p rospectivo candidate la Byron D efenbach, fo rm er a ta te treasurer.

A ction Expeclod Stephan'H nnnouncem ont wn,snot

unexpcctpil. aa he 'declared , follow- Ing ft rec en t Republican convention n t Moscow' th a t he woulil m ake an en try s ta te u ie n l soon. A t tlie con- ventloti lie um ortt'JIy receivoil the endorflem ent o f tho s ta te Republi­can leadersh ip , a f te r C, A. Rottolf-; son. • A ifo -PUbDnh e r. wUliirew', f ro n i .lh i) 'race w ith tho promise i t i ia t hu w ould bo nam ed a ta to '

Do V ft lo ra Q ovorjim on t TakcB L o a d o ra o f RopiiW ican

A rm y in C u s to d y ,

n iT B M N . May 21 li'l‘i.-PreBl den t Ilum on d* Valoru'a govern' n irn t to d a y lauiichod its blgK<int »f(en&Wo ttgitlnnl nppnxHinn fac- dim s w ith the lirroiil nf-M iiurice

Republiea nnd Ills chief of

nd Coulvhniio , fflcers «

Iwnnch of tiw cWlo g w ...............they w ero leav ing a church, where they a tten d e d m am , n i Drumcon- dru, n su b u rb of Dublin.

B oth w ere hustled off to UrIde- well p riso n w hero It was explnlued tliey h a d Iwen arrested iiiuior the public l a fa ty aot.

T tie govornm ont long haa Iwoi actlvo a g a in s t th e I rish Ropubicai a rm y bocouiw of its opposition lo Do V alora’s policies 1ml tho a rre s t of T w om ey and Conlehane reni nanted Its b ig g e st move to dali.

«l.000,000,000 BOND JHHUI) WABlimaTON. Ua/ Ul (UJ'.t— The U , B. trea su ry will /k>*t ~ bond -Issue of |1 ,000,000,000 m ore on Ju n o 1, Heorelary n f the T roaaury H en ry U orgontliau, Jr. revealed today .

Uy JIORKKT 31. R K 'T (Ci)p>ri«ht, 1:mc; l;nit.-<l V I K S ^ X . M av 'i;;* —A

■'A \

•,:).'rs*. n.'iav.v,,.iir jji,,,,,,.. Ol'aor .smaller •Joveloiimonta af-V tiw ni'-'h* f-a.siior-Aleova in,V f.>rm” .) '' In

______ firm s sen t dum dum_ bul-;<lrafV''oV .a Vaw b v 'w h leh th-s coun-if‘‘^ ‘!?’ “ "'J developrtienlle ts to A frica, itr j- 'vouM h a v e ’ th rea "feuhrerJ.’ "

I ta l ia n new spapers fo r da>-s p a s t ' Thcv (i,o , h ave ta lked m ore and m ore o t th e S eh tw rhnlgc F irs tf'Contlnued on P ag e 3.: Colum a 1) I Chincell-ir K u r: Scljuaehnlgg, a.i

m lO N H

In W iuhlngton .Ick es sa id th a t If w ork Is -itop-

peJ, th e governm ent m ay be llab is ' _ fo r con triic lo rs’ dam age Suits.

-Aclintf H oclamationfm n t. th« com bl^M SonU.j,rlva“ p ^ ‘' f f Jirniies I ported to Ick e s th a t tho bureau of

Vico Chancello r E duard construction e m p lo y -von B arrenfe ls, a j na tional W in- ® new high todaym andor of the new arm ed " fn in t" V'

^ ' ’"\'.‘j : ^ o o K S ' a s n a t l o n a r S o listed^ p ro je c t. «natrU ctioa '

P o c a te llo M a n W ill S p e a k A s 188 S e n io rs E n d H ig h

---------B c h o o l-O n re ers

........ -A..iporLi iead.T and liSml of the Moilierh'X)-! Pr-itvL-tlvo fi.UDCiatlon.

Sohusiibnigg wouM tho au- prom o head. SUarheiii'>erg, how- cvoi’, d.'.Hjilii- tliu triv ia l ll lu la r n a ­tu re o f h is .itatiis, would t)« re.^tor-

' « l lo co-)j.iflr.n.i<m, K[u-U.»f IH>' tri- ■ llM Vlrale \>'>ul(l' lio to rm > l fucli-

G rond Coulee, .-i.TlS ii Am erican cana l. l.OOi w ith th« em ploym ent i>eak a s y e t to comei Boulder i\(»ni. 1,421; Caflper-Alco- va, 070; O gden riv e r pnpject fai U U h. 3M men.

en t ■ fol'n ex t fall.

S tep h a n 's lows:

‘I dr.siro to onnounc to Iho peO' lO onltauw l cm Pugo 6, O ilum n 3)

luallng . clH'w nf the Tw in F a lls luccurit th u d ra f te d law,lrw.lrA.4 /..n f.i.nl 1 ■« ttin.•.Mil.

high flchoi looked forw ard t '2Hth (innufti com nienoeioent um u- r ise s which will opi-n n t H p. m. today a t the gymna.sUiin-au.mor.

C A S E U N D M YW 'nlter H. Cleare, Pocatello bn

•■,ess'man, will de liver Ibe ooi. mBncoment ndilress and the (llpl<

J . W ard, prenli sciiooi tn isleos,

A n itw ocatlon w ill l»« pro- nnunced by Rev. W alte r K. l i a r

P in o T t'co O lub H e a r in g Q olt S t a r t e d A f t e r A c q u i t ta l

I n K i t - K a t S u i t

tr lc t cou rt th is a flcrnnnnBlx-man Ju ry , follow ing ............guilty v o n llo t retu rned a t 7:30 p, m, y e s te rd a y in an action against the K It-K a t club. Inc., and its pro­prietors,

Y esloriliiy 's case w as givon to the Ju ry a t i i3 0 p, m,, a fte r bthu- m oiils iiy P rosfloulor ICdwani Bab- eocU and by defense a tto rneys, j . W ...ro rtiir .-A nd .O ct .Chat>man. cf C hapm an a n d C hapm an.

T oday 's t r ia l h a s aa defondanU, th e P in a Tfw> elub, ln c „ and its p roprieto rs, W. K, Cam eron and o , o , oo lem an . T he sam e a tto ^ n w ar® a o lln g ta s In yesterday 's tria l. J u d g e T , B ailey L ee Is pre­siding.

Pondem Arn>r<l .Move*Tlio cab ine t iiu 'i'ting ai«-) conilct-

cdi'r; (1 | Heeoimiructl<n\ <tf tiic tii- th e risn d fn m t. Uie flcmi - prtyale

.urmlMi.wlilcU Include such uonflict- Ing riem cnta an H tarlii'm lx'rg'a Hi-iinvvehr und thn .ScliucluiidK*

U,<|| h.. ................... (IV (iiiori;.. ■''’"'■f Rtdtlu-r Cuthoiic ni.irm„ , i , p r . . i * o i „f ,>» iK »rd „r is

t>f llie new, gn'iit«T A ustrian arm y projHiOed In vlolatiun of the St,( jm n ii lu tre iily . ____ ______

IpleircimipitimTne (iTachurclii and tho henudlction w ill lie nuida by Rev. Roy 1C. H unie tt, r i r n t B a p tis t church niin isto r.

Tlie high K hool band, u n d e r the direction of J . T, Balnbridge, nml the g irls ' gieo ciub, d irec ted by Minn Cliirico Haumlerfl, w ill supply muAienl num1)ors. Hiipt. W . U. Hmllh, and Mra. C harles A . N orth , to r tlio Amorican Asitoclnllon of U nlveraity W omen, w ill aw ard Hoholarshipii, and tho c lass w ill bo presented by P ilu c lp sl C. l i . Bond.

Security D irecto rW ABllINGTON. M ay 21 <1H:'-

The aocial aecurlly boa rd today announced looatlnns and d irec to rs vC .U .tflglouiU ..aU lcaa..w U Q h-w U l

olil ago ben efit aiul ice piuvlBlona o t the

social aeourlly act,

.rT«.“S,' a „ , . : I..,.,.,M ontana, U U h, WyomlnK.)< H eber H arper, N ew Y ork C ity , dlroolor.

Fishing Paradise Forlorn Without Any “Customers”aU llor's no te— H erb er t h o e - '

ver spent m any eum m er w eek- e n d t a t td« oant|^ on ttt« Rapl* dan . Ha gave U to th e oquntry. w hen'he re tired , a a 'a perm anent aum m er W hite . H ou ie . preel>< (lent nefiMVelt, how ever, h a t

o ru liee and'v lalls to '.H f d e ’ p a rk

iraaeK *~aP a rk . The raeuU*

..._ _____ ■ fliherm iln 'eparadlM without a elnQle f(ah* e rm a n H * d m r llM d In ( N fel* lowlnn artlele.

p n i X s N T p l j A f i pO N THV RA PTO A N , V k , M y SI (Ut!)->7iil« ^ t i l l tU iftm tn i M n d tH € t i l l A m e r tM - tn i t tlie ry W V e j r o u l f ly on th e .

T here la nobody to apprecia te Ui only Uie ow la th a t roost In Tuatle ob ttnn tya, ih e vroodpeek* era U jal hav » to n e to m t k on H erbert H oover 's "dlplomatlo" log, and U ie 'ap o o H le lfro u i th a t

Ine toIrrita te them ,

f t P .

le tV K a B d .i

T h e gen tlem ea la these or- g an lsa tro aa .have betn goinff a b o u t,-Ih r tr taaVu w tth • deep fee llnv o f f ru s tra tio n —wonder* IPC th e tiie of malDtala- in g Uie .naUon'a m oat beautiful r u ra l rM re a t fo r a I’resldent w ho n e v e r usea It.

T t ie /v * done a plui-parfec t Job o r U o d l u th a rippling rills, lh a . le a fy l o w e n i u 4 M rs,

tlow M v. m a t n a k e t

P S S t eA «p n | ^ t f in s t ^ p h ft lot

the m ountalnilite for sev4n years, iho blrda.and tbe beasU were BD lonMoino Uiev atopned everything to wMoomiTniB.

Uven tw o rainbow trout came up from Uielr deep pool In tho lU pldan river to have a lo6k and only awam aw ay after de­ciding 4 w aa no prealdent. Tlie marlnea w ere A lf lt ty proud ot

T ti* 'V e iV 'tam a te n

m u M / im O M a n M l nnd (tah<

;k : S ' 3 | smade r«moua by tba R u ld e n t and Prlma H lnlatw , l > r e a l ( l a i i V a - « i > i ^ * n 4 - t i u

P rem ier's. T iiere w a sn 't m uah oholuei iwlh fe lt p re tty h a rd anil bum py to me.

T lie onrelAkera o f th la lo shoo aw ay th e woodpaoHera t . reg u la r in tervals a n a th e oon>

pM kera doa'ft like. O nly IDus, they aav, oaa Uiey p rese rve th a

tW .ttU I.^uw kV lon


T liousaibda o f Jo b le s s S la te d F o r W o rk a s 1137,000,000

I s R o lea ae d

nitun lion w hich some hitva fea m l m ight lead tu oivii w iir canir p rum plly 'a f te r HUrlicniberK' tu n i fnoiu Rome, w here he eoi o«l P rem ie r Henilo Muswillnl, jils

B'>d fnllier.


M a n , T w o W o m en B x p o o lo d to ■ • S ticc irtn b A n b rB I io o l i i i i j

A t B u rlfiy

n u ftL T n r, w a y a t (flpociui) -v ic tim s uf a triple shooting hero laet night were all oxpeoted to die. It waa reported io<lay by the phy- akilan a tu n d in g two women and a m an iit the irremstad hospital The doetor aaaftrted It w u hts tM lie f that "they can't live."

tranged wife. Opal Runats Dolaoot

calibre government automatla htmaelf.

ahut Self iQ Ilead Dotaon etw t himself In the head.

Hla w ife h u an uftly- wound through tha oheat »nd throat: whilo Mrs, Moore w as ahot through tha abdomen.

r a ic e aald Jealousy waa the tiva to r the triple ah "o o ^ Jp n ^ -fo llo w e d ,h e r to n '

Bjy ®•lir i. poU on , wh

'm llK N >t • t o o l

i ..............................

_ "«]? ViJTu:W u p lf ^ a b w a K U 0lt>S0 ,'teM M Uoa V m » v U ia t.D otM n

........ ^ • ‘f® 4

W A flH lN arO N . M ny 21 Tbousandg ' <»f lobiesa WlU "fUid w ork, to accom panim ent o f the hiss of sleam dredges nnd tho clat« (er of ]ille .iirlvers, os a resu lt of a- {i:i7,000.000 a llo tm en t, n^ade by ' the w ar depn rtinen l today to Im- prov<i A m e iln t’s r ivers und her*

I ’nrllons of th e v ast su m will go . lo ovory nnok and c ranny of tha lutllon. A llol/uenU run from the | 2S,000.000 cur-m nrkod fo r tm - ' p rovem ont of Ihu upper M ississippi r ii’or to a few hundred dulla is f a c _ some b ic k -w a to r creek.

Mostly N ew Prp]eetiOf th e |1»7,000,000 alloltbd to ­

day, |iaO,4nR,S3D will 1)0 used for naw p ro jects w hile «94,40H,1B0 will Im spen t In m iilntulnlng ports imd wat«rw M ys.-w hi«ji...«intedy-4u(va-: been Improved.

The money poured out t w as pmvWeii In the nnmial V nnd harbors act, passed wniflh appropriated' fi30,Tou,vuu for new port and waterway pro> iaats and >Ui,OT7,llO« for the main* lenance o f existing ones. Funds net allocated now will be appor* v tioned later by the w ar department . as the arm y corP"<»t englt^eort de* , cldas they m a y . be apent advAn*

I h iilin jec ta jforw M clT' money woa le t aaTde today b a v * '


W . W B ■

'W W :


Page fwo ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM F S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O T liiirsd n y , M ay ‘■*1. l:Hf>


" C o y o te ,” S tn d c n f Y ea r-B o o k , Is D etlic iU cd to L<ue - G covge W , M cK can

tins wr.-li In i..>Tinc-_With th .' fiiiM

Twin I'alis dux.l yc;i


I’ l.i.'inpH.


.•I'hilr.r is llilc S.tor, whc.so vi.-«Us\n .Titdltton tn

p iilitu .'-, iinil II

•Ir.luatKl to the' M.Kian,■l..,k pl.tc"I nnil fc.ciiltjl c.f nrKajiir.ii-.................... cvcrnl Rcrnic

Vifw.s pliotdKraptlf'l by C. E. Ja- cohv. luciil i'fjolu|;f<'i)!icr. .The aniiiiiils wtnl on wic Tiies-dn.v.Nine loon stuclrnts tinder llio di- rci-Iiiiii "f J. K. Tomlin, pp(.nw>r, and Hulh WlM'rnim, <<litur. j;‘'th‘ «rrd the niatcrlnt, wrc’tc find tditrd It. . 'M. C. niilloniror waa biisiiipffi,

O N i......................


noRcra Mrmcpriiil hospllnl nt Snr' anac. X. V. l^nlly the drive will Up siion-[jxnDUally.sored by Ibe Iilaho. Roxy and Or-i~_■phcum.lhcfvlers-A stnK'nicnt tn connrclioii with llic proclniij.itlon nays;

Honor Memory

Rov. E . L . W h ite , T w in Fn'.ls, A d d re s s e s IM G S e n io rs a t

Jo iiU E x e rc ise s

(.■rii.liiahn},- ria/v-;.' lifld In th.’ htfjli f'rlilay. wllli .1?( \rTwin Kiills, n.i ih

jCnpyrlcht, NK.\ Srr\lc'i'. IiH-.'prnnicB, by tlic wiiy, nre niiRlityTltt Foriiythiil is coiit. ihc whrp they Ret ,li>j;olhcr..11.- ri 1. .<11 V I I I-iTsh-iiii-, Kim.ihinc. inlllt and

vnr\i, intntionc.i In thi.sy .M.Hk. Oiil bark lilii.M wave .•liiMicn, Htii limv about beauty?

I tiifir i>liinics: liilljw iirj Ills imr- children stan-p for beautyiiUi' r.t (iliriition. Arc clou.it anU creelts iinilWiTixrr or KiUT.mrr-T-T.n yo binls-wnit-bnttgrfti

iftiii w.-,: I'lirsty for flowrrs that whereviT iind nevei '“'•■•c nittft he soroclbinK What n,;iu have 1 lo thrill ali I. Whltr, Rro' lnjr, if it in only a rarmt ir»I .-irraUor •' ‘-r " sweet potato in n

ilers of creaUon, or tr. frrl ihHl Cod'fl flowers are mine? Ni>ne at aH, They beltnifj '.k,‘oa>. 'rn'br^lo;;';,;';;:; ' My chief ad,e f,,r lu,n,a.my '”*•llfin, Mr. Wliil.-. .vahnntorv lhal !;o iniiDy have to live wltboiildrr-.>vs, Kt):oi Th.iint.jn; ,.|nM h.i- I'icm. And al Iht.i llmc of the ywir. ♦ -----—---- —--- -—‘-----+

; claNS •.nil,;"'>>h-ait ihls loveliness about, a FA IR V IE W |

U'liHrr II. C’le.irr, I>o<alrl]o liuiiin<«k num. uhii vtlll drllviT tiin Iiiiiiiiii-iuriiient .aildri- for the ‘.'Hth niiiinal crailiiiilliie <'\- rr.ls.- of tlu-'IVIn liilK hlth M'huot 111 1 he' j;yniuiis)n>n-uii.li> tiifliiin nCK ni. tidny.

Mik.- fUK:an; cl.tiw r.iph-cv, creeps over my.Mary Ell.n Chapman; vat.'.iii-torvi«y window Ia dres.-i. Harriott U ti r li h a r il; full of iioisc and ga.sollnc.' Mc-)nliV-hl !4<.ni:," };irrs };lcc eluli; ehlUlicn an.l babies in cranipeil prtsenti.ll..ii of ciKlh j;ra-le <liplo- ‘loorways.'iiiiu.. C !•: Ja.oby: i.rfscni;a.«.n . ncmertiber l.Mng, Tooo' hi;;h s.'hjK.l ilii>l.-ni;ts, Ikh- >n <' Memorial .lay

' ' m. M. Wliite;ci'b.«!>iiial, Aniibd H.n

(Msit Honorr.!l,i-l Til. niton [1

with It* leiiiier eeremoni bules of flower.s. On lli the Unknown Soldier vill lie. America will hii ;* homage to the unforp'

■ rairvicw Kctiool Is lo close ttite I'riiiay, when a short program rtarllnp at 11 a. m. will tje held, .'ollowc l by n toket dinner at

-rives noon.' In the nflemoon two ball il trl- ;:anif.s, one l>etwecn the mothers grave of and dauKhtera. iind the other' be- \ wreath t veen the fnthens and son.i, are to u paid its be playo l.(ieaci. Those -

•'.Shortly after the Int ■ huniorl. i lij.'ii a plan to perpetu'-! Mayor Fixes Memoriiil Weck:«te hl.'< menmry was begun, it was! »» nn no « . f [the desire i.f -•huiic t;f America’s'May 22-28 as Part c£ jKreaiesi pei.M.n.-aiiie,<* llmt ii fit-,

N.itional Drive tribui.' t.> w in Holers shouidj___ ;asauuic a cliar ictcr more liumun.'than 11 piaiiile Khaft _Ma-. .22-lii •ifl-vvlll br..scl..a£lile tablet. With tlil.s theme : as Will Unger..? Memorial week in ^Twin FailH. according lo a proc- Jo he'\Vm'’l'.(>ger»Itiinatlon is.sued today by Mayor cnmiiiis.«;on."Duncan McD. Johnston, The celrbiation <liiriiig the week

Tlitt (.b«m»„cc h In "f MW ^ 1" 2» “ill rancW.-.vith, , the dtiliculorv cfreinonieH at Sar-with the national campaign to be when the building cffielallyconducted .siniultnneoualy through-,becomes the Will Iloger.s .Vemor- ioul the United Slates, cooperat- lul hofT)ltr.l.'Ing with the theatrical profeSBlon ----- --------------in its drive for /unds (or the Will. READ THE WANT ADS,

Fnlrvlew who have

t -MHrioric.'.— ■ V ictor; typl.5t.s; .Mildre.l Kweel,:

u th le t« c<llto.r; Iris . <ft-(!l»an. lij,,, r rn ry edito r; D)ek Hepplerl group photo ed ito r; M iirgarel .Shown, ntl-' v lsory ed ito r; Leonard JijhnKton.

' lln ance editor, and Clyda Uotigh- ton . boy.s' ath letic e.lilor; Xellie

______ Kw er. 'j-enlor ,. repo rte r; M artha•>lori'h()Une. af.slstant e<illor, and . .

---------M arjo rie - Johnvton. -J»ke -t-d ilo r; ■ L n rg e ly --A tten d e d - F t jn c n il -Ir,--------------------- junior---------------------------------------------

• C j t r n t r r r :during the p.-'-.s

Ahead lie,s Ihe h eat cf Hiimnier ljC'ea neither a jjsenl no r ta rd y for .oplte for the very p<ior.,thc Kchool te rm are 0 e Lorla IJah n ,' , lire figh ting n figlil.'F-l.sle .Nlehel, Krne.st Peter.son,'

And now we have nnottier type' Bcm ard Wa£ncr._; Ruby__Priluclk,■ -------------- Va»\ -VV'amoi

ON....... ..... r , r'oI-Wie'moW5V'i6'TViinW-i «S—ono-RuUi Lelh. anil . KartMciiriH i-.s (.f the high ■‘'CJ’W’l «■«<>'tt1iai-b|dj - to mind these llving-Thosc on-the fnithfHlvjittendapce uaiing i-.;is v cie. Harr^v-.yiui-, j belli tW» with jiiclr«l»‘.,ar« Arvld'Hahtl, Sonia K cjar,'h..ni, KianU Biirlo-n. Mary-EI . •. Prlluclk. Eiden AYowl. Ter-'in.apman. Dorothy H-ast. On llej vacation home.s. outing farms ;non Barlgar. Aean Harding;, Jane MilUr, l-nmus iJwt i>.n Sp kpr, children's camps, all the va-,Glbb, and nAs IMcbel.

and Mike Ullican.|r,oj organizations pror.iolec! and! On Tiieixlny evening at Fa!r •le v manned by humanitarians are nl- school graduation excerciseat;r.i<liiatlng cla.-a were; Robert Ayre.s, Ralph ITcutt, Ronnie Col- • vin.- -Riip<‘rt - fkihxHuL'hen, - Lois

Wnn.ia..........• Booth, art r<l1l<ir; Miixine P. iioph<im.)'re reporter and Mu'rgan Baron, frosh rrportrr. K'nirm 'Jlwigc.'i, wa.s asslst.ml tii!.:i;(: manugor. ,

o o n d , i « c a a t r i i c r t „ r ................. Mrs. Miisgi-,iv

ready well under \v a v ,_ !n Ihc held fo r five pupils w ho_ . . . . la.Ht few years mo.* of them have g raduated from the c lg th grade, hall to stru g g le t o ‘keep going. J j i i f T n e r '“w rre - Jo y ce -Cnraoni Ja n e

........ .......• •••;: " u " u» hopt tiiifi y e i.r u win air c ititj. i nm* ;<ii:iiei. n . e,- c a wiiHr(:rav<'.». Ju n io r Miller. Robert }luff, Lg^^.j._- and A lfred D arigar, The followingand I .k'v, j - bfiievt- th a t n w .l people f e d .pixigrai.i • wa.s _ pre.senled: /a lu ta -

K iU ;!’., M.iy 21 i Spe. ial r -

BLISS j ;gnivr, - ♦ Whil':,


, I 'lv in Xoh entorlnlnetl for

1 fio abou t babies and ohilili en lo ry Jipeech, Ja n e Gibb; “I»vc'i ill th e sum m er, and about those. Old Sw eet Song," by a fiuarte l| tired mothcr.H who never sec b e -ti 'n ip o ;u d of L.a D ona S tew art,' yond th e eaves of the hou.-ics Ruth I / 'th , ami K ulherlno Brookii! acro.K.s the HtieeL and. J ia n lla r .lin g ; valedietorj’.

Money .Not Only Help lliir.s N i'jhel; g radua tion poem,| .•If' a 'lt iiiaiiy'w.'i'y'’ by w liic li'R " C."Cii»',lUI; clas.'i wlH. Atfrc-.Ii in help w ith the work. T here i la n ; :a r ; class p rophecy by Joycc|

. . . in.Mance, our ciir fo r th e C arw n; addre.'ui, D.D. Clbba. The.whii'h da in ty refrt.sh-|i}ay, o r ii contribution to nn em er- <iipiom»s were pre,sented by Emil

.•nu'i v i ic s-.rved. igviiey vacation fund. Or RiUlierinf,' H ahn. The p t^ g ia m concluOe^l w ith•MiH. C.edrge- McCullough an .ljiip an a rm fu l of young"lcr» fo r-n the e lp lh grade flinging "Auld

w htrh tlim g h trr r e tu m rd to - Hex>nirg;jaunt. ' ' LanffC iiv n c ." .................................... ........................... M 'here th e re is even the sm all The Superior Rcliool seventh

•rn,-, ....... .............................................-.......... -.............. - — *’’ ’'"d - r ig th g rade rs took th e ir fx -rei--.rt a n d -^5'"- t - C. niiliian, T . I '. W ilson M able a:i.t A m y Skidm ore accom-H isually fom c w ay to do il; and.iiiiiination.s in Ruhl IhLs week.* T* • n ...1. ............... ' ..... r 11. — .......... T..-.T. /rj.:*-- .M.V j ' ‘


The Rltss 1-idies' Aid Sf'Cicty. met with Mr-s. A, H. ilMider.son,: e,ipa'.i!y 'rhur,"<lny afternoon, with Mrs. profu. mn of IlLcdtriian Jiud ilra; Tra.hil'BrayT''’'!''''“‘'-'“

' W alter ,M',is- a f f.v frlend.s .nnrt relph tx irs from ] 'Itr . K. I..'N ..rtbv iew one day la.ii weok. T he’-.vc ,, , , ,

ills, an.! R.'V. I. S. artern<"'n wa.s p ic n t In playingri,^, f<>r in.Mai ..1. 1.1__ *___ ___

.f floral o ff.rnnil the i

e.iiil.s afle i

iKi^tesRCR. A b o u t .10 n iem beii M usgrave was lu l . l , ' .^iu^ie Sunday a f te r sevxral wesk.s w itn i « i ie r e iip re.ifn t. T he qu ill xyn.i f i n i s h - i l a u K l H e r , Mrfi. H. C. Bon^ir. (frac lu in of

• .1 ..MW ..i<' treasure....... ...... - ........................................ -....... - —....... « iT i 'ta r y ’.s report, \vere rcail. The"'’’” ' ' O. W aU er. w ho 'sa n g s .v - 'p a n ic l tli .m for an Indefinite 'vLi-, • --- -------

Ti' Xt m eeting Ls to be M ay 28 w ith *^rai releclions. anil Mr.=, Heein lii’.l it w ith th e ir parents,M rs H arokl n am ilton . .M rs.:R ay L. Shearer, who ,'.^^ng a ' M rs. E lhel R onar and ; H arry

■Jliu! Su'niihine club m e t Krlday^diieC a t rhe graveside. .have .rc lun icd_irtjB i.j;B ill.,.O iaa_w ilh .Mr.s. W illiam Jk a lh . Tiventy-1 P allbearers wero Mr;-. M u s-arco m p an ied by h e r parentB, Mr. one ladto.s w ere present. Mrfi, Kck-iK raveH sons. W aller :jlusgrave. an<l Mrs, N , S, G irler , in d J.

___ t r l iind w ore viiitura.!Clyde'M u-Sgrave. H arry .MiiiJgrave, .W ilfred C arter , a, ncpliejv, ofThe prog ram ■ opened w ith M r."..F rank M usgravu ilnd H owar.l M onte V ista , Colo.

- C u t r ig h f in charge. A M other's day'M iiBgrnye, am! a grandson, K d - , The N orthview g range met F ri- . a k i t w aa read a n d cach lady g a v e .w a i .l Mongnive. H onorary p a ll- /la y <.venin{j w ith a •g<x«l j^(lend-

"■ »om'c ou ts tand ing memory ‘of h e r 'b i a r ir s inciuUri! ‘'K Iiit'7 ifrCa«lrv7':Tnrr,“ ■Ml'.r” Gertiu<Ju T T B ig ' had •jiioUicr l o r lo ll call. Franel.s W illiam Price, F rank D eK lot/, T . chargO of th e Ic^cturc hour, and

. B u tte r gave a eong and tap dunce. D. Wilson, R. J, ICherfcoie and E , A. p resented aa M emoriaf day,,pro- M.fl. C u trlg h t onnot;ncc<l th a t the ;D eem . 'g ram :, "Ovlr Soldlerw" sung by thenew leade r m ight be 'A t.th e pt•^ll A t llic gcAve«l.!e In F ile r cetne- g ran g e ; reading, i l a r y Conratl;Tneeling w hich will be hci«l Jun.- 't e ry the FIUt chapter. O rder of song by tho grniigc; • rccltjillon.11) w ith M rs. H enry Root. T lic ithe E as tern S lar. wa.H In charge of Je an C onrad; uuel, M iriam .and w orK wa-s ft dem onslrntlon <jf rug th e Kervice.«, . Rolle H a r t; recessional, Mra, Ruth

I Mr.s. Mu.sgrave, a pioneer of the Curring ton , |4,trai-l. and ii rviildent he ie since F rancia E . C larlqof Kans.i5 City,

.m aking by Mrs, Root._____________________ j t r ai-l. a nd ii rviildent he ie since F rancia E . C larlqof 1

M RS. .f. E . H A VES HOXOREDTTPtnTTTie.l .Siilmday of a h eart .a l-'M opped over Sn1ur<1ny to v isa— PO CATK LI.O,-M ay-21-(i^P '‘4'‘Hl — A sm all oak tr^'e <m the campuii fcf th*- t;niv<‘iviity of M alm; ^ollth• crn branch. Is being dediealed In h onor o f M rs, John E, Hnyes. pa/il liri'.Udent of the Idaho S ta tu Con- U rcM of P a ren ts ' and Teuchcra.

n .k-flU lho-f(im lly-hom e~M st-of-.M r.T ind-M l'3rJnV 7-N tfaI"and fam - 'hw ay. .lly. They w ere form er neighbor.')----------- ;------- ;ti Ruffaki. Wyo.' Mr., Clarft wiis

<1 about on hla w ay Ic Scatlle,Ducli huntei'fl SO pet* cen t In M lnnenota du r 'ng Ihe Infit five year.s, w hile ' ducks have decrtftfied 'about 75 p e r ’cent.

C H A L L E N G E W E E K - E N D Jt C i) . C R E A M S P E C I A L


J l . ip le I ’oem i’— .\l;u '.nseliiiio l* iiicap p lc — C hoiio l.iti*

A sk fo r These n t Y o ii r F a vo rite F o u n tain


K B ip» m M n u o ' IV MS. I . rwcH a eo., m , ICMMEV, PA.-MVISIMOF ICKINICY PRDDU0T8 C0„ INO.

Copyrinht. igiB, jo b . r. imnch a co., inc .

y iiu rsc ln ):, Bfay 21. 1M 5 ID A H O E V E N IN G ,T IM E S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O ? A g e T h ree -

G R A O E X E ffiSC om m encem ent, B a c c a la u re a te

S p e a k ers S e le c te d f« r U . o f I. .

Tow nsend M eetin H eld a t H agerm an

LNIVERSJTV OF IDAHO, Mos- C'lA-, May 21 (Spccinl) — Com-iiu»nrAmnnf n n /I----*.ilH-altfM for the U niversity of Ida ­ho's 4lBt commcnccmcnt, June (i,7 and 8, have been annoutfecd, by I 'ioaldeht M, G, Ncalc.

BUliop Tllua Lowe of Portland . C.O., will deliver the baccalaureate Hormon and Dr. A lexander Mclkle- jo in, form er president of Am- li' r s t college and now direc tor o f

- 11 ! Center fo r Social Scrvlce a t S; n FrancUco, the com nxnccraenl mJdrosfl, to tbe la rg e s t.g rad u a lln g cliisa In th e history o t ^he univer­s ity . Fou r hundred and th irty -tw o applications for degrees, 363 bech- elors and 00 master*, have been (vl*l w ith the unlveralty rcR lalrar. Tlilfl potential g radua ting c lass of 4C2 cxcecds by 62 the cloaa of 1D35 and by 28, the la rgest previous RradtintinE proup of. 40-.'in 1932.

