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Page 1: M-Family
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Family in Today’s Realities

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FAMILY Modern World

Globalization/technological advancement/ urbanization


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Modern factors that cause materialism/hedonism/secularism • mass media/ advertisements (make believe/ wrong perception of life-leisure and pleasure casual sex , sexual revolution) “…manipulation by means of mass communication” – CA #41,4 • Secularism/ religious uprooting (emptiness among people due to religious indifference and the loss of the sense of the mystery in our life/ gap between official Church teaching on marriage and family and what appears to be the common mind and practice –CFC 1879)

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Family at


According to the United Nations

- Could not meet their basic needs

-experience physical and psychological exploitation

-experience injustice, break-ups as consequences of political, social and economic factors

-experience domestic violence, drugs, alcohol addiction, child abuse and child neglect

-single-parent families, refugees, changing family structure like homosexual or lesbian relationship with or without adopted children

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Family at


According to the Church

Family today lived in lights and shadows (Familiaris Consortio)

There is an “Objective Conspiracy Against Life – rooted in secularism, atheism, individualism, false concepts of freedom, moral permissiveness and ethical relativism… There is a need to instill a “culture of life” (Evangelium Vitae)

“A New Way of Being Church” – The family is still a place of formation of character based on the Gospel values. (The Church of Asia) The Filipino family is

still a healthy social unit- a family that is child-centered, God-centered. (CBCP Oct. 1980)

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Filipino Families

According to the official statistics on poverty among Filipino Families

24.7% - 1 out of 4 families are poor (FIES - Family Income and Expenditure- Jan 23,2006)

Gov’t’s poverty line of P12,267 per person a year or P33.6 or $.64 a day.

90% of Filipino families are poor (IBON facts – based on poverty line of P75 or $1.43 per day or P 492.19)

Benchmark of $1 a day (UN and WB)

PCP II – KAHIRAPAN, rooted in the dehumanizing realities of injustice imbedded in our economic, political and cultural system.

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•Reflects Cardinal Virtues

- Prudence

- Justice

- Fortitude

- Temperance

• Self-giving

• demanding

• total submission to





• affirmation

• affection

• Values are caught not taught

“Man cannot live without love. He remains a being incomprehensible for

himself; his life is senseless, if love is not revealed to him, if he does not

encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own; if he does

not participate intimately in it. (Redemptoris Hominis 10)

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The first school of humanity/ the natural environment of enrichment where the first seeds of development are nurtured (GS) – state/society and family

In our culture – Filipino families -plays an important role in the individual and family -are the most important reference group/ the core of their alliance system/ where they find security, strength and support. -Loyalty to family and kin, family solidarity and togetherness, concern for family welfare and honor, rank high in their priorities. (NCDP 12)

“…is the first and vital cell of the society” Vat II-

Document on the apostolate of the Laity,11)

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“…a Domestic Church” – sharing in the life and mission of the Church/a reflection of Christ’s love for His Church (GS 48)/ a community of life and love

“…a believing and evangelizing community (EN, 471)

“…is nourished, sustained from the grace of the Sacrament itself and Sacrament of Reconciliation and Prayer …Only by praying together with their children can a father and a mother exercise their royal priesthood…” (Familiaris Consortio, 60)

…is at the service of Man

“Inspired and sustained by the new commandment of love, the Christian family welcomes, respects and serves every human being, considering each one in his dignity as a person and as a child of God.” (FC 64)

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The Charter of Family Rights (Holy See -22 October 1993) 1. The right to exist and progress as a family

2. The right to exercise its responsibility regarding the transmission of life and

to educate children.

3. The right to the intimacy of conjugal life and family.

4. The right to the stability of the bond and the institution of marriage

5. The right to believe in and profess one’s faith and to propagate it

6. The right to bring up children in accordance with the family’s own traditions and religious and cultural values

7. The right, esp the poor and the sick, to obtain physical, social, political and economic security.

8. The right to housing suitable for living a family life in a proper way

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The Charter of Family Rights (Holy See -22 October 1993) 9. The right to expression and to representation, either directly or through


10. The right to form associations with other families and institutions.

11. The right to protect minors from harmful drugs, pornography, alcoholism

12. The right to wholesome recreation that fosters family values.

13. The right of the elderly to a worthy life and a worthy death

14. The right to emigrate as a family in search of a better life.

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The Declaration of the Rights of the Child ( United Nations) 1. The children shall be entitled to these rights without distinction


2. They shall enjoy special protection and shall be given opportunities and facilities, by law and by other names, to enable them to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity.

3. They shall be entitled from their birth to a name and a nationality.

4. They shall enjoy the benefits of social security (grow and develop in health, right to adequate nutrition, housing, recreation and medical services)

5. Those who are physically, mentally or socially handicapped shall be given special treatment, education and care by their particular condition.

6. They need love and understanding ( grow under parental care/ state must address the problem of homeless children)

7. They are entitled to education (free and compulsory at least in elementary stages.

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The Declaration of the Rights of the Child ( United Nations) 8. They shall, in all circumstances, be among the first to receive protection and


9. They shall be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation (against child trafficking, forced labor)

10. They shall be protected from practices which may foster racial, religious and any other form of discrimination.

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Points for Reflection: 1. Family members needs to be present to each other for their growth and development as integral persons? How would you explain “quality time” in this respect? 2. What is the binding force that animates, binds and sustains the growth of each

family? Explain.

3. The origin of all community life is the Truine God who is love. Explain this.

4. Qualify these statements: a. The family is a natural environment of human enrichment. b. As a community, the family should maintain unity in diversity. c. The family’s social role is expressed in the form of political intervention. 5. If you were the president of this country, what law would you pass to ensure that the

rights of the family and of the children are really respected/ promoted?