Hlslorlcol Dan(]uet In recognition o f the fac t thiU

lliLi year m arks the 40th annl- v^r.iary of commencomenU a t the

'- - '^ rn lv c r s l ly o f Idaho, the4ostltu ti«n— Rnd-alum nl.ara-coopccatlpK in a,

J - lils to ric a 'C .,.h ^ u e t- ^ t e a t u r t ? A ln m n l dajr, SnTuKhft-.^une tt. P r . '

Jan iea -A. MacLean, third president of the unU ertlly . serving from

■ 1900 to 1D13, is being Invited to the can tp ia as the Ruc.it of the oc.a.iion. Invitations also a re 1«-tnT -scn t-to -the-th ree-ltv lnR -m «m .hers of iho iinlvor(ilty 'i-flrat graUt.

h t'tt Johnston, Porllnnd,D r. C. L. la r l lc y . Challls,, Idaho '^ji; an l A rthu r I’. Adair of New York- u Th.' f irs t RrAduatea of tho Uistltur i; tion will v.’clcome to alum ni ran k s ] the largest g raduating eia.<w,ln th e . ] Vnlveralty'a history. S a t u r d n v |

ornlng Phi Beta Kflppa,' scholsH-| ]— t t r honorary,-w ill hold IL i-tra .J l- .-— honal Inilltttion c o re m o n l» -T 4 ii: j

alumni ossoclallon will have iw ;■ annual business mcetlnR a t noon,; ;

Baccalnureute Suiiduy ■ Baccalaurcatc services will be, ; Sunday-m orning a t 11 o 'e lock in- the luem oib l gymnaalunV | :

O ther Iraditionol.ovflnts on hae-. ; calaureate Sunday will include a | lunchcon for mcmber.s o f the boar*lt - of regents and official guests niul, , t i e reception by, P resident anil; ; Mi.s. Neale and the rcgvni.i in hon-| ; o r o t the graduating cias.^, the ir; parents, faculty, a l u m n i a n d ,

. Jvicndi o f lhc_unjverslty^____Commencement proper will b o ,,

itonday m orning. June 8, i ii'clock in the memorial gymnn- .sium. The eommtncement Hpcaker, L-.. Meiklejohn. is a widely known w riter on educatksnal and social subjects. He athieved wide dis- Unction for his odm lnlatratlon at- ' Am herst college. He is - th e au th o r , o f several books, the la te s t being . '•W hat Does America M ean?"

Following the commencemc . txc jrclses a luncheon and Informal

-^ o c U p U o h -fO J^ V le - tin s r-o rT io so , pa ren ts; guests, alum ni, and fac- u lty will bo held on the cam pus

' lawn. A flower show, sponsored by lU t university botany depart- nienl, is held during tbe com- i enccmcnt period. This has prov-

— id one o t tha m ost popular f e a tu r ' es on the program.

Friday , Miiv 281.) F reddy M artin Orch.1 Popular waltzes J Bar*M Ranch Hnnils 1 -'The M ystic"I) Jungle Jim1 World-Wide Trausm dio news •) Dodge A ll-Star Uevue i t l a r ry ilu sg rave Show I) Bar-M Jliinch H ands from..R fldiP laad_______ ___ _______^ E vening Itiq u est Hour 0 Bar-M Ranch H ands from

Railloland 0 Signing off lime.

Sulnrduy, Mav 231.0 Farm er.i’ B reakfast club 5 V ic tor Band concert D F a rm Sc Homo flashes 5 G eneral m arket quota tions 0 M orning ilevollons 5 WorM-wlde T ransradio news

flashes0 Sunshine Boys vocal selec­

tions3 Brunsw ick Concert Orch,0 Tom m y Dorsey Orch.5 H arry F . Reser Novelties

Robert OlSon Vocal Selec­tionsOpening m arket quota tions '•Suoli 9 C harm ing Young M an." rlramaEvening Times news flashes Sol K. B righ t and H is Eh- te rla in e rs - Interesting : Pi^p ie In Nevni'.

) intH In Rcvuo j Tw in F a lls m arliels 3 Ja n Pierce and Tom m y

Tomlin vocals07.zie Nels»n and H is Orch.

5 Johnny Noble’s Hawliliaiia ) Benny Goodman's Orch.) Clo-sing m arket quota tions ■) WorMwide Trananullo Jiews D hate.st dance releases 5 V aughn DeLeath & F ra n k

H arris 's ing ing D John McConiiacIc

lections - - - .5 V «rnH n-D «»m rt-H ill-. Blily

Favorite*!:) Roy K.jx and His Da.

Orch.S Rudolph Frlm l piano selec­

tionsJ E vening Times hews flashes ) A fternoon Request H our D John Cliarles Thomas 0 M ills-B m thera Novelties S La^c.<i and Honey Sungs Moods Musical

3 K rongel Band Concert 0 TimCB and Tfansradiu

flashesn Cor^il Islanders ____ '___ 1> Ja m es Melton vocal selec­

tions ................

HAGERMAN, May 21 (Speclttl)One hundred people « t th e Town-:

:» tn d d u b m c tU n c M o iid ,s -c v c ii ln B :v ,,,f ,.^ .,i „.j., _ c«rM n(r a t the Re-Organized U. D. 8 , ,c liurcl. Heard U ro rjo DaUor, o r e . " '" ™ " ™ " ’ f P " ' " " " “ " - gon. apeak on "How to Vote fo r ' 's h in g trade of w hich V ienna h e ld • tho Townsend Plan." ‘a v irtua l monoiwly. Is dying.

Tho CUlmuiar ('lul> will m eet a t ' th<> Ii<mip of ftps' Mollie Nnlilc--r,i’,)

\Vednc'^.liiy, .Miiy L-T. w ith Mra. hi:< 1-r-irtor u.h pin;;ni

Northview School' ................., Slay (Speclal)i

■nt cxerclsc.'! fu r th ri


rl Mr.-<

"MuHlr Ileii.ler.

. A. Alt devo- will ]Sen. W. Glauner apoke on "The! Simon Schlld. wliose nam e wan

Townsend Plan a.s , o ChriR tlanlf'‘>''°‘'s among the pipe Hmoki-ia M ovement." O ther speakers in-,<'f the worlil for his a rtia tlc w ork lUrvi-v M rieluded S. E . Sayre, p resident o fl'llc 'i here a t the age of 68, alm oHt;|,. Arnolil and Mrs (•.■orp'i* I Mi the Townsend club. Bliss, a n d W il-!ln oblivion. T;vo o ther nin»tet-.H' 'liam Gould, Wemlell. A <Ielesailonl-''till survive, but none of th e iii,,.r -„ ',i ,,v eii.-h imc t i loof Townsend cliib m em bers w as .ev er a ttained tiie fam e of Schlld. |,rinir-icue.Ht '

W endell' J’oi' "'hose pipes and c ig ar holdi--° I ‘

ClIIKllKl-fn-.shir.i-n:.! \m -i '.--rv.-l

hy M n SUM'lHiiiilh-liihn l!:ixli-i' nil ,.I.i-;in,.- Ti'-.,-

il"MI lit Kinibi'i'ly, r i'N nni‘ 1 l,i Kiiiil:i-il.v .ifli-i .s|i,,ii,l,r;;

. iQ Uiiii' 111 C'.tliluriii.i, H-nry (Iivcn.s. 31 . l - l t l.i.st

will. lw.a..a}Mi«tol-mu»ii<u*l-d-i} -ftJi Marvjvii;!.-. C a lij.. -y.luin- a t Ihp Cliiircli cif ih - N.iz- h - will he enip:.^-,-l Sunday a t 11 a in. TIk* ' ' ' ' *'1'.' <-Iji>*h.'. <>( iii.- K'm.-

1 q u a rte t of N. N. C. o f , >’.-rl.v snhuol.^ hoM Ih.-u- aniiu.il j.ic- N anipa will be thi're. Tho q iia r to t, Wcdn'-nd.iy Th'- lii^;h -xi'hii.,1 is saiil to be one of tlir beat m ' ' Vrnt in a b i.ly to the lian-

iwe.st. Rev. W lllanl Hall, bury niilatnrlvrm anil th " rla.s.>ii'S of N, N. CV. will be th e ," f 'h e grail,• Hehn'i; w.-n- .-iciutcrr'l

ja t plai'o.'* of inlon-sl thruii(;hinit emoon and a dance in the evening.] The cla.is of 1020 of th e ' K im- thi- valley.

Beginning Monday n ig h t, th o jb e r ly high school held a rcunlim l Dr. and Mrs. J. N . D iivh .spent ITownseml club w ill m eet every lln th e c ity park Monday a fte r- last week-end v isiting in Itoi.nv M onday evening, w ith every finallnoon . A picnic dinner w as aorved Mrs. N. A. B a rr i.-i aerli.iinly ill m eeting of the m on th a social ja t noon and th e afternoon w as a t her home hen-, h av in g .-iuffored m eeting. [iipent v isiting school buildings and a stroke hi.sl Sund.iy.

IdiiOl'tlled w ilh ' artiR lira llj^ carved 'jp 'py , Follow ing the m eetings commit-M 'ons. dngs, bearded philosophers .j,

.OS from the different clubs m e t['"■ naked Venuses, e norm ouslo iu r; and discussed plans for th o T ow n-;P‘ 'ces were paid, aena club d istric t a ll-day picnic ________________to be held a t the Coltliorp p a rk i ,..,v ..... ..hero June 18. A rrangem en ts [gram and a baaket dinner. T here librarian mode for tho program fo r th a t day will be-another address in th e a f t -1 rpoaker.include an address by M ayor Ma- -------------- ' - ------' *• ' —honey, L a G rande,. Ore., w ho will a rr iv e fo r the picnic by plane, ond — address by A, H .-Lines, Merid-

. A parade a t 10 a . m . will bo followed by the speaking pro-

mltli.l-.m:il.l,.Mi'XillyAt’iir.H .‘ iKllh. iibM-iii 1 (jiild .Hi-.il hull,,' n-ailini; t.i Kn/.i ii.i UiiUliinsi.:!.

.................. Mrs. I..Hvr.-nrr Van R ip er 'c n -hi'Ur .\J<jiiilayil''rt;iliu'r| thi- ."-iiin Snurl contrftct-

iuitlitoriimi. Thp[hrlilj;i- i iiji, at luni-h.-cn T uesday.playi'il l>y M rs.,C lub giic.sH MtH. P a rk in g -

LV ' S.-li,,..! I)ay:.,' ;f-.n, .Mrs .1 li and M rs.•V M:iliitii!'>ry hy llto llo Uninnan. Mr.i. Van R iper ili-ilii'l 'ly by Ro- >v,m hi{;h jjtizc. '

r iuh ' .M.1I0 l.y iliih: I.li;i|,i,-, s. I*. 1:. O.. held . ;Ki-iiir.I),ir.li‘ l t'V lf i l i.'it i::i-)-liii;.- In-ftiro the sum m er • ii.Mir.i.T l.y H.'v. i.-c.-^m M.,ii,l,iy a tle i noon in tho

r<v..’!i(,iiioii of di- I 'litii of a juirly for the eh lld rea H urt; iin-senta- a t th i' imm r of Mr.” John L untey .

I)v Mm I'a rk o r; MIsh lt--ttv I,imf,-y jilnyod a piano • KdiUi-H..),.: (-|,.,r lo itr Sm.lh-K'n p ia y rd 'a

AUio Vuu P a l tc n enii-rtalned

I. N rlly , l.luyd (;.-j.ln.'li.


ilh a Vocal clui'tM r./an.l Mrs H arry W righ t hav«

.H rvci-ivl'd word tliat thi-lr son, .1 a nophoiiiore a t tho U nl-

Dl.i .'iiiiil'i, I.Uiyil (looiirich and V'jv’ity of Iditlio, wa.i pledged 'rc- I’auli'i" .St'iUp.ibeVry; grcjiip of tw o i-en',ly to national bu.mne.ss incn 'J si)nt;.i by ilii' gr.i luati-.-. ;.'r'.item ity, Alpha K appa Psl.

The at;ig,'- wuh d.-r, ; .itoil w ith ---------------------- -------the cl.i.-t.H r"!ors, pink an-l green The Ctvll Sorvice li'ugue ro­und w ith llie fliv.vcra of l*i'; se ason .;p iv ts th a t approxim ately sri.OOO

• ....................- jw-nmon a re employed by th e U. S.RK.\1) TIIK W ANT Al>S. Igovornnient.

Tw enty-five vaeancles In the /iifantry. and 10 In tho q u a rte r­m aster i-orpii III the H aw aiian U- liinds aro now oiwn lo qualified young 'm en of tho Inte: a ri'a .-areo rd lng to an announce* m rn t hv C(i1. W illlanl C. Webb, nrniy. recruiting dtth-er. Tho men . ill leave San Knineiaco. Calif. <1)1 Jiini' 2.1. <in Ihe a rm y trans- j n i t (Iian t,

Applieantfl m ust be IH r Vi-iirw of »i!e; iilng i- and, wUhoiit

Tirpi'adi-tila; <-t pixivi-ii" giiuii I'ltar- ai-li-r, and able to piinii the phyal- .vi\l TlviMi' lii'twe14 and ;JI yearx of »)!<’ miifit h aw tho wrlUi'U f inni'iit o f tin ' ' I'lliH.

To bn aiirn of obtaining

applieatliin a t <inne. In peraon h 'tte r to tho n 'c ru lllng offlee <'nt Iheli' hi)iao. These iiffieoa » iu loealed in llie NuJii building, S alt

.L ttlw jC lly ;. . t ln NnUqno'- Armory. Pnivo, tU ah; and In tlu

p(,Ht olflcQ . htilhllngs In Ogden, l/ ta h i lloUio and 1‘ocntello,

Buhl Club Members ^ S la lo . Flow er Show/ i n j l i u Mny at (Bpeclnl)—T he

O arden Krleml# oluh anil flowor invor/i or t in rnm m im lty w ill «iton. nor ft flower "hnv/ f latun lay nt the Kvaiis un<l Johnson furn itu re Htora. All am ateur flnwiir grciwori may e n ter flower* grown by themiielvo* and all nulrlen m ust bo In the storo bv nrxin, It la ntalod,

lOiK'h en tran t will bo permiltuil l<i .Mhil.lt aw iiKinv flowers as do. «)red. N o.nw avd will he Riven In anv elaSH Mi whhih lew llmii thron d^tovi'Ut liidU’Uttinld havo antcrort exhllilln,

A w aida wUI ha given In thu tol- liiwlng’ fivn elaRSrnr (7olleell<in or lint, lean lliiui Ihrnn pennierf, one va iletv i rollf'rllnii of iinl lens than Mix tuUpu. one typo; uollenlion o t hcit leHM Ihiiii th ree Irln, one va

. riely , a rraiigem ent for lunelleoi table irernr,1ilon.- ronlalnnrs luiiat liii hlipplleil liv eiiti'aril, uIhu iiecea- iMiili's If d ixheil; inlKed hoiii|Uel ariangiid In any eonlaiiier;

•• I of tiowera.

liiK 1(1 riiiwerN aijd nnnnH oinents.

N o (wo (olal eellpRri n m iiatijx'n •'.MiMf caeli o lher lliun 177 duya.

M o o n ’ll P n l iit a n d f n r n , S to re

B ub M itiie r'i) Snl'oi Oo,

Wllfloh's Jewelry Ilulit A . C, Ti'ttVlli - Kllei' . •

H . A H, Ti-adx Ktore - (loodliiK '( Irv g u ry ]UrUwui‘o-wKu|M>rl A. H, ( lera rd itudUi, Rod iiikI

n u ii HurleyIiot> Mllnnr Bnleii Co,— '

(lemiKirnrlly lAcaUd w ith Avery T en t A Awnliif(> Jvrum o

P a g e T o u r ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S , T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O Liradny,- M a y 21, 103«

THI.KiMKTNl-: :i8

K N lC .M A

.K. I ’.n m li , \i'\ 11' ' il n il l l i c 11.

POTS h o t sThe G entlem an in

th e T h ird Row !'

FO ttY and FAREWELL By Marie Blizardo HEA S«rvicf. t.%e.

nrm ?* h k h r t o d a yIDA nol'KNK. 30 T ta nr >iid ■oriallr piomlBCBl UilMIr Innn n( Newtown, In*

CIIAI’T K ll V . T7 OII fivf luiurs l.liu la iicd; 1 mil ililiik lit Ulx ror c

liii- iiil'

.if 111■ w lii.


n j i l i c i i r s l o I I I ' l . i L i i i ' i i r i i n a i - i i ' s .

.Mik 'I i lo tiHi .lisn p iK iiiih i ii 'i i t .Is nu t, i iM \ i i i j ; I .. l« ‘ l l i r iio ]iiiI I>n'siniH '< l III- W diilil iii ;ik r . lOvcii

'■ \ \ lio D pposi- liiH i . r c .- id f i i l i i i l i is i» ii;i i i<ins, it. w iis .f i- li ili t f ic v i 'c y 'i i a in c o f H o ra f i \v .) iilil ; i1l i 'a . i ;i in i im la r id l . i w iij;; g m i l l y in o f lliiil. w l i j r h llu - j . - u i r W .i lf s . . fai- l ia s(.■Niitiiiti'.r ____________ : ______ . •. . .

i V r i . Y u r V i T r o 7 a - K i i r j ' . n s : < ' . I n 'f i'inow J-r.sY iriT ii T iT iT io s i 'h ii r 'ir iM M isrlT /fo i- ri;rU iiiiI,v h<- iiriiw ."

lilH p o l i t i f s . (ii- 'h li(tiil.l.] f llo i- i ih i s o n ly i i r i i . i i i i - l ii iiiM 'lf f.u- l i i . s 'w i i a to r i a l i-aiii

] )a i;:i i in l . l a l io a m i |n v } ia i- iii i ; I n iii tn ic tin? H t 'i in l i l i f a i i c a n —d iih iL e ii l , H o ;m -t|( tii"_ e ]w a y a in . J h i l'~TtTi)lrti'nl"wif^iMrrp.tJ in t Iip r n i i fT . 'i rv ,’i f 1r i i n r f n )ir'TtvriynTnp(<

GOOD OLD O K OIN A NC n:Try sbortcnkc and 'i-»uitrc<l Clillit nl


lioy tio ti:itl l)r<!t rcntrnln lils nolhc 1 snylne


■ iiboDl thcfjTrt KiVtf-l

I t u y whiit stole tlu i nils o tit .u f D iinc .Joh i Oft'. I'U look II llttli; out I nuK -.hasta he w iujtca « —lie- m tK hf be 'ifom boxiT oiil of th e r ir

— D tn T hlnkln’

t l ia l , 111' w i l l il.'M Tl, t in ' K c |n i l i l i r a t i pa i-lT ,T lia L w o iik l 1.U toi> im n .lu o£ u ’ jjoo il t i l in g f u r tl ie

D .'in .M 'ia ls '.

.M K K T T l l H U W I T H A S M IM O *• R a h i i - i l a j l lu i w o m e n o f T w ii) F u l l s r i i i l o f l ln ' A m i’i'

L c f i io i i A u x i l i a i y w i l l lie o n t in t s t r c i i l s w i t h b a sk iit i n o m o r i i l l p o p p ie s t o In: w o r n in l io n o r o f l l i c W o r l i ! W a r d r a d . T h o y iv i l l w o rk l l i r o i i t 'h o i i t Iln> d a y , d i s l r i b i i t i n 'g tli l i t l l i ! r o d f lo w e r s a n d f;jU lu’r h i g c o n t r i h i i t40jin f o r f l ie w r l

. t a r f l o f t l i a d fK a b lc d iv n r v e t e r a n s a n d tlio fa in i llo H l e f t in n w i l l>.v till} d o a t l i o r d iK u b ili ly o f a v e t e r a n . T h u i r n n s c l f i s i i

- e f f o r l H w i l l }»}ve «vi*ry i n d i v i d u a l a n o j i p o r l n n i t y t o p a y p e r s o n a l f r i b n f o to t h e n n m w h o th«‘i r l iv e s f o r l l i e c o i i n l r y , a n d to e x te n d a h e l i i i n g l i a n i l t o th o s e w Iio .K acri ' f i c c d l ie a l t l i , K troii;{)h a n d liapp iiii 'K ii o n ll ic n t t i i r o f p a -tx 'io tif iu i. ........................................................... .............. :

T h e a u x i l ia ry 'T \o n i ( ‘n a r e . t h e w i \ ^ , m o i l ic r s , b iK te rs a n d l<1ang lir(* rH p f^ iW Iw lio _ K i 'iw ^ ^ w i r , T h o y '\ v i ] l ”Oo" ll ie

h a r d , u n a c c u s to m e d W(u-k o f P o p p y D a y w i t h o u t r e c o in l>onKe e x c e p t th e V n o w 'le d i;e t l i o t t l i c y a r c l ie lp iu g k e e p b r i g h t t h o m e m o ry o f w a r d e aA a n d l ie lp in f i k e e p h o p e In i u t h e h e a r t s o f th o s e w lio o i e b c a r l i i i ; ^ h o w a r 's b n r d o n o f s u f f e r i n g a n d p r iv a t io n .

M iH-t f lu n i w i th a H inllo.

I ’O L IT K . 'S E X C L I ID IC I )A t a ( iiiic w h i'n l ii^ h lls in ( '^ H -an d (In ' H n n ^ o v p T f 'a d n iln

f « ( r a t io n h lia r p ly d is a j ; r c c o n n u iiiy iy>in'h', i t in s in i i i f i c a n t t ly t l t h e I 'r c ^ i i ic i i t h a s i ;a l l ' 'i l Iti i n d i i s t i ' i a l leiidi.TK f o r a<l \i f i* . . • , • • .

T lir .s r T ila n K o f f i n a n . r , h > I o K pcal:, iir- ' s u p | i o s n l ' t o a id llW' < 'h ii'f (‘X i'i;n liv i‘ in fo i'M inlatiiiK ' )>IanH to n p i'ri l u p v r r t a i n In d u k lr it 'H , s m 'h a s r a i l i ’o a d iii^ ' a m i lioiihlnj:c.

T h i s iK a s i t K hm ild lii>. T in ! iin c n ip lo y n n -n t, p ru li lv n i i;

fa iv lim > Jlil .lio |ilJA ’?‘.. K i.tlM'l- in iJU o im .m u s l . J .n y J i:a o i l . t l 'J i i i ' |n n u 'i i t . doli'H , o r in d iih li'V n iiiH t nl>Koi'l> t li i 'in . T l i i in r i> n o n l l i rn iillv i* . 'J 'h r i i ‘r»n>. il. ik i m p o i l a n t t h a t |>l|{ b n s i ni'NK, ri>;;ardt<'f;N o f v l i a l il th in k N , ^ h n n h l l a k r u lia m l In W a h li in K lo n .

W lia l lii^ ' liU hinr^^ k i v .s tn M r. I(iio h ' \ . ' I i, m id liow il v o l r s n i'M N o v i 'i i i l i i r a i r l u o n i l i n ' l v d i f f i 'iT i i t ro n .-id •■ ralio ii.., ' •

A ( l lM ) l ) ()U T 1 ,(M > KII Ih a h v a , \ s l i i ln T M iin ^ a m i i j i i i l r o fl--n itiN jiiiin ^ ' tn Innk

n f t lu ' w o r ld l lin n iK h III.' ly>;> o f o n e w li.i h an liv e d h .'i '. ' a loMK liiM.-, ^.'••n ni«ii-li, a n il ............ .. a U'w s n l i d r.iiirliiKi.in^^.

' A l 7 0 , l i i h h o p V V illiiiin T . ... .......... odVrM jn H hii. li a n' ( i |> |i i i i 'h in i ly . I n l i - r t ii-w cd o i i .I i I h I 'ln m l l i i r l l id a v , t l i r I'in

in i 'n l r h i n v h m a n hi-ld n n t a r l i . r i f i i l v i . 'w 'o f I'li.- f n t n r r “ lii-H plti- Ih o n n i 'iT ta in l .v n m l ro n fu M o n w h l r h cx iM l/

111' d i i - la iT . l , " I ) \ .) ii ld Miy l h a t < luriiiK m y lir< lim (! 1 h a \ i dlHi'i r n c i l n g r o w t h H tntniff p<‘o p lc K » 'n iT a lly i n m orta l r o n M io ilsn i 'h s , . . . W o m a y n o t a « ri-n w i th n i l , th e n ic a n n r n I n w a r d th iH r n d w lile li h a v e iii'i-ii a d o j i l c d ; in ’Vi-rlhrli'XH, tin f 'i ' t n 'r a l H pirll. o f Ih o liliit'H In t h a t im -ii c iu i n o IoilK<'r K<> a l o n f ' M ie ir o w n w ayH u n in ln d f n i o f llm r o n d ilin i iH o f « illii 'r/i ,”.

III (li<! l i ^ l i t o f h i i ia i in liiH l.iry , t h a t , in d i 'r r l t-i n r . |i 'p . f o r w a r d f o r h i im u ti i ty .

.M O 'l'O U I 'H V r iK U .O U VH n l n . i ' I l ....... .. o f inoH a n io n io l i l l i ' a i'i- iilcn t- . tn pKy

r l io lo ^ i . 'a l f a . 'lo i 'h , hi lM itixlN t id l uh. itn d th«- r<'iil .........b 'lrI 'lin l«> I n t . '. ' . I lo .......................... I l ...... ........ hivi- « f x p .'. 'd ,h im v w ilv , o r f x r i l r i m 'i i l .

Il miil.i-H ............. o n II llll^v liiiUnMi.v IIm'M' .h iy r. a .Ian -I 'l 'o iis lin>.|iii's>:. W h a t lo .1.1 a l io u t 11'.' T in ' |i) .v .'l io |c .|; l,,in i i l f iT M 'M Tiil h ii|; i:i" .|io m ..

T h .-v w .n ilil , l o r o u r tli i i . |. ', p r o h i ld l M im e pri'hoiiN fiVmi.lr i^ i^ l ; ; a l n i |; l i l ........................ . iM '. 'n l i i i r l l l . i i o f v 'ih lo ii; | I k'.\W 'liil.l i ' i ' . | i i i r i ' iilluTM \ \ i l l i h iu 'li a i 'i 'l i l i 'i i l r .T o n lH lo |n 'j i . 'l i r e .l l '^ v i l l^ n m li 'i ' D ll' M i|i .’i; \ ih io n o f a .............. 1 ' '» | i r i ia l i> 'lIn a r . ' i d i ' i i l p t 'i 'V i 'n tio ii“ ; Itlid , f im il l.v , tlio y w o u ld In a i i i 'i i r i i l i ' m 'I i. m.Ih f . i r d r lv . 'i 'x , a l ....... . a t w h iv li w .n il.l In-i 'o n i |i i l lM ir y foi- o r i '. -n .l . 'is a n d i i l l l i i in l i ' ly r . '< )n iii 'd fn i' o li' . ta in h iK : l lc rn m '. A l, t ln i H amii th m - , llirm i pH y«'holoj-l».in MOfiltl in iM tern l/.i ' I rn f f l i - r i 'i ;n h i l ioiiH. in a i 'e o i t l i m o w l lh lh<‘ f ln iliiiK N o f m‘lc n llf li* r i ’m i n 'h .

H 'h d r m iAiji'N l]o|iK m e r i t a I r l a l .

l- 'o H o w h iff n r r r c n t hiK li t l i l« \ 'I 'f iin rN N eann p l r k n l f n o f f Tln^ y«m nB « 'olieK lui», n ja k iiij{ a (o in 'b , n o wlin n CM iuflbnok I f ] ) iu l | ) u l ln t h u t ' o ld o iu s

cnvalrj', I ’m a ^ in it -ftnU I ’ii bc l you a cookie every wtUc. sen lin ien la l novels ia a g in I t T hey uBcU lo w rite Bom cihing about

■fthc brtive cava lry raan stroked ... ho rse 's now fo n d y , m urm ur- c'l! g en tly : ‘•Well, Dobbin, you’ve 'Con ijic Ihrough th ick and th in — vp'll ««Je , to - rfcath togc th fr;" -Vhi rciipon the lady rea d ers would vrcp profusely and th e book vuuUI sell a million copies.

B u t c an you iraa^lnc a t» o k ibout a m odern cavalrym an who

stro k e s th e side of solid s t. ' ta n k , gives it a loving ta p on t so se . ctc.—can you im agtno tb o l m nk lng the ladiea weep and selling

million co p lo s?" “ ...........— -pie F irs t Horscm

' tim e ace IH r . P o t Shots: -

I t'f l b e tn a 1< w rote .b u l- l ’v c -had .a .g n ia d -thai SIU10£ back read ing w h at the oth-

r a h a v d to s a y .H ow ever, th ia new contest bids

a ir to be so unique th a t I could lOL help wiping th e du st off m y

pen a n a getU ng busy.B y tho way, 1 am enclosing a

th e a te r ticket I won laist week.m ay n o t b« n Boy Scout bu t

you can do some one a good tu rn by g iv ing J t_ to them , p r^ c ra b ly

n e lderly person who ge ta oiitlU -

Nov/ fo r m y contrib w hich itI, b u t w hat ( 1 you c

p ect wHh tho m ateria l you furnish, ru lh c f Cy. Clone furuislioHT

YOU NAME ITI 71ii-y n iet oD u crow dcd W rect' car, He fell fo r h e r rose-petnl «kln.8 he hliislied iis thu moon 111 up her

Thoy tulki;ii dcspllc lliv din,

K r> long a laily lo fl the cur,

111- «nt down It nmdc I u t a.id— iiiiitl, y.iu cuiild toll liy he r look.

Fiiilil lip, "itnn't I

nv If ydii flh.)i Kitr- hill li)<>l.» rr'-ltlUK Io .Iki


(hiiui;lit I’d try f.ir ym lr M cciitH. lluy, lliiwilyl I lui|u ' 1 rp I It

Wi ll, y.iii Huid w rll.i Niiin. jiioii.-, il.,lit u r»«n so h rr.'

K .'n hroiiKht hin (ilr> u Iwnutirul cil rose. Him i>iit II In lior linlr! iiiiuni; 11)0 ourla uruuiid h e r fiicu I'Jii'ii Ih ry wt'iil out lo nil on thi

porch iin.Icr tlin moon. T liry hcun - /.xhiK iiiKl Muvlv v<'ll< l "<iuchi‘

rn.'ii sta rli 'd nwi'hliiK. H I«<>l( c«1 lllio n hriul u f onullllower, Ken-

ih K<a Ihrown mil un hlu cpr 0 cliiln'l l.iv.i liliii itiiymiirt'. M(H Ml in d ; liiit nnywity sIib wns s 1, M. 111.' itwt llliiK \v.-iit down.

— A. Klil.l


f.iiiiia Mikfd—n r r.Klicr <jues- tlcncil P c to - n b o u l iiew sW M - work. Efrtl beR(t«*l h lin ,tu iM M uro her about Iho Job on tbo J)]ado..

■’ 'U > n cinch K u^ll g e t 'i t .V a ’u'ro •Jm I ^ J io Eirl. ■ Bnrrdtl's'-becxT'do- pondinK un publicity Itf nil th a t clely column, bu t 1 polnled oat h im th a t you could All i t Tillh Afew t callB."

’ L inda said"Of eouTBC I ' breathlessly.

'T h e p a r - ‘ . .-fW 'ISO; r e n 'll probsbi r .get.UD."

‘TVhy.,thiifn loaflH iit^nonpy! D. you th ink I 'll bo w orth It?” Ltndi askod liim. , . - /

"T here's lots of money to bo madi in nowapaper work, my dear," snit Mrs.'^Gordlntrr safe ly , albeit slio knew nothlnR alicut it.

lAio you nlTttna golDC-tft.hc.iSKspaperman?'’ Lindi nwe, BccInB tlio grei w as going to em brac

"W hy not?" Peto answered, laxlly 'a raw iug on his pipe. “T hai’s one Job where you can p o t you r feet 01 th o desk and nobbcljr, mind?-’*.!; „,

“I ^ n ' t you pay any a ttoation ti h im , MIbb BoiTTnc. H o likes to pro-

■ (end' hc’s th e 'li i i id s t m an I n 'th o world, b u t he 's been w orking sinco ho was a little tyk« selling papcrv. A nd’someday bo 's going to be lo . mouB. W hen bo ta ils ono o t bis T b y s . I te ll h im .tbcy a re as.good a s tho plays of th is famouB O’Neill."

"O h" L inda said bri«t1y; n ig h t h a w knownl "Plays!'

"Suro," Peto dlsmisBcd it.'"Every newspaperman w rites plays. T hat's th o way ho m akes up to himsolf to r so t doing any otbcr work."

may I r«ad one!’

her wliolo story—ifio elory o l her motlicr nnd her I jtiio r and hor own lonfllnc .'is -nnd Into her iiymp.v

Ic cnrB Hbo poured Iho r.tory of lovo for Ul« Carter, ru. Gardlbcr was Btili when

Linda had llnlHl.rd and fonictlihiK llko fenr camcv Into he r fiiilrl as hlio tliniiqht of her i;nn nnd tlili' girl. Pete Iinil nnt lo Mhmotiier of tlii> tbiiicn lOio linr'.v liu- miiBt lin frpllnir, • Imt who [;>i‘':-j^il

Id did liot w ant him to l.on .urt: ' i l l ; of

where ilm. polrcil

it' ll lilio

D ix joW. " I t vU l onljf he a j«ar,' U n ia . ■ W ill j « u wai'/ n il l pou Hin ran a tih tr meP” . .

It will make a Qno moving picture.''L inda was e m b a m u o d ; ho bad

read it lo his moUicr! "Vou'ro

society rero rler and i t look a ll hor

rtles w eto out fo r her. Her

(m L B A S B* Linda a

h e r eyo, Sho anid it a s wlnnlngly as -h«-bad-w hen~h«-})ad-aik«il-iior-tn. le t him read her scenario.

•'They'ro not w orth it. bu t it's nice of you to ,w ant to," H e played bark ot her.

■'Peler read your s lo ry to me. M ist llouroe. I told him .1. th ink

r« te—"Please m sy -I taka il-a long w llh me?" Sho d idn’t w ant any­one olaff to rend i t

Poto took a long tirao lo stamp out tho asbes befor* ho answered. J le clsared b is th ro at and lookedaway.— ...............- .........................—

"Sorry. I . . o r . . . 1 IM t i t In A y -d s ak -a l tho offic*.bat-U’s psr- fectly sDft). N ow about tb is tnter- vlow tornonow . . . . "

L inda couldn't sleep th a t nlgbt. ‘Sho wajf weayia'g romances about a famouB girl roporter uncovering erook<<d -politica l sehenire, - saTJng tbo poor trom Snanelal dlBastors. rescuing children from fires, bring­ing in ’ scoops. She was .ibe g irt r ep o r te r. ' ' '

B u t it w asn 't lik e t h a t 1 B arre tt hired bcr, garo h e r a

desk, told bor. to flU a column w ith society news and gave hei p a ir o t seissoTs and a'paste-pot.

Sho booght he rse lf a notebook and went lo work. Thero scoops for her, no political sdiem es ta.uneoTflf.-aiie snen t her morninKs^

th e telephone and he r after- ns ruBhIng from m eeting to (oa,

from orftonitatinn hcadquartcn 'nminlitco meptings. H er daily

rniiinm Rrow and added a Sunday r n g o ,. Hho tieramo.B hard;wprl(lng

. ^ p t - 111* , inv itatiooa- th a t rami ' h e r'a s before, and siio was glad

bavo an excuso s a t to attend.

■DDT she w as enjoy ing herself. ^ and a bop* Ib a l w as spring ln 'r

lh a t oarly-epring fiunday-w illi Dix. For Dix had come iw ck. Thoy redo out In the country In h i t big road- atcr. On Saturday n lg h ta when sho -worked'lste, O lz callo frfo r bcr, bn t those Batnrday n igh ts « e r« ha rd to Hear; tor bo 'noT er ^aM l o woulff call o r telephone and ho n e ro r called: early. 8bo da re d no t bopo th a t bo would comfr, and sbo lived-

delicious agony «ach Saturday, her eyo on tho galleys sbo- had to c o m e t but h e r e ar a ttu n ed to 'tho.. telephone B e a lw ays came.

May can o w ith h e r sharp sweet> ias, and melted In Juno ’s mellow

w srm tb. Alt o r llXo bnd auieKonoiI for Linda. I t w as' t a l l o f real things she h a d n 't know n before.

f ^ ^ S 7 - T - 0 - R ^ ¥

of Twin Falls City & County

Thisimotlnniii Imlanro In Mi

K foatiier kr D Vo. hiK

otiici niy 111.

10 Y E A R S A G O -

i la y 21, lfl21T luit Uic 6U«ar c. ivin i-<iunty ;n

prir ttc iilly InKiirinfr'Jl Itlio s ta lrn icn l o f L. i'

‘nsIWi itood. Mary Ci

L inda wnn niu.lo lu rt othcru- N.i ono pIpc ifo ever porcclvod th a t loiild ever help her

needed help, o.<v sho did i in. the years th a t follo\

A™ Pcto her good frlonil. inRlcd llckcts fur

tho few i-hnws lh a t c.imo to tlio local playhouae; J ’elo who nllppud in ivy p lant on her desk from ua ' ler hlB shabby topcoat. Peto wlio dways had a wcll-thuml>od liook

to d raw frpm h is pocltct am! vp:ii1 iloud when Ibcy wonl to walk la te , aftcrnodnH.— _

'fruTy;'t-Tnda'fl" llfe~wi»'tt4ffCTo« and flehcr and happ ier u n til llio tinie fo r DU'b commcncemnnt -and -departure—drow near. -WllH hor .heart heavier ond her fm llo com­ing pior© slowly, L inda chcckcd ort tho diVfl on h e r calcmlar. And

.each tlmo Bh& saw Dix she waltsd to r him lo speak, Vo say somolhlnR lh a t would mako a ll th is sweet on- ■JlianOSTrrtt r isnT tirttiat iftW s-wero--

atwi ;fill <

!or Ihn local Xiictor>-. ;i('e is clistriinilc-i a ll the.'

from Xturtaucrli to liuht■•‘y

celloi.imuL- iiiL- cic.iKJii <i: ii.cn t in ItilG. I t Ind lrattn t l r , - ! l y - il tho fnrnicr.1 h.'ive n-ali;'..il Il a ca.":!! crop w ith a c 'l- ''''"* '>1 m u ikc l w liero hl};li ( i c . t i ; .'.H do ii.<l c lfc c t thoi

' thu 1 irki'ts)'i(Hl1lic3 th a t lo«,k

n,-il would bavo a semblanco jbstanco a n d 'n o t a vftRue d m

But Dix did. no t Bpoatr, savo himself.

Ho 8 going lo Europe. Busi- as soroothing th a t "didn't nucb to a collego m an un-

-spaL^U Io.

Tlicro was w ork and lovo and frlcndnhlp. n e B l'lr l iu a sh lp s .T Ie r : old crowd aho saw trcfjuentiy and talked bcaun and parties and clothcR with them, a s glrla do, bu t tho (lardlnern w cro h e r real friends, To Mrs, fla rd ine r »ho lold

ihoogbt-iia- 'K L____ ____________bis voice. Ho thought perhaps a year in Bomo . . .

"A whole year! " L inda's licarl was in he r «yerf,at last, and tho thing th a t D ix had tr ie d ; to pro- T ent hsd- tried to escape t^oin w tthin blniBelf w as there. H o wasonly * boy;..................... - ............ ...

H s w as ashamed th a t he fe lt so moved, ashamed th a t be ,didn 't .want to* loavo bcr. He hadn 't wanted to care.

" It will only, be ,a j* a r. Linds, and then m como back. 'W liry m i valtT . . . w ilt yon s till Temember »?'■; ‘TIJ w ait fo r o v e r and ever.” she said, n b b ln g he r nose on th e rough tweed ot h is co at

T hat was tho way he left he r to weeks in d m onths tb a t lengthened w ith wotting. Ikith nothing bu t lit­tle vaguo notes flllod w ith ta lk ol music. 'He w as posslonatoly In- Tolved w ith h is music, as bo was ilways to bo. Ho told hei

soctbl life and eho tried to 're a d Bclwcen’t h o ' i n r a r S lu r tn o w -D tr and sho knew girls. But there wcro no other girls fo r him . Tho thing sho had to fear was vastly more formidable.

. . (To n« ^ iG iu n lJ

• I 'A I J I . M A L L O N ' 8

N E W S B E H IN D T H En e w s "....

An RxdiiBlvo Rvcning Tlmra Datly Report on the Fiifll-movlng Kvcnts in Ui.i Nullou’« Oapltnl By an ICxpert.IntPrpr.rtcr and Comrnenlator.

, (Copyright. IDJB, tly Paul Malton)

point. Tlin only Ihn ig to do Ih t' w nlt until Komo of th e opposlni Justices die."

'H iey a ll looked liciilthy last Monday,



T h r woiul.'r <if it iHlxty-fii-vpii itiiyii wetlu- H.'uirlk for word i-ni.btc. flvo Jimtin': vonc, nvoorlty oplnt

ill Is Ihitl .jnly n . r« iiil in l 11I Wllll'll WOlltll...... t bet n

cw llQhlly used copies of the re- 'iBcil Rt.-itiites n m onth ngo Hint

tlio O ufley coni decision would noil ------PennBylvanl.) AUTHOMQ

Tlio wiiy It W01I1P.I out, th ry " .LdL"!.'!.'-' Hutluirliiiul

V III Aililln AlmliaI.IIUI. li, K.iinol<iiidii|>u.«l<«ir,'' ntory tiiul >h>.iii u

II.-I, II wiiulil liitv.' iHt .lyrry Itiilliiii in loulllicl /itlll.r.olllil .

)nrty electlona In itio hty

W tinl catiaed the court to i | ilxly-seven ilsya consldcrlnu loni law w sa the fso t tiin t the lino Justices w anted to w rite line separate

t to con- .. .- Into the

th ree d llferen t opinions whicli were finally rendered. T h a t la, they sp lit sh a rp ly and elenrly

A t len il Ihiil la the stiidloil opli lot) or IhoBH who knovy sninsllilnu>1 th e Inner w ork ln j|s of tlio

CONFUSIONi.>t I iiintdrrrrl'

lh l.l,;.m rlHt.' i.'ii.rnn , wtiiiiii ho tumii'l hu.l 111 f.^r lliK InnI Jll ynk In cinlli'-n nia.lr witli.ii If hin wlfo han hiii

. . . . . . . . . t h ii i l i u ^ > v l i > m y | H » h

IIIK Bill.'.' PKoritrltloii, i t fliniiidi

iiili;ht vllulU'tlv.' tn Mir.. >-O uiiuh« Oln

FA M O U a LA#T LINK . . f iom e ltilno .lelli m e we

vB cahhago tnn loh tl , . ,"THH OKNTLGMAN IN

TH E TMIBO n o w

K<M).i Inalo tiroim il room. It Iwiii nevri' hprn a t-'

tem pted. Y et If A dli:l»|)lu>n(i hud hppii n lac '.i Iti cimialjuni duiintf111.) inlGrimtliiK illn.iunNl.iiiN, II w.nild huvu r.’.^nr.l.'.l tli.^ Iiinlilo harkgroiind nf thn rfnil .l. i hilnii i.n s.im<'liilM|{ Ilho lliln;

A inujDrlty nf tho pum l Piintiv mii(|o ii|. llii mind llin l tli.) tnbn'i l>hivlM<ii>n .If till’ (oi.l n r l iirp 1.11 .'iitiiilltiilloMiiI. Tn flirt, IlK'ni ’nr. i.iiinciiiii fhi' nii»iiPi'lliiH Ih.. .I.'.i' flliiii iiiltilil iiitvn bpi'ii uiiaiilmiiiit If Hint wcro the niily point in.

- wt» • TmI|;^CT -fi^atj'..................tniijorlly •ipliil.>ii. l lo riinlili'il Iirl.r-i-flMng Jii«ll,'..H to sign hin (il.liil.m hy ,UM|,.,hlng „f i |,„ t |n- *11.1, "vvlthmit rn iiilng to tho iiiii'fltion of llti ooiiBtitullniml- lly ." Thill Is ho pnnhieci a ll pk- pppt onr, rh lp f .TiiHttro nuKhcM, Ml'. lliiKhpN liislnlcd nn wrltlllK u nvpuraii) opinion iiphi^lilhiS Hut m arkollng ngreccm nts,

Kulhcrland firs t wonl ihrougli thH thrflftfl of w rIU ng ‘nnd ro- w rittng to f tt the JiiflRmont of his five. T hen lln g h rs and Car- doro l>p({on and Cnrrtoio hii.l to rflviso to f it tho vlow s' « f hin three. All th a t consum ed the umiflually long tim e.,.L ooliiiiif bftck .on i t , som e of the liPBt law yers believe tho lono imnil lliiK hrs opinion proli- uhiy rrpreseiiU (ho iKXindi'Bl law , hu l thoy nro glad the mil- J.irliy of the cdurt .11.1 m .l nc- copl I t

HEQIQNAHON Th.^ru w as. innro Ihuii h'K.tl r<

« |i.i.l Imhliid Ni'iial.ir (a iffry ' -ilc'.i whoii hn nriH'iit.'il th.i cnur

....... 11‘iit i.t ai> uiiii.Iro 1,

nny be 0 s le :s ado th a t

w hy.1 fol

D eal reversal, -learly everyone I declalon. “

iwing thli A nother 1b th a t hero expected thu . law yers o r politicians though t the Oiifley act w as consllliitlonal •»raildent Rooaeveit hlrnaelf Inti na tcd as much w hen he askot ;onorest to [luia th« a c t reonrdleai >f doutila nhout its constitution illty.



c i.:n t r a l i a . w a s U.ARiiUiBt tho wrtmen'M wlshe/*. Cfh- triillii m .'n will w ea r w hinkers b.i-

and during tho cIty'K annual Pioneer (layM cckbriitlon , A ug. 7. " UlUl'tl.

Objpctlonn volrtsi bv thn women er.i / l in t hoavdH' looit bml, Tlin licbritllon com nilltcc siib in lttr.i u

D^farpnduiii wht!U thu .iiiPSlUm was illHpiited and tlin vo ir wan 280 in fiiv.>r and 27a iiKiilnst, Tho men in iu l Ip I tliolr l>piii'd» grow o r pay i\ fliio,

lu'frt .irj] ■lay ho >

nllcil nilnii w.ir rom tiui Innldo .

ably Ik> nljlo to fac tnrlly w llhnut th o ^ 1lrr<^y nut Do hiin Jtmt nlgn.-d up u iipw con tr a c t for aii.illiri- ypar.

P-MUNA Btory In I 'u rren t In rongreaa

th ill tho |M)Htal Inspoclors would like (o claUn noniu of tbo ruw urti'fllilcli a -m tm H oevor l i nnl going to pny fo r U»o A p tu r o of Alvin KarplB. >n>o noA al ou t- f ll is llKhullpiHid, b u t th e y a m lom es uu tiiod tn tiye ly Umt 0 . men iinsuccoMfuliy qiieBtlonod a r e r la la m an w hoso iiamo 1« know n (nu t KnrplB) nnil leasert lilni, L titcr p n ita l 1nB pn»' lorn touk him Iu a u d go t tn> forinnllon whiuli is aiipposcd to liavn lead lo tho Gu|itui'0 o f K arpls.

ilDwa lo til.' iirl.'.) ru in g priivlnliiM, llio niiijur- Ity boram e n mlm irlty. Tli/it In, six momherli of Iho c uu rt o r moro inlgh l iiavo hri.l l lia t iirovti.loii cuintllullm iiil If I t Wi lioint n t issiio,

legtti lu lt 'u p . I t w ould liavo jior- niltro.1 Iho coat ono ia to rs In get iwny w ltb ]iiii;o /L ilog whilo Uio iiiUiu would hava hoen duitfwl i t

ha lf Itio roitii bargain , naiiiely more wagen ahil shorTcr hourn. " i>ne w an ta l to do U ia t

iIci'IhU .. .. tho ball HI

Iru lli li>1111 wlltiln tlM> N.UV Dpiil

Imv.' .oino ti> llio p rlvaln piiiiptii- sum I lull lh« (inly prnclluoi thliiif 1.1 hn ' ilonu iilMnit Iho sup irn u pinirt is nothing. Tho e.iiisillu. tl.mni nmpnilnipnt psrnpo in al! ilK hl-'fc ir conyrrssnion iu InUc niw ut us a long rango Ideal. H ow ever, tl has oomo liA ifl rocognlr.oil lui wholly im prautloal to r N*rw Don! purposes now. Kur nion* in- vIlliiK to them now i i (ho hloa ot oongrrss enlarging (ho eourl. but even UiAt is consldcrid U bo M- jn u st a s lN)|iraotlval a s t ry in g lo iwliig f t ------

o t Iho w iieat o f them •niU a f te r th e d td s lo n t "1'bera |i u) uno n iiltuliug ngu lnst tbo n t [Vromn court when tbroe o r to u r luallccs o» I t repfcsout your view-

You May Not Know That—

in ilm nprinK o f lHIH, lu iiidhl ('iimiil.)tiv ih'Vn-itn-

’ tld l i, poiipiiiN b lo o o io d III iiliiO idaiicn on tlio lia lllu fichiH o f F i a i i n i m Ikto bo tnn iiy iiipii lm d f a l l r t i l^iI 'o lt li’......... . th a t H rtip llono f tliln p iip i iy haH VrnoiDO ih u la c ia o r lid f lo w e r o f tl ie

A m c rid n n L c v lu u n n d t b i A n n r lc o n IrfK lim A m - l l l i r y .

A ccording lo JuaotiliUs, Jorua« i lam oa M .b id ft pop u lftd u i o f v " * - Iban >,000,000,

--------The C om tno ria l club roonis fji.i-

ly slM lcd w ith the upinlons- vot^il by nearly every innn prc.'^.-nl afrnlnst the la d ; o f services on i'iip. p a r t of tho Twin F a lls W alerw orkt. company, bu t w hen th e npplicatlon

new franchise cam e up th r r r :d to .be a s m p n y , dlffp rrn t

opialona a i ’tb c ro -w e rc j i ic n .a t tiic- mAM m eeting ' ;S om e-w rrc 'ln fiivor'” ir g m n ttr.g in.- new c o i« p iu iy nriy )ld thing- In w ay of a J r a n c b ijr ; wmo objected to drink ing w arm v a te r and m any w onted th o T ily .0 own nnd opera le Us own wys-

-C L O V E R .

. Today being Asccnslon day s«r- vices w ere held a t T rin ity L uthcr-

1 church beginning a t H a. m M r - a n d Mrs. E m il -Peronrebl

and lom liy a ttended a birtb ilay p a r ty - in honor o f - h e r - b r o th o r Ed T haem ert a t Tw in Palki, '^ u r a d a y evening.,.~ T b c 'in fan t M n o f 'M ry 'a sd - ilr e . Em il B ohr w as bap tized Sunday; it T rin ity c h u rc h receiving tbo lomc A rth u r E m it

M iss Johanna R cinko visited tho w eek end a t_ tho hom o_orber J . H . R elnko and fam ily.

M em bers o f th is y e a r 's gradufi- t ^ c lass o f th e Buhl high scboov bch ldo Lillie R ehdla and U «lvln Oppllgcc,, o f th is locality, liasir w eek 's g radua tes o f th e F |l« r hlgb school Included N orb crt a n d ’^Ver-

>n Lossen of Clover.T be folknviog aevoAtb a n d e ljrth

grade puplla o t T r in ity sebeol took s ta te exarninatJons a t tb e Bubl h igh school yesterday , B iftt i g rade : R alph L lorm an, E ldor UN rloh, O rval M atth icscn , W alte r “ .• . :ro tby Loasen, Lola AhrenB, Eunlou Meyer. Seventh grade : John G a r ­ber, M erlin K nlep. D onnldM ortena. M arvin Jagels , -Gordon SeKroodPr, Irw in M eyer, M elba Dannnnfoi.U, Adolino D lerker, ond Opal Kocp-

u'ev. nnd Mrs. ,.t: W cstorknm n 1.1 .laugh ter V ictoria, cnroutv

from Sherwood, Oro., to R up rrl, w here 'Ihoy arc locating Indefinite­ly, ■Visited Sunday a n d Mon.iay.' /Ith the ir <win nnd bro ther r c « p « -

ttvcij’; (». ■ c . ■ W pfltcrkiTnp," rMr. nnd Mi.i, K red Iliirlihallpr

ompllmonlcd K oboit Kubll, wlx> aak<'«i his home w llh tho RtirH*

............ , ..Itilay M..11crowd ntti'n .ipil, llpfrrflhm w il'i wcro flcrvod,

CASTI.KK<)lll) CI.D It AIKKTN(1ABTM-1KOK1), May S!l (H|>c-

rliiD - MrH, I'-rcH lU ngcrl .'nlei'- lalnpd thu Th.-mamiin chib on Tiienday w ith n di'Siiort iiiiichppii folliiwnil by tiirco tablrii nf brldKv. i*rlj:.'H wcro wen by Mrn, I,p.) p .- Lirnon nnd Mr,.. W. IltnKoit.AllK-rt H aller will en lurtaln ilm

<.'11 Juliti a,, __________________

Closeup and -Comedy■by E R S K I N E JO H N S O N - G E O R G E S C A R B O

GO OD FOOI3•Pot Il atotal»=l<»p


m i o u o f t f lH t io in ; s F « e i ; i iH o w s i




Tlmr>a«V,' i i a y s j , '1 S 3 ij’ ' IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FAHS, IDAHO


Ccvclopm eD ts o f M iijo r Im p o rt B elieved N ear a s B ad o glio

H astens Home

News- in BnefjlSItPflANINfEISR E P U B M U A CUci\i!fin ot lli« V;v'»U>« Tln«».

iro lnvlt«a lu c!>iilrll>iil« l>rlr( iCWB Ucm« lu UiU ilciiarliiifiH of tio jiAiicr by teleplion#. Tli« num-

VliltH Aiiiil(Jtii'St (if Mr5 (Mcsr Shv.vr. 1

lirr nioc'c. Mi.s. Jiill.i M.ill l*iJol)U), Colo.

(Continued from Pape One) <!.mgor—almOHt thi' cortaUily—of

i n ^ E u i f lp c . ._________Conu'!* UiiPupcctcOly

Ncwa Hint n.nloKlio hri'l loft Addis Ababa less than two w ec’ts after hlfi official nppolntmenl 113 viceroy camc uncxpcctwlly mid la- coQlcnliy In authorltQlive nioa.-'ancs from the capital.' These dlspnlchca said Marshal Rodolfo GrazlnnI, commander-lii- chlef In caalcm Ethiopia, arrived a t Addla Ababa from Harar a t

— il> 11. m. ycflfcraiiy;. Badogllo at cnci niilhorlty to Grazlanl, his ficeoml In command in Ethiopia, to rule the country oa "regrent.”

liPnvwi Quietly

l-r.chlr.’H A.il<lc,Mr.i. Trod Wnrron. L’.'.!? A.1di-i.

Vila, tccLiyiiigho lio.Hpltal for u fractiircd

•HU.tlalnod l;lHt ovciiiny;.

, .Ilolicrt B, Mliiard. atfL'stpJ irqiiOHt of I’.'ii.lliHoii officerri. charj;!-'' of hnviiij; procurpil n_ iiy- j;lvlng a uorlhlos't' clu'Jk


T w in F a lla A tto rn e y S eek in g NoDiinatiou fo r G o v ern o r;

P atc h A lso lu

ICrtnrn from I\liil»(.-(t A fter ati extendod tni.sinc.s.H

to the iiild(iu-\wii Mr. iiM'i ; Lawrence KtOli'y have rcHinv'i their home licrc.

At(oni)»,Sbotv )•. and Mrs. S. H. l^aylor . . . .

in Meridlitti where Mr. Kayler Is ludglng the Jersey cattle o’. ' ' imnaal Bprhig stock show.

.TJii 1 Badogllo quietly left tlie capital, the dlspatchea auid— In an airplane pllglod by hLs own eon. Ltcut. Mnrlo Badojflio, w ho re- pol'tedly haa been at hla aldo w ith the plane at each headquarter.sDadojlio-hft* hftd'lft EthWpltt;------

- Biidogiio o n ( i ,h is .« in ..t f l t .j i l i : •'"pireSM said, left d irect-for A sk-

uid, capital o f Eritrea. There he 1 w as Jtft join Ills wife und daugh­

ter and, with them, and, prosum- Ably, his eon, Ball for Jta ly toJay In the hospital ehlp Arborea,

Well informed persona sold here . that Badogllo would not retur ‘

Africa and th»t Gvarlatsa 1 .-W ould.bd.named .form ^y t6

Ix^ve for East Paul Steiner. Mr. and Mr. DaK-

Riley and children left thi.i morn ing for Montana, North Dalcot; and N ew Yurk for Ru exu-ndeJ ’lalt during the Bummor.

SaocU'M Treatment .-iIra.._Eluora DiekArJ. jiropi iotoi o f .a Buhl.Jxauty ptirlor 1.1 rcrolv Ing treatm ent at the hospTfaTToi a fracturcti Wp auslAtat; I w sv'S.U last evcriirip"

^ d a y - i

Car» to Be ItleHscd Rev. H. E, Heltman of St. Ed­

ward's Catholic church will bleK.H .11 cars brought to the church aft-

vi' Iwth the R and 10 a. 111, mn.sses, next Sunday,-he announces. There

■ DUU Mu.l 27-----BodogJlo la due to arrive. in I t ­

a ly May 27. The word la tliat Ktng Victor EmmanuoJ, upon Muaio- IlnVs advice, will nam e Grazianl

rival o f the hero of the w ar w an-alt<kl with Interest.

------- I fM flT litH 10 days filHie Ad(— A bebfr-w aa-taken-R nd Muaeoil

announced .tljat the Faaclal dcalrc WAS to turn from w ar to pcace.

Despite thla £uid other declara­tions, tho B(titudo-not only in the

, prcsa but In official quartera'con- . .viuccs .observers .that .Ita ly is in- . ten slfy isg Its military vi?ilanc«

rather than thinking nerlously and ' definitely of substituting the pick­

axe for tlie hatchet.MUUIa Increased

The decision of the directorate o f the FaaolBt party to Increase

.-\HeniI r irid c .Qne hun'drc'l and fifty chll'

of .St. Edwnrd’a school nnd the'six' Sisters ot the Holy-Cross nUtnded a school picnic nt the McLe.in grove th is afternoon.

Services Scheduled , .— D!nrMcCooK-Clrck'N073: Ladles o f-th a -a -j^ R .,-in v ltcs-u !l- i> n tr i- otlc organizations. Camp Fire Girts and Boy Scouts to attend memorial services Sunday nt 11 a .’m, nt the Bapttdt church, according to Mrs. Martha Smith, picaiJcnt. .

Talk GivenKyle Hunt discusser! before

the Klwhhlg cliib 'incelinff today his recent trip through' the cast and hla return by w ay of .the Panam a canal and Sap. Francisco. In h ls'ta lk ho descrilHid economic conditions in the eastern states.

— ___________ ______ -i tho ageao f 21 and 65-1,500,000 In a ll—la commepted on in ncwapapcrs in a m anner .which scema to confirm

, the belief that so long as league penalties remain Mn force and -Great Britain* continues' to hold w hat Is called an antl-Faacial a t-

, tltudc, there is grave danger to

« all fl s o f angica to. Theith e pt;cacnt. w en t of new census figures, ahow- iiig a greatly increased population;

..th i.com j!a ln tJh at,,JeR fiu e penal- tlea aro "(vn unjust, absurd, futile, dangerous sentence"; the com­plaint that by mnklng It imi>oa- fllblo for Jtaly to cooperato In E u i; opean political negotiations the

. "HttnotlonUV powers are c h a n g e r - Ing the Icnguu—and i>enci.%

Auntrlaii Fnctor The latest factor wan the oust-

A t the IIoHpltnlP atients a d m i t t e d ; •VVilllam

Sharp, Kimberly: Mm . Bob tVoav- ci*. Buhl; Mrs, Florence Tootliman, Twin Falla; Mrs, • Sara' McVey. Hansen.' Patients dismissed: Chea­ter Rayborn nnd Frank Pacheco, Tw in, Falls; ' Master Donald Broughton, Buhl,.and Mrs, Tom Bertie,’ Twin FalU,

Iria. l ie flew here at o n c c -to keep an onRttKcment, It is true, to see

—mrini1tnnfAuBtrtftn-focFtijalh-s«tW' Hot ho talked to Mussolini acverut times, and 11 waa Indicated that ho w ent bock home yeatCTday with i\ <ieflnlto plan «f a c tio n ,in hifl iplnd, one of which Miisaollni is couipletely coBnltant.

[ L E W I M S S M E l l Y m i

D R II7 Econom y o f-314 T on s Is Outnert b y Change Pu»liod

D uring W ar

nOMhI (lUli KIcelriflfMtlon (if •U t« owiiud ruiiioudu hun cffur.toJ Ik Tialiy flnvliig of a u t<inn t.f coal officldl flKiil-i'S ri'vi-Jili'd today.

Thn total lit cxiun-tod t<i ho aug nii-iiti'd nhoiily, i>lin'i- oli-ciririoi* iliiii of ull lli» N liiis I'ccn pualied folliiwlMH appllcuilon uf laiiclionsHKi»<'"t il'ily.

Hiilixtltiilloii of 'coal by electri­c ity 1)11 tininn (i|iin'atiiiK between l--l(.i.-ni:i' iinil Nii|ili'j( viii Uoiiii' navi'd ;ut,UI)tl rlonu oC Luul dui'lilg Iho firm Hll iiayn, Mfilrliiln n.iul,

........ 111 in"!illaly'B ‘If inudi'rnl

ll'iii fill' riillniadN wiih iiiulvi lukoiiIn lltiin, "lli-uuly. iind (Joiiifort,’' him lii'xn thn Kiivrrnmenl’n nloKimill .............IK til" ">■"‘''1“ "•"I"''cMinielml lo lui" «'> lii(ir>N»"lnK luiinhi'i’ Ilf liiuiini'i ill thin I'liUldiy,

(MU' Ilf till' iiownii iti'v<'li>|iiiii'nin lu tUo I'UmiUiK Ilf sin'rliii iiiiitMi-- lri'd*r«ii»rlirn l<> wllii'-r n|Mi|l" i'‘-nniih. Hi.... till . '1.1'uii.loii iniinii »i-.‘

■ ul:;.i uck'duli'il "vor we.-U-.'iids Tlii'di' iriiiiin I’riei' (iirnllv redilcoJ fjiri-ii,

N ew Reprieve AaKod For Condonined M enHAN li'itANlMHro, Miiy ‘-’t tl’l'i

- A IiihI iiilniito (iffoit was laiini'ii- «id ioiiity to (iiivo AloKiitlilor Miiiv 1«<V, llrlllsh siiliJeKi, fr»m lli« Ki>l li)wn III Uiiii guutillii prlmiii iiMiior-

Qulr..Tnsni. . .(.ay, «anl al) wir* to<J.ivrrniir Kmnk r , Merrlnm, rc* ( |iiesilng another no-day rsprUvs to iiiinhlu lham (<i u in y ttu) cmo to Ihq lliiltrd .tilu tes aiipr«iiia ru u il,

. (C oati:iueJ from P ape One) p l ' of Ici,ihc> m y cami:.;,icy for llu '’" ''" J-i'-.'i;ui av

U tfte^of-K w em orr-irobjert-to-lh e -------Hide lU‘publicnn primarlo.s. ; ,

I " If oli'CtoJ I pli'.lKe to the plo of Idaho the be.it type of nov '■rnmf'nt of w hich I m ay Ik- c-.ip able. I bellovo in .nimpliclty In K'>v

, ,« 'innient In «o f a r a.<i it i-i liii i , inanely po.wlWe and I Ijoliovo ah;

•------------------------ - Li •ii.11 such economy as la jioi .iLstent wlth-fiounii ndmlnlstrutwu' ij, /'f state affair.-! anil a square de.il, ................ '|'j

"Ono of the ino.st aerloua pr>)b-ii<mjs|iH <’ iiy .....lems facing the American PPo1' 1<''Li),h AnKel'-s .....5Stoday is the rapidlj; mounting cti.st Cltv ..........noo f guvomment. Here in Idaho we|ft[jniipapo’iis- fii; have not lagged liehind in 8eekin;[^v,^v y ork ' " ViO new eource.H of ivvonue, but each;om aha <1"new tax has flimjily re.Hulte.i ln-aii']iocatellii..............increase In the coHt of Koverna>etit'i>„Tvliuiil !..........and n<Id<»i to the tax buideii j oui<

p 'o i’" '. , , ! m i 'u i t u Z::.::.I an, oppoMJ 1„ II,, , j , , M s .seeking ever fro.sll .souice.i ujxm senttlewhich lo levy new\ taxca.u n lc» -A ;ii«m w 'T O l.L ;a '' -»rr«.pon.iiJw~re.iuet lo?- - • ••--■effected in .k ia ltn g tu .x«. I b e-;?^ S o n r : : ' . lieve that Idahos tnx burden cam »be lightene<l by moans of a hhIuc tion In the expenses of slate gov­ernment and this without in «n y; manner .substracting from the, pl.iio duty o f the .ttatc towarris: every element Irx I'UiUo's \«puUi-'

"T .believe ,in hone.'itv In gOvei'lT- m ont and the fiftnctity o f the .Hii-jk- en word and I pledge a rigid a d ­herence to every prom ise lo the e lec torate w liclher Rjwl^en o r Snv plieil, I reg a rd the office a.s o t r u s t to be iidm inislered in the In

V lthou t referenc to p a rly lines < pnrtT-nffillattOTS-TUiJ-^'-''^"’^ m y besl.eiideavor<t-

Friends P a y Honors T o C harles H . G ale

. ,, varu'-leluding classical num bers, tap, soft fllioe selections, w n ltr clogs, acrobatic und ballet dances.

O f iia r tic ia r 'in te re s l a re the cx- R eiatives and f r lc n d j vestcrday"tensive ballet numbc-r.s «lage-! by

attended services held a t 't h e T w in 'th e S.'S chlldien from th ree to nix Falla m o rtu a ry chapel fo r C harles ami the gai-den scene of one se- II.-G ale , 7 3 ,,-H azelton,- long-tim e;lec tion prcsfn tod by IS - pupils employe o f th e Idaho Pow er cpm -|from five to 20 in ballo t ,lo tting , pany, who died M onday n t a Boise Solo w ork Is done bv R hoJa Phll- hospilal. R ites w ere conducted by] lips as « b i i t te i f lv 'a n d Delores Rev, C. A . H aw ley. H azelton and!-W heaton.m usic waa provided hv Wra KVUInl ..................Ostrom , who

Pdllbeaiera w ere Glenn Gee. Lou ,Wehb. D orsen H aines. John Thom-! as, W illiam Coplin aud A . V an|Buren. In te rm e n t w as in Twin Fj^Ia cemeterj-

To A ttend Coiivcnllcm L eaving th is cvcnlg fo r Poca-

teljo w here the a tato convention Dlsabl'cli A m erican V eterans o f t W orld W a r w ill,open tomorrow, wero delegates o f H orry S tradley c h ap te r w ho 'w ill'p rascn t the name o f E , L . lU ybom , a tto rney and p aat na tional oKooiitlve oonimit- tecm an, fo r the post o( s ta te com ­m ander,

nuittbera. IN4UKEI» MAN’ UKCOVKHIMO BURLEY. M ay :>1 (Spccial) —

Tom Gumracr.son, Dcclo. injured Tuesday J i lg h t w hen th e c a r ho waa driv ing waa s tru c k by a truck, resu lting in the In s ta n t death of C iirlls Brow ning. 20i OCC w orker

Here from San Franclsca oC H am ilton, O., w aa rep o k e d U>-G uests of Mr. and M rs, Itoy A. day to bo recovering a t a local

Read a re Mr. and -Mrs, Conrad ho.spital. M eanwhile funera l ar- W clnzhcim er a n d in fan t aon, S a n lran ^ cm en ts fo r Brow ning a ro be- Francl.sco. M rs. W einzlielm er w a s ' ing made- th rough governm ent form erly M ia s 'R u th R ead. jagencies,

W ife A*>i<s Dlviirrn Suit fo r divorce waa filed in d is­

tr ic t c ou rt today by Mrs. Loreno Jonea ngainat F.lmer W, Jones 01 piiarirrB’~ w r-c rtn ‘f"iin rt‘"irmfmra; treo tm cn t. The couple m arried a t Pocatello . Api'il 1:;. 1U3D und are tiro pa re n ts of a two-year-i»kl child. Mr*. Joni'S ohUh foi " m nnthly alimony, itayhurn and R uylw rn repreaeut the platiiUff.,

itoiind Over Follow ing arralgn in i'n t In pri

ba te court, .lunf’s Nolles, accu.sed lit g rand larceny of an auti>mubl(<< i>n cMimiiiaint of \V. E, 3m all, Twin l<’iiitji ta x i imeraltvf, tt\o dafei

V d proiimlimry lii'ttrlng liaN boon Imund over by Judge fltiy I,. K inney on lioiwt of linon t» uii-

• in . the nex t teriu of d istric t cuuiL____ ..

t tmvsvK t'ru v l tj Mrs. irenn D rake today sU r lrd •tion for divorce from H urry A,

D riilir, cluirglnii cruel and ' liunmii iro a lm rn t. Tlio couple luur- rioil M arch Ifl, HH3 a t .D e n v e r, C olo, and are the pai'enlH of Ihrel- elilldren, whoiie e\iiHody II10 m nthor neeka, a long w ith |7 » montlily iiony. H er a ttorneyn niv ilayborn ind llnyborn,

liiolriu'toro lo I.<'avn Mian Kalhluen i'ovoy, Hpanbh

Imitruutor in the hlg;U aolmnl, ex- |ieclN ii> leiive Humlay for, Ran li'runeim'o where ahe will lie Joined liy 'Minn AiigUHta Pluce,' Tiieoma liiMtiiiuloi', Thvy will sail TuAitdity

ig thi'ough Ihe I'aniuna ciinn] i'lierlo llh'o, Trliili.l.ad , nnil

1 thlan „ ;:ounlry In llm fall.

Til lln I^'glon I’lxit’x rinp<ilKMDmbiii'H <if liuhl and FIliT

AiiK-rlran I^kI'*" I*'*"'" will ijtientfl III TiVin KalVi jiosl lit the ii"{iiUii' monllily lueellng at Ki'in iiieMKirlhl hull - toiilKht, fleers nnnmmco, ruial pliiiis will be inn'le for Mrmorlnl dny, and it h expecle.l Hint l^sl.tr Albert, .U |mi'linunl udjiituiit, and ll<iiue|' liiiiluUon, nianagor of tbu vuter< aiiH"hiireuu ul IloUe, will hr here id luldrens ihi' group,

Cubs Makd T radeNunv YOttIC, May 'it iHI-i- T1

Chh'iiKO t ’"'*" Wi'ay. traded Dii flelilei- Chiiek KInIn nnii l'ilehei< Kiililan (Mike) Kownllk -to the1....... I'Jillllea foi< I'itehei^Curt Uiivia and OutfloMer ICtliaci Allen, Tha Culta fllsn sent ulonir \^lth ih« twt) players.

In the Arctic, Iwoaiise nf liiei sliiirt lu n im or i iiisny bullcrrllei spend two siimniuis nnd a wlnier ill tho cotorpiller sloiiv.

T iiirly niimher.s by 8'> pupils of the no-'tiiiond-IJatos dance /itiiciio pl-esenintg n m alinoe iH'rformaneo tlilfl a fternoon wore h-.'oji bv nn a))-

•Tlie..Fomca oL-U;jb.-'.s s s s s s a

nnnre com m lttoe today and fal.si- prelena<-.s. acliievc<i u ccimpwmi.so designed Tlio ))roprieic

th e dnifiliciilly modified ga rage nrHved her<' toda\-' to got theory of the N ew D eal's ta x on tlie car. and to re tu rn w ith .Miii- uuilivided co rpo rate p ro f i ts .’ ,a rd , who has watvoii cxtiaiiitiou.

The fom m lttee decided a t th e 'H e is .said lo be w anted ah same tim e to drop propo.sals to in- Denver and in .Seattle, crease tlie norm al incom e ta x ra te .j G eorge Fergii.soii, the I ’ond

m ated niecely_to.nUa<; ':,over. $500.-lA lliiard_whu.-.lji;ua;iiiiL jiii_is. 000,000" as com pared to th e $0:!3,-'.sld.-iv<l by offieer.-i to be a danger- 000,00cf corporate ta .\ Item in the ous clm ract.T , w as ta k en from house bill, b<Te in an O r.'son boot and wa.i

—:--------------- :— I handcuffed.

V allee “ S a tis fied ” iBOSTON', i l a y '2 i '( l '. i ') — Rudy;

Vallee, who ended a ‘'p crsdniir ttppe.iranee” e ngagem en t he re last n ight, said ho w as "m ore than sa t- Lsfled" when inform ed th a t i 'ay W ebb V allee had divorced him.

H e added: " If F a y bad loved me I never woulcl have le t her- getRT.-ny-fi'ciw « \c ,"................

V allee denied ru m o rs ha soon m ight wed again.

F. D. R. Picks Board T o H a lt R ail Tieup'

W A SH IN G fO N . M ay 21 il’.i:i- ;rro slden t Roosevelt acted today to iprevent a ra il s tr ik e in Califogila, iNevadii and i : t a h by nam ing an em ergency board to investigate ' and report on the„djsputo, between, ithreo roaOa and certalri nf liieir

Mnployi's, ••

1)K.\V ‘•KICK ll,\C K ”SALT LA KE CITY , M ay i t UM

—U tah D em tw ralie lea.lers i.Mued prompt, >ic«ta\3 Voday Vo charges of thu ' S ta te Fe ilc ra llon o f L abor tlia'l the a ta lc odm lnU tra tlon haa demanded "k ick b a ck " .cam paign contributions a n d 'v o te s from sta te employes.

ARRANGE B liR I.K V FUNl'UtAI,B t;R L E Y . M ay 21 (Spccial) - !

W allace H ult, 110, w ho .dlod; W ednesilay n t T w in F a lls ' will bo ■ honorei' a t .fu n e r a l services lo hel held S a tu rd av a t 2 p. m . a t the j F irs t W ard -L.D.S. church here, .B u ria l will bo in -Uuriey cemetery under d irec tion ' o f the Johnson

j m o rtM y,'

'.*a V . v / a s \ v v v > a v v a w . w -% v %


Croslev Shelvador To(>A fie r vciii liiivi- M'l'ji tlie I'esI (iiid I'f iiiiiiiircd (Iicii'i a ll .vmi'’ll r u le CH O SLI-IV S l IK I .V A D O lt ilic re- I v ig r ra lo r valm< of n il lln ii', i \ |io 'iiil-liy-i»niiil

' i'c)iiiiini'i-.iiji w ill sliow y iiii ilin l llie S l ic lv a ilu r Iins cv i'iiy liiiu tf, u ikI in i'i'e too , i l luis Ilic ‘‘» !n 'lva- i lo r , ” ( 'o iii|iiirc il Id a n y n 'l 'r ig e r a lo r Ilie sa iiic .si/e, l ln ’ C n is ley lias m ore n sa 'ite s|>iin‘ t l i i i i i 'n u y D llier ri'l 'r ig ri 'ii liii ', 'I 'lie " h ln 'lv /n lin '" s in e s y o u lim e a iiil In m lile in |ire ]iiirlii^ ' y iu ir rneiils lii'i'/iiise

■ it iiifllcrs Vdiir On'iW m o re ciisilv- a i'iT v ,ilil(‘, O n ly C r o s l e r hiis tlie “ siH 'lviH lfir."

Priced from $104.50 Up, w ith 5 Y ears’ Protection

Your Family Wants a SHELVADOR

Voiir liiMiily VMinr'i u Slirlvm loi' jii'i'aiiM' i l ' s lln- rninily

I'l'l'rigi'riildr. (inin< liiiiilh i'r tMimleit. ni l is crrieii'ni'V

hail Iiiiii'vi'Ih ii( Ih. low iji ire ainl low Hliki'i']i I'n-I , . , iiiiil

I'fi'ili'T ili'liiflih in il!i l ic a iily ah<l Ils l ' \ i ’lii« ivo ri'iiliii'cM.

livt ii'i -kIv h y<M » ili'innnsli'a jiou innl yi;iL!'..‘'_Mili i:,XdiniLy_

IB 'S o u a r ? d e a ;u ^, D e k le ^ i ln ‘ , " •

A m erica’s M ost Boawtlful R efrig e ra to r” ,

H O O D '!

Summer Hats9 8 C ; „ a $ 1 . 9 8

Crepes . . Felts . . Panamas . , . Braids . . . StrawsW e’re . re.viy w ith a . brand , bow ing of h a ts fo r F r id a y and si.vUiidiiy, ThrTv’» to r Mlaaor M atron in ttie n e w e s t. fabrics and Btraws. W hite and pastel ahadcs.

WHITE SHOES200 Paire Just Arrived!

New .Styles!

New Lasts!

Now Heels!

$2-'‘5 andOthers at 9 5


Pumps!.A ll Si'/.es!

Widths AAA loC !

Advance Hummer styles in new fiiolwoar. Including tho fashionable Ik>x tr>e lusts. Hniart now lonihcrs, cool fab- rlia, patents, miuuro Iwels, iiigh hn'da-aim medium li«elt, All sj»:es, wlilths from AKA. lo C ■ ’

Swim Suits5 1 . 9 5 $ 2 . 9 5

8 3 , 9 5E 'J ’ory P op u lar S t y l®

an d C olor I t H oro

.Sinai t coliiis and new a^yllnn Ce*- liii’o iiiir solerllon of- swim «liltn lOr Ihlii uoaauii. Thvio iii'«> stylen With skirts and without. fi'iti,'B

M lo 44.


W hite PflstelB

.W U U IU I lu U u>W i Ot WW - .......-in il' tlw a m wllli ( M n l

iianuM fa in .u m ‘ , w WMte


9 8 6 ^

p: m

P ( « e S ix ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O T h iira d a y , W a y 21 . 193C

- ^ U P E R ¥ ^ [ ^ E B ^ E ^ R E ^ m e N H P R O e R A ^ M ^ T A R ' H N G ~ M e N B A ^MunmOF WIDE S W

S u n im er P l a n s C a ll f o r V ar ie d A ctiviU cB t a F iv e L ocal

P la y g r o u n d s


Comi(if nupfrvi» 'rl r<vr<-iilif)ii willundui'uiiy in T\^in I'jilla Mi)t innrnlnK, i t wftfl im nuunct^ aftcriiuiiii by U iw rciitc I.umlin rcc tor <it playfrounOfl under new (cl'U p Hjwnnorcd iolnlly by Iho W l’A. liio T w in Falla r .-T . A.

The I 'ro tra n i ^ 'Icsi^Tic.l to pro- icriiiti.inril fiicttliSrs ahil *u- -.1 i^luy ror tlir clty'B ymmB- M'latliiit, Ijolli iMiyH an<) girls. ouUliicd on f.TT incliKlc age

i rr\n,;inK fnm i tot« to pw - itH up ID 17 eiiii 18 yc.-vm of

Dr> ry r!‘r ; •

• ■lOunciB n l Hnri park .

il Lincol;I 'i Waj


.n .flcl.l, lilnjjtdn, \vi:i be

, iiri. z ' j . i ^ n d lu '2a i i i - : . .v v ^ -^ . j, llo iup A n u m iiic .'r

iic li.nii*. w iiich u lir be llic Mrn«* f'>r sH nf-’o (imupn lii_bolh \iov.'.' anil Kills' (UvinloiiH. u lio 'lrnn i f>:'df) n. i;l, lo 11^10 daliv. luid from 2 lo S p. in

F o r younger chiUlvcn up lo 10 jc n rs oj; ngL*. p laycn .um l w ork hao

—been i.rrajlK C tl-aL -H ajnion.,D rury WlU p t U’l.chinvrtcin whfuil flL'ld.

hoya over lO an(t up to , 17,

LodIi I jiu r ic , J*ckie Wilson, U Z -poand^r, H ^poU ndfr,

a c v e U n d

T«d K ara.12C-poiindrr,

CItveU nd Clevelaml

A ndy Serly

ilow cU K In t . . Jim m y Clark. l iT - w m n f l f f r - ' IB O r^u lid fr, ^

D H roil Jam «& fn,'N . \ \

. V ineinucrra,

C rfig lifh Univ.

A rth u r Oil' -lUfcVTTVtfshn:

O ilcaco

• H rr ^ 'u r p ibu uiiiiK-rM In liuil n lg tifu final Olympic trial* ui. t l i lr a n n . T l im .i- lg h t bulHet» form th e V . S. tcnm ," wHli thoriK ht thi-y d)-(rnt<d uL«o ninliinK th r tr ip to llc rlln m i iitfcrnittM .

" Lunrlin'pIiVnS"W‘riUail IPnp' voileybnll n t llicKcI. W nslilngton Mid Lincoln f.chcvilH. h\>T plrls it the m ine a |;e f.'i'oup. volleyball i; •Ire.Kly f»nhr<luri'il nncl o ther jmrh sjX'iiH a re lo be arrnnf;.',!.

The progriin i Is cxp tclfi! luintl w eekly iilong varifd Lunilin said, l i e plans varjoun ili-

iiiul p ruups ln 'lh c Jun­ior s o f tb a l^ W u p ^ '" ■ > ^ l jm iirr ehjimplonRhlp sericH to w Jn .l'u p tb e m im mcr BcaBon. ••

T<“nnl»i M ccl • H e has nlno mappw l tem iis nmi bo ia esh o t m e ets w llh jun ior oily «hemplt>nfihlp toiim^yH a t tho (in*Uh; Hw.nimlnt,'. puabmobile racing.

_ *rcliiTv,_mq<lcl bor.l _Jmil plane bBlldinK.-ropc.«plnnin(' e<mte.sl!<. ft no\-cl biryoic rodeo,, licill buggy

• p e t HhowB, an.l hanOlerufl _th ibit. T he com bined groiipB may j ,

01Z/Y28-2]!R ig g e r t S n ia c h s H o m e r to E n d

W e ir d G a m e ;- J e ro m e O o-op T ak e 's T 5 - 7 '”O pcncr

• Itlsfi a tte m p t ft Junior playKTOund____d rc u s .............. . . __— ................—

L undin hemls th e recrcationnl •e t-up a s d irec tor. W. Charles Wil- Itnmn Is - a w is ta n t director, and playground w rtrkera In charge of boys' and g irls’ w ork, a s annuune- « ] todav by LAinOin,. a re:

G IR L S' rROC.RA5I (A nd Y ounurr Children)

H arm on l le l . l - B t r l h a Bubcoek, L enore P resco tt.

D rury p a rk - • Flnrciice Toolh- nuin. Jo.ieplitnr McNpclpy.

W a s h l n f i l o n k In v I - L m iIm, M a c k . .................. ........................... -

BOYS' rn o < ;itA M

W all U ip g n t 'u Iwnic n m w ith the buacfl loiwlcd In the liin half of th e fina l inn ing won « welrecl

t<. 37 VK'U.ry ove r Wilpy D rug Iasi n lp lit f c r B rurw vick .eo fl- ballcra in th » InaiigiiM l league pfOKi-aui a t tb e .n e w ligh ted .d ia* mon<i on Lincoln field.

'J ero m e Co-op Cream ery ehel- Iftckcd Id/ilK> I 'ow er coin'pajiy. M

t,h t opening gam e of the

_ M il- bntll«-» -were froe-h iltlne .-.ffroya w ith th e B nm swiek-W llcy encounter o ffe ring <hc dlzzleat eet- to o f th e iiJijht. The c ig a r store

)>oundtiI the ba ll wide nn<l fa r to ro ll lo ft Blow b u t fitendy drive th a t llna lly p u t them ahead, 21-10, in th e f if th fram e. W llh berth out- fllH popping h its to nil corners and fend ing the w h ite nlght-hall siz­z ling pa^l f lta rlled Infltlda, W lley’a took a 27-24 e<tpe in ita ha lf of the l a f t fitonzn. T hen ritc lie r Rig'



O ashou£c G a n g U n d u s t c n c d A s T e n y m e n E x te n d S t re a k

‘ C ubs S l ip B a ck

Fans L ike Hdch A lbee in First 'Davenport T ilt

By I.K S M E AVKIIY N E W YORK. May 21 U'.l!‘- T h i

ilIngMJonp ba ttle fo r firat place li tho N ational league betw een the New Y ork G lanta and the St. Ix>uin

■ Cardlnala continued todny a t the Polo grounda.

The G ian ts cam e o u t on top in tljo fli'flt ftkirml.sh and head lIic league by half u gam e, b u t it will

'tak e more th a n one lleklng to chasten th e ga&houso rowdies. And M anager F ran ltie F risch /itill lia; ’ ’ ice flinger. B lzzy Dean, ,ln l e-

Nino In KoM'•w Y ork ran Its r.trlng of con^

sccutlvp vlcloricfi l» nine and p<il' Ished o ff the C ard inals 10 to 7 yes te n la y la a gam e rep/u'fe w ith fire- workji. Tlio G ian t’s s tre a k Is the lo n g e s t-In th e m ajors since the C u l i.p u ti.o n th e ir 2 i-gam c spurt ! ! r w inn ing 11ie“ JfiitroKin"Tr; pennant laa t fall.

i\v ico Ihe G lan ls 'w ere for'ccd to como from Iwbind, b u t tho seven, run's they scored In the fif th and six th Innlnga w ere enough to in­sure victory. lUx-Ginnt Hoy Parm c- lee w as ahelled from the St. I-ouls inuiiriiV liru V e rwU i;rai^il-cx-Cai-

W l t E y O K C U B B O L S IE IG

down b is okl. m a tes by stealing

ThurB., Muy 21— KlrM gom et X’tjUi C lilrfs VB. Npoer’s Cftfe; Rcooml gunie: Vnl(<-<l W orkers 'k-H, Troy I^urr'-lry.

rkt—« n w j - onnujldatedViiii Fngelen’

t r e ig n t ; second gam e: r « m - Vl<» v«. THlii Fu lls I*ntJit and Glass.


B*nt> niinicIJhcnl,, , c W . l - l J ,w n r . l JVp.nl. j i

^V . » » l n K l n n R nn .J - U i i l n ,„„ lv i,„„. lo r

1 field - 'V orm nn !?ogn. tUc vic tora., OlflclHl Jiomcra were


SAN FRANCISCO, M ay 21 tlS.) - P h i l B rubaker, Iho n iild -jn a n - ncred heavyw eigh t , f ig h te r who tw o years ago w as ti d ivinity s tu ­den t a t College of th e Pacific, held a Blight edge In th o b e ttin g m a rts today over A ndre L englet, cham ­pion of F ranco th rough inlierit-

• BrubnHer m eets L englet tom or- »x.\v n igh t In ■ a 10-i-ound t •

r f a g rountl ball down H ic-Ilrat c v i^ t bout_« .t,D ican ilanil a iit f . line w en t fo r a hoDicr lo w ln ;iu n i w hlcli should prove a rigid

le st fo r th e youflg Ulbunan clal.nifl. he .h a s flcrlous hopes of m eeting Jbo L ouis and Jim m y Ura<ldoi;l{.

U rubuker will ta k o h is final li tensive w orkout a t Iloyul gymni

today, and tb e K rrnehm an 'iiertule<l to a ppea r fo r a light

drill a t D uffy' gymniuilum.

lallf.T 1 b' mg lulki >lve rally in lh<» lasl Iw

OWOOKinsnsE i

l i j l i l B i iltc i 't i l B u t C l iif r r iil YoiitliK S iiy 'O n to B i r l i n '

A llo r Finu!«

n i l . A dd , M.iv : i 4 1 '

V HI' W\f Vvwl ilvBipl'- boxlti

fam u l th is /luiiiuirr. 'l lic lr niiiln (ilij<rliv<! w av lo /lu rp n u the work u l III.' Ili;i2 to*km whloh won two of «!.• vljiM flH ht Dlyiiiplo mi-.jt,

Tli<< ]|)»<l K-Kiiu - il-J iKiumla I-oiilH I ju irir , Cli'vrlniid.

IIH ]xii!Miln — J iu lilt ' WllMiii, f lrv rh u id .

U'll iHiund'i--T<-1 K nra. Cl.vr-

I.iri p iiiinds—Amfy Ki'iivmil, n i l - wi;cj.

M7 ixnm < l"-H ow fll K lnf, It.- tro il.lUU iH’im d n -J Im ii iy Clark, Jiuiii-H- «own. N . Y.

l i f t ;««iwlit - - Cavl Vlucliiucno, Oiiiuhii.

lleavyw rlH lil — / r t h u r Oliver, Clili'ngii.

WlkKin, u m ir, Chirk fttiil Olivet « rc Ne|{hH /i.

C oyote T ennis M en Gpii;>g to Portlapd

<’AI,1)\VJ0I.I., May a j (Hpeeliil) —.W ith ft cliiiinplcmiihlp riitlnK Ilia duublrn division a ruiwKT tin j.nBlllmi In th o aliiglen n t llu •( 'u llu 'rii IdiiJio liiUTCOIIegliiti' te n ­n is ,t im n iu m e n t III HAise liiAl Aerk end lo llie ir errdH , C oV ho of Idiilio Ciiyules liiriu d tadiiy ‘ prpjiiiratloii (<ir tbn Ni.rlhw ent i

. ■frreiiti. touriit'iiM'Mt a t J’.ullftiid, Oro., on Hiituidiiy.

L uis UideK*«*''« Mounlaln llom a and I 'a u l I 'arilnli, jr ., nt OnJdwgll tcan ie il toge ther to glvo Hm CoMpkii o f Idaho u tlv r i.rl tu ry In tho rluitnidoimlilp niateli I tho i1niilj|i>fl division of llio Hiutli* c m Idaho toiirnaiiiciil

fXplO' nnlngi

cw ect' ■ l«».-yjr.i<'ry. .over l-ownr. T il.' i-rw erinrn HhV fMhgS

I 7-7 In tb e liflJi friimj', li\it the r r r n m e r y r n w pushed ncrrsfi fou r

i.slh a ■th to r lln r i

Id Ibi............. I theiiillrrf . T b r win

aui;uilie- (.V.-op. clllWi pre-

nj: 1bc oi'i’Mliig iiffniv, Mnyor eaii M en, J<,linrl.iii pll '

th» fiinl bull to lnitlut« llie ig h tid rirl.1. <V>niii)iKMuii, r I'avlor )>»tl><d o iil U, rii;ilvbllr I '..... . r 'MIKon 1II, Ix 'bin'l till' bal. iinitKi <i

Lopez 'Wins- M atch F rom Jo e Savoldi

I.QH ANGELKgi M i^ 21 ir i 'i— vTiicciit l.,opez, Mexlcoi n irew Jini ^!uvol<ll, M ichigan; Man Mountain tFefiii7.Cmii^IJfrihi<:w 13111 'S ledge, •Jiilt L ake C ity; G eorge ZaharUu, Cnliirailo. threw Vic C hristy , Van Nuvh, Calif,; Ray Hteide, Glendale. Calif,, th rew Hilly RartuBh. New

: H ans Ktelnke, G ermany, V Mlko M azurkl. N ew Y ork;

Tiny Roebuck. OkliUionm, drew w llii N lfit Liil»e, Venice, Calif.

ii|.> i ' 111

I, M iilliiin,'rf; \ 'a

; I^vlnn. 1.1; N.;.

If; W eiilornrii non, i l ; Mwliii iMuir, ll>! W h >


liomo ln th e seventh . P epper Mar- tln h it ft fu tile home n m wlUt l\\-o on ift the n in th .

r ir a te n Win I’ittsbu rgh ’s P ira te s galne<l a i

to 3 deelalon ove r th e Philadelphli Phillies to shove tho Q uakers back in tho cellar. W eaver allowc<i the PhllA b u t e ig h t b its , one of them

e<l tw o fou r-baggers for tho Pl- i-ate.i,

C lncinnati’fl Retls w ere In fourth placo a a a re su l t o f tiielr 10 to victory over th o B oston- Bees wWlo ih o Chicago Cub# fe ll , into f if th position by losing 11 to 2 to the Brooklyn D odgers. V an Mungo tu m e tl- th o C ubs back w ith «ix hits.

,](o\vo IlultA .Y ankeesIn tho AmerJoon. th e league-

^eaiiing Y ankees w ere s e t bach 4 to 3 by the D etro it T igers. Charley R u rn n g loslnff a ' pltelierfl’ duel to Schoolboy R o w e .^ o U i allow ed six hil2 . M arvin O w en's 10th lonlng lionier wojB tho dcckllng blow. Di M aggio hom ered fo r ,tho Yanka.

S t. Louis’ Brow ns compiled their longest w inning s tr e a k o f th e yeai — threo s tra ig h t—w ith a 12 lo { decision over tho second p lace Bos- ton Red Sox. M ahaffey w as the w inning pitcher.• S ugar Cuin pltelietl *hls soeond s tr a ig h t v ic tory since ho was_ob- tnu renT W ift th o “Brow nS~by tB f W hite Sox, lim iting the Philadel­ph ia A th le tics to neven h il^ fo r a 4>0 decision.

W uahington b eal Cleveland 7 lo on a fluke, G alatzer’s throw

frotn tiM ou tflek l U> ih lrd boM hit Johnny Iwcwls and tho ball bounc- is l.ln to the .“icnator.duK O ut. .Ix-wis w alked home w ith thu decldlnK

Wins British T itleK ollT IIPO R T , Kng., May 21. M' Ilciind-fnoed lll-yi'«r-<i'ld Pam

nrtoii (if I/<iiidon, f inalist fo r the iiNt Iwo veiii-H, w(.ii Ih c British ■tmm'ji-^idf, lllh i Itulti

Unr<il(l “H ack" Albee. s ta r p itcher fo r th e llaze llon team fo r th e la s t several yetira, •'lookeil unusually good In his f ln rt s t n r f - f o r the lenguc lead­in g D avenport Blue Sox of the We.itei-n league, accordlDg to w onl received hero today from Leo K autz. D aven]H)rt -Daily Tlmp-H (■ports editor.

Albeo, wlKise husky fram e and Herioua dem eanor p rom ptly won him the n icknam e of "T ar- zan" am ong D avenport base­ball fiinfl, '-looke<l the beat fo r D avenport" am ong the four p itchers w ho hurled the Rlue Sox to a 10-9 v ictory agidn.it W aterloo, K autz said In hla s torj- of th e g-ame.

N o K arned Runs In Ills f i r r t gam e. Aibcc

p itched Ui3 opening five frnmc.>i a n d 'p .ir t of the six th , and d idn 't g ive W aterloo nn earned run. H e w as relieved in the sixth a ft- e r a llow ing <mly seven hita. W atc .loo scored seven runs agiiin-st him in tboae frarhes bu t a ll wcrt) m ade possible-by Blue Sox infield errora. The gam e

'w^as jjiayea-w coK T.TftwTventhrr-th a t ma.de lojTnbtch' Britl'ImpOs'T Bible. ..

T he Idaho boy .'accord ing to the D avenport spo rts editor, • 'tired a f te r five innings of fine chucking7 w hich in to be expect­ed, in h is f lrs t.le n g u e £nm e,"

"M o«t Prom ising” ---------------IB atBfrttHKnmiTretTTer-

F i n a l l y A g re e s W ith M a n a g e r ’ P le a T lia t L ea g u e C h am p s

N eed P i tc h e r

J liL•'brawny Idaho fa rm 'lw y and tho m ost prom lslnE of ifa n a g e r Dixon’s rookie moundsmen.”

Before opening of tho W est­ern leitgue season, th e H azelton you th fierform cd la several p ractice gam es for tho Blue Sox. In one o f these, agiilnat a Chicago sem i-pro outfit,-'he w as Ihe-O Bly-m an-to-knoek th e ball o u t of th o p a rk fo r a home run.

Incidentally , H ack 's picture w as ru n In th o M ay 10 Issue of th e DavenpM-t D ally T im es un> dor tho caption , "Looks Good.”

I D A H O A i y i B O M G I I I S

V and& ls a n d U U s W ill S e s e w F o o tb a l l K e la tio n s W ith

1937-38 G am es

H O SCO W , M ay 21 <UJi)--Tlie UnlverslUoB o t Idaho and U ta h to­day p lanned renew al of football J a tto ila -w lth —a —bo

By GEORGE KIRKSEY N E W YOPJC. M ay 21 (I'J!)—Af- r one long and sad look a t the

ball, club ho owns, P. K . W rlgley a g reed today w llh hla team m an­a g er — Cbsrlle Grimm— t i e Chi­cago Cubs neetl bolstering.

G rim m has Insisted since early sp rin g th a t the Cubs had to have m ore p itch ing s tre n g th . H e waJited to m ake a deal fo r C urt Davia. Phillies' ace w ho w on 18 gamea

a seventh place club la s t sca- , b u t w as unable to g e t the essary cash ou tlay from the

fro n t offlcc to ,sw ing the deal, Took a NoHedivo

The Cubs bounced into f irs t place M ay & and all ta lk of w i n g ­ing a deal w as quieted. T hen the N alonal league cham pions w en t in to a nose<live. dropping e ight ou t o f th e ir Ja s t JQ gam es and plung-

fo rtablo hours ycaterday and w h at he saw convinced him his a g e r is right.

C hanges w ill be m ade In . the Cubs—m aybe today o r tom orrow , b u t su rely before -thc-ei\d- o t the n^ontli. Grimm aakcd fo r a. tlon

UTOCkiyi........- ....Cubs, 11-2, and the price se t him back on hia heels.

W ants 9160,0.00 '•Ono hundred f if ty thousand dol­

la rs is th e price on Mungo," said Casey Stengel, Dodgers' m anager

T h a t ended th e iiego'llaUona for M ungo; btat G rim m asked Stengel to -confer- w ith - h lm -and-W rlgJay a t tho,Cub.V hotel th is m orning to d iscuss ano ther deal.

The Cubs have Ju s t abou t quit Chuck Klein, w ho 1a h ittin g

hollow shell o f the once g re a t olug- g e r w ho perform ed fo r- th e Ph il­l ie s .'I t- Ja . believed th a t tho Cubs will o ffe r K lein lo th e Dodgttrs for F red FVankhouso o r E d Brandt, w ho w ere obtained from th e Bos' ^ n .B ra v e a Ja s t w inter.

. . . N o t-C o m p le t^ .O ffTho D avis deal w ith .tho PhlV

Ilea .Isn 't completely off a lthough th o prlco -placed on him, sa id to K lein and *75,000, isn 't ikely to be m e t unless tho Ciubs c a n 't g e t a n ­o th e r s ta r t in g p ltchcr a n y place else, •

“O ur whole troub le Is pitching, G rim m said. "W e'vo g o t to have onoQicr s ta r te r . I n on ly a few gam es have w o failed to show punch,”

and_______ . . i>"lnt-m<'nt tciday- th a t o f head cuarb a t Fresno Hlale college,■ H eltrlloii of Uradohnw

nounred hy Hr. K, W. Thomas, preslilont o f tbo se'hool. Ho will repliiee U<i lla r r ls , wlio reNlgned, litadsliiiw wiin Hlnnford frenliman coach.

}lni<lhh»\v Im a iiiillvu of Kansan City, Mu., w bern lie ida.ved lilgh schrHil foollmll. Mo played rolIeKe footliiill thi-ro .v<'ani lit' U nlvrrsily

og reem en t In 1037 and ICM, a fte r 15 yeara In w hich tho two schools had n o t played.

The f i r s t gam e w as ten ttlve ly ngreeil fo r S a lt L ake City on OcL U, 11)37.

Ill f^olitheril Idaho?Tho 1038 gam e w iis to be playe<l

In Idaho , ''j)oaalbly in tho south- e m p a r t o f th e s ta te ," sa id Idaho 's g rad u a te m anager, Georgo Horton, w bo declined to Conunenl fu rth e r

tho location o f tho second jiami ,. bellevo b o l t L s ^ g j a J i l x a i considerably by Iho agrcem cnti H orton,, to ld ,{ h c ..U n ltc O - l‘rcfia, '•Idaho and U ta h a ro n a tu ra l rl- vala a n d w o foolifortunto in fiehed u llng tho gam M .

'•Ted R a n k (football coach) and I s ta r te d w ork ing on II In M arch when w o w en t to S a lt U k o City. Wii Junt g o t tlto n rrangem ents com pleled,"

Id aho and l l l a h played their liuit Kiimii nga lnat each o the r in tliJ2, won by


A M ERICA N LKAGIIENc\v Y o rk .............. ...22 10 .688Boston 12- .C47C le v e la n d ............... .!!.17 13 .5G7D etro it . J7 14 M8-hlcago ..... ........... .13 14 481W ashhigton ........... .1 0 18 .471Phib<lelphla ......... .1 0 111 .345S t. Louw................. 7 24 .226

N A TIO N AL IJJA G tiEW. L. P e t.

N ew Y ork ............... ...19 10 .655St. lyOUlfi........ ..... ...18- 10 .643P iltsb u rg h ............. ...15 13 .53CClneSnnnti ............. ...10 16 .484Chlcogo ..... ;.......... 15 .483Boston ................... ...13 IG .448Brooklyn .........—.. ...12 18 .400Philadelph ia ......... ^7. 20 .375

S E i l O f C l B l Y M Y P A C

Y o u n g S a c ra m e n to T ea m Q u iu G e lln r; N o w O n ly 4 G am es

F r o m F i r s t D iv is io n


OaklandMuistonsSea ttle

Francisco....Portland ..............Snn D iego............Sacram ento ........

A ngeles........

W. L. P e t..... 34 18 .054....26 24 .520

...21 2S ,429

. ’3 c o V ‘e « r ; Y e » t « r d 4 j E r ^

AMERICAN LE^SGUE D etro it 4, N ew Y ork 3 .‘ C hicago 4, Phila. 0.S t. Louis 12, Boston 8.

T V iuhlD gton 7, Cleveland'6,

Brooklyn 11, Chicago 2.N ew Y ork 10, St. Louis 7. C incinnati 10, Boston 8. PltlA burgh 0,' Phila. 3.

PA C IFIC COAST t.EA G UE'San Francisco 12, Po rtland 11. S ea ttle 4. Los Angeled 0. O akland '3, Mlsalona 1.

■ Sacrflm cntd Z ^ g a n .D ie e o l. '

N T R I P L E IEV a n d a ls F a c e W & shingtoja S t a le

A n d U o n ta n a in - 8 t i f { - T e r t A t F n l lm a n

S O U tn P O R T , England, Muy 21 (l'.l!)—P a tty tJe rg o f M inneapolis and fo u r o f h e r C urtla cup te am ­m ates le ft io r London today to, join MrM. r.icnnft rn l l f t to V nrn of I'hllade.Iphia, cap ta in of the team , a iul..C harlQ lta GiuLllinK..tiC..8outh O range, N . J ,, w ho departed yci te rday .

Tho en tire n<iua<1 of e ig h t will leave fo r P a rla F rid ay and pluy an in form al team m a tch ag a in s t F rench women on Monday,

Thn A m erican team definitely haa comiileiiHl arrangem cnU i to ^nll fo r lionu* aboanl tho (Jueen M ary nn ' Us m aiden voyage

|M ay:!7 ,

MOSCOW, M ay 21 (Specia l)—. U ndefeated In th ree dual m eets, tho U n ive rsity o f Idaho tr a c k team faces i t s b li^ e e t b a rr ie r F r id a y a t Pu llm an in a tr ia n g u la r m e et -with W ashington S ta te and U o o ta s s .

Idaho and M ontana c lashed e a r ­lie r th is aeaaon In a dual contest, tho V andals w inning 85 to 40, b u t tho I dahoans wlU go up a g a in s t th e pow ei^ul ISSO CAUgitr t tg y n i '' ga llon fo r tho f ir s t tim e th ia w eek. Both W ashington S ta te and Idaho had close, tough m eets I M week, tho C ougars beating th e W aahlng- to n H uskies eo to 62, and th e V an­dals taki: splkestcrB

F o u r U niversity of Idaho trac k t'ccordB have alrecuty goiw tn to .tlic d iscard th is season, and tho now

' ' 0 he _ _ , , i te t .

T hese m en a n d the ir new raorka a ro S tew a rt Neely. 440, :40,3; Bill r o w tn r, tJO T rard hnrrttear 24 'S rC y A dkins, mile run , 4,2fi.3; and Don

■ fe e t 10*,5

■ By United P ress .The Sacram ento Scoatora ar<s

s e ttin g a pace In the P acific Coafit league today th a t Is m ak ing m any club officials and spo rts follow ers e a t th e ir earlie r words.

L eague stand ings show th e So- lonfl ono fu ll gam e fro m sbiU i place, tw o from fifth , and only fo u r from the bottom of th e flr^rt division.

Two S tra igh tT he youngsters, under the puiil-

in g hand of A l K illefcr, m ade it tw o stra ig h t over San Diego laa t n igh t by tak ing a 2 to 1 decision. Johnny Cham bers, th e s ta r of tho p itch ing s ta ff. b e s te j lJV a lly H e­b e rt In a keen due},' lit which tli.i ' w inning rtin croRsed the p la te in th e seventh. N either te am m ade

1 e rro r. ,I n nnothofc n igh t gam e, tb a .^ e t^ .

^raQ»-Lo}L.'-Koupa^^ ono ' " f tlitfC •'p itching'' tw ina^'- o f - Ind ians , tu rned I n his secutlvc shu tou t vlc to rj’, b eating • L os A ngeles 4 to 0. The A ngels ' w ere able to solve K oupal's de­livery foi* only th ree h its, an<I

;Khtberwl-them-&\t-a{U)r-tbo-i>UU>— [tnn inc .-j.- i-T'.:-".--'.': v r : - —z

The Indians enllerteil It) h lla---------O aks Even Series

The Missions and O akland al.sd p u t on a wcD-playcd. gam e, w ith th o O aka evening the series by bcallng th e Reds 3 to 1, Jim m y TobiD b eat the young ace of Willlo K am m 'a s ta ff, F ra n k L am anske, in th e ba ttle under tho flood ligh ts.

.^Ithough the Acore m ounted in ­to d o u b le 'f ig u res .; th e -P o r tla n d - Snn Francisco g ir o e - w is ano ther ba ttle , w on by tho Seals, 12 to 11.

Sbcteen of tho ryns wero sc o rtd In th o f ir s t tw o Innings, .w hich to o k m oiu th a n a n h o u r to play . T ho Senls w on In th e n in th w bc» they scored tw o runs.

Lind&trom to P lay I f H ealth Im proves

CHICAGO, M ay 21 a 'J!)-rrrc .l- dfc U ndatrom w lu re tu rn tb.b'aflc- ba ll w ith tho Brooklyn D odgers "o r a n y o th e r te am th a t w an ts m y aervk^a,” if b is h e a lth p rograhv is succeasful, ho sa id today.

L lndstrom , w ho w en t to B rook­ly n a f te r hla unconditional release by th o Chicago Cubs, - q u it tbo D odgers T uesday a n d 'd ec la re d ho w as a ll th rough aa a p layer.-

'T h a te ^ to ta k e a b ig a a la ry

last- tw o again st O regon H ta te.-

i«K CuacU K.di '/..liH'l'.p o t UuWc ' 'i if niiiioiM. /,u)i|)ii<\ (' l"l(al>lill,"





day for I illii HIreli

i|im rt«i« u t ft<.nv.i lllci’ln will trii n rn r T i«<n>iiii«,

)leii«vi • I', nahl llui i: InK fl'it>'' mill tjrnt of Slinpr ■

I') -It-llvf l<ldlnvi-t|[ht ihtiiii' i-liuiain tiiilnlMi; t ‘>- i> Ifout w itli l>'rt'0' -i.ia, srb.'.lul<-d foi

fj«t.i1i11flh iKiliilnr;


32 MONTHS INmakii

V iq iO R H U G OStil^nnU ffojiue BRANDY.

S-M -O -O -T-HC a l i f o r n i a \N\m A s s o c i a t i o n

.//./I-;-. r i iu iT iN o u s T n i r s , l i d , ’

n n -

lo llaveWnottoboJd !


. 1 ; .

I feel 'I c an g e t back Into fehapr, I 'l l go back to baaeball.”

B anquet P lanned By Country ClubAll m em bers o f th e Twin

F a lla , coun try club a re in ­v ited to a tten d a banquet and busincaa session a t the P a rk hoU i F riday 'even ing ,

' i t w as-annou iH w d-^ ■ >n . C. Edm unds, aecre tary ofUio organ isation . -------

Ttio banquet la le t fo r 7

■'Dewnr'a MJiUn l^ilicl " « Y earn 0 ) d | M,«* I'n io l

• Say ” ITfcw.rV’ Iwlay >then o n le r la i flcolrli -sn < l) (Ill'll iivoM « ••U n to uf trill'* ti>morr<i«f. Vor I J e M r 'i U l i t k ie r and fnll.ler, l i U iho o n ir H»«»ltl» lh a i lia t b««n aw anlrti BO (n l.l hinUI* fo r III iiiperli mcllnMiieii, rlrliiirtti of

- aii.1 |irrf«rlli.iw>f lileii.lliii.

a f s ”wken ordering Scotch

M URESCaXJ^SSnJiyJFmisrLi^ W A L L S 2 J2 £ (C E IL IN G S

A ll m il............. I' .M I 'l lK S i 'd cDstiiir.' li- s ilm :, 1 ' i. v.,il(111 liv e r llie a v i 'r a g i ' h i / r ro i'iii. S . . | r , l><'i{iilil'iil lin t:. oi

_ \v n lln n iid cfilliiK a ni'o iiiu rr nci'i".Mir.v lliiiii iiii.vlliiiiu i‘Ih<i ill iiinkiiiK niM iut i i l l r m -l i \ i '. 'I 'l in c a i r IH uK iili'n i

liiiiN 1,1 n-oiii, a ( i n ' .......... imcU-. IIUU tl£ .M U ilK tiC l) w il t Iiiiv rr I'n im IJ.'ilMii fo o l, iukI f u r 11 hiiiall «ii|ieii<lilMi.< o f n liuliii' eiiii In: ii'iM iM ilol,

C H O O SE Y O U R F A V O R IT E COLORf o r fu c h riiiim , n iiil ko v iid it n lien il. M I 'l i l ‘]M ('ll n iii heii|i |i)im l ( jiiiellly iiiu l fai.il.v iiii>! iv ilt lieaulil'.v Ilic ..........nt. II RiirjirlNiiiHry lo w ciihl. I f <1iriirlioii't u rn fo llow e.l, nnn onnt, w ill c iiv r r Nollilly nn |)n^i’ii>’ii1l.\’ ini,\ Miil'm i'.

W lilln m ill in v n iiin in 'I'in lii i'l |iin 'I in l in (i-lb. piieliiiKfH w llli fiiirtiiir . lirP .'lio n n iir jn lr-d on i Ih>. hIiIc. .r iiR ’l' M IX lU U L I.N d W A T l'ilt ' W IT H 'i’l l i : I 'O W D K U , H T U A IN IT , H T I|{ IT , A N D


P ho n e4 8 S

T liu ra d n y , M a y 2 1 , 103C

. rO C A T E L L O . M ay 21 <Sp«e!al) —The c h W JuBtlce or the Jdaho •u p re m c cou rt, Raym onJ h . GW- »n«, a n d th e proaident o f R e « l col- l«gc. O regon, D r. D exter M orriam K cez«r, have been annOunc«d as baecalaurcaC o a mi fwrnmenpMnfnt opcokcra a l th e U n iye« 'lty o t Idobo, ao u tlK m 'b ra n ch . Baeealau* rca to »er\'lco w ill b« May 31 ln<l com m encem ent Ju n e 3.

Th« p rog ram for baccalaurenfe •will include invocation by Rev. R. r . SnM cr, p a s to r o t Iho Pocatello O ongrogaU onal church ; ocriptur* Rt read in g by Rev. John Spenccr of th o P oea tc llo P resbyterian church, ftdn beoedic tkm by Rev. G n e s W. A lexander, p a s to r o t the Pocatcllo M clhodla t E piscopal chMtch.

ProQ iinent Men M r. G ivens Jioa been on tJie su ­

prem o c o u r t bcnch slnec 1&25. Dr. K cere r, aXtcr teaching In D a r t­m outh , Cornell, th e U niversities of C o /lfom Ja 'and N orth Carolina, and h a v in g served, ns nasociftto ed itor o f th e B altim ore Sun end execu­tive '<Jlrccl6r of tljo N R A consum-

adv iso ry board;-becam e prcel- ■Versl * -R e e t> W W fte a x c w ^ i Q '

' H6‘ boi<la*'>l9 bncKelor'fl “ acgns; / ro tn A m herst, hla m aste r’s de* prce fro m Com cn*and hLs doctor's d egree iro m llw Brookline Gradu- n to School o f Economics and Gov- trn m c n t.

------ A «-p r« lden t-o f-R ee.l eollegp, heb fjp ih—* « v m t - n e w -^x p « rl-

« -- ---------- ; ---------------------- •-{C opyrigh t.^lttO rby .N ttliooakG coFrapU c Soclc ly; f tom .N E A , S e ijlcc ).to S lD JU -JC o n ^ JU -re c o rif a t r r tM '^ i r * you

ivould have »<ien hod you-Iooked d o n n w atd a t.th ® In stan t th o r t c e t bivHoon leachtiS 12.885 I mtI.

S u p p ly H oceivcd b y A u x iliary 'm o th cr . Mrs. T. t .In P re p a ra tio n fo r S tre e t !Tur.sday lo nitmd ui<- Erniii.r.ti.-n

•rclflC.H for ilisa AUcp who Attrnrls S alt Laki' ceiin

p o p p , . . w .„c« « „ b , uled on the streets here .‘Jntuitlny.ii. . ^l lt

h o 'W o r ld w ar deiul hnvn iwcn 1 , , ^ ; ^ ' ' ''LmvolM

I h c ^ W c a n ^ o . A u x l.in ryl'fro m f iio V t lerim ^ 6apltal, lJ«i-SC,'slUniicr nl^r.w hw c th e y wcrtf made by (tl/<.iblori;’ in .ncho IVrk k^ i.ku t ■W orid w a r veterans. The Atixi:- ‘ e J I

K pent.lho weeU-.'n.l her.- w .li, t,. purenlK. Mr. nm! Mrj>. M. 1‘n lc .

Hariild liiiil K>Jna SaviiKc c '* ''’ ^ p .irty At th f ir home Tiirs-lay niRiU honoring MIs.s iJori.T who In leavlnj: fa r I’liMrivii:o to mnlio her homf. Thlriy-fivf' y<iU!i ' people were |ire.'«iii. Oiit-<'f-t'iwn puoHts were; Mls;i \V!i;liinj;-hill, liurn.H, Ore., u lio is n ! he John Savnge h'>me, r.rd Hov.--

nil, Koii lmut:l:i.-'-,M-re pl;iyc,l iiti.l nln-.w;- rvi cl.

ni;;ht ftfl i r Hi'- hiLli fxrTciJ-rS. MV.«. Cniri;.- nlcrtaiii.'.! thi f.'iMrmi;:- 1 hDiior Ilf lu r .l.iui.hli r,

U*i.s: Mr. nml MrF. Da

C L ir .m tiic c iiu n t ExcrcihCH S i- l 'w > F o r Ca.stlcford Scniorb Hiv

A nd E iR h lli Griidc .J ,

w ould have »<ien had you ’lookeU d o n n w atd a t.th ® In stan t th o R tce t bivHoon leachtiS 12,885 ImtI, th e g rea te s t he igh t y e t a tta in e d by m an . T ho p ic tu re , snapped au lom atlca lJy n t J l:41 a. ni., N o- vcml>er I I , shown an a re a * J05 sq iiara m iles In cen tra l South D ak o ta . The to«vn of ra m if le c In 111 tho upper le ft-hand corner. CuMIng th rough tho righ t side of tlw p ic ture In th e sou th fo rk of th e W hit* river. Tbo rejpular paU em of darl« HtjuarcR and rertMngli'H Ih nuido by ciUllvuted fieldH contriisted a g a in s t surrounding graw lands. N ote hou’ like

-of-BtreBnw e m p ty lrg - ln to t h e W h l t c H onw loolt. ----- 'liou’ like a rclU I tnaii th o crp«ltiii_cliniiiicl3_

Poppy day a rc going foi-ward n ip-, idly under the leadership of Mrs.E s tc lla Reynolds, chairm an.

The popples a rc made of crepe p a p er in exact replica o f the w ild [wpplefi o f T rance w hich grew n- long the W orld w a r battlelront:. tho one touch o t n a tu re ’s beau ty In th a t region oC death tuwl deso­lation. H undreds o f disabled vi'l- e ra n s have been given tm p loym en tj'" ''; th rough th e w in te r anil sp'^inK* .,'shap ing th'^ little flow.T.i fo r ............ , 'Auxiliary. Tho w ork lia.s-breii con- '" '. . ‘V: duc t« J J;i CO <yrr«-('nt ;i.wpit,i/.->iHi,( , convnlcscent workrfxiiim . KIow.r.H • fo r Aiixiil-nry (inits In Idaho h iiv 'been under the dlreetfori o f Mr.s. I ' , , , , , ,

\M « Mttlte Ifniplefi . 'K n je c r r . Klmln-rVv, Mr. ivTiiiPoppy-m aking w ork Is re.strl. t - , I. H. .Stiirgron, Mr. and Mr.", IM-

eU tp d isabled vcteran.H rtcclvln^; tJerf ftyvcrson iind M r/ 'a iu l Mi;> lit tle o r no governm ent conipciu'ia- .Inmr.n'lioylc und th n e rl.-iuphtn s tion, w ith preference being given H erthn, .losephtne and J ia n , all <I to those h.ivlng famllie.s_ln need M urtaiij;h; nml Mr., ami Mih. H Of th e ir fliipjiort.. i la te ria la . a rc sup 'll J i;K a 5 l.‘Mur};ivilk'. Calif. R'-frt.si;- pH cd'-by~ tljo~AT]Xinfti-y~iinir“ llib 'm cn t« w ire .suvtT] aaiinjf^Tlu- Lvl-

l.laao ,|.; l l i^

■the !^nr.o,i t . t ,

Warnings to Motheis

(.rad ii.itrs .ViiiiirdG r;idu.i|..v .-uc- Avis Hl,.w.

11 .‘l. I..-1 i t Grnnfcitn'i' ,;tT nn j i-.vllUt -

Jr.?<- llonliiton.- .M .vp^.'fvirnihy.aiiri viqrt,-let-iK.nii,-, ( '.in tirll, K .n n ’.l iu ,r, r,iH.ap7 fruit. « n |.r . n .'. -

Hra»)b, Kiirl ,1'pnrad, r .iU ia l-n,;.. T r/ jAf-n^Vi.'r:MiiTi;i: o< tnrr lo.fto.M; n, f-<rt<i;>- li. K. Ilf- Ui,..!. (t.'n H.lllu deftly. lVa-al*l.‘

m E ’S V E R M I F U G t

S tuden ts to P resen t | M elod ram a a t U ISB

HAG ERM A N+ IMK1 I’oulton ta u g h t in the Soda!-) I iR tirinca siihmil tho nniit vi.r.v . It

PO C A TELLO , M ay 21-(SpcelaJ) —Tho o ld m ckxJm m a of tho 'OO’a th a t f rig h ten e d confirmed drunk* ftfdn In to a ign log th e pledge is the la s t p loy o f -tb c seasoR-«t-t})o Uni* ve re lty o f Idaho , eou them branch, to b e p rese n te d M ay 22 and 23.

. E u g en e G ra d y of. Pocafcllo _ Jo« M organ , th e drunkard who Js final)y rec laim ed and s ta r ts givi tm p e r a a c e «poochc«. TJj* p a r t -

salooQ keeper, S^mcm Blade, iB ta k e n by V ictor De.Tuiius, Je ro m e; an< l-M arla ii'F «u rew te In , Id ah o F a lls , Is litUe U ary M organ, w ho sU rv c s to d e a th bccause h e r fa th e r spends h is money fo r drink In stead o f h read .

Severa l o ld tim o s o i ^ a rc be­in g su n g a s special fea tures, In­clud ing th o '•L lttlo Brow n Jug ,” su n g byJ>eJuU us; "Shb’s J u s t L ike A R ose .W ith a B i o k u Stem ," by A rth u r Sm lUi. R upert; "W e'll L et th o A ngela In ," by Helene Sm ith.

' B lockfoot; "N o M ore Boom ," and "F ire m an S av e M y ChUd," by

___j p a r t s besides those mca-tkm cd o re U ftcn by A rtH ur Sm ith, R a lph W oodw ard, N eal Moon. Ma- la d ; R u lon W U llanu, Burley, MaU' rtno Pederson , Idaho Falls, and H elen H ole, B urley. ____________

O ur u sua l fkio supply of bedding and vrgetA M e ptnnts , a re nniv’

Springs school the p a s t yew , i E, Pope received w ord Sunci.-iy . of th e d e a th of h is b rother-in-law

M.* J . Sm ith, a t.T re n to n , 111, .Mr. Popo and daughtcr-ln-law , Mrs.____ ,___ _ ....


M rs. H . O, F ra zie r a n d Mrs,C harles A bbott attem led th e sec-. . ........................,ond district federntion of w o-1Jack Popo plans to leave Inm c n 's - c lu b m eetings in B o ise‘‘*'” '“ ..........—T hursday and F riday as. .delegatee froni th e Civic club. T hey were accom panied by Mrs. H . Lc Moyne.

M r a n a M rs, S tan ley Ponfoid, in N eale, and Mr. ond M rs. F .

Penfold le ft recently fo r a m otor t r ip t o coast poinU, ' ■

M r. and M rs. Wl'.lletn Bodcn- helm cr le ft Stmd.iy fo r Rninoou, w hw b 'M r.' Bodchlieimer w as t r a n s ­ferred to the C. C. C. cartp .- Mr. and M rs. G. F . Reynolds and U ghter and U r . ond Mra. M cRey- >lds, N am pa, le ft S a tun i.iy fo r a

th ree ..w eeks, m otor tr ip to San Francisco and o the r const points.

M rs. J a y C6olulge, daugh ter Corlane and so n J e rry , le f t Sun­d a y f o r O akley w here they will

days fo r Trenton.M ike O 'F o rtfll , who w as Injured

in a m lno acciden t near Huiley la s t T hursday, retu rned to H ager- m an Sunday. M r. O 'F arre ll. who sufrcre<l a sku ll frac tu re , is still under a doctor's, care. H o p lans on re tum in jr to th e m ine In a few days.

M rs. A, Janoshek, assisted by h e r daugh lers , M rs. Von Doren and M rs. C. ‘D iurstob, Wendell,' en terta ined 35 guests a t h e r home T uesday afternoon , a t a wedding shCTver, honoring h e r daughter, M rs. n . E . G rovo,-a recen t bride. The bride r«ceived m any beau tifu l g ifts . R cfroshm enis w ere s e n e d by th e hostesses. . ■ • '

• T hree m en have been busy theJtritv M r; CooIUJkc lo r th e Bummer, p a s t w eek lay ing B35 ic e t of r tm

Mr. ond M rs. O. T ate m oved'plpc to connect up w ith the c ity. w a te r m a in ; a new w a te r hyd ran t c has been p u t ,ln a t ' tbo M odarleta r eom cr. .The J iyd ran t b c k w M ad-

a r le ta 's h a s been moved to the I, C. S k inner com er., ’ The "Sun Beam " c lass of the I. M ethodist Sunday school enjoyed

a p a r ty F r id a y afternoon a t the - homo o f th e ir tenoher M rs. J , W. 1 Jones.—T h e-p o r ty -w fts -a - fn re w c ll c p a rty in honor o f Shirley Grldley y and Doris .S tokes. Doris Stokes

rea d y fo r y o iir ga rden and w ln d n w lu ts , K i-nnlcott's sister, Mias E liu t- le ft H agcrm an . S a turday for Hill iKuew n t Jtandail F lorol Co. grcen-Ibeth Poiilton, who w ill spend the Clty, Shirley Gridley , will lenv .kousc.— adv. . .. . . isu inm er a t tw r ranoh in the valloy.Isoon fo r ijan Franolsoo,-Cnl, '

Tuc.vJay from the M ethodist p a r­sonage to th e W. M eyer home recen tly vacated by th e I. Roper fam ily.

MIBS Ju a n ita Bell, San Diego, Col., a rrived M onday fo r a visit a t the homo of h e r auAt, Mrs. T im Torrey.

M rs^ P . K ennlcott Jr., sons Phil- ? R ae iuid David, w cro w cc lp rad sllo ra In Pocatello. The;

laceompanled home, Monday, by Ki-nn.................. —

The Wi.Htmlnstor guile! m et the la-st of tho w eek a t the home of E . W . Miller. Tlio nmmbera db- clrtcct du ring tho liusInes.s'm ecUng

en tertam . th e ‘friends a t - a plunge p a rty May 2S a t th e B anbury natalorluni.

T ho A okiya Ciimp Hire girls and th o hponsor, Mrs. G. Gordon GnUI-, thw .ilto,, en tertaincil the m others “ '"I too f th(v_ glrla a t a costum o p a rty ______F rid a y evening a t tho P resby te - • r itm church. Tlie mdthera d ressed i us th e g irls anil the girls w ore I c lo thes of th e ir mother.s'nnd ph iy-|

num ber o f games. Refresh-1 m c n ts w ere Bcn’cd o t the close of: th o evening. I

M rs. R . C. Morse, and Miss An-1 n o tto M orse en tertained n t a ' b ridge p a r ty and show er S a turday evening in compliment to Miss De- lo raa Holmes, whoso m arriage will ta lw p la c e 'In June . M rs. Jam es

pleteil poppy. T ho num ber ciicii; 'i 'he molliri.'’ of the (■rlioo! (.hil- ■ veteran Ls allowed to m ak e rac h i'i rc ij nl Artc.sinn fcave a p .u ly a t, day is re.Hlrictrd bo th a t tlie w o i^ rih e ."ichool c:iitl.ij;<- .Moiulav. houcn-- m ay bo .-prcad nthong' ns m nny 'li'K Mr;i. A rthur KUinkoj'f . Kii:li* needy m en ns jw.vilble an^l to p re - ;te en , were prc.scnt. She ««.■) p re-i vi'n t over-tax ing Uie w orker's .‘<i a led with a licil-sprcnil !iv tluv stren g th . ladici^ Mr, and .Mr!-. K lriiikoiit, ! M aking poppica 4» considerc><1ihuv*‘ l*nili tm iglil Hchofil Jil A n — 'vniuahle occiiputlojial th e ra p y 's io n for ihe p ie t tlu cc yciu-i-' a rm tm e n t In the governm ent h o s-’T tiry are movlng now to llo l lw e r . pila!.>i. T he w ork gives the dis;ibk-<l,They will teach iRho<d a t P l ia san t

jm en an in trrestlng . profitable ' dc- V alley next year. The el(;htii j;raile .cupntion, relieves them c f the long lgniduntes a t Arte.sian w ere; ,13ob Ihours o f ldlene.>is, and is po.ittivc Noh, J.'tank Somp-son, Zona Mne

......... iC uninilns ur.d Juan CuraH.

second high. •Tho C edar D raw Com m unity

c lub a n d fam ilies of th e school chUdrcn cn tcrtaln«d the school and th o te o ch e rs 'o t a picnic lunch F r i ­d a y noon. '

FOR SALEL a r g e six-rooiu d w c iliiig fu lly■nioderu . L u eiilc .l in llie

b est p a r t o f c ity . P a v e d bfre'-t on froiil n?ir1 hide M rcd'.

^},r>00,00. A tlrn n t irc —

F. C. G ra v es & SonIBO M a in N o r th '

S E R V I C E .O E R T IF IE D^ 1 T h -P ' i-i no <|iiiMl(,ii lim it otir

'Juaranteeaseek — "S

Partsiiralidity. artiiiil ki rvice trstH

nd InhiiiU Ihut these C E K T IFIE D

iialiy c a n y big pncc- j yuu, HdditionHllyl '.

r . in

... - _ | _


A g ricu ltu ra l eollege tru stees de- cide<l' recently th a t w hen a m an a n d h is w ife both are on the foe- jUlty, the one muet'cftpablii will be {reUilned and the o ther dismtsscd. W ^ ite

VOUnoWMlCKETE x p e r t H o m e 0 c s i ; < n i n 4

A Featured Boise Payet’l'e Service-T »ko H o l« w » i-h « u * « » -y o u - ) il« > ,-o n th e n r r a n g e - -------n icn iH t h h t a p p w il to y o u . B r in g yn iii 'id cn s t o t h o E o iB C 'T n y o ttb h o m e ilcK ignpiH f o r nHHiatniico in '

• p ln n ii ln ff th c homf! 3*011 w /m t f e r ti le m on tiy y o u w a n t to in v c a l. T h o lu tc .s l in n o v n tio n s In h o m o b u ild in g n r c n t y o u r <ii»p(wnl. N o ch iirgC f o r th in

For thrills, thrift and smartness—

E x rU R T S cni) P o n tia c t h e sm ooU i- In t h e 'w orld. A n ti h e r e 't

w h y : p o iU ia c 'o c x tra -h c itv y . •Ito rt* s t r o k e c ra n k a lio ft i* b i i t t m t c d b y o v c r la p p ln s b«a rlaga . T Im b a rm o a lc b o la n c e r , in tr o d w x d b y P o n t i a c , . w uricB m ir a o le * . A n d n i l m o v in g p o r ta a r e b a ln n t td w ith Incrcd ib le

'-p redB lon . T h o F ci\ilt is #onicthlDR m w ' in e lg h t'C y lin d e r h l s t o j y x a n

w U lt n o v i b r h t h n p o i n t n t i t n y a p o v d t '

Thnt’a genuino flne-car englnoering, and U't matched b y eveiythlng elte In Iho cor. You caa't get ttetter brakcB thon Pontioc'o U g hydrauUca. Tbfl n lid Btccl *'Turret-Ton" Bodlei are the ta rn t money can buy. An^ Uila big eiiitt has delWcred. under otndal •iipcrviaion, 23 m iloa p«r galNin, Look around before you buy your d glit. Q tt all the facta. Y ou ll oome bock to Pontiac coovinccd that It’a tho beat buy of them ultl

' •!./•( orioti al ramlUt, l-i ln mt $tli lat Iht A/t <n>lirM lot 1h» KUhl <tu’v«e( (nckvtih »/(h-



...SO C IETY ...


H M,i4isoU


ConcluillnK c ! du li __ _.(InncvH WHS till' a ltr iii’Uv.' (dui.'i I N ’ l-'lli'cr u I <1u ovcnl Klvi'ii liisl .•vi'tiiii;; :il ' tli '’ ini.vr.i"' il •' li n Odcl-Frll.)WM iKill »!>■ in hunnr <if tlif jinnUinliii); iii'.-ui-1)0T3, Thp linll wj.s i-l.'V. Hy d. io r ^litcU In lu'L'pIn;: vvilii Uu‘ . (;c.n; sr:i!i' '-II'lass Oli'lIK' liy the UM' | ‘I lA ;innil In.iinn m ottH Sitrnnin-lin;:■ ..............rthe orclii.-ntra wn:: ;i ,\]|., c;iiviri f'lilojf fctH’o (HMiint; 111'- <Uib M iiform ed wlUi biiiMi -.v.iv

m otiL- C(.Mi.-r of til- h:ill 'v,‘ ; , , o r K t . DINNKU In,Him /II'- .C l^ S S MKAJHUUK

llic ••ntrani-iv Indm n 1il:inUrtT c.vcn-cl 111.’ cbiilrs uImuI l!ir im - I , ' ;

* vllinn. Am1iaAiiaci,ii;i dros;,,.!(lliVii cdHliinnT pliivfti m il « a s sorv.'.l by M ary I'

'B atcii h'ikI Micki'y I ’uiiijih:Ind ian <lrv.H-i-

OpeniriK tKc cvi-nl wa RrfliKl iiiiircli lod by Ibo ufficpr and Oioir <•«>H oltlnpuw orlh day ; M iss t>orolliy.MuKcl; Mi.ss MildClyde Bou(;hlnn, ntid MlHs I k t ly c o iT i . j p ^v ,.;d I 'um phrey uml Don H aw lry, , ,.,\sT O U

D ur np inlcrml.ssion M r .. ,0 . P . „ u r.i: in o o! MI.5 Arleri,DuyilL, saiiK till- I'xllf*" •■"'V ^ ,1, . mi i kt , MoHiiUin, , aiiu Call, iind M SH-.Ian,' J- 'J- 'ldw nvil.f,r e lln n p p rcsldcn l and M i« The-llVSaworlh, niAV pr.-.nldonl, /-P-Ui' ,or,;,nnnv wah p.Tr..riu.-.l by Hcv.

__ ._,jaM ly - l.-n tr_gns w ere Mr- M r^K v«5Lct::fc..JW n«ani.-pi3Ujr o£*thc------^V .-r-sreF nm nttT nnd Mr. and CTirlsllan cliu rciT at l!ic par-

O rr Clm pm an, spons.irs. A num Allctidiiifi tlic coiipic were.. of «4J6i>la w oro SlwvWi and Cliamp

• jilim inac m em bers, paic-tiU and 111- ecn'innuv Mr. • He Jane M cFarlnnd . • .,„a .Vtra, WcIIh rclun icd to Morld-

c .u o m * A C T ^ w s '• •• 1'-” '< U I BINVITATIO.V IriC N IC IIK I.I)

» Mcmberfl of tlie Coiintn- ji^y G L IM )-m cctinc ypstrrday-cif- ' A bout .2 0 .m enibcra of . the Eve,

birijf'G uliil ‘o f A'scfnsloii “K pikopal

kinf, Miir'l:iu^b. wcTO lio.slH Iasi cvonlii}' a t ih f I’urk 'UiMifr ivl wWcUnil iiibi'i^ (if till' Mtii laiinli Bfnlor class w on ' j;iii'.‘'l.'*. Ciivcra ue re l.ilil fo r 1’2 and tablu diToratiims c a rrl td o u t tbo c lass colors of blue

, , , ,, ,aiiU Rold lluiiuf;li Ihe use of vel-' ‘‘ ■I'W 1‘Ucs -Aivl WiU‘ Ivin, tapers RtvdhTn.V In cups, I-'ollgwinR llio dUmcr a

T H ^ - K R S IR IV A L T R IE S T O eU R B B fiB :-

M'hut's a ll th e c x ritc tn rn t about T I t Is ju s t one of tbo funny sfPiir* from Iho m otion p ic tu rc. ‘T oltifO Bt F e » fr,” s ta r r in s Kob- ' ‘ ‘ -ry, M.vrnu L«y und KoRinntd 0 » r n . The |ilc(iire

Needlework Patterns

R E S T S FO R G^kRDEN HOSE\ you'll II llicge

InvHaVlon of 111? lA'nA-\-Uar,vl,,i,^> j,oldlng u picnic supperclub and be fim-sts o f tlio sr'>u|’ ,|i,.si. evm lnK In tlic omuBcmcnt

.‘tomorrow -uflci-noon a l tlic Bapltat piiiin „ f j[,p jiousc of Twiny a tbungnlow. iTw in fails. D urlnj; the evening

• A-buslne.M sesslon w as cw d u c l-ln ,,;., n ,„ i y . K, Newman, who (Hi by Mrfl, J . R. W iilkcr, prvsidoiit.i,,,.,. u.„vlnK mioii for I ’ocalello. &nU a rc i» v l o f tl\c Rkiral FoU nsi-' y,.,,rc |n esenled ii RlIl by tlie or- tloii w aa 'p rese n te d by Mrs. Scolt Mallory Fisher

M 'I'hji * w ia 'Hr- * ^ __ ..«• _________---------E llsw orth. T he proprr.im___ .Ljanged b y . a .co n u n ittec - In .chargc.

and Included a sho rt aUit by Mrs. David U a th ro and 'M rs. H. \V. Mort

" in d a pldtjc num ber Uy Mrs. Mort.G uests w ere Mrs. Arnold Wil-

liftms and M rs. M arga re t Andor-..........w n . f tcfrtahm C nts w ere serveii by

th e hoalcsa. assisted by Mrs. Jam es K elly and Mrs. E. • A.

----------LltUcr,------- - ............ .......... . --------'

s In'charRC of arrangeitienl.s,

I'A K K N T S ANNOIINCK i ) A i ; a i iT K u s M A itn iA fiK' A nnouncem ent Is muile W>- Mr. and Sira. J^'el-'ion J a n 'ls o f the mar- rla*;o o f th e ir Uuughtor, i llss ' Mary Ellen Ja rv is , and Louis sa ilerleo , son of M r. and M rs. L. G- Sattcr» ICC. .TucsUay evcalog .a t . the . home of Jiiu licc Uuy T . Swope. 1 Attend- InK th e m w ere Mr. and ' Mrs. Jo.scpli A yres. Hotli the bride and bridejjroom ure s ra d u a te s of Twin F a lls high school and^M i. Sattcr. lee a lso -fttlcn d o d the i;nivi.‘iBily uC W al\o, aoutUcrti Ijnvncli.

•» -S *SECON D o r •L U NC IIK O NS C in -K \

The concluding one of t-.vo bridge luncheons w as arianjieU

............. .. ............. . tbia u de rnoun a t h e r honvc ofMrs.' John Pa rish . Special gue.iLs I Shoshone s lre e t no rth -b y Mrs. J, « t the la rije ly a ttended mi'OtlnglW . N ew m an. F o r luncheon the Ifl w ere Mrs! S tu a r t Severns; K im -1 q u e sts w yre flcjitcd a t a table cov- bcrly. and M rs. R. T. X y b la d ..tre d w llli ii whll«f c lo th 'a n d cen- H anjcn . R cfrcsh ihents w ere m-rved I lorod w ith red pionles. l i i te r .by the liostesH. -.| lirldge wua playj><l n t four tali).

* * . I A l yesklduy .'fl-party -priB ffl-l_£O iaULVCT-J^I-VVKI>- - 'h ilgh flo re.s were w .u rb y .Mrs. It.-r-

BV C l .in i MKMHEKS l,nan Winze and Mrs. T, -M. Hob-A l th is w eek 's flcsalon rtf the II. crt.Kin.

and If. bridge club li-'lii a l lliej --------------- -- -------- -home of M rs. C. II. NelHon in IliO; O iir n>>iwl lUic Niipply of bedding V.eed np a rtm en ts , M rs. R. R. Til- iH.d vi-Hrtiible jiliuiU i»re non

^ b r y .- i l r a . J.--L . i l u i s t r and A llu -n tii ly for .viiur K>ir<lrn nnH window ■Com Jensen w ere gupsts Thr<iti«li |,o.\e* n t Uaiidiill r io ru l Co. gm -ii- the evening c o n ln u 't wa^ a t jilay honn-.—adv. w llh llm prize for liljjli seorn go­ing to M iiilha Fa tr .ir . U e-, ------■:-----------liVHhiiii*nl« wer.i served l>y Uie lumtoHSMil tab les i-erilen-il w ith liirkspm ’_(^id pa in trd ilalnleH In Ini.I

TA PEK H EAD A T ME.NTOK C IX B • .1 As p a r t o f the .Jirog ram .Tester-

_ r - ^ .day.at.tn<!.-mc(:liiig::uX _tlii iK n lo r. flub held a t th e homo of Mrs. J. K- Schaeffer, M rs. K enneth Kail pre-

- I sen tcd ft p a p e r on canning hinl/t. A report o f f e d is tric l Federation converttlon a t D lackfoot wa.M given b - the d e lega tes of the dull. Mrs. T hom as BuCklln. . i lr a . Kail and

BU H L. M ay 21 (Special) — SouUi cen tra l d is tr ic t o f tho Idaho Edltorlftl - nssocla tton— m et— here

- th e - w eek -en d - a t - a - dinner ser\-cd IB ineu ibers and the ir w ives a t th e UoyAl cafe. The ladles enjoyed v is iting a t tho V. R. F ro s t home and a tr ip to Sho­shone falls.

John N im s. Je rom e, d is tric t di­rec to r of tho association, was .c h a lr iran of tUc nicii'n dlacuasiou. G. R. H lflxw ell. Shoslione, secro- ;tnry, outlined th e p lans for the sum m er convention w hich will be hold a t L ew iston Jim e 13.

a ttr a c tiv e f igures tho hose m ay be a ttac h ed in tho back fo r w atering g a rden or law n, so they arc useful as w en os decoratlvc when placed about the yord. The>[ ore abou t 32 inches tall, a n d 'a re 'q u ic k ly mado from wood and gaily painted. H ot Iron tr .m sfers which can J>e used for trac ing , w ith directions for m ak ing cut-outs come as No. C80M (o r th e girl. No. C8088 fo r th e boy, and th e e lephant Is No. 08083.

O rde r by number, send 10 cents In s ta m p s o r coin for each of these t ran s fe rs . (A ny three 10 ccn t p a t-

i ic tn a . xaas_teijjaii.-ioT :-'25 'jaza3i^.ifdd«ta«-.your.,otdiir.-to M A l^ . IT Y O U R SE L F PA TTERI^ BU­R E A U . I D A H O F .V E N I N G T IM E S . BOX 100, KANSAS CITY, M0« Bo su re to give nam e a a J com plete address.

H old Services for In fa n t a t Fairfie ld

FA IR F JE L D , M ay 21 (Special) | —Graveside .services w ere held! M onday for tho in fan t son of Mr.; an\i Mvs. J im M izer a t th e Hill, C ity cem etery. The child, born, A pril 27, died suddenly Sunday n igh t. H e Is survived by his par-[ e n u , tw o sm all s is ters and his g randparen ts.

V \y u > F IR K OIRI-SK oyaka C am p F ire g roup met

y esterday a t the hom o o f Charlotte M iller fo r a p e an u t and handker­chief show er IjeUl for the guardian, Miaa M ildred R ichardson , who la leaving .soon fo r Jier'vacation. L ast week ft dinner w as given by A lta F razier, a ssisted Ijy, the .girls. Guc.sts w ere M iss V iolet Adams and M iss D orothy E vans. The next n i« tiQ g w ill Ise a t - t h e hom V «{ I lc leW ^ro w n ^ . A liiTro--k“ lo. [bl

eW“ SSEufdav.- - •

A rran g in g Services For B urley Re&ident

.BURLEY, M ny 21 (Spcclal) — F unera l services a re being a r- rang t'd fo r A llan A. Kennedy, 05, w ho died ycstcrdoy a l 0:30 p. ni. a t his home. T he b o ^ ‘ re sts a t the Johnson iiw rtjia ry . * ^ ■^urvivlhrf{'airc-Iwb”iiji» -an d

id angh tcr hy ing In CaliforBfo.-

,:T O M O R R D W -I_ ||

l ie w as in n p a ir of shorts and She ivorn n g iltte rln g goiin , and th e ir IniUitl T m d rm m in rM -

.,i‘ 'looKJn C-entral piicl<. B u t th is . ' (KiHo Involving Gene Raym ond

mid blonde W endy B iirrle I* in Ibe dpnoiienient of “I ajvc on n iSct,” a comixlv feu tiirliig also Helen liroderlek , pluyliig 'iit Tn- ele J ik'-K 's K o.\>- tinluy uiii! Frldiiy,

■ B eglnu lng tooiorrow n t the Idiiho th e a te r is "L e t 'E m H b>h - - II.-’ wlUi R ichard Arlen, Vlr- g iida B ruce. Alice B rady and B ruce C abot. T he em battled c ry of .\Q ierlca '» aroused youth IVUM “ l ic t ’em Olid le t 'e iu have li! ‘’ F ig h tin g niAchlnv guns w llh bm ins and. Bclenee— they sm :ixhfd ..t)ie_ru le_of.'o rgan lred- criuw a n d piicgisl tlw lr couHtry of g rea te s t band of klllerM.The prog ram is com pleted w ith ••Adviuitures of I lex and R in iy”N o ^ - li- a iid jie u J t. And on the sanw' p rogrim i Is th e first chiip- , te r of the new Clyde B eatty sc-rliil, "D arkest A frica." Show- M em bers o f the B. and T. club Itig for the lust tim es 'to d ay I s " w ere guests yesterday a fternoon tloan Bloiidell and Otendu F a r - jo f Jfr-i. F ra n k Bell a t a desaert"' rell in ‘■VVo're In tho Money," ] luncheon a t he f home. Roo^iu Of « i ih H ugh H erbert and R ois itho hom e w ere trim m ed y ith siii- A lexander. irca a n d Ida. A ilc r luncheoa a.

■---------- --------------------- sh o r t buslne.ss session w as held toSm uggling of d rugs aud their.{ilan fo r Iho club guest day.

white, ftenlor colors, w jth red and [tran sp o tta tlo a about E ngland now] T h o 's tu d y book ahd handw ork - ’h ltc tulips and rod tapcra, A «o-rls carried on by m eans of carrlcr|O ccupled the rem ainder o f th e of*

IHNXKR ( in E V FOR I 'O l’I t H E.^IO RS

G uests n t a d in n e r given T ufs-, day evening by M rs. j . A. Slom; and Mrs. U. M. K oslle r f t f t h d S t'nn home on F a lls avenuo w ere ' four m em bers o f tho sen ior cla.'w.l Ihoir father.5 nnd tw o e igh th gradej ^rnduate». J. A. Stom Law rence .Slom. B. M. K esller . W ilbur Keat- Ut . John Som m er. E lm er Sommer. Al Knofcl, B ert ICncfol and Chester Stom and R ay K csiler . The dinner table w as trim m ed in- r c J and

J A R lJW E I.l. THA r i.\N N l'- .l> l-» K iSlSTKUS

•All m e m b ers -o f +11, I'Mw pariKh ami parm tH <if sii'icii Kl. ICilwanl’s si'h'i'il ar<‘ lavili k sliver te n lu lie kIvi' ii I'Hiiu riom -’ ,1.. iiM oilfii:! a.

lo Ihe- SlKli'iTt <i{Ciimi u t tlii'lr lloiiir. -Iiil .Hi ill'i'lliie <'iil.l, II wi


t 'A ( lU.'l'V M K M lim iS A t l K N U 1,1'N fllK O N

T w i'iilv slx mrmh.'i.- til- lilKli nrliiiol fiii iiilt,^nr ,tiils nT tpm rw n 'n t lii'M nt Ihe I’tirk but' lurdlo w ri'.' ma.lii foi Mil'll IlcliiTeii C uilln . i.avvrm re l.iiinhn.


0>rtoaw - Tfi>vi»l • W«’wn v r W iA ir i i r n in , «n«i \

• •N m f oar I'rtoMlfO D P lM m — «ftr

■■■Stpn ia a ju c at m nrkel w in - _ aQW; ’'HHVo h ' l i e a r t - ^ “ centa lb ." . . . O n 'M ain avenue dur-

unusua l n ttcnlion. A t nn In ter­section one got out to see w lial w as causing laugh ter on (lu- p a r i of pedoslrlun.^. I’erched

' j^reciivioMsly on tlic Inimppr w ere tw o liens which liad occu­pied the ir ncciiHtomed place for tli'e nHght, ami so sm ooth wore th e riding qunlitles of Ihc coupe th n l they rem ained ns snllsficd ivR if llvpy had been In n cofvpl . . . Local school children en ­joy ing loduy w hat rea lly Is the f irs t day of vacation, regu lar cla.s.ses . having .been <tispensed w ith yesterday. leaving tom or­row toy the ' Uai\ding ou t Of re'- po rt cards. , . . " If I saw those Idnd of clouds back in m y coun­try , r d be running for the sto rm cellar," sa iii a com paratively new-com cr. . . . Subscriber, culling to Sivy th a t since yes­te rd a y ’s editorial in The Tim es resu lted In bringing ou t th e An­nouncem ent of a candidate for governor today, he w as y onder- ing If nn Item u r ^ n g people to rcR isle t fo r the ptltniiry elec­tio n w ould bring them out to. •

Tho y n lle d S ta te s has 47,000 postoffices.

WaaitTi Good Uscsd Cair?

.Who Doesn’t;? Then Visit Our Used Car Department! Two-day M oney Back

Guarantee and a Squaj'e Deal!

^ E^ SU RE, SAFE VVAY TO BUY . . . ON P R O O F !• (M U ii a refrijieMior in ic ti All. i't^u bIANDAIIDS W lilihSIMlnR.SIioJvci.l'onatilef/illliyShcIf.CoM Con. an ilx /iv ' ifu p io e f. i i i.«nnoi ciniiii iiiiiiiDAiaii value, in)limlicoreior<iilit'rH dviiniw ».A lK )l’iv e -» a i r ru u » I'or tha U ii i t lM new fflKliUlfO ^^Ith lha M elc^ iIi)noni1io.c»lc.l-li»mrifi«iiliiiir<.ronlKl'lvel)«l|mJn. Mlio* rev««li lb s PROOl-Oi'Aii M vr luforo your very cImUJInilioi.uftJi«M ptico.Th«iu«nni.nlier-M »ld«lf« eycil I'ronf lh»i m cani ninniliiK i«vlnf|« nnd ACi'UAU.Y fAYS f o i l m il ljl AS r f MVlia fOl. conveiilcnm.Ior you rlulx iliruuKli cha yciinl . A :? .- Voi/, T lic w oner you buy,chem oreyou'lliiTc.

......’ ■ '....... --c ilil im i.r . , , w liyCome liiRm linipcci ilrlrif(er«ledpi>n(ry">vllh , .................... f.l'n ll.

. ^-IJ IP.. .. T • .. ,T.— •* I-/ ..I'* .tait |1«« TT t I

O ii uiiovTko^lnot »I4ft NOW-TODAYI


'3 4 F o r d D o L u x o F o r d o r S e d a n ...................... f 4 7 5

*M c tio v T c n o rM n B ic r so ( rA « .....

’34 F o r d D eL iix o Ooiipo ......................................... w s

'3 4 F o r d F o i d o r S o d i in ......................... .................. ...... 5 4 4 5

'34 P o n t in e S e d a n ...'................................................. ....... » 4 5 0

'3 3 F o r d T iid o r , now m o t o r .................................. » 3 S B

'3 3 F o r d O oiipc , now n i o l o r ..................................

'3 2 V -8 F o r d o r , n o w m o t o r ................................. f 3 4 B

‘31 F o r d Ooiii)fc' ....................................................... ___

,'3 1 F o r d T n d o r f lo d an .......................................... 9 2 6 S

'.10 F o r d T u d o r Boilan ..........................................

'3 0 P o i’d F o r d o l ' S e d a n ........................................ . ..... $ 2 2 B

.'SB F o rd ‘*Pli!l«tt|) ....................................................,. $ 4 S 0

'3 4 F o rd T ru o k , 1157 W .H ..................................... W B O

'.14 O lio v io lo t T ru c k , W W ,B ,‘ . .................. * 4 4 0

'20 Biiln lt B o ilan ........................................................ $ 1 5 0

'3 0 O a ltla n t l B odan ................................................. . $ 1 5 0

'20 Iliii in io b llo Bodiiii .................................. ........... ...... $ 1 0 5

'3 3 Poid T riicik , W 7 W.l)....................... $ 3 0 9

MZ Pord T r u n k , 107 W .n ,................. .............. $ 2 M'3 0 Ford T n io k . 1B7 W .IJ......................................... ...... $ 1 7 0•at Pord T n io k , 157 W ,n ...... .................................. $ 2 8 0

flpoclnl Plan for VotorniiN — Oaali .or Tornm It AlwaylPayfl to Boo Your Ford Doalor Flrtil for

Eooiiomloal Tiauniinvtatlou.

Union, Motor Co.Your rOHD Denial

EiR'litli Grade, Hip;h School ov





Finntf. m o il u p -to -d o le portabl*

on^ho m arholt^^lually eailor t h a n W fltlnp b y h a n d ! Wifhi

R oyal'* lo n ia t lo n o ) Touch Con-j

Irol, y o u can In itan lly a d o p t Ih^

k « y - l« n ilo n to your •k o cI f1noo»|

p rflitura l M any e lh a r okcIuiIv*

R o y a l Im provom onli. C o it io n ly

fa w c a n ti a d a y .

IDAHOt y p e w r i t e r


0 .1 1 , Hllli!ll\VO(JU

':IH Muhl Avenno Norlli T»vln Fails , Idahn


T lin r sd n y .-M n y 21. 1935

■ K fftM T ’S ||Your BaBr Health

T , J . L lo y d BttyR ProfH '^ 'rn o f U n i t in N o r th w e s t H a s n ’t

B e e n C u r ta ile d •


■ tS O A Ir-A & V E B I^ IB B B ffiN T S - -t E Q A I . A P V E R T lS E W g W T S - - tE G A I . '- A D V E E T I B E B I F N r ^

above nnm cd p ln ln liff nnd you a re d « r c c J>c rcwlcred aajuclgtnj; tlm t hereby dfr<?ctc(i to appear a n a |8 a ld jlc ttn (J iin ls and encli of Uicio :ptcacl t a tlic sa id com pln in t Uav« ho c a la lc .o r InlcrtaL i a aaiain Iwcjity <20) dtiyA ur'tho scrv< Ice of tliifi auRimonfl; ami you arc furtlicr rioUfled th n t untess you Rc> opjicnr ntiil plend u> nnid com- plulnl wUhin th e ’ Umo heroin «pcc-

• •• nliiitUUf winprayed in

T. 3. l.^oyd. tHrecVnr ril l\ic Twin«!rhl adjiiMlmenL dlvijilon of the Kiri-’'. 20 y

Hy UK. MOKIUH KISU BEIN Ktlitor. Jciartuvl of th o A nierlran

M cdlrnI An^ne.lntlnn, iMid of I ly c r in , tho H ea lth MfttpuJivu Thi; fol!owi«K-tiiblca Indicate O iC|„„.„, ,,„„rnai

- \h n l .1 chiW flhoiild m tike;"^ ,<>„ u i-.v ....til I,!'*’" ' ' com piaini.The n a tu re of p la ln tlff’a ' action ik und th is nctic■<iUKlit to q u le l tit le to the p rn p - 'fo r aui;,h.&iH K r •ly described In ihe title of thlsljii-Ht and equltabli

from the tim e of lt,H b irth until It] In hIs ye^r.'i of nj;e: I

AT ONK T EA K ,W eight — RtvyH, 21.!j

p rem ises; th a t the tltlo of the p la in tif f to SHid pFoportv Is j;ood ind valid and th a t Hiild defend- iiitn and each of them bo forevet

en joined and doharrt'd from lui- Rcrtlng nny cliilm or having any Int.TCHt in o r to said claim urn th a t th e llllo be <iedareil to b. wlmlly In the pla lnllff and thai

Is Ihct RH miiy \>c'l,it fo r a m o r e ',

irance w ritte n for such prop­e rly Hhail b e jiln c cd In i-ariuua in.


L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T 8 :

. JIO.KO; Buhl I ’lu ri.ia ry , In<

A I) \ r . i ^ lsK M i:N T S

. S r ....:s s - sCul

.SUtcn, e rewolutloi ml.ssloner 1

um lcr the' lawn <■( ih r ;

rc.settlcm ent ndmliil.ilrnlloii In Idaho, cmph.-iiilicd In a Btalc- m cnt here today th a t •'nctMtlcB of Uio rc.setLlcment adm in istra tion !n O regon, \Vn-‘<hln('ton and Idaho will eontlm ie In full de.spitc news- p a p er headllneB concernlnc iU un- conslilnUon.Tlity."

"The 4,000 fam ilies under our rehabiiltallon p ro ;^nm , four land conaervatlnn pro.lcct'i and rese t­tlem en t area.-j in thin region a rc In no w ay a ffec ted by Iho loe.-er fed­era l courl'H decision, made on plans fo r a model com m unity In S o m erse t' county, N ew J e m y ,” Lloyd’fl atntem enC said,

Lim ited Decision "The th ree to tw o.decision

H eight - - Boyp, 29.5 liich<-.'i; Kiris, 20 i-mndo, •

T cclh- Should have six cut. Muscle.'; - Growing rapidly. Speech—A few »-ordf<.

AT T « ’0 VEAHS W d i;l't - - Hoy", 28.4 pound.'!;

GirlK. 21M jwumlH..H elj;ht — Boys, 33.1 Inchc.s;

plrLi. 32.7 InrJies,T ee th -S h o u ld have 16 cul. Muscles—Growlnjr rapidly, Speech—V ocabuliiiy of 100 to

I!j0 w ords; Iwo-word Bontmcea.AT TIIK EK YKAltS

W elRht — Boys, 33.5 pouwI«; girls, 31.5 pouiid.i.

HelKbt — Iko'fl, 3C JncheJi; sirlg, 36-B Inehefl (RUln o f about three inches over prevloun year),

of ac tion In th e p la in tif f , 'p iu t icu la r 's tn lem i 'n t of t.. ....nd th e com plain t allcKCP th a t the of action rcf'T rnce Is hereby made

above iiameil defendant.i claim | to th e eomplahit nn file hi-rcln. me In lerr/it in raid deseribciil Wltnc.s.s niy hand nml Rf'al of i>p.-rVy un.l iUiUs th a t wild <le- Kald Dl.'itrlcl Coinl ihl.s ^l.-tt day idaiiLi and each of llieni nm y|oi: A pril, lyau.

bo required to se t fo rth tho na- FKANK J , .SMITir,tiire nnd e x te n t of the ir several (SK A L)

and (h a t a ll adverse clalinalf ', T. Hamllt<.n, of the fiald defendant!) or any o f lA tto rn c y fur I'l.iintiff,

d And th n t a|H euidinK a t Twin Fall:;, Idalio. •

dcred by the Dl.strjct of Columblai T coth—Com pletion of ih e fii c o u rt o t appcala In lim ited en tirely jO teeth .

-.1 Injunction re.sirainlng plans fo r t/iQ N ew Je rse y project, and reve rses tho ru ling of the D istrict o f Colum bia suprem o court. F u r­the rm ore th e lanRuage o l the

.. ^ 'u i io D a l i iy the.OMM^emy~»cllef ^ ap p ro p ria tio n is cn iirely gratul-

lOUSr■‘T here should be no undue eon-

'■ corn on th e p a r t o f thousands of fam ilies now under tho rehabilita­tion prog ram which- will continue a s here tofore .”

Musele-ST-Crowlng rapidly; llkea to sh ip and jump.

Speeeh—GOO to I.-IOO new words; begins to use pmnounn.

. A X JC a U l lIE A B S

H eight — ■ Boys, 38?Ci Inehcs; giris, 38,4 Indies.

T ee th—F ull act o f 20 m ilk teeth.M uscles—G row ing ropWly w ith

Increasing coordination...S peech — 500 new w ords and m akes com plete flcntchcefl. _


V o te rs T o ld t o B e B u re T hey A re P r o p e r ly E n ro l le d

L o e a r election offleloln {oday u rg ed tho pObllc to seo to I t th a t a ll o ro .re i^ C T C d lo r tho AxtguA' p r im a ry election, tbbse w ho did n o t reg is te r a n d vo te tw o y«ara a g o belnfir r eq u iied to do bo lKfor« befnff eliglblo tU s year.. J n addition a ll eUglWe ncw- o m e rs .- o il-new vol«rfl, Mid-UwM

h av e m oved fro m th e ir pre- a o c t s since th e la s t electiOB m«ist qua lify by jfee lrterlng o a o r before A u f . 8. T ho _ p rim ary election is A ug. 11.

‘ P a r tic u la r ly is I t urged th a t ■ echoortealcbcra and a n y olheni:c*-

p c ctia g to be aw ay fo r th e auin- m e r should reg is te r .before leavfaig, o s they can vo te by th e abeeatee jse thod .

R eg istra tio n books have been open In th e va rious preciAOts since M arch 2.

V OW S B R lD G i: C nO SSlN O ,• S A N FR A N C ISCO BTO— J t o

1 hu n te r and,

bridges w hich a rc being e rectM acroaa S a n Francisco boy a n d the Golden G ate. T hey a re to be - -

L E Q A L A D V E B T 1 8 & U E H T B

N (m C K TO CIIEDITORS K sta to of Sim on Pfe ifauf, de-

ec&flcd. • - .N otice ia he reby given by th e un-

decHigncd a d m ln la tta lrU w ith the w ill of thff-eflUte-of-flimon-PfeHV

' aiif, <lccca«icd. to tho cred ito rs of and a ll perBona liayln/f elolms againHt tho snid docenned,* to ex­h ib it th em w ith tho neccsaary vouchcrn, w lti'ln »U m nnlha u tte r Ihu fltHt publication of this notice, lo tho sa id adm lnlH lratrU With tho ^ lll annexed, a t th e office of Wll- lun. I 'au lson k Shenebergor, FU dullty N ational B ank Uullding, iv /ln KallM, C ounly of Twin Falls. Hlatci o f Idaho, Ihln being tho plnce fixed fo r th o trnn iad tlon o f the biiNliiesB of sAld e state.

J>nted A pril 10, 1030.A N N A M. GREIONB.

A d m ln ls tm trix w ith th o will nunexi


n iJ i 'i i i 1.K KNS1'; ( ; i : a ,v t m i

•lA.MK.S L. HAltNKS. f h '.It'-^t-. l-'KANK J. SM lT n

May 12, IMC.

S A L ,\K IE S A IJX)^^!:!)•The board exam ined claim

sa laries, and ordcrcil w arran ts draw n in th e follow ing ordiam ounts; ‘ _____ _ ,

Morlo B itzeabucg,. clcik , sb c d i£ _ p iis .—la * , fcr.oo:................................. ^ ^ r ^ r v r i ^ r

gtrla, 40.2 poun<is.H eigh t — Boys, -11,7 InchM;

girls, 41.3 irtchos.T ee th—Tw enty.I fa se les—S am e'O S fou rth year.Speoch—The a rticu la tion la now

nearly perlecl, and an in te rest In rhirmlnB Is developed.

- A X a iX V E A I WW eigh t — Boys, 46.1. pounds;

g irls , 43.6 pounds.H eigh t — Boye, 44 Inches; girls,

4$.i inchce.T ee th—T he child should havo 24

t « t h , fou r o f w hich a re perm an- w t —c^w claU y In jpo rtan t to pre-. s e rv e a l* th -y«ar n o la rs .

— G row ing n p ld iy . In-

Speech—T he artk iu latkm Is now p o f e c t ; th e Inflection of nouns a n d w h s n e a rly perfect-

- cSiUd-ls in tcceatad in w ords and . U lua to d i*w hto ideas. Bpeech de- - f«fcta.. a n . recognked . before six

y e a rs ; 80 p e r cen t o f s tu t te r in g occurs before a i* ycahi._ Q f c o m « . J t should ) » . remem­

bered th a t td l children a re no t norm ally th e sam e size, a s 1 ta v e no ta ted o u t a t va rious tia te s in tUis ootamn. Size a n d w dgfat o f par- cffltB BhouW..t>e token lo to consld- e n t io n In every case.

w a o o r

torncy, $00.00.H arvey S. Hftlc, county agent,

$16:0G; J . P . H u n t, weed dlrwltor, *125.00.

A. M .'Lyda, ja n ito r , $00.00. M ildred lU m sey , c lerk, supt.,

JOO.OOi A . 1. n o s a , Janitor, JIOO.OO.Ruby W einberger, c lerk, county

agent,- JW .OO;' P a tr ic ia ' Wyniclerk, recoriier, JTO.OO.....


Tho B oard cxom ioed claim s ag a in s t th e h o sp ita l sa lary fund, and w arran ts w er« ordered draw n as follows;

E dna A hrens, m aid, 130.00; Ida A&derwn. imOd. S3ft08; L«ona A n. deraoo, nurse, 947.00.

V era B a r tle t t , m aid, (80.00; M argare t B ayne, nurse, 175.00; D orcas B ixler, nurse , 92.50; E tthaBruns, nurse , 170.00.— ---------

B lanch d o r k , nurse , J70.00; Lucy Cetombo. - floo r

------ -------------------- . s i ^ I . WOOL. UBAVE CASHH . P . Gcdgc, '48 gold hu n te r and p p -y a w n . m P i_ T h i.^ r t s tole a f i^ d y 83 y a « oM,“Tift8 VC«8tf ttounds o t wool from th e L.h e wlU live to cross th e tw o n w sto re a t n earby Kunkle,

b u t did n o t touch th e cash draw er.


N O TICE o r SIIE K IF F 'S BA IXI n tho D is tr ic t Court of the

K levonth Jud ic ia l D istric t of tho fltn to of Idaho, in and foo Twin > ^ lla County.H A NS N . IIANSBIN,


K VALBNA is . ‘ J0 N B 8 , a ^ Idow , nnd >IA IU A A. »1L U a spinster,

Defendants. U nder and by v irtue of an Order

o t Bale, Issued o n t o t th e above cnttUed court, in th e above entiUed action , da ted th e le th day o f May, loao, w herein th e plalnU ff ot>. ta in til a deorae ag a in s t t>ie above D o m e a ^ e re o d u U on tb a IS th day «f M ay, lOafl, liald deereo helnjr r fco n lrd In Jii<1gment lk>ok 18 Mtld n i i t r io t Court, on page 83, 1 am nnmmnndcrt lo sell a ll tim t o«r- tnlii lot, pleeo o r parcel of land sU uiilrd In tho County of Twin m ii/i, Hlntn nf Malm, mid botindml and d.-«crlln'd ii" follows, to-w lt;

Tim Went Oiiii-lialf of I^it Ml(!hl |H) nf M onrman’s If’Irst Addilloti lo 'IV ln l'’allii, un snniu Iw nlmwn ttuA rti-nSipmtcit «n Ui« tifflcliil pm t of fluid Addlllon, un nil) iiiid <if I'i 'n iiil ill Hill offliui <if Iho Ui'ir.irdrr of sikid Twin Kalla CijMMty. Iduliu.I'lJIII.U} NUTICId IS lilBlUllUY

J.lVlflN, T h a t on tlia la th day ot IIIU', limo, a t tlm hour of 10:00 o'riDrk A, M, (M oiuitnin Time) o(

snld day, a t th e U nst fro n t dooi> of Uii) 6 i u r t lloiisfl of tho County

' of 'INvIn Kalis, H tate of Malio, i will null th e above rtaKrlhed nropJ ei'ly to sa tis fy p la ln tir ra d e e m w llh liitarost . thereon, logepiei w llh a ll coats th a t havs aoonied • r n « |» a e o ru e , to tU - b lf k s s t liU- der (<tr caati, law fu l lo w ey , o f the U nited BtaUSi .

Dul4Hl a t Tw in Valla, Idabo, oi

T w lo r a U s '

N O TICE F O B PO TU CA TIO N O F T D E TIM IJ A PPO IN TEDF 0H p u o v i N a w i r j x e t c .

In The P roba te C ourt of The C ounty of Twin FnlU, S ta te ’of Idaho.In Tho M a tte r of the Eotato of

W illiam F. A lw nrth, dcccased.P u ra u an t to an o rd e r , p i .sali.

Court, mude on the 13th day o May, 1030, notice Is hereby given th a t Friday, the 20th day of Way, 1D30, a t 10 o'clock A. M. of sold day, ..a t the Court llooni of BAld Court, a t tho Court-house In tho C ity nnd Cotmly of TWln Falls has been appointed a s tho time nnd place for proving the W ill of said W illiam F . A lworth, dc- ccaned, ksv\ fo r tw arlng tho tippU- cntlon of F rank ie li . A lw orth ond A rth u r J . A lw orth for tho Issuaneo lo them of le tte rs T csianicntary when nnd w tnro any prrnon Inter- estbd m ay appear and coiilrnt the mujie. .

D ated M ay 13, 1030-

I'rolialD .Iiidgn and Ex-Offlcio Clerk.

J . W. l>OKTKU.A tton ioy for Petitioners, nesklenco tuid Post Office A ddress: Twin Kalis, Idaho.____

A N o i i n a i s u m m o n sI tho D lstrlo t C ou rt o t the Elev­en th Jurtlolol D lstrlo t o f the S ta to o f Idaho in and fo r tho County of T w in Kalla.

ICADT n . LOGAN, Plain tiff

A « unknow n heirs, o r u n ­know n de^soes, o f W illiam V . C larke, deceased, M rs. A. BImms, if living, and tho un­know n hoira, o r tho un ­know n devlsMSr o f 'M rs . A. filmm s, if flho he n o t now llv ln r. John Doe Slinnis, h e r husband, ( th e f irs t nam o of sold husband ilot

Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, Twin

Falls County, Idaiio—T-jeni-A-.r Cl}»nftl........... Clly'^ W aterw orks Dept.j

p i«nn tm ,USOifiO;iw a tcr, 524,28; Cltlren-Ucco'rdi jclalm s, $33.05; Crc;is Bruley

■ F u rn iliiro Co.. repair, $1.50; Cox- U>n i'rlt^Vfra, Ltd., rccffrds, $118.42;

Chaslccn, field 'd e p u ty , 5148.50;. Capital N e*H .P jib . Co.,

185.00; ’ t o . 'E u n ic o 'c r o f r nurse, $5-00: G w endolyn C roft, maid,m o o . • - - —

V era L . D av is ,.flo o r (uperrisor,m o o . -Jeas, Enaley, o rderly , 57^00.

D elia G eer, n u rse , S75.00; M ary G raybeal, m old, »80.00. • •

M yrtle H ansen , n u r s e ,-170.00; M eitte H atfie ld , m a id , «18.40-, Mar- ga ftt-H illg rove , n u rse . 1X3.50: Ber- n lece-H olt,—m ald.-W O .O OnA Jenid H um phries, m aid , *40.00; M arjorio H u t c h i n s o n , n ig h t supervisor,’ 186.00.

H . C. Jeppeaen , superintendent, I18C.00; H elen Johnston , mold, $90.00; M aud J o h n s o n , nurse, J7B.00.'

In a K ingcry , nurse , $70.00; C lara Bello K line , nucac, $70.00.

M arga re t L e o n a r d , dietician, $70.00; M ath ilda L lerm on, cook, $fl0,00; U l la L i n e p i n , nurse, $75,00; Genevieve L utz , maid, $30.00.

Allco M alone, nurse, $10,00; M arjorlo-M nlhew ff, nurae,' $70,00; Now ty M athew s, nurse, $7.M; Juno M ayfield, su ^ 'ie a l aifpervlsar, $100.00; C arm en Miller, nurie, $97.50; Klvo P . MlnHlinll, nurso, $70,00', Cavrocn UltvcWer, H ursltal nurso, $8ri.W): L eona Mohr, ano- stheU st, $0500, difl. itl. $2D.0U; M rs.-JIni M orris, nurse, $17.50.

Cecelia OuteH. nurae, $75.00; Mrs. M. U. O liver, cnoK, $40,00; Allco Gluon, m old, $13.00.

Mrs. J e rry P ucker, nur»c, $70.00; Adrian P e terson , .orderly , $40.00; W. F, P o rte r , eng ineer, fHO.OO.

Mnggio itoblnwm , nurae, $' O.OU; D. W, lloilcnbaugh, o n g l $40.00.

Ive'nB,' roaiili $ilO.OO; Anw S toddard, off. c lerk . X -ray tech,; $(iri.00; R u t h Htoddnnl, maid, $90.00. ^

M arlon T u r n e r 7 bookkeejiei-, ISQ.OO, dis. a l. $8,40; T. F . Co. (len. HoipltAt, asAlgned claim s. $170.01 Iclcn.W liitflcU, nurae . $70.00.

H elen Y an lstrom , nurae, $52,50. A ll husi&oaa to com * tw fora the

iHianI n o t lu v ln g been completed, recoM w iu tuiion un til lOiOO

■clock A . M. MAy D, 1090. JAM KS U IJAJtNKR, Chairman,

A tte st: K llA N K J . SM ITH. Clerk,

T w in Falls , Idaho,M ay D, 1080,10:00 o 'clock A. M.

ItC fllfliA U A P K II. s n s s i o N

, ..............expense. $1.84,C oniu ien tal Oil Co., c a r expense $30.78; r . S, Cappel, e x tra help, $00.30; Clos Book S tore , offlc< iUPpllcJt, $75.45.

U ir l J . Domroae, bailiff. $35,(10; D iam ond Hdvve. Co.. Jan ito r 's sun- plies, 50c; c . P . Duvall, InBanlty hearing . $10.00; D r. K. A . D rake, in sa n ity b e a r in g . $10.00; M ary D cvanlt, wltnciw fee, $2.25; D ean's R epair. Shop. cor. expense, $10.75,

C. A . Etncs, Inaanlly hearing.

F i r s t Security B ank of Idaho, a ssigned claim s, $42.23.

&.&0*..............n . J . Holler, deputy assessor,

$2 ia 0 0 ; H ighway Service Station, c a r expense, $2.20; H ighw ay Scrv-

f S U tio n , c a r cxpcnae, »«.M; H. M .-Rlb6on aad-C arbon Cozrof- n co aupplles, $3.00; H . & W . Spe-

- ‘- n y Co., office supplies, $4.30:

of uriinlinK Old Ai:.: l '. n;ti(jn«[i''‘'.''' 5 ' I'-’- tin /j.'n t ujMW th e a»sii;nmpnl. o fL „T ,’.“ " J . ' 'V

p ro p erly owned by old iik'ctint!}, .......■ . . .-

W U E R K A a'-up A tto rn ey Generul'K (jffice ha.s n o t’'^ ' ‘'’ liil)f>nin. i p repa red a proper fu ra i-u f lien fo rl '^"!’*'*"'

10 In th e varioiw countk'.s, nnd ,,'^^*W HPRFJa S, vUtcre in ftome un-i Si:W.

T U In ly aa lo ilio le n g th of tim e 1’^'^-th a t such social s e c u r i ty ' se tup w a y be In operation in Idaho / clue • l ib i i i t r o M tif- r^ c a - l-D f

be su b m itte d by referendum to the ’•'"•m Kail.i Flour .MUi.'?.e lec tors a t th e n e x t genera l e lee-'^ ’'” " ’' -SOO-OO; The IV.xa.'i Co.. cou- tlon, and th n t such Bociar.aocurityi!” ’" J^OOO: Tn.Iiiif;cr«nt:t a s now se t up Is con tingen t * h .irm ary, J.’il.fis.upon fund.'? rccelvcd from such lax , .„ V l Co., u ir txpcn.'c'.a n d J2 J8 .

.W’H E n E A S , In th e p rese n t act- '' 'c a v e r , fc-ihiry. Sl2r,.00;up a i r app lica tions m u st be r e - ! f - „ „ ^ ' W eaver, prof, s.Tvices,---- - ----- 'It and a t any such '''• l.-y D rug Co., drug.-i,

• • •• fS.20; W alg rcn^Q rug C o.,-d rugs. )20.30; W arberg Brothers, coal, ,10,00; W arberg BrotlierH, coal, .11.54; W ;agren D rug Co., <lrMg»,

known to the tho tknow n dovlseoa, of auld J^ lm Doo Slnim s If he be n o t now living, and a ll un ­know n ow ners, olnliiiiintH, and jw rtloa olaimUig a ll ot- . any portion n t o r eatMd w la io raa t In Hie foilnwliitf de- scrlbfld real eata to nltuutu In Tw in lim ia County, Ida- hov to -w ltj I^ot Two (8) of Ulook ICIght (8) of- TwiH Kalla Townalto a s tho samn In show n iiiHin tho oWlolaJ p la t thereof on file and of reeon) In th e office o f l>u> C ounty Recorder o f Tw in F alla Gw)nty,. Idaho , and anpurtenanees thereunto bc-

, ku ifin g c - --------

TbelSUtt O t.......... — -in n to the Attore NamedUU4I - .

n u m hmfar Mtliled that «

prs.'SsisaM®u u t or the 0U U or Jdaho, In an< (Off T«ta n a * Oausty. t j ttM

D r. Geo. C. H ailey, outopsy, $10; H ooaier P u m lta re Co., Jan ito r's supplies, 80c;-G eo. R . H a r t, ex­p e n se^ $ 2 U 0 ; Home Plum htaie A H ea tin g Co., repair, $4,00; H arvey S . H ale, expenses, $10.85; M arie H cnderaon, Judgment. $65.00 (laid o w h H . M. HoUcr, JusU ce fees,

Id a h o E vening Tlmea, puh. m in­u te s , 167.150; Idaho T ypew rite r Bx- chaago,— c q n lp in cn tr'fi:4 2 !“ Idalwj p o w er Co., ligh t and pow er, $E>2.1C; Id ah o E vening T im es, publication, $J8.00; D r. R. 0 . losc t, p ro f. serv- icea. $8,00.

E lm e r W. Jones, e x tra help, ex- penacs, $71.25.

Mn'udo P. Klelnkopf, expenses. $ae.J2 ; J . P . Kosharclt, repair, $51.15,

E . D . l/>gan, field deputy, $253.00; L ind A uto Service Co.,

ir expense, $11.40.M tn . S ta te s Tel & Tel Co., tcl.

service, $121.05; Georgo JJ. Mlddks- to n Sc Co., prof. aervlcrs, $30,00; L,- F.--M on»,'?oiiatab!e fee, $7.76; M oon's P o in t & Kum. Store, re ­pair, $44,77; W. L, M urphy, rdpair, $0.00; O ra McVoy & Sons, repair, $74.78; Tho Macmillan Co., bonk, $1.27; M tn . aU tC R T d . & Tcl. Co. tcl. service, $3,35.

N o rth Coast Chemical Co,, Jaiil- lor'n mippllea, IQ.70.

l \w la l Telograph Cnhlo Co., em ogc, 26e; M. K. P ra te r , ex-

penaen, $30,fiS: H, l ' \ PrnVer, prls- ic rs ' board, $331.25; A. C. Park-

m ileage, $17.50,.I to b e r t Ilayl, expenses, $H,22; J

R lln b e rls . Inn. prcm., $00.08; Itob- r U MuUn- Co.. e a r cxncniie, $().00.

B alt Lnko Rtan^p Co., stam ps, 'n . risCQfda 'iind

. . . . . . S tato TeilllngKund, te sts , $7.70; J . M. B haok„rx- pen»rs, $8(1.00; bU ndard PrliiUng, p rln tln * . $87.H«! Stowe, H arwood U , m ileage and aulopay, $I|')|.ie: Hchiidi) ICey Sluip, repair, Janftor, $l.no* I..yman Suthilller, field 'dup- PHty. tOJ.OO; F rank . J . Sm ith, :ite- cordi-r, recording deeds, $1(14.00; B im paon A Company, aupp)l«a, $1B,4U; H chw arta Auto Co.. c ar ex­ponas, $1.00; Blnelnlr Itoflnlng Co., c a r expense, $98.80; Quy T . Bwi)po, Justloe fees, $48.00. ,

T w in Kalis N cw i, publication, $Sfl.OO; T a r r Aulo W recking Co., v tiulpm ent and repair, $n0.5O; Trl- S ta te L um ber Co., repair, $18.80; T w in Kalla Lumber Co., repair,

............................................................ $4B.8»; W alte r Turner, e a tra help,-T tm -U nnntTnB tT it-lhtB tliTin THir- #0 -W r T w ln -^ lls -O n -n ji O irO i,,------* • - ............ ........* on r nxpense, $28,45.

im in a Motor Co., c a r cxpeiiae, «3H:07.

K url Vonco, ear exponse, $18.70. K yle M. W allp, cur oxpoiive.

$3.00; W m . It. W eber, e x lra helii, $10,00| W ealem Union, tolngrmna. $2.D8| Oco. W, Wllcux, field dep- ity, $Ti.no,


T ho ilo n n i approvnA tho J n n ’m' O erllflo ‘ -

suan t to reeeas. a ll n iem M m and th e c lerk presen t.

I tou tlne bujUnesB w as Iransaoted un til th o hou r o f 6:00 o’olook P . M., when a reeeas w a« ta k en until tO-.QO o'olaek A . M., M ay I t , loau,

JAMIES D A n r m O iairm au. AUeat: K K ANK J . SM ITH, Clerk.

Tw in V ^ s , Idaho,M ay 11, lOSdIftjOO ft’fllneli A, M,

Thn lio a n i m e t a t thin tim e p u r­su a n t to receas, n il m em bers and th e elork presen t.(JUKUKKT K X PEN HR 01.A1MH

Al.lA>WieUTho llonrd exnm lnrd oinlms

a irn ln it th e c u rre n t eKpense fund, and o rd tred w a r ra n ts d ro w n ' aa fnllowai

, 0 . A nderson, squlpinent, fO.30.

I la n ia rd A ulo Ck)., o a r expense, t7.88i I tu th lien o lt, e x tra help, 150,85] M arie K ltoenbu rf, aaalfned o t a i u 4M.OOI- OU4 O . ie iisM 'a f

jw rri m i S i i i i f I ? j r n

l & a u i ■

in t lot pn

all r■nt.


WUICKKA.^^, thcr,. srcm.s 1.. m sid irab io cimtri)vvr.'iy m tho

rc/Twiint,- Ihe nia t-(


'-whlr.h wi,U'

.Studcbakcr $24.00, . ' _jtox-iRM»mft5.-Ar<‘n rrh o i

tlm o th o Com m issioners could ,-If I t la te r becomca odvlsable to ' do

invoke such provisions o f law rela tW a to p roperty oasignm cnls, 00(1 in view of a ll these fa c ts as s e t fo r th above,

T H E R E F O R E , Uie B oard deema. I t inadv!aablc a t th is tim e to qu lro su c h assignm en ts u n til such uncerta lnU es - a rc - clnrtflcd. w hich tim e such a ssignm ents o f

c an be called foi______ 'Cgoing re s o lu t io n ______

fcr«5d by Com mlasioner H a r t, scc- ondea by conrm lssioner B a m e s, a n d ro ll ca ll w a s .a a follows.

O om m isaioner H a r t : Yes. ' C om m issioner B am es: Yes. C om m issioner R ay l: V es. • R E S O L C m O N TO C llC A T E

H E A L T H tlN lT W H E R EA S , D r. J . D. D i^ h e e .

rep rese n tin g th e U nited S ta te s Puh llc H ea lth Service a n d tho S ta te P ubN v H ea lth D epartm en t, hod he re to fo re con tac ted Cho Boarii d{ C oun ty CojmniaaionerB a n d of­fered th e m a cooperatlvo plan for Uio—estaB iishm cH t-or-a-run-tim c C bu n ty -U ta U b .U nit in w l ^ t o ta l ’ a m oun t ^ d g e t c d fo r a riod o f one y e a r w as $18,300.00, of w h ich aum $0,000.00 w as to be assum ed b y tho county nnd the bolonco by S U to and Fe<tcral agcncles, and

W H E R E A S , thc"fund» budgeted fo r such -work In the Com mlsslon-

budgct w as no t sufficien t fo r

rnrloiIndependen t School D istricts,In view of th e lr retiponsn and the f a c t tha t, m ore th a n

H O SPIT A L CLAIMS ALLOW EDT ho Board exandned claim s Tot.-il

a g a in s t tho H ospital Expense P'und nnd on lered w arran ts draw n follow s: I -

A < ^ c S a n ita ry Supply Co., H. H . k a x e s , Collected

■ /

W ate r Deposits .....T ilxoh. Rcccivablr ... W armnt.q I ’ayublo . .Surplil-s ........

jpp lies, 3 Boise

DO.NI). 1M E H E .ST A.M» .SLNK1N« F L -N U .........................ItfcciptH DIsburscDKnta

.... $ HDC.46

P a y e tte Lum ber C o , equipm ent, $37.66; B urroughs A dding M achine Co.r office ex­pense. $0.65.,

C ttisen Record, •offlec suppllM ,J11.0S; Criy F u . l Co., In tl. (237.00; IC ity W aterw orka Dept., w a te r ,!C ash .............$47 .74 ;.ao sB ook Store, office B up-lB iidget Require plica, $27.65; Com mercial SoW enta'.AppropTlaiion ,

-est on D clm nutn t Tas

Corp., Rurg. BuppUes, $28.86; E<lith Cox. sa lary , $7.50; E . E. C rabtree,

$3.50; Cushman'M oto^-W orks, repa ir , $4.36.

A rchibald W . Dlack, surg . su p ­plies, $7.20; D iamond H dwe. Co.. H. H . mipplles, $2.10.^ ® « t r l c — B a i f e r y , '- provlilohB.'

T axes Recclv RoKcrve for In tereft.. Su rp lu s ____

i ».'Mj\ n c k s u r a TA Mcts

L ..................... - .........$ r>8,l72.3C..................................... y.473.4ti.................... ................ 4S.2S.............. ............ .......... 28.372.CU

65 63 ----------

■tno T ........ . ..n ifiod .th e ir wllllngnesH to coopcN n to In tho cfltabllahment nnd rx- p rneo of aueh u n it fo r tho rem a in ­d e r o f th is year, and

WlilCRJCAS, In Iho i>pl»»5n« n t thW B oanl, It is lo tho bcHt Inlor- evtji o f tho puhllc health and gon- •■ral w elfaro of Ihu county th a t luoh a u n it bo orgnnlxed under

tho plana oji nutllne<I hy Dr, Dun-1 diee, and th a t w ork nhould ho d a rte d im m oillaloly fo r thn net-

‘tin g up and placing Into op rra llon , UII soiiii IIS ))r»ctlriil, such heullh iinit,

'n iBRICK O IlK , n f'Ounfy Jlcn lth u n i t Is horoby eatubllfih<-ll In 'i v inKniln r ju m ty , unii.ir tint-alM tv^te n im imd conditions.i

Tho alxivo r<!m)lullon w an' o f ­fered by Commlmilwiir llarnua, seconded hy Contiulttolnnrr lOtyi, and upon' ro ll call th e reaulla were

I follow s:Com inlastonrr Rayl: Yen. Com m laaloner U ani^a: Yes. Ctim m laaloner H ar t; Yea.


T ho R oanI uxanilncd claim s ngulD st th e Poo r Fund, and or- dorod w arran ta d raw n aa followa:. A rrow head Bervlce: S ta tion , ca t expense, O. O. A nderson Co.. BUppllea, $7.50; I./auru C. Albnn, a a ls ry , $40.00; U i i r a C, Albeo, penso. OOo,

U<ilM- P a y e tte Lum lw r Co . . p o l r , - | lo .M ; c , D .-n o r tn g i r m t " d rugs, $n.70; C arl O, Benaon,

ground Imp., $1H.14; J e ic .............. ..la io tlly utlC rpum ery , provtnUwB.• hart bib:- .Johnson & Johnmm,'(.iirg. nupidlcn,

$2.12.f>(); ir , C. Jeppoii'n, niileano. $.11.26; John ficbw croit lu .Soiih Co provlalon.s, $142.01,

K lngnbury 'u U iu g a io io , diuKX, S257.M ; Klniipy r .n irc rv A Mar-

piovlaii>nH, J5.4R; ivil.'hc'tuii.l

.H i l l s Broir. Coffee, Inc. slons, $10.20,

Id ah o D epntlm cnt Store. H. If. <•«« f t Oil' aiippMcs, $103.42; Idaho N eviulH lM alntniani Elec. Co.. H . H. supplies, $10.80;Idaho Pow er Co., ligh t lind power.$200.85; In land Sea Komis, provi­sions, $10.73; Ideal Rakri-y, provl- Hinns, $12.f>2; Irriga ted I-andn C o , l« n d prem ium , $10.00; Idaho K v c n ing Tiroes, office suppUns, $11.75,

Olen Cl. jLiiklna, building luul

..........',...$111,063.70 $ li:,003.70T otal ............................................... \ ---------------- ----------------

_____ STIlEET_SPKINKLI*i^C! FU N D __________ _________Itw y lp ts , Dbbnrsenx-nlB

iCBSnientH C o llec ted .....................................$ 740.00pravl-!l<it. on Delinquent A8.sessnientjj.

I L abor 160.f3231.71214,43120.53

Mfg, Ov, n , II, flut.pii<./<. j;ii;.7r., l.lIj'T ly M arkot, i)r<ivliii(,t»i,

$20,70.' M arketerla , provlidonc, Jlil.iKI; Tlni Miin«.iii(im Co., druiiri, Mid-W.:ni.Tii Dairy I'luiluid;-. r i ‘>- vlalona, $2I.2ft; Mill» lloopKal .Sup- lily Co., Huig,. BUpplii-H, $1)7,(I,1;


.........$ 2,H:i.40

\l.K H TAX r \ llUMd


ilraiilng, $a0H.75.I'aclfUi I'TuU * I'nxlui'ii To

pnivW ons, $«2,U7: I’a larn Kan.l a CJravol Co.. gn.uuct Imp,, $ < y i. I 'n tro lag ar Ivtlxiralorlrn, ilnign, $1.1.00; The I ’hyniPlaiia' Hupply Co., aurg . mi|)|illcn, IIUKlin.

Jam es W, H«Htye, mirg, nupplli-a,

. »ol««Utlc HnppHrji Co., Inh. Blip- 'piiea, $35.87; Schw arls A uto Co. repa irs . $i,fK); Sharp A SinUh. II. If. supplle#. $04.50| Shipm an U rothcra, provlaltms. $|R,1S; Slrtp- ■on ft Co,, pravlBlons, $101.03; W. IX HinUh, in s . pmmlum, $Hfl.Uii; H inith Faua D n ig Co.. drugB, $224.18; So. IdHlK) U lx.rnlorlt'n , Ind. lab. worit, $33.00; ID. R. Hiiulbb & Soiin, aurg^i supplies, $in2,nt - T « - m a lB T u m 1 ) i r ’d o , Imll anil gniund Imp., $21,00.



— JeniiiiiBH, $a,-.- J . M . Maxwell, $'J 2n.F . L, Rudolnii, $2.2(1; R, 0 .

n u lnes,W .85 .J O r^ n Sahrclber, $2,351 B ert A.

SweeU 13.30.J . (J. ¥liori», $2.25, IlKSOLTnriON k lflA R U IN O

INUnRANCOD Tiiq foUnwlnf resolution w is of-

ferad t y Onmmlasknier B aylt W H m A 0 . th e C oun ty pays

p u t <tu>lnK th « eouHM « t a yaar,


S ta tem en t o f Receipts an d Expenditures and Sum m ary o f Funds

FO K T IIR qU A K T ie it ICNiriNO A l 'l l l l . 80, ID.Ht O R N RItA I. FU N II K n C R IlT n

TaxcN .............. $ ftr^.oa I 're o Bpruy ..................W ate r R e n ts .................. 10,4H0.4R KInto IU Co. T.IconaeH'W ate r DeiJinltn.............. 2.*ll.00 Coll. Fees on Rpm-, 1.....F inen and Coala.............; Q48.0U U fH t im tijr Lun.l,..., .a e n e rn i Llnennes ........ 418.00 S ta tu LltjUDr Hales ....Dog UnohneA . .............. . 101.00 'N on-ltevenun ..............in t. on Del, T ax e a ......... 21i,'JHJUgliwity ..... .(It ^ $


l . t i l ■ JI2.00

ll.DH 2(1(1 U(1

2,4'J(I25 «177,20

Supplies A lU pairs....

ratMUnpn ..........ajBaola] OffKera .

HtriMtieS.Rfl O vorsonr .... 70,04 Htook C lark U<n0 Shop Forenm 00.70 lA bor« .

-----------------n a r t k ^ DlaiKUMi .......• 278,CO H#w« ? U I k»

— T “ ........9 400.00 flhaT auiiplU a

8,038.00 U o tW v T lU p a lnB0J8 Gtu -A CU ...

% U M A n h . , CwneBt, O r. a M I N ^ ........





T otal .. . .. J- IK,

i.K iiin .M i, I.IIIKAIIV, IIA.M) A N !) S \ l .l-'Kl'tlMg IJIin irv

T ax C oli.ril-n . J 2:17,111 s lli;i hHin i. <itl IKI, Ta ?;<«..... id.hii 7.3-1

■r.tni r ~ 2 4 l . '( I H S ' •jni.:':!

lllhI.UI-M'MK'Ml,1' f $ 2,4(»).(KI

(.'..lUtlllrU I'.I.'I ;i 72 :i os

■r.ilnl \ 't hW « l $ .2.4li:i.OHllA I.A N t’l'’. Sf'K K T

•t 4 f'HlI (10 * n,i;”7.(Mtnu iU V,7li:ii);. I,.TJIM13

T uxI'Im il.-. ‘ ivul1I.1 .. . 7,011(1.74 U.dll'.Mllhurp luH ..

Tcdiil . .. ....... '$ 15.4U7.00 » ll,f>H(l.hK

2ri0.()0 $ 241 I 'i

MU.aH $ 241«'*

4IU.H2 ' !ii.i;i


.411.0(1 $ 105 47

IJul>llitle«l:n«h ..

A iipi'opiialimt \V(irr«ntn.l-iiy llurpluH . .. .

Total .

A M clat •- ........................

I'axon K nrlviiblo .





.$10,4(17.00 $ ll.OHll.BH $ V U .M , f . 150.47.

30.50 $ lHH.7a

( ii:i.ou 8fl,4IO.M 10,072.13



3,03523 1,814 03 2,8D4.87

Tidul ..........................................$ 47,330,58 $ 10,087.04 $ 7.H44.11nMUtlfitIIM I’aynhle ............................... $ 47,25:1.2(1 $ 10,010.14 $ 7,844.11

dmid Aciiount ......................... 1.00 lU.OODividend RcH m o ........................... 80.88 - 2,01)

T ola l ............... ....................... $ 47,S;i5.0H $ l(),(l.'17,(14 $ 7.8(14,11U H ’A l. IMi'IIOVK.MKNT U m T K Iin 'H NOM. 40, 47 A N IUKW AIA

DIhI, N o. 4(1 niNt. Nn. 47 Sidewalk IIAI.AN('I-1 NtlKKT

A>huU i:ii«h ....... ...........................................$ 18,7« $ 52,04 $ 7.811SnNi'xmni'iila ileecivablu .............. 2'.i:i.4(l U201 300,08DiifiOlt .................................. ............ 28 17 . 08.08

Tota l .............

IJaiiilll ln iiHonda P ayable ......W a rra n ts I 'ayabU , Su rp lu s ..................

$ 211080, $ . 1U7.03 9 aOT.Sd

„ . i . : .u s .a & i : , . . w r . t t . s

. Tea ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S , T W I N F A L L S . TDA HO .T luirsdny, M a y 21, 1939,

-----------------------Y o v H l ~ K n d R e a l ^ p ^ S P C u f i i f i e s i n t h e


W A N TED TO n u V — 1000 car* ' t o w rcclt. FnrmerB' Axito Supply U « d P a rU Dept, ru one 22'j-W.

—S rO T C A S i! -

a p a r t m e n t b r o B r e n t

FU R N ISH E D A P T - F o r 2 o Sffcelw. C all 123D-J. ’

Dc»lrat)!e 3-roon \aX ti. p e r r

FO R B E N T - D c a I r a b 1 o A pt. C a ll a t N o. 3 California A pts.

F u m . A pt. n l Ju jtam c re lim . p h . 46a. O ailJ Homo ph- 071.


ROOM AND BOARD, n o r th .

; Ijclrof

tocils.and largo closct. A (Ic.ilrnblc room fo r tw o people. 22«'.IU A vc. N o rth . Phono 458 -ir______________ '

PH O N E 38

f o e R E N T - E O O M 8

FO R RE N T —U fih l luiuscUecp- S room- Atlulls only. 321.71U No. Oiir

127 hn fim t -uiunLiil>'>pii>iuiantrxl««

H E L P W A N T E D -M A L B $3,000.01) I6;m, Swin

■ KIUBl bo Rood p\ov.' taa t'. aivl B tctclyno welder. J . H. Moon, F air-tlc lJ . ________ • , ___


- R E A t^ S A I jKW O P l’O in C N I T Y- W a n to w ork in .local te rr ilo r j: t . ...

le a m heating cnBinccrlng. a ir coii- a itlo n ln g . . . opportun ity to w orl; in to sa les cnfflnecrlng. Experlc.— n o t necossary. ro a tio n paya p ensc allow ance and c.'ctra Inconic da lly from wile.s. ExccH cnl oppor-

___tiin iiy w ith Iciicllng com pany inhom e heating and a ir conilllloning.

— M u s t- hiivc- pleasing p c n o n n lity a n d w an t perm anent connection to Ju stify train ing . Can also use few p roanect B-iUeca on liberal p a r t tim e boslB. A pply, In pcrwon IIOI..-

-----L'AND— FU nN yV CE'" COSrP-VNTTiW orld 's JargM t in.itallers o f H um t

■ H e a tin g ana"A lr Conditioning sys ' t«m a, 138 Third A vc. So.


'1teB{Son*lb1n nuslnoM F irm s and 1‘roreaslnnal OlflcM

of ISvIn Foils

A U T O T O P & B O D Y W O R K S

E x p ert body M d fender s tr a ig h t­ening;. T h o n eU T o p * Body W ork*.

O III(’A<iO l.IV ESTO ('Ka n C A G O , May 21' (C .n -H o g a

11,000; fa ir ly aetlvo, steady to s tro n g w llli Wcdne.'tdiiy'fl average, .■wmo a .sliadc higher, p rac tical top :$0.8S; bulk IGO-^M Iba. $0.00 to SP-8fS; 14O-1C0 lb.s. J9.25-5D.G0; 250- .100 11x1. $[>,40.$0.70; 300-350 Iba. J0-25-$9.'ir.: Bowa S8.40-58-75; few S8.85.

C a ttle; 5,000, calvea 1,500; atcem and yoarllnga steady atrong . w eighty s te e r s ' alow, bu t all ligh t ca ttle g e ttin g action; price ran g e betw een com, and neai Choice s teera and yearlings, la rg e ­ly s te e r run, beat w eighty s teera « ,7 8 : lig h t st<>era J8.50; ve ry lltUe M_de_r J7.25; cows scarce agata ;

bulls s te ad y a t $G.40 dow n; veslers$0.00- ) 10.00; few $10.60. i

Sheep: .4,000, f a t Idmbs scarce,

[ U V E S T O C K rillEAIEiSDAY If N .Y . ST O C K S


O P T O M E T E IflT


MONEY TO LOAN I W ANTED..MI80ELLANE0Us|in^“e U phoao*l^S.......... ................. and re.Hl-1 W A ^'T E D —Dftlr>'cowa, close u p '

(icncc* lonn.s. S\(lm InveHlment Co.l.sprin(;era. N o Jerseys. ' C. O.Mai’kle. Ju .itam erc Inn.

loan calls l o r ’ .i g U R N lT O R ig W A N T E D

F o r Painting,' K slsom lning and R cdecnratlng c ill j , \V. A dam son, 13D0-W -_________

^ \V A N T E D --l* a ln ttn ir~ n n J • icaP.....................

MONEY TO .LOAN On Twin Falla dwcllinga. Loflfcst rates, i o n g terina.

• Quick Service. B-VKGF.R-JOMES'

R eal-E sta te .— L oans 123 Main E., . I’honc 427

A\’A N TI-:p — Law n Jtow ers to t . grind . W c call fo r and deliver, t Phone 220-R, Moorc'a R epair Bhop. Ii244 M ain avenue south.

W A N T E D — U pholstering, Re- [ pa irin g . F u rn itu re Reflnlabtag, [ W indow Shade w ork. Crca* A f B ruley F u rn itu re Co. Phono 055, t 130 Second S t. EaaL

M IS O E L L A N S O U SW A N T E D —A lfalfa p astu re fo r

500 s te e rs In bunches of 60 oi r l i r a t c u tting . Also buy-

wn Mowers aharponed.Schade'^nK barley . W. C. H a rr is G rain Co. Key Shop. Bnclc of I. D. Store. ' |T w ln F a lls . Phono_0484Jt o r 1C24.

FR E D BEER. DEALER in Mar-1 ble and G ranite Monumenta. 3161- M ain So., ,T\vih Falls.


S H O E R E ? iO E IN O

T H E R E Is a heel and solo evcrj^ shoe. We fix them both to su it you. Twin Palls Shoo Repair, 132 Shoahone W. Phono 388.


P a rtie s going a\^-ay for suq im er can r e n t th e ir completely fu rnished house of 6 or e room to T " Dean, 310-3r<l Ave. Norfli. «


F O R 8 A L B — M IS O E L L A N E O U S

’ - F u rn itu re and rugs. Condition .gpod . Phono 1480. 23»-8th Ave. N.

FO R SA L E — M ajcstlc- R ange. Cheap. 100 Ash St.

_ AiitA Wlnftflhlcld anJD oor.G loaa, T bom etz T op and Body W orks.

A u to Service, 120i, -2nd. St. W .__

FO R BA LE—A nt O as — Effcc- Uve In Wliing unta, Harm li'sn to p la n ts and pets. Ul(igol & Sm ith Seed Co,

—P H --i5 7 l-W - f o r room s,'T aney; liossert^, pics, cakcj o r cn tiro ' luncheons.' |

, W ED PIIfG ANNOUNCEM ENTS and calling cards engraved o r p rin ted . Many cdrrcc t s ty les to

P L A N T S A N D " K c t J -ISocond Himd Store, --------------iiia iit. Telephone 38.' -------

Olobc i^ o a T A U D r o U N D

Canva-s, Tonts, Awnings. Alli A ll kinds of be rry plan ts: Public, kinds Canvas repa lrlrg . T lio ro ctt'M a rk o t, 813 Shoahone N orth .Top & Body W orks. S A L l::-r .n .,U n

LOST—Bill fold a t Legion H all o r Rndioland. Sat. n igh t. R e turn to T im es office.

G et ou r bid.a on Red Clover andl-ieed. B um a Second H oad Store. A lfiilfa Seed before .selling. Glo

E stim ates gladly given on aUlA I k inds of Job prin ting a t offloo of — Idaho E vening Times. I

C ustom killing, curing a n d 'N o rth . sm oking meata. Phono 20, Inde- pendent Packing P la n t

B eginning and aUvancoil .. . m lng a t I lunnnh Park, a ta r tln g 'S e ed Co.M a y 2 3 .L i 'u U D eA tley H u sIim , ------Phone 8JP. '

FO R SA L E — G arden P l a n U - T um alo . cabtinge. cauliflow er, pep ­per a n d egg plunC. Dlngel & Sm ith

H ay D errick, any aUe. ciimplntc, a c t up on-your farm iinywlicTu, Get o u r prlce. VlllnRc- niftcKsmlth ,Slif>p,K im berly. _______ _ ■

I vvhecLCur.

CARQURI-rrOIt.S - C arhure tflr' . . . . p a n * and »crvlct>. F .O . H . M otor H ervlce,-230 Slloahono SU W est,' Tw in Fnlla.

PL A N T S FO R S A L E '— Rii Bufilies a t Hf: Cllmhera 2R<. Theao

gooil tw o yr. olds and in good to .p lan t now. 000 No. Main.

, tr.ictnr

Two and thriaitrj jUBatoTB, Two-rtv,v K rcngcl Ciirrugato com plete. Kri'ngi'l'i

• K xpert cnf pairlni; a t y

.......... - . n n irs r -c o m p ngiiro'wrtTi'

H ftnrw an'. ' | “ a i-lllN (J in i.I .I . 'H 'M A in ’RICSS.’ i„ n


Suburban acre lota, 8 rods by 80 rods, 5500.00. Located on paving, c ity w ater, powi;r line, school

T erm s if deaired. Swim In-

Tifilitly bnitcij and burlapped

H eavy tlmiu'ra. liridgi rough lumber, Wdnciinwn y a rd , (.pi>o«lto K w ltt.i C.

l''0 |{ HAI.I-: Uii-- f.' fietliiii;. Ii;iihi.l w in', i' niid hli'C'l n.M '1nf;ii aril m

A illo l>i">r

. , IKf} MADE KHOM YOUK' OLI)!,. plat)k, oN i.:s, Mi.tlr.'Mea n-iu.vat.-d and i

I .iim tier, r,.< i)v<.n'.l. Wcx.l <'iirillng. T w in , [. , 1 hone Fm ai.ry, I ’lumu -

7ft .inclt.i ex tra fine Seed Pntii- i> .ypnra from rortlflcatUm, .t llaKelton. Mitlto. JJalio (1 Klnvatiir Co., Tw in Falla,


: . v

1I|.;a N3 - ' • Hrfori' you 111' lininii ciimo III Iind lui>k

M iller H traln, Elln- ii'l N iiinber r.fi fur type.

Ml .SA r,K ('iiiir.iniiii r...,>I My .irl(;lnal i;icnver th ro iich ' I/..A, cJaiitioM, Jiiihl, «.:.-linml-;

R E A L n n T A T K I 'O ll flA I.K '

R A T E S PE R LINE P E R DAY Six daya, pe r line per d a y .... 46 T hree diiya, per lino p e r day... flc O ne day, per l in e ...................... 8c

Minimum Charge 25c, Gla.Mified Diapliiy l u tc s on R e-‘

qucjt.In accepting copy for cla&il- :il a<lui1laemenli) fo r puhllca-

Tion n r the Idaho E vening Tluiea, the rimoa Publishing Com pany agrcfci to avoid crrora iifl f a r aa. poaallije. bu t when a typogruphicHj error does occur In an lulvui’tlNrment, the re- Hlx.nalUillly of tlie Tlmen Pub- UnliUiK IV.mjumy c v w a n tt.T fira t iniblli-Hii.iii it the .adver (lM..r ().«-« noi ciiii iia iittenlloi to IMe cri'or.

All . CliiiiMlfk-l Ada a re re ;itiii't..d l<i ilicir iu-,.j».r cliiiuil- ................................................. il»KTlMI.

tliolh« riclit V

( an iiil-

cjf Ihc I liit.-t mfid

whli'li 1

ri.M 'i-; v i i im ............KIKM AI., CAl.l, ;is A.N1> A.'ili l-'t)H T llK A n-’lAICKIt.

A l.l, <'1,A.'I:!I1'I i ' A T 1 0 N ; AllHAMilKK A I,! 'llA lli:i-|(^ Al.l.V .

. ........... I ..1reacu in b u llfU u y w hat ................b ring biii'li w hat yi>ii Imvi'-li'lt \Vr .Inuti you II hriinli In | jiiI II <>ii f u r ' W eM urlry lii^utin l-,.inl, 4 llu .i i llliiamvl, l''lixir iitid l.lnulvum Vki' p . n lah urya In tw n'linnrii W" nhn , »mvo II llirgn liliii'U lit Will! I’liprl a n d LliuiUiuiii IdiKn. Why iiay w a i , lilloo. I ’lioiiu .ft. M.H ii'a 1,

r iV B a T O O K a n d I 'O IIL T U Y


Today's Markets and Financial I ^ s

CHICAGO, May 21 (l’.i;> -W hcat prices closed about ateady today on the Chicago B oard of T rade n l ie r an early dip followed by a flhnrp rise.

A t tho close w hea t w as off U to % cent, corn w aa off >; to •?; ceiits, and o a ts w ere off •* cent.

Fallu ro of Liverpool to reflect th e u p tu rn in w h ea t prlcM here yesterday and rep o rts th d t W inni­peg w heat fu tu res bod rcached new low kvela, genera ted early

P rices rallied w hen shorts to cover th e ir com m itm ents

In view of the f a c t th a t on ly a few trad in g day# rem ain In th e m onth.

____ ............................. ... A la te r reaction carried pricesste ad y to strong , b e tte r g rad e clip-1 dow nw ard as a hquso w ith eastern

........................................ • connection and local ope ra to rssold. Tho m arke t in g e n era l show ­ed th e usual nervous action p rior

th e expira tion of con tracts .Low outaldo m a rk e ts w ere th e

fa c to r In bearish m ovem ent while d isappointing prec ip ita tion -over­n ig h t coupled w ith repo rted du st s to rm s io sections o f tho 'sou th ­w est w ere held a s fac to rs In the bullish trade ; jr*

N EW YORK. M ay 21 lU.ni—Tho m arket closed lower.Ala.ika Ju n e au ........ ................. IS '.iAllied Cliemical ....................... llSV iA llis Chalm pra ........................... 42Am erican Can ......................... 129A m erican R ad ia to r .A merican Sm elting .A m erican Telephone A m erican Tobacco B A naconda Copper

NEW YORK, May 21 (IM!' — T rading In security and coiiiiiiod-

#0 jlty m arlieta as well a s foreign ex- 04 l^i change lightened today, ialuck

____________ 32.% I prices tu rned down a fte r a rallyAtchiaon, T opeka Sc S a n ta F e 70 I while ljon<!a continued to bo fea-AtlanUc R cfin iag ................... _-27»i:.tnrcd by a rl?o in U.A uburn M otors ......................... 28-% ‘

. few choice native springe rs tl2.OQ-$12.G0; m ost ahom ew es J3- $3.73; few S4.00; sm a ll lo t lamb

'e ig h ts 5-f.50.


—H ogs: 4,500; 150 direc t; Blow, rjot fu lly M lnbllshed; unevenly w cak-16c low er; alilpper to p 59,40; 170-250 Iba. 59-20-6,40; 250-280 lbs. 59.00-9.80; no th ing done onic a v lc ^ o r light lights.

C a ttle : 4,000; calves 200; yoajUnga and hclfo

____ 6tron^l5c_hlgher:_cow ,'i.fu lly« l«K ly ;^ ^ » ler8-slro rtg :"JitockeT s» - • ' • - .................MUy - ■


Baltimore & O h io ..................... .17Bendlx A viation .......... ......... ...HVnBethlehem S te e l '.......- .......48TiBorden Co. " 27J . I. Case Co.................................148WChL, MIL, S t. P au l * Pacific.. l? i

.. 03

m cnt Issues of which 14 made new hlglia.

Early galas in the stock m arket, ere beaded by tho u tility group.

O utlook for favorable reports for several of the leading com panlet helped scad prices of tho common stocks up fractiona to moro th a n a point and the preferred lasuei up 1 to more than 2 points, Tiio group turned lrr«gular before th i

Com P ro d u c ts ...................... . 7GH close w hen ^Ihe m ain body ofDu P on t do N em oura .......^...142i^ stocks drifted lower.

...... - • ' i 4 i)i Sales approxim ated 670,000.35% share.1, against G90,000 yesterday. 38'i) C urb sales w ere 103,000 shares,6] I* I against 100,000.241,41 D ow -Jonea averagea (prelim ln- 82 ^ ila ry ) ; Industrial 148.80, o ft .0.14;

■ i! 44.19. off 0-22; u tility 30.03,

nteera and few

C72 lb. lic ircrs -58.00; tirac tlca t top vealers 59.00; a few 59.50.'

•Sheep: 8,000; lam ba sti m ostly 25c h igher; sheep and era aobu t a teady; early hu lk Cal- Iforfiia sp ring lamba 511.50-12.00; top $i2.25; early sa lcs 'B ortcrt na - tlv o .a n d fed Calif, lam bs 512.00,

held higher; good grade fed

Open H igh Low Close

,...04?; OGi'i 0 4 1 4 - :;..8fi‘Hn 87 »i 8 5 ^ -

E lectrlc Pow er & L ig h t....General E lec tric ................G enera l. Fooda ....................General M otors ..................G oodyear T ire ................Jn tem atlona l H arv es te r ... In ternational T elephone ...Johns ilanv lll* .................Kcnnccott Copper .............Loew’a In c . .................M ontgom ery W ord ...........N aah 'M otoraNatWnal D airy P roduc ts .New Y ork C en tra l .............Packard M o to rs '..............Param ount I^c tu rea ........Fonna. R.'~R...........................J . C. Penney Co....................

up 0-02.

OGDEN I.I\EST O <-K OGDEN, M ay 21 m * (U S D A )—

H oga: 150; early sa les s te ad y to 10 cen ts low er, few lo ta lig h t and mod. W eight d rlveins 59.30,'n ilx ed klnda a round 5 0 ^ down; pack ing -nws 5G.75 down.

C a ttle : 230; supply lim ited, few catljL_aalca_Btcady, lot* good 107i lb. lo c a l. s teera $7.25, few p lain hirers 55.00 to 55.75, sm all lo t p lain cows 54.20, com. and med. calvcs 55.00 to 57.00.

Sheep: 10,600; tru ck load 84 lb. local su r ln g lam bs 510-10, eeokons top on locals; few lo ts trucked-ln ewes 53.50 to $4.00: la to W ed. lot 71 lb. new c rop l a m ^ 510-00; few loU local ewes 53.60 to ?4.50.

Corn—M ay ........6 3 ^ G4>1Ju ly ........C0»i GO ;Sept. .....58!* 58 ;i

O a ts—. M ay ........24-H '24

Ju ly ........2.'3?i ' 25>jS ep t..........2G -20

Rye— ........................M a y ........04 55 ViJu ly ........54 , 55S ep t..........54T« 5 5 ^

Burley—M ay ........37BJu ly ........30A


—H ogs: 400, 174 d lrcc t. A ctive, s tro n g to-ieo-hlgheri-<3ood-cbolee ligh tw e igh t drlveins 5b.35-50.S0, HeavicB 58 to 58.85. L lght^ « g ^58.75-59. P acking F eeder p igs quotable 50-IB.78,

C a ttlo ; 100, calves OS, 25 direc t. A ctive. Stondy-strong. Odd head fed a tee rs 50.50-57.75. G rasa a tec rs quotable 57 down. Fed holfors 5tl-50-57. Low c u tte r rind c u tte r cows 53.54.M. Com.-wed. 5^.75- 55.50. Good beef cowa salablo above 50. Bulla 55-50.25. Med.-good vealers 57-58.

Sheep; 500, 321 direc t. Steady, Good Lruckcd In spring-l»m ba 510. Com.-med. 58.50.25. Med.-good

U horn cwra 52.50-53.50.

W A N ’ll-;ii TO mfv X,«M„ B U T T E R , " e g g s 1Iiuy. I'lUHlo l t l 2 l i+ ........... ...............

:it j>il<'<.ii j>t.ld fell liiiilry. Al»<> I alMKa .iiiiNturit. m r atvtuti.

llciitlii lll'illll C o , 'IV'lii • I'lii.ii.. ltlH1.ll 111' KI21.


HAN rilANCIQCO!iA ri l''l(ANCi;<ri); May 2 H 'lltr r: .1';: n turr n i


IIokh; 50, Ht.'ady. g i;iin feda 50.75- 5H1.25; f.'w heavies 5I»-5B.50.

t.'aU le; mil). lioliliiveiH 4’.U, nViW I'iidv; ni.'d. giH.ct f.'il nt.-er-f

$7.25-5S.ri(l; gnilw Hleera 55.110-57: f.iw lii'Ifei'H to 5«10;.<ow>l 54.50 jn n o ; n i i l e r grades $:i In 51.25;

i IIh III S.%.nO; riilvi'n :ill<), Hli‘t«lvw voaU'ii* ?1«. ollnT.H SIi Sil d..\vn' liven JM.7n down.Hhcep; n.'iM, Hli'iuly; ....... I m Jimii

/airing laiiibri $9.10.511 Ml; cuin. t. ..iK.rii OW..-I J2-»;i.25, .

C.VSU 0 1 L \IN -CHICAGO. M ay .21 (I’.I!) —

W hedt: No. 2 liaixl S l.O liA ..............Corn : No. 3 m ixed 03v.c ; No. 4

mixed 62c to 03c; N o. 5 m ixed 60c C l% c; No, 1 yellow- 65c to

4c;-N o. 2 y c l lo w J1 3 ^ c .lo -C * ^ f No, 4 yellow 62>ic to G35;c; lio . 5

jllow qov4c to C3c; No. 2 w hite >V4c; 'N o . 3 w h ite G8c; No. 5

w h ite 64o; ctfmple gT ade^32c to 61c.

O ats; 'N o. 2 V h ltc 2ay ,c ; N o, 3 w h ite 24i^c to 27c; No. 4 w h ite 24c to 2 4 u c ; sam plo g rad e 22c to 23ViC,

Byo: no salea. ^B arley : Feed quoted SOc to 4Sc;

m a ltin g 45c to 02c.T im othy seed 52.75 to 53. Cloveraeed 513 to 510.50.

■PurTTnrRadio Corp......................Radio K eith O rphcum itteynolilB T obacco B

Storea ..........chuck ............

Shell U nion O i l ............Slmmona C o ..................Socony .'Vacuum .........SouUicrn P ac ific ------Standard B rands ........S tandard Oil of C alif...........S tandard Oil o f N qw Je rse y Tcxaa Corp.T rans-A m erica ....................... .Union Carbide & aC rbon......<7nlon PaclfliUnited A ircraft ................U nited Corp................... ............U S, S tee l, com.......................W arner ' Bro.s............................ .W estern U nion ................- ......W cstlnghouae

-M arkets a t a islance ~By United Press . *

• Stoclra Irreeularly lower in ligh t ,,r .:, trading, ,n i ' j Bonds rilixed; U. S. governm ents o iilb o ld a t.reco rd high,

—oftii “ C^rb'll-regular iirid'dull.Cntfm oncv l per-cent.-----------------PoiviL-i i Tw.liiuige ifiugm rrr----------

futures unchanged to 5


p rices: Te*Bs yellow B er ' 75-88C.

___ 30 >*....... 151.;

37 '^

Cotti .. . points higher.

Graln-s fracllatially lower: joff >i to cent.

Rubber quiet an^l ateady. iilver bar,s in New York


* I . I I I ’ '•

Local M arkets


The following m arke t quototions •e corrected daily by th e Idaho

B j ^ I E vening Timea .and rcprosont th a ' 12.1^1 nvcrage prices paid, according to

2ii5^tl«r^»9t-nv(»ilable-informBtion:ThB • 75V priceH are .<iuhject to change_w ithr ,

ou t notice by the dealers, however. Renders a re urged to w atch tho national m arkets w ith which theso local'm arke ts w ill rise and fall. ,

V . W. W oolwortn-Co.— ... A m erican R olling Mills .A rm our...................................

icing ...................................E leclric A uto L ite ...'........N ational D istille rs .....Schenley D istille rs ...........S tudebaker ........................Sw ift & Co. ..W hite M otors . U. S, P ip e .........

.. 5 0 ^

.. 20- - 4"h .. 1814 .. 34%

2 0 tt .. 41% .. 11- 21% ... 22% ... 3Q%

N. V. CURB EX CH A NG EA m erican S uper P o w e r ........ 2


Soft w heat ... . ................................ G3ch u r lre d .... ....... ::r:;...SOo

Barley, « hundred ... BeaiK

....53.10U. S. G. N, No. 2 ....S m all Re<l3, No. 1... Sm all Reds, No. 2... P in tos ..

WOOLBOSTON, M ay 21 P rices

o f fleece wools have show n fu rth e r atrcngttaenlng, tho U , S. agilcul-

iTO dopartm ent repo rted today.Choice light sh rink ing medium

igradc woola from M issouri wcr<Iroported to have realized up to 30V.IC in tho • - ‘

36-3HC. Siilea of g raded rom hipgiG orp, T ruat Ohio fleecea of \ and ',1 blood, gradva Iiavo been cloaed a t 37o in M aryland .M th e greaao and nrcunt naklng ' pricca w ere moally a t 3flc in H'i«- ton. Cmmtry graded lota wllh^ «ni c theai' two grades n f rom blng and '* '> '‘' ' ^ ^ • ‘-I.

;rli>1h ing Nlnpk-H pnrkctl toR rtherl offered from “

SPEC IA L W IR ECourtesy o t *

Sudler. W efene r A Com pany E lka D ldf. — rtaona 910

.poultryColored hens, over 4 lbs...........Colored hens. uijder 4 !b3,..,,.,,..,vLeghorn heiia .................................Colored Ronster.i, over 4 lbs......

I Leghorn F rye rs ..........................iLcghorn Broilers. lU l^s. up....I Colored Broilers ...........................iColored F ryers, over 2 .lbs, ___Old Cocka ....;................... ..............

jSUlg.H ........................... ..................j Cajwn's

Urmiied Turkeyit. 1 Young Hens .;............. 1 Young Toms ...............

„ |a 1INu. 2 's ..................I'rodui'c

................. c l B ntterfn t ......•••$ 2,07 N o,-2 llu t te r fa t ......

I’f t . ,

...... * l '5 “ lEgg», .iipi:drtl .

...... »10.SO:ji;xiv«a .............I Whitva, mcdluiiHtiindnrd.i ......


M IN IN d MTilCKHiirouiid 3Ui: in the gic rnfll.

delivered <'"1i1'> t|l 'i irk Clly (Nm.iiil.

5104.(10-5104,123 |.i,iieU !'■ligg!', uuKriideil, in Irail

l.lveatorl<Light lliiteliern, lHO-ti


mimmI<h,K (

.Hiinfihliii- Mineii

. .55,5,V55.05f-hi,ii............22.24U pminder.i ... .• ...S llt.l25lov.Tw elftlil lliiU'li


- X A T n n rm rm rs ," to x ~

•5.% 7fi Civoi wi'lKlit Hule.l\i..iii, 2,V(:iiH) iioumtera ..................

Unilei-wrlghl lluti'hers, 121 l'f“ l )M poimili-n , ....

lIllH nijAn, llglil;,

inu yeiiift lieiii tini thim l,(KUI ,t,mg lilgbwiiyfl

H M t Hll.VKUl.dN liD N , May '21 H I IliU'ilMtl C.iwi

priie.ilVoal ,.. Yei-|H |illnj! I .i


.. S2.r>(l-J-t lid

...$i.nii.$ii.i)o ........... jii.on.......... JtI.OU

l ‘t» ll ,T llV '1' A d will flml 11

U tM'',l,l.' le l.iiyel

f A S\'M liir yiiii

I llgheat prl<< olill-ltena ami ' <int M nil Ci>.

n pr.1.1 f.. im li.yn

r yiiur 1

W an t in let'll Tliiu n>. I t kniiwn In ll.ine i-n .n riiid a lhiy.li- in.i..i|iily.

V'.e’ Mn

1 c i i f i n ^ y IIA TI'II I.S'il

■t no p.ir . |;i I 'i\ ,V 111 1" 1 moi'o, T niyn I raoi'ivi'd I .I'’ Z |||iy ,-n III 1 1 400 M ain H-

filliKl.' Ill nf. :i 1hiiiii i:r.

h Wi-I !■ Ita.l.. Ilaiilli r

ikI Hill li lu'iy....... vn


■ j ........................ .'r 'l . 'i 'i


M e m o ria l SorvlooB W ill O ffe r T r lliu tn to Fnm ort Atn«vlRiin

O f O e n tu ry A|po

I ’lll l.A liK l.l'M IA 11 1'' . A iiilli-liirv liieiiKiilill lietvlex III tl'lbiitoto l.hiiil. rrc'»l«y N. O'llnniiciii. U. a. m nrine h fro nr n rnn tu rv dro.In ............. I by tlie iiiHiHu' n .ipnheiu.



F O B B A L E o n T IIA D E

i ( A i S “o n t h a p k ic :C hav , tn if lh , loMg-Wli.i'l Im-.e, .....w «w l ntooh bad. ’<■*<' ii"u .ie I'Unf 1 0 1 0 ., ea7’BrU Avu.

lU C A c.o I 'o i A i o m

I \'lg>in> l' '. 'i |l ||„ .r h 'f \«»n% and |. Iilni. ni.nli-ii ti-rlllw.ri,

j l 'li, 1(11, 'i 'li lnV iilh I’red & Icn (.’n.

linen for lihi lienilnni Trliioll. nn April 27, IHOn,

III It tiiilllo iiKiiliinl till’ lulliliina lliii'biivy iilriileH. A luilld-lonleil nitddln pieneilled In him by tho |H-.>pUi or l'lilliiilel|ilila In |ir<inurvnl iiiiii>riK IliK lielrliiiiiiin iiml lollni of lilH liny,

l-iln rlp l.l rltlea o f lliu UiiUr Htntvn leevlvi'd thv UN (lie " lle n i <if n e in e " .iti bin tnl iilliir llu< biiltlu Id wlileli li» l>>d w llheriiig iiKnrlv on lieriio ami.............led In ralidiiK an AiiieilmiIlui; i.v.-|. (h r <I||| Wiiilil fiiiliei liii tlui (linl Him-.

I'll I ’<1 A 'n 'A ( UH i i o h i ;a \

llio x jllre n i. I'lii. II lull. « *'11*rimli ix'ninlei.

TIME TABLEHohnlMlt* n t pnM nnser tra tna

'iitje i paM lng through


Moiiny raiea rm iiilnpit unrhniigeilliiilay. Ileilineriijrit j'n lc u t Nuw .tlua iT ami heiia n tY o r k l i j p r f ren l. jdlobii Hood and F rr il Cti,—adv.

I Kalla diilly i I follow

OUCOON h h o k t IJN D ICnaltwuna

Nn, nn4, leavra .............. OlSO A. l uNo, 572, Iravra .............. 3:16 p. nv

WrsliiiiiliKlNo. B71, lo a v ea____ __ lOiOO A. m.No. 511!', loavca .............. liOO p. m.


Norliiliotmd.:i40, from Wella, a r .... 2:00 p.UNION I'A O liriO HTAdKH

RutixMliitf^rrlve■ .............................|,e av ra .............................A rrlvrn via Nortlialdn ,.I.<'livi'fl .............................Arrlviin ....... .....................-•avea .............................


fl;lO 0. m (1:30 II. m.. t ; 2(l p. in.l;nil p. in. H;»n ji. 1)1.H;;i(l JI. in.

iilvi.i ' ............................. <i-ll' J>. 'via ....................... Il;0n p. i

iver) ............................. 2;5H a. Ivni ............................. iimil a. I

'HVIN I AI-1-H-WrU.I.Mveil ............ ............11:1)11 n. IIv.ifl ........................... 7;:») II. I

TW IN l'-AI.I>l-<inii()Mlll N ii()iin< )N r.-iiA ii.riv

NnrlMbounrt vus . „ ..11:00 ft.'i,i>U'.vi a U v t.'huin itl II |>. m.;

- ............Ui30 JI. I


Mill | >IM lUi....rmi) iiii...........

,.......... ......I, 100 lh».[Hliieli f.xhl, nun lim.

<llohn~A-l Itiii.y C hilli N tartor

For B est ReauUa Feed Golden B rand 5 : IM PR O V ED M EA T & BONE SCRAPS J

T O Y O U R C A T T L E — H O Q S - - P O U L T R Y ■

■' Muiiiitai<liirp«l III T h Iii I'^alU tiy Ihn S

ID A H O H ID E «nd T a IlLOW CO. ■One Mile K nst mid O n r-l'ia irlh Noiilii of Twin l‘alla !

« I', O. »n«7B 1 5■ ■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SB im a B p f l

* 5 .U S s l

" " ......«(lnv. .Mny 21. iMO - 4 m h!:srm ?nT rr P ago

Page T w e lv e ID A H O EV K X IN T, T IM E S . T W IX F A IX S . ID A H O n . i i i s d a y , M a y 21.


Big Complete Stocks of Merchandise atthe LOWEST PRICES


T h e M oii i S to re F c a tm o ? A s I '.J


One Group of Fine


Wash Suits'■ S u o s 2 to 3

R c j i i i h r S I.'‘9, 51.G? a n d S i .^ o V A a;e ;

9 8

" A li-B K ort s lc cv o s a u .l k u c s lo.U '^th. A U u a w S p r in g 1030 s ty l e s in s;iuiplo lin o s a n d a f e w .^liijlit ir r e g u - In ra . E v c r j ’ s u i t be a rs th « g o iiu m a K a y i ic e la b o L K o y iie e m a k e s t! ic f i n t s t l in e o f v a s l i s r i i u Q Q f *

- iB 0 5e £ -.Q ftU .l)uv ..A ,ren lvalue , v O

HEW PEESSESJust ArffveS lii tl e Economy^asemeii^^


^ R t M T S



72 Paiv i ,W om en’* All Leather V en tila ted

Sport Oxfards^

1''iill Ki'iiiii Iriillii 'i ' Mili'N am i in iii 'i ' s o l f i , K iliic o ffoo l w ill) tw o s ti 'ii]* o v n r Ion niulvn tiili. CoIlvuK l in 'h . A linir iii iiiiu irr Q O

uL n p r icu lli iil Nitvi-H y o u iiiiiii>vvv,.. v

p l o a » « d j a b o f i . . , f lo w o r ■ c o r t a g o s . S iz e s 12 to 2 0 * ’

k . B ig Q ro u p o (


$1.69\ Mi>ir Oiit tSiKclAl o( Vnliins In «.H.U5

A hif; nclACdon of DrvHH T Iet nnd I’iiiii|ifi In itll liclfflil hitoli. Como and lnolc thoii) ov>'r- nail it your nleo la A Qhero It m entis ft nnvlnff to ynii ..............................tP X * V « F


A Big: S h ip m e n t o f ’


: " W■\Vhilc c n 'p c s n n d w a f f tc e lie d is r iit l iiviii;? Itnfh'

n n r ro w n iu l.v .'if lc I 'r im s .



$1.98F i i iv

lin e d v n iu p . K iiifU cf lic fl'i,. (ri[)Ie .s iilc iicd . P l a in to e s ly le? fo r

B eautifu lP riscilla


Colorful p a ttc rn a o( roBOt gold, g ree a orchid and bluo,



M en's, Women** an d C hild ren’s

S W IM Ls u r m " "

C o t lo a a , w o o l n i ix lu re j a n d nU w ools a t l l n lo w e s t p r icc a .

L a r g e A s s o r tm o n t^ o l

W om en’s



H e a v y fjin il lty r a y o n . L noe IrlmR, (!o1orii o f 'IVn Hofle n n d L 'loalu

H eadquarte rs fo r

DAMC A W - A S -

All w id il i i ftt p ric e s tliat Hiivf y o u it.iuuoyl

N EW EL EC TR A H O T IRONSI n T ia v u lflr ’it Bizui

$1.98tin ititrc 'l 1 Y i'url Nciw 'l',v|i'o i\! Iliiivtli*; m.

O IU I.D U K N 'B Bl'/.i'. (li 10 12)

M H N 'B A N D H O YH ’

^ A Big Stock of M en’s and C h ild ren’s


■ ^ ’i 'lu ' l i f a v l i 't l t |ii iili ly li'iiuld hliiKi llia l w o lu n 'w t>f uolllnK J a t I li.’Hi' I'Mv i.ii rf r i, r.,M i|i(ircl


N uw H m nrt


$2.98H iiitu't t^liMiiiii’ r iliid ii'i t w ith g i'iu ilug ^y,limit Iiaiidlua. C liianiiiliM 'd Dim y i 'a r l

. N E W l


98cS lim y ii]i|iiiiii’ iiiiiliil w itli lil.ii li I tiii i,

M o n 'i F in e R iiy o n B n tia

Four-in-H and T iei

15c 25c

A i)iK v n i'lo ly o t kooiI to o k 'Inn




(illO CK IIV ilM I’A in ’MKN r


M ndft f ro \n R n il U l|)o

4Jt'.r 25c

1 ( iii(> c r:i (v i>K.i'Ai(’tM r;N i'

I ■ SALMONII e o lo o t p i t i u r i s h


flttO CR IlV DK PA ItTM KN ’r

Sally May Salad Dressing

T n U Q u ark f a r

2 3 C i x > i ,You cun tiiko your pick of any ,ono pH thosu smiirt dresaes . . . you ■ O B h choose any s ty lo . , , co lo r . . . mnterinl and know thnt you iir< not only ifottinir a ronl value but a smai't fashion too'